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論文目錄(全)下載 - 中央研究院學術諮詢總會與學術事務組 - Academia ...

論文目錄(全)下載 - 中央研究院學術諮詢總會與學術事務組 - Academia ...


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中 央 研 究 院<br />

101 年 度 論 文 目 錄<br />

中 華 民 國 102 年 4 月

目 次<br />

數 理 科 學 組<br />

數 學 研 究 所 .................................................................................................................... 1<br />

物 理 研 究 所 .................................................................................................................... 7<br />

化 學 研 究 所 .................................................................................................................. 45<br />

地 球 科 學 研 究 所 .......................................................................................................... 65<br />

資 訊 科 學 研 究 所 .......................................................................................................... 83<br />

統 計 科 學 研 究 所 ........................................................................................................ 104<br />

原 子 與 分 子 科 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................ 115<br />

天 文 及 天 文 物 理 研 究 所 ............................................................................................ 138<br />

應 用 科 學 研 究 中 心 .................................................................................................... 174<br />

環 境 變 遷 研 究 中 心 .................................................................................................... 199<br />

資 訊 科 技 創 新 研 究 中 心 ............................................................................................ 217<br />

生 命 科 學 組<br />

植 物 暨 微 生 物 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................ 227<br />

細 胞 與 個 體 生 物 學 研 究 所 ........................................................................................ 234<br />

生 物 化 學 研 究 所 ........................................................................................................ 244<br />

生 物 醫 學 科 學 研 究 所 ................................................................................................ 260<br />

分 子 生 物 研 究 所 ........................................................................................................ 280<br />

農 業 生 物 科 技 研 究 中 心 ............................................................................................ 292<br />

基 因 體 研 究 中 心 ........................................................................................................ 311<br />

生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 ................................................................................................ 335<br />

人 文 社 會 科 學 組<br />

歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 ........................................................................................................ 342<br />

民 族 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 363<br />

近 代 史 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 376<br />

經 濟 研 究 所 ................................................................................................................ 392<br />

歐 美 研 究 所 ................................................................................................................ 400<br />

中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 ........................................................................................................ 413<br />

台 灣 史 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 427<br />

社 會 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 441<br />

語 言 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 455<br />

政 治 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 463<br />

法 律 學 研 究 所 ............................................................................................................ 477<br />

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 ............................................................................................ 490

數 理 科 學 組<br />


數 學 研 究 所<br />

翟 敬 立 (CHAI, CHING-LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ching-Li Chai, F. Oort, 2012, “Abelian varieties isogenous to a Jacobian”, ANNALS OF<br />

MATHEMATICS, 176, 589-635. (SCI) (IF: 2.93; SCI ranking: 1.4%)<br />

劉 太 平 (LIU, TAI-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tai-Ping Liu, Shih-Hsien Yu, 2012, “Dirichlet-Neumann kernel for hyperbolic-dissipative system in<br />

half-space”, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 7(4), 477-543.<br />

Tai-Ping Liu, I-Kun Chen, Shigeru Takata, 2012, accepted, “Boundary singularity for thermal<br />

transpiration problem of the linearized Boltzmann equation”, Archive for Rational Mechanics and<br />

Analysis.<br />

Tai-Ping Liu, Hung-Wen Kuo, Li-Cheng Tsai, 2012, accepted, “Free Molecular Flow with Boundary<br />

Effect”, Communications in Mathematical Physics.<br />

李 國 偉 (LIH, KO-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ko-Wei Lih, Daphne Der-Fen Liu, 2012, “On the strong chromatic index of cubic Halin graphs”,<br />

Applied Mathematics Letters, 25, 898-901. (SCI) (IF: 1.37; SCI ranking: 16.4%)<br />

Ko-Wei Lih, Hsin-Hao Lai, Ping-Ying Tsai, 2012, “The strong chromatic index of Halin graphs”,<br />

Discrete Mathematics, 312, 1536-1541. (SCI) (IF: 0.52; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />

