How I Treat Waldenstrom Macrobulinemia - Winship Cancer Institute ...

How I Treat Waldenstrom Macrobulinemia - Winship Cancer Institute ...

How I Treat Waldenstrom Macrobulinemia - Winship Cancer Institute ...


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7/17/2012<br />

<strong>How</strong> I <strong>Treat</strong>: Waldenström Macroglobulinemia<br />

Leonard T. Heffner, Jr., M.D.<br />

<strong>Winship</strong> <strong>Cancer</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Emory University<br />

What I need to know before starting<br />

treatement for Waldenström<br />

• Does the patient really have WM.<br />

• Is there an indication for starting treatment<br />

• What risk factors are present<br />

• Is there a standard treatment<br />

• What are the treatment options<br />

• Is there a clinical trial available<br />

• Should the patient receive maintenance<br />

• Is there a role for stem cell transplant<br />

Demographics<br />

Incidence Age-adjusted : 3.8/million persons/yr.(1500/yr)<br />

Amyloidosis: 8/mil persons/yr<br />

Myeloma: 40/mil persons/yr<br />

Age: 65-73 yo (median at Dx)<br />

Gender: Males: 5.4/mil<br />

Females: 2.7/mil<br />

Race: Caucasian- 4.1/mil<br />

African-American- 1.8/mil<br />

Wang H, et al. <strong>Cancer</strong> 2011;doi:10.1002/cncr.26627<br />


7/17/2012<br />

106.5 vs 94 mos<br />

p = 0.37<br />

Kastritis E, et al. AmJHem 2011;86:479<br />

120 mos vs not reached<br />

p = 0.987<br />

Kastritis E, et al. AmJHem 2011;86:479<br />

1944: Jan Waldenström described 2 pts with<br />

lymphadenopathy, but also oranasal<br />

bleeding, anemia, thrombocytopenia,<br />

increased viscosity, elevated ESR, normal<br />

bone survey, and bone marrow showing<br />

predominantly lymphoid cells.<br />

Waldenström, J: Incipient myelomatosis or essential hyperglobulinemia with<br />

fibrinogenopenia--A new syndrome Acta Medica Scand 117:217, 1944.<br />


7/17/2012<br />

WHO 2008: The Mature B-cell Neoplasms<br />

• Lymphoplasamacytic lymphoma<br />

a. Bone marrow infiltration by small lymphocytes,<br />

plasmacytoid cells, and plasma cells<br />

b. diffuse, interstitial or nodular pattern of bone<br />

marrow infiltration<br />

c. Immunophenotype: CD5-,CD10-, usually CD23-,<br />

CD19+,CD20+,sIg+<br />

1. Waldenström macroglobulinemia<br />

IgM monoclonal gammopathy of any<br />

concentration<br />

The IgM Disorders<br />

• Waldenström (WM):<br />

-IgM monoclonal gammopathy(any amt)<br />

-BM infiltration with lymphoplasmacytic<br />

cells<br />

• Smoldering WM:<br />

->3 g/dL monoclonal protein<br />

and/or<br />

->10% BM lymphoplasmacytic cells<br />

but also no evidence of symptoms or lab<br />

findings due to the disease<br />

The IgM Disorders<br />

• IgM MGUS:<br />

-IgM monoclonal protein

7/17/2012<br />

Diagnostic Approach for Suspected WM<br />

-SPEP with immunofixation<br />

-Quantitative immunoglobulins<br />

-24hr urine for electrophoresis<br />

-Beta-2 microglobulin and LDH (for prognostic scoring)<br />

-Bone marrow with cytogenetic analysis and FISH<br />

-CT imaging of chest/abdomen/pelvis (bone survey only if suspected myeloma)<br />

