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<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

Contents<br />

Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................3<br />

Existing national environmental policy and legislation .......................................................................................................3<br />

National targets for the conservation of genetic biodiversity........................................................................................................3<br />

Information on bathing water quality..........................................................................................................................................4<br />

Restoration programmes .........................................................................................................................................................4<br />

Action Plans and conservation status of marine species and habitats.........................................................................................4<br />

Invasive Alien Species legislation in place .................................................................................................................................4<br />

Bio-safety measures to reduce impacts from alien genotypes....................................................................................................4<br />

Trade in CITES species............................................................................................................................................................4<br />

Plans and follow up of the UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.............................................................................................5<br />

Integration of biodiversity into cross-sector policies .........................................................................................................5<br />

Integration of biodiversity considerations into development programmes, and projects’ impact on biodiversity...............................5<br />

Implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management concept ........................................................................................5<br />

Application of the Ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries .....................................................................................5<br />

Biodiversity considerations in aquaculture .................................................................................................................................5<br />

Adaptation measures to increase biodiversity resilience to climate change..................................................................................5<br />

Stakeholder awareness and participation .......................................................................................................................6<br />

Integration of biodiversity into public policy/wider decision making..............................................................................................6<br />

National partnerships for biodiversity (including private sector involvement)..................................................................................6<br />

National/sub-national public awareness campaigns/initiatives ....................................................................................................6<br />

Implementation of Multilateral agreements relevant to biodiversity conservation ..................................................................6<br />

Ratified Biodiversity-related agreements (year) ...........................................................................................................................6<br />

Paid contributions....................................................................................................................................................................7<br />

Financial and technical resources for achieving the <strong>2010</strong> target .......................................................................................7<br />

Proportion of its Rural Development budget allocated to biodiversity...........................................................................................7<br />

Funding for biodiversity under the national research programmes...............................................................................................7<br />

Annual funding for biodiversity..................................................................................................................................................7<br />

Funds provided for biodiversity activities in developing countries ................................................................................................7<br />

Existence of a national set of biodiversity indicators ...................................................................................................................8<br />

Sources......................................................................................................................................................................8<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

Competent authorities for nature &<br />

biodiversity:<br />

Ministère de l’Ecologie, de l’Énergie, du<br />

Développement durable et de l’Aménagement<br />

du territoire (MEDAD)<br />

http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/<br />

Most recent national/sub-national<br />

biodiversity strategy/action plan:<br />

Stratégie Française pour la Biodiversité (2004)<br />

http://www.environnement.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/s<br />

nb.pdf<br />

Latest review of the implementation of<br />

the biodiversity strategy/action plan:<br />

Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité : rapport<br />

d’activité 2006<br />

http://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/SNBrapport-activite-2006.pdf<br />

