Explosive forming techniques - FSB

Explosive forming techniques - FSB Explosive forming techniques - FSB

New concepts for cold form ing ofnon-ferrous materials<br />

<strong>Explosive</strong> form ing <strong>techniques</strong><br />

TNO Prins Maurits Laboratory<br />

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C.W entzel,Product manager explosive

Outline<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> materialprocessing<br />

• form ing<br />

• welding<br />

• Challenges in<strong>forming</strong> high perform ance alloys<br />

• Basic principles<br />

• Novelconcepts<br />

• Exam ples<br />

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What is explosive form ing<br />

• = High Velocity Form ing<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> Shockw ave in<br />

water Kinetic energy <br />

Plastic work<br />

• Advantages:<br />

• potentialfor low er recurring cost<br />

• one-sided tooling<br />

• unlimited pow er (size)<br />

• extended form ability<br />

• unique form ing schem es<br />

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Illustration of technology<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong>:<br />

• detonating chord is the work<br />

horse<br />

• shape as appropriate<br />

• charge size as appropriate<br />

• Process in practice<br />

• built-up w ater bassin<br />

• water tank<br />

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Challenges in<strong>forming</strong> high<br />

perform ance alloys<br />

• Typicalalloys<br />

• Alum inium 2xxx,7xxx,6xxx<br />

• Titanium pure,Ti6Al4V,specialalloys<br />

• nickelbased superalloys<br />

• ODSalloys (e.g.PM 1000)<br />

• Difficulties in<strong>forming</strong>:<br />

• H eat treatm ents required<br />

• Limitations inpressing capacity<br />

• Hotform ing:costly tooling;thinning;alfa case rem oval(Ti)<br />

• Forgings:long lead times;expensive<br />

• Challenges:<br />

• Cold form ing /forging beyond presentlimitations<br />

• Eliminate restrictions on size /load capacity<br />

• Develop sheetalternatives for forged com ponents<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> materialprocessing<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> Form ing<br />

• shock wave in water/sand or contact charge<br />

• free form ing or dieform ing,calibration<br />

• Mechanism s<br />

• inertia-effects in high velocity form ing<br />

• forging effects ininteraction with die (ironing)<br />

• Key elem ents ofform ing<br />

• unlimited size,large thickness<br />

• steer aw ay from tensile dom ain,invoke shearing deform ation<br />

• extended dynam ic form ability limits<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> w elding<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> engraving<br />

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Illustration of Mechanism :shear<br />

deform ation<br />

• Inw ard form ing<br />

• increased deform ability due to<br />

com bined biaxialtension and<br />

com pression<br />

• simple,positive,low cost die<br />

Formability limit<br />

curve<br />

Extended<br />

formability<br />

1<br />

2<br />

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Mechanism :“calibration”<br />

• Impact of sheet onto die<br />

• “plastic hinge”<br />

• Forging process<br />

• Consolidation of shape for increased accuracy<br />

Plastic<br />

hinge<br />

Shock wave<br />

sheet<br />

gap ~ 0.2m m<br />

DIE<br />

V impact ~80 m/s<br />

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Simulation of calibration<br />

Detonating cord<br />

• Experiments:<br />

• FM L and monolithic sam ples<br />

loaded by plastic wave<br />

• Simulations<br />

• “H ydrocodes”<br />

• Num ericalsimulations of<br />

calibration process on<br />

microscale<br />

• dam ping and through<br />

thickness impact on die<br />

Plate<br />

Die<br />

Pressure<br />

wave<br />

First layer yields<br />

Second and third layer stay below yield<br />

Cavitationzone<br />

0E+00 2.00E-01 4.00E-01 6.00E-01 8.00E-01 1.00E+00<br />

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Exam ples<br />

• PM 1000 beaded panel<br />

• extended limits<br />

• load capacity<br />

• Ariane V ring fram e<br />

• load capacity (T3!)<br />

• inertia effects<br />

• Manifold (Exploform )<br />

• load capacity<br />

• cheap die<br />

• distributed load<br />

• Mast segm ent<br />

• load capacity (size,thickness)<br />

• Titanium pressure tanks<br />

• load capacity<br />

• direction ofload,inertia<br />

• Beer vessel<br />

• ibid<br />

• Isogridstiffened case<br />

• inhom ogenous part<br />

• load capacity<br />

• Ariane v cone panels<br />

• large size,<br />

• distributed load<br />

• impact effects<br />

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Integrally stiffened (Saturnus ‘w afflepanel’)<br />

