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ebelfit<br />

<strong>rants</strong><br />

join the fat loss rebellion.<br />


contents.<br />

introduction<br />

diets.<br />

f**k the diet industry.<br />

f**k diet thinking.<br />

f**k weight watchers.<br />

f**k meal replacements.<br />

f**k the scales.<br />

f**k losing weight.<br />

health foods.<br />

f**k the food industry.<br />

f**k low-fat products.<br />

f**k nakd bars.<br />

f**k refined cereals.<br />

f**k sugar not fat.<br />

f**k saving calories.<br />

fitness.<br />

f**k fitness classes.<br />

f**k dance classes.<br />

f**k over cooking it.<br />

f**k overtraining.<br />

f**k fitness gurus.<br />

motivation.<br />

f**k leaving the field.<br />

f**k your mind viruses.<br />

f**k your impatience.<br />

f**k being perfect.<br />

f**k what others think.<br />

f**k blaming yourself.<br />


introduction.<br />

these <strong>rants</strong> have been written<br />

by liam sartorius, founder of<br />

<strong>rebelfit</strong> and an experienced<br />

personal trainer and weight<br />

loss coach in the uk.<br />

liam has spent the last 10 years helping people move from<br />

being food addicted, weight obsessed dieters, to healthy,<br />

nutrition focused everyday athletes.<br />

be warned.<br />

he swears a bit.<br />

but that's because he's pissed off.<br />

pissed off with DIETS.<br />

pissed off with FADS.<br />

and pissed off with a diet and fitness industry that isn't just<br />

failing, but actually fuelling the obesity epidemic.<br />

enjoy the read.<br />

and if you like it...<br />

please share!<br />


diets.<br />


f**k the diet<br />

industry.<br />

people outside of <strong>rebelfit</strong> don't get <strong>rebelfit</strong>.<br />

