Ephesus - Moriel Ministries

Ephesus - Moriel Ministries Ephesus - Moriel Ministries

"MORIeL"<br />


October/December 2010 Cheshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5771<br />

No. 44<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Thank You from the Administrator<br />

v<br />


"MORIeL"<br />


DFrom the Office of the Administrator<br />

Dear Friends of <strong>Moriel</strong>,<br />

Thank You<br />

Another year has come and gone and we have faced some difficulties and had some<br />

great victories. From sick kids, health problems, to long time periods away from home<br />

they have all combined to prove trying. But they also keep us looking forward to the<br />

return of our Lord. Victories have included some expansion of our work into the Philippines.<br />

While we are still in the beginnings of our work there, we do believe the Lord is<br />

leading <strong>Moriel</strong> to expand our work there.<br />

The tour Jacob and I took around the Pacific was long, but very profitable. Meeting<br />

so many new brothers and sisters was such a blessing. There are so many people to thank<br />

for their kindness, encouragement and support it would be too long a list to include here.<br />

But please know I have a list of so many new brothers and sisters that I am now praying<br />

for. So I thank all of our <strong>Moriel</strong> supporters for your prayers and kindness towards us,<br />

May the Lord bless you all.<br />

New Book by Jacob Coming soon!<br />

This year we are looking forward to Jacob’s new book, “Shadows of the Beast: How<br />

the Antichrist Will Be Revealed to the Faithful Church.” We are working on the final<br />

corrections and hope to have it out soon in the New Year. So please pray we can get this<br />

done. Jacob sees this as a companion to his latest book, The Dilemma of Laodicea and<br />

hopes to start work on his next book, The Daniel Factor. These three books will be a<br />

great ‘last days’ trilogy collection, and should prove very helpful to the Body of Christ.<br />

Upcoming speaking tour<br />

Jacob will be doing a winter tour in the United States before returning to England. He is<br />

going to try to spend a little more time at home this year, cutting out his usual aroundthe-world<br />

trip. He wants to go to Africa in late June, as he did not make it there last year,<br />

followed by a shortened tour to the US and then the Greek study tour in late September.<br />

Study Tour of Greece<br />

Jacob will be leading a study tour of Greece in late September. When I went on<br />

the first one I learned so much. There is a wealth of teaching and I am sure Jacob has<br />

gathered even more to teach this time. He has stops planned where we did not visit last<br />

time. Also, when we visited Vergina and the tomb of Phillip II of Macedonia everyone<br />

was blown away. Very impressive! Get your reservations in early as Jacob likes to keep<br />

his study tours more intimate. Details can be found on the website, or by e-mailing or<br />

calling your local <strong>Moriel</strong> representative. Phone numbers or e-mail addresses are found<br />

in the Quarterly or on the website.<br />

Prayer Closet<br />

Look for our new section in this Quarterly for prayer needs called, “The Prayer<br />

Closet.” Drop in and help us in our biggest need.<br />

Renewals<br />

It is that time; you need to renew your free <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly subscription. We would<br />

love to hear from you, so include a little note when you renew. We want to continue to<br />

give away the Quarterly for free, so all we ask is you let us know you want it. Included<br />

is an envelope for your ease in renewing.<br />

In closing, thank you all again for your support and prayers. Without them we could<br />

not do what God has called us to do. May you all be blessed.<br />

David Royle<br />

JAPAN<br />


morieljapan@yahooJP<br />


EPHESUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3<br />

JUST CALL ME “BARUCH” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />

THE BOOK OF JONAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

MORIEL SOUTH AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

EDITORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

MORIEL JAPAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20<br />

AUSTRALIAN REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22<br />

RAMBLING ROSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23<br />

YOUR LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

MORIEL PRAYER CLOSET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />


HEBREW YESHUA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Jacob Prasch<br />

Feature Article<br />


“Not Lasting” – First Century<br />


By Jacob Prasch<br />

Editor’s Note: The following is actually a<br />

reprint of the first chapter from Jacob’s latest<br />

book, The Dilemma of Laodicea. Among other<br />

things he explains that the seven churches in<br />

Revelation 2-3 represent at least four things:<br />

• Seven literal churches which existed at<br />

the time of John’s writing in the 1 st Century.<br />

• Seven types of churches which can exist<br />

at any period of Church history.<br />

• Seven general, overlapping periods of<br />

Church history.<br />

• Seven types of churches which will exist<br />

in the Last Days leading up to Christ’s<br />

Return.<br />

From them we do not simply learn a lesson<br />

about Church history, but how the spiritual<br />

patterns of each foreshadow a final fulfillment<br />

in the Last Days with a greater force and magnitude,<br />

much in the character of Jesus’ own description<br />

of “birth pangs”.<br />

We believe Jacob has provided in this book<br />

the ultimate tools of discernment by which any<br />

church, organization, or spiritual movement<br />

can be biblically examined to determine its true<br />

spiritual character. Each age of the Church as<br />

represented by each of the seven churches not<br />

only carries unique strengths and weaknesses,<br />

but provide a picture of how each fares under<br />

spiritual attacks to undermine their good intentions.<br />

And since each one is ultimately amplified<br />

in the Last Days, every Christian needs to<br />

understand how what occurred with each of the<br />

seven churches is being replayed before our<br />

very eyes today.<br />

EPHESUS: “Not Lasting” – First Century<br />

“To the angel of the church in <strong>Ephesus</strong><br />

write:<br />

“The One who holds the seven stars in<br />

His right hand, the One who walks among<br />

the seven golden lampstands, says this:<br />

“‘I know your deeds and your toil and<br />

perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate<br />

evil men, and you put to the test those<br />

who call themselves apostles, and they are<br />

not, and you found them to be false; and<br />

you have perseverance and have endured<br />

for My name’s sake, and have not grown<br />

weary. But I have this against you, that<br />

you have left your first love. Therefore remember<br />

from where you have fallen, and<br />

repent and do the deeds you did at first;<br />

or else I am coming to you and will remove<br />

your lampstand out of its place—unless<br />

you repent. Yet this you do have, that<br />

you hate the deeds of the “Nicolaitans,”<br />

which I also hate.<br />

“’He who has an ear, let him hear what<br />

the Spirit says to the churches. To him<br />

who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the<br />

tree of life which is in the Paradise of<br />

God.’” (Rev. 2:1-7)<br />

The Ephesian Age<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong> differs from the other six of the<br />

seven churches in that it refers to the Apostolic<br />

or Ephesian age of the church up to the close of<br />

the first century AD. Hence, unlike the other six<br />

churches, it has no future application to another<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

age in any primary sense prophetically although<br />

the principles for which Christ both commends<br />

and admonishes it apply to churches of all ages.<br />

The original time frame of <strong>Ephesus</strong> is the age in<br />

which the church existed at the time of John’s vision.<br />

(The author holds to a classical Johannine<br />

authorship – but the reasons for holding this position<br />

are found beyond the scope of this work).<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong>, a Great City<br />

Today <strong>Ephesus</strong> is a Muslim village called<br />

Selsuk, which is a popular place to visit. According<br />

to tradition it was the burial site of John<br />

after he returned from prison on the island of<br />

Patmos, and one can stand where some Evangelical<br />

archaeologists from the United States<br />

say he is buried. <strong>Ephesus</strong> is described in its letter<br />

as having a special lamp among the seven<br />

golden lampstands that no other church had<br />

(Rev. 2:5). Because of its apostolic associations,<br />

and because of its Jewish roots and its ability to<br />

understand Scripture from the original Jewish<br />

perspective, it was able to see things that other<br />

churches were not. But that lamp was removed.<br />

When visiting <strong>Ephesus</strong> today (the village<br />

of Selsuk), one will hardly even find a nominal<br />

Christian, let alone a born again Christian.<br />

Visitors can explore the ruins of the Temple of<br />

Artemis where the riot occurred during Paul’s<br />

ministry (Acts 19:23-4). There is a place called<br />

“Mary’s House” which, according to the tradition<br />

of the Greek Orthodox Church, was the<br />

place to which Mary retired with the apostle<br />

John. For about £20 a personal tour will be provided.<br />

However, although this is a place that<br />

was associated with Peter, Paul, Barnabas, John<br />

and later Polycarp — all pillars of the church—<br />

today it is completely devoid of any form of<br />

Christianity. It is amazing how that can happen,<br />

how a place can be the center of so much of<br />

God’s truth and history and yet practically turn<br />

to nothing overnight.<br />

John wrote the Book of Revelation around<br />

AD 96, and in those days <strong>Ephesus</strong> was the<br />

greatest port in Asia. Although Pergamum was<br />

the capital city of the Province of Asia, <strong>Ephesus</strong><br />

was much larger with a population of around<br />

250,000. It was considered to be the fourth largest<br />

city in the Empire after Rome, Alexandria<br />

and Antioch. Roads from Colossae, Laodicea<br />

and Galatia reached the Mediterranean at <strong>Ephesus</strong><br />

via Sardis. Thus <strong>Ephesus</strong> was on the highway<br />

to Rome. It boasted fabulous architecture<br />

and impressive roads, including a seventy-footwide<br />

tree-lined road running down to the harbor.<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong> was home to a 25,000-seat theater<br />

and the Temple of Diana (also known as<br />

Artemis) which is considered one of the seven<br />

wonders of the ancient world. Built entirely of<br />

marble, it was the largest building in the entire<br />

Greek world. 36 of its 127 pillars, each sixty<br />

feet high, were overlaid with gold so that it was<br />

hugely extravagant and impressive to people<br />

of the time. The image of Artemis in the center<br />

was a squat, black, multi-breasted figure, an excavated<br />

statue of which is on display in the Vatican<br />

Museum. It bears a startling resemblance<br />

to icons of Mary the mother of Christ. In fact it<br />

was at the Council of <strong>Ephesus</strong> in the fifth century<br />

that Mary was later proclaimed “Queen of<br />

Heaven” and “Mother of God” in imitation of the<br />

pagan worship of Diana (or Artemis) of <strong>Ephesus</strong>,<br />

even though the Greek term “Theotikos”<br />

– or “mother of god,” is nowhere found in the<br />

New Testament. One need only read Acts 19, to<br />

see how precious Artemis was to the Ephesians.<br />

This same city identified so closely with<br />

the apostolic church became foundational to the<br />

later paganization that saw mainstream Christianity<br />

transformed into a paganized and politicized<br />

Christendom. There were also temples<br />

to the Emperors Claudius, Nero and Domitian,<br />

the latter housing a statue of the Emperor four<br />

times larger than life-size, depicting Domitian<br />

as Zeus, the ruler of the gods. A huge forearm<br />

survives in a museum.<br />

Later, when Christians were brought from<br />

Asia to be flung to the lions in the arena in<br />

Rome, Ignatius (c. 35 – c. 110), the third “Bishop<br />

of Antioch” who was himself martyred,<br />

called <strong>Ephesus</strong> “the Highway of the Martyrs.”<br />

The Time of Emperor Domitian<br />

Pliny (c. 61 – c. 113) complained about<br />

Domitian’s practice of being addressed as “Dominus<br />

et Deus Noster”— that is, “Our Lord<br />

and our God.” The poet Statius called him “the<br />

morning star,” a title the Bible gives to Jesus,<br />

although Lucifer wanted to be that morning star.<br />

Therefore Domitian, who introduced a terrible<br />

persecution of Christians, is seen as a type of<br />

Antichrist, the devil personified. Significantly,<br />

as if to correct Domitian’s claim, John records<br />

in his Gospel that Thomas acclaimed Jesus as<br />

“My Lord and my God” (Jn. 20:28). Furthermore,<br />

in His Revelation the final words of Jesus<br />

are, “I am the root and descendant of David, the<br />

bright morning star.” (Rev. 22:16)<br />

There were many signs of the end of the age<br />

in the first century. When James was martyred, a<br />

man called Simeon became the senior pastor of<br />

the church in Jerusalem. He remembered what<br />

Jesus said and led the believers in Jerusalem to<br />

a place called Pella. (See The Jewish War by Josephus).<br />

All the believers were rescued because<br />

when they saw the fulfillment of all the signs,<br />

they took advantage of a temporary withdrawal<br />

by Roman forces and fled Jerusalem. But the<br />

Jews who remained through the siege of Jerusalem<br />

by Titus in AD 70 suffered great tribulation<br />

and even ate their babies, fulfilling the terrible<br />

warnings of Deuteronomy 28. This happened<br />

before when Jerusalem was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar<br />

(Ez.5:10). This prefigures what will<br />

happen again before Armageddon.<br />

Persecution<br />

The Emperor demanded to be worshipped<br />

on the Lord’s Day (Rev. 1:10) one day a year.<br />

Many Christians refused to bow down to a false<br />

god. Peter and Paul were killed and Rome was<br />

burned. This prefigures the death of the two martyrs<br />

of Revelation 11, a word which also means<br />

“witnesses.” Those events which actually happened<br />

will be replayed at the end of the age. They<br />

are a shadow of the final fulfillment to come.<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong> as a center of Pagan worship furnishes<br />

a high definition image of the persecution<br />

in the Last Days. The promenade leading<br />

to the Agorra (market) was decked with a gate<br />

containing the overhead inscription hailing Caesar<br />

as the son of god. Hence, in order to buy or<br />

sell, there had to be de facto recognition of the<br />

claimed deity of the emperor. The Christians refusing<br />

to do so found themselves excluded from<br />

commercial life of the city and were unable to<br />

buy or sell. Moreover, they were tied to poles<br />

on either side of the promenade and set alight as<br />

human street lamps to illuminate the way into<br />

the market. This is a foreshadowing of what<br />

Antichrist will attempt to do, linking one’s capacity<br />

to engage in commerce with an implicit<br />

recognition of his claimed deity.<br />

Before the establishment of denominations<br />

there was a degree of unity in the church which<br />

was brought about by persecution. It will be the<br />

same in the Last Days. In the early church there<br />

existed the repeated teaching about the Last<br />

Days. “When is He coming” was a common<br />

concern, and when Jesus did not reappear people<br />

began to get discouraged. So Jesus appeared<br />

via his angel to say,<br />

“He who overcomes…until the end…”<br />

(Rev. 2:26)<br />

But, “How long, O Lord, holy and true”<br />

(Rev. 6:10)<br />

“Until the number of their fellow servants<br />

and their brethren who were to be killed<br />

even as they had been, would be completed<br />

also.” (Rev. 6:11).<br />

It is a fearful thought, but just as there was<br />

strong persecution in the early church, so there<br />

will be again in the Last Days. Look at what<br />

is happening today in China or North Korea to<br />

born again Christians. Rome under Emperor<br />

Nero burned Christians—citizens of his own<br />

kingdom—and in the 16 th century the Church of<br />

Rome burned its own members for reading the<br />

Bible. The Last Days will indeed call for patient<br />

endurance on the part of the saints (Rev. 13:10)!<br />

Jesus the High Priest<br />

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which<br />

God gave Him…” (Rev. 1:1)<br />

God gave it to Jesus.<br />

“Then I turned to see the voice that was<br />

speaking with me. And having turned I<br />

saw seven golden lampstands; and in the<br />

middle of the lampstands I saw one like<br />

a son of man, clothed in a robe reaching<br />

to the feet, and girded across His chest<br />

with a golden sash. His head and His hair<br />

were white like white wool, like snow; and<br />

His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet<br />

were like burnished bronze, when it has<br />

been made to glow in a furnace, and His<br />

voice was like the sound of many waters.<br />

In His right hand He held seven stars, and<br />

out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged<br />

sword; and His face was like the sun shining<br />

in its strength.” (Rev. 1:12-16)<br />

Notice that Jesus appears dressed as the<br />

new High Priest, replacing the Jewish High<br />

Priest of Exodus 29. The High Priest was consecrated<br />

by blood and had special garments, but<br />

his blessings and calling were passed on to his<br />

sons. Remember, Jesus is now the High Priest.<br />

And just as the sons of Aaron were the priests<br />

who carried on the ministry of Aaron, so all followers<br />

of Jesus are priests who are to carry on<br />

the ministry of Jesus who is the High Priest.<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Specifically, it is the ministry of priests to<br />

