Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council


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HCC <strong>Standing</strong> Orders 3 August 2004 Issue No. 2 36<br />

of debate, but not otherwise.<br />

Conduct of debate in strict<br />

form<br />

Community Committee,<br />

Community Board, Youth<br />

Infusion participation in<br />

meetings of <strong>Council</strong> and<br />

<strong>Standing</strong> Committees<br />

26.13<br />

Any motion by the , Chairperson for the debate to be conducted under<br />

standing <strong>orders</strong> in strict form does not need to be seconded and will apply to the<br />

remainder of the meeting unless questioned by any member at the time of<br />

the Chairperson's motion, in which case the motion shall be put to the<br />

vote immediately.<br />

26.14<br />

The Chairperson of a community committee, community board or Youth<br />

Infusion (or their respective representatives as advised by the Chairperson<br />

prior to the meeting) may participate in discussion on any matters which<br />

are of interest to a particular ward or community area, or of interest to<br />

youth (as applicable), at meetings of the standing committees of <strong>Council</strong>,<br />

but shall not have voting rights or rights to move or second motions. The<br />

rules of debate applicable to members of the <strong>Council</strong> shall apply to the<br />

community committee, community board and Youth Infusion<br />

representatives. Notification of the intention to exercise speaking rights and<br />

identification of the relevant agenda item shall be provided to the<br />

Chairperson prior to the meeting. In exceptional circumstances<br />

community committee, community board or Youth Infusion representatives<br />

may be invited to participate on specific subjects at meetings of the full <strong>Council</strong>,<br />

at the discretion of the <strong>Council</strong> Chairperson.<br />

Personal explanation 26.15<br />

Notwithstanding standing order 26.8, members may make a personal<br />

explanation with the permission of the Chairperson, but such matters<br />

may not be debated.<br />

Explanation of previous<br />

speech<br />

26.16<br />

With the permission of the Chairperson, explanation of some material part<br />

of a previous speech in the same debate may be given by a member who has<br />

already spoken, but new matter may not be introduced.<br />


Requirement for a<br />

seconder<br />

Withdrawal of motions<br />

and amendments<br />

Substituted motion by<br />

amendment<br />

27.1<br />

All motions and amendments moved in debate (including notices of<br />

motion) must be seconded, and thereupon the Chairperson shall state the<br />

matter raised and propose it for discussion.<br />

27.2<br />

Once motions or amendments have been seconded and put to the meeting<br />

by the Chairperson they cannot be withdrawn without the consent of the<br />

majority of the members present and voting. A motion to which an<br />

amendment has been moved and seconded cannot be withdrawn until<br />

the amendment is withdrawn or lost.<br />

27.3<br />

The meeting may allow a motion, which is subject to an amendment, to<br />

be withdrawn and replaced by the amendment as the substituted<br />

motion, provided the mover and seconder of the original motion agree to<br />

the withdrawal of the original motion. In such circumstances, members who<br />

have spoken to the original motion may speak again to the substituted

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