OCTOBER 2004 - Finn

OCTOBER 2004 - Finn

OCTOBER 2004 - Finn


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gone into another universe, extending his<br />

lead on every leg to win by 600 meters. GRE,<br />

ESP and CRO followed. GBR climbed boat<br />

by boat from 10th to 3rd and BRA went from<br />

15 to 6. FRA had problems and fell from 7th<br />

to 16th.<br />

Day seven<br />

“It is really hard out there but then this is the<br />

Olympics.” DEN. “The Olympics is a lot of<br />

great sailors having a difficult time.” AUS. “It<br />

is the pressure that you put on yourself.”<br />

Glenn Bourke, AUS.<br />

It is hard to find yourself here. There are team<br />

officials micro managing, coaches on ego<br />

trips and the media hyping things out of<br />

recognition. There are many sailing<br />

professionals here and when things aren’t<br />

going well they sit around and commiserate<br />

with tales about their Volvo, America’s Cup<br />

and rich owners adventures.<br />

GBR’s performance today gives him the best<br />

shot at the Gold but will have to sail the last<br />

race with a finish better that 16.<br />

BEL and AUS took themselves out of the<br />

Medal contention in race nine. BEL had to<br />

bail out of a reasonable start, looked as if he<br />

were headed for the Greek Islands and was<br />

DFL until he passed GER on the final beat.<br />

GRE got back in Medal contention by winning<br />

race nine going away and then destroyed his<br />

chances with a very poor job in race ten.<br />

Race 9 Wind 5 to 7 knots from 195 backing<br />

to 160 at times. It was a difficult course with<br />

the good angle on the left and the good<br />

pressure on the right. DEN hit the pin anchor,<br />

had to do circles and then went up the middle<br />

where he got neither a good angle or<br />

pressure. POL came out well from the pin<br />

with GBR on his weather hip with equal speed.<br />

GRE, CRO, CZE, ESP, RUS, BRA, IRL and<br />

CAN went right into the pressure. GRE in the<br />

lead was gone. CZE, CRO, ESP, GBR and<br />

RUS were next. GBR passed ESP on the<br />

reach, CRO on the run and CZE on the next<br />

beat. EST who has been improving each race<br />

came out of the right and was 12th for his<br />

best mark position yet.<br />

Race 10 Wind 7 knots from 185 building to<br />

14 knots as the seabreeze backed to 160.<br />

GBR got the lead early and held it comfortably.<br />

CRO was right behind but was passed by<br />

POL on the first run. ESP was 10th at the<br />

reaching mark, passed NZL and IRE on the<br />

run, passed Can and SLO on the second<br />

beat, passed FRA and AUS on the run to<br />

finish 4th and keep his Silver possibility alive.<br />

DEN was up and down going from 24 at the<br />

first mark to 10 on the second beat, dropping<br />

to 19 on the run and back to 10th on the next<br />

beat to finish 8th.<br />

Tomorrow is a reserve day and <strong>Finn</strong>s will rest<br />

and worry. ESP will have to pick up 15 points<br />

on GBR for Gold. POL will have to pick up<br />

15 points on ESP for Silver. CRO will have<br />

to pick up 5 points on POL for Bronze.<br />

Day nine<br />

This Olympic <strong>Finn</strong> Regatta is history. Race<br />

11 Wind between 5 and 9 knots from around<br />

175, swinging right to 185 and backing to<br />

160. For this race the pressure was off and<br />

the general area of finish already determined.<br />

USA and CAN cut loose and were 1, 3 at the<br />

top mark. POL was 5th at the top mark, moved<br />

up into first on the run and kept it all the way<br />

to the finish as he had to do. When he got<br />

the winner’s horn he visibly relaxed, stood<br />

with a whoop and leapt into the water for a<br />

swim. USA couldn’t keep pace offwind and<br />

dropped to seventh. CAN finally could keep<br />

pace offwind, moved up to second and held<br />

it to the finish. CRO who needed to get four<br />

boats on POL was 7th at the top mark and<br />

moved up to finish 5th for the Leather Medal.<br />

GBR had a bad/conservative start and was<br />

13th at the top mark to ESP’s 6th. GBR caught<br />

and passed ESP on the second beat and<br />

then covered to push ESP down in the fleet.<br />

Going into the short reach to the finish GBR<br />

was a boat length ahead when he relented<br />

and let ESP pass to keep the Silver Medal.<br />

The Medal Ceremony occurred just after<br />

sunset. IOC President Jacques Rogge came<br />

just to present the <strong>Finn</strong> Medals. When he<br />

was finished, they took a few pictures and<br />

then whisked him off.<br />

Why did GBR win the <strong>Finn</strong> Ben was better<br />

prepared in every way. He was the most<br />

physical. His rig and kit (mast and sail) was<br />

far more developed to his style than anyone’s.<br />

He had better training partners. He had more<br />

training sessions on the water in Athens than<br />

anyone. He had better coaching; there is no<br />

other <strong>Finn</strong> or Star coach as good as David<br />

Howlett. He had better confidence with three<br />

successive FGC wins. His concentration is<br />

better than any others; a Tibetan Monk would<br />

love to have him as a student for this reason.<br />

His success hasn’t gone to his head; when<br />

Percy needed help preparing his Star, there<br />

was Ben with a polisher in his hands helping.<br />

I’ve never seen a team with the kind of spirit<br />

and mutual support the Brits have and that<br />

is part of the story.

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