Ko-Wei Lih, 2012, “Interpreting the squares of order nine in Choe Sok-chong’s Kusuryak”, Studies in<br />

the History of Natural Sciences, 31 (1), 52-63.<br />

黃 啟 瑞 (HWANG, CHII-RUEY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chii-Ruey Hwang, 2012, “Discovering stock dynamics through its multidimensional volatility-phases”,<br />

Quantitative Finance, 12 (2), 213-230. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 0.92; SCI ranking: 62.6%; SSCI ranking:<br />

40.2%)<br />


Chii-Ruey Hwang, Ting-Li Chen, Wei-Kuo Chen, Hui-Ming Pai, 2012, “On the Optimal Transition<br />

Matrix for MCMC Sampling”, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 50 (5), 2743-2762.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.52; SCI ranking: 31.5%)<br />

周 雲 雄 (CHOW, YUN-SHYONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yunshyong Chow, Sophia Jang, 2012, “Cannibalism in discrete-time predator-prey systems”, J.<br />

Biological Dynamics, 6, 38-62.<br />

Yunshyong Chow, Chen H.-C., Wu L.-C., 2012, “Imitation, Local Interaction, and Efficiency:<br />

Reappraisal”, Economics Bulletin, 32 (1), 675-684.<br />

鄭 日 新 (CHENG, JIH-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jih-Hsin Cheng, Jenn-Fang Hwang, Andrea Malchiodi, Paul Yang, 2012, “A Codazzi-like equation and<br />

the singular set for<br />

smooth surfaces in the Heisenberg group”, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE<br />

UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, 671, 131-198. (SCI) (IF: 1.04; SCI ranking: 12.8%)<br />

葉 永 南 (YEH, YEONG-NAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yeong-Nan Yeh, Po-Yi Huang, Jun Ma, 2012, accepted, “Non-decreasing k-flaw Preference Sets”,<br />

Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics.<br />

Yeong-Nan Yeh, Jun Ma, 2012, “Combinatorial interpretations for T_G(1,-1)”, JOURNAL OF GRAPH<br />

THEORY, 69, 341-348. (SCI) (IF: 0.52; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />

Yeong-Nan Yeh, Weigen Yan, Fuzi Zhang, 2012, “The asymptotic behavior of some indices of iterated<br />

line graphs of regular graphs”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160, 1232-1239. (SCI) (IF: 0.8; SCI<br />

ranking: 43.7%)<br />

Yeong-Nan Yeh, X. Lin, S. J. Xu, 2012, accepted, “Hosoya Polynomials of Circumcoronene Series”,<br />

MATCH communications in mathematical and in computer chemistry, 69, 755-763. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.16; SCI ranking: 31.4%, 20.9%, 8.8%)<br />


李 志 豪 (LEE, JYH-HAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jyh-Hao Lee, Oktay K. Pashaev*, 2012, “Chiral resonant solitons in Chern-Simons theory and Broer-<br />

Kaup type new hydrodynamic systems”, CHAOS SOLITONS and FRACTALS, 45 (8), 1041-1047.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.22; SCI ranking: 40%, 43.8%, 37.4%)<br />

周 文 賢 (CHOU, WUN-SENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wun-Seng Chou, J. Gomez-Calderon, G. L. Mullen, D. Panario, D. Thomson, 2012, accepted,<br />

“Subfield value sets over finite fields”, Functiones et Approximatio.<br />

Wun-Seng Chou and Tian-Xiao He, 2012, accepted, “On the construction of number sequence<br />

identities”, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics.<br />

許 健 明 (HUI, KIN-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kin Ming Hui, Sunghoon Kim, 2012, to appear, “Large time behaviour of higher dimensional<br />

logarithmic diffusion equation”, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section: A<br />

Mathematics.<br />

Kin Ming Hui, 2012, “Collapsing behaviour of a singular diffusion equation”, DISCRETE AND<br />

CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, 32 (6), 2165-2185. (SCI) (IF: 0.91; SCI ranking: 17.4%,<br />

