Elijah: A Man Who Could Make it Rain - Moriel Ministries

Elijah: A Man Who Could Make it Rain - Moriel Ministries Elijah: A Man Who Could Make it Rain - Moriel Ministries

"MoRIEL"<br />


July/September 2010 Tammuz/Menachem Av/Elul 5770<br />

No. 43<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Thank You from the Administrator<br />


"MoRIEL"<br />


DFrom the Office of the Administrator<br />

Dear Friends of <strong>Moriel</strong>,<br />

Jacob and David vis<strong>it</strong> the Far East -Thank You, Thank You<br />

Well, the tour to Japan, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand went really well.<br />

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who helped me on this tour. From<br />

those that drove me somewhere, to fixing lunch or dinner, to housing me, everyone<br />

could not have made me feel more welcomed.<br />

Prayer Support<br />

• Jacob’s health. While he has his heart issues under control, he is still battling<br />

to find the right balance of medications for his neck. His current meds cause<br />

stomach complications and irr<strong>it</strong>ations of the stomach lining. Please pray the<br />

doctors will find the right balance.<br />

• Please pray for Dave and Lyn Royle and their health issues, but we also<br />

need prayers for safety of everyone as the violence continues to increases near<br />

Ebyown. Also, because of this we have started to look for a safer place to move<br />

to in another province, one in the country, and a l<strong>it</strong>tle more isolated from Johannesburg,<br />

which is the center of a violent movement of xenophobes.<br />

• We are still in need of a teacher to come and assist Dave and Lyn in the work<br />

in South Africa.<br />

• Prayers for our work in the Philippines and future expansion of the work in<br />

Vietnam.<br />

• Ruth Nessim, who recently had a heart attack and is recovering, and the work<br />

there that was started by her and her husband. Pray for the Gould family as they<br />

have come along side Ruth to help her w<strong>it</strong>h the burden.<br />

• Pray for my good friends Alec and Anne as they have their first child that God<br />

will be w<strong>it</strong>h them.<br />

• Pastor Najeeb and family and his work in Israel among the Arabs. Also, that<br />

God would provide a vehicle for him as his work takes him into the “West<br />

Bank,” he often has to work around this issue by relying on others when they<br />

have the time to help.<br />

• I would request further prayer for me as I trans<strong>it</strong>ion our of secular work into<br />

full time ministry work. I hope I can do this in the next year or two. As w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

many the issue of health care and financial concerns looms large for me, but I<br />

know God is able, so please pray God will increase my fa<strong>it</strong>h (Luke 17:5) and<br />

keep me following Him. Also, my health issues.<br />

• Our friend BJ and her leg operations, that they will go well and she will get<br />

some much needed rest.<br />

Prayer is always <strong>Moriel</strong>’s biggest need and we ask for <strong>it</strong> all the time. So, we<br />

thank you in advance for your prayers on our behalf, we also thank you for your<br />

finical help. May the Lord bless you all for your continue help in this ministry.<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />

David Royle<br />

JAPAN<br />


morieljapan@yahooJP<br />



The CRUCIFIED LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7<br />

PERTINENT FACTOID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9<br />


PROPHETIC PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10<br />

MORIEL SOUTH AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12<br />

Our <strong>Man</strong> from Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15<br />

NESSIM’S MUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16<br />

IMMANUEL NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17<br />

CONFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19<br />

Msindisi Monthly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20<br />

AUSTRALIAN REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24<br />

RAMBLING ROSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26<br />

YOUR LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28<br />

MORIEL JAPAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30<br />


FGBC TEMPLE / MOSQUE VISITS . . . . . . . . . . . 34<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Jacob Prasch<br />

Feature Article<br />

M<br />

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V<br />

ELIJAH<br />

V<br />


V<br />

KE IT<br />

N<br />

V<br />

By Jacob Prasch<br />

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. <strong>Elijah</strong> was a man w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that <strong>it</strong> might not rain; and <strong>it</strong> did not rain<br />

on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the sky poured<br />

rain, and the earth produced <strong>it</strong>s fru<strong>it</strong>. (James 5:16-18)<br />

<strong>Elijah</strong> was a man w<strong>it</strong>h a nature like ours. <strong>Elijah</strong> was a man who could make <strong>it</strong> rain. The Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>, through<br />

this text, is trying to tell us that, if he can do <strong>it</strong>, we can do <strong>it</strong>. We can make <strong>it</strong> rain. But what does that mean<br />

<strong>Rain</strong> is a Type of the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> Poured Out<br />

In biblical typology, different liquids typify the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> in different aspects:<br />

New wine is a liquid which represents the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> in the aspect of worship. Another liquid is oil, which speaks<br />

of the anointing of the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>. But the living water, in Scripture, is always the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> outpoured. The rain,<br />

outpoured, goes into the water table and becomes living water. Jesus explained <strong>it</strong> this way:<br />

“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.”<br />

But this He spoke of the Spir<strong>it</strong> whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spir<strong>it</strong> was<br />

not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (Jn. 7:38-39)<br />

Jesus said directly that living water is the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> outpoured. “For I will pour out water…on your offspring,<br />

and My blessing on your descendants.” (Isa 44:3) Once again, <strong>it</strong> says that God will pour out the water – that is rain<br />

– on the dry ground. And He says that this means He will pour out His Spir<strong>it</strong>. <strong>Rain</strong> is a figure.<br />

<strong>Rain</strong> on One C<strong>it</strong>y, But No <strong>Rain</strong> on the Other C<strong>it</strong>y<br />

And furthermore, I w<strong>it</strong>hheld the rain from you while there were still three months until harvest. Then I<br />

would send rain on one c<strong>it</strong>y and on another c<strong>it</strong>y I would not send rain; one part would be rained on, while<br />

the part not rained on would dry up. (Amos 4:7)<br />

Why is <strong>it</strong>, for instance, that an evangelist can preach in Africa and see thousands and thousands of people saved<br />

at a single meeting, but if he goes to Germany or England or Australia, nothing much happens The answer is here<br />

in Amos 4:7. God would send rain on one c<strong>it</strong>y, but on another c<strong>it</strong>y he would send no rain. And the c<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>hout rain<br />

would have no harvest.<br />

There is a sovereign work of grace in the outpouring of His Spir<strong>it</strong>. It is raining in Brazil, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines,<br />

and much of Africa. But in the Western Protestant countries which have had the Bible for 500 years, there is<br />

now a drought. God is turning His grace from the rich countries to the poor ones. Wh<strong>it</strong>e, Protestant Christian<strong>it</strong>y is in<br />

numerical, moral, financial, theological and spir<strong>it</strong>ual decline all over the world.<br />

The church is growing in the Roman Catholic countries, the black countries, the olive-skinned countries and the<br />

yellow-skinned countries. The Anglican Church has declined massively in England, yet most of the African Anglican<br />

Bishops are outspoken evangelicals (Bishop Desmond Tutu being the notable exception). African Anglicans are terribly<br />

persecuted by Muslims in Nigeria. Throughout Asia the Anglican Church is very much alive. But in Br<strong>it</strong>ain, the<br />

Church of England is a dead church. The old time fire that happened in the Sunshine Revival in Australia, the Azusa<br />

Street Revival in California and the Sunderland Revivals in England w<strong>it</strong>h Sm<strong>it</strong>h Wigglesworth – that is what is happening<br />

now in places like Ecuador, Chile, the Philippines, Indonesia and Kenya. God will send rain on one c<strong>it</strong>y, while<br />

the c<strong>it</strong>y not rained upon will dry up.<br />

Today we have people teaching formulas for Church Growth. That is nonsense. It does not work. There is a missing<br />

ingredient – the sovereign grace of God; His Spir<strong>it</strong> being outpoured.<br />

His Word does not return void. (Is. 55:11) Some people will be saved, one here and one there, but if you are talk-<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

ing about a massive harvest, no rain means<br />

no gain! But <strong>Elijah</strong> was a man who could<br />

make <strong>it</strong> rain and he was a man w<strong>it</strong>h a nature<br />

like ours. In other words, if he can do<br />

<strong>it</strong>, we can do <strong>it</strong>.<br />

For The Sake of the Fathers<br />

and for His Name’s Sake<br />

I am convinced that God wants to give<br />

the Western Protestant democracies one<br />

more chance to repent before Jesus comes.<br />

God wants to give the Western countries<br />

another chance – not for our sake, but for<br />

His Name’s sake. Not because we deserve<br />

<strong>it</strong>; we do not deserve <strong>it</strong> – our churches are,<br />

by and large, backslidden – but for the sake<br />

of our fathers.<br />

As <strong>it</strong> says in Romans 11, God wants<br />

to give the Jews one more chance at the<br />

end of the world before Jesus comes.<br />

Why Because when God looks at Israel,<br />

He does not just see Israel’s sin and her<br />

ongoing rejection of her Messiah. When<br />

God looks at Israel, He still sees Jeremiah<br />

in prison. He still sees Isaiah being<br />

sawed in half by King <strong>Man</strong>asseh. He<br />

still sees Zachariah being martyred in<br />

the Temple. He still sees John the Baptist<br />

having his head chopped off. And<br />

He says “for the sake of their fathers, I<br />

want to give this nation one more chance.”<br />

Great Br<strong>it</strong>ain is the same. When God<br />

looks at Great Br<strong>it</strong>ain, He does not just see<br />

Br<strong>it</strong>ain as <strong>it</strong> is today, a so-called Christian<br />

country where Hindu gods are worshipped<br />

in Canterbury Cathedral whilst bishops<br />

deny the resurrection and the virgin birth.<br />

When God looks at Br<strong>it</strong>ain today, He sees<br />

all of <strong>it</strong> – past, present and future. He still<br />

sees John Bunyan chained to the wall of<br />

the Bedford County Jail for twelve years<br />

and wr<strong>it</strong>ing The Pilgrim’s Progress; He<br />

still sees John Wesley being stoned by<br />

mobs who were stirred up by the Church<br />

of England for preaching the Gospel; He<br />

still sees Tynedale being burned alive at a<br />

stake by the Church of Rome so we could<br />

have the Bible in English; He still sees<br />

Charles Haddon Spurgeon; He still sees<br />

Ridley and Latimer and Hooper, martyrs<br />

of England. And God says, “For the sake<br />

of their fathers, and for my Name’s sake, I<br />

want to give this nation one more chance.”<br />

This is equally true of the Un<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

States. He still sees Jonathan Edwards and<br />

D. L. Moody and Harry Ironsides. He sees<br />

the fa<strong>it</strong>hful Christians. He does not just see<br />

what we have today w<strong>it</strong>h the Prosper<strong>it</strong>y<br />

Preachers – the Mammon worshippers and<br />

the heretics. God wants to give these Western<br />

Protestant nations one more chance to<br />

repent. But for them to have that chance, <strong>it</strong><br />

has to rain.<br />

First of all, we have to face up to the<br />

fact that we are in a drought. And, until<br />

this drought ends, all the programs in the<br />

world will not bring about repentance and<br />

revival in the church. It takes rain. No rain,<br />

no grain. No rain, no harvest. <strong>Elijah</strong> was a<br />

man like us who could make <strong>it</strong> rain. And<br />

today, God is looking for men and women<br />

like us, who can make <strong>it</strong> rain.<br />

Now <strong>Elijah</strong> the Tish<strong>it</strong>e, who was of<br />

the settlers of Glead, said to Ahab “As<br />

the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before<br />

whom I stand, surely there shall<br />

be ne<strong>it</strong>her dew nor rain these years,<br />

except by my word.” And the word of<br />

the LORD came to him, saying “Go<br />

away from here and turn eastward,<br />

and hide yourself by the brook Cher<strong>it</strong>h<br />

which is east of the Jordan. And<br />

<strong>it</strong> shall be that you shall drink of the<br />

brook and I have commanded the ravens<br />

to provide for you there.”<br />

So he did according to the word of<br />

the LORD, for he went and lived by<br />

the brook Cher<strong>it</strong>h, which is east of the<br />

Jordan. And the ravens brought him<br />

bread and meat in the morning, and<br />

bread and meat in the evening, and<br />

he would drink from the brook. And <strong>it</strong><br />

happened after a while, that the brook<br />

dried up, because there was no rain in<br />

the land. Then the word of the LORD<br />

came to him saying “Arise, go to Zarephath,<br />

which belongs to Sidon, and<br />

stay there; behold, I have commanded<br />

a widow there to provide for you.” So<br />

he arose and went to Zarephath and<br />

he came to the gate of the c<strong>it</strong>y; behold<br />

a widow was there gathering sticks;<br />

and he called to her and get me a l<strong>it</strong>tle<br />

water in a jar, that I may drink”.<br />

And as she was going to get <strong>it</strong>, he<br />

called to her and said “Please bring<br />

me a piece of bread in your hand.”<br />

But she said “As the LORD your God<br />

lives, I have no bread, only a handful<br />

of flour in the bowl and a l<strong>it</strong>tle oil in<br />

the jar; and behold, I am gathering a<br />

few sticks that I may go in and prepare<br />

for me and my son, that we may<br />

eat <strong>it</strong> and die.”<br />

Then <strong>Elijah</strong> said to her “Do not<br />

fear; go, do as you have said, but make<br />

me a l<strong>it</strong>tle bread cake from <strong>it</strong> first, and<br />

bring <strong>it</strong> out to me, and afterward you<br />

may make one for yourself and for<br />

your son. For thus says the LORD God<br />

of Israel ‘The bowl of flour shall not<br />

be exhausted, nor shall the jar of oil<br />

be empty until the day that the LORD<br />

sends rain on the face of the earth.’”<br />

So she went and did according to<br />

the word of <strong>Elijah</strong>, and she and he<br />

and her household ate for many days.<br />

The bowl of flour was not exhausted,<br />

nor did the jar of oil become empty;<br />

according to the word of the LORD<br />

which He spoke through <strong>Elijah</strong>. Now<br />

<strong>it</strong> came about, after these things, that<br />

the son of the woman, the mistress of<br />

the house, became sick; and his sickness<br />

was so severe that there was no<br />

breath left in him. So she said to <strong>Elijah</strong><br />

“What have I to do w<strong>it</strong>h you, O<br />

man of God You have come to me<br />

to bring my iniqu<strong>it</strong>y to remembrance<br />

and put my son to death!”<br />

And he said to her “Give me your<br />

son.” Then he took him from her bosom<br />

and carried him up to the upper<br />

room where he was living, and laid<br />

him on his own bed. And he called<br />

to the LORD and said “O LORD my<br />

God, hast Thou also brought calam<strong>it</strong>y<br />

to the widow w<strong>it</strong>h whom I am staying,<br />

by causing her son to die” Then he<br />

stretched himself upon the child three<br />

times, and called to the Lord and said<br />

“O LORD my God, I pray Thee, let<br />

this child’s life return to him.” And the<br />

LORD heard the voice of <strong>Elijah</strong>, and<br />

the life of the child returned to him and<br />

he revived. And <strong>Elijah</strong> took the child,<br />

and brought him down from the upper<br />

room into the house and gave him<br />

to his mother, and <strong>Elijah</strong> said “See<br />

your son is alive.” Then the woman<br />

said to <strong>Elijah</strong> “Now I know that you<br />

are a man of God and that the word<br />

of the LORD in your mouth is truth.”<br />

Now <strong>it</strong> came about, after many<br />

days, that the word of the LORD came<br />

to <strong>Elijah</strong> in the third year, saying “To,<br />

show yourself to Ahab, and I will send<br />

rain on the face of the earth.” So <strong>Elijah</strong><br />

went to show himself to Ahab. Now<br />

the famine was severe in Samaria. (1<br />

Kings 17:1- 18:2) And <strong>it</strong> came about,<br />

when Ahab saw <strong>Elijah</strong>, that Ahab said<br />

to him “Is this you, you troubler of Israel”<br />

(1 Kings 18:17)<br />

Then <strong>Elijah</strong> said to them “Seize<br />

the prophets of Baal; do not let one<br />

of them escape.” So they seized them;<br />

and <strong>Elijah</strong> brought them down to the<br />

brook Kishon, and slew them there.<br />

Now <strong>Elijah</strong> said to Ahab “Go up, eat<br />

and drink; for there is the sound of the<br />

roar of a heavy shower.” So Ahab went<br />

up to eat and drink. But <strong>Elijah</strong> went up<br />

to the top of Carmel; and he crouched<br />

down on the earth and put his face<br />

between his knees. And he said to his<br />

servant “Go up now, look toward the<br />

sea” So he went up and looked and<br />

said “There is nothing” And he said<br />

“Go back” seven times. And <strong>it</strong> came<br />

about at the seventh time that he said<br />

“Behold, a cloud as small as a man’s<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

hand is coming up from the sea.” And<br />

he said “Go up, say to Ahab ‘Prepare<br />

your chariot and go down, so that the<br />

heavy shower does not stop you’”. So<br />

<strong>it</strong> came about in a l<strong>it</strong>tle while, that the<br />

sky grew black w<strong>it</strong>h clouds and wind,<br />

and there was a heavy shower. And<br />

Ahab rode and went to Jezreel. Then<br />

the hand of the LORD was on <strong>Elijah</strong>,<br />

and he girded up his loins and outran<br />

Ahab to Jezreel. (1 Kings 18:40-46)<br />

And <strong>it</strong> rained and <strong>it</strong> rained and <strong>it</strong> rained.<br />

Some Background<br />

Information<br />

The three and a half years in which <strong>it</strong><br />

did not rain is a type of the three and a half<br />

years referred to in Daniel and Revelation,<br />

when the Spir<strong>it</strong> will not be outpoured at the<br />

end of the world. It is a type of what happens<br />

eschatologically, when the spir<strong>it</strong> of<br />

<strong>Elijah</strong> comes back into operation in some<br />

way, as predicted by the prophet Malachi.<br />

Similarly, the way that <strong>Elijah</strong> rescued the<br />

Gentile woman and her son teaches something<br />

about the way that God is going to use<br />

the spir<strong>it</strong> of <strong>Elijah</strong>, somehow, to take care of<br />

the Gentile church at the end of the world.<br />

<strong>Elijah</strong>, Elisha and John the Baptist<br />

all had the same spir<strong>it</strong>. The Lord told Moses<br />

that He would “take of the Spir<strong>it</strong> who<br />

is upon you, and will put Him upon” the<br />

elders of the people (Num. 11:17).<br />

When events happen in the same geographical<br />

location <strong>it</strong> usually means that<br />

there is some spir<strong>it</strong>ual and theological<br />

connection between them. <strong>Elijah</strong>’s ministry<br />

ended on the plain of Jericho where<br />

Elisha received his mantle (meaning his<br />

author<strong>it</strong>y), and John the Baptist’s ministry<br />

occurred at the same place. The wicked<br />

woman, Jezebel, is a type of the woman<br />

Jezebel in the Book of Revelation – the<br />

spir<strong>it</strong> of false religion – who turned the<br />

king, the pol<strong>it</strong>ical power, into someone she<br />

could manipulate. On behalf of Ahab, she<br />

obtained Naboth’s vineyard, which Ahab<br />

coveted. (1 Ki. 21) In Scripture the vineyard<br />

speaks of Israel and, by extension<br />

or incorporation, the Church. The wicked<br />

woman tried to get the vineyard for the<br />

king. This brought her into conflict w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

<strong>Elijah</strong> and she persuaded the king to try to<br />

destroy <strong>Elijah</strong>. This is exactly the picture<br />

in the story of Herodias (Matt 14:3-12) –<br />

the wicked woman turned the king against<br />

<strong>Elijah</strong> (John the Baptist).<br />

Wicked women in the Bible all point<br />

in some way to the character of the wicked<br />

woman in the Book of Revelation where<br />

the conflict w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>Elijah</strong> is going to be replayed<br />

in the Last Days.<br />

Why Did the <strong>Rain</strong> Stop<br />

The first thing in our study of how God<br />

takes a man like <strong>Elijah</strong> and turns him into<br />

someone who can make <strong>it</strong> rain is to learn<br />

why the rain stopped. The rain stopped<br />

because of the sin of God’s people. The<br />

Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> is not being outpoured on the<br />

Western Protestant world because of <strong>it</strong>s<br />

sin, which is identical to the sin of Israel in<br />

the days of <strong>Elijah</strong>.<br />

Abortion replays the sacrifice of children<br />

to demons that we see w<strong>it</strong>hin Israel<br />

and Judah in the Old Testament. The worship<br />

of other gods – the priests of Baal<br />

were not foreigners, they were Jews. Today<br />

<strong>it</strong> is the same. Across the Western Protestant<br />

world there is a dramatic increase of<br />

the worship of other gods – Islam, New<br />

Age, Hinduism. New Age is permeating<br />

many of the Evangelical and Pentecostal<br />

churches today. People are mixing Christian<strong>it</strong>y<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Paganism – that is where Roman<br />

Catholicism came from, and that is<br />

what is happening today in many Pentecostal<br />

churches.<br />

Materialism - the Church is lukewarm,<br />

materialistic, filled w<strong>it</strong>h crazy doctrines. It<br />

has a version of “fa<strong>it</strong>h” that is not biblical<br />

– the worship of Mammon in Christian<br />

masquerade, covetousness disguised as<br />

Christian<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

That is why the rain stopped. The first<br />

and foremost responsibil<strong>it</strong>y for the decline<br />

of Western civilization does not lie w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

secular society, <strong>it</strong> lies w<strong>it</strong>h us. It was the<br />

sin of God’s people that stopped the rain.<br />

the problems proliferating throughout our<br />

society – drugs, abortion, divorce, violence,<br />

crime – all testify to the failure of<br />

the church. God’s people compromised and<br />

eventual Israel ended up w<strong>it</strong>h the priests of<br />

Baal. That is what happened in <strong>Elijah</strong>’s<br />

day, and that is what is going on today. It is<br />

not raining in our countries, because of the<br />

sin of God’s people.<br />

Cher<strong>it</strong>h<br />

The first thing God told <strong>Elijah</strong> to do,<br />

was to go to the brook Cher<strong>it</strong>h, which is<br />

east of the Jordan (1 Ki. 17:3), and there<br />

the ravens would feed him.<br />

Cher<strong>it</strong>h was on the other side of the<br />

Jordan. When God told <strong>Elijah</strong> to leave his<br />

land and go to Cher<strong>it</strong>h, he told him to leave<br />

behind his national ident<strong>it</strong>y, his cultural<br />

ident<strong>it</strong>y and his home comforts. On top of<br />

that, <strong>Elijah</strong> was to be fed by ravens. Ravens<br />

were not kosher – they were an “unclean”<br />

bird. God was going to provide for him in<br />

ways he would never have expected.<br />

The drought is so cr<strong>it</strong>ical in the Western<br />

world today, that people who would make <strong>it</strong><br />

rain will have to be willing to go to Cher<strong>it</strong>h.<br />

Sometimes that will mean churches<br />

leaving trad<strong>it</strong>ional denominations that<br />

have compromised. Sometimes <strong>it</strong> will<br />

mean Christians leaving churches that have<br />

Feature Article – Continued<br />

compromised, or that have gone into error<br />

and refuse to repent. And <strong>it</strong> will certainly<br />

mean trusting God to meet your needs in<br />

ways and in places you might not expect,<br />

even through things we consider to be almost<br />

unholy, like the ravens. <strong>Elijah</strong> had<br />

to be willing to put God first and his land<br />

second. So often today, the problem is that<br />

people are putting their land first – their<br />

culture, their ident<strong>it</strong>y, their denominations<br />

and their loyalties to those denominations<br />

– before obedience to the Word of God.<br />

But the people who will make <strong>it</strong> rain<br />

will be the people who are not afraid to go<br />

to Cher<strong>it</strong>h and trust God.<br />

Zarephath<br />

It is darkest before the dawn. Things<br />

will become much worse before they get<br />

better. The brook of Cher<strong>it</strong>h will eventually<br />

dry up. In verse 9 we see that <strong>Elijah</strong><br />

has to go to a place called Zarephath. The<br />

word “Zarephath” comes from the Hebrew<br />

root meaning “to burn or to purify by fire”.<br />

For God to take somebody w<strong>it</strong>h a nature<br />

like ours and turn them into somebody<br />

who can make <strong>it</strong> rain, He needs to purify<br />

them by fire.<br />

There is going to be a very difficult<br />

period – not just trial and testing, not just<br />

drought, nor even persecution – but all<br />

those things together. It will get to the point<br />

where the people you try to help will think<br />

you have betrayed them, as w<strong>it</strong>h the widow<br />

at Zarephath. But no matter how bad<br />

things get, no matter how dark <strong>it</strong> becomes,<br />

no matter how cr<strong>it</strong>ical the drought, I can<br />

promise you two things: there will be flour<br />

in the dish and oil in the jar for those who<br />

are willing to be purified. Things are going<br />

to get bad before the breakthrough comes.<br />

But there is going to be flour in the dish<br />

and oil in the jar. You will have the Word<br />

of God and you will have the anointing of<br />

the Spir<strong>it</strong>, no matter what happens. You<br />

will have your grain and your oil when the<br />

others die from famine.<br />

So she said to <strong>Elijah</strong>…<br />

“What have I to do w<strong>it</strong>h you, O man<br />

of God You have come to me to bring<br />

my iniqu<strong>it</strong>y to remembrance, and to<br />

put my son to death!” (1 Ki. 17:18)<br />

Her son died. And she blamed <strong>Elijah</strong>.<br />

The very people you try to help will see the<br />

hardship and they will blame you. Things<br />

have been so bad for so long that the things<br />

we love most will have to die before they<br />

can be resurrected.<br />

Much of the church in the Western<br />

world will have to die before <strong>it</strong> can be<br />

resurrected. New wine cannot go into old<br />

wine skins. (Mk. 2:22) That was one of the<br />

problems w<strong>it</strong>h the Charismatic Movement<br />

– they tried to store the new wine in the old<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Feature Article – Continued<br />

wine skins. In order to renew a church you<br />

have to replace the wine skin. The things<br />

that we have loved the most will have to<br />

die before they can be resurrected.<br />

Troublers of Israel<br />

“Is this you, you troubler of Israel”<br />

(1 Ki. 18:17)<br />

Is this you, you troubler of the church<br />

Is this you, you troubler of the Baptist<br />

Union Is this you, you troubler of the Assemblies<br />

of God<br />

You who are standing up against ecumenism<br />

and Kingdom Now and Fa<strong>it</strong>h<br />

Prosper<strong>it</strong>y and Name-It-and-Claim-It.<br />

You who are standing up against false<br />

miracles and bogus healings.<br />

You who are standing up against ministers<br />

making themselves rich by explo<strong>it</strong>ing<br />

pensioners w<strong>it</strong>h lies.<br />

You troublers of Israel!<br />

That is what they said to <strong>Elijah</strong> and, if<br />

you want to make <strong>it</strong> rain, that is what they<br />

are going to say to you.<br />

Next they go to Mount Carmel. Here<br />

the conflict occurs w<strong>it</strong>h Jezebel – the conflict<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the spir<strong>it</strong> of false religion, w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

