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fatigue your muscles. yes, you get hot. yes, you get<br />

sweaty. but that doesn't mean you're getting fitter or<br />

leaner. it means your body temperature is elevated and<br />

you are sweating to cool yourself down. the same effect<br />

as sitting on a hot bus, on a hot summer's day.<br />

but do you think of sweating on a bus as a workout<br />

NO.<br />

the truth<br />

modern research suggests it isn't what happens DURING<br />

the workout that matters...the duration... how hot you<br />

get... the number of calories burned.<br />

it is what happens AFTER the workout that matters.<br />

...the adaptations stimulated by the workout.<br />

a 60 minute bokwa class will burn a fair few calories of fat<br />

during the workout, but will do f**k all to your body after<br />

the workout. within 10 minutes of finishing your metabolic<br />

rate (the rate at which you burn fat) is back down to<br />

normal, and because you haven't fatigued your muscles<br />

there is no reason for them to adapt... get leaner, stronger<br />

and more toned.<br />

a 10 minute <strong>rebelfit</strong> wod will burn very few calories during<br />

the workout, but will stimulate massive adaptations after<br />

the workout. your metabolic rate remains elevated for 12<br />

to 24 hours after fatiguing your muscles. and that fatigue<br />

is also the stimulus telling your body it needs to ADAPT...<br />

get leaner, stronger and more toned. so that you survive<br />

your next <strong>rebelfit</strong> wod.<br />


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