Final report - Aquaculture Stewardship Council

Final report - Aquaculture Stewardship Council

Final report - Aquaculture Stewardship Council


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Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

ASC audit checklist<br />

ASCASS-PAD.F01(01)<br />

Reportnumber:<br />

1.1 Client contact data<br />

CUC number: 821749<br />

Company name:<br />

Contact person:<br />

Address:<br />

Postal code: 84<br />

City:<br />

Country:<br />

Telephone number:<br />

e-mail:<br />

1.2 Audit information<br />

Date of last external audit :<br />

Audit date : 20-21/08/2012<br />

Full name of the lead auditor:<br />

Auditor: LE TRAN TRUONG THUY - (Environmental part)<br />

Audit team:<br />

Auditor: LE ANH NGOC (Social part)<br />

Technical expert: LY VI CUONG<br />

Type audit : Announced / Unannounced Initial / Surveillance / Recertification<br />

1.3 Scope of ASC<br />

Scope: AQUACULTURE Standard Version: 01 Specie: Pangasius<br />

Production units<br />






+84 733 854 245 Fax Number: +84 733 854 248<br />

info@hungvuongpanga.com<br />


821749-ASC-2012-01-LTTT<br />


Company name Address and GPS coordinates Receiving water body City Country Products<br />

Tan My, Phu Tuc, Chau Thanh<br />

E:106o17'20"972 N:10o19'33"519<br />

F-01 Phu Tuc farm E:106o17'17"261 N:10o19'21"581 The local channel Ben Tre Vietnam Pangasius<br />

E:106o17'4"266 N:10o19'28"160<br />

E:106o17'4"700 N:10o19'38"674<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT 1

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Changes since last audit:<br />

YES ☐ <br />

1.4 Other information<br />

NO <br />

Brand name of the company:<br />

If YES,<br />

Description:<br />

Mention other existing certification schemes of licensee:<br />

N/A<br />


No<br />

Lead Auditor :LE TRAN TRUONG THUY<br />

Company representative :<br />

signature<br />

signature<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT 2

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

ASC audit checklist <br />

ASCASS-­‐PAD.F01(01) <br />

Reportnumber:<br />


1.1 Criteria: Local and naVonal regulaVons<br />

1.1.1<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Verify farm has all registraVons as required by local and naVonal <br />

authoriVes.<br />

B. Verify farm has aquaculture farming licence (as applicable).<br />

C. Verify farm has a commercial licence (as applicable).<br />

821749-­‐ASC-­‐2012-­‐01-­‐LTTT<br />

Preamble:<br />

In order to determine the level of compliance against the ASC Pangasius Standard it :is essenVal to useinformaVon of completed crop.cycle(s), or on a specific point in Vme in the crop (e.g. stocking) for several requirements. For this reason, for first audt-­‐s, it is-­‐necessary for farms to present full data on at least <br />

one or more completed crop cycle(s) per site at the Vmeotheassessment.<br />

Therefore, at the Vme of the first audit:<br />

•farmer must be able to show full records (e.g. feed-­‐use, mortality rate, etc.) of at least 1 completed crop cycle per site (i.e.froni stockingto harvest) and the relevant informaVon for all the crops stocked ater having stocked that crop<br />

• cerVfier must use these records of each site to calculate the level of compliance othe relevant indicators<br />

Applicable to all relevant requirements in this Audit Manual;<br />

Client: At first audit: data of at least Ifull crop cycle per site must be made available to cerVfier. Auditor: At first audit: data of at least Ifull crop cycle per site must be used to determine compliani;e.<br />

Indicator: Presence of all perVnent: permits and <br />

registraVons required by local and naVonal authoriVes<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Environmental protecVon commitment 8 ha on 2008 approved on 20/01/2009 by Le Van Tu -­‐ Chau Thanh province; 12 ha on 04/2012 <br />

approved on 22/05/2012<br />

Veterinarian hygien condiVon 31/GCN-­‐NTTS on 26/07/2012 Mr. Nguyen Van Boi -­‐ the branch of <strong>Aquaculture</strong> department<br />

The document "no.410/SNN-­‐NTTS related to Fisheries program of Ben Tre Forestry and <strong>Aquaculture</strong>" on 17/05/2012 by The branch of <br />

Agriculture and Rural development<br />

"Business licence of joint stock industrial zone" no. 120050529 on 15/01/2007, changed on 27/02/2012 approved by The service of <br />

Planning and Investment of Tien Giang <br />

D. Verify compliance The decision no. related to "Ben Tre Forestry and <strong>Aquaculture</strong> company rent the land of Phu Tuc village, Chau Thanh district"<br />

1.1.2<br />

1.1.3<br />

1.1.4<br />

Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with A. Verify client has records of tax payments to appropriate authoriVes.<br />

perVnent tax: laws <br />

[Note; For integrated systems, tax may only apply at the processing <br />

level. Nonetheless clients must show evidence of tax payment]<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with <br />

local and naVonal legal regulaVons on land and water use.<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: All<br />

B. Verify client has current tax law informaVon and a basic <br />

understanding of tax requirements.<br />

The decision no. 907/QD-­‐CT on 01/7/2012 related to tax payment by Tax bureau of Tien Giang province<br />

The decision no. 548/CT-­‐THNVDT on 17/9/2007 related to "No fee for renVng land" of Tax bureau -­‐ the tax service of Ben Tre<br />

Taking sapmle document on 26/04/2012 by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan and Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Tam of TesVng Laboratory – Centre <br />

A. Verify compliance. If (b), (c) or (d). then enter not applicable for (a).<br />

Monitoring Technical Resources and Environment Dong Thap<br />

TesVng analysis result no. 554/KQTN on 26/4/2012 for discharging of the first senlement pond (which for pond 1 to 11). From the mid-­‐july <br />

B. Verify compliance. If (a), (c) or (d), then enter 'not applicable for (b)<br />

of 2012, the second senlement pond has been used for pond 1, but no have the tesVng analysis to show compliance with the local <br />

X<br />

regulaVon before discharging<br />

C. Verify compliance. If (a), (b) or (d), then enter not applicable for (c) The circular no. 45/2010/TT-­‐BNNPTNT of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development<br />

D. Verify compliance. If (a), (b) or (c), then-­‐enter not applicable for (d) N/A<br />

A. Verify client has documents to show legal access to and use of land <br />

and water.<br />

X<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 1.1.3 -­‐Showing Compliance with Water Discharge RegulaVons<br />

Indicator 1.1.3 requires the farm to show compliance with all water discharge regulaVons at the local and naVonal level. If the authoritaVve regulatory agency has imposed limits on farm water discharge (i.e. by issuing a discharge permit or other <br />

comparable mechanism) the obligaVon shall rest with the client to demonstrate compliance. Four types of evidence are acceptable:<br />

a. Statement by a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory showing that their staff collected samples at discharge;<br />

b. Results of water tesVng from a fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory;<br />

Indicator: Presence of documents proving compliance with c. Relevant legal documents showing compliance; or<br />

perVnent water discharge (including water effluents) d. Statement from local authoriVes with competence on water quality and capacity to test water quality parameters staVng compliance-­‐Where regulaVons require monitoring of farm water discharge, that monitoring shall be conducted annually (at a <br />

regulaVons<br />

minimum) or more frequently ifrequired under local-­‐or naVonal regulaVons. If there is insufficient evidence to show that the farm corn plies with water discharge regulaVons then the auditor will raise a non-­‐conformity.<br />

Note 1: The ASC Pangasius Standard also specifies criteria for some water quality parameters. These are considered seraparetly under Principle 3 below:<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

Land ownership is available for 20 ha<br />

B. Verify farm possesses permits and complies with the farm. The circular no. 45/2010/TT-­‐BNNPTNT of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development<br />

X<br />

C. As applicable, review evidence to confirm that the farm does not <br />

need permits far-­‐land and water use in the country and region of <br />

operaVon.<br />

No have water using limitaVon in aquaculture by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son on 20/08/2012 by The comminee of people of Phu Tuc village<br />


2.1. Criteria: MeeVng official development plans<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

2.1.1<br />

Indicator: Farms [4] located in approved aquaculture <br />

development areas <br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Footnote |4] Pond, cage and pen-­‐based faciliVes<br />

2.2Criteria: Conversion of noturol ecosystems<br />

2.2.1<br />

Indicator: For ponds [5], evidence [6] that only land that <br />

has been allocated to agriculture or aquaculture for 10 <br />

years prior is used for new pond development orforfarm <br />

expansion<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: Ponds established ater August 31, 2010<br />

Footnote [5] For Ponds established ater the publicaVon of the PAD standards.<br />

Footnote [6] From government organizaVons.<br />

A. Review map to confirm farm locaVon and accuracy of GPS <br />

coordinates. If possible, verify spaVal informaVon using Google Map, <br />

satellite images or similar means.<br />

B. Review plans. If farm states there is no plan, confirm that the <br />

country and region of operaVon does not have approved aquaculture <br />

development areas.<br />

C. Verify farm is located in an approved aquaculture area If there is no <br />

such areas, auditors response is 'not applicable'.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Verify the declaraVon gives date of farm construcVon and any <br />

subsequent expansions. IdenVfy any ponds established ater August <br />

31, 2010.<br />

B. Review evidence from government organizaVons. Where land-­‐use <br />

maps or spaVal informaVon is provided, cross-­‐check against map of <br />

farm (see 2.1.1)<br />

C. Verify accuracy of (a) and (b) above during interviews with local <br />

community members to confirm there is no evidence for conversion <br />

of wetlands or any other ecosystem (other than agriculture or <br />

aquaculture land) as applicable under Indicator 2.2.1.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

* GPS (verified on the farm map)<br />

E:106o17'20"972 N:10o19'33"519<br />

E:106o17'17"261 N:10o19'21"581<br />

E:106o17'4"266 N:10o19'28"160<br />

E:106o17'4"700 N:10o19'38"674<br />

The document "no.410/SNN-­‐NTTS related to Fisheries program of Ben Tre Forestry and <strong>Aquaculture</strong>" on 17/05/2012 by The branch of <br />

Agriculture and Rural development<br />

The document "no.410/SNN-­‐NTTS related to Fisheries program of Ben Tre Forestry and <strong>Aquaculture</strong>" on 17/05/2012 by The branch of <br />

Agriculture and Rural development<br />

Finding<br />

CV03/2012-­‐NT on 27/8/2012 showed that the farm was allocated prior to 10 years <br />

There is no extension ater 31/08/2010<br />

Interviewed Ms. Huỳnh -­‐neighbour od Phu Tuc famr. The farm is from agricultre prior to 10 years.<br />

2.2.2<br />

Indicator: Evidence that a contribuVon of at least USD <br />

$0.50 per ton of fish produced has been paid to the <br />

environmental and social restoraVon fund [7] annually<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Verify the farm has signed a lener staVng commitment to <br />

contribute to the fund.<br />

B. Verify evidence that ASC has received the lener.<br />

C. Verify farm has made payment|s) into the fund. As soon as ASC has <br />

set-­‐up the fund, this informaVon will be posted on the ASC website.<br />

X<br />

"A commitment lener" no. 002/TCK-­‐TM-­‐HV on 15/08/2011, signed by Mr. Duong Ngoc Minh. The lener was sent to Mr. Bas on <br />

19/08/2012 and waiVng for Mr. Bas's reply<br />

Footnote [7] To be idenVfied by the <strong>Aquaculture</strong> <strong>Stewardship</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (ASC). If a fund has yet to be created and recognized by ASC at the Vme of audiVng, then requirement 2.2.2 will not be considered.<br />

2.2.3<br />

A. Verify the farm has made a declaraVon. "The declaraVon of the farm" no. 003/BCB-­‐TM-­‐HV on 15/08/2011 signed by Mr. Duong Ngoc Minh<br />

B.Review list of construcVon acVviVes and means of disposing of <br />

earth.<br />

C. During local community interviews, verify there is no evidence that <br />

the farm has discharged earth into common water bodies.<br />

Footnote [8]For ponds established ater the publicaVon of the PAD standards.<br />

Footnote [9] ExcepVon made for discharge into water bodies belonging to the farm and without negaVve impacts to other water resource users.<br />

2.2.4<br />

Indicator: Evidence [8] that no earth has been discharged <br />

into common [9] water bodies<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: Ponds established ater August 31, 2010<br />

Indicator: Evidence [10] of no negaVve Impacts on <br />

endangered species [11]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

"A statement lener" no. 82/TCK-­‐TM, HV on 1/9/2011 for no disposing earth into common water bodies<br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi, there is no disposing earth into <br />

common water bodies.<br />

A. Review search results for adequacy and completeness.<br />

"Impact assessment of the pangsaius farm of Hung Vuong company, Phu Tan hamlet -­‐ Phu Tuc village -­‐ Chau Thanh district -­‐ Ben Tre <br />

province to valuable and rare animal". The assessment was carried out by Can Tho University<br />

B. Review the source and accuracy of the list. "The list of endangered, valuable, rare wild botany, animal" with the decision no. 32/2006/ND-­‐CP on 20/3/2006 of government<br />

C. Review list for completeness. Compare with results from search of <br />

IUCN database of red list species (see 6.6.2).<br />

The list of the species in IUCN around the farm<br />

D. Review procedures for adequacy.<br />

X<br />

"Impact assessment of the pangsaius farm of Hung Vuong company, Phu Tan hamlet -­‐ Phu Tuc village -­‐ Chau Thanh district -­‐ Ben Tre <br />

province to valuable and rare animal". The assessment was carried out by Can Tho University<br />

E. During local community interviews, verify there is no evidence that:<br />

-­‐ the farm is presently having a negaVve impact on endangered <br />

species<br />

-­‐the farm has recently had a negaVve impact (since August 2010).<br />

Footnote [10] Farmers shall submit the result of a search of published and grey (e.g. local newspapers, magazines) literature. Statements from local communiVes and organizaVons shall also be produced.<br />

Footnote [11] As set by IUCN and naVonal authoriVes.<br />

2.3 Criteria: Site connecVvity<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi, <br />

Finding<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

2.3.1<br />

Indicator: Farm does not impede navigaVon, aquaVc <br />

animals or water movement.<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: Pens and Cages<br />

A. Inspect site to verify that pens, cages and/or associated farm <br />

structures do not impede navigaVon, aquaVc animals orwater <br />

movement.<br />

B. During local community interviews, verify there is no evidence that <br />

the farm impedes navigaVon, aquaVc animals or water movement.<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

2.3.2<br />

Indicator: Minimum width of the water body [15] without <br />

cages, (see Diagram 1, Annex C)<br />

Requirement: ≥ 50%<br />

A. Cross-­‐check the current farm map or diagram using Google-­‐Map, <br />

satellite images or similar means (if detailed informaVon is available). <br />

If current farm layout differs from the most recent available image, <br />

verify that the map or diagram reflects the actual farm layout.<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

Applicability: Cages<br />

B. Verify that calculaVons are accurate and confirm compliance N/A<br />

Footnote 15] Water body: Any pond, lake; canal; river, stream or any other disVnct mass of water, whether publicly or privately owned, including the banks and shores thereof<br />

Indicator: Maximum width a farm can occupy calculated <br />

when the water body level/width is at its minimum (see <br />

Diagram 2, Annex C) <br />

A. Cross-­‐check the accuracy of the farm map or diagram using Google <br />

Map, satellite images or similar means (if detailed informaVon is <br />

available).<br />

N/A<br />

2.3.3<br />

Requirement: ≤ 20% percent of the width of the water <br />

body <br />

Applicability:Pens<br />

B. Verify that calculaVons are acurate and confirm compliance.<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

C. Inspect site to verify that farm diagrams accurately show the size <br />

and posiVon of pens within the water body.<br />

N/A<br />

2.3.4<br />

2.4 Criteria: Water use<br />

Indicator: Maximum number of conVguous pens allowed <br />

(see Diagram 3, Annex C)<br />

Requirement: Two, only if a stretch of river bank that is at <br />

least the length of the two pens is let free from farms on <br />

both sides of the pens<br />

Applicability: Pens<br />

A. Inspect site to verify the farm's diagrams accurately show the size <br />

and posiVon of pen, and the shoreline distance between pens.<br />

B. Verify the farm's arrangement of pens is in compliance N/A<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

Finding<br />

A. Verify the farm keeps complete records of water intake. "Intake and discharge diary" of pond 7, "Pond informaVon", the total abstractd water is 699.300m3. <br />