Roman Catholicism, Ecumenism, Free<br />

Masonary, Islam, homosexual<strong>it</strong>y, abortion<br />

and New Age. There is going to be a conflict,<br />

and those who win that conflict will be<br />

those who have been purified at Zarephath.<br />

So much of what we call “charismatic<br />

worship” today – w<strong>it</strong>h the noise, the ranting<br />

and raving, and the hype – looks more<br />

like the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel<br />

than like <strong>Elijah</strong>. Notice that the priests of<br />

Baal really thought <strong>it</strong> would work, they<br />

thought they would get a response.<br />

Our brethren today, caught up in Ecumenism,<br />

Kingdom Now Theology, Restorationism<br />

– all unbiblical, false and dangerous<br />

doctrines, all associated w<strong>it</strong>h hype and<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h prophecies that do not happen – actually<br />

believe these things. But the conflict<br />

will come and the people will see who the<br />

true prophets are.<br />

The <strong>Rain</strong> Cloud<br />

It begins small. It does not seem like<br />

anything is going to happen at first. Where<br />

is <strong>it</strong><br />

W<strong>it</strong>h the priests of Baal <strong>it</strong> was all loud<br />

boasting and arrogance and cheering and<br />

hype. But God does not work that way. It<br />

begins small. Like a l<strong>it</strong>tle hand coming out<br />

of the sea. It always begins small. But <strong>it</strong><br />

gets bigger and soon the whole sky is filled<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h rain clouds. Lightning strikes and<br />

God’s Spir<strong>it</strong> falls. And <strong>it</strong> rains and rains<br />

and rains.<br />

There is no easy way to stop the decline<br />

of Christian<strong>it</strong>y in the Western world.<br />

It has gone too far for too long. We have<br />

been sold down the river by our leaders.<br />

All the programs and hype and gimmicks<br />

in the world will not being a harvest of<br />

souls. That takes rain. But the rain has<br />

stopped. Why Partly because of the sin of<br />

society, but mostly because of the sin of<br />

the Church. And until there is repentance<br />

in the Church, there is not going to be a<br />

repentance in the world.<br />

Why has the rain stopped It is not primarily<br />

the fault of pornographers or pimps<br />

or prost<strong>it</strong>utes or drug dealers or homosexuals<br />

or abortionists. It is primarily my fault,<br />

because I know the truth and I have the<br />

message that can make the difference. It is<br />

our fault, because the church in the West is<br />

Laodicea (Rev. 3:17), because we are trusting<br />

in this life and this world more than we<br />

are trusting in Jesus. It is not raining because<br />

of my sin and your sin.<br />

Those <strong>Who</strong> <strong>Make</strong> It <strong>Rain</strong><br />

Those who make <strong>it</strong> rain will be those<br />

who are not afraid to go to Cher<strong>it</strong>h – people<br />

who are not bound by trad<strong>it</strong>ion or inst<strong>it</strong>utions.<br />

They will not try to put new wine<br />

into old wine skins. They will do what<br />

God tells them and trust God to provide for<br />

them in ways they do not expect.<br />

They will be people who are not afraid<br />

to be purified, people who will go to Zarephath,<br />

people who are willing to see<br />

things that they love die, knowing that<br />

these things will be resurrected in pur<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

It will be difficult. But no matter how difficult<br />

<strong>it</strong> gets, I promise you that there will<br />

be oil in the jar and flour in the dish.<br />

And those people who are purified will<br />

go to Carmel and stand in front of Jezebel<br />

– in front of false religion and Free Masonry<br />

and homosexual<strong>it</strong>y and Roman Catholicism<br />

and Islam. They will stand in front of<br />

the prophets of Baal – those who dare to<br />

call themselves ministers of the Gospel,<br />

but who compromise w<strong>it</strong>h false teaching.<br />

There will be a conflict. And those<br />

troublers of Israel are going to win. †††<br />

Quotes of the QUARTER !<br />

‘The Truth War’ – John MacArthur<br />

The goal of human philosophy used to be truth<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hout God. Today’s philosophies<br />

are open to the notion of God w<strong>it</strong>hout truth or<br />

to be more accurate, personal<br />

“spir<strong>it</strong>ual<strong>it</strong>y” in which everyone is free to C<br />

reate his or her own god. Personal gods pose<br />

no threat to sinful self-will, because<br />

they su<strong>it</strong> each sinner’s personal preferences<br />

anyway, and they make no demands on<br />

anyone else.<br />

The Dilemma of Laodicea<br />

Description: The Dilemma of<br />

Laodicea is the last of the seven<br />

churches before Jesus returns.<br />

Scripturally and logically the contemporary<br />

church of the 21st century<br />

is conspicuously in the character<br />

of that church at the close of<br />

the 1st century. Immediately after<br />

His message to Laodica shifts<br />

into <strong>it</strong> apocalyptic panorama of<br />

events global, cosmic, and celestial<br />

which unfold culminating<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the establishment messianic<br />

kingdom following an unprecedented<br />

spectrum of cataclysmic<br />

events. The first problem Laodicea<br />

had and has is <strong>it</strong>s blindness<br />

to <strong>it</strong>s true spir<strong>it</strong>ual state in the<br />

eyes of God at the precipice of an<br />

avalanche of prophetic events that<br />

will const<strong>it</strong>ute the final outcome<br />

of the church of Israel and The<br />

Jews and finally the human race.<br />

It is a church from which Christ<br />

has been excluded; indeed locked<br />

out as he knocks, how many of<br />

this church will let Him in before<br />

<strong>it</strong> is too late. Laodicea faces a dilemma<br />

as old as <strong>it</strong> is new, what is<br />

that dilemma The dilemma ventures<br />

beyond both <strong>it</strong>s blindness<br />

and luke warn state addressing<br />

rather the very causes. It is only<br />

those whom Christ corrects who<br />

will be prepared for His coming.<br />

Author Bio: Jacob Prasch is a<br />

Hebrew-speaking evangelist to the<br />

Jews and a Bible teacher elaborating<br />

on the original Judeo-Christian<br />

background and hermeneutics of<br />

the New Testament. He has also<br />

been a conservative voice for biblically<br />

based discernment among<br />

moderate Pentecostals and Charismatics<br />

opposed to the seductions<br />

prevalent in today’s church.<br />

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<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Jacob Prasch<br />

Special Interest<br />

But now Christ has<br />

been raised from<br />

the dead, the first<br />

fru<strong>it</strong> of those who<br />

are asleep<br />

(1 Co.15:20)<br />

Some people try to tell us that signs<br />

and wonders and miracles will cause the<br />

unsaved to believe.<br />

At Passover in Jesus’ time, famous<br />

rabbis would come together and debate.<br />

At one particular Passover the rabbi who<br />

everybody wanted to see was someone<br />

who could feed thousands of people w<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

l<strong>it</strong>tle boy’s picnic basket, who could walk<br />

on water, who could heal the sick and even<br />

raise the dead. The people wanted Him to<br />

put on a show. They had a “signs and wonders”<br />

gospel. They also wanted somebody<br />

to get rid of the Romans, the way the Maccabees<br />

had gotten rid of the Greeks. They<br />

had a “Kingdom Now” gospel. And, if you<br />

understand the Hallel Rabbah from Psalm<br />

113 to 118, which they sang to Jesus, they<br />

were singing “give us prosper<strong>it</strong>y now.”<br />

They had a “prosper<strong>it</strong>y” gospel.<br />

These people did not want a Messiah<br />

who was going to be a Suffering Servant.<br />

They wanted one who was going to make<br />

them rich.<br />

Purge the Leaven<br />

Passover begins w<strong>it</strong>h the purging of<br />

the leaven. Jesus would not put on a show.<br />

Instead He purged the leaven. Leaven is<br />

a figure of sin, particularly sins of pride,<br />

because <strong>it</strong> puffs up. Pride is the kind of<br />

sin that undergirds other kinds of sin. If<br />

somebody has a greed problem, for example,<br />

their underlying problem is pride.<br />

If somebody has a lust problem, their underlying<br />

problem is pride. Pride is the sin<br />

that underlies other kinds of sin. Pride is<br />

also associated w<strong>it</strong>h false doctrine. That is<br />

why Jesus said, “Beware of the leaven of<br />

the Pharisees”. (Mt. 16:6).<br />

The Sanhedrin was responsible for<br />

the inspection of lambs at Passover. They<br />

checked for up to seventy-four different<br />

blemishes. If unable to find a blemish on<br />

a lamb, they would approve <strong>it</strong> for sacrifice.<br />

But they perverted the Torah, turning their<br />

Lev<strong>it</strong>ical role into a business. The religious<br />

leaders were twisting the Word of God<br />

for their own aggrandizement, explo<strong>it</strong>ing<br />

God’s people and prof<strong>it</strong>eering on the blood<br />

of the lamb. Instead of getting rid of the<br />

Romans, God got rid of them. God is much<br />

more concerned w<strong>it</strong>h the sin in my life and<br />

in your life than He is w<strong>it</strong>h the sin in the<br />

“Those whom I love, I<br />

reprove and discipline;<br />

Jesus said to him, be zealous, therefore,<br />

“Because you have seen Me, and repent”<br />

have you believed (Revelation 3:19)<br />

Blessed are they who did not<br />

By Jacob Prasch<br />

see, and yet believed’”<br />

(Jn. 20:24-29)<br />

he Crucified Life<br />

I have been crucified w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

Christ; and<br />

<strong>it</strong> is no longer I who live,<br />

but Christ lives<br />

in me. (Gal. 2:20)<br />

lives of the unsaved.<br />

Jesus cleaned the moneychangers out<br />

of the temple because judgment begins<br />

in the house of God. Having cleansed the<br />

temple, they brought the lame to Him and<br />

He healed them. “These signs follow”.<br />

(Mk. 16:20) Jesus would never allow signs<br />

and wonders and miracles to be amplified<br />

above repentance.<br />

The same thing happened at Hanukkah,<br />

the Jewish feast of miracles, They wanted<br />

to stone Him and He said, “I showed you<br />

many good works from the Father; for which<br />

of them are you stoning Me” (Jn.10:32).<br />

If signs and wonders are really the key<br />

to revival, why did they cry out a few days<br />

later, “Crucify Him”, when they knew that<br />

Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead, and<br />

healed the lame and the blind The prosper<strong>it</strong>y<br />

preachers, who claim they have all<br />

the miracles, have been around a long time,<br />

but no revival has come; rather the Gospel<br />

has been disgraced by their scandals.<br />

Doubting Thomas<br />

But Thomas, one of the twelve,<br />

called Didymas, was not w<strong>it</strong>h them<br />

when Jesus came. The other disciples<br />

were therefore saying to him, “We<br />

have seen the Lord!” But he said to<br />

them, “Unless I see in His hands the<br />

imprint of the nails, and put my finger<br />

into the place of the nails, and put my<br />

hand into His side, I will not believe.”<br />

And after eight days again His disciples<br />

were inside, and Thomas w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

them. Jesus came, the doors having<br />

been shut, and stood in their midst,<br />

and said, “Peace be w<strong>it</strong>h you.”<br />

Then He said to Thomas, “Reach<br />

here your finger, and see My hands;<br />

and reach here your hand, and put <strong>it</strong><br />

into My side; and be not unbelieving,<br />

but believing.” Thomas answered and<br />

said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”<br />

Jesus said to him, “Because you<br />

have seen Me, have you believed<br />

Blessed are they who did not see, and<br />

yet believed’” (Jn. 20:24-29).<br />

Thomas is a picture of all human<br />

doubt. Jesus was manifest to them in the<br />

breaking of bread – the bread of His Word.<br />

When Jesus rose, He wanted to show them<br />

that He was not a spir<strong>it</strong>, so He physically<br />

ate something.<br />

After Jesus raised Lazarus from the<br />

tomb, He was seen eating w<strong>it</strong>h Lazarus<br />

(Jn.12:1-2). When He raised the l<strong>it</strong>tle girl<br />

from the dead, He said that something<br />

should be given to her to eat (Mk.5:43).<br />

Spir<strong>it</strong>ual bodies do not need to eat, so the<br />

Bible uses the idea of somebody eating<br />

after being resurrected to show that <strong>it</strong> is<br />

physical resurrection. Jesus was identifiable:<br />

not at first, but He was recognized<br />

in the breaking of bread. He was able to<br />

do things like walk through walls. That<br />

teaches something about our future. What<br />

happened to Him, will happen to us.<br />

But now Christ has been raised from<br />

the dead, the first fru<strong>it</strong> of those who<br />

are asleep (1 Co.15:20).<br />

When the high priest was out in the<br />

Kidron Valley at sunrise on the first day<br />

of the week after Passover, he had to bring<br />

the first of the grain offering up through<br />

the East Gate into the temple. All four<br />

gospels tell us that Jesus rose at sunrise,<br />

at the very time when the high priest was<br />

bringing in the first fru<strong>it</strong>. Jesus was the<br />

first fru<strong>it</strong> of the resurrection. Our resurrection<br />

and His are the same event, only<br />

He is the first, so His resurrection teaches<br />

about ours. Moses, Jesus and <strong>Elijah</strong><br />

were transfigured together. <strong>Elijah</strong> – a man<br />

who never died (he was raptured), Moses<br />

– somebody who did die, and Jesus.<br />

That is what overthrew Pagan Rome.<br />

It is a terrible tragedy of history that Papal<br />

Rome became no better than Pagan Rome<br />

afterwards but, nonetheless, the early<br />

Christians overthrew the power of Pagan<br />

Rome. Tertullian said, “the blood of the<br />

martyrs is the seed of the church.” These<br />

people loved not their lives unto death.<br />

Paul wrote to the Romans quoting from<br />

Psalm 44, “For Thy sake, O LORD, we are<br />

being put to death all day long.”<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Special Interest – Continued<br />

The Apostle Paul<br />

What was the proof of Paul’s anointing<br />

as an apostle Was <strong>it</strong> all the churches he<br />

planted, all the people who were saved, the<br />

fact that he could stand up and debate famous<br />

rabbinic leaders and win the debates<br />

No, that was not his proof. It was not even<br />

the miracles, including raising someone<br />

from the dead (Acts 20). None of that was<br />

the proof of his anointing. The proof of his<br />

anointing was this – “I bear on my body<br />

the brand-marks of Jesus” (Gal. 6:17). He<br />

used the Greek word “stigmata”, which<br />

gives us the English word “stigmatize.” He<br />

was willing to be accursed in his flesh in a<br />

visible way for the sake of Christ.<br />

Romania<br />

My wife is a Romanian Jew. Her parents<br />

are Holocaust survivors. They suffered<br />

under the Nazis and narrowly escaped w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

their lives. Most of the family was killed.<br />

Then they suffered under the Communists.<br />

My wife grew up as a “Refusnik” and immigrated<br />

to Israel when she was eleven<br />

years old.<br />

Ceausescu was a terrible, evil man, but<br />

the church grew in Romania. Revivals happened<br />

among Gypsies and people who had<br />

previously been unconvertible. <strong>Man</strong>y Jewish<br />

people were saved. Richard and Sabena<br />

Wurmbrand (Voice of the Martyrs) came<br />

out of that Jewish commun<strong>it</strong>y. So many of<br />

the believers we know in Israel were Jews<br />

from Romania. What made the church in<br />

a country like that grow What did people<br />

see to make them believe They saw a crucified<br />

body that had been resurrected.<br />

I have been crucified w<strong>it</strong>h Christ; and<br />

<strong>it</strong> is no longer I who live, but Christ<br />

lives in me. (Gal. 2:20)<br />

They did not just parrot the words. The<br />

revolt in Romania that overthrew Ceausescu<br />

began in the place that had the highest<br />

concentration of evangelical Christians in<br />

Romania.<br />

I have met many Christians who lived<br />

in the power of the resurrection. I have met<br />

many Messianic Jews who live in the power<br />

of the resurrection. I remember about<br />

ten years ago in Israel, while the Iron Curtain<br />

was still standing and very few Jews<br />

were able to get out of Russia to come to<br />

Israel. Some did and some of these were<br />

believers who were saved in underground<br />

Pentecostal and Baptist churches.<br />

“Jesus Loves You”<br />

I remember one brother who had a<br />

wife and five children. He had been some<br />

kind of a leader in one of the underground<br />

churches. The KGB imprisoned him for<br />

years. His family, at certain times, did not<br />

know if he was dead or alive. The KGB<br />

Jacob Prasch<br />

beat him repeatedly and tortured him, but<br />

he would not deny his fa<strong>it</strong>h. They gave<br />

him psychotropic drug injections in large<br />

quant<strong>it</strong>ies, intravenously and electro-shock<br />

treatment repeatedly. He is only a middleaged<br />

man but he looks like a very old man<br />

because of what they did to him.<br />

He is in Israel now. He is a Jew. His<br />

wife leads him around by the hand. There<br />

is only one phrase he can say; <strong>it</strong> is the only<br />

thing he ever says: “Jesus loves you.”<br />

They gave him electro-shock torture,<br />

they gave him psychotropic drugs,<br />

they tried to destroy his fa<strong>it</strong>h in Jesus the<br />

Messiah. But that was the one thing they<br />

could not destroy. They destroyed his life<br />

in this world, they destroyed his mind and<br />

his health. They destroyed everything, but<br />

his fa<strong>it</strong>h in Jesus. That man has a crucified<br />

body that walks and lives in the power of<br />

the resurrection.<br />

Rose Werner<br />

My wife and myself are very privileged<br />

to be the friends of a Jewish woman<br />

from Hungary who was a second generation<br />

Jewish believer, Rose Werner.<br />

During World War II, Rose had an<br />

opportun<strong>it</strong>y to escape from Hungary. The<br />

Lord spoke to her directly and said, “No,<br />

I want you to go to the Gestapo and turn<br />

yourself in as a Jew.” She did. Very few<br />

people, e<strong>it</strong>her Jews or Gypsies, survived<br />

Auschw<strong>it</strong>z. She is one of the very few who<br />

did. What happened to her in Auschw<strong>it</strong>z<br />

was unspeakable. They were taking Jewish<br />

women by the thousands and thousands<br />

every day, stripping them, shaving<br />

their heads, pulling their teeth out, gassing<br />

them, and then putting them in ovens.<br />

She volunteered for that. When she<br />

went to be w<strong>it</strong>h the Lord there were a lot of<br />

other people wa<strong>it</strong>ing for her, a number of<br />

those Jewish women who were gassed to<br />

death, who heard the Gospel of the Messiah<br />

Jesus from a Jew who believed <strong>it</strong>, before<br />

they died. Rose Werner had a crucified<br />

life. That woman had a crucified body that<br />

lived in the power of the resurrection of<br />

Yeshua the Messiah.<br />

I have known people like that. <strong>Man</strong>y of<br />

them suffered for their fa<strong>it</strong>h. <strong>Man</strong>y, not all.<br />

I have known many Christians like that,<br />

godly people. It is usually not the guy w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the big mouth, like me, <strong>it</strong> is usually the l<strong>it</strong>tle<br />

old lady who washes the church steps,<br />

who fasts and prays every day. It is usually<br />

people like that. I have known a lot of<br />

people like that over the years. They stand<br />

out. I can point to this one and to that one.<br />

You can see them. But there is a big difference<br />

between seeing individual Christians<br />

and a crucified body.<br />

We are the body of Christ. When the<br />

world sees us as a crucified body that has<br />

been resurrected, they will listen to our<br />

message and respond.<br />

Revival<br />

Jesus’ death is ours. His resurrection<br />

is ours. The world is skeptical about us<br />

and our message, and they are going to<br />

become more skeptical. What is the solution<br />

Prayer, of course. The preaching of<br />

the Gospel, absolutely! But there is only<br />

one thing that is going to put this nation<br />

back on the track to real revival. There is<br />

only one thing that is going to make this<br />

hardened nation reconsider the claims of<br />

Jesus. It will not be some confidence trickster<br />

from America w<strong>it</strong>h big rings and a fancy<br />

limousine telling them that God wants<br />

them rich. It will not be people behaving<br />

like lunatics in some Toronto church. Their<br />

weird behavior will prevent people from<br />

believing. What will make them believe is<br />

when we have a response to their request,<br />

“Show me a body that has been crucified<br />

and resurrected. Let me see.”<br />

• Paul could say, “Here!”<br />

• Rose Werner could say, “Here!”<br />

• Richard Wurmbrand could say, “Here!”<br />

A crucified body is where each and every<br />

one of us can stand up and say, “Here!”<br />

Show Me Jesus<br />

Richard Wurmbrand is a Jewish believer.<br />

He is a friend of my wife; they<br />

speak to each other in Romanian. He tells<br />

about a Romanian peasant who had been<br />

saved and imprisoned and tortured by the<br />

Communists for his fa<strong>it</strong>h.<br />

There was also a scientist from the<br />

Academy of Science in Bucharest, who<br />

was not a Communist. He did not believe<br />

in God, he was just a scientist who<br />

was not a Communist, so they put him in<br />

prison and they tortured him. There was a<br />

small room w<strong>it</strong>h maybe forty people living<br />

in <strong>it</strong>, teetering on the brink of starvation,<br />

everyone of them having been beaten repeatedly.<br />

The Romanian peasant, who was<br />

not an educated man, was going around<br />

w<strong>it</strong>nessing to the other people who were<br />

dying w<strong>it</strong>h him. Wurmbrand was there.<br />

The scientist, who had been a prominent<br />

intellectual, began mocking the peasant.<br />

He said to him, “How can you be happy<br />

How can you say you have joy when this<br />

is happening to you You don’t even know<br />

if they have killed your family.” Every day<br />

they carried out two or three dead bodies,<br />

and each of them wondered whether they<br />

would be next. “Why are you happy” The<br />

peasant said, “I’ve told you many times, I<br />

am happy because of Jesus.”<br />

Remember Jeremiah Jeremiah had<br />

a delight. He could not s<strong>it</strong> in the circle of<br />

merrymakers, but he still had joy. The scientist<br />

said, “Jesus! You are happy because<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

of Jesus! Do you see Jesus” “Oh, yes, I<br />

see him every day,” replied the peasant.<br />

• “Do you talk to Jesus”<br />

• “Oh, yes, I talk to Jesus every day.”<br />

• “Does Jesus talk back to you”<br />

• “Oh, yes, He talks to me every day.”<br />

• “What does Jesus do Does He ever<br />

smile at you”<br />

• “Oh yes, Jesus smiles at me.”<br />

• “Show me how He looks when He smiles.”<br />

And the peasant said, “Like this.” And<br />

the Shekinah glory came over the face of<br />

this peasant. The scientist fell down on<br />

the floor and began pounding his fists on<br />

the floor and said, “You have seen Jesus<br />

Christ.” And he became a believer.<br />

Laodicea<br />

We are living in the days of Laodicea<br />

(Rev. 3:14-22): a lukewarm church that is<br />

proud, materialistic and oblivious to <strong>it</strong>s<br />

true state.<br />

Laodicea’s first problem is that <strong>it</strong> does<br />

not know that <strong>it</strong> is Laodicea. It does not<br />

realize that <strong>it</strong> is lukewarm. It thinks that,<br />

because <strong>it</strong> is well-off materially and financially,<br />

<strong>it</strong> is well-off spir<strong>it</strong>ually, but <strong>it</strong> is not.<br />

There is a fa<strong>it</strong>hful remnant in Laodicea.<br />

Jesus says:<br />

Those whom I love, I reprove and<br />

discipline; be zealous, therefore, and<br />

repent (Revelation 3:19).<br />

I want Him to correct the things that are<br />

wrong in me, because when He comes, I<br />

want to be ready.<br />

“Here <strong>it</strong> is!”<br />

Lakeland could not bring revival. Toronto<br />

could not bring revival. Kansas C<strong>it</strong>y<br />

could not bring revival. Jim Challenge<br />

could not bring revival. The “Decade of<br />

Harvest” did not bring revival. None of<br />

that stuff brought revival.<br />

These people do not believe any more.<br />

They are too skeptical. And, to tell you the<br />

truth, when I look at some of the things going<br />

on in the name of Christian<strong>it</strong>y today,<br />

I do not blame them. If I was not already<br />

saved, I would be very skeptical.<br />

“Show me. Let me see. Show me, then<br />

I will believe. Let me see a body that has<br />

been crucified and resurrected, then I will<br />

believe.”<br />

They are going to believe when we can<br />

say, “Here <strong>it</strong> is!”†††<br />

Quotes of the QUARTER !<br />

A jury consists of twelve persons chosen<br />

to decide who has the<br />

better lawyer – Robert Frost<br />


The Résumé of Jesus Christ<br />

Author Unknown<br />

Address: Ephesians 1:20<br />

Phone: Romans 10:13<br />

Webs<strong>it</strong>e: The Bible<br />

Keywords: Jesus Christ, Lord & Savior<br />

”FYI<br />

y name is Jesus – The Christ. <strong>Man</strong>y call me LORD! I’ve sent you my résumé<br />

b because I’m seeking the top management pos<strong>it</strong>ion in your heart. Please consider<br />

my accomplishments as set forth in my resume.<br />

Qualifications:<br />

• I founded the earth and established the heavens (see Proverbs 3:19).<br />

• I formed man from the dust of the ground (see Genesis 2:7).<br />

• I breathed into man the breath of life (see Genesis 2:7).<br />

• I redeemed man from the curse of the law (see Galatians 3:13).<br />

• The blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant comes upon your life through me<br />

(see Galatians 3:14).<br />

Occupational Background:<br />

• I’ve only had one employer (see Luke 2:49).<br />

• I’ve never been tardy, absent, disobedient, slothful or disrespectful.<br />

• My employer has nothing but rave reviews for me (see Matthew 3:15-17).<br />

Skills & Work Experiences:<br />

• Some of my skills and work experiences include: empowering the poor to be poor no<br />

more, healing the brokenhearted, setting the captives free, healing the sick, restoring<br />

sight to the blind and setting at liberty them that are bruised (see Luke 4:18).<br />

• I am a Wonderful Counselor (see Isaiah 9:6). People who Listen to me shall dwell safely<br />

and shall not fear evil (see Proverbs 1:33).<br />

• Most importantly, I have the author<strong>it</strong>y, abil<strong>it</strong>y & power to cleanse you of your sins (see I<br />

John 1:7-9)<br />

Educational Background:<br />

• I encompass the entire breadth & length of knowledge, wisdom and understanding (see<br />

Proverbs 2:6).<br />

• In me are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (see Colossians 2:3).<br />

• My Word is so powerful; <strong>it</strong> has been described as being a lamp unto your feet and a lamp<br />

unto your path (see Psalms 119:105).<br />

• I can even tell you all of the secrets of your heart (see Psalms 44:21).<br />

Major Accomplishments:<br />

• I was an active participant in the greatest Summ<strong>it</strong> Meeting of all times (see Genesis 1:26).<br />

• I laid down my life so that you may live (see II Corinthians 5:15).<br />

• I defeated the archenemy of God and mankind & made a show of them openly<br />

(see Colossians 2:15).<br />

• I’ve miraculously fed the poor, healed the sick and raised the dead!<br />

• There are many more major accomplishments, too many to mention here. You can read<br />

them on my webs<strong>it</strong>e, which is located at: www dot – the BIBLE. You don’t need an Inter<br />

net connection or computer to access my webs<strong>it</strong>e.<br />

References:<br />

• Believers and followers worldwide will testify to my divine healings, salvation, deliverance,<br />

miracles, restoration and supernatural guidance.<br />

In Summation:<br />

Now that you’ve read my résumé, I’m confident that I’m the only candidate uniquely<br />

qualified to fill this v<strong>it</strong>al pos<strong>it</strong>ion in your heart. In summation, I will properly direct your<br />

paths (see Proverbs 3:5-6), and lead you into everlasting life (see John 6:47). When can<br />

