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Happy Diwali - Oshwal News +Él©ÉÒHí, yÉÉÌ©ÉHí, ÉÉ−÷ÒÊ−÷Hí, ©ÉÉ{ÉÊ»ÉHí, »ÉÉ©ÉÉYðHí, HíÉä`ÖÅòÊ¥ÉHí »´É»oÉlÉÉ ¾úÉà«É lÉÉà +É−÷ÉyÉ{ÉÉ »ÉÖÅqö−÷ oÉÉ«É +à ©ÉÉ`àò{ÉÉ X~É / »lÉÉàmÉ (1) $ −÷Õ ¸ÉÒ yÉ−à÷iÉ{rö ~Éqö©ÉÉ´ÉlÉÒ ~ÉÚYðlÉÉ«É ¸ÉÒ ÉÅLÉà¹É−÷ ~ÉɹÉ{ÉÉoÉÉ«É {É©É& (−÷ÉàWð 108 ´ÉÉ−÷ X~É Hí−÷´ÉÉà) (2) $ −÷Õ +¾Èú{É©É (−÷ÉàWð 108 ´ÉÉ−÷ X~É Hí−÷´ÉÉà) (3) A´É»ÉNNÉ - ¾ú−Å÷ - »lÉÉàmÉÉà{ÉÉà −÷ÉàWð +ÉàUïÉ©ÉÉÅ +ÉàUïÉà 27 ´ÉÉ−÷ X~É Hí−÷´ÉÉà. ´ÉyÉÒ{Éà 54, 81 +{Éà 108 ´ÉÉ−÷ oÉ> ÉHàí. (4) A´É»ÉNNÉ ¾ú−Å÷ - »lÉÉàmÉ{ÉÉà ¥ÉÒXà ¡É«ÉÉàNÉ&- (1) ¸ÉÒ ÉÅLÉà¹É−÷ ~ÉɹÉ{ÉÉoÉ §ÉNÉ´ÉÉ{É{ÉÉà £Éà`òÉà (2) SÉÉÅqöÒ{ÉÒ ´ÉÉ`òHíÒ +{Éà +à©ÉÉÅ ~ÉÉiÉÒ (3) »É´ÉÉ−÷{ÉÉ 11 ´ÉÉN«ÉÉ ~ɾàú±ÉÉ »lÉÉàmÉ NÉiÉ´ÉÉà (4) +àHí »oÉÉ{É, +àHí »É©É«É, +àHí +É»É{É ¾úÉà«É lÉÉà »ÉÉ°÷ (5) »lÉÉàmÉ NÉiÉ´ÉÉ{ÉÒ Ê´ÉyÉÒ ~ɾàú±ÉÉ +àHí {É´ÉHíÉ−÷ ~ÉUïÒ A´É»ÉNNÉ ¾ú−Å÷-»lÉÉàmÉ ~ÉUïÒ {É´ÉHíÉ−÷ +à©É NÉiÉÉ´É{ÉÖÅ SÉɱÉÖ Hí−÷´ÉÖ - +É{Éà +àHí »ÉÅ~ÉÚ`ò Hí¾àú´ÉÉ«É. ¥ÉÒYð ´ÉÉ−÷ ~ÉÉUïÉà +àHí {É´ÉHíÉ−÷ ~ÉUïÒ A´É»ÉNNÉ ¾ú−Å÷-»lÉÉàmÉ ~ÉUïÒ {É´ÉHíÉ−÷ +à©É 27 ´ÉÉ−÷ NÉiÉ´ÉÖ LÉÉ»É {ÉÉáyÉ& ´ÉyÉÖ ~ÉeôlÉÒ lÉHí±ÉÒ£í©ÉÉÅ +É ¡É«ÉÉàNÉ 108 ´ÉÉ−÷ Hí−÷´ÉÉà. +É +{ÉÖºcóÉ{É +LÉÅeô 41 Êqö´É»É Hí−÷´ÉÖÅ. ~ÉUïÒ 1 Êqö´É»É ©ÉÚHíÒ qàö´ÉÖÅ. l«ÉÉ−÷¥ÉÉqö ¾Åú©ÉàÉÉ Hí−÷É«É lÉÉà »ÉÉ−ÖÅ÷. »lÉÉàmÉ{ÉÉ É¥qöÉà ©ÉÉà`àòoÉÒ ¥ÉÉà±É´ÉÉ É¥qöÉà ~ÉÉiÉÒ©ÉÉÅ X~É +à`ò±Éà ~ÉÉiÉÒ +ʧɩÉÅmÉÒlÉ oÉÉ«É. lÉà ~ÉÉiÉÒ ~ÉÊ−÷´ÉÉ−÷{ÉÉ ¥ÉyÉÉ ±ÉÉàHíÉà+à ~ÉÒ Wð´ÉÖÅ. oÉÉàeÖÅô ~ÉÉiÉÒ PÉ−÷©ÉÉÅ UïÉÅ`ò´ÉÖÅ. z Submitted by: Sunilbhai Chheda of Vardhaman Sanskar Dham, India. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE “Nobody can do everything, But everyone can do Something” v 49 j +Él©ÉÉ{ÉÉ ±ÉKÉiÉÉà j (−÷ÉNÉ& lÉl´É{ÉÒ ASÉÒ ´ÉÉlÉ, NÉÖ−Ö÷ Hí¾úÉ{Éà +É~ÉÒ Uïà.) ¾ÖÅú +àHí ÉÖyyÉÉl©ÉÉ »´É°÷~É UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú +LÉÅeô XOÉlÉ +Él©ÉÉ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú É−÷Ò−÷ Hàí ~ÉÖtöNÉ±É {ÉoÉÒ, ¾ÖÅú ~É−÷©É Ê{É−÷~ÉàKÉ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï … UÖÅï (1) ¾ÖÅú +{ÉÅlÉ [ÉÉ{ÉoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú ~ÉÚiÉÉÇ{ÉÅqö{ÉÉà {ÉÉoÉ ¡É§ÉÖ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú −÷ÉNÉoÉÒ −÷ʾúlÉ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú ´ÉÒlÉ−÷ÉNÉÒ {Éà ´Éä−÷ÉNÉÒ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï(2) ¾ÖÅú +É{ÉÅqöoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú +É{ÉÅqö»´É°÷~É UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú qÖö&LÉoÉÒ −÷ʾúlÉ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú »ÉÖLÉoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà ÉÒ´É UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï (3) ¾ÖÅú +lÉÒÊ{Érö«É [ÉÉ{ÉoÉÒ Xj UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú >ûÎ{rö«ÉÉàoÉÒ ~ÉÉ−÷ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú +NÉ©«É»´É°÷~É [ÉÉ{É UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú ÊSÉ{ÉÉ©ÉÉmÉ-[ÉÉ{É©ÉÉmÉ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï (4) ¾ÖÅú +àHí ¥ÉÖyyÉ»´É°÷~É UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú SÉàl«Év{É SÉälÉ{«ÉyÉÉlÉÖÅ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú »ÉHí³-ʴɩɳ »É´ÉÇoÉÉ Ê{É©Édz UÖï, ¾ÖÅú ~ÉÖi«É-~ÉÉ~ÉoÉÒ Ê{É´ÉÞlÉ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï (5) ¾ÖÅú SÉàlÉÖ{«ÉoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú SÉälÉ{«É»´É°÷~É UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú ~É−÷©ÉÉl©ÉÉ ~É−÷©Éà¹É−÷ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú Ê{É·SÉ±É §ÉNÉ´ÉÉ{É +Él©ÉÉ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï (6) ¾ÖÅú [ÉÉ{É»´É°÷~É qöÉÇ{É»´É°÷~É UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú +©ÉÞlÉ +{Éà +©É−÷ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú HíÉà> Êqö´É»É ©É−÷lÉÉà {ÉoÉÒ, ¾ÖÅú +{ÉÉÊqö-+Å{ÉlÉ UÖÅï .. UÖÅï …UÖÅï (7) ¾ÖÅú ÊSÉqöÉ{ÉÅqö +{Éà ÊSÉtöv{É UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú −÷l{ÉmÉ«ÉoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà UÖÅï, lÉà −÷l{ÉmÉ«É Uïà qöÉÇ{É-[ÉÉ{É, Uïà±±ÉÖÅ −÷l{É Uïà SÉÉÊ−÷mÉ (8) ¾ÖÅú +É»mÉ´ÉoÉÒ −÷ʾúlÉ UÖÅï ¾ÖÅú ¥ÉÅyÉoÉÒ ~ÉiÉ −÷ʾúlÉ UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú +{ÉÅlÉ ÉÉÅÊlÉoÉÒ §É−à÷±ÉÉà UÖÅï, ©ÉÉ−÷É©ÉÉÅ +{ÉÅlÉ´ÉÒ«ÉÇ Uïà (9) ¾ÖÅú ©ÉÉmÉ qàöLÉÖ +{Éà Xj ¾ÖÅú Ê{ɧÉÇ«É +{Éà [ÉÉ{É©É«É UÖÅï, ¾ÖÅú »ÉÉlÉ §É«ÉoÉÒ −÷ʾúlÉ UÖÅï ©ÉÉmÉ ©ÉÉ−÷Éà +Él©ÉÉ Wð y«Éà«É Uïà (10) - +©É−÷ −÷ΩÉ{É Éɾú Check out the following websites: www.twelvefacets.com & www.esnips.com/web/Jainism l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l F

