Parenting Plan Custody Order - Dauphin County

Parenting Plan Custody Order - Dauphin County Parenting Plan Custody Order - Dauphin County
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: IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Plaintiff : DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA : vs. : NO. 2010 CV CU : : Defendant : CIVIL ACTION - CUSTODY ORDER OF COURT – PARENTING PLAN AND NOW, this day of __________, 2014, [following a trial] [pursuant to an agreement] regarding the above-captioned parents’ [replace with “parties” throughout if non-parent is a party] physical and legal custodial responsibilities of the[ir] minor child(ren), ____________, DOB: ____, it is hereby ORDERED AND DECREED, in the child(ren)’s best interests that the “Parenting Plan” shall be as follows: 1. Legal Custodial Responsibilities: The parents shall jointly share their various legal custodial responsibilities for their child(ren). a. Major parental decisions concerning their child(ren), including, but not limited to, their child(ren)’s health, medical, dental & orthodontic treatment, mental and emotional health treatment, education, religious training and moral upbringing shall be made jointly by the parents, after discussion and consultation with each other, with a view toward obtaining and following a harmonious parenting plan, not in their own individual best interests, but rather in their child(ren)’s best interests. b. Absent an emergency, neither parent shall obtain medical care and/or have an initial interview with any health caregiver in the absence of the participation of the other parent. c. Any parent granted shared legal custody has the right to access the child’s medical, dental, religious and school records, the address of the child and any other related information in accordance with 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 5336(a). d. Each parent shall execute any and all legal authorizations so that the other parent may obtain information from their child(ren)’s schools, physicians, dentists, orthodontists, counselors, psychologists, or other similar individuals or entities concerning their child(ren)’s progress and welfare. e. Both parents shall arrange for the child(ren)’s school to provide both parents identical information. Both parents shall provide to the other parent on a weekly basis, all school papers, projects, or other products of the child(ren)’s development, and mutually share those items as fully as possible.


Plaintiff<br />


:<br />

vs. : NO. 2010 CV CU<br />

:<br />

:<br />

Defendant<br />



AND NOW, this<br />

day of __________, 2014, [following a trial] [pursuant to an<br />

agreement] regarding the above-captioned parents’ [replace with “parties” throughout if non-parent is a<br />

party] physical and legal custodial responsibilities of the[ir] minor child(ren), ____________,<br />

DOB: ____, it is hereby ORDERED AND DECREED, in the child(ren)’s best interests<br />

that the “<strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>” shall be as follows:<br />

1. Legal Custodial Responsibilities: The parents shall jointly share their various legal<br />

custodial responsibilities for their child(ren).<br />

a. Major parental decisions concerning their child(ren), including, but not<br />

limited to, their child(ren)’s health, medical, dental & orthodontic treatment, mental<br />

and emotional health treatment, education, religious training and moral upbringing<br />

shall be made jointly by the parents, after discussion and consultation with each<br />

other, with a view toward obtaining and following a harmonious parenting plan, not<br />

in their own individual best interests, but rather in their child(ren)’s best interests.<br />

b. Absent an emergency, neither parent shall obtain medical care and/or<br />

have an initial interview with any health caregiver in the absence of the participation<br />

of the other parent.<br />

c. Any parent granted shared legal custody has the right to access the<br />

child’s medical, dental, religious and school records, the address of the child and any<br />

other related information in accordance with 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 5336(a).<br />

d. Each parent shall execute any and all legal authorizations so that the<br />

other parent may obtain information from their child(ren)’s schools, physicians,<br />

dentists, orthodontists, counselors, psychologists, or other similar individuals or<br />

entities concerning their child(ren)’s progress and welfare.<br />

e. Both parents shall arrange for the child(ren)’s school to provide both<br />

parents identical information. Both parents shall provide to the other parent on a<br />

weekly basis, all school papers, projects, or other products of the child(ren)’s<br />

development, and mutually share those items as fully as possible.