Introduction<br />

France is located in Western Europe, although its territory also<br />

comprises various overseas islands and territories located in<br />

other continents. Its total land area, with its overseas<br />

departments and territories (excluding Adélie Land), is<br />

674,843 square kilometres (260,558 sq mi), or 0.45% of the<br />

total land area on Earth. With an estimated population of 64.5<br />

million people, France is the 19th most populous country in the<br />

world.<br />

France (excluding its overseas territories) comprises 40% of<br />

Europe’s flora. This flora is characterized by a high rate of<br />

endemism, especially in the Mediterranean and Pyrenees<br />

mountains. Threatened species in France’s fauna account for<br />

39% of reptiles, 36% of mammals, and 22% of freshwater fish<br />

species. In addition, the country comprises 276 species of<br />

birds, of which 18% are threatened.<br />

Overseas, the territories, although considerably smaller in area,<br />

are home to 100 times more freshwater fish species, 60 times<br />

more endemic birds, 26 times more endemic plants, and 3.5<br />

times more endemic molluscs. Some examples of this lush<br />

biodiversity can be found in French Guyana, with a vast track of<br />

untouched primary Amazonian forest, over 5350 species of<br />

vascular plants, and 183 terrestrial mammals; and New<br />

Caledonia, an overseas territory with its own government<br />

responsible for the protection of biodiversity, an 85% endemic<br />

flora, with several families and genus found no where else in<br />

the world, as well as half of the species of coniferous plants<br />

found in the southern hemisphere.<br />

In 2005, zones that were dedicated to the conservation of<br />

biodiversity accounted for 12.6% of all of the French territory.<br />

Today, the destruction, fragmentation and alteration of habitats<br />

constitute the most important direct cause of the decline of<br />

biodiversity in the country.<br />

Existing national environmental policy and legislation<br />

The French National Strategy for Biodiversity was developed in<br />

2004. It has 3 main objectives, namely:<br />

• To protect habitats and ecosystem diversity, species and<br />

genetic diversity,<br />

• To maintain and develop a web of natural areas over the<br />

territory, and<br />

• To ensure the maintenance of ecosystem health and<br />

functions.<br />

National targets for the conservation of genetic biodiversity<br />

Since the 1990s France has taken actions to maintain<br />

threatened plant varieties and breeds of domestic animals. Its<br />

national targets for the conservation of genetic diversity are in<br />

accordance with those of the CBD, and include the promotion<br />

of quality products (which often use local varieties) such as<br />

through the Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée and Indication<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

géographique d’origine certification schemes.<br />

Furthermore, France has incorporated a number of Good<br />

Agricultural Environmental Conditions (GAEC) that may provide<br />

significant biodiversity conservation benefits. These include<br />

rules for the maintenance of pasture, with locally defined criteria<br />

based on stocking densities, or an obligation to graze or mow.<br />

There are also measures to maintain cultivated crop diversity,<br />

but there are no measures to maintain important landscape<br />

features.<br />

where practicable, marine areas which have been adversely<br />

affected, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention.<br />

France is also a contracting party to the Barcelona Convention<br />

and therefore has responsibilities under the Mediterranean<br />

Action Plan and the Strategic Action Plan for Protection of<br />

Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean Region.<br />

Invasive Alien Species legislation in place<br />

Information on bathing water quality<br />

France has a specific website dedicated to bathing waters:<br />

http://baignades.sante.gouv.fr/ where the public can access<br />

reports and real-time information on bathing water.<br />

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are partly covered under the<br />

