Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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Latin America<br />

1693 <br />

GUATEMALA - Ger many, 1898 10c rose sta tio nery en ve -<br />

lope sent by reg is tered mail at dou ble rate to Ger many,<br />

uprated with 3x5c vi o let (Type 2) Quet zal (on re verse) in ad di -<br />

tion to 1898 sur charge 6c/100c+10c/20c, all tied with barred R<br />

killer. Front shows cir cle AR/GUATEMALA handstamp and oval<br />


Cover bear ing Ger man "RUECKSCHEIN" - CERTIFICATE<br />

POSTED BACK, Very Fine (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1694 <br />

GUATEMALA - Ger many, 1898 reg is tered A.R.cover to<br />

Ham burg via New York, franked with com bi na tion of sur -<br />

charge is sues (front and back), to make the to tal of 26 cen ta vos<br />

all tied by mute tar get handstamp. Along side Coban oc tag o nal<br />

dis patch and boxed reg is tra tion handstamp. On re verse tran sits<br />

New Or leans and New York and ar rival Ham burg cds. Very Fine<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1695 <br />

GUATEMALA - Ger many, 1898 reg is tered AR 2c/5c sta tio -<br />

nery en ve lope sent dou ble rate to Ger many, uprated with<br />

4x2c/5c vi o let, on re verse 2c/5c vi o let +1894 sur charge<br />

10c/200c or ange pair +2c/1c pair, all tied with barred R killer.<br />


handstamp. Cover bear ing Ger man "RUECKSCHEIN" -<br />


Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1696 <br />

GUATEMALA - Ger many, 1899 reg is tered AR 2c/5c sta tio -<br />

nery en ve lope sent to Ger many, uprated with mixed frank ing<br />

sur charge is sue to make the to tal of 26c all tied with barred R<br />

killer. Front shows oval OFICINA DE<br />

CERTIFICADOS*GUATEMALA handstamp. Cover bear ing<br />


Re verse bears red VIA PUERTO BARRIOS*NEW ORLEANS<br />

la bel and Halle ar rival cds, Very Fine (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1697 /<br />

HAITI, 1903, Cen te nary of In de pend ence, 2c-50c, cen ters<br />

inverted, six dif fer ent, blocks of 4, o.g., lightly hinged or never<br />

hinged, F.-V.F. Scott 83-88 vars. (Photo).<br />

Est. 230 - 250 CHF.<br />

230 CHF<br />

1698<br />

HAITI, 1812-98, six orig i nal Pres i den tial doc u ments, in clud -<br />

ing partly printed doc u ment with coat of arms, signed by<br />

Finesias Augustin Si mon Sam, as Pres i dent of Haiti, ad dressed<br />

in 1898 to his Sec re tary of State; oth ers with an 1875 doc u ment<br />

signed by Michel Domingue; 1877 Boisrond Ca nal; 1812<br />

Tancrede L'Auguste; 1826 Jean-Pi erre Boyer and 1881<br />

Salomon, all as pres i dents of the Re pub lic, F.-V.F. and rare lot<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 950 - 1 200 CHF.<br />

950 CHF<br />

1699 <br />

Start CHF<br />

HAITI - Ger many, 1906 il lus trated en ve lope for the Ham -<br />

burg-Amer ica Line to Dusseldorf - Ger many, with four-is sue<br />

frank ing of 1898 'Deux-2-Cent' on 20. "Palm"; 5c & 7c Si mon<br />

Sam; 1902 boxed 'Gt.Pre' on 20c; and 1906 1C with oval Ex ter -<br />

nal Ser vices over print. All tied by large mar i time ca chet "Ham-<br />

burg-Amer i can Line * At las Ser vice". Re verse bears straight<br />

line S.S. Valdivia handstamp (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1700 <br />

HONDURAS, 1891, Pres i dent Bográn, 10p green & black,<br />

cen ter in verted, block of 4, dis turbed o.g. as al ways, Very Fine.<br />

Scott 64a; $300 (280 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 260 - 300 CHF.<br />

260 CHF<br />

1701 P<br />

MEXICO, 1864 Hi dalgo, 1r, 2r and 1p com pos ite large die<br />

proof in black, also large die proof of 4r, also in black, all die<br />

sunk on two cards, lit tle ton ing, oth er wise Very Fine, rare. Scott<br />

14-17 vars. (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 400 - 1 500 CHF.<br />

1,400 CHF<br />

1702 P<br />

MEXICO, 1866, Maximilian, se lec tion of 11 imperf plate es -<br />

says, 10c (5), 25c (2), 40c (3) and "real" (2), two dif fer ent de -<br />

signs, var i ous col ors, last two with value tab lets blank, Fine and<br />

scarce lot (Photo).<br />

Est. 700 - 800 CHF.<br />

700 CHF<br />

1703 <br />

MEXICO, 1892, Nu meral, 5p car mine, blue can cel, usual per -<br />

fo ra tions, Fine. Scott 228; $900 (850 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 350 - 400 CHF.<br />

350 CHF<br />

1704 E<br />

MEXICO, 1934 (ca), un is sued de signs, 5p and 10p black,<br />

two large die es says in black, some cor rec tions in white ink by<br />

the art ist, Very Fine (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1705 E<br />

MEXICO, 1934 (ca), un is sued de signs (Hernan Cortez), 5p<br />

vi o let and 5p green and yel low, two large die proofs, the lat ter<br />

with dou ble im pres sion, Very Fine (Photo).<br />

Est. 160 - 200 CHF.<br />

160 CHF<br />

1706 <br />

MEXICO, Air mail, 1975, Guzman and Ramirez, 60c yel low<br />

green, unwatermarked, o.g., never hinged, fresh, Very Fine,<br />

with 1995 MEPSI cer tif i cate. Scott C471A; $1 200 (1 140 CHF)<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 500 - 600 CHF.<br />

500 CHF<br />

1707 <br />

MEXICO, 1856 cover, franked with 1 real and 4 real im per fo rate<br />

Hi dalgo is sue, handstamped with GUANAJUATO (Schatzkes<br />

476) dis trict name and tied by FRANCO/GUANAJUATO<br />

datestamp. Scarce frank ing on a first is sue cover. Sc. 2, 4<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 400 - 500 CHF.<br />

400 CHF<br />

1708 <br />

MEXICO, 1859 en tire to Brownsville, franked with quar ter of<br />

8r red-li lac Hi dalgo (1856 is sue) tied by boxed ZACATECAS<br />

datestamp. Rare us age. Scott. 5 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1709 <br />

Start CHF<br />

MEXICO, 1866, Maximilian, 25c buff, litho, touch ing top mar -<br />

gin, on cover sent to Cordova, tied by clear VERA CRUZ cds.<br />

Fine. Scott 28 (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />


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