Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council


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HCC <strong>Standing</strong> Orders 3 August 2004 Issue No. 2 44<br />

Declaration of pecuniary<br />

interest<br />

32.10<br />

Every member present when any matter is raised on which they directly<br />

or indirectly have a pecuniary interest, apart from any interest in common with<br />

the public, is under a duty to fully declare any such interest to the<br />

meeting. This disclosure and the subsequent abstention of such member<br />

from both discussion and voting on the item are to be recorded in the minutes.<br />

[s. 6(1), Local Authorities (Members' Interests) Act]<br />

Pecuniary interest a<br />

reason for leaving room<br />

32.11<br />

Members who have declared a pecuniary interest in matters to be<br />

discussed under standing order 32.10 should consider leaving the meeting<br />

room for the full duration of discussion on such matters.<br />


Qualified privilege<br />

relating to agenda and<br />

minutes<br />

33.1<br />

Where a meeting of any local authority is open to the public during the<br />

proceedings or any part thereof, and a member of the public is supplied with a<br />

copy of the agenda or order paper for the meeting or any part of the<br />

minutes of that meeting are provided, the publication of any defamatory<br />

matter included in the agenda or order paper or in the minutes shall be<br />

privileged unless the publication is proved to be made with ill will or<br />

taking advantage of the occasion of publication.<br />

[s. 52, LGOIMA]<br />

Qualified privilege<br />

relating to oral statements<br />

33.2<br />

Any oral statement made at any meeting of a local authority in accordance<br />

with the rules that have been adopted by that local authority for the guidance<br />

and order of its proceedings shall be privileged, unless the statement is<br />

proved to be made with ill will or taking advantage of the occasion of<br />

publication.<br />

[s. 53, LGOIMA]<br />

Qualified privilege<br />

additional to any other<br />

provisions<br />

33.3<br />

The privilege conferred by standing <strong>orders</strong> 33.1 and 33.2 is in addition to,<br />

and not in substitution for or derogation of, any other privilege, whether<br />

absolute or qualified, that applies, by virtue of any other enactment or<br />

rule of law, to the proceedings of any local authority.<br />


Chairperson may require<br />

members of the public to<br />

leave meeting<br />

34.1<br />

The Chairperson presiding at any meeting of the local authority may<br />

require any member of the public to leave the meeting if it is believed on<br />

reasonable grounds that the behaviour of any member of the public is<br />

likely to prejudice the orderly conduct of the meeting if that person is<br />

permitted to remain.<br />

[s. 50(1), LGOIMA]

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