bring sacrifices and intercede for the people. As<br />

it says in 1 Peter 2:9,” all believers are priests.<br />

There is no such thing as a Christian who is<br />

not a priest. Anyone who is not a priest is not<br />

a Christian or minister; anyone who is a Christian<br />

is also a priest and a minister, a word meaning<br />

“servant.” The idea of an ordained “priest”<br />

under the New Covenant is entirely a human<br />

invention. Therefore the whole debate about female<br />

“priests” is utter nonsense. How an entire<br />

institution can split over something which has<br />

no basis to begin with defies logic!<br />

… and in the middle of the lampstands I<br />

saw one like a son of man, clothed in a<br />

robe reaching to the feet, and girded across<br />

His chest with a golden sash. (Rev. 1:13)<br />

But the appearance of Jesus in Revelation<br />

1 typifies the High Priest’s garments. He had<br />

to wear a form of breastplate on His shoulders,<br />

and a tunic that He must not remove. This tunic<br />

represents the garment of salvation. The Mormons<br />

wear a kind of underwear that they never<br />

take off, and the pope wears a scapular, a form<br />

of apron or vest. It sounds absurd, but this is<br />

where they get the idea. On top of this, Aaron<br />

wore a breastplate with twelve plates on his<br />

chest representing the twelve tribes.<br />

When a priest prays for someone’s toothache,<br />

the prayer is said and done and the task<br />

is completed. However, the breastplate represented<br />

a burden, the burden of intercession<br />

which the High Priest did not take off, day or<br />

night, until the battle was won. If someone is<br />

an intercessor, that burden is going to be on his<br />

heart until it is answered and the battle won.<br />

That is what Jesus is doing now; He is carrying<br />

the burden of Israel and those adopted into her<br />

by His work on the cross as the High Priest of<br />

the New Covenant. But notice that Aaron had to<br />

pass these garments on to his sons.<br />

All believers have been given a measure of<br />

faith by God and “without faith it is impossible<br />

to please Him” (Heb.11:6). But not everyone<br />

has the gift of faith. There is a special gift of<br />

faith (1 Co. 12:9) and people who are intercessors<br />

have this God-given gift and carry a burden<br />

for a particular issue just as the Lord Jesus did.<br />

But every believer should still, in a sense, carry<br />

the burden that is on their shoulders and on their<br />

heart, not only for Israel but also, by extension,<br />

for the church—and for the lost.<br />

Slain in the Spirit<br />

When I saw Him, I fell at His feet like a<br />

dead man. And He placed His right hand<br />

on me, saying, “Do not be afraid; I am the<br />

first and the last, (Rev. 1:17)<br />

Contrast this to Zechariah 4…<br />

Then the angel who was speaking with me<br />

returned and roused me, as a man who is<br />

awakened from his sleep. (Zech. 4:1)<br />

The phenomenon of being “slain in the<br />

Spirit” occurs many times in both Testaments.<br />

They fell down in God’s presence. But the term<br />

comes from Revelation 1:17 where John says<br />

he “fell at His feet as a dead man.” It happened<br />

to Daniel in Daniel 10.<br />

George Whitefield, was very disturbed<br />

when he saw people being “slain in the Spirit”<br />

at John Wesley’s meetings, but a few days later<br />

it happened in his own meetings. Granted a lot<br />

of it found today is just nonsense, pushing people<br />

down or people getting stirred up emotionally<br />

by a hypnotic and manipulative speaker.<br />

Of course it may be counterfeited, but the real<br />

thing is scriptural—it does happen.<br />

“He said to me, “What do you see” And<br />

I said, “I see, and behold, a lampstand all<br />

of gold with its bowl on the top of it, and<br />

its seven lamps on it with seven spouts<br />

belonging to each of the lamps which are<br />

on the top of it; also two olive trees by it,<br />

one on the right side of the bowl and the<br />

other on its left side.” Then I said to the<br />

angel who was speaking with me saying,<br />

“What are these, my lord” So the angel<br />

who was speaking with me answered and<br />

said to me, “Do you not know what these<br />

are” And I said, “No, my lord.” Then he<br />

said to me, “This is the word of the LORD<br />

to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor<br />

by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the<br />

LORD of hosts. ‘What are you, O great<br />

mountain Before Zerubbabel you will<br />

become a plain; and he will bring forth<br />

the top stone with shouts of “Grace, grace<br />

to it!” ’ ”<br />

Also the word of the LORD came to me,<br />

saying, “The hands of Zerubbabel have<br />

laid the foundation of this house, and his<br />

hands will finish it. Then you will know<br />

that the LORD of hosts has sent me to<br />

you. For who has despised the day of<br />

small things But these seven will be glad<br />

when they see the plumb line in the hand<br />

of Zerubbabel—these are the eyes of the<br />

LORD which range to and fro throughout<br />

the earth.”<br />

Then I said to him, “What are these two<br />

olive trees on the right of the lampstand<br />

and on its left” And I answered the second<br />

time and said to him, “What are the<br />

two olive branches which are beside the<br />

two golden pipes, which empty the golden<br />

oil from themselves” So he answered<br />

me, saying, “Do you not know what these<br />

are” And I said, “No, my lord.” Then he<br />

said, “These are the two anointed ones<br />

who are standing by the LORD of the<br />

whole earth.” (Zech. 4:2-1)<br />

Somehow the architecture of the physical<br />

temple reflects the truth of heaven, and somehow<br />

it reflects certain truths about the church. That is<br />

what Revelation tries to bring together, reflecting<br />

Zechariah Chapter 4: the seven lampstands<br />

in Revelation are the seven churches, and the<br />

two anointed ones appear again in Revelation 11.<br />

Some say they represent Moses who died physically,<br />

Moses and Elijah whose body was taken<br />

up by God; others say they represent Moses<br />

and Enoch, for Enoch also walked into heaven.<br />

It is interesting that the phrase “son of<br />

man” appears in Revelation 1:13. Whenever it<br />

occurs in the Old Testament it is teaching something<br />

about Jesus. Daniel and Ezekiel are types<br />

of Jesus. Ezekiel is a major type of Jesus. And<br />

in Daniel 10:9 he says, “I fell into a deep sleep<br />

on my face, with my face to the ground.” Daniel<br />

evidently also fell down like one slain.<br />

Paul writes:<br />

Feature Article – Continued<br />

“Boasting is necessary, though it is not<br />

profitable; but I will go on to visions and<br />

revelations of the Lord. I know a man in<br />

Christ who fourteen years ago—whether<br />

in the body I do not know, or out of the<br />

body I do not know, God knows—such a<br />

man was caught up to the third heaven.<br />

And I know how such a man—whether in<br />

the body or apart from the body I do not<br />

know, God knows— was caught up into<br />

Paradise and heard inexpressible words,<br />

which a man is not permitted to speak. On<br />

behalf of such a man I will boast; but on<br />

my own behalf I will not boast, except in<br />

regard to my weaknesses. For if I do wish<br />

to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be<br />

speaking the truth; but I refrain from this,<br />

so that no one will credit me with more<br />

than he sees in me or hears from me. Because<br />

of the surpassing greatness of the<br />

revelations, for this reason, to keep me<br />

from exalting myself, there was given me<br />

a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan<br />

to torment me—to keep me from exalting<br />

myself!” (2 Co. 12:1-7)<br />

Paul was obviously talking about himself,<br />

probably when “they stoned Paul and dragged<br />

him outside of the city, supposing him to be<br />

dead ” (Acts 14:19). It was a form of rapture;<br />

he was somehow caught up into heaven. And<br />

it also happened to Zechariah, Elijah, Ezekiel<br />

and Enoch. Every one of those passages says<br />

something about what is going to happen when<br />

“the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who<br />

are alive and remain shall be caught up (in Latin,<br />

“rapturo,” hence the word “raptured” in the<br />

AV) together with them in the clouds to meet<br />

the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be<br />

with the Lord.” (1 Th. 4:16-17)<br />

When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain<br />

(Mt. 17), suddenly there appeared Elijah who<br />

never died, and Moses who died but his grave<br />

could not be found. But they all had this same<br />

glorious splendor, this white radiance. Whether<br />

believers die or not, they shall all appear the<br />

same. What is going to happen to them when<br />

they die That is the big question which Revelation<br />

explains. Somehow, perhaps after “sleeping”<br />

for centuries, believers will all be caught<br />

up to be with the Lord forever. People like Paul<br />

and John had a glimpse of these things ahead<br />

of time—“things inexpressible.” (2 Co. 12:4)<br />

The Faithful Witness with a New Body<br />

Next comes the concept of the faithful witness.<br />

…and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness,<br />

the firstborn of the dead, and the<br />

ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who<br />

loves us and released us from our sins by<br />

His blood— (Rev. 1:5)<br />

Jesus is described as “the faithful witness.” But<br />

in the Psalms...<br />

“His (David’s) descendants will endure<br />

forever. And his throne as the sun before<br />

Me. It shall be established forever like the<br />

moon, And the witness in the sky is faithful.<br />

But You have cast off and rejected,<br />

You have been full of wrath against Your<br />

anointed (your Messiah).” (Ps. 89:36-38)<br />

Hence in Revelation is described the faith-<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

ful witness Jesus who was rejected but is alive<br />

forevermore. Looking at the heavenly court in<br />

Revelation it can be seen how God uses heavenly<br />

or spiritual things to describe physical things.<br />

His feet were like burnished bronze, when<br />

it has been made to glow in a furnace, and<br />

His voice was like the sound of many waters.<br />

(Rev. 1:15)<br />

Note that bronze has to do with judgment.<br />

Therefore from now on we recognize no<br />

one according to the flesh; even though<br />

we have known Christ according to the<br />

flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no<br />

longer. (2 Co. 5:16)<br />

Paul is saying what John said. They knew<br />

Him in His glorified form. John knew Jesus intimately,<br />

better than any other disciple; he rested<br />

his head on Him at the Last Supper. Yet when<br />

John saw Jesus in His glorified form it was like<br />

the difference between a caterpillar and a butterfly.<br />

After a life climaxing in death in the cocoon,<br />

which represents the grave, the caterpillar<br />

undergoes a change which brings forth this<br />

beautiful new creation. Believers are destined<br />

to follow Him. One day all believers will be<br />

beautiful like the butterfly risen from the larva.<br />

When they get to heaven and look in the mirror<br />

they are not going to recognize themselves!<br />

Salvation, Saved and Born Again<br />

Notice that there are three aspects of salvation:<br />

I have been saved,<br />

I am being saved, and<br />

I am going to be saved.<br />

Similarly,<br />

I have been born again,<br />

I am being born again, and<br />

I am going to be born again.<br />

The past aspect of salvation is called “justification.”<br />

Everyone has sinned by stealing, lying,<br />

etc. but they have been justified—they have<br />

been saved—because Jesus paid the price for<br />

their sins, and they have repented and thanked<br />

Him and stopped doing those things.<br />

But at present, believers are still being<br />

saved and are still being sanctified—continuously,<br />

every day.<br />

And He was saying to them all, “If anyone<br />

wishes to come after Me, he must deny<br />

himself, and take up his cross daily and<br />

follow Me. (Lk. 9:23)<br />

“I have been crucified with Christ; and it<br />

is no longer I who live, but Christ lives<br />

in me; and the life which I now live in<br />

the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God<br />

(by the faith of the Son of God - AV), who<br />

loved me, and gave Himself up for me.”<br />

(Gal. 2:20)<br />

Every day in the life they now live they are<br />

still being saved. The present aspect of salvation<br />

is “sanctification.”<br />

And in the future they are going to be saved.<br />

“But the one who endures to the end, he<br />

will be saved.” (Mt. 24:13)<br />

That is redemption. It will be at the end of<br />

the age, still to come in the future.<br />

“But when these things begin to take<br />

place, straighten up and lift up your<br />

heads, because your redemption is drawing<br />

near.” (Lk. 21:28)<br />

Revisit the connection between Genesis,<br />

John and Revelation discussed previously, and<br />

the repeated appearance of both the garden and<br />

the “Tree of Life.” This is why the Tree of Life<br />

appears in the letter to <strong>Ephesus</strong>.<br />

“To him who overcomes, I will grant to<br />

eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise<br />

of God.” (Rev. 2:7b)<br />

What was lost in the Garden will be given<br />

back. There is a three-way parallelism occurring<br />

here:<br />

1. Creation – that was Genesis;<br />

2. New Creation – that is the Gospel, new<br />

life in Christ now;<br />

3. Re-creation – what will take place according<br />

to Revelation.<br />

The three go together. That is why the same<br />

figures, the same symbols, the same language is<br />

repeatedly employed throughout Scripture. For<br />

example, what is seen in Revelation 6:9 The<br />

martyrs crying out from under the altar, slain<br />

because of the Word of God and the testimony<br />

they had maintained. And what is under the altar<br />

It is where the blood runs down into the<br />

ground. What is portrayed in Genesis Able’s<br />

blood cries out from the ground. And in John<br />

The blood of Jesus gushes out onto the ground.<br />

Or again, God separated the light from the<br />

darkness in creation as recorded in Genesis. God<br />

came to separate the light from the darkness in<br />

the new creation. In John’s gospel Jesus came<br />

as the Light of the world, but men preferred<br />

darkness because their deeds were evil (Jn.<br />

3:19). Unrepentant sinners still prefer darkness,<br />

and much sin still goes on under cover of darkness.<br />

But God can see in the dark. He knows everything.<br />

And all repented sins are blotted out.<br />

Believers must learn to walk in the light always.<br />

And finally, in the re-creation in Revelation,<br />

the Lamb is the lamp, and the glory of the<br />

Lord is the light. (Rev. 21:23)<br />

What Jesus Said to the Ephesians<br />

There are three particular things in this letter<br />

to <strong>Ephesus</strong> which require special attention:<br />

First, false apostles;<br />

Second, the loss of their first love;<br />

Third, the practices of the Nicolaitans.<br />

Jesus was described to each church with<br />

some aspect of the vision of the deified Jesus<br />

given to John in Chapter 1. To <strong>Ephesus</strong>, the<br />

church whose name meant “not lasting,” He<br />

was described as “the One who walks among<br />

the seven golden lampstands,” and Revelation<br />

1:20 specifies these are the seven churches.<br />

So Jesus is in some way walking among all<br />

of these churches. This is important because<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong> was a church that had lost its first love.<br />