so here's a letter to all our friends and colleagues who are<br />

confused about what we do, and why we're doing it.<br />

so you've seen i've started this CRAZY new diet.<br />

well, to be honest, i'm not quite clear about the science<br />

behind it. but what i can tell you is this. it just seems to<br />

make sense. but to help you understand it a bit more,<br />

here's an example.<br />

i'd like to imagine that you have a young daughter. if you<br />

do already, then great! think of her.<br />

but if you don't... just imagine.<br />

now imagine her age 5.<br />

...healthy... happy... full of life and vitality.<br />

imagine her running around in a garden on a beautiful<br />

summer's day... giggling and laughing... a big, bright smile<br />

on her adorable little face.<br />


now imagine her age 15.<br />

...she's upset... crying... but you don't know why.<br />

you talk to her and discover the heart of the problem. she<br />

was weighed at school today and has been told her bmi<br />

is too high, and she needs to LOSE WEIGHT.<br />

you love her and want to help her.<br />

but you aren't quite sure how.<br />

which of the following options feels right.... feels SAFE...<br />

feels like you're offering your daughter the healthiest<br />

approach now... and for her future.<br />

option 1.<br />

you suggest to her that she replaces her meals with<br />

milkshakes. instead of eating three meals a day, you tell<br />

her it's best to swap one or all of those meals for a<br />

processed, low-calorie milkshake that, according to the<br />

label, contains all the nutrition she needs. she can expect<br />

to lose 3 to 4lbs of weight a week.<br />

option 2.<br />

you suggest to her that she starts counting points. you<br />

give her a book containing all the points for all the foods,<br />

and encourage her to stick to a certain number of points<br />

per day. you buy her ready meals to eat, that have the<br />

points on them, and you can take her to weekly weigh-ins<br />

to check her progress.<br />


option 3.<br />

you suggest to her that she follows a low-fat meal plan,<br />

but has certain "free foods" that she can eat as much of<br />

as she likes. she also gets a certain number of "syns" per<br />

week to use as treats. and there is the option to go to<br />

group weigh-ins with awards for weight loss targets<br />

reached.<br />

option 4.<br />

you tell her that weight is not the measure of a human<br />

being. her teachers, the doctors and society as a whole is<br />

wrong to judge her by a number on the scale. instead of<br />

focusing on her weight, you encourage her to learn<br />

about nutrition and find the balance between eating<br />

healthily and happily.<br />

so which feels RIGHT<br />

if you chose option 4... which i hope you did... then you<br />

chose it for the exact same reason that i'm on this CRAZY<br />

new diet called <strong>rebelfit</strong>.<br />

because... even though it may look like it... it's NOT a diet.<br />

i'm not trying to cut out calories, cut out fat, or replace<br />

real food with processed, unnatural crap.<br />

i'm just eating REAL FOOD, that has come from nature<br />

and is packed with the good stuff. it tastes great and feels<br />

right eating it, unlike eating shitty, processed ready meals<br />

with all that added sugar.<br />


and i'm not trying to LOSE WEIGHT. i don't want to LOSE<br />

anything. i'm focusing on getting fitter and leaner, and<br />

improving the performance of my body.<br />

i've swapped my scales (something that have depressed<br />

me for years) for a kettlebell (something that challenges<br />

me and is changing my body for the better, regardless of<br />

what i weigh on a poxy set of scales).<br />

finally.<br />

and perhaps most importantly....<br />

unlike the dieters out there, jumping from one diet to the<br />

next, i'm LEARNING how to find balance. i'm LEARNING<br />

when to eat the foods that fuel my body, and when to<br />

eat the foods that fuel my happiness.<br />

because when you find that balance... between eating<br />

HEALTHFULLY and eating HAPPILY... that's when things start<br />

happening to your body.<br />

meal replacements<br />

counting points<br />

obsessing over the scales<br />

it isn't right for my children.<br />

and it isn't right for me.<br />


f**k diet<br />

thinking.<br />

<strong>rebelfit</strong> is a movement, a revolution, a rebellion against<br />

the standard model of weight loss.<br />

our mission.<br />

to challenge everything you ever thought you knew<br />

about nutrition and fitness. to recruit you, re-educate you<br />

and re-train you into a new way of thinking about<br />

exercise, eating and getting in shape.<br />

and that re-training starts here.<br />

don't THINK like a dieter.<br />

if you THINK like a dieter you will always fail.<br />

always.<br />

why<br />

because diets are a set of rules. rules that must be<br />

followed to the letter. break the rules and you have<br />

broken the diet. and when you've broken the diet you<br />

have FAILED. you are out of control. you must stop, BINGE<br />

out and start fresh next monday.<br />


ecause that's what dieters do.<br />

psychologists call this ABSTINENCE VIOLATION.<br />

i call it the f**k-its.<br />

and it is the number one reason dieters will always fail...<br />

always binge... and always struggle to control their eating<br />

habits. because for the dieter it has be PERFECT. they<br />

have to follow the rules to the letter. there is no leeway.<br />

it's perfect... or it's binge.<br />

<strong>rebelfit</strong> is not a diet.<br />

it is an eating strategy. a lifestyle.<br />

it isn't about rock solid rules. it is about learning...<br />

adjusting... TWEAKING... slipping... re-trying... slipping<br />

again... and ultimately finding a way of eating that you<br />

can follow for LIFE. which means you get lean for life.<br />

all our food options are guidelines.<br />

all our meal plans are guidelines.<br />

everything we share are guidelines.<br />

and the key here is in GUIDE... showing you a way....<br />

pointing you in the right direction... but only you can find<br />

the RIGHT PATH to suit you.<br />

guidelines are flexible. so bend them, tweak them and<br />

spank them around a bit... until you find something that is<br />

effective... sustainable... and most importantly....<br />



f**k weight<br />

watchers.<br />

my name is liam sartorius and i'm a freelance personal<br />

trainer and weight loss coach.<br />

when i first started out in personal training i created a<br />

simple and effective consultation form that i still use today.<br />

my clients know it and remember it well...<br />

where have you been<br />

where are you now<br />

where do you want to go<br />

...in terms of your health, weight, fitness and bodyshape<br />

i go through a list of simple, yet targeted questions to get<br />

all the information i need to work with and create a plan<br />

for each client.<br />

one of the questions i ask is...<br />

have you tried any DIETS in the past<br />

after 10 years of asking this question... asking old people,<br />

young people... big people, small people... unfit people,<br />

athletic people... people about to get married... people<br />


about to get divorced... happy people... sad people....<br />

people from every single walk of life....<br />

i know the answer BEFORE i even ask it.<br />

i sometimes even find myself writing the answer before<br />

they've even spoken.<br />

and how do i know the answer! it is magic am i<br />

psychic have i been stalking them!<br />

of course not.<br />

i know the answer simply by looking at them.<br />

the BIGGER they are the more times they've done f**king<br />

weight watchers. the smaller they are the less times<br />

they've done f**king weight watchers.<br />

and if they're athletic, fit and healthy they'll have never<br />

tried f**king weight watchers.<br />

now i'm sure some of you are thinking.... welll derrrr... that's<br />

obvious... athletic, fit people don't need to go on weight<br />

watchers... only overweight people need to go on weight<br />

watchers!<br />

well herein lies the million dollar question.<br />

are they big and that's why they've done weight<br />

watchers so many times or.... more disconcertingly.... are<br />

they big BECAUSE they've done weight watchers so many<br />

times<br />

sadly i believe it's the latter.<br />


and the next question i ask them confirms it...<br />

can you describe the path of your weight up to today<br />

the answer i get from every single overweight person is<br />

almost always THE SAME...<br />

well i did weight watchers first in my 20s...<br />

it was great... i lost a stone and really felt<br />

good about myself. but i stopped when i<br />

went on holiday then gradually put it all<br />

back on... and a bit more... so i decided<br />

to go back to weight watchers again. i<br />

lost a bit of weight... about half a stone<br />

that time... but then started gaining<br />

weight again. i found it harder and harder<br />

to stick at it and control what i eat. i must<br />

have been back 4 or 5 times over the last<br />

10 years and every time i do lose weight,<br />

but i always put it back on AND MORE.<br />

and here i am now 16 stone. and i first<br />

tried weight watchers at 11 stone, thinking<br />

i was fat. i'd kill to be 11 stone now!<br />

having worked with 100s of overweight and obese<br />

people... and heard the same story.... losing weight while<br />

they're on weight watchers... regaining the weight and<br />

more while they're off weight watchers.... i've come to<br />


ealise that these bastards have created a diet that is<br />


now weight watchers have a simple get out clause... you<br />

didn't stick to it, so it's your fault you regained the weight.<br />

it isn't. it is THEIR FAULT. and worst of all they know it.<br />

they have the perfect weight loss business model. you<br />

lose weight while you're on their diet, then you rapidly<br />

regain it and more when you stop. this forces you to return<br />

to them, spend more money on their shitty products and<br />

ultimately convince you that you need to depend on<br />

them if you want to be slim.<br />

now some of you might be thinking.... "maybe it is the<br />

individual's fault... they should do weight watchers all the<br />

time and not stop... that way they won't regain the<br />

weight."<br />

afraid not. you can't.<br />

the weight watchers diet is designed in such a way that<br />

you cannot stick at it indefinitely.<br />


have to stop at some point, and everyone does. and<br />

that's when the weight flies back on.<br />

every round of weight watchers...<br />

1. makes you think about LOW-FAT instead of sugar.<br />

2. makes you think about POINTS instead of nutrition.<br />

3. makes you focus on WEIGHT instead of fitness.<br />


when you focus on low-fat, points and weight you<br />

develop a MIND VIRUS that almost always leads to obesity.<br />

why<br />

because you end up addicted to sugar...<br />

you end up BINGING if you go over your points...<br />

you end up BINGING if you haven't lost weight....<br />

you end up BINGING even if you have lost weight...<br />

because it's ONLY A POUND.<br />

weight watchers BREEDS binge eaters. weight watchers<br />

BREEDS weight obsessives. weight watchers BREEDS fatties.<br />

it is a slow and insidious conveyor belt transporting healthy,<br />

slightly overweight women in their 20s...<br />

towards sugar addiction, weight obsession and ill health in<br />

their 40s and 50s.<br />

what is worst in my mind is that weight watchers is a<br />

respected authority on weight loss. it is subsidised by the<br />

government in their half arsed attempts to slow the<br />

obesity epidemic...<br />

not realising that they're the f***ers who are causing it.<br />

and if you've done weight watchers you'll know it's true.<br />

because you're FATTER than when you first started it.<br />


f**k meal<br />

replacements.<br />

take off your clothes.<br />

all of them.<br />

take them off.<br />

now take a good look at yourself in the mirror, as nature<br />

created you.<br />

you are homo sapiens. you are the beautiful culmination<br />

of millions of years of evolution. millions of years of natural<br />

selection. millions of years of SURVIVAL of the fittest.<br />

when you look at anything in nature, the colour, the<br />

shape and the form of each and every living organism<br />

gives us clues to its PURPOSE. clues to its existence. clues<br />

to how that organism survived, reproduced and avoided<br />

extinction.<br />

when you see the elephant's trunk, you know that it has<br />

evolved for reaching... grabbing... feeding... and drinking.<br />

without it the elephant would be unable to feed from the<br />

high trees and drink from the low rivers.<br />

without it the elephant would starve and die.<br />


when you see the tiger's fur, you know that it has evolved<br />

for camouflage... disrupting the view of its prey... and<br />

helping it get close enough to pounce and kill. without it<br />

the tiger would be unable to hunt and stalk.<br />

without it the tiger would starve and die.<br />

and so...<br />

what do you see when you look in the mirror<br />

legs for walking. arms for reaching. hands for grabbing.<br />

eyes for searching. nose for smelling. mouth for eating.<br />

teeth for CHEWING.<br />

every part of the human body gives us clues to OUR<br />

purpose. and when you put it all together you cannot<br />

escape the truth.... the human body... the vessel we all<br />

live in... has evolved for moving... feeding and<br />

reproducing.<br />

we evolved teeth as the first phase of the feeding process.<br />

by grinding the food we eat between our teeth, we<br />

increase the foods surface area and facilitate its<br />

breakdown.<br />

as the enzymes begin to work the digestive process<br />

begins, releasing the nutrients we need for HEALTH and<br />


obesity exists because we no longer hunt and chew our<br />

food. we SIT and we DRINK it.<br />


sugary drinks in the office. alcohol in the pub. processed<br />

foods on our laps. foods that are PRE-DIGESTED and don't<br />

even need chewing. foods that deliver massive doses of<br />

sugar that ultimately get converted to FAT.<br />

so if drinking our food has caused obesity, do you really<br />

think drinking our food can cure it<br />

i don't think so.<br />