Happy Diwali - Oshwal News Our daily life is so much centred on dealing with the demands of a busy schedule and making plans about the future that it never occurs to us to take a moment to reflect on what this life is all about. Thiruvalluvar, a famous poet once quoted “Innumerable millions of thoughts occupy the mind of (the unwise) who know not that they shall live another moment”. Of course, one cannot plan for the future and have ambitions of grandeur if one does not believe that everything will work out the way we want it. However, it is wise to accept, occasionally at least, that life is impermanent and that the only permanent state is “Moksha” (attaining Liberation) It is common belief that attainment of Moksha is rendered difficult because of the illusions we have about this life which is manifested in the attachment we develop to material things. The impermanence of wealth is well known to all of us yet it never figures in our daily plans and activities. Otherwise how can we explain the display of naked greed and the single minded pursuit of material wealth and power that is widely prevalent in our society Our wealth can be taken away from us in a matter of hours if not minutes and we watch it unfolding in front of our eyes everyday due to war, natural catastrophes, and other calamities. We still place a great deal of value on our material things. Although we need material wealth to lead a comfortable life in this world, it is imperative that we use this wealth also to practice virtues that are imperishable. To quote Thiruvalluvar, again: “Wealth is perishable; let those who obtain it immediately practice those virtues which are imperishable”. Hindus believe that it is not necessary to renounce the world to attain “Moksha” i.e liberate our selves from cycle of birth. This permanent state of bliss is within the grasp IMPERMANENCE & MORAL VALUES of people who are in a family life too, provided they practice certain virtues and their life is governed by moral values. There are several moral values of which five are essential to adopt in one’s daily lives: Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Sathya (Truth), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non-Violence). The right conduct involves ethical behaviour and high moral standards. It also implies the absence of greed, anger, jealousy and hatred that are the basic cause for so much conflict and destruction in this world. If we set our lives on the bedrock of right conduct, then we can make this world a better place for all, the proverbial heaven on earth! Peace is defined as the ability to maintain calm and serenity in the face of crisis and adversity. It is also the ability to deal with others in a respectful and endearing manner. When there is peace within an individual, there will be peace in the family and when there is peace in the family there is peace in the community. Truth as a virtue has been emphasised by many saints and world leaders. Truthfulness is the most important component of a spiritual life. Love and Non-violence go together. If there is love in our hearts then we cannot resort to violent acts. Non-violence can be described as universal love. Love is pure only when it is unselfish and unconditional. Love is the foundation of all other values and conduct. These core values should ultimately lead us to a life of selfless service. Many of the rishis and great saints have taught us that the real purpose of this life should be considered as one of service. Therefore, it is only through following the righteous path and dedicating our life to the service of all living beings that we can truly attain Moksha, a state of permanent bliss. By V Nallainayagam, Canada Don't let your parents down They brought you up Be humble enough to obey You may give orders someday Choose companions with care You become what they are Guard your thoughts T E E N What you think, you are Be master of your habits Or they will master you Don't be a show off when you drive, Drive with safety and arrive Don't let the crowd pressure you, Stand for something or you'll fall for anything F C R E E D 50