36.2%)<br />

Kin Ming Hui, Sunghoon Kim, 2012, “Extinction profile of the logarithmic diffusion equation”, 26<br />

pages, http://arxiv.org/abs/1012.1915v4.<br />

Kin Ming Hui, Sunghoon Kim, 2012, “Decay rate and radial symmetry of the exponential elliptic<br />

equation”, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1209.0544v1.pdf.<br />

黃 振 芳 (HWANG, JENN-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jenn Fang Hwang, Jih-Hsin Cheng, Andrea Malchiodi, Paul Yang, 2012, “A Codazzi-like equation and<br />

the singular set for<br />

smooth surfaces in the Heisenberg group”, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE<br />

UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, 671, 131-198. (SCI) (IF: 1.04; SCI ranking: 12.8%)<br />


黃 一 樵 (HUANG, I-CHIAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I-Chiau Huang, 2012, “Two approaches to Mobius Inversion”, BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN<br />

MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 85, 68-78. (SCI) (IF: 0.55; SCI ranking: 52.7%)<br />

I-Chiau Huang, Shou-Te Chang, 2012, “Continuous Homomorphisms and Rings of Injective<br />

Dimension One”, MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA, 110, 181-197. (SCI) (IF: 0.47; SCI ranking:<br />

63%)<br />

I-Chiau Huang, 2012, “Algebraic Structures of Euler Numbers”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE<br />

AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 140 (9), 2945-2952. (IF: 0.61; SCI ranking: 44.1%)<br />

王 姿 月 (WANG, TZU-YUEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang, Min Ru, 2012, “An effective Schmidt’s subspace theorem for projective varieties<br />

over function fields”, INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES, 3, 651-684.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.01; SCI ranking: 13.9%)<br />

Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang, 2012, “Hensley’s problem for function fields”, International Journal of Number<br />

Theory, 8(2), 507-524. (SCI) (IF: 0.34; SCI ranking: 82.6%)<br />

程 舜 仁 (CHENG, SHUN-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shun-Jen Cheng, N. Lam, W. Wang, 2012, “Super Duality for General Linear Lie Superalgebras and<br />

Applications”, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 86, American Mathematical Society,<br />

113-136.<br />

Shun-Jen Cheng and W. Wang, 2012, “Dualities and Representations of Lie Superalgebras”, Graduate<br />

Studies in Mathematics 144, American Mathematical Society, 302 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8218-9118-6.<br />

余 家 富 (YU, CHIA-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, 2012, “On Hermitian forms over dyadic non-maximal local orders”, PURE AND<br />

APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUARTERLY, 8 (4), 1117-1146. (SCI) (IF: 0.32; SCI ranking: 90.6%)<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, 2012, C.-F. Yu, “Embeddings of fields into simple algebras: generalizations and<br />

applications”, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, 368, 1-20. (SCI) (IF: 0.61; SCI ranking: 44.1%)<br />


Chia-Fu Yu, F.-T. Wei, 2012, “Mass formula of division algebras over function fields”, JOURNAL OF<br />

NUMBER THEORY, 132, 1170-1185. (SCI) (IF: 0.56; SCI ranking: 49.8%)<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, 2012, “Superspecial abelian varieties over prime finite fields”, JOURNAL OF PURE AND<br />

APPLIED ALGEBRA, 216, 1418-1427. (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI ranking: 48% 67.1%)<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, U. Goertz, “The supersingular locus in Siegel modular varieties with Iwahori level<br />

structure”, MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN, 353, 465-498. (SCI) (IF: 1.3; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, 2012, accepted, “Endomorphism algebras of QM abelian surfaces”, arXiv:1210.1125, 14<br />

pp. JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA, 217(2013), 907-914. (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI<br />

ranking: 48%)<br />

Chia-Fu Yu, 2012, accepted, “Characteristic polynomials of central simple algebras”, arXiv:1109.3851,<br />