when you drink your food, you bypass all the mechanisms<br />

in your body that are designed to sense that you are<br />

feeding.<br />

the sensation of food in your mouth.<br />

the sensation of food in your stomach.<br />

the sensation of fullness and digestion.<br />

not only are these sensations pleasurable and enjoyable.<br />

but perhaps more importantly for the person trying to lose<br />

weight... these sensations are the essential cues to your<br />

brain that it is time to STOP FEEDING.<br />

if you manipulate, corrupt, or bypass these cues, you will<br />

always struggle with your appetite... always struggle with<br />

overeating... and always struggle to maintain a healthy<br />

weight.<br />

you may lose weight while you are on the milkshakes.<br />

but you will BINGE when you are off them.<br />


the only cure i see for obesity isn't medicine... isn't<br />

technology... isn't processing the foods we eat beyond<br />

recognition.<br />

it is an acceptance that we must use... feed... and nourish<br />

our bodies as nature intended. as our evolutionary history<br />

dictated. as the body we see in the mirror has hinted.<br />

muscles for moving with intensity.<br />

mouths for eating foods naturally.<br />

brains for living our lives purposefully.<br />

but let's face it....<br />

who wants to move, enjoy eating real food and feel<br />

fulfilled, when you can sit on your arse, drink milkshakes<br />

and feel miserable.<br />


f**k the<br />

scales.<br />

in my job i've had the pleasure of meeting so many<br />

incredible and inspirational people. people who i look up<br />

to, admire and RESPECT for the knowledge and skills they<br />

have developed in their fields.<br />

each one has studied... learned... tried... failed... and<br />

most importantly... stuck at their career against all the<br />

odds. and that's why they've come out on top.<br />

persistence.<br />

sheer bloody mindedness.<br />

keeping going when others would readily stop.<br />

now...<br />

wherever you are in your life and your career, i have little<br />

doubt that you are an expert in your field. you have<br />

studied... learned... tried... failed and got to where you<br />

are today because you didn't give up.<br />

and with all that experience you've developed, i bet you<br />

could pin it down to ONE nugget of information that<br />

summarises your expert knowledge.<br />


to put it another way...<br />

if you had to share one piece of advice with someone<br />

embarking on your career path.... whether you're an<br />

expert osteopath... a design guru... or software specialist...<br />

what would that piece of advice be<br />

now think about that advice. that golden nugget.<br />

think about all the experiences and lessons you've<br />

learned that have led you to DISCOVER it. think about all<br />

the years of study and work that have helped you to<br />

UNDERSTAND it. think about all the times you questioned it,<br />

but always came back to the inescapable conclusion...<br />

it is TRUE and RIGHT!!<br />

for the osteopath, i'm guessing something like "health<br />

comes from the inside".<br />

for the design guru, maybe something like "good design is<br />

about relationships".<br />

for the software specialist, who knows, maybe "it is all<br />

about getting the right support".<br />

i don't know. in fact, i'm sure they'll tell me i don't have a<br />

f**king clue! why because i'm not an osteopath, a<br />

design guru or an software specialist... i'm a personal<br />

trainer... and that's where my expertise lies.<br />

so if someone came to me and said...<br />


"liam, what is your ONE piece of advice, the one thing<br />

you've learned over the years... your golden nugget of<br />

information to get leaner, slimmer and fitter"<br />

my answer<br />

ditch the f**king scales.<br />

i am as convinced about this nugget as you are about<br />

yours. because like you, i have tried it, i have tested it, i<br />

have observed it and i have proved it.<br />

i fight a constant battle with my clients over their weight.<br />

to the point where i ask all new clients...<br />

"please do not weigh yourself... let me weigh you... let me<br />

assess your bodyfat intelligently... let me rationalise and<br />

explain the science of fat loss so you don't lose motivation<br />

when you see your weight sticking."<br />

and i have two types of clients.<br />

the ones who LISTEN.<br />

and the ones who don't.<br />

the difference between the two<br />

the ones who listen... give me their scales or throw away<br />

the battery invariably put their focus and their energy into<br />

eating clean and training mean. they remain POSITIVE,<br />

focused and dedicated to the plans we create together.<br />

and they succeed.<br />


the ones who don't listen... continue to weigh themselves,<br />

continue to lose motivation, and focus all their energy into<br />

questioning why isn't it working. they lose focus, they fall<br />

off the plan, they berate themselves.<br />

and they fail.<br />

my experience has taught me...<br />

the BIGGER my clients, the more they weight themselves.<br />

the LEANER my clients, the less they weight themselves.<br />

what other conclusion can i arrive at other than this...<br />

scales make you fat.<br />

listen. don't listen. it's up to you.<br />

but if you're still weighing yourself and still wondering why<br />

you never achieve the body and fitness you want... now<br />

you've got your answer.<br />

throw... the scales... away.<br />


f**k losing<br />

weight.<br />

once upon a time there was a lady called jess. one day,<br />

whilst flicking through the paper, she saw a job advertised<br />

with the promise of earning rapid cash.<br />

"wow" thought jess. "the faster i can earn cash the better!"<br />

so she applied for the job...<br />

flew through the interview...<br />

and started her new role the very next week.<br />

day 1 was her training day. her sales leader explained to<br />

her that she had to make as many phone calls as possible.<br />

with each phone call she had to try her best to sell the<br />

company's product. the more phone calls she made, the<br />

better!<br />

jess got it... and was excited!!<br />

"i'm going to make as many phone calls as i can!!" she<br />

thought.<br />

day 2 was her very first day making calls. as she walked<br />

into the office she could hear her more experienced<br />

colleagues saying things like...<br />

"i made 5 phone calls yesterday... i'm so chuffed!"<br />


and other comments like...<br />

"i'm going to try and make 10 phone calls today!"<br />

well. jess now knew that it really was all about making<br />

phone calls... so that's exactly what she did. she picked<br />

up the phone, picked a number to call and got ringing.<br />

and by the end of her first day... she had made a<br />

whopping 12 phone calls!!<br />

jess left the office with a big smile on her face, and subtly<br />

made sure her more experienced colleagues knew that<br />

she had made more calls than them.<br />

"bitch" ... thought her colleagues.<br />

they were not pleased.<br />

day 3 jess came into office, excited about another day of<br />

making phone calls. but as she started to make her first<br />

calls she noticed something quite strange. her colleagues<br />

were picking up the phone, making a call, then hanging<br />

up on the potential customer mid sentence. they would<br />

then quickly re-dial and make a new call to another<br />

potential customer. weird. very weird.<br />

by the end of day 3 jess had only made 5 calls. she was<br />

feeling pretty shit about herself... especially as she had<br />

made 12 phone calls the day before. and to make things<br />

worse, she overheard one of her colleagues being<br />

praised by the sales leader for making 20 phones calls... in<br />

one day!! her colleague was even given a badge saying<br />

"phone call maker of the week!".<br />

jess got depressed and took it out on a tub of ice-cream.<br />

how come her colleagues were making so many more<br />

phone calls than her she was picking up the phone and<br />

dialling... and dialling... but she had made nowhere near<br />


the same number of calls. in fact, by her second week her<br />

calls had plateaued completely!!<br />

not wanting to be embarrassed or outdone by her<br />

colleagues again, jess handed in her notice and<br />

searched for a new job.<br />

over the months.... and the years.... jess started and quit<br />

numerous other telesales jobs.... all with the false promise<br />

of making rapid cash. but with each one she tried, she<br />

soon lost motivation when she saw her colleagues making<br />

so many more calls than her. she suspected they were<br />

cheating and hanging up mid-call, just to get the call<br />

numbers up... but she couldn't bring herself to be so<br />

dishonest.<br />

then one day she saw an advert in the paper.<br />

it looked very different to all of the others.<br />

"make cash without making hundreds of phone calls.<br />

there's a simpler, smarter, more sustainable way."<br />

she was intrigued. but confused!!<br />

how do you make cash without making hundreds of<br />

phone calls but she applied for the job anyway...<br />

flew through the interview...<br />

and started her new role the very next week.<br />

day 1 was induction day. jess thought her trainer liam was<br />

seriously up himself!! he kept talking bollocks about not<br />

needing to make hundreds of phone calls to make cash.<br />

was he stupid of course you need to make hundreds of<br />

phone calls! it's all about making hundreds of phone calls!<br />

the more phone calls the better!!<br />


so on day 2 jess ignored his advice, picked up the phone<br />

and made as many calls as she could. that's what she<br />

had always done, and that's what she had always been<br />

told to do. but by the end of her first day she had only<br />

managed to make 3 calls. so she put her hand up, called<br />

liam over and said...<br />

"i can't believe it, i've only made three calls today. i'm so<br />

rubbish."<br />

liam took a deep breath and let out a bit of a rant...<br />

"seriously jess, stop focusing on making hundreds of phone<br />

calls! i don't give a shit about how many phone calls you<br />

make. the whole telemarketing industry is built on a lie.<br />

and that lie is making hundreds of phone calls. you see,<br />

i've been in this industry for a while now and i've found the<br />

truth...<br />

making cash isn't about making phone calls...<br />

...it's about making SALES.<br />

only when you SELL do you make cash.<br />

only when you SELL do you get paid.<br />

you and millions of others have forgotten we're in this to<br />

make cash, not to make calls.<br />

if you made just one sale with your 3 calls, i'd be happier<br />

than you making no sales on a hundred calls.<br />

so stop wasting time trying to make hundreds of calls.<br />

focus on making each call count. put time and energy<br />

into ensuring that every phone call you make results in a<br />

sale. that's how you earn the big bucks.<br />


and the moral of the story.<br />

the telesales jobs are the DIETS.<br />

the phone calls are WEIGHT LOSS.<br />

the sales are FAT LOSS.<br />

jess was lead to believe that the secret to earning cash<br />

was making phone calls, in the same way that millions of<br />

dieters have been led to believe that the secret to<br />

getting lean is losing weight.<br />

the more phone calls you make, the better.<br />

the more weight you lose, the better.<br />

advice which encouraged jess and her cheating<br />

colleagues to focus purely on making calls, not on making<br />

sales. and advice that has encouraged you and millions<br />

of cheating dieters to focus purely on losing weight, not<br />

on burning fat.<br />

and in the process of all of this, picking up bad habits like<br />

hanging up mid call, then re-dialling.... starving yourself<br />

before weigh-ins, then binging.<br />

the truth<br />

phone calls don't make cash.... SALES do.<br />

weight loss doesn't make you lean.... FAT LOSS does.<br />

fat loss is the SALE.<br />

fat loss is the PROFIT.<br />

fat loss is the SUCCESS we all strive for.<br />

but somehow, somewhere we've forgotten that!!<br />


why<br />

because the diet industry has sold us a lie.<br />

lose weight and you're making progress.<br />

don't lose weight and you've failed.<br />

the result millions of people binge eating their way to<br />

obesity because they are focusing on weight.... not fat....<br />

they are focusing on calls not sales.<br />

anyone in marketing knows that one call that lands a sale,<br />

is better than ten calls that don't. equally, anyone in sports<br />

science knows that one pound of fat loss, can make you<br />

leaner than five pounds of weight loss.<br />

burning fat is what makes you LEAN.<br />

losing lbs of water and muscle only makes you lighter.<br />

weight loss is vanity. fat loss is sanity.<br />

and how do you measure fat loss<br />

the tape measure. the mirror. your clothes.<br />

NOT the f**king scales.<br />


health foods.<br />


f**k the food<br />

industry.<br />

petrol stations.<br />

pretty boring huh<br />

but now imagine a situation where people got a<br />

massage every time they filled their cars up with petrol.<br />

you would drive up to the petrol station, and as you stood<br />

there... filling up your car... a gorgeously toned and<br />

attractive man (or woman) would caress your shoulders,<br />

easing out all your aches and pains...<br />

"aaaaaaaah. that feels goooooood."<br />

now imagine a situation where that massage was so<br />

damn good, that you kept going back to the petrol<br />

station... just to get the massage.<br />

but in order to get the massage, you had to fill up with<br />

petrol. soon enough, people would start going back and<br />

trying to fill up...<br />

when their tanks were already FULL.<br />

the petrol station managers couldn't cope with the<br />

dangerous excess petrol spilling out of the cars of the<br />

massage loving masses.<br />

so they invented a special chemical called insulin.<br />


as the massage loving masses kept coming back for more,<br />

the petrol station managers would inject their bottoms<br />

with this wonder chemical...<br />

...and something incredible happened.<br />

as the massage loving masses stood by their cars filling<br />

up... groaning in pleasure... suddenly insulin was causing<br />