f. The parents shall, in advance, discuss and attempt to reach a mutual<br />

agreement regarding the following matters: their child(ren)’s enrollment or<br />

termination in a particular school or school program, advancing or holding their<br />

child(ren) back in school, authorizing enrollment in college, authorizing their<br />

child(ren)’s driver’s license or purchase of an automobile, authorizing employment,<br />

authorizing minor child(ren)’s marriage, enlistment in the armed forces, approving a<br />

petition for emancipation, authorizing foreign travel, passport application or<br />

exchange student status.<br />

g. Neither parent shall impair the other parent’s rights and<br />

responsibilities for their shared legal custodial responsibilities for their child(ren).<br />

h. Parents shall civilly and respectfully communicate about co-parenting<br />

legal custody issues and changes in schedules in person and via letters, faxes, texts or<br />

e-mail, whichever means is most appropriate for the matter.<br />

i. If the parents are unable to agree, they shall follow the procedures set<br />

forth in Paragraph 17 of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

2. No Conflict Zone and General Rules of Conduct:<br />

a. The parents shall not alienate the affections of their child(ren) from the<br />

other parent and the other parent’s extended family and shall make a special<br />

conscious effort not to do so. To the extent possible, the parents shall prevent third<br />

parties from alienating the child(ren)’s affections from the other parent as well as the<br />

other parent’s extended family.<br />

b. The parents shall establish a No-Conflict Zone for their child(ren) and<br />

refrain from making derogatory or uncomplimentary comments about the other<br />

parent in the presence of their child(ren) and to the extent possible, shall not permit<br />

third parties from making such comments in the presence of their child(ren) while in<br />

their physical custody, whether they are sleeping, awake or in another room.<br />

c. It shall be the duty of each parent to uphold the other parent as one the<br />

child(ren) should respect and love.<br />

d. Each parent shall speak respectfully of the other whether it is believed<br />

the other reciprocates or not. Each parental figure shall refer to the other by the<br />

appropriate role name such as Mom, Dad, your grandmother, etc.<br />

e. The parents shall refrain from encouraging their child(ren) to provide<br />

reports about the other party. Communication should always take place directly<br />

between parents, without using their child(ren) or others as an intermediary or spy<br />

on the other parent. It is harmful to the child(ren) to be put in the role of a spy.<br />


f. The child(ren) shall be protected by the parents from individuals with<br />

poor character (including, but not limited to, individuals involved with serious active<br />

mental health issues, drug & alcohol issues, criminal and illegal activity, immoral or<br />

intemperate behavior, or violent propensities). The parents shall, to the extent<br />

possible, avoid contact with such individuals of poor character. It sets a bad example<br />

and may corrupt the morals of the child(ren).<br />

g. The parents should remember that they cannot teach the child(ren)<br />

proper moral conduct by indulging in improper conduct themselves. Children are<br />

quick to recognize hypocrisy and the parent who maintains a double standard will<br />

lose the respect of their child(ren).<br />

h. The parents shall not permit their child(ren) to be exposed to or<br />

participate in interactive excessively violent video games based upon their<br />

understanding that violent video games increase aggression, physiological<br />

desensitization to violence and decreases pro-social behavior.<br />

The parents shall read these online articles that provide guidance concerning video<br />

games:<br /><br />

i. The parents including their extended family shall not conduct<br />

arguments or heated conversation when they are together in the presence of their<br />

child(ren).<br />

j. It is in the child(ren)’s best interest for the parents and all adults to<br />

understand that the child(ren) is/are trying to desperately cope with the custody<br />

litigation and related issues, and need help in loving both parents, rather than<br />

interference or censure.<br />

k. The parents shall, at all times, consider the child(ren)’s best interests,<br />

and act accordingly.<br />

3. Physical Custodial Responsibilities:<br />

a. The parents shall share physical custodial responsibilities for their<br />

child(ren), as outlined in Paragraph 4 herein.<br />

b. All physical custodial exchanges shall be handled professionally, under<br />

a “no conflict zone,” abiding by all techniques set forth in reputable parental<br />

educational materials, to avoid conflict, anxiety, and other emotional harm to the<br />

child(ren).<br />

c. Day-to-day decisions shall be the responsibility of the parent then<br />

having physical custodial responsibilities. Each parent shall notify the other of any<br />


activity or circumstance concerning their child(ren) that could reasonably be<br />

expected to be of concern or interest to the other parent.<br />

d. With regard to any emergency decisions which must be made, the<br />

parent having physical custodial responsibility for their child(ren) at the time of the<br />

