Bartlett High School Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Bartlett High School Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Bartlett High School Booster Club Meeting Minutes


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<strong>Bartlett</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Booster</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> Date: 04/11/2006<br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> Time:<br />

Presiding:<br />

Officers Present:<br />

Directors Present:<br />

Regular Members:<br />

7:00 PM<br />

Len Hardy<br />

Len Hardy, Joe Paladino, Shelley Rosas, Mike Wenc<br />

Rick Newton (Baseball – Proxy), Tami Mercandte (Cheerleading), Sue<br />

McSherry (Cross Country), Debbie Buchmiller (Dance), Rob Douglas<br />

(Fine Arts - Proxy), Kathy McKinley (Golf), Jean McNelly (Soccer), Bobbi<br />

Kraklio (Softball), MaryLynn Veatch (Boys Tennis), Lynda Simon (Track),<br />

Joe Paladino (Wrestling)<br />

3 present<br />

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.<br />

<br />

<br />

The minutes from the March 14, 2006 meeting were reviewed. The following changes<br />

were noted:<br />

o Joe Paladino was present representing the Officers.<br />

o Under club reports for Dance, a correction is needed for the paragraph<br />

below.<br />

<br />

Debbie made a motion to request $1,000 for an end of the season<br />

banquet, on 4/6, at the Seville. This will help defer some of the costs<br />

of the banquet. They may also use these funds to help defer the<br />

cost of the state competition. Tami Mercandte seconded the motion<br />

and it was unanimously approved<br />

o The date of next meeting should state April 11, 2006.<br />

A motion to accept the minutes was made by; Joe Paladino seconded by Debbie<br />

Buchmiller, and was passed unanimously.<br />

President’s Report – Len Hardy<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The Varsity awards night will be held on May 24, 2006, at Villa Olivia. All varsity sports &<br />

activities will be honored. The booster club will pay the cost of each varsity student that<br />

plans on attending the dinner. Invitations will be sent out on 5/1.<br />

The <strong>Booster</strong> <strong>Club</strong> scholarship applications are due Thursday, 4/13. Handouts were given to<br />

the teachers and advertised on the web site to increase the awareness. The teacher<br />

committee is made up of 5 teachers from different departments. Once the applications are<br />

received, these will be “scrubbed” prior to review by the teachers and assigned a number.<br />

For the 2006/2007 school year, 3,500 membership forms were printed up to be included in<br />

the general registration package. This should help improve overall membership.<br />

At the next meeting elections will be held for the Executive Board. Dan Palmer will present<br />

the nominations if they are in good standing according to the by-laws. Also, you can only<br />

vote if you are in good standing.<br />

Athletic Director’s Report<br />

<br />

There was no report this month.<br />

Treasurer’s Report – Shelley Rosas<br />

http://www.bhsboosters.org 1

<strong>Bartlett</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Booster</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

The Individual & Summary clubs reports were available to the clubs.<br />

Shelley has fund raising catalogs for any club that maybe interested in exploring alternative<br />

avenues for fund raisers.<br />

Committee Reports<br />

Nominating – Len Hardy<br />

<br />

Len discussed the upcoming nominations and the overall process.<br />

Pizza Vendor – Len Hardy<br />

<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Reports<br />

This committee is being canceled due to lack of participation from Football,<br />

Basketball, and Soccer. The pizza vendor for next year, 2006/2007, will be Pasta<br />

Mia.<br />

Tennis Boys– MaryLynn Veatch<br />

<br />

MaryLynn made a motion to allow boys Tennis to hold a car wash, on 5/6, at Joe<br />

Cotton Ford. Bobbie Kraklio seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.<br />

Fine Arts – Ron Douglas (Proxy)<br />

<br />

Ron made a motion requesting three (3) $1,000 checks, for the Fine Arts department<br />

teachers. Joe Paladino seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.<br />

Dance – Debbie Buchmiller<br />

<br />

Diana Kaufmann stated that dance spent $1,160 on the end of the season banquet.<br />

The original motion was for $1, 000. Also, $650 was spent on end of the season<br />

gifts.<br />

Baseball – Rick Newton (Proxy)<br />

<br />

<br />

Rick stated that baseball made $3,618 and softball made $3,646 on the candle light<br />

bowl.<br />

Rick stated that baseball will be holding an end of season pizza party. He asked who<br />

he should coordinate the cafeteria for this event. He was directed to Mark Leffler.<br />

Soccer – Jean McNelly<br />

<br />

<br />

Girls soccer will be having a “Pack the House” night at Millennium field. The JV<br />

game will be at 4:30 and the varsity game will be at 6:30.<br />

Jean raised a question if a varsity boys soccer coach was found. Len will follow up<br />

with Dan on this item.<br />

Golf – Kathy McKinley<br />

<br />

<br />

Track – Lynda Simon<br />

Kathy asked how a registration form for the golf outing can be placed on the website.<br />

Len stated that if this can be sent to him, he will have this posted.<br />

Kathy raised a question if a boys golf coach was found. Len will follow up with Dan<br />

on this item.<br />

Lynda stated that the Flying Hawks invite will be held on Saturday, 4/15.<br />

http://www.bhsboosters.org 2

<strong>Bartlett</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>Booster</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

<strong>Meeting</strong> <strong>Minutes</strong><br />

Old Business<br />

<br />

New Business<br />

<br />

There is a check request that is still required from football to pay an outstanding<br />

invoice. Len made an executive decision to have this invoice paid from football’s<br />

account.<br />

Len stated that volleyball discovered a problem with the cooler in the concession<br />

stand. This needed to be repaired and the parts were ordered. At the next meeting,<br />

the costs of this repair will be discussed.<br />

Sherrie Gordon, from the BPO, discussed the upcoming post-prom event on 4/29.<br />

This will be a cruise on the Mystic Blue. Sherrie asked if the booster club would be<br />

willing to sponsor a bus for the event. The cost of the bus is $655 and will hold 50<br />

kids. The goal is to have 377 kids attend this function. There are a total of 7 buses<br />

needed. Joe Paladino made a motion to donate 3 buses, at a cost of $1,965, to the<br />

BPO for the post-prom event, a cruise on the Mystic Blue. This was seconded by<br />

Bobbie Kraklio and was unanimously approved.<br />

Bobbie Kraklio motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motioned was seconded by Joe Paladino<br />

and was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM.<br />

Announcements<br />

Next Board <strong>Meeting</strong>, Tuesday, May 9 th at 7:00pm, at the <strong>Bartlett</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Library.<br />

Respectfully Submitted,<br />

Mike Wenc<br />

Secretary, BHS <strong>Booster</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

http://www.bhsboosters.org 3

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