Imaging electron motion with attosecond time resolution

Imaging electron motion with attosecond time resolution

Imaging electron motion with attosecond time resolution


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<strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>electron</strong> <strong>motion</strong><br />

<strong>with</strong> <strong>attosecond</strong> <strong>time</strong> <strong>resolution</strong><br />

Peter Abbamonte, UIUC<br />

Collaborators:<br />

Tim Graber, Advanced Photon Source<br />

Wei Ku, Brookhaven National Laboratory<br />

James Reed, UIUC<br />

Serban Smadici, UIUC<br />

Young Il Joe, UIUC<br />

Gerard Wong, UIUC<br />

Robert Coridian, UIUC<br />

Ken Finkelstein, Cornell University<br />

Sol Gruner, Cornell University<br />

Abhay Shukla, Université Pierre et Marie Curie<br />

Jean-Pascale Rueff, Synchrotron SOLIEL<br />

Funding: Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S.<br />

Department of Energy #s DE-FG02-06ER46285 &<br />


Femtochemistry<br />

1<br />

*<br />

2<br />

2<br />

NaI( Σ0)<br />

→ [Na ⋅⋅⋅ I] → Na( S<br />

1/2)<br />

+ I( P3/<br />

2)<br />

P. Cong, et. al., J. Phys. Chem., 100, 7832 (1996)<br />

“Is there another domain in which the race against <strong>time</strong> can continue to be pushed Subfemtosecond<br />

or <strong>attosecond</strong> (10 -18 s) <strong>resolution</strong> may one day allow for the direct observation<br />

of the <strong>electron</strong>’s <strong>motion</strong>. … In the coming decades we may view <strong>electron</strong> rearrangement,<br />

say, in the benzene molecule, in real <strong>time</strong>.” – Ahmed Zewail, 2000 Nobel Address

Attoscience<br />

Reproduced from Drescher, et. al., Science, 291 1923 (2001)<br />

• Events preceding photofragmentation<br />

• Quasiparticle “birth” in semiconductors<br />

• Inner shell processes (shape resonances)<br />

• Electron transfer chemistry


Why not energy domain - photoabsorption<br />

∆t = 100 <strong>attosecond</strong>, ∆E·∆t = ħ /2 ⇒<br />

∆E = 6.58 eV<br />

grating<br />

slit<br />

counter<br />

lamp<br />

specimen<br />

I( ω)<br />

= exp[ −µ ( ω)<br />

L]<br />

µ ( ω)<br />

⇒ ε(<br />

ω)<br />

ε(<br />

ω)<br />

−1<br />

χ<br />

e(<br />

ω)<br />

=<br />

4π<br />

P( ω)<br />

= χ ( ω)<br />

E(<br />

ω)<br />

e<br />

P(t)<br />

E(t)<br />

∫ ∞ −∞<br />

P( t)<br />

= dt′<br />

χ ( t − t′<br />

) ( t′<br />

e<br />

E )<br />

t 0<br />

<strong>time</strong> (as!)<br />

“…energy-domain measurements on their own are – in general – unable to provide detailed insight<br />

into the evolution of multi-<strong>electron</strong> dynamics.” – M. Drescher, et. al., Nature (2002)

Inelastic x-ray (or n + or e – ) scattering<br />

(k 2 ,ω 2 )<br />

(k 1 ,ω 1 )<br />

Fluctuation-Dissipation theorem:<br />

Bell Jar<br />

I(k,ω) ~ – Im[χ(k,ω)]<br />

k = k 1 – k 2<br />

Pendulum<br />

ω = ω 1 – ω 2

Inelastic x-ray (or n + or e – ) scattering<br />

Couple light to <strong>electron</strong>s<br />

(Lorentz force law)<br />

Be sure to second-quantize to get photons<br />

Multiply out to get interactions<br />

Do perturbation theory (1st Born approximation)<br />

Turns out to be a Green’s function

What is χ(k,ω)<br />

χ(k,ω) :<br />

• density-density Green’s function<br />

• density propagator<br />

• susceptibility<br />

Describes how disturbances in <strong>electron</strong> density travel about the medium.<br />

(x,t)<br />

Causality<br />

Same as a pump-probe experiment.<br />

Dynamics is dynamics<br />


“Phase problem” and the arrow of <strong>time</strong><br />

Cannot invert <strong>with</strong> only Im[χ(k,ω)]<br />

Im[ω]<br />

× × × × × × × × × Re[ω]<br />

× × × × × × × × ×<br />

• χ(x,t) = 0 for t < 0<br />

• Raw spectra do not really describe dynamics – no causal information<br />

• Must assign an arrow of <strong>time</strong> to the problem. Permits retrieval of χ(x,t) –<br />

view dynamics explicitly.

IXS - practical<br />

Backscattering<br />

analyzer<br />

Monochromatic<br />

beam<br />

White beam from APS undulator<br />

scattering<br />

angle<br />

Specimen (H 2<br />

O)<br />

K. D. Finkelstein, P. Abbamonte, V. O. Kostroun, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 4783, 139 (2002)

Plasma oscillations in water<br />

– Im[χ(k,ω)] (as/Å 3 )<br />

• 8 valence <strong>electron</strong>s / molecule<br />

• ρ = 1 g/cm 3 ⇒ n = 0.20 e/Å 3<br />

• ω p<br />

= √(4πne 2 /m) = 16.6 eV<br />

• k max<br />

= 4.95 Å -1 ⇒ dx = 0.635 Å<br />

• ω max<br />

= 100 eV ⇒ dt = 20.7 as

Problems<br />

Problem #1:<br />

Im[χ(k,ω)] must be defined on infinite ω interval for continuous <strong>time</strong> interval<br />

Solution:<br />

Extrapolate.<br />

Side effects:<br />

• χ(x,t) defined on continuous (infinitely narrow) <strong>time</strong> intervals.<br />

• Time “<strong>resolution</strong>” ∆t N = π/Ω max<br />

• Ω max plays role of pulse width.