I start Time is of the essence (see Hebrews 3:15).<br />

Article printed from <strong>Moriel</strong> Archive: http://moriel.org/<strong>Moriel</strong>Archive<br />

http://moriel.org/<strong>Moriel</strong>Archive/index.php/discernment/church-issues/the-resume-of-jesus-christ<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly

Guest Author<br />

Danny Isom<br />

W h o C a n U n d e r s t a n d G o d’s P r o p h e t i c P l a n<br />

W h o C a n U n d e r s t a n d G o d’s P r o p h e t i c P l<br />

<strong>Who</strong> Can Understand God’s Prophetic P<br />

<strong>Who</strong> Can Understand God’s Prophetic Plan<br />

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal<br />

these words and seal up<br />

the book until the end of time;<br />

many will go back and forth,<br />

and knowledge will increase.”<br />

– Daniel 12:4<br />

“I tell you that He will bring<br />

about justice for them quickly.<br />

However, when the Son of <strong>Man</strong><br />

comes, will He find fa<strong>it</strong>h on the<br />

earth” – Luke 18:8<br />

For most people studying the book of<br />

Daniel, the emphasis would be on the visions,<br />

the miracles, and perhaps unraveling<br />

the various numbers provided which<br />

describe the timing of the unfolding of<br />

God’s prophetic plan. In other words, the<br />

quest is often to determine the meaning<br />

of those things which, as of Daniel’s time<br />

at least, were sealed up. But Jesus offers<br />

what at first blush is a contrast to the quest<br />

for knowledge in stating that the important<br />

character tra<strong>it</strong> He will be looking for at<br />

His Second Coming is fa<strong>it</strong>h. I would offer<br />

that if we were to study the book of Daniel<br />

looking for what we as believers are to personally<br />

apply just like any other portion of<br />

Scripture, we will accomplish both goals<br />

simultaneously. In other words, the greater<br />

treasure provided in the book of Daniel is<br />

that biblical insight and understanding is<br />

promised not as a gift to a privileged few<br />

granted a superior intellect, but to anyone<br />

attaining to greater fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness by putting<br />

God’s Word and ways into practice.<br />

How does the book of Daniel begin<br />

Seal up the book until the<br />

end of time . . . . .<br />

It begins w<strong>it</strong>h Daniel<br />

finding himself in the<br />

exact, same s<strong>it</strong>uation as<br />

every believer of every<br />

age: living IN the world<br />

but not OF the world.<br />

But Daniel made<br />

up his mind that<br />

he would not defile<br />

himself w<strong>it</strong>h the<br />

king’s choice food<br />

or w<strong>it</strong>h the wine<br />

which he drank; so<br />

he sought permission<br />

from the commander<br />

of the officials<br />

that he might not defile himself.<br />

– Daniel 1:8<br />

The first and foremost concern of a<br />

believer in the Last Days is personal fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness.<br />

The world separated and isolated<br />

Daniel. The world tried to rename him. The<br />

world tried to re-educate him according to<br />

their ways. But someone who we have<br />

come to know as one of the wisest and most<br />

knowledgeable individuals in all of history<br />

did not become so by setting out to attain<br />

knowledge; his quest began by seeking<br />

to remain fa<strong>it</strong>hful. All that followed was<br />

predicated on what began from the heart.<br />

Then Daniel went to his house and<br />

informed his friends, Hananiah,<br />

Mishael and Azariah, about the<br />

matter, so that they might request<br />

compassion from the God of heaven<br />

concerning this mystery, so that Daniel<br />

and his friends would not be destroyed<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the rest of the wise men<br />

of Babylon. – Daniel 2:17-18<br />

When the s<strong>it</strong>uation worsened Daniel<br />

convenes a prayer meeting. A person of<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>h finds comfort and support in the company<br />

of other people of fa<strong>it</strong>h. Daniel did not<br />

seek experts who could provide an answer,<br />

but found the answer together w<strong>it</strong>h others<br />

in the pursu<strong>it</strong> of fa<strong>it</strong>h. How often when<br />

we read about events today which clearly<br />

lend themselves to being the fulfillment of<br />

God’s prophetic plan are we driven into<br />

deeper fellowship w<strong>it</strong>h those of a similarly<br />

inclined heart In other words, the response<br />

of the truly fa<strong>it</strong>hful in such times is<br />

an actual, visible response of fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness.<br />

“If <strong>it</strong> be so, our God whom we serve<br />

is able to deliver us from the furnace<br />

of blazing fire; and He will deliver us<br />

out of your hand, O king. But even if<br />

He does not, let <strong>it</strong> be known to you, O<br />

king, that we are not going to serve<br />

your gods or worship the golden image<br />

that you have set up.” – Daniel<br />

3:17-18<br />

And what will happen when the persecution<br />

which Scripture repeatedly warns<br />

will inev<strong>it</strong>ably come materializes Yes,<br />

these men’s knowledge was certainly tested<br />

to <strong>it</strong>s lim<strong>it</strong>s, but their endurance was born<br />

out the qual<strong>it</strong>y of their fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness. The<br />

events of the Last Days certainly serve up<br />

judgment on those refusing to repent and<br />

believe, but at the same time they serve<br />

to affirm and strengthen those clinging to<br />

God’s Word and ways from the heart.<br />

Now when Daniel knew that the document<br />

was signed, he entered his house<br />

(now in his roof chamber he had windows<br />

open toward Jerusalem); and<br />

he continued kneeling on his knees<br />

three times a day, praying and giving<br />

thanks before his God, as he had been<br />

doing previously.<br />

– Daniel 6:10<br />

And from the furnace to the lion’s den,<br />

the test is the same. In the Last Days the challenge<br />

is made directly against one’s fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness<br />

which is something not built during<br />

the Last Days when the events foretold<br />

all come about, but in the course of a daily,<br />

consistent life leading up to them. Daniel<br />

did not suddenly become fa<strong>it</strong>hful because<br />

he w<strong>it</strong>nessed events, but because he spent<br />

his whole life practicing daily fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness<br />

he was prepared when such events finally<br />

arrived. The repeated biblical teaching is<br />

that those who understand that the fulfillment<br />

of prophetic events is at hand are the<br />

ones who have been putting God’s Word<br />

and ways into practice all along. Daniel did<br />

not live his life any old way he wanted and<br />

then, when faced w<strong>it</strong>h the impossible, finally<br />

come around to God’s ways because<br />

of the crisis. Daniel spent his life putting<br />

into practice the fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness which would<br />

see him through the crisis when <strong>it</strong> came.<br />

In the first year of Darius the son of<br />

Ahasuerus, of Median descent, who<br />

was made king over the kingdom of<br />

the Chaldeans— in the first year of his<br />

reign, I, Daniel, observed in the books<br />

the number of the years which was<br />

10 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

a n<br />

lan<br />

revealed as the word of the LORD to<br />

Jeremiah the prophet for the completion<br />

of the desolations of Jerusalem,<br />

namely, seventy years. So I gave my<br />

attention to the Lord God to seek Him<br />

by prayer and supplications, w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

fasting, sackcloth and ashes. – Daniel<br />

9:1-3<br />

What did Daniel do when he recognized<br />

from the plain meaning of Scripture<br />

that God’s prophetic plan was being fulfilled<br />

in his lifetime Did he wr<strong>it</strong>e a book<br />

Embark on speaking engagements Convene<br />

prophecy conferences “So I gave<br />

my attention to the Lord God to seek Him<br />

by prayer and supplications, w<strong>it</strong>h fasting,<br />

sackcloth and ashes”. I truly believe that if<br />

the myriad of books, webs<strong>it</strong>es, and conferences<br />

dedicated to the topic of the Last Days<br />

were accomplishing their biblical mission<br />

that they would not measure their success<br />

by attendance numbers, book sales, or the<br />

amount of information they put out but by<br />

the sincere repentance, return to the cross,<br />

and earnest desire to engage God on behalf<br />

of those who still have time to return to Him.<br />

The book of Daniel begins w<strong>it</strong>h a comm<strong>it</strong>ment<br />

to fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness, is peppered w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

examples of fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness in action, and ultimately<br />

displays the quest for fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness<br />

for every party involved.<br />

“Those who have insight will shine<br />

brightly like the brightness of the expanse<br />

of heaven, and those who lead<br />

the many to righteousness, like the<br />

stars forever and ever. – Daniel 12:3<br />

It is not merely knowledge which identifies<br />

the Last Days over-achiever, but righteousness.<br />

This is really a corollary to the<br />

Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20) where<br />

we are commanded not to make converts<br />

but disciples. Those who have real biblical<br />

wisdom where God’s prophetic plan is<br />

concerned are not purveyors of information<br />

but act in the same character as the<br />

Old Testament prophets whose message<br />

was always accompanied by a call to return<br />

to God’s Word and ways.<br />

I would subm<strong>it</strong> that this h<strong>it</strong>s home for<br />

what I believe is a very serious yet underestimated<br />

problem in the shadow of<br />

the Last Days. On the one hand there are<br />

outright false prophets and false teachers<br />

who are trying to deceive the Elect; on the<br />

other hand there are a great many “information<br />

providers”. There seem to be no<br />

end of authors, speakers, books, webs<strong>it</strong>es,<br />

and conferences whose goal is to provide<br />

information, and yet those who also attach<br />

the application of righteousness to their<br />

message are sparse and few. I will adm<strong>it</strong><br />

that one of the reasons I am drawn to the<br />

teaching of Jacob Prasch, David Hocking,<br />

Dave Hunt, Roger Oakland, Chuck Sm<strong>it</strong>h,<br />

Danny Isom<br />

and many others cut from the same cloth is<br />

that they never simply provide information.<br />

The never conclude a message w<strong>it</strong>hout a<br />

personal challenge to put <strong>it</strong> into practice, to<br />

return to God’s ways. I would suggest that<br />

we do not just need teachers who can provide<br />

“insight”, but who are actively leading<br />

in the quest for “righteousness”.<br />

“<strong>Man</strong>y will be purged, purified and<br />

refined, but the wicked will act wickedly;<br />

and none of the wicked will understand,<br />

but those who have insight<br />

will understand. – Daniel 12:10<br />

Here we are provided the stark contrast<br />

of who will and will not “understand” as <strong>it</strong><br />

is defined biblically. If to this point <strong>it</strong> has<br />

not been clear to you that understanding<br />

is the natural outcome of fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness, <strong>it</strong><br />

should be clear in this specific distinction<br />

that <strong>it</strong> will not come to “the wicked”, someone<br />

who by defin<strong>it</strong>ion behaves unfa<strong>it</strong>hfully.<br />

Scripture uses a number of different<br />

terms which describe specific sinful states.<br />

“Sinner”, “backslider”, and “unbeliever”<br />

are used to describe not only different kinds<br />

of behavior but to specify that person’s relationship<br />

(or lack thereof) w<strong>it</strong>h the One<br />

True God. Someone identified as “wicked”<br />

in Scripture is referring to someone in rebellion<br />

to what they know, someone not<br />

just influenced by evil but putting <strong>it</strong> into<br />

practice. Just as Daniel provides an example<br />

of daily, personal fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness which<br />

produces the kind of person who comes to<br />

know and understand what God is doing,<br />

someone termed “wicked” is the result of<br />

the hab<strong>it</strong>ual pursu<strong>it</strong> of fa<strong>it</strong>hlessness resulting<br />

in spir<strong>it</strong>ual ignorance to what is going<br />

on. The practical question to ask yourself<br />

is which of these two destinations are you<br />

going to most likely arrive at based on what<br />

you consistently put into practice<br />

Notice too in this verse that the events<br />

of the Last Days work to confirm the qual<strong>it</strong>y<br />

of everyone’s fa<strong>it</strong>h. The wicked do not<br />

simply continue unchanged, they actually<br />

“act wickedly” whereas the fa<strong>it</strong>hful are<br />

“purged, purified and refined”. When the<br />

events of the Last Days materialize, they<br />

drive each person ever more forcefully<br />

down the path they had been regularly pursuing<br />

leading up to them. The qual<strong>it</strong>y of<br />

our fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness (or fa<strong>it</strong>hlessness) in times<br />

of relative peace is amplified when times of<br />

extreme duress push <strong>it</strong> to <strong>it</strong>s lim<strong>it</strong>s. Do you<br />

really think if you do not regularly hold to<br />

God’s Word and ways now that you will<br />

suddenly change when these events actually<br />

take place<br />

“Let the one who does wrong, still do<br />

wrong; and the one who is filthy, still<br />

be filthy; and let the one who is righteous,<br />

still practice righteousness;<br />

and the one who is holy, still keep<br />

himself holy.” – Revelation 22:11<br />

Guest Author<br />

I honestly believe that everything<br />

which today is only partially or completely<br />

not understood in the book of Daniel will,<br />

according to God’s timing, be plainly,<br />

fully, and completely understood. But I<br />

would suggest that the book of Daniel contains<br />

a greater teaching of how we are to<br />

attain the pos<strong>it</strong>ion wherein we will come<br />

into that knowledge. The deeper things of<br />

God are going to come to those who seek<br />

to go ever deeper in their exclusive comm<strong>it</strong>ment<br />

to God’s Word and ways alone.<br />

In truth, Daniel teaches <strong>it</strong> is going to come<br />

not as the result of the exclusive pursu<strong>it</strong> of<br />

Bible codes or the application of extraordinary<br />

intellect, but the consistent, daily<br />

pursu<strong>it</strong> of putting what we already know<br />

into practice.<br />

As <strong>it</strong> was at the first coming of Christ,<br />

so <strong>it</strong> will be at His return. Those who recognized<br />

what was happening were enlightened<br />

not because of extraordinary wisdom,<br />

but practicing ordinary fa<strong>it</strong>h.<br />

In His Love,<br />

Danny Isom<br />

“mailto:Servant@WalkW<strong>it</strong>hTheWord.org”<br />

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• MORIEL is an evangelistic ministry to people<br />

of other fa<strong>it</strong>hs, beginning w<strong>it</strong>h the Jews and nominal<br />

(non-evangelical) Christians, such as Roman Catholics<br />

and liberal Protestants. We also hold seminars on<br />

Messianic apologetics, and on Islamic evangelism,<br />

and cult evangelism<br />

• MORIEL seeks to plant Messianic fellowships<br />

where none exist. These are “fellowships” and not<br />

congregations, designed to evangelize Jews and to<br />

provide a practical way for Jewish believers and<br />

those called to the Jews to preserve and express their<br />

ident<strong>it</strong>y in Yeshua as Messiah<br />

• MORIEL helps believers to plant churches in s<strong>it</strong>uations<br />

where bible-based congregations do not exist.<br />

We call this Misgav Ladach;a Hebrew term meaning<br />

“shelter for the oppressed”.<br />

• MORIEL will stand against serious doctrinal error<br />

where <strong>it</strong> threatens the credibil<strong>it</strong>y of the gospel or<br />

undermines the author<strong>it</strong>y of scripture. This will be<br />

particularly true concerning areas likely to prove detrimental<br />

to Jewish evangelism - such as “Dual Covenant<br />

Theology” and “Christian Anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ic,” and<br />

“Anti-Zionism.”<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 11

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa<br />

David Royle<br />


JULY 2010<br />

Dear Friends, Greetings in Jesus,<br />

The last two months have been busy<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h a lot of changes and a lot of travelling.<br />

My tour of Australia and New Zealand<br />

went well w<strong>it</strong>h me making a lot of New<br />

contacts. I have always loved Australia but<br />

the chance to go and meet people from a<br />

new land was exc<strong>it</strong>ing. I caught up w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the NZ administrator Nigel for the first<br />

time. We had spoken over the phone and<br />

corresponded by email many times but to<br />

meet him face to face was wonderful and<br />

to see the hard work he puts in.<br />

Australia was a time of meetings and<br />

catching up w<strong>it</strong>h friends and supporters<br />

who have fa<strong>it</strong>hfully given time, finances and<br />

effort to the ministry. The meetings went<br />

very well and the fellowship was sweet. I<br />

thank the Lord I was able to catch up, even<br />

for such a short time w<strong>it</strong>h my friend and<br />

Aussie administrator, Marg Godwin. Marg<br />

has been doing a great job, selflessly and<br />

tirelessly even through ill health. What<br />

was good was to see her fa<strong>it</strong>hful team<br />

by her side. Marg you are a diamond!!<br />

After the tour and a long think, I think<br />

<strong>it</strong> is needed that I cover some old ground<br />

for the sake of new friends and also clar<strong>it</strong>y<br />

concerning who we are and what we do. If<br />

you have heard me speak about this before<br />

please bear w<strong>it</strong>h me for a short while.<br />

Lyn and I along w<strong>it</strong>h our family came<br />

to South Africa March 2000. I have been<br />

involved here since 1991 where I caught<br />

the African bug and spent the next 9 years<br />

pleading w<strong>it</strong>h God and my wife to let us<br />

come over here.<br />

Since 2002 we have headed <strong>Moriel</strong><br />

Missions here and pioneered churches and<br />

set up a pastor training program. However<br />

as you will know our hearts have always<br />

been burdened by Psalm 68vs5-6 concerning<br />

the plight of Orphans who have been<br />

affected by the HIV pandemic. This led<br />

us to founding Ebyown which was to be a<br />

place of nurture, love and a home to children<br />

no one else wanted. The next sentence<br />

will be large and in bold for emphasis. WE<br />


My children “were” orphans, now they<br />

have a Mum and Dad in Lyn and I, a big<br />

brother in our son Chris and they share<br />

our home receiving the care that our own<br />

children (whom all serve the Lord) have<br />

benef<strong>it</strong>ed from. To this day all the kids are<br />

comm<strong>it</strong>ted to Christ and have been baptised,<br />

praise the Lord.<br />

We home school all the children (12<br />

at the moment) and through your help and<br />

prayer provide for their medical, spir<strong>it</strong>ual<br />

and practical needs. It has been a joy to<br />

watch them grow in Christ and keep well<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h your help. This is because we follow<br />

Psalm 68 instruction and provide a family.<br />

However some people including Jacob<br />

who we love dearly, have <strong>it</strong> ingrained into<br />

there minds that we and Bezaleel are orphanages<br />

and all the Draconian or Dickensian<br />

images that come to mind. We do<br />

not have l<strong>it</strong>tle Olivers asking for more. We<br />

do not have Triple Bunk beds w<strong>it</strong>h 12 to a<br />

room. We have normal children who once<br />

were lost but now are found.<br />

On tour <strong>it</strong>s amazing how many people<br />

think we are an inst<strong>it</strong>ution, if we were we<br />

would not be involved in this work. In an<br />

inst<strong>it</strong>ution most people clock of at 5pm<br />

and hand over to night carers, but the work<br />

we and Bezaleel do is 24/7. We may not<br />

have hundreds of kids but nether the less<br />

the work is just as intense w<strong>it</strong>h the constant<br />

medical needs. Thank you for bearing w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

me while I clarify things for the sake of integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

Integr<strong>it</strong>y in Mission is an issue.<br />

Everyone of us sees wild claims of<br />

mission success in some news bulletins,<br />

however so we may weep and cry w<strong>it</strong>h one<br />

another <strong>it</strong>s important to have this attribute<br />

of God. To help us I have some notes from<br />

a teaching I did the other week at the end<br />

of our news, I hope <strong>it</strong> challenges all of us.<br />

EBYOWN<br />

This month we began an outreach into<br />

a local pediatric ward of a hosp<strong>it</strong>al. We<br />

have been involved w<strong>it</strong>h the hosp<strong>it</strong>al for<br />

9 years and have fostered a few children<br />

from there such as Paulina who is now our<br />

12 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

adopted daughter. In short we have some<br />

history w<strong>it</strong>h the Matron and nurses there.<br />

What we aimed to do was this:<br />

• Vis<strong>it</strong> for a whole morning on a regular basis<br />

• Take some of our older kids to play w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the children<br />

• Introduce the nurses and carers to a different<br />

perspective of relating to the kids<br />

• Assess dietry requirement<br />

• Give massage and physio where necessary<br />

• Share the gospel w<strong>it</strong>h nurses and carers<br />

and children where possible<br />

The first session went excellent. The<br />

first thing Lyn did was to get the nurses<br />

to s<strong>it</strong> low on the floor so that they could<br />

understand the perspective of a child. She<br />

then moved them to bed level to understand<br />

what the children saw. <strong>Man</strong>y of the<br />

kids are disabled and cannot move yet the<br />

view they saw was very lim<strong>it</strong>ed. For example<br />

pictures painted on the wall for the<br />

children benef<strong>it</strong> could not be see. All they<br />

saw of the nurses was their bellies.<br />

Lyn then got them to s<strong>it</strong> on the floor<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the children, to hold and cuddle them,<br />

to speak to them and interact and understand<br />

these kids are special w<strong>it</strong>h special<br />

needs and are not just patients or things to<br />

be kept clean and dry.<br />

We hope that in the coming months we<br />

can set up a soft room for play and physio<br />

and encourage the nurses to treat these l<strong>it</strong>tle<br />

ones as loved and special. Why is this<br />

important Well one l<strong>it</strong>tle one there, nearly<br />

two years and who does not move, after an<br />

hour lifted himself up on his arms for the<br />

first time.<br />

We had a b<strong>it</strong> of concern this month regarding<br />

the childrens blood tests, Viral loads<br />

were up on some and CD4 counts took a b<strong>it</strong><br />

of a tumble w<strong>it</strong>h others. DR Levin is sure<br />

this is just a gl<strong>it</strong>ch and we hope that next<br />

months results will go in the right direction.<br />

Sikki who is nearly 5 has begun to take<br />

her first steps, she can (on tottering legs)<br />

now follow Prudence down the hallway, <strong>it</strong>s<br />

qu<strong>it</strong>e funny to see.<br />

WORLD CUP DAY!!! Ebyown and<br />

Bezaleel go together to have a celebration,<br />

eat food and cake from all the participating<br />

countries. They even had a soccer match (I<br />

think Ebyown got hammered)<br />


As many of you have read through our<br />

news and have picked up on my latest tour,<br />

we are trying to relocate Ebyown and the<br />

ministry to the Western Cape. However<br />

to do this we will need to sell so we can<br />

purchase and so there is a l<strong>it</strong>tle insecur<strong>it</strong>y<br />

about how and when this will happen.<br />

However the place needed a paint and we<br />

have filled in floors and tiles three rooms<br />

and also relocated a large window for better<br />

light. The outside has been painted and<br />

David Royle<br />

we have replaced old metal doors w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

new wooden ones, so <strong>it</strong>s been very busy as<br />

we’ve prepared for sale. Please pray for us<br />

during this challenging time. I will be w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the brothers in the Cape the weekend of the<br />

24th July where I will be sharing the word<br />

and answering any questions people may<br />

have about the implications of the move. I<br />

will also hopefully be looking at a couple<br />

of prospective locations for the move.<br />


AUSSIE<br />

I have brought back some teaching<br />

material from Australia featuring Jacob<br />

and others. If you want to order then contact<br />

Chris, morielmissionscollege@gmail.<br />

com or phone him on 0823739297<br />


• Give us today our daily bread<br />

• The children’s upcoming blood results<br />

Ebyown and ministry relocation<br />

• The upcoming Video on Demand plat<br />

form for the internet<br />

• Upcoming vis<strong>it</strong> to UK<br />

• Continued strength for Lyn, Chris and I<br />

• Aletheia Church<br />

• The outreach to Tini Vorster Hosp<strong>it</strong>al<br />


South Africa, David Royle<br />

moriel.david@gmail.com<br />

UK Joanne Drinkwater<br />

jo.drink@ntlworld.com<br />

USA David Lister<br />

morieldavid@yahoo.com<br />

Australia, Marg Godwin<br />

moriel@vic.australis.com.au<br />

New Zealand, Nigel Nicholsen<br />

moriel@maxnet.co.nz<br />


My friend Peter Afrika said many years<br />

ago that some people lack so much integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

that if they said <strong>it</strong> was raining outside<br />

you would have to walk out and check.<br />

They just couldn’t be trusted.<br />

A persons Integr<strong>it</strong>y is important in fact<br />

<strong>it</strong> is such an important issue that the way<br />

the world functions depends on integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

The word has several uses and I have found<br />

several meanings.<br />

This article is about integr<strong>it</strong>y as a theoretical<br />

and ethical concept. For other uses,<br />

see Integr<strong>it</strong>y (disambiguation) [7] .<br />

Integr<strong>it</strong>y is a concept of consistency<br />

[8]<br />

of actions, values, methods, measures,<br />

principles, expectations and outcomes.<br />

In western ethics, integr<strong>it</strong>y is regarded<br />

as the qual<strong>it</strong>y [9] of having an intu<strong>it</strong>ive [10]<br />

sense of honesty [11] and truthfulness [12] in<br />

regard to the motivations for one’s actions.<br />

[c<strong>it</strong>ation needed [13] Integr<strong>it</strong>y can be regarded<br />

as the oppos<strong>it</strong>e of hypocrisy [14] , [1] [15]<br />

in that <strong>it</strong> regards internal consistency as a<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa<br />

virtue, and suggests that parties holding apparently<br />

conflicting values should account<br />

for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs.<br />

The word “integr<strong>it</strong>y” stems from the<br />

Latin adjective integer (whole, complete).<br />

[2] [16] In this context, integr<strong>it</strong>y is the inner<br />

sense of “wholeness” deriving from qual<strong>it</strong>ies<br />

such as honesty [11] and consistency of<br />

character [17] . As such, one may judge that<br />

others “have integr<strong>it</strong>y” to the extent that<br />

one judges whether they behave according<br />

to the values, beliefs and principles they<br />

claim to hold.<br />

A value systems [18] abstraction depth<br />

[19]<br />

and range of applicable interaction may<br />

also function as significant factors in identifying<br />

integr<strong>it</strong>y due to their congruence or<br />

lack of congruence w<strong>it</strong>h empirical observation<br />

[20] . [clarification needed [21] ] [c<strong>it</strong>ation<br />

needed [13] ]. Such a value system may<br />

evolve over time. [3] [22] while retaining<br />

integr<strong>it</strong>y if those who espouse the values<br />

account for and resolve inconsistencies.<br />

[4] [23] Ayn Rand, [24] considered that integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

“does not consist of loyalty to one’s<br />

subjective whims, but of loyalty to rational<br />

principles”. [5] [25]<br />

Integr<strong>it</strong>y is word also used in Engineering<br />

and Science. For example the Hull of a<br />

ship if <strong>it</strong> remains whole and doesn’t leak is<br />

said to show structural integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

Scientific method for bringing accurate<br />

data must show Integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

Then we have Christian Integr<strong>it</strong>y – Wikapedia<br />

says this about <strong>it</strong><br />

Strong’s Concordance [26] records 16<br />

uses of words translated as “integr<strong>it</strong>y” in<br />

the KJV [27] Old Testament [28] , and none in<br />

the KJV New Testament [29] .[7] [30]<br />

One view of integr<strong>it</strong>y in a Christian<br />

context states: “The Christian vision of integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

suggests that personal authentic<strong>it</strong>y<br />

entails living in accordance w<strong>it</strong>h personal<br />

convictions that are based on an understanding<br />

of God’s purposes for creation,<br />

humankind and the person as a disciple of<br />

Jesus.”[8] [31]<br />

So as we can see Integr<strong>it</strong>y is something<br />

that for society and for our fa<strong>it</strong>h in general<br />

has to flow w<strong>it</strong>hin and w<strong>it</strong>hout, YET how<br />

often in the fa<strong>it</strong>h do we find proffesing<br />

Christians who carry l<strong>it</strong>tle integr<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

