OshwalNewsI - Oshwal Centre

OshwalNewsI - Oshwal Centre OshwalNewsI - Oshwal Centre


Happy Diwali - Oshwal News GAUTAMSWAMI Indrabhuti, son of Vasubhuti and Prithvi Gautam who were Brahmins was born in 607 B.C in the village of Gobargaon. He had two younger brothers named Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, and all three were well versed in the Vedas and other rituals from an early age. They were great scholars and each had many disciples. Once, in Madhyam Pava which was a prominent centre for Vedic religion, Som Shrama, a Brahmin had organised a great Yajna (sacrificial ceremony). Eleven famous and great scholars headed by Indrabhuti Gautam and over 4400 disciples were there to take part in the ritual ceremonies. Som Shrama became worried on hearing of the sudden arrival of Bhagwan Mahavir in Madhyam Pava. He conveyed his misgivings to Indrabhuti, who assured him that “Mahavir is no match for us as our knowledge is far superior. We need not worry. We should prepare ourselves to oppose him”. Indrabhuti, with his five hundred disciples left to challenge Mahavir. From a distance, Indrabhuti saw the astonishing glow on the face of Bhagwan Mahavir. His advancing steps lost firmness and he started shaking with uncertainty. “Indrabhuti Gautam ! You have arrived” The deeply resonant words of Mahavir fell on Indrabhuti’s ears the moment he entered the assembly, and he was dumbstruck. “Indrabhuti Gautam, although you are a great scholar of the Vedas, you are still doubtful about the existence of the soul”. Mahavir’s words echoed in the ears of Indrabhuti and he was stunned. “This is a secret nobody knows. How is it that Mahavir knows about it Is he really a Omniscient, he thought. “Indrabhuti, your doubt about soul is based on your knowledge of the Vedas. But the same Vedas contain undeniable proofs of the independent existence of the soul….” Mahavir explained everything in his penetratingly sweet voice. Mahavir’s irrefutable logic removed all Indrabhuti’s doubts and his ego melted. Indrabhuti then became the first and chief disciple of Mahavir. Indrabhuti was fifty years old at the time, and from then he was called Gautamswami, because he came from Gautam family. The other 10 scholars and disciples also became Mahavir disciples. Gautamswami had great attachment and affection for Mahavir and this proved to be an obstacle in his attaining absolute knowledge (Kevaljnan). On the day when Mahavir was to attend nirvana, Mahavir sent him to preach to a Brahmin in a nearby village. On his return journey he learned that Mahavir had attained nirvana and reached the Moksha. He was grief sicken and went on lamenting and started weeping. Then all of sudden he realised the folly and futility of it - (“maybe this was destined to happen this way. No one can live for ever; no relationship is permanent. Why was I so attached to Mahavir”) - And at that very moment he attained absolute knowledge. This occasion is celebrated by Jains on New Years day. Gautamswami taught and spread Jain principles for the next 12 years and attained Moksha at age of ninety two. MAHVIR SWAMI NIRVANA KALYANAK - RECITATION ON DIWALI DAY Perform 20 malas mediating on each line on every bead (108 beads in one mala) Before Midnight ‘Mahavir Swami Sarvagnaay Namah’ j j From Midnight to 4.00AM ‘Mahavir Swami Paarangataay Namah’ From 4.00AM ‘Guatam Swami Sarvagnaay Namah’ What you desire for yourself, desire for others too; What you do not desire for yourself, do not desire for others too. ……. This is the essence of Jain Dharma F 27

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Happy Diwali - <strong>Oshwal</strong> News<br />


Indrabhuti, son of Vasubhuti and Prithvi Gautam who<br />

were Brahmins was born in 607 B.C in the village of<br />

Gobargaon. He had two younger brothers named<br />

Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, and all three were well versed<br />

in the Vedas and other rituals from an early age. They<br />

were great scholars and each had many disciples.<br />

Once, in Madhyam Pava which was a prominent<br />

centre for Vedic religion, Som Shrama, a<br />

Brahmin had organised a great Yajna<br />

(sacrificial ceremony). Eleven famous and<br />

great scholars headed by Indrabhuti<br />

Gautam and over 4400 disciples were<br />

there to take part in the ritual<br />

ceremonies. Som Shrama became<br />

worried on hearing of the sudden arrival<br />

of Bhagwan Mahavir in Madhyam Pava.<br />

He conveyed his misgivings to<br />

Indrabhuti, who assured him that<br />

“Mahavir is no match for us as our<br />

knowledge is far superior. We need not<br />

worry. We should prepare ourselves to oppose<br />

him”. Indrabhuti, with his five hundred<br />

disciples left to challenge Mahavir.<br />

From a distance, Indrabhuti saw the astonishing glow on<br />

the face of Bhagwan Mahavir. His advancing steps lost<br />

firmness and he started shaking with uncertainty.<br />

“Indrabhuti Gautam ! You have arrived”<br />

The deeply resonant words of Mahavir fell on<br />

Indrabhuti’s ears the moment he entered the assembly,<br />

and he was dumbstruck. “Indrabhuti Gautam, although<br />

you are a great scholar of the Vedas, you are still doubtful<br />

about the existence of the soul”. Mahavir’s words echoed<br />

in the ears of Indrabhuti and he was stunned. “This is a<br />

secret nobody knows. How is it that Mahavir knows<br />

about it Is he really a Omniscient, he thought.<br />

“Indrabhuti, your doubt about soul is based on your<br />

knowledge of the Vedas. But the same Vedas contain<br />

undeniable proofs of the independent existence of the<br />

soul….” Mahavir explained everything in his penetratingly<br />

sweet voice. Mahavir’s irrefutable logic removed all<br />

Indrabhuti’s doubts and his ego melted.<br />

Indrabhuti then became the first and chief<br />

disciple of Mahavir. Indrabhuti was fifty<br />

years old at the time, and from then he was<br />

called Gautamswami, because he came<br />

from Gautam family. The other 10<br />

scholars and disciples also became<br />

Mahavir disciples.<br />

Gautamswami had great attachment and<br />

affection for Mahavir and this proved to<br />

be an obstacle in his attaining absolute<br />

knowledge (Kevaljnan). On the day when<br />

Mahavir was to attend nirvana, Mahavir<br />

sent him to preach to a Brahmin in a nearby<br />

village. On his return journey he learned that<br />

Mahavir had attained nirvana and reached the<br />

Moksha. He was grief sicken and went on lamenting and<br />

started weeping. Then all of sudden he realised the folly<br />

and futility of it - (“maybe this was destined to happen<br />

this way. No one can live for ever; no relationship is<br />

permanent. Why was I so attached to Mahavir”) - And at<br />

that very moment he attained absolute knowledge. This<br />

occasion is celebrated by Jains on New Years day.<br />

Gautamswami taught and spread Jain principles for the<br />

next 12 years and attained Moksha at age of ninety two.<br />


Perform 20 malas mediating on each line on every bead (108 beads in one mala)<br />

Before Midnight<br />

‘Mahavir Swami Sarvagnaay Namah’<br />

j j<br />

From Midnight to 4.00AM<br />

‘Mahavir Swami Paarangataay Namah’<br />

From 4.00AM<br />

‘Guatam Swami Sarvagnaay Namah’<br />

What you desire for yourself, desire for others too;<br />

What you do not desire for yourself, do not desire for others too.<br />

……. This is the essence of Jain Dharma<br />

F<br />


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