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Modern Microbial Genetics, Second Edition. Edited by Uldis N. Streips, Ronald E. Yasbin<br />

Copyright # 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.<br />

ISBNs: 0-471-38665-0 Hardback); 0-471-22197-X Electronic)<br />

19<br />

<strong>Conjugation</strong><br />


Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park,<br />

Pennsylvania 16802<br />

I. Introduction ................................... 464<br />

A. C. Regulation of F factor fertility. .............. 464<br />

II. <strong>Conjugation</strong> by the E. coli FFactor............... 465<br />

A. Overview ................................... 465<br />

B. Structure of the F Factor ..................... 465<br />

C. Regulation of F Factor Fertility ............... 467<br />

D. Establishment of Cell Contact . . ............... 468<br />

E. DNA Mobilization and Transfer............... 469<br />

F. Separation of the Mating Pair . . ............... 471<br />

III. Hfr <strong>Conjugation</strong> and Chromosomal Transfer ....... 471<br />

A. How Hfr Strains Arise . ...................... 471<br />

B. Properties of Hfr's ........................... 474<br />

C. Recombination after Hfr conjugation. . . ........ 475<br />

IV. F-prime <strong>Conjugation</strong> and Merodiploids ............ 478<br />

A. The Generation of F-primes................... 478<br />

B. <strong>Conjugation</strong> Properties of F-primes ............ 481<br />

V. <strong>Conjugation</strong> of Fertility-Inhibited F-like Plasmids . . . 482<br />

VI. Nonconjugative, Mobilizable Plasmids ............. 483<br />

VII. Broad Host Range Self-transmissible Plasmids ...... 484<br />

VIII. Chromosome Mobilization by Non-F Plasmids ..... 486<br />

IX. Plasmid-Based <strong>Conjugation</strong> in Other Bacteria....... 488<br />

A. Salmonella.................................. 488<br />

B. Pseudomonas................................ 489<br />

1. Chromosome Mobilization in<br />

P. aeruginosa ............................. 489<br />

2. Chromosome Mobilization in P. putida ....... 490<br />

3. R-primes in Pseudomonads . . ............... 490<br />

C. Streptomyces................................ 490<br />

D. Gram-Positive Cocci Streptococcus, etc.) ....... 493<br />

E. Other Plasmid-Based <strong>Conjugation</strong> Systems ...... 494<br />

X. Conjugative Transposons . . ...................... 495<br />

XI. Conclusion .................................... 496<br />

XII. Appendix: <strong>Conjugation</strong>al Mapping . ............... 496

464 PORTER<br />


<strong>Conjugation</strong> is the mode of gene transfer<br />

that involves the transfer of DNA between<br />

two live bacterial cells that are in direct contact.<br />

Although conjugation in nature most<br />

often simply involves the transfer of plasmid<br />

DNA from donor to recipient cell, chromosomal<br />

DNA can be transferred under certain<br />

circumstances. Much of the discussion in<br />

this chapter will focus on the F factormediated<br />

conjugation system of Escherichia<br />

coli as this system serves as a prototype for<br />

conjugation in Gram-negative bacteria. The<br />

less well-characterized Gram-positive conjugation<br />

systems will be described later in the<br />

chapter.<br />

There are many aspects of the discovery of<br />

conjugation in E. coli by Lederberg and Tatum<br />

1946) that were strongly influenced by<br />

elements of serendipity. The choice of the K-<br />

12 strain for use in the initial experiments is<br />

one of the most striking examples of such<br />

happy chance. The protocol involved mixing<br />

two isolates that each had at least two nutritional<br />

deficiencies so that cells where one<br />

marker had reverted would not be scored as<br />

recombinants. Although the K-12 strain was<br />

chosen primarily because of the availability<br />

of isolates with more than one counterselectable<br />

nutritional marker, it also happened to<br />

contain a self-transmissible plasmid. The<br />

particular self-transmissible plasmid in K-<br />

12, the F factor, was also unusual in that it<br />

both constitutively expresses conjugal transfer<br />

functions see below) and contains several<br />

transposable elements that allow it to interact<br />

with the bacterial chromosome.<br />

A. C. Regulation of F factor fertility<br />

Lederberg later estimated that only about<br />

five percent of randomly selected E. coli isolates<br />

would have given recombinants with the<br />

selection protocol that was initially employed.<br />

It was also happy chance that the<br />

nutritional genetic markers in the isolates<br />

selected were closely clustered on the<br />

chromosome in each strain so that optimal<br />

yields of recombinants were readily obtained<br />

without the requirement for multiple crossovers.<br />

Although the work of the Avery<br />

group with transformation in Streptococcus<br />

pneumoniae Avery et al., 1944) had set<br />

the stage, there were still many scientists<br />

who were reluctant to believe that the lowly<br />

bacteria could engage in any form of sexual<br />

activity. The work done by Lederberg and<br />

others who soon followed convincingly<br />

demonstrated that bacteria were organisms<br />

where genetics could be productively practiced.<br />

There are two distinct requirements that<br />

must be met in order for conjugation to<br />

occur. The first of these requirments is that<br />

the cells be able to engage in a specific contact<br />

cycle. The second is that some DNA in<br />

the donor cell be capable of undergoing<br />

mobilization. Plasmids that encode all of the<br />

necessary gene products to enable the potential<br />

donor cell to carry out a specific contact<br />

cycle with a suitable recipient cell are said<br />

to be conjugative. Plasmids whose DNA can<br />

be prepared for transfer to a recipient cell<br />

are called mobilizable. Both of these capabilities<br />

do not always reside on the same plasmid,<br />

however, and neither ability alone<br />

is sufficient for conjugal DNA transfer. Inability<br />

to carry out either or both of these<br />

functions classifies a plasmid as being nonconjugative<br />

and/or nonmobilizable. A plasmid<br />

may simply lack one or both of these<br />

abilities as it was originally isolated, or it may<br />

have lost one or both of these abilities through<br />

mutation. Plasmids that are mobilizable, but<br />

nonconjugative, are often efficiently transferred<br />

to recipient cells when other plasmids<br />

present in the donor cell provide the necessary<br />

cell contact functions. Plasmids that are both<br />

conjugative and mobilizable are termed selftransmissible<br />

Clark and Warren, 1979).<br />

It should be noted, however, that the word<br />

mobilization is also often used to describe<br />

the situation where a plasmid, generally a<br />

self-transmissible one, is able to affect the<br />

conjugational transfer of donor cell chromosomal<br />

DNA to a recipient cell. In fact the<br />

word mobilization is most often used in this<br />

sense. While plasmid mobilization refers to a


plasmid's possession of the ability to transfer<br />

a copy of its own DNA to a recipient cell<br />

whenever a mating pair has been formed,<br />

chromosome mobilization in conjugation<br />

occurs as the result of some kind of physical<br />

association between the donor cell chromosome<br />

and the plasmid undergoing conjugational<br />

transfer. These plasmid/chromosome<br />

associations can be very stable in the case<br />

of Hfr strains or very transient in the case<br />

of cointegrates formed as intermediates in<br />

transposition; these examples will be discussed<br />

later in the chapter. Regardless of the<br />

degree of stability involved, the chromosome<br />

is passively carried along to the recipient cell<br />

as the result of its covalent association with<br />

the plasmid during chromosomal mobilization.<br />

The word mobilization will be used<br />

both ways in this chapter, and the student<br />

should make every effort not to interchange<br />

the two meanings of the word.<br />



A. Overview<br />

E. coli cells totally lacking the presence of the<br />

F factor in any form are called F cells. The<br />

F factor can, however, exist in a cell in three<br />

different forms. First, cells containing an autonomously<br />

replicating F plasmid are called<br />

F ‡ cells. Such cells efficiently transfer the F<br />

plasmid to a suitable recipient but rarely<br />

transfer donor cell chromosomal DNA.<br />

Second, the F factor is able to integrate<br />

into the donor cell chromosome to give rise<br />

to an Hfr high frequency of recombination)<br />

cell that can efficiently transfer donor cell<br />

chromosomal DNA to a recipient cell by<br />

conjugation. Third, F-prime plasmids arise<br />

when the integrated F factor in an Hfr<br />

carries some chromosomal DNA with it as<br />

it is recombined out of the chromosome and<br />

returns to the autonomously replicating<br />

state. F-primes are transferred to a suitable<br />

recipient in much the same manner as a wildtype<br />

F factor. Although the establishment of<br />

the mating pair and the initiation of DNA<br />

transfer is identical in all three cases, the<br />

ability of these three donor types to transfer<br />

chromosomal DNA to a recipient cell differs<br />

considerably. These three different types of F<br />

factor±containing cells will be discussed in<br />

more detail later in the chapter.<br />

In the case of F factor±mediated conjugation,<br />

contact initially occurs between the tip<br />

of the donor cell's F factor±encoded sex pilus<br />

and the exterior envelope of the recipient<br />

cell. Direct contact, presumably achieved by<br />

basal disassembly of the pilus, produces an<br />

unstable mating pair. Multiple cell interactions<br />

frequently give rise to mating cell<br />

aggregates that may contain up to 20 cells<br />

Achtman et al., 1978a). A picture and diagrammatic<br />

representation of E. coli mating<br />

aggregates are shown in Figure 1. Although<br />

some DNA transfer between the cells may<br />

occur at these early stages, most DNA transfer<br />

occurs between pairs of cells specifically<br />

stabilized within the mating aggregate. Cells<br />

are called exconjugants after mating pair<br />

dissociation, and recipient cells that have<br />

received DNA from donor cells are called<br />

merozygotes. These merozygotes become<br />

transconjugants after the donor DNA has<br />

become stabilized in the recipient cell. This<br />

stabilization of donor DNA can occur either<br />

by recombination with recipient DNA or,<br />

in the case of transferred plasmid DNA, by<br />

establishment of the transferred plasmid<br />

DNA as an independent replicon in the<br />

recipient cell. The various steps in this overall<br />

process will be discussed in more detail<br />

below. A number of excellent recent review<br />

articles dealing with F factor±mediated conjugation<br />

are available for additional study<br />

Willetts and Skurray, 1980, 1987; Willetts<br />

and Wilkens, 1984; Ippen-Ihler and Minkley,<br />

1986, Frost et al., 1994, Firth et al., 1996).<br />

B. Structure of the F Factor<br />

The F factor is a 100 kb plasmid that can<br />

be divided into four fairly distinct regions<br />

see Fig. 2). The region that is labeled inc,<br />

rep is the portion of the F factor that is<br />

involved in the vegetative replication of the<br />

plasmid. Mini-F plasmids containing only<br />

this region can be constructed, and these

466 PORTER<br />

Fig. 1. Hfr times F mating aggregates. An interpretative diagram is shown within each micrograph of mating<br />

E. coli cells. The Hfr cells in these diagrams are drawn with thin walls while the F cells are drawn with thick<br />

walls. The cells for which the Hfr versus F assignment was uncertain are shown in white, and F pili that are<br />

thought to connect cells are indicated. Reproduced from Achtman et al., 1978a, with permission of the<br />

publisher.)<br />

mini-F derivatives demonstrate all of the<br />

replication properties of the parent plasmid.<br />

It is this region of the plasmid that determines<br />

the F factor's incompatibility properties<br />

regarding other plasmids in the same cell<br />

see Perlin, this volume).<br />

The F factor also contains a region where<br />

four transposable elements are clustered.<br />

In addition to the two copies of IS3 and the<br />

copy of IS2, there is a copy of Tn1000,<br />

also known as gd, whose transposition properties<br />

are very similar to those of Tn3. As


Fig. 2. Map of the Escherichia coli F factor. The four<br />

major regions of the F factor indicated on the figure<br />

are 1) the inc,rep region which determines vegetative<br />

replication and plasmid incompatibility properties,<br />

2) the tra region which stretches from oriT to<br />

IS3 and provides conjugative and DNA mobilization<br />

functions, 3) the region containing the four transposable<br />

elements that facilitate interactions between<br />

the F factor and other DNA molecules, and 4) the<br />

``silent region'' between IS2 and the inc,rep region.<br />

we will see later in this chapter, it is these<br />

transposable elements that are primarily responsible<br />

for the ability of the F factor to<br />

interact with other DNA molecules, including<br />

the chromosome, in the cell. The third<br />

region of the F factor is sometimes referred<br />

to as the silent region as few distinct<br />

genetic functions have been shown to reside<br />

there.<br />

The approximately 35 kb region of the F<br />

factor labeled tra is the fourth region, and it<br />

is involved in making the F factor a selftransmissible<br />

plasmid. This tra region is<br />

very similar in organization to the tra regions<br />

of many F-like R factors. It contains the oriT<br />

site, at which DNA transfer is initiated, and<br />

DNA sequence analysis Frost et al., 1994)<br />

indicates the presence of 36 open reading<br />

frames with most of the likely genes designated<br />

tra and some trb. Three of the translated<br />

genes traM, traJ, and artA) produce<br />

separate transcripts, but all of the other<br />

genes form a single operon starting with<br />

traY. Although this huge operon has secondary<br />

promoters, the traY promoter appears to<br />

be dominant under conjugative conditions.<br />

The overall structure of the tra regulon is<br />

shown in Figure 3.<br />

C. Regulation of F Factor Fertility<br />

The main tra operon starting with traY) is<br />

positively regulated by the product of the<br />

separately transcribed traJ gene Willetts,<br />

1977; Gaffney et al., 1983). A number of<br />

mechanisms have been proposed to explain<br />

the need for TraJ protein in the efficient expression<br />

of the traY promoter, but it is currently<br />

thought that TraJ protein binding<br />

works by providing sufficient superhelicity<br />

for transcription initiation Gaudin and Silverman,<br />

1993). In most F-like plasmids, the<br />

traJ gene is normally negatively regulated<br />

by the finO and finP gene products fin ˆ<br />

fertility inhibition). A virtue of the F factor<br />

in genetic studies, however, is its lack of fertility<br />

inhibition due to its lack of a functional<br />

finO gene. The tra genes and conjugal ability<br />

are therefore constitutively expressed unless<br />

finO is provided in-trans by a fin ‡ F-like plasmid.<br />

This constitutive expression of fertility<br />

functions was an important element in the<br />

Fig. 3. Map of the F factor transfer region. The top line gives a size scale in kilobase pairs, while the second<br />

line show restriction enzyme sites that are not relevant to our discussion here. The third line represents the<br />

genes with tra genes shown in uppercase letter and trb genes shown in lowercase letters; the oriT site, the IS3-<br />

containing finO gene, and the finP transcript are also shown. The remaining lines show the various genes<br />

grouped by function. Reproduced from Frost et al., 1994, with permission of the publisher.)

