Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council


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HCC <strong>Standing</strong> Orders 3 August 2004 Issue No. 2 42<br />

permission of the Chairperson.<br />

Types of points of order 31.4<br />

The following are recognised as substance for points of order:<br />

(a) Where disorder is drawn to the attention of the Chairperson; or<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

(e)<br />

(f)<br />

(g)<br />

Use of disrespectful, offensive or malicious language; or<br />

Maligning of a member, officer or member of the public; or<br />

Discussion of a question not before the local authority; or<br />

Misrepresentation of any statement made by a member or by an<br />

officer or employee of the local authority; or<br />

The breach of any standing order; or<br />

Request that words objected to be recorded in the minutes.<br />

Contradiction not point of<br />

order<br />

Decision of Chairperson<br />

final<br />

31.5<br />

Rising to express a difference of opinion or to contradict a statement of a<br />

previous speaker does not constitute a point of order.<br />

31.6<br />

The Chairperson may decide on any point of order immediately after it<br />

has been raised by any member, or may first hear further argument before<br />

deciding. The ruling of the Chairperson upon any point of order is not<br />

open to any discussion and shall be final.<br />

32. VOTING<br />

Decisions to be decided<br />

by majority votes<br />

32.1<br />

(1) The acts of a local authority must be done, and the questions before the<br />

local authority must be decided, at a meeting by-<br />

(a) vote; and<br />

(b) the majority of members that are present and voting<br />

[Note: The contextual meaning of “member” applies in relation to voting,<br />

e.g., in the case of a committee, it should be a member of that committee.]<br />

(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the mayor or chairperson or other person<br />

presiding at the meeting-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

has a deliberative vote; and<br />

in the case of an equality of votes, does not have a casting vote (and<br />

therefore the act or question is defeated and the status quo is<br />

preserved).<br />

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) apply unless-<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

this Act provides otherwise; or<br />

the standing <strong>orders</strong> of the local authority expressly provide<br />

otherwise.<br />

[clause 24, schedule 7, LGA 2002]

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