UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory

UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory

UML Weekend Crash Course™ - To Parent Directory


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288<br />

Sunday Afternoon<br />

Enter contact data such as names, phone numbers, and addresses.<br />

Enter appointment data such as date, time, and description.<br />

Associate contacts with appointments.<br />

Search for specific contacts or appointments.<br />

Receive notification when an appointment is approaching.<br />

The current system is a standalone application with no network component. Friendly<br />

Reminder is a well-established product with a loyal customer base, but the company has<br />

received many requests from users who would like to be able to view their appointments on<br />

the World Wide Web. The customers complain that they have no way to check appointments<br />

when they’re away from their own computer. The client’s initial project specification<br />

requests that you develop a small application that will allow their users to<br />

Upload all their appointments and contacts to a server where they can be remotely<br />

accessed.<br />

Query those appointments and contacts whenever and from wherever they wish.<br />

Requirements Gathering<br />

Regardless of whether you’re developing a Web or standalone application, the requirementsgathering<br />

phase is a process of careful communication with the client to discover and<br />

document the business requirements and to ensure that the development team knows what<br />

it must create in order for the customer to be successful.<br />

In the case study, the clients required that users be able to upload all their appointments<br />

and contacts to a server where they can later access them remotely. Because the client is a<br />

very conservative company and is a little bit apprehensive about moving onto the Web, it<br />

specifies a constraint that the new system must pose the smallest possible risk to the reliability<br />

of their current system. Because the current application has no network component,<br />

all appointments are stored in a file on the user’s machine. Based on this experience, the<br />

client adds a constraint that all appointments must still be saved on the local machine<br />

while a copy of the appointment data can be uploaded to a server for remote access. Also<br />

due to its apprehension, the company wants to limit users to entering appointments only in<br />

the existing Visual Basic application and not on the Web.<br />

In these discussions, we also find out that the users have been requesting access to their<br />

appointments and contacts from traditional wired Web devices such as PCs, as well as from<br />

wireless devices like cell phones. After some discussion, this is identified as a key functional<br />

requirement that can be fulfilled and will be factored into the cost of the project.<br />

In design, as you craft a solution to these requirements, the technological options are<br />

more critical and more extensive in a Web system than a standalone system. Here are some<br />

of the factors you should consider when evaluating technology in a Web system:<br />

Availability and reliability: Must the system be available 24/7 with virtually no<br />

failures It is possible to make a Web system that almost never fails or is never<br />

unavailable, but that kind of reliability comes at a substantial cost. In the case<br />

study, the client protects the reliability of the current system by specifying that the<br />

Web system only keep a duplicate of the data and that nothing in the standalone<br />

system should be dependent on the new Web system.

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