So what does the Bible say about Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

The NASB has 46 occurances of the<br />

word. In fact there are 5 Hebrew words.<br />

So what does the Bible say about Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

The NASB has 46 occurances of the<br />

word. In fact there are 5 Hebrew words.<br />

h]MT, tummah (1070d); from 8552;<br />

integr<strong>it</strong>y:— integr<strong>it</strong>y (5).<br />

8537. sT tom (1070d); from 8552;<br />

completeness, integr<strong>it</strong>y, also part of the<br />

high priest’s breastplate:— blameless(1),<br />

full(1), full measure(1), innocently(1), in-<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 13

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa – Continued<br />

tegr<strong>it</strong>y(16), random(2), upright(1).<br />

8535. sT tam (1070d); from 8552;<br />

complete:— blameless(5), blameless<br />

man(1), complete(2), guiltless(3), integr<strong>it</strong>y(1),<br />

peaceful(1), perfect one(2).<br />

3476. WvY yosher (449c); from 3474;<br />

straightness, uprightness:— correctly(1),<br />

honest(1), integr<strong>it</strong>y(1), justly due(1),<br />

right(1), upright(1), uprightness(8), what<br />

is justly due(1).<br />

8549. sYmT tamim (1071a); from<br />

8552; complete, sound:— blameless(22),<br />

blamelessly(1), complete(1), entire(1),<br />

full(1), intact(1), integr<strong>it</strong>y(4), perfect(5),<br />

sincer<strong>it</strong>y(1), unblemished(2), uprightly(1),<br />

who is perfect(1), whole(2), w<strong>it</strong>hout blemish(12),<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hout defect(36).<br />

So we can see that Integr<strong>it</strong>y is speaking<br />

about a person who is whole or complete<br />

and has the values, ethics and character<br />

shown through these 5 Hebrew words.<br />

Certain men in Scripture valued integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

and tried to walk in <strong>it</strong>.<br />

Such a man was Job read Job 27vs 1-6.<br />

Look at what <strong>it</strong> says about the things Job<br />

valued and did not want to lose.<br />

King David although weak like us tried<br />

to walk and valued integr<strong>it</strong>y. Psalm 26vs 1-7<br />

Integr<strong>it</strong>y also brings benef<strong>it</strong>s to those<br />

who walk in <strong>it</strong>:<br />

– Proverbs: 2vs7<br />

– Job: 8vs20<br />

– Psalm: 25vs21<br />

– Prov: 20vs7 Even the sons of the man<br />

who walks in integr<strong>it</strong>y are blessed<br />

– Prov: 28vs6 <strong>it</strong>s even better to be poor but<br />

have Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

– Prov: 11vs3 Integr<strong>it</strong>y will guide you,<br />

think about <strong>it</strong> if you thing whole, honest<br />

righteous and true, <strong>it</strong> will guide you in<br />

all things.<br />


Yes he does according to Romans 3vs7<br />

in the amplified Bible<br />

Vs7: But [you say] if through my falsehood<br />

God’s integr<strong>it</strong>y is magnified and<br />

advertised and abounds to His glory,<br />

why am I still being judged as a sinner<br />

You see to get a handle of Gods Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

we must look at the characteristics the<br />

word implies and how they relate to the<br />

Father. For example:<br />

God is truth, in fact the NASB rendering<br />

of integr<strong>it</strong>y is Truth<br />

But if through my lie a the truth of God<br />

abounded to His glory, b why am I also still<br />

being judged as a sinner<br />

So what other words describe Gods Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

Well weve read them:<br />

• Blameless - rendered Perfect, Psalm 19vs7<br />

• Peaceful - Isaiah 9vs6, Ephesians 2vs14-18<br />

• Rightous - Psalm 48vs10, Romans 10vs3-4<br />

Then finally we have the fact that God is<br />

Just. One scholar puts <strong>it</strong> this was<br />

JUSTICE OF GOD — that perfection<br />

of his nature whereby he is infin<strong>it</strong>ely<br />

righteous in himself and in all he does,<br />

the righteousness of the divine nature exercised<br />

in his moral government. At first<br />

God imposes righteous laws on his creatures<br />

and executes them righteously. Justice<br />

is not an optional product of his will,<br />

but an unchangeable principle of his very<br />

nature. His legislative justice is his requiring<br />

of his rational creatures conform<strong>it</strong>y in<br />

all respects to the moral law. His rectoral<br />

or distributive justice is his dealing w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

his accountable creatures according to the<br />

requirements of the law in rewarding or<br />

punishing them (Ps. 89:14). In remunerative<br />

justice he distributes rewards (James<br />

1:12; 2 Tim. 4:8); in vindictive or pun<strong>it</strong>ive<br />

justice he inflicts punishment on account<br />

of transgression (2 Thess. 1:6). He cannot,<br />

as being infin<strong>it</strong>ely righteous, do otherwise<br />

than regard and hate sin as intrinsically<br />

hateful and deserving of punishment. “He<br />

cannot deny himself” (2 Tim. 2:13). His<br />

essential and eternal righteousness immutably<br />

determines him to vis<strong>it</strong> every sin as<br />

such w<strong>it</strong>h mer<strong>it</strong>ed punishment.<br />

All these things are part of Gods attributes<br />

as a Holy God, Father, Son and Holy<br />

Spir<strong>it</strong>, the triune Gods reflects all these<br />

things in His pristine nature –for He is a<br />

God of INTEGRITY.<br />


In the beginning of this message I<br />

pointed out that Integr<strong>it</strong>y is something that<br />

holds things together. W<strong>it</strong>h Integr<strong>it</strong>y we relate<br />

to one another much more easily as we<br />

can see by the words that communicate the<br />

oppos<strong>it</strong>e of Integr<strong>it</strong>y such as Hyprocricy,<br />

lies, injustice, unwholesome, dishonesty<br />

unfa<strong>it</strong>hfulness. When we are demonstrating<br />

these things everything in society<br />

breaks down and how can we claim to have<br />

a relationship w<strong>it</strong>h Christ when there is no<br />

fru<strong>it</strong> of repentance that should demonstrate<br />

the heart of God.<br />

However there are what some might<br />


Poverty – even the most willing person<br />

may act dishonestly if they or/and their<br />

family are immersed in poverty w<strong>it</strong>hout<br />

food or shelter or any of the foundational<br />

needs in life.<br />

Self interest – acting w<strong>it</strong>hout integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

in business often stems from this issue and<br />

the issue of personal cost having more value<br />

than the person or promise made.<br />

Unbelief – if God promises in His<br />

word blessings for walking in Integr<strong>it</strong>y, the<br />

tension between the here and now and the<br />

delivery point of blessing can be too much<br />

for some. After all acting in integr<strong>it</strong>y may<br />

be something that bears fru<strong>it</strong> in etern<strong>it</strong>y<br />

rather than the here and now.<br />

No foundational Judeo Christian value<br />

system in a post modern world – The word<br />

of God provided strong values, an ethical<br />

system that is unsurpassed, however in today’s<br />

society everything is relative. What<br />

an issue means for you will mean something<br />

different to someone of a different<br />

value system.<br />

Over promising – There is a very cruel<br />

saying “if you want anything doing as a<br />

busy man” the fact is some people cannot<br />

say know and end up e<strong>it</strong>her drained<br />

or breaking promises and so looking as<br />

though they lack integr<strong>it</strong>y. So then how<br />

should we apply these things<br />

First of all the foundation of every society<br />

is a godly family. Marriages can only<br />

function if there is transparency, honesty<br />

and fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness, in other words Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

between husband and wife is basic for a<br />

successful union between man and woman.<br />

Secondly families usually produce<br />

children. The way that children inter-relate<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h parents and each other must be on the<br />

basis of Integr<strong>it</strong>y. To be in a pos<strong>it</strong>ion when<br />

a parent no longer trusts a child and a child<br />

no longer trusts a parent through lack of<br />

truth, honesty or even worse is tragic, Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

is the key and an understanding that<br />

Gods promise in the Decalogue still stands<br />

today if one honors or has integr<strong>it</strong>y in the<br />

way children relate to parents.<br />

Thirdly we have The Church, our extended<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>h family. Today we see such a<br />

lack of integr<strong>it</strong>y in the Body of Christ because<br />

they do not see <strong>it</strong> as extended family<br />

and the fru<strong>it</strong> is that people often don’t pull<br />

their weight, don’t disciple, join the local<br />

church merry-go-round w<strong>it</strong>h no comm<strong>it</strong>ment,<br />

tell lies and play pol<strong>it</strong>ics and live a life<br />

that does not glorify Christ yet they profess<br />

His name showing Hypocrisy and worse.<br />

Fourthly in society in general – Business<br />

dealings especially, I have become<br />

very suspicious of people who claim to be<br />

in Christ and a brother or sister in the Lord<br />

and yet their dealings w<strong>it</strong>h each other and<br />

the world are scandalous. Christian Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

were your yeah is Yeah and your nay is<br />

Nay is very much needed.<br />

Finally and most importantly, what<br />

about the God of Integr<strong>it</strong>y we serve, how<br />

is your relationship w<strong>it</strong>h Him Do we keep<br />

our promises as He keeps His Do we steal<br />

from the money bag so to speak Are we<br />

100% for Christ or is He a name we forget<br />

when <strong>it</strong>s convenient<br />

Our God is a God of Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

King David a man of Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

Job under affliction kept his integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

Integr<strong>it</strong>y brings abundant blessing.<br />

The question is will we now begin<br />

14 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

to walk in <strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h our family W<strong>it</strong>h our<br />

church W<strong>it</strong>h our commun<strong>it</strong>y W<strong>it</strong>h our<br />

business dealings Because if we cannot<br />

get these things right, how can we have integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the God of Integr<strong>it</strong>y<br />

Easton, M. 1996, c1897. Easton’s Bible<br />

dictionary. Logos Research Systems,<br />

Inc.: Oak Harbor, WA<br />

Our <strong>Man</strong> from Israel . . . .<br />

Our <strong>Man</strong> from Israel<br />

End Notes<br />

[1] morielmissionscollege@gmail.com<br />

[2] moriel.david@gmail.com<br />

[3] jo.drink@ntlworld.com:<br />

[4] morieldavid@yahoo.com<br />

[5] moriel@vic.australis.com.au<br />

[6] moriel@maxnet.co.nz<br />

[7] Integr<strong>it</strong>y (disambiguation): http://en.wikipedia.<br />

org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y_%28disambiguation%29<br />

[8] consistency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consistency<br />

[9] qual<strong>it</strong>y: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qua<strong>it</strong>y_<br />

%28philosophy%29<br />

[10] intu<strong>it</strong>ive: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intu<strong>it</strong>ion_<br />

%28knowledge%29<br />

[11] honesty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honesty<br />

[12] truthfulness: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truthfulness<br />

[13] c<strong>it</strong>ation needed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<br />

Wikipedia:C<strong>it</strong>ation_needed<br />

[14] hypocrisy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy<br />

[15] [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-0#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-0<br />

[16] [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-1#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-1<br />

[17] character: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_<br />

character<br />

[18] value system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<br />

Value_system<br />

[19] abstraction depth: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<br />

Abstraction_layer<br />

[20] empirical observation: http://en.wikipedia.<br />

org/wiki/Empirical_observation<br />

[21] clarification needed: http://en.wikipedia.org/<br />

wiki/Wikipedia:Please_clarify<br />

[22] [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-2#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-2<br />

[23] [4]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-3#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-3<br />

[24] Ayn Rand: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayn_<br />

Rand<br />

[25] [5]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-4#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-4<br />

[26] Strong’s Concordance: http://en.wikipedia.<br />

org/wiki/Strong%27s_Concordance<br />

[27] KJV: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorized_<br />

King_James_Version<br />

[28] Old Testament: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<br />

Old_Testament<br />

[29] New Testament: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/<br />

New_Testament<br />

[30] [7]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-6#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-6<br />

[31] [8]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integr<strong>it</strong>y#c<strong>it</strong>e_<br />

note-7#c<strong>it</strong>e_note-7<br />

MORIEL<br />

I N<br />

S O U T H<br />


A F R I C A<br />

Peace, Peace…<br />

Are we going mad...once again<br />

I think that there’s just so much that a normal person could put up w<strong>it</strong>h. We hear the<br />

sword rattling and ongoing rhetoric of the Iranians as they thrive to achieve nuclear power<br />

for “peaceful” purposes, but under the same breath make no secret of wiping Israel off<br />

the face of the earth. We hear the ongoing ranting of the Turkish government concerning<br />

their “peace” flotilla to help the poor besieged and suffering Gazans. Their “Love Boat”<br />

had terrorists from all the lands of the Middle East and were planning, in advance, a<br />

violent confrontation w<strong>it</strong>h the Israeli navy, and hoping that someone would get killed so<br />

they can film <strong>it</strong> and send <strong>it</strong> to all the international press organizations. The only thing that<br />

was filmed was the beating of the Israeli un<strong>it</strong> as <strong>it</strong> boarded the ship. They were beaten and<br />

clubbed and still the Turkish government together w<strong>it</strong>h the rest of the Arab world and unfortunately<br />

many other nations, condemned the affair as “piracy, murder and a massacre.”<br />

Well, <strong>it</strong>’s good to see that the impartial Un<strong>it</strong>ed Nations has began an inquest into the affair.<br />

Last week a number of rockets were fired by Hamas from Egyptian terr<strong>it</strong>ory towards the<br />

gulf c<strong>it</strong>ies of Eilat and Aqaba. The resort c<strong>it</strong>y of Aqaba had one killed and many wounded.<br />

It was obvious who fired them, but in<strong>it</strong>ially the Jordanian government refused to acknowledge<br />

that <strong>it</strong> was done by their Arab brethren. There comment was, “It was fired from<br />

somewhere in the west.” And if that wasn’t enough, Hamas makes a statement that Israel<br />

fired them in order to blame Hamas. Wa<strong>it</strong>! Things get better! It’s been an exc<strong>it</strong>ing week!<br />

Along the Israeli-Lebanon border an Israel group of soldiers were cutting a fallen tree<br />

that had fell on the Israeli fence from the other side. Two shots were fired from snipers<br />

in Lebanese terr<strong>it</strong>ory killing the commanding officer and wounding another. The Israeli<br />

army swiftly retaliated by h<strong>it</strong>ting a number of Lebanese army pos<strong>it</strong>ions, killing four, including<br />

press reporter (Gee, did he just happen to be in the neighborhood) It was a major<br />

incident and obviously well planned by someone on the other side. The UN troops stepped<br />

in to calm the scene and actually made a statement in favor of Israel that they were in<br />

their own terr<strong>it</strong>ory and the assault was unprovoked. Right away the Arab press backed the<br />

Lebanese story that Israeli troops had entered their terr<strong>it</strong>ory and they were protecting their<br />

sovereignty against Israeli aggression. It seems that since the Israelis’ were in the right,<br />

most of the world kept silent and made no comment of the affair.<br />

Now, besides all this distorted press there seems to be another matter of grave concern<br />

that really bothers me, and I assume many others. What’s the deal w<strong>it</strong>h the Muslims getting<br />

permission to build a 13 story mosque at “Ground Zero” Is this insane or what Of<br />

all places, why there It’s a slap in the face to all the families who have lost their love ones<br />

there. It seems to me a very much “In your Face!” by the Islamic world. I can understand<br />

tolerance of other fa<strong>it</strong>hs in the Home of “The Brave and Land of The Free” but this has<br />

gone far enough. Yet the OK came from Washington. Is anyone really surprised It’s going<br />

to be an Islamic cultural center as well. I wonder if they’ll have a l<strong>it</strong>tle exhib<strong>it</strong> of relics<br />

from 911.<br />

I think much of the world is starting to lose their minds. I think there should be an<br />

awakening before <strong>it</strong>’s too late! Hey, maybe now the Islamic world will be tolerant enough<br />

to allow a 3 rd Temple built upon the Temple Mount Time will tell.<br />

Ronnie Cohen<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 15

Israel Update<br />

Ruth Nessim<br />

from<br />

CJFM Report September 2010<br />

Tel: +972 4 9826932 • Cell: +972 544 914 017 from Israel 0544 914 017 • P.O.Box 269, 22102 Nahariya, Israel<br />

Shalom again from sunny (and now<br />

hot and sweaty) Israel, This news maybe a<br />

l<strong>it</strong>tle shorter than usual, because of e<strong>it</strong>her<br />

being in the hosp<strong>it</strong>al or convalescent for<br />

19 days since the 28th May. However, I am<br />

on the mend, and slowly getting back to<br />

doing things!<br />

Happenings In Hosp<strong>it</strong>al<br />

My last stay in hosp<strong>it</strong>al was in Nahariya,<br />

where I had a two bedded ward all<br />

to myself for one day, and a companion<br />

from Karmiel for the next three days. She<br />

asked me what I was reading. I replied,<br />

“The Holy Scriptures,” This led to an interesting<br />

discussion in which she told me<br />

that she believes <strong>it</strong> is all nice stories, but<br />

not true! She became even more intrigued<br />

when she noticed that most of my vis<strong>it</strong>ors<br />

were believers and talked about the Bible.<br />

My son Michael told her we were Messianic<br />

Jews. We had to explain that we are<br />

Jews who believe that Jesus is the promised<br />

Messiah of Israel. She told me she had<br />

heard of Messianic Jews but had never met<br />

them, so this was very interesting for her.<br />

Her vis<strong>it</strong>ors and mine all vis<strong>it</strong>ed together<br />

and we were like a family. On the last day<br />

while I was out of the room, she chatted to<br />

a friend and told her about us. Her friend<br />

told her, “One of my friends are Messianic.<br />

There is a big congregation here, and<br />

she and her husband head up the local assembly.”<br />

I asked her what the name of her<br />

friend’s, friend was She phoned again,<br />

and <strong>it</strong> turned out to be Ron<strong>it</strong> Ovadia, wife<br />

of Yossi Ovadia, the Pastor of Karmiel Assembly!<br />

Somehow I feel there was a purpose<br />

for my stay in Nahariya Hosp<strong>it</strong>al!<br />

The Seething Pot Of Our<br />

International S<strong>it</strong>uation<br />

On a very sober note, we are aware of<br />

the presence of American warships in the<br />

Gulf, and Israeli submarines prowling the<br />

waters. Hesbollah has stockpiled at least<br />

three times more weaponry than the last<br />

war, and is <strong>it</strong>ching to use <strong>it</strong>. Both Iran and<br />

Syria have long range weapons aimed at<br />

all Israeli c<strong>it</strong>ies. They have sworn to wipe<br />

us off the map of the Middle East. Turkey,<br />

a long time key ally, is moving rapidly towards<br />

Islam and the East, though she was<br />

an ally just as surely as Iran was before<br />

the Ayatollah Khomeini. As we see things<br />

moving towards a climax, and are in the<br />

eye of the storm, we covet your prayers to<br />

be watchmen, and that both Jews and Arabs,<br />

will hear and believe the Gospel. We<br />

live in perilous but exc<strong>it</strong>ing times.<br />

Fellowship News and<br />

Growing Pains<br />

Just before I went into the hosp<strong>it</strong>al for<br />

the second time, (nothing serious), we had<br />

a meeting in my house. We were so packed<br />

that there were no chairs left to s<strong>it</strong> on, not<br />

even room left on the staircase where a<br />

number were s<strong>it</strong>ting! My son Michael translated<br />

for us. The food was brought in and<br />

prepared by others, and all the furn<strong>it</strong>ure replaced<br />

at the end of the meeting. I was able<br />

to s<strong>it</strong> back and enjoy. In the evening, three<br />

Dutch pastors came to see us. We inv<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

any one of the pastors who wanted to come<br />

so they could meet not only the leadership<br />

but some of the congregation. A number of<br />

our new people came as well as some of<br />

the comm<strong>it</strong>tee. It was wonderful to hear<br />

the young people from South America testifying<br />

how they had come to fa<strong>it</strong>h and met<br />

their partners. How they found us in Nahariya,<br />

and become part of a family! May the<br />

Lord send us many more such.<br />

Over the past year we have seen a slow<br />

but steady growth in the numbers of permanent<br />

and comm<strong>it</strong>ted members of the<br />

congregation. Also, for the first time we<br />

now have a problem of what to do w<strong>it</strong>h all<br />

the l<strong>it</strong>tle children! It has become apparent<br />

to us that if things continue at the present<br />

rate, we will have to move from being a<br />

home based congregation to finding some<br />

larger premises for our main weekly meetings.<br />

While in one sense this is a problem,<br />

<strong>it</strong> is a good problem. It is a sign that the<br />

LORD is building up the work here. We<br />

have prayed for a long time that He would<br />

bring young couples and children into the<br />

fellowship, providing the LORD does not<br />

tarry, they are the foundation for the next<br />

generation. So we praise God for His fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness<br />

and would covet your prayers for<br />

wisdom, discernment and the LORD’s enabling<br />

for what lies ahead.<br />

Various Other News<br />

Old Shoshana, will be heading back to<br />

the States, after nearly 40 years in Israel.<br />

Pray that she may remember what she has<br />

heard and continue to believe the Gospel.<br />

Also we continue to pray for Frederika,<br />

who at 96 still comes regularly, but finds<br />

<strong>it</strong> difficult to believe. She enjoys the meetings<br />

very much, but needs salvation. Please<br />

take these two into your hearts.<br />

Apologies!<br />

Owing to pressure of work on Avi, plus<br />

having to vis<strong>it</strong> me and ferry me to doctors’<br />

appointments as well, Karen is now also in<br />

hosp<strong>it</strong>al having a hip replacement. <strong>Man</strong>y<br />

of the receipts for gifts sent have been wr<strong>it</strong>ten,<br />

but still need an accompanying letter<br />

and enveloping and addressing. We are<br />

short on the secretarial side, but most of<br />

the work has been done. I am nagging poor<br />

Avi to come round and finish the work! A<br />

sure sign that I am feeling better! So we<br />

beg for a l<strong>it</strong>tle more indulgence, and you<br />

will be hearing from us soon, and we hope<br />

to give you more news next month. In the<br />

meantime we covet your prayers for us and<br />

for Israel, and that son Michael will soon<br />

be able to sell his apartment and move to<br />

Nahariya. At the moment he is commuting<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Annie and the kiddies!<br />

Other <strong>Ministries</strong> And Friends<br />

Our teacher, M and family are in Holland<br />

for a break, vis<strong>it</strong>ing his very sick and<br />

dying father. He would also value our<br />

prayers at this difficult time. Tim and family<br />

are returning to the States next month,<br />

and will leave a big hole in the congregation<br />

and our hearts. Najeeb and Elisabeth<br />

are back in the country, and also need our<br />

prayers as they immerse themselves in the<br />

work in the midst of ongoing financial difficulties.<br />

However their work goes on and<br />

is blessed.<br />

As usual, Avi, Esther and N our worship<br />

leader, as well as Professor T and family<br />

send their greetings.<br />

God bless you all,<br />

in Messiah’s service. Ruth Nessim<br />

16 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Reverend Najeeb Atteih<br />

Immanuel News<br />

Ha i f a<br />

mmanuel<br />

hurch<br />

B o o k s h o p H a i f a , I s r e a l<br />

I m m a n u e l<br />

H a i f a<br />

H a i f a<br />

C o n g r e g a t i o n<br />

B o o k s h o p<br />

B o o k s h o p<br />

News from Immanuel Church bookshop Haifa June-July 2010<br />

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,<br />

Here we are again to share w<strong>it</strong>h you some of what God is doing in and through<br />

the Book-shop. Last Monday, around mid-day, a lady entered the book-shop<br />

searching for a baptismal gift. I asked her who was going to be baptized, and<br />

she answered, “My baby.” I answered, “We do not have such things in the shop.” So I<br />

asked her why she needed to baptise her baby, she said, “So that he will be a Christian.”<br />

I asked her if she thought that this was the way to be a Christian, and she replied, “that<br />

this was their Church trad<strong>it</strong>ion, and the way she had been brought up.” I asked her if she<br />

thought <strong>it</strong> was better to become a Christian this way, or to believe in Jesus Christ. She had<br />

no answer for this. Then I fetched my Bible and read the last verses of Matthew 28 for her.<br />

When I was done, she read them and repeated them over and over again.<br />

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and<br />

of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever,<br />

I have commanded you, and lo, I am w<strong>it</strong>h you always, even to the end of the world”.<br />

Matthew 28:19- 20<br />

She sat silently for a few minutes and I knew she was thinking about what she had<br />

heard. Then I asked her how you could take a baby and teach him God’s Word and if he<br />

could understand. I explained to her that baptism is to die w<strong>it</strong>h Jesus, to be raised up w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

Him, and to live w<strong>it</strong>h Him, that is why we do not baptise babies. Baptism comes after<br />

Salvation, believing on the Lord, and when one begins a personal relationship w<strong>it</strong>h Him. I<br />

told her that I was like her before I came to know Him, although I knew everything about<br />

Him. Eighteen years ago He changed my life, and I know that one day I will spend etern<strong>it</strong>y<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Him. One day every one of us will meet Him after we die, wherever we come from,<br />

and whatever we believe, but blessed are those who meet Him now as Saviour and have<br />

comm<strong>it</strong>ted their life to Him. She had no answer for this, but said she would think about<br />

what I had shared w<strong>it</strong>h her. She did not have a Bible, so I gave her one, and advised her to<br />

take a half hour every day for Bible reading, and to start at Matthew’s Gospel. We believe<br />

that God will cover her w<strong>it</strong>h His Word, and that <strong>it</strong> shall not return unto Him void.<br />

One day, while we were on vacation, a young lady came into the shop and Stephan,<br />

one of our church members, went to help her. She asked what kind of a shop was this<br />

Upon hearing that <strong>it</strong> was a Bible Book-store, asked if we were born again believers On<br />

ascertaining that we were, she began to attack us, and said, “we were not believers at all,<br />

and all that we wanted to do was to destroy the Catholic Fa<strong>it</strong>h.” Stephan inv<strong>it</strong>ed her to<br />

s<strong>it</strong> and have a cup of coffee so they could talk and see what the Bible said. She accepted.<br />

As they read, she started to ask many questions, and Stephan was able to answer them all<br />

from the Word of God. She was shocked to learn how far she was even from the Catholic<br />

Fa<strong>it</strong>h. She once belonged to a satanic group and suffered much from that, and realized<br />

now that she needed to be close to the Lord. She realized how stunted they were in their<br />

growth as Christians because they did not read from the Bible, because they only relied<br />

on what the priest taught them. Stephan assured her that <strong>it</strong> was not too late, and that she<br />

could repent and ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus for all her sins, and be assured of<br />