all the excess petrol to be absorbed by their arses!!<br />

and so...<br />

the more people enjoyed the massage... the more<br />

people went back to the petrol station to overfill their<br />

tanks.... the more insulin the petrol station mangers<br />

pumped into them...<br />

and the BIGGER their ARSES got!<br />

over many decades, scientists and doctors researched<br />

the global arse expansion epidemic, desperate to find a<br />

cure. their conclusion<br />

petrol makes you fat!!<br />

and so the massage loving masses... fearful of the effects<br />

of their ever increasing arse-lines... decided it was time to<br />

go on a petrol diet.<br />

millions of people abstained from the petrol stations in<br />

their attempts to avoid extra arse expansion. starving their<br />

cars of the fuel it needs to run.<br />

soon enough, cars started break down as they ran out of<br />

fuel... and the petrol station managers no longer got paid.<br />

so the oil companies made the massages EVEN BETTER.<br />

the result the deprived, massage loving masses came<br />

back in their droves... to have even better massages, and<br />


even more petrol pumped into their over sized arses.<br />

then one day, a guy called liam came along and said...<br />

"maybe it's not petrol. maybe it's the massage. and<br />

maybe, if people stopped getting a massage every time<br />

they filled up, they'd stop overfilling tanks and their arses<br />

would start to shrink. in the past, people used to fill up with<br />

petrol all the time and never got a massage. they'd fill<br />

their petrol tanks with no pleasure whatsoever, and would<br />

therefore only ever fill it to the top. there was no overflow,<br />

so their arses stayed nice and perky."<br />

and moral of the story.<br />

i love food. i think we all love food.<br />

but it's so easy to forget that food is fuel. and that once<br />

upon a time, in our evolutionary past, people used to fill<br />

their bodies just enough, and then stop.<br />

but along came the food industry (like the oil companies),<br />

giving people a nice sugary massage every time they ate.<br />

and when people tried to avoid their foods, they made<br />

them even more addictive, by making ever weirder and<br />

wonder-fuller combinations of sugars and sweeteners.<br />

soon enough, people forgot... or maybe never even<br />

experienced... that food is to be eaten for fuel and not<br />

just enjoyment, not just for that sugar high.<br />

and the worst culprits for "sugar engineering"<br />

f**king weight watchers products.<br />


f**k low-fat<br />

products.<br />

most veteran dieters have been brainwashed into<br />

thinking that low-fat means healthy. afraid not.<br />

low-fat means that the product has had the natural fat<br />

content removed or reduced, that's it. and what happens<br />

when you take the fat out from food it tastes like TURD.<br />

food companies are well aware that turd flavoured<br />

products don't fly off the shelves, so they hire people<br />

called 'flavourists' to tweak their new low-fat product and<br />

make it hyper-palatable. how<br />

by pissing around with what was a natural, perfectly<br />

healthy food and turning into a frankenstein like mix of<br />

chemicals, passed off a food.<br />

when you see the definition of a flavourist..."a flavor<br />

chemist who uses chemistry to engineer artificial and<br />

natural flavors"... you get a pretty good idea of what<br />

these f**kers are up to... think white coats, laboratories<br />

and chemicals being pumping into your low-fat, healthy<br />

option slimmers dinner.<br />

and all this in the name of making it low-fat to satisfy the<br />

demand of dieters who have been duped into thinking<br />

that fat has been making them fat all these years.<br />


come on guys, by now you should've realised it's the<br />

SUGAR and REFINED CARBS in your f**king ready meals<br />

that are doing the damage, not fat.<br />

the food industry perpetuates the "fat makes you fat<br />

myth" because low-fat sells. their ads and front labels<br />

bombard us with messages like "low-in-fat", "reduced fat",<br />

"50% less fat", "half-fat"... whilst their ingredients in the small<br />

print hide the truth... they're full of SUGAR and CRAP.<br />

and where better proof that weight watchers themselves<br />

and their greek style orange/nectarine yogurt -<br />

skimmed milk (83%), orange (5%), nectarine (5%),<br />

skimmed milk powder, fructose syrup, inulin, modified<br />

maize starch, stabilisers: pectin, xanthan gum; flavourings,<br />

acidity regulators: sodium citrates, citric acid, calcium<br />

citrates; sweeteners: aspartame, acesulfame k; colours:<br />

carotenes; lactic cultures.<br />

let's compare this to yeo valley greek yogurt -<br />

milk.<br />

that's it just milk! well yes, along with the natural cultures<br />

required to turn that milk into yogurt. and if you wanted it<br />

to be orange and nectarine flavoured, why don't you do<br />

something really imaginative... like add chopped orange<br />

and nectarine.<br />

then the ingredients would look like this -<br />

milk. orange. nectarine.<br />

whenever you see the words "low-fat" or "fat-free" think of<br />

the words "chemical shit storm".<br />


f**k nakd<br />

bars.<br />

take away the wrapper...<br />

take away the wholesome brand name...<br />

take away the marketing £££...<br />

take away the health claims and the hype...<br />

and what do you see<br />

what does your INSTINCT tell you<br />

yes people....<br />

you're looking at a f**king TURD.<br />

if you came across this bar in a field... millions of years of<br />

evolution would kick in... and an ancient part of your<br />

would tell you... "do not eat this... this is shit".<br />

shit is what is left when every other animal and microbe<br />

has had its fill. it is the end product of every last bit of<br />

nutrition being sapped out of a food. and what do we<br />

know about shit it is brown and colourless... nature's<br />

indicator of zero nutrition.<br />


colour is nature's way of ensuring that we know what we<br />

should and should not be eating. the trees and the plants<br />

and the bushes have evolved bright, colourful fruit to<br />

ensure that we can see it.... eat it... digest it and SHIT it.<br />

and by shitting out the fruit, we also shit out the seeds of<br />

these trees, plants and bushes, ensuring that their next<br />

generation lives on.... hopefully some distance away from<br />

the parent plant... helping the species to spread. this is a<br />

process known as endozoochory.<br />

berries... apples... bananas... grapes... tomatoes...<br />

avocados...<br />

these are the ultimate evolutionary survival tool.<br />

if a plant grew a brown fruit... a fruit that is hard to spot<br />

and instantly revolting to the eyes... the chances are it<br />

wouldn't get eaten... the seeds wouldn't spread and the<br />

plant would become extinct.<br />

equally... if a plant grew a nutritionally devoid fruit... a fruit<br />

that lacked any vitamins and goodness... the animals<br />

eating that fruit would die out through malnutrition... and<br />

again, the seeds wouldn't be spread and the plant would<br />

become extinct.<br />

so people... fruit is a beautiful and ancient deal between<br />

ANIMAL and PLANT.<br />

you eat my fruit and spread my seeds... i'll give you health,<br />

longevity and the sweet reward of natural sugar.<br />

nakd bars, for all their efforts to be nutritious, bear no<br />


esemblance to the natural fruit we are supposed to eat.<br />

yes, they contain some nutrients, but the sugar to nutrient<br />

ratio is off the scale. in other words, you're getting so<br />

much sugar from that bar, the nutrients you get from it are<br />

not worth the metabolic damage.<br />

and this is why they are brown. they are high energy, low<br />

nutrition... just like chocolate and other refined, brown,<br />

shitty foods.<br />

to ensure we don't realise this, nakd put them in a pretty<br />

wrapper that stimulates the part of our brain that is<br />

designed... evolved... to seek out colourful fruit and eat it.<br />

food companies know this and abuse this, spending<br />

millions of marketing £££ to make their wrappers BRIGHTER<br />

and more appealing to our colour seeking eyes.<br />

the truth you peel open the wrapper, eating an inch at<br />

a time... believing you are eating something healthy... but<br />

never actually looking at the full product.<br />

well next time take a look.<br />

and you'll see....<br />

you're looking at a f**king TURD.<br />


f**k refined<br />

cereals.<br />

i think we've all been there... felt fat, overweight and unfit.<br />

made the decision to stop eating shit. chosen monday as<br />

the start date for our new healthy diet. gone out to the<br />

shops and loaded up with beautiful fresh fruit...<br />

then watched it ROT in the fruit bowl.<br />

now here is the big question. why<br />

i'd like you all to put your science caps on for a minute.<br />

whenever food goes mouldy, rancid, stale, contaminated,<br />

or otherwise becomes inedible, it is generally because<br />

something else is eating it. that something else is usually<br />

FUNGUS or BACTERIA, and it really is very simple...<br />

if you aren't going to eat that peach, they f**king will.<br />

so if you were to take your rotting peach from the fruit<br />

bowl, put it under a high powered microscope and look<br />

at what's happening on the surface, you would see<br />

millions.... billions... of fungus and bacteria chomping<br />

away on it.<br />

now here's the really important bit....<br />


the more NUTRITIOUS something is, the more appealing it<br />

is to the microbes and critters that are ubiquitous in our<br />

environment. and when i say "nutritious" i mean packed<br />

with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water and other<br />

ingredients essential for life. yes people... like a<br />

microscopic version of you and me, fungus and bacteria<br />

need their 5-a-day to survive.<br />

so the fact that your peach is rotting tells you something...<br />

...it is packed with vitamins, minerals and other goodness.<br />

this is known as food PERSHIABILITY.<br />

the faster a food rots, the more nutritious it is, the slower a<br />

food rots the less nutritious it is. peaches rot quickly<br />

because peaches are nutritious and therefore ultra tasty<br />

to fungus and bacteria.<br />

now let's take the example of a brick.<br />

bricks don't rot. in fact, they're so f**king good at not<br />

rotting that we build our houses with them.<br />

it's like they're saying....<br />

"hey, i'm a f**king brick. i contain absolutely zero nutrition. i<br />

contain absolutely zero moisture. so that means all those<br />

dickhead bugs in the air aren't gonna want to eat me<br />

and make me rot. make your house from me and it'll<br />

stand for decades to come."<br />

now think about it......<br />

you wouldn't build your house from peaches, would you<br />


why because within a matter of days the walls would rot<br />

and fall down.<br />

equally....<br />

you wouldn't eat a brick, would you why because it<br />

contains absolutely no nutrition whatsoever. it's a f**king<br />

brick! and like f**king bricks, you wouldn't eat sawdust or<br />

cardboard..... because neither of them rot, which means<br />

neither of them contain any f**king nutrition.<br />

and so...<br />

if you wouldn't eat a brick, why the f**k would you eat<br />

something that looks like a brick....<br />

and lasts as long as brick... like WEETABIX.<br />

if you wouldn't eat sawdust, why the f**k would you eat<br />

something that looks like sawdust....<br />

and last as long as sawdust... like PORRIDGE.<br />

if you wouldn't eat cardboard, why the f**k would you eat<br />

something that looks like cardboard...<br />

and lasts as long as cardboard... like RYVITA.<br />

the moment a food is refined and processed it loses both<br />

its colour and its moisture... the two main indicators of<br />

nutrition... and therefore it no longer rots... which means<br />

all the bugs in the air are turning are their noses up at it.....<br />

so when mr and mrs bacteria find your food cupboards<br />

they say... "this isn't f**king food... this is a f**king brick!!...<br />

and we don't eat f**king bricks!!... nor do we eat f**king<br />

sawdust or f**king cardboard!!"<br />


and so your weetabix, your porridge and your ryvita live in<br />

your cupboards for weeks, months and years without<br />

rotting... looking pretty the same as the day you bought<br />

them.... back in two thousand and f**king ten!!<br />

"but the food industry tells me their one of my five a day!<br />

and the box says it contains vitamins and minerals!"<br />

f**k the f**king food industry!<br />

since when were they given the authority and the right to<br />

tell us what is and isn't good nutrition! they're trying to sell<br />

us something and make profit. and if sticking labels on<br />

their products with false health claims helps them to sell<br />

more of their refined turd... they'll do it.<br />

and get away with it.<br />

does your peach need a label to say it's healthy NO.<br />

it's COLOURFUL, indicating the presence of antioxidants.<br />

it's MOIST, indicating the presence of water.<br />

it ROTS, indicating the presence of other nutrients.<br />

...and if fungus and bacteria want to eat those nutrients,<br />

SO... SHOULD... YOU!!<br />

now... do you want to know the worst thing that affects a<br />

food company's profits the thing that puts fear into the<br />

very heart of every food manufacturer<br />

PERISHABILITY. food rotting.<br />

when foods rots it hits the bottom line hard.<br />


think about it... foods that have a short shelf life invariably<br />

have a low profit margin.<br />

so the food industry has created a wonderful solution... a<br />

solution that ensures their products last and sell.<br />

they remove all the ingredients that cause the food to<br />

rot.... yes, they remove the f**king good stuff!!!... the<br />

nutrients!!... and replace it which chemicals that make<br />

the food unpalatable to fungus and bacteria... chemicals<br />

called E-NUMBERS.<br />

now here's a little common sense for you... if fungus and<br />

bacteria don't want to eat something...<br />

... NEITHER... SHOULD... YOU!!!<br />

what's left after refining and processing is something<br />

