Derivation of a fundamental diagram for urban traffic flow

Derivation of a fundamental diagram for urban traffic flow

Derivation of a fundamental diagram for urban traffic flow


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6 The European Physical Journal B<br />

into (26) [andwithf i = f 0 i , T cyc = T 0 cyc ,seeEq.(33)],<br />

we get<br />

L i ρ av<br />

i (u i , {fj 0 av<br />

})=ΔNi (u i , {fj 0 })<br />

(1 − fi 0 = u i ̂Qi )2 Tcyc 0 ({f j 0})<br />

, (39)<br />

2(1 − u i )<br />

which finally yields<br />

u i (ρ av<br />

i L i , {f 0 j }) =<br />

(<br />

̂Q 1+(1− fi 0 ) 2 i Tcyc 0 ({f j 0})<br />

) −1<br />

2ρ av .<br />

i L i<br />

(40)<br />

Thiscanbeinsertedintoequation(26) togive<br />

Ti<br />

av (ρ av<br />

i L i , {fj 0 }) =<br />

u i (ρ av<br />

i<br />

ρ av<br />

i L i<br />

L i , {fj 0}) ̂Q i<br />

3.1 Transition to congested <strong>traffic</strong><br />

= ρav i L i<br />

+(1− f 0 T cyc({f 0<br />

i<br />

̂Q )2 j 0})<br />

. (41)<br />

i<br />

2<br />

The utilizations u i increase proportionally to the arrival<br />

<strong>flow</strong>s A i , i.e. they go up during the rush hour. Eventually,<br />

∑<br />

f j = ∑ (1 + δ j )u j → 1, (42)<br />

j<br />

j<br />

which means that the intersection capacity is reached.<br />

Sooner or later, there will be no excess capacities anymore,<br />

which implies δ i → 0andf i → u i .Inthiscase,<br />

we do not have any finite time periods ΔT i − T i , during<br />

which there are no delayed vehicles and where the departure<br />

<strong>flow</strong> O i (t) agrees with the arrival <strong>flow</strong> A i . There<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

O i (t) =γ i (t) ̂Q i according to equation (12), and certain relationships<br />

simplify. For example, the utilization is given<br />

as integral <strong>of</strong> the permeability over one cycle time T cyc ,<br />

divided by the cycle time itself:<br />

u i = 1<br />

T cyc<br />

t i0+T<br />

∫ cyc<br />

t i0<br />

dt ′ γ i (t ′ ). (43)<br />

Moreover, in the case <strong>of</strong> constant in- and out<strong>flow</strong>s, i.e. linear<br />

increase and decrease <strong>of</strong> the queue length, the average<br />

number ΔNi<br />

av <strong>of</strong> delayed vehicles is just given by half <strong>of</strong><br />

the maximum number <strong>of</strong> delayed vehicles 1<br />

ΔN av<br />

i<br />

=<br />

max<br />

ΔNi<br />

. (44)<br />

2<br />

1 Note that the <strong>for</strong>mulas derived in this paper are exact<br />

under the assumption <strong>of</strong> continuous <strong>flow</strong>s. The fact that<br />

vehicle <strong>flow</strong>s consist <strong>of</strong> discrete vehicles implies deviations<br />

from our <strong>for</strong>mulas <strong>of</strong> upto 1 vehicle, which slightly affects<br />

the average travel times as well. In Figure 2, <strong>for</strong> example,<br />

the number <strong>of</strong> vehicles in the queue is Ni<br />

max − 1 rather<br />

than Ni<br />

max . There<strong>for</strong>e, the related maximum delay time is<br />

(1 − u i)T cyc(Ni<br />

max − 1)/Ni<br />

max , which reduces the average delay<br />

time Ti<br />

av by (1 − u i)T cyc/(2Ni max ).<br />

As a consequence, we have<br />

T i ({u j })= L i<br />

V 0<br />

i<br />

+ (1 − u i)T los<br />

2 ( 1 − ∑ j u ). (45)<br />

j<br />

The average speed Vi<br />

av <strong>of</strong> <strong>traffic</strong> stream i is <strong>of</strong>ten determined<br />

by dividing the length L i <strong>of</strong> the road section reserved<br />

<strong>for</strong> it by the average travel time T i = Ti<br />

0 + Ti av ,<br />

which gives<br />

V av<br />

i ({u j })=<br />

(<br />

L i<br />

T i ({u j }) =<br />

1<br />

V 0<br />

i<br />

) −1<br />

+ (1 − u i)T los<br />

2L i (1 − ∑ j u ,<br />

j)<br />

(46)<br />

and can be generalized with equation (28) tocaseswith<br />

an efficiencies ɛ i ≠0:<br />

V av<br />

i ({u j },ɛ i )=<br />

(<br />

1<br />

V 0<br />

i<br />

) −1<br />

(1 − u i )T los<br />

+(1− ɛ i )<br />

2L i (1 − ∑ j u .<br />

j)<br />

(47)<br />

Note, however, that the above <strong>for</strong>mulas <strong>for</strong> the average<br />

speed are implicitly based on a harmonic rather than<br />

an arithmetic average. When correcting <strong>for</strong> this, equation<br />

(46), <strong>for</strong> example, becomes<br />

V av<br />

i ({u j })=<br />

∣<br />

L i u i ̂Qi ∣∣∣∣<br />

({u j }) ln 1+<br />

ΔN max<br />

i<br />

ΔN<br />

max<br />

i ({u j })<br />

u i ̂Qi T 0<br />

i<br />

∣ . (48)<br />

As is shown in Appendix A, this has a similar Taylor approximation<br />

as the harmonic average (47). The latter is<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e reasonable to use, and it is simpler to calculate.<br />

As expected from queuing theory, the average travel<br />

time (45) diverges, when the sum <strong>of</strong> utilizations reaches<br />

the intersection capacity, i.e. ∑ j u j → 1. In this practically<br />

relevant case, the <strong>traffic</strong> light would not switch anymore,<br />

which would frustrate drivers. For this reason, the<br />

cycle time is limited to a finite value<br />

T max<br />

cyc ({u0 j })=<br />

T los<br />

1 − ∑ , (49)<br />

j u0 j<br />

where typically u 0 j ≤ u j. This implies that the sum <strong>of</strong><br />

utilizations must fulfill<br />

∑<br />

u j ≤ ∑ u 0 j =1− T los<br />

T max . (50)<br />

j<br />

j<br />

cyc<br />

As soon as this condition is violated, we will have an increase<br />

<strong>of</strong> the average number <strong>of</strong> delayed vehicles in time,<br />

which characterizes the congested regime discussed in the<br />

next section.<br />

4 Fundamental relationships <strong>for</strong> congested<br />

<strong>traffic</strong> conditions<br />

In the congested regime, the number <strong>of</strong> delayed vehicles<br />

does not reach zero anymore, and platoons cannot<br />

be served without delay. Vehicles will usually have to

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