Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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British Commonwealth<br />

1383 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Swit zer land, 1919, cover to Zu rich,<br />

franked by over printed G.E.A. 2x1c, 3c and 10c King George V,<br />

all tied by TANGA cds, with straight line OPENED BY CENSOR<br />

in vi o let along side. Re verse with large yel low OPENED<br />

UNDER (MARTIAL LAW) cen sor re seal also tied by straight line<br />

Cen sor. Fine cover. SG 45, 47, 49.<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1384 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Ger many, 1919, G.E.A. over printed<br />

3c postal sta tio nery card sent to Ger many, uprated with 3c<br />

over print G.E.A. King George V, tied by TANGA cds along side<br />

straight line OPENED BY CENSOR in vi o let. Scarce. SG 47<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1385 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Ger many, 1919 use of East Af rica<br />

and Uganda KGV G.E.A. 3c sta tio nery card, with ad di tional<br />

frank ing of 3c green G.E.A. KGV tied by WILHELMSTAT cds to<br />

Lubeck, along side cen sor handstamp.<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1386 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Brazil, 1921, reg is tered over printed<br />

6c postal sta tio nery card sent to Brazil, uprated with pair of<br />

15c over print G.E.A. King George V, tied by TABORA cds along -<br />

side reg is tra tion la bel, Lon don tran sit and ar rival Blumenau<br />

cds. Fine sta tio nery to rare des ti na tion. SG 51 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1387 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.), 1922, reg is tered en ve lope to the<br />

Health Of fice, Tabora, franked three E.Af rica & Uganda 10c.<br />

over printed G.E.A. and tied by DAR-ES-SALLAM cds. Ar rival<br />

on re verse. Scarce cover.<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1388 <br />

TONGA - New Zea land, 1895 cover, bear ing com plete set of<br />

1895 sur charged is sue, all stamps tied by NEIAEU/VAVAU cds<br />

sent to New Zea land. Re verse bears NUKUALOHA/TONGA<br />

cds and Auckland ar rival along side. Phil a telic but rare us age of<br />

this is sue. SG. 25/28 (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1389 <br />

TRINIDAD, 1896-1901, “Bri tan nia”, 5s green & brown, 10s<br />

green & ul tra ma rine and 5s li lac & mauve, three dif fer ent,<br />

o.g., hinge rem nant, F.-V.F., signed Diena. SG 122, 1123, 131;<br />

£365 (560 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 220 - 250 CHF.<br />

220 CHF<br />

1390 <br />

Start CHF<br />

TRINIDAD - France, 1871 (April 25) com plete printed mat ter<br />

en tire let ter from Trin i dad to Nantes, France, with pair of<br />

1864 1d car mine tied by black Trin i dad cds (along side is a rare<br />

us age of the same can cel la tion struck in red). Lon don cds of<br />

tran sit and ar rival, via Havre and Paris on re verse. A rare us age<br />

with com plete News pa per en closed. Scott 48c (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 700 - 2 500 CHF.<br />

1,700 CHF<br />

1391 <br />

TRINIDAD - USA, 1871 let ter, franked with 1d red and 4d vi o let<br />

Bri tan nia is sue, pre pay ing the sin gle weight let ter rate to the<br />

USA port of ar rival by Brit ish packet ser vice, all tied by Trin i dad<br />

cds. Front shows red manu script "4" pence credit and<br />

N.Y.STEAMSHIP ar rival cds with in te gral "10" cents post age<br />

due, while re verse bears pri vate ca chet of the COLONIAL<br />

COMPANY LIMITED / TRINIDAD AGENCY. Scarce frank ing on<br />

a Very Fine cover (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1392 <br />

TRISTAN DA CUNHA 1922 cover mailed to Lon don, franked<br />

by Great Brit ain postal sta tion ary cut-outs for 4 d.rate, cancelled<br />

by "Tristan Da Cunha" cir cu lar ca chets (Type III) in black. The<br />

cover were picked up by Er nest Shackletons"n "Quest" on it"s<br />

re turn voy age of 1920-1921 ex pe di tion to the Antartic, the small<br />

amount of mail picked up be ing posted from Rio de Ja neiro<br />

(April 9), with both cov ers ar riv ing in Stock well (May 2). Ex -<br />

tremely rare and Very Fine (Photo).<br />

Est. 500 - 750 CHF.<br />

500 CHF<br />

1393 <br />

UGANDA - Eng land, 1897 en ve lope to Leamington (1.11),<br />

bear ing type set 4a. black on white, pen cancelled, in com bi na -<br />

tion with Brit ish East Af rica 2½d. cancelled by “Mombassa”<br />

c.d.s. (10.10), cover has light cen tral ver ti cal fil ing fold, Fine,<br />

Holcombe Photo Opin ion (1996). SG 58, 68 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1394 <br />

ZANZIBAR, 1921-29, Sul tan & Dhow is sue, 1¢-30r com -<br />

plete, o.g., lightly hinged or hinge rem nant, some low val ues<br />

with toned perfs, oth er wise F.-V.F. SG 276/297; £850 (1 300<br />

CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 450 - 600 CHF.<br />

450 CHF<br />

1395 <br />

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, 1948, Royal Sil ver Wed ding,<br />

com plete set of all is sues, o.g., never hinged, Su perb. SG £2<br />

100 (3 200 CHF).<br />

Est. 1 000 - 1 200 CHF.<br />

1,000 CHF<br />

1396 <br />

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, 1870-1950, can cel la tions,<br />

hun dreds on stock cards in clud ing used in Con stan ti no ple, val -<br />

ues to 5sh (Seahorses), Bechuanaland se lec tion with better<br />

can cels, In dian and early Pa ki stan stamps cancelled in Dubai<br />

(group of George VI ad he sives in clud ing strips and pairs), Ja -<br />

maica se lec tion with dif fer ent nu meral can cels ("A28/"A79",<br />

also "E30", "F80"/"F97" (all on Vic to ria stamps), also Mau ri tius<br />

can cels, scarce group.<br />

Est. 900 - 1 100 CHF.<br />

900 CHF<br />

1397 S<br />

Start CHF<br />

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, 1878-1882, Bradbury<br />

Wilkinson print ers sam ples, 4 dif fer ent, im per fo rate on thick<br />

wove pa per per fo rated “Spec i men”: Brit ish East Af rica 2a. pale<br />

ul tra ma rine, Brit ish Cen tral Af rica Rev e nue Stamp (small fault<br />

in perfs.), Queensland 1882 £1 red (triv ial rub), and Transvaal<br />

1878 5s. brown, also 1878 6d. blue with out “Spec i men”, the last<br />

two have mi nor tones in mar gins at top (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />


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