Indicator: Farm complies with water allocaVon [16] limits <br />

asset by focal authoriVes or a reputable independent <br />

insVtuVon [17]<br />

B. Review the water allocaVon limits set for the farm by local <br />

authoriVes. If local authoriVes do not set water allocaVon limits, <br />

confirm the farm has an anestaVon.<br />

The declaraVon of local authority by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son on 20/08/2012 -­‐ The people's comminee of Phu Tuc<br />

2.4.1<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

C. Review evidence that water allocaVon limits have been set for the <br />

farm-­‐ by a reputable independent insVtuVon (as applicable).<br />

D. Review evidence for reputability of the authority/insVtuVon <br />

responsible for water allocaVon (as applicable).<br />

X<br />

The declaraVon of local authority by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son on 20/08/2012 -­‐ The people's comminee of Phu Tuc<br />

The declaraVon of local authority by Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son on 20/08/2012 -­‐ The people's comminee of Phu Tuc. The farm has no <br />

informVon of academic insVtuVon about water allocaVon. <br />

E. Check the farm's water intake against the wafer -­‐allocaVon limits. <br />

Verify compliance with limits set by local authority. Cross-­‐check <br />

against <strong>report</strong>ed values for total water abstracted (see 2.4.2).<br />

"Intake and discharge diary" of pond 7, "Pond informaVon", the total abstractd water is 699,300m3. In "Fish receiving records" with the <br />

harvested fish, The volume for this pond is 2,690m3/ton of fish<br />

Footnote [16] Valid for both surface water and groundwater. Surface water is defined as "water collecVng on the ground or in a stream, river, lake,wetland or ocean." Groundwater is defined as "water beneath the earth's surface that supplies wells and springs." Note the term "surface water" is used here in place of the <br />

original term "suriicial water" that appeared in the Pangasius <strong>Aquaculture</strong> Dialogue Standards.<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Footnote [17] A reputable independent insVtuVon can be a government organizaVon, an academic insVtuVon or an organizaVon that is not linked specifically to the aquaculture sector, but has generated water use parameters for the region, or is responsible for water allocaVon. Reputability of the insVtuVon shall be <br />

demonstrated by the farmer showing peer reviewed arVcles and/or <strong>report</strong>s on water allocaVon. Documents produced for a sector other than aquaculture are also acceptable. A track record of at least three years of operaVon must be available.<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 2.4.2 -­‐CalculaVng the RaVo of Total Water Abstracted per Ton of Fish Produced<br />

Annex D of the ASC Pangasius Standard provides a formula for calculaVng "Q." which is the raVo of total water abstracted per ton offish produced. Farms must perform these calculaVons using harvest data from individual ponds (i.e. it is done on a crop-­by-­‐crop<br />

basis) and then using those results to determine a farm-­‐wide average across all ponds. CalculaVons can be done as described here. For the first pond:<br />

-­‐ compute the total volume of water abstracted ("TEV") in cubic meters (m3), during the producVon cycle;<br />

-­‐ compute the total weight offish produced ("A") in metric tons at harvest Vme; and<br />

-­‐ calculate Q. for the first pond using the equaVon: Q=TEV/ A<br />

Repeat the calculaVons for the second pond, third pond... etc. unVl Q has been determined for each pond that was harvested. Use the Q values from each pond (Q1, Q2, Q3...Qn) to compute the farm-­‐wide average, or Qavg<br />

2.4.2<br />

Indicator: For ponds. Maximum raVo of total water <br />

abstracted [18] (not consumed) per ton of fish produced <br />

(calculate abstracted water using formula in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: 5,000 m3/metric ton of fish produced <br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

A. Review calculaVons against intake records to Confirm accuracy.<br />

B. Verify the farm keeps records showing the weight "of fish <br />

harvested.<br />

C. Review calculaVons against sales records and esVmates of current <br />

stock biomass (weight) to confirm accuracy. If needed, reconcile the <br />

totals with the weight of any fish that were harvested but not sold (i.e. <br />

Crops lost ater a disease outbreak).<br />

D. Review-­‐ farm's calculaVons for accuracy. Cross-­‐check that water <br />

volumes (2.4.2a) and harvest weights (2.4.2b) from individual ponds <br />

can be reconciles with total annual producVon (2.4.2c) and total <br />

annual water intake (2.4.1e).<br />

E. Confirm the farm-­‐wide, average Q is < 5,OO0m3/metric ton of fish <br />

produced.<br />

Footnote [18] Water abstracted is water removed from the water body and introduced into the farm. It includes both surficial water and groundwater.<br />


3.1 Criteria: Nutrient uVlizaVon efficiency<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

"Intake water diary" <br />

* Pond 5 from 15/11/2011 to 16/05/12. The total abstracted water is 699,300m3 and total weight of harvested fish is 260,000 kg. The <br />

volume for this pond is 2,690m3/ton of fish<br />

* Pond 07 from 24/09/11 to 24/03/12. The total abstracted water is 976,800m3 and total weight of harvested fish is 300,000kg. The <br />

volume for this pond is 3,256m3/ton of fish<br />

* Pond 5: total weight of harvested fish is 260,000 kg.<br />

* Pond 07: total weight of harvested fish is 300,000kg.<br />

Receipt of harvested fish of pond 5 and 7, The total number is equality<br />

"Intake water diary" <br />

* Pond 5 from 15/11/2011 to 16/05/12. The total abstracted water is 699,300m3 and total weight of harvested fish is 260,000 kg. The <br />

volume for this pond is 2,690m3/ton of fish<br />

* Pond 07 from 24/09/11 to 24/03/12. The total abstracted water is 976,800m3 and total weight of harvested fish is 300,000kg. The <br />

volume for this pond is 3,256m3/ton of fish<br />

Two full crops for the first audit (>6mths): Qavg is 2,973 m3/ton of fish<br />

Finding<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicators 3.1.1 and 3.1.2-­‐Laboratory Analysis ofTP and TN in Feed<br />

In order to demonstrate compliance with Indicator 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, farms must be able to establish the amount of total phosphoms (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) in feeds. Farms shall be in possession of a declaraVon from each of their feed suppliers <br />

staVng the maximum TP and TN content. Farms shall then verify supplier declaraVons by tesVng a representaVve number of batches (e.g. 1 sample for every 1,000 tonnes of a feed used) for TP and TN content. Tests shall be performed by a fully <br />

independent laboratory that is accredited to perform these analyses in accordance with ISO 17025. Results should show that declaraVons made by the feed supplier are accurate and that the feed is within the limits stated in the declaraVon. Farms <br />

must demonstrate compliance for all feeds used in the crops that are included in the calculaVon, regardless of whether those feeds were farm-­‐made or commercially sourced. All calculaVons should be made on a crop-­‐by-­‐crop basis. <br />

Note 1; For first audits, farms are not required to check the TP and TN content of feeds using an independent laboratory. <br />

Note 2; Feed refers to all feeds or feed items, regardless of where or how they are produced, and applies to all farms seeking cerVficaVon.<br />

3.1.1<br />

Indicator: Maximum amount of total phosphorus (TP) [19] <br />

added as feed per metricton of fish produced.<br />

Requirement: 20 kg/t <br />

A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for feed used<br />

Applicability: Pens and Cages<br />

B. Verify the farm possesses all dedaraVons for TP content in feed.<br />

C. Review evidence to confirm that farm checks whether TP content is <br />

<strong>report</strong>ed accuraiely by feed suppliers (if applicable).<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

D. Review farm's calculaVons. Cross-­‐check purchase records against <br />

the feed quanVVes <strong>report</strong>ed<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Applicability: Pens and Cages<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

E. Review farm's calculaVons to confirm the farm complies with the <br />

Requirement<br />

Footnote [19] TP includes all forms of phosphorus found in the sample (Adapted from Australian Government, Department of Meteorology).<br />

3.1.2<br />

3.1.3<br />

Indicator: Maximum amount of total nitrogen (TN) [20] <br />

added as feed [21] per metricton offish produced.<br />

Requirement: 70 kg/t <br />

Applicability: Pens and Cages;<br />

Indicator: Amount of TP discharged per metric ton of fish <br />

produced (SeeTP measurement methodology and <br />

calculaVon in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: 7.2 kg/t <br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

Note: see instrucVons for Indicator 3.1.1<br />

A. Confirm the farm has complete and accurate records for feed used<br />

B. Verify the farm posseses declaraVons for TN content in feed.<br />

C. Review evidence to confirm that farm checks whether TN content is <br />

<strong>report</strong>ed accuraiely by feed suppliers (if applicable).<br />

D. Review farm's calculaVons. Cross-­‐check purchase records against <br />

the feed quanVVes <strong>report</strong>ed<br />

E. Review-­‐farm's calculaVons to confirm the farm complies with the <br />

Requirement<br />

Footnote [20] TN means the measure of all forms of nitrogen found in the sample, including nitrate, nitrite, ammonia N and organic forms of <br />

Footnote [21] Feed refers to all feeds or feed items, regardless of where or how they are produced, and applies to all farms seeking cerVficaVon. <br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 -­‐ Sampling and Laboratory Analysis ofTP and TN Discharged<br />

DeterminaVon of the concentraVon of total phosphorus (TP) in water samples shall be made using the method: Kejidahl and Indo-­‐phenol Blue. DeterminaVon of-­‐the concentraVon of-­‐total nitrogen (TN) in water samples shall be made using the <br />

method: Kejdahl and Ascorbic acid. DeterminaVons will be made by a fully independent laboratory that is accredited to perform these analyses in accordance with ISO 17025.<br />

Farms will measure the amount of TP and TN disharged from only a subset of the total number of ponds in producVon: 15% of all ponds (value rounded up to the nearest whole number). At least one of these ponds shall be randomly selected. The <br />

farm must record the number and idenVty of selected ponds before sampling. Required procedures for collecVng water samples are as follows:<br />

-­‐two water samples are taken: one from the pond (=pond water) and one from the intake (=intake water). The two samples are taken on the same day.<br />

-­‐ all water sample collecVons are done by staff from the fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory<br />

-­‐ all water samples are collected in second half of crop producVon (i.e. ≥ 90 days ater stocking)<br />

-­‐ pond water samples are collected at 50% of pond depth<br />

-­‐ all water samples are collected before 11:00am<br />

-­‐ pond water samples are collected > 6 hours ater the intake of water into the pond<br />

For first audits, farm records for monitoring TP and TN discharged must cover ≥ 6 months,<br />

A. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water <br />

sampling and analyses.<br />

B. Review laboratory results for TP concentraVon<br />

C. Review accuracy of farm's data<br />

D. Review farm's calculaVons to comfirm accuracy.<br />

X<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

TesVng Laboratory -­‐ Centre Monitoring Technical Resources and Environment Dong Thap -­‐ Vilas 412.<br />

* Laboratory results for TP concentraVon: <br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1206/KQTN taken on 25/03/2012: TP is 0.98 mg/L<br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 07: No. of the analysis result: 12027/KQTN taken on 25/01/2012: TP is 1.40 mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1208/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TP is 0.80mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the Tien river for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 1207/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TP is 0.80mg/L<br />

* Pond 5:<br />

-­‐ The total weight of fish produced is 260,000kg<br />

-­‐ The total volume of water discharged 699,300m3 .<br />

-­‐ TP is 0.98 mg/L<br />

-­‐ TP dischagred is 0.59kg/ton of fish.<br />

* Pond 7:<br />

-­‐ The total weight of fish produced is 300,000 kg<br />

-­‐ The total volume of water discharged 976,800m3.<br />

-­‐ TP is 1.40 mg/L<br />

-­‐ TP dischagred is 1.614 kg/ton of fish<br />

E. Review farm's calculaVons of average TP to confirm compliance <br />

with the Requirement.<br />

The average TP discharged for two full crops is 1.102 kg/ton of fish. <br />

3.1.4<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.1.3 and 3.1.4 -­‐ Sampling and Laboratory Analysis ofTP and TN Discharged<br />

DeterminaVon of the concentraVon of total phosphorus (TP) in water samples shall be made using the method: Kejidahl and Indo-­‐phenol Blue. DeterminaVon of-­‐the concentraVon of-­‐total nitrogen (TN) in water samples shall be made using the <br />

method: Kejdahl and Ascorbic acid. DeterminaVons will be made by a fully independent laboratory that is accredited to perform these analyses in accordance with ISO 17025.<br />

Farms will measure the amount of TP and TN disharged from only a subset of the total number of ponds in producVon: 15% of all ponds (value rounded up to the nearest whole number). At least one of these ponds shall be randomly selected. The <br />

farm must record the number and idenVty of selected ponds before sampling. Required procedures for collecVng water samples are as follows:<br />

-­‐two water samples are taken: one from the pond (=pond water) and one from the intake (=intake water). The two samples are taken on the same day.<br />

-­‐ all water sample collecVons are done by staff from the fully independent ISO 17025 accredited laboratory<br />

-­‐ all water samples are collected in second half of crop producVon (i.e. ≥ 90 days ater stocking)<br />

-­‐ pond water samples are collected at 50% of pond depth<br />

-­‐ all water samples are collected before 11:00am<br />

-­‐ pond water samples are collected > 6 hours ater the intake of water into the pond<br />

For first audits, farm records for monitoring TP and TN discharged must cover ≥ 6 months,<br />

Indicator: Amount of TN discharged per metric ton of fish <br />

produced (See TN measurement methodology and <br />


calculaVon in Annex D)<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

VERSION 1.0 5<br />

Requirement: 27.5 kg/t

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

3.1.4<br />

3.2 Criteria: Measuring water quality in receiving water body<br />

3.2.1<br />

Indicator: Amount of TN discharged per metric ton of fish <br />

produced (See TN measurement methodology and <br />

calculaVon in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: 27.5 kg/t<br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

Indicator: Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen <br />

[22] (DO) of receiving waters [23] relaVve to DO at <br />

saturaVon for the water's specific salinity and <br />

temperature. An excepVon is made for ponds that <br />

discharge water with TN and TP lower than the TN and TP <br />

of the intake water respecVvely (see DO measurement <br />

methodology in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: ≤ 65%<br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Confirm the laboratory is suitably qualified to conduct water <br />

sampling and analyses.<br />

B. Review laboratory results for TP concentraVon<br />

C. Review accuracy of farm'data<br />

D. review farm's calculaVons to confirm accuracy<br />

E. Review farm's calculaVons of average TN to confirm compliance <br />

with the Requirement.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review data set to confirm that monitoring covers the required <br />

Vmeframe<br />

TesVng Laboratory -­‐ Centre Monitoring Technical Resources and Environment Dong Thap -­‐ Vilas 412.<br />

* Laboratory results for TN concentraVon: <br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1206/KQTN taken on 25/03/2012: TN is 8.80 mg/L<br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 07: No. of the analysis result: 12027/KQTN taken on 25/01/2012: TN is 5.00 mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1208/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TN is 3.00mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the Tien river for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 1207/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TN is 3.00mg/L<br />

The average TN discharged for two full crops is 12.13 kg/ton of fish. <br />

Finding<br />

DO record in receiving waters of the first senlement pond for pond 1 to 11 with more than 6 months from Jan to July 2012 and comply <br />

with this instrucVon. However, from the mid-­‐july of 2012, the second senlement pond has been used for pond 1 because the discharged <br />

pipe from pond 1 to the first senlement pond for pond 1 to 11 was broken. From that day unVl now, there is no record of DO <br />

measurement at the receiving water <br />

B. Verify the farm technicians calibrate equirement as required. Mr. Dinh Thanh Tung is the farm technician calibrate equirement. He can show his acknowledge.<br />