devoid of nutrition, but lasts on shelves for weeks, months<br />

and years. is it really nutritious is it really<br />

do you believe the labels and the claims that it is "one of<br />

your five a day"...<br />

so here is a little nutrition test.<br />

take any food you question the nutrition of.<br />

leave it on your kitchen window sill and wait.<br />

see how long it takes to rot.<br />

if it rots quickly, it is nutritious. if it is still there in month, it<br />

doesn't even qualify as food...<br />

it's a f**king brick!<br />


f**k sugar<br />

not fat.<br />

i'd like you all to imagine that your body is a nightclub.<br />

you are the BOUNCER.<br />

your mouth is the DOOR.<br />

the foods you eat are the PUNTERS.<br />

every time you are given the opportunity to eat you need<br />

to ask yourself...<br />

do i want you to enter my club<br />

will you make my club exclusive and cool or will you<br />

cause trouble and pick fights with my body<br />

now imagine the following.<br />

you are standing tall... arms crossed... chest puffed...<br />

head high... guarding the door to your exclusive, super<br />

cool nightclub.<br />

a group of ten ugly, smelly, pissup up lads walk up to you.<br />

"oi dickhead... you gonna let us in or not"<br />

you don't have to think for long to know that you don't<br />

want these guys in your club. you know that they will<br />

probably start a fight... throw up... and make the<br />


management berate you for lowering the standards of<br />

the club. so you block their path and stare them down.<br />

"sorry fellas. not today."<br />

now imagine the next scenario.<br />

you are standing tall... arms crossed... chest puffed...<br />

head high... guarding the door to your exclusive, super<br />

cool nightclub.<br />

five pissed gents, each with a girl on their arm walk up.<br />

"good evening sir... room for 10 of us"<br />

you take a minute to think about it. the guys are pissed<br />

and not really what you want in your club. but they are<br />

each attached to a gorgeous girl. you figure they're not<br />

likely to cause as much trouble, as their girlfriends will<br />

keep them on the straight and narrow. so you pull back<br />

the barrier, let them in and accept the management will<br />

be ok with it.<br />

"go on then. in you go."<br />

and now imagine another scenario.<br />

you are standing tall... arms crossed... chest puffed...<br />

head high... guarding the door to your exclusive, super<br />

cool nightclub.<br />

four pissed up dudes walk up to you. just when you're<br />

about to turn them away, you notice they've brought a<br />

whole load of girls with them.<br />

"easy buddy. we're escorting the swedish ladies neball<br />

team for the evening. any chance you can let about 20<br />

of us in."<br />

your eyes light up as you see the swarm of swedish<br />


eauties. you know you can't send the pissed up dudes<br />

away because you'll lose the girls too. so you unhook the<br />

barrier and usher the crowd in, knowing that you'll win<br />

some serious brownie points with the management.<br />

"in you go. and mate, any chance you can get me the<br />

tall one's number"<br />

and the final scenario.<br />

you are standing tall... arms crossed... chest puffed...<br />

head high... guarding the door to your exclusive, super<br />

cool nightclub.<br />

a group of beautiful, sophisticated ladies walk up to you.<br />

"hi handsome... any chance we can skip the queue"<br />

you look left. then right. unhook the barrier and let them<br />

through, allowing them to jump ahead of hundreds of<br />

people in the queue. why because these are the kind of<br />

people you want in your club. people who are going to<br />

bring style, sophistication and exclusivity. people who are<br />

going to win you the respect and admiration of the<br />

management.<br />

and the moral of the story.<br />

the men are SUGAR.<br />

the women are NUTRIENTS.<br />

the ratio of men to women is nutrient density.<br />

the goal of any good bouncer<br />

to keep out the troublemaking men (sugar)<br />

and fill the club with gorgeous women (nutrients).<br />


the ten pissed up lads are JUNK FOODS. they bring<br />

nothing but sugar, chaos and disruption to your body.<br />

the five pissed gents and their girls are CEREALS. they<br />

bring a big dose of sugar, but some nutrients.<br />

the four pissed up dudes with the netball team are FRUITS.<br />

they bring a little bit of sugar, but an army of nutrients.<br />

the sophisticated ladies are GREENS. they bring nothing<br />

but health, vitality and exclusivity to your body.<br />

so this is nutrient density.<br />

eat a diet high in green vegetables and fruits and your<br />

body.... your club... will be the talk of the town.<br />

eat a diet high in cereals and junk foods and soon<br />

enough your body... your club... will get closed down.<br />

you are the doorman.<br />

you control the door.<br />


f**k saving<br />

calories.<br />

years of dieting has brainwashed people into thinking in<br />

such a negative... fat gaining... way about food.<br />

thinking in terms of "free foods" and "syns" and thinking it's<br />

a good idea to "skip meals and save calories".<br />

if you want to get lean...<br />

this way of thinking has to STOP.<br />

so here's a little story that will hopefully help you get the<br />

difference between thinking like a lean NUTRITIONIST and<br />

thinking like a big fat DIETER.<br />

once upon a time there were two friends, saving sally and<br />

investing immy. both worked in the same job, in the same<br />

office, with the same salary.<br />

and both of them dreamed of living the high life... with a<br />

big house... a big car... and and even bigger wardrobe to<br />

store all their clothes.<br />

saving sally said...<br />

"i know what i'm going to do. i'm not going to spend any<br />

money at all. i'm going to save every last penny and put it<br />

in the bank. soon enough i'm going to save so much<br />

money i can buy my big house... big car... and even<br />

bigger wardrobe."<br />


so sally saved and saved and saved and saved...<br />

she was so good a saving that when the bills came in she<br />

decided "i'm not going to pay my bills.... i'll save the<br />

money instead!"<br />

she didn't pay her phone bill... her electricity bill... her gas<br />

bill... or her rent. and she was so happy because she had<br />

so much money in her savings account! her dream of a<br />

big house... a big car... and an even bigger wardrobe<br />

would so be a reality!"<br />

investing immy was so upset.<br />

there was sally saving all this money. and sally was<br />

bragging about her weekly weigh-ins... i mean saving<br />

sessions.... where she was saving pounds and pounds<br />

every single week.<br />

immy had saved practically none. she had paid her<br />

phone bill... her electricity bill... her gas bill... and her<br />

mortgage. and with what little money she had left she<br />

invested in shares.<br />

when she went into the office sally kept on bragging...<br />

"check out my bank balance immy, i've saved £200 this<br />

week!!"<br />

this went on for weeks and months, until one day immy<br />

came into work and sally wasn't there. when she asked<br />

where she was, her colleague replied...<br />

"haven't you heard saving sally was made bankrupt. she<br />

stopped paying all her bills and eventually she was taken<br />

to court. she now has no money left, has been evicted<br />

from her flat and she's living on the streets."<br />

immy was gutted.<br />


mainly because after all her time investing her money she<br />

had now earned enough to buy a bigger house... a<br />

bigger car... and an even bigger wardrobe...<br />

and she wanted sally to see it!!<br />

and the moral of the story.<br />

the money is NUTRIENTS.<br />

the bills are METABOLISM.<br />

the investments are MEALS.<br />

when you diet, it is like aggressively saving your money.<br />

you may get some initial weight loss (savings), but when<br />

you stop paying your bills, your metabolism slows down<br />

and your body holds onto your fat.<br />

the rebound weight gain you always see on diets<br />

it's like the gas man and your landlord knocking on your<br />

door. you may have lost weight (saved) initially, but that<br />

weight always has to be REPAID.<br />

when you focus on nutrition, it is like aggressively investing<br />

your money for the future. you may have less initial weight<br />

loss (savings), but in time those investments (high nutrient<br />

meals) will pay off and have your body blasting off fat.<br />

the hard part for dieters is understanding the concept<br />

of eating to burn fat. your whole dieting lives you've been<br />

taught starve to burn fat.<br />

well you got it wrong. seriously f**king wrong.<br />

eat clean like an investing immy.<br />

don't starve like a saving sally.<br />


fitness.<br />


f**k fitness<br />

classes.<br />

pump on monday... circuits on tuesday... combat on<br />

wednesday... bootcamp on thursday... spin on friday...<br />

pilates on saturday.<br />

some people are doing a lot of fitness classes.<br />

and seeing f**k all results for it.<br />

the reason they lack SPECIFICITY.<br />

they have the opportunity to exercise 6 times a week, but<br />

by trying to do a little bit of EVERYTHING, they are<br />

confusing their body and limiting their gains.<br />

imagine each workout like going to a language class.<br />

you could go to 6 french classes in one week.<br />

you could go to 3 french classes and 3 german classes.<br />

you could go to 2 french, 2 german and 2 spanish.<br />

or you could even go to...<br />

1 french, 1 german, 1 spanish, 1 dutch, 1 russian,1 italian.<br />

which do you think is going to get you the best results<br />

well, it depends on your goal.<br />


if your goal is to be good at french, it makes perfect sense<br />

to go to all 6 french classes. by focusing specifically on<br />

french, you will achieve far faster results at learning french.<br />

comprendre<br />

equally, if your goal is to be good at spanish, it makes<br />

perfect sense to focus all of you energy, and available<br />

classes, on learning spanish.<br />

now what if you want to learn both french and spanish<br />

well, the smart thing to do would be to go to 3 french<br />

classes and 3 spanish classes a week.<br />

but...<br />

don't be surprised if you start confusing the two, and<br />

become not so good at either french or spanish, rather<br />

than a master of one.<br />

oui<br />

errr... i mean si<br />

now only a complete and utter dick would go and try...<br />

1 french, 1 german, 1 spanish, 1 dutch, 1 russian, 1 italian.<br />

...all in one week.<br />

well, sadly that's how people approach fitness classes.<br />

1 pump, 1 circuit, 1 combat, 1 bootcamp, 1 spin, 1 pilates.<br />

each class, teaching your body a different language of<br />

fitness, instead of helping your body become fluent in one.<br />

so think of me like you language teacher. i teach<br />

<strong>rebelfit</strong>ters the language of fat loss and lean gain.<br />


i've create a very simple, yet effective learning path...<br />

with daily workouts and daily nutrition... to help you pass<br />

your fat loss and lean gain degree.<br />

you can stick to the plan i've set you... and become<br />

masters of fat loss and lean gain... doing workouts that<br />

are specifically tailored to that goal.<br />

or you can do your own thing.<br />

throw in some bootcamps.<br />

a little bit of ciruits.<br />

maybe even a zumba class.<br />

the choice is yours.<br />

but if i wanted to learn french.<br />

i'd learn f**king french.<br />


f**k dance<br />

classes.<br />

zumba. bokwa.<br />

seriously<br />

what f**king next<br />

cockwa<br />

these dance workouts do bugger all for fitness and fat loss.<br />

did i say WORK-outs i meant EASY-outs.<br />

easy-outs because they are a con. easy-outs because<br />

they attract people who are looking for way to make<br />

themselves feel like they are doing a workout...<br />

without really doing a workout.<br />

below is a little extract from seth godin's "the dip".<br />

this is a must read book, and within it there is one page<br />

that summarises training intensity perfectly...<br />


..........................<br />

every time men's health puts a picture of a guy with<br />

washboard abs on their cover, news-stand sales go<br />

up. why well, if everyone had washboard abs, it's<br />

unlikely that men would buy a magazine that<br />

teaches them how to get that physique.<br />

the very scarcity of this attribute makes it attractive.<br />

weight training is a fascinating science. basically,<br />

you do a minute or two of work for no reason other<br />

than to tire out your muscle so that the last few<br />

seconds of work will cause that muscle to grow.<br />

like most people, all day long, every day, you use<br />

your muscles. but they don't grow. you don't look<br />

like mr. universe because you quit using your<br />

muscles before you reach the moment where the<br />

stress causes them to start growing. it's the natural<br />

thing to do, because an exhausted muscle feels<br />

unsafe - and it hurts.<br />

people who train successfully pay their dues for the<br />

first minute or two and then get all the benefits at<br />

the very end. unsuccessful trainers pay exactly the<br />

same dues but stop a few seconds too early.<br />

it's human nature to quit when it hurts. but it's that<br />

reflex that creates scarcity."<br />

..........................<br />


and there you have it.<br />

training intensity in a perfectly presented nutshell.<br />

using your muscles and stopping when it starts to hurts is<br />

LOW intensity training. using your muscles and pushing<br />

when it starts to hurt is HIGH intensity training.<br />

and it doesn't matter whether you are using your muscles<br />

to ride a bike... lift a weight... hold a plank... row a boat...<br />

jump a rope... or do your <strong>rebelfit</strong> workout...<br />

if you stop when it starts to hurt you are training at low<br />

intensity and there is no stress placed on your muscles or<br />

your cardiovascular system.<br />

and why is this a problem<br />

why is low intensity training a WASTE OF TIME<br />

why are low intensity dance classes a complete con<br />

well. as <strong>rebelfit</strong> is out to prove... and educate the misled<br />

