THE NIGHT SEARCH - Night Search Paranormal Network

THE NIGHT SEARCH - Night Search Paranormal Network

THE NIGHT SEARCH - Night Search Paranormal Network


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Rematerialisation can happen to people taken from their beds or<br />

outside a theatre or mall into spaceships or it can also happen to<br />

strange artefacts from some alien lab that can be beamed down<br />

into undisturbed soil to be found by e.g. Michael Cremo for his<br />

‘Forbidden Archaeology’ research [2001].<br />

On such a planet as this where our reality can be bent by negative<br />

aliens we cannot set our faith in what we think is the historical<br />

record as it appeals to our mind.<br />

HU-manity is often deliberately misled and confused so there will<br />

inevitably be a sickening circus and torrent of chaos and disease<br />

and charades attaching itself to the 2012 issue.<br />

We must take a step back from that and use our own resources to<br />

supply us with perspective.<br />

The scientific and historical record has to be very false.<br />

Consequently although I am not saying that Mayan pyramids were<br />

built yesterday, on a planet where it academically and allegedly<br />

takes 500 years to adapt a Roman ox harness to a heavy horse<br />

for the plough hence postponing industrial and scientific revolution<br />

and the urban specialism of society and population in western<br />

Europe for half a Millennia [Burford A, in Chant and Goodman,<br />

1999, Open University Press, also in OU Course AT308] – things are<br />

obviously Not Right.<br />

We think we can know about our world – but do we ?<br />

We cannot say that by any historical or scientific record when we<br />

can expect a pole shift in the face of Repto-Grey engineering of our<br />

society, its evolution and its historical and scientific records.<br />

Disney cartoons on an Ice Age or a film on Jurassic Park and other<br />

paradigm re-enforcing media don’t count as sources of legitimate<br />

research even though they are or seem to be cornerstone realities<br />

in our lives.<br />

We must observe for ourselves.<br />

What we can collectively do instead to realise the truth is take a<br />

note of seismic activity via our own homemade measurement<br />

networks.<br />

We can bypass misleading media and conduct our own research.<br />

IF Primary, Secondary AND Tertiary [fairly dormant] fault lines have<br />

become more and more active – we can work out for ourselves<br />

without recourse to our television or magazines when our plate<br />

geology is starting to change.<br />

For example if globally, everybody says it’s getting colder, then how<br />

can there be global warming from a sun with observably no sun<br />

spot activity like in the cold days of the last Dalton Minimum in the<br />

Middle Ages.<br />

Also there was a man at Damien University in Hawaii that ran his<br />

own earthquake predictions service producing more accurate and<br />

more successful results than the geophysical scientific establishment.<br />

He had noticed from a Hawaiian folk tale that earthquakes followed<br />

eclipses and had worked out that when planets and moons<br />

line up with the sun there was a tidal surge of magma caused<br />

by the combined gravitational pull under the plates directly in the<br />

shadow area and that the earthquakes seemed to follow the path<br />

of the shadow zone. He used a fairly basic astronomy software.<br />

We can inform ourselves about the real world but only our hearts<br />

can inform us about the realms of our Angelic brothers and sisters.<br />

The other possibility that will happen to our world whether or not<br />

it is preluded by geological cataclysm is Angelic ascension and<br />

intercession. Some lives can be suddenly full of loving Angelic<br />

encounters.<br />

If nothing physical does happen at the prophesised time – many<br />

many people looking for some way out of the despair farm and for<br />

some intercession are going to be desolately sickened. Nothing<br />

new.<br />

Having looked at a lot of witness stories I do say that this is an<br />

Annunaki planet that specialises in the engineering of despair and<br />

other such alien harvests.<br />

Angels of Light though don’t really respect the clock or geology or<br />

obstacles to our salvation and salvage so maybe they will come in<br />

at the time we hope for the most … an Angelic 2012 rather than a<br />

Geological 2012.<br />

We know this because love exists and we know that Angels come<br />

into the world, sometimes into our own private world.<br />

The main issue though is that the exact date given for a geological<br />

2012 even though historically calculated by ET’s, might because of<br />

natural and cosmic chaos, be a total non-event at that specified<br />

time. That does Not Mean that it could not take place very near the<br />

actual date of the prediction.<br />

More realistically and logically, given the Mayan Cycle idea is<br />

genuine, we should all be thinking with chaos theory in mind - in<br />

terms of a geological 2012 plate shift plus or minus a couple of<br />

years !!!<br />


Sample the Mysteries that make Scotland famous.<br />

Let Andrew Hennessey show you the evidence that<br />

ancient times have come to life. See the sights and<br />

hear the sounds - and choose from a variety of<br />

Scottish historic subjects ancient and modern.<br />


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