Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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British Commonwealth<br />

1368 <br />

SAMOA - USA, 1915 reg is tered cover to New York, bear ing<br />

5sh (mar ginal) and 10sh over print SAMOA on New Zea land<br />

stamp, all tied by APIA cds, along side reg is tra tion la bel and mil i -<br />

tary cen sor straight line ca chet. Re verse bears ar rival<br />

datestamp. SG. 130, 131.<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1369 <br />

SARAWAK - France, 1892 "Two / cents" on 3c blue Straits<br />

Set tle ments sta tio nery card to Paris, cancelled by bold<br />

SARAWAK cds. Front shows tran sit SINGAPORE cds and red<br />

French MODANE A PARIS ar rival datestamp. Usual mi nor<br />

creases. Rare (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 500 - 2 000 CHF.<br />

1,500 CHF<br />

1370 <br />

SEYCHELLES, 1903-06, King Ed ward VII, 2¢-2.25r com -<br />

plete, two dif fer ent com plete sets, o.g., hinge rem nant, F.-V.F.<br />

SG 46/56, 60/70; £240 (370 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 120 - 150 CHF.<br />

120 CHF<br />

1371 <br />

SEYCHELLES - Mau ri tius, 1885 Mau ri tius 8d QV sta tio nery<br />

en ve lope (HG 13) lightly dam aged on the front top right cor ner,<br />

tied by barred B64 killer, along side SEYCHELLES weak cds<br />

and two line Mahè Sey chelles cou rier handstamp. On re verse<br />

Mau ri tius ar rival cds. Scarce (Photo).<br />

Est. 300 - 400 CHF.<br />

300 CHF<br />

1372 <br />

SEYCHELLES - Ger many, 1895 reg is tered 15c sta tio nery<br />

en ve lope (HG 2) uprated with 45c brown&rose QV (1893 is -<br />

sue) sent to Ger many. All cancelled by SEYCHELLES cds,<br />

along side French paquebot datestamp LIGNE T/PAQ.FR.No 1<br />

oc tag o nal datestamp and "R" reg is tra tion handstamp. Re verse<br />

bears Oldenburg cds ar rival. Sc. 15 (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1373 <br />

SEYCHELLES - Ger many, 1895 reg is tered 30c sta tio nery<br />

en ve lope (HG 3) uprated with 3C+10C+13c QV (all 1890/1900<br />

is sues) sent to Ger many. All cancelled by SEYCHELLES cds,<br />

along side French paquebot datestamp LIGNE T/PAQ.FR.No 3<br />

oc tag o nal date stamp. and "R" handstamp, re verse bears<br />

Oldenburg cds ar rival. SG. 4, 13, 22.<br />

Est. 200 - 250 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1374 <br />

SEYCHELLES - France, 1897 reg is tered sur charge 18c/30c<br />

sta tio nery en ve lope (HG 4) uprated with two sur charge<br />

18c/45c QV (1896 is sues) both with mis placed sur charge, only<br />

show ing 18 'CEN', sent to France, cancelled by SEYCHELLES<br />

cds. re verse bears ar rival post mark. SG. 26 (Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1375 <br />

Start CHF<br />

SOUTH WEST AFRICA, 1926, Set ting VI over print on South<br />

Af rica KGV, £1 green & red, hor i zon tal bi lin gual pair, o.g.,<br />

lightly hinged, Fine. SG 40; £275 (420 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 170 - 200 CHF.<br />

170 CHF<br />

1376 <br />

SOUTHERN NIGERIA, 1912 overfranked reg is tered cover,<br />

bear ing on re verse mul ti ple frank ing of 2½p (ver ti cal pair), 3p<br />

(block of eight) and 2sh6p (two ver ti cal strips of five) KGV, 1912<br />

is sue. All tied by oval REGISTERED/LAGOS SOUTHERN<br />

NIGERIA datestamps. At the front bears R/LAGOS No reg is try<br />

handstamp. SG. 25, 36, 41.<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1377 <br />

SUDAN - France, 1898 Egyp tian 5m sta tio nery en ve lope<br />

with bi-lin gual SOUDAN over print sent to Paris, uprated<br />

with 2m+3m Arab Post man is sue, all tied by<br />

KHARTOUM/S.P.S. Re verse shows Nadi Halfa and Al ex an dria<br />

tran sits and ar rival Paris cds. SG. 11, 12.<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1378 <br />

SUDAN - It aly, 1916 Cen sored cover from Khar toum to Mi -<br />

lan, bear ing 5m scar let & black Arab Post man is sue, tied by<br />

KHARTOUM datestamp. Front shows cen sor mark "K" and<br />

Rose Su dan cen sor ship 8 con trol la bel. Re verse bears tran sits<br />

and ar rival datestamps. SG. 23 (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1379 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Ger many, 1918 cover, franked with<br />

three 3c, 6c, 10c, G.E.A. over print on King George V pre pay ing<br />

25c rate to Hanover; all tied by MOSHI skel e ton cds and cover<br />

sealed with cen sor la bel, sub se quently overstruck by OPENED<br />

BY CENSOR handstamp in vi o let. Scarce cover. SG 47, 48, 49<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1380 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - In dia, 1918 OHMS en ve lope sent by<br />

reg is tered mail to Bom bay, franked with East Af rica and<br />

Uganda G.E.A 3c, 12c and 50c all tied by TANGA cds's, along -<br />

side boxed Reg is try handstamp. Re verse bears<br />

REGISTERED/MOMBASA date stamp., VOI cds, and a oval<br />

POST & TELEGRAPHS red wax seal along side Bom bay ar rival<br />

cds.<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1381 <br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.), 1918 (March 2nd) reg is tered cover<br />

to Tanga, franked by 25c and 75c King George V with G.E.A.<br />

over print, tied by MOSHI cds, with reg is tered ca chet at lower<br />

left. Framed "Passed By-Postal cen sor - Tanga" also on front<br />

and re verse with manu script 'No tice sent 21/3/18'. Fine cover.<br />

SG 52,54.<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1382 <br />

Start CHF<br />

TANGANYIKA (G.E.A.) - Swit zer land, 1919 reg is tered cover<br />

to Swit zer land, franked by over printed G.E.A. 6c, 15c and 25c<br />

King George V, tied by TANGA cds. Re verse bears green OPEN<br />

UNDER … la bel with cen sor ca chet, Mombasa tran sit and Zu -<br />

rich ar rival cds. Fine and scarce cover. SG 48, 51, 52 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />


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