All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College

All About Mentoring Spring 2011 - SUNY Empire State College


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20<br />

Three Poems<br />

Chansak Suwanchaichinda,<br />

Long Island Center<br />

Debra Monte, Center for Distance Learning<br />

Lost but Found<br />

The star, there, our star<br />

Every night, together<br />

Always mesmerized<br />

By the white gem<br />

The familiar sound<br />

Your voice, your laugh<br />

Still echoed in my mind<br />

Never forgotten<br />

I’m here again<br />

Looking at our star<br />

But tonight, the cold breeze<br />

Is my only company<br />

Can the star see you<br />

I really wonder<br />

I hope, at least<br />

You can still see it<br />

I am behind, I know<br />

But wait for me<br />

One day soon<br />

You will be found again<br />

Awakening<br />

Bathe me in your sunshine<br />

Let me drink you in<br />

And take you deep.<br />

Rising and falling<br />

The breath comes in<br />

And out.<br />

Redemption washes over me<br />

Like a gentle<br />

Warm<br />

Breeze<br />

At one within<br />

At once<br />

Without.<br />

Canyon Heart<br />

I hear what you say<br />

I’ve heard the words before<br />

Both as a young and trusting girl<br />

And now … years later.<br />

But your words<br />

Echo<br />

Within the<br />

Empty chambers.<br />

Bouncing<br />

Back and forth<br />

Looking for a place<br />

To land.<br />

With nothing to<br />

Hold onto<br />

They<br />

Slip away.<br />

suny empire state college • all about mentoring • issue 39 • spring <strong>2011</strong>

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