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Tlingit-Haida-Tsimshian As a Second Language<br />

Lesson 2<br />

Kindergarten - Grade 3<br />

• Locomotive<br />

Basic Listening<br />

Have the students stand in a straight line in the center of the room.<br />

Each student should place his hands on the shoulders of the student<br />

in front of him/her. Mount an illustration on each of the four<br />

walls in the classroom. Tell the students that when they hear one of<br />

the four vocabulary words (for the four illustrations on the walls),<br />

they should step in that direction - while still holding onto the shoulders<br />

of the players in front of them. Say the four words a number of<br />

times; the students should step towards the illustrations as they are<br />

named.<br />

• Stretch<br />

Place the vocabulary illustrations on the floor, in a scattered form.<br />

The il lustrations should be quite close together. Have a stu dent<br />

stand beside the illustrations. Say a vocabulary word for one of the<br />

illustrations. The student should place his/her left foot on that illus -<br />

tration. Then, say other vocabulary words and the student must<br />

identify the correct illustrations with different parts of his/her body.<br />

You may wish to have two students partici pate in this pro cess at the<br />

same time for added motivation.<br />

• Auditory Location<br />

Have a student stand at the front of the classroom. Blindfold the<br />

student or have him/her close his/her eyes. Whisper a vocabulary<br />

word or sentence (which contains a vocabulary word) to a student<br />

in the classroom. That student should then repeat the word/sentence<br />

orally. The blindfolded student must then point in the direction<br />

from which the word or sentence came. Repeat with other students.<br />

• Confetti Pick-Up<br />

Lay the vocabulary illustrations on the floor at one end of the classroom.<br />

Have two students stand at the other end of the classroom.<br />

Place a handful of confetti on the floor in the center of the classroom.<br />

Say a vocabulary word. The students should then rush to the<br />

confetti. Each student should pick up one piece of confetti using the<br />

thumb and index finger of one hand. When a player has picked up<br />

a piece of confetti, he/she must then place it on the illustration for<br />

the vocabulary word you said. The first player to do this correctly<br />

wins the round. Repeat with other pairs of players.<br />

• Locomotive<br />

Grade 4 - Grade 6<br />

Basic Listening<br />

Have the students stand in a straight line in the center of the room.<br />

Each student should place his hands on the shoulders of the student<br />

in front of him/her. Mount an illustration on each of the four<br />

walls in the classroom. Tell the students that when they hear one of<br />

the four vocabulary words (for the four illustrations on the walls),<br />

they should step in that direction - while still holding onto the shoulders<br />

of the players in front of them. Say the four words a number of<br />

times; the students should step towards the illustrations as they are<br />

named.<br />

Basic Speaking<br />

• Illustration Concentration<br />

Prepare a photocopied set of vocabulary illustrations. Cut the photocopied<br />

illustrations in half. For this activity, you may wish to prepare<br />

extra copies of the vocabulary illustrations. Glue the halves to<br />

sheets of construction paper. Mix all of the cut up illus tration halves<br />

on the floor, face down. Group the students around the illus tration<br />

halves. Call upon a student to turn over one of the illus tration<br />

halves. The student should show that illustration half to the other<br />

students. Then, he/she should turn over another illus tration half. If<br />

the two halves go together to produce a vocabulary illustration, the<br />

student should identify the illustra tion by its vo cabulary word and<br />

then keep the two halves. However, if the two halves do not go<br />

together to produce a vocab ulary illustration, the stu dent should<br />

replace both halves in their original locations on the floor. Con tinue<br />

in this way until all of the illustration halves have been correctly<br />

matched. The winning stu dent or students are those with the greatest<br />

num ber of halves collected.<br />

• Follow That Light!<br />

Mount the vocabulary illustrations on a sheet. Have two students<br />

hold the sheet vertically so that the other students can see the illus -<br />

trations. Stand be hind the sheet with a flashlight. Say one of the vo -<br />

cabulary words. Then, turn the flashlight on and hold it next to the<br />

sheet. Move the flashlight around the surface of the sheet. The stu -<br />

dents should re main silent until the light of the flashlight shines<br />

through the illustra tion for the vocabulary word that you said. At that<br />

time, the students should say the vocabulary word. Depending<br />

upon the readiness of your students, you may wish to have them<br />

watch for two or three vocabulary illustrations. This activity may<br />

also be done in team form. In this case, the first player in each team<br />

should watch the light of the flashlight care fully as it moves across<br />

the sheet. The first player to respond cor rectly when the flashlight<br />

shines through the correct vocabulary illustra tion, wins the round.<br />

Repeat until all players have played.<br />


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