His forgiveness. At this point, Stephan related that she began to cry like a baby. Stephan<br />

shared this w<strong>it</strong>h us, and we prayed for her in our prayer meeting. A few days ago, she returned<br />

to the shop, when I (Elisabeth) was there, and asked if she could hear more, and if<br />

we could guide her in her Bible reading. Stephan introduced her to me, and explained that<br />

we are both in the shop every day, and that whenever she came to the shop, she would find<br />

one of us. She was very happy to hear that.<br />

Matthew 22:14 – For many are called but few are chosen<br />

In our last two mailings, we told you about a couple who had many problems and<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 17

Immanuel News<br />

had begun to come to our meetings. After<br />

a period of care and teaching of the Word<br />

of God, the wife decided that she could not<br />

be a believer and walk w<strong>it</strong>h Jesus, because<br />

she would have to give up many things in<br />

her life which she could not. From her side,<br />

she said that her husband could continue to<br />

come to the meetings, but of course he is<br />

not the kind of man who could decide for<br />

himself. Concerning them, <strong>it</strong> is very clear<br />

that many people decide that they cannot<br />

go in the Way of Jesus, because they are<br />

not willing to give up the sin that is in their<br />

lives. We will continue to pray for them,<br />

and leave them in God’s hands.<br />

School children in need<br />

Also in the last mailing, we told you<br />

about a couple who owe the school-fees<br />

for three children. There was some confusion,<br />

as the sum in shekels and dollars did<br />

not match.<br />

The shekel sum was the correct one.<br />

We do apologize. Till now, we have not<br />

been able to help this family, although one<br />

source showed interest in this problem, we<br />

do not know if the sum will cover their expenses.<br />

Please pray for this family, because<br />

if we don’t help them, the children will not<br />

be able to return to school in September!<br />

Soon <strong>it</strong> will be time to return to school,<br />

but some children, especially those going<br />

into first grade, will not be able to start<br />

school because of the recession and the<br />

difficult economic s<strong>it</strong>uation that many are<br />

experiencing. If you would like to bring joy<br />

to the heart of one boy or girl who is due<br />

to start school, and would like to support<br />

even one such child, we need 500 shekels<br />

to equip each one w<strong>it</strong>h what they need to<br />

start school. This includes the purchase of<br />

satchels, books and wr<strong>it</strong>ing materials, not<br />

to mention the fee one has to pay to the<br />

school for administration! We have ten<br />

such children.<br />

Farewell to a fa<strong>it</strong>hful<br />

Servant<br />

Nardine, who has been helping us in<br />

the shop for two years, stopped working<br />

at the beginning of July, she finished her<br />

degree in Medicine, and is now working as<br />

a Houseman (beginner doctor) in Hadera<br />

Hosp<strong>it</strong>al. She served us w<strong>it</strong>h dedication and<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness. Please pray that the Lord will<br />

use her in her new capac<strong>it</strong>y for His glory.<br />

Prayer for Ruth Nessim<br />

We also ask prayer for Ruth, who has<br />

been one heart w<strong>it</strong>h us in the work over<br />

the last years. She suffered a major heart<br />

attack, but praises God, and is back on<br />

her feet, still w<strong>it</strong>h a major blocked artery<br />

which needs treatment.<br />

We so thank all of you who pray for us<br />

Reverend Najeeb Atteih<br />

and help us. You know that we could not<br />

manage w<strong>it</strong>hout your fa<strong>it</strong>hful prayer and<br />

support. May God bless you all abundantly<br />

Please also pray for the shop that<br />

the Lord will supply all our needs in this<br />

difficult time.<br />

Pray for all who hear the Gospel in our<br />

shop and congregation.<br />

Pray for us that the Lord will give us<br />

wisdom and strength to continue in His<br />

service.<br />

Yours in Jesus Christ,<br />

Pastor Najeeb and Elisabeth Atteih<br />

Haifa History<br />

A small port c<strong>it</strong>y, Tell Abu Hawam, existed<br />

in the Haifa region in the Late Bronze Age<br />

(14th century BC). The 6 th century BC geographer<br />

Scylax describes a c<strong>it</strong>y “between the bay<br />

and the Promontory of Zeus” (i.e., the Carmel)<br />

which may be a reference to Haifa in the Persian<br />

period. The c<strong>it</strong>y moved to a new s<strong>it</strong>e south<br />

of what is now Bat Galim, in Hellenistic period,<br />

after the old port became blocked w<strong>it</strong>h silt. The<br />

archaeological s<strong>it</strong>e of Shikmona lies southwest<br />

of Bat Galim neighbourhood of Haifa.<br />

Mount Carmel and the Kishon River are also<br />

mentioned in the Bible. The geology of Mount<br />

Carmel has left the Mount riddled w<strong>it</strong>h caves.<br />

A grotto on the top of Mount Carmel is known<br />

as the “Cave of <strong>Elijah</strong>”, trad<strong>it</strong>ionally linked to<br />

the Prophet <strong>Elijah</strong> and his apprentice, Elisha. In<br />

Arabic, the highest peak of the Carmel range<br />

is named El-Muhrrakah, or the “place of burning,”<br />

harking back to the burnt offerings and<br />

sacrifices on this hilltop in Canaan<strong>it</strong>e and early<br />

Israel<strong>it</strong>e times. It is believed that this was the<br />

point of <strong>Elijah</strong>’s biblical confrontation w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

hundreds of priests of a Baal; the Baal in question<br />

was probably Melqart.<br />

Early Haifa is believed to have been located<br />

in an area that extends from the present-day<br />

Rambam Hosp<strong>it</strong>al to the Jewish Cemetery on<br />

Yafo Street. The inhab<strong>it</strong>ants engaged in fishing<br />

and agriculture.<br />

There are disputes over the exact location<br />

of early Haifa w<strong>it</strong>h many researchers believing<br />

that the name ‘Haifa’ is identical to a settlement<br />

of which the remains have been found in an<br />

area that extends from the present-day Rambam<br />

Hosp<strong>it</strong>al to the Jewish Cemetery in Yafo Street.<br />

The residents of this time were largely thought<br />

to have been involved in various coastal industries,<br />

including fishing and agriculture as well<br />

as acting as a port welcoming groups of people<br />

who eventually settled in the c<strong>it</strong>y. Before the<br />

Persians came to the area in 600 CE, the population<br />

of Haifa is thought to have been widely<br />

dispersed across the area.<br />

The c<strong>it</strong>y is first mentioned in Talmudic l<strong>it</strong>erature<br />

around the 3rd century CE, as a small<br />

fishing village and the home of Rabbi Avdimos<br />

and other Jewish scholars. The hellenised population<br />

lived along the coast at this time was<br />

engaged in commerce. Haifa was located near<br />

the town of Shikmona, the main Jewish town in<br />

the area at that time and a center for making the<br />

trad<strong>it</strong>ional Tekhelet dye used for Jewish Priests’<br />

temple cloth.<br />



SCHOOL<br />

King’s Evangelical<br />

Divin<strong>it</strong>y School<br />

(formerly<br />

Midlands Bible College<br />

and Divin<strong>it</strong>y School)<br />

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GodlyConferences<br />

www.radiofreechurch.com/home<br />

About Godly Conferences: This webs<strong>it</strong>e<br />

provides information about upcoming<br />

and ongoing Christian Conferences<br />

focused on expounding and teaching<br />

the Word of God. For each conference<br />

listed, we provide a schedule, information<br />

on the speakers present at the conference,<br />

and links to the conference’s<br />

live internet broadcast (when available).<br />

18 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Conference<br />

A T C H<br />


Th e L e a v e n i s S p r e a d i n g<br />

Friday<br />

7:00 – 8:00 The New Mystics Jackie Alnor<br />

8:15 – 9:15 The Old Mystics (Desert Fathers) Caryl Matriciana<br />

Saturday<br />

9:00 – 10:00 Joel’s Army Arises! Jewel Grewe<br />

10:30 – 11:30 Domionism & the False Church Sarah Leslie<br />

Lunch Break<br />

1:00 – 2:00 Tra<strong>it</strong>s of the <strong>Who</strong>re of Babylon Jackie Alnor<br />

2:15 – 3:15 Pantheistic Hollywood Caryl Matriciana<br />

3:45 – 5:00 Being a Discerning Woman in Today’s World Sarah Leslie<br />

Dinner Break<br />

7:00 Testing the Spir<strong>it</strong>s Johanna Michaelsen<br />

Throughout the conference Dwayna L<strong>it</strong>z will be giving her testimony and ministering in music.<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 19

South Africa News<br />

Salvador & Dianne Hayworth<br />

Salvador and Dianne’s<br />

September 2010<br />

Msindisi = (Zulu for saviour) Jesus is the Saviour of the world and <strong>it</strong> is He that we are trying to serve. He saves from Sin and<br />

the consequences of sin. He saves us from ourselves. He saves us from eternal death and despair. He came to give eternal life<br />

and died to satisfy the justice of God so that we can come into relationship w<strong>it</strong>h the Creator that we have been estranged from.<br />

Dear Friends and family,<br />

At the moment we are in Piet Retief,<br />

vis<strong>it</strong>ing our friends Olaf and Charnel and<br />

sharing mutual encouragement of each other’s<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>h. It has been almost 3 months since<br />

we last saw them. They travel a lonely and<br />

hard walk. There are no su<strong>it</strong>able churches <strong>it</strong><br />

seems that they can be part of in their area.<br />

<strong>Man</strong>y are into charismatic teachings and<br />

things such as word of fa<strong>it</strong>h. We recommended<br />

a church that they might be able to<br />

check out and we hope that they might get<br />

good fellowship there. We have been able<br />

to share some encouragement w<strong>it</strong>h them<br />

from Matthew 24. It speaks of the exhortation<br />

to endure to the end throughout whatever<br />

persecution or tribulation we may<br />

have to go through before the Lord comes<br />

for us. It was a lovely time of fellowship<br />

and we will be doing part 2 tonight.<br />

In last month’s newsletter we mentioned<br />

that Mesuli, a young lad who had<br />

asked to be baptized, has since asking, got<br />

cold feet. We have followed up w<strong>it</strong>h him<br />

and he seems to have shrunk back from<br />

that decision out of concern of what his father<br />

may think. We have left the ball in his<br />

court and pray that the Lord will convict<br />

him. Whether he gets baptized by one of<br />

us or by some other believers the important<br />

thing is that he obeys the Lord. During<br />

this month we went to see Mesuli, and his<br />

school choir, sing at the Natal Youth Choir<br />

concert in Vryheid. We were able to take<br />

Celani and her children to see the different<br />

choirs perform wonderfully. It was a very<br />

pleasant event.<br />

For those who don’t know, we have<br />

made friends w<strong>it</strong>h a guy, called Jabulani,<br />

from Alpha. A month ago, Salvi was<br />

asked to pray for him. He was too weak.<br />

A week later Salvi vis<strong>it</strong>ed and found out<br />

that he was feeling a l<strong>it</strong>tle better and walking<br />

about. Salvi tried to w<strong>it</strong>ness to him and<br />

speak about ancestral spir<strong>it</strong>s but he didn’t<br />

look interested. Salvi said he would bring<br />

his bible the following week and speak<br />

then. When he came back Jabulani was<br />

so open about hearing <strong>it</strong> and was agreeing<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h everything Salvi was saying. Then<br />

Jabulani shared that he had prayed and<br />

God had showed him in a dream that the<br />

other pastors were preaching lies. Upon<br />

being asked when he got that dream he<br />

said <strong>it</strong> was the day after Salvi last vis<strong>it</strong>ed.<br />

Salvi gave him his bible and then asked<br />

about his medication and <strong>it</strong> seemed like<br />

Jabulani has AIDS. When Salvi left him<br />

he looked so downcast. 3 weeks passed<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hout seeing Jabulani and when Salvi<br />

returned to speak to his family Jabulani<br />

turned round to them all and said, ‘There<br />

are no Ancestral Spir<strong>it</strong>s!’ To which a girl<br />

replied, ‘There are!’ After sharing from the<br />

word about the subject Salvi handed out<br />

tracts about God delivering us but w<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

certain young man Salvi decided to give<br />

a different tract about where our home is.<br />

The man looked puzzled but started reading<br />

<strong>it</strong>. Jabulani asked Salvi to wa<strong>it</strong> for him<br />

and everybody left except the young man<br />

reading the tract. Salvi felt he should speak<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h him and the guy was fairly open and<br />

of a friendly dispos<strong>it</strong>ion. During the course<br />

of conversation Salvi felt impressed to tell<br />

him ‘The Lord knows the pain that is inside<br />

you and he can heal your heart.’ He replied<br />

by saying that he had a lot of pain in his<br />

heart and asked if God can heal his child.<br />

He was comforted that God can turn all<br />

things round for His glory and was shared<br />

about the story of Joni Tada but he needs<br />

to repent from his sins, believe that Jesus<br />

took his punishment and give his life to the<br />

Lord. Salvi does not preach to people about<br />

God healing hurts, so <strong>it</strong> was totally out of<br />

character. But Salvi shared that he doesn’t<br />

know what is hidden in his heart but God<br />

sees <strong>it</strong> and He used these circumstances to<br />

minister to him. Please pray for him, his<br />

name is Sibonelo. After speaking to Sibonelo,<br />

Jabulani came back and they started<br />

speaking about the Lord. Salvi asked<br />

him if he had given his life to the Lord.<br />

‘Yebo’ he replied. ‘When’ Salvi asked. He<br />

said the day that Salvi last vis<strong>it</strong>ed. Jabulani<br />

came the following Sunday to church<br />

and said that he had shared w<strong>it</strong>h the local<br />

Zionist preacher that he is teaching lies.<br />

The Zionist preacher said, ‘But the ancestors<br />

speak to us.’ Jabulani replied, ‘Yes but<br />

God tells us not to do <strong>it</strong>.’ When we picked<br />

Jabulani up the Zionist preacher came<br />

and asked for the bible references about<br />

ancestral spir<strong>it</strong>s. Last Sunday the Zionist<br />

preacher came to our church meeting and<br />

shared that he has changed his mind about<br />

ancestral spir<strong>it</strong>s. We tried to encourage him<br />

that he still needs to turn to the Lord to be<br />

saved. Salvi has started discipling Jabulani<br />

and found out that Jabulani cannot read…<br />

That explains why the Lord in His grace<br />

gave him the dream! So yesterday Salvi<br />

taught him, w<strong>it</strong>h his mother and another<br />

relative present, about repentance from<br />

dead works. Afterwards we started the first<br />

l<strong>it</strong>eracy class w<strong>it</strong>h him and the 2 relatives.<br />

AEIOU were covered and we will see if<br />

they can remember them next week. We<br />

had so much fun as they tried to remember<br />

what sounds the letters represented. They<br />

looked exc<strong>it</strong>ed by the prospect of learning<br />

to read. Please pray for Jabulani and Mr<br />

Khumalo, the Zionist preacher.<br />

Salvi has been given the opportun<strong>it</strong>y to<br />

teach this month at church and has been doing<br />

a short series on the Songs of Ascents<br />

from a prophetic perspective. It has given<br />

the opportun<strong>it</strong>y to preach the Gospel of the<br />

Kingdom for some who have not been born<br />

again. W<strong>it</strong>h Salvi’s voice feeling strained<br />

this month <strong>it</strong> has been great for Phumulani<br />

to take up some of the slack at Esihlengeni<br />

on a Sunday. It is great to see his confidence<br />

and boldness in preaching. He can<br />

preach qu<strong>it</strong>e loud for someone who is so<br />

quiet. Phumulani is the humblest man we<br />

have ever met. He is not self seeking, does<br />

not want to be in the limelight and only<br />

wants to follow and serve the Lord. He is<br />

a fa<strong>it</strong>hful and trustworthy African disciple<br />

of Christ who never asks for himself and<br />

would rather give than receive. How pre-<br />

20 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

cious to find people like him in a continent<br />

where so many pastors are busy trying to<br />

build up their empires and constantly asking<br />

for funds to do so. Phumulani works on<br />

a farm but would love to find some work in<br />

Vryheid, as something like an apprentice<br />

mechanic or some other semi skilled pos<strong>it</strong>ion.<br />

He has studied and passed up to N4<br />

level of Mechanical studies, 2 levels shy of<br />

a diploma. Please pray that the Lord opens<br />

this door for him.<br />

We have managed to finish the building<br />

of the outside toilet. All that is needed<br />

is for the toilet and sink to be installed,<br />

windows puttied in and door put on. Di has<br />

relegated her clinic runs, if any are to be<br />

done, to a Tuesday morning which means<br />

that her Zulu classes are not interfered w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

as much as they have been sometimes.<br />

Certain things are starting to click in w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

speaking Zulu and those times have been<br />

very exc<strong>it</strong>ing for her but still a long way to<br />

go. She has been able to put a fence around<br />

her garden, dig <strong>it</strong> over and add manure.<br />

She got Salvi to help w<strong>it</strong>h the erection of<br />

the fence and such working together in the<br />

garden was a good test of ourr marriage.<br />

But we just about managed to pass the test.<br />

Lol. The rains shouldn’t be too far away<br />

and soon Di will be able to plant. Di has<br />

been able to vis<strong>it</strong> kids club again for a<br />

couple of weeks and help out. In fact last<br />

Saturday Celani sprung on her that she was<br />

to teach <strong>it</strong>. Di was able to share the gospel<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the kids and give them a visual aid to<br />

take home. Khetiwe has continued going<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h us to share in Ngen<strong>it</strong>sheni and her sister,<br />

Zanele has also been asking to attend.<br />

Please pray for Zanele, we feel that she<br />

is near the kingdom. But while Salvi has<br />

been preaching, Khetiwe and Di have been<br />

able to read bible stories for the children<br />

and Zanele is getting to hear the gospel<br />

preached to her again and again through<br />

these occasions.<br />

We would just like to say thank you<br />

to all those who fa<strong>it</strong>hfully pray for us and<br />

share in this ministry. Our hope is that this<br />

newsletter should always be an encouragement<br />

to you in your lives and Christian<br />

walk. May the Lord richly bless you. We<br />

have had encouraging feedback from other<br />

newsletters and we want to open the inv<strong>it</strong>ation<br />

that if anyone would like to wr<strong>it</strong>e w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

questions or comments to feel free to contact<br />

us. It is an encouragement to us to hear<br />

from you.<br />

Salvi and Di<br />



“[Heb. 8034] shem a prim<strong>it</strong>ive word<br />

(perhaps rather from 7760 through the idea<br />

of defin<strong>it</strong>e and conspicuous pos<strong>it</strong>ion; compare<br />

8064); an appellation, as a mark or<br />

Salvador & Dianne Hayworth<br />

memorial of individual<strong>it</strong>y; by implication<br />

honor, author<strong>it</strong>y, character:--+ base, (in-<br />

)fame(-ous), named(-d), renown, report.”<br />

What is in a name I have a dictionary<br />

called a dictionary of Etymology. Etymology<br />

means ‘the study of word origins’. In<br />

today’s western culture names no longer<br />

carry meaning in everyday life. Names<br />

have become merely labels. In Cape Town<br />

there is a place called Llandudno. I would<br />

think that hardly anyone in Cape Town<br />

knows what <strong>it</strong> means. I used to live in the<br />

original Llandudno in North Wales, UK,<br />

and through speaking to Welsh speakers I<br />

learned that Llandudno means ‘Chapel of St<br />

Tudno’. The word Llan means chapel. Tudno<br />

was a real person. There is the smallest<br />

chapel near there called Llandrillo, which<br />

is the chapel of St Trillo. It has six chairs<br />

in <strong>it</strong> and is hundreds of years old. These<br />

were real missionaries who pioneered their<br />

own work in Wales. In the bible, names are<br />

not merely labels to distinguish between<br />

places and people. Names are descriptive<br />

of characters and events. You just have to<br />

read Genesis and the naming of places and<br />

children to see the importance of names.<br />

Adam named the animals and he named<br />

Eve, showing that he had ownership and<br />

author<strong>it</strong>y over the animals and had lordship<br />

over Eve. Names also gave a sense of ident<strong>it</strong>y<br />

or character. Just think about Jacob.<br />

His name means ‘supplanter’ or ‘deceiver’<br />

because that is the character he exhib<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

at birth by grasping at his brother’s heel.<br />

This was his natural character and this is<br />

how he behaved for much of his life. When<br />

he wrestled w<strong>it</strong>h God he received a new<br />

name, a new nature, Israel. Now although<br />

this idea of names describing people’s<br />

character is common through out scripture<br />

we must be careful that we do not think <strong>it</strong><br />

is so w<strong>it</strong>h every single person in the bible.<br />

Some bad people had good names. In verse<br />

2 of Philemon, Archippos is named but his<br />

name means horse ruler. I do not think we<br />

can read much from that one. But <strong>it</strong> is true<br />

that names do indicate something.<br />

Proverbs 22: 1 says, “A good name<br />

is to be more desired than great wealth”.<br />

This is saying we should desire to have a<br />

good name. Now this is more than just our<br />

name signifying something good. When<br />

people hear our name <strong>it</strong> should bring good<br />

memories w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>. It is about our reputation.<br />

When someone says the name Salvador<br />

Ung Hayworth, <strong>it</strong> should not carry evil<br />

connotations w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>. When someone says<br />

your name what connotations are carried<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> In fact this is part of the cr<strong>it</strong>eria for<br />

picking elders in 1 Timothy 3: 7, where <strong>it</strong><br />

says of the man that he must have a good<br />

reputation w<strong>it</strong>h those outside the church,<br />

so that he will not fall into reproach.<br />

South Africa News<br />

Philemon is such a book<br />

(Philemon 1: 1 – 25)<br />

When I have read this letter this aspect<br />

of names has really stood out to me. This<br />

letter was wr<strong>it</strong>ten while Paul was in Rome<br />

as a prisoner under house arrest. We can<br />

read about that in Acts 28. When Paul had<br />

vis<strong>it</strong>ed Jerusalem the Jews rioted while he<br />

was in the temple. The commander, upon<br />

learning that Paul was a Roman c<strong>it</strong>izen,<br />

sent Paul to Felix for his own protection.<br />

Felix kept Paul in prison until he was succeeded<br />

by Festus. Festus wanted to try Paul<br />

and hand him over to the Jews because he<br />

wished to do them a favour. Paul hearing<br />

the threat of being sent to Jerusalem used<br />

his right as a Roman c<strong>it</strong>izen to appeal to<br />

Caesar and thus he was sent to Rome.<br />

There he remained under house arrest but<br />

was allowed to have vis<strong>it</strong>ors. One of these<br />

vis<strong>it</strong>ors was a run away slave, Onesimus<br />

who had run away from Colossae, from<br />

his master Philemon. We will look at him<br />

later. Paul was living up to his name. Paul<br />

introduces himself in this letter as ‘Paul, a<br />

prisoner of Christ Jesus’. The name Paul<br />

means ‘l<strong>it</strong>tle’. This speaks of humil<strong>it</strong>y. He<br />

did not hold onto his rights but endured all<br />

things for the sake of Christ’s name. Paul<br />

was not in prison for wrong doing, but he<br />

was there because of Jesus. The word prisoner<br />

in Greek is the word ‘desmios’ and<br />

<strong>it</strong> means, ‘captive’, or chained. In other<br />

words <strong>it</strong> was not the Romans who he had<br />

been made captive by. It was Jesus who he<br />

was a prisoner to. What has this to do w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

living up to your name Turn to 1 Peter 4:<br />

15 – 16. Paul was identified w<strong>it</strong>h the name<br />

of Christ Jesus, he was a Christian. And by<br />

going to jail because of his preaching of<br />

the gospel, he was glorifying God in this<br />

name. He was living up to the name of<br />

‘Christian’. Before anything else we must<br />

be identified as Christians. That is before<br />

occupation, past times, hobbies, abil<strong>it</strong>ies,<br />

before anything, Christ must be supreme.<br />

In Philippians 3:8 – 9 Paul says he regarded<br />

all things to be loss for the sake of<br />

Christ and counted them as something not<br />

f<strong>it</strong> for humans, but something to be thrown<br />

to the dogs. All human acclamation and<br />

achievement was refuse, he said <strong>it</strong> was all<br />

dung. Christ was the name he cherished.<br />

Now who were Paul and Timothy wr<strong>it</strong>ing<br />

to To Philemon, who may have been<br />

an elder, as Paul says that he was a fellow<br />

worker. Philemon was in the Colossian<br />

commun<strong>it</strong>y of Christians. But we know<br />

from verse 2 that he was defin<strong>it</strong>ely host to<br />

a congregation of believers. Philemon was<br />

a man who was doing God’s will in his life.<br />

Now the name Philemon means ‘friendly’.<br />

His name tells us about his character. In<br />

verse 5 we read about Philemon’s character,<br />

of his love and of the fa<strong>it</strong>h which he<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 21