468 PORTER<br />

discovery of conjugation by Lederberg and<br />

Tatum 1994). The initially mysterious lack<br />

of fertility regulation in F is due to an IS3<br />

insertion, which traditionally marks one end<br />

of the tra regulon, in the finO gene Yoshioka<br />

et al., 1987). finP is transcribed from the antisense<br />

strand in the mRNA leader region of<br />

the traJ gene, but the finP transcript apparently<br />

does not code for a protein Johnson<br />

et al., 1981). The overlap of the finP RNA<br />

and the leader region of the traJ mRNA is<br />

diagrammatically illustrated in Figure 4. The<br />

binding of these two RNA molecules places<br />

the translational start signals for traJ within<br />

an RNA duplex region which would presumably<br />

preclude translation initiation Finlay<br />

et al., 1986). The presence of FinO protein<br />

has been shown to greatly extend the halflife<br />

of finP RNA even in the absence of traJ<br />

mRNA Lee et al., 1992), and the FinO protein<br />

is capable of binding to secondary structural<br />

features of both RNA species to<br />

promote the formation of an RNA duplex<br />

van Biesen and Frost, 1994; Ghetu et al.,<br />

1999). It is only when the FinO protein stabilizes<br />

this RNA duplex that the translation of<br />

the traJ mRNA is precluded.<br />

Fig. 4. Location of the F factor finP gene. The position<br />

of the finP transcript is shown relative to the<br />

traM and traJ genes. The coordinate positions indicated<br />

are relative to the start of the traJ mRNA.<br />

The finP transcript starts leftward at position 111<br />

and extends to roughly position 34. It should be<br />

noted that the finP transcript is complementary to<br />

much of the leader region of the traJ mRNA, and<br />

overlaps slightly with the coding region for the TraJ<br />

protein.<br />

The other separately transcribed tra gene,<br />

traM, is located very close to oriT and appears<br />

to be negatively autoregulated by means of<br />

binding sites for its own gene product in the<br />

dual promoter region Penfold et al., 1996).<br />

The demonstration that traM is also positively<br />

regulated by TraY protein binding<br />

Penfold et al., 1996) has indicated that the<br />

long suspected possibility of traJ regulation<br />

of traM is the result of an indirect effect.<br />

D. Establishment of Cell Contact<br />

A typical F factor-containing E. coli cell will<br />

possess one to three F-encoded sex) pili on<br />

its surface. The F pilus is a hollow cylinder<br />

with an exterior diameter of 8 nm and an<br />

interior diameter of 2 nm Folkhard et al.,<br />

1979). These sex pili may be up to 20 mm<br />

in length, and are often visualized microscopically<br />

by the adsorption of male-specific<br />

phages. The F sex pili consist of many molecules<br />

of a single protein, pilin, which is encoded<br />

by the traA gene Frost et al., 1984).<br />

The traQ gene product apparently converts<br />

the initial 121 amino acid traA polypeptide<br />

into the functional 70 amino acid polypeptide,<br />

perhaps while acting as a chaperone<br />

during its insertion into the inner membrane<br />

Maneewannakul et al., 1993). The N-terminal<br />

amino acid of the mature pilin is acetylated<br />

by the product of the traX gene, but the<br />

conjugation properties of traX mutants lacking<br />

this acetylation seem largely unaffected<br />

Moore et al., 1993). Claims for the phosphorylation<br />

and glycosylation of pilin have<br />

not been substantiated. At least 13 additional<br />

genes are required for the assembly of a functional<br />

pilus, but their specific roles are not<br />

known.<br />

The initiation of mating pair formation<br />

requires that the tip of the F pilus make contact<br />

with a specific receptor site on the surface<br />

of the recipient cell. Although the exact<br />

nature of that receptor is not known, mutations<br />

that render a cell incapable of functioning<br />

as a recipient in conjugation Con )<br />

generally map in either ompA or in genes<br />

involved in lipopolysaccharide LPS) synthesis.<br />

It appears that LPS participates in the


initiation of mating pair formation, and it has<br />

also been shown that Zn ‡‡ is required at the<br />

earliest stages of this process. The expression<br />

of the ompA gene in the recipient cell, on the<br />

other hand, is necessary for the stabilization<br />

of the mating pair. It remains possible, however,<br />

that the OmpA protein is also part of<br />

the receptor site, as added LPS-OmpA protein<br />

complexes block mating pair formation<br />

more effectively than LPS alone Achtman<br />

et al., 1978b). The ability of LPS or LPS-<br />

OmpA protein complexes to prevent mating<br />

pair formation presumably results from their<br />

ability to interact with F pili and thereby<br />

prevent the pili from making contact with<br />

recipient cells.<br />

Although DNA transfer can occur through<br />

an extended F pilus Ou and Anderson, 1970;<br />

Harrington and Rogerson, 1990), little DNA<br />

transfer normally occurs before mating pair<br />

stabilization. The F pilus has been shown to<br />

retract upon the attachment of male-specific<br />

phages Jacobson, 1972), and it is generally<br />

assumed that the initiation of direct envelopeto-envelope<br />

contact between donor and recipient<br />

cell involves the retraction of the pilus<br />

by disassembly at its base within the donor<br />

cell. The direct contact between cells yields an<br />

unstable mating pair where little DNA transfer<br />

occurs, and it is likely that the pilus is<br />

no longer required after unstable mating<br />

pair formation has occurred Achtman et al.,<br />

1978a). The conversion of this unstable<br />

mating pair to a stable mating pair where<br />

DNA transfer can occur efficiently involves<br />

the participation of the traG and traN gene<br />

products, as mutations in either of these genes<br />

result in inefficient mating pair formation<br />

without reducing the extent of conjugal<br />

DNA replication Manning et al., 1981).<br />

The exact nature of the final surface-to-surface<br />

interaction between two mating cells is<br />

not well understood, but the traD gene product<br />

may be involved in the formation of a<br />

pore between the two inner membranes Panicker<br />

and Minkley, 1985).<br />

Effective mating pair formation between<br />

two F factor-containing donor cells is prevented<br />

by a phenomenon called surface exclusion.<br />

Surface exclusion requires the traS<br />

and traT gene products which are located in<br />

the inner and outer membranes, respectively<br />

Achtman et al., 1977, 1979; Minkley and<br />

Willetts, 1984; Cheah et al., 1986). Although<br />

pilus to envelope contacts between donor<br />

cells do occur, surface exclusion prevents<br />

mating pair stabilization between two donor<br />

cells as well as the initiation of donor conjugal<br />

DNA synthesis see below). Mating between<br />

two donor cells can be achieved,<br />

however, by a procedure called F phenocopy<br />

mating. This involves growing the cell<br />

to be used as the recipient into stationary<br />

phase so that tra expression, and therefore<br />

surface exclusion, is minimized. It is also<br />

interesting to note that the traT gene product<br />

becomes a major component of the outer<br />

membrane and plays a role in serum resistance<br />

and in reducing the susceptibility of<br />

cells to phagocytosis Moll et al., 1980;<br />

Aguero et al., 1984). Although serum resistance<br />

is not directly relevant to conjugation<br />

mechanism, this tra-dependent phenotype<br />

provides a selective advantage to F factorcontaining<br />

cells in some environments.<br />

E. DNA Mobilization and Transfer<br />

For DNA to actually be transferred from<br />

donor to recipient cell, the plasmid DNA in<br />

the donor cell must go through a series of<br />

processing steps that we refer to as mobilization.<br />

As replacement synthesis of the transferred<br />

strand of donor cell plasmid DNA is<br />

generally concurrent with DNA transfer, the<br />

entire process preparation for transfer, or<br />

mobilization, and transfer itself) is sometimes<br />

also referred to as donor conjugal DNA synthesis<br />

DCDS). Four or five tra gene products<br />

are involved in DCDS, and several events<br />

must occur before the actual DNA synthesis<br />

and transfer begins. First, one strand of the<br />

DNA is nicked at the F factor oriT origin of<br />

transfer) site. This nicking was shown by<br />

infecting cells with a bacteriophage l derivative<br />

carrying the oriT site, and examining the<br />

DNA of the progeny phage Everett and Willetts,<br />

1980). l oriT was used as a convenient<br />

means of packaging the DNA of interest as it

470 PORTER<br />

is much easier to isolate the appropriate<br />

DNA, with and without nicks, from virions<br />

than to purify a minority species of nicked<br />

plasmid DNA from cell lysates. It was found<br />

that 5±10% of the l oriT phage contained a<br />

nick within oriT when Flac was present in the<br />

infected cell; there was no nicking observed<br />

when Flac was not present.<br />

These and other in vivo studies indicated<br />

that this strand-specific nicking reaction at<br />

oriT required the traY gene product plus the<br />

product of a gene called traZ that later<br />

turned out to be a secondary translation<br />

product of the traI gene Everett and Willetts,<br />

1980; Traxler and Minkley, 1987). Studies<br />

to determine the precise location of the<br />

nick at oriT and to carry out the nicking<br />

reaction in vitro Thompson et al., 1989;<br />

Matson and Morton, 1991; Reygers et al.,<br />

1991) revealed that the complete traI gene<br />

product possesses both the oriT nicking activity<br />

and the strand separation activity<br />

known as E. coli DNA helicase I Abdel-<br />

Monem et al., 1983) that is responsible for<br />

separating the two DNA strands during<br />

transfer. The traI nickase-helicase apparently<br />

becomes covalently linked to the 5 0<br />

end of the nicked DNA strand during the<br />

nicking reaction and may play a role in plasmid<br />

recircularization after transfer is complete<br />

Reygers et al, 1991; Matson et al.,<br />

1993). The traY gene product and the integration<br />

host factor IHF) of E. coli both<br />

have binding sites in the oriT region, and<br />

both are needed for efficient oriT nicking<br />

by the TraI protein in vitro under more<br />

physiologically relevant conditions Nelson<br />

et al., 1995). The nicking reaction at oriT is<br />

constitutive in that it occurs in the absence of<br />

either mating pair formation or DCDS<br />

Everett and Willetts, 1980), so a nick at<br />

oriT does not automatically lead to the initiation<br />

of DCDS. It has been suggested that<br />

the binding of TraY protein and IHF at<br />

oriT permit the binding of TraI protein to<br />

form a complex referred to as a relaxosome<br />

Howard et al, 1995). The presence of such<br />

relaxosomes is a common attribute of many<br />

plasmids whose DNA can be self-mobilized.<br />

The role of the traM gene product has not<br />

been well defined. It is not required for piliation<br />

or nicking at oriT, but it is required for<br />

DNA transfer and replacement strand synthesis<br />

in the donor cell. It thus seems to<br />

trigger the start of DCDS at a nicked oriT<br />

site in response to a signal arising after the<br />

tip of the F pilus contacts a suitable recipient<br />

cell Everett and Willetts, 1980). There are<br />

three TraM protein binding sites near oriT,<br />

but these are on the 3 0 side of the nick site<br />

and therefore do not involve the leading end<br />

of the transferred strand. These TraM binding<br />

sites clearly play a role in traM autoregulation,<br />

and the ability of TraM protein to<br />

also bind TraD protein Disque-Kochem<br />

and Dreiseikelmann, 1997) may serve to indicate<br />

a role for TraM protein in positioning<br />

the nicked DNA at the transfer portal of<br />

which TraD protein is thought to be a part<br />

Panicker and Minkley, 1985).<br />

A single strand of F factor DNA is transferred<br />

to the recipient cell starting with the 5 0<br />

end from the nicked oriT site Rupp and<br />

Ihler, 1968; Ohki and Tomizawa, 1968).<br />

The transfer of the displaced strand to the<br />

recipient cell is normally accompanied by<br />

DNA polymerase III-mediated replacement<br />

synthesis in the donor cell, but transfer<br />

can occur in the absence of this synthesis<br />

Sarathy and Siddiqi, 1973; Kingsman and<br />

Willetts, 1978). This replacement DNA synthesis<br />

requires priming by RNA polymerase<br />

Kingsman and Willetts, 1978), and this requirement<br />

may reflect blockage of the 3 0 end<br />

by one of the proteins involved in DCDS.<br />

A new complementary strand for the<br />

entering donor DNA is synthesized by the<br />

recipient cell's normal DNA synthesis machinery.<br />

It now appears that the necessary<br />

priming for this complementary strand synthesis<br />

is achieved by a special promoter<br />

called Frpo that allows host cell RNA polymerase<br />

to initiate a transcript on singlestranded<br />

DNA that can be continued by<br />

DNA polymerase III holoenzyme Masai<br />

and Arai, 1997). This special promoter and<br />

possibly others like it also appear to allow<br />

for the rapid expression of a number of genes


from the leading region of the transferred F<br />

factor DNA in the recipient cell before complementary<br />

DNA strand synthesis has been<br />

accomplished. While the role of many of<br />

these leading region genes has not been determined,<br />

this group includes ssf, the F factor's<br />

SSB or single-stranded DNA-binding<br />

protein gene, and the psiB gene whose product<br />

acts to prevent SOS induction by the<br />

entering single-stranded DNA in the recipient<br />

cell during DNA transfer Bailone et al.,<br />

1988; Bagdasarian et al., 1992).<br />

The stabilization of the F factor in the<br />

recipient cell is a recA-independent process<br />

Clark, 1967) that typically requires the<br />

transfer of both ends of oriT Everett and<br />

Willetts, 1982). Despite earlier evidence for<br />

the transfer of single-stranded concatemers<br />

of F factor DNA Ohki and Tomizawa,<br />

1968; Matsubara, 1968), the observed requirements<br />

for recircularization favor the<br />

transfer of unit length DNA strands Willetts<br />

and Skurray, 1987). The TraI protein bound<br />

to the 5 0 end of the transferred strand could<br />

simply re-ligate that 5 0 end to the 3 0 end when<br />

it arrives in a direct reversal of the original<br />

oriT nicking reaction if the 3 0 end remains<br />

unobstructed during the course of replacement<br />

DNA synthesis in the donor cell. The<br />

fact that transfer can occur in the absence of<br />

replacement DNA synthesis in the donor cell<br />

indicates that this reaction can most likely<br />

occur. While the distinct priming event for<br />

initiation of replacement strand synthesis in<br />

the donor Kingsman and Willetts, 1978)<br />

indicates that the 3 0 end is not initially involved<br />

in rolling circle replication, that result<br />

does not rule out a later extension event<br />

involving that 3 0 end. If the free 3 0 end in<br />

the donor cell is not preserved throughout<br />

the transfer event, then circularization to<br />

complete transfer would presumably involve<br />

another nicking reaction at the reconstituted<br />

oriT site. While there is no experimental evidence<br />

that directly supports or contradicts<br />

this second possibility, the fact that some<br />

oriT mutations yield reduced nicking efficiency<br />

without reducing termination or circularization<br />

efficiency Gao et al., 1994)<br />

makes it seem unlikely that this is the primary<br />

mechanism. The student is referred to<br />

Wilkens and Lanka 1993) for a more extensive<br />

discussion of this subject. Figure 5<br />

shows a model for the transfer of F factor<br />

DNA during conjugation.<br />

F. Separation of the Mating Pair<br />

The destabilization of the mating pair and its<br />

separation are poorly understood. Mechanical<br />

disruption of the mating pairs leaves<br />

little apparent lasting damage Low and<br />

Wood, 1965), and it is therefore possible<br />

that mating pair disruption is sometimes a<br />

spontaneous and random process. In Hfr by<br />

F matings, where the transfer of the tra<br />

regulon to the recipient occurs only after<br />

100‡ minutes of DNA transfer see below),<br />

the mating pairs aggregates) do not show<br />

detectable levels of separation for at least<br />

60 minutes Achtman et al., 1978a). When<br />

F ‡ or F-prime cells are used as donors, however,<br />

an intact tra regulon is quickly transferred<br />

to the recipient and mating aggregates<br />

rapidly decay Achtman et al., 1978a). Although<br />

there is no firm evidence that initial<br />

mating pair stability is the same in these two<br />

situations, it seems reasonable to speculate<br />

that the expression of transferred tra genes in<br />

the recipient cell may play an active role in<br />

mating pair disaggregation.<br />



A. How Hfr Strains Arise<br />

The integration of the F factor into the E.<br />

coli chromosome gives rise to Hfr strains<br />

that efficiently transfer, or mobilize, donor<br />

cell chromosomal markers to recipient cells.<br />

The first Hfr strains were isolated by Cavalli-<br />

Sforza HfrC) and Hayes HfrH), and many<br />

other Hfr strains have subsequently been<br />

isolated. Although Hfr's representing a minimum<br />

of 20 clearly distinct sites of F factor<br />

integration have been described Low, 1972),<br />

it appears that a limited number of integration<br />

sites are highly favored. There are<br />

four transposable elements on the F factor

472 PORTER<br />

Fig. 5. Model for conjugative transfer of F. A specific strand of the plasmid thick line) is nicked at oriT<br />

by the TraYI nickase-helicase and transferred in the 5 0 -to-3 0 direction through a pore formed between<br />

juxtaposed donor and recipient cells. The plasmid strand retained in the donor is shown as a thin line. The<br />

termini of the transferred strand are attached to the cell membrane. DNA helicase I from the traI gene) is<br />

bound to the membrane near the pore, and its migration along the transferred strand provides the motive<br />

force for displacing the strand into the recipient cell. New F factor DNA broken lines) is synthesized in both<br />

donor and recipient cells by DNA polymerase III. The model assumes that a primer is required for the DNA<br />

synthesis and that single-stranded DNA-binding protein small circles) coats the single-stranded DNA.<br />

Reproduced from Willetts and Skurray, 1987, with permission of the publisher.)<br />

Davidson et al., 1975)Ðtwo copies of IS3,<br />

one copy of IS2, and one copy of Tn1000<br />

also known as gdÐand some Hfr formation<br />

definitely involves recA-dependent recombination<br />

between an F factor-borne transposable<br />

element and a homologue in the<br />

cell's chromosome. It has in fact been shown<br />

that the sites of Hfr formation largely correlate<br />

with known positions of IS elements in<br />

the E. coli chromosome Umeda and Ohtsubo,<br />

1989). Hfr's arise in recA cells at<br />

considerably lower frequencies Deonier<br />

and Mirels, 1977; Cullum and Broda, 1979),<br />

but the mechanistic basis for this recAindependent<br />

Hfr formation is not known.<br />

Hfr's vary greatly in their stability; excision<br />

of the integrated F factor from some<br />

chromosomal locations is essentially never<br />

observed, but F ‡ cells arise at high frequency<br />

with some Hfr strains Low, 1973). The most<br />

unstable Hfr's are generally those whose integration<br />

involved gd, but the basis for the<br />

variations in stability of other Hfr's is not<br />

known. The relative position and orientation<br />

of the integrated F factor for many of the<br />

commonly used Hfr's is shown in Figure 6.<br />

The limited ability of an autonomous<br />

nonintegrated) F factor F ‡ ) to transfer<br />

the donor chromosome cannot be explained<br />

solely by the frequency with which Hfr's<br />

arise in an F ‡ culture. A second component<br />

of F ‡ -mediated chromosome transfer involves<br />

a process called conduction. Conduction<br />

is a type of passive mobilization that<br />

can involve any replicon, including the<br />

chromosome, present in an F ‡ cell. When<br />

the Tn1000 present on the F factor initiates<br />

replicative transposition see Whittle and


Fig. 6. Map positions of integrated sex factors for some E. coli Hfr strains. Each arrowhead indicates the<br />

position and orientation of integration of the sex factor on the 100 minute map of the E. coli chromosome.<br />

