All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College


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53<br />

Education and Individualism:<br />

Some Notes, Some Questions<br />

Carla R. Payne, Professor Emerita of Graduate Studies, Union Institute and University, and<br />

Adjunct Faculty, Community <strong>College</strong> of Vermont<br />

1. I have the privilege of teaching philosophy,<br />

which gives me a glimpse into what students<br />

are thinking. Over the years, I have noticed<br />

that the ethical relativism that is endemic<br />

among undergraduates is beginning to<br />

have an analogy in their attitude toward<br />

ontology. Not only do many of my students<br />

insist that what is good and right is relative<br />

to the individual, but also that what is real is<br />

real only in relation to the individual person.<br />

This goes beyond even Jamesian pluralism<br />

to what amounts to an insistence on the<br />

democracy of existence itself. Whatever the<br />

logical merits of such a position, it does not<br />

seem to result from reflection on the nature<br />

of things, but rather from a sense that any<br />

other position would not be fair, i.e., that<br />

a monolithic reality would infringe on<br />

individual rights. This may be the ultimate<br />

ought-is argument: x should not be the<br />

case, and therefore x is not the case. But I<br />

am concerned here less with the soundness<br />

of this train of thought than with the way<br />

it mirrors the assumptions in our present<br />

political environment.<br />

2. Some examples to consider:<br />

• Headline: Rift in Arizona as Latino<br />

Class is Found Illegal. A high school<br />

class in Latino literature is found to be<br />

in violation of Arizona legislation (HB<br />

2281, May 10, 2010), which stipulates<br />

that “A school district or charter school in<br />

this state shall not include in its program<br />

of instruction any courses or classes that<br />

include any of the following: … Advocate<br />

ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment<br />

of pupils as individuals” (Lacey, <strong>2011</strong>).<br />

• After the shootings in Tucson, Sarah<br />

Palin is quoted as saying that “. . . acts<br />

like the shootings in Arizona ‘begin and<br />

end with the criminals who commit<br />

them, not collectively with all the citizens<br />

of a state.’” “Ms. Palin quoted former<br />

President Ronald Reagan as saying that<br />

society should not be blamed for the acts<br />

of an individual. She said, ‘It is time to<br />

restore the American precept that each<br />

individual is accountable for his actions’”<br />

(Shear, <strong>2011</strong>).<br />

The political implications and motivations<br />

of the Arizona legislation and of<br />

pronouncements similar to Palin’s have been<br />

widely canvassed, but the extent to which<br />

they reflect a major theme in American<br />

culture, rooted perhaps even more deeply<br />

than chauvinism, is not being given equal<br />

attention. Individualism is the mantra, and<br />

the virtues of individualism are proclaimed<br />

and assumed, but rarely examined for their<br />

implications. Are we, after all, biological<br />

atoms, each thrown into the world to<br />

compete with every other, owing nothing<br />

of ourselves to any others and therefore<br />

without essential ties beyond ourselves<br />

Aristotle asserted that we can’t even be<br />

human outside human society, and there<br />

are centuries of research demonstrating the<br />

importance of the social environment on our<br />

physical, physiological and psychological<br />

development. But radical individualism<br />

occurs and recurs as a leading motif, and<br />

indeed as an article of faith, throughout<br />

American history. Our most recent versions<br />

of libertarianism trumpet it: because any<br />

government that is democratic is necessarily<br />

a collective enterprise of the governed, even<br />

such a government must infringe on the<br />

absolute autonomy of the individual person.<br />

The contemporary insistence on the virtues<br />

of choice and on the total responsibility<br />

of each person for his/her own fate, which<br />

we see shaping policy from health care to<br />

financial regulation, is another variation on<br />

this same theme.<br />

3. An educational system is bound to reflect<br />

the underlying assumptions of the society<br />

that it serves. But we must recognize that<br />

to the extent that education is implemented<br />

through social organization, there is a fatal<br />

inconsistency in insisting that certain values<br />

can be inculcated and at the same time<br />

that what we experience doesn’t count in<br />

making us who we are. Does it make sense<br />

to argue that family values (or any values)<br />

need to be cherished and perpetuated, and<br />

simultaneously that we are all radically and<br />

solely responsible for who we are and what<br />

we do Or does this argument apply only<br />

to criminals, while those of us who turn<br />

out to be “good citizens” owe our virtue<br />

to parental teaching, proper schooling,<br />

religious indoctrination or divine grace<br />

4. It is interesting to realize that in 1930,<br />

at the beginning of the Great Depression,<br />

John Dewey drew a distinction between<br />

an older individualism and a newer one,<br />

regarding individualism as a “mental and<br />

moral structure,” itself dynamic, evolving<br />

and changing “with every great change in<br />

social constitution” (Dewey, 1962). The<br />

older individualism he saw as rooted in<br />

feudalism, and as later transformed by<br />

the industrial revolution. It was defined<br />

by economic self-interest, at a time when<br />

such an understanding of individualism<br />

represented resistance to prevailing legal<br />

and political repression. But “emergent<br />

individualism,” according to Dewey,<br />

consonant with the forces of the present<br />

time, is impeded by our “opposing the<br />

socially corporate to the individual” (1962).<br />

Of course the terms of that opposition are<br />

now themselves transformed by the passage<br />

from the machine-dominated industry of<br />

his era to the digital technology of ours, but<br />

Dewey’s rejection of personal or individual<br />

gain as the sole and permanent driver of<br />

progress is still highly relevant, as is his<br />

repudiation of the idea that the ties that<br />

bind us together in community “are merely<br />

external, and do not react into mentality<br />

and character, producing the framework<br />

of personal disposition” (Dewey, 1962).<br />

It is the contradiction of this very insight<br />

suny empire state college • all about mentoring • issue 39 • spring <strong>2011</strong>

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