Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions

Third Session - Harmers Auctions


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British Commonwealth<br />

1255 <br />

INDIA - USA, 1889 reg is tered cover (three sides open) bear -<br />

ing 9d bright mauve (two pairs), 1a.6p. se pia (pair) and ½a.<br />

blue-green tied by "MOUNT ROAD 8. SE" squared cir cles<br />

along side "R MONUT ROAD" boxed ca chet via Lon don to USA,<br />

on re verse bears SEA POST OFFICE cds and New York ar rival<br />

datestamp. SG. 19, 85, 90 (Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 300 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1256 <br />

INDIA, 1894, two 2a pale blue and two (one on front) ½a<br />

blue-green on reg is tered cover, from KOTAR 28 with boxed<br />

ca chet "R KOTAR", ar rival mark and "TOO LATE" handstamp<br />

re verse, at open ing cover lit tle shorted at right. SG. 85, 91<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 250 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1257 <br />

INDIA - France, 1900 cover sent to Gi bral tar, re di rected to<br />

France, franked with pair of 1a-ma roon QV 1882 is sue tied by<br />

Wellington cds, re di rected to France; ap plied Gi bral tar 3x1d red<br />

QV is sue all tied by GIBRALTAR cds. Re verse bears var i ous<br />

tran sits and ar rival cds. Rare com bi na tion (Photo).<br />

Est. 350 - 400 CHF.<br />

350 CHF<br />

1258 <br />

INDIA - Great Brit ain, 1915 reg is tered en ve lope to Shef field,<br />

franked KGV 2a6d tied by Base Of fice Reg datestamp. Ob verse<br />

also bears or nate Base Of fice reg is tra tion et i quette. Cen sored.<br />

Re verse bears Lon don tran sit and Shef field ar rival datestamp<br />

(Photo).<br />

Est. 200 - 300 CHF.<br />

200 CHF<br />

1259 <br />

INDIA - Neth er lands, 1920 mil i tary mail en ve lope from the<br />

Dera Col umn, en dorsed "On Ac tive Ser vice" and sent from "H.<br />

Jansen C.F. Dera Col." with dou ble ring BASRAN datestamp,<br />


datestamp with PASSED CENSOR M.E.F. No 2 in red, routed<br />

via Port Taufio, Egypt, ad dressed to HOLLAND and taxed with<br />

Neth er lands post age dues ½ cent blue (SG D230) and 7 cent<br />

blue (SG D239) tied on ar rival by BAARLO dou ble ring. A su -<br />

perb item of mil i tary mail (Photo).<br />

Est. 350 - 500 CHF.<br />

350 CHF<br />

1260 <br />

INDIA, Himalaya Ex pe di tion, 1924 Mount Ev er est 3rd Ex pe -<br />

di tion pic ture post card sent to Leicester, bear ing ½a and 1a<br />

KGV both tied by DARJELING cds along side Mount Ev er est la -<br />

bel tied by red RONGBUK GLACIER BASE CAMP ca chet.<br />

Scarce (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 350 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1261 <br />

Start CHF<br />

INDIA - USA, 1947 reg is tered cover to New York, bear ing on<br />

re verse 6a. tur quoise-green and ½a tied by YANAM 24.6<br />

datestamp along side New York tran sit and State Is land ar rival.<br />

Front shows hand writ ten reg is tered note plus "YANAM"straight<br />

line handstamp. SG. 266, 274 (Photo).<br />

Est. 100 - 150 CHF.<br />

100 CHF<br />

1262 /<br />

INDIA, 1854-1940, pow er ful mainly mint col lec tion, in one<br />

stock book. In cludes al most 100 Queen Vic to ria items be gin -<br />

ning with the first is sue, plus 4 Kings nearly com plete, of fi cials,<br />

air mail, nu mer ous high val ues; some du pli ca tion of used; S.G.<br />

23 (pho to graphed) has a Holcombe cer tif i cate. A won der ful<br />

clean lot, gen er ally F.-V.F. or better, per fect for the se ri ous In -<br />

dian Area spe cial ist. SG £10 000+ (15 230 CHF).<br />

Est. 4 000 - 5 000 CHF.<br />

4,000 CHF<br />

1263 <br />

INDIAN STATES: JAIPUR, Of fi cials, 1931-46, ½a-2½a, 1r,<br />

seven dif fer ent, blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine. SG<br />

O13, O23-27, O30 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 300 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1264 <br />

INDIAN STATES: POONCH, c. 1876 use of Brit ish In dia ½<br />

anna sta tio nery en ve lope, franked on re verse with two 6d red,<br />

both tied by neg a tive na tive can cels. Re verse shows ad di tional<br />

KAHUTA tran sit and CHOYA SAIDAN SHAH ar rival cds. A rare<br />

first is sue cover. Sg 1 (Photo).<br />

Est. 1 000 - 1 500 CHF.<br />

1,000 CHF<br />

1265 <br />

INDIA USED IN ADEN - Por tu gal, 1892 cover to Lis bon,<br />

bear ing ½a / 4½a green (light fox ing) tied by small squared cir -<br />

cle ADEN datestamp. Front shows French red oc tag o nal<br />

LIGNE N / PAQ.FR.No10 datestamp. Ar rival and tran sits on re -<br />

verse. Un usual des ti na tion. SG. 102 (Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1266 <br />

INDIA USED IN ADEN - Bel gium, 1894 cover to Brussels,<br />

franked with ½a green pair, 9p rose pair, all tied by squared cir -<br />

cle ADEN CAMP datestamp. Front shows Bel gian Brussels<br />

postal la bel. Ar rival on re verse, some light faults. At trac tive<br />

cover to un usual des ti na tion. SG. 84,86 (Photo).<br />

Est. 150 - 200 CHF.<br />

150 CHF<br />

1267 <br />

INDIA USED IN SINGAPORE - Hong Kong, 1864 en tire,<br />

franked with 4a black QV is sue for In dia, tied by oc tag o nal<br />

"R172" obliterator along side in manu script "P.Steamer Cam -<br />

bridge". Re verse shows red dou ble cir cle Sin ga pore cds and<br />

blue Hong Kong ar rival datestamp. From fa mous Heard cor re -<br />

spon dence. SG. 45 (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 350 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1268 <br />


1917 reg is tered cover, bear ing ½ a. block of four, 3 pies block<br />

of four, 1 a. & 2 a. I.E.F. over prints cancelled by the "BUSRA<br />

CITY" cds's sup ported by the Reg is try la bel show ing the<br />

PASSED CENSOR BOMBAY handstamp sup ported by large<br />

CENSOR LABEL on the re verse which is tied by the GENEVE &<br />

PORT SAID tran sits & also the ZAGAZIG ar rival cds (Photo).<br />

Est. 250 - 350 CHF.<br />

250 CHF<br />

1269 <br />

Start CHF<br />

INDIA: AZAD HIND, 1943, 1r+2r, three top val ues, o.g., never<br />

hinged, Very Fine, handstamp guar an tees. Michel VIIa-b; €1<br />

300 (1 640 CHF) (Photo).<br />

Est. 700 - 1 000 CHF.<br />

700 CHF<br />


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