C. Review calculaVons to confirm accuracy.<br />

D. Confirm the average percent change in DDO ≤ 65 %.<br />

E. Witness the farm measuring DO to confirm compliance with <br />

procedures. On-­‐site values should fall within range of farm data for <br />

DDO. If an out of range measurement is observed, raises a <br />

non¬conformity.<br />

The auditor witnessed the farm measuring DO at the receiving water of the senlement pond.<br />

The senlement pond 1: At 4:45am, The parameter DO, S%o, To is 3.76 mg/L, 0%o and 29oC, respecVvely, and At 15:25pm, The parameter <br />

DO, S%o, To is 4.5 mg/L, 0%o and 30oC, respecVvely. <br />

The DDO is 11% which is in range measurement of the farm.<br />

Footnote [22] DO is the concentraVon of oxygen dissolved in water, expressed in mg/1 or as percent saturaVon, where saturaVon is the maximum amount of oxygen that can theoreVcally be dissolved in water at a given alVtude and temperature (biology-­‐online.org).<br />

Footnote [23] "Receiving water" is the first natural water body that receives the water from the farm and does not belong to the farm.<br />

3.3 Criteria: Measuring quality of pond effluents Water quality of pond effluents [24]<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

Footnote [24] This criteria is not perVnent to either cage or pen cultures<br />

X<br />

X<br />

* Pond 5:<br />

-­‐ The total weight of fish produced is 260,000kg<br />

-­‐ The total volume of water discharged 699,300m3 .<br />

-­‐ TN is 8.80 mg/L<br />

-­‐ TN dischagred is 18.88 kg/ton of fish.<br />

* Pond 7:<br />

-­‐ The total weight of fish produced is 300,000 kg<br />

-­‐ The total volume of water discharged 976,800m3.<br />

-­‐ TN is 5.00 mg/L<br />

-­‐ TN dischagred is 5.379 kg/ton of fish<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.2.1 -­‐Measuring Percent Change in Diurnal Dissolved Oxygen<br />

Farms shall monitor the percent change in diurnal dissolved oxygen in receiving waters. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentraVon is <strong>report</strong>ed relaVve to DO at saturaVon for the water's specific salinity, temperature and alVtude. DO is measured using a <br />

hand-­‐held oxygen meter or a more accurate (chemical) method, with accuracy established in peer-­‐reviewed documents. The locaVon of measurements should be the first natural receiving water body and as close as pracVcal to the point of discharge <br />

but at a distance not exceeding 200m from the point of discharge. In addiVon, the following procedures are followed:<br />

-­‐ DO monitoring is conducted fortnightly (i.e. once every two weeks)<br />

-­‐ On each sampling day, two DO measurements are taken: at 1 hour before sunrise and at 2 hours before sunset (+/-­‐ 30 min)<br />

-­‐ DO measurements are taken at 0.3 meters below the water surface.<br />

-­‐Temperature and salinity is recorded at the same Vme that DO is measured.<br />

Note 1: An exempVon to Indicator 3.2.1 is made for farms that have "cleaner" water (i.e. where the value of the farm TP and TN is lower than that of the intake water. This applies regardless of whether the receiving water is eutrophic. See Indicators <br />

3.3.1 and 3.3.2 for more informaVon about measuring differences in TN and TP between pond inlet and outlet.<br />

DO record of senlement pond 1 to 11 and DDO at the receiving water of the senlement ponds, the calculaVon based on Annex D of <br />

standard, DDO avg is from 6.7%-­‐21.15%% for more 6 months<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

3.3.1<br />

Indicator: Maximum average percentage change of TP <br />

between inlet and outlet (See TP measurement <br />

methodology and TP discharge formula in Annex D).<br />

Requirement: 100%<br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

InstrurVon to Clients on Indicators 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 -­‐ Measuring Change in TP and TN Betwen Inlet and Outlet<br />

Pre-­‐amble: If the concentraVon of Inlet TN or Inlet TP falls below the detecVon limits of the analyVcal method, use the limit concentraVon as the input value in these calculaVons. DeterminaVon of the concentraVon of total phosphorus (TP) in water <br />

samples shall be made using the method: Kejidahl and Indo-­‐phenol Blue. DeterminaVon of the concentraVon of total nitrogen (TN) in water samples shall be made using the method: Kejdahl and Ascorbic acid. DeterminaVons will be made by a fully <br />

independent laboratory that is accredited to perform these analyses in accordance with ISO 17025. Laboratory results will be accompanied by a statement that indicates compliance to the methodology set in theASC Pangasius Standard and this Audit <br />

Manual. Farms will measure the change in TP and TN from only a subset of the total number of ponds in producVon: 15% of all ponds (value rounded up to the nearest whole number). At least one at of these ponds shall be randomly selected. The <br />

farm must record the number and selecVon of ponds before sampling. Required procedures for collecVng water samples are. as follows:<br />

-­‐ samples are collected by staff from the fully independent accredited laboratory;<br />

-­‐ samples are taken from the 'inlet' and the 'outlet' (inlet = the water in the intake canal, as close as possible to the farm being cerVfied. Outlet =the actual water being discharged not the receiving water. For farms using a water treatment system this <br />

could be the water in the final part of the treatment system before being discharged);<br />

-­‐ samples are collected from pond inlets and outlets during the second half of crop producVon (i.e. > 90 days ater stocking);<br />

-­‐ on each sampling day, at least two samples are collected from the outlet and these are'tak en at least-­‐1 hourapart (use the average value in calculaVons below); and<br />

-­‐ at a minimum the farm must sample from one pond per year.<br />

Percent Change in TP =(Outlet TP Conc.)-­‐ (Inlet TP-­‐Conc.) / (Inlet TP Conc.)x100<br />

Percent Change in TN=(Outlet TN Conc.)-­‐ (Inlet TP-­‐Conc.) / (Inlet TN Conc.)x100<br />

When more than one pond is sampled, determine a "farm-­‐wide average" by calculaVng the average percent, change for all sampled ponds.<br />

For first audits, farm records for monitoring percent change in TP and TN must cover ≥ 6 months<br />

A. Review laboratory results for TP.<br />

X<br />

* Laboratory results for TP concentraVon:<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1208/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TP is 0.80mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the Tien river for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 1207/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TP is 0.80mg/L<br />

-­‐ senlement pond:<br />

+ Discharged water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 341/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TP is 1.15mg/L<br />

(with 1 hour apart: 342/KQTN on 25/03/2012. TP is 1.50 mg/L)<br />

+ Discharged water at the local channel for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 83/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TP is 1.10mg/L<br />

(with 1 hour apart: 1209/KQTN on 25/01/2012. TP is 1.15 mg/L)<br />

-­‐ Water pond: <br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1206/KQTN taken on 25/03/2012: TP is 0.98 mg/L<br />

-­‐ Pond water of pond 07: No. of the analysis result: 12027/KQTN taken on 25/01/2012: TP is 1.40 mg/L<br />

B. Review calculaVons to verify accuracy. Checked the calculaVon of the farm. The result of %TP is 43.75% and 37.5%.<br />

C. Confirm the average percent change inTP is ≤ 100%. If any single <br />

value falls outside limits, raise a non-­‐conformity.<br />

The average percent change in TP is 40.625%<br />

3.3.2<br />

Indicator: Maximum average percentage change of TN <br />

between inlet [25] and outlet [26] (SeeTN measurement <br />

methodology and TN discharge formula in Annex D).<br />

Requirement: 70% <br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

D. Contact accredited laboratory which performed the sampling for TP <br />

and TN fo confirm compliance with procedures<br />

Note: see instrucVons for Indicator 3.3.1<br />

A. Review laboratory results for TN.<br />

X<br />

Contact accredited laboratory named Mr. Dinh Tien Huu and Ms. Thai Thi Thuy Trang. Their taking sample complies with this instrucVon<br />

* Laboratory results for TN concentraVon:<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1208/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TN is 3.00mg/L<br />

-­‐ Intake water at the Tien river for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 1207/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TN is 3.00mg/L<br />

-­‐ senlement pond:<br />

+ Discharged water at the local channel for pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 341/KQTN on 25/03/2012: TN is 5.00mg/L<br />

(with 1 hour apart: 342/KQTN on 25/03/2012. TP is 4.80 mg/L)<br />

+ Discharged water at the local channel for pond 7: No. of the analysis result: 83/KQTN on 25/01/2012: TN is 4.70mg/L<br />

(with 1 hour apart: 1209/KQTN on 25/01/2012. TN is 5.00 mg/L)<br />

-­‐ Water pond: <br />

+ Pond water of pond 5: No. of the analysis result: 1206/KQTN taken on 25/03/2012: TN is 8.80 mg/L<br />

+ Pond water of pond 07: No. of the analysis result: 12027/KQTN taken on 25/01/2012: TN is 5.00 mg/L<br />

B. Review calculaVons to verify accuracy. Checked the calculaVon of the farm. The result of %TN is 66.67% và 56.67%.<br />

Footnote <br />

Footnote <br />

C. Confirm the average percent change in TN is ≤ 70%. If any single <br />

value falls outside limits, raise a non-­‐conformity.<br />

D. Contact accredited laboratory which performed the sampling for TP <br />

and TN to confirm compliance with procedures.<br />

[25] Inlet: The water in the intake canal, as close as possible-­‐to the farm or pond being cerVfied.<br />

[26] Outlet: The actual water being discharged, not the receiving water.<br />

The average percent change in TN is 61.67%<br />

Contact accredited laboratory's staffs named Mr. Dinh Tien Huu and Ms. Thai Thi Thuy Trang. Their taking sample complies with this <br />

instrucVon<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

3.3.3<br />

Footnote <br />

3.4.1<br />

Indicator: Minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) concentraVon <br />

in water discharged (See DO measurement methodology <br />

in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: 3 mg/l<br />

Applicability: ponds<br />

3.4 Criteria: Sludge disposal for ponds and pens, not cages [27]<br />

A. Review data set to confirm that monitoring covers the required <br />

Vmefram<br />

B. Confirm DO in water discharged by farm is > 3 mg/1. If any single <br />

X<br />

value falls outside limits, raise a non-­‐comformity.<br />

C. During the on-­‐site visit, observe how the farm calibrates equipment <br />

and takes DO measurements (or takes samples for chemical analysis) <br />

to confirm compliance.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

[27] For cage culture, there are no requirements forbenthic monitoring included, as cages account for a small percentage of producVon. This situaVon will be monitored and revised if the producVon of cage culture rises significantly.<br />

Indicator: Evidence that sludge is not discharged directly <br />

into receiving waters or natural ecosystems [28]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.3.3-­‐Measuring DO in Water Discharged<br />

See Indicator 3.2.1 fora general descripVon of the equipment and method used to measure dissolved oxygen (DO). Take DO measurements at the outlet where water is discharged (i.e. measure DO in the actual water being discharged, not in the <br />

receiving water. For farms using a water treatment system this could be the water in the final part of the treatment system before being discharged). Test DO at least once per week.<br />

"The DO record of discharged water in weekly" of the first senlement pond for pond 1 to 11 with more than 6 months from Jan to July <br />

2012 and comply with this instrucVon. However, from the mid-­‐july of 2012, the second senlement pond has been used for pond 1 because <br />

the discharged pipe from pond 1 to the first senlement pond for pond 1 to 11 was broken. From that day unVl now, there is no record of <br />

DO measurement in the second senlement pond<br />

"The DO record of discharged water in weekly" of setlement pond of 1-­‐11, DO from 3.5mg/L -­‐ 4.6mg/L. DOavg is 3.996mg/L (24/9/2011 -­‐ <br />

17/3/2012), tu 24/3-­‐18/8/2012 la 3.877mg/L<br />

The auditor observed calibraVon of equipment and measurements is 3.7mg/L which is the range of the farm measurement<br />

A. Review the farm's sludge management plan. the farm's sludge management plan on 01/09/2011, <br />

records of sludge disposal in 03 months. There is only the volumn of the wet slugde but there is no weight of dried sludge as ferVlizaVon <br />

B. Review records to confirm appropriate disposal according to plan..<br />

to trees in the farm<br />

C. If yes to (c), confirm farm has appropriate documentary evidence. N/A, just use as ferVlizer in the farm<br />

X<br />

D. If yes to (d), inspect sludge repository during on-­‐site visit. A sludge repository is used within the farm <br />

E. During local community and employee interviews, verify there is no <br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi, there is no evidence that the farm <br />

evidence that the farm discharged sludge directly into receiving <br />

discharged sludge directly into receiving waters on natural ecosystems<br />

waters on natural ecosystems<br />

Finding<br />

Footnote <br />

[28] The complex of a community and its environment funcVoning as an ecological unit in nature. More simply, it's both living and non-­‐living things that interact with each other. In these standards, both the terrestrial and aquaVc ecosystems are considered<br />

3.4.2<br />

Indicator: Evidence of a sludge repository of appropriate <br />

size (See sludge repository formula in Annex D)<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

Applicability: Farms managing the sludge using a <br />

repository<br />

3.5 Criteria: Waste managerment<br />

3.5.1<br />

3.5.2<br />

Indicator: Evidence of farm solid wastes being discharged <br />

into the natural environment<br />

Requirement: None <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Evidence of human and animal solid wastes <br />

being discharged into the natural environment<br />

Requirement: None<br />

Applicability: All<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.4.2 -­‐Size of Sludge Repository<br />

A Sludge Repository Formula is given in Annex D of the ASC Pangasius Standard. Farms shall document how this formula was used to calculate the appropriate size (minimum volume) of a sludge repository. Farms may, for example, document their <br />

calculaVons in the sludge management plan (see 3.4. 1a). All sludge areas and volumes must be considered in the calculaVon. For 'Area of Pond', consider only the area of the pond from which sludge has to be removed over the following 2 months.<br />

Note 1: If the Sludge Repository Formula yields a negaVve number then the repository exceeds the minimum volume (i.e. it is an appropriate's size).<br />

A. Review farm's calculaVons to verify accuracy. Confirm compliance.<br />

B. During on-­‐site visit, inspect the farm's sludge repository.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review the farm's solid waste management plan<br />

B. Inspect the farm for any evidence of solid waste (e.g. bags, <br />

containers) being discharged into the natural environment <br />

surrounding the farm.<br />

C. Confirm that the farm's solid waste management plan is <br />

implemented and effecVve. Evaluate If there is a risk or potenVal for <br />

discharges.<br />

A. Inspect the farm's solid waste system for any evidence of human or <br />

animal solid wastes being discharged into the natural environment<br />

B. Verify that emptying and maintenance fallow the schedule.<br />

C. Inspect sepVc toilets to verify there is no leakage or direct discharge <br />

into the natural environment. Verify that empying and maintenance <br />

follow the schedule.<br />

D. Inspect site to verify that the farm buries any animal feces (if <br />

applicable).<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

The farm used the area of sludge pond mulVplying by the depth and by this calculaVon, this sludge can be enough space to contain sludge <br />

but not base on the calculaVon of Annex D<br />

By observaVon on site and the area provided by the farm, the sludge pond will based on the depth of sludge pond. But now the sludge <br />

pond is full. However, from the day is full and unVl now is not over 2 months without pumping sludge. Besides, the farm is digging up the <br />

new sludge pond. The farm needs to provide the plan with the area of new sludge pond and the plan to keep sludge as annex D<br />

Finding<br />

"the farm's solid waste management plan" no. 006/KH-­‐TM,HV on 16/08/2011, by Mr. Ngo Thanh Van Phuc Toai. The management of feed <br />

packing used as coat when mixing feed is in lack<br />

The farm has contract for collecVng and disposing solid waste as well as record. The farm has contract for collecVng and disposing solid <br />

waste as well as record. No discharged into the natural environment surrounding the farm.<br />