South Africa News – Continued<br />

had towards the Lord Jesus and towards all<br />

the saints. In verse 7 we read that Philemon<br />

refreshed the hearts of the saints. He<br />

had given the saints rest and ease. He was<br />

a soothing balm on sore hearts, he was a<br />

comforter, a Good Samar<strong>it</strong>an, he was a<br />

friend… he lived up to his name. Philemon<br />

had a good name and he lived by <strong>it</strong>. He<br />

was friendly. Now read 1 Peter 1: 6 – 7.<br />

Peter was encouraging born again believers<br />

scattered through out various regions<br />

who were facing difficult circumstances.<br />

These believers had fa<strong>it</strong>h, they had an inher<strong>it</strong>ance<br />

wa<strong>it</strong>ing for them, and they had a<br />

living hope. But why did they have to go<br />

through these distressing times Because,<br />

as Peter wr<strong>it</strong>es, the trial of their fa<strong>it</strong>h, more<br />

precious than gold refined in the fire, would<br />

result in praise and glory and honour when<br />

Jesus returned. They had fa<strong>it</strong>h, for sure but<br />

fa<strong>it</strong>h still had to be tested. As Romans 5:<br />

3 – 5 shows, first there is tribulation, then<br />

perseverance, then proven character, then<br />

hope and hope does not disappoint because<br />

God’s love has been shed abroad in<br />

our hearts. It is not just enough to claim to<br />

have fa<strong>it</strong>h, fa<strong>it</strong>h must be tested. Through<br />

tribulation comes proven character. You do<br />

not prove gold in a frying pan, or a bread<br />

oven. You must turn the heat much higher.<br />

It is easy to love people who love you back.<br />

That is no proof of our love. What happens<br />

when you are required to love someone<br />

that has wronged you Philemon was not<br />

the only one of his dispos<strong>it</strong>ion. In fact at<br />

the beginning of the letter to the Colossians,<br />

(1: 4) we read of their fa<strong>it</strong>h in Christ<br />

Jesus and their love for all the saints. It was<br />

a whole commun<strong>it</strong>y of love. There were a<br />

number of other Philemons loving each<br />

other and loving other saints of Jesus. But<br />

could Philemon extend that love to a criminal<br />

that had wronged him<br />

You see, in this letter we read about one<br />

of Philemon’s slaves who had run away<br />

from him. Paul seems to imply in verse 18,<br />

that Onesimus had wronged him and cost<br />

him a great damage. Onesimus ran away.<br />

He was like some of us that run away from<br />

our problems and seek to start a new life.<br />

He did not want to face up to Philemon.<br />

So he ran to Rome. And once there, who<br />

should Onesimus meet but one of Philemon’s<br />

good friends, Paul Now running<br />

away does not seem a big deal to us. We do<br />

not think that Philemon would have been<br />

that harsh on him, because after all Philemon<br />

was a Christian and Christians forgive<br />

do they not But Roman slaves would wear<br />

a badge that read, ‘Seize me if I should try<br />

to escape and send me back to my master.’<br />

According to John Drane, there were legal<br />

penalties for anyone harbouring a slave.<br />

Slaves had no rights. Two years prior to this<br />

event, according to Dean Farrar, there was<br />

an instance in Colossae where a slave had<br />

murdered a prefect. In this instance the senate<br />

ordered the whole familia of slaves be<br />

put to death. Though runaway slaves were<br />

not an uncommon phenomenon, the wrath<br />

of their masters was not uncommon e<strong>it</strong>her.<br />

Paul had led Onesimus to fa<strong>it</strong>h and now he<br />

was in a dilemma. Paul was under obligation<br />

of Roman law to return the slave back<br />

to his master. But there was a more pressing<br />

issue than the obedience to Roman law<br />

and that was the salvation of Onesimus’<br />

soul. How does Paul fulfil his obligation<br />

while maintaining his love for Onesimus<br />

He gets Onesimus to go back willingly and<br />

pleads on behalf of Onesimus. He sends<br />

him back to Philemon, (the friendly one,<br />

the one who loves and refreshes the hearts<br />

of the saints) and tells him that Onesimus<br />

is his own heart. (v 12) He says that he<br />

would love to have Onesimus w<strong>it</strong>h him on<br />

behalf of Philemon as that help that Philemon,<br />

being too busy, could not be to Paul.<br />

But Paul respects Philemon’s pos<strong>it</strong>ion.<br />

Paul constantly puts himself at Philemon’s<br />

discretion and respects his author<strong>it</strong>y. Paul<br />

does not command or compel Philemon to<br />

do the right thing Why is Paul taking this<br />

route w<strong>it</strong>h Philemon Why does he leave<br />

Philemon w<strong>it</strong>h the choice<br />

John 15: 2. Jesus is the vine and we<br />

are the branches. Now Jesus has made a<br />

promise that if we abide, or remain in Him,<br />

and He in us, we will bear much fru<strong>it</strong>. The<br />

key to keep from being a fru<strong>it</strong>less branch<br />

is not to strive to bear fru<strong>it</strong>. It is to remain<br />

in Christ and to have His word remain in<br />

us and to respond to <strong>it</strong>. But when we bear<br />

fru<strong>it</strong>, <strong>it</strong> says that he prunes us so that we<br />

may bear more fru<strong>it</strong>. Why is <strong>it</strong> when we<br />

seem to be doing so well for the Lord and<br />

we are in a good place, that God then strips<br />

that away from us and we are put into<br />

something where we are out of our depth<br />

Why does God not leave <strong>it</strong> alone If <strong>it</strong> is<br />

not broken why fix <strong>it</strong> It is because God is<br />

pruning us, so that we will bear more fru<strong>it</strong>.<br />

Philemon had <strong>it</strong> good. He walked in love,<br />

he served God and he brought rest to the<br />

hearts of the saints. Why was Paul now<br />

requiring this of Philemon Why did Philemon<br />

have to forgive and love this person<br />

who had backstabbed him and ill treated<br />

him It was because God wanted Philemon<br />

to bear more fru<strong>it</strong>. Paul wanted Philemon<br />

to do this of his own vol<strong>it</strong>ion because any<br />

obedience done grudgingly would not be<br />

of the same qual<strong>it</strong>y. Paul wanted Philemon<br />

to grow in love and the only way for this<br />

to happen was out of a willing heart. He<br />

wanted Philemon to live up to his name.<br />

In Philemon 1: 20. Paul was basically saying<br />

‘Yes, Philemon, you have brought rest<br />

to all these other people, what about me<br />

What about my turn, do you not care about<br />

me too’<br />

God stretches us and brings us to the<br />

end of ourselves. We see this w<strong>it</strong>h Peter.<br />

His name was originally Simon, the hearing<br />

one, but Jesus gave him the name Peter,<br />

which means a piece of rock, like a<br />

boulder. He was supposed to be immovable,<br />

steadfast, in the image of the bedrock,<br />

Jesus Christ. And what happened<br />

when <strong>it</strong> came to the crunch, after Jesus<br />

was captured and taken to Caiaphas He<br />

had protested that he would never forsake<br />

or deny Jesus, but when push came<br />

to shove, he caved in. He did not live up<br />

to his name. What was the answer to this<br />

Jn 21: 15 – 19. Jesus asks him a question<br />

3 times. ‘Do you love me’ One question<br />

was given for every denial. Peter had denied<br />

Jesus by the fire in the court and now<br />

Peter has to face up to Jesus near the fire<br />

that Jesus had made. Jesus does not let him<br />

get off Scott free. Yes, Jesus showed decency<br />

and respect to Peter, he fed him just<br />

like the others but there is no pretence w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

Jesus. He knows exactly what we are and<br />

what we have done. Peter had to face Jesus<br />

about <strong>it</strong>. He asks the first time, “Simon son<br />

of John (Jonas)”; you see Jesus does not<br />

call him Peter but he calls him Simon. And<br />

you have this sense in the text that during<br />

this time w<strong>it</strong>h Jesus, he is Simon Peter but<br />

after being confronted w<strong>it</strong>h Jesus he becomes<br />

Peter once again. It is stretching <strong>it</strong><br />

far to apply <strong>it</strong> to the whole of the post resurrection<br />

appearances but this is the way <strong>it</strong><br />

seems here. And how does Jesus confront<br />

him He puts forth God’s ideal. He says,<br />

‘Simon, son of John, do you ‘agape’ me<br />

Do you love me w<strong>it</strong>h God’s love, w<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

stong uncond<strong>it</strong>ional love, no matter what’<br />

And how does Simon Peter respond ‘Yes,<br />

Lord, You know that I ‘phileo’ you, you<br />

know that I am fond of you, I like you.’<br />

What is Jesus’ response to that Does he<br />

say well that is just not good enough is <strong>it</strong><br />

No, instead he commissions Simon Peter<br />

as a pastor. Again a second time Jesus puts<br />

forth God’s ideal, ‘Simon son of Jona, do<br />

you ‘agape’ me’ And again a second time,<br />

Peter just does not make the grade. ‘Yes<br />

Lord, you know that I am fond of you.’<br />

Peter is honest. He does not pretend like<br />

nothing has come between them; he tells <strong>it</strong><br />

as <strong>it</strong> is. He did love Jesus, he could not wa<strong>it</strong><br />

to meet him but <strong>it</strong> was not God’s grade of<br />

love that he had. But the third time Jesus<br />

asks differently. He says, ‘Simon, son of<br />

Jona, do you ‘phileo’ me Are you fond<br />

of me Do you only like me’ And this is<br />

what gets Peter. You see he is broken over<br />

his sin and his failure. He is back to being<br />

Peter, he is back at the cross. ‘Yes you<br />

know <strong>it</strong> Lord, you know all things, you<br />

know that I am fond of you, that I only like<br />

you. I cannot fool you. You know. This is<br />

22 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

how I am. I am not the macho tough guy<br />

that I thought I was, I am not rock solid.’<br />

But look at verse 18. ‘Hey Peter you never<br />

were rock solid for me, you did what ever<br />

you wanted. You did what pleased you, but<br />

look, one day you will get to a place where<br />

you will live up to your name, you will be<br />

a rock, you will go to your death for me’.<br />

And what was <strong>it</strong> that restored Peter here<br />

It was the grace of God. That is what Jesus<br />

showed Peter all the way through and<br />

<strong>it</strong> would be by Christ’s enabling that Peter<br />

would be able to live up to his name, live<br />

up to his calling.<br />

It is just like Paul wrote to Philemon’s<br />

group of Christians in Colossians 1: 9 – 12.<br />

In verse 10 Paul prays that they will walk<br />

in a manner worthy of the Lord. How is<br />

that possible Verse 12 says that God had<br />

qualified them to share in the inher<strong>it</strong>ance.<br />

He has made <strong>it</strong> possible. The answer is in<br />

Him. In verse 11 he prays that they would<br />

be strengthened w<strong>it</strong>h all power, for the attaining<br />

of all steadfastness and patience.<br />

He is the one who qualifies. Now how<br />

does this relate to Philemon As far as we<br />

can see, Paul was confident of Philemon’s<br />

obedience. It was almost like Philemon’s<br />

acceptance of Onesimus was in the bag,<br />

so to speak. But not even Philemon is so<br />

strong to love just as God loves. Paul knew<br />

this and this is why I believe that he starts<br />

and ends this letter wishing grace on this<br />

household. In verse 3 Paul wishes Grace<br />

and Peace. Why grace They needed grace<br />

because grace is God’s influence on the human<br />

heart. May God influence you and help<br />

you to forgive, to let go of the hurt because<br />

sometimes we cannot do <strong>it</strong> ourselves. And<br />

why peace They needed peace because<br />

Philemon and Onesimus were not at peace.<br />

They were at enm<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>h each other and<br />

Paul was dying to see reconciliation. So<br />

much so, that Paul followed the example<br />

of Christ and took on himself the price of<br />

Onesimus’ crime. Paul said, charge <strong>it</strong> to my<br />

account. But Paul ends the letter in verse<br />

25 wishing grace upon Philemon’s spir<strong>it</strong>.<br />

Though Philemon was being stretched God<br />

would enable him to live up to his name.<br />

This is not even to mention about Onesimus<br />

and the fact that he also was brought<br />

to live up to his name.<br />

But for us, we bear the name Christian<br />

and the world is watching us. It is easy to<br />

bear that name in the good times but God<br />

wants to stretch us. Maybe we have blown<br />

<strong>it</strong> like Peter did but God can restore. We<br />

can seek his strength and grace to help us.<br />

Maybe we are more like Philemon, w<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

good reputation. God may want to prune<br />

us or stretch us so that we will bear more<br />

fru<strong>it</strong>. Let us not think we are self sufficient,<br />

but seek His grace to help us to do so and<br />

by God’s grace we will.<br />

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D I L E M M A<br />

NEW !!<br />

South Africa News – Continued<br />

T H E<br />

O F<br />

L A O D I C E A<br />

J A M E S J A C O B P R A S C H<br />

The Dilemma of Laodicea is<br />

the last of the seven churches<br />

before Jesus returns.<br />

Scripturally and logically<br />

the contemporary church<br />

of the 21st century is conspicuously<br />

in the character<br />

of that church at the close of<br />

the 1st century. Immediately<br />

after His message to Laodica shifts into<br />

<strong>it</strong> apocalyptic panorama of events global,<br />

cosmic, and celestial which unfold culminating<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the establishment messianic<br />

kingdom following an unprecedented<br />

spectrum of cataclysmic events. The first<br />

problem Laodicea had and has is <strong>it</strong>s blindness<br />

to <strong>it</strong>s true spir<strong>it</strong>ual state in the eyes<br />

of God at the precipice of an avalanche<br />

of prophetic events that will const<strong>it</strong>ute the<br />

final outcome of the church of Israel and<br />

The Jews and finally the human race. It<br />

is a church from which Christ has been<br />

excluded; indeed locked out as he knocks,<br />

how many of this church will let Him<br />

in before <strong>it</strong> is too late. Laodicea faces a<br />

dilemma as old as <strong>it</strong> is new, what is that<br />

dilemma The dilemma ventures beyond<br />

both <strong>it</strong>s blindness and luke warn state addressing<br />

rather the very causes. It is only<br />

those whom Christ corrects who will be<br />

prepared for His coming.<br />

Author Bio: Jacob Prasch is a Hebrewspeaking<br />

evangelist to the Jews and a<br />

Bible teacher elaborating on the original<br />

Judeo-Christian background and hermeneutics<br />

of the New Testament. He has also<br />

been a conservative voice for biblically<br />

based discernment among moderate Pentecostals<br />

and Charismatics opposed to the<br />

seductions prevalent in today’s church.<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 23

<strong>Moriel</strong> Australian<br />

Margret Godwin<br />

AUSTRALIANnews<br />

Australian Report – September 2010<br />

Greetings dear family in the Name of Our<br />

Lord and Saviour,<br />

It has been a huge three months since<br />

I wrote to you. Primarily the vis<strong>it</strong> by Jacob<br />

& David Lister were by far the busiest but<br />

Praise the Lord was hugely successful.<br />

It was great to see Jacob looking so<br />

much better and having lost a considerable<br />

amount of weight. Please continue<br />

to prayerfully support him in this area as<br />

most of us know <strong>it</strong> is a constant battle.<br />

Anyway, back to our report. I must<br />

ask you to indulge me a l<strong>it</strong>tle as there are<br />

thank-you’s I must lovingly acknowledge.<br />

In late June Jacob & David landed in Perth<br />

and spent a few days there. They meetings<br />

at Malaga, and then the next day spent<br />

time w<strong>it</strong>h our dear friends, Lidia and Gabriel<br />

Crisan at the Romanian Church in<br />

Bayswater. Our representatives in Perth,<br />

(Charlie & Vicki Duda) looked after all<br />

the resource material and did a fantastic<br />

job. Poor Charlie, who was so ill, had to<br />

miss the meetings – he was so disappointed,<br />

he was just hanging out to see Jacob.<br />

Thankfully he is now ok. A dear sister<br />

in Perth, (Trish MacDonald) stepped in<br />

to help Vicki. They both felt <strong>it</strong> was like<br />

Christmas morning when they opened up<br />

the boxes containing all the new material.<br />

Thank you girls for a fantastic effort.<br />

Our guests took a flight to Sydney for<br />

a two day session w<strong>it</strong>h Pastor Sam Mule<br />

& his wife Nancy at their new premises in<br />

Pymble. As you will know Sam is the Pastor<br />

of the Italian Evangelical Church, formally<br />

at Abbotsford. Sam has been there<br />

for many years, but unfortunately their<br />

lease was not renewed so they had to look<br />

elsewhere, but Praise the Lord he provided<br />

a great new venue.<br />

Pam & Vic (<strong>Moriel</strong> volunteers), loaded<br />

up their car and were off to take care<br />

of all the material. As always they did an<br />

incredible job and caught up w<strong>it</strong>h a number<br />

of old <strong>Moriel</strong> faces along w<strong>it</strong>h some<br />

new ones. Such as, David Rosengreen and<br />

friends from Ararat, Victoria who made<br />

the long trip.<br />

After a couple of free days in Sydney<br />

to allow David an opportun<strong>it</strong>y to do a l<strong>it</strong>tle<br />

sightseeing, the gentlemen parted company<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Jacob going to Adelaide and David<br />

went to the Sunshine Coast.<br />

In Adelaide, Jacob was the guest of<br />

Pastor Kevin Bickle and the people at Hectorville<br />

C/F. To quote Kevin, “JP was on<br />

fire and the message brilliant.” Trish and<br />

Les (<strong>Moriel</strong> Volunteers), drove over to<br />

look after things there for us. A wee pint<br />

sized four legged volunteer named Trixie<br />

went along w<strong>it</strong>h her owners and charmed<br />

everyone she came across.<br />

The criss-crossing of the nation continued<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Jacob off to CWM in Brisbane for<br />

a four day session, and two day session for<br />

David before going further north to Rockhampton<br />

and all ports between. As always<br />

when we vis<strong>it</strong> Brisbane we know <strong>it</strong> will be a<br />

full house at each of the meetings. Pam and<br />

I flew up to look after things there.Again, <strong>it</strong><br />

was a chance to catch up w<strong>it</strong>h so many old<br />

faces and an added to delight to see dear<br />

friends, Glenys Irvine and Harry Korman<br />

from North Queensland, and of course<br />

my dear Merv Plumb. Although our time<br />

was short <strong>it</strong> was great to see Greg Kaloutis<br />

(who has helped w<strong>it</strong>h us for many years).<br />

David’s preaching was wonderful and<br />

was very warmly received by all that attended.<br />

As for Jacob – what can I say!<br />

The hosp<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y was exceptional and I must<br />

thank Pastor Philip, his wife, Kath and<br />

their team for all they did for us.<br />

I must particularly thank Clive & Donna<br />

Leembruggen (always on hand to help),<br />

Frank Turvey (for his organization) and<br />

Martin & Helen Haly (for all the filming).<br />

We look forward to the next vis<strong>it</strong>.<br />

During this time David was the guest<br />

of Pastor Peter Danzey & his wife Jeanette<br />

at Wurtulla (Sunshine Coast). Pete chauffeured<br />

David up the coast to Caloundra,<br />

Miriam Vale, Gladstone and Rockhampton.<br />

David was so taken by the warmth of<br />

the people he met and will fill you in more<br />

in his report. He left Rocky and flew down<br />

to Adelaide again to see Ken Bickle and<br />

his wife Kerry.<br />

All too soon we were on the last week<br />

of their trip, so all hands were on deck for<br />

the Melbourne meetings.<br />

Wednesday evening w<strong>it</strong>h Pastor John<br />

Maisano and family at West Brunswick,<br />

was an absolute favor<strong>it</strong>e. Desp<strong>it</strong>e ill health<br />

and so many demands on his time John was<br />

again a wonderful host, and of course Mila<br />

cooked up a storm for JP. Thank you to all<br />

our dear brothers and sisters at Daley Street.<br />

Friday evening we were guests of Pastor<br />

Lionel Letcher at Cornerstone Gospel<br />

Church, Frankston. W<strong>it</strong>h David preaching<br />

first, followed by Jacob, <strong>it</strong> was a great evening.<br />

The thing that exc<strong>it</strong>ed me most was<br />

the number of young people there. Actually<br />

my spir<strong>it</strong> soared as I watched them<br />

taking in all that was preached, and helping<br />

out when <strong>it</strong> was needed, whether <strong>it</strong> was<br />

tea and coffee or emptying rubbish bins.<br />

I have a couple of funnies to add but will<br />

save them for Rambling Rose.<br />

Saturday brought in bumper crowds at<br />

The Church of the Nazarene at Mt. Waverley.<br />

Pastor Steven Kasambalis was away in<br />

Greece, but his wife Violetta made us very<br />

welcome, and assistant Pastor Troy was<br />

wonderful. He made us feel so very much<br />

at home. I must also thank Sam Sotouri<br />

and his wife Natalie. Sam set the church<br />

up, and he and Natalie provided all the refreshments.<br />

You will hear Jacob often refer<br />

to “Sam the Greek” in his messages when<br />

using the Greek language. When Jacob is<br />

in Brisbane, then <strong>it</strong> is Greg Kaloutis that is<br />

referred to a “Greg the Greek.”<br />

Sunday was the last day of the tour –<br />

this was at Pilgrim C/F, Pakenham, and the<br />

guests of Elder John Kidd, his wife Janice,<br />

and Elder Michael Shafton and his wife<br />

Margaret. Qu<strong>it</strong>e a number of people from<br />

the Saturday meetings travelled out to be<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h us. It was a lovely time of worship<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Jacob preaching on the 23rd Psalm<br />

and leading communion. The fellowship<br />

provided a lovely lunch for all our guests,<br />

(thank you Jan). Then the 2010 tour wound<br />

up w<strong>it</strong>h David preaching the final session.<br />

All too soon <strong>it</strong> was over. Joe and John<br />

Hudec very kindly took Jacob to the airport.<br />

Thank you fellars.<br />

David stayed on and did a Tuesday<br />

24 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

night Bible Study at the home of Cameron<br />

and Emma Kidd, Belgrave Heights. It<br />

was bumper to bumper people and young<br />

ones, but what a fantastic evening. It was<br />

especially so, as I looked at the faces of<br />

the young teenagers and almost teenagers,<br />

sopping up every word David shared.<br />

Thank you Emma for having us.<br />

As I draw the thank you’s to a close,<br />

there is one I cannot miss, and that is Chris<br />

Sandford of Kiwi Blue Design. Chris has<br />

done all our Melbourne recordings. He<br />

is a young man w<strong>it</strong>h a wife and l<strong>it</strong>tle one<br />

who has just embarked on a new business.<br />

Thank Chris for all you have done for us<br />

and we look forward to a long and happy<br />

relationship.<br />

Outside <strong>Moriel</strong> Australia<br />

- Batmeil is engaged<br />

Until now you must think that everything<br />

but everything happens in Australia<br />

but NO, we have exc<strong>it</strong>ing news – That<br />

shy l<strong>it</strong>tle girl who came to Australia in<br />

1999 w<strong>it</strong>h her Mum, Dad and brother<br />

Eli, is now a beautifully grown up lady<br />

and has just become engaged to a young<br />

man named Matthew. Yes Batmeil Prasch<br />

is betrothed to Matthew. Any more<br />

news than that will have to come from<br />

the young couple, Jacob and Pavia. But<br />

we pray the Lord will bless their engagement<br />

and they will grow together in<br />

the things of the Lord, cherishing<br />

each other through His beloved son<br />

Jesus. Our loving congratulations to<br />

both sets of parents.<br />

While on the subject of Prasch family,<br />

please pray for Jacob’s mother who<br />

is qu<strong>it</strong>e ill and is facing triple-by-pass<br />

heart surgery. Her name is Maureen and<br />

Jacob has asked that you pray for her salvation<br />

(as many know she is very Catholic).<br />

It is an awesome burden to have upon<br />

the heart of the saved one, watching their<br />

unsaved family slips away.<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> South Africa<br />

As many will have read, Dave and Lyn<br />

are looking at properties at Cape Town<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the view of relocating Ebyown. It is<br />

getting more and more dangerous where<br />

they are now – anyone who has been there<br />

can testify to that.<br />

Also there would be church support at<br />

the Cape and the fresh sea air would be<br />

tremendous. So if <strong>it</strong> is the Lord’s wish the<br />

Royle’s may soon be on the move.<br />

Well dears, I must say my most loving<br />

thoughts are w<strong>it</strong>h you all. If I have missed<br />

thanking anyone please forgive me.<br />

Blessings,<br />

Marg<br />

Margret Godwin<br />

Hi Dave and Lyn,<br />

Phoebe and Ainsley have collected donations<br />

for your children from the proceeds<br />

of the sales of bookmarks they<br />

made.<br />

<strong>Man</strong>y thanks and God bless,<br />

Jim<br />

Phoebe on the left, Ainsley on the right<br />

Glenys, Jacob & Catherine<br />

Jacob, David, Nancy<br />

& Sam Mule<br />

Hebrews 10:25: Not forsaking the<br />

assembling of ourselves together,<br />

as the manner of some is;<br />

but exhorting one another: and so<br />

much the more, as ye see the<br />

day approaching.<br />

(King James Version)<br />

– Hebrews 10:25<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Australian<br />

Anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ism Growing<br />

Rapidly in Tolerant Europe<br />

The following is excerpted from<br />

“Jews Reluctantly Abandon Swedish<br />

C<strong>it</strong>y,” Haaretz.com, July 11, 2010: “At<br />

some point, the shouts of ‘Heil H<strong>it</strong>ler’<br />

that often greeted Marcus Eilenberg as he<br />

walked to the 107-year-old Moorish-style<br />

synagogue in this port c<strong>it</strong>y forced the 32-<br />

year-old attorney to make a difficult, lifechanging<br />

decision: Fearing for his family’s<br />

safety after repeated anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ic<br />

incidents, Eilenberg reluctantly uprooted<br />

himself and his wife and two children,<br />

and moved to Israel in May. Sweden, a<br />

country long regarded as a model of tolerance,<br />

has, ironically, been a refuge for<br />

Eilenberg’s family. His paternal grandparents<br />

found a home in Malmo in 1945<br />

after surviving the Holocaust. His wife’s<br />

parents came to Malmo from Poland in<br />

1968 after the communist government<br />

there launched an anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ic purge. But<br />

as in many other c<strong>it</strong>ies across Europe, a<br />

rapidly growing Muslim population living<br />

in segregated cond<strong>it</strong>ions that seem to<br />

breed alienation has mixed toxically w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the anger directed at Israeli policies and<br />

actions by those Muslims–and by many<br />

non-Muslims–to all but transform the<br />

lives of local Jews. Like many of their<br />

counterparts in other European c<strong>it</strong>ies, the<br />

Jews of Malmo report being subjected<br />

increasingly to threats, intimidation and<br />

actual violence as stand-ins for Israel. …<br />

A continent-wide study, conducted by the<br />

Inst<strong>it</strong>ute for Interdisciplinary Research<br />

on Conflict and Violence at the Univers<strong>it</strong>y<br />

of Bielefeld in Germany, released<br />

in December 2009, found that … 37.4%<br />

agreed w<strong>it</strong>h this statement: ‘Considering<br />

Israel’s policy, I can understand why<br />

people do not like Jews.’ … 86-year-old<br />

Jud<strong>it</strong>h Popinski says she is no longer inv<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

to schools that have a large Muslim<br />

presence to tell her story of surviving the<br />

Holocaust. Popinski found refuge in Malmo<br />

in 1945. Until recently, she told her<br />

story in Malmo schools as part of their<br />

Holocaust studies program. Now, some<br />

schools no longer ask Holocaust survivors<br />

to tell their stories, because Muslim<br />

students treat them w<strong>it</strong>h such disrespect,<br />

e<strong>it</strong>her ignoring the speakers or walking<br />

out of the class. ‘Malmo reminds me of<br />

the anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ism I felt as a child in Poland<br />

before the war,’ she said.”<br />

Med Venlig Hilsen<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 25

Rambling Rose<br />

Margret Godwin<br />

R a m b l i n g<br />

R o s e<br />

ambling<br />

o s e<br />

Rambling Rose September, 2010<br />

Hello All,<br />

Well my dears from Chaos Central, I<br />

offer this wee report – well, <strong>it</strong> is not as chaotic<br />

as <strong>it</strong> was pre JP Day. We had boxes<br />

partially and fully packed all over the floor<br />

and the verandah, and yes my bedroom plus<br />

the dining room! However, we survived.<br />

But rest assured we are on the path to order<br />

and tidiness – if anyone laughs – woe and<br />

betide! No all jokes aside – by Christmas<br />

20-- we will be the ep<strong>it</strong>ome of organization!!!!!!!!<br />

Maybe I should look that up<br />

in the dictionary! I better not make promises<br />

that one may not be able to keep!<br />

As you have read we survived the June/<br />

July tour – actually <strong>it</strong> was a joy. I kept wa<strong>it</strong>ing<br />

for the “bomb” to go off, but no, not a one.<br />

We saw and heard some fantastic<br />

teaching both by Jacob and David. Some of<br />

Jacob’s teaching is what I call “vintage Jacob.”<br />

This was David’s first trip down under<br />

and hopefully <strong>it</strong> will not be the last. We<br />

will now be offering a good deal of new material<br />

by Jacob, David and David Hocking.<br />

Following Pam’s dilemma in March –<br />

where her luggage was left behind when she<br />

flew to the UK .We were almost paranoid<br />

making sure we had provided and packed everything,<br />

but on the whole things went very<br />

well. Our volunteers in each of the states<br />

were absolutely brilliant. Praise the Lord.<br />

I went along Brisbane – oh the weather<br />

was beautiful – about 23 degrees each day.<br />

The Queenslanders were in jumpers and<br />

coats – Pam and I in T-Shirts. Here in Victoria<br />

we can have 4 seasons in any one day<br />

several times over, such as we are now. In<br />

saying that, I think because of our 7 to 10<br />

year drought, we have had mild winters,<br />

but 2010 winter has h<strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h a vengeance,<br />

and I love the winter!<br />

As I suggested in the Australian report<br />

we did have some funny times – especially<br />

on the Friday evening while we were going<br />

to Frankston. I am a time freak and<br />

like to be early so off we headed, booked<br />

into our motel and were s<strong>it</strong>ting down to a<br />

lovely dinner when tingle tingle went my<br />

mobile. On the other end was Suzanne<br />

Letcher very gently asking where we were.<br />

I responded, “we are at dinner but will be<br />

there for the 6:45 pm start.” At that point<br />

this gentle l<strong>it</strong>tle voice said we were due to<br />

start at 6:15 pm! You have never seen three<br />

people move so fast, we got the check, got<br />

the car, and got the passengers – lost our<br />

way!!!!!!!! Suffice to say we eventually got<br />

there, of course me w<strong>it</strong>h a very red face.<br />

Prior to this on the Wednesday evening<br />

at Brunswick, I had a new wh<strong>it</strong>e-board<br />

pens and permanent markers for the overheads,<br />

etc, but for some reason they did not<br />

work. When we got to Frankston we found<br />

they did not have an overhead projector,<br />

so Jacob had to use the wh<strong>it</strong>e board. That<br />

was ok, but just after he had commenced<br />

I thought to myself, the inks looked qu<strong>it</strong>e<br />

sharp, then all of a sudden I realized he<br />

was using the permanent markers, Opps,<br />

the meeting was being filmed – what could<br />

I do – yes you got <strong>it</strong> – soldier on! The last<br />

thing we saw as we were leaving, were<br />

three or four young men trying to get the<br />

permanent ink off. So Jacob is on warning<br />

– next time he comes back – <strong>it</strong> will be<br />

power point only. What was even funnier<br />

was at the Saturday and Sunday meetings<br />

so many people went and bought sets of<br />

pens. I won’t have to get any until 2015.<br />

While we were travelling w<strong>it</strong>h David<br />

we found that he had an incredible talent –<br />

he is a human GPS. We didn’t even have to<br />

set <strong>it</strong> – he looked at the route once and then<br />

this Yankee voice came up w<strong>it</strong>h the instructions.<br />

I said to Pam, “he will have to eventually<br />

get one wrong,” but he didn’t. That<br />

was $400 I could have saved had I known.<br />

I was due to drive to Alice Springs<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h my friend Delsa next week in her l<strong>it</strong>tle<br />

truck and caravan, but w<strong>it</strong>h my back as<br />

<strong>it</strong> is, I have to miss the trip. Maybe that’s<br />

the Lord’s way of showing me I will have<br />

time to finish setting up the office.<br />

Faulty Resource Material<br />

We found a few problems w<strong>it</strong>h some of<br />

the series for sale at meetings – should you<br />

have anything faulty DVD or CD, please<br />

let us know and we will replace <strong>it</strong>. Don’t<br />

send <strong>it</strong> back.<br />

One teaching “The Seven Woes” ends<br />

on the 6 th ‘Woe,’ and Jacob will not be able<br />

to rerecord <strong>it</strong> for a few months, so please<br />

let me know and I will refund the money.<br />

So sorry about that.<br />

Well dears <strong>it</strong> is time to close off this<br />

nonsense – may the Lord keep you safe till<br />

we meet again.<br />

In Christ,<br />

Marg<br />

26 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Margret Godwin<br />

m o r i e l a u s t r a l i a ~ 2010<br />

“Whew that’s the<br />

last message for<br />

Oz!”<br />

Rambling Rose<br />

“<strong>Who</strong> is the<br />

biggest kid!”<br />


“3 Amigos”<br />

David, at end of<br />

Tour!<br />

Babs Colhoun & daughter Leisa•Jeanette Allwood from Cairns•CWM Congregation•Pam, , Catherine Evans, Glenys Irvine &<br />

