RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT

RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT


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Quantitative Genetic Analysis in Pearl Millet<br />

(Analyse genetique quantitative du mil)<br />

D.S. Virk<br />

Millet Breeder, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab 141 004, India<br />

Quantitative genetic studies in pearl millet are reviewed. The D 2 analysis has shown no relationship between<br />

geographic diversity, genetic diversity, or the expression of heterosis. The components of genetic variation<br />

from diallel, line x tester, and North Carolina designs revealed the predominance of nonadditive variance for a<br />

majority of traits. However, the use of selfing series and modified triple test cross revealed the importance of<br />

additive variation for many characters. The components of mean revealed the existence of epistatis for the<br />

majority of traits. In general, the dominance (h), component was greater than the additive component.<br />

Successive weighted analysis of means was done in a limited number of cases. The general and specific<br />

combining variance estimates from diallel and line x tester showed predominance of the latter for most of the<br />

quantitative traits. Correlation of grain yield with head number is most consistent over different groupings of<br />

germplasm. Path coefficient analysis has also highlighted the direct effect of a number of characters on yield<br />

which could be utilized in selection.<br />

Stability analyses have revealed both linear and nonlinear genotype x environment interactions for grain<br />

yield. Varieties with general and specific adaptation could be be identified.<br />

In general, the studies conducted or the analyses performed suffered from one or the other limitations.<br />

There is a need to follow the biometric analyses more appropriately.<br />

Essais regionaux du mil conduits par le CILSS, 1981-1984<br />

(Pearl Millet Regional Trials by CILSS, 1981-1984)<br />

G. Loynet, A. Kere et O. Sidibe<br />

Institut du Sahel, CILSS, Bamako, Mali<br />

Une evaluation des meilleures varietes de mil disponibles dans la region sahelienne aete realisee de 1981 a 1984<br />

dans le cadre du Projet d'amelioration des mils, sorgho, niebe et mais, gere par l'lnstitut du Sahel. Les resultats<br />

obtenus au cours de ces quatre annees d'experimentation ont permis d'isoler les varietes les plus performantes<br />

dans des contextes climatiques varies s'etendant depuis le Tchad dans Test jusqu'au Senegal, aux zones<br />

subdesertiques saheliennes et soudano-saheliennes dans l'ouest. Un groupement geographique des varietes a<br />

ete realise en decoupant la region en trois zones homogenes, representatives des conditions agro-ecologiques<br />

de la region. Les resultats font apparaitre que les zones a pluviometrie comprise entre 200 et 600 mm<br />

demeurent les plus favorables a la culture, celles a pluviometrie superieure presentant d'importants risques de<br />

maladies.<br />


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