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a different route to mega richness. so which was she to<br />

pick, and what was she to do<br />

did she go into planes computers or books<br />

jane knew the answer... she'd do all three!!<br />

fast forward 5 years and jane is a tired, burnt out, broke<br />

mess. she had followed the advice of three of the richest<br />

people in the country... but by trying to study aviation,<br />

computing and writing, all at the same time...<br />

she got absolutely nowhere.<br />

and the morale of the story.<br />

richard branson, alan sugar and jo rowling were all right<br />

when they made their claims about getting mega rich.<br />

they were living proof of it.<br />

but....<br />

each of them focused on ONE THING, and committed<br />

100% of their time and EFFORT to it. they each faced 1000s<br />

of failures on their own unique journey...<br />

but they chose one route and the did not budge from it.<br />

in the same way that there are many roads to getting<br />

rich... there are many roads to getting lean. hundreds...<br />

thousands in fact.<br />

the internet is saturated with different fitness gurus telling<br />

you that THEIR way is the BEST way.<br />

if you mix and match the different routes there is only one<br />

outcome... you're going to get lost!!<br />

you will burnt out and become mentally and<br />

metabolically broke.<br />


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