The location of some chromosomal genetic markers is also shown. The sequence of markers transferred<br />

from a given strain begins behind the arrowhead. Thus HfrC located at about 13 minutes) transfers counter<br />

clockwise from the point of origin purE then lac then argF ) while HfrH located at about 98 minutes)<br />

transfers clockwise. Reproduced from Low, 1987, with permission of the publisher.)<br />

Salyers, this volume) to another replicon in<br />

the donor cell, an intermediate step in the<br />

transposition process is a cointegrate structure<br />

where the two copies of Tn1000 serve<br />

as the boundaries between the F factor and<br />

the other replicon. Normally such a cointegrate<br />

structure is rapidly resolved into<br />

separate replicons in the F ‡ cell by the<br />

Tn1000-encoded resolvase. The F factor is<br />

unchanged by this process, but the other<br />

replicon has a newly added copy of<br />

Tn1000. If, however, DNA transfer is initiated<br />

during the cointegrate or replicon<br />

fusion stage of this transposition, the replicon<br />

that is covalently linked to the F factor<br />

by Tn1000 will also be involved in DNA<br />

transfer.<br />

When all or part of another replicon is<br />

transferred to a conjugal recipient by such a<br />

series of events, we say that it has been ``conducted''<br />

by the F factor. This process was<br />

first described when it was shown that the<br />

low frequency transfer of pBR322 from<br />

donor to recipient was always accompanied<br />

by the addition of a copy of Tn1000 to the<br />

transferred pBR322 plasmid Guyer, 1978).<br />

The transposition of Tn1000 from the F<br />

factor to the chromosome can similarly<br />

result in the transfer of donor cell chromosomal<br />

DNA to a recipient cell where it is<br />

available for recombination with the recipient<br />

cell chromosome. Although the rapid<br />

resolution of any such transposition intermediates<br />

in the donor cell precludes their<br />

identification as Hfr's, such replicon fusions<br />

between the F factor and the donor cell<br />

chromosome temporarily function as Hfr's<br />

before they are resolved. The Tn1000-based<br />

conduction of a plasmid by the F factor is<br />

shown diagrammatically in Figure 7. Other<br />

transient associations between the F factor<br />

and the chromosome may also promote

474 PORTER<br />

Fig. 7. Plasmid conduction. The cell in the upper left-hand corner has a copy of the F factor and a<br />

nonmobilizable plasmid called pX. The F factor copy of g-d is indicated by the thicker portion of the line<br />

and the cellular nucleoid is shown as a cross-hatched circle. In step I, g-d transposition to pX is initiated with<br />

the formation of a cointegrate. Step II shows that this donor cell has formed a mating pair with a suitable<br />

recipient cell before resolution of the cointegrate, and step III shows transfer of the plasmid cointegrate to<br />

the recipient cell. In step IV, resolution of the cointegrate occurs independently in both donor and recipient<br />

cell; pX now has a copy of g-d in both cases. By using a double selection scheme that allows the growth of<br />

only those recipient cells that express a pX-borne gene typically a drug resistance determinant), a collection<br />

of g-d insertion mutants can be obtained for any DNA fragment carried by pX.<br />

chromosome transfer by F ‡<br />

Goto et al., 1984).<br />

donor cells<br />

B. Properties of Hfr's<br />

In any typical Hfr strain, the integrated F<br />

factor resides at a particular location within<br />

the chromosome, and oriT is pointed in one<br />

of the two possible directions. This fact leads<br />

to one of the two most important descriptive<br />

properties of Hfr conjugation: orientation of<br />

transfer. The orientation of transfer depends<br />

on whether oriT is pointed clockwise or<br />

counterclockwise on the E. coli genetic<br />

map, and determines the order in which<br />

chromosomal markers will be transferred<br />

by the donor. For example, one Hfr strain<br />

might transfer a set of hypothetical markers<br />

in the order A then B then C then D, while<br />

another Hfr strain would transfer D then C<br />

then B then A.