7 pp. To appear in Taiwanese J. Math. (2012).<br />

林 正 洪 (LAM, CHING-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ching Hung Lam, R. L. Griess, Jr., 2012, “Diagonal lattices and rootless<br />

pairs”, JOURNAL OF<br />

PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA, 216 (1), 154-169 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI ranking: 48%,<br />

67.1%)<br />

Ching Hung Lam, Masaaki Harada, Akihiro Munemasa, 2012, in press, “Residue codes of extremal<br />

Type II<br />

-codes and the moonshine vertex operator algebra”, MATHEMATISCHE<br />

ZEITSCHRIFT. (SCI) (IF: 0.75; SCI ranking: 27.4%)<br />

Ching Hung Lam, Robert L. Griess Jr., 2012, “A new existence proof of the Monster by VOA theory”,<br />

Michigan Mathematical Journal 61 (2012), 555–573. (SCI) (IF: 0.95; SCI ranking: 15.3%)<br />

Ching Hung Lam, G. Hoehn, H. Yamauchi, 2012, “McKay’s<br />

observation on the largest Fischer<br />

group”, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 310, 329-365. (SCI) (IF: 1.94; SCI<br />

ranking: 16.7%)<br />

Ching Hung Lam, Gerald Hoehn, Hiroshi Yamauchi, 2012, “McKay’s<br />

observations on the Baby<br />


1.01; SCI ranking: 13.9%)<br />

Ching Hung Lam, H. Shimakura, 2012, “Quadratic spaces and holomorphic framed vertex operator<br />

algebras of central charge 24”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,<br />

104 (3), 540-576. (SCI) (IF: 1.32; SCI ranking: 5.7%)<br />


謝 仲 (HSIEH, JUNE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

June Hsieh, Y. Chow, 2012, in press, “On multidimensional discrete-time Beverton-Holt competition<br />


ranking: 43.7%)<br />

吳 德 琪 (WU, DER-CHYI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wu, Derchyi, 2012, “A twisted integrable hierarchy with<br />

symmetry”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 53, 103708-103730. (SCI) (IF: 1.29; SCI ranking: 39.6%)<br />

陳 怡 全 (CHEN, YI-CHIUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

L-C Yeh, Yi-Chiuan Chen, I-G Jiang, 2012, “Chaotic orbits in a planar 3-centre problem of slightly<br />

negative energy”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22, 123004001-123004016.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.76; SCI ranking: 38.9%, 58.2%)<br />


物 理 研 究 所<br />

鄭 文 源 (CHAN, WEN-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

W.Y. Chan, H. S. Huang, W. B. Su*, W. H. Lin, H.-T. Jeng, M. K. Wu, and C. S. Chang, 2012,<br />

“Field-Induced Expansion Deformation in Pb Islands on Cu (111): Evidence from Energy Shift<br />

of Empty Quantum-Well States.” Physical Review Letters, 108,146102. (SCI).<br />

張 淵 智 (CHANG, YUAN-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yann-Wen Lan, Wen-Hao Chang, Shui-Jin Lai, Yuan-Chih Chang, Cen-Shawn Wu, Chieh-Hsiung<br />

Kuan, Chia-Seng Chang, Chii-Dong Chen*, 2012, “Effects of oxygen bonding on defective<br />

semiconducting and metallic single-walled carbon nanotube bundles”, CARBON, 50, 4619-4627.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />

Yen-Song Chen, Yuan-Chih Chang, Shau-Chieh Wang, Li-Ying Chen, Der-Hsien Lien, Lih-Juann<br />

Chen, and Chia-Seng Chang*, 2012, “Critical Capillary Absorption of Current-Melted Silver<br />

Nanodroplets into Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, SMALL, 8, 2158-2162. (SCI) (IF: 8.35; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.6%)<br />

章 文 箴 (CHANG, WEN-CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

A. Adare et al. PHENIX Collaboration, 2012, “Cross sections and double-helicity asymmetries of<br />

midrapidity inclusive charged hadrons in p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=62.4 GeV”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW D, 86, 092006. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