-Serum viscosity<br />

-Based on clinical presentation: consider cryoglobulins, cold agglutinins, other<br />

medical causes of anemia, tissue stains for amyloid, detailed fundoscopic exam,<br />

hepatitisB and C, anti-MAG and anti-GM1 antibodies<br />

Indications for treatment of WM<br />

Bone Marrow/Node Related<br />

1. Hgb

7/17/2012<br />

International prognostic scoring system<br />

for Waldenström<br />

Variables<br />

Age >65<br />

Hgb 7.0<br />

For pts. needing therapy<br />

Score Med surv 5-yr surv<br />

Low 0-1 142.5 mos. 87%<br />

except age<br />

Int 2 98.6 mos. 68%<br />

or age<br />

High >3 43.5 mos. 36 %<br />

nl LDH = 94 mos<br />

Inc LDH = 36 mos<br />

Morel P, et al. Blood 2009;113:4163<br />

Kastritis E, et al Leu Res 2010;doi:10;1016<br />

Making the decision to treat WM<br />

• There is NO one standard of care regimen.<br />

• Does the patient meet the criteria for<br />

symptomatic disease<br />

• <strong>How</strong> urgent is response needed<br />

- immediate<br />

- non-immediate<br />

• Are there any high-risk features<br />

• Is the patient a potential candidate for stem cell<br />

transplant<br />

<strong>Treat</strong>ment Options in WM<br />

Single Agents<br />

• Rituximab<br />

• Chlorambucil<br />

• Fludarabine<br />

• Cladribine<br />

• Bortezomib<br />

• Cyclophosphamide<br />

• Thalidomide<br />

• Bendamustine<br />

Combinations<br />

• Flu or Clad/Rituxan<br />

• FCR<br />

• R-CHOP<br />

• R-CVP<br />

• R-CD<br />

• Benda/Rituxan<br />

• Bortez/Rituxan/Dex<br />

• Stem cell Transplant<br />

And plasmapheresis<br />


7/17/2012<br />

The IgM Flare<br />

• A rapid rise in IgM level following rituximab (up to<br />

60% incidence)<br />

• May aggravate pre-existing hyperviscosity or<br />

precipitate new sxs of hyperviscosity<br />

• Also occurs with combination drug therapy, but<br />

less common with bortezomib<br />

• Use TPE (with albumin) prophylactically for IgM<br />

level >4000mg/dL or any symptomatic viscosity<br />

• Generally 1-3 TPE required to reduce IgM by 30-<br />

60%, but follow IgM levels. Follow with additional<br />

planned therapy within 1 week optimally.<br />

Bystander release of IL-6 by Monocytes may<br />

account for the Rituximab IgM flare.<br />

Rituximab<br />

IVIg<br />

FcγRIIA<br />

IgM (ng/ml)<br />

IL-6<br />

IL-6R<br />

Monocytes<br />

WM-LPC<br />

IgM<br />

Treon, SP. Used by permission<br />

Single-Agent <strong>Treat</strong>ment in WM<br />

Regimen No. Responses (%)<br />

>PR >MR CR<br />

CB 46-128 70-75 NR 2<br />

Cladribine 16-46 43-94 NR 2<br />

Fludarabine 28-183 30-36 NR 0-3<br />

Rituximab 17-69 32-48 55-69 0<br />

Bortezomib 10-27 48-60 59-85 0-4<br />

Thalidomide 20 25 25 0<br />

Rourke M, et al Leuk&Lymp, 2010;51:1779-92. (modified)<br />


7/17/2012<br />

Combination <strong>Treat</strong>ment in WM<br />

Regimen<br />

Responses (%)<br />

(No. pts 31-72) >PR >MR CR<br />

Flu/Ctx 55-78 NR 0<br />

Flu/R 82 95 5<br />

FCR 74 79 12<br />

Clad/Ctx 84 NR 5<br />

Mel/Ctx/Pred 77 NR NR<br />

Mel/Ctx/CB/Pred 74 NR 26<br />

Ctx/R/Dex 74 83 7<br />

R-CHOP 91 NR 9<br />

Rourke M, et al Leuk&Lymp, 2010;51:1779-92.(modified)<br />

Phase III Trials in WM<br />

Yr.<br />

pub<br />

Regimen No. Pop. Yrs to<br />

complete<br />

Kyle 1999 Daily vs intermit CB 46 Upfront 22<br />

Leblond 2001 Flu vs CAP 92 Rel/Ref 4<br />

Buske 2009 CHOP vs R-CHOP 48 Upfront 3<br />

Rummel 2009 R-CHOP vs BR 41 Upfront 6<br />