They had subscribed to the Greek mentality that<br />

heaven is above and earth is below and separated<br />

from heaven, so man is separated from Jesus.<br />

<strong>Ephesus</strong> needed to be reminded that He continually<br />

walks among the lampstands, among the<br />

churches. He is continually with believers even<br />

though He cannot be seen.<br />

It is noteworthy that Jesus always began<br />

with praise. (Paul did this in his letters, and everyone<br />

could do well to follow the example.)<br />

“‘I know your deeds and your toil and<br />

perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate<br />

evil men, and you put to the test those<br />

who call themselves apostles, and they are<br />

not, and you found them to be false; and<br />

you have perseverance and have endured<br />

for My name’s sake, and have not grown<br />

weary.’” (Rev. 2:2-3)<br />

Jesus points out their faithfulness and the<br />

fact that they could not tolerate false apostles.<br />

Notice how He commends them for having put<br />

such to the test.<br />

For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy;<br />

for I betrothed you to one husband,<br />

so that to Christ I might present you as a<br />

pure virgin…<br />

A true apostle is going to have as his central<br />

goal the presentation to the bridegroom of a<br />

pure, spotless, virgin bride.<br />

… But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived<br />

Eve by his craftiness, your minds<br />

will be led astray from the simplicity and<br />

purity of devotion to Christ…<br />

Note that in Revelation there is the serpent<br />

and the dragon—Satan’s two forms. The dragon<br />

persecutes the church, the serpent seduces it.<br />

Paul is warning about being seduced.<br />

… For if one comes and preaches another<br />

Jesus whom we have not preached, or<br />

you receive a different spirit which you<br />

have not received, or a different gospel<br />

which you have not accepted, you bear<br />

this beautifully. For I consider myself not<br />

in the least inferior to the most eminent<br />

apostles. But even if I am unskilled in<br />

speech, yet I am not so in knowledge; in<br />

fact, in every way we have made this evident<br />

to you in all things. (2 Co. 11:2-6)<br />

Look what Paul said: “If one comes and<br />

preaches a different gospel...” But what is a<br />

“different” gospel Notice that it will be largely<br />

correct. It will even appear correct at first<br />

glance. If it did not, it would not deceive. But it<br />

will always distort the one essential truth upon<br />

which all other Christian truth is based:<br />

Christ crucified,<br />

Christ resurrected,<br />

Christ coming again.<br />

Christ died, Christ rose, Christ is coming<br />

again. This is the essential truth. All other truth<br />

has to be based on that truth. Jesus is the truth.<br />

We have:<br />

The truth of the cross,<br />

The truth of the empty tomb, and<br />

The truth of the Mount of Olives where He<br />

will return.<br />

All other truth has to be built on that threefold<br />

truth. If somebody takes any other truth,<br />

even though it may be a truth and makes it central,<br />

then it distorts this threefold central truth of<br />

Christ and Him crucified, Christ and Him resurrected,<br />

Christ and Him returning. It not only<br />

distorts, it obscures, and that which is obscured<br />

is put out of the picture.<br />

Those propounding the false Faith-Prosperity<br />

gospel got hold of a truth. But that truth<br />

is only valid if you look at it in the light of the<br />

main truth: the crucifixion, resurrection and<br />

promised return of Jesus. These people do not<br />

emphasize the crucified life; they do not lay<br />

it down. Instead they take millions for themselves!<br />

So the central truth is replaced by another<br />

truth and that alternative truth becomes<br />

distorted into a lie.<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

There are those who have taken hold of<br />

God’s End-Times purpose for Israel and the<br />

Jews, which is indeed a truth, but have made<br />

Israel, and not Jesus, the central truth. And so<br />

what happens The message of the cross gets<br />

obscured. There are organizations whose ministry<br />

has prioritized the task of carrying the Jews<br />

back to Israel, loving them and blessing them<br />

as best they can, but they have promised not<br />

to proselytize. Can you imagine Peter, John or<br />

Paul making such a promise<br />

False Apostles<br />

But what I am doing I will continue to<br />

do, so that I may cut off opportunity from<br />

those who desire an opportunity to be regarded<br />

just as we are in the matter about<br />

which they are boasting…<br />

In other words, people who want to be considered<br />

apostles. Jesus tells those with ears to<br />

hear at <strong>Ephesus</strong>, “I know … you put to the test<br />

those who call themselves apostles, and they are<br />

not, and you found them to be false.” (Rev. 2:2)<br />

Paul continues…<br />

… For such men are false apostles, deceitful<br />

workers, disguising themselves as<br />

apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even<br />

Satan disguises himself as an angel of<br />

light. Therefore it is not surprising if his<br />

servants also disguise themselves as servants<br />

of righteousness, whose end will be<br />

according to their deeds. (2 Co. 11:12-15)<br />

And what is the context in which Paul is<br />

speaking “Another gospel.” They take their<br />

eyes off Jesus, off the cross, off the central message,<br />

and it begins to go wrong. Every false<br />

apostle makes that mistake in some way. They<br />

take their eyes off the essential truth of Christ<br />

and Him crucified, resurrected and coming<br />

again, and begin to emphasize some other truth,<br />

making it central. It always happens that way.<br />

True Apostles<br />

There are at least four kinds of apostles in<br />

the New Testament. First and foremost there is<br />

Jesus himself.<br />

“Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of<br />

a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the<br />

Apostle and High Priest of our confession;”<br />

(Heb. 3:1)<br />

Jesus is called the High Priest in Hebrews<br />

and He is identified as, and appears as, the<br />

High Priest in Revelation 1. But in the Greek<br />

in Hebrews 3:1 it is the definite article—Jesus<br />

is “the” Apostle. All other apostles must derive<br />

their apostolic authority from Jesus, “the Apostle<br />

and High Priest.”<br />

But there are three other types of apostles.<br />

First there were the original twelve. He appointed<br />

(ordained) twelve, designating them apostles.<br />

And when day came, He called His disciples<br />

to Him and chose twelve of them, whom<br />

He also named as apostles: (Lk. 6:13)<br />

Then there was Paul. He was not one of the<br />

original twelve, and some people teach that the<br />

apostles acted presumptuously in selecting Matthias<br />

instead of waiting for Paul, but that would<br />

be a mistake. Carefully examine Acts 1:21.<br />

When Judas committed suicide they looked for<br />

someone to replace him from among the men<br />

who had been with them the whole time that the<br />

Lord Jesus went in and out among them since<br />

the baptism of John. The other apostles were<br />

disciples of John the Baptist and were probably<br />

baptized by him before they were disciples of<br />

Jesus. Paul was not.<br />

So there was Jesus “the” Apostle, the<br />

twelve, the almost unique case of Paul, and finally<br />

there were men such as Apollos and Barnabas.<br />

Barnabas was called an apostle in Acts<br />

14:14. The word “apostle” simply means “away<br />

from post” or “one who is sent.” The only kind<br />

of apostle that can exist today are church-planting<br />

missionaries sent out by their home church.<br />

Where can the biblical model for churchplanting<br />

missionaries be seen Acts 13, Paul<br />

knew he was an apostle. God told him through<br />

Ananias in Damascus, “he is a chosen instrument<br />

of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles”<br />

(Acts 9:15). He was called to be an apostle<br />

to the Gentiles. But notice what happened. He<br />

did not embark on that ministry until seventeen<br />

years later when it was confirmed to the church<br />

by the Holy Spirit. Then, and not until then, the<br />

church sent him.<br />

A lot of people today who are claiming to<br />

be apostles (“God said to me” types) should<br />

learn from Acts 13. Paul did not go out as an<br />

apostle until it was confirmed to the church and<br />

he was confirmed by the church, and sent together<br />

with Barnabas. Did God send out only<br />

Paul No, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for<br />

Me Barnabas and Saul.” The basic New Testament<br />

model is for plurality of leaders. Even as<br />

a church-planting missionary, Paul was yoked<br />

and in submission.<br />

Some of the people claiming to be apostles<br />

today are autocrats on an ego trip. They may<br />

have started out right, but pride has overtaken<br />

them. Too many churches are known as so-andso’s<br />

church. That is not biblical. They are not<br />

subordinate to anybody. Paul was always reporting<br />

back to Antioch. On issues of doctrine,<br />

in Acts 15, he submitted to the joint authority of<br />

the elders and the other apostles. And he always<br />

had Barnabas or Luke with him. That is the way<br />

it was. There are many church-planting ministries<br />

and ministers, but if they are legitimate,<br />

they will be scriptural.<br />

So whenever people are encountered who<br />

call themselves “apostles,” the biblical requirement<br />

is to test them to see if they are true apostles.<br />

Jesus commended the church at <strong>Ephesus</strong><br />

because they tested such people.<br />

Forsaken Your First Love<br />

The second thing Jesus said to <strong>Ephesus</strong><br />

was that they had lost their first love. That happens.<br />

When first “saved” the people around new<br />

believers think they are crazy. There is the case<br />

where a believer had been busted for drugs,<br />

burned his draft card, and was thrown out of<br />

private school, which was alright with his Dad.<br />

But when he gave his life to Jesus, his father<br />

pulled a gun on him!<br />

When first saved, some new believers<br />

might think they are the next Paul. They may be<br />

clumsy, but they have a zeal. The church should<br />

be run on the wisdom of the old sheep but on<br />

the zeal of the newly born-again lambs!<br />

Feature Article – Continued<br />

Sadly, the lukewarm church so often takes a<br />

zealous, newly born again Christian and makes<br />

him a lukewarm one! They lose their first love.<br />

Yet people who still have that enthusiastic first<br />

love intimidate and convict others by the power,<br />

sheer joy and passion of the Holy Spirit that<br />

is in them.<br />

The first-century apostolic church is often<br />

regarded as the ideal church, and in some ways<br />

it is. But believers then had their problems, too!<br />

Yet they were not so very different to problems<br />

facing the church today. Hyper-charismatic XE<br />

“Charismatic” extremists in Corinth, people<br />

with crazy ideas about the Last Days in Thessalonica,<br />

legalistic Christians in Galatia who<br />

wanted to add rules to the Gospel—it is what<br />

happened then and it still happens now. There<br />

is nothing new under the sun. But how did their<br />

problems commence The way every problem<br />

commences. What happens in marriage The<br />

loss of one’s first love.<br />

When my wife gets on my nerves, I just<br />

think back to walking along the shore of the<br />

Dead Sea holding hands with this Israeli girl<br />

from whom I could not take my eyes off—this<br />

girl I led to a confession of faith in Christ on the<br />

streets of Jerusalem. I remember walking with<br />

her by the Sea of Galilee explaining to her the<br />

basic truths of the Bible. That is the person I fell<br />

in love with, and that is the person who, in my<br />

heart of hearts, I am still in love with. If you are<br />

married, think back to that time and, husbands,<br />

just love her. There is a natural tendency to forget<br />

one’s first love. But everyone is supposed to<br />

remember that first love for Jesus. He told the<br />

Ephesians to remember it.<br />

When genuine revival comes to a church everybody<br />

is full of life and awe at the holiness of<br />

God. But over time that first love is lost and eventually<br />

what happens There are two things that<br />

happen when people begin to lose this first love:<br />

1. The quality and quantity of their prayer<br />

life begins to decrease.<br />

2. They lose their evangelistic zeal.<br />

They do not have the same desire to tell everybody<br />

what Jesus did for them. They get into<br />

the excuse, “I am not an evangelist.” Not everyone<br />

is an evangelist, but everyone is a witness.<br />

Jesus declared, “You shall be my witnesses”<br />

(Acts 1:8). There is nobody who cannot give<br />

out tracts, knock on doors, talk to people oneon-one<br />

and establish relationships. This is not<br />

to say that everyone should all give out tracts<br />

or knock on doors, but Jesus has a ministry as<br />

a witness for every believer. Ask Jesus to show<br />

you what to do. There is no Christian who is not<br />

called to be Christ’s witness.<br />

Hate the Practices of the Nicolaitans<br />

‘Yet this you do have, that you hate the<br />

deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also<br />

hate. (Rev. 2:6)<br />

Finally, Jesus actually commended the<br />

Ephesian church because they hated the practices<br />

of the Nicolaitans which He Himself hates.<br />

The Bible usually interprets itself, and the<br />

words “nico” and “laity” together mean “suppression<br />

of the people” or “rulers of the laity.”<br />

This implies a clergy class like the Levitical<br />

priests who ruled or lorded it over their brothers.<br />

Before Satan succeeded in introducing pa-<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

gan practices into the church he tried to Judaize it. What happened in Galatia They were trying to circumcise the Greek converts. They taught the<br />

Gospel of Jesus and then added, “But you must be circumcised as well.” Similarly today there are Seventh-day Adventists who believe that you must<br />

not work on Saturday. They add part of the Law.<br />

So instead of a priesthood of all believers, the Nicolaitans introduced a separate priesthood, a ruling class. It came in part from a Gnostic influence,<br />

from the idea that there is some special, secret knowledge or power given only to certain specially-ordained people. Yes there are leaders; yes there<br />

are elders, apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers; yes there are pastors, guardians of our souls, and thank God there are. But a special “priesthood”<br />

Rulers over the laity And should such people be tolerated For anyone not under such people is there really no salvation for them as they would have<br />

them believe<br />

Once people claim some kind of apostolic authority and ability to control others lives, test them. Do they fit the pattern of biblical apostolic authority<br />

Are they yoked and under authority themselves the way that Paul and Barnabas were Are they reporting back to Antioch or meeting the other<br />

apostles and elders in Jerusalem to check out their Gospel Or are they Nicolaitans Jesus hate their deeds; He says so directly.<br />

Whenever there arises a Nicolaitan priesthood or priestcraft, people are ultimately excluded or hurt spiritually and psychologically. Ireland has a<br />

priest in every village, yet Ireland has the highest rates of alcoholism and schizophrenia in the world. But this is also seen in new churches. What they<br />

call “apostolic authority”—whether from a pope or from a local heavy-handed pastor—could also be the mark of a Nicolaitan.<br />

Conclusion<br />

It should be each believer’s utmost desire and prayer, beginning with miserable excuses of Christians like themselves, that the church today would<br />

return to its first love. When Jesus is continuously loved the way He was loved the day He was first recognized and believed upon, nothing can go wrong.<br />

And He is going to take care of those who do love Him.<br />

1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 13 th 14 th 15 th 16 th 17 th 18 th 19 th 20 th<br />

Apostolic Church<br />

Pre-Nicean Church<br />

Rise of the Institutional Church<br />

The Dark Ages<br />

The Reformation<br />

Great Awakening<br />

Apostate Church<br />

On the lighter side . . . .<br />

– 4 Worms Sermon –<br />

Four worms and a lesson learned!<br />

A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon.<br />

Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a container of<br />

alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was<br />

put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good<br />

clean soil. At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:<br />

• The first worm in alcohol – Dead!<br />

• The second worm in cigarette smoke – Dead!<br />

• The third worm in chocolate syrup – Dead!<br />

• The fourth worm in good clean soil – Alive!<br />

So the Minister asked the congregation, “What did you learn from this demonstration”<br />

Maxine who was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said, “As long as you drink,<br />

smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have any worms!”<br />

And.....That pretty much ended the service.<br />

– Author unknown –<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Danny Isom<br />

Guest Author<br />

J u s t C a l l M e “ B a r u c h “<br />

Baruch 3:14<br />

Learn where is wisdom,<br />

where is strength,<br />

where is understanding;<br />

that thou mayest know also where is<br />

length of days, and life,<br />

where is the light of the eyes,<br />

and peace.<br />

This is the message which Jeremiah the<br />

prophet spoke to Baruch the son of Neriah, when<br />

he had written down these words in a book at Jeremiah’s<br />

dictation… — Jeremiah 45:1a (NASB)<br />

At this very moment, even among<br />

the most loyal and long-time participants<br />

in <strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>, I am<br />

the most envied. Sitting on my little ol’ hard<br />

drive is the first full draft of Jacob’s book on the<br />

Antichrist. It has been more than two years in<br />

the making and I am sure we will see full distribution<br />

in early 2011, but I do not think I am exaggerating<br />

that this book is (a) completely different<br />

than all the other books Jacob has written<br />

to date, and (b) nothing like anything I have ever<br />

come across either on the specific topic of the<br />

Antichrist or End Times eschatology in general.<br />

The reason it is hiding out on my hard drive<br />

is I have become what I most often describe as<br />

“Jacob’s stenographer” Jacob’s a gifted speaker<br />

and anointed teacher of Scripture; he is, however,<br />

“technology challenged” to put it as politely<br />

as possible. So we have devised an arrangement<br />

to effectively overcome his handicap: Jacob<br />

dictates, I type. My current favorite biblical figure<br />

is obviously Baruch.<br />

Now before we get TOO excited about the<br />

NEXT book, I want to mention his LATEST<br />

release, The Dilemma of Laodicea. I transcribed<br />

Jacob’s 8-part conference The Seven Churches<br />

of Revelation (which can be purchased as a set<br />

of MP3’s from the <strong>Moriel</strong> website) and then Jacob<br />

“filled in the gaps”, dictating as fast as my<br />

fat little fingers could type. As someone who is<br />

closer and more personally intimate with these<br />

books and their content than anyone other than<br />

Jacob right now, I want to make something clear<br />

that every person interested in Jacob’s teaching<br />

should know: You need BOTH of these books.<br />

Before you jump to conclusions, like Baruch<br />

I am not getting any kind of royalties or<br />

kick-backs or sales commission. I am trying<br />

to convey, in the strongest possible terms, that<br />

these books are companions to each other. (I<br />

have been advocating that <strong>Moriel</strong> do some kind<br />

of packaging of the two together when the Antichrist<br />

book comes out.) One of the oft-repeated<br />

pearls of wisdom Jacob offers in both books<br />

is that if you cannot learn from the past, you<br />

will not have a clue for the present. Yes, there<br />

is the final Antichrist to come, but the many antichrists,<br />

and particularly the spirit of the antichrist,<br />

have been actively engaged throughout<br />

the whole of Church history. What they have<br />

done in the past provides a picture of what they<br />

will do again in the Last Days.<br />

Jacob shows us that each of the seven<br />

churches represent at least four things:<br />

• They are seven literal churches which existed<br />

at the time of John’s writing Revelation.<br />

• They are seven types of churches which<br />

have existed during every age of the Church.<br />

• They are seven types of churches which will<br />

exist in the Last Days.<br />

• They are seven broadly, over-lapping periods<br />

of Church history beginning with the 1 st<br />

Century Church to this present hour.<br />

This chart provides a visual representation<br />

of the seven churches as broadly, over-lapping<br />

periods of Church history:<br />

But this graphic shows how each one mirrors<br />

an exact period of Church history leading<br />

up to this present day:<br />

If there is a better example of “Those failing<br />

to learn from history are doomed to repeat<br />

it,” I have no clue what it might be.<br />

Here is why the book is titled, The Dilemma<br />

of Laodicea. Aside from the obvious connection<br />

that we are living in the last age characterized<br />

by an apostate church in the character<br />

and behavior of Laodicea, consider the actual<br />

pattern of the End Times. Jesus describes it as<br />

“birth pangs”. (Mt. 24:8) Consider how the literal<br />

teaches about the spiritual.<br />

Literal birth pangs at first come very far<br />

apart and milder in effect. Then they begin to<br />

come with greater frequency and with multiplied<br />

strength. As the moment of birth draw<br />

ever nearer, the pangs increase into a final wave<br />

with the worst pain imaginable. The final ones<br />

make the first ones to appear as nothing in comparison.<br />

This is the precise model for the End<br />

Times. The pangs have been relatively spread<br />

out over the seven ages of the Church, increasing<br />

along the way, but with the most power and<br />

repetition in the final age of Laodicea leading<br />

up to the birth of God’s final judgment known<br />

as “Jacob’s Trouble,” that final 3-1/2 year period<br />

of the Great Tribulation.<br />

But what Jacob effectively teaches in The<br />

Dilemma of Laodicea is that something is going<br />

to happen in the last age of the Church that<br />

never happened before. Whereas each age is<br />

characterized by different approaches by Satan<br />

to both deceive and persecute God’s people, the<br />

final age will experience them ALL! The intensity<br />

of eschatological “birth pangs” is such<br />

that every deception, every persecution, every<br />

effort by Satan which characterize each age<br />

of the Church throughout history will ALL be<br />

multiplied and focused in these final birth pangs<br />

leading up to “delivery”. In reality, nothing new<br />

happens in the final age of the Church, just a<br />

repetition of EVERYTHING that has ever happened<br />

before with a strength and intensity unlike<br />

anything ever experienced.<br />

This is why I say that this book is a vital<br />

companion to the upcoming book on the Antichrist<br />

titled, Shadows of the Beast. In that book<br />

Jacob focuses on how the faithful Church will<br />

be able to identify the ultimate Antichrist; in<br />

The Dilemma of Laodicea Jacob has captured<br />

how to recognize the Antichrist by what he does.<br />

I would also suggest that The Dilemma of<br />

Laodicea is the ultimate tool of spiritual discernment.<br />

I have come to realize that this book provides<br />

the basic framework for a biblical understanding<br />

of what is a move of God, a counterfeit<br />

of Satan, or something rooted in the flesh. It will<br />

become readily apparent by scriptural standards<br />

whether any particular organization, movement,<br />

or ministry is truly operating according<br />

to the Holy Spirit or not. For that alone it is<br />

worth making a permanent part of your library.<br />

Finally, I would strongly suggest that those<br />

of us who are able should purchase and distribute<br />

copies of these books as much as possible.<br />

The so-called mainstream “Christian” publishing<br />

houses do not even screen such manuscripts<br />

much less publish them, so the hope for the use<br />

of their distribution power is probably not realistic.<br />

It is going to be up to us to see that they get<br />

where they need to go. You would think with all<br />

the interest in and sky-rocketing sales of Christian<br />

fiction in this area that such an offering<br />

might have a ready-made market that a for-profit<br />

business such as a publishing house would be<br />

eager to exploit. But those are not the times we<br />

are living in. It will take those who hold dear the<br />

Truth of God’s Word to see non-fiction books<br />

dedicated to speaking the plain truth placed in<br />

the hands of those who most need to read them.<br />

In His Love,<br />

Danny Isom, Servant@WalkWithTheWord.org<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Special Interest<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />


J O N A H<br />

By Jacob Prasch<br />

J O N A H<br />

Before we look at the Book of Jonah let us<br />

briefly look to the Acts 2:24 and 27.<br />

“And God raised Him up again, putting<br />

an end to the agony of death, since it<br />

was impossible for Him to be held in its<br />

power.”<br />

In verse 27 we have a quote from the book<br />

of Isaiah and the Psalms,<br />

Because thou wilt not abandon my soul to<br />

Hades, nor allow Thy holy one to undergo<br />

decay.<br />

It was impossible for death to hold Jesus<br />

in its power: it was a theological, spiritual and<br />

logical impossibility.<br />

We are told in the book of Hebrews that<br />

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son<br />

– as a type of Christ – because even then he<br />

knew that God could raise his son up from the<br />

dead to fulfill his purpose. (Heb. 11:17) It is an<br />

example of how God puts somebody in a “death<br />

situation” with the assurance that his resurrection<br />

power is going to be found in it. With these<br />

things in view let us examine the Book of the<br />

prophet Jonah.<br />

The word of the LORD came to Jonah<br />

the son of Amittai saying, “Arise, go to<br />

Nineveh the great city and cry against it,<br />

for their wickedness has come up before<br />

Me.” But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish<br />

from the presence of the LORD. So he<br />

went down to Joppa, found a ship which<br />

was going to Tarshish, paid the fare and<br />

went down into it to go with them to Tarshish<br />

from the presence of the LORD.<br />

The LORD hurled a great wind on the sea<br />

and there was a great storm on the sea<br />

so that the ship was about to break up.<br />

Then the sailors became afraid and every<br />

man cried to his god, and they threw<br />

the cargo which was in the ship into the<br />

sea to lighten it for them. But Jonah had<br />

gone below into the hold of the ship, lain<br />

down and fallen sound asleep. So the captain<br />

approached him and said, “How is<br />

it that you are sleeping Get up, call on<br />

your god. Perhaps your god will be concerned<br />

about us so that we will not perish.”<br />

Each man said to his mate, “Come,<br />

let us cast lots so we may learn on whose<br />

account this calamity has struck us.” So<br />

they cast lots and the lot fell on Jonah.<br />

(Now in Proverbs 16.33 it says, “the lot is<br />

cast into the lap, but its every decision is from<br />

the LORD.”)<br />

Then they said to him, “Tell us, now! On<br />

whose account has this calamity struck<br />

us What is your occupation And where<br />

do you come from What is your country<br />

From what people are you” He said to<br />

them, “I am a Hebrew, and I fear the Lord<br />

GOD of heaven who made the sea and the<br />

dry land.”<br />

Then the men became extremely frightened<br />

and they said to him, “How could you do<br />

this” For the men knew that he was fleeing<br />

from the presence of the LORD, because<br />

he had told them. So they said to<br />

him, “What should we do to you that the<br />

sea may become calm for us”—for the<br />

sea was becoming increasingly stormy.<br />

He said to them, “Pick me up and throw<br />

me into the sea. Then the sea will become<br />

calm for you, for I know that on account of<br />

me this great storm has come upon you.”<br />

However, the men rowed desperately to<br />

return to land but they could not, for the<br />

sea was becoming even stormier against<br />

them. Then they called on the LORD and<br />

said, “We earnestly pray, O LORD, do<br />

not let us perish on account of this man’s<br />

life and do not put innocent blood on us;<br />

for You, O LORD, have done as You have<br />

pleased.”<br />

So they picked up Jonah, threw him into<br />

the sea, and the sea stopped its raging.<br />

Then the men feared the LORD greatly,<br />

and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord<br />

and made vows. And the Lord appointed<br />

a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah<br />

was in the stomach of the fish three days<br />

and three nights.<br />

We’re not told it was a whale. The Jews<br />

translate this literally as in modem Hebrew leviathan.<br />

Whales are not usually indigenous to<br />

the Mediterranean, we don’t know what kind<br />

of fish it was, we just assume it was a whale.<br />

(Strictly speaking, of course, a whale is a mammal<br />

not a fish – it has no gills).<br />

Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God<br />

from the stomach of the fish, and he said,<br />

“I called out of my distress to the Lord,<br />

And He answered me. I cried for help<br />

from the depth of Sheol; You heard my<br />

voice. For You had cast me into the deep,<br />

Into the heart of the seas, And the current<br />

engulfed me. All Your breakers and<br />

billows passed over me. So I said, ‘I<br />

have been expelled from Your sight.Nevertheless<br />

I will look again toward Your<br />

holy temple.’ Water encompassed me to<br />

the point of death. The great deep engulfed<br />

me, Weeds were wrapped around<br />

my head. I descended to the roots of the<br />

mountains. The earth with its bars was<br />

around me forever, But You have brought<br />

up my life from the pit, O Lord my God.<br />

While I was fainting away, I remembered<br />

the Lord, And my prayer came to You,<br />

Into Your holy temple. Those who regard<br />

vain idols Forsake their faithfulness, But<br />

I will sacrifice to You With the voice of<br />

thanksgiving. That which I have vowed<br />

I will pay. Salvation is from the Lord.”<br />

Then the Lord commanded the fish, and it<br />

vomited Jonah up onto the dry land.<br />

Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah<br />

the second time, saying, “Arise, go to<br />

Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it<br />

the proclamation which I am going to tell<br />

you.” So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh<br />

according to the word of the Lord. Now<br />

Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a<br />

three days’ walk. Then Jonah began to go<br />

through the city one day’s walk; and he<br />

cried out and said, “Yet forty days and<br />

Nineveh will be overthrown.”<br />

(Now the word here for “overthrown” is<br />

nechpakeh. It is the same word used in Genesis<br />

for the destruction of Sodom, the most terrible<br />

destruction and judgment on a city that the Jews<br />

10 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

had a record of in the Torah. By using that particular<br />

term nechpakeh it would have conjured visions<br />

of what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah.)<br />

Then the people of Nineveh believed in<br />

God; and they called a fast and put on<br />

sackcloth from the greatest to the least of<br />

them. When the word reached the king of<br />

Nineveh, he arose from his throne, laid<br />

aside his robe from him, covered himself<br />

with sackcloth and sat on the ashes. He<br />

issued a proclamation and it said, “In<br />

Nineveh by the decree of the king and his<br />

nobles: Do not let man, beast, herd, or<br />

flock taste a thing. Do not let them eat or<br />

drink water. But both man and beast must<br />

be covered with sackcloth; and let men<br />

call on God earnestly that each may turn<br />

from his wicked way and from the violence<br />

which is in his hands. Who knows, God<br />

may turn and relent and withdraw His<br />

burning anger so that we will not perish.”<br />

When God saw their deeds, that they<br />

turned from their wicked way, then God<br />

relented concerning the calamity which<br />

He had declared He would bring upon<br />

them. And He did not do it.<br />

But it greatly displeased Jonah and he became<br />

angry. He prayed to the LORD and<br />

said, “Please LORD, was not this what<br />

I said while I was still in my own country<br />

Therefore in order to forestall this I<br />

fled to Tarshish, for I knew that You are<br />

a gracious and compassionate God, slow<br />

to anger and abundant in lovingkindness,<br />

and one who relents concerning calamity.<br />

“Therefore now, O LORD, please take my<br />

life from me, for death is better to me than<br />

life.” The LORD said, “Do you have good<br />

reason to be angry”<br />

Then Jonah went out from the city and sat<br />

east of it. There he made a shelter for himself<br />

and sat under it in the shade until he<br />

could see what would happen in the city.<br />

So the LORD God appointed a plant and it<br />

grew up over Jonah to be a shade over his<br />

head to deliver him from his discomfort.<br />

And Jonah was extremely happy about the<br />

plant. But God appointed a worm when<br />

dawn came the next day and it attacked<br />

the plant and it withered. When the sun<br />

came up God appointed a scorching east<br />

wind, and the sun beat down on Jonah’s<br />

head so that he became faint and begged<br />

with all his soul to die, saying, “Death is<br />

better to me than life.”<br />

Then God said to Jonah, “Do you have<br />

good reason to be angry about the plant”<br />

And he said, “I have good reason to be angry,<br />

even to death.” Then the LORD said,<br />

“You had compassion on the plant for<br />

which you did not work and which you did<br />

not cause to grow, which came up overnight<br />

and perished overnight. Should I not<br />

have compassion on Nineveh, the great<br />

city in which there are more than 120,000<br />

persons who do not know the difference<br />

between their right and left hand, as well<br />

as many animals” (Jonah 1:1-4:11)<br />

It is important to understand that this is a very<br />

arid climate; it is not that the air conditioning is not<br />

working – this was a grueling situation to be in.<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />

