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<strong>EDWARDS</strong><br />

<strong>AND</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>ENVIRONMENT</strong><br />


Our Commitment<br />

We will be the leader in the field of vacuum pumping and abatement by applying technology,<br />

products and services to benefit the environment for future generations.<br />

Edwards is committed to excellence in the management of the environment and there is no<br />

higher priority for us.<br />

• Over our product’s lifecycle we are Green House Gas or Carbon equivalent negative, in<br />

other words our abatement products destroy compounds that have a very high global<br />

warming potential.<br />

• Our technologies enable the manufacturing of a wide range of environmental products<br />

- vacuum is essential for the production of solar<br />

cells and solid state lighting.<br />

• When our products need replacing we offer ways<br />

to refurbish them for reuse – we already refurbish<br />

35,000 of them each year. At the end of their life<br />

cycle, our vacuum products are disassembled so<br />

that their primary materials are recycled keeping<br />

them out of landfills.<br />

• We’re also investing in new facilities that meet<br />

or exceed environmental norms and changing the<br />

ways we work.<br />

Read on to find out how we are doing it...<br />

and see our website for live updates on our progress.<br />

Matthew Taylor - CEO, Edwards<br />

Our Policy & Goals<br />

We are committed to constantly improving our environmental systems and our performance.<br />

• Climate change<br />

——<br />

Reduce our products’ energy consumption<br />

——<br />

Working to SEMI, ITRS & S23 guidelines*<br />

——<br />

Reduce our emissions<br />

——<br />

Reduce our customers’ emissions<br />

• Resource Conservation<br />

——<br />

Reduce/Reuse/Recycle<br />

——<br />

Reduce hazardous content of our products<br />

——<br />

Remanufacturing & Service<br />

* SEMI = Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International<br />

ITRS = International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors<br />

S23 = Guide for conservation of energy, utilities and materials used by semiconductor manufacturing equipment

Our Aims<br />

To support these aims, we have published a set of Green Goals covering our plans to reduce the impact of<br />

our operations of our products. We will …<br />

• Reduce our customers’ carbon footprints through the use of our products - by providing equipment to<br />

abate our customers’ emissions and introducing high efficiency vacuum and abatement products.<br />

• Reduce the carbon intensity of our operations.<br />

• Reduce waste - from our facilities, eliminating all waste to landfill - and by enabling the reuse of our<br />

products through service and remanufacture.<br />

• Reduce water usage at our facilities.<br />

Strong environmental systems in place<br />

• Major sites certified to ISO14001<br />

——<br />

International standard for environmental management systems.<br />

• Member of Electronic Industries Citizenship Coalition (EICC)<br />

——<br />

An electronics industry scheme to improve the social, economic and environmental<br />

conditions of the industry and its supply chain.<br />

• Member of SEMI Global Care<br />

——<br />

Semiconductor industry program encouraging improvement and excellence in environment,<br />

safety and product stewardship.<br />

• Member of the International Sematech Manufacturing Initiative (ISMI)<br />

——<br />

World-wide collaborative program dedicated to cooperatively finding and implementing the<br />

most cost-effective, environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes and procedures.<br />

• Member of Mayday Network<br />

——<br />

UK’s largest group of businesses committed to taking action on climate change.<br />

• Contributing to case studies, such as the Special Report on GHG Management and<br />

Reporting, with Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) the<br />

professional membership body for promoting best practice standards in environmental<br />

management, auditing and assessment for all industry sectors.

“... over our products’ life cycle<br />

we are carbon negative”<br />

Carbon Report<br />

The carbon footprint converts all materials, transport and energy use into an equivalent amount of<br />

Carbon Dioxide (CO 2<br />

) generated.<br />

To calculate our carbon footprint we need to look at the CO 2<br />

generated by our operations and our<br />

products in use in the following key areas:<br />

• Materials • Facilities • Transport • Product use • Abatement<br />

Annual CO 2<br />

e reduction due to Edwards<br />

products - production and use (millions tonnes)<br />

2<br />

2006<br />

2008<br />

2009<br />

1<br />

0<br />

-1<br />

-2<br />

-3<br />

-4<br />

Materials<br />

use p.a.<br />

Factory energy<br />

use p.a. †<br />

Transport Product energy<br />

emissions p.a. use p.a.<br />

(installed base)<br />

† Scope 1 (Direct emissions) and Scope 2<br />

(emissions from electricity use) carbon<br />

emissions as defined by the Greenhouse<br />

Gas Protocol. All other data is Scope 3<br />

(Indirect emissions).<br />

-5<br />

Overall eCO 2<br />

reduction p.a.<br />

-6<br />

-7<br />

PFC emissions<br />

abated p.a.<br />

(installed base)<br />

-8<br />

The graph shows the results for these calculations for the calendar year 2009.<br />

Manufacturing, remanufacturing and product use generates ~2 million tonnes of CO 2<br />

equivalent p.a.<br />

at Edwards, our supply chain and our customers’ facilities.<br />

Abatement prevents the emission of ~6 million tonnes CO 2<br />

equivalent p.a. at our customers’ facilities.