Natural Heritage Plan of the French Strategy for biodiversity and<br />

within hunting and wild-fauna programmes. Present-day France<br />

does not count with an overarching IAS legislation in place,<br />

although regulations exist for IAS trade-related issues and<br />

intentional introduction.<br />

Restoration programmes<br />

The French Marine Action Plan indicates that it is necessary to<br />

develop restoration plans for threatened species such as<br />

turtles, cetaceans and sturgeons (some of which are currently<br />

being launched). Furthermore, there is a conservation plan<br />

approved by the French National Nature Conservation Council<br />

(CNPN) for Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus).<br />

The French ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and<br />

Spatial Planning (MEDAD) is currently working on measures to<br />

address IAS within biodiversity action plans, and the French<br />

government recently launched a biodiversity programme<br />

dealing with IAS.<br />

Bio-safety measures to reduce impacts from alien<br />

genotypes<br />

Within the Context of the Mediterranean Action Plan of the<br />

Barcelona Convention, France has adopted Action Plans for<br />

Mediterranean species of marine turtles, monk seal, cetaceans<br />

(especially bottle-nose dolphin), sea birds (such as Audouin’s<br />

gull), cartilaginous fishes (such as the great white shark), and<br />

marine plants. These Action Plans contain objectives relating to<br />

the elaboration and setting up monitoring programmes and<br />

monitoring networks for the species in question.<br />

Action Plans and conservation status of marine species and<br />

habitats<br />

Several regulations are in place in relation to the deliberate<br />

release of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in the<br />

framework of France's Environmental Code, including plants,<br />

animals and phyto-pharmaceutical products.<br />

France is also an implementing Party to the Cartagena Protocol<br />

on Biosafety. Furthermore, it must implement relevant legislation<br />

based on European Union's provisions for GMOs. However, in<br />

2004 and 2007 the European Court of Justice ruled that<br />

France did not comply to transpose the EU directive on the<br />

deliberate release into the environment of GMOs 1 .<br />

Developed in 2005, the French Marine Action Plan for<br />

Biodiversity incorporates an strategy for ICZM and actions to<br />

incorporate biodiversity issues into national, European and<br />

international policies and plans.<br />

Trade in CITES species<br />

France is a party to the Convention on the International Trade of<br />

Endangered Species (CITES), and as such must report on the<br />

As a contracting party of the OSPAR convention, France<br />

implements the ‘Biological Diversity and Ecosystems’ strategy,<br />

with the objective to protect and conserve the ecosystems and<br />

the biological diversity of the maritime area which are, or could<br />

be, affected as a result of human activities, and to restore,<br />

1<br />

2001/18 EEC<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

amount of trade in CITES species. France is a major player in<br />

the international trade of CITES species, mirrored in the large<br />

number of CITES certificates issued and the number of seized<br />

items.<br />

The information available did not contain data on denied permit<br />

applications or total figure for seizures, although details on the<br />

seizures are presented, varying substantially between years.<br />

National capacity building for CITES implementation focuses on<br />

improving networks, hiring of staff, computerisation, as well as<br />

advice, assistance and training provided for the Management<br />

Authority, the Scientific Authority, the Enforcement Authorities<br />

and traders.<br />

Plans and follow up of the UN Millennium Ecosystem<br />

Assessment<br />

questions that determine the need to conduct a detailed<br />

assessment study. The study is financed by the French<br />

Development Fund, or by other donors in co-funded projects,<br />

with the participation of qualified local consultants in recipient<br />

countries. At the time of this study, it was unclear to what<br />

extend these assessments are mandatory and biodiversity<br />

considerations integrated.<br />

Implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone<br />

Management concept<br />

An overall strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management<br />

(ICZM) is included within the French Marine Plan of Action.<br />

Under this strategy France aims to develop ICZM actions, new<br />

coastal policies based on ICZM principles and indicators in line<br />

with marine and coastal biodiversity indicators. France has<br />

provided good examples of new coordination mechanisms<br />

involving various stakeholders horizontally and vertically in the<br />

implementation of ICZM strategies at the European level.<br />

France is currently developing a plan to follow up the<br />

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, in which a number of<br />