The idea of not knowing the difference<br />

between their right hand or their left hand in<br />

the Hebrew text is this: there is the term “yad”<br />

– “right hand” is “yemani”, as in, “If I forget<br />

you, 0 Jerusalem, may I forget my right hand.”<br />

Im eshcacak yerushalim tishcah yemani. (Ps.<br />

137:5) (Some versions mistranslate it “my right<br />

hand forget her skill” – that is not what it says<br />

in the Hebrew).<br />

The Right Hand of the Lord in the Bible<br />

“The Lord will bring salvation with his<br />

night hand”. Isaiah has the same “to whom has<br />

the arm (same Hebrew word yad) of the LORD<br />

been revealed” (Is. 53:1) The right hand is a<br />

type of Jesus in the Old Testament. What it is<br />

basically saying is “these pagans do not know<br />

the way of salvation, they do not know the difference<br />

between the right hand and the left hand,<br />

they do not know how to save themselves.” It is<br />

the right hand of the Lord that brings salvation.<br />

That would be the implication from the Hebrew<br />

term – the right hand.<br />

The Book of Jonah was probably written<br />

during the reign of Jeroboam, somewhere between<br />

814 and 783 BC. We also know from<br />

history that there was an Assyrian king who<br />

became a monotheistic king whose name was<br />

Adad-Nirari III, reigning roughly from 810 to<br />

782 BC. (There was actually one Egyptian pharaoh<br />

who became a monotheist and there were a<br />

couple of kings of Babylon who became monotheists<br />

– see the Book of Daniel). It may have<br />

been this king who turned to the true God.<br />

Jews were always called to be lights to the<br />

Gentiles, even in the Old Testament. They did<br />

not do it the same way we do it now, but if salvation<br />

was to come from the Jews, as Jesus said<br />

in John 4, they were still to be His witnesses<br />

to these nations and show them the true God.<br />

Today rabbis complain about “Christians” proselytizing<br />

Jews, forgetting that the Jews themselves,<br />

based on what Moses originally decreed,<br />

were supposed to be out trying to win people to<br />

believe in the true God! The very fact that they<br />

are not doing that shows that they are no longer<br />

practicing a true Judaism.<br />

The Story of Jonah<br />

He was reluctant to go to Nineveh and not<br />

without good reason. These were, to say the least,<br />

not the nicest people in the world. They were<br />

“bad people”, total heathens. More than that, as<br />

a Bible-believing Jew, he would have read the<br />

prophecies of his predecessor the Prophet Amos<br />

and he would have seen what God decreed and<br />

predicted through Amos about Nineveh. So Jonah<br />

would even have had a biblical basis for<br />

not wanting to go there. It was not just that he<br />

knew God would have compassion on them but<br />

that they might kill him. He knew that, on the<br />

face of it, they were destined for judgment as<br />

the Prophet Nahum had predicted (and this happened<br />

at a later point when they turned back to<br />

their pagan ways). He had good reason not to go.<br />

Jonah’s name “Yonah” in Hebrew means<br />

“a dove”. What images would this conjure up<br />

One is in John 2:16. Jesus drove the people out<br />

of the temple who were selling doves. (This<br />

comes from Leviticus 14. A dove was an animal<br />

deemed suitable for sacrifice and as such it was<br />

a type of Christ as all these animals were). In<br />

the Song of Solomon 1:5, he tells the lover that<br />

her eyes are like doves because doves are monogamous<br />

birds and they only have a relationship<br />

with their partners, they do not procreate<br />

with other doves. So too in Genesis 8, first Noah<br />

sends out a bird that the Torah would later decree<br />

to be “unkosha” – a raven, but the second bird<br />

he sends out is a dove. All these images would<br />

have been conjured up in the minds of Jews.<br />

In the New Testament in Matthew 3:18, the<br />

Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus as a dove. All<br />

these images might highlight some aspect of Jonah<br />

and his character but probably the most important<br />

is found in the Davidic Psalm 55:4-6…<br />

My heart is in anguish within me, And the<br />

terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fear<br />

and trembling come upon me, And horror<br />

has overwhelmed me. I said, “Oh, that I<br />

had wings like a dove! I would fly away<br />

and be at rest.<br />

The idea conveyed is wanting to escape<br />

from the calamity that has come upon you, and<br />

Jonah was a man that wanted to escape.<br />

But what about this calamity What does it<br />

mean for us What we have to understand about<br />

Jonah is the first thing we have to understand<br />

about all the Hebrew Prophets: every single<br />

Hebrew Prophet is a type of Jesus, a type of the<br />

Messiah; every one of them foreshadows Him<br />

as to who he would be and what he would do.<br />

There is no Hebrew Prophet whose life does not<br />

foreshadow or typify the Messiah who would<br />

come after them to bring in the Redemption<br />

about which they prophesied.<br />

Jonah as a Type of Jesus<br />

Special Interest<br />

The first place we read about Jonah Scripture<br />

is in 2 Kings 14:25…<br />

He [Jeroboam] restored the border of Israel<br />

from the entrance of Hamath as far<br />

as the Sea of the Arabah, according to<br />

the word of the LORD, the God of Israel,<br />

which He spoke through His servant Jonah<br />

the son of Amittai, the prophet, who<br />

was of Gath-hepher.<br />

Notice that Jonah was sent to his own people<br />

the Jews first. Only after this was he sent to<br />

the Gentiles. In Matthew 15:24 we read…<br />

But Jesus said, “I was sent only to the lost<br />

sheep of the house of Israel. “<br />

Jesus was first sent only to His own people,<br />

then only at a later point was He sent to the non-<br />

Jews. We are told that Jonah was from this particular<br />

area Gath-hepher. Gath-hepher is in walking<br />

distance from Nazareth. There was something<br />

unique about Jonah in this, and it was something<br />

the Sanhedrin itself overlooked in John 7:52…<br />

They answered and said to him, “You are<br />

not also from Galilee are you Search and<br />

see that no prophet arises out of Galilee.”<br />

(or as they say in the same chapter, verse<br />

41) “The Messiah is not going to come<br />

from Galilee, is he”<br />

No prophet comes from Galilee They were<br />

wrong. Jonah came from Galilee! He is the only<br />

one except for Jesus who was from Galilee.<br />

In Jonah 1:4-6 a terrible storm comes. The<br />

word for “wind” in Greek in the New Testa-<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 11

Special Interest – Continued<br />

ment is “pnuema” and in the Hebrew it is, of<br />

course,” ruach”, but in both it is also the word<br />

for “Spirit”. During this storm sent by God, Jonah<br />

sleeps in the boat and the other people are<br />

frantic about this, “How can you be sleeping in<br />

the boat during the storm” Let us briefly examine<br />

Mark 4:37-38…<br />

And there arose a fierce gale of wind, and<br />

the waves were breaking over the boat so<br />

much that the boat was already filling up.<br />

Jesus Himself was in the stern, asleep on<br />

the cushion; and they woke Him and said<br />

to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we<br />

are perishing”<br />

What happens to Jonah prefigures what<br />

will happen to the Lord Jesus. Jonah becomes<br />

a type of Christ.<br />

Let us understand this a bit more. In Jonah<br />

1:12 it says, “Pick me up and throw me into the<br />

sea then the sea will become calm for you.” Jonah,<br />

of his own choice, was willing to lay down<br />

his own life to bring salvation to others, including<br />

Gentiles. It states is John 10:17-18…<br />

For this reason the Father loves me because<br />

I lay down my life that I might take<br />

it again, no one is taking it -from me but<br />

that I lay it down of my own initiative.<br />

Jonah was willing to lay his life down to<br />

bring salvation and deliverance to others so the<br />

Messiah, who Jonah prefigures, was willing to lay<br />

His life down so salvation would come to others.<br />

And in Luke 11:30…<br />

For just as Jonah became a sign to the<br />

Israelites, so shall the son of man be to<br />

this generation.<br />

We know from Kings that Jonah was the<br />

son of Arytittai. He prophesied during the<br />

reigns of Jeroboam, both of them a very bad<br />

man and king. (There were two Jeroboams:<br />

one was as bad as the other.) At the preaching<br />

of Jonah the Gentiles repented when the Jews<br />

would not; at the message of Jesus the Gentiles<br />

accepted what He said at a time most Jews did<br />

not. Not all Jews rejected him – not all Jews<br />

rejected Jonah, but basically it was the Gentiles<br />

not the Jews who repented in the days of Jonah<br />

and it was the Gentiles not the Jews who repented<br />

in the days of Jesus.<br />

Jonah 1:17 tells us that, “The LORD appointed<br />

a great fish”.<br />

The Lord sent the Storm<br />

Jonah prayed in the stomach of the fish…<br />

he said. “I called out of my distress…<br />

and He answered<br />

me”,<br />

etc. (Jon. 2:1)<br />

The Lord appointed the storm, the Lord appointed<br />

the great fish. This was a “death experience”.<br />

Some argue from the Hebrew text that<br />

Jonah may have actually died biologically from<br />

the implications of what “Sheol” could mean.<br />

But certainly the connotation would be there of<br />

a “death place”. It was the Lord who appointed<br />

Jonah to a place of death; the Lord consigned<br />

him to it.<br />

In Acts 2:23 we are told,<br />

‘this man, delivered up by the predetermined<br />

plan and foreknowledge of God.<br />

In Isaiah 53:10 it was the will of the Lord<br />

to smite Him. Jonah was delivered up by the<br />

foreknowledge of God to a place of destruction,<br />

Jesus was delivered up by the foreknowledge of<br />

God to a place of destruction. Jonah “died” in<br />

the sea, as it were, having a death experience.<br />

(Whether he died or not people may debate but<br />

his death experience took place in the sea.)<br />

The Davidic Psalm 69 is Messianic prophecy<br />

in the literary genre of Hebrew poetry. It is<br />

in this Psalm, for instance, we read…<br />

They gave me gall for my food, And for<br />

my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.<br />

(Ps. 69:21)<br />

…a prophesy of what would happen when the<br />

Lord Jesus was on the cross. However, this Psalm<br />

which looks ahead to the death of Jesus begins,<br />

Save me, O God For the waters have<br />

threatened my life. (Ps. 69:1)<br />

Metaphorically then the death of Jesus is<br />

represented in Hebrew prophesy as a drowning<br />

experience.<br />

We often sing that wonderful hymn, “When<br />

peace like a river attended my soul; when sorrows<br />

like sea billows roll”. This was written by<br />

Mr. Stockwood but what many people do not<br />

know and what I did not know until five or six<br />

years ago is that he composed it after his family<br />

drowned where, of all places, a building of the<br />

American Colony Hotel now stands in Jerusalem.<br />

It was after his family died that he actually<br />

wrote it in Jerusalem. The idea of “sea billows<br />

roll” is the drowning experience that happened<br />

to his family, but also in biblical typology particularly<br />

the Psalms. When people are under<br />

this kind of death experience, it is alluded to as<br />

drowning and points to Jesus.<br />

We are told in Jonah 3 that both man and<br />

beast in sack cloth and ashes repented after he<br />

told these people to repent because God would<br />

destroy the city in forty days. And the king goes<br />

on to say in verse 8…<br />

“Who knows, God may turn and relent<br />

and withdraw His burning anger so that<br />

we will not perish.”<br />

I once received a long email from somebody<br />

trying to justify people who predict things<br />

that do not happen. He was trying to justify Rick<br />

Joyner, Gerald Coates and similar personalities<br />

by saying, “Well, was Jonah a false prophet<br />

Look at what Jonah predicted and it didn’t happen.”<br />

That was his argument to justify these false<br />

prophets! However, the text of Jonah makes it<br />

very clear that it was a conditional prophecy<br />

that says “if you do not repent, then this is what<br />

is going to happen.” He never said that it was<br />

going to happen no matter what; it was conditional.<br />

It is an unfit comparison, but they always<br />

have to pervert Scripture out of context.<br />

Nonetheless we see that Jonah gave a direct<br />

message of repentance because the judgment is<br />

coming. In the Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17, Jesus<br />