Enabling Environmental Technology<br />


Solid-state lighting sources, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), offer energy<br />

savings and environmental benefits compared to traditional incandescent<br />

or fluorescent lamps. In some cases they can offer a 95% energy saving over<br />

conventional lighting systems. LEDs are semiconductor devices manufactured<br />

under vacuum using gases that need careful handling – Edwards vacuum and<br />

abatement systems enable the process and protect the environment.<br />


A photovoltaic solar cell (PV cell) is also a semiconductor device which, in the<br />

presence of light, generates electricity. Solar cells provide clean renewable<br />

energy, producing zero air pollution, hazardous waste or noise. As economies<br />

of scale take effect, the size of the process chambers has increased – again<br />

Edwards vacuum and abatement equipment is at the forefront of enabling<br />

the development of this environmentally beneficial technology ensuring it is<br />

achieved with minimum environmental impact from production.<br />


Vacuum coated glass is primarily used to control the solar generated thermal<br />

energy load on buildings. Multiple layers comprising exotic metal oxides create<br />

infrared reflecting properties. Reducing the heat load on buildings reduces the<br />

need for electrical power to run air conditioning in hot countries. Conversely<br />

in cold countries these same reflective properties are used to retain heat and<br />

reduce fuel used for heating. By upgrading the vacuum pumping technology<br />

(from diffusion pumps to STP turbo molecular pumps) we have reduced the<br />

energy consumption of this process by up to 95%, with a CO 2<br />

reduction of 22.6<br />

tonnes per year.<br />


The term biofuel applies to any solid, liquid or gaseous fuel produced from<br />

organic (once-living) matter. The word biofuel covers a wide range of products,<br />

some of which are commercially available today and some of which are still<br />

in research and development. Processing this material under vacuum, using<br />

Edwards chemical dry pumps, avoids contamination of oil and water that is an<br />

integral part of other vacuum technologies.<br />


Vacuum degassing (VD) and vacuum oxygen decarburisation (VOD) are used<br />

in the production of speciality steel alloys to reduce the levels of hydrogen,<br />

carbon and other impurities during the secondary steel making process.<br />

Edwards dry mechanical vacuum pumps offer considerable energy savings<br />

compared to the traditional multi-stage steam ejector systems, backed with<br />

liquid ring pumps.

Products<br />

Reduced Carbon Emissions o<br />

There are two main ways in which Edwards impacts the environment, firstly making our products<br />

more efficient and effective at what they do, and secondly how we manage our impact on the<br />

environment within our business.<br />

We care about sustainability and we are working to ensure the things we do, and the way we do<br />

them, become more sustainable.<br />

We have made several major step changes in product design driven by environmental<br />

considerations. Efficient use of resources is crucial in our product design and development,<br />

lowering cost of ownership for customers with particular emphasis on reducing power and water<br />

consumption.<br />

Primary Pumps<br />

Reducing our customers’ energy use<br />

In the semiconductor industry process pumps are one of the largest energy users on a process tool<br />

which in turn can account for over a third of a fab’s energy use (SEMATECH Energy research). The<br />

global installed base of semiconductor vacuum pumps consumes the equivalent energy of Sheffield<br />

in the UK or Plano in Texas, USA.<br />

At Edwards, we design in energy saving and reduced utility costs without compromising reliability.<br />

Using a platform design process each successive generation of our primary pumps consumes less<br />

energy. For example the latest generation dry pumps use around 30% less energy than previously.<br />

And now, with the introduction of Active Utility Control (AUC) we reduce consumption of energy<br />

and utilities even further when pumps are idle using signals from the tool.<br />

We make sure that the benefits of our latest generation platform technology are used throughout<br />

our pump range. These benefits are made available to customers running older generation pumps<br />

through Edwards’ energy efficiency upgrade programmes.<br />

We also advise customers how to minimise energy used by our equipment.

f Latest Generation Products<br />

Secondary Pumps<br />

Reducing our customers’ energy use<br />

Reducing global energy consumption is key in the fight against global warming. In<br />

addition to minimising the energy our production facilities and offices consume, our<br />

latest generations of turbo molecular pump ranges enable our customers to meet their<br />

energy reduction targets. Edwards offers upgrade programmes enabling customers to<br />

switch to energy efficient turbo molecular pump technology.<br />

For example, benefits of switching from oil diffusion pumps to STP turbo molecular<br />

pumps:<br />

• Lower utility cost (Power and Water)<br />

• No annual maintenance or oil changes<br />

• Increased pumping performance<br />

• Very low ambient noise and low vibration<br />

• Reduced space requirements<br />

Utility Use<br />

14<br />

12<br />

slm or kW<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

Power<br />

Water<br />

2<br />

0<br />

HT16 Diffusion<br />

pump<br />

HT10 diffusion<br />

pump<br />

STP Maglev Turbo

Reduced Carbon Emissions o<br />

Abatement<br />

Reducing our customers’ emissions<br />

Semiconductor manufacturing processes use gases, such as per fluorocarbons and sulphur<br />

hexafluoride, which are of high environmental concern due to their persistence and high Global<br />

