Just Shut The Fuck Up, And Do Something By, Morgan Towers ...

Just Shut The Fuck Up, And Do Something By, Morgan Towers ...

Just Shut The Fuck Up, And Do Something By, Morgan Towers ...


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17<br />

God<br />

This is about you playing or being God in a nutshell. How you look at things, create<br />

things as well as destroy these very same things. What you choose to do, does it always<br />

make sense, is it always the right thing to do, is it even honorable, or do you even care to<br />

take responsibility for what you choose to do You are fickle, variable, vindictive,<br />

loving, and hell bent on the destruction of everything and yourself on occasion. Sounds<br />

like reaper but its not. Its about what you create out of the chaos of your life. You may<br />

not have decided on how or when you came into this world, but you can decide on how<br />

to leave it.<br />

What you choose to do in the interim is important. Your legacy as a God depends on it.<br />

Will you be remembered for creating a life or ending it Will you create a new work of<br />

art, way of life, philosophy, or nothing Will you as a God work to save it all and make<br />

it better or will you just sit back and watch it all burn.<br />

You can affect changes in your life and the world around you. You just have to decide<br />

what kind of God you are going to be. Respected or feared, hands-on or hands-off.<br />

What will you do in this role Become a smarter, stronger God who will leave a lasting<br />

impression on the world or will you become one of those lesser gods, almost forgotten<br />

relegated to the background like a 3 rd string quarterback. Will people remember what<br />

you did and how you affected them in a positive way or will they curse your name and<br />

work to erase it You make this decision.<br />

You choose to be God form, act like it, take responsibility and shape your own destiny.<br />

Never regretting the undone acts, but acting with courage and striving to be better and<br />

more than possibly thought.

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