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Isogridproduct fam ily:proof of<br />

concept<br />

• Com plex ducts<br />

• Double curved products<br />

• From flat milled sheet metal<br />

• Proof of principle:<br />

• grid on inside & on outside<br />

• Alum inium 5000-series<br />

• Applied process:<br />

• ad-hoc solution<br />

• Result:<br />

• Good,<br />

considering<br />

first trials<br />

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Ariane V Rocket Fram e<br />

• Current process:<br />

• Drop ham m er form ing of1.4 m segm ents<br />

• Set offour dies<br />

• Die wear,surface contam ination<br />

• Three interm ediate heat treatm ents<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> form ing<br />

• Form ing of2m m Alum inium<br />

2024 in T3 condition<br />

• Tw o steps in single die.<br />

• Elimination ofheat treatm ent<br />

• Improved properties<br />

• Qualification ongoing<br />

Scaled development product<br />

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Ariane V cone panels:“impact curving”<br />

V ~ 50 -100 m/s<br />

++++++++++++<br />

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Beaded panel<br />

• Aeolus (X38-rudder)<br />

beaded panelPM 1000<br />

• Hot structure part<br />

• Improved form ability<br />

• No pressing limits<br />

• Single tool<br />

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Titanium 6Al4V explosive form ing<br />

• Biaxialextension at room<br />

tem perature<br />

• rupture typical<br />

• Solution to be found in:<br />

• materialflow ; and/or<br />

• interm ediate heat treatm ent<br />

• form ing schem e<br />

(allow s controlover deform ation<br />

path)<br />

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Inertia form ing<br />

• Scrap rate reduction<br />

• Improved nesting for circular<br />

fram es<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> pre-form ing oflong<br />

strips ofmetal<br />

Rolling / Bending<br />

Explo<strong>forming</strong><br />

Ring<br />

Sections<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> welding/cladding process<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> welding/cladding<br />

• Room tem perature process<br />

• dissimilar and similar metalwelding<br />

• e.g.Ti-Steel,SS-Cu,Al-Steel,Ni-steel,also Ti-Ti<br />

• welding ofsurfaces (planar/curved,sheet/foil)<br />

• localwelding (“seam weld”)<br />

• Metalbonding without melting/re-solidification<br />

• Strong bonds<br />

• High deform ability for further processing<br />

• High heat conductivity<br />

• High electricalconductivity<br />

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Welding interface Ta-Cu<br />

0.3 mm<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> Seam Weld fatigue<br />

perform ance<br />

Comparative fatigue in Al 6061-T6<br />

400<br />

Explosion seam welds<br />

Max. Tensile stress [MPa]<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

GTA welds<br />

Parent<br />

material<br />

t<br />

0<br />

Tensile tests<br />

1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06<br />

Number of cycles to failure<br />

Flexure tests<br />

Source: NASA<br />

<strong>Explosive</strong> form ing <strong>techniques</strong> 23 May 2002 21

<strong>Explosive</strong> Welding exam ple<br />

• Titanium 6Al4V joint<br />

• proofofprinciple<br />

• “<strong>Explosive</strong> Seam Weld”<br />

• Joint strength (notched)<br />

• preliminary result 1200 N/mm<br />

• Potentialto be explored and<br />

developed<br />

• Process param eters<br />

• <strong>Explosive</strong> charge (… .)<br />

• Geom etry flyer end<br />

• Preset angle<br />

• Post-welding:<br />

• machining<br />

• heat treatm ent<br />

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Set-up of explosive engraving<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> engraving PM L Rijsw ijk,24 M ay 23

<strong>Explosive</strong> engraving of coins in Al-plate<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> engraving PM L Rijsw ijk,24 M ay 24

Details of coin engraving<br />

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Set-up of the coins on the plate in the<br />

bunker<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> engraving PM L Rijsw ijk,24 M ay 26

Detonography:an artistic methode to<br />

duplicate naturalmaterial(metalfossil)<br />

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<strong>Explosive</strong> engraving PM L Rijsw ijk,24 M ay 27

Concepts to be explored<br />

• Bulkhead /hem isphere<br />

• pure hem isphere<br />

• elliptical<br />

• gas explosive form ing alternative<br />

• Hybrid assem bly<br />

• explosive weldofsolid parts onto sheet<br />

• alternative to integralmachining from plate (e.g.alum inium ribs)<br />

• alternative to forging (com pressorblade)<br />

• alternative to casting<br />

• Stiffened sheetform ing<br />

• singlecurvature<br />

• double curvature<br />

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