Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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Fourth <strong>Session</strong><br />

1652 <br />

BRAZIL - France, 1862, let ter, franked with red 280r, pre pay -<br />

ing the let ter rate to France, tied by CORREO GERAL DA<br />

CORTE/BRAZIL datestamp. Front shows red framed "PD"<br />

handstamp and red BRESIL/CALAIS French en try, while re -<br />

verse bears PARIS A BELFORT am bu lant. Fine and scarce. Sc.<br />

39 (Photo).<br />

Est. 300 - 400 CHF.<br />

300 CHF<br />

1653 <br />

BRAZIL - France, 1878 cover, franked with 10r ver mil ion, 50r<br />

blue and two 100r Dom Pedro is sues, pre pay ing the 260r sin gle<br />

weight let ter rate to France. All tied by cork killer along side RIO<br />

DE JANEIRO cds and RIO JANEIRO/PAQ.FR.J French<br />

paquebot cds.Re verse bears Bor deaux tran sit and Oloron ar -<br />

rival cds. Fine col or ful frank ing. Sc. 63, 65, 68 (Photo).<br />

Est. 400 - 500 CHF.<br />

400 CHF<br />

1654 <br />

BRAZIL, 1882, let ter, franked with bi sected 200r Don Pedro<br />

rouletted is sue, pre pay ing the in ter nal let ter rate, tied by seg -<br />

mented handstamp, along side S.A. DO R. BOITO cds. Re verse<br />

shows two dif fer ent RIO DE JANEIRO ar rival datestamp, plus<br />

framed "1" de liv ery handstamp. Light ver ti cal fil ing fold. A rare<br />

ex am ple of this bi sected stamp on cover. Sc. 66a (Photo).<br />

Est. 500 - 750 CHF.<br />

500 CHF<br />

1655 <br />

BRAZIL - Ger many, 1883, let ter, franked with four rouletted<br />

50r Dom Pedro is sue, pre pay ing the 200r sin gle weight UPU let -<br />

ter rate to Ger many. Stamps tied by seg mented cork killer and a<br />

RIO DE JANEIRO cds. Re verse bears Bamberg ar rival cds.<br />

Fine and scarce mul ti ple frank ing. Sc. 70 (Photo).<br />

Est. 300 - 400 CHF.<br />

300 CHF<br />

1656 <br />

BRAZIL - Ger many, 1902 reg is tered cover with re turn re -<br />

ceipt, franked with 300R Her mes (1903 is sue) + 200R li lac +<br />

2x500R sur charge +200R/100R + 100R/50r green all tied by<br />

S.Paulo cds. On re verse Rio de Ja neiro tran sit and Velbert ar -<br />

rival. Very Fine. Scott. 119b, 132, 132C, 137, 139 (Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1657 <br />

BRAZIL: RIO GRANDE DO NORTE, 1912, "Thesouro" car -<br />

mine & black, cen ter in verted, cor ner mar gin block of 4, with -<br />

out gum as is sued, faint mar ginal stain ing, oth er wise Very Fine,<br />

only 12 in verts re corded mak ing this an ex ceed ingly rare block<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 2 200 - 2 500 CHF.<br />

2,200 CHF<br />

1658 /<br />

CHILE, Post age Due, 1925, 2c-5p, red nu mer als shifted and<br />

inverted, se-ten ant block of 12 fea tur ing all 11 val ues plus an<br />

ad di tional 5p, o.g., outer stamps hinged, oth ers never hinged,<br />

60c with toned perf, Fine, a rare mul ti ple. Scott J48-J58 vars.<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 700 - 900 CHF.<br />

700 CHF<br />

1659 <br />

Start CHF<br />

CHILE, c1855 cover, franked with a pair, 1-BISECTED 10c<br />

blue San ti ago print ing, pre pay ing 15c in ter nal let ter rate to San -<br />

ti ago. Stamps tied by tar get can cels, with straight line<br />

CHANARCILLO handstamp along side. De spite mi nor faults, a<br />

scarce cover. Sc. 5+5c (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 350 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1660 <br />

CHILE, 1919 (Jan. 1), spe cial flight from Valparaiso to San ti -<br />

ago, cover (lit tle re duced at left) franked with sin gle and pair of<br />

5p Figueroa, cancelled by vi o let club ca chet and Valparaiso<br />

cds; ac com pa nied by a let ter "this is to cer tify that this let ter was<br />

car ried by me on my flight from San ti ago to Valparaiso, Jan u ary<br />

1, 1919", also two un used sin gles, one signed by Figueroa, Very<br />

Fine, ex-Mar quis de Bute, rare lot. AAMC 1 (Photo).<br />

Est. 4 250 - 5 500 CHF.<br />

4,250 CHF<br />

1661 <br />

COLOMBIA, Air mail, 1920, Compañia Colombiana de<br />

Navegación Aerea, 10c, with out gum as is sued, APES photo<br />

cer tif i cate. Michel 4; €8 500 (10 700 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 2 000 - 2 400 CHF.<br />

2,000 CHF<br />

1662 ()<br />

COLOMBIA, Airmail, 1919, Experimental flight Barranquilla<br />

to Puerto Co lom bia, with out gum, very good stamp, Soler<br />

A.I.E.P. photo cer tif i cate, rare stamp. Michel 264; €8 500 as<br />

hinged (10 700 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 000 - 1 400 CHF.<br />

1,000 CHF<br />

1663 <br />

Start CHF<br />

COLOMBIA, Air mail, 1920, Compañia Colombiana de<br />

Navegación Aerea, 10c, with out gum as is sued, slight crease<br />

at the bot tom right cor ner, Friedl photo cer tif i cate. Michel 1; €7<br />

500 (9 440 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 800 - 2 200 CHF.<br />

1,800 CHF<br />


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