began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of<br />

heaven is at hand.” Jonah gave a message of repentance<br />

so that judgment could be averted just<br />

as it was with Jesus and his disciples. “Save yourself<br />

from this wicked generation.” (Lk. 11:29)<br />

“So I said, ‘I have been expelled from<br />

Your sight.’” (Jon. 2:4)<br />

The Hebrew says that Jonah was expelled<br />

“from before the presence of God”. God could<br />

not look upon him, would look upon him, that he<br />

was cast away from before God’s eyes. It parallels<br />

what occurred in Matthew 27:46, “Eli Eli Lama<br />

Sabachthani” - “My God, My God, why have<br />

You forsaken me” Jonah was cast away from<br />

the presence of God’s sight and would not look<br />

upon Jonah; so God would not look upon Jesus.<br />

According to Jonah 1: 17 he was three days<br />

and three nights in the stomach of the great<br />

fish and, as Jesus of course tells us in Matthew<br />

17:39-40, that is a picture of the resurrection. As<br />

Jonah was three days in the stomach of the great<br />

fish, so Jesus would be three days in a tomb.<br />

Jonah is, like all of Israel’s Prophets, a type of<br />

Jesus. He teaches about the Messiah who would<br />

come after him as every Hebrew Prophet does.<br />

When we read their lives carefully they each<br />

teach something about the Messiah and Jonah<br />

is no exception.<br />

Jonah is given over to this death experience<br />

but there were things in Jonah’s life that were<br />

blocking him from being conformed to what<br />

God wanted him to be.<br />

He resisted God’s will. He didn’t want to<br />

do what God wanted him to do and, again, not<br />

without good reason: he knew what Amos had<br />

said about this nation and he knew these people<br />

were bad. Who wants to be sent to a place like<br />

that where you might get killed<br />

Secondly, he lacked the compassion of<br />

God. He understood the judgment and anger of<br />

God but he lacked the compassion of God and<br />

he was very good at something which we say in<br />

Yiddish – treching, complaining. Trech, trech,<br />

trech – complain, complain, complain. What<br />

God was asking him to do was very difficult,<br />

to go to a people he did not even like, a people<br />

who were going to hate him because he was not<br />

one of them. In terms of the ancient world he<br />

was from the West and they were from the East.<br />

Just by virtue of the fact that he was a Hebrew,<br />

a believer in the true God – not a Pagan<br />

– and that he was from the West of the known<br />

world and they were from the East, he would<br />

become a target just by going there. His complaint<br />

was not without good reason. The things<br />

he was concerned with were valid points, humanly<br />

speaking. It was difficult for him to understand<br />

how God could have such compassion<br />

on such barbarians.<br />

For me it would be like, I suppose, going to<br />

fundamentalist Muslims who put a bomb on an<br />

airplane at Lockerby, or who want to kill my Israeli<br />

family, or perhaps like a Jew being sent as<br />

an evangelist to the generation of Germans who<br />

carried out the Holocaust. There were good reasons,<br />

humanly speaking, why he could not feel<br />

or experience the compassion of God for these<br />

people. These were bad men.<br />

The Jonah within Us<br />

It says the word of the Lord came twice to<br />

Jonah. Now the word for “word” in Hebrew is<br />

12 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

“davar”, but in Greek its “logos”. It does not<br />

mean a message so much as it means a person.<br />

Jesus is the Logos/Davar in the Old Testament.<br />

In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit was<br />

only for certain people at certain times: high<br />

priests, kings and prophets. But the Holy Spirit<br />

still communicated Jesus to them the way He<br />

does to us. It was only Jesus’ identity that was<br />

not there but it was still Him. When it says “the<br />

word came” it means “the Lord Jesus came”; it<br />

was a Christological encounter with Christ in<br />

Old Testament terms. Again, when Adam heard<br />

God walking in the Garden, that was Jesus.<br />

When Jacob wrestled with the Metatrone (angel<br />

of God), it was Jesus. Jesus was in the Old Testament<br />

the same as in the New. When the word of<br />

the Lord came, it was an encounter with Christ.<br />

When the Lord asks us to do things we do<br />

not want to do, or when there are things in my<br />

character or your character that are blocking<br />

what God wants, the Lord is not going to give<br />

us just a message, he is going to come to us.<br />

Jesus is going to stand in front of us, and we<br />

are going to “see” Him. The message is going<br />

to be obvious once He comes and we will know<br />

what is wrong with us! It is the encounter with<br />

the person, not just the word or the message or<br />

a letter or a telegram, a fax, an Email – it is the<br />

person. When Jesus comes to us we will know<br />

where we stand when we stand in front of Him.<br />

The Name of Jonah<br />

In the Hebrew part of the world today Jews<br />

normally name their children after dead ancestors<br />

but in Scripture they named them after<br />

biblical characters in Israel’s history. In Hebraic<br />

thought “son of” does not simply mean<br />

offspring – biological descent or pedigree – it<br />

means “in the character of”. In Matthew 16:17<br />

Jesus said, “Blessed are you Simon bar Jonah”<br />

which is, of course, Aramaic and not Hebrew.<br />

The Hebrew would be “ben Jonah”. Now why<br />

is Jesus calling him by his surname as well as<br />

his first name True his father’s name was Jonah<br />

but there is more to it than that: it is providential<br />

that Peter’s name was “Bar Jonah”; he is in the<br />

character of Jonah and so are you and so am I.<br />

They go to the place Caesarea Philippi, a<br />

place where the Greeks had worshipped Pan<br />

and a place where the Romans worshipped<br />

Caesar Augustus. In Matthew 16:22 Peter was<br />

very angry and wanted Jesus to deal with and<br />

judge these pagan Gentiles for defiling the<br />

Holy Land just as Jonah wanted the Lord to<br />

judge the Gentiles. Jonah did not want to go<br />

to the Gentiles did he Neither did Peter in<br />

the character of Jonah. In Acts I0, the story<br />

of Cornelius and the “non-kosher” food, Peter<br />

did not want to go to the Gentiles just as<br />

Jonah did not. “You are Bar Jonah” – “Peter,<br />

you are in the character of Jonah, you do not<br />

like these Greeks and Romans; you are in the<br />

character of Jonah who did not like the pagans<br />

either. You are in the character of Jonah who<br />

did not want to go where I wanted him to go.”<br />

“Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were<br />

younger, you used to gird yourself and<br />

walk wherever you wished; but when you<br />

grow old, you will stretch out your hands<br />

and someone else will gird you, and bring<br />

you where you do not wish to go.” (Jn.<br />

21:18)<br />

This Peter in the character of Jonah who<br />

did not want to go.<br />

In Galatians 2:11-12 we see Peter in the<br />

character and attitude of Jonah…<br />

But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed<br />

him to his face, because he stood<br />

condemned. For prior to the coming of<br />

certain men from James, he used to eat<br />

with the Gentiles; but when they came, he<br />

began to withdraw and hold himself aloof,<br />

fearing the party of the circumcision.<br />

Jonah did not want to get involved with<br />

these Gentiles, nor did Peter Bar Jonah want to<br />

get involved with Gentiles!<br />

There are a lot of people I do not want to<br />

get involved with. As a younger believer I went<br />

through terrible, terrible battles of hatred, and I<br />

do mean hatred. I remember I saw the film The<br />

Hiding Place about Corrie ten Boom and what<br />

the Nazis did to these Christians and the believers<br />

in Holland who protected Jews, how they<br />

murdered the old man and raped the women<br />

and so forth – and I was so angry. I began praising<br />

God for creating hell not just for Nazis but<br />

for Germans – I hated Germans. When we take<br />

our tours to Israel and go to Yad Vashem (the<br />

Holocaust memorial) I stay in the bus; I do not<br />

go in there. I remember once I visited the Nazi<br />

death camp at Dachau where the Germans did<br />

the experiments on the Jewish children. I just<br />

think of my own children. I think even of that<br />

little girl hiding in the movie Schindler’s List. I<br />

could just picture my son Eli in that situation. I<br />

battled with hatred towards Germans.<br />

My father was in the American military in<br />

the Second World War. His family was from<br />

Merseyside as was his mother. (She left before<br />

the war and came back after the war.) When my<br />

father came with the American Navy, he saw<br />

what the Germans did to Liverpool, how they<br />

destroyed everything including where his mother<br />

was from. And I had this hatred of German<br />

people. It took me a long time through the Lord<br />

bringing German people into my life – whom I<br />

love and who are believers – to lose this hatred.<br />

There were some people who hated Gypsies:<br />

“these people are crooks, they are connivers”.<br />

But there was someone along the road who<br />

had the compassion of the Lord for the Gypsies<br />

and now they are the fastest growing church in<br />

the United Kingdom, lives radically changed.<br />

To take another example, I have been attacked<br />

by Muslims even in England – physically<br />

attacked by gangs on Speakers’ Corner<br />

for preaching the Gospel – and it is not a racial<br />

thing. But when I read what the Muslims do in<br />

Pakistan to Christians or what they do to Christians<br />

in Saudi Arabia I get angry. I look at the<br />

Amnesty International website and I just get so<br />

angry. One of the great blessings of my life, one<br />

of the great thrills of my life, was when I spoke<br />

about Islam in Auckland, New Zealand and<br />

some Iranians, who had just come to New Zealand<br />

from Iran – Shia Muslims, repented and<br />

accepted Jesus and renounced Mohammed and<br />

the Quran and became believers. I know people<br />

who were anti-Semitic before they got saved:<br />

some crooked Jewish landlord did something to<br />

their Aunt Milly thirty years ago and so they hated<br />

Jews. But after they got saved the Lord gave<br />

Special Interest – Continued<br />

them a love and a burden for the Jews they could<br />

not explain and they could not even understand.<br />

There are things in us, things that are not<br />

irrational, things that have some logical basis,<br />

sometimes even an apparent biblical basis.<br />

There were reasons Jonah did not like these<br />

people. He had read what Amos said about<br />

them, he had read what God was going to do,<br />

so it was not totally irrational. In fact, it was totally<br />

rational. There were good, logical reasons<br />

humanly speaking, but he could not see and understand<br />

the compassion of God.<br />

“Single mothers on Council Estates be<br />

warned: you have five kids from three different<br />

yobbos and we are having to support them.<br />

Why do I have to pay taxes and support my<br />

family To pay for these kids Why don’t these<br />

yobbos that you pick up in the pub support<br />

their own kids Why should I have to” It is<br />

rational but where is the compassion of Jesus<br />

for these single mothers It is not altogether irrational,<br />

but where is the compassion of Jesus<br />

I’ve known yobbos who have become saved, I<br />

have known Muslims who have become saved,<br />

I have known prostitutes who have become<br />

saved, and I have known drug addicts who have<br />

become saved – I used to be one! Where is the<br />

compassion of Jesus<br />

So Jonah gets plunged, God creates a<br />

storm, God appoints a death and there he finds<br />

himself buried in the guts of a fish, underneath<br />

the Mediterranean somewhere between Turkey<br />

and Tel Aviv. This particular experience is one<br />

of the things in Scripture which theologically<br />

teaches about life after death. But it also is one<br />

of the things that reveals something about what<br />

will happen to Jesus when He died on the cross<br />

for our sin, when His Father could not look<br />

upon Him, when His Father’s voice went into<br />

the depths of Sheol and raised Him from the<br />

dead. We are told in Acts 2:24 that death itself<br />

could not contain Jesus Christ, the grave was<br />

not strong enough to contain him, death itself<br />

was not strong enough to control Jesus or to<br />

hold him in.<br />

we are afflicted in every way, but not<br />

crushed; perplexed, but not despairing;<br />

persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down,<br />

but not destroyed; always carrying about<br />

in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the<br />

life of Jesus also may be manifested in<br />

our body. For we who live are constantly<br />

being delivered over to death for Jesus’<br />

sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be<br />

manifested in our mortal flesh. So death<br />

works in us, but life in you. But having the<br />

same spirit of faith, according to what is<br />

written, “I believed, therefore I spoke,”<br />

we also believe, therefore we also speak,<br />

knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus<br />

will raise us also with Jesus and will<br />

present us with you. (2 Cor. 4:8-14)<br />

As it is stated by the Prophet Hosea, the<br />

resurrection of the Lord Jesus is our resurrection<br />

because his death is our death.<br />

He will revive us after two days;<br />

He will raise us up on the third day,<br />

That we may live before Him. (Hos. 6:2)<br />

Jesus’ death is our death; His resurrection<br />

is our resurrection. Could death contain Jesus<br />

No! Can death contain you or I Because of Jesus,<br />

no! There is no shortage of things in my<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 13

Special Interest – Continued<br />

life that block what God is wanting me to be nor<br />

things in my life that are blocking me from really<br />

doing what God is wanting me to do. Sometimes<br />

I feel like I am being put to death when<br />

I complain about my neck, when I complain<br />

about being rejected by so much of the popular<br />

church because I will not go along with what is<br />

going on. Then I get a copy of a newsletter and<br />

read of Christians living in almost sub-human<br />

poverty, imprisoned, and their families unable<br />

to support themselves. My kids have a roof over<br />

their head so what do I have to complain about<br />

Yes, my neck hurts but I have pills. There are<br />

people whose necks hurt and they do not have<br />

the money for a pill.<br />

Why is it that ministries who teach the<br />

truth are always struggling for money but the<br />

ones who are corrupt rake it in Because they<br />

struggle for money too only they are expanding<br />

their corruption! Honest ministries are trying to<br />

expand the truth; they have to struggle and trust<br />

God. Death works in me.<br />

Why, Lord, if I am teaching the truth I was<br />

only upholding the Trinity yet people who were<br />

part of <strong>Moriel</strong> began using my name at one time<br />

to endorse people who denied it. When I took<br />

the stand, they slandered me; they said I was<br />

mentally unbalanced from my automobile accident.<br />

(Maybe I am unbalanced, but not from my<br />

automobile accident.) Who needs this What<br />

those people did was wicked but the real question<br />

is why did God allow it What is God saying<br />

to me in this God will deal with them but<br />

what is He saying to me<br />

When my neck hurts the way it does today,<br />

(I am going to have to take a pill pretty soon)<br />

what is God saying to me What is God saying<br />

to you when you are in the fish’s guts Remember<br />

Jesus said He is like Jonah. It seems like<br />

God himself banishes us from His presence. We<br />

are behaving in a way we think is reasonable<br />

and at least it is not irrational. We had reason on<br />

our side but we are in this bad situation. Sometimes<br />

it is lousy employment, sometimes no<br />

employment, financial hardship, health problems,<br />

problems in the church, problems in the<br />

ministry, problems in the family, problems in<br />

the marriage – problems, problems, problems.<br />

It seems like the Lord has banished us from His<br />

presence. He put us in a tomb, He left us in a<br />

grave. Oh, not the Ninevites, not the Mormons<br />

or the Muslims, not the yobbos or the prostitutes!<br />

He puts us in the grave.<br />

He has banished us from His sight, but<br />

death could not contain Jesus and death cannot<br />

contain you either. I have said a thousand times<br />

the test of a true Christian is not that they do not<br />

have trials. On the contrary, if you do not have<br />

trials you are not a Christian. We have tribulation<br />

in the world. The test of a Christian is not<br />

that we do not go into the fish’s guts, the test of<br />

the trial is what happens when we are inside of it.<br />

There are direct parallels in the Psalms to<br />

what happened to Jonah in that fish’s gut.<br />

The cords of death encompassed me,<br />

And the torrents of ungodliness terrified<br />

me.The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The<br />

snares of death confronted me. In my distress<br />

I called upon the LORD, And cried<br />

to my God for help; He heard my voice<br />

out of His temple, And my cry for help before<br />

Him came into His ears. (Ps. 18:4-6)<br />

We may have been banished from his sight<br />

but not from his ears.<br />

Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your<br />

waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your<br />

waves have rolled over me. (Ps. 42:7)<br />

Just like Jonah.<br />

The cords of death encompassed me And<br />

the terrors of Sheol came upon me; I<br />

found distress and sorrow. Then I called<br />

upon the name of the LORD: “O Lord, I<br />

beseech You, save my life!” Gracious is<br />

the LORD, and righteous; Yes, our God is<br />

compassionate. The LORD preserves the<br />

simple; I was brought low, and He saved<br />

me. Return to your rest, O my soul, For<br />

the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.<br />

For You have rescued my soul from death,<br />

My eyes from tears, My feet from stumbling.<br />

I shall walk before the LORD In the<br />

land of the living. (Ps. 116:3-9)<br />

Even if you die there is a resurrection, there<br />

is a millennial kingdom.<br />

Precious in the sight of the LORD Is the<br />

death of his godly ones. (Ps. 116:15)<br />

Even if we die we see him not in the land<br />

of the dead but in the land of the living. What<br />

does Job say<br />

“As for me, I know that my Redeemer<br />

lives, And at the last He will take His stand<br />

on the earth. “Even after my skin is destroyed,<br />

Yet from my flesh I shall see God;<br />

Whom I myself shall behold, And whom<br />

my eyes will see and not another. My heart<br />

faints within me! (Job 19:25-27)<br />

Even if we die we will see the goodness of<br />

the Lord in the land of the living.<br />

“Out of the depths I have cried to You O<br />

LORD”. (Ps. 130:1)<br />

When we are in the depths we have been<br />

banished from God’s own presence. Our arguments<br />

are rational – at least to our own mind,<br />

and certainly they are logical and even to a degree<br />

biblical. There we are in the stomach of<br />

the fish, the waves have overtaken us and we<br />

are not only drowning but are perhaps drowned.<br />

The bars of Sheol give us no way out and we<br />

cannot even see the Lord; He has banished us<br />

from His presence. But these Psalms don’t tell<br />

us He looks upon us, they say he hears. Then<br />

and only then did the fish regurgitate Jonah out<br />

onto the beach. He must have looked a mess<br />

and smelt even worse, but he was ready for action!<br />

When we go through a mess like this we<br />

might not look so good. †††<br />

Copyright © 2008 by <strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> (www.<strong>Moriel</strong><strong>Ministries</strong>.org).<br />

Permission for personal and/or notfor-profit<br />

use freely granted, commercial use strictly<br />

prohibited. Scripture taken from the NASB.<br />

Quotes of the QUARTER !<br />

For friends near and far, for friends we have<br />

never seen or met, but are co-workers in<br />

Christ.<br />

“Friends always show their love. What<br />

are brothers for if not to share troubles”<br />

– Proverbs 17:17 –<br />

The Dilemma of Laodicea<br />

Description: The Dilemma of<br />

Laodicea is the last of the seven<br />

churches before Jesus returns.<br />

Scripturally and logically the contemporary<br />

church of the 21st century<br />

is conspicuously in the character<br />

of that church at the close of<br />

the 1st century. Immediately after<br />

His message to Laodica shifts<br />

into it apocalyptic panorama of<br />

events global, cosmic, and celestial<br />

which unfold culminating<br />

with the establishment messianic<br />

kingdom following an unprecedented<br />

spectrum of cataclysmic<br />

events. The first problem Laodicea<br />

had and has is its blindness<br />

to its true spiritual state in the<br />

eyes of God at the precipice of an<br />

avalanche of prophetic events that<br />

will constitute the final outcome<br />

of the church of Israel and The<br />

Jews and finally the human race.<br />

It is a church from which Christ<br />

has been excluded; indeed locked<br />

out as he knocks, how many of<br />

this church will let Him in before<br />

it is too late. Laodicea faces a dilemma<br />

as old as it is new, what is<br />

that dilemma The dilemma ventures<br />

beyond both its blindness<br />

and luke warn state addressing<br />

rather the very causes. It is only<br />

those whom Christ corrects who<br />

will be prepared for His coming.<br />

Author Bio: Jacob Prasch is a<br />

Hebrew-speaking evangelist to the<br />

Jews and a Bible teacher elaborating<br />

on the original Judeo-Christian<br />

background and hermeneutics of<br />

the New Testament. He has also<br />

been a conservative voice for biblically<br />

based discernment among<br />

moderate Pentecostals and Charismatics<br />

opposed to the seductions<br />

prevalent in today’s church.<br />

NEW !!<br />

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14 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

David Royle<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa<br />



SEPTEMBER 2010<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters<br />

Greetings in Jesus<br />

Summer is almost upon us and it’s been<br />

nice to feel the hot sun on our faces and also<br />

see Ebyown teaming with New Life. The<br />

Geese have chicks and so do the Chickens who<br />

have become laying machines. In fact I have<br />

just been over to the Church and found 7 eggs,<br />

four in the corner and three on the shelf of the<br />

pulpit where my water usually goes, Chris has<br />

just found 10 under his hut and later today we<br />

are sending the kids on an egg hunt. The kids<br />

as well are enjoying the turn in the weather and<br />

everything now is done outside in the sunshine.<br />

I have just come back from a trip to the<br />

UK where I was able to catch up with family<br />

and friends. As a child I had good memories of<br />

the seaside and going crabbing with my Dad,<br />

I have had the urge to do something with my<br />

grand kids and so we had a day at the beach<br />

and went looking for pool life in Conwy North<br />

Wales. It seemed strange that I had come from<br />

the Southern hemisphere where life is blooming<br />

and coming to the UK where autumn has<br />

come along. New Life and then death all on<br />

the same planet at the same time. The Bible<br />

says there is a season for everything Ecc 3:1-8<br />

1. There is an appointed time for everything.<br />

And there is a time for every event<br />

under heaven—<br />

2. A time to give birth and a time to die;<br />

A time to plant and a time to uproot what<br />

is planted.<br />

3. A time to kill and a time to heal; A<br />

time to tear down and a time to build up.<br />

4. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A<br />

time to mourn and a time to dance.<br />

5. A time to throw stones and a time to<br />

gather stones; A time to embrace and a<br />

time to shun embracing.<br />

6. A time to search and a time to give up as<br />

lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away.<br />

7. A time to tear apart and a time to sew<br />

together; A time to be silent and a time<br />

to speak.<br />

8. A time to love and a time to hate; A<br />

time for war and a time for peace.<br />

The truth of these words is all around us<br />

and impacts our lives and our ministry. I really<br />

get a feel as I type that times are changing and<br />

although we have our plans and visions for the<br />

future I get a sense of anticipation that God is<br />

going to surprise every one of us.<br />

On a practical level, Ebyown is planting<br />

is seeds and veggies for the coming year. The<br />

compost that has been built up from all our<br />

rubbish has produced food for the next generation<br />

of plants and 8 barrow loads have been<br />

placed in the soil and the children have spent<br />

time putting in seeds etc.<br />

The children are mostly well, Luke has<br />

some lumps on his head which we think are<br />

glandular and Prudence has had a bad case of<br />

skin and lip blisters. N’tombi and Carlos who<br />

both have bad chests at the best of times have<br />

had to use their inhalers more often than usual<br />

due to the seasonal winds that we get this time<br />

of year.<br />

All the kids are looking forward to family<br />

coming over for visits. My sister Joanne who<br />

acts as my PA in the UK and her husband Dave<br />

are celebrating 25 years of marriage and are<br />

having a vow renewal at Aletheia on the 1st<br />

of November. They are coming with their two<br />

lads Dan and Andrew along with our parents<br />

Baden and Brenda. Then we have Anthony my<br />

eldest son and his wife Liz along with their<br />

children Abi and Levi coming on the 7th of<br />

October. Everyone is excited and I am sure that<br />

the church will be full for the renewal service.<br />


From January 2011 I will be going down<br />

to the Cape once per month to teach various<br />

theological subjects beginning with Hermeneutics<br />

and Exegesis 101. If you want to some<br />

along for a full day of teaching on a Saturday<br />

watch this space for date, time and venue.<br />

Later on in 2011 we hope to have Tom Chako<br />

flying out from the UK. Tom went to London<br />

Bible College with Jacob Prasch and is a good<br />

friend to ourselves and <strong>Moriel</strong>. Tom originates<br />

from India and I hope to have him teaching in<br />

Joberg, Durban and Cape Town, subjects and<br />

venues to be announced.<br />

Meanwhile for teachings from Jacob<br />

and a whole host of friends, contact Chris on<br />

“mailto:morielmissionscollege@gmail.com”<br />

for a catalogue<br />


The ‘I ams’ of Jesus has been the subject<br />

the last few weeks with Jesus describing<br />

himself as “The Bread of Life” and this<br />

week “Living Waters”. On October 11th our<br />

son Anthony will be sharing from the word of<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 15