Inspect the farm, solid waste is around pond 6, 8, 10 and domitory of worker.<br />

Waste treatment for human in SepVc tanks. "the farm's solid waste management plan" no. 006/KH-­‐TM,HV on 16/08/2011, by Mr. Ngo <br />

Thanh Van Phuc Toai.<br />

"Management and operaVon management of sepVc tank" on 01/07/2012<br />

"The plan of using Vme and the empty tank" on 01/09/2011.<br />

no leakage or direct discharge into the natural environment<br />

No have animal<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



3.5.2<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: Indicator: + 5117190400 Evidence of Fax.: human +5114217573<br />

and animal solid wastes <br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

being discharged into the natural environment<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Requirement: None<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

E. Review construcVon contracts (if applicable).<br />

"CompleVon design" for management area of Phu Tuc farm-­‐Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province<br />

*"To check and take over the building for using" on 27/06/2012<br />

3.5.3<br />

Indicator: Evidence of chemical and medicine wastes being <br />

discharged into the natural environment<br />

Requirement: None<br />

A. Review farm's plan for management of chemical and medicinal <br />

wastes.<br />

B. Inspect the farm for any evidence of chemical or medicinal waste <br />

being discharged into the natural enviroment surrounding the farm.<br />

X<br />

Waste treatment for human in SepVc tanks. "the farm's solid waste management plan" no. 006/KH-­‐TM,HV on 16/08/2011, by Mr. Ngo <br />

Thanh Van Phuc Toai.<br />

no evidence of chemical or medicinal waste being discharged into the natural enviroment surrounding the farm<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Confirm that the farm's plan is implemented and effecVve. <br />

Evaluate if there is a risk or potenVal for discharges.<br />

the farm's plan is implemented and effecVve<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 3.5.4 -­‐ Preparing a Plan for Disposal of Dead/Moribund Fish<br />

Prepare a plan for the proper disposal of dead/moribund fish that specifies the means of disposal using one or more of the following categories: incineraVon (excluding regular burnimg, as not allowed); burial; fermentaVon and as ferVlizer; specVc <br />

tank; producVon of fish meal or fish oil; feed for annimals other than pangasius (requires statement from aquaVc animal health specialist, see Principle 6); sold.<br />

3.5.4<br />

Footnote <br />

Dead fish should never be used for human consumpVon unless specifically slaughtered and processed for that putpose in an appropriate facility.<br />

A. Review the farm's plan for compliance with Indicator 3.5.4 "Dead fish management plan" on 16/08/2011 by Mr. Ngo Thanh Van Phuc Toai<br />

B. Verify by inspecVon (as applicable). N/A.No burial. Selling fish as ferVlizer<br />

C.Verify by review of documentary evidence (as applicable).<br />

N/A.No burial. Selling fish as ferVlizer<br />

D. Verify by inspecVon (as applicable). N/A.No using as feed. Selling fish as ferVlizer<br />

X<br />

E. Verify that farm possesses wrinen statement(s) from aquaVc health <br />

specialist (as applicable).<br />

N/A.No using as feed. Selling fish as ferVlizer<br />

F. Verify review of documentary evidence (as applicable) The contract of selling fish. The record of selling is in place<br />

G. Confirm the farm's plan is effecVvely implemented. Evidence will <br />

include interviews with farm workers who confirm that disposal <br />

followed the plan.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review calculaVons. Verify the farm keep records of energy <br />

consuntpVon.<br />

B. Verify the farm-­‐maintains accurate records of-­‐mortaliVes and <br />

disposals.<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review declaraVons. Confirm that the farmed species is accurately <br />

idenVfied in purchase records.<br />

B.Review map to confirm farm locaVon within river basin.<br />

Dead fish around pond 6<br />

[30] Proper disposal of dead fish include: incineraVon, burial, fermentaVon and use as ferVlizer and producVon offish meal or fish oil. Dead fish should never be used for human consumpVon. Also acceptable if there is strong evidence that the mortality w^sitqt talked by an infecVous agent or a <br />

pesVcide/chemical pollutant, the fish can be used as feed for animals other than pangasius. Evidence on the cause of mortality shall be provided by the aquaVc animal health specialist (see Principle 6).<br />

3.6 Criteria: Energy consumpVon<br />

3.6.1<br />

Indicator: Evidence of proper disposal (30) of <br />

dead/moribund fish<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: InformaVon available on the following variables <br />

(per year per farrn in the cerVficaVon unit):<br />

-­‐ Fuel used<br />

-­‐ QuanVty of electricity<br />

-­‐ Amount of dead fish for each disposal method.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />


4.1 Criteria: Presence ofpongosius in the woter droinoge system<br />

Indicator: Farm located in a river basin where the farmed <br />

species is indigenous or has a self-­‐recruit ins 1321 stock <br />

established before Ist January 2005<br />

X<br />

The records of energy such as electricity and fuel oil is available<br />

"The dead fish monitoring record" by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy<br />

Note: If the farmed species is not indigenous to the river basin and the species does not have a self-­‐recuiVng stock estabished, then Indicator 4.1.1. does not apply. Enter 'not applicable' here and proceed to assess farm compliance against Indicator <br />

4.1.3.<br />

"Seedling record lener" for all ponds realeased. <br />

"Contract of purchasing seedling" 176/HD-­‐HV on 20/8/2011<br />

Reviewed map to confirm farm locaVon within river basin<br />

Finding<br />

Finding<br />

4.1.1<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

C. Confirm that documentaVon show the farmed species is indigenous <br />

to the river basin.<br />

Applicability: Farms in a river basin where the species is <br />

D. Confirm that documentaVon shows the farmed species has a self-­either<br />

indigenous or has a self-­‐recruiVng stock established<br />

recruiVng stock that was established in the river basin before 1st <br />

January 2005.<br />

X<br />

"Freshwater fish distribuVon in Mekong Delta" June 2005 of Mekong River Commission for Sustanable Development, (DistribuVon and <br />

Ecology of some Important River Fish Species of the Mekong river Basin) MRC Technical Paper No. 10, <br />

the farmed species is indigenous to the river basin, provide documentary evidence of FAO (Sauvage, 1878)<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



4.1.1<br />

Indicator: Farm located in a river basin where the farmed <br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

species is indigenous or has a self-­‐recruit ins 1321 stock <br />

Av. established Dos de Mayo before 1205, Ist January San 2005 Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Applicability: Farms in a river basin where the species is <br />

either indigenous or has a self-­‐recruiVng stock established<br />

X<br />

E. Verify the idenVty of the farmed species by direct observaVon <br />

during on-­‐site visit.<br />

By direct observaVon during on-­‐site visit, there is only pangasius<br />

4.1.2<br />

Indicator: If a self-­‐recruiVng stock is established, evidence <br />

of no negaVve impacts on the environment [33] <br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: Farms in a river basin where the species is <br />

not-­‐indigenous and a self-­‐recruiVng stock is established<br />

A. Review evidence of no negaVve impact. If a self-­‐recruiVng stock has <br />

not become established in the river basin, or if the species is <br />

indigenous to the river basin, Indicator 4.1.2 is not applicable.<br />

X<br />

indigenous species<br />

Footnote<br />

Footnote<br />

[32] Self-­‐recruiVng is defined as naturally reproducing. Peer-­‐reviewed papers, official government (competent authority) statements or other comparable references on mulVple incidences of different age classes at different Vmes-­‐and locaVon are necessary as evidence.<br />

[33] Peer-­‐reviewed papers, official government (competent authority) statements or other corn parable references are necessary as evidence<br />

InstrucVons to Clients and Auditor for Indicator 4.1.3 -­‐ parVcular weight is given to peer reviewed evidence, especially papers in journals that have a track record of publishing on the subject. Cert if ier to verify that the evidence credibly demonstrates <br />

Indicator: If the speefe is not indigenous and does.not <br />

that operaVons are compliant with meeVng internaVonal norms around the prevenVon of introducVon of non indigenous species in the natural environment outside of client's farm.<br />

have 6 self-­‐recruiVng stock established, evidene.e that the <br />

species cannot establish in the river basin [34]<br />

4.1.3<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: Farms in a river basin where the species is <br />

not indigenous and does not have a self-­‐recruiVng stock <br />

established<br />

A. Review evidence provided by the farm to confirm that the farmed <br />

species can not establish in the river basin.<br />

X<br />

indigenous species<br />

Footnote: [34] Peer-­‐reviewed publicaVon in a reputable journal is required as evidence that the species cannot be established.<br />

4.2 Criteria: GeneVc diversity<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

4.2.1<br />

Indicator: DemonstraVon [35] that the seed [36] has been <br />

generated from the pangasius populaVon naturally <br />

reproducing in the river basin [37]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

A. Review evidence to confirm pangasius is indigenous to the river <br />

basin or else has a self-­‐recruiVng stock established there.<br />

B. Review map to confirm the farm's locaVon coincides with an <br />

indigenous pangasius populaVon or a self-­‐recruiVng stock that has <br />

established in the river basin<br />

C. Review declaraVons. Confirm that the source of the seed is <br />

Applicability: Farms in a river basin where the species is accurately idenVfied in purchase records.<br />

either indigenous or has a self-­‐recruiVng stock established<br />

D. Verify that sourcing of seed is in compliance with the requirement<br />

X<br />

"Freshwater fish distribuVon in Mekong Delta" June 2005 of Mekong River Commission for Sustanable Development, (DistribuVon and <br />

Ecology of some Important River Fish Species of the Mekong river Basin) MRC Technical Paper No. 10, <br />

Reviewed map to confirm farm locaVon within river basin<br />

"Seedling record lener" for all ponds realeased. <br />

"Contract of purchasing seedling" 176/HD-­‐HV on 20/8/2011<br />

"Seedling record lener" for all ponds realeased. <br />

"Contract of purchasing seedling" 176/HD-­‐HV on 20/8/2011<br />

Footnote [35] A thorough map of pangasius establishment that indicated the range of the species, as well as disVnct stocks, will be necessary.<br />

Footnote [36] Throughout these standards, the word "seed" is used for pangasius seed only.<br />

Footnote [37] This standard is applicable to all farms using seed sourced from either populaVons which are indigenous or populaVons which are established before January 2005.<br />

4.3. Criteria: Source of seed<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

4.3.1<br />

Indicator: Allowance, for use of wild-­‐caught seed for grow <br />

out<br />

Requirement: None<br />

A. Verify declaraVon of no wild-­‐caught seed for grow out. declaraVon of no wild-­‐caught seed for grow out<br />

B. Verify that farm has statements from seed suppliers<br />

X<br />

"Seedling record lener" for all ponds realeased. <br />

"Contract of purchasing seedling" 176/HD-­‐HV on 20/8/2011<br />

Finding<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Verify the farm maintains accurate records for sourcing of seed. Seedling record lener for all ponds realeased. <br />

4.4 Criterio: GeneVcolly engineered ond hybridized strains<br />

4.4.1<br />

Report Applicability: No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

All<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

Indicator: No use of geneVcally engineered (transgenic) or A. Verify declaraVon of no use of geneVcally engineered or hybrid <br />

hybrid seed <br />

strains.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

declaraVon of no use of geneVcally engineered or hybrid strains<br />


VERSION 1.0 10<br />


4.4.1<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: No use of geneVcally engineered (transgenic) or <br />

hybrid seed <br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

B. Verify that farm maintains statements from seed suppliers. Seedling record lener for all ponds realeased. <br />

Footnote [31] A-­‐geneVcally modifed organism (GMO) is an organism, with the except ion of human beings, in which the geneVc material has been altered in a way that does-­‐not occur naturally by maVng and/or natural recombinaVon (DirecVve 2001/18/EC)<br />

4.5 Criterio: Escapees.<br />

4.5.1<br />

Indicator: Evidence that inlets and outlets to culture <br />

systems and all confinements are equipped with net mesh <br />

or grills appropriately sized to retain the stocks in culture <br />

prevenVng fish of any size (in the holding unit being <br />

assessed) to escape<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review records for fish size in different holding units. "InformaVon collecVon record" of all ponds is in place<br />

B. Review records for mesh or grill size. X<br />

"Net maintenance record" is in place<br />

Finding<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Duringthe on-­‐site visit, inspecVng the size of net mesh or grills to <br />

confirm compliance.<br />

Duringthe on-­‐site visit, inspecVng the size of net mesh or grills to confirm compliance<br />

4.5.2<br />

Indicator: Evidence of regular, Vmely inspecVons (at least <br />

once a day); miVgaVon and repairs are performed on net <br />

mesh or grills and recorded in a permanent register <br />

(available for inspecVon).<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Review records to verify inspecVons are regular and Vmely. "Net maintenance record" is regular and Vmely<br />

B. Review the register to verify repairs are performed and recorded. "Net maintenance record" is regular and Vmely<br />

c. Witness the farm performing an inpecVon of meshes and grills to <br />

confirm that the program is effecVve.<br />

X<br />

no change the mesh from the begining to the harvest<br />

4.5.3<br />

Footnote [38]<br />

Indicator: Bund [38] height sufficient [39] to prevent water <br />

spillage, along with escapees, in the rainy season when <br />

flooding occurs.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: Ponds<br />

Bund: berm containing the water in the pond.<br />

A. Review records covering >= 10 years or statement to establish the <br />

maximum height of high water when flooding occurs.<br />

B. Review statement and map. During the on-­‐site visit, inspect farm to <br />

verity that bund height is sufficient to prevent spillage when flooding <br />

occurs.<br />

Note: dyke, dike, bund and berm all have the same meaning for this <br />

criteria.<br />

C. During local community and employee interviews, verify there is no <br />

evidence for spillage or escapement from the farm in the last 12 <br />

months.<br />

X<br />

"Maximum height of hight flood water level from 2002 -­‐ 2011" by Ben Tre hydrometeorological center<br />

The statement of the local authority. The map showed the lowest point by Mr. Vo Van Ban on 20/08/2012<br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi, no evidence for spillage or <br />

escapement from the farm<br />

4.5.4<br />

Footnote [40]<br />

A. Review how the farm uses trapping devices to monitor escapees. <br />

Verify that trapping devices do not injure/corn promise fish (e.g. gill <br />

02 trapping devices at the run out of senlement. not injure<br />

Indicator: Presence of trapping devices [40] placed in <br />

nets).<br />

effluent/drainage canals or on water outlets to capture <br />

escapees, a record of findings and acVons taken (available <br />

for inspecVon)<br />

B. Review records of inspecVon and observed escapees. records of inspecVon and observed escapees <br />

X<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: AII<br />

C. Review the suitability of any acVon taken by the farm to reduce <br />

escapement<br />

D. During the on site visit, inspect to verify that traps are configured <br />

properly and located suitably to ensure effecVve farm-­‐wide <br />

monitoring of escapees.<br />

These devices should not injure or compromise fish health (e.g., gill nets).<br />

4.6 Criteria: Pond Maintenance<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

records of inspecVon and observed escapees <br />

A. Review farm's procedure for bund monitoring and repair. "Bund monitoring and repair plan"<br />

During the on site visit, inspect to verify that traps are configured properly and located suitably to ensure effecVve farm-­‐wide monitoring <br />

of escapees.<br />

Finding<br />

4.6.1<br />

Indicator: Evidence that bund has remained intact [41] <br />

throughout the culture cycle<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: AII<br />


X VERSION 1.0 11

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

4.6.1<br />

Indicator: Evidence that bund has remained intact [41] <br />

throughout the culture cycle<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: AII<br />

B. Review records for evidence that the bund has remained intact in <br />

the last 12 months. If a bund was found to be corn promised, there <br />

shall be evidence that repairs were completed as soon as pracVcal.<br />

C. Inspect bunds to confirm compliance. Examine-­‐for any signs of <br />

collapse and note evidence of repairs.<br />

D. During local community and employee interviews, verify that bunds <br />

have remained intact throughout the culture cycle.<br />

X<br />

"Bund monitoring and repair diary"<br />

No signs of collapse<br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi, bunds have remained intact <br />

throughout the culture cycle.<br />

Footnote [41]<br />

Has not been affected in such a way to allow the escape in part or all of the farmed stock.<br />

