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RA 00110.pdf - OAR@ICRISAT


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Bono, M. 1962. L'experimentation varietale sur mil (Pennisetum).<br />

Les obstacles. Les resultats. L'orientation nouvelle<br />

de l'amelioration. (In Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale<br />

17:734-751.<br />

Bono, M . , and Leclercq, P. 1963. Methodes d'amelioration<br />

varietale des mils et sorghos utilisees au C R A Bambey.<br />

(In Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale 18(l):33-52.<br />

Bono, M. 1973. Contribution a la morpho-systematique<br />

des Pennisetum annuels cultives pour leur grain en Afrique<br />

Occidentale Francophone. Agronomie Tropicale 28(3):<br />

229-355.<br />

Brunken, J., de Wet, J.M.J., and Harlan, J.R. 1977. The<br />

morphology and domestication of pearl millet. Economic<br />

Botany 31(3): 163-174.<br />

Chantereau, J. and Etasse, C. 1976. Creation de populations<br />

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Stapf) au Niger. (In Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale 31(3):<br />

254-257.<br />

Dancette, C. 1976. Cartes d'adaptation a la saison des<br />

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Pages 19-47 in Comite consultatif F A O / I A E A "Efficiency<br />

of water and fertilizer in semi-arid regions". 10-14<br />

Nov 1975, Bambey, Senegal. Vienna, Austria: International<br />

Atomic Energy Agency. Technical Document No.<br />

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Dancette, C. 1980. Besoins en eau et adaptation du mil a la<br />

saison des pluies au Senegal. (In Fr.) Pages 211-226 in<br />

Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Agroclimatological<br />

Research Needs of the Semi-Arid Tropics,<br />

22-24 Nov 1978, Hyderabad, India. Patancheru, A.P. 502<br />

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Dancette, C. 1983. Besoins en eau du mil au Senegal.<br />

Adaptation en zone semi-aride tropicale. (In Fr.) Agronomic<br />

Tropicale 38:267-280.<br />

Delassus, M. 1964. Les principales maladies du mil et du<br />

sorgho observees en Haute-Volta en 1963. (In Fr.) Agronomie<br />

Tropicale 19(6):489-498.<br />

Diaby, M. 1982. Criteres de selection SW le petit mil.<br />

Memoire de fin d'etude. Thesis, Institut Polytechnique<br />

Rural, Katibougou, Mali. 74 pp.<br />

Duncan, W.G. 1975. Maize. Pages 23-50 in Crop physiology.<br />

Some case histories (Evans, L.T., ed.). Cambridge,<br />

U K : Cambridge University Press. 374 pp.<br />

Etasse, C. 1965. Amelioration du mil Pennisetum au Senegal.<br />

(In Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale 20:976-980.<br />

Etasse, C. 1966. Improvement of Pennisetum millet at the<br />

Bambey C.R.A. (Senegal). African Soils/Sols Africains<br />

ll(l-2):269-275.<br />

Etasse, C. 1970. Improvement of Pennisetum millet at the<br />

C.R.A. in Bambey: present position regarding work and<br />

objectives (July 1969). African Soils/Sols Africains 15(1-3):<br />

509-515.<br />

Etasse, C. 1972. Amelioration du mil (Pennisetum typhoides<br />

StapO pour l'Agriculture intensive. (In Fr.) Agronomie<br />

Tropicale 27:783-790.<br />

FAO. 1983. F A O Production Yearbook. v.37. Rome,<br />

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Franquin, P. 1984. Agroclimatologie et agrometeorologie<br />

en zone tropicale seche d'Afrique. Agronomie Tropicale<br />

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Girard, J.C. 1975. Downy mildew of pearl millet in Senegal.<br />

Pages 59-73 in Proceedings of the Consultants' Group<br />

Meetings on Downy Mildew and Ergot of Pearl Millet, 1-3<br />

Oct 1975, Hyderabad, India. Patancheru, A.P. 502 324,<br />

India: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-<br />

Arid Tropics.<br />

Grouzis, M. 1980. Sur le Pennisetum violaceum sensus lato<br />

en Afrique de l'Ouest. Formes, ecologie et distribution<br />

geographique. (In Fr.) Bulletin de l'IFAN no. 2.<br />

Gupta, S.C. 1984. I S R A / I C R I S A T cooperative program<br />

on pearl millet improvement in Senegal. Pages 184-198 in<br />

Record of the Regional Workshop on Pearl Millet<br />

Improvement, 31 Aug-4 Sep 1984, Niamey, Niger. Niamey,<br />

Niger: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-<br />

Arid Tropics, Sahelian Center. (Limited distribution).<br />

Jacquinot, L. 1972. Resultats et perspectives des recherches<br />

au Senegal sur la potentialite du mil cerealier (Pennisetum<br />

typhoides). (In Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale 27(8):815-821.<br />

Lambert, C. 1983. Influence de la precocite sur le developpement<br />

du mil (Pennisetum typhoides Stapf et Hubbard)<br />

en conditions naturelles. I. Elaboration de la touffe. (In<br />

Fr.) Agronomie Tropicale 38:(i)7-15.<br />

Mclntire, J. 1982. Annual report of the ICR1SAT Economics<br />

Program. Niamey, Niger: International Crops<br />

Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (Limited<br />

distribution.)<br />

Matlon, P.S. 1983. The technical potential for increased<br />

food production in the West African Semi-Arid Tropics.<br />

Presented at the Conference on Accelerated Agricultural<br />

Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, 29 Aug-1 Sep 1983, Victoria<br />

Falls, Zimbabwe.<br />

Matlon, P.S. 1985. Sorghum and millet improvement in<br />

the West Africa semi-arid tropics. A critical review of<br />

objectives, methods, and progress to date. Presented at the<br />

Workshop on Technology Appropriate for Farmers in<br />

Semi-arid West Africa, 2-5 Apr 1985, Farming System<br />

Unit, S A F G R A D , Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso .<br />

Marchais, L. 1982. La diversite phenotypique des mils<br />

penicillaires cultives au Senegal et au M a l i . (In Fr.) Agronomie<br />

Tropicale 37:68-80.<br />


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