Problems<br />

Problem #2:<br />

Discrete points violate causality<br />

Im[χ(k,ω)] must be defined on continuous ω interval. Periodicity incompatible <strong>with</strong><br />

causality.<br />

Solution:<br />

Analytic continuation (interpolate)<br />

Side effects:<br />

• χ(x,t) defined forever. Vanishes for t < 0.<br />

• Repeats <strong>with</strong> period T = 2π/∆ω = 13.8 femtoseconds<br />

• ∆ω plays role of rep rate

Nyquist’s (critical sampling) theorem<br />

f(t)<br />

|f(ω)| 2<br />

t<br />

− ω max<br />

ω max<br />

ω<br />

ω N = 2 ω max<br />

Nyquist frequency<br />

ω too small<br />

⇒ aliasing<br />

∆t N<br />

= 20.7 as<br />

∆x N<br />

= 0.635 Å

Disturbance from a point perturbation.

Disturbance from a point perturbation – frame-by-frame<br />

0.1 Å -6<br />

Units Å -6<br />

clipped at 1 Å -6<br />

0.005 Å -6<br />

∆t N<br />

= 20.7 as<br />

∆x N<br />

= 0.635 Å<br />

• Events transpire in 350 as – light travels 100 nm in vacuum<br />

• Causality Analytic properties Rise of entropy Arrow of <strong>time</strong>

Compound sources<br />

(x,t)<br />

(x 0 ,0)<br />

(x 1 ,0)

Compound sources – oscillating dipole

Compound sources – wake from 9 MeV Au ion<br />

• Phys. Rev. Focus, 14 June 2004<br />

• Chemical & Engineering News, 82, 5 (2004)

Excitons: Frenkel vs. Wannier<br />

conduction band<br />

valence band<br />

Frenkel (Xe, Organics, …)<br />

Wannier (Si, Ge, Cu 2<br />

O, …)<br />

J. Frenkel, Phys. Rev., 37, 17 (1931) G. H. Wannier, Phys. Rev., 52 191 (1937)

Alkali halides – an intermediate case<br />

“Excitation” model<br />

Dexter, D. L., Exciton models in alkali halides, Phys. Rev. 108,<br />

707-712 (1957)<br />

It’s all just Wannier<br />

Hopfield, J. J., & Worlock, J. M., Two-quantum absorption<br />

spectrum in KI and CsI, Phys. Rev. 137, A1455-A1464 (1965)<br />

GW correction / Solve Bethe-Saltpeter eqn.<br />

Rohlfing, M., & Louie, S. G., Electron-hole excitations in<br />

semiconductors and insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2312-2315<br />

(1998)<br />

Discovery of excitons in alkali halides<br />

Hilsch, R., & Pohl, R. W., Über die ersten ultravioletten<br />

Eigenfrequenzen einiger einfacher kristalle, Z. Physik 48, 384-396<br />

(1928)<br />

Marginal case btwn. Frenkel and Wannier<br />

Mott, N. F., Conduction in polar crystals. II. The conduction band and<br />

ultra-violet absorption of alkali halide crystals, Trans. Faraday Soc.<br />

34, 500-506 (1938)<br />

Electron transfer model<br />

Overhauser, A. W., Multiplet structure of excitons in ionic crystals,<br />

Phys. Rev. 101, 1702-1712 (1956)

Frenkel vs. Wannier in <strong>time</strong>-domain IXS<br />

Wannier’s Excitonic Basis:<br />

| R, R + β ><br />

Excitons come from diagonalizing<br />

∑<br />

K<br />

ββ ′<br />

′<br />

R<br />

−i<br />

⋅R<br />

H ( K) = e < R, R + β | H | 0, β ><br />

For Frenkel exciton, dominated by one term:<br />

∑<br />

K<br />

R<br />

( ) −i<br />

⋅R<br />

H , | | 0,0<br />

00<br />

K = e < R R H ><br />

Conclusion: Frenkel exciton keeps its size / shape through its life. Wannier<br />

changes. Inverted IXS directly sensitive to Wannier vs. Frenkel vs.<br />

intermediate descriptions.


Time response<br />

All processes:<br />

• Exciton<br />

• Interband<br />

• Plasmon<br />

• Core levels<br />

• Compton<br />


Isolating the exciton<br />

g<br />

gap<br />

B<br />

( ω)<br />

= 1 + e<br />

k<br />

k<br />

g<br />

−W<br />

( ω−ω<br />

)<br />

Im[ χ ] = Im[ χ ] −g<br />

( ω )<br />

e,<br />

n n gap n<br />

⎧<br />

Im[ χne,<br />

n]<br />

= ⎨<br />

⎩<br />

g ( ω ) ω < ω<br />

gap n n c<br />

Im[ χ ] ω ≥ ω<br />

n n c<br />

Truncated at 16.5 eV

Exciton dynamics<br />

Frenkel limit.

Wannier functions (Ku, et. al.)

Lessons<br />

•Exciton in LiF is Frenkel, despite the old controversy.<br />

•No contradiction between CT and Frenkel. Lattice geometry not a<br />

constraint.<br />

•Causality allows solution to “phase problem” for IXS ⇒ zeptoseconds!<br />

•Is there information in this which cannot be read off the raw spectra!<br />

1. Extrapolation 2. Causality<br />

• χ(x,t) useful for analyzing extended sources

Homogeneous vs. homogeneous broadening

Graphite<br />

Wallace, Phys Rev. 71, 622 (1947)<br />

σ,π plasmon<br />

Compton<br />

scattering<br />

π plasmon

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