Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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Australian Area<br />

1440 <br />

SOUTH AFRICA: Boer War, 1897-1904, 16 en ve lopes,<br />

postal sta tio nery en ve lopes or cards, from south ern Af rica to<br />

Can ada bear ing stamps of Great Brit ain, Na tal, Or ange Free<br />

State, and Transvaal, three are O.H.M.S. en ve lopes with “South<br />

Af ri can Con stab u lary im prints, can cel la tions in clude Army P.O.<br />

(2) and Field P.O. (2) c.d.s., one is cen sored, faults or de fects<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1441 <br />

SOUTH AFRICA: Boer War, 1899-1901, 32 en ve lopes or<br />

cards, used within south ern Af rica bear ing stamps of Cape of<br />

Good Hope, Cey lon, Great Brit ain (on dam aged reg is tered let -<br />

ter en ve lope), Na tal, Or ange Free State, and Transvaal, one<br />

from Ermelo to Delagoa Bay via Lourenco Marques, nearly all<br />

are cen sored with a fine ar ray of ca chets (Photo).<br />

Est. 500 - 600 CHF.<br />

500 CHF<br />

1442 <br />

SOUTH AFRICA: Boer War, 1899-1901, 5 cen sored en ve -<br />

lopes, from Cape Town, Johaannesburg, Krugersdooorp,<br />

Machadoorp, and Thaba Nchu to Lourenco Marques (3, one<br />

for warded to Eng land) and Lis bon (2) bear ing stamps of Or -<br />

ange Free State or Transvaal, one is taxed (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1443 <br />

SOUTH AFRICA: Boer War, 1900-01, the mag nif i cent study<br />

of mil i tary can cel la tions and cen sor ca chets and la bels, in<br />

two vol umes, with Vol ume I com pris ing Army Post Of fices with<br />

15 en ve lopes, fronts or cards and over 60 loose stamps with<br />

many on piece, Field Post Of fices with 50 en ve lopes, fronts or<br />

cards and over 260 loose stamps with many on piece, Army<br />

Post Of fices T.P.O. with 3 en ve lopes or cards and 5 loose<br />

stamps, and Na tal De fense Force with 2 en ve lopes and 13<br />

pieces, and Vol ume II com pris ing cen sor ca chets and tape on<br />

over 120 en ve lopes, fronts or cards and 25 pieces with a wide<br />

range of types in clud ing Press Of fice and P.O.W., and in com ing<br />

with Lourenco Marques. An im pres sive study pains tak ingly built<br />

up and an no tated with ear li est and lat est dates known to the col -<br />

lec tor as his knowl edge evolved over the years. Mixed<br />

condition.<br />

Est. 3 000 - 4 000 CHF.<br />

3,000 CHF<br />

1444 <br />

Start CHF<br />

SOUTH AFRICA: Boer War, 1900-02, 6 en ve lopes, to In dia (2,<br />

both un franked, one “On ac tive Ser vice. No stamps pro cur able”<br />

and the other taxed but dam aged), New Zea land (from a sol dier<br />

in the 5th New Zea land Con tin gent) and U.S.A. (3, all cen sored)<br />

bear ing stamps of Brit ish South Af rica Com pany or Cape of<br />

Good Hope; also cen sored en ve lopes (2) from Belle Vue<br />

P.O.W. Camp to Tas ma nia, both have stamps torn out. (8 items)<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1445 <br />

Australian Area<br />

Australian States<br />

NEW SOUTH WALES - Scot land, 1855 cover from Syd ney<br />

to Scot land, franked with 2d blue strip of three with good mar -<br />

gins (touched at the bot tom left cor ner), tied by barred nu meral<br />

handstamp<br />

along side<br />


and "5" charge mark. Re verse bears SYDNEY*NEW S.WALES<br />

datestamp and ar rival. Very nice cover. Scott 14 (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 000 - 1 500 CHF.<br />

1,000 CHF<br />

1446 <br />

NEW SOUTH WALES - Great Brit ain, 1857 one ounce let ter<br />

sent from Syd ney to Sand hurst, franked with sheet mar gin<br />

copy of 1sh pale red (1854 is sue), tied by barred obliterator<br />

(used in Syd ney 1856-57) along side Lon don Head stone tran sit<br />

PAID/5 SP 5/1857 datestamp. On re verse shows Syd ney dis -<br />

patch datestamp and FARBOROUGH - STATION ar rival cds.<br />

Scott. 31 (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 300 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1447 <br />

NEW SOUTH WALES - France, 1860 let ter to France, franked<br />

with 6d grey-brown perf 12,wa ter mark. dou ble line 6<br />

INVERTED, tied by du plex N.S.W.SYDNEY cds. pre pay ing the<br />

sin gle let ter weight by French packet to Mar seilles. Along side<br />

red French AUSTRALIE V.SUEZ/AMB.C cds (Salles 2.116). On<br />

re verse tran sits and ar rival post marks. SG. 143 (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1448 <br />

NEW SOUTH WALES - Ire land, 1868 cover from St. Leo -<br />

nards (Ju 17) to Dub lin, with Di a dem 6 d perf.(lifted and re -<br />

placed) cancelled 186 reposted on ar rival to Ed in burgh with 1 d<br />

red tied by Dub lin 186 du plex, backstamp H&KPACT/7 cds, an<br />

un usual con junc tion of match ing nu mer als of two coun tries and<br />

a rare mixed us age (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 000 - 1 500 CHF.<br />

1,000 CHF<br />

1449 <br />

NEW SOUTH WALES, 1895 reg is tered let ter to Hay, franked<br />

with 3d QV (1886 is sue - perf 12 x 11) in com bi na tion with 1sh<br />

CUT OUT tele graph sta tio nery form (HG-H2 1894) both tied by<br />

barred "133" nu meral along side Car ra thool cds and straight line<br />

reg is tra tion handstamp. Re verse bears Hay ar rival cds. Un -<br />

usual com bi na tion. SG. 226e (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1450 <br />

Start CHF<br />

NEW SOUTH WALES - USA, 1898, QV 2d blue sta tio nery en -<br />

ve lope sent by reg is tered mail to Boston, uprated with ½d<br />

slate (perf 12) and 3d green (perf 12) QV stamps, all tied by<br />

barred nu meral "1034" obliterator. Front shows "R" reg is tra tion<br />

mark and ULTIMO/N.S.W. cds. On re verse ad di tional Ul timo<br />

des patch cds, tran sits Syd ney and REGISTERED/SAN<br />

FRANCISCO oval datestamp, along side BOSTON. MASS /<br />

REGISTRY DIV. datestamp. At trac tive.<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />


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