All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College


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Bob Lenard’s comprehension is tested<br />

and his interpretive abilities are exercised<br />

when after carrying out library research<br />

on the non-Western antecedents of Greek<br />

Classicism in Persia, Egypt, and India, he<br />

writes a paper discussing the non-Western<br />

and nonlinear influences underlying<br />

Western rationalism … The same is<br />

true for Charles Booth when he reads<br />

Marcuse’s One Dimensional Man and<br />

describes “transcendented being,” and<br />

of Janet Lessinger when she discusses the<br />

experiences of modern life as presented<br />

in Kafka’s The Trial and Laing’s The<br />

Divided Self.<br />

Analysis calls for the ability to break down<br />

a communication or an experience into basic<br />

elements, to identify the relative importance<br />

of ideas or incidents, and to make explicit<br />

the relationships among them.<br />

When Emma Schmidt creates her<br />

“intellectual autobiography,” looking<br />

back over her past reading and<br />

experiences, she tackles a complex<br />

analytic task … Dolores Guion faces<br />

a similar challenge when she examines<br />

the Health Science Programs at Hudson<br />

Valley Community <strong>College</strong> to determine<br />

what they include and whether there<br />

have been task analyses of the basic skills<br />

and concepts of health career workers …<br />

Donald Wentworth’s research project on<br />

The General Motors sit-down strike will<br />

call for similar analytic abilities.<br />

Evaluation calls for the ability to make<br />

qualitive and quantitative judgments in<br />

relation to given or understood criteria.<br />

It calls for judgments about the value of<br />

information, materials, and methods for<br />

specific purposes. In some cases, judgments<br />

may rest on internal evidence such as<br />

logical accuracy or internal consistency.<br />

In other cases, judgments may rest on<br />

external criteria which must be selected or<br />

formulated to fit the case, or which may<br />

depend upon using standard systems of<br />

appraisal.<br />

Dolores Guion’s study of Health Science<br />

Programs will have a substantial<br />

evaluative component as she makes<br />

judgments about the effectiveness of<br />

student training and the degree to which<br />

there is a good fit between the curricula<br />

and actual job requirements … Emma<br />

Schmidt’s study of the agency practices<br />

in relation to Spanish-speaking clients<br />

will evaluate their effectiveness and<br />

responsiveness to such persons and their<br />

effectiveness with them, and the degree<br />

to which requirements for employment<br />

and volunteer work permit persons of<br />

Spanish background to participate in the<br />

work of those agencies … Chuck Booth’s<br />

evaluative paper on experimental colleges<br />

will scrutinize and make judgments about<br />

their methods and curricula.<br />

Synthesis involves arranging and combining<br />

elements so that a structure or pattern<br />

emerges which was not clearly there before.<br />

The result may be a communication in<br />

which a writer or speaker conveys his ideas,<br />

feelings, or experiences to another; it may<br />

be a proposed plan or a set of abstract<br />

relationships which classify or explain<br />

certain phenomena and may be presented in<br />

verbal, mathematical, or artistic form.<br />

Dolores Guion’s report will synthesize<br />

the results of her analyses of the Hudson<br />

Valley Community <strong>College</strong> Health Science<br />

Programs … Emma Schmidt’s reports on<br />

community agencies which have Spanishspeaking<br />

clients and her interviews with<br />

faculty members in the Department<br />

of Human Services will call for the<br />

ability to draw together diverse kinds of<br />

information to make an integrated whole<br />

… Chuck Booth will need similar abilities<br />

when he compiles a bibliography for use<br />

in his course and organizes the readings<br />

in relation to students’ interests … In<br />

bi-weekly phone calls and conferences<br />

with the Mentor, Bob Lenard and others<br />

will create syntheses of their readings,<br />

travel, work experiences, volunteer<br />

activities.<br />

Application calls for the use of abstractions<br />

in particular and concrete situations, or<br />

for the ability to compare one set of ideas<br />

or experiences with another in order to<br />

consider the implications or potential<br />

consequences. The abstractions may be<br />

general ideas, rules, or procedures or they<br />

may be technical principles or theories.<br />

The capacity for application is critical if<br />

knowledge is to relate to the identification<br />

and solution of problems.<br />

<strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong>’s program has special<br />

potency for this kind of intellectual<br />

competence. Donald Wentworth is asked<br />

how Marx and Engel’s definitions of<br />

the working class and the owner class<br />

apply to his own experiences in and out<br />

of the factory. He is asked to examine<br />

the relationship between the sit-down<br />

strikes and the preceding history of the<br />

labor movement, and the relationship<br />

between the CIO of the sit-downs and<br />

current union activities – especially of<br />

the U.A.W., his own union … Dolores<br />

Guion undertakes substantial background<br />

readings, studies a series of Health Science<br />

Programs, and develops her own optimal<br />

health education program for Licensed<br />

Practical Nurses … Chuck Booth relates<br />

Mersault’s “Passivity” to the “Aesthetic<br />

Concepts of Disinterestedness,” as<br />

discussed by Kant and Baumgarten; he<br />

considers Plato’s notion of dialogue as<br />

it applies to intercourse between student<br />

and teacher … Janet Lessinger reads<br />

Jews Without Money, Call It Sleep,<br />

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The<br />

Second Sex, Last Exit to Brooklyn, The<br />

Man with the Golden Arm, Division<br />

Street America, and asks, “How do<br />

the lives of the persons in these books<br />

converge How does this convergence<br />

relate to life in a metropolis In what<br />

ways is the rhythm of urban life an assault<br />

against the persons on the underside and<br />

on their cultures”<br />

<strong>Empire</strong> <strong>State</strong>’s program aims to develop<br />

intellectual competence in these major<br />

areas. It asks students to acquire knowledge<br />

pertinent to their purposes, and to develop<br />

skills of comprehension, analysis, synthesis,<br />

application, and evaluation. Although the<br />

emphases differ, most contracts test a wide<br />

range of such abilities. In the course of his<br />

college career, each student will frequently<br />

be challenged to develop these skills.<br />

* * *<br />

However, intellectual competence is only one<br />

aspect of individual development. Significant<br />

educational experiences influence other<br />

major tasks which are the work of human<br />

development throughout life: increasing<br />

interpersonal competence, increasing<br />

awareness, clarifying purposes, becoming<br />

increasingly self-reliant, understanding<br />

oneself and others, and developing selfconsistency.<br />

Because these are important<br />

areas of concern for many students, and<br />

suny empire state college • all about mentoring • issue 39 • spring <strong>2011</strong>

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