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and he replied, "you must leave the seeds and let them<br />

grow! be patient and you will have a fine crop!"<br />

a few more days passed and the little girl asked again<br />

"father, father! four days have passed and i still don't have<br />

any plants! when will they grow!".... and he repeated<br />

once again, "you must leave the seeds and let them<br />

grow! be patient and you'll have your plants!"<br />

for the next week the little girl returned to her father daily<br />

and asked the same question, until he himself was puzzled<br />

as to why her seeds were not growing. nearly two weeks<br />

had passed, surely the seeds should have taken root and<br />

begun to break the surface by now.<br />

the next morning he woke and watched his daughter run<br />

out to the field to check if her plants had grown...<br />

the mystery was SOLVED!<br />

he saw his daughter picking each and every seed out of<br />

the ground and hold them up to the morning sun to<br />

check if they were growing... well of course they weren't!!<br />

by picking them out of the ground each day they had no<br />

hope of taking root.<br />

when his daughter returned in floods of tears, distraught<br />

that her seeds still weren't growing, he laughed, put his<br />

arm around her and explained...<br />

"sometimes you've just got to let nature do it's shit!!"<br />

and the moral of the story<br />

stay off the f**king scales.<br />


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