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa – Continued<br />

God and giving his dad a rest. Anthony has<br />

grown into a fine expositor of the word so<br />

why not come and hear him<br />

We meet African time around 10:30am<br />

on Sundays for fellowship, the word and the<br />

Lords table. If you want to visit then e-mail us<br />

for directions.<br />

We were also blessed by Trinity Methodist<br />

Church this week when we received 20 cases<br />

of Peanut butter, 240 jars in total. Far too much<br />

for us although Prudence made lots of peanut<br />

butter cookies. The majority were distributed<br />

around other homes, some went to some widows<br />

on Kwazenzele and some to people who<br />

have found times hard along with the gospel.<br />


• Family visit to Ebyown<br />

• Health of the children in particular, Carlos,<br />

Luke, N’tombi and Prudence<br />

• Relocation to Western Province<br />

• What are the Lords plans for the Ebyown site<br />

here in Gauteng<br />

• Our daily Provision<br />

• Aletheia Community Church<br />

• Missions College<br />

• The New Video On Demand teaching platform<br />

• Dave’s arthritis of his spine and shoulder giving<br />

him discomfort, please contact South Africa,<br />

David Royle, mailto:moriel.david@<br />

gmail.com<br />

TEACHING BY, Anthony Royle<br />

Test of Faith: Production of works<br />

This is my third look at the series of tests<br />

of faith from the epistle of James. We began<br />

with ‘how faith responds to the Word of God’.<br />

(if you want these notes please ask) Last time<br />

I spoke on ‘how faith responds to social distinctions’.<br />

Today we are moving on to ‘faith<br />

that produces works’.<br />

The epistle of James was and still has<br />

been a controversial book. It almost didn’t<br />

make it into the cannon of scripture. Martin<br />

Luther wanted it to take it out of the cannon<br />

during the reformation because of the books<br />

emphasis on works. Many theologians today<br />

have difficulty with the epistle claiming<br />

a contradiction between James and Paul’s<br />

teaching that Justification is by grace through<br />

faith alone. We have to deal with this issue<br />

before we can understand what James was really<br />

writing about.<br />

Some liberal critics, notably Robert<br />

Eisenman, have reconstructed first century<br />

church history to show a division between<br />

Paul’s gentile church and the Jewish church<br />

headed by the likes of James and John. However,<br />

in the book of Acts we see that James and<br />

Paul knew each other and were always in total<br />

agreement on fundamental doctrine. Paul was<br />

also submissive towards James’ leadership on<br />

more than one occasion. Some have taught<br />

that James is refuting Paul’s teaching in this<br />

epistle, claiming that Paul is the ‘vain man’<br />

in verse 20. The epistle of James is one of the<br />

earliest books written in the New Testament<br />

and is before the ministry of Paul. See how the<br />

historical situation changes the way we look at<br />

this passage in James. We need to understand<br />

the historical setting to get the picture.<br />

What James is dealing with people claiming<br />

to have faith, yet neglecting to put their<br />

faith into practice. Paul in contrast in the epistle<br />

to the Romans was dealing with legalism.<br />

They were both looking at the same principle<br />

but from two different angles.<br />

For Paul counteracting legalism he was<br />

demonstrating the ‘way of Salvation’, whereas<br />

James was concerned with the life of the<br />

justified believer counteracting and early for<br />

of antinomianism, which is the view that because<br />

of God’s grace there is no need to obey<br />

laws or commandments. Now the Torah, the<br />

Old covenant was not applicable to them,<br />

they saw it fit not have to do any good deeds.<br />

Both Paul and James deal with two different<br />

extremes of the spectrum on how faith and<br />

works relate to one another.<br />

Secondly Paul was writing of the works of<br />

the law- Torah observation. James’ definition<br />

of work is works that are motivated by love and<br />

faith. Torah observation didn’t bring Salvation,<br />

works cannot bring Salvation as Paul writes, but<br />

James say a saving faith will produce works.<br />

Thirdly, the meaning of justification is<br />

different. Paul’s use of justification is acquittal<br />

whereas James means vindication. Paul was<br />

talking of justification of sin standing before<br />

God, James was talking of the justification or<br />

vindication of ones profession of faith before<br />

God and man.<br />

So you can see that there is no contradiction<br />

between these two men. In fact they complement<br />

each other to give us a fuller sense of<br />

what faith is. It wasn’t that clear to some of the<br />

early church as some emphasized faith as just a<br />

belief and others as Torah observation. Faith is<br />

also not that easily defined today. I am always<br />

amazed when reading church history that 2000<br />

years later we still deal with some of the same<br />

problems. Many Christians treat faith a private<br />

affair in which they just believe in something.<br />

Others put good works as reason for their<br />

salvation, though they have little or no faith.<br />

So what does James have to say about<br />

faith and works What is his main point of<br />

their relationship and his summary statement<br />

on this issue.<br />

James 2:26 For as the body without spirit<br />

is dead, so faith without works is dead also.<br />

There are three aspects of faith. First we<br />

have ‘the faith that was once and for all delivered<br />

to the Saints’- doctrine- or creed. We<br />

also have faith as our belief in God and His<br />

promises. And then we have faithfulness-our<br />

works- the embodiment of faith. Each one of<br />

these aspects relates to us has individuals. We<br />

each have a body, mind and soul. Each of these<br />

aspects God desires for our love, faithfulness<br />

and worship. God wants us to worship him<br />

with all our heart and trust Him. He wants us<br />

to use our brains and to know God. He wants<br />

us to worship with our bodies putting it to use<br />

for His Kingdom. We can sin with these three<br />

aspects and we can be faithful with them too.<br />

The problem is we favour one aspect of<br />

faith over the other and when we neglect one<br />

aspect, we then neglect a true and living faith.<br />

James uses the example of faith being dead<br />

without works. Just as the body needs a soul,<br />

just as our body needs a mind, faith needs<br />

works to be alive.<br />

I have heard it been said by many Christians<br />

on a number of occasions that they have<br />

a ‘simple faith’. That’s ok because even if you<br />

have the faith the size of a mustard seed then<br />

you can move mountains. But what they mean<br />

by simple faith is that they don’t care about<br />

doctrine or using their brains for God. They<br />

just believe in God and that’s that. Well without<br />

doctrine as part of our faith is like a body<br />

without a brain. By definition they become<br />

brain dead Christians. Now on the other hand<br />

there are those who have a lot of knowledge<br />

but no heart or any application to what they<br />

have learnt. This faith is dead too. A brain<br />

can’t survive without the body. James writes<br />

in 2:19 that the demons believe in one God and<br />

tremble. The Jew would at least confess twice<br />

aday reading Shema Yisrael adonai Elohenu<br />

Adonai Echad- Hear O Israel the Lord your<br />

God is One Lord. This mirrors the Christian<br />

confession that God is one yet three and three<br />

in one- a basic doctrine that we would all confess<br />

to. But in verse 20 ‘wilt thou know O vain<br />

man recognise that faith without works is dead<br />

’ The question seems to be in surprise that the<br />

reader does not understand this basic truth.<br />

There needs to be all three of these aspects<br />

to faith working in harmony to produce<br />

a living and active three dimensional<br />

faith. Because when three work in harmony<br />

it resembles the Tri-unity of God where three<br />

work in harmony. We are Imageo Dei beings,<br />

created in the image and likeness of God- He<br />

wants us to reflect His glory. God wants 3-D<br />

Christians, not 2-D caricatures of what we<br />

think a Christian should be. He wants a deep<br />

faith, not something shallow. He wants something<br />

of substance, not a cardboard cut out.<br />

It’s this 3-D faith is what is tested. I noted<br />

my first sermon from James that James writes<br />

about two kinds of testing at the beginning of<br />

his epistle. The first that God send trials and<br />

situations in which he wants us to respond to<br />

in faith. The second test is temptation to sin,<br />

but this test isn’t from God but from our own<br />

lusts. James deals with these two different<br />

tests in their relation to faith and works. How<br />

does faith and works respond to everyday situations<br />

God sends our way and how does faith<br />

and works respond to the lusts of the flesh.<br />

God wants us to be faithful but we undergo<br />

so much temptation to sin in these areas.<br />

We also have to deal with unbelief, we have<br />

to deal with error and false doctrine. I have<br />

three main reasons what hinders a believer in<br />

failing to produce work. Two I’ve taken from<br />

our portion of scripture and a third I have observed<br />

that is in the church today.<br />

Let’s begin with the biggest hurdle for<br />

any believer- apathy- don’t you agree<br />

James uses an example of apathy in James<br />

2:15-16.<br />

15: If a brother or sister be naked, and<br />

destitute of daily food,<br />

16 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

16: And one of you say unto them, Depart<br />

in peace, be ye warmed and filled;<br />

notwithstanding ye give them not those<br />

things which are needful to the body;<br />

what doth it profit<br />

In this hypothetical situation there is a response<br />

that would seem faithful to the person<br />

in question. The person has the faith or belief<br />

that his blessing upon departure to be warmed<br />

and filled would indeed occur. That seems like<br />

faith to a lot of people. Lost your job and no<br />

money ‘Yes, sure God’s got a wonderful plan<br />

for your life,’ would be a popular response<br />

today. Seems like the faithful response but<br />

James asks what does it profit We say we can<br />

have faith but where is the evidence There’s<br />

a lot of talk- ‘I believe this, I believe that’ but<br />

the way we truly know what you believe is<br />

when its tested. But its really sad when apathy<br />

is disguised as faith.<br />

The second reason Christians fail to have<br />

a faith that produces work is I believe its down<br />

to this- we want to hold onto a faith that isn’t<br />

sacrificial. We like to have a faith that benefits<br />

us. If we just believe with our hearts and<br />

we are saved by nothing we say and do then<br />

what does that cost us The reality is faith<br />

costs us. In the example James brings to say<br />

‘be warmed and filled’ might seem faithful to<br />

some but what does it cost us<br />

We say privately that we are Christians<br />

what does that cost us Very different to proclaiming<br />

it publicly. Faith costs. Jesus told his<br />

disciples to count the cost. He wanted them to<br />

realise that holding onto this face would meet<br />

adversity and would mean sacrifice.<br />

James uses two Biblical characters to<br />

highlight the point he was making. The first<br />

was Abraham, also known as the father of all<br />

who believe.<br />

21: Was not Abraham our father justified<br />

by works, when he had offered Isaac his<br />

son upon the altar<br />

22: Seest thou how faith wrought with<br />

his works, and by works was faith made<br />

perfect<br />

23: And the scripture was fulfilled which<br />

saith, Abraham believed God, and it was<br />

imputed unto him for righteousness: and<br />

he was called the Friend of God.<br />

God called Abraham to take his son of<br />

promise, Isaac, and sacrifice him. This was an<br />

event that was given much theological commentary<br />

during the inter-testamental period<br />

and in the day of James. The initial readers<br />

of the epistle of James would understand the<br />

point James was making of Abraham being<br />

declared as friend of God. Initially Abraham<br />

believed and it was imputed upon him as righteousness,<br />

as the Apostle Paul points out. So<br />

Abraham was already justified in the sense of<br />

acquittal of sin. But His faith was being called<br />

into action. God was asking Abraham to make<br />

a great sacrifice.<br />

I often think of my own faith and how it<br />

applies in the care and well being of my children.<br />

God has given me an awesome responsibility<br />

to be a Father to Levi and Abigail. I aim<br />

to be faithful to that calling by doing what is<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa – Continued<br />

best for them. Recently we have been looking<br />

at schools for Levi to start in September. Obviously<br />

we want Levi to go to the best school<br />

possible. We want Levi to be well educated as<br />

well as a school that is safe, disciplines well<br />

and will support us in bringing Levi up with<br />

Christian ethical values.<br />

However in terms of faith would we be<br />

willing to sacrifice Levi’s education if the<br />

Lord would call us as missionaries to a country<br />

with a poor education system Would we<br />

have the faith to depend on church support<br />

to go full time into the ministry to feed and<br />

cloth our children. Would be willing to go to a<br />

country where Christians are persecuted<br />

It’s easy to say we have faith but to live<br />

by faith in such away you are willing to make<br />

a sacrifice that affects your children is something<br />

quite difficult. Would I be willing to do<br />

it Its not been tested yet because I’ve not<br />

been called- bt I place my hope in God now by<br />

making some sacrifices in taking time away<br />

from family to preach away on occasions, to<br />

do evangelism. I’ve turned down work promotions<br />

and went from being full time to part<br />

time so I could start Bible college because I<br />

have been called to do that.<br />

James also uses the example of Rahab.<br />

25: Likewise also was not Rahab the<br />

harlot justified by works, when she had<br />

received the messengers, and had sent<br />

them out another way<br />

Rahab put her life in jeopardy to help the<br />

two spies, which also effected her mother , father,<br />

sister and brothers. She had heard what<br />

happened at the Red Sea between Israel and<br />

the Egyptians and said her heart melted. But<br />

what if she just believed and did nothing<br />

Might have been a different story for those<br />

two spies. But Rahab had the faith to help<br />

those two men and was vindicated, justified<br />

by her faithfulness.<br />

When we have wonderful examples such<br />

as Abraham and Rahab to show us the cost<br />

they were willing to receive for their faith- a<br />

relative and everyday example such as clothing<br />

and feeding someone seems so little by<br />

comparison. In light of what Jesus did for you<br />

and I by going to the cross to pay for our sins<br />

further puts everything perspective. Jesus was<br />

willing to go through al that pain and suffering,<br />

showing faith and obedience to the Father-<br />

what are we willing to show faith and<br />

obedience to Him.<br />

It becomes a small ask to share the gospel<br />

with our neighbour. It becomes a small ask to<br />

help those who are in poverty. It becomes a<br />

small ask to take one day of the week to come<br />

and worship God and fellowship with His<br />

people. But sometimes its the small things that<br />

people lack the faith for. The parable of the<br />

Talents best illustrates this point.<br />

Matthew 25:14-30 (King James Version)<br />

14: For the kingdom of heaven is as a<br />

man travelling into a far country, who<br />

called his own servants, and delivered<br />

unto them his goods.<br />

15: And unto one he gave five talents, to<br />

another two, and to another one; to every<br />

man according to his several ability;<br />

and straightway took his journey.<br />

16: Then he that had received the five<br />

talents went and traded with the same,<br />

and made them other five talents.<br />

17: And likewise he that had received<br />

two, he also gained other two.<br />

18: But he that had received one went<br />

and digged in the earth, and hid his<br />

lord’s money.<br />

19: After a long time the lord of those servants<br />

cometh, and reckoneth with them.<br />

20: And so he that had received five talents<br />

came and brought other five talents,<br />

saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me<br />

five talents: behold, I have gained beside<br />

them five talents more.<br />

21: His lord said unto him, Well done,<br />

thou good and faithful servant: thou hast<br />

been faithful over a few things, I will<br />

make thee ruler over many things: enter<br />

thou into the joy of thy lord.<br />

22: He also that had received two talents<br />

came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst<br />

unto me two talents: behold, I have<br />

gained two other talents beside them.<br />

23: His lord said unto him, Well done,<br />

good and faithful servant; thou hast<br />

been faithful over a few things, I will<br />

make thee ruler over many things: enter<br />

thou into the joy of thy lord.<br />

24: Then he which had received the<br />

one talent came and said, Lord, I knew<br />

thee that thou art an hard man, reaping<br />

where thou hast not sown, and gathering<br />

where thou hast not strawed:<br />

25: And I was afraid, and went and hid<br />

thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast<br />

that is thine.<br />

26: His lord answered and said unto<br />

him, Thou wicked and slothful servant,<br />

thou knewest that I reap where I sowed<br />

not, and gather where I have not strawed:<br />

27: Thou oughtest therefore to have put<br />

my money to the exchangers, and then at<br />

my coming I should have received mine<br />

own with usury.<br />

28: Take therefore the talent from him,<br />

and give it unto him which hath ten talents.<br />

29: For unto every one that hath shall<br />

be given, and he shall have abundance:<br />

but from him that hath not shall be taken<br />

away even that which he hath.<br />

30: And cast ye the unprofitable servant<br />

into outer darkness: there shall be weeping<br />

and gnashing of teeth.<br />

The wicked servant had the least amount<br />

of talents but could not be faithful with them.<br />

Although, again, he was faithful in his own<br />

eyes because he kept what he was given. We<br />

hold onto our beliefs and our doctrine but do<br />

we put it to good work, into good use The<br />

wicked servant was scared of coming back to<br />

his master empty anded so he hid his talent.<br />

This parable uses money to describe faith in<br />

the way we understand use of money because<br />

man values money and will do anything to<br />

gain more than he has and not loose what he<br />

has. How much more should we be with faith<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 17

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa – Continued<br />

The frightened servant lost out on gaining so<br />

much more when he failed to put the talents to<br />

good use. You stand to loose so much more if<br />

you fail to put your faith to good use.<br />

The third reason why someone’s faith will<br />

not produce works is that some Christians are<br />

put off by this because of past experiences.<br />

Maybe we’ve failed at some point and find it<br />

hard to get back up or stretch ourselves again.<br />

Maybe you’ve gone through an experience of<br />

heavy shepherding where a Pastor has put too<br />

much pressure on you. Maybe you’ve felt peer<br />

pressure from other Christians to do something<br />

you thought you must do by taking on an extra<br />

responsibility but it never worked out. So now<br />

you’re afraid of when the Lord calls us to do<br />

something that seems like a huge sacrifice.<br />

There are differences between pressure<br />

from other believers and the call of God. Fear<br />

God and not men. Sometimes its hard to hear<br />

God through the noise of this world and fuzz<br />

of the doctrines of men. But Our faith says<br />

that the Lord who created the universe has the<br />

power to make his will known to you. He’s<br />

been speaking to man since the beginning from<br />

walking with Adam and Eve in the garden, to<br />

writing laws on tablets of stone telling us not<br />

to lie, murder and steal, to sending prophets to<br />

show where people were failing and what to<br />

do, to sending his Son as a living example and<br />

revelation of His divine character, to sending<br />

His Holy Spirit who writes the New Covenant<br />

on our hearts leading us into all truth. God will<br />

make His will known. Do we have the faith to<br />

submit to it and carry it out We know its true.<br />

We believe and love the truth. But do we act<br />

upon it. Faith will produce works. Salvation<br />

isn’t faith and works but faith THAT works.<br />

God wants 3-D Christians. In which area<br />

you are lacking in may God challenge you this<br />

morning to grow deeper in your faith.<br />

MORIEL<br />

I N<br />

S O U T H<br />


A F R I C A<br />

Quotes of the QUARTER !<br />

For friends near and far, for friends we have<br />

never seen or met, but are co-workers in<br />

Christ.<br />

“Two are better than one; because they<br />

have a good reward for their labour.<br />

For if they fall, the one will lift up<br />

his fellow: but woe to him that is<br />

alone when he falleth; for he hath not<br />

another to help him up.”<br />

– Ecclesiastes –<br />

T<br />

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D I L E M M A<br />

NEW !!<br />

T H E<br />

O F<br />

L A O D I C E A<br />

J A M E S J A C O B P R A S C H<br />

The Dilemma of Laodicea is<br />

the last of the seven churches<br />

before Jesus returns.<br />

Scripturally and logically<br />

the contemporary church<br />

of the 21st century is conspicuously<br />

in the character<br />

of that church at the close<br />

of the 1st century. Immediately<br />

after His message to Laodica shifts<br />

into it apocalyptic panorama of events<br />

global, cosmic, and celestial which unfold<br />

culminating with the establishment<br />

messianic kingdom following an unprecedented<br />

spectrum of cataclysmic events.<br />

The first problem Laodicea had and has<br />

is its blindness to its true spiritual state in<br />

the eyes of God at the precipice of an avalanche<br />

of prophetic events that will constitute<br />

the final outcome of the church of<br />

Israel and The Jews and finally the human<br />

race. It is a church from which Christ has<br />

been excluded; indeed locked out as he<br />

knocks, how many of this church will let<br />

Him in before it is too late. Laodicea faces<br />

a dilemma as old as it is new, what is that<br />

dilemma The dilemma ventures beyond<br />

both its blindness and luke warn state addressing<br />

rather the very causes. It is only<br />

those whom Christ corrects who will be<br />

prepared for His coming.<br />

Author Bio: Jacob Prasch is a Hebrewspeaking<br />

evangelist to the Jews and a<br />

Bible teacher elaborating on the original<br />

Judeo-Christian background and hermeneutics<br />

of the New Testament. He has also<br />

been a conservative voice for biblically<br />

based discernment among moderate Pentecostals<br />

and Charismatics opposed to the<br />

seductions prevalent in today’s church.<br />

18 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Jacob Prasch<br />

Editorial<br />

The New Vatican Attack on Israel as an Occupation of Biblical Lands<br />

The New Vatican Attack on Israel as an Occupation of Biblical Lands<br />

So what else should be expected from a pope who in his youth wore a swastika, the uniform of a Nazi, and fought for Hitler and the<br />