The second important descriptive property<br />

of Hfr conjugation is referred to as the<br />

gradient of transfer. The gradient of transfer<br />

was originally thought to occur because mating<br />

pairs undergo spontaneous random disruption<br />

Jacob and Wollman, 1961), but<br />

subsequent work has indicated that the time<br />

dependence of the marker transfer gradient<br />

is not correlated with the time dependence of<br />

mating pair disaggregation Wood, 1968;<br />

Achtman et al., 1978a). Whatever the actual<br />

mechanism, the net result is that markers<br />

transferred early are transferred at a higher<br />

frequency than markers that are transferred<br />

later. The gradient of transfer dictates that<br />

marker transfer efficiency will depend on the<br />

marker's position relative to that of the integrated<br />

F factor.<br />

One of the initial questions that arose<br />

during the characterization of Hfr conjugation<br />

dealt with the nature of the transfer<br />

event. The initial data could be explained by<br />

assuming that a uniformly sized piece of<br />

donor DNA was always transferred and that<br />

recombination with the recipient chromosome<br />

began at the proximal end of the transferred<br />

donor DNA segment. In that situation<br />

the gradient of transfer would result from a<br />

cessation of recombination with time and<br />

length as processing continued along the fragment.<br />

It could also be explained by assuming<br />

that different sized segments of donor DNA<br />

were transferred and that recombination was<br />

limited by the size of the piece that had been<br />

transferred. The latter hypothesis was shown<br />

to be correct on the basis of experiments involving<br />

a phenomenon called zygotic induction<br />

Wollman et al., 1956).<br />

When an Hfr that is lysogenic for bacteriophage<br />

l is mated with an F recipient,<br />

l DNA is transferred to the recipient cell<br />

without the l cI-encoded repressor. If the<br />

recipient cell is nonlysogenic, there is no l<br />

cI-encoded repressor present, and the entering<br />

l DNA therefore undergoes induction to<br />

yield a burst of phage in the recipient cell or<br />

zygote without the need for any recombination.<br />

This was initially observed in experiments<br />

where an HfrHl ‡ ) strain was mated<br />

with an F l ) strain when it was found<br />

that Gal ‡ transconjugants were essentially<br />

undetectable. This was the result of the tight<br />

linkage between the E. coli gal operon and<br />

the l prophage location on the chromosome;<br />

rarely were gal genes transferred to the recipient<br />

without the simultaneous transfer<br />

of l as the gal operon and the primary bacteriophage<br />

l integration site are very closely<br />

linked 0.3 minutes on a 100 minute scale) on<br />

the E. coli chromosome. At the same time,<br />

however, recombinants involving markers<br />

closer to the HfrH point of origin, such<br />

as Thr ‡ 17minutes earlier) or Lac ‡ 9 minutes<br />

earlier), were readily detectable in those<br />

crosses. It was concluded that those transconjugants<br />

resulted from the transfer of<br />

shorter pieces of donor DNA that did not<br />

involve the transfer of the l prophage.<br />

The nearly uniform rate of transfer of<br />

DNA from each Hfr makes conjugation a<br />

powerful tool for genetic mapping over very<br />

long distances. Transfer is initiated at the<br />

oriT site of the integrated F factor and proceeds<br />

in the direction dictated by the orientation<br />

of its integration. Transfer initiates<br />

rapidly within about 3 minutes of mixing<br />

cells) and proceeds at a reasonably uniform<br />

rate Wood, 1968) of about 45,000 base pairs<br />

per minute, making time of entry a good<br />

criterion for determining the distance of a<br />

marker from the Hfr origin Low, 1987).<br />

Since transfer is initiated in the middle of<br />

the integrated F factor, the recipient cells<br />

remain F Hayes, 1953) unless the entire<br />

donor chromosome is transferred and the<br />

F factor is subsequently integrated. Complete<br />

transfer is rare, but can be detected by<br />

selecting recombinants for a marker transferred<br />

late. Chromosomal DNA transferred<br />

by an Hfr can also recombine with homologous<br />

plasmid-borne DNA in the recipient<br />

Porter, 1982). Chromosomal mapping by<br />

conjugation will be discussed in more detail<br />

in the Appendix at the end of this chapter.<br />

C. Recombination after Hfr <strong>Conjugation</strong><br />

Once the transfer of variable portions of the<br />

Hfr chromosome had been established by

476PORTER<br />

the zygotic induction experiments described<br />

above, it became possible to estimate the<br />

efficiency of recombination events after<br />

donor DNA transfer. Among recombinants<br />

selected for a distal marker, more than 50%<br />

inherit any given nonselected proximal<br />

marker from the donor. This serves to indicate<br />

that there is a greater than 50% probability<br />

of a donor marker being recombined<br />

into the recipient cell chromosome when<br />

the presence of a more distal donor marker<br />

serves to clearly show that the proximal<br />

marker has been transferred. Inheritance of<br />

more distal markers in these selected recombinants<br />

is less frequent, however, probably<br />

due at least in part to subsequent interruption<br />

of DNA transfer.<br />

Very long linkage groups are typically<br />

observed by genetic criteria in Hfr conjugation.<br />

One study of marker linkage in Hfr<br />

conjugation estimated a 20% probability of<br />

a crossover per ``minute'' one ``minute'' is<br />

1% of the E. coli chromosomeÐabout 45<br />

kilobase pairs) of transferred DNA Low,<br />

1965), while another study estimated an<br />

even lower frequency of crossovers Pittard<br />

and Walker, 1967). The net result of these<br />

long linkage groups is a low frequency of<br />

recombination between two closely linked<br />

proximal markers. As an example, you<br />

might determine the frequency of Thr ‡ ,<br />

Leu ‡ , and Pro ‡ transconjugants among<br />

those selected for Gal ‡ from a cross between<br />

HfrH and a multiply marked F recipient.<br />

Although Gal ‡ transconjugants that are<br />

plus for all three of these non selected<br />

proximal markers would be common, recombinants<br />

that are plus for one or two of<br />

these markers and minus for the others<br />

would be considerably less frequent. Although<br />

you would find that more than<br />

50% of the Gal ‡ transconjugants were<br />

``plus'' for any of the three proximal markers<br />

scored individually, such classes of recombinant<br />

would show considerable overlap<br />

for these three markers because the more<br />

closely linked markers appear to be frequently<br />

recombined into the recipient chromosome<br />

as a group.<br />

Markers very near the Hfr origin, however,<br />

are not frequently inherited. The rare<br />

inheritance of very early markers less than<br />

one to two minutes from the origin) from the<br />

donor was proposed to be due to a length<br />

exclusion effect whereby the earliest sequences<br />

transferred were somehow not available<br />

for recombination Low, 1965). However,<br />

crossovers do occur frequently in this very<br />

early region Pittard and Walker, 1967), suggesting<br />

that increased crossover frequency<br />

leads to the reduced recovery of these markers.<br />

An anti-pairing effect of the leading F<br />

factor DNA has also been suggested Pittard<br />

and Walker, 1967). In contrast, the probability<br />

of crossover per minute of transferred<br />

DNA is somewhat less for very late markers;<br />

this effect leads to physically larger linkage<br />

groups Verhoff and DeHaan, 1966).<br />

The long linkage groups observed genetically<br />

are at variance with the results of physical<br />

studies of recombination following<br />

conjugation. Differentially labeled donor<br />

and recipient DNA become covalently associated,<br />

but only short pieces mostly about<br />

0.4 kb) of single-stranded donor DNA<br />

appeared to be integrated Siddiqi and Fox,<br />

1973). Incorporation of double-stranded<br />

donor DNA was not detected Siddiqi and<br />

Fox, 1973), even though the transferred<br />

single-stranded DNA is rapidly converted<br />

to the double-stranded state in the recipient<br />

cell. The method used for detection of<br />

inserted double-stranded DNA, however, required<br />

that the light density donor DNA<br />

initially be found in association with heavy<br />

density recipient DNA so as to distinguish it<br />

from unrecombined donor DNA. That criterion<br />

would be valid if the double-stranded<br />

insertions were short relative to the broken<br />

fragments of recipient DNA after cell lysis,<br />

but it would not be valid for double-stranded<br />

insertions whose length might be comparable<br />

to or greater than the recipient DNA fragments<br />

produced by cell lysis and subsequent<br />

sample manipulations. It is now accepted<br />

that large segments of double-stranded<br />

donor DNA are incorporated into the recipient<br />

chromosome see below), and the single-


stranded insertions seen by Siddiqi and Fox<br />

1973) may simply represent heteroduplex<br />

regions generated by branch migration and<br />

resolution of Holliday junctions at the crossover<br />

sites.<br />

Smith 1991) reevaluated a great deal of<br />

published linkage data in light of an improved<br />

understanding of recombination<br />

mechanism. He suggested that most recombination<br />

events in E. coli cells with a functional<br />

RecBCD pathway occur by means<br />

of RecBCD enzyme entry at both the<br />

leading end of the transferred DNA and<br />

the broken end generated by termination<br />

of transfer. The RecBCD enzyme then processes<br />

through the DNA in DNA helicase<br />

mode until it encounters a Chi recombinational<br />

hotspot an asymmetric 8 base sequence<br />

that occurs about every 5 kbp in E.<br />

coli DNA). Nicking at those Chi sites results<br />

in the displacement of a single-stranded<br />

DNA tail by continued RecBCD enzyme<br />

helicase action, and the resulting singlestranded<br />

tail allows the binding of RecA<br />

protein for recombination initiation. This<br />

``long chunk'' mechanism produces a crossover<br />

at each end of the donor DNA fragment<br />

so that essentially the entire donor<br />

sequence is incorporated into the recipient<br />

cell genome. Smith then proposes that there<br />

is also a ``short chunk'' mechanism that accounts<br />

for situations where most of the<br />

donor DNA sequence proximal to the<br />

selected marker is not integrated into the<br />

recipient cell chromosome. The action of<br />

RecBCD enzyme at the broken or distal<br />

end of the donor DNA fragment is envisioned<br />

to be the same in this ``short chunk''<br />

case, but the second crossover event does not<br />

involve RecBCD-dependent recombination<br />

at the leading end. The speculation is that<br />

recombination within the transferred donor<br />

DNA fragment is promoted by the RecF<br />

recombination pathway by which recombination<br />

may be initiated by means of the inherent<br />

partial single-strandedness of recently<br />

transferred donor DNA. This speculation<br />

is consistent with published observations<br />

that strains with an active RecF pathway<br />

recBCD sbcBC ) show considerably reduced<br />

linkage following Hfr conjugation as<br />

compared to recBCD ‡ strains where the<br />

RecBCD pathway is active and thought to<br />

predominate Mahajan and Datta, 1979;<br />

Lloyd and Thomas, 1983).<br />

Lloyd and Buckman 1995) subsequently<br />

carried out a study of recombinants formed<br />

after Hfr conjugation that involved analyzing<br />

the effect of both distance from the origin of<br />

transfer and numerous recombination genes.<br />

Their results were consistent with a mechanism<br />

such as Smith's RecBCD-dependent<br />

``long chunk'' model for most recombinants<br />

where the amount of Hfr donor DNA transferred<br />

was in the range of 500 kbp or less.<br />

While Smith's model would require termination<br />

of DNA transfer to allow entry of the<br />

RecBCD enzyme at the leading or oriT end,<br />

they suggest that at least some of these ``long<br />

chunk'' events may involve non-RecBCDdependent<br />

initiation events utilizing transient<br />

single-strandedness near the leading end<br />

while DNA transfer is still occurring as originally<br />

proposed by Lloyd and Thomas<br />

1984). They also observed, however, that<br />

many of the so-called short chunk recombinants<br />

where donor markers proximal to the<br />

selected marker were not incorporated arose<br />

within sectored colonies that also contained<br />

recombinants showing the much longer ``long<br />

chunk'' linkage groups. They propose that<br />

these sectored colonies may have arisen<br />

from secondary recombination events involving<br />

the displaced recipient DNA sequence<br />

after the recombined donor sequence has<br />

undergone one round of chromosomal replication.<br />

As nonsectored short chunk recombinants<br />

might have arisen from secondary<br />

recombination events occurring prior to recipient<br />

cell chromosome replication, they<br />

regard such secondary recombination events<br />

are being the probable source for many of the<br />

short chunk recombinants.<br />

A somewhat different story emerged when<br />

the selected marker was such that donor<br />

DNA segments of 1000 kbp or more had<br />

to be transferred Lloyd and Buckman,<br />

1995). While very long linkage groups still

478 PORTER<br />

predominated under those conditions, it<br />

appeared that fewer of the proximal or<br />

leading end crossover events involved donor<br />

DNA sequence transferred at the earliest<br />

times. There is no simple, straightforward<br />

explanation for this phenomenon, but it was<br />

suggested that recombinants involving longer<br />

transfer times may more often involve proximal<br />

end initiation at single-stranded gaps<br />

that may occur further from the proximal/<br />

leading end than RecBCD-dependent events<br />

occurring after DNA transfer has been terminated.<br />

The student is referred to the original<br />

work Lloyd and Buckman, 1995) for a<br />

discussion of how a number of rec gene<br />

mutants affect linkage parameters. All of the<br />

preceding discussion assumes a need for an<br />

even number of crossover events to produce a<br />

viable recombinant, and most of that discussion<br />

has been focused on scenarios involving<br />

the minimum number of two such events. It<br />

should be noted, however, that none of the<br />

data rules out at least the occasional appearance<br />

of recombinants involving a larger, but<br />

still even, number of such crossover events.<br />

When recombination between closely<br />

linked markers in the lacZ gene was measured<br />

in transconjugants, it was found that<br />

there was very little correlation between recombination<br />

frequency and the map order of<br />

the alleles as determined by deletion mapping<br />

Norkin, 1970). This phenomenon lack<br />

of correlation between recombination frequency<br />

and physical distance for closely<br />

linked markers) is referred to as marker<br />

effects. Such marker effects are thought to<br />

result from gene conversion events involving<br />

the nonrandom correction of nucleotide base<br />

mismatches in heteroduplex DNA produced<br />

by recombination. The dramatic marker<br />

effects in Hfr conjugation Norkin, 1970)<br />

provide a strong argument for the generation<br />

of heteroduplex DNA during conjugational<br />

recombination, and this is strengthened by<br />

the fact that such marker effects subsequent<br />

to Hfr conjugation have been shown to be<br />

dependent on the mismatch correction genes<br />

in E. coli Feinstein and Low, 1986). These<br />

heteroduplex regions contain one strand<br />

from each of two different parental DNA<br />

molecules, and would only occur where a<br />

single strand of donor DNA became integrated<br />

into the recipient DNA homoduplex<br />

perhaps as part of a recombination initiation<br />

event) or where heteroduplex DNA<br />

had been generated by branch migration of<br />

a Holliday junction. As the equivalent of a<br />

crossover event must involve one of two<br />

closely linked markers for recombinants to<br />

be observed, it is not surprising that such<br />

marker effects are observed.<br />

Although the recombination that occurs<br />

after Hfr conjugation is classified as homologous<br />

or general, there are other considerations<br />

that may have a bearing on the<br />

nature and distribution of recombination<br />

events that occur. fre frequent recombination<br />

exchange) regions where genetic exchanges<br />

by the RecF pathway are clustered<br />

on the E. coli genome have also been suggested<br />

Bressler et al., 1978, 1981). As already<br />

discussed above, the location of Chi<br />

sites may affect the distribution of genetic<br />

exchanges when the RecBCD pathway is<br />

involved in conjugational recombination.<br />

Therefore genetic exchanges between donor<br />

and recipient DNA are probably not entirely<br />

random following Hfr conjugation.<br />



A. The Generation of F-primes<br />

F-prime factors see Low, 1972; Holloway<br />

and Low, 1987and 1996 for reviews) can<br />

arise from Hfr's by a number of different<br />

mechanisms. Those mechanisms include illegitimate<br />

recombination events those with<br />

no known mechanistic basis), recombination<br />

between IS elements that flank the integrated<br />

F factor, recombination between an IS<br />

element within an integrated F factor and<br />

another copy of the same IS element in<br />

flanking chromosomal sequence, recombination<br />

between homologous chromosomal sequences<br />

flanking the integrated F factor, or<br />

abortive intramolecular transposition where<br />

the resolution step of Tn1000 transposition


Fig. 8. Formation of F42lac by abortive transposition. The strain in which F42lac arose contained an F<br />

factor that had integrated at an IS3 between proA,B and lac in the E. coli chromosome. A: The integrated F<br />

factor, shown as a heavy line, has looped around to bring its copy of g-d into close proximity with the<br />

chromosome at a point between lac and proC. B: g-d has begun transposition by breakage of the DNA at the<br />

chromosomal target site and ligation of single strands of g-d at each end of the target site break. C: A<br />

hypothetical intermediate where the molecules have been realigned and replication of g-d is indicated by the<br />

arrows. D: Completed transposition event where the replicated copies of g-d have undergone site-specific<br />

recombination at their internal resolution sites. F42lac formation, however, occurred when the final resolution<br />

step panel C to panel D) failed to happen.<br />

does not occur. A schematic representation<br />

of the abortive intramolecular transposition<br />

event that gave rise to a particular F-prime<br />

called F42lac is shown in Figure 8. Early<br />

studies with F13 a particular F-prime that<br />

arose in an Hfr13 strain) demonstrated that<br />

the chromosomal genes present on the F-<br />

prime were missing from the chromosome<br />

Scaife and Pekhov, 1964). This observation<br />

indicates that F-prime formation is mechanistically<br />

equivalent to a chromosomal deletion<br />

involving the production of two smaller<br />

circles from one larger circle in a manner<br />

that is roughly analogous to prophage excision<br />

by the Campbell model Low, 1972).<br />

Such deletion events would normally result<br />

in the loss of the smaller circle, but it is<br />

preserved as a newly generated F-prime<br />

when the deleted sequence includes F factor<br />

replication functions. Type I F-primes incorporate<br />

host DNA from only one side of<br />

the integrated F factor and leave behind part<br />

of the F factor. Type II F-primes incorporate<br />

host DNA from both sides of the integrated<br />

F factor and retain the complete F factor<br />

see Fig. 9).<br />

Although the strain in which the F-prime<br />

arises, the primary F-prime strain, may initially<br />

contain both an intact and a deleted<br />

version of the chromosome, the cells remain<br />

functionally haploid and may require the F-<br />

prime for viability when only the deleted

480 PORTER<br />

Fig. 9. Generation of type I and type II F-primes. The insertion of the F factor heavy line with arrow to<br />

indicate oriT ) within the chromosome thin line) as found in an Hfr is shown at the top of the figure. On the<br />

left side of the figure, a recombination event between the flanking chromosomal DNA and a site within<br />

the integrated F factor gives rise to a type I F-prime and leaves some F factor DNA in the chromosome.<br />

On the right side of the figure, recombination between flanking chromosomal DNA on either side of the<br />

integrated F factor gives rise to a type II F-prime with the concurrent production of a chromosomal deletion.<br />

