No. 4, 1998 - Tribology in Industry

No. 4, 1998 - Tribology in Industry No. 4, 1998 - Tribology in Industry
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nn n T o E, lrJ (t) IU E YY P. BI}ISKOWC UDK 621..919.2.ffi1.42 Tribological Behaviour of Surfacing Layers for Continual Casting Rolls Prodactionofroobforcottinualcastingandrollingmills andtheirrenovatianrepresents aphenomenonwhich is economically very srgnificant for metalluryists. It can be simply proved that the roll as a tool significantly affects the quality of rolled products and also contirudty of prodaction related to its hfe. The Welding Research Instilute is devoted to these problems for more than 40 years, Kcywords: Tibolog, regeneratiott, surface layer, harclening l.INTRODUCTION Production of rools for continual casting and rolling mills and their renovation represents a phenomenon which is economically very significant for metallurgists. It can be simply proved that the roll as a tool significantly affects the quality of rolled products and also continuity of production related to its life. In the world we ever more often encounter the metallurgical rolls with two, or even more surface layers, where the quality of working surface can be separated from that of base body of the roll. Such is also the principle of rools where the working surface is obtained by welding tech' nologies. Moreover, the new types of teel rolls [1,2], which were first succesfully used in Japan in 1986 (HSS rolls), have shown great possibilities of their renovation but also their production by welding technologies. The Welding Research Institute is devoted to these problems for more than 40 years. We shall indicatewhat is now available forthe mentioned purposes. 2. CURRENT APPLICATIONS The main advantage of surfacing technolory application is a good comtrol over the process micrometallurry and consequentnly improved quality and purity of the deposited layer, and most recently also fabrication of composite weld overlays. Pavel Blalkovil, Department of Fha CoveredArc lAelding and Su(acing Welding Research Institute, Bratislava, Slavakia The mostly used surfacing technolory is submerged arc process (SA). It is used for deposition of block rolls, billet rolls, prefinishing rolls and for the rolls of continual casting lines. 2.1The parent material The base metal of surfaced rolls is selected from the following steel types: L.0.6VoC;l.VoCr;O.3VoMo - steel in accordance with STN 42 2366.5 (Slovak Standard) 2,0,8VoCL,VoCr,0.3VoMo - steel in accordance with' sTN42 2865.9 3.05VoC;7VoCr - forged steel in accordance with sTN 14161 4.0.6VoC - forged steel in accordance with srN 12060.9 5.0.5VoC;0.8VoCr - steel in acrordance with sTN42 n39.5 The choice of base metal depends on overall loading of roll and its dimensions. 2.2 Filler materials For submerged are surfacing of the rolling mill rolls and rolls for continual casting the following types of tubular wire and flux cored strip electrodes, including the flux combination from the production of Welding Research Institute Bratislava, the types given in Table 1 are used. [4,6] In addition to submerged arc surfacing of the continual casting rolls, also open arc self-shielding process is hpplied. The used tlpe of tubular wires are shown in Table 2.[s) L54 Tibologt in indwtry, Volume 20, No. 4,1998.

Table l: Chemical composition of weld deposits fabricated with !'lux cored wire (RD) and flux strip electrodes (PP) ,Marj

Table l: Chemical composition of weld deposits fabricated<br />

with !'lux cored wire (RD) and flux strip electrodes<br />

(PP)<br />


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