4.6.2<br />

Indicator: Evidence assuring there has been no intenVonal <br />

release [42]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Review declaraVon to confirm compliance. a declaraVon of the farm for no intenVonal releases<br />

B. Review records to confirm that all stockings can be accounted by <br />

harvest or disposal<br />

C. Review annual producVon records to determine if there are <br />

significant discrepancies that could idicate the possibility of <br />

intenVonal release.<br />

X<br />

Record and receipt of the harvested fish between the farm and the processign unit<br />

a wrinen jusVficaVon for any periods of inacVvity lasVng longer than 3 months of pond 5 is in place<br />

Footnote [42]<br />

The original intent of footnote [42] from the Pangasius<strong>Aquaculture</strong> Dialogue Standards has been clarified here for audiVng purposes. It now reads: "Significant discrepancies between the number (or biomass) of fish-­‐stocked and the number ( or biomass) of fish sold in the absence of disease outbreaks, major <br />

thet or escapes would indicate the possibility of intenVonal release."<br />


5.1 Criteria: Sustainability of feed ingredients<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

5.1.1<br />

Indicator: Use of uncooked or unprocessed fish and/or fish <br />

products [43] (including trash fish) as feed<br />

Requirement: No<br />

A. Review-­‐ farm's records for commetcially sourced feeds Receipt purchases of commercial feed is in place withing more than 6 monhts. There is ony one feedmill supplier <br />

B. Review ingredients to verrfy that farm-­‐made feed had no uncooked <br />

or unprocessed fish and/or fish products (including trash fish).<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Verify that farm records are sufficient to account for all feed used. <br />

There should be no indicaVon of unexplained sources of feed.<br />

N/A only have commercial feed <br />

Footnote [43] Fish products are defined as all forms of fish or products derived from fish (e.g., whole fresh, frozen; minced, dried, meals; oils, and processing by-­‐products)<br />

5.1.2<br />

Indicator: Use of pangasius fish processing by-­‐products <br />

[44] as feed or feed ingredients<br />

Requirement: No<br />

A. Review farm's declaraVon to confirm that no by-­‐products of <br />

pangasius fish used as feed for pangasius<br />

B. Review manufacturer's declaracVon to confirm no pangasius by-­products<br />

were in feed<br />

X<br />

The declaraVon of farm signed on 16/08/2012<br />

The feedmill manufacturer's declaracVon on 24/07/2012, no by product from pangasius<br />

Footnote [44]<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Review farm documentaVon to confirm that no pangasius by-­products<br />

were used In feed preparaVon (if applicable)<br />

N/A No farm-­‐made feed <br />

Trimmings, viscera, heads and frames from the processing of fish—either wild or farmed—are processing by-­‐products. Generally, these-­‐ are not counted as part of the "fish product" amount when calculaVng feed fish equivalencies, as this helps promote the best use of the wild-­‐caught fish. However, it is not <br />

acceptable to use pangasius by-­‐products in pangasius diets<br />

5.1.3<br />

Indicator: Fish products used in feed are not in the <br />

"threatened categories" [45] on the InternaVonal Union <br />

for ConservaVon of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened <br />

Species [46]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

InstrucVons to Clients for Indicator 5.1.3-­‐ Confirm there are no lUCN Red List Species in Feed<br />

For the purposes of this Indicator, the ASC definiVon of 'fish products' shall encompass all wild-­‐capture marine resources, including finfish and invertebrate species (e.g. shrimp, crab, squid). Farms must be aware that feeds which contain any IUCN Red <br />

Listed species.do not comply with the Standard, ThisrestricVon extends to feeds, that use by-­‐pro ducts (e.g. trimming) or aquacultured products of IUCN Red Listed species.<br />

For each fish product used as a feed ingredient, determine whether the species, is on the IUCN Red list as follows:<br />

-­‐ goto hnp://www.iucnredlist.org/<br />

-­‐ in the primary search field enter the genus and species<br />

-­‐ click on "run search" and record the status of the species,<br />

Note: The IUCN Red List uses nine categories for ranking species according to threat, and search results may include species that are not currently threatened. For the purposes of determining whether the feed complies with Indicator 5.1.3, consider <br />

only species idenVfied as "Vulnerable", "Endangered", or "CriVcally Endangered". Species that are listed in other IUCN categories (e.g. "Not evaluated","Data Deficient") and "Least Concern"), may be end uded from further analyses.<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

A. Confirm that farm has records of ingredients from all commercially <br />

sourced feeds.<br />

a statement from feed manufacturer idenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (fishmeal on 24/07/2012)<br />

X<br />


VERSION 1.0 12

5.1.3<br />

Indicator: Fish products used in feed are not in the <br />

"threatened categories" [45] on the InternaVonal Union <br />

Control for ConservaVon Union Peru of Nature SAC (IUCN) Red List of Threatened <br />

Av. Species Dos de [46] Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: Applicability: info@cuperu.com<br />

All<br />

B. Repeat search of IUCN database to verify that farm is in <br />

possesseion of accurate result<br />

X<br />

Verified in IUCN database to show farm is in possesseion of accurate result<br />

C. Confirm that farm has provides sufficient evidence of compliance N/A no farm-­‐made feed <br />

Footnote<br />

Footnote<br />

5.1.4<br />

Footnote<br />

[45] Vulnerable, Endangered and CriVcally Endangered.<br />

[46] www.iucnredlist.org Use latest version. A period of one year is allowed for adaptaVon to any new amendment, therefore if a new animal is added to the IUCN list, producers have one year to meet the standards.<br />

Indicator: Fish products used in feed are not from species <br />

listed in the ConvenVon on InternaVonal Trade in <br />

Endangered Species (CITES) Appendices I, II or III [47]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

[47] hnp://www.cites.org/eng/app/appendices.html<br />

A. Confirm that farm has a statement from the feed manufacture <br />

verifying the origin of all fish products used as ingredients in all <br />

commercial feeds.<br />

B. Repeat search of CITES database to verify that farm is in possession <br />

of an accurate result<br />

C. Confirm that farm has provided sufficient evidence of compliance N/A no farm-­‐made feed <br />

X<br />

a statement from feed manufacturer idenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (fishmeal on 24/07/2012)<br />

Verified CITES database to show farm is in possesseion of accurate result<br />

Indicator: ISEAL-­‐cerVfied fishmeal and fish oil products <br />

must be used in feed<br />

Note 1; "becoming available in a region" means being commercially available in the region (UN regions) by at least one independent producers and indicated in grey literature (the date of appearing in grey literature is to be used).<br />

Note 2; "products" does not apply to trimmings and aquacultured products as feed ingredients (see Indicator 5.1.3).<br />

5.1.5<br />

Requirement: Within 3 years of becoming available in a <br />

region<br />

Applicability: All, ater 3 years of ISEAL-­‐cerVfied fishmeal <br />

and fish oil becoming available in the region of producVon. <br />

Not applicable if only trimming and aquaculture products <br />

are used<br />

A. Confirm that farm has statement from feed manufacturer <br />

indenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (to <br />

specify genus, species and region of harvest)<br />

B. Review evidence and confirm compliance. No in Vietnam unVl now<br />

X<br />

a statement from feed manufacturer idenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (fishmeal on 24/07/2012)<br />

5.1.6<br />

Indicator: ISEAL cerVfied fishmeal and fish oil products <br />

must be used in feed.<br />

Requirement: Within 5 years from the publicaVon date of <br />

the PAD standards<br />

A. Confirm that farm possesses informaVon about feed ingredients. a statement from feed manufacturer idenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (fishmeal on 24/07/2012)<br />

X<br />

Applicability: All, ater August 2015. Not applicable if only <br />

trimming and aquaculture products are used<br />

B. Re view evidence and confirm compliance. No in Vietnam unVl now<br />

5.1.7<br />

Indicator:<br />

InstrucVon to Clients for Indicator 5.1.7 -­‐FishSource Score of Products Used in Feed<br />

Interim OpVon A: Fishmeal or fish oil products used in To determine FishSource scores offish species used as feed ingredients, do the following:.<br />

feed have been sourced from fisheries with an average -­‐ go to hnp://www.fishsource.org/<br />

FishSource (FS) score<br />

-­‐ select "Species" drop down tab to the let<br />

Interim OpVon B: Fish Products used in feed have been -­‐select the species that is uVlized by the farm as a source of fish meal or oil<br />

sourced from faciliVes cerVfied as being in compliance -­‐confirm that the search idenVfies the correct species, then select the top tab that reads "Scores"<br />

with SecVons 11 (Responsible Sourcing), 2 (Traceability), -­‐Review scores to verify average FS scores > 6.0; no individual score < 6.0, and no "N/A" for "Stock assessment" category (category 4 in Fish Source scoring).<br />

and 3 (Responsible Manufacturing) of the InternaVonal If results show the species does not meet all three of the above criteria, then the feed does not meet requirements of the ASC Pangasius Standard. If the species has not been assessed (i.e. it is not listed on the FishSource website), then the feed does <br />

Fishmeal and Fish Oil OrganisaVon's IFFO) "Responsible not meet requirements of the Standard. Contact FishSource via Sustainable Fisheries Partnerships to idenVfy the species as a priority for assessment.<br />

Sourcing Program for CerVficaVon of Responsible PracVce <br />

forFishmeal and Fish Oil ProducVon<br />

Requirement: ≥6.0 with no individual score < 6.0 or an N/A <br />

in the stock assessment category. Yes<br />

Applicability: Up to when standard 5.1.5 or 5.1.6 can be <br />

met. Not applicable if only trimming and aquaculture <br />

products are used<br />

5.2. Criteria: Efficient management of feed use on the form<br />

Report Indicator: No.: Maximum ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

weighted [50] average of economic <br />

Feed-­‐Conversion RaVo (eFCR) for the complete producVon <br />

cycle.<br />

A. Verify that farm possesses informaVon about feed ingredients. a statement from feed manufacturer idenVfying the origin of all fish products used as feed ingredients (fishmeal on 24/07/2012)<br />

B. Review FS scores and IFFO cerVficaVon for species used-­‐in feed. <br />

Cross check against species listed in feed supplier declaraVons (see <br />

5.1.3a).<br />

X<br />

use by-­‐product<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons) Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review records to confirm that farm has records for all seed receipts and/or statements from seed supplier indicaVng average weight of seed and numbers.<br />


VERSION 1.0 13

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

5.2.1<br />

Indicator: Maximum weighted [50] average of economic <br />

B. Confirm that farm has complete and acccurate record for feed.<br />

records showing the type of feed "diary of pond 5, and 07; Feed inventory of the farm, FCR calucaVon of pond 5 is 1.65 and pond 07 is <br />

1.678; eFCR of two ponds is 1.65<br />

Feed-­‐Conversion RaVo (eFCR) for the complete producVon <br />

cycle.<br />

C. Verify the farm keeps records showing weight of fish harvested. records (e.g. receipts) showing weight of fish harvested <br />

X<br />

Requirement: 1.68<br />

Applicability: All<br />

D. Review calculaVon for accuracy and completeness calculaVon for accuracy and completeness<br />

E. Review calculaVons far accuracy. Confirm compliance. eFCR of two ponds is 1.65<br />

Footnote [50]<br />

WeighVng to be conducted by the amount offish produced in different farming units (e.g. ponds, pens and cages).<br />

5.2.2<br />

Indicator: Maximum Fish Feed Equivalence RaVo (FFER)<br />

Requirement: 0.5<br />

A. Verify that farm possesses informaVon about percent inclusion of <br />

fish meal and fish oil for all feed types.<br />

X<br />

By-­‐products from fish processing of species. No need to calculate FFER<br />

Applicability: All<br />

B. Review calculaVon verify accuracy. Confirm compliance. By-­‐products from fish processing of species. No need to calculate FFER<br />

PRINCIPLE 6. Minimize ecosystem and human health impacts, while maximizing fish health, welfare and ensuring food safety<br />

6.1 Criteria: MortaliVes<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

6.1.1<br />

InstrucVons to Clients for Indicator 6.1.1 -­‐ CalculaVng Average Real Percentage Mortality<br />

Calculate the Real Percentage Mortality using the stocking & harvesVng data from every enclosure used by the farm in the last.12 months. Do one calculaVon per enclosure as follows:<br />

1) Determine the number of fish stocked. This number may be obtained from<br />

-­‐ direct counts of fingerlings, or<br />

-­‐ computed by taking the total weight of stocked fish and dividing by the average weight of the fish stocked.<br />

2) Determine the number of fish harvested. This number may be obtained from<br />

-­‐ direct counts of harvested fish, or<br />

Indicator: Maximum average real percentage mortality, -­‐ computed by taking the total weight of harvested fish and dividing by average weight of the fish harvested.<br />

from stocking to harvest, during the grow-­‐out period (See 3) Using the formula in Annex D, compute the Real Percentage Mortality for the enclosure.<br />

Real Percent Mortality formula in Annex D).<br />

4) Repeat steps 1-­‐3 for every other enclosure used by the farm.<br />

5) Compute the average RPM for all enclosures over the last 12 months (see Note.1). For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble).<br />

Requirement: 20%<br />

Note 1: Only use counts of live fish in these calculaVons. Do not include counts ofrfead fish when determining number of harvested fish or number of stocked fish.<br />

Note 2: Only use informaVon from complete crops.<br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Review receipts. Confirm that farm records are are sufficient to <br />

dertemine of seed stocked into each enclosure.<br />

Receipts and/or statements from seed supplier indicaVng average weight of seed and numbers<br />

B. Review records. Confirm that farm records are suffiicient to <br />

determine number of fish harvested from each enclosure.<br />

X<br />

harvest records for pond 5 and 07, diary of pond 5 and 7; <br />

C. Review farm's calculaVon to verify accuracy. Confirm that average <br />

real percentage mortality is ≤ 20% Pond 5 is 11.31%, Pond 07 is 19.727; Average is 15.52%<br />

6.2 Criteria: Veterinary medicines and chemicals<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review list of medicines, chemicals and biological products. suppliers and contact informaVon in a list of all veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products<br />

6.2.1<br />

Indicator: Use only Veterinary medicines, chemicals and <br />

biological products approved for aquaculture by relevant <br />

naVonal authoriVes and not banned for food fish use in <br />

the potenVal imporVng country.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

B. Review records to confirm farm usage of products. During on-­‐site <br />

inspecVon, verify there is no evidence for unrecorded use of any <br />

veterinay medicines, chemicals or biological products (i.e. no empty <br />

containers or non-­‐inventoried warehouse supplies).<br />

Confirm that listed products used are approved for aquaculture.<br />

C. Review list. sales receipts between the farm and Hung Vuong company<br />

X<br />

D. Confirm that listed products used are approved for aquaculture. The ist of Export market no. 1471/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL ngay 20/06/2012 and 2864/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL ngay 14/11/2011 cua BNNPTNT<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />


VERSION 1.0 14

6.2.1<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Indicator: Dos de Use Mayo only 1205, Veterinary San Isidro medicines, Lima chemicals -­‐ Perú and <br />

Tel.: biological + 5117190400 products approved Fax.: +5114217573<br />

for aquaculture by relevant <br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

naVonal authoriVes and not banned for food fish use in <br />

the potenVal imporVng country.<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

6.2.2<br />

Applicability: All<br />

E. Review list and compare to farm's sales receipts The ist of Export market no. 1471/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL ngay 20/06/2012 and 2864/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL ngay 14/11/2011 cua BNNPTNT<br />

F. Review list. 2864/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL on 24/11/2011 -­‐ The list of parameter of chemical used in Aquculture products" by MARD<br />