version of the chromosome is present Scaife<br />

and Pekhov, 1964). Such primary F-prime<br />

strains do not promote efficient chromosome<br />

mobilization because the chromosome lacks<br />

the sequences needed for high-frequency<br />

homologous recombination with the F-<br />

prime Pittard and Ramakrishnan, 1964;<br />

Scaife and Pekhov, 1964; Berg and Curtiss,<br />

1967). Transfer of an F-prime to a recipient<br />

with an intact chromosome produces a secondary<br />

F-prime strain which is merodiploid,<br />

or partially diploid, for the host chromosomal<br />

DNA carried by the F-prime. Such<br />

merodiploids are frequently used for genetic<br />

complementation experiments, but recA<br />

mutants should be used to preclude recombination,<br />

which can lead to confusing results.<br />

Recombination between the chromosomal<br />

and F-prime copies of host DNA, and<br />

subsequent segregation which may not<br />

be necessary if the recombination event is<br />

nonreciprocal) can convert an initial heterogenote<br />

into a homogenote. Such ``homogenotization''<br />

is commonly used to move<br />

alleles between strains Jacob and Wollman,<br />

1961; Low, 1972). With the use of an appropriate<br />

selection or screening procedure, an F-<br />

prime can be used to pick up a mutant allele<br />

from the chromosome of one strain by<br />

homogenotization. The F-prime carrying<br />

that particular mutant allele can then be<br />

mated into another strain where it is transferred<br />

to the chromosome by a reversal of<br />

the homogenotization protocol. After spontaneous<br />

or acridine orange promoted curing<br />

of the F-prime Miller, 1972), the second<br />

strain contains the desired mutant chromosomal<br />

allele from the first strain with very<br />

little perturbation of the surrounding chromosomal<br />

region. The tra-dependent enhanced<br />

recombination properties of F-primes see<br />

Section IVB below) cause them to demonstrate<br />

homogenotization more frequently<br />

than most other plasmids Yancey and Porter,<br />

1985).<br />

Although the isolation of primary F-prime<br />

strains is not straightforward Berg and Curtiss,<br />

1967), a number of methods have been<br />

described for directly obtaining secondary F-<br />

prime strains Holloway and Low, 1996).<br />

These methods all involve Hfr times F-<br />

matings, and the first requirement is an Hfr


strain where the F factor is integrated near<br />

the chromosomal segment that is to be<br />

carried by the F-prime being sought. The<br />

underlying assumption is that F-primes will<br />

have arisen at a low frequency in any given<br />

Hfr strain, and that one merely needs a<br />

means of selecting for the transfer of such<br />

spontaneously arising F-primes into a suitable<br />

recipient cell.<br />

When the marker to be selected for incorporation<br />

into an F-prime is one that is transferred<br />

late late-situated) by the Hfr strain<br />

being used, early interruption of a mating<br />

often yields F-primes in the selected recipients.<br />

As the interruption of the mating<br />

precludes the transfer of a complete donor<br />

chromosome, the late-situated marker can<br />

only be transferred to the recipient as part<br />

of an F-prime. A more general method involves<br />

the use of recA recipient strains in<br />

such matings Low, 1968). No recombination<br />

can occur between donor and recipient<br />

chromosomes in the recA recipient unless<br />

recA ‡ is introduced from the donor, and this<br />

is usually prevented by interruption of the<br />

mating. Therefore the transferred marker<br />

can only be selected in the recipient if it is<br />

part of a functional replicon such as an F-<br />

prime. Double male strains with two integrated<br />

copies of the F factor have also been<br />

used in F-prime isolation Clark et al., 1969).<br />

When such a strain is mated with a suitable<br />

recipient, F-primes containing the chromosomal<br />

region between the two F factor insertion<br />

sites can be isolated at a relatively high<br />

frequency.<br />

Although F-primes involving essentially<br />

every region of the E. coli chromosome<br />

have been described Low, 1972), the process<br />

is far from random and certain F-primes<br />

repeatedly appear Hadley and Deonier,<br />

1979, 1980). This preferential formation of<br />

certain specific F-primes appears to be due<br />

to the presence and positioning of transposable<br />

elements Timmons et al., 1983; Umeda<br />

and Ohtsubo, 1989), and recombination involving<br />

the multiple copies of ribosomal<br />

RNA operons rrn) present in the E. coli<br />

chromosome have also been shown to sometimes<br />

participate in F-prime formation Blazey<br />

and Burns, 1983). When transposable<br />

elements are involved, the necessary circularization<br />

can occur by general recombination<br />

between two copies of the transposable element<br />

or by incomplete replicative transposition<br />

events initiated by a single copy Hadley and<br />

Deonier, 1979, 1980; see the chapter by<br />

Streeps, this volume and Figs. 8 and 9). These<br />

same types of recombination events may also<br />

have a major impact on the stability of F-<br />

primes, particularly large ones. Although F-<br />

primes containing up to 30% of the E. coli<br />

chromosome have been reported Low,<br />

1972), deletion derivatives frequently appear<br />

in such cultures because the presence of such<br />

large F-primes slows the growth rate of the<br />

host cell Simons et al., 1980). It is probable<br />

that such deletions also frequently occur via<br />

recombination events involving transposable<br />

elements.<br />

B. <strong>Conjugation</strong> Properties of F-primes<br />

Due to general recombination in Rec ‡<br />

secondary F-prime strains, there is an equilibrium<br />

between the integrated and autonomous<br />

state of the F-prime. Because of their<br />

ability to reintegrate by homologous recombination,<br />

F-primes were initially described as<br />

F factors that could ``remember'' where they<br />

had been integrated Richter, 1957). F-<br />

primes recombine both into and out of the<br />

chromosome more frequently than an unaltered<br />

F factor because the recombination<br />

events involve extensive stretches of homology;<br />

dozens to hundreds of kilobases as<br />

compared to the one to two kilobases of IS<br />

insertion sequence) homology typically involved<br />

in F factor integration and excision.<br />

In its autonomous state the F-prime promotes<br />

conjugation and self-transfer like the<br />

F ‡ factor. Such conjugation establishes the<br />

F-prime in the recipient cell as an independent<br />

replicon repliconation), but the host<br />

DNA carried by the F-prime can recombine<br />

with recipient DNA even when complete repliconation<br />

does not occur e.g., if part of<br />

the F DNA is not transferred, as frequently<br />

happens with large F-primes). The

482 PORTER<br />

integrated form of the F-prime behaves like<br />

an Hfr, and thereby serves as the basis of F-<br />

prime mobilization of the chromosome. This<br />

is the usage of the word mobilization where a<br />

plasmid transfers part or all of the donor cell<br />

chromosome to the recipient cell by means of<br />

a physical association between plasmid and<br />

chromosome. F-primes generally mobilize<br />

the chromosome of a Rec ‡ secondary donor<br />

cell quite effectively, and transfer efficiencies<br />

that are only down 5-to 100-fold from Hfrmediated<br />

chromosome transfer are often<br />

achieved. F-prime mobilization of the<br />

chromosome can be used to move specific<br />

markers by conjugation when a suitable Hfr<br />

is not readily available.<br />

The usefulness of F-primes for both<br />

chromosome mobilization and homogenotization<br />

is accentuated by their enhanced recombination<br />

properties. This phenomenon<br />

was first shown with lplac5 specialized<br />

transduction where the transducing phage<br />

recombines with F42lac see Fig. 8) about<br />

30 times more efficiently than with a<br />

chromosomal lac gene Porter et al., 1978).<br />

This recombination enhancement depends<br />

on both constitutive expression of the F<br />

factor tra regulon Porter, 1981) and the<br />

presence of a functional RecBCD enzyme<br />

exonuclease V) in the recipient cell Porter<br />

et al., 1978, 1982). Only the oriT site must be<br />

in-cis on the same DNA molecule as) to the<br />

recombining lac genes Seifert and Porter,<br />

1984), and it appears that the action of<br />

trans-acting tra gene products specifically<br />

traY and traI) atoriT is crucial in allowing<br />

enhanced recombination involving F42lac or<br />

any oriT-containing plasmid Carter and<br />

Porter, 1991; Carter et al., 1992). The exact<br />

role of the RecBCD enzyme in promoting<br />

enhanced recombination is not known, but<br />

it has been shown that this same recombination<br />

enhancement phenomenon participates<br />

in recombination between F42lac and chromosomal<br />

lac genes in lac merodiploids Yancey<br />

and Porter, 1985). This tra- and RecBCD<br />

enzyme-dependent enhancement therefore<br />

facilitates both chromosome mobilization<br />

and homogenotization by promoting increased<br />

recombinational interaction between<br />

fertile F-primes and the host cell chromosome.<br />




Although the conjugation properties of the F<br />

factor are representative of those seen with a<br />

variety of self-transmissible plasmids that<br />

have been examined, it is atypical in that its<br />

fertility inhibition system is inoperative. As<br />

mentioned previously, this is because the<br />

finO gene of the F factor has been inactivated<br />

by an IS3 insertion. This was fortunate<br />

for the development of bacterial genetics, but<br />

it does not appear to be common in nature.<br />

There are a large number of plasmids,<br />

however, whose tra regulon structure is similar<br />

to that of the F factor while their fertility<br />

inhibition systems remain functional. R<br />

factor plasmids such as R1 and R100 are<br />

among the well-characterized members of<br />

this F-like group. This situation poses two<br />

questions regarding the general subject of<br />

fertility inhibition. The first is why fertility<br />

inhibition is so commonly found in F-like<br />

plasmids. The second is how significant<br />

levels of conjugal transfer are achieved under<br />

fertility inhibition conditions.<br />

There is no definitive answer to the first<br />

question, but there is a reasonably good<br />

speculation that can be advanced. The production<br />

of pilin and all of the other tra<br />

proteins that are synthesized when tra expression<br />

is derepressed must exert a significant<br />

energy drain on the plasmid-containing<br />

cell. Although this is of little consequence in<br />

a laboratory setting, it could represent a significant<br />

selective disadvantage to a cell that<br />

is attempting to compete in a natural setting.<br />

The conferral of serum resistance by the expression<br />

of the surface exclusion proteins<br />

could represent a significant selective advantage<br />

for tra expression in some situations,<br />

but the surface exclusion genes of the F<br />

factor are expressed from a secondary promoter<br />

even when the main tra operon


promoter for traY to traI; see fig. 3) is not<br />

functioning Cheah et al., 1986).<br />

The answer to the second question stems<br />

from the nature of biological regulation.<br />

Such regulation is essentially never absolute<br />

as demonstrated by the fact that a low level<br />

of lacZ expression occurs even when lacI<br />

repression is functioning. This is also the<br />

case with the fin system, and a minority of<br />

the cells in a plasmid-bearing population, are<br />

always expressing the tra regulon even when<br />

fertility inhibition is fully functional. This<br />

minority of conjugally proficient cells is<br />

capable of initiating conjugal plasmid transfer<br />

whenever a population of suitable recipient<br />

cells in encountered.<br />

The functional donor cells quickly establish<br />

mating pairs and achieve plasmid transfer<br />

to a limited number of recipient cells. In<br />

those transconjugant recipient cells, an expression<br />

race between fin and tra ensues.<br />

Initially tra expression wins this race, and<br />

the primary recipient cells the cells that<br />

just recieved a copy of the plasmid) readily<br />

become functional donor cells. These primary<br />

recipient cells then function as secondary<br />

donor cells. As this process continues, a<br />

mating cascade develops that results in<br />

transfer of the plasmid to a majority of the<br />

suitable recipient cells that are available.<br />

Eventually fin expression ``catches up,'' and<br />

the newly expanded population of plasmidbearing<br />

cells returns to the state where only a<br />

small minority of the cells are conjugally<br />

proficient at any given time. This scenario<br />

provides a means of increasing genetic variation<br />

in the overall population without excessive<br />

energy expenditure by the plasmidbearing<br />

cells.<br />

This whole process is analogous to the<br />

situation observed in the classic PAJAMA<br />

experiment Pardee et al., 1959). In the<br />

PAJAMA experiment the name comes from<br />

PArdee, JAcob, and Monod), there is an expression<br />

race between the lacI gene and the<br />

structural genes of the lac operon lacZ, Y,<br />

and A) when a lacI ‡ lacZ ‡ version of the E.<br />

coli lac region is transferred to a lacI lacZ<br />

recipient cell by Hfr conjugation. The burst of<br />

b-galactosidase synthesis seen in that situation<br />

indicates that the lacZ gene was expressed<br />

more rapidly than the lacI gene in<br />

the recipient cell. Eventually lacI expression<br />

catches up, and repression of the lac structural<br />

genes is established.<br />

The net result in the fin-tra case is a situation<br />

where a moderate reduction in mating<br />

proficiency is probably more than compensated<br />

for by the energy savings experienced<br />

by the general population. The particular<br />

subset of cells that will be expressing tra at<br />

any given time under fertility inhibition conditions<br />

is random, so no particular cell experiences<br />

the selective growth disadvantage<br />

conferred by tra expression for an extended<br />

period of time.<br />



Many smaller plasmids possess a system that<br />

frequently provides them with the ability to<br />

achieve efficient conjugal transfer without<br />

carrying the considerable number of genes<br />

that are required for the specific cell contact<br />

cycle. Whenever these plasmids are present<br />

in the same cell as an appropriate conjugative<br />

plasmid, the ability to mobilize their<br />

DNA allows efficient DNA transfer after<br />

the formation of a stable mating pair has<br />

been achieved by the other plasmid. Note<br />

that here we are using the word mobilization<br />

in the sense of preparing plasmid DNA for<br />

transfer, not in the sense of transferring the<br />

donor cell chromosome.<br />

While numerous nonconjugative but mobilizable<br />

plasmids are found both in nature<br />

and in the scientific literature, the colicin<br />

E1 ColE1) plasmid see Perlin, this volume)<br />

will serve as a good example of such a plasmid<br />

for our purposes here. This 6.8 kb plasmid<br />

achieves high copy number, and its<br />

dnaA-independent origin of vegetative replication<br />

has been used in the construction<br />

of many of the common E. coli cloning<br />

vectors. The plasmid contains a nic or bom<br />

basis of mobility) site that functions much<br />

like the oriT site of the F factor. Three specific<br />

proteins were found to be associated

484 PORTER<br />

with purified ColE1 DNA, and treatment of<br />

this DNA with ionic detergents or proteases<br />

caused a relaxation of the superhelical DNA<br />

to an open circular form Clewell and Helinski,<br />

1969, 1970). The nick responsible for<br />

the relaxation occurs at a unique site Lovett<br />

et al., 1974), and one of the proteins becomes<br />

covalently associated with the 5 0 end of the<br />

broken strand during relaxation Guiney<br />

and Helinski, 1975). It was later inferred<br />

that the nick introduced during relaxation<br />

occurs at the nic site, as plasmid derivatives<br />

with cis-acting mutations incapable of relaxation<br />

are also incapable of mobilization<br />

Warren et al., 1978).<br />

ColE1 also contains a mob mobilization)<br />

region that contains four genes designated<br />

mbeA through mbeD where ``mbe'' specifies<br />

mobilization for ColE1 Boyd et al., 1989).<br />

Three of these mbe gene products are the<br />

proteins involved in the relaxation complex,<br />

and it is the MbeA protein that becomes covalently<br />

bound to the nicked DNA as is seen<br />

with TraI protein at the F factor oriT site. The<br />

role of the fourth Mbe protein is unknown.<br />

The proteins encoded by these mob the<br />

generic term) genes are specifically required<br />

for mobilization, however, as their functions)<br />

cannot be provided by the conjugative<br />

plasmid that is responsible for mating pair<br />

formation. The variation in mob-type gene<br />

specificities among a number of characterized<br />

mobilizable and self-transmissible plasmids is<br />

thought to be the result of differences in the<br />

oriT-like sites carried by these plasmids Willetts<br />

and Wilkens, 1984).<br />

The ability of traI derivatives of the F<br />

factor to mobilize ColE1 Willetts and<br />

Maule, 1979) serves to make two additional<br />

important points. The student will recall see<br />

above) that the traI gene of the F factor<br />

encodes the DNA helicase involved in strand<br />

separation during the transfer of F factor<br />

DNA Abdel-Monem et al., 1983), and<br />

traI F factors cannot transfer their DNA<br />

despite the fact that they can produce stable<br />

mating pairs. The first point is that the conjugative<br />

plasmid does not have to be capable<br />

of transferring its own DNA in order to<br />

permit transfer of the mobilizable plasmid.<br />

The second point is that the mobilizable<br />

plasmid must use a non-F factor host cell<br />

function or provide its own function for<br />

strand separation during DNA transfer.<br />

The complexity of the interactions between<br />

conjugative and mobilizable plasmids<br />

is illustrated by the variations in mobilization<br />

efficiency achieved in the presence of<br />

different conjugative plasmids. ColE1, for<br />

example, is efficiently mobilized in the presence<br />

of IncF, IncI, or IncP conjugative plasmids,<br />

while mobilization is inefficient in the<br />

presence of IncW plasmids Reeves and Willetts,<br />

1974; Warren et al., 1979). RSF1010 is<br />

another mobilizable plasmid that is efficiently<br />

mobilized by IncP conjugative plasmids<br />

while it is not mobilized at all by IncF<br />

plasmids Willetts and Crowther, 1981). It<br />

therefore appears that interaction between<br />

mob-type proteins and an oriT-like site is a<br />

necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for<br />

achieving mobilization. A systematic study<br />

involving all combinations of six distinct<br />

conjugative plasmids and four mobilizable<br />

plasmids revealed that interactions between<br />

the relaxosome of the mobilizable plasmid,<br />

the traD-like portal or coupling proteins)<br />

available, and the particular pilus type provided<br />

by the conjugative plasmid all play an<br />

important role in mobilization efficiency<br />

Cabezon et al., 1997).<br />




While the F factor is capable of conjugal<br />

transfer to and maintenance in E. coli and<br />

its close relatives see Section VIIA below), a<br />

variety of self-transmissible plasmids have a<br />

much broader host range for both conjugation<br />

and replication. The best-characterized<br />

plasmid of this type is known as RK2, RP1,<br />

and RP4 as the three independently isolated<br />

plasmids are thought to be essentially identical.<br />

This plasmid can move between and<br />

be stably maintained in a large number<br />

of different Gram-negative bacteria Guiney,


1984). In addition to differences in replication<br />

competence in different organisms, however,<br />

plasmids differ in their ability to promote<br />

mating pair formation and DNA transfer<br />

across boundaries involving species, genus<br />

and kingdom. RP4 can promote DNA transfer<br />

by conjugation to a variety of different<br />

Gram-positive bacteria Guiney et al., 1985;<br />

Trieu-Cuot et al., 1987), but selection of<br />

transconjugants in those experiments requires<br />

the use of a shuttle plasmid containing<br />

an origin or replication that is functional in<br />

the Gram-positive recipients Trieu-Cuot<br />

et al., 1987). ColE1-derived plasmids can<br />

also be mobilized from E. coli to filamentous<br />

cyanobacteria of the genus Anabaena when<br />

RK2-promoted mating pair formation<br />

occurs Wolk et al., 1984). Several plasmids<br />

including the F factor can promote conjugal<br />

DNA transfer from E. coli to the yeast Saccharomyces<br />

cerevisiae when the plasmid being<br />

transferred contains a yeast origin of replication<br />

Heinemann and Sprague, 1989; Bates<br />

et al., 1998), but RP4 does this much more<br />

efficiently than the F factor Bates et al.,<br />

1998). Thus there are also plasmid-dependent<br />

differences in mating pair formation and<br />

DNA transfer efficiency that influence such<br />

DNA transfers across classification boundaries<br />

as well as in host range for DNA replication.<br />

The conjugation properties of these broad<br />