Owen NYR Flu vs CB 337 Upfront 8.5<br />

Rourke M, et al Leuk&Lymp, 2010;51:1779-92.(modified)<br />

Event Analysis in WM Trials<br />

• Numerous studies with small numbers of<br />

patients; absence of randomized trials<br />

• Patient populations not uniform: untreated, rel/ref,<br />

no. of prior lines of treatment; age gps; risk stratification<br />

• Lack of uniform response criteria or not given:<br />

PR vs MR vs VGPR vs nCR<br />

• Absence of consistent defined events: PFS, EFS, TTNT,<br />

DOR<br />

• Definitions of response not consistent: IgM vs M-<br />

spike; bone marrow; nodal response<br />


7/17/2012<br />

Phase III Study of Chlorambucil vs<br />

Fludarabine in Untreated WM<br />

• 414 patients: 337 WM (34 MZL, 43 LPL)<br />

• Chlorambucil 8mg/m2 x10d every 4 wks<br />

• Fludarabine 40mg/m2 x5d every 4 wks<br />

• Med age: 68; study required 8.5 years to complete<br />

WM CB FLU signif<br />

PFS 27mo 35 mo<br />

TTF 19 mo 38 mo<br />

5yr OS 65% 70% ns<br />

CR+PR* 40% 51% p=.06<br />

Owen, R. United Kingdom * CR = 3.6%<br />

Phase II Study of Fludarabine,<br />

Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab in Untreated<br />

and Prev <strong>Treat</strong>ed WM<br />

• 43 pts. (65% untreated); med age 65<br />

– Flu 25mg/m2 IV d 2-4<br />

– Cyclophos 250mg/m2 IV d 2-4<br />

– Rituximab 375mg/m2 IV d 1<br />

• ORR: 79%<br />

-12% CR - 21% VGPR<br />

- 42% PR - 4% MR<br />

• 87.6% med TTP at med of 24.8 mos.<br />

• Toxicity: a) 88% grade 3-4 neutropenia with<br />

44% lasting med of 7 months<br />

b) 3 deaths from infection<br />

c) 2 developed myelodysplastic syndrome<br />

Tedeschi A, et al. <strong>Cancer</strong> 2012:118:434<br />

Randomized Phase III Trial of CHOP vs R-<br />

CHOP in Previously <strong>Treat</strong>ed LPL/WM<br />

• 64 with LPL and 48 with WM<br />


ORR 60% 91%<br />

CR 4% 9%<br />

TTF 22 mos 64 mos<br />

OS* 33 mos 73 mos<br />

* maint. Interferon-alpha<br />

Buske C, et al. Leukemia 2009;23:153<br />


7/17/2012<br />

Phase III Randomized Trial of R-CHOP vs<br />

R-Bendamustine as Front-line <strong>Treat</strong>ment in<br />

Indolent Lymphoma<br />

• 513 Evaluable patients with FL, MZL,<br />

MALT, and WM (41)<br />

BR(22) R-CHOP(19)<br />

ORR 95% 95%<br />

PFS NR 35 mos*<br />

Dec IgM ~500 ~900<br />

Relapse 18%(4) 58%(11)<br />

Deaths 1 4<br />

Rummel, MJ Germany<br />

* p=0.0024<br />

Phase II Study of Bortezomib(Velcade) and<br />

Rituxan as Primary Therapy for WM<br />

• BZ 1.6mg/m2 IV d 1,8,15 for 28d cycles x6<br />

• Rituximab 375mg/m2 IV weekly cycles 1&4<br />

• 26 pts: CR- 1(4%) nCR-1(4%)<br />

88%<br />

PR- 15(58%) MR-6(23%)<br />

• Med DOR and TTP = NR (>12mos)<br />

• Toxicity: (grade 3 or 4) neutropenia(12%),<br />

anemia(8%), low platelets(8%). No significant<br />

peripheral neuropathy<br />

Ghobrial I, et al. AmJHem; 2010;85:670<br />

E1A10: <strong>Treat</strong>ment<br />

for Primary or<br />

Relapsed WM<br />


7/17/2012<br />

<strong>Treat</strong>ment Options in WM<br />

Investigational agents<br />

1. Rad-001<br />

mTOR inhibitors<br />

2. Temsirolimus<br />

3. Perifosine- AKT inhibitor<br />

4. Btk inhibitors<br />

5. Pomalidomide- immune modulator<br />

5. Panobinostat- HDAC inhibitors<br />

What about maintenance<br />

Retrospective review comparing maintenance rituximab vs observation in 248<br />

pts with rituximab-naïve WM who responded to a rituximab-containing regimen<br />

