Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council

Standing orders.pdf - Hutt City Council


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HCC <strong>Standing</strong> Orders 3 August 2004 Issue No. 2 34<br />

(ii)<br />

[s. 46A(7), LGOIMA]<br />

The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be<br />

delayed until a subsequent meeting.”<br />

Minor items not on the<br />

agenda may be discussed<br />

Chairperson’s<br />

recommendation<br />

25.11<br />

“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting:<br />

(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if:<br />

(i)<br />

(ii)<br />

That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of<br />

the local authority; and<br />

The presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting,<br />

at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will<br />

be discussed at the meeting; but<br />

(b) No resolution, decision, or recommendation may be made in respect of<br />

that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local<br />

authority for further discussion."<br />

[s. 46A(7A), LGOIMA]<br />

25.12<br />

The Chairperson of any meeting may include on the order paper for that<br />

meeting a Chairperson's recommendation regarding any item brought<br />

before the meeting.<br />


Reserving speech 26.1<br />

A member may second a motion or amendment without speaking to it,<br />

reserving the right to speak later in the debate.<br />

Irrelevant matter and<br />

needless repetition<br />

26.2<br />

In speaking to any motion or amendment, members are to confine their<br />

remarks strictly to such motion or amendment, and shall not introduce<br />

irrelevant matters or indulge in needless repetition. In this matter,<br />

the Chairperson's ruling is final and not open to challenge.<br />

Limitation on speakers 26.3<br />

If three speakers have spoken consecutively in support of, or in<br />

opposition to a motion, the Chairperson may call for a speaker to the<br />

contrary. If no such speaker is forthcoming and after the mover has had<br />

the right of reply, the motion shall be put. Members speaking shall, if so<br />

called upon by the Chairperson, announce whether they are speaking in<br />

support of or against the motion or amendment being debated.<br />

Taking down words 26.4<br />

When any member objects to words used and desires them to be recorded<br />

in the minutes, the Chairperson may so order them to be recorded,<br />

provided such objection be made at the time the words were used<br />

and not after any other members have spoken (see standing order 31.4).<br />

Reading of speeches 26.5<br />

Members shall not read their speeches, except with the permission of the<br />

Chairperson, but may refresh their memory by reference to notes.<br />

Time limits on speakers 26.6<br />

The following time limits apply to members speaking at local authority

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