G. Review list. list of Switzeland and Europe<br />

H.Review eveidence. Cross check the farm export's markets (i.e. the <br />

imporVng countries) against the list of products that are banned (see <br />

2864/QD-­‐BNN-­‐QLCL on 24/11/2011 -­‐ The list of parameter of chemical used in Aquculture products" by MARD<br />

6.2.1e) in those countries.<br />

A. Review records of prescripVons or writen advice for veterinary <br />

Indicator: Use only veterinary medicines and chemicals for medicines and chemicals.<br />

records of prescripVons of pond 05 on 08/05/2012 used 12 litres BKC80 by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy<br />

therapeuVc use prescribed by an aquaVc animal health <br />

specialist [55] based on a verified condiVon; follow the <br />

label specificaVons concerning the use of the substance <br />

for the given purpose [56]<br />

B. Review wrinen descripVons. Confirm use approved by AAH <br />

Specialist.<br />

X<br />

records of prescripVons of pond 05 on 08/05/2012 used 12 litres BKC80 by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

C. Review jusVficaVon from AAH Specialist as applicable.<br />

records of prescripVons of pond 05 on 08/05/2012 used 12 litres BKC80 by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy who observed the applicaVon of the <br />

worker<br />

Applicability: All<br />

D. Review evidence. Confirm that AAH Specialist is suitably qualified. records of prescripVons by Huynh Minh Huy -­‐ AAH Specialist in 60 hours on 23-­‐25/04/2012 by the sustainable fishery group of Vietnam<br />

Footnote<br />

Footnote<br />

[55] AquaVc animal health specialist defined following government's regulaVons, if such regulaVons exist in the producing country. If the government does not regulate on this, the following people can be considered as specialists: <br />

• Veterinarians with at least three months of academic training on fish health management (for a total of at least 60 hours). This training may be included with the veterinary degree. <br />

• Aquaculturists (with university or vocaVonal degree) who have completed at least three months of training on fish pathology and treatment (for a total of at least 60 hours). This training may be included with the university or vocaVonal degree.<br />

[56] Label specificaVons may be overridden by the recommendaVons of the aquat c animal health specialist when jusVficaVon for the decision is documented in the farm book or approved in the animal health plan.<br />

Indicator: Follow the aquaVc animal health specialist <br />

recommendaVons on:<br />

1-­‐ how to apply the veterinary medicine and chemicals <br />

prescribed<br />

2 -­‐ how to handle & store the veterinary medicines and <br />

chemicals prescribed<br />

3 -­‐ who needs to be informed about the disease and how<br />

4 -­‐ how to limit the spread of the disease to neighboring <br />

wild or farmed populaVons<br />

A. Review health events to verify that the farm has wrinen <br />

recommendaVons from the AAH Specialist addressing each of these <br />

four points.<br />

6.2.3 X<br />

6.2.4<br />

B. Review farm's declaraVon to confirm following recommendaVons of <br />

the AAH Specialist.<br />

Chemical and medicine instrucVon on 01/09/2011 and animal health plan on 01/09/2012<br />

declaraVon that the farm follows the recommendaVons of the aquaVc animal health specialist on 01/09/2011 by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

C. During on-­‐site visits, inspect to verify proper storage according to <br />

the AAH Specialist's recommendaVons.<br />

During on-­‐site visits, proper storage according to the AAH Specialist's recommendaVons.<br />

Applicability: All<br />

D. During on-­‐site visits, make direct observaVons to confirm there is <br />

no evidence of any of the recommendaVons not having been <br />

the chemical storage is follow the recommendaVon of AAH Specialist <br />

followed.<br />

A. Review records of withdrawals.<br />

Indicator: Allowance to sell fish or fish products before the <br />

records of prescripVons of pond 05 on 08/05/2012 used 12 litres BKC80 by Mr. Huynh Minh Huy<br />

compleVon of the withdrawal period specified on <br />

veterinary medicine or chemical labels or 750 °D if no <br />

withdrawal is specified on label.<br />

B. Review labels and compleVon dates of withdrawal periods. labels indicaVng duraVon of withdrawal periods of BKC80. The witdrawal day followed the labels<br />

X<br />

Standard: None <br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. Evaluate evidence-­‐to verify that no fish were hasrvested before <br />

compleVon of withdrawal period.<br />

BKC 80 is the water environment treatment, so no have withdraw period<br />

6.2.5<br />

Footnote<br />

Indicator: Allowance for the use of anVbioVcs criVcal for <br />

human medicine, as categorized by the World Health <br />

OrganizaVon [57].<br />

Requirement: None <br />

Applicability: All<br />

A. Review list of anVbioVcs used. a list of all veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological products to 01/05/2012. <br />

B. Review declaraVon. Cross check list of anVbioVcs used by the farm <br />

(see 6.2.5a) against the WHO list of anVbioVcs criVcal to human <br />

medicine.<br />

C. During on-­‐site visits, verify there is no evidence of use of anVbioVcs <br />

criVcal for human medicine through direct observaVon and <br />

inspecVon.<br />

//www.who.int/enVty/foodborne_disease/resistance/anVmicrobiaIs_ human.pdf<br />

A. Verify the AAH Specialist declareres there is no known <br />

unauthorized prophylacVc use of veterinary medicines.<br />

Indicator: Allowance for prophylacVc use of veterinary <br />

medicines (excluding vaccines) prior to any evidence of a <br />

Report specific No.: disease ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

problem.<br />

6.2.6 X<br />

Standard: None<br />

X<br />

declaraVon of the farm . Cross check list of anVbioVcs used by the farm against the WHO list of anVbioVcs criVcal to human medicine.<br />

no evidence of use of anVbioVcs criVcal for human medicine through direct observaVon and inspecVon.<br />

[57] Refer to the second WHO Expert meeVng on CriVcally Important AnVmicrobialsfor Human Medicine: CategorizaVon for the Development of Risk Management Strategies to Contain AnVmicrobiaI Resistance due to Non-­‐human AnVmicrobial use, 25-­‐31 May 2007 hnp: <br />

a declaraVon from the aquaVc animal health specialist indicaVngthat s/he is not aware of any unauthorized prophylacVc use of veterinary <br />

medicines (prior to evidence of a specific disease problem) by the farm in the last 12 months by Mr. Tran Minh Huy<br />


VERSION 1.0 15

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: Allowance for prophylacVc use of veterinary <br />

medicines (excluding vaccines) prior to any evidence of a <br />

specific disease problem.<br />

B. Verify farm maintains records of all purchases of veterinary <br />

medicines.<br />

receipts for all purchases of veterinary medicines<br />

6.2.6<br />

6.2.7<br />

Footnote<br />

Standard: None<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Allowance for use of veterinary, medicine <br />

(excluding vaccines) to serve as growth promoters [58].<br />

Requirement: None<br />

Applicability: All<br />

C. During on-­‐site visits, inspect the inventory of veterinary medicines <br />

to verify that all supplies are accounted for.<br />

D. Reconcile the quanVVes purchased against stocks held on-­‐site and <br />

records for usage (e.g. 6.2.5a) based on reviewing a sample of <br />

medicines.<br />

A. Verify the AAH Specialist supports the declaraVon that there is no <br />

use of veterinaty medicine as growth promoters.<br />

B. Reconcile the quanVVes of veterinary medicines purchased against <br />

stocks held on-­‐site and records for usage (e.g. 6.2.5a) based on <br />

reviewing a sample of medicines.<br />

[58] Growth promoters: Veterinary medicines, such as anVbioVcs, to be given to healthy fish for the sole purpose of making them grow faster (i.e., not to treat a specific disease).<br />

6.3 Criteria: Pangasius health plan<br />

6.3.1<br />

Indicator: Presence of a wrinen pangasius health plan <br />

reviewed yearly; updated and approved by a specified <br />

aquaVc animal health specialist [59] (See Annex E for <br />

health Plan).<br />

on-­‐site visits, inspect the inventory of veterinary medicines<br />

Reconcile the quanVVes purchased against stocks held on-­‐site and records for usage based on reviewing a sample of medicines.: receipt, <br />

inventry of chemical, the record of using chemical, prescriopVon, the output record (daily), input recor of feed and chemical<br />

a declaraVon from the aquaVc animal health specialist Ms. Tran Minh Huy, no use of veterinaty medicine as growth promoters.<br />

Reconcile the quanVVes of veterinary medicines purchased is balanced<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review health plan for compliance with Annex E the farm's wrinen pangasius health plan containing all required elements (Annex E)ngay 01/05/2012<br />

B. Confirm that the farm's aquaVc animal health specialist has <br />

reviewed and approved the pangasius health plan.<br />

C. Confirm that farm has health plan reviewed, updated, and <br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

approved every 12 months. For first audit, the response is "not <br />

applicable".<br />

Applicability: All<br />

D. During on-­‐site visit, verify that the plan is implemented and <br />

effecVve.<br />

Footnote [59] GlobaIG.A.P. AB 5.2.3 was taken as reference and amended to fit with the requirements of the PAD stakeholders.<br />

6.4 Criteria: Holding-­‐unit specific record-­‐keeping<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

X<br />

X<br />

the farm's wrinen pangasius health plan containing all required elements (Annex E)ngay 01/05/2012<br />

N/A<br />

the plan is implemented and effecVve.<br />

Finding<br />

6.4.1<br />

Indicator: Availability of recocds of the name, reasons for <br />

A.Verify the farm maintains purchase records.<br />

use, dates, amounts and withdrawal Vmes of all veterinary <br />

medicines and chemicals used in hatchery and grow-­‐out <br />

B. Verify the farm maintains records showing withdrawal Vmes at the <br />

faciliVes<br />

grow-­‐out facility.<br />

C. Verify that farm maintains relevant declaraVons from the AAHS at <br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

the grow-­‐out facility.<br />

X<br />

records that idenVfy all the veterinary medicines<br />

the farm maintains records showing withdrawal Vmes at the grow-­‐out facility.<br />

declaraVons by the farm's aquaVc animal health specialist staVng the date, diagnosis, treatment and withdrawal Vmes (if different from <br />

the label)<br />

Applicability: All<br />

D. Verify the farm possesses declaraVons from all seed suppliers. declaraVon from seed suppliers idenVfying any chemicals or veterinary medicines that were used in producVon of seed<br />

6.4.2<br />

Indicator: Availability of records of the source, size and <br />

quality of the seed stocked. Records of seed quality should <br />

include:<br />

1-­‐ DescripVon of gross signs and any abnormaliVes<br />

2-­‐ List of veterinary medicines, chemicals and biological <br />

products used in earlier life stages <br />

3-­‐ Results of pathogen tesVng as legislated<br />

A. Verify the farm maintains records for seed quality as required X records of the source, size and quality of the seed stocked in the fingerling receipt<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />


VERSION 1.0 16

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

6.4.3<br />

Indicator: Daily records showing regular monitoring of fish <br />

for signs of stress [60] or disease are kept<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

A. Review daily records to confirm that all reporVng etements are <br />

included. Verify compliance.<br />

X daily records (e.g. diary) of monitoring for stress or disease of pond 5 and 07<br />

Footnote<br />

6.4.4<br />

Applicability: All<br />

[60] Signs of stress or disease include abnormal behaviour (e.g., swimming), reduced appeVte and external abnormaliVes (e.g., lesions, spots and fin erosion).<br />

InstrucVons to Clients for Indicator 6.4.4-­‐ Establishing a Thresh old for the ReporVng of Mortality Events<br />

Indicator 6.4.4 requires that farms <strong>report</strong> all significant mortality events to the aquaVc animal health specialist. The ASC Pangasius Standard does not prescribe a specific threshold value for all farms to apply across all circumstances. Instead, the <br />

Pangasius Standard requires farms to confer with their aquaVc animal health specialist to develop a threshold for reporVng mortality events that is appropriate for idenVfying significant or "above average" mortality events based on farm data. In <br />

establishing a threshold, the farm must consider the following: <br />

-­‐thresholds must be generated using farm data for mortality and this shall include farm informaVon from at least 1 randomly selected pond; <br />

-­‐thresholds must be stage-­‐specificto account for differing mortality rates during the 1st week, the 1st month, and any month ater that; <br />

Indicator: All mortality events with daily mortality above -­‐the farm's aquaVc health specialist must set and approve the threshold value, not the farmer; and <br />

the average daily mortality in the farm are <strong>report</strong>ed to the -­‐the farm must describe how the threshold was-­‐established in the farm's Pangasius Health Plan.<br />

aquaVc anirnal health specialist<br />

A. Review daily mortality records Record of pond 5 and pon 7<br />

Requirement: Yes <br />

B. Verify the farm's AAH Specialist has reviewed daily mortality <br />

Applicability: All<br />

records before specifying a threshold for the reporVng of mortality <br />

events.<br />

Diary of mortality threshold of Mr. Tran Minh Huy<br />

C. Review the proposed mortality threshold in the farm's Pangasius <br />

health Plant to confirm compliance with requirements.<br />

X<br />

mortality threshold in the farm's Pangasius health Plant to confirm compliance with requirements<br />

D. Review reporVng records and cross-­‐check against daily mortality <br />

records to confirm compliance with requirements.<br />

Diary of mortality threshold of Mr. Tran Minh Huy. There is no dead fish over thresold unVl the Vme of audit<br />

6.5 Criteria: Fish Welfare<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

InstrucVons to Clients for Indicator 6.5.1-­‐ CalculaVng Average Growth Rate<br />

Annex D of the ASC Pangasius Standard provides formulas for calculaVng yield and average growth rate (AGR). Farms must perform these calculaVons using havest and stocking data from individual ponds (i.e. it is calculated on a crop-­‐by-­‐crop basis). It <br />

should be done as follows:<br />

Yield (from Pond1) = total weight of fish harvested (from Pond1) -­‐ total weight of fish stocked (Pond1) <br />

AGRP1 = YieldP1 / duraVon of producVon cycle (Pond1)<br />

Where weights are given in grams (g), duraVon is given in number of days (d), AGR is computed in units of grams per day (g/d), and enclosure are idenVfied by subscripts P1, P2, P3 etc.<br />

Repeat the AGR calculaVons for the second pond, third pond..: etc. unVl an AGR has been determined for each pond that was harvested. For first audits, records must cover at least 1 full crop per site (see preamble). Next calculate the farm-­‐wide <br />

weighted average AGR using the following formula:<br />

6.5.1<br />

Indicator: Minimum average growth rate <br />

Requirement: 3.85 g/day <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Weighted Average AGR = (AGRP1 x YieldP1) + (AGRP2 x YieldP2)... + (AGRPn x YieldPn) ] / (YieldP1 +YieldP2 ...+ YieldPn)<br />

Note of clarificaVon from the pangasius<strong>Aquaculture</strong> Dialogue Steering Comminee:<br />

Indicator 6.5.1 was developed under the assumpVon that:<br />

-­‐ fish are stocked at 80 grams,<br />

-­‐ harvested at 1,000 grams and<br />

-­‐ average producVon cycle is 8 months.<br />

Given that specific growth rates of Pangasius are variable with body size (i.e. size and age dependent), formulas will yield a: reduced level of. absolute growth if fish are harvested at a substanVally smaller size than 1 kg. (e.g. farms that harvest fish at 6 <br />

00-­‐70 Og average body weight).<br />

Auditors are instructed as to evaluate Indicator 6.5.1 as follows. Farms must provide auditors with sufficient informaVon to verify average fish size and weight at stocking, average fish size and weight at harvest, and average duraVon of producVon <br />

cycle. Auditors shall review the farm's calculaVons of observed growth rate and monitor whether the farm is in compliance.<br />

A. Verify farm maintains records of the weight of fish stocked in each <br />

enclosure.<br />

records (e.g. receipts from seed suppliers)<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

