UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory

UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory
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Session 28—Analysis and Architectural Design of a Web Application 293 servlet turned inside out; instead of having HTML in your Java, you have Java in your HTML. So simply switching from servlets to JSPs isn’t enough to successfully separate your HTML view from your Java model and controller. Thus, there must be another way to get the Java code out of the JSP pages. A simple solution to this problem would be to move any large chunks of Java code from your JSP page into regular Java classes and have your JSP page contain method calls to the methods in those classes. This would remove a very large quantity of Java code from the JSP, but the JSP page would still have Java syntax method calls in it. JavaBeans represent a refinement of this solution. For this purpose, a JavaBean is just a regular Java class with private attributes and public get/set methods for accessing the attributes. Figure 28-4 shows a UML Class diagram of a simple JavaBean for tracking a customer order. Creating a JavaBean is as simple as it sounds; with proper encapsulation, you will probably meet the requirements of JavaBeans without even trying. OrderBean - item: String - quantity: int - costPerItem: double + setItem (i: String): void + getItem (): String + setQuantity (q : int): void + getQuantity () : int + setCostPerItem (c : double) : void + getCostPerItem () : double + getTotalCost () : double + submitOrder () : boolean Figure 28-4 UML Class diagram, JavaBean JSP has special markup tags that can be used to call the get and set methods of the JavaBean. Thus, the Java syntax method calls can be replaced with markup tags. For example, the Java syntax and the JSP tag syntax shown here are equivalent method calls, but it may be easier for a content developer to use the JSP tag syntax. Java Syntax: JSP Tag Syntax: Typically, the code that you move from the JSP pages into JavaBeans will include your application data, database access code, and business services. What is left in your JSP is largely the Web content, which is the view of that data. Thus, by using JavaBeans, you can separate your view from your model and take the first step towards an MVC Web architecture. Note This section addresses JavaBeans, not Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). EJB is a far-more-involved technology and is beyond the scope of this book.

294 Sunday Afternoon MVC pattern in the case study The case study requirements specify that users must be able to query their appointments and contacts from both traditional wired Web clients and wireless Web clients such as cell phones. For the wired Web clients, customers will access the system via Web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator and the system will generate HTML for those Web browsers to display. Wireless devices such as cell phones usually have extremely limited display capabilities, very limited input devices such as keypads, limited network bandwidth, and unreliable network availability. As a result of these limitations, they have their own browsers, protocol, and markup languages for their special requirements. In North America, most wireless Web clients have a micro Web browser that communicates via the WAP protocol and interprets Wireless Markup Language (WML). WML looks very similar to HTML, but it is more compact and more limited to meet the needs of the restricted wireless devices. Because most of the case study wireless users have devices that use WML, the architects decide to use that for the wireless interface. The system requires two views for interfaces to the querying parts of the application: an HTML view for traditional wired Web clients and a WML view for wireless Web clients. In addition, the layout and flow of those views are different because wireless Web clients must be carefully designed to be easily usable on limited devices. On the other hand, the fundamental business logic and data business services are the same for both interfaces. The Model View Controller design pattern principles make this a very simple problem to resolve. Because your JSPs are the view of the system, there are two sets of JSPs: one with HTML content, and one with WML content. Both sets of JSPs talk to the same JavaBeans for the business logic and data manipulation. This is shown in the UML Component diagram in Figure 28-5. Traditional Wired Web Browser Model JavaBeans Wireless Web Browser View JSP pages with WML content JSP pages with HTML content Figure 28-5 UML Component diagram, two views with MVC design The next thing to consider is whether the system requires any special software or hardware configuration to communicate with the wireless Web clients. Wireless Web clients communicate using the WAP protocol instead of the HTTP protocol. Because traditional Web servers are designed to communicate using the HTTP protocol, you might reasonably think that the system would need another Web server that uses a WAP protocol. In fact, it can still use a regular HTTP Web server. The wireless network providers have systems called WAP

Session 28—Analysis and Architectural Design of a Web Application 293<br />

servlet turned inside out; instead of having HTML in your Java, you have Java in your<br />

HTML. So simply switching from servlets to JSPs isn’t enough to successfully separate your<br />

HTML view from your Java model and controller. Thus, there must be another way to get the<br />

Java code out of the JSP pages.<br />

A simple solution to this problem would be to move any large chunks of Java code from<br />

your JSP page into regular Java classes and have your JSP page contain method calls to the<br />

methods in those classes. This would remove a very large quantity of Java code from the<br />

JSP, but the JSP page would still have Java syntax method calls in it. JavaBeans represent a<br />

refinement of this solution. For this purpose, a JavaBean is just a regular Java class with<br />

private attributes and public get/set methods for accessing the attributes. Figure 28-4<br />

shows a <strong>UML</strong> Class diagram of a simple JavaBean for tracking a customer order. Creating a<br />

JavaBean is as simple as it sounds; with proper encapsulation, you will probably meet the<br />

requirements of JavaBeans without even trying.<br />

OrderBean<br />

- item: String<br />

- quantity: int<br />

- costPerItem: double<br />

+ setItem (i: String): void<br />

+ getItem (): String<br />

+ setQuantity (q : int): void<br />

+ getQuantity () : int<br />

+ setCostPerItem (c : double) : void<br />

+ getCostPerItem () : double<br />

+ get<strong>To</strong>talCost () : double<br />

+ submitOrder () : boolean<br />

Figure 28-4 <strong>UML</strong> Class diagram, JavaBean<br />

JSP has special markup tags that can be used to call the get and set methods of the<br />

JavaBean. Thus, the Java syntax method calls can be replaced with markup tags. For example,<br />

the Java syntax and the JSP tag syntax shown here are equivalent method calls, but it<br />

may be easier for a content developer to use the JSP tag syntax.<br />

Java Syntax: <br />

JSP Tag Syntax: <br />

Typically, the code that you move from the JSP pages into JavaBeans will include your<br />

application data, database access code, and business services. What is left in your JSP is<br />

largely the Web content, which is the view of that data. Thus, by using JavaBeans, you can<br />

separate your view from your model and take the first step towards an MVC Web architecture.<br />

Note<br />

This section addresses JavaBeans, not Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). EJB is a<br />

far-more-involved technology and is beyond the scope of this book.

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