Divine Mercy - Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem

Divine Mercy - Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem

Divine Mercy - Patriarcat latin de Jérusalem


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Le Suore <strong>de</strong>lla B. Vergine Maria <strong>de</strong>lla Misericordia<br />

cordialmente invitano alla celebrazione<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla Festa <strong>de</strong>lla Divina Misericordia<br />

<strong>Divine</strong> <strong>Mercy</strong><br />

<strong>Divine</strong> <strong>Mercy</strong> Sunday<br />

April 18, 2004<br />

Domenica <strong>de</strong>lla Divina Misericordia<br />

Dimanche <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong> <strong>Divine</strong><br />

Domenica 15 Aprile 2012<br />

nella Co-Cattedrale (<strong>Patriarcat</strong>o <strong>latin</strong>o)<br />

Gerusalemme<br />

15,00 : Esposizione <strong>de</strong>l Santissimo Sacramento<br />

seguita dalla meditazione in diverse lingue<br />

(inglese, francese, arabo e italiano).<br />

Ora <strong>de</strong>lla Misericordia. Recita <strong>de</strong>lla Coroncina.<br />

Tempo per la Confessione e preghiera silenziosa<br />

15,45 : Benedizione <strong>de</strong>l Santissimo Sacramento<br />

16,00 : Eucaristia presieduta da<br />

S.E. William Shomali, Vicario Patriarcale<br />

(Seguirà un rinfresco)<br />

La Novena, comincerà il Venerdì Santo in forma<br />

privata (a motivo <strong>de</strong>lle altre celebrazioni pubbliche<br />

<strong>de</strong>llo stesso giorno) e continuerà in forma pubblica<br />

dalla Domenica di Pasqua (8 aprile) nella Cappella <strong>de</strong>lla<br />

Flagellazione durante la consueta Ora di Adorazione<br />

<strong>de</strong>l SS.mo Sacramento (ore: 2,45 - 3,45).<br />

La misericordia di Cristo non è una grazia a buon mercato, non<br />

suppone la banalizzazione <strong>de</strong>l male. Cristo porta nel suo corpo e<br />

sulla sua anima tutto il peso <strong>de</strong>l male, tutta la sua forza distruttiva.<br />

Il giorno <strong>de</strong>lla ven<strong>de</strong>tta e l’anno <strong>de</strong>lla misericordia coincidono nel<br />

mistero pasquale, nel Cristo morto e risorto. Quanto più siamo toccati<br />

dalla misericordia <strong>de</strong>l Signore, tanto più entriamo in solidarietà<br />

con la sua sofferenza – diveniamo disponibili a completare nella<br />

nostra carne “quello che manca ai patimenti di Cristo”. (Col 1,24)<br />

ding thun<strong>de</strong>rbolts to my<br />

mercy to the people of the<br />

hing mankind, but I <strong>de</strong>sire to<br />

. (Diary, 1588)<br />

Omelia <strong>de</strong>l Cardinale Joseph Ratzinger prima <strong>de</strong>ll’inizio <strong>de</strong>l conclave<br />

Buona Pasqua<br />

The first Sunday after Easter is the Feast<br />

of <strong>Mercy</strong>, but there must also be <strong>de</strong>eds of<br />