Third Reich, who now heads the same church that perpetrated the Inquisitions, and who operates from the same Vatican that shielded<br />

Nazi war criminals from justice with its infamous ‘Rat Lines’ When has the apostate Church of Rome ever NOT hated Jews The latest<br />

Vatican action simply promulgates and continues their long evil history. So what else should be expected from a harlot church who fundamentally<br />

rejects the Word of God It stands to reason that if Rome rejects the Bible, it will reject that the Scripture teaches the biblical<br />

land is the land of Israel, not an Islamic-Arab redefined Palestine.<br />

Given the fact that the Vatican is proprietary custodian of perhaps the largest collection of biblical archeological treasures in the<br />

world, one would expect it would be among the first to recognize by definition that an indigenous people cannot be called an ‘occupying<br />

presence,’ and that the archeological record shows the Jews to be the indigenous people group. This, despite the fact that the same archeological<br />

record preserved in its own museums proves that Roman Catholicism is not biblical Christianity but a pseudo-Christianization of<br />

the pontifical religions of Pagan Rome. Cardinal John Henry Newman even admitted that at least 70% of the rites, rituals, customs, and<br />

traditions of Roman Catholicism are of Pagan origin in His treatise, The Development of the Christian Religion. Thus their own archeological<br />

record means no more to them than their falsely claimed Canon’s Scripture to which they do not adhere either. It stands to reason<br />

therefore that the Vatican would throw the archeological record out the window.<br />

I have been to the Vatican museums multiple times. The Canons are simply manuscript displays in the Scriptorium of the Vatican Library<br />

for the tourist industry. They charge people to view them, the artifacts are simply displays in the museum for which tickets are also<br />

sold, and shows it is just part of the tourist trade. Cannon and archeology are not about truth or faith to them, but about business. From its<br />

corrupt banking system witnessed in the Ambrosiano scandal to the papal regalia, that is all the Vatican has ever been about — temporary<br />

political power and money. Religion is simply the means to wealth and power; this is Roman Catholicism and always has been.<br />

It was not the Israelis, but the Muslims in Gaza who burned down seven Roman Catholic churches when a pope quoted an early<br />

Byzantian Episcopal source concerning Islam which the Muslims did not like. Neither is it the Israelis who are demanding the right to<br />

build a mosque in front of the Roman Catholic Church of the Annunctiation in Nazareth, claiming it as an Islamic holy site. It stands to<br />

reason therefore that in the dirty politics of the Vatican, the papacy will try to placate the Muslims at the expense of Israel. Jews will not<br />

burn the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, but fortunately when He returns, Christ certainly shall.<br />

Alas, we see documented evidence in the international media that Joseph Radzinger (alias Pope Benedict XVI) was himself centrally<br />

involved in the Vatican orchestrated conspiracy to protect pedophile sex criminal Roman Catholic clergy at the expense of the children<br />

whose lives they destroy. It stands to reason that such a demonic old vulture from the pit of hell and a child of Hitler should seek to regain<br />

moral credibility quickly, and what easier way to do it than to return to traditional European Roman Catholic, Jew kicking.<br />

We are reminded that it was the Iranians who armed and funded the Islamic Hezbollah and drove the Christians out of their land<br />

and homes in Southern Lebanon, and that the largest portion of those refugees were Marionite Roman Catholics who were subsequently<br />

absorbed and continue to be protected by Israel. Radzinger, of course, says nothing of this. Why should he It is bad for Vatican politics<br />

and that is exactly what the pope, the Vatican, and the entire antichrist Roman Catholic system is all about.<br />

The pope is antichrist, and at <strong>Moriel</strong> we do not care what an antichrist said about Israel and the Jews; we only care what Christ said<br />

about Israel and the Jews. And Christ said they would return to their land and capital in preparation for His return to Jerusalem. (Lk.<br />

21:24; Mt. 23:38-39; Zech. 12:1-10) But we not only declare what Christ said about Jerusalem, we also declare what Christ said concerning<br />

the harlot church and false religious system of the world in league with its corrupt political and economic system represented by<br />

Rome in the New Testament: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!” (Rev. 18:2)<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />

PAX VOBISCUM (Latin For “Shalom”)<br />

Copyright © 2008 <strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>. All rights reserved.<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 19

<strong>Moriel</strong> Japan 2010<br />

Geoff Toole<br />

moriel japan<br />

News from the Far East/Autumn Report 2010<br />

Hello and greetings in Jesus’ Name from<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Japan.<br />

I am in Sydney this week, shaking from<br />

the souvenir (some tropical disease) I bought<br />

back from Saigon a few days ago. Nevertheless,<br />

there is much to tell of recently.<br />

The Japanese Front<br />

Praise the Lord for the successful June<br />

meetings with Jacob Prasch and David Lister.<br />

There were many new faces. Mostly those<br />

with an interest in Hebrew roots, and a few old<br />

AOG believers like myself. The messages were<br />

received well with our interpreter, Daisuke,<br />

deserving a gold medal, no doubt waiting for<br />

him at the judgment seat. All meetings were recorded<br />

and have been placed on the internet to<br />

get the message out as fast as possible. Many<br />

people requested more written material to read<br />

over and take it all in at a slower pace.<br />

We have finally published our article on<br />

PDL and the Emerging Church. The content<br />

and information, similar to that in Roger Oakland’s<br />

“Faith Undone” and other discernment<br />

ministries will be perhaps the first that anyone<br />

in Japan will read. We pray that people will get<br />

a better idea of where the Emerging church,<br />

Contemplative spirituality and Purpose Driven<br />

are coming from and see that it is yet another<br />

deception, fulfilling prophecy.<br />

The next teaching sessions are planned for<br />

this year. We will have two sessions on “The<br />

Antichrist”in Kobe. We are particularly excited<br />

about this topic as it will be new to everyone.<br />

There are no Barrys, Hals or Chucks over here.<br />

Most Christians have little knowledge or idea<br />

of just what ‘antichrist’ means. With more examples<br />

recorded and posted on the net it won’t<br />

be long before people start picking up the message<br />

and reading midrashically themselves.<br />

On the Streets<br />

This summer we have focussed more time<br />

on street evangelism in Amagasaki, a working<br />

class city next to Osaka. The suffering of many<br />

families there is clear due to the ongoing economic<br />

recession. Many good opportunities to<br />

share the gospel have come so far. We have decided<br />

to spend each weekend at the same town<br />

square so that any who want to come to us with<br />

questions will always be able to. Still, it has<br />

been a slow process.<br />

Philippines<br />

The last trip to Romblon in the Philippines<br />

was great. The response was the best yet. Pastors<br />

gathered from the local churches for a two<br />

day seminar (admittedly with free food). Day<br />

one was an introduction to Midrash using the<br />

examples of Jonah and the grain offering. All<br />

those who attended are excited about a followup<br />

seminar, even without free food.<br />

Q and A time again focussed on charismatic<br />

issues, anointing, faith prosperity etc. There is<br />

a long road ahead for some churches who have<br />

been caught up in every error and superstition<br />

under the sun, yet I sensed that their attitude<br />

was right and God will deal with them step by<br />

step. Certainly their eyes were opened and many<br />

professed to feeling rebuked by the Holy Spirit.<br />

Also it was a pleasure to be able to distribute<br />

the concordances purchased by Mark and<br />

Carrie. The pastors were all encouraged to make<br />

them available to all of their church members.<br />

Praise God for His faithfulness. This is<br />

the same island where our previous seminar<br />

was cancelled by a certain supervisor. Praise<br />

the Lord also for saving me from a mix up with<br />

the airplane tickets, losing my wallet, losing my<br />

voice, dengue fever, a typhoon, a smoke filled<br />

church, and a LOT of mud. All of which appeared<br />

at some stage in the week.<br />

Saigon<br />

Vietnam is suffering from the serpent and<br />

the dragon right now. I knew about the dragon.<br />

I met pastors who cannot return to their church<br />

due to a government decision to halt all church<br />

activity until the next communist meeting there<br />

in March. For many years I have known about the<br />

dragon, but this is the first time to see deception<br />

in the church. It was very sad and disappointing.<br />

Although six <strong>Moriel</strong> messages have so far<br />

been translated into Vietnamese, for various reasons<br />

the door does not yet appear to be open. The<br />

PDL and faith prosperity nonsense have beaten<br />

us into Vietnam, along with an unwillingness<br />

to listen to arguments against them on the part<br />

of certain leaders. Pray for Vietnam that voices<br />

will arise among them calling them back to biblical<br />

truth. On the whole, it can still be described<br />

as a comparatively pure church, but once that<br />

serpent gets its foot in the door, so to speak…!<br />

Perhaps significantly, the town where I<br />

challenged the pastors about the Purpose Driven<br />

life was famous for its production of ‘snake<br />

wine.’ We also drank ‘bird’s nest in a can,’ made<br />

from the saliva of swallows apparently, on that<br />

day. I can’t help but think that the birds have<br />

started nesting in the branches.<br />

*I had a wonderful few weeks of fellowship<br />

in Australia, meeting old friends in Sydney<br />

and new ones in Queensland. Thank you to all<br />

for your kindness.<br />

Autumn update<br />

*Praise God. The Summer is ended and at<br />

least one person was saved! We were delighted<br />

to baptize Mr Kashihara in our local river two<br />

weeks ago. He has had a great conversion for<br />

which we give thanks to the Lord.<br />

*The Anti-Christ seminars went well and<br />

are now posted on the website (bi-lingual).<br />

Our next project is ‘The Future History of the<br />

Church’ series which we plan to hold in Tokyo<br />

in late November.<br />

*Daisuke is due to marry the daughter of our<br />

close brothers in Christ in the Philippines. We welcome<br />

Jean next year to our fellowship in Japan.<br />

Prayer<br />

Pray with us for our outreach in Amagasaki.<br />

Pray that those who have taken the tracts and listened<br />

will return to find out more. We are praying<br />

at the moment about relocating our church<br />

to the working class city of Amagasaki where<br />

we have been focussing on recently. Please pray<br />

that God will make His will known. Perhaps<br />

Daisuke and Jean will live in the new church<br />

as we begin more outreach to younger kids.<br />

Please pray also for our Tokyo seminars later<br />

this year. Also for Peter Danzey’s meetings in<br />

Tokyo and Kobe early next year as I return the<br />

gruelling schedule he had for me this summer!<br />

Baruch, who was born 3 months premature is<br />

now almost completely restored. There remain<br />

almost no ill-effects from his early ordeal.<br />

Thank you for your prayers.<br />

Geoff Toole<br />

20 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Geoff Toole<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Japan 2010<br />

m o r i e l j a p a n ~ 2010<br />

“The double challenge.<br />

Erroneous religion and<br />

erroneous English”<br />

Manoah up to his ankles<br />

Baruch on his bike<br />

Our by the river<br />

moriel japan<br />

“Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come”<br />

Daisuke’s baptism sermon<br />

Kashihara San . . .<br />

...and Yuto celebrate the 2nd birth<br />


This is a volcano near our town called Daisen. Daisen means<br />

Big mountain!<br />

Daisen, Big mountain!<br />

m e m o r i e s<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 21

<strong>Moriel</strong> Australian<br />

Margret Godwin<br />

AUSTRALIANnews<br />

Australian Report –December 2010<br />

Australian Report December 2010<br />

Greetings Dear Family in the Name of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ.<br />

It seems very strange to be writing this report at the beginning of November but due to the printing constraints we have to get finished<br />

up earlier & earlier. I could not but help think that it certainly is the way of the world nowadays. Everything must be in the diary; we need<br />

to book earlier and earlier regardless of the occasion. In the shops all the Christmas fare has been out for the past couple of months and<br />

all the advertising brochures are so full of toys and gifts. I clearly remember last Christmas eve I was at one of the larger grocery stores<br />

and it was half an hour before closing and the manager was getting the staff to pull down all the decorations and put up the Easter egg<br />

display – that was on the 24 th of December. As I watched (standing in the check-out queue) I felt so very sad and isolated and thought to<br />

myself “Where is my Jesus in all of this”<br />

Just as there was no room at the Inn for our Jesus – there was no room for Him in this warehouse of greed and commercialism.<br />

Last month my best friend “the dishwasher” started leaking water – the plumber came – oh just throw it out and get a new one he<br />

says. I eventually found a wonderful man “Mr. Brown” who has a tiny little repair place – having been there for over thirty years – guess<br />

what, he came straight away to the house (some 25 km) and with some silicone fixed it immediately. How wonderful!<br />

I guess what I am saying in my round about way is, whilte the world tells us we need “more” Our Lord is saying “you have very little<br />

need of it BUT far more of Me, My service fee is acknowledgement of me and I am on call 24 hrs a day. Praise Him.<br />

As is the way in Australia we tend to follow everything American (sorry to insult intended to our American brothers and sisters) and<br />

we have just been inundated with “Halloween” which sadly seems to be growing year by year. In our local nursing home the staff were<br />

all dressed up as witches, etc. Children were knocking on the door (all of whom I have never seen before) and as I drove to the next town<br />

from us I thought I had arrived at Salem. I ignored the doorbell but have decided that I am going to go out and purchase some good little<br />

Christian children’s books in readiness for next year and guess what the “door knockers” are going to get<br />

As reported earlier in the year Jacob will not be coming to Australia in 2011, but God willing he will be here in 2012. The Board has<br />

to watch his health and travelling such vast distances does take its toll.<br />

We are blessed however to have Dr. Calvin Smith in March and Pastor Dave Royle (Ebyown South Africa) in May. So watch out for<br />

those dates.<br />

As we draw another year to a close I must thank all our readers for their support both prayerfully and with gifts, bless you. To all the<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> volunteers especially Pam, Vic, Trish, Les, Gail and Cleone, Vicki, Charlie and Trish thank you all. Thanks also to our wonderful<br />

network of pastors around Australia.<br />

And last but not least my dear Nigel in New Zealand, who is always ready to help me through life’s ups and downs, he is a treasure.<br />

To all those on their own (for whatever reason) please watch out for them and if able make sure that somewhere over the holiday<br />

season you invite them for a meal or go visit them, take Jesus with you and I can assure you – it will be the best time you can imagine.<br />

My love to each of you and may the Lord keep you safe until we come together again.<br />

Marg<br />

Messiah Comes/12 Jews Speak<br />

.... a couple of people said you were life changing!<br />

Marg’s helper... I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look<br />

at it for hours – Jerome K. Jerome<br />

22 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

Margret Godwin<br />

Rambling Rose<br />

ambling<br />

o s e<br />

R a m b l i n g<br />

Hello Family,<br />

R o s e<br />

Instructions:<br />

Now following several conversations I had at different venues when Jacob was here, if you are<br />

reading this page and haven’t read the main article, STOP and get yourself off to the front page, if<br />

you don’t, this page may self destruct in the next ten seconds, Well not really, but I am sure you get<br />

the point. Off you go and we will catch up later.<br />

Re-registration<br />

Now while I am issuing orders, did you fill in your re-registration form in the last issue, if not<br />

you had best get a wriggle on or else you will miss out on the March issue.<br />

Special Celebrations<br />

Two lovely couples have celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversaries. Pastor John Phillips &<br />

his beautiful bride Joan. John is a life long friend of Jacob and a member of the <strong>Moriel</strong> Australia<br />

Board. He is the pastor of Victory Fellowship in Gosnells, Perth W.A. Joan of course has been his<br />

right hand all through their ministry.<br />

Don & Gloria Moyle are members of Pilgrim C/F at Pakenham. Despite incredible health setbacks<br />

they are always there for us all with a smile and encouragement.<br />

Our most loving congratulations to you all. What an inspiration you are to all couples. May you<br />

have many more wonderful years together.<br />

Another special celebration is the 70th birthday of our dear<br />

friend Celia Baker of Wedderburn (she will skin me alive when<br />

she reads this). Sadly Celia lost her dear mum just a few weeks<br />

earlier and decided she was not going to celebrate her birthday,<br />

but as you will see we had other ideas.<br />

At Long Last<br />

Despite having moved here 10 years ago and having had a<br />

new garage built (9 X 9 metres and some 20 feet tall or more) I<br />

had never completely got around to cleaning it out and getting<br />

rid of all those boxes, most of which was <strong>Moriel</strong> stuff - well no<br />

more. My son Peter, his wife Pauline & son Michael and his<br />

brother in law Craig came on Monday along with our Pammie,<br />

and wow have they done a wonderful job! I am considering<br />

conducting tours of this eighth wonder of the world. Now I<br />

have to tackle the 9 th being the office. Maybe one miracle for<br />

the year is enough.<br />

Holiday Break-up<br />

We will be closing the office on Tuesday, December 21, st 2010 and re-opening on Monday,<br />

January 31, st 2011.<br />

As usual the phone, e-mails and post will be cleared every few days so you can still write, place<br />

your orders and leave messages. We all need a rest as it has been a big year.<br />

I pray you all have a restful and enjoyable holiday season and while the world tells us to, take<br />

time to smell the roses, may you find beautiful quiet moments with the Lord and with each other.<br />