host range plasmids show both similarities<br />

and differences with the F factor conjugation<br />

system that are worthy of note. First, RP4<br />

contains a nic or oriT-like site where plasmid-specific<br />

proteins act to form a relaxosome<br />

as part of the DNA mobilization<br />

process. It also carries the genes involved in<br />

producing specialized conjugative pili and<br />

promoting mating pair formation and stabilization.<br />

However, RK2 encodes a pilus that<br />

is thinner and more rigid than the F pilus<br />

Bradley, 1980). One obvious result of this<br />

difference in pilus structure is that RK2 is<br />

only capable of mating pair formation on a<br />

solid surface while the F factor mates equally<br />

well under either solid or liquid media conditions<br />

Bradley et al., 1980). Also, the genes<br />

of the tra regulon of RK2 are not contiguous<br />

as they are with the F factor in that they are<br />

divided between two regions called Tra1 and<br />

Tra2 that constitute almost half of the<br />

60 kbp plasmid Pansegrau et al., 1994).<br />

Not all of the genes in these two Tra regions<br />

are essential for plasmid transfer between<br />

two E. coli cells those required for such<br />

transfer are called core genes), and it seems<br />

possible that at least some of the other genes<br />

in these regions are involved in transfers involving<br />

more distantly related organisms.<br />

Self-transmissible broad host range plasmids<br />

such as RK2 must overcome several<br />

barriers in order to cross genus and species<br />

boundaries. The initial barrier to be overcome<br />

is stable mating pair formation and<br />

DNA mobilization. The presence of a restriction<br />

enzyme system in the recipient cell<br />

that degrades incoming plasmid DNA potentially<br />

constitutes a second barrier to successful<br />

plasmid transfer and establishment.<br />

As already mentioned, the third possible barrier<br />

is a replication defect that would preclude<br />

the autonomous replication of the<br />

transferred plasmid in the new recipient<br />

host cell. All of these steps have been shown<br />

to play a role in determining effective plasmid<br />

host range.<br />

One obvious way in which a surface barrier<br />

could operate would be to prevent the<br />

donor pilus tip from making suitable contact<br />

with the surface of a potential recipient cell.<br />

Purified F sex pili bind to E. coli cells but not<br />

to Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells Helmuth<br />

and Achtman, 1978), and it has been shown<br />

that the F factor cannot promote plasmid<br />

transfer to P. aeruginosa Guiney, 1982). Experiments<br />

with a well-characterized series of<br />

LPS mutants of Salmonella minnesota have<br />

been used to demonstrate how this surface<br />

barrier phenomenon can operate. Although<br />

the progressive reduction in the length of the<br />

LPS sugar side chain had no effect on the<br />

ability of the F factor or RK2 to transfer to<br />

S. minnesota recipients, the ability of R64 an<br />

IncI plasmid) to transfer dropped off in parallel<br />

to the reduction in sugar side chain<br />

length Guiney, 1984). It is also possible

486PORTER<br />

that future studies of surface phenomena will<br />

uncover situations where mating pair formation<br />

and stabilization are inhibited despite<br />

efficient contact by the tip of the pilus.<br />

Restriction endonuclease degradation in<br />

the recipient cell can also potentially limit<br />

the host range of a self-transmissible plasmid.<br />

The resident DNA chromosomal and<br />

plasmid) already in a restriction endonuclease-containing<br />

cell is resistant to restriction<br />

because of specific methylation by a<br />

corresponding modification enzyme, and<br />

newly replicated cellular DNA is temporarily<br />

hemimethylated methylated on one strand<br />

Ðthe parental one) and still protected. Although<br />

plasmid DNA entering as a singlestrand<br />

would not be subject to degradation<br />

by most restriction endonucleases, the<br />

double-stranded DNA resulting from complementary<br />

strand synthesis would be unmodified<br />

and susceptible to degradation.<br />

One solution for the plasmid would be to<br />

eliminate possible restriction enzyme recognition<br />

sites. If RK2 did actually go through a<br />

process of ``shedding'' restriction enzyme<br />

recognition sites, the mechanism whereby it<br />

was accomplished remains a mystery. Digestion<br />

of RK2 with restriction enzymes recognizing<br />

a hexanucleotide sequence revealed<br />

that only one of 18 enzymes tested cut it at<br />

the expected frequency, while many of these<br />

enzymes cut this 60 kb plasmid only once or<br />

twice Lanka et al., 1983). The single EcoRI<br />

site present in RK2 resulted in a 10-fold<br />

reduction in its ability to transfer into a<br />

strain expressing EcoRI, and the introduction<br />

of several additional EcoRI sites into<br />

the plasmid caused transfer into an EcoRI<br />

expressing strain to drop to nearly undetectable<br />

levels Guiney, 1984).<br />

An alternative mechanism for dealing with<br />

restriction activity in the recipient cell is<br />

exemplified by the ardA gene originally described<br />

for the ColIb-P9 plasmid and subsequently<br />

found to be present on a variety of<br />

self-transmissible plasmids from enteric bacteria<br />

Chilley and Wilkens, 1995). When expressed<br />

in the recipient cell, the product of<br />

this gene interferes with the action of the<br />

type I restriction endonucleases commonly<br />

found in enteric bacteria and thus provides<br />

protection for the entering plasmid.<br />

Inability of a conjugally transferred plasmid<br />

to replicate in its new host comprises<br />

the third major host range barrier. The<br />

fact, however, that self-transmissible plasmids<br />

seemingly often promote mating pair<br />

formation at low efficiency with organisms<br />

where plasmid replication is not possible,<br />

can be exploited in experiments utilizing<br />

nonreplicating ``suicide'' plasmids to introduce<br />

genetic information into an organism<br />

by conjugation. The introduction of a transposon<br />

by this method allows efficient transposon<br />

mutagenesis of organisms where no<br />

other method for introducing DNA is available.<br />

This method can also be used to make<br />

very specific mutants in such organisms by<br />

reintroducing cloned fragments of chromosomal<br />

DNA that have been modified in<br />

vitro. Recombination with the conjugally<br />

introduced DNA fragment can result in the<br />

replacement of the corresponding sequences<br />

originally present in the chromosome of the<br />

recipient cell.<br />




Gram-negative bacteria commonly contain<br />

plasmids, many of which have conjugative<br />

or mobilizable properties, or both. Some of<br />

these plasmids possess a transfer system that<br />

is highly analogous to that of the F factor<br />

e.g., overlapping fin specificity or specific<br />

tra gene complementation), but transfer<br />

systems quite distinct from F are also found.<br />

The interrupted tra regulon structure of<br />

RK2 has already been mentioned Pansegrau<br />

et al., 1994), and the narrow host range<br />

IncP plasmid, R91, has also been shown to<br />

have two separate tra regions Moore and<br />

Krishnapillai, 1982). tra regulons significantly<br />

smaller than the 30 ‡ kb regions seen<br />

with F and F-like plasmids have also been<br />

described. The entire tra regulon of R46, the<br />

IncN plasmid on which the SOS-enhancing


muc genes were originally found see DNA<br />

repair chapter by Yasbin, this volume), has<br />

been cloned on a 22.5 kb fragment Brown<br />

and Willetts, 1981), and a 19.4 kb fragment<br />

from the closely related pCU1 plasmid was<br />

sufficient to confer self-transmissibility on<br />

the cloning vector Thatte and Iyer, 1983).<br />

Tn5 mutagenesis studies with pCU1 have<br />

suggested that the tra regulon may not even<br />

occupy the entire 19.4 kb fragment Thatte<br />

and Iyer, 1983).<br />

Although most such plasmids rarely affect<br />

the transfer of donor chromosomal DNA<br />

to the recipient, there are three possible<br />

mechanisms by which chromosomal DNA<br />

mobilization or transfer can theoretically be<br />

achieved. Here we are using the word mobilization<br />

to refer to plasmid-mediated transfer<br />

of donor cell chromosomal DNA; we are not<br />

using it to describe the preparation of plasmid<br />

DNA for transfer. First, donor DNA<br />

may be transferred to a recipient by an Hfrlike<br />

mechanism after a self-transmissible<br />

plasmid has stably integrated into the donor<br />

cell chromosome. Second, donor DNA can<br />

be transferred by an F-prime-like mechanism.<br />

If the self-transmissible plasmid carries<br />

substantial amounts of DNA sequence homologous<br />

to the donor cell chromosome as<br />

exemplified by E. coli F-primes), the plasmid<br />

can recombine in and out of the donor cell<br />

chromosome. A recA-dependent recombinational<br />

equilibrium is established between the<br />

autonomous and integrated states of the<br />

plasmid, and transfer of donor chromosomal<br />

DNA is achieved when conjugation initiates<br />

while the plasmid is in the integrated state.<br />

Third, the chromosome can be ``conducted''<br />

Clark and Warren, 1979) to the recipient<br />

cell when the plasmid has become involved<br />

in the formation of a transposition cointegrate<br />

with the donor cell chromosome. This<br />

third situation generally represents a transient<br />

intermediate in replicative transposition<br />

to or from the plasmid, and is therefore typically<br />

a low-frequency event.<br />

Although low-level chromosome mobilization<br />

often occurs without firm evidence<br />

for plasmid integration, bonafide Hfr formation<br />

has only rarely been documented Holloway,<br />

1979). Hfr-like strains can be derived<br />

with a number of different plasmids, however,<br />

by a phenomenon called integrative suppression.<br />

When strains containing a dnaA ts<br />

mutation are grown at high temperature,<br />

various plasmids integrate at low frequency<br />

into the chromosome at apparently random<br />

locations to form Hfr-like strains in which<br />

the integrated plasmid provides the basis<br />

for chromosomal replication. The DNA<br />

replication defect of the dnaA ts mutation is<br />

suppressed, hence the term integrative suppression.<br />

The F factor, a number of F-like<br />

plasmids that normally do not integrate into<br />

the chromosome, and some I-like plasmids<br />

Datta and Barth, 1976) have all been shown<br />

to be capable of forming Hfr-like strains by<br />

integrative suppression.<br />

Chromosome mobilization by non-F<br />

plasmids often appears more akin to mobilization<br />

by F-primes a recombinational<br />

equilibrium between the autonomous and<br />

integrated states of a homology bearing plasmid)<br />

than stable Hfr-like mobilization. The<br />

same plasmid often gives considerably different<br />

results in different bacterial species. This<br />

may often be due to differing degrees and<br />

amounts of homology; for example, several<br />

derivatives of plasmid RK2 carrying differing<br />

amounts of sequence homologous to<br />

the E. coli chromosome were tested for their<br />

ability to mobilize the donor cell chromosome.<br />

The amount of homology between<br />

the plasmid and the chromosome was directly<br />

correlated with the ability of the plasmid<br />

to mobilize the chromosome by a recA ‡<br />

-dependent mechanism Grinter, 1981).<br />

The third mechanism for chromosome<br />

mobilization is conduction by the formation<br />

of transposition cointegrates between a selftransmissible<br />

plasmid and the donor cell<br />

chromosome. The actual mechanistic basis<br />

of conduction has been most clearly demonstrated<br />

for the conduction of pBR322<br />

a mob , and therefore nonmobilizable, derivative<br />

of ColE1) to recipient cells by the<br />

F factor. In this situation, Tn1000 gd)<br />

forms cointegrates between the F factor and

488 PORTER<br />

pBR322, and pBR322 transferred by this<br />

mechanism contains a copy of the transposable<br />

element left by resolution of the cointegrate<br />

in the recipient Guyer, 1978; see Fig.<br />

7). Mutations in genes on nonmobilizable<br />

plasmids can thus be readily obtained Sancar<br />

et al., 1981). It is widely assumed that the<br />

donor cell chromosome can be conducted by<br />

the same mechanism.<br />

This mechanism has been shown to be implicated<br />

in the mobilization actually conduction)<br />

of the chromosome of a variety of gramnegative<br />

bacteria by a plasmid called R68.45<br />

Willetts et al., 1981). The parent R68 plasmid<br />

another name for RK2) mobilizes the<br />

chromosome very inefficiently, but the<br />

R68.45 derivative was isolated on the basis<br />

of efficient mobilization of the Pseudomonas<br />

aeruginosa chromosome. R68 contains a<br />

single copy of IS21 that transposes very infrequently,<br />

but the two tandem copies of IS21 in<br />

R68.45 allow very efficient transposition to<br />

occur. As there was no detectable sequence<br />

homology between R68.45 and the P. aeruginosa<br />

chromosome, it was concluded that efficient<br />

chromosome mobilization was the<br />

result of high-frequency cointegrate formation<br />

between the plasmid and the chromosome.<br />

Other self-transmissible plasmids<br />

containing a suitable transposable element<br />

may be able to act similarly. The student is<br />

referred to a review article by Holloway<br />

1979) for a detailed discussion of chromosome<br />

mobilization by plasmids.<br />




While much of the effort expended on our<br />

understanding of conjugation systems has<br />

involved work with E. coli, conjugational<br />

phenomena have been described in a wide<br />

variety of other organisms. Some of these<br />

additional systems involve conjugative and/<br />

or mobilizable plasmids, but conjugative<br />

transposons have emerged in recent years as<br />

an increasingly important aspect of conjugation.<br />

This section will deal with plasmidbased<br />

conjugation in other bacteria while<br />

the conjugative transposons will be treated<br />

separately in the next section.<br />

A. Salmonella<br />

Although a variety of natural isolates of<br />

Salmonella sp. contain self-transmissible<br />

plasmids, these plasmids have not been extensively<br />

used in the development of Salmonella<br />

genetics. Instead, the F factor from E.<br />

coli K-12 has been imported and utilized to<br />

develop Hfr strains in S. typhimurium and S.<br />

abony. Many of the initial F-containing<br />

strains of Salmonella were largely infertile<br />

because the strains also contained Fin ‡ plasmids,<br />

but the curing of those plasmids or the<br />

use of F factor fertility mutants resulted in<br />

F-containing Salmonella strains that were<br />

fully as fertile as their E. coli counterparts<br />

Sanderson et al., 1983).<br />

In some strains of S. typhimurium now<br />

more correctly referred to as S. enterica serovar<br />

Typhimurium), the F factor integrated<br />

at only one position on the chromosome,<br />

and it was postulated that this was due to<br />

the presence of a sex factor affinity site where<br />

the F factor could readily recombine at that<br />

location in the chromosome Sanderson<br />

et al., 1972). Although the basis for this sex<br />

affinity site in some strains of S. typhimurium<br />

is not known, a sex affinity site in the E. coli<br />

chromosome was shown to be due to the<br />

presence of gd Guyer et al., 1980). The Hfr<br />

collection for S. typhimurium and S. abony is<br />

not as extensive as that for E. coli, but it has<br />

been used extensively in chromosomal mapping<br />

in these organisms Sanderson, 1996).<br />

The power of chromosomal mapping by<br />

conjugation in Salmonella has been greatly<br />

extended by the use of a technique employing<br />

Tn10 insertions positioned around<br />

the chromosome Chumley et al., 1979). An<br />

Flac with a temperature-sensitive replication<br />

defect and containing a copy of Tn10 is<br />

introduced into a strain carrying Tn10<br />

at the desired location on the Salmonella<br />

chromosome. When the temperature is then<br />

raised, Lac ‡ survivors will result from the<br />

integration of the Flac by recombination


between the two copies of Tn10. Although<br />

these pseudo-Hfr's are fairly unstable, a<br />

fresh isolate functions quite effectively in<br />

mobilizing donor chromosomal DNA to a<br />

recipient cell. Variations on this technique<br />

have also been used in Pseudomonas see<br />

below), and may well be developed in a<br />

number of additional organisms.<br />

B. Pseudomonas<br />

The pseudomonads are a diverse group of<br />

microorganisms, and that diversity is reflected<br />

in the variety of conjugation systems<br />

that have been developed for use with various<br />

members of this group. A large number<br />

of self-transmissible and mobilizable Pseudomonas<br />

plasmids have been described, and<br />

some of these have been extensively studied<br />

because they carry groups of genes involved<br />

in the metabolism of complex organic compounds<br />

that bacteria normally cannot metabolize.<br />

Although conjugation has been<br />

reported in a number of Pseudomonas species,<br />

the discussion here will be restricted to<br />

chromosome mobilization in P. aeruginosa<br />

and P. putida where conjugation has been<br />

utilized most extensively for genetic mapping.<br />

Even with these two species, extensive variations<br />

in conjugative behavior have been described,<br />

and plasmids that may mobilize the<br />

chromosome of one strain are often unable to<br />

function effectively in other strains of the<br />

same species. The student is referred to a<br />

review article Holloway, 1986) for a more<br />

detailed discussion of conjugation in pseudomonads.<br />

The student should note that the<br />

following discussion of chromosome mobilization<br />

in Pseudomonas deals with plasmidmediated<br />

transfer of the donor cell chromosome<br />

rather than the preparation of plasmid<br />

DNA for transfer.<br />

1. Chromosome mobilization in P. aeruginosa<br />

Although a wide variety of chromosome mobilizing<br />

plasmids have been found in various<br />

pseudomonads, the beginnings of a defined<br />

conjugation system in a pseudomonad occurred<br />

when it was found that a plasmid<br />

from P. aeruginosa strain PAT could mobilize<br />

the chromosome of P. aeruginosa strain<br />

PAO Holloway and Jennings, 1958). The<br />

plasmid, called FP2, can mobilize the host<br />

cell chromosome unidirectionally from a<br />

single chromosomal site. Subsequent usage<br />

of this plasmid has allowed time-of-entry<br />

style conjugational mapping see Appendix)<br />

to be done quite effectively for about 25% of<br />

the P. aeruginosa chromosome. Other plasmids<br />

of the FP series with different origin<br />

sites for chromosome mobilization have<br />

been described, but their use in mapping<br />

studies has not been extensive. The mechanism<br />

by which the FP plasmids mobilize the<br />

P. aeruginosa chromosome remains unclear.<br />

Transposon insertions in the chromosome<br />

have also been used to provide the basis for<br />

chromosome mobilization in P. aeruginosa.<br />

This is mechanistically similar to the system<br />

described for Salmonella above, and involves<br />

a self-transmissible plasmid containing a<br />

transposon recombining with another copy<br />

of the same transposon in the donor cell<br />

chromosome. R18 and R91±5 are self-transmissible<br />

plasmids that carry Tn1 in opposite<br />

orientations relative to the plasmid's origin<br />

of transfer, and it has been shown that these<br />

plasmids can mobilize the P. aeruginosa<br />

chromosome each of the plasmids in the<br />

opposite direction) starting from a variety<br />

of chromosomal Tn1 insertions Krishnapillai<br />

et al., 1981). This methodology contributed<br />

to the development of a genetic map for<br />

P. aeruginosa.<br />

Genetic mapping in P. aeruginosa has also<br />

been greatly facilitated by the use of a group<br />

of ECM enhanced chromosome-mobilizing)<br />

plasmids that is typified by an IncP1 plasmid<br />

called R68.45 which contains a tandem duplication<br />

of an insertion sequence called<br />

IS21. The transposition of IS21 is greatly<br />

increased when in this tandem duplication<br />

arrangement, and this allows for reasonably<br />

frequent conduction of the donor cell<br />

chromosome when DNA transfer initiates<br />

while a transposition cointegrate exists.<br />

R68.45 can mobilize all regions of the<br />

P. aeruginosa strain PAO chromosome, and<br />

time-of-entry experiments have been done

490 PORTER<br />

for the entire chromosome by this methodology<br />

Haas and Holloway, 1978; Royle<br />

et al., 1981).<br />

2. Chromosome mobilization in P. putida<br />

Although plasmids analogous to the FP<br />

plasmids of P. aeruginosa have not been<br />

found in P. putida, a number of genetic<br />

mapping systems based on chromosomal<br />

mobilization have been described. The earliest<br />

system involved chromosome mobilization<br />

by a hybrid of the Pseudomonas OCT<br />

and XYL plasmids, and the combining of<br />

data from this system with transduction<br />

data allowed the generation of a primitive<br />

chromosomal map for P. putida PpG1 Mylroie<br />

et al., 1977). Other conjugational mapping<br />

work has involved the use of ECM<br />

plasmids such as R68.45 with P. putida strain<br />

PPN, but a plasmid called pMO22 has been<br />

used to develop a much more powerful mapping<br />