emergency shall be permitted to make any necessary immediate decisions.<br />

e. In the event of a child’s serious illness, the parent then having physical<br />

custodial responsibility shall immediately inform the other parent by telephone or<br />

any other means, as to the nature of the illness. During such illness, each parent<br />

shall have the right to visit the child, consistent with the medical status of the child.<br />

f. If the child is taking medication, an adequate supply of that<br />

medication or a prescription for the medication shall be given to the other parent at<br />

the custodial exchanges. An adequate supply of the child(ren)’s recommended<br />

nutritional supplements and non-prescription medication and supplies, if any, shall<br />

be maintained by each parent.<br />

g. The parent with physical custodial responsibilities for their child(ren)<br />

during any given period of time shall communicate in a prompt fashion with the<br />

other parent concerning the well-being of their child(ren), and shall appropriately<br />

notify the other parent of any changes in health or educational progress.<br />

h. Each parent shall promptly notify the other parent of, and invite to<br />

major events in the child(ren)’s lives, including but not limited to graduations,<br />

awards presentations, performances, academic and athletic competitions and similar<br />

extracurricular activities.<br />

i. When the child(ren) is/are not with a parent during the weekend, that<br />

parent may telephone one time with the child(ren) during the weekend to speak with<br />

them, as well as periodically during the week, as needed, without being intrusive.<br />

j. The parents will not deviate from the regular custody schedule because<br />

of their child(ren)’s birthday.<br />

k. Each parent should promptly and politely respond to the other parent’s<br />

telephone calls, text messages, faxes and emails regarding the child(ren).<br />

l. If one parent will be late for a physical custodial exchange they shall<br />

call or text the other parent as soon as possible but no later than [insert time] minutes<br />

prior to the appointed meeting time.<br />

4. Physical Custodial Responsibility Schedule:<br />

a. Mother/Father shall have primary physical custodial responsibility for<br />

their child(ren).<br />


. Mother/Father shall have partial shared physical custodial<br />

responsibilities for their child(ren) in accordance with the following schedule:<br />

i) Alternating weekends from Friday after school/work until<br />

Monday when the child(ren) shall be taken to daycare/preschool/school.<br />

ii)<br />

iii)<br />

One evening a week after work/school until 8:00 p.m.<br />

Such additional times as the parents can agree.<br />

c. School Holidays and Teacher In-Service Days: Long weekends due to<br />

school in-service days and holidays including but not limited to Martin Luther King<br />

Day, President’s Day and Columbus Day shall attach to the weekend. The return<br />

time is 7:30 p.m. on the holiday. In-service days occurring on Friday will attach to<br />

the weekend and will begin after school Thursday. In-service days occurring on<br />

Monday will attach to the prior weekend.<br />

d. Summer: Each parent shall be allowed to select an exclusive<br />

uninterrupted [insert #]-week vacation time period with their child(ren). Mother shall<br />

have first choice of her weeks during even-numbered years and Father shall have first<br />

choice of his weeks during odd-numbered years. The parent with first choice should<br />

make his/her choice known to the other parent no later than April 1 st of each year.<br />

e. Holidays: The holiday schedule shall take priority over the regular<br />

custody schedule.<br />

Unless otherwise stated the holiday period begins after school on Friday or<br />

the first day of the holiday period until 7:30 p.m. on the last day of the holiday<br />