In Him whom we love and serve<br />

Marg<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 23

Letters & Comments<br />

Your Letters and<br />

Comments<br />


Question:<br />

Dear James,<br />

I just wanted to thank you so much for<br />

the enlightened revelation that I found of<br />

yours on the grain offering. God woke me up<br />

with Hebrews 9 and Leviticus 2 ...and was<br />

struggling to understand the fullness of it..<br />

when reading your notes I realized many other<br />

scriptures God has been sharing with me<br />

lately is starting to make a bit more sense..<br />

but I will continue to sit as His feet and allow<br />

Him to give me the complete fullness,<br />

but thank you for sharing this on the net..it<br />

truly was a great help. Let you continue to be<br />

blessed in the fullness and wisdom of God<br />

Spirit in understanding and Knowledge.<br />

Shalom<br />

B<br />

An E-mail From a Rabbi To Me. How<br />

Do I Reply To Him<br />

Dear Jacob or David Lister,<br />

I saw an article on the site “what Jews<br />

Believe.” The article stated that Jews do not<br />

believe that animal blood sacrifices were<br />

never absolutely required for forgiveness of<br />

sins and that other things like flour would be<br />

sufficient. He was speaking from Lev 17.<br />

I decided to reply to that using the verses<br />

he quoted in a diplomatic way as to avoid upsetting<br />

him on my very first communication.<br />

The first email is from me (in blue) followed<br />

by his answer (in black).<br />

Would you be able to help me answer<br />

this rabbi<br />

Thanks<br />

John Chingford<br />

• Dear Rabbi Federow<br />

I read your article with interest. Some<br />

very good points made!<br />

You mentioned that God forgave the sins<br />

of Ninevah even though no blood was sacrificed.<br />

Where in the Book of Jonah does it<br />

say that God forgave their sins It says that<br />

He no longer sent the judgement on the City<br />

because Ninevah repented. It does not say<br />

that their sins were forgiven. As Leviticus<br />

17 states “it is the blood that makes atonement<br />

for one’s life. Just because God did not<br />

judge does not mean they were able to have<br />

a unique and close relationship with God, but<br />

their City was spared - at least for a short period,<br />

because it was judged later on.<br />

God had compassion on that City and<br />

spared it because they repented. It says God<br />

loves all people and has compassion, but<br />

compassion is not forgiveness. God is a God<br />

who changes not. His ways are always perfect<br />

and just. If God states that the benefits of<br />

forgiveness are only attained through blood<br />

sacrifice then that can NEVER change. God<br />

may be merciful but He remains true to Himself<br />

because God cannot lie.<br />

I would be very interested in what you<br />

think of my thoughts on this.<br />

Now to what you wrote regarding to 1<br />

Kings 8. I confess that Solomon did ask God<br />

to forgive (without sacrifice) if the people<br />

were exiled in another land and unable to<br />

sacrifice. I will start with possibly a weak<br />

explanation to start with. Remember it was<br />

Solomon’s prayer but was Solomon correct<br />

in what he prayed for Did God state that He<br />

would answer that prayer Assuming that<br />

God inspired Solomon to pray that prayer,<br />

then God would accept non sacrifice if His<br />

people could not sacrifice whilst in exile.<br />

That does not mean that if they ARE able to<br />

sacrifice for sin that they don’t need to any<br />

more, because they would have no excuse.<br />

The fact of the matter is that they DID continue<br />

the practice of animal sacrifice until CE<br />

70. Why did they continue if not necessary<br />

Regarding the flour sacrifice, the verse<br />

states it was poured UPON the animal sacrifice<br />

thus becoming mixed in the blood sacrifice.<br />

So those who were poor could share in<br />

the blood sacrifice and ALL could be forgiven.<br />

Yours respectively<br />

John Chingford<br />

Answer:<br />

Hi John!<br />

The fact that Gd did not punish Ninevah<br />

means that their sins were forgiven. If<br />

you wish to see this differently, that is your<br />

choice, but when Gd chooses not to punish, it<br />

means He has forgiven.<br />

Regarding Leviticus 17:11, did you notice<br />

the verse before it Did you read the<br />

verse after it The whole paragraph regards<br />

not eating blood that is meant for the altar.<br />

Christians rip the verse out of its context and<br />

come up with a meaning, and interpretation<br />

that is UnBiblical.<br />

Lev 17:10 And whatsoever man there be<br />

of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that<br />

sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of<br />

blood; I will even set my face against that soul<br />

that eateth blood, and will cut him off from<br />

among his people. Lev 17:11, For the life of<br />

the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to<br />

you upon the altar to make an atonement for<br />

your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an<br />

atonement for the soul. Lev 17:12 Therefore<br />

I said unto the children of Israel, No soul of<br />

you shall eat blood, neither shall any stranger<br />

that sojourneth among you eat blood.<br />

The verse is saying that IF one chooses<br />

blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, as<br />

there were other ways to obtain forgiveness,<br />

then the blood goes on the altar, not in one’s<br />

mouth. That is all it is saying, and it does not<br />

limit forgiveness to only blood sacrifices as<br />

my web site shows.<br />

And when was the blood of your human<br />

jesus poured on the altar<br />

You claim that Gd never changes. Okay,<br />

then when did Gd change His mind from,<br />

“Everyone shall be put to death FOR HIS<br />

OWN SIN,” of Deuteronomy 24:16 to your<br />

christian belief that Jesus the man died for<br />

the sins of all<br />

When did Gd change His mind from Hosea<br />

11:9, ‘For I am Gd and not a man,’ to your<br />

Christian belief that Jesus the man was also<br />

Gd Which of course, has more in common<br />

with Hellenism and other pagan faiths than<br />

with Judaism. Even Dionysus had a human<br />

mother and Zeus for a father. So did Hercules.<br />

As well as numerous other pagan gods.<br />

You claim that you are interested in my<br />

thoughts on the matter. You will pardon my<br />

disbelief. Most of what i get are those who<br />

just wish to sharpen their debating skills. I<br />

am not here to debate, just to explain what<br />

Jews believe.<br />

No, the blood was never poured on the<br />

animal sacrifices, that was an idea invented<br />

by Christian polemicists. Besides, the text<br />

never says it is the animal sacrifice below<br />

that did the atoning, but rather the flour itself,<br />

even if there was animal sacrifices below it.<br />

But there is nothing to show that the blood<br />

was poured over animal sacrifices, except in<br />

the mind of Christians who need to think that<br />

in order to maintain their unBiblical beliefs.<br />

Again i ask, when was the human blood of<br />

Jesus poured over an altar<br />

Solomon was correct in his prayers. For<br />

you to not believe they were is to go against<br />

the Bible. The fact that Solomon felt he could<br />

pray that prayer, means that he knew it was<br />

acceptable, and therefore not in his mind that<br />

Gd had to have a blood sacrifice for the for-<br />

24 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

giveness of sin. Unless you think Solomon<br />

the wise would pray for the impossible It<br />

is just not a Biblical idea that Gd demands<br />

a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.<br />

Furthermore, Gd explicitly states that human<br />

sacrifices are an abomination to Him,<br />

and something He hates. So who died on the<br />

cross Was it Jesus-the-god or Jesus-the-human<br />

If it was Jesus-the-god, like Dionysus,<br />

then, sorry, Gd cannot die. If it was Jesus-thehuman<br />

then all you have is a human sacrifice.<br />

And what Jews practiced animal sacrifice<br />

until 70 Only those Jews in Israel. The<br />

vast majority of Jews never went back under<br />

Cyrus of Persia, as i wrote on the web site,<br />

and could not have cared about the Temple,<br />

because they knew that they didnt need a<br />

blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, as<br />

we are taught in Hosea 14:2.<br />

Answer:<br />

First of all the ancient sages disagree.<br />

They translated Leviticus 17 to state in the<br />

Septuagint that without the shedding of blood<br />

there is no forgiveness of sin.<br />

Secondly, the Torah states repeatedly<br />

that the sacrifices were to make atonement as<br />

does the rabbinic tractate YOMA.<br />

Thirdly, when there was no temple or<br />

interest in it in the post captivity period, the<br />

prophets Haggai and Ezra both gave The<br />

Word of HaShem to rebuild it and reinaugerate<br />

the sin sacrifices.<br />

Fourthly, Nineveh was a pagan Gentile<br />

culture. Other rabbis including Rashi maintained<br />

that the Hebrew sacrifices were not<br />

only national and personal for the Hebrews<br />

but the Hebrews were to make ritual atonement<br />

for the Gentiles. While we disagree<br />

with Rashi’s misunderstanding of Isaiah 52<br />

&53 in this regard, his understanding of the<br />

principle is correct.<br />

It should additionally be noted that some<br />

commentators (both Jewish and non Jewish)<br />

interpret the two leavened wave offerings of<br />

Hag Shavuoth as representative of Jew and<br />

Gentile.<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />

Question:<br />

Dear Sir.<br />

I am grateful for your written questions<br />

for J Ws on the moriel site. My personnel<br />

question is about the beings popularly called<br />

“alien grays” Are they bad Angels<br />

I feel they are real! I could say much<br />

about them as I have loved them. Yet I also<br />

know they smell horrible from they element<br />

of Sulphur. Also I know they are horrible in<br />

other ways. I believe that the Bible describes<br />

beings like them as being Demons.<br />

Yet I still like them. I don’t want to like<br />

them, I just do. I don’t like pictures of body<br />

organs but I like science. In my mind with Jesus<br />

my feelings about them have become less<br />

careless of other peoples sensibilities and I<br />

am willing to admit my tendencies can be in<br />

error. I am a sinner. But am hoping to hold the<br />

hand of mercy before my chances are gone.<br />

In Jesus love explains all beyond the impatience<br />

of fear.<br />

God bless your caring craftings.<br />

J G<br />

Answer:<br />

Dear Mr. G:<br />

I have to say this is a very different letter<br />

than we normally receive here at <strong>Moriel</strong>.<br />

To me, what you have written seems to come<br />

from a confused mind and one that lacks<br />

peace. So, first off, from what you have written,<br />

I could conclude that you are being deceived<br />

by the god of this world, for (the one<br />

true) God is not a God of confusion but of<br />

peace, ... If you believed Him and His Word,<br />

you would not be writing from this state of<br />

mind, “admit(ing) my tendencies can be in<br />

error.” You are not in a “tendencies of error,”<br />

my friend, you are in error. First you have<br />

exceeded that which is written (1 Cor. 4:6).<br />

Next, you are believing, The devil, the father<br />

of lies (John 8:44) who is deceitful... for Satan<br />

himself is transformed into an angel of light.<br />

(2 Corinthians 11:13-14) and is the prince of<br />

the power of the air, and you seemed to have<br />

the spirit that now works in the children of<br />

disobedience working in you (Ephesians 2:2).<br />

You are looking for mercy, “before my<br />

chances are gone,” then the answer is simple,<br />

repent of your fascination, “love” and “your<br />

carelessness” in dealing with these powers,<br />

rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual<br />

wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:12)<br />

Surely you know that the working of<br />

Satan (is) with all power and signs and lying<br />

wonders... (and you are risking much in<br />

believing this) strong delusion, and that if<br />

you should (continue to) believe a lie... (2<br />

Thessalonians 2:9b,11b) You will perish into<br />

darkness with satan and these fellow angels.<br />

After repentance of these things, pray for<br />

protection from wrong influences, and put<br />

God’s Word into your heart, mediate on it,<br />

dwell on it so that you can become renewed<br />

in your mind and in your heart. Trust in Him<br />

fully, Him alone. Be guided by His Word and<br />

do not trust your feelings, for they will guide<br />

you into the ditch.<br />

May the Lord be merciful, but please<br />

turn to God fully, completely, before it is too<br />

late.<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />

Letter:<br />

Dear <strong>Moriel</strong>,<br />

Just reading, I get so informed about the<br />

world events in you magazine. I thank you!<br />

I once hear on the radio on how the Government<br />

trains their secret service men in how to<br />

spot a phony money, and that (is by) having<br />

them handle the real thing. (They train) For a<br />

long time and then when a phony bill comes<br />

along, bingo they catch it. Well, it the same<br />

thing when I keep reading and hearing the<br />

word of the Bible. I know what (is) fake and<br />

what is the Truth and your magazine proves<br />

it (backs up His Word) all the time. I read<br />

Letters & Comments<br />

what Jacob has to say, along with the other<br />

commentators and writers of your magazine<br />

and I am encouraged. Here is a donation to<br />

be use as it is needed.<br />

Greg G.<br />

Answer:<br />

Thank you Greg for you encouragement and<br />

your kind donation.<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />

David,<br />

PLEASE let Jacob know how his book<br />

has taught us, & also ratified some of our own<br />

discoveries, and is such a sobering and book<br />

for today.<br />

Praise God that He has given him the<br />

insight to write this. I’m sure it will not be<br />

popular, but for those who choose to flee<br />

from all the false, heretical, experiential, organised<br />

church programs and traditions we<br />

find here in the USA, nothing more than evil<br />

masquarading as light. This book is one such<br />

document that lays out the trappings and failings<br />

that we can so easily fall into (if we take<br />

our heart, ears & eyes off Him). I am in the<br />

zone of just abiding, being encouraged to<br />

stay strong, and to encourage those around<br />

me to remain in him.<br />

Please tell him thank you,<br />

Tony<br />


Dear <strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>,<br />

• I was enthralled with your srticle on<br />

rain. I know “we can do all things in Christ,”<br />

but when I read your words; my whole world<br />

changed.<br />

So thank you<br />

Mrs R of Victoria<br />

• I have enjoyed the studies these few<br />

years and look forward to the <strong>Moriel</strong> website<br />

each week. My early years in the Baptist<br />

church as a pre-teen and onwards taught<br />

me much that is not at all evident anywhere<br />

I have looked. <strong>Moriel</strong> has not only bought<br />

back at lot of that old teaching, it has deepened<br />

it. I am more staggered each day I understand<br />

Gods plan for mankind started before<br />

Adams creation. There is unfortunately<br />

hardly anyone to share your work with now<br />

as the market driven church has created so<br />

many self content children that do not want<br />

to know about anything more.<br />

Keep up the good work & thank you to<br />

the whole <strong>Moriel</strong> Team.<br />

Mr H of Western Australia<br />

• There are so many to pray for out there<br />

but “The Word” says “The fervent prayer of<br />

a righteous man availeth much.” So we must<br />

keep praying.<br />

Mrs A of South Australia<br />

December 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 25

<strong>Moriel</strong> Prayer Closet<br />

A Greek Jesus or Hebrew Yeshua”<br />

moriel’s<br />

prayer<br />

closet<br />

A Small corner of rest from the<br />

chaos and tumult of the world<br />

around us....<br />

“But thou, when thou prayest, enter<br />

onto thy closet, and when thou<br />

hast shut thy door, pray to thy<br />

Father which is in Secret;<br />

and thy Father which<br />

seeth in Secret will reward<br />

thee openly.”<br />

– Matthew 6:6 –<br />

“If two of you shall agree in touching anything<br />

they shall ask, it shall be done of<br />

them by my father which is in heaven.”<br />

– Matthew 18:19<br />

• Prayer for Dave Royle and Ebyown as<br />

they move to a new location on the West<br />

ern Cap next year<br />

• Pray for Jacob’s health<br />

• Pray for protection for our ministries in<br />

South Africa and the Middle East<br />

• Pray for traveling mercies for Jacob &<br />

all our <strong>Moriel</strong> people as they go to differeent<br />

countries to bring GOD’s word<br />

• Pray for David Lister’s job situation<br />

• Pray for the health of our <strong>Moriel</strong> Children<br />

• Pray for our <strong>Moriel</strong> staff and volunteers<br />

and their unsaved family members<br />

• Pray for David Hocking, see website for<br />

updated information<br />

On behalf of all at <strong>Moriel</strong> we continue to<br />

thank our brethren for their prayers.<br />

A Reader Writes:<br />

watched this [Internet video on a “Greek Jesus or Hebrew Yeshua”] and found it fascinating…The<br />

man giving the seminar believes strictly in the text of the Old Testament (does not<br />

I<br />

believe Jesus is the Messiah), but because he is a Hebrew scholar, he is able to shed light on some<br />

interesting aspects of the New Testament. Turns out much of the New Testament may have been<br />

written first in Hebrew, translated into Aramaic, and then into Greek. Very convincing evidence of<br />

this. Hope you can watch….<br />

Jacob Responds:<br />

These other arguments some have tried to influence you with such as the New Testament being<br />

written in Hebrew, etc. are unsubstantiated and the cause of propagating such notions is<br />

generally the domain of pseudo-scholarly charlatans.<br />

There is but one historic reference in the Patristic literature that Matthew’s Gospel, according to<br />

Heggisippus/Papias, was originally written in Hebrew, but that may simply have been the Hebrew<br />

dialect of Aramaic (similar to something called the Peshita text). Even the earliest Syriac texts of the<br />

New Testament we have on record are translated from Greek. The body of Gospel narrative fragments,<br />

megilot (scrolls), and codices number about 10,000 (some dating to the 1st Century), and<br />

the total number of New Testament source copies is about 20,000. By comparison there are only for<br />

instance 420 of Ceaser’s Conquests. With such a massive volume of manuscript material (far outweighing<br />

anything other from the ancient world), it is unthinkable that there is not a single Hebrew<br />

manuscript anywhere if the original authorship were indeed in Hebrew.<br />

While Semitic languages and thought do underlie the Greek texts, there is no definite way to say<br />

that the underlying Semitic language is Hebrew and not a Hebrew form of Aramaic. In fact, the internal<br />

evidence of the pericopes containing Aramaic sentences spoken by Jesus tend to support Aramaic.<br />

The Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research (Dr. Joe Francovic, Dr. Roy Blizzard, Dr. Ray<br />

Bevan supported by late Professor David Flusser) attempted a scholarly reconstruction of source<br />

manuscripts by forensic linguistics, but after many years they can prove nothing and have no manuscript<br />

or archaeological proof of these theories. These at least are the more serious academics examining<br />

this proposition. Most of the others are frankly “know-nothing” charlatans and not even truly<br />

qualified ancient Near Eastern linguists or manuscript historians. Do not even bother paying any<br />

attention to such ridiculous people.<br />

The overwhelming mass of hard evidence supports a largely Greek authorship of the New Testament<br />

in the original autographs which mainly quote the Septuagint (not Hebrew texts), and most of<br />

the evidence supports the liklihood of Yeshua and His Apostles having spoken mainly a Hebrewized<br />

(and probably Galilean) dialect of Aramaic. All manuscripts moreover, call the Messiah “Jesus”.<br />

This is a massive and complex area of study that we cannot delve into at length by email, and<br />

frankly anyone who is not literate in Koina and Attic Greek, Biblical Hebrew, and Syriac should<br />

not even get involved in such endeavours. Even those experts who are so qualified (both believers<br />

and non-believers) are often divided in their summations and interpretation of complicated details,<br />

linguistic nuances, etc.<br />

There are frauds of every description from Gail Riplinger to the cultic “Sacred Name” movement,<br />

to hyper-messianic extremists who are misleading many sincere but undiscerning Christians<br />

with what amounts to pure, ultra-speculative unadulterated rubbish. Recognize that religious hypeartists<br />

and con-artists run around all the time claiming erroneously to have discovered something<br />

“new” or rediscovered some “secret” knowlege that is old. Some of these people are mere connivers;<br />

others among them are deluded by their ignorance, blinded by spiritual pride and border on<br />

Gnosticism. Moreover, pseudo-scholars are, quite honestly, “a dime a dozen”.<br />

No authentic ancient copy of Matthew’s Gospel exists. It was translated a century ago into Hebrew<br />

from Greek by Franz Delitzche, a Jewish believer in Jesus and an amazing scholar.<br />

We are not the top experts in the world by any means, but although she is a mathamatician by<br />

profession, my wife has an Israeli degree in biblical Hebrew and Aramaic where Dr. David Flusser<br />

himself was one of her professors at Hebrew University. I am fluent in Hebrew, read Greek, etc. and<br />

I studied under the best at London School of Theology (LBC) and at Cambridge. Among others, I do<br />

conferences with Dr. Randolph Price of the Qumran archaeological commission, I have met Professor<br />

Larry Fischman of The Dead Sea Scrolls Commission, and I work closely with Dr. Siam Bhayro<br />

– probably the leading saved Evangelical Ancient Near Eastern linguist and language scholar in the<br />

world. None of these take such nonsense as the “Greek Jesus, or Hebrew Yeshua” garbage seriously<br />

and neither should you.<br />

A nice Jewish girl like yourself who believes in Yeshua as her Messiah should get into a good<br />

solid fellowship with good doctrine and avoid the kooks whose abundant ranks appear to be almost<br />

everywhere.<br />

Every Blessing In Messiah,<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

(Philippians 1:6)<br />

26 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2010

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