TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop

TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop


telenovela block TELENOVELA AND AUDIENCE By Dejan Pralica The phenomenon of popularity of telenovelas, which are better known as “Spanish serials” in the countries generated from former Yugo - slavia, is not typical only for this region. However, since in the CEE the - re was an expansion of Latin-American serials in a relatively short time, media theoreticians, sociologists and media owners have got opposed opinions about the influence this kind of TV entertainment has on public. Because of their easy content, full of stereotypes about love, jealousy, infidelity, man-woman relationships, and family relationships, and cheap placement of tens, even hundreds of short episodes, this kind of TV serials, i.e. telenovelas, is accepted by large audience. Media say that usually housewives and retired women are those who are fond of “Spanish serials”, but these serials are regularly or occasionally also watched by pupils, teenagers, and even students and educated people. Of course, if you ask them whether they watch any of these serials, they will smile vaguely depriving you of the confirmative answer. The higher their education, the less honesty showed. Why are educated people so ashamed of telenovelas DOES NOT BURDEN THE BRAIN Cultural sociologists may agree on one thing: the “soaps” are a typical massive culture representative. They have all features of massive culture. They are (Dragan Kokovic, 2004) “equalizing different cultural levels, searching and attracting great number of people, increasing cosmopolitan characteristics of cultural values, commercialization...” The fact is that telenovelas are intended for a relatively wide and heterogeneous audience, and since the target group is so dispersive, hitting the target was easy. The British culturologist and psychologist Rob Vederil (Vederil, 2005) classifies “soaps” into pop culture. He explains pop culture as wide span of cultural forms that are easily available and accessible to everyone. Pop culture overcomes all class and ethnic differences. In addition to “soaps”, there are also commercials. And by combining these two things, media owners have reasons to be very satisfied. The audience will complain about commercials, but will patiently wait for the end of the episode. LET’S WATCH DOMESTIC Since we live in the era of globalization, with strong media influence, “family intrigues” from distant South America had moved in the Balkans region, and a great number of commercial TV stations in Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and even Greece have bought original scripts for “Spanish serials”, engaged domestic actors, and the effort was worth their while. Yet, it looks paradox that a typical Serbian family, for example, lives in a big house, has three kids, father, mother (with unavoidable lovers), and, of course, a nanny and servants, by South-American model. Majority of globalization theoreticians, according to Italian anthropologist Christiano Giordano (Giordano, 2001), would like to convince us that the world is in the middle of the turn in which all societies, step by step, become closer to one another, and become more alike. Famous culturologist Marshal McLown, could not even dream about telenovelas when, in the middle of the 20th century, predicted that the world will become “a global village”. Telenovelas have brought the expansion of South-American cultural values on our market. Connection of domestic and foreign, by commercial TVs, is an interesting undertaking that, as it has been proved, guarantees financial success. THE MORAL CULTURE When speaking about correct media usage, with the accent on moderate consumption of TV contents, TV broadcasters and individuals from audience share equal responsibility. User – spectator has the task to choose time and topics that are interesting for him. French culturologist, Louis Dolo (Dolo, 2000), emphasizes the man and his mission to be trained and capable not to bear things that others have imposed, but to choose things that are appropriate for his personal development and to throw away what is not needed. Next time when we ask people if they watch telenovelas or “soaps”, will we receive the same answer, or the situation will drastically change, de - pen ding on the quantity and, of course, the quality of other content that is placed on TV. Until on the majority of the CEE TV channels different telenovelas are broadcast at the same time, our audience will be moved into the fiction of beautiful South- American landscapes, actors and ac t - resses, and live in a different world, with a smile on their face, running away from everyday problems. Is it OK to deprive them of such satisfaction } 22 discop link 03 march 2006

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