period.<br />

i) Thanksgiving school holiday: Father will have physical<br />

custodial responsibilities of their child(ren) on Thanksgiving from<br />

Wednesday after school to Sunday, at 8:00 p.m. in even-numbered<br />

years, alternating with Mother in odd-numbered years.<br />

ii) Christmas/Kwanza/New Year’s school holiday: Mother will<br />

have physical custodial responsibilities for their child(ren) during<br />

Segment A (first half of school recess) and Father will have physical<br />

custodial responsibilities for their child(ren) during Segment B (the<br />

second half of the school recess) in even-numbered years. Segments<br />

will alternate in odd-numbered years.<br />

Major gifts should be discussed and coordinated between the parents.<br />

iii)<br />

[Optional] Other Religious Holidays:<br />


Jewish: Pesach/Passover; Rash Hashanah; Hanukkah; Yom<br />

Kippur: In even-numbered years Mother will have physical custodial<br />

responsibilities for their child(ren) the first Seder of Passover and<br />

Father will on the second Seder. In odd-numbered years, Father will<br />

have the first Seder of Passover and Mother will have the second<br />

Seder. The return time is 2:00 p.m. on the eve of the second Seder. In<br />

all years, Father/Mother will retain custody overnight and deliver the<br />

child(ren) to school or to the other parent by 9:00 a.m. if school is not<br />

in session.<br />

Islamic: Ramadan; Eid-al-Adha:<br />

Hindu: Ganesh Charturthi:<br />

Buddhist: Nirvana Day:<br />

f. Memorial Day, July 4 th , Labor Day, Easter Holidays:<br />

i) Father will have physical custodial responsibilities for their<br />

child(ren) during the Memorial Day holiday and weekend in oddnumbered<br />

years, alternating with Mother in even-numbered years.<br />

ii) For the July 4 th holiday long weekend, Mother will have<br />

physical custodial responsibilities for their child(ren) in odd-numbered<br />

years and Father shall have physical custodial responsibilities for their<br />

child(ren) in even-numbered years.<br />

iii) Father will have physical custodial responsibilities for their<br />

child(ren) during the Labor Day holiday and weekend in oddnumbered<br />

years, alternating with Mother in even-numbered years.<br />

iv) Easter/Spring Break: Father will have physical custodial<br />

responsibilities for their child(ren) in odd-numbered years and Mother<br />

will have physical custodial responsibilities for their child(ren) in evennumbered<br />

years for the Easter school holiday/spring break.<br />

g. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day: Mother will have physical custodial<br />

responsibilities for their child(ren) on Mother’s Day weekend and Father will have<br />

physical custodial responsibilities for their child(ren) on Father’s Day weekend.<br />

5. General Custodial Schedule Provisions:<br />

a. The parents may revise this schedule upon written agreement and<br />

should be flexible for the sake of the child(ren).<br />

b. Each parent shall have the option of proposing temporary time or date<br />

variations to the other parent when special recreational or other unexpected<br />

opportunities arise. The parent asking for the change in schedule shall ask the other<br />

parent by email/text or by phone preferably no later than [1] week prior. The parent<br />


eing asked for the change will reply either by email/text or by phone no later than<br />

[24] hours after the request is made.<br />

If the parents cannot agree, the parent receiving the request will make the<br />

final decision.<br />

c. In the event certain provisions in this <strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are inconsistent,<br />

then the provisions set forth concerning specific holidays and vacations shall<br />

supersede provisions concerning weekends.<br />

d. If either parent or the child(ren) have plans which conflict with a<br />

scheduled custodial period and wish to change the schedule, the parents should make<br />

arrangements for an adjustment acceptable to the schedules of everyone involved and<br />

should be flexible for the sake of the child(ren).<br />

e. The child(ren) should be consulted as to their schedules when at an<br />

appropriate age.<br />

f. Physical custodial rights shall be exercised at reasonable hours and<br />

under circumstances reasonably acceptable to the other party and to the needs and<br />

desire of the minor child(ren).<br />

g. If a parent finds they are unable to keep an appointed exchange time or<br />

other appointment for the child(ren), they should give immediate notice to the other<br />

parent, so as to avoid subjecting the child(ren) to unnecessary apprehension and<br />

failure of expectations.<br />

h. The parent relinquishing physical custodial responsibility should<br />

prepare the child(ren) both physically and mentally for the transfer of custody to the<br />

other parent and have them available at the time and place mutually agreed upon.<br />

6. Transportation:<br />

a. The parent relinquishing custodial responsibility shall drive the<br />

child(ren) to the other parent’s residence, walking them to that parent’s front door,<br />

when the child(ren) is/are not being taken to school or camp.<br />

b. Both parents shall insure that the child(ren) use appropriate seat belts<br />

or child safety seats when being transported in vehicles by that parent or others.<br />