Jacob•Jacob & Peta Leembruggen•Folk at Mt. Waverley•Jake Hakola & David Lister•<strong>Moriel</strong> Team w<strong>it</strong>h Bill Randles•Jacob• Jacob &<br />

kids•David, Jacob & one of the children• Adam & Ethan• Annette & Pete Brennan w<strong>it</strong>h Nick• Jacob & Scarlett Rose Nickless• John &<br />

Priscilla (to be wed in September)• David at end of Tour<br />

m e m o r i e s<br />

M e l b o u r n e f r o m W a t e r f r o n t<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 27

Letters & Comments<br />

Your Letters and<br />

Comments<br />


Mormon question:<br />

Hey David,<br />

I’m so sorry for the lateness of this reply. I<br />

have been fairly busy. Thank you so much<br />

for all the encouragement and advise you<br />

gave me.<br />

I do have a question. In John 10:34 Jesus<br />

rebutted cr<strong>it</strong>ics sighting the law saying “I<br />

said, you are gods” and at Psalms 82:6 <strong>it</strong><br />

says “I said, ‘you are gods, sons of the<br />

Most High, all of you...’”. It also states at<br />

the beginning of that same psalm that God<br />

s<strong>it</strong>s in “the divine council; in the midst of<br />

the gods”.<br />

This is slightly confusing to me. What<br />

does the Bible mean by “gods” and the divine<br />

council<br />

Once again, sorry about the late reply.<br />

In Christ,<br />

Andrew<br />

Answer:<br />

Dear Andrew:<br />

The first thing to do is ask, who is Jesus<br />

speaking to Men! Next, keep reading,<br />

then you will see these men will die in<br />

their sins. Since there is only one True<br />

God by nature, these “gods” are nothing<br />

but men, and sinful men and what is worse<br />

is their sins are not forgiven.<br />

This is always important, always read in<br />

context, get the whole picture! If you separate<br />

a verse from <strong>it</strong>s context <strong>it</strong> becomes a<br />

pretext for whatever thought or doctrine<br />

you want to make.<br />

In Psalm 82 <strong>it</strong> states, “God presides in the<br />

great assembly; he gives judgment among<br />

the gods.” It is clear from the next three<br />

verses that the word “gods” refers to magistrates,<br />

judges, and other people who hold<br />

pos<strong>it</strong>ions of author<strong>it</strong>y and rule. Calling a<br />

human magistrate a “god” indicates three<br />

things: 1) he has author<strong>it</strong>y over other human<br />

beings, 2) the power he wields as a<br />

civil author<strong>it</strong>y is to be feared, and 3) he<br />

derives his power and author<strong>it</strong>y from God<br />

Himself, who is pictured as judging the<br />

whole earth in verse 8.<br />

This use of the word “gods” to refer to<br />

humans is rare, but <strong>it</strong> is found elsewhere<br />

in the Old Testament. For example, when<br />

God sent Moses to Pharaoh, He said, “See,<br />

I have made you like God to Pharaoh” (Exodus<br />

7:1). This simply means that Moses,<br />

as the messenger of God, was speaking<br />

God’s words and would therefore be God’s<br />

representative to the king. The Hebrew<br />

word elohim is translated “judges” in Exodus<br />

21:6 and 22:8, 9 and 28.<br />

The whole point of Psalm 82 is that earthly<br />

judges must act w<strong>it</strong>h impartial<strong>it</strong>y and true<br />

justice, because even judges must stand<br />

someday before the Judge. Verses 6 and<br />

7 warn human magistrates that they, too,<br />

must be judged: “I said, `You are gods;<br />

you are all sons of the Most High.’ But you<br />

will die like mere men; you will fall like<br />

every other ruler.” This passage is saying<br />

that God has appointed men to pos<strong>it</strong>ions<br />

of author<strong>it</strong>y in which they are considered<br />

as gods among the people. They are to remember<br />

that, even though they are representing<br />

God in this world, they are mortal<br />

and must eventually give an account to<br />

God for how they used that author<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

When <strong>it</strong> comes to Mormonism, even the<br />

Mormon has to adm<strong>it</strong> that no man can die<br />

in their sins and become a “god” or exalted<br />

man. Also, a future “god” in embryo must<br />

reach a state of perfectionism in this life<br />

and be living The Celestial Law otherwise<br />

the Mormon that dies in their sin, failing to<br />

repent in this life will be sealed to the devil.<br />

For a complete understanding of this<br />

last paragraph please see my article “Are<br />

You Living The Celestial Law” (http://<br />

moriel.org/<strong>Moriel</strong>Archive/index.php/discernment/mormonism/are-you-living-thecelestial-law)<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />

Dear <strong>Moriel</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>:<br />

The Lord has put <strong>it</strong> on our heart to support<br />

your <strong>Ministries</strong>. We have heard Jacob’s<br />

teaching through Dr. David Hocking. We<br />

will support and pray for you.<br />

Your in Christ,<br />

Rex and Charlene B.<br />

Thank you for your prayerful support,<br />

prayer is our biggest need. We love Dr.<br />

Hocking and thank him for his support of<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong>.<br />

In Peace,<br />

David<br />


Praise the Lord<br />

Dear Marg,<br />

My GP sent me to the specialist where<br />

he diagnosed that I had on the top of my<br />

head a squamous cell carcinoma and on my<br />

nose a basal cell carcinoma which would<br />

have to be removed surgically and would<br />

require skin graft because they had been<br />

there a while is was a b<strong>it</strong> concerning so I<br />

phoned my Christian friends from <strong>Moriel</strong><br />

and others to prayer for the Lords intercession<br />

on this problem . The consultant doctor<br />

was a christian I did not know him but I<br />

knew his mother and I had been asked years<br />

ago to pray for his sister who had a severe<br />

spinal problem {cast your bread upon the<br />

water} he said the surgeon was a christian<br />

man and he would introduce me I told the<br />

surgeon that many people were praying for<br />

him truly the Lord was gracious.<br />

The end result was cancer all clear skin<br />

graft had taken. After the all clear the surgeon<br />

told me that the Lord was a precious<br />

glorious saviour to him and would keep<br />

me. praise the Lord the power of prayer<br />

when the saints are un<strong>it</strong>ed in intercession.<br />

In Christ, Harry<br />

Dear Marg,<br />

I have just come back from the hosp<strong>it</strong>al<br />

for st<strong>it</strong>ches removal and final check up<br />

the pathology report was all clear praise<br />

the Lord!! I told the surgeon that prayer<br />

was going up he was blessed by that he is<br />

a christian man so thank you and the saints<br />

for there prayers the skin graft has taken<br />

all prayers answered. We are blessed to be<br />

a blessing and the saints have blessed me<br />

thank you.<br />

<strong>Could</strong> you please send a copy of the<br />

quarterly to Dr Sabu Thomas Cairns Base<br />

Hosp<strong>it</strong>al The Esplanade Cairns Q 4870<br />

Bless you in Christ<br />

Bro HARRY<br />

Question:<br />

Hello Jacob,<br />

Upon reading the last <strong>Moriel</strong> magazine I<br />

was a l<strong>it</strong>tle confused at the statement that<br />

no source material has ever been found<br />

other than in the Greek language.<br />

There is a translation direct from Aramaic<br />

28 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

to English is there not<br />

This would seem to me, and I am no scholar<br />

in these matters, suggest that there has<br />

been source material found wr<strong>it</strong>ten in the<br />

Hebrew dialect: Aramaic.<br />

If you are able to shed any light on this<br />

matter, <strong>it</strong> would be appreciated.<br />

Kind regards and in Christ,<br />

Brian<br />

Answer:<br />

There is no known Syriac manuscript or<br />

Aramaic text not copied from an earlier<br />

Greek source exists nor is there any proof<br />

that one has ever existed except for a historical<br />

reference by Heggisipus that Matthew’s<br />

gospel was first composed e<strong>it</strong>her in<br />

Hebrew or the Hebrew dialect of Aramaic<br />

- a copy of which has never been found.<br />

In Christ,<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong><br />

Question:<br />

Hi,<br />

I’m wr<strong>it</strong>ing to ask for something to be<br />

clarified from an article which Jacob wrote<br />

and that was published in the <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterley<br />

– December 2009. “The Road to<br />

Emmaus”. On page 13 under the section<br />

for “The Corporate Solidar<strong>it</strong>y of Simon<br />

Cyrene” It quotes Luke 23:26 and then the<br />

article goes on to ask “Why did Jesus not<br />

carry His own cross” and the response<br />

to the question was to allude that to do so,<br />

would be an admission of guilt and He<br />

wasn’t guilty.<br />

Can you explain to me, in the light of what<br />

has been said about Jesus not carrying His<br />

own cross, what the explanation for John<br />

19:17 might be please<br />

Your explanation would appear correct in<br />

the light of Matt, Mark and Luke as they<br />

all seem to agree w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong> & in my Bible,<br />

there were no cross-references to say He<br />

did actually carry His cross, but John 19<br />

seems to say qu<strong>it</strong>e clearly that He did….<br />

And if He did, how does this then affect the<br />

allusion that to do so, would be an admission<br />

of guilt<br />

Thanks very much for your time.<br />

Heather<br />

Answer:<br />

Thank you for your question.<br />

To reply at length would necess<strong>it</strong>ate a detailed<br />

explanation why John’s Gospel and<br />

the synoptic Gospels differ from each other<br />

in content while the synoptic’s only differ<br />

marginally in comparison.<br />

The details included or highlighted in each<br />

gospel reflect the doctrinal emphasis each<br />

author was inspired to highlight and the<br />

readership <strong>it</strong> was oriented towards at the<br />

time. While the doctrinal content applies to<br />

all believers at all times, issues of author’s<br />

intent and immediate readsership must be<br />

first taken into account in order to properly<br />

establish what <strong>it</strong> means for us. John (like<br />

Matthew) for instance was wr<strong>it</strong>ing to Jews<br />

while Luke was not. John’s gospel was<br />

wr<strong>it</strong>ten we<strong>it</strong>h an evangelistic aim (John<br />

20:31) , while the synoptics (particularly<br />

Luke) were wr<strong>it</strong>ten w<strong>it</strong>h more of a historical<br />

aim (Luke 1:1-4). It is not possible to<br />

even attempt to make an exhaustive effort<br />

to asddress these issues of theme, readership,<br />

and author’s intent by e mail - but<br />

bear in mind <strong>it</strong> is such considerations that<br />

account for the textual differences and<br />

variations in content etc.<br />

The Greek term in John 19:17 for He ‘went<br />

out’ is ‘EKALTHEN’ which simply means<br />

that He carried the cross out of the immediate<br />

presence of Pilot (where He was condemned<br />

on our behalf), <strong>it</strong> does not mean<br />

that He carried <strong>it</strong> all the way to Gogaltha.<br />

There is also a translation difficulty in<br />

some versions; ‘that He carried His own<br />

cross’ is better translated ‘He carried <strong>it</strong> out<br />

Himself’.<br />

John is not concerned w<strong>it</strong>h the public procession<br />

of the condemned is his theme or<br />

aim. John is wr<strong>it</strong>ing for another reason so<br />

om<strong>it</strong>s those details. Luke includes them. It<br />

is in the public procession to execution that<br />

Jesus does not carry the cross because <strong>it</strong><br />

could be misconstrued as a public omission<br />

of guilt so God providentially arranges for<br />

the episode w<strong>it</strong>h Simon of Cyrene.<br />

The public procession to execution is<br />

however theologically important because<br />

<strong>it</strong> fulfills in part the r<strong>it</strong>ual typology of the<br />

scapegoats (seir azazel) on The Day of<br />

Atonement / Yom Kippur which we read<br />

about in Hebrews and Lev<strong>it</strong>icus. Here lies<br />

another difference. John’s Passion Narrative<br />

is more concerned w<strong>it</strong>h showing Jesus<br />

as the Messianic fulfillment of the Spring<br />

holidays in Lev<strong>it</strong>icus 23-25; particularly<br />

the Paschal or Passover aspects.<br />

In the synoptic passion narratives there is<br />

a greater emphasis on alluding to Christ as<br />

fulfilling the Autumn feast of the scapegoat<br />

while John is more fixed on Jesus as<br />

the paschal. lamb. The Day of Atonement<br />

theme is not absent from John (eg. one<br />

goats would die and one go free - represented<br />

also in John by Barabbas). Likewise<br />

the Paschal theme is not absent from<br />

the synoptic’s. But john puts emphasis on<br />

the Paschal theme and imagery (eg. John<br />

19:36 from Exodus 12:46) while the synoptic’s<br />

have greater emphasis on the atonement<br />

theme. Under divine inspiration each<br />

spotlights different aspects of these same<br />

events and include the historical details<br />

they require to so illustrate this typology<br />

accordingly..<br />

Letters & Comments<br />

It is much more involved than this, but the<br />

prohib<strong>it</strong>ions of time and the lim<strong>it</strong>ations of<br />

e mail prevent me from commenting further.<br />

None the less, I trust this helps clarify<br />

the matter for you.<br />

Blessings In Jesus,<br />

Jacob<br />

Greetings...<br />

Just want to tell you yesterday at our small<br />

fellowship the <strong>Moriel</strong> Alert was the topic<br />

of much discussion...we greatly appreciate<br />

the information..we were shocked and horrified<br />

at the censuring of the speaker.........<br />

cheered for the young man who was so articulate<br />

and spoke the truth.....the man at<br />

the embasy who said someone must tell the<br />

truth.....and the choir.........we want to tell<br />

you there is a small church in Newcastle<br />

who love our jewish brothers and sisters<br />

and who are praying for Israel...we live<br />

in perilous times and seeing one so small<br />

stand stand against many causes me to<br />

again stand in awe of our God and Father<br />

who knows the beginning from the end.......<br />

blessings upon you all at <strong>Moriel</strong> and once<br />

again thank you for the Alerts.<br />

Mrs T and those attending the same church<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 29

<strong>Moriel</strong> Japan 2010<br />

Geoff Toole<br />

moriel japan<br />

News from the Far East<br />

<strong>Moriel</strong> Japan Report, September 2010.<br />

Hello and greetings in Jesus’ Name<br />

from <strong>Moriel</strong> Japan,<br />

I am in Sydney this week, shaking from<br />

the souvenir (some tropical disease) I bought<br />

back from Saigon a few days ago. Nevertheless,<br />

there is much to tell of recently.<br />

The Japanese Front<br />

Praise the Lord for the successful June<br />

meetings w<strong>it</strong>h Jacob Prasch ad David Lister.<br />

There were many new faces. Mostly<br />

those w<strong>it</strong>h an interest in Hebrew roots, and<br />

a few old AOG believers like myself. The<br />

messages were received well w<strong>it</strong>h our interpreter,<br />

Daisuke, deserving a gold medal,<br />

no doubt wa<strong>it</strong>ing for him at the judgment<br />

seat. All meetings were recorded and have<br />

been placed on the internet to get the message<br />

out as fast as possible. <strong>Man</strong>y people<br />

requested more wr<strong>it</strong>ten material to read<br />

over and take <strong>it</strong> all in at a slower pace.<br />

We have finally published our article<br />

on PDL and the Emerging Church. The<br />

content and information, similar to that in<br />

Roger Oakland’s “Fa<strong>it</strong>h Undone” and other<br />

discernment ministries will be perhaps<br />

the first that anyone in Japan will read. We<br />

pray that people will get a better idea of<br />

where the Emerging church, Contemplative<br />

spir<strong>it</strong>ual<strong>it</strong>y and Purpose Driven are<br />

coming from and see that <strong>it</strong> is yet another<br />

deception, fulfilling prophecy.<br />

The next teaching session is planned<br />

for September/October this year. We will<br />

have two sessions on “The Antichrist” in<br />

Kobe ad God willing, Tokyo again. We<br />

are particularly exc<strong>it</strong>ed about this topic as<br />

<strong>it</strong> will be new to everyone. There are no<br />

Barrys, Hals or Chucks over here. Most<br />

Christians have l<strong>it</strong>tle knowledge or idea<br />

of just what ‘antichrist’ means. W<strong>it</strong>h more<br />

examples recorded and posted on the net <strong>it</strong><br />

won’t be long before people start picking<br />

up the message and reading midrashically<br />

themselves.<br />

On the Streets<br />

This summer we have focussed more<br />

time on street evangelism in Amagasaki,<br />

a working class c<strong>it</strong>y next to Osaka. The<br />

suffering of many families there is clear<br />

due to the ongoing economic recession.<br />

<strong>Man</strong>y good opportun<strong>it</strong>ies to share the gospel<br />

have come so far. We have decided<br />

to spend each weekend at the same town<br />

square so that any who want to come to us<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h questions will always be able to. Still,<br />

<strong>it</strong> has been a slow process.<br />

Philippines<br />

The last trip to Romblon in the Philippines<br />

was great. The response was the<br />

best yet. Pastors gathered from the local<br />

churches for a two day seminar (w<strong>it</strong>h free<br />

food). Day one was an introduction to Midrash<br />

using the example of Jonah and the<br />

grain offering. All those who attended are<br />

exc<strong>it</strong>ed about a follow-up seminar, even<br />

w<strong>it</strong>hout free food.<br />

Q and A time again focussed on charismatic<br />

issues, anointing, fa<strong>it</strong>h prosper<strong>it</strong>y<br />

etc. There is a long road ahead for a lot of<br />

churches who have been caught up in every<br />

error and superst<strong>it</strong>ion under the sun, yet I<br />

sensed that their att<strong>it</strong>ude was right and God<br />

will deal w<strong>it</strong>h them step by step. Certainly<br />

their eyes were opened and many confessed<br />

to feeling rebuked by the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong>.<br />

Also <strong>it</strong> was a pleasure to be able to<br />

distribute the concordances purchased by<br />

Mark and Carrie. The pastors were all encouraged<br />

to make them available to all of<br />

their church members.<br />

Praise God for his fa<strong>it</strong>hfulness. This is<br />

the same island where our previous seminar<br />

was cancelled by a certain ‘lord <strong>it</strong> over<br />

them’ supervisor. Praise the Lord also for<br />

saving me from a mix up w<strong>it</strong>h the airplane<br />

tickets, losing my wallet, losing my voice,<br />

dengue fever, a typhoon, a smoke filled<br />

church, and a LOT of mud. All of which<br />

appeared at some stage in the week.<br />

Saigon<br />

Vietnam is suffering from the serpent<br />

and the dragon right now. I knew about the<br />

dragon. I met pastors who cannot return to<br />

their church due to a government decision<br />

to halt all church activ<strong>it</strong>y until the next communist<br />

meeting there in March. For many<br />

years I have known about the dragon, but<br />

this is the first time to see deception in the<br />

church. It was very sad and disappointing.<br />

Although six <strong>Moriel</strong> messages have<br />

so far been translated into Vietnamese, for<br />

various reasons the door does not yet appear<br />

to be open. The PDL and fa<strong>it</strong>h prosper<strong>it</strong>y<br />

nonsense have beaten us into Vietnam,<br />

along w<strong>it</strong>h an unwillingness to listen<br />

to arguments against them on the part of the<br />

leaders. Pray for Vietnam that voices will<br />

arise among them calling them back to biblical<br />

truth. On the whole, <strong>it</strong> can still be described<br />

as a comparatively pure church, but<br />

once that serpent gets <strong>it</strong>s food in the door…!<br />

Perhaps significantly, the town we were<br />

in when I challenged the pastors about the<br />

Purpose Driven life was famous for <strong>it</strong>s production<br />

of ‘snake wine’. They also drunk<br />

‘bird’s nest in a can’ that day. I can’t help<br />

but think that the birds have started nesting<br />

in the branches.<br />

Prayer<br />

Pray w<strong>it</strong>h us for our outreach in Amagasaki.<br />

Pray that those who have taken the tracks<br />

and listened will return to find out more.<br />

Pray for the coming seminars toward<br />

the end of 2010 in Kobe and Tokyo.<br />

Come and Join us in Japan! Accepting<br />

applications now!<br />

God Bless<br />

Geoff Toole<br />

30 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

Alan Franklin<br />

The Church That Banned the Bible<br />

from “Cults & Isms”<br />

Ed<strong>it</strong>orial<br />

by Alan Franklin<br />

In March 1994 leading evangelicals<br />

and Roman Catholics signed a declaration<br />

called: “Evangelicals and Catholics together<br />

for the third millennium.” This document<br />

says that Catholics and Protestants<br />

who have worked together in opposing<br />

abortion and pornography should “finally<br />

accept each other as Christians… and stop<br />

proselytizing each other’s flocks.” <strong>Man</strong>y<br />

people in the Church of England, Lutherans,<br />

Baptists and other major denominations<br />

are now convinced that Catholics are<br />

their fellow believers in the one true God.<br />

In Br<strong>it</strong>ain <strong>it</strong> has become almost impossible<br />

to point out Catholic doctrinal errors.<br />

Somewhere in Br<strong>it</strong>ain a mother and teenage<br />

daughter went on a Bible Society sponsored<br />

walk, organized, as far as they were aware,<br />

by the independent Baptist church which<br />

their family attended. They did not realize<br />

that the Bible Society was now an ecumenical<br />

organization, or they would not have<br />

been on the walk and certainly would not<br />

have given any money.<br />

On the last leg of the walk a middleaged<br />

man joined the walkers and ended up<br />

chatting to the teenage girl and a middle<br />

aged lady from the Baptist church. The pair<br />

soon realized the man was a Catholic and<br />

began w<strong>it</strong>nessing to him. The lady remarked<br />

that she was glad that Catholics were now<br />

allowed to read the Bible, and the man replied<br />

that they had always been allowed<br />

to do that. This, of course, is not true. The<br />

Bible was banned by the Catholic Church<br />

for centuries; <strong>it</strong> was actually on The Index,<br />

the list of banned books.<br />

The girl told the Catholic man that the<br />

Bible clearly teaches that Jesus’ death was<br />

the one and only sacrifice for sin, while the<br />

Catholic Church offers the “sacrifice of the<br />

mass” over and over again. At this point an<br />

elder of the (Baptist) church interrupted the<br />

conversation and put an end to any further<br />

dialogue along those lines. He said those<br />

religious differences were all long ago and<br />

things were much better now, we didn’t<br />

burn each other at the stake any more and<br />

wasn’t <strong>it</strong> lovely weather for a walk Later<br />

they all learned that the man on the walk<br />

was a Catholic priest.<br />

The teenager was upset by this incident.<br />

After years of trying to w<strong>it</strong>ness to girls and<br />

teachers at school, and students and lecturers<br />

at her college, and often being accused<br />

of being an intolerant bigot, she had now<br />

been firmly stopped – by a church elder for<br />

whom she had great respect. The next day at<br />

their church the girl and her mother were accused<br />

by the wife of another elder of being<br />

“subversive” for lending tapes and videos to<br />

other people at church. The tapes were mostly<br />

by Dave Hunt and Christian creationists.<br />

They were also told they were arrogant<br />

to think they could judge who was and was<br />

not Christian. In fact <strong>it</strong> is the word of God<br />

which says who is. Someone who thinks<br />

they are saved by membership of a church,<br />

by receiving sacraments regularly, who can<br />

pay for “time off” in purgatory, who wears<br />

magic scapulars for “the grace of a happy<br />

death,” who sings hymns to Mary, “co-redemptrix”<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h Jesus – I’m sorry, that person<br />

does not believe the gospel and has not<br />

been saved. They are religious, but they are<br />

not born-again believers in Jesus. They are<br />

Catholics, believers in the Catholic Church,<br />

a superst<strong>it</strong>ious, pagan organization which<br />

masquerades as Christian. The Catholic gospel<br />

is not the true gospel; <strong>it</strong> is a false gospel,<br />

and people who believe a false gospel are<br />

not saved, they are deceived. It is our job to<br />

undeceive them.<br />

It is tragic that Christians trying to do<br />

this are gagged by their own elders. Later<br />

the Catholic priest phoned the church to<br />

complain about the pair who had so offended<br />

him on the country walk. I wonder if he is<br />

one of the priests who have consecrated his<br />

life to Mary, as thousands of priests have, at<br />

the urging of the Pope<br />

The teenager gave this account of her<br />

conversation w<strong>it</strong>h the priest: “One of the<br />

first things to be said was that the testimony<br />

of Scripture bore w<strong>it</strong>ness against the Roman<br />

Catholic Church. In illustration of this<br />

point we gave the second commandment,<br />

which makes <strong>it</strong> plain that we are not to create<br />

images for ourselves of anything that is<br />

in heaven or on the earth and bow down to<br />

them. This goes contrary to Roman Catholic<br />

practice, for Catholics do bow the knee to<br />

statues and images of saints.<br />

“After discussion on this point we<br />

moved on to the Roman Catholic teaching of<br />

transubstantiation. The Roman Catholic was<br />

stating Jesus’ words: ‘This is My body.’ We<br />

pointed out that Jesus was standing there in<br />

His physical body as he spoke those words<br />

and that he also made metaphorical statements<br />

elsewhere, such as ‘I am the door.’<br />

“We went on to tell the man that Jesus’<br />

death on the cross was the final payment for<br />

sin, and that this fact is denied by the Roman<br />

Catholic Church, which teaches that Jesus’<br />

sacrifice is l<strong>it</strong>erally repeated again and again<br />

at each ‘sacrifice of the mass.’<br />

“No Roman Catholic can have un<strong>it</strong>y<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h us if we believe that salvation comes<br />

through fa<strong>it</strong>h in Christ alone, and that the<br />

sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary made a full and<br />

complete atonement for our sin. Ne<strong>it</strong>her<br />

should we attempt to make Roman Catholics<br />

feel they have any un<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>h us, for<br />

the Roman Catholic Church teaches that<br />

punishment for sin falls on individuals,<br />

who can be exempted from this punishment<br />

through good works, attending mass, and<br />

even through the payment of money (indulgences).<br />

Surely this should produce w<strong>it</strong>hin<br />

any believer a righteous indignation It is no<br />

less than blasphemy to state that anything<br />

can secure exemption from punishment for<br />

our sin, when the shedding of our Lord’s<br />

blood was supposedly insufficient to do so.<br />

“You might argue that many Roman<br />

Catholics do not fully understand the teachings<br />

of their church, and that many have<br />

hearts which sincerely seek after God. It is<br />

our duty to tell such people the truth, not to<br />

leave them floundering in the darkness of a<br />

heretical, anti-Christ religion. Anyway, the<br />

man we were talking to clearly knew the<br />

doctrines of the church and was ardently defending<br />

them.<br />

“People need to be freed from Roman<br />

Catholicism by the blood of Jesus, no less<br />

than they need to be freed from other false<br />

religions. Just because the errors of Roman<br />

Catholicism are more subtle than those of<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 31