system.<br />

R91±5 is a Fin derivative of R91 that has<br />

been used to mobilize the chromosome of<br />

Tn1containing strains of P. aeruginosa see<br />

above). This plasmid cannot replicate in P.<br />

putida, and transconjugants with this organism<br />

cannot be achieved in matings with P.<br />

aeruginosa PAO donors. It was found, however,<br />

that plasmid markers could be recovered<br />

at a low frequency in P. putida<br />

recipients when pMO22, an R91±5 derivative<br />

containing Tn501, was mated from a P.<br />

aeruginosa PAO donor. Such transconjugants<br />

turn out to have the entire pMO22<br />

plasmid integrated into the P. putida<br />

chromosome, and subsequently function effectively<br />

as Hfr-like donors in matings with<br />

other P. putida strains Dean and Morgan,<br />

1983). A number of distinct chromosomal<br />

insertion sites for pMO22 were found, and<br />

the resulting collection of Hfr-like strains has<br />

been instrumental in the development of a<br />

genetic map for P. putida strain PPN. Although<br />

the insertion of either Tn501 or Tn7<br />

into R91±5 allows such Hfr-like strains to be<br />

derived, it appears that the Tn1 already present<br />

in R91±5 provides the means for the<br />

actual chromosomal insertion event. The<br />

basis for the coordinate involvement of<br />

Tn501 or Tn7 with Tn1 in the integration<br />

process remains a mystery.<br />

3. R-primes in pseudomonads<br />

R-primes are derivatives of R factor plasmids<br />

that have acquired additional DNA<br />

from the chromosome of a host bacterium.<br />

These R-primes are largely analogous to the<br />

F-primes of E. coli discussed above, and the<br />

extended host range capabilities of many R<br />

factors has allowed R-primes to be generated<br />

and utilized in a variety of bacterial genera<br />

Holloway and Low, 1987, 1996). They have<br />

been particularly useful in pseudomonads<br />

where the extensive use of self-transmissible<br />

R factors has provided a framework for the<br />

isolation of a variety of R-primes.<br />

R68.45 and other similar ECM plasmids<br />

have been extensively used for generating<br />

R-primes containing P. aeruginosa chromosomal<br />

DNA. The resulting R-primes contain<br />

the chromosomal DNA between the two<br />

copies of IS21 present in the original R68.45<br />

plasmid. These can be selected for by genetic<br />

complementation after transfer into suitably<br />

marked Rec strains of P. aeruginosa, orby<br />

transfer into P. putida. Genetic complementation<br />

still occurs in P. putida, but a lack<br />

of sufficient nucleotide base homology prevents<br />

recombination between the R-primeborne<br />

P. aeruginosa DNA and the P. putida<br />

chromosome. This is analogous to the situation<br />

that exists when E. coli/S. typhimurium<br />

merodiploids are made. R-primes can also be<br />

obtained from strains of P. putida containing<br />

integrated derivatives of R91±5 by mechanisms<br />

that appear to be highly analogous<br />

to F-prime production in Hfr strains of E.<br />

coli.<br />

C. Streptomyces<br />

The importance of members of the genus<br />

Streptomyces in commercial antibiotic production<br />

has led to extensive efforts to develop<br />

genetic systems for these organisms.<br />

As a result the first conjugative plasmid<br />

from a Gram-positive organism was found<br />

in S. coelicolor A32) Vivian, 1971). The


plasmid, SCP1, was characterized on the<br />

basis of its ability to influence the exchange<br />

of chromosomal genes and to produce the<br />

antibiotic methylenomycin. Although it<br />

does not appear to carry much in the way<br />

of important genetic information for the cell,<br />

it is unusual in that it is a linear doublestranded<br />

DNA plasmid of approximately<br />

350 kbp Kinashi and Shimaji-Murayama,<br />

1991).<br />

The various conjugative behavior patterns<br />

of the SCP1 plasmid of S. coelicolor are<br />

somewhat analogous to those of the F factor<br />

of E. coli. Strains lacking SCP1 SCP1 ;<br />

originally called UF for ultrafertility) correspond<br />

to F strains E. coli. Attempted matings<br />

between two such SCP1 strains that<br />

also lack all other known fertility plasmids<br />

yield verifiable recombinants for chromosomal<br />

markers at extremely low levels Bibb<br />

and Hopwood, 1981). Such recombinants<br />

were not detectable in attempted crosses between<br />

two strains of S. lividans that were<br />

totally lacking in fertility plasmids Hopwood<br />

et al., 1983). SCP1 ‡ strains, also called<br />

IF for initial fertility, appear to correspond<br />

to F ‡ strains of E. coli in that transfer of the<br />

presumably autonomous plasmid is several<br />

orders of magnitude roughly 10 3 to 10 5<br />

times) more frequent than the detectable<br />

transfer of chromosomal markers. The fact<br />

that recombinants from SCP1 ‡ times SCP1<br />

crosses tend to preferentially inherit chromosomal<br />

markers from the donor strain has led<br />

to the conclusion that most of the transfer<br />

occurs as the result of Hfr-like cells, such as<br />

NF see below), present in the SCP1 ‡ culture<br />

Hopwood et al., 1973).<br />

A variety of Hfr-like derivatives of SCP1 ‡<br />

strains of S. coelicolor have been described.<br />

The original such strain was called NF, for<br />

normal fertility, and it has been determined<br />

that the SCP1 plasmid integrates by means<br />

of recombination between a copy of an insertion<br />

sequence now called IS446) on the<br />

plasmid and one of two closely positioned<br />

copies of IS446 on the S. coelicolor chromosome<br />

Kendall and Cullum, 1986). The integration<br />

mechanism also involves the deletion<br />

of both chromosomal and plasmid sequence,<br />

but exactly how these deletions arise during<br />

integration remains unclear. Such strains can<br />

effectively transfer chromosomal genes to a<br />

suitable recipient, but the donor properties<br />

of these strains differ from those of E. coli<br />

Hfr's in two principal ways Hopwood et al.,<br />

1969). First, the transfer appears to be bidirectional<br />

in that markers on either side of the<br />

integrated SCP1 plasmid are transferred<br />

with equal efficiency. Second, all of the recombinants<br />

from such NF times UF crosses<br />

become NF, whereas the vast majority of<br />

recombinants from an Hfr times F cross<br />

in E. coli remain F . Although unidirectional<br />

donors that appear to involve the<br />

integration of SCP1-prime plasmids see<br />

below) at alternate chromosomal sites have<br />

been described, these also involve transfer of<br />

the donor character to the recipient in all<br />

cases Vivian and Hopwood, 1973).<br />

It has been proposed that these two variations<br />

from Hfr-style chromosomal mobilization<br />

could be explained by either of<br />

two models Hopwood et al., 1985). The<br />

first would have a unidirectional transfer of<br />

DNA, perhaps single-stranded as in E. coli,<br />

emanating from the integrated SCP1 with<br />

the proviso that transfer normally involves<br />

a DNA length greater than that of the<br />

chromosome. With this model the unidirectional<br />

transfer observed in some situations<br />

might be explained on the basis of a recombination<br />

hotspot of the SCP1 integration site<br />

in that particular donor strain. The second<br />

model is that passive conduction to the recipient<br />

of the entire chromosome occurs as<br />

an extension of the fact that the SCP1 plasmid<br />

itself is transferred to the recipient as an<br />

intact double-stranded DNA molecule. Although<br />

experimental evidence to discriminate<br />

between these two models is not<br />

available, the second model is made attractive<br />

by the types of marker transfer gradients<br />

that are observed in NF times UF crosses.<br />

Various SCP1-prime plasmids have also<br />

been described for S. coelicolor Hopwood<br />

and Wright, 1976). Although the mechanistic<br />

details of their formation have not been

492 PORTER<br />

determined, their conjugative properties generally<br />

correspond to those of F-primes in E.<br />

coli and R-primes in a variety of Gram-negative<br />

bacteria. These SCP1-prime plasmids<br />

can provide for the mobilization of donor<br />

cell chromosomal markers that are not actually<br />

present on the SCP1-prime, and both<br />

stable and unstable Hfr-like strains appear<br />

to be formed by the integration of these<br />

plasmids into the chromosome Vivian and<br />

Hopwood, 1973).<br />

In addition to SCP1, a variety of other<br />

fertility plasmids from S. coelicolor have<br />

been characterized. The first such plasmid<br />

described was a 31 kb self-transmissible plasmid<br />

called SCP2 Bibb et al., 1977). This<br />

plasmid promotes little, if any, transfer of<br />

chromosomal markers, but variants called<br />

SCP2* spontaneously arise that are capable<br />

of low frequency chromosomal transfer.<br />

Unlike the case with SCP1, neither Hfr-like<br />

nor F-prime-like donors involving SCP2<br />

have been found in vivo. The smaller size of<br />

SCP2, however, has allowed the in vitro construction<br />

of SCP2-primes that can mediate<br />

the transfer of the host cell chromosome<br />

Hopwood et al., 1985).<br />

One of the more interesting phenotypes<br />

associated with Streptomyces conjugation<br />

is called pocking. These matings typically<br />

involve the mixing of two strains, often<br />

starting with spores, on an agar surface,<br />

followed by mycelial growth, mating, and<br />

the subsequent transfer of resulting spores<br />

to selective media to obtain recombinants.<br />

The regions of the mating plate where plasmid<br />

transfer has occurred are visible as<br />

regions of reduced growth or pocksÐit may<br />

be useful to think of pocks on a Streptomyces<br />

mating plate as being similar in appearance<br />

to turbid bacteriophage plaques.<br />

Plasmid mutants that give rise to small pocks<br />

also show less extensive plasmid transfer,<br />

and it has been hypothesized that such small<br />

pocks arise when the plasmid is incapable of<br />

intramycelial transfer in the recipient strain,<br />

referred to as spread, while retaining the ability<br />

to achieve intermycelial transfer between<br />

the donor and recipient strains. Although a<br />

definitive relationship between between plasmid<br />

transfer and pocking has not been demonstrated,<br />

the weight of evidence suggests<br />

that the two phenomena are intimately associated<br />

Hopwood et al., 1985).<br />

A clue as to the basis of pocking appeared<br />

when it was found that insertions into a<br />

certain nonreplicative region of pIJ101, a<br />

small self-transmissible plasmid also used as<br />

a Streptomyces cloning vector, gave derivatives<br />

that were incapable of transforming S.<br />

lividans Kieser et al., 1982). It was originally<br />

thought that pIJ101 must contain one or<br />

more kil genes whose expression results in<br />

cell death unless they are repressed by plasmid-borne<br />

kor, or kill override, genes Kendall<br />

and Cohen, 1987). It was thought that<br />

the original insertion mutant of pIJ101 had<br />

inactivated a kor gene, and it seemed reasonable<br />

to conclude that this had made it impossible<br />

for S. lividans cells containing that<br />

particular plasmid derivative to survive.<br />

One might then explain pocking as cell<br />

growth inhibition by a temporary expression<br />

of kil genes in recipient cells before establishment<br />

of kor repression allows cell growth to<br />

resume. It has not been possible to document<br />

the presence of bonafide kil genes, however,<br />

and it is now thought that the kor effect<br />

stems from its role in transcriptional regulation<br />

of plasmid genes involved in transfer<br />

Stein, et al., 1989). The burst of plasmid<br />

gene expression when this kor repression is<br />

temporarily alleviated immediately following<br />

transfer might contribute to both increased<br />

conjugal proficiency and reduced growth<br />

rate on the part of new recipient cells.<br />

Space considerations do not allow a discussion<br />

of the numerous small self-transmissible<br />

Streptomyces plasmids that have been<br />

characterized, but the pIJ101 plasmid serves<br />

to illustrate a couple of additional important<br />

features of conjugation in Streptomyces.<br />

First, only a single tra gene found on pIJ101<br />

is required for conjugal function on the part<br />

of the plasmid Kendall and Cohen, 1987),<br />

so it seems likely that trans-acting host cell<br />

functions must be involved in the conjugal<br />

transfer of at least some of the smaller Strep-


tomyces plasmids. Second, a mutational<br />

analysis of the pIJ101 tra gene has shown<br />

that plasmid transfer and chromosome mobilizing<br />

ability are differentially dependent<br />

on the gene product as some mutations<br />

affect chromosome mobilizing ability to a<br />

much greater extent than plasmid transfer<br />

Pettis and Cohen, 2000). In summary, a<br />

great deal remains to be learned about<br />

conjugation mechanism in these interesting<br />

organisms. For further details, the student<br />

is referred to Hopwood and Kieser<br />

1993).<br />

D. Gram-Positive Cocci Streptococcus,<br />

etc.)<br />

Although the streptococci as a group are<br />

more noted for the transformation systems<br />

that have been developed in S. pneumoniae<br />

and S. sanguis, three distinctive types of conjugation<br />

system have also been described for<br />

this group of organisms. Two of these systems<br />

appear to involve plasmid conjugation and<br />

associated phenomena while the third involves<br />

a unique type of conjugal transfer of<br />

chromosomal elements called conjugative<br />

transposons Section X). One type of plasmid<br />

conjugation system normally utilizes sex<br />

pheromones and operates at high efficiency,<br />

but the other type of plasmid conjugation<br />

system operates at low efficiency phenomena<br />

and does not involve the participation of sex<br />

pheromones. The pheromone-enhanced conjugation<br />

systems seem largely limited to the<br />

enterococci see Perlin, this volume).<br />

Sex pili have not been observed in conjugative<br />

streptococci, and conjugal transfer<br />

frequently depends on the co-precipitation<br />

of donor and recipient cells onto a solid<br />

surface. High-efficiency mating in liquid culture<br />

can be obtained, however, with a few<br />

plasmid-containing Enteroccoccus faecalis<br />

strains, whose mating is controlled by small<br />

peptide sex pheromones see Clewell, 1993<br />

and 1999 for overviews). In this type of plasmid<br />

conjugation system, the recipient cells<br />

produce a pheromone that elicits a mating<br />

response from donor cells. The induction of<br />

the donor mating response by pheromones<br />

increases the level of plasmid transfer by<br />

about 10,000-fold as compared to the level<br />

observed in the uninduced state Dunny<br />

et al., 1979; Ike and Clewell, 1984). There<br />

are a number of these pheromones, and<br />

each appears to be keyed to a specific plasmid<br />

Dunny et al., 1979). Genomic analysis<br />

has recently revealed that a number of the<br />

common pheromones are processed from the<br />

signal sequence segments of surface lipoproteins<br />

Clewell et al., 2000), and a chromosomal<br />

gene of Enterococcus faecalis called<br />

eep for enhanced expression of pheromone)<br />

has been identified that may be involved in<br />

the specific processing of these signal sequence<br />

peptides An et al., 1999).<br />

After receiving the plasmid, the recipient<br />

cell ceases production of the particular pheromone<br />

associated with that plasmid, but continues<br />

to produce other pheromones Dunny<br />

et al., 1979; Ike et al., 1983). The transconjugant,<br />

as well as the initial donor cell, also<br />

produces a new plasmid-encoded peptide<br />

that functions as a competitive inhibitor of<br />

the corresponding pheromone. It has been<br />

speculated that the inhibitor prevents the<br />

plasmid-containing cells from responding to<br />

a concentration of pheromone that is too low<br />

to result in effective mating aggregate formation.<br />

The nomenclature used for the components<br />

of these systems is standardized. As an<br />

example, cells containing plasmid pAD1 respond<br />

to a pheromone called cAD1 and produce<br />

an inhibitor that is called iAD1.<br />

A pheromone-induced donor cell produces<br />

a surface adhesion protein, referred<br />

to as the aggregation substance Ehrenfeld<br />

et al., 1986). This donor aggregation substance<br />

binds to a surface receptor called the<br />

enterococcal binding substance to promote<br />

clumping, and the ability of low concentrations<br />

of lipoteichoic acid to prevent this<br />

clumping suggests that it may be a component<br />

of the binding substance Ehrenfeld et al.,<br />

1986). This enterococcal binding substance is<br />

present on potential donors and potential<br />

recipients alike, and pure cultures of donor<br />

cells exhibit clumping when treated with exogenous<br />


494 PORTER<br />

Although successful pheromone-mediated<br />

plasmid transfer has thus far only been observed<br />

between E. faecalis cells, one of the E.<br />

faecalis sex pheromones, called cAM373,<br />

is also produced by a variety of Staphylococcus<br />

aureus isolates and by a few isolates of<br />

other species of streptococci Clewell et al.,<br />

1985). These cAM373-producing isolates<br />

can induce clumping with E. faecalis strains<br />

bearing the corresponding plasmid, pAM373,<br />

but potential recipients containing a functionally<br />

replicating plasmid were not obtained.<br />

DNA transfer apparently occurred,<br />

however, as conjugative transposons see<br />

Section X) carried by pAM373 were found<br />

to have successfully integrated into the<br />

Staphylococcus aureus chromosome after<br />

such matings. Thus the sex pheromone-mediated<br />

clumping phenomenon initially described<br />

for E. faecalis may have a much<br />

broader role in genetic exchange between<br />

Gram-positive bacteria.<br />

Initial genetic analysis with one of these E.<br />

faecalis plasmids, pAD1, involved the use of<br />

Tn917 insertions to delineate a 31.2 kb<br />

region of the plasmid that is necessary for<br />

high-efficiency plasmid conjugation involving<br />

pheromones Ehrenfeld and Clewell,<br />

1987). Insertions in part of this region reduced<br />

or eliminated plasmid transfer without<br />

affecting the clumping response, while insertions<br />

in other regions prevented cell aggregation<br />

as well as plasmid transfer) in liquid<br />

cultures. While a number of regulatory genes<br />

and the gene producing the aggregation substance<br />

have been studied in some detail for<br />

several of these plasmids see Clewell, 1999),<br />

very little is still known about the genes and<br />

gene products that are directly involved in<br />

plasmid transfer. Interestingly, the oriT analogue<br />

for pAD1 is located within a group of<br />

genes thought to function in the vegetative<br />

replication of the plasmid An and Clewell,<br />

1997).<br />

Considerably less is known about the plasmid<br />

conjugation system that does not involve<br />

sex pheromones see Macrina and<br />

Archer, 1993, for a review). The lack of inducible<br />

aggregation results in much lower<br />

plasmid transfer efficiencies, but many of<br />

these plasmids demonstrate a much broader<br />

host range. One example is the E. faecalis<br />

plasmid pAMb1 which transfers to Lactobacillus<br />

casei, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus<br />

subtilis, as well as to a variety of other<br />

species of streptococci. The size of pAMb1,<br />

approximately 26 kb, is much less than that<br />

of the conjugative plasmids that are pheromome<br />

responsive, but the nature of the genes<br />

whose products mediate the actual transfer<br />

event has not been determined. Some of<br />

these conjugative streptococcal plasmids of<br />

both types pheromone induced and nonpheromone<br />

induced) can mobilize nonconjugative<br />

plasmids Dunny and Clewell,<br />

1975; Smith et al., 1980), and others chromosomal<br />

DNA Franke et al., 1978). The actual<br />

basis of mobilization is not yet characterized,<br />

however, for any of these plasmids.<br />

E. Other Plasmid-Based <strong>Conjugation</strong><br />

Systems<br />

It is not our purpose here to catalog all bacterial<br />

conjugation systems, and many that<br />

have been described in less well-known organisms<br />

have not been characterized in any<br />

detail. The intriguing Ti plasmid conjugation<br />

system from Agrobacterium is covered separately<br />

by Ream this volume), and a discussion<br />

of plasmid conjugation systems in anaerobes,<br />

particularly the genera Bacteroides and Clostridium,<br />

may be found in the article by Macrina<br />

1993) as well as by Whittle and Salyers,<br />

this volume. We do want to note, however,<br />

the existence of conjugation in thermophiles<br />

and hence in the Archaea as well. Since the<br />

first report of a conjugative plasmid in an<br />

archaeobacterium of the genus Sulfolobus<br />

Schleper, et al., 1995), it has been shown<br />

that conjugative plasmids are quite common<br />

in that organism Prangishvili et al, 1998;<br />

Stedman et al. 2000) and that transfer of<br />

chromosomal markers can be promoted<br />

Schmidt, et al., 1999). Plasmid conjugation<br />

has also been demonstrated in a eubacterial<br />

thermophile of the genus Thermus with the<br />

additional possibility of Hfr-like transfer suggested<br />

Ramirez-Arcos, et al., 1998).