No. PFS<br />

Obs 162 28.6mos<br />

Ritux 86 56.3 mos<br />

P=0.0001<br />

Treon SP, et al. BritJHaem. 2011;154:257<br />


7/17/2012<br />

Is Transplantation a Reasonable Option<br />

Yes<br />

1. Avoid toxicities of repeated drug therapy<br />

2. Limited duration of response to salvage<br />

therapy<br />

3. Infrequent poor adverse cytogenetics-i.e., drug<br />

resistance mutations<br />

4. Low proliferative rate-i.e, less kinetically active<br />

5. Outcomes favorable- a deep and durable<br />

response to a single dose of myelosuppresive<br />

therapy<br />

Selected Largest Series of Autologous SCT in WM<br />

Source No. Med<br />

age<br />

Response<br />

>PR CR<br />

RFS<br />

EBMTR 158 49 85% 22% 40%<br />

5 yr<br />

Giralt 24 50 96% 38 <br />

OS<br />

69%<br />

5 yr<br />

France 17 54 100% 12% 53%<br />

10mo<br />

France 2 32 56 med<br />

32 mo<br />

UK 9 56 100% 34% 43%<br />

4 yr<br />

65%<br />

25+ mo<br />

58%<br />

5 yr<br />

73%<br />

4 yr<br />

Modified from Gertz MA, et al. Bone Marrow Transp 2011;doi.1038/bmt.2011.175<br />


7/17/2012<br />

<strong>How</strong> I <strong>Treat</strong> Waldenström<br />

Macroglobulinemia<br />

Waldenström Macroglobulinemia<br />

Leonard T. Heffner, Jr., M.D.<br />

<strong>Winship</strong> <strong>Cancer</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> of Emory University<br />


7/17/2012<br />

Demographics<br />

Age-adjusted incidence: 3.8/million persons/yr.<br />

Amyloidosis: 8/mil<br />

Myeloma: 40/mil<br />

Gender: Males: 5.4/mil<br />

Females: 2.7/mil<br />

Race: Caucasian- 4.1/mil<br />

African-American- 1.8/mil<br />

WHO 2008: The Mature B-cell<br />

Neoplasms<br />

• Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma<br />

a. Immunophenotype: CD5-,CD10-,<br />

CD19+,CD20+,sIg+<br />

b. Bone marrow infiltration by small<br />

lymphocytes, plasmacytoid cells, and plasma cells<br />

c. diffuse, interstitial or nodular pattern of bone<br />

marrow infiltration<br />

1. Waldenström macroglobulinemia<br />

IgM monoclonal gammopathy of<br />

any concentration<br />

Overall Survival<br />

per ISSWM<br />

Before 2000<br />

Overall Survival<br />

per ISSWM After<br />

2000<br />


7/17/2012<br />

<strong>Treat</strong>ment Options in WM<br />

Single Agents<br />

• Rituximab<br />

• Chlorambucil<br />

• Fludarabine<br />

• Cladribine<br />

• Bortezomib<br />

• Cyclophosphamide<br />

• Thalidomide<br />

• Bendamustine<br />

Combinations<br />

• Flu/Rituxan<br />

• FCR<br />

• R-CHOP<br />

• R-CVP<br />

• Benda/Rituxan<br />

• Bortez/Rituxan/Dex<br />

• Ctx/Dex/Rituxan<br />

• Stem cell Transplant<br />

Phase II Trial of Single Agent<br />

Panobinostat(LBH589) in Rel/Ref WM<br />

• 27 patients enrolled<br />

• 30mg flat dose PO 3x/wk; 1 cycle = 4wks<br />

• Med no. of cycles = 4 (1-12)<br />

• Response: 15(60%) 6 PR, 9 MR, 9 SD<br />

• Toxicity: Grade 3 or 4: anemia, neutropenia, low<br />

platelets, GI bleed, elevated blood sugar.<br />

Grade 2: low platelets, anemia, fatigue<br />

• Protocol amended to decrease starting dose to 25mg<br />

3x/wk<br />

Ghobrial, I. Boston<br />


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