X<br />


VERSION 1.0 17

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

6.5.2<br />

Indicator: Maximum fish density at anyVme<br />

Requirement: 38 kg/m2 for ponds and pen <br />

Applicability: Ponds and Pens<br />

B. Verify farm maintains records of the weight of fish harvested from <br />

each enclosure.<br />

X<br />

records of the weight of fish harvested of pond <br />

C. Review calculaVon to confirm accuracy and completeness. Review calculaVon <br />

D. Verify that the farm-­‐wide weighted average AGR complies with the <br />

requirements. Pond 5: 3.853g/day; pond 07: 3.869g/day; aveage is 3.861g<br />

A. Review farm's calculaVon of surface area for each enclosure and <br />

confirm by inspecVon during on site audit.<br />

Pond 5: 3.853g/day; pond 07: 3.869g/day<br />

B. Confirm the farm keeps accurate record of total weight of fish <br />

harvested from each pond and/or pen.<br />

Pond 5: 3.853g/day; pond 07: 3.869g/day<br />

C. Review calculaVons for fish density at harvest to verify compliance X<br />

monthly esVmates of fish density is in place<br />

D. Review monthly esVmates of fish density to verify compliance.<br />

monthly esVmates of fish density : "pond 5: during farimg from 1.3-­‐30.5kg/m2<br />

Pond 11: during farimg from 1.1-­‐ 20.7kg/m2"<br />

Indicator: Maximum fish density at anyVme<br />

A. Review farm's calculaVon of volume for each cage and confirm by <br />

inspecVon during on site audit.<br />

B. Confirm the farm keeps acurate record of total weight of fish <br />

harvested from each cage.<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

6.5.3<br />

Requirement: 80 kg/m3 for cages<br />

Applicability: Cages<br />

C. Review calculaVons for fish density at harvest to verify compliance X N/A<br />

D. Review monthly esVmates of fish defisity to verify compliance. N/A<br />

6.6 Criteria: Predator control<br />

6.6.1<br />

Footnote<br />

Indicator: Use of lethal predator [61] control<br />

Requirement: No <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Compliance<br />

Auditor EvaluaVon (Required CB AcVons). Yes No N/A<br />

A. Review predator control procedure and list of predator control <br />

devices.<br />

B. Inspect site to verify no use of lethal predator controls. no use of lethal predator controls.<br />

[61] Predators are defined as animals which have the potenVal to kill healthy pangasius. These standards include all types of predators during <br />

X<br />

Finding<br />

a procedure describing how the farm controls predators, and maintain a list of all predator control devices and their locaVons by Mr. <br />

Nguyen Dinh Tung<br />

Indicator: Mortality of IUCN red listed species.<br />

6.6.2 Requirement: 0 (zero)<br />

Applicability: All<br />

7.1 Criteria: Labor Law<br />

A. Repeat analysis to verify that client possesses an accurate result. please more at point 2.2.4<br />

B. Verify that farm procedures are approriate and implemented (as <br />

please more at point 2.2.4<br />

applicable)<br />

X<br />

C. During local community interviews, verify there is no evidence of <br />

Interviewed Ms. Le Thi Co, Mr. Tran Van Doi, Ms. Pham Thi Be Ba, Mr. Mai Van Mi, Mr. Ngo Minh Loi,, no evidence of the farm causing <br />

the farm causing mortality of IUCN red listed species [also see <br />

mortality of IUCN red listed specie<br />

Indicator 2.2.4(E)]<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

7.1.1<br />

Indicator: Compliance with labor laws in the country <br />

where pangasius is produced<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

7.2 Criteria: Child labor [62] and young workers [63]<br />

Foodnote [62] Child: Any person less than 15 years of age, unless local minimum age law sVpulates a higher age for work or mandatory schooling, <br />

Foodnote [63] Young worker: Any worker between the age of child as defined and under the age of 18.<br />

7.2.1<br />

Indicator: Minimum age of workers<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

Circular 70/2011/ND-­‐CP for minimum wage dated 22/08/2011. This area belong to Area 02 -­‐ 1780.000 VND.<br />

All informaVon related to benefit, wage are available in The noVce board. Eg: working Vme regulaVon; annual leave …<br />

Finding<br />

the list of employees dated 13.08.2012 maintained. <br />

Checked ID of Vo Tran Chau Kha-­‐ born on 15.03.1993<br />

No children and young workers found <br />

Commitment lener No 82/TCK-­‐TM,HV dated 01.09.2011 for not using young workers under 18 years old.<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />


VERSION 1.0 18

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

7.2.2<br />

Indicator: For workers under 18 years old<br />

1 -­‐ Work does not jeopardize schooling<br />

2 -­‐ Work, when added to the hours of schooling, does nof <br />

exceed 10 hour/day<br />

3 -­‐ Work is restricted to light work [64]<br />

4 -­‐ Work is restricted to non-­‐hazardous work [65]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

No children and young workers found <br />

No children and young workers found <br />

N/A<br />

Applicability: Farms with employees younger than 18 years <br />

old.<br />

N/A<br />

Foodnote [64] Light Work: (ILO convenVon 138, arVcle 7.1) Light work is work that is 1) not likely to be harmful to a child's health or development and 2) not likely to prejudice their anendance at school, parVcipaVon in vocaVonal orientaVon or training programs, or diminish their capacity to benefit from instrucVon received.<br />

Foodnote [65] Hazardous work: Work which, by its nature or circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of workers.<br />

7.3 Criteria: Forced and compulsory labor [66]<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

Even the labour contract already wrinen as per law including benefit, working Vme, etc..However, a salary coloumn they say that <br />

ACCORDING TO THE REGISTERED SALARY SCALE. The advise is they should declare the clear digit of salary.<br />

7.3.1<br />

Indicator: Workers are free to terminate their employment <br />

and receive full payment unVl the last day of their <br />

employment, based on reasonable [67] noVce given to <br />

their employer [68]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

Labour contract of Le Van Tai signed from 01.09.2011 including all regulaVon as Vietnam labour law<br />

No evidence of keeping the original documentaVon <br />

Applicability: All<br />

No evidence of keeping the part of salary<br />

Interview Mr. Tran Van Doi and found that workers can be free from leaving the job.<br />

Foodnote [67] As stated in the contract.<br />

Foodnote [68] Employers are those workers who, working on their own account or with one or a few partners, hold the type of job defined as a self-­‐employed job, and in this capacity, on a conVnuous basis (including the reference period) have engaged one or more persons to work for them in their business as employees.<br />

7.4 Criteria: Health and safety<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

List of hazard idenVficaVon dated 01.09.2011. However, some of points have been idenVfied fully. Eg: swimming<br />

7.4.1<br />

Indicator: The employer provides a non-­‐hazardous <br />

working and living environment.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

RegulaVon on health and safety dated 01.09.2011.<br />

RegulaVon on health and safety dated 01.09.2011. CerrVficate of swimming -­‐ Dinh Van Tung dated 17.08.2012 by Tien Giang Sport Center<br />

Poratbal water is from bonle of water <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Waste Water Treatment system is available <br />

Dormitory is provided with clean and safe thorugh being observed.<br />

Indicator: Workers are aware of the health and safety <br />

hazards [69] at the work place and how to deal with them.<br />

7.4.2<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

List of employees anended the course of health and safety dated 01.11.2012. The lifebuoys are available in the ponds for safety <br />

Applicability: All<br />

Foodnote [69] Hazard: The inherent potenVal to cause injury or dam age to people's health -­‐ for instance unequipped to handle heavy machinery safely/unprotected exposure to harmful chemicals.<br />

Indicator: The employer records all accidents, even if <br />

minor [70], and take prevenVve and correcVve acVon for <br />

each.<br />

7.4.3<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

The accident book has been checked. However, in the past six months nothing happen.<br />

X<br />


VERSION 1.0 19

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

7.4.3<br />

Indicator: The employer records all accidents, even if <br />

minor [70], and take prevenVve and correcVve acVon for <br />

each.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

Foodnote [70] Accidents that could not be handled in-­‐house, the person was taken to the closest clinic<br />

Indicator: Employer ensures that all permanent workers <br />

have health insurance [71]<br />

7.4.4<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

List of employees is available <br />

List of employees for insurance of July 2012 -­‐ 18 people dated 14.08.2012<br />

Foodnote [71] Health insurance is required for workers who are employed for >3 months/year. If not covered under naVonal law/employers must provide insurance to cover 100% of any job-­‐related accident/injury for permanent workers. The cost associated with permanent disabiliVes generated from a job related accident is, <br />

however, not included.<br />

7.5 Criteria: Freedom of associaVon and collecVve bargaining [72]<br />

Compliance<br />

Finding<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Foodnote [72] CollecVve bargaining: Voluntary negoVaVon between employers and organizaVons of workers in order to establish the terms and <br />

7.5.1<br />

Indicator: Workers [73] have the right to form or join <br />

organizaVons to defend their rights (including their right to <br />

collecVve bargaining), without interference from the <br />

employer and without suffering negaVve consequences as <br />

a result of exercising this right [74].<br />

X<br />

Labour contract of Le Thi Vien signed from 01.09.2011 including all regulaVon as Vietnam labour law<br />

labour collecVve bargain dated 20.09.2011 and Trade Union Leader is Ms. Nguyen Thanh Tho<br />

Trade Union meeVng minutes dated 01.08.2012<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Interview and found that she can access the workplace at reasonable Vme<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Trade Union meeVng minutes dated 01.08.2012<br />

Foodnote [73] Worker: A person who enters an agreement of any duraVon with an enterprise to work for the enterprise in return for remuneraVon in cash orin kind. Immediate family members of the farm owner (i.e., children, spouse, parents, brothers and sisters) and exchange labor may not be considered as workers, unless <br />

they express their desire to be workers.<br />

Foodnote [74] Workers must not be prohibited from accessing such organizaVons when they exist. If they do not exist or are illegal, companies must make it clear that they are willing to engage in a collecVve dialogue through a representaVve structure freely elected by the workers.<br />

7.6 Criteria: DiscriminaVon<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

Indicator: Workers do not suffer any discriminaVon [75] <br />

from the employer or other workers<br />

The RegulaVon of anV-­‐discriminaVon No 84/QD-­‐TM,HV dated 01.09.2011 .<br />

7.6.1<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

Record of bonus is available. However, the more regulaVon on increasing salary, award is considered<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Policy of Pregnant women dated 01.09.2011<br />

Foodnote [75] Including but not limited to: race, caste, origin, color, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientaVon, resident or migrant, union and poliVcal affiliaVons.<br />

7.7 Criteria: Fair and progressive pracVces toward workers including disciplinary pracVces)<br />

7.7.1<br />

Indicator: Employers treat all workers with dignity and <br />

respect<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

7.8 Crifeno: Working hours<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Interview and found that all employees have been treated fairly<br />

Check the record of salary paid and found no deducVon.<br />

Finding<br />

Finding<br />

Indicator: Maximum number of regular working hours<br />

the Vmessheet is available <br />

7.8.1<br />

Requirement: 8h/day or48h/week (although these do not <br />

have to be consecuVve hours)<br />

X<br />

Applicability: All<br />

The working Vme is from 7:00 to 11:00 and 13:00 to 17:00<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />


VERSION 1.0 20

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: Workers have the right to leave the farm ater <br />

compleVng the standard word-­‐day<br />

Interview Ms. Le Thi Co and found that she can leave job when finishing work.<br />

7.8.2<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

X<br />

Labour contract of Le Van Tai signed from 01.09.2011 including all regulaVon as Vietnam labour law<br />

Indicator: Minimum Vme off<br />

Working Vme regulaVon No 086/QD-­‐TM,HV dated 01.09.2011<br />

7.8.3<br />

Requirement: Two nights/week off if residing on the farm <br />

and a total four days/month off for all workers<br />

X<br />

Working Vme regulaVon No 086/QD-­‐TM,HV dated 01.09.2011<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

Timesheets are available<br />

7.8.4<br />

Indicator: OverVme hours<br />

1-­‐Are voluntary<br />

2-­‐ do not exceed a maximum of 12 hours per week<br />

3-­‐ occur on an excepVonal (not regular) basis<br />

4-­‐ are paid at a premium rate [76], (i.e. an addiVonal 20% <br />

is paid to the normal salary)<br />

X<br />

some records checked and found that it is OK<br />

eg: case of Danh Be -­‐ salary 2.000.000 VND/month<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

No overVme is available as only few pond of fish are being fostered. The capacity is sVl weak.<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

N/A <br />

Foodnote [76] Premium rate: A rate of pay higher than the regular work week rate. Must comply with naVonal laws/ regulaVons and/ or industry standards. Must be 120% of normal rate or higher.<br />

7.9 Criteria: Fair and decent wages<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

7.9.1<br />

Indicator: The employer pays at least minimum wages as <br />

defined by law, or ensures that wages cover basic needs <br />

[77], plus some discreVonary income [78], whichever is <br />

higher<br />

x<br />

Circular 70/2011/ND-­‐CP for minimum wage dated 22/08/2011. This area belong to Area 02 -­‐ 1780.000 VND.<br />

No basic need calculaVon in consulnaVon with workers and their representaVve has been established.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Labour contract of Danh Be signed from 01.09.2011 -­‐ salary 1.780.000 VND<br />

Report<br />

Applicability:<br />

No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

All<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

Salary sheets with the signature of employees are available<br />

Foodnote [77] Basic needs are determined by calculaVng the cost of the basic shopping basket needed for an adequate diet, the percentage of an average household's budget that goes to food and other necessary expenses, and the average size of a household in a given country. Recognized representaVve shopping basket <br />

surveys include those undertaken by naVonal authoriVes and mulV-­‐lateral developmental agencies. A basic or living wage should be capable of sustaining 50% of an average-­‐sized family with food, clean water, clothing, housing, transportaVon, schooling, obligatory tax payments, health care and an addiVonal 10% <br />

discreVonary income (SA8000). An employer shall minimally pay a full-­‐Vme worker the basic needs wage (without financial deducVons) or naVonal legal minimum wage; whichever is higher. The basic needs wage/living wage refers to "take home payment". Any obligatory expenses at the side of the employee/worker (e.g., <br />

uniform, tools and lunches) will not bring "take home" pay below a basic needs standard.<br />

Foodnote [78] For guidance and methods for basic needs wage calculaVon, see SA8000 Guidance Document.<br />

7.9.2<br />

7.9.3<br />

7.10 Criteria: Labor contracts<br />

7.10.1<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

Indicator: Workers have the right to know the mechanism <br />

for se‹ng the wages and benefits<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Wages shall be paid in cash or in a manner most <br />

convenient to workers<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Workers have copies of, and can understand, <br />

their labor contract [79]<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

the salary method has been established. However, the calculaVon method is sVll not in details.<br />

the salary method is available in NoVceboard<br />

Paying in cash and in salary sheet. <br />

Verified the salary sheet of July 2012 dated 31.07.2012<br />


VERSION 1.0 21<br />

Finding<br />

ArVcle 28 of Vietnam Labour law: The labour contract should be signed into 02 copies. Each side keeps one. It was found that the case of <br />

Le Phuoc Danh has not got the copy of labour contract. The auditor checked 18 contracts of 18 workers

7.10.1<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: Workers have copies of, and can understand, <br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

their labor contract [79]<br />

Interview Ms. Le Thi Co and found that she understood the requirements<br />

Foodnote [79] Where verbal contracts are pracVced (e.g., remote rural locaVons, cases of illiteracy and small family farms), extra care needs to be taken that the contents of the agreement are fully agreed to and well-­‐understood. Cross interviews must take place to establish that the employer and the employee understand in <br />

the same way the terms of the verbal agreement.<br />

7.10.2<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Maximum length of probaVon period stated in <br />

the contract for workers, other than farm managers and <br />

workers with an university degree.<br />

Requirement: 1 month<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

X<br />

ProbaVon labour contract of Huynh Van Hai That signed in 01.09.2011 and ater one month signed 01.10.2011<br />