masses... the standard model of fitness is flawed. burning<br />

calories at low intensity does little to impact...<br />

a) your fitness level, and<br />

b) your bodyfat level.<br />

the two exact reasons we go to dance classes!<br />

take the wonderful example of bokwa.<br />

you go to a class and dance for 60 minutes. during that<br />

class you never reach the pain threshold. you never<br />


fatigue your muscles. yes, you get hot. yes, you get<br />

sweaty. but that doesn't mean you're getting fitter or<br />

leaner. it means your body temperature is elevated and<br />

you are sweating to cool yourself down. the same effect<br />

as sitting on a hot bus, on a hot summer's day.<br />

but do you think of sweating on a bus as a workout<br />

NO.<br />

the truth<br />

modern research suggests it isn't what happens DURING<br />

the workout that matters...the duration... how hot you<br />

get... the number of calories burned.<br />

it is what happens AFTER the workout that matters.<br />

...the adaptations stimulated by the workout.<br />

a 60 minute bokwa class will burn a fair few calories of fat<br />

during the workout, but will do f**k all to your body after<br />

the workout. within 10 minutes of finishing your metabolic<br />

rate (the rate at which you burn fat) is back down to<br />

normal, and because you haven't fatigued your muscles<br />

there is no reason for them to adapt... get leaner, stronger<br />

and more toned.<br />

a 10 minute <strong>rebelfit</strong> wod will burn very few calories during<br />

the workout, but will stimulate massive adaptations after<br />

the workout. your metabolic rate remains elevated for 12<br />

to 24 hours after fatiguing your muscles. and that fatigue<br />

is also the stimulus telling your body it needs to ADAPT...<br />

get leaner, stronger and more toned. so that you survive<br />

your next <strong>rebelfit</strong> wod.<br />


and that is what fitness and fat loss is all about.<br />


your body doesn't have a clue that you are doing a<br />

<strong>rebelfit</strong> wod. your body thinks it is being chased by a lion.<br />