7. Extracurricular Activities:<br />

a. The parents shall organize ways for their child(ren) to maintain their<br />

friendships, extracurricular activities, and other special interests, regardless of which<br />

household in which they reside.<br />


. Each parent shall provide the other with at least seventy-two (72)<br />

hours advance notice of school or other activities and two weeks’ or greater advance<br />

notice whenever possible.<br />

c. Both parents shall honor and be supportive of the extracurricular<br />

activities in which the child(ren) wishes to engage.<br />

d. Each parent shall confer with the other before arranging regularly<br />

occurring extracurricular activities for their child(ren) which might interfere with the<br />

custody schedule.<br />

e. During the times that the parents have physical custodial<br />

responsibilities of their child(ren), each parent will make certain that the child(ren)<br />

attends their extracurricular activities and transport the child(ren) on time to and<br />

from games, practices and any activities that are scheduled so that they are able to<br />

participate in those events.<br />

8. Child(ren)’s Property: Toys, clothes, etc. shall not become matters of contention<br />

between the parents as these generally are the child(ren)’s property, not the parents’,<br />

entitling the toys or clothes to be taken by the child(ren) and back with the child(ren), as<br />

reasonably appropriate.<br />

9. Family Gatherings: The parents shall permit and support their child(ren)’s access to<br />

all family relationships. Special family events such as weddings, family reunions, family<br />

gatherings, funerals, graduations, etc. shall be accommodated by both parents with the<br />

custody schedule set forth in this <strong>Order</strong> resuming immediately thereafter.<br />

10. Child-Care Providers:<br />

a. Each parent shall exercise care in responsibly choosing<br />

babysitting/child-care providers. Each parent has the right of veto over child-care<br />

providers (if someone other than family members), if the objection is reasonable.<br />

The telephone numbers of any and all child-care providers shall be provided by both<br />

parents to each other. Parents shall provide one another with a phone number and<br />

address where their child(ren) may be contacted at all times, whenever reasonably<br />

possible. This principle applies to situations such as vacations with friends and their<br />

families.<br />

b. Should either parent have their child(ren) spend an overnight at a place<br />

other than their primary residence or that of a family member, the other parent shall<br />

be provided the address and phone number and the option to assume primary<br />

physical custodial responsibility in lieu of another caregiver (if someone other than<br />

family members), if appropriate, if it can be arranged, and if it is in the best interests<br />

of the child(ren). This provision does not apply to an overnight by a child over 12<br />

years old with a friend with trustworthy parental supervision.<br />


11. Safety:<br />

a. The child(ren) shall not be left alone with any of Father or Mother’s<br />

friends or paramours unless agreed to in writing by both parents.<br />

b. Both parents shall adopt measures to shield their child(ren) from<br />

sexual exploitation which may be more likely to occur while in a parent’s home by a<br />

paramour, paramour’s children, relative or “friend.”<br />

c. The parents shall enroll their child(ren) in a school-based or other<br />

program to educate, empower and to protect themselves from sexual abuse and<br />

exploitation and victimization, at an appropriate age.<br />

d. Both parents shall carefully read “The 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children”<br />

and “5 Tips to Protecting Your Children in Digital Age” at and<br />

provide a notarized statement to the other parent that they have read it, within 30<br />

days of the date of this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

e. Both parents shall implement guidelines and monitor the child(ren)’s<br />

appropriate internet online behavior. Both parents and any other adults supervising<br />

their child(ren) shall read The American Academy brochure on internet use and<br />

families at:, and Microsoft’s Safety and Security<br />

Center at:<br />

Both of these resources appropriate give guidelines based on the child’s age.<br />

12. Illegal Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol:<br />

a. The parents shall not possess or use any illegal controlled substances,<br />

nor shall they consume alcoholic beverages to the point of intoxication within 12<br />

hours neither prior to or during periods of physical custodial responsibilities, nor<br />

smoke tobacco inside their residence or vehicle. The parents shall likewise assure<br />

that other household members and/or house guests comply with this prohibition.<br />

b. If a party shows up for a visit under the influence of alcohol or drugs<br />

or smoking, the visit may be considered forfeited on those grounds alone.<br />

13. Electronic Contact:<br />

a. Each parent shall be entitled to reasonable (not excessive) phone calls<br />

and/or text messaging contact with their child(ren) when in the custody of the other<br />

parent. Both parents shall establish an e-mail address for e-mail communication<br />