These interesting elements can both transpose<br />

to new locations in the cell in which<br />

they reside and insert into a replicon in another<br />

cell after mediating their own transfer<br />

by conjugation without any stabilized existence<br />

as a plasmid. They will not be dealt with<br />

extensively here because they are covered in<br />

considerable detail by Whittle and Salyers,<br />

this volume. The student is also referred<br />

to review articles by Salyers et al. 1995),<br />

Scott and Churchward 1995), and Rice<br />

1998).<br />

The first two of these elements described<br />

were Tn916 from Enterococcus faecalis<br />

Franke and Clewell, 1981) and Tn5253, originally<br />

known as the Vcat-tet) element,<br />

from Streptococcus pneumoniae Shoemaker<br />

et al., 1980). The much larger Tn5253<br />

element turns out to contain a copy of the<br />

18 kbp Tn916 element, and such composite<br />

Fig. 10. Proposed model for Tn916 transposition<br />

and conjugation. a: Staggered nicks in the sequences<br />

flanking the initial position of the element result in<br />

the production of nonreplicating circular intermediate<br />

I with six potentially mismatched bases. While<br />

this double-stranded circular form may be transferred<br />

directly to the recipient and then possibly<br />

undergo correction of the mismatched bases, it is<br />

perhaps more likely that nicking at the presumptive<br />

oriT-like site within the element allows transfer of a<br />

single strand to the recipient cell where complementary<br />

strand synthesis then occurs; circular intermediate<br />

II results in either case. b: Cleavage of circular<br />

intermediate II and the target is followed by ligation<br />

to produce an integrated element that is flanked by<br />

mismatched coupling sequences until one round of<br />

replication has occurred. Reproduced from Scott<br />

and Churchward, 1995 with permission from the<br />

``Annual Review of Microbiology'' Volume 49 Q<br />

1995 by Annual Reviews.)<br />

structures seem to be relatively common<br />

among conjugative transposons. The intensively<br />

studied Tn916 element seems to be<br />

the most common such element among the<br />

Gram-positive cocci, and many of the other<br />

elements that have been described are related<br />

to it. Many of these conjugative transposons<br />

carry multiple drug-resistance determinants,<br />

but tetracyline resistance is almost always<br />

observed to be present in such elements.<br />

Intercellular transfers by these elements<br />

only occur at low frequency during filter<br />

solid surface) matings in the laboratory,<br />

but interspecies transfer is quite common<br />

Courvalin, 1994). Tn916 or Tn916-like<br />

elements presumably of Gram-positive<br />

origin have been found in a number of<br />

Gram-negative species, but distinctively different<br />

conjugative transposons are quite<br />

commonly found in the Gram-negative<br />

genus Bacteriodes.<br />

A model for the excision, conjugation, and<br />

insertion of Tn916 is shown in Figure 10<br />

from Scott and Churchward, 1995). An<br />

element-encoded integrase protein is needed<br />

for the excision and integration steps while<br />

the element-encoded excision protein only<br />

plays a role in the excision step. These proteins<br />

show some interesting functional similarities<br />

to the well-known bacteriophage l<br />

intregase and excision proteins. The fact<br />

that some strains of Lactococcus lactis can<br />

serve as a recipient but not a donor for the<br />

conjugative transposition of Tn916 has led<br />

to the speculation that an IHF-like host<br />

factor is also required for excision Bringel<br />

et al., 1991). The six base pair staggered cuts<br />

made to initiate excision are called coupling<br />

sequences, and the excised element is circularized<br />

even though base-pairing within these<br />

coupling sequences is unlikely. The integration<br />

reaction does not duplicate the target<br />

site as generally seen for more conventional<br />

transposons, but it does generate flanking<br />

mismatched heteroduplexes that can be eliminated<br />

either by mismatch correction or by a<br />

round of recipient replicon replication. A<br />

role for the double-stranded circular intermediate<br />

in the integration reaction is

496PORTER<br />

supported by the observation that such circular<br />

intermediates purified from E. coli<br />

strains can integrate subsequent to protoplast<br />

transformation in Bacillus subtilis<br />

Scott et al., 1988). Tn916 does not seem to<br />

be very site specific with regard to the integration<br />

reaction, but this is not the case with<br />

all conjugative transposons.<br />

The conjugation part of the process is<br />

much less well understood than the excision<br />

and integration reactions. One study exploring<br />

concomitant transfer of chromosomal<br />

markers suggested the occurrence of something<br />

approximating a complete cell fusion<br />

event Torres et al., 1991), but a direct correlation<br />

of chromosomal marker transfer<br />

with conjugative transposition was not established.<br />

At the same time the indirect<br />

mobilization of donor cell plasmids by conjugative<br />

transposons in several systems see<br />

Salyers et al., 1995) suggests that at least<br />

pore formation between donor and recipient<br />

cell is mediated by conjugative transposons.<br />

There is no evidence for either the involvement<br />

of sex pili as seen with plasmid conjugation<br />

in the Gram-negative bacteria or the<br />

involvement of adhesion proteins such as are<br />

seen with pheromone-mediated plasmid conjugation<br />

in E. faecalis. It has been suggested<br />

that a single-strand of the excised doublestranded<br />

circular element is transferred and<br />

then duplicated in the recipient cell before<br />

integration Scott et al., 1994), and oriT-like<br />

function has been demonstrated for a 466 bp<br />

segment of Tn916 Jaworski and Clewell,<br />

1995). Tn5 insertion analysis indicated that<br />

about 11 kbp located largely towards one<br />

end of Tn916 consists of genes required for<br />

intercellular transfer but not intracellular<br />

transfer of the element Senghas et al.,<br />

1988), and there are 11 putative open reading<br />

frames in that region. One of those open<br />

reading frames possesses significant similarity<br />

to the mbeA gene of ColE1 whose product<br />

acts at the ColE1 nic site Flannagan<br />

et al., 1994), but nothing else is known about<br />

these putative conjugation genes. The traA<br />

gene of Tn916 is located at the other end of<br />

the element with the genes for the integase<br />

and excisase, and traA seems to be a positive<br />

regulator of other genes involved in the conjugative<br />

process Jaworski et al., 1996). It<br />

has been suggested that concerted regulation<br />

of traA and the int-Tn and xis-Tn genes may<br />

serve to coordinate the transposition and<br />

conjugation functions of the element Jaworski<br />

et al., 1996).<br />


Bacterial conjugation systems are both diverse<br />

and complex. In the Gram-negative<br />

bacteria, conjugation is generally a plasmid<br />

phenomenon that only occasionally results<br />

in the transfer of some portion of the donor<br />

cell chromosome. F factor-mediated transfer<br />

of the chromosome can be systematically<br />

achieved with E. coli and some of its close<br />

relatives, but it is achieved much less frequently<br />

in a variety of Gram-negative<br />

bacteria when plasmids other than the F<br />

factor are utilized. Although conjugation is<br />

also known to often involve plasmids in<br />

Gram-positive organisms, the conjugative<br />

transposons found in both Gram-positive<br />

and Gram-negative bacteria provide what<br />

seems to be an exception to the requirement<br />

for plasmid involvement in all conjugation<br />

systems. Conjugative donor cell chromosome<br />

transfer is certainly achieved in the<br />

streptomycetes, but there are certainly mechanistic<br />

differences as compared to the E. coli<br />

F factor system. Nevertheless, this most ascetically<br />

appealing of the bacterial gene<br />

transfer processes undoubtedly plays a very<br />

important role in the production and maintenance<br />

of genetic variability in bacteria.<br />



A variety of techniques have been developed<br />

for genetic mapping in bacteria. Both transformation<br />

and generalized transduction are<br />

very useful for fine-structure mapping in organisms<br />

where these gene transfer modes operate<br />

at reasonably high efficiency. However,<br />

conjugation using Hfr-type donors remains<br />

the single most powerful technique for mapping<br />

large segments of the bacterial chromo-


some. Despite the power of this method,<br />

conjugational mapping has only been done<br />

in a handful of organisms where such Hfrtype<br />

donors have been available. The prototype<br />

system for such chromosomal mapping<br />

involves the use of Hfr's based on the E. coli<br />

F factor. This mapping system has been used<br />

in some Salmonella species as well as in E.<br />

coli itself. The principles are the same for the<br />

Hfr-like systems that have been derived for<br />

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and P. putida. The<br />

conjugation system in Streptomyces coelicolor<br />

has also been used for mapping purposes,<br />

but the mapping strategy in that organism<br />

differs considerably from that employed in<br />

the Gram-negative organisms. The discussion<br />

here will be limited to the principles<br />

used in the E. coli-like systems.<br />

The mapping strategy often used in Hfrstyle<br />

conjugation is based on a principle<br />

called time of entry. The rate at which<br />

DNA is transferred from donor to recipient<br />

cell is fairly constant for any given E. coli Hfr<br />

strain, even though some variation between<br />

Hfr's can be observed. The time after the<br />

initiation of mating pair formation at which<br />

any given chromosomal marker enters the<br />

recipient depends on its position relative to<br />

the integrated F factor in terms of both distance<br />

and direction. The E. coli chromosomal<br />

map is calibrated in minutes to reflect<br />

this time-of-entry phenomenon. The map<br />

was originally 90 minutes in length, but it<br />

was re-calibrated to 100 minutes in the mid-<br />

1970s in order to more accurately reflect<br />

numerous mapping data on various parts of<br />

the chromosome. Map positions given in the<br />

older literature have to be evaluated in light<br />

of this re-calibration.<br />

The actual time-of-entry data obtained reflect<br />

both the gradient of transfer and orientation<br />

of transfer that were discussed in the<br />

chapter. An actual experiment involves the<br />

following steps. First, the Hfr and F strain<br />

are grown to a specified cell density generally<br />

1±2 10 8 cells per ml) at 378C. Temperature<br />

has a strong effect on fertility F<br />

factor tra expression is minimal at 308C<br />

and below) and transfer velocity, so it is<br />

important to ensure that both strains are<br />

kept at 378C both prior to and during<br />

mating. This means that you must adjust<br />

relative cell density at an early stage of<br />

growth so that both strains reach the desired<br />

level at the same time. Second, the two<br />

strains are mixed, generally at a ratio of<br />

one Hfr cell per 10 F cells, and incubation<br />

is continued at 378C. Third, samples of the<br />

mating culture are taken periodically for<br />

mating interruption. This is called the blendor<br />

technique, but a real blendor is seldom<br />

used. Although vigorous vortex mixing is<br />

sometimes used to disrupt mating pairs, the<br />

method of choice involves a special tubeholding<br />

attachment for a sabre saw. The<br />

underlying principle is that only so much<br />

donor DNA transfer can occur in any such<br />

defined time period. Plating agar is frequently<br />

present during the interruption<br />

step, and further initiation of mating is prevented<br />

by both dilution and cell immobilization<br />

in the agar after plating.<br />

The interrupted samples of mating culture<br />

are plated on the appropriate media for<br />

scoring the desired recombinants. This involves<br />

both a selection for the recombinant<br />

F cells e.g., omitting arginine from minimal<br />

media to select Arg ‡ recombinants)<br />

and a counterselection for the Hfr donor.<br />

Most matings done for mapping purposes<br />

involve Str s Hfr strains sensitive to the antibiotic<br />

streptomycin) and Str r recipients so<br />

that streptomycin can be used as the counterselective<br />

agent. The data obtained are<br />

then plotted as recombinants per Hfr or recombinants<br />

per ml versus minutes of mating<br />

before blending. Some hypothetical time-ofentry<br />

data are shown in Figure 11.<br />

For each genetic marker scored, the timeof-entry<br />

curve can be broken down into<br />

three phases as shown for marker A in<br />

Figure 11. The initial phase is the baseline<br />

portion of the curve where the scored marker<br />

has not yet reached any recipients and no<br />

recombinants can scored. The second phase<br />

involves the part of the curve where the recombinants<br />

are beginning to appear and<br />

the slope of the curve is rapidly changing.

498 PORTER<br />

Fig. 11. Time-of-entry curve for a hypothetical mating interruption experiment. An Hfr times F mating is<br />

initiated, and samples of the mating culture are periodically interrupted and plated on plates that select for F<br />

recipient cells that have received genetic marker A, B, or C from an Hfr donor cell. The time of entry for any<br />

given marker correlates to its chromosomal location, and the distance of any selected marker from the Hfr<br />

origin of transfer oriT ) can be determined as described in the text. The three phases of the time-of-entry<br />

curve for marker A, as described in the text, are shown by numbers.<br />

The third phase of the curve occurs when the<br />

slope has stabilized and the number of scorable<br />

recombinants is rapidly rising. This is<br />

the part of the curve that is used to determine<br />

an actual time of entry for a given marker.<br />

Eventually such curves would show a shoulder<br />

and plateau as the recombinant level<br />

maximizes, but this portion of the curve is<br />

not terribly informative and is generally<br />

ignored.<br />

The time of entry for a given marker is<br />

derived by an extrapolation to the abscissa<br />

from the earliest part of phase three of the<br />

curve where recombinants are just beginning<br />

to appear in significant numbers. The value<br />

obtained, in minutes of mating before interruption,<br />

provides a good initial indication of<br />

the distance between the marker and the site<br />

of F factor integration. This value is often<br />

compared to the time of entry achieved in<br />

similar matings for known markers in that<br />

region of the chromosome. The use of more<br />

than one Hfr is frequently used to firm up<br />

the approximate position before using P1<br />

transduction to map the marker with precision.<br />

Although the initiation of DNA transfer is<br />

not actually synchronous, the rapid rise in<br />

recombinants at the time-of-entry point often<br />

closely approximates a step function for<br />

genetic markers that are transferred early<br />

by the Hfr. The degree of apparent synchrony<br />

with which transfer occurs is lessened<br />

with markers further from the F factor site<br />

of integration. This is reflected in an increase<br />

in the phase two region of the curve and<br />

a reduction in the slope observed in phase<br />

three of the time-of-entry curve. These effects<br />

can be seen for markers B and C in Figure<br />

11. Although useful data can be obtained for


distances up to and beyond 50 minutes, the<br />

use of an Hfr that transfers the marker of<br />

interest prior to 30 minutes is preferable for<br />

mapping purposes.<br />

All of the discussion to this point has assumed<br />

that a direct selection is available for<br />

the marker being transferred to the F recipient.<br />

When such a direct selection is not<br />

available, a select-then-screen strategy must<br />

be employed. Recombinants for an available<br />

selectable marker are obtained at various<br />

time points, and these are tested for the nonselectable<br />

marker by replica plating or some<br />

other suitable screening procedure. If the<br />

marker of interest is between the site of F<br />

factor integration and the selected marker,<br />

transfer of the marker of interest will be<br />

observed in roughly half of the recombinants.<br />

High levels of co-transfer > 75%) indicate<br />

tight linkage between the selected<br />

marker and the screened marker. When the<br />

nonselected marker of interest is transferred<br />

after the selected marker, co-transfer of the<br />

two markers will seldom be observed. This<br />

type of procedure allows the nonselectable<br />

marker to be assigned to the particular region<br />

of the chromosome between two such selectable<br />

markers. The power and ease of drugresistance<br />

selection has made use of Hfr<br />

strains with mapped transposon insertions a<br />

very popular method of carrying out this type<br />

of select-then-screen protocol.<br />

When the marker of interest is a conditional<br />

lethal e.g., auxotrophy or temperature<br />

sensitivity), a print mating procedure<br />

can be employed to make the initial assignment<br />

of marker position to a defined region<br />

of the chromosome. A plate is prepared with<br />

about 20 Hfr strains patched on the plate at<br />

positions corresponding to the appropriate F<br />

factor integration site on the chromosome.<br />

The clockwise-transferring Hfr's and counterclockwise-transferring<br />

Hfr's are generally<br />

arranged in two concentric circles to simplify<br />

interpretation of the actual print mating<br />

plate. A Str r F strain carrying the conditional<br />

lethal marker to be mapped is grown<br />

up and spread on a streptomycin-containing<br />

plate. This plate must either select<br />

against the conditional lethal marker or be<br />

incubated under conditions, such as high<br />

temperature, that provide the necessary selection.<br />

Then a fresh replica of the Hfr plate<br />

is printed on the lawn of F cells by replica<br />

plating. After incubation under suitable conditions,<br />

this print mating plate is read. For<br />

each ring of Hfr's, the gradient of transfer<br />

should be apparent. There will be little or no<br />

growth at positions where the corresponding<br />

Hfr is transferring the marker late while<br />

strong patches will result from Hfr's that<br />

transfer the marker early. For each set of<br />

Hfr's clockwise and counterclockwise) a<br />

sharp breakpoint between early and late<br />

transfer will be evident. This allows the<br />

marker to be assigned to the region of the<br />

chromosome between the F factor integration<br />

site for the earliest clockwise-transferring<br />

and the earliest counterclockwisetransferring<br />

Hfr. Data of this type greatly<br />

facilitates the choice of Hfr's for subsequent<br />

interrupted mating experiments.<br />

When possible, the use of a print mating<br />

and a subsequent interrupted mating experiment<br />

provides the most effective means<br />

of localizing a marker on the E. coli chromosome.<br />

The availability of numerous Hfr<br />

strains containing well-mapped transposon<br />

insertions makes it possible to map essentially<br />

any genetic marker on the basis of<br />

time of entry. The student is referred to<br />

an article by Low 1991) for a more extensive<br />

discussion of conjugational mapping<br />

methods.<br />


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