it thinks it is in danger of being a tasty treat. and therefore<br />

your body adapts by making you leaner... faster... and<br />

stronger. improving your chances of survival.<br />

when you are doing bokwa, your body thinks you are<br />

having fun. because you are having fun. and because<br />

you are having fun...<br />

it has no... f**king... need... to... adapt.<br />

no threat. no risk of being eaten. so let's stay flabby and<br />

all be happy. in fact, let's increase your appetite and fat<br />

stores, so that you have plenty of energy for any future<br />

low-intensity workouts.<br />

yes, you read that right.<br />

bokwa makes you FAT.<br />


f**k over<br />

cooking it.<br />

once upon a time there was a french chef called liamchristoffe<br />

novelli.<br />

years of working in restau<strong>rants</strong> and private functions had<br />

taught him the art of cooking, baking and gourmet<br />

cuisine.<br />

he witnessed thousands of people making shitty food by<br />

adding too many ingredients, instead of a few quality<br />

ingredients, and by over cooking instead of getting the<br />

cooking time just right.<br />

one day he thought to himself....<br />

"wouldn't it be magnifique if i could teach my cocking<br />

skills to zee masses, and educate zem on zee smarter<br />

ways to cock".<br />

so he launched a new training course...<br />

called rebel-cook.<br />

30 day online cookery courses, with the expert guidance<br />

of an experienced chef.<br />

each monthly course would teach people how to<br />

prepare a different dish, that they could master and cook<br />

to absolute perfection.<br />


his first course.... chocolate cake.<br />

100 enthusiastic, aspiring chefs signed up, hoping to learn<br />

the skills and secrets to baking the ultimate chocolate<br />

cake.<br />

day 1.<br />

"bonjour mon amis. zis month, i am going to teach you<br />

zee beautiful art of beking. we learn ow to craft zee most<br />

delicious chocolate cake. we add just zee right quality...<br />

quantity and timing of zee ingredients, to create a<br />

chocolate cake masterpiece. comprendre"<br />

jenny...<br />

"hi liam-christoffe. i'm very excited about making my<br />

chocolate cake! would it be ok if i add some onions and<br />

maybe a potato i love onions and potato! and cook<br />

with them all the time!"<br />

liam-christoffe...<br />

"jenny. on zis course we learn ow to bake zee chocolate<br />

cake. we 'av zee specific ingredients for zee chocolate<br />

cake. you cannot and will not ever put potato or onion in<br />

zee chocolate cake. over my dead fraaanch body! you<br />

need zee chcoloate... zee flour... zee eggs and zee sugar.<br />

and zat... iz... it!!!!"<br />

katie...<br />

"hi liam-christoffe. i get that we need to use specific<br />

ingredients, but i love chocolate, would it be ok if i double<br />

up to make it extra chocolatey"<br />

liam-christoffe...<br />

"katie. please lizen. it iz not jus about what ingredients you<br />


use... you need to get zee quantity jus right. if you add too<br />

much or too little you dizrupt the balance of ingredients.<br />

'ere iz zee recipe. please stick to it, if you want zee perfect<br />

chocolate cake."<br />

emma....<br />

"hi liam-christoffe. so i've got the quality and quantity of<br />

ingredients just right. but would it be ok to bake it for an<br />

extra hour just so it's extra well baked! surely the more<br />

baking the better!"<br />

liam-christoffe...<br />

"for zee fack sake emma!! if you bek zat beautiful<br />

chocolate cake for a minute too long, you will destroy it!!<br />

you will end up with zee crumbly, burnt mess. now. unless<br />

you want me to ram zis rolling pin up your arzzz, please...<br />

stick... to... zee... faking... recipe!!!<br />

no faking potatoes.<br />

no faking extra chocolate.<br />

no faking extra baking!!"<br />

and the moral of story.<br />

treat your workouts like baking a cake.<br />

you need the RIGHT ingredients, in the RIGHT quantities,<br />

cooked for the RIGHT duration. don't be tempted to add<br />

extra exercises. don't be tempted to add extra sets. don't<br />

be tempted to spend hours in the gym.<br />

short, intense, focused workouts, will always beat<br />

long, fluffy, confused workouts.<br />


f**k<br />

overtraining.<br />

many moons ago, when i first studied sports science, i<br />

learned about the supercomensation curve, the science<br />

of adaptation. the science of getting fitter.<br />

i learned how the curve depends on the 3 ingredients.<br />

SPECIFICITY (the type of exercise)<br />

OVERLOAD (the intensity of exercise)<br />

RECOVER (the amount of rest between exercise)<br />

as i designed my first ever fitness plans... for my first ever<br />

clients... and made my first ever monumental cock ups... i<br />

discovered something very frustrating...<br />

the supercompensation curve is incredibly fragile.<br />

if you get any of the three ingredients wrong, you disrupt<br />

the curve and you quite simply don't achieve any fitness<br />

gains. and this is regardless of how much time you've<br />

spent exercising... regardless of how much sweat has<br />

poured off your body... and regardless of how many<br />

fitness classes you've attended that week.<br />

i discovered, to my amazement, that there was a zone...<br />

a JUST RIGHT AMOUNT of exercise that stimulated the<br />

supercompensation curve and brought about rapid<br />

fitness gains.<br />


i now had the challenge of teaching this to my clients...<br />

the analogy i used then... and still use (ok, ok... overuse)<br />

today is that of baking. if you don't bake your cake for<br />

long enough, it won't rise. equally, if you bake your cake<br />

for too long, it will burn. just as there is a just right zone with<br />

baking, there is a just right zone in fitness that we must<br />

know and understand.<br />

three years into my personal training career i had enough<br />

experience to determine where the just right zone was for<br />

each client i signed up. obviously, different people... with<br />

different fitness levels... had different just right zones.<br />

my challenge to get people to stay within their zone.<br />

i could pretty much divide my clients into two categories -<br />

those who refused to do enough exercise to stay within<br />

their just right zone. these clients i labelled THE WHIPS...<br />

because they needed whipping (motivating) to do their<br />

workouts.<br />

and those who refused to take enough rest to stay within<br />

their just right zone. these client i labelled THE LEASHES...<br />

because they needed holding back (leashing) to stop<br />

them doing extra exercise.<br />

and so....<br />

the whips did TOO LITTLE.<br />

the leashes did TOO MUCH.<br />

both groups trained outside of their just right zone. both<br />

groups failed to maximise the results of their training.<br />

believe it or not, my client base is primarily made up of<br />

THE LEASHES...<br />


people who need motivating to NOT exercise.<br />

people who need stopping from doing extra workouts.<br />

people who consistently and repeatedly spank the living<br />

shit out of their supercompensation curves.... and burn<br />

their cake... by doing too much.<br />

so when you think that, as a personal trainer, my job is to<br />

motivate people to exercise...<br />

you are very, very mistaken.<br />

a large part of my job... the biggest part of my job... is<br />

convincing my clients to not exercise... to not overdo it...<br />

to find the willpower to resist that extra workout... to skip<br />

that extra fitness class.... and to forgo that extra run.<br />

but instead...<br />

to find their just right zone and stay the f**k in it.<br />

embrace it.<br />

relish the rest.<br />

...and watch the fitness gains flow.<br />

the age old mantra eat less, exercise more has crafted...<br />

brainwashed... a generation of over-exercisers and undereaters.<br />

f**k this 20th century... lycra thonged.... ryvita<br />

starved... bullshit off!!<br />

eat right. exercise right.<br />

not too little. not too much.<br />



f**k fitness<br />

gurus.<br />

once upon a time there was a young girl called jane.<br />

all her life she dreamed of being mega rich.<br />

and when i say mega rich...<br />

i mean millions upon millions upon millions rich.<br />

she bought all the "get rich quick books", enrolled on<br />

various wealth courses, but for all her efforts she never...<br />

ever... got... rich.<br />

then one day she walked into an exclusive bar and saw<br />

three wealth gurus in a heated debate.<br />

the first guru, richard, explained passionately... "there's<br />

only one way to get mega rich and that's planes!"<br />

the second guru, alan, piped up.... "what a load of<br />

bollocks! the best way to get mega rich is computers!"<br />

the third guru, jo, laughed at them and said.... "you're<br />

both wrong! to get mega rich write best-selling books!"<br />

jane was inspired!!<br />

but then very, very confused.<br />

they were all clearly very wealthy, but they all promoted<br />


a different route to mega richness. so which was she to<br />

pick, and what was she to do<br />

did she go into planes computers or books<br />

jane knew the answer... she'd do all three!!<br />

fast forward 5 years and jane is a tired, burnt out, broke<br />

mess. she had followed the advice of three of the richest<br />

people in the country... but by trying to study aviation,<br />

computing and writing, all at the same time...<br />

she got absolutely nowhere.<br />

and the morale of the story.<br />

richard branson, alan sugar and jo rowling were all right<br />

when they made their claims about getting mega rich.<br />

they were living proof of it.<br />

but....<br />

each of them focused on ONE THING, and committed<br />

100% of their time and EFFORT to it. they each faced 1000s<br />

of failures on their own unique journey...<br />

but they chose one route and the did not budge from it.<br />

in the same way that there are many roads to getting<br />

rich... there are many roads to getting lean. hundreds...<br />

thousands in fact.<br />

the internet is saturated with different fitness gurus telling<br />

you that THEIR way is the BEST way.<br />

if you mix and match the different routes there is only one<br />

outcome... you're going to get lost!!<br />

you will burnt out and become mentally and<br />

metabolically broke.<br />


and herein lies the problem millions of gym goers, home<br />

exercisers and leanness wannabes face... knowing which<br />

guru or plan to follow, when faced with 1000s of choices.<br />

most people jump for plan to plan... mixing and<br />

matching... trying different routes... and never really<br />

getting anywhere.<br />

the answer the secret that killer piece of information...<br />

the best plan is the one you STICK to.<br />

the one you put 100% of your ENERGY and EFFORT into.<br />

richard branson didn't get mega rich because he chose<br />

planes. he got mega rich because he STUCK at planes,<br />

worked his arse off and didn't give up.<br />

alan sugar didn't get mega rich because he chose<br />

computers. he got mega rich because he STUCK at<br />

computers, worked his arse off and didn't give up.<br />

jo rowling didn't get mega rich because she chose writing.<br />

she got mega rich because she STUCK at writing, worked<br />

her arse off and didn't give up.<br />

so my advice to you...<br />

pick one thing.<br />

commit to it.<br />

stick at it.<br />

and work... your... arse... off!!<br />

results aren't determined by the GURU or the PLAN.<br />

results are determined by your COMMITMENT and EFFORT.<br />


motivation.<br />


f**k leaving<br />

the field.<br />

once upon a time there was a farmer...<br />

and that farmer had excellent seed.<br />

one day he took to the field to sow his seed, but the first<br />

part of the seed fell by the wayside and the birds got<br />

some. the farmer was angry.<br />

he wanted to chase the birds and kill them.<br />

but he realised if he chased the birds he would LEAVE THE<br />

FIELD... and if he left the field he'd lose out on the<br />

opportunity to sow more seeds.<br />

and so the farmer embraced the birds.<br />

and he KEPT.... ON.... SOWING.<br />

as he continued to throw down the seed he saw that<br />

some of it was falling on rocky ground. over time the<br />

seeds would grow, but soon enough the hot weather<br />

caused the seedlings to wither and die. the farmer was<br />

upset.<br />

he wanted to sit at home and cry over the withered seeds.<br />


ut he realised if he sat at home and cried he would<br />

LEAVE THE FIELD... and if he left the field he'd lose out on<br />

the opportunity to sow more seeds.<br />

and so the farmer accepted the withered seeds.<br />

and he KEPT.... ON..... SOWING.<br />

as he continued to throw down the seed he saw that<br />

some of it was falling on thorny ground. over time the<br />

seeds would grow, but just when they were getting big<br />

enough the thorns would choke them to death. the<br />

farmer was distraught.<br />

he wanted to give up farming altogether!<br />

but if he gave up farming he would be giving up his<br />

dreams. he would be giving up everything he had ever<br />

worked for. he would be giving up in the face of a<br />

challenge worth fighting for.<br />

and so the farmer disciplined his disappointment and he...<br />

kept on SOWING the seed...<br />

kept on EMBRACING the birds...<br />

kept on ACCEPTING the hot weather...<br />

and kept on FIGHTING the thorns.<br />

until finally the seed fell on fertile ground.<br />

because if you keep on sowing... it always will.<br />


and the moral of the story.<br />

we are all farmers here...<br />

sowing the seeds of our leaner body.<br />

the seeds are our workouts and clean meals.<br />

only by sowing and reaping many hundreds of workouts<br />

and many hundreds of clean meals, will we harvest results<br />

in the form of health, fitness and leanness.<br />

the birds are those people who distract and corrupt us.<br />

we all start with the intention to complete every workout<br />

and eat clean every meal, but life doesn't work like that.<br />

many of our workouts and clean meals will be lost to<br />

family, friends and those people who want to eat cake<br />

with us.<br />

the more we chase them and fight them, the longer we<br />

LEAVE THE FIELD and lose out on the opportunity to make<br />

progress. so don't fight them. embrace them. love them<br />

and learn how to manage them.<br />

the hot weather is our perception of progress.<br />

sometimes we want and expect results quickly. but when<br />

we don't see those results fast enough the disappointment<br />

is so intense, so hot, that it melts our motivation to keep<br />

going. workout get skipped. meals turn dirty.<br />

the more we allow the hot weather to get us down, the<br />

longer we LEAVE THE FIELD and lose out on the<br />

opportunity to make progress. only by accepting that it<br />


will take time, can you find the motivation to work through<br />

the heat.<br />

the thorns are our work and life commitments.<br />

just when you do feel you are starting to make progress,<br />

along comes that deal or that contract or that job that<br />

needs doing. and slowly but surely the progress we have<br />

made gets tied up and strangled by the chaos of life.<br />

you cannot give up and LEAVE THE FIELD in the face of<br />

life's challenges. you need to tackle them head on, chop<br />

them down and free yourself up to continue with your<br />

training. choose the machete. not the sobbing tissue.<br />

and so my friends...<br />

in life and in training you have to accept the following...<br />

the birds are gonna get some.<br />

the hot weather is gonna get some.<br />

the thorns are gonna get some.<br />

...that's called life mother f**ker!<br />

but only those who embrace the birds, accept the hot<br />

weather, smash through the thorns and keep... on...<br />

sowing... get there in the end.<br />

they always will.<br />


f**k your<br />

mind viruses.<br />

in my day job as a personal trainer, i have had to learn<br />

and study MOTIVATION.<br />

"motivation. the desire or willingness to do something"<br />

what makes one person motivated to exercise and eat<br />

clean and another person de-motivated to exercise and<br />

eat clean<br />

i knew early on in my career that if i could answer these<br />

questions i would get far better results with my clients. if i<br />

could discover the key to motivation, i could help obese<br />

people get lean, unfit people get fit, unhealthy people<br />

get healthy. and have an enjoyable career doing so.<br />

so i studied. i got nerdy. i read books. i did courses.<br />

i trawled the internet for research into the science and<br />

psychology of motivation.<br />

in my search i discovered a fascinating and powerful<br />

subject. and that subject was nlp.<br />

neuro-linguistic programming.<br />


some of you may have heard of it. some of you will have<br />

studied it. i spent 2 years of my life immersed in it.<br />

in a nutshell, nlp helps people change the way they THINK.<br />

all action, or inaction, comes from the brain. the decision<br />

to do your workout. the decision to eat that doughnut.<br />

the decision to push on in the face of a challenge. or the<br />

decision to give up and quit.<br />

and so...<br />

for the next 5 minutes i want to imagine that your brain is<br />

a computer. a computer that YOU control.<br />

nlp is a technique for re-wiring your brain. for deleting<br />

mind-viruses that demotivate you, and replacing them<br />

with powerful mental programmes that drive you towards<br />

your goals.<br />

imagine being able to upload a programme that makes<br />

you enjoy exercise and enjoy eating clean food. well you<br />

can! and that's the secret to getting lean.<br />

the winners in any game... be it sport... business... or fat<br />

loss... have programmed their brains for success. the losers<br />

in any game are usually riddled with mind-viruses that<br />

negatively affect their behaviour and performance.<br />

programmes (positive) versus viruses (negative).<br />

believe it or not, but <strong>rebelfit</strong> is just my way of brainwashing<br />

