RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT


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diseases hitherto undescribed are currently being studied in addition to an undescribed stalk rot. Research in<br />

Samaru, Nigeria, has provided evidence of pathogenic variation in Sclerospora graminicola, Striga hermonthica,<br />

and Tolyposporium penicillariae. Millet lines resistant to downy mildew, smut, and ergot have been<br />

identified in Nigeria. Many millet lines resistant to downy mildew elsewhere are highly susceptible to downy<br />

mildew in Nigeria, while those resistant in Nigeria tend to maintain their resistance elsewhere. This and the fact<br />

that most other diseases reported on pearl millet elsewhere are found in Nigeria make it an ideal location for<br />

international millet pathology research.<br />

Research on the Management of Pearl Millet Diseases in West Africa<br />

(Recherches sur la maitrise des maladies du mil en Afrique de l'Ouest)<br />

J.C. Selvaraj<br />

FAO Plant Pathologist, C I L S S / I P M Project, B.P. 1820, Bamako, Mali<br />

In West Africa downy mildew and smut cause appreciable yield loss in pearl millet. Ergot is potentially<br />

dangerous, but not economically important at present. Seedling establishment failures due to seed and<br />

soil-borne pathogens occur sporadically in all millet-growing areas.<br />

The long-term management strategy to protect traditional millet production should be through a judicious<br />

integration of host-plant resistance, seed treatment, and crop management practices.<br />

In Mali, locations where downy mildew is economically important have been identified by annual surveys.<br />

Experiments conducted in recent years show that good seedling establishment and control of downy mildew<br />

leading to a 12-16% increase in yield can be obtained by seed treatment with an experimental formulation<br />

containing 1.5 g metalaxyl + 0.625 g T M T D + 0.625 g Heptachlore a.i. kg -1 of seed. This has been verified and<br />

demonstrated through a network of on-farm experiments, and the product is recommended for use in<br />

locations where downy mildew is important. But in locations where downy mildew is not important, an<br />

experimental formulation containing 0.5 g Benomyl + 0.625 g T M T D + 0.625 g Heptachlore a.i. kg - 1 seed<br />

favored good seedling establishment and increased the number of productive tillers leading to a 10-12%<br />

increase in yield. This product is superior to the currently used TMTD/Heptachlore.<br />

Crop management research indicates that oospores play an important role in downy mildew epidemiology.<br />

Cultural practices that reduce oospore production, dissemination, and infection could help reduce downy<br />

mildew severity. Only limited success has been obtained in this area, and further studies are in progress.<br />

Sporangia may play only a limited, but complementary role in downy mildew epidemiology in certain humid<br />

locations in Mali. Sporangial infection can be reduced by frequent removal of all infected seedlings during the<br />

first 30 d after sowing.<br />


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