different systems and ecosystems services will be included.<br />

Such a plan will be focused at the national level, with some<br />

elements of specific interest addressed at the sub-national<br />

level.<br />

The planning process is in its initial phase, were systems,<br />

sources, and valuation methods are still being specified. This<br />

Plan is expected to continue until mid-2009.<br />

Integration of biodiversity into cross-sector policies<br />

Integration of biodiversity considerations into development<br />

programmes, and projects’ impact on biodiversity<br />

Although there are relevant guidance documents available for<br />

public forests, afforestation schemes and projects in France,<br />

these are not subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment<br />

(SEA) or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures.<br />

Planning regulations and EIAs are required however for<br />

deforestation proposals of more than 10 ha.<br />

In 2006 France intended to start implementing ICZM activities<br />

by establishing a National Council for the Coast with the<br />

responsibility for integrated coastal management.<br />

Application of the Ecosystem approach to the management<br />

of fisheries<br />

France published a plan for fisheries in 2006, in which an<br />

integrated approach combining objectives related to resources,<br />

energy and value-added, although it does not specifically<br />

mention the ecosystem based approach to management.<br />

Furthermore, the French Marine Action plan recognises the<br />

need to integrate the protection of biodiversity into the<br />

objectives of the Regional Fisheries Organisations.<br />

Biodiversity considerations in aquaculture<br />

The French Fisheries Operational programme includes in one of<br />

its axis an objective to develop methods of aquaculture that<br />

maintain water quality and promote the protection of<br />

biodiversity.<br />

Furthermore, France applies an environmental assessment<br />

process at an early stage in development co-operation projects<br />

and at a level appropriate to the type of project, the significance<br />

of the potential environmental impacts and the socio-cultural<br />

and biophysical sensitivity of the environment.<br />

Impact significance is assessed through a series of test<br />

Adaptation measures to increase biodiversity resilience to<br />

climate change<br />

The French National Biodiversity Strategy notes the impacts of<br />

climate change on biodiversity and promotes the maintenance<br />

of connectivity (e.g. through corridors). Furthermore, France<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

has produced a climate change adaptation strategy, although it<br />

has not defined targets for increasing the resilience of<br />

biodiversity to climate change in accordance with CBD goals.<br />

From the information available at the time of this study, it is not<br />

clear if a strategy or programme of defined actions to facilitate<br />

biodiversity adaptation exists.<br />

Stakeholder awareness and participation<br />

Integration of biodiversity into public policy/wider decision<br />

making<br />

The integration of biodiversity into public policy is one of the<br />

objectives in France’s National Biodiversity Strategy. This is also<br />

one of the major objectives of the European Union Biodiversity<br />

Action Plan. By the time of this study, no information on<br />

concrete examples of such a practice was found.<br />

National partnerships for biodiversity (including private<br />

sector involvement)<br />

France has in place national initiatives to promote partnerships<br />

for biodiversity in a series of sectors, including: Tourism, Mining,<br />

Farming/Forestry, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),<br />

Energy and Infrastructure. Furthermore, there are also guidance<br />

documents for partnerships between businesses and Natura<br />

2000 sites.<br />

National/sub-national public awareness<br />

campaigns/initiatives<br />

The information available hints to the fact that a large share of<br />

public biodiversity awareness campaigns focus on the Natura<br />

2000 Network. Since 1993 a number of documents have been<br />

published to increase public awareness of the Natura 2000<br />

network. These includes leaflets, brochures, newsletters,<br />

guidance documents (covering forests, coasts, wetlands, agropastoral<br />

habitats, rocky habitats, plant species and animal<br />

species). Furthermore, a dedicated Natura 2000 website was<br />

launched in December 2000 (http://www.natura2000.fr/.<br />

Implementation of Multilateral agreements relevant to biodiversity conservation<br />

The achievement of the <strong>2010</strong> Biodiversity target is partly dependent on the effective implementation of biodiversity commitments. The<br />

2006 Global Biodiversity Outlook report reveals that while much progress has been made in developing policy and tools for<br />

implementing Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), national-level implementation has been limited and lacks behind.<br />

Ratified Biodiversity-related agreements (year)<br />


1994 1978 1986 1990 1987 2005 1994 1997<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

Paid contributions<br />

UNEP Environment Fund CBD CITES RAMSAR CMS WHC<br />

$4,340,000.0 (2007) $663,515<br />

(2008)<br />

$294,287 (2008) CHF 360,458<br />

(2008)<br />

€331,954<br />

(2008)<br />

$198,828* (2008)<br />

• this is the expected contribution for 2008, although it had not been received by the time this study was completed<br />

Financial and technical resources for achieving the<br />

<strong>2010</strong> target<br />

Funds provided for biodiversity activities in developing<br />

countries<br />

Proportion of its Rural Development budget allocated to<br />

biodiversity<br />

A relatively small proportion of the budget of the French<br />

Regional Development Programme is allocated to biodiversity.<br />

According to its Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013<br />

only 15.1% of the French RDP budget is allocated to<br />

biodiversity-related measures, amounting to 1,641.6 million<br />

Euro (excluding additional private & national contributions.).<br />

Funding for biodiversity under the national research<br />

programmes<br />

Funding for biodiversity from the French National Research<br />

Agency (ANR) has been estimated approximately to EUR 10<br />

million per year since 2005.. In 2008, the total allocation<br />

(MEDAD) towards environmental research was EUR 1,335<br />

millions, of which approximately 0.75% were dedicated to<br />

biodiversity.<br />

However, this represents only a very small part of the total<br />

environmental research budget for the whole of France, as<br />

these values do not include funds allocated by the French<br />

Ministry of Research as well as from various research<br />

organisations.<br />

Funds provided by France for biodiversity activities in<br />

developing countries are jointly managed by the Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs,<br />