you all into uploading the sustained fat loss programme<br />

(positive) and deleting the obese mind virus (negative). i<br />

am trying to change the way you think about nutrition<br />

and exercise, and RE-PROGRAMME your mind in a way<br />


that helps you make sustainable changes to your weight,<br />

bodyfat and fitness.<br />

you only have to talk to people to see if they're running<br />

the sustained fat loss programme (training), or whether<br />

they're infected with the obese mind virus... a way of<br />

thinking that creates a negative perception of food,<br />

exercise and weight that ultimately leads to obese<br />

behaviour (overeating).<br />

so let us compare the two.<br />

try to remember that nlp is neuro-linguistic programming.<br />

it is about the LANGUAGE we use to describe our universe.<br />

what is the tone of that voice in your head<br />

is it positive or negative<br />

is it motivating or de-motivating<br />

the obese mind virus is characterised by....<br />

1. negative perception of food<br />

2. negative perception of exercise<br />

3. negative perception of progress<br />

4. negative perception of failure<br />

the sustained fat loss programme is characterised by.....<br />

1. positive perception of food<br />

2. positive perception of exercise<br />

3. positive perception of progress<br />

4. positive perception of failure<br />


let's compare the two perceptions of food....<br />

the obese mind virus:<br />

"i have to starve myself to lose weight." (negative)<br />

"i have to eat less to lose weight" (negative)<br />

"i have to give up chocolate to lose weight" (negative)<br />

how the f**k are you going to find the motivation to<br />

choose the right foods if the language that generates the<br />

behaviour is NEGATIVE<br />

"who wants to starve, eat less, give up and be miserable<br />

i might as well eat whatever i like and be fat and happy."<br />

this negative mental programming then leads to<br />

overeating and fat gaining behaviour that ultimately<br />

drives people towards obesity.<br />

compare this to....<br />

the sustained fat loss programme:<br />

"i have to fill up on clean foods to get lean" (positive)<br />

"i have to eat more to get lean" (positive)<br />

"i have to deliver nutrients to my body" (positive).<br />

you are far more likely to find the motivation to choose<br />

the right foods if the language that generates the<br />

behaviour is POSITIVE.<br />

"i'm not on a diet, i'm enjoying a healthy eating plan that<br />

encourages me to fill up, eat more and deliver nutrition to<br />

my body".<br />


this positive mental programme then leads to better,<br />

cleaner food choices that ultimately drive people<br />

towards leanness.<br />

and so.....<br />

over the course of my career i have seen how obese<br />

people have this continual negative voice in their head<br />

which sabotages their motivation and drives them<br />

towards fat gaining behaviour.<br />

they make statements like...<br />

"i've only lost a pound" (negative)<br />

"i haven't lost any weight yet" (negative)<br />

"i missed my workout so i've failed" (negative)<br />

"i had a chocolate bar so i've ruined this week" (negative)<br />

the list goes on and on.... THINKING themselves FAT.<br />

lean people have this continual positive voice in their<br />

head which enhances their motivation and drives them<br />

towards fat burning behaviour. they are masters of<br />

REFRAMING, turning negatives into positives.<br />

they make statements like....<br />

"i'm worth more than my weight" (positive)<br />

"i haven't changed yet, but i will get there" (reframe)<br />

"i missed my workout, but i'm making progress" (reframe)<br />

"i had a chocolate bar, but it's only one" (reframe)<br />

they quite literally THINK themselves LEAN.<br />

so. which programme are you running<br />


f**k your<br />

impatience.<br />

dieters love weighing themselves.<br />

it is an addiction... an OBSESSION... learned from years of<br />

being weighed at the likes of f**king weight watchers and<br />

slimming world.<br />

it is a habit that kills their patience... saps their motivation...<br />

and has them quitting diet after diet because the results<br />

aren't fast enough.<br />

so i'd like to share a little story that explains why weighing<br />

yourself is the worst measure of progress.<br />

once upon a time there was a farmer's daughter who<br />

begged her father for some seeds.... "i want to grow<br />

plants, just like you father! please, oh please can i have<br />

some seeds!"<br />

so her father gave her a handful of his finest corn seeds....<br />

"go and plant these seeds in fertile soil and in 30 days you<br />

will have your very own crop!" her smile beamed as she<br />

skipped away to plant her seeds in the best soil she could<br />

find.<br />

the next day the little girl returned and excitedly asked<br />

"father, father! i've planted my seeds in fertile soil, when<br />

will i have my plants!"....<br />


and he replied, "you must leave the seeds and let them<br />

grow! be patient and you will have a fine crop!"<br />

a few more days passed and the little girl asked again<br />

"father, father! four days have passed and i still don't have<br />

any plants! when will they grow!".... and he repeated<br />

once again, "you must leave the seeds and let them<br />

grow! be patient and you'll have your plants!"<br />

for the next week the little girl returned to her father daily<br />

and asked the same question, until he himself was puzzled<br />

as to why her seeds were not growing. nearly two weeks<br />

had passed, surely the seeds should have taken root and<br />

begun to break the surface by now.<br />

the next morning he woke and watched his daughter run<br />

out to the field to check if her plants had grown...<br />

the mystery was SOLVED!<br />

he saw his daughter picking each and every seed out of<br />

the ground and hold them up to the morning sun to<br />

check if they were growing... well of course they weren't!!<br />

by picking them out of the ground each day they had no<br />

hope of taking root.<br />

when his daughter returned in floods of tears, distraught<br />

that her seeds still weren't growing, he laughed, put his<br />

arm around her and explained...<br />

"sometimes you've just got to let nature do it's shit!!"<br />

and the moral of the story<br />

stay off the f**king scales.<br />


f**k being<br />

perfect.<br />

i'd like you all to open your minds and come with me on a<br />

little journey...<br />

it's december.<br />

it's the uk.<br />

it's starting to get a little bit chilly.<br />

and for those not from the uk.... "a little bit chilly" means<br />

"seriously f**king cold".<br />

you get up early. you get ready for work. you get in the<br />

car..... and what's the first thing you do you crank the<br />

heat up.<br />

nobody gets in their car... first thing in the morning... on a<br />

cold... frosty... british winter's day... and puts the heat on<br />

medium.<br />

f**k no. we whack it right up to MAX.<br />

why because when we're cold... when we're<br />

uncomfortable... it is human instinct to want to get as<br />


warm as possible... as fast as possible.<br />

but answer me this...<br />

10 minutes into your journey. when your car heating<br />

system is in full flow.... blasting your legs and your face<br />

with scorching hot air....<br />

what do you do how do you ensure you don't go from<br />

freezing cold to roasting hot<br />

it's simple people...<br />

you turn... the heat... DOWN.<br />

you might turn it a little bit down... half way down...<br />

maybe if you're really hot you'll turn it right the way down.<br />

but what you do not do...<br />

and will never... ever... ever... do...<br />

is turn it to COLD.<br />

because not long ago you were cold. you know and<br />

remember how uncomfortable that was. you knew when<br />

you got into the car that you didn't want to be cold. so<br />

now that you're hot, you turn it down and find a<br />

temperature that is a bearable...<br />

....but not cold.<br />

training is exactly the same.<br />

we all start diets and fitness plans feeling cold and<br />


uncomfortable. and that coldness and discomfort might<br />

be feeling out of shape... feeling low in confidence...<br />

feeling like you're losing control.<br />

so we do what human beings instinctively do when we're<br />

uncomfortable...<br />

we crank the heat UP. we turn our dial to MAX.... giving<br />

everything we've got to our diet and our workouts for the<br />

first week or two.<br />

but... like the car journey.... there comes an inevitable<br />

point when we get too hot... when we train too hard....<br />

when we eat too clean.... and it becomes unsustainable.<br />

maybe we pick up an INJURY.<br />

maybe we pick up a BUG.<br />

maybe we get so HUNGRY it becomes unbearable.<br />

either way... we cannot keep going at max.<br />

too many people reach this point and make the fatal<br />

decision of giving up... turning their dial to cold and<br />

returning rapidly to the discomfort that led them to get<br />

started in the first place. they draw the illogical<br />

conclusion...<br />

"if i can't train at max then f**k it... i might as well not train<br />

at all... i might as well give up and BINGE."<br />

bull.... f**king... shit.<br />

we all control the training dial of our lives. at any one time<br />

we have the power to decide whether to turn it up or to<br />

turn it down.<br />


when times are good... when stress is low.... that's the time<br />

to crank it up to max and go for it. hit the workouts hard.<br />

keep your nutrition tight. focus and go for the maximum<br />

gains possible.<br />

but...<br />

when times are bad... when stress is high... when the world<br />

and life throws obstacles in your path...<br />

don't turn it off.<br />

don't turn it to cold.<br />

turn it DOWN.<br />

adjusting. tweaking. turning. until you find the training<br />

level that matches where you are in your life right now.<br />

this is the mindset of the lean person. this is the mindset of<br />

success. just because you can't train at max doesn't<br />

mean you don't train at all.<br />

focus on what you CAN do... even if that means keeping<br />

your training dial set to the lowest level possible...<br />

because anything is better than off.<br />

and anything is better than COLD.<br />


f**k what<br />

others think.<br />

i get contacted by clients regularly telling me that their<br />

husband or their wife or their colleague was telling them<br />

that they're taking their training too far.<br />

i hear this a lot.<br />

too many times over the years.<br />

and usually i give the diplomatic answer.<br />

but you know what... not anymore.<br />

so this is gentle reminder for anyone else who gets the<br />

usual "don't get too muscly" or "don't get too skinny"<br />

comments.<br />

this is YOUR BODY.<br />

not your husband's.<br />

not your wife's.<br />

not your friend's.<br />

nor work colleague's.<br />

this is your.... f**king... body.<br />


we own nothing in this world other than the body we live<br />

in. our house... our car... our watch... our phone... our<br />

favourite clothes.... can all be taken away from us.<br />

but our body is ours.<br />

we are born in it.<br />

we die in it.<br />

we spend every living heartbeat contained in it.<br />

we cannot escape it even if we wanted to.<br />

so if we want to IMPROVE it...<br />

if we want to STRENGTHEN it....<br />

if we want to SCULPT it....<br />

if we want to make it the best f**king body we can<br />

possible have... that is our right and, more importantly,<br />

that is something to be respected.<br />

fair enough... if i'm smashing my body with drugs and<br />

alcohol... tell me to reign it in. if i'm chowing my way to<br />

morbid obesity... tell me to hold back. if i'm starving myself<br />

towards anorexia..... help me find support.<br />

but if i'm working hard and training hard to make my<br />

body fitter.... stronger... and leaner....<br />

if you've got something to say to me,<br />

it better f**king be nice!<br />


f**k blaming<br />

yourself.<br />

google for "fitness" or "weight loss" or "inch loss"... and you'll<br />

be met with hundreds, thousands of different plans and<br />

programmes.<br />

each one bombarding you with buzzwords and science<br />

to convince you that this plan is the one that will get you<br />

the body you want.<br />

reading through them we see words and phrases like<br />

"metabolism" and "fat burning" and "high intensity interval<br />

training". we're told about the different meal plans that<br />

are "high-protein" and "low-fat" and "calorie controlled".<br />

dieters and fitness wannabes jump from plan to plan...<br />

from failure to failure... never sticking to anything... never<br />

seeing it through... never achieving the body they want.<br />

so f**k all the buzzwords.<br />

and f**k the scientific jargon.<br />

here are the only three words you really need to know....<br />

commitment. discipline. effort.<br />


ecause getting in shape is f**king hard. most people<br />

simply aren't cut out for it. not because the science isn't<br />

right, but because their MIND isn't right.<br />

they lack the commitment to see a plan through... they<br />

lack the discipline to say no to friends... and they lack the<br />

effort to push themselves outside of their comfort zone.<br />

the question is... WHY<br />

i've spent the last 10 years researching why people aren't<br />

committed, why people aren't disciplined and why<br />

people lack effort.<br />

and i don't blame THEM.<br />

i blame the food industry for creating addictive foods.<br />

i blame the office culture of endless cakes and treats.<br />

i blame the government for outdated nutrition guidelines.<br />

in a world with daily access to hyper-addictive foods... in<br />

world where friends and colleagues are constantly<br />

shoving them in your face... and in world where the<br />

government refuses to legislate against foods that are<br />

drugs... sold to us by f**king diet companies...<br />

it becomes almost impossible to commit.... almost<br />

impossible to be disciplined... and impossible to apply<br />

effort...<br />

...because our brains and minds are ADDICTED.<br />

we are a nation of food addicts. and addiction saps<br />

commitment, saps discipline and saps effort.<br />


so next time you question...<br />

"why can't i stick at it"<br />

"why can't i see a plan through"<br />

"why can't i achieve the body i want"<br />

don't blame yourself.<br />

blame ADDICTION.<br />

and the food industry that feeds it.<br />

the real question is....<br />

can you find the COMMITMENT... can you find the<br />

DISCIPLINE... can you find the EFFORT to break it<br />

because only when your desire to be fitter and leaner is<br />

stronger than your addiction, will you succeed.<br />

you ready<br />

join the fat loss rebellion<br />

www.<strong>rebelfit</strong>.co.uk<br />


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