mercy, which are to arise out of love for<br />

Me. You are to show mercy to our neighbors<br />

always and everywhere. You must not<br />

shrink from this or try to absolve yourself<br />

from it. (Diary 742)<br />

This Feast emerged from the very<br />

<strong>de</strong>pths of My mercy, and it is confirmed<br />

Of <strong>Mercy</strong> for us, I trust in You.<br />

in the vast <strong>de</strong>pths of my ten<strong>de</strong>r mercies.<br />

(Diary 420)<br />

I want to grant complete pardon to the<br />

souls that will go to Confession and receive<br />

Holy Communion on the Feast of My mercy.<br />

(Diary 1109)<br />

To priests who proclaim and extol My<br />

mercy, I will give wondrous power; I will<br />

anoint their words and touch the hearts of<br />

those to whom they will speak.” (Diary 1521)<br />

O Blood and Water, which gushed forth<br />

From the Heart of Jesus as a fount

The Sisters of Our Lady of <strong>Mercy</strong><br />

cordially invite you to the celebration<br />

of the Feast of <strong>Divine</strong> <strong>Mercy</strong> on<br />

Sunday, April 15, 2012<br />

at Co-Cathedral (Latin Patriarchate)<br />

Jerusalem<br />

3:00 p.m. – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament<br />

followed by meditations in different<br />

languages<br />

(English, French, Arabic & Italian).<br />

Hour of <strong>Mercy</strong>. The Chaplet of <strong>Divine</strong><br />

<strong>Mercy</strong>.<br />

Time for Confession and for silent prayer<br />

3:45 p.m. – Benediction<br />

4:00 p.m. – Holy Mass officiated by<br />

H.E. William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar<br />

(Refreshment follows)<br />

The <strong>Divine</strong> <strong>Mercy</strong> Novena will start on Good Friday, in<br />

private (due to the other public ceremonies of that Holy<br />

Day) and continue, in public, on Easter Sunday (8 April)<br />

at the Chapel of Flagellation during the regularly<br />

scheduled hour of Adoration of the Exposed Blessed<br />

Sacrament, 2:45 – 3:45pm.<br />

Les sœurs <strong>de</strong> Notre-Dame <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong><br />

vous invitent cordialement à célébrer<br />

la fête <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong> <strong>Divine</strong><br />

Dimanche 15 avril 2012<br />

dans la Co-Cathédrale (<strong>Patriarcat</strong> Latin)<br />

Jérusalem<br />

15.00h : Exposition du Très Saint Sacrement<br />

suivie <strong>de</strong> la méditation en diverses langues<br />

(anglais, français, arabe et italien).<br />

Heure <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong>. Récitation du<br />

Chapelet <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong> <strong>Divine</strong>.<br />

Temps réservé à la confession et à la<br />

prière silencieuse<br />

15.45h : Bénédiction du Très Saint Sacrement<br />

16.00h : Eucharistie présidée par<br />

S.E. William Shomali, Vicaire Patriarchal<br />

(Le verre <strong>de</strong> l’amitié nous rassemblera ensuite)<br />

La neuvaine <strong>de</strong> la Miséricor<strong>de</strong> <strong>Divine</strong> commence le<br />

vendredi saint en privé et continue en public le dimanche<br />

<strong>de</strong> Pâque (8 avril) à la chapelle <strong>de</strong> la Flagellation durant<br />

l’heure d’adoration du Saint Sacrement exposé <strong>de</strong><br />

2h.45 -3h.45.<br />

The mercy of Christ is not a cheap grace; it does not imply the<br />

trivialization of evil. Christ bore in his body and soul all the<br />

weight of evil, all its <strong>de</strong>structive force. The day of vengeance and<br />

the year of favor coinci<strong>de</strong> in the paschal mystery, in Christ, <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

and risen. The more we are touched by the mercy of the Lord, the<br />

more we are in solidarity with his suffering, the more disposed<br />

we are to complete in our flesh “what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions”<br />

(Col 1:24)<br />

Cardinal Ratzinger’s Homily in Mass Before Conclave<br />

La miséricor<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Dieu n’est pas une grâce à bon marché, elle ne<br />

suppose pas la banalisation du mal. Christ porte dans son corps<br />

et dans son âme tout le poids du mal, toute sa force <strong>de</strong>structrice.<br />

Le jour <strong>de</strong> la vengeance et l’année <strong>de</strong> la miséricor<strong>de</strong> coïnci<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

dans le mystère pascal, dans le Christ mort et ressuscité. Plus nous<br />

sommes touchés par la miséricor<strong>de</strong> du Seigneur, plus nous entrons<br />

en solidarité avec sa souffrance et <strong>de</strong>venons prêts à accomplir dans<br />

notre chair « ce qui manquer aux épreuves du Christ » (Col 1,24)<br />

Homélie du cardinal Joseph Ratzinger avant le conclave<br />

Happy Easter<br />

Joyeuses Pâques

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