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ISSN 100020054<br />

CN 1122223gN <br />

(<br />

) 2003 43 8 <br />

J T singhua U niv (Sci & T ech) , 2003, V o l. 43, N o. 8<br />

<br />

13g36<br />

105221055<br />

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1 , <br />

2 , <br />

2 2<br />

, <br />

(1. , <br />

, 100022;<br />

2. , <br />

, 100084)<br />

: <br />

electrical output w as 177. 7W gm 2 w hich w as 2. 7 tim es that w ith no<br />

<br />

, <br />

, concentration. T he op tim um concentration intensity of the o rdinary<br />

so lar cells w ith coo ling w as 6 kW gm 2 at w h ich the m axim um<br />

<br />

, electrical output w as 318. 5W gm 2 w hich w as 4. 8 tim es that w ith no<br />

0. 8520 kW gm 2 <br />

concentration. The natural convection heat exchanger can ensure<br />

<br />

, , that the h ighest temperature of the so lar cells is less than 60 fo r<br />

1 kW gm 2 intensity from 0 to 20 kW gm 2 .<br />

66W gm 2 ; <br />

, 3. 3 kW gm 2<br />

<br />

, <br />

177. 7W gm 2 , 2. 7 <br />

, 6 kW gm 2 , <br />

318. 5W gm 2 , 4. 8 ; 120 kW gm 2<br />

<br />

, <br />

<br />

60 , <br />

1% [ 5 ] , <br />

: <br />

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: T K 514 <br />

: A <br />

: 100020054 (2003) 0821052204<br />

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, <br />

Therma l and power character istics of<br />

ord inary solar cells in concen tra ting<br />

solar collectors<br />

W U Yuting 1 , ZHU Hongye 2 , REN J ia nxun 2 , L IANG Xinga ng 2<br />

(1. Key Laboratory of Education M in istry of Heat<br />

Tran sfer Enhancemen t and Energy Con servation,<br />

College of Env ironmen tal and Energy Engineering,<br />

Beij ing Un iversity of Technology, Beij ing 100022, China;<br />

2. Key Laboratory of Education M in istry of Heat<br />

Tran sfer Enhancemen t and Energy Con servation,<br />

D epartmen t of Engineer ing M echan ics,<br />

Tsinghua Un iversity, Be ij ing 100084, China)<br />

Abstract: T he coo ling of concentrating pho tovo ltaic so lar cell<br />

system s w as investigated experim entally w ith w ater as the coo lant.<br />

O rdinary so lar cells w ere used w ith so lar fluxes of 0. 8520 kW gm 2<br />

w ithout coo ling and w ith natural convection of w ater.<br />

T he resulting<br />

pow er w as compared to the m axim um electrical output of o rdinary<br />

so lar cells w ith no concentration at a ligh t intensity of 1 kW gm 2 .<br />

T he op tim um concentration intensity of the o rdinary so lar cells w ith<br />

no coo ling w as found to be 3. 3 kW gm 2<br />

at w hich the m axim um<br />

Key words: so lar pow er system; so lar cell; concentration<br />

: 2002209229<br />

© 1995-2003 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.<br />

pho tovo ltaic system; therm al and pow er characteristics<br />

[ 14<br />

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: , E2m ail: rjx@ tsinghua. edu. cn

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1053<br />

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<br />

020 kW gm 2 , <br />

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<br />

, 5. 5 kW gm 2 <br />

, SFR 2g<br />

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, © 1995-2003 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

1054<br />

( ) <br />

2003, 43 (8)<br />

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, 3. 3 kW gm 2 <br />

, <br />

177. 7W gm 2 , <br />

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20 kW gm 2 , <br />

2. 7 , <br />

<br />

, 3. 3 kW gm 2 <br />

<br />

, <br />

5 kW gm 2 <br />

183. 4W gm 2 , 3 kW gm 2 5. 7W gm 2 <br />

<br />

(<br />

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<br />

, 318. 5W gm 2 , <br />

4. 8 , <br />

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1. 7m , <br />

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, 1 kW gm 2 , , <br />

3m <br />

66W gm 2 <br />

34 , 25 5 <br />

, 3. 3 kW gm 2 <br />

<br />

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20 kW gm 2 , 1. 7m <br />

<br />

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<br />

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6<br />

4<br />

<br />

<br />

: 1) ,<br />

1 kW gm 2 , <br />

5<br />

66W gm 2 <br />

, 3. 3 kW gm 2<br />

© 1995-2003 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

, : <br />

1055<br />

<br />

, <br />

177. 7W gm 2 ,<br />

<br />

2. 7 <br />

<br />

6 kW gm 2 <br />

,<br />

<br />

318. 5W gm 2 , <br />

4. 8<br />

, <br />

1. 8 <br />

<br />

<br />

2) 120 kW gm 2 <br />

, <br />

60 , <br />

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© 1995-2003 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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