Finance and Industry (MINEFI), whi have joint responsibility of<br />

the management ODA. The French Development Agency (AFD)<br />

acts as the principal operator.<br />

Annual spending on biodiversity-related bilateral aid 2 in 2005<br />

was EUR 12 million, amounting to 0.2% of the total bilateral aid<br />

budget.<br />

Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) have a special<br />

status and benefit from thematic programmes financed by the<br />

Development Cooperation Financing Instrument (DCFI). In the<br />

case of France, biodiversity-related aid to OCTs is mainly<br />

channeled via the Ministry of Overseas Affairs, and provided by<br />

ministerial credits, the AFD and public funds, with a strong<br />

focus on economic and social development of those territories.<br />

The overall amount of annual spending on biodiversity-related<br />

bilateral external assistance for France's OCTs could not be<br />

estimated.<br />

Annual funding for biodiversity<br />

Annual national funding for biodiversity activities amounted to<br />

EUR 900 million in 2002.<br />

2<br />

Biodiversity-related aid is defined as activities that promote<br />

at least one of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological<br />

Diversity: the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its<br />

components (ecosystems, species or genetic resources), and the fair<br />

and equitable distribution of the benefits of the utilization of genetic<br />

resources.<br />


<strong>COUNTDOWN</strong> <strong>2010</strong> <strong>READINESS</strong> <strong>ASSESSMENT</strong><br />

<strong>FRANCE</strong><br />

preliminary desk study<br />

Existence of a national set of biodiversity indicators<br />

France has developed a detailed set of biodiversity indicators<br />

for Metropolitan and Overseas France, closely related aspects<br />

of the set of CBD focal areas and the corresponding European<br />

Union's headline indicators.<br />

These indicators cover, amongst others, features such as<br />

genetic diversity, bird's diversity, diversity/richness of fisheries,<br />

status of Red-list species, habitat's diversity, and ecological<br />

zones.<br />

Sources<br />

CBD website http://www.cbd.int/countries/country=fr<br />

CBD National Reports<br />

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/France<br />

CITES<br />

http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/reports/biennial.shtml<br />

http://www.cites.org/eng/cop/14/doc/E14-07-1.pdf<br />

French National Biodiversity Strategy<br />

http://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/Biodiversite_complet-<br />

2.pdf.<br />

Third National Report to the CBD<br />

http://www.cbd.int/doc/world/fr/fr-nr-03-fr.doc<br />

French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries<br />

http://agriculture.gouv.fr/<br />

GMO information site http://www.ogm.gouv.fr/<br />

Case C-121/07 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/<br />

National Report on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety<br />

http://www.cbd.int/biosafety/parties/reports.shtmlreport=NR-<br />

CPB-01<br />

OECD<br />

http://www.oecd.org/document/11/0,3343,en_2649_34603_<br />

32070731_1_1_1_1,00&&en-USS_01DBC.html<br />

Environmental Assessment Summary Sheets: Bilateral and<br />

Multilateral Development Agencies http://www.acdicida.gc.ca/CIDAWEB/acdicida.nsf/En/REN-218131217-PEH<br />

Biennial Reports of CITES Parties<br />

http://www.cites.org/eng/resources/reports/biennial.shtml<br />

ANR http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/<br />

Global Biodiversity Outlook http://www.cbd.int/gbo2/<br />

The publication was produced with the financial support of the<br />

European Commission.<br />


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