GEOTOUR & IRSE 2012.pdf - Fakulta BERG - TUKE

GEOTOUR & IRSE 2012.pdf - Fakulta BERG - TUKE GEOTOUR & IRSE 2012.pdf - Fakulta BERG - TUKE
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Salgótarján, 04. – 06. October 2012 - The economical situation of the population (ESP) - Workplace-creating investments (WCI) - Enterprises (E) Of course, one of the most important index-group contains the characteristics of the economical situation. The different size of the settlements has an effect on the data, so it is important to create dimensions and the unified metric. In the construction of composite indicators the normalisation is very important. Indicators should be normalised to render them comparable. Attention need to be paid to extreme values as they may influence subsequent steps in the process of building a composite indicator. Skewed data should also be identified and accounted for (OECD Handbook, 2008.). Different normalisation methods will produce different results for the composite indicator (Ranking; Standardisation; Min-Max; Indicators above or below the mean etc.). The authors demonstrate the theoretical background of the “ Indicators above or below the mean” normalisation type. This transformation considers the indicators which are above and below an arbitrarily defined threshold, p, around the mean: 1 if w>(1+p) { I t qc= 0 if (1-p) w (1+p) where w = -1 if w < (1-p) x x t qc t 0 qc c The threshold p builds a neutral region around the mean, where the transformed indicator is zero. This reduces the sharp discontinuity, from -1 to +1, which exists across the mean value to two minor discontinuities, from -1 to 0 and from 0 to +1, across the thresholds. A larger number of thresholds could be created at different distances from the mean value, which might overlap with the categorical scales. An indicator that moved from significantly below the mean to significantly above the threshold in the consecutive year would have a positive effect on the composite (OECD Handbook, 2008.). SUMMARY The composite indicator should ideally measure multidimensional concepts which cannot be captured by a single indicator, e.g. competitiveness, industrialisation, sustainability, single market integration, knowledge-based society, etc (OECD Handbook, 2008.). The factor of the economical and social underprivileged areas (ESUA) was created by summarizing different indexes ordered into five main groups (Siskáné Szilasi, B. 2010). ESUA = Σ (NF + SF + BEF + CF + EF), where the NF is the natural factor, the SF is the social factor, the BEF is the built environmental factor, the CF is the cultural factor, the EF is the economical factor. In the future we plan to make an empirical study and we will continue the analyses of statistical data. (Imputation of missing data, Multivariate analysis, Normalisation, Weighting and aggregation, Robustness and sensitivity, Presentation and visualisation). According to our results the examined sample area has good possibilities to develop geotourism. 86

GEOTOUR & IRSE 2012 Acknowledgement „The described work was carried out as part of the TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0008 project in the framework of the New Hungarian Development Plan. The realization of this project is supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.” REFERENCES [1] B. SZILASI SISKÁNÉ 2010: A bányászati tevékenység megszűnésével hátrányos gazdasági helyzetbe került területek turisztikai hasznosításának lehetőségei magyarországi mintaterületeken. Manusscript, Miskolc, 10 p. [2] S. WILLIAMS 2009: Tourism geography. A new synthesis. Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, London and New York, pp.: 157-180 [3] OECD 2008: Handbook on Constructiong Composite Indicators. European Commission. www., 158 p. [4] LESS GY.-Grill J.-Róth L.-Szentpétery I.-Gyuricza Gy 1988: Geological map of the Aggtelek-Rudabánya Mts. 1:25000. Hung. Geol. Inst. Budapest [5] DOBOS E. 2001: A regionális elemzések módszertani kérdései. Elméleti megfontolások. ECOSTAT A gazdaságelemzés Módszerei 2001/II. szám, Budapest, 53 p. [6] RAPPAI G.- SZERB L. 2011: Összetett indexek készítése új módon: A szűk keresztmetszetekért történő büntetés módszere. Műhelytanulmányok 2011/1. Pécs. 19 p. [7] A. SOLARSKA –Z. JARY 2010: Geoheritage and Geotourism Potential of the Strzelin Hills (Sudetic Foreland, SW Poland). Geographica Pannonica. Volume 14, Issue 4. pp.: 118-125 Internet sources: 87

<strong>GEOTOUR</strong> & <strong>IRSE</strong> 2012<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

„The described work was carried out as part of the TÁMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0008 project<br />

in the framework of the New Hungarian Development Plan. The realization of this project is<br />

supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.”<br />


[1] B. SZILASI SISKÁNÉ 2010: A bányászati tevékenység megszűnésével hátrányos<br />

gazdasági helyzetbe került területek turisztikai hasznosításának lehetőségei<br />

magyarországi mintaterületeken. Manusscript, Miskolc, 10 p.<br />

[2] S. WILLIAMS 2009: Tourism geography. A new synthesis. Routledge Taylor and<br />

Francis Group, London and New York, pp.: 157-180<br />

[3] OECD 2008: Handbook on Constructiong Composite Indicators. European Commission.<br />

www., 158 p.<br />

[4] LESS GY.-Grill J.-Róth L.-Szentpétery I.-Gyuricza Gy 1988: Geological map of the<br />

Aggtelek-Rudabánya Mts. 1:25000. Hung. Geol. Inst. Budapest<br />

[5] DOBOS E. 2001: A regionális elemzések módszertani kérdései. Elméleti megfontolások.<br />

ECOSTAT A gazdaságelemzés Módszerei 2001/II. szám, Budapest, 53 p.<br />

[6] RAPPAI G.- SZERB L. 2011: Összetett indexek készítése új módon: A szűk<br />

keresztmetszetekért történő büntetés módszere. Műhelytanulmányok 2011/1. Pécs. 19 p.<br />

[7] A. SOLARSKA –Z. JARY 2010: Geoheritage and Geotourism Potential of the Strzelin<br />

Hills (Sudetic Foreland, SW Poland). Geographica Pannonica. Volume 14, Issue 4. pp.:<br />

118-125<br />

Internet sources:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />


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