between themselves and their child(ren).<br />

b. Each parent shall send an e-mail once a week to update the other<br />

parent about their observations of the child(ren)’s emotional, mental, physical status<br />

and/or developmental milestones.<br />


14. Relocation:<br />

a. The parents are always encouraged to relocate closer to each other’s<br />

residences.<br />

b. The parent proposing relocation must notify all parties in accordance<br />

with 23 Pa. C.S. §5337 as set forth in Exhibit A attached to this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

c. No parent may relocate their residence unless the other parent<br />

consents in writing or the Court approves the proposed relocation.<br />

15. Shared <strong>Parenting</strong> Education: The parents shall keep themselves updated on shared<br />

parenting techniques, including reading on June 1 st of each year:<br />

AFCC’s “<strong>Plan</strong>ning for Shared <strong>Parenting</strong> – A Guide for Parents Living Apart”<br />

which can be found at:<br /> – “100 Ways to be Kind to your Child” which can be<br />

found at:<br />

Each parent shall provide a notarized statement to the other parent that they have<br />

read it within 30 days of June 1 st every year. (Free internet is available on the computers at<br />

any <strong>Dauphin</strong> <strong>County</strong> Library.)<br />

16. Counseling:<br />

a. The parents shall enroll, as needed, in private individual therapeutic<br />

counseling to maintain their optimum mental health as a parent.<br />

b. Co-<strong>Parenting</strong> Counseling: The parents shall enroll in co-parenting<br />

counseling, as needed, to co-parent their child(ren) in accordance with this order.<br />

c. The parents shall enroll their child(ren) in private individual<br />

counseling or psychotherapy, as needed, to maintain their optimum mental health<br />

after notification and discussions with the other parent, unless said advance<br />

notification is determined by a licensed professional, not to be in the best interests of<br />

the child(ren).<br />

17. Modifications or Disputes about this <strong>Order</strong>:<br />

a. The terms of this <strong>Parenting</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> may be modified by mutual<br />

agreement of both parents which is best memorialized if placed in writing and signed<br />

by both parents, when such modifications are in the best interests of the child(ren).<br />


. Both parents shall use their best efforts to engage in joint decisionmaking<br />

with respect to the child(ren).<br />

c. In the event the parents are unable to reach an agreement, they shall<br />

exchange written proposals, including appropriate explanations of their positions,<br />

after which they shall meet and discuss their modification proposals in person, if<br />

necessary, to reach a decision in the best interest of their child(ren).<br />

d. Seminar for Families in Conflict: If the parents cannot agree, upon the<br />

written request of one parent, both parents and their paramour or other adults who<br />

have a significant relationship with their child(ren), shall again attend the next<br />

scheduled Seminar for Families in Conflict in <strong>Dauphin</strong> <strong>County</strong> or similar four-hour<br />

separated parent educational seminar in their home jurisdiction.<br />

e. Mediation: Any proposed changes to this <strong>Order</strong> which cannot be<br />

agreed upon, or any disputes about the interpretation or practical application of this<br />

<strong>Order</strong> and any alleged breaches of this <strong>Order</strong> shall, prior to engaging in litigation,<br />

first be attempted to be resolved through mediation with a trained mediator, the cost<br />

to be shared equally by the parents.<br />

Free mediation is available for pro se litigants through Neighborhood Dispute<br />

Settlement (NDS at 233-8255). If a party is represented by a Pro Bono Attorney they<br />

are eligible to request free mediation through the <strong>Dauphin</strong> <strong>County</strong> Bar Association<br />

Civil Dispute Resolution Program.<br />

18. Contempt:<br />

a. Certain rules of conduct set forth in this Court <strong>Order</strong> are included in<br />

most custody matters. They are binding on both parties as are all other provisions.<br />

b. If a parent does not follow any provision in this <strong>Order</strong>, that violation<br />

could become the subject of contempt proceedings before this Court which could<br />

result in fines and up to 6 months’ incarceration, and could constitute grounds for<br />

modification of the legal and physical custody provisions in this <strong>Order</strong>.<br />

19. Signatures:<br />

Mother<br />

Father<br />



Distribution:<br />

Attorney for Plaintiff<br />

Attorney for Defendant<br />

Jeannine Turgeon, Judge<br />


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