Warming Potential (GWP). These substances may have GWP’s 1000’s of times that of carbon dioxide.<br />

For example:<br />

If CO 2<br />

has a global warming potential (GWP) of 1 over 100 years, over the same time period -<br />

SF 6<br />

has a GWP of 23,900<br />

NF 3<br />

has a GWP of 10,970<br />

CF 4<br />

has a GWP of 6,500<br />

Edwards has been helping our customers achieve high levels of destruction removal efficiency of<br />

these substances since the mid 1990s using our combustion abatement technology. More recently<br />

with plasma technology, our customers have been able to achieve CO 2<br />

reductions of >90% across<br />

entire fabs - in line with The World Semiconductor Council’s targets.<br />

For production of flat panels and emerging environmental devices such as solar panels and LED<br />

lighting, we have developed the Specta Z and G abatement systems to cope with higher gas flows.<br />

In fact we estimate that Edwards abatement products prevent CO 2<br />

output equivalent to 1% of the<br />

UK’s annual CO 2<br />

output.<br />

Reducing our customers’ energy use<br />

The Atlas range of abatement products use up to 50% less fuel than previous ranges. Edwards also<br />

offers Atlas technology as an energy efficiency upgrade to previous ranges of abatement products.<br />

By combining pumps and abatement systems we have saved energy as well by applying idle mode<br />

technology.<br />

10<br />

Utility Use per Chamber<br />

0.4<br />

Fuel<br />

N2<br />

Water<br />

Power<br />

8<br />

0.3<br />

slm<br />

6<br />

4<br />

0.2<br />

kW<br />

2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

TCS4 Atlas TCS4 Atlas TCS6<br />


f Latest Generation Products<br />

eZenith<br />

Reducing our customers’ energy use<br />

Edwards has combined abatement and pumping systems as well as using other techniques<br />

similar to those on pumps, to reduce the environmental impact of abatement products. This<br />

has resulted in energy reductions of up to 50% on some abatement products such as the<br />

Zenith Atlas system.<br />

eZenith is the latest iteration of the Zenith concept which incorporates state of the art iGX<br />

and iXH pumps. The iXH is the most energy efficient pump for its size ever produced – and<br />

the latest Atlas abatement equipment, where intensive lab work has enabled the size of the<br />

combustor to be reduced by about half without any sacrifice in performance. As a result fuel<br />

consumption is reduced by a similar amount, giving significant environmental and cost of<br />

ownership benefits. In addition, eZenith provides benefits of Space saving and small footprint,<br />

centralised controls and speed of install.<br />

A key attraction of the eZenith is that it is already green mode enabled. Process tools tend<br />

to be idle about 25% of the time, and when this happens the eZenith switches to green<br />

mode which reduces the fuel consumption by 90%. Energy is major item of expenditure in a<br />

fab – in Korea it is estimated that Samsung’s semiconductor activities alone use 1% of all the<br />

country’s power – so reduced running costs and the ability to switch to green mode represent<br />

a significant saving for the customer.<br />

Edwards Spectra Z<br />

Green Solar Manufacturing Award<br />

Edwards Spectra Z 300 was shortlisted for the Green Solar Manufacturing Award - for<br />

technology which reduces emissions or impacts positively on the environment during the<br />

solar manufacturing process. Solar cell manufacturing is becoming increasingly important<br />

as an environmentally-friendly means of generating electrical power, and the growth of<br />

thin films of micro crystalline silicon will form a key part of this. The PECVD growth of this<br />

material poses a number of significant challenges regarding the treatment of the resultant<br />

exhaust gases, in terms of removing toxic, corrosive, global warming, and flammable gases<br />

safely, at low cost, whilst also minimising the environmental impact. This award is one of the<br />