Happy Diwali - <strong>Oshwal</strong> News<br />

Our daily life is so much centred<br />

on dealing with the demands of a<br />

busy schedule and making plans<br />

about the future that it never<br />

occurs to us to take a moment to<br />

reflect on what this life is all<br />

about. Thiruvalluvar, a famous<br />

poet once quoted “Innumerable<br />

millions of thoughts occupy the<br />

mind of (the unwise) who know<br />

not that they shall live another<br />

moment”.<br />

Of course, one cannot plan for the<br />

future and have ambitions of<br />

grandeur if one does not believe<br />

that everything will work out the<br />

way we want it. However, it is wise to accept, occasionally<br />

at least, that life is impermanent and that the only<br />

permanent state is “Moksha” (attaining Liberation)<br />

It is common belief that attainment of Moksha is<br />

rendered difficult because of the illusions we have about<br />

this life which is manifested in the attachment we develop<br />

to material things. The impermanence of wealth is well<br />

known to all of us yet it never figures in our daily plans<br />

and activities. Otherwise how can we explain the display<br />

of naked greed and the single minded pursuit of material<br />

wealth and power that is widely prevalent in our society<br />

Our wealth can be taken away from us in a matter of<br />

hours if not minutes and we watch it unfolding in front of<br />

our eyes everyday due to war, natural catastrophes, and<br />

other calamities. We still place a great deal of value on our<br />

material things.<br />

Although we need material wealth to lead a comfortable<br />

life in this world, it is imperative that we use this wealth<br />

also to practice virtues that are imperishable. To quote<br />

Thiruvalluvar, again: “Wealth is perishable; let those who<br />

obtain it immediately practice those virtues which are<br />

imperishable”.<br />

Hindus believe that it is not necessary to renounce the<br />

world to attain “Moksha” i.e liberate our selves from cycle<br />

of birth. This permanent state of bliss is within the grasp<br />



of people who are in a family life too, provided they<br />

practice certain virtues and their life is governed by moral<br />

values.<br />

There are several moral values of which five are essential<br />

to adopt in one’s daily lives: Dharma (Right Conduct),<br />

Shanthi (Peace), Sathya (Truth), Prema (Love) and<br />

Ahimsa (Non-Violence).<br />

The right conduct involves ethical behaviour and high<br />

moral standards. It also implies the absence of greed,<br />

anger, jealousy and hatred that are the basic cause for so<br />

much conflict and destruction in this world. If we set our<br />

lives on the bedrock of right conduct, then we can make<br />

this world a better place for all, the proverbial heaven on<br />

earth!<br />

Peace is defined as the ability to maintain calm and<br />

serenity in the face of crisis and adversity. It is also the<br />

ability to deal with others in a respectful and endearing<br />

manner. When there is peace within an individual, there<br />

will be peace in the family and when there is peace in the<br />

family there is peace in the community.<br />

Truth as a virtue has been emphasised by many saints and<br />

world leaders. Truthfulness is the most important<br />

component of a spiritual life.<br />

Love and Non-violence go together. If there is love in our<br />

hearts then we cannot resort to violent acts. Non-violence<br />

can be described as universal love. Love is pure only when<br />

it is unselfish and unconditional. Love is the foundation<br />

of all other values and conduct.<br />

These core values should ultimately lead us to a life of<br />

selfless service. Many of the rishis and great saints have<br />

taught us that the real purpose of this life should be<br />

considered as one of service. Therefore, it is only through<br />

following the righteous path and dedicating our life to the<br />

service of all living beings that we can truly attain Moksha,<br />

a state of permanent bliss.<br />

By V Nallainayagam, Canada<br />

Don't let your parents down<br />

They brought you up<br />

Be humble enough to obey<br />

You may give orders someday<br />

Choose companions with care<br />

You become what they are<br />

Guard your thoughts<br />

T<br />

E<br />

E<br />

N<br />

What you think, you are<br />

Be master of your habits<br />

Or they will master you<br />

Don't be a show off when you drive,<br />

Drive with safety and arrive<br />

Don't let the crowd pressure you,<br />

Stand for something<br />

or you'll fall for anything<br />

F<br />

C<br />

R<br />

E<br />

E<br />

D<br />


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