Ed<strong>it</strong>orial – Continued<br />

other religions, they are no less dangerous<br />

(indeed they are far more so). Yes, <strong>it</strong> is divisive<br />

to tell people the truth, and the cross<br />

is an offence to people. You may also think<br />

that we should not be confrontational, but<br />

which biblical figure followed a policy of<br />

‘no confrontation’ Certainly none of those<br />

who were sent to declare God’s truth to<br />

people. Should we have befriended the man<br />

first Where is <strong>it</strong> done so in the Bible” (End<br />

of the girl’s letter.)<br />

So <strong>it</strong> was that a clear-minded young girl<br />

saw the obvious, when church leaders, including<br />

the Archbishop of Canterbury and<br />

any number of other top church leaders,<br />

seemingly cannot. What a sorry state our<br />

churches have come to in Great Br<strong>it</strong>ain, past<br />

home to great men of the gospel like Wh<strong>it</strong>field<br />

and Wesley, Spurgeon and Knox.<br />

Unfortunately the Church of England,<br />

the Anglican church, is almost as bad as the<br />

church of Rome. We now have Protestant<br />

cathedrals, like Winchester in Hampshire,<br />

inv<strong>it</strong>ing Catholic preachers in to say the<br />

mass! This cathedral, where they now solic<strong>it</strong><br />

admission fees as if to Disneyland, has<br />

a place in the hearts of the Franklin family<br />

because <strong>it</strong> was to this building that God<br />

led my wife, Pat, as she was on the point<br />

of conversion. While on a vis<strong>it</strong> there, she<br />

was prompted by the Holy Spir<strong>it</strong> to open<br />

the Book of Common Prayer and read: “Except<br />

a man be born again he cannot enter the<br />

kingdom of God.” Yet now, for the first time<br />

since the 16th century, a Roman Catholic<br />

cardinal has celebrated mass in Latin at the<br />

high altar. Michael Scott-Joynt, the Bishop<br />

of Winchester, is twinning Winchester w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

the Roman Catholic cathedral of Florence<br />

and inv<strong>it</strong>ed Cardinal Piovanelli, the Archbishop<br />

of Florence, to spend the weekend at<br />

Winchester, not only officiating at mass, but<br />

giving the Sunday evensong service.<br />

Cathedral spokesman Simon Barwood<br />

told the press: “It’s a real symbol of the<br />

sisterhood between Anglicans and Roman<br />

Catholics. Bishop Michael has just<br />

been to Florence vis<strong>it</strong>ing the cathedral for<br />

a week and the millennium celebration of<br />

our patron saint, St. Sw<strong>it</strong>hun, seemed the<br />

perfect occasion to return the hosp<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y<br />

and sign the twinning agreement. We<br />

have several different partners attached to<br />

the cathedral now. It’s symbolic, but also<br />

practical. There are exchange opportun<strong>it</strong>ies<br />

and a new atmosphere of tolerance and<br />

understanding.” How nice for them. What<br />

next, links w<strong>it</strong>h the Hindus and Moslems,<br />

in a spir<strong>it</strong> of tolerance and understanding<br />

The pope has already done this, of course,<br />

even including tree worshippers in a giant<br />

ecumenical service. Only true Christians<br />

weren’t inv<strong>it</strong>ed. These “church leaders”<br />

wallow in their ignorance and flaunt <strong>it</strong>.<br />

This cr<strong>it</strong>icism applies particularly to<br />

many so-called Christian bookshops, which<br />

are so stuffed full of crucifixes and rosaries<br />

Alan Franklin<br />

that they don’t seem to have room on their<br />

shelves for Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, which<br />

tells the true story of horrific persecution of<br />

Christians down through the ages. When I<br />

tried to get certain of these bookshops in my<br />

home area to stock my first video and later<br />

my book EU: Final World Empire I was told<br />

that <strong>it</strong> was too divisive and might upset the<br />

Catholics, who were good customers. When<br />

I delivered a lecture on the Catholic creed<br />

to one shop manager who had rosaries on<br />

his shelves, he became ag<strong>it</strong>ated and told me<br />

to keep my voice down or Catholics would<br />

hear. I said this was my intention! We must<br />

always remember to love Roman Catholics,<br />

for most of them are in ignorance of what<br />

their church teaches and has done through<br />

the ages. Is <strong>it</strong> love to keep them in ignorance<br />

I worked for years w<strong>it</strong>h some pleasant<br />

Roman Catholic people, but <strong>it</strong> is not loving<br />

to allow them to proceed merrily to hell, believing<br />

that the sacraments, the Virgin Mary<br />

etc will save them, plus the occasional fumble<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h the rosary beads. I have often noticed<br />

how fearful and superst<strong>it</strong>ious they are:<br />

for example, most would not pass me on the<br />

stairs of our offices as “<strong>it</strong> brings bad luck.”<br />

What we must bring to such folk – our divine<br />

commission – is the truth about Jesus, the<br />

only condu<strong>it</strong> between man and God. It seems<br />

the need for compromise and un<strong>it</strong>y, together<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h a certain prof<strong>it</strong> motive, is stopping the<br />

clear truth of the Bible reaching denominational<br />

and nominal Christians, particularly<br />

those under Catholic deception. We should<br />

be more interested in prophets than prof<strong>it</strong>s!<br />

My wife and I have been accused – often<br />

in hostile terms – of being too cr<strong>it</strong>ical<br />

and “unloving,” for daring to confront some<br />

unbiblical comment or policy. Yet God calls<br />

us to be discerning and to speak out against<br />

heresy: Paul did <strong>it</strong> all the time and Jude instructs<br />

us to contend for the fa<strong>it</strong>h. This is not<br />

what most churchgoers in Great Br<strong>it</strong>ain want<br />

to hear today. The people have <strong>it</strong>ching ears<br />

for false doctrine, have no love for the truth<br />

and do not want to hear any different. Their<br />

ignorance, even in once godly denominations,<br />

would seem to make them very happy.<br />

We often meet truly discerning, well<br />

read and wise older Christians who tell us<br />

they “cannot find a church.” The same thing<br />

is happening across the USA. I am privileged<br />

to speak at the East Coast Prophecy Conferences<br />

in Pennsylvania put on by Southwest<br />

Radio Church of Oklahoma C<strong>it</strong>y. One after<br />

another delegates to the conferences have<br />

told us they to leave their churches. One family<br />

had to leave the church their grandfather<br />

founded. They all felt they had no choice but<br />

to leave because of false doctrines which<br />

were now taught. Time and again we met<br />

people in this s<strong>it</strong>uation; people lamenting<br />

the friends they had left behind, but people<br />

who knew they could not stay in an organization<br />

where apostasy was taught from the<br />

pulp<strong>it</strong>. This is clearly the Laodicean church<br />

age. Interestingly enough, we have found<br />

that just about the only born again people<br />

there and also in Br<strong>it</strong>ain who are still content<br />

w<strong>it</strong>h their churches are those in the<br />

Brethren, or some evangelicals and Baptists<br />

who stick like glue to the scriptures.<br />

Not only does the Christian church not<br />

know the history of Protestantism, <strong>it</strong> doesn’t<br />

know biblical history, which is even more<br />

serious. Our daughter Annie and her friend<br />

spent three weeks at the wonderful summer<br />

Bible camp held in New York state by Dr.<br />

Arnold Fruchtenbaum, learning about the<br />

Bible from a Jewish perspective (Arnold is<br />

a Messianic Jew, saved as a teenager). On<br />

returning to her home church, an Anglican<br />

(Episcopalian) center, Annie’s friend was<br />

asked, in all seriousness: “What is the point<br />

of learning about the Bible from a Jewish<br />

point of view”<br />

An anti-sem<strong>it</strong>ic stance is behind some<br />

churches’ att<strong>it</strong>udes: when my wife grew<br />

up in the Roman Catholic fa<strong>it</strong>h in the midwest<br />

there was an underlying anti-sem<strong>it</strong>ism.<br />

Among the Catholics she grew up amongst,<br />

the word ‘Jews’ was seldom used w<strong>it</strong>hout<br />

the prefix “damn.” This is just one sign that<br />

Catholicism is incompatible w<strong>it</strong>h biblical<br />

Christian<strong>it</strong>y. We are not to seek un<strong>it</strong>y w<strong>it</strong>h a<br />

false religious system w<strong>it</strong>h <strong>it</strong>s roots in pagan<br />

Babylon.<br />

In recent times Catholic commentators<br />

and apologists have glossed over the<br />

disgraceful complic<strong>it</strong>y of the Vatican in<br />

H<strong>it</strong>ler’s holocaust of the Jews. However,<br />

God made sure the truth came out. In a Roman<br />

flea market, of all places, a journalist<br />

antiquarian book collector called Fabrizio<br />

Coisson found documents that prove that<br />

Pope Pius XII knew all about Nazi atroc<strong>it</strong>ies.<br />

This Pope, of whom <strong>it</strong> has often been<br />

said that he turned a blind eye to H<strong>it</strong>ler, who<br />

was a Catholic, was given a daily account of<br />

the atroc<strong>it</strong>ies of H<strong>it</strong>ler’s henchmen. Francis<br />

D’Arcy Godolphin Osborne was the Br<strong>it</strong>ish<br />

minister to the Holy See and typed out a daily<br />

report for the Pope. He culled this from<br />

Br<strong>it</strong>ish broadcasts, picked up in the Vatican<br />

where he took refuge in 1940. Mr. Coisson<br />

said he was astonished to find a signed note<br />

in which the Br<strong>it</strong>ish diplomat describes how,<br />

on a daily basis, he typed out the BBC broadcasts<br />

and gave them to the Pope. Osborne<br />

died in Rome in 1964 and <strong>it</strong> is thought that<br />

some of his possessions were sold and eventually<br />

found their way on to the market stall.<br />

The Times, published in London, carried<br />

a story on May 24, 2000 headed: “Br<strong>it</strong>ish<br />

envoy sent Pope bulletins on the Holocaust.”<br />

The story quoted Professor Owen<br />

Chadwick of Cambridge Univers<strong>it</strong>y, author<br />

of “Br<strong>it</strong>ain and The Vatican During The<br />

Second World War”, as saying the find was<br />

“remarkable,” while Jesu<strong>it</strong> historian Father<br />

Pierre Blet adm<strong>it</strong>ted <strong>it</strong> was astonishing. The<br />

reports in the market documents give a detailed<br />

account of Jewish deportations, mass<br />

32 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

killings and “inhuman experiments” and<br />

may at least slow plans to beatify Pius XII.<br />

Rabbi Martin Hier, of the Simon Wiesenthal<br />

Centre in Los Angeles, was quoted in The<br />

Times as saying that <strong>it</strong> would desecrate the<br />

memory of the Holocaust victims to beatify<br />

a man “who sat in silence on the throne of<br />

St. Peter and watched the trains take Jews<br />

across Europe to the death camps.”<br />

Francis Osborne had arrived in Rome in<br />

1936, to represent Br<strong>it</strong>ain at The Vatican. He<br />

was an admirer of Pope Pius. However, he<br />

closely followed Allied broadcasts and began<br />

putting together compilations of what he<br />

called “Br<strong>it</strong>ish wireless news” for the Pope.<br />

He emphasized the suffering of civilians<br />

in occupied Europe and German – “crimes<br />

against human<strong>it</strong>y.” In October of 1940 he<br />

told the Pope that the Germans were actively<br />

promoting anti-Sem<strong>it</strong>ism in Hungary,<br />

Romania and Bulgaria. In 1941 his tone had<br />

become more dramatic, as the Nazis “comm<strong>it</strong>ted<br />

atroc<strong>it</strong>ies in the name of the myth of<br />

the superior race.” He also put <strong>it</strong> in wr<strong>it</strong>ing<br />

for the Pope that the Germans were: “conducting<br />

experiments on sick and mentally<br />

deficient children in Germany,” and noted<br />

that H<strong>it</strong>ler had vowed to “liquidate the Jews<br />

for at least 1000 years.” The Pope was also<br />

told that Polish Jews were being murdered<br />

and deported en masse and that: “In Poland<br />

they have announced that Jews may in future<br />

only travel by railway after obtaining a<br />

special perm<strong>it</strong>, and then only by slow train.”<br />

In 1943 Osborne’s campaign was intensified<br />

and he told the Pope that in Slovakia<br />

: “77 per cent of the Jewish population has<br />

been deported to an unknown destination,<br />

which probably signifies death…..and the<br />

number of Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto has<br />

been reduced by 400,000 since last July<br />

– there are barely 35,000 left.”<br />

The wr<strong>it</strong>er John Cornwell had earlier<br />

claimed in his book “H<strong>it</strong>ler’s Pope” that<br />

Pius not only failed to speak out against<br />

Nazi persecution as Pope, but that earlier, as<br />

Papal ambassador (Nuncio) in Berlin in the<br />

1920s and Secretary of State in the 1930s, he<br />

helped put H<strong>it</strong>ler into power by suppressing<br />

German Catholic resistance to the Nazis. It<br />

is clear that there was no love for the Jews at<br />

the very top of the Roman Catholic Church,<br />

yet the whole concept of the Messiah is a<br />

Jewish one. It was the Jews who were looking<br />

for a Messiah, the Jews who had been<br />

told they were God’s chosen people, the<br />

Jews to whom God sent the prophets, the<br />

Jews who were saved time and again from<br />

their enemies, the Jews to whom God sent<br />

great leaders, the Jews to whom God spoke<br />

directly, the Jews who provided the disciples<br />

– and Jesus was a Jew. It was the Hebrew<br />

scriptures which contained the Messianic<br />

prophecies and if Jesus is not the Messiah<br />

of the Jews, he can’t be our Messiah e<strong>it</strong>her.<br />

Suddenly you have no basis for Christian<strong>it</strong>y.<br />

Years ago I recall the leader of a black<br />

Alan Franklin<br />

church pointing out: “Jesus wasn’t wh<strong>it</strong>e.”<br />

He certainly wasn’t the blue-eyed, flaxen<br />

haired savior depicted in many stained glass<br />

windows. He almost certainly had olivecolored<br />

skin and dark hair, as you would<br />

expect from someone born in the Med<strong>it</strong>erranean<br />

area, which makes <strong>it</strong> all the more<br />

amazing that there are churches in America<br />

and elsewhere dedicated to racism, yet calling<br />

themselves “Christian”. Yes, Jesus was a<br />

Jew, a fact people sometimes need reminding<br />

of, but he came for every inhab<strong>it</strong>ant of<br />

the world. All the more surprising than that,<br />

in these last days, you can be called “racist”<br />

for telling people that Jesus is the only way<br />

to Heaven. This happened to our daughter,<br />

as she tried to w<strong>it</strong>ness to a fellow student.<br />

It happened to a teacher friend of mine who<br />

was told that he couldn’t teach “Christian<br />

exclusiveness” in religious studies. After<br />

all, all roads lead to God, don’t they<br />

There is a difference between real<br />

Christian<strong>it</strong>y and Catholicism, a difference<br />

the evil rulers of the world recognize far<br />

more than the gullible Christians of western<br />

Protestantism. Some years ago some Americans<br />

I know ventured down to Mexico to<br />

help build an evangelical church. The local<br />

believers had tried to build <strong>it</strong>, but had<br />

been shot at by the Roman Catholics of the<br />

area. They said to the work team from the<br />

USA: “They won’t dare shoot at you.” So<br />

the church was built, one of the builders being<br />

a brother-in-law of mine. If you want to<br />

see the difference between Christian<strong>it</strong>y and<br />

Catholicism, go to South America. There’s<br />

not a lot of ecumenism about…<br />

It is a matter of historical record that<br />

the Catholic Church has tried to keep the<br />

Bible out of the hands of ordinary people.<br />

The Catholic Bible was in Latin, which few<br />

people could read, and they wanted to keep<br />

<strong>it</strong> that way. Just a few dates:<br />

• 1229 A.D. Council of Toulouse,<br />

Canon 14: “We prohib<strong>it</strong> also that the<br />

la<strong>it</strong>y (the ordinary people) should be<br />

perm<strong>it</strong>ted to have the books of the Old<br />

or New Testament…”<br />

• 1559 Index Librorum Prohib<strong>it</strong>orum<br />

– Pope Pius IV starts an Index of Forbidden<br />

Books condemning the works<br />

of “arch-heretics” Luther and Calvin,<br />

including translations of the New<br />

Testament. You needed permission in<br />

wr<strong>it</strong>ing to read a Catholic translation<br />

of the Bible, and if you had a Bible in<br />

the common language w<strong>it</strong>hout wr<strong>it</strong>ten<br />

permission, your sins could not be forgiven<br />

unless you turned in the Bible.<br />

• Sept 8, 1713 Encyclical Unigen<strong>it</strong>us<br />

from Pope Clement XI – condemning<br />

the “error” of stating that every person<br />

should study Scripture.<br />

• May 5, 1824 Encyclical Ubi Primum<br />

from Pope Leo XII – condemning<br />

Bibles printed in the vernacular (the<br />

spoken language of the people) as a<br />

Ed<strong>it</strong>orial – Continued<br />

“wretched undertaking”.<br />

• May 8, 1844 Encyclical Inter Praecipuas<br />

(On Biblical Societies) – Pope<br />

Gregory XVI condemns “secret gatherings”<br />

for the reading of scripture.<br />

“We again condemn … biblical societies<br />

…”<br />

• 1897 Pope Leo XIII Apostolic Const<strong>it</strong>ution<br />

Officiorum ac Munerum – “All<br />

versions of the Holy Bible, in any vernacular<br />

language, made by non-Catholics<br />

are prohib<strong>it</strong>ed; and especially those<br />

published by the Bible societies, which<br />

have been more that once condemned<br />

by the Roman Pontiffs (Popes)…”<br />

• 1930 Forward to the Index of Prohib<strong>it</strong>ed<br />

Books “Those who would put<br />

the Scriptures indiscriminately into the<br />

hands of the people … (these) counterfe<strong>it</strong><br />

champions of the inspired book<br />

hold the Bible to be the sole source<br />

of Divine Revelation and cover w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

abuse and tr<strong>it</strong>e sarcasm the Catholic<br />

and Roman Church.”<br />

• 1983 Code of Canon Law (the current<br />

Catholic law on Bibles in the common<br />

language) – Translations of the Bible<br />

cannot be published unless approved<br />

by the Apostolic See (the Papacy in<br />

Rome) “annotated w<strong>it</strong>h necessary and<br />

sufficient explanations.”<br />

And those are some of the reasons we<br />

say again that the Roman Catholic Church<br />

is: the church that banned the Bible. We are<br />

sorry to say that the suppression of Scripture<br />

did not stop there. Incredibly, the Protestant<br />

Reformation did not go nearly far enough<br />

– and after the break w<strong>it</strong>h Rome, even the<br />

Church of England banned the English Bible!<br />

Courageous preachers called Lollards<br />

were burned at the stake w<strong>it</strong>h their English<br />

Bibles hung round their necks. John Bunyan,<br />

beloved author of Pilgrim’s Progress,<br />

fell foul of the Church of England and was<br />

made to serve 14 years in Bedford Jail near<br />

Cambridge for preaching the gospel.<br />

In the year 2000 as part of the celebrations<br />

in England at the turn of the millennium,<br />

excerpts from Pilgrim’s Progress were read<br />

out in one of the great London cathedrals by<br />

some actress. We were sickened. At no time<br />

did anyone say, “We’re standing in one of<br />

the great Church of England cathedrals, the<br />

religious organization which burned people<br />

to death for possessing an English Bible and<br />

which imprisoned great authors and preachers<br />

like John Bunyan.” No, they did not say<br />

that. They too, the Church of England, are<br />

tarred w<strong>it</strong>h the same wretched brush: the<br />

church that also banned the Bible.<br />

Article from <strong>Moriel</strong> Archive: http://moriel.org/<strong>Moriel</strong>Archive<br />

URL to article: http://moriel.org/<strong>Moriel</strong>Archive/index.php/uncategorized/the-church-that-banned-thebible<br />

URLs in this post: [1] www.thefreepressonline.com<br />

September 2010 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 33

News Alert !<br />

“Cursed is the man who carves an image or casts an idol - a thing detestable<br />

to the LORD, the work of the craftsman’s hands – and sets <strong>it</strong> up in secret.<br />

Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’” – Deuteronomy 27:15 (ESV)<br />

Urgent<br />

Plea from a Christian Indian Woman Concerning FGBC Temple/Mosque Vis<strong>it</strong>s<br />

My name is Supriya M<strong>it</strong>chell and I am an Indian woman who was born and raised in Pune, India. I now live in Virginia but still have friends<br />

and family back home that I vis<strong>it</strong> as much as I can. Although I was raised in a Christian home, I was taken to Hindu temples by our maid who<br />

was and still is a follower of Hinduism when I was a l<strong>it</strong>tle girl. I love much of my Indian culture but also am burdened for so many of my people<br />

who worship false gods. I know the religions of my homeland from seeing them first-hand, and I hope my perspective helps in this matter. I am<br />

thankful that the true God preserved and protected me from many of the evils associated w<strong>it</strong>h following Hindu gods or the god of Islam.<br />

The reason I am wr<strong>it</strong>ing this is that I am here to plead w<strong>it</strong>h all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ NOT to VISIT TEMPLES or<br />

MOSQUES. I have seen the things in temples that you all may not even think about. I have seen people getting possessed. As a l<strong>it</strong>tle girl I have<br />

w<strong>it</strong>nessed lots of Hindus and Muslims coming to the exorcist who had his l<strong>it</strong>tle place next to my house and <strong>it</strong> is still bone chilling to think about<br />

<strong>it</strong>. I have heard the demon voice coming out of those people and so you can see why I am concerned w<strong>it</strong>h this practice of taking Christians and<br />

even groups where some may not even be true believers into these pagan places of demon worship. The leaders of the youth conference are<br />

aware that some who attend Momentum may not yet know Christ and so they preach the gospel to them and urge them to make sure they really<br />

know Him. But then, a large group of these young people will be taken into a temple or mosque when they may still not even be saved. Some<br />

hearts may be open to possession or oppression by the evil spir<strong>it</strong>s being worshiped there. This is so dangerous and is heavy on my heart.<br />

This is one of the reasons I am so concerned about these vis<strong>it</strong>s. I am pleading w<strong>it</strong>h you all not to go and send the people of your church or<br />

your kids into such a dangerous place where DEMONS are worshiped. Right before conference last year I called one of the leaders of these<br />

temple trips and was told that those trips were already planned and could not be canceled. Well, that was a year ago, and the decision has been<br />

made again to take conference goers of both the youth and adult conference into these places again. It is a burden in my heart for God’s people<br />

and I plead w<strong>it</strong>h you all not to go. There are many other ways you can learn about Hinduism but caution needs to be taken. Going to temples or<br />

mosques and doing what they require is not necessary.<br />

Just remember, coming from an Indian perspective that even removing your shoes is a worship to their gods ; removing shoes is respecting<br />

their gods. It clearly says in 1 Cor.10:14-33 not to fellowship w<strong>it</strong>h demons or do things that are known to be pagan. I have also been informed<br />

that in some trips in the past there was a buffet laid out for the people who vis<strong>it</strong>ed the temples to eat after the tour. What is the reason to eat food<br />

offered to idols when the Bible says not to and there are many Indian restaurants to eat Indian food This practice is defin<strong>it</strong>ely associated w<strong>it</strong>h<br />

dedication to false gods. All that food has been dedicated to whatever god or goddess is prayed to in there.<br />

Please understand that I know we need to reach out for ethnic people and <strong>it</strong> so awesome and very exc<strong>it</strong>ing to learn about other cultures. But<br />

there are other ways to do <strong>it</strong> besides going in to their places of worship and actually doing r<strong>it</strong>uals that mean something Hindu or Islamic . My<br />

suggestion is to make friends w<strong>it</strong>h Hindus and Muslims and just talk about Jesus and share the Gospel. There are many places and ways that we<br />

can do that that do not involve compromising our fa<strong>it</strong>h in Jesus Christ.<br />

PLEASE, I plead w<strong>it</strong>h you NOT to VISIT the TEMPLES.<br />

for more info, please watch http://www.youtube.com/watchv=Dtw-a7D6jm8<br />

34 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • September 2010

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