TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop

TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop

TELENOVELA BLOCK.pages 24 - 30: - Discop


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telenovela block<br />

<strong>TELENOVELA</strong> AND AUDIENCE<br />

By Dejan Pralica<br />

The phenomenon of popularity of<br />

telenovelas, which are better<br />

known as “Spanish serials” in the countries<br />

generated from former Yugo -<br />

slavia, is not typical only for this<br />

region. However, since in the CEE the -<br />

re was an expansion of Latin-American<br />

serials in a relatively short time, media<br />

theoreticians, sociologists and media<br />

owners have got opposed opinions<br />

about the influence this kind of TV<br />

entertainment has on public.<br />

Because of their easy content, full<br />

of stereotypes about love, jealousy,<br />

infidelity, man-woman relationships,<br />

and family relationships, and cheap<br />

placement of tens, even hundreds of<br />

short episodes, this kind of TV serials,<br />

i.e. telenovelas, is accepted by large<br />

audience. Media say that usually<br />

housewives and retired women are<br />

those who are fond of “Spanish serials”,<br />

but these serials are regularly or<br />

occasionally also watched by pupils,<br />

teenagers, and even students and<br />

educated people. Of course, if you ask<br />

them whether they watch any of these<br />

serials, they will smile vaguely depriving<br />

you of the confirmative answer.<br />

The higher their education, the less<br />

honesty showed. Why are educated<br />

people so ashamed of telenovelas<br />


BRAIN<br />

Cultural sociologists may agree on<br />

one thing: the “soaps” are a typical<br />

massive culture representative. They<br />

have all features of massive culture.<br />

They are (Dragan Kokovic, 2004)<br />

“equalizing different cultural levels,<br />

searching and attracting great number<br />

of people, increasing cosmopolitan<br />

characteristics of cultural values,<br />

commercialization...” The fact is that<br />

telenovelas are intended for a relatively<br />

wide and heterogeneous audience,<br />

and since the target group is so dispersive,<br />

hitting the target was easy.<br />

The British culturologist and psychologist<br />

Rob Vederil (Vederil, 2005)<br />

classifies “soaps” into pop culture. He<br />

explains pop culture as wide span of<br />

cultural forms that are easily available<br />

and accessible to everyone. Pop culture<br />

overcomes all class and ethnic<br />

differences. In addition to “soaps”,<br />

there are also commercials. And by<br />

combining these two things, media<br />

owners have reasons to be very satisfied.<br />

The audience will complain about<br />

commercials, but will patiently wait for<br />

the end of the episode.<br />


Since we live in the era of globalization,<br />

with strong media influence,<br />

“family intrigues” from distant South<br />

America had moved in the Balkans<br />

region, and a great number of commercial<br />

TV stations in Serbia and<br />

Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and<br />

Herzegovina, as well as Hungary,<br />

Romania, Bulgaria and even Greece<br />

have bought original scripts for<br />

“Spanish serials”, engaged domestic<br />

actors, and the effort was worth their<br />

while. Yet, it looks paradox that a typical<br />

Serbian family, for example, lives in<br />

a big house, has three kids, father,<br />

mother (with unavoidable lovers), and,<br />

of course, a nanny and servants, by<br />

South-American model.<br />

Majority of globalization theoreticians,<br />

according to Italian anthropologist<br />

Christiano Giordano (Giordano,<br />

2001), would like to convince us that<br />

the world is in the middle of the turn in<br />

which all societies, step by step,<br />

become closer to one another, and<br />

become more alike. Famous culturologist<br />

Marshal McLown, could not even<br />

dream about telenovelas when, in the<br />

middle of the 20th century, predicted<br />

that the world will become “a global village”.<br />

Telenovelas have brought the<br />

expansion of South-American cultural<br />

values on our market. Connection of<br />

domestic and foreign, by commercial<br />

TVs, is an interesting undertaking<br />

that, as it has been proved, guarantees<br />

financial success.<br />


When speaking about correct<br />

media usage, with the accent on moderate<br />

consumption of TV contents, TV<br />

broadcasters and individuals from<br />

audience share equal responsibility.<br />

User – spectator has the task to<br />

choose time and topics that are interesting<br />

for him. French culturologist,<br />

Louis Dolo (Dolo, 2000), emphasizes<br />

the man and his mission to be trained<br />

and capable not to bear things that<br />

others have imposed, but to choose<br />

things that are appropriate for his personal<br />

development and to throw away<br />

what is not needed.<br />

Next time when we ask people if<br />

they watch telenovelas or “soaps”, will<br />

we receive the same answer, or the<br />

situation will drastically change, de -<br />

pen ding on the quantity and, of<br />

course, the quality of other content<br />

that is placed on TV. Until on the<br />

majority of the CEE TV channels different<br />

telenovelas are broadcast at the<br />

same time, our audience will be moved<br />

into the fiction of beautiful South-<br />

American landscapes, actors and ac t -<br />

resses, and live in a different world,<br />

with a smile on their face, running<br />

away from everyday problems. Is it OK<br />

to deprive them of such satisfaction<br />

}<br />

22<br />

discop link 03 www.discop.com march 2006

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