Labrador - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Labrador - Aboriginal Human Resource Council

Labrador - Aboriginal Human Resource Council


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Participants were separated into groups and were<br />

asked to respond to a number of questions. The<br />

following is a summary of the responses from the<br />

various groups:<br />

Barriers to Employment<br />

What barriers exist for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> people wanting<br />

to secure employment with the private sector<br />

• AHRDAs have good employees who<br />

are trained.<br />

• AHRDAs don’t know what<br />

opportunities exist.<br />

• Commitment from employers to work<br />

together is hard to get.<br />

• Voisey’s Bay model is working well. Impact<br />

Benefits Agreement (IBA) helped/forced this<br />

but it is gradually turning into the way to<br />

do business.<br />

• Training may not be exactly suitable<br />

to employers.<br />

• Employers do not know what skills are<br />

out there.<br />

• Supply Side: There are other issues (i.e.,<br />

union, housing, discrimination).<br />

• Need to establish relationships between<br />

<strong>Aboriginal</strong> groups and business.<br />

• Set aside time and resources for<br />

relationship building.<br />

• Relationships must be open and transparent.<br />

• Need to overcome stereotyping.<br />

• Provide cultural awareness training –<br />

both ways.<br />

• Build respect for <strong>Aboriginal</strong> Peoples/<br />

communities/culture.<br />

• Allow for failures as well as successes.<br />

• <strong>Aboriginal</strong> women are an untapped labour<br />

source:<br />

– Inuit have done well with Voisey’s Bay<br />

– separate workshops for women<br />

– need summit for women<br />

– women take more care.<br />

• Elements of a meaningful partnership<br />

– build trust, honesty<br />

– commitments from both sides<br />

– strategies, objectives<br />

– clear role and responsible solutions.<br />

– transparency (open)<br />

– understand goals, objectives and<br />

expectations of each other<br />

– regular commitment to meet<br />

(monthly/quarterly)<br />

– build the relationship<br />

– first there will be successes and failures<br />

– arms-length cultural representative<br />

– AHRDAs: train in the winter, work in<br />

summer, need better system to get<br />

access for business<br />

– reduce red tape<br />

– tie success of partnership to success<br />

of project<br />

– connectivity between training and job<br />

– partner with industry – why aren’t<br />

AHRDAs loading up industry with<br />

apprentices<br />

– Basic communication – talk to<br />

each other.<br />


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