It is regulated in working regulaVon and available in the noVceboard<br />

7.10.3<br />

Indicator: Maximum length of probaVon period stated in <br />

the contract for farm managers and workers with an <br />

university degree.<br />

Requirement: 2 months<br />

Applicability: All<br />

7.11 Criteria: Management system<br />

7.11.1<br />

Indicator: The employer ensures all workers have <br />

appropriate channels to communicate anonymously with <br />

employers on maners relaVng to labor rights and working <br />

condiVons.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Percentage of issues raised by workers which <br />

are registered, tracked and responded to by the employer<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

ProbaVon labour contract of Duong Thanh Tung signed in 01.07.2011 and ater two months signed 01.09.2011<br />

It is regulated in working regulaVon and available in the noVceboard<br />

Finding<br />

Complaint box is available in the front of the gate.<br />

Complaint book is also there. Hoever, No complaint cases as workers feel quite OK<br />

Diary of complaint is available. However, no complaint received from employees.<br />

7.11.2<br />

Requirement: 100%<br />

X<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Complaint box is available in the front of the gate.<br />

Indicator: Percentage of complaints that are resolved [80] <br />

within one month ater being received [81]<br />

There is no complaint unVl to now<br />

7.11.3<br />

Requirement: 90%<br />

X<br />

There is no complaint unVl to now<br />

Applicability: All<br />

There is no complaint unVl to now<br />

Foodnote [80] ResoluVon of a conflict is defined as when both parVes agree to remove it from the list of conflicts.<br />

Foodnote [81] Complaints include the ones corn ing from other resource users, employees and buyers (e.g., middlemen or processors).<br />

Indicator: A plan for addressing the yet to be resolved <br />

conflicts is developed and complied with<br />

policy for conflict resolving dated 15.07.2012<br />

7.11.4<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

X<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Not any conflict is found yet<br />

Indicator: Timeframe for the contracVng [82] of suppliers <br />

and service providers that ensure suitable health and <br />

safety condiVons for their workers [83]<br />

Diary of complaint is available. However, no complaint received from employees.<br />

7.11.5<br />

Requirement: Within 1 year from achieving <br />

Report cerVficaVon No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />


VERSION 1.0 22

7.11.5<br />

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: Timeframe for the contracVng [82] of suppliers <br />

and service providers that ensure suitable health and <br />

safety condiVons for their workers [83]<br />

Requirement: Within 1 year from achieving <br />

cerVficaVon<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

N/A<br />

Foodnote [82] Including either wrinen or verbal contracts.<br />

Foodnote [83] As defined in these Requirements.<br />

7.12 Criteria: Record-­‐keeping<br />

Indicator: Records of the hours worked by every worker <br />

employed in the farm are available<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

Even the Vmesheet is available, but no hour worked count on the Vmesheet.<br />

7.12.1<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All, Farm-­‐Wide<br />

X<br />

The list of employees dated 01.08.2012 maintained. <br />

7.13 Criteria: ParVcipatory social impact assessment for local communiVes.<br />

Indicator: A parVcipatory Social Impact Assessment (p-­‐<br />

SIA)[84] is conducted (See Annex F for more informaVon)<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

Finding<br />

P-­‐SIA <strong>report</strong> dated 15.06.2012 by Ha Noi Center of Resources and rural development<br />

7.13.1<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

The content of P-­‐SIA includes the feasibility of Team of Professional Experts<br />

Foodnote [84] p-­‐SIA: An assessment of posiVve and negaVve consequences and risks of a planned or ongoing project (e.g., a farm or farm <br />

7.13.2<br />

7.14.1<br />

Indicator: A verifiable conflict resoluVon policy [86], [87], <br />

for local communiVes is developed and applied<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Foodnote [86] The policy shall state how conflicts and corn plaints will be tracked transparently and explain how to respond to all received complaints.<br />

X<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

X<br />

List of receiving P-­‐SIA dated 15.08.2012 to Phu Tuc People's comminee<br />

List of receiving P-­‐SIA dated 15.08.2012 -­‐Total 17/25 people -­‐ over 50%<br />

a conflict resoluVon procedure No ASC/QT7 dated 01.09.2011<br />

Finding<br />

List of receiving a conflict resoluVon procedure No ASC/QT7 dated 05.08.2012<br />

Foodnote [87] The process of resoluVon is documented and meeVngs are summarized. Summaries include an agenda (the list of concerns), resoluVons or agreements reached, who shall take what acVon by when, and a list of parVcipants. Local government and at least one civil society or customary organizaVon chosen by the <br />

community shall have access to the conflict resoluVon process and the documentaVon thereof. A conflict is deemed resolved if both parVes in the negoVaVon process have agreed to take it off the agenda.<br />

7.14.2<br />

Indicator: Local communiVes [85], local government and at <br />

least one civil society organizaVon chosen by community <br />

have a copy of the p-­‐SIA in locally appropriate language<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Foodnote [85] Community: A group of people with possibly diverse characterisVcs who are linked by social Ves, share common perspecVves, and <br />

7.14 Criteria: Complaints by local communiVes<br />

Indicator: Complaint boxes, complaint registers, and <br />

complaint acknowledgement receipts in local language(s) <br />

are used.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: Percentage of conflict resolved within the date <br />

of being filed.<br />

N/A<br />

Monitoring book for conflict resolving is kept. No complaint up Vll now<br />

Monitoring book for conflict resolving is kept. No complaint up Vll now<br />

N/A as no complaint <br />

N/A as no complaint <br />

N/A as no complaint <br />

7.14.3<br />

Requirement: <br />

Within 6 months 50% <br />

Within 1 year 75%<br />

Within 2 years 100%<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />


VERSION 1.0 23

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Indicator: Percentage of conflict resolved within the date <br />

of being filed.<br />

7.14.3<br />

Requirement: <br />

Within 6 months 50% <br />

Within 1 year 75%<br />

Within 2 years 100%<br />

X<br />

N/A as no complaint <br />

Applicability: All<br />

7.15 Criteria: PreferenVal employment for local communiVes<br />

7.15.1<br />

Indicator: Evidence of adverVsing posiVons within local <br />

communiVes before migrant workers are hired.<br />

Requirement: Yes<br />

Applicability: All<br />

Indicator: An explanaVon on the reasons for employing <br />

each worker is available and the explanaVon jusVfies not <br />

employing workers from local communiVes.<br />

Compliance<br />

Yes No N/A<br />

X<br />

Finding<br />

The list of employees indicaVng also place of origin dated 13.08.2012.<br />

The list of employees indicaVng also place of origin dated 13.08.2012.<br />

The list of employees indicaVng also place of origin dated 13.08.2012.<br />

The list of employees indicaVng also place of origin dated 13.08.2012.<br />

7.15.2<br />

Requirement: Yes, if workers outside the local community <br />

are employed<br />

Applicability: All<br />

X<br />

Recruitment noVce dated 01.08.2011 no menVon on discriminaVon<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />


VERSION 1.0 24

Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

ASC audit checklist<br />

ASCASS-PAD.F01(01)<br />

Reportnumber:<br />

3. Summary and Conclusion<br />

3.1a . Outstanding non-conformities since previous audit <strong>report</strong><br />

No NC: N/A (The Standard and Requirement:N/A (The first<br />

first audit) audit)<br />

Date found: N/A Dead line for correction: N/A (The first audit)<br />

(The first audit)<br />

Description of requirement: N/A (The first audit)<br />

Status: N/A (The first audit)<br />

Finding: 01<br />

Date found: Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

02/08/2012 may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Evidence that a contribution of at least USD $0.50 per ton of fish produced has been paid to the<br />

environmental and social restoration fund annually<br />

a. Submit a signed letter to the ASC committing to pay a contribution to the fund for all certified fish<br />

harvested from the day of first certification.<br />

Finding: 02<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

821749-ASC-2012-01-LTTT<br />

Description of non-conformity: N/A (The first audit)<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 2.2.2<br />

Category: N/A (The first audit)<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure: N/A (The<br />

first audit)<br />

3.1b Identified non-conformities during present evaluation<br />

Description of finding:<br />

The letter has been sent to ASC but provide the auditor the confirmation of Bas<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 1.1.3<br />

Dead line for correction: within 03 months<br />

20/11/2012<br />

Category: Major<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Presence of documents proving compliance with pertinent water discharge (including water effluents)<br />

regulations<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

There is no testing analysis for discharged water of the setlement pond for pond 1<br />

Corrective action request:It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out on<br />

the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Provide the discharged water of settlement pond 2<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

The analysis result is available<br />

The result of analysis complied with the circular 45<br />

Status: CLOSED<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Finding: 03<br />

Date found:<br />

02/08/2012<br />

Corrective action request:It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out on<br />

the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

The farm should get more informtion of academic institution about water allocation.<br />

Finding: 04<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Finding: 05<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 3.2.1<br />

Dead line for correction: in one year<br />

20/08/2013<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Percentage change in diurnal dissolved oxygen (DO) of receiving waters relative to DO at saturation for<br />

the water's specific salinity and temperature. An exception is made for ponds that discharge water with<br />

TN and TP lower than the TN and TP of the intake water respectively (see DO measurement<br />

methodology in Annex D)<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

DO record in receiving waters of the first settlement pond for pond 1 to 11 with more than 6 months from<br />

Jan to July 2012 and comply with this instruction. However, from the mid-july of 2012, the second<br />

settlement pond has been used for pond 1 because the discharged pipe from pond 1 to the firat<br />

settlement pond for pond 1 to 11 was broken. From that day until now, there is no record of DO<br />

measurement at the receiving water<br />

Dead line for correction: in one year<br />

20/08/2013<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Minimum dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in water discharged (See DO measurement methodology<br />

in Annex D)<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 3.4.2<br />

Dead line for correction: in one year<br />

20/08/2013<br />

Category: Minor<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 3.3.3<br />

Category: Minor<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

"The DO record of discharged water in weekly" of the first settlement pond for pond 1 to 11 with more<br />

than 6 months from Jan to July 2012 and comply with this instruction. However, from the mid-july of<br />

2012, the second settlement pond has been used for pond 1 because the discharged pipe from pond 1<br />

to the first settlement pond for pond 1 to 11 was broken. From that day until now, there is no record of<br />

DO measurement in the second settlement pond<br />

Category: MINOR<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Evidence of a sludge repository of appropriate size (See sludge repository formula in Annex D)<br />

A. Review farm's calculations to verify accuracy. Confirm compliance.<br />

B. During on-site visit, inspect the farm's sludge repository.<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

a. The farm used the area of sludge pond multiplying by the depth and by this calculation, this sludge<br />

can be enough space to contain sludge but not base on the calculation of Annex D<br />

b. By observation on site and the area provided by the farm, the sludge pond will based on the depth of<br />

sludge pond. But now the sludge pond is full. However, from the day is full and until now is not over 2<br />

months without pumping sludge. Besides, the farm is digging up the new sludge pond. The farm needs<br />

to provide the plan with the area of new sludge pond and the plan to keep sludge as annex D<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 06<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Evidence of farm solid wastes being discharged into the natural environment<br />

A. Review the farm's solid waste management plan<br />

C. Confirm that the farm's solid waste management plan is implemented and effective. Evaluate If there<br />

is a risk or potential for discharges.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

a. "the farm's solid waste management plan" no. 006/KH-TM,HV on 16/08/2011, by Mr. Ngo Thanh Van<br />

Phuc Toai. The management of feed packing used as coat when mixing feed is in lack.<br />

b. Inspect the farm, solid waste is around pond 6, 8, 10 and domitory of worker.<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 07<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 3.5.4<br />

Dead line for correction: in one year<br />

20/08/2013<br />

Category: MINOR<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Evidence of proper disposal of dead/moribund fish<br />

G. Confirm the farm's plan is effectively implemented. Evidence will include interviews with farm workers<br />

who confirm that disposal followed the plan.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

Dead fish around pond 6<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 3.5.1<br />

Dead line for correction: in one year<br />

20/08/2013<br />

Category: MINOR<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 08<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

standard 7.3.1.a<br />

Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Workers are free to terminate their employment and receive full payment until the last day of their<br />

employment, based on reasonable notice given to their employer<br />

a. Ensure that all contracts cleariy state workers' freedom to terminate their employment and receive full<br />

payment until the last day of their employment.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

verified labour contract of Tran Van Doi signed from 01.09.2011 including benefit, working time,<br />

etc..However, a clear salary is considered marked<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 09<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Finding: 10<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

standard 7.4.1.a<br />

Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

The employer provides a non-hazardous working and living environment.<br />

a. Maintain a list of all the health and safety hazards in the working and living environment of employees.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

List of hazard identification dated 01.09.2011. However, some of points have been identified fully. Eg:<br />

swimming<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

standard 7.6.1.b<br />

Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Workers do not suffer any discrimination from the employer or other workers<br />

b. Maintain records of employees' salary changes, promotions and training opportunities. For first audits,<br />

farm records must cover ≥ 6 months.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

Record of bonus is available. However, the more regulation on increasing salary, award is considered<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure: [only fill in<br />

case the NC can be closed during the audit]<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 11<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 7.9.2.b<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Workers have the right to know the mechanism for setting the wages and benefits<br />

a. Provide a declaration stating the mechanism used for setting wages.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

the salary method is available in Noticeboard<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure:<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Finding: 12<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

Finding: 13<br />

Date found:<br />

21/08/2012<br />

3.5 Attachments to this <strong>report</strong><br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 7.10.1a<br />

Dead line for correction:<br />

21/08/2013<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Workers have copies of, and can understand, their labor contract<br />

a- Ensure that emplyees have copies of their labor contracts.<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

Article 28 of Vietnam Labour law: The labour contract should be signed into 02 copies. Each side keeps<br />

one. It was found that the case of Le Phuoc Danh has not got the copy of labour contract.<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

Description of non-conformity:<br />

Even the timesheet is available, but no hour worked count on the timesheet.<br />

Corrective action request: It shall be guaranteed that this NC is corrected and corrective action(s) has/have been carried out<br />

on the causes of this NC to minimize recurrence<br />

Status: OPEN<br />

* The map of the farm<br />

* The information sent before the external audit: pre-audit checklist<br />

3.7 Summary and conclusion<br />

Standard and Requirement: ASC pangasius<br />

standard 7.12.1a<br />

Category: MINOR<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure: [only fill in<br />

case the NC can be closed during the audit]<br />

Category: OBSERVATION<br />

Dead line for correction: do not have defined timelines for action but the producer<br />

may undertake the necessary action to prevent an NC being identified in future.<br />

Description of requirement:<br />

Records of the hours worked by every worker employed in the farm are available<br />

a. Maintain timesheets for all employees. For first audits, farm records must cover ≥ 6 months.<br />

Evidence received, and analysis of corrections and corrective actions provided for NC closure: [only fill in<br />

case the NC can be closed during the audit]<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



Control Union Peru SAC<br />

Av. Dos de Mayo 1205, San Isidro Lima -­‐ Perú<br />

Tel.: + 5117190400 Fax.: +5114217573<br />

www.cuperu.com<br />

Email: info@cuperu.com<br />

Does the farm comply with ASC Pangasius standard<br />

YES<br />

Date of issue<br />

☐ NO<br />

4. Valid period of Certificate<br />

Date of expiry<br />

5. Determination of the start of the CoC<br />

Only Minor Non-Conformities were detected and the<br />

appplicant is recommended for certification.<br />

Can the product enter further certified Chains of Custody and eligible to carry the ASC label<br />

x YES<br />

☐ NO<br />

5. Approval of the assessment <strong>report</strong> by Client<br />

Date: 21/08/2012 Date: 21/08/2012<br />

Auditor: LE TRAN TRUONG THUY<br />

signature:<br />

Company representative :<br />

signature<br />

6. Review of the assessment <strong>report</strong> by the certifier<br />

Date:<br />

Comments:<br />

Certifier : Pilar Kuriyama Roca<br />

Signature:<br />

Report No.: ASC.2012.01.LTTT<br />



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