International Solar Technology Awards which are organised by a group of leading solar media,<br />

research organisations and industry associations

Operations<br />

Actions on Resource Conservation<br />

We have an excellent track record in the environment, helping bring benefits to some of the<br />

world’s biggest businesses by reducing customers’ power and water consumption, treating<br />

hazardous waste and remanufacturing used pumps. Our remanufacturing story is a particularly<br />

significant environmental success story. Imagine a car industry able to offer complete recycling,<br />

but that’s what happened in the world of vacuum pumps. In the last thirty years we are now the<br />

global leader of recycling pumps and remanufacturing is now a significant part of Edwards’ service<br />

business.<br />

Remanufacturing and Service<br />

Re-Use through Re-Manufacture<br />

After use many Edwards products are contaminated with hazardous process by-products, and - if<br />

disposed of - would need to be treated as hazardous waste.<br />

A global network of service and remanufacturing facilities which safely decontaminate and<br />

remanufacture over 35,000 used vacuum pumps a year.<br />

Most vacuum pumps run 24/7 and are re-used 4-10 times over a 10-20 year<br />

lifetime. That’s equivalent to a car travelling around 2 million miles!<br />

Remanufacture typically involves the reuse of over 90% by weight of a pump’s<br />

components – with a corresponding saving in raw materials and their embodied<br />

carbon dioxide. In Europe we offer a free recycling service for gauges and<br />


Energy Efficiency Upgrades<br />

Edwards latest generation energy efficient products not only offer energy savings, reduced<br />

utilities consumption and reduced carbon emissions, but also potentially offer future-proofing<br />

against carbon taxes and may qualify for “Green Grants”. We enable customers running older<br />

generation pumping and abatement products to benefit from these features with our upgrade<br />

programmes, which include the responsible recycling of upgraded products returned to us<br />

through our Remanufacturing operations.<br />

Reducing our Emissions<br />

Organic solvents containing Volatile Organic Compounds are a major source of pollution in the<br />

lower atmosphere and especially in built-up areas where respiratory problems can be caused.<br />

Water based cleaning has eliminated the use of solvents in our production and<br />

remanufacturing processes.<br />

In addition, the use of closed-loop recirculating water systems in our remanufacturing<br />

facilities reduces their water consumption by more than 90%.<br />

Reduced Hazardous Material Content<br />

There is a growing amount of legislation around the world (for example EU RoHS Directive*)<br />

to eliminate trace levels of heavy metals from electronic products, as these have the<br />

potential to leach out of landfill sites.<br />

Although vacuum equipment is outside the scope of the RoHS Directive, we are<br />

implementing a voluntary policy to eliminate all ‘RoHS 6’ chemicals from our new product<br />

ranges.<br />

Information on RoHS compliance of Edwards products can be found on the product section<br />

of our website.<br />

Reducing Waste<br />

Reduce/Reuse/Recycle<br />

It is Edwards policy that all major facilities are certified to ISO14001. As part of our<br />

ISO14001 management systems, our environmental policy incorporates a number<br />

of initiatives to minimise unnecessary waste. For a number of years we have been<br />

implementing a successful recycling policy as part of our active company policy on<br />

reducing landfill waste.<br />

* EU Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances controls the levels of lead,<br />

mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl<br />

ethers in certain categories of electrical equipment.

Edwards — the company you have known and trusted for nearly 100 years – continues to deliver<br />

innovative vacuum pumps and related systems. We strive to lower your cost of ownership,<br />

increase your productivity and enhance your final product quality. Edwards products are based on<br />

a solid foundation of manufacturing excellence, field-proven technologies and are supported by a<br />

renowned global services network.<br />

Edwards stands behind each product with exceptional integrity and strength, supporting our<br />

customers beyond standard expectations. Edwards is essential to your process.<br />



© Edwards Limited 2011. All rights reserved. Edwards and the Edwards logo are trade marks of Edwards Limited.<br />

• Dry Vacuum Pumps<br />

• Oil-sealed Vacuum Pumps<br />

• Turbomolecular Pumps<br />

• Exhaust Management<br />

• Integrated Vacuum and Abatement<br />

• Liquid Abatement<br />

• Vacuum System Components<br />



Brussels +32 2 300 0730<br />

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Sao Paulo +55 11 3952 5000<br />

CHINA<br />

Shanghai +86 21 5866 9618<br />

FRANCE<br />

Paris +33 1 4121 1256<br />


Munich 0800 000 1456<br />

• Equipment Service and Repair<br />

• Product Exchange<br />

• Refurbished Equipment<br />

• Field and On-site Services<br />

• Remote e-Diagnostics<br />

• Product Training<br />

INDIA<br />

Pune +91 20 4075 2222<br />

ISRAEL<br />

Qiryat Gat +972 8 681 0633<br />

ITALY<br />

Milan +39 02 48 4471<br />

JAPAN<br />

Yachiyo +81 47 458 8831<br />

KOREA<br />

Bundang +82 31 716 7070<br />


Singapore +65 6546 8408<br />

TAIWAN R.O.C.<br />

Jhunan Town +886 3758 1000<br />


Crawley +44 1293 528844<br />

UK Local Rate (UK Only) 08459 212223<br />


Toll Free (US Only) +1 800 848 9800<br />

info@edwardsvacuum.com<br />

Publication Number: J35000895, Issue B. Rev 01/2011

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