A. Adare et al. PHENIX Collaboration, 2012, “Direct photon production in p+p collisions at<br />

sqrt(s)=200 GeV at midrapidity.”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86, 072008. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI<br />

ranking: 27.3%)<br />

A. Adare et al. PHENIX Collaboration, 2012, “Ground and excited state charmonium production in<br />

p+p collisions at sqrt(s)=200 GeV”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85, 092004. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI<br />

ranking: 27.3%)<br />

K.F. Liu, W.C. Chang, H.Y. Cheng, and J.C. Peng, 2012, “Connected-Sea Partons”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW LETTERS, 109, 252002. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

S. H. Hwang et al. LEPS Collaboration, 2012, “Spin-Density Matrix Elements for γp→K*0Σ+ at<br />

Eγ=1.85–3.0 GeV with Evidence for the κ(800) Meson Exchange”, PHYSICAL REVIEW<br />

LETTERS, 108, 092001. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />


張 嘉 升 (CHANG, JASON CHIA-SENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsien-Shun Liao, Bo-Jing Juang, Kuang-Yuh Huang, En-Te Hwu, and Chia-Seng Chang, accepted,<br />

“Fast Spring Constant Calibration of Micro-Cantilever Using Astigmatic Detection System”,<br />

JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 59.6%)<br />

Chen, Chih-Yen; Cheng, Kai-Yuan; Chu, Yen-Chang; Chen, Lih Juann; Fang, Weileun; Chang, Chia-<br />

Seng; Chou, Li-Jen, accepted, “Liquid-Solid Process for Growing Au Nanowires on an Indium<br />

Tin Oxide Substrate as Excellent Field Emitters”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY.<br />

Lan, Y-W., Chang, W-H., Lai, S-J., Chang, Y-C., Wu, C-S., Kuan, C-H., Chang, C-S., Chen, C-D.,<br />

2012, “Effects of oxygen bonding on defective semiconducting and metallic single-walled carbon<br />

nanotube bundles”, Carbon, DOI:10.1016/j.carbon.2012.05.048. (SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking:<br />

7.9%,15.2%)<br />

Shin-Ming Lu, Wen-Yuan Chan, Hsing-Yi Chou, Ya-Ping Chiu, Wei-Bin Su, Pei-Hong Chu, Chi-Lun<br />

Jiang, Chia-Seng Chang, Hsi-Lien Hsiao, and Tien Tzou Tsong,, 2012, “Scanning Tunneling<br />

Spectroscopy Observation of Electronic Resonances Originating from 1x1 Potential on the Dense<br />

Pb Overlayer on Si(111)”, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, 015702. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 59.6%)<br />

W.Y. Chan, H. S. Huang, W. B. Su, W. H. Lin, H.-T. Jeng, M. K. Wu, and C. S. Chang, 2012, “Field-<br />

Induced Expansion Deformation in Pb Islands on Cu(111): Evidence from Energy Shift of Empty<br />

Quantum-Well States”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 108, 146102. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Yen-Song Chen, Yuan-Chih Chang, Shau-Chieh Wang, Li-Ying Chen, Der-Hsien Lien, Lih-Juann<br />

Chen, and Chia-Seng Chang,, 2012, “Critical Capillary Absorption of Current-melting Silver<br />

Nanodroplets into Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes”, Small, DOI: 10.1002/smll.201200393.. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 8.35; SCI ranking: 4.6%)<br />

趙 偉 祥 (CHAO, WEI-HSIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li Zhao, Tian-Wey Lan, Kuen-Jen Wang, Chia-Hua Chien, Tsu-Lien Hung, Jiu-Yong Luo, Wei-<br />

Hsiang Chao, Chung-Chieh Chang, Yang-Yuan Chen, and Maw-Kuen Wu, “Multiferroicity in<br />

geometrically frustrated α-MCr 2 O 4 systems (M = Ca, Sr, Ba)”, Physical Review B 86, 064408<br />

(2012). (SCI; EI; IF: 3.691)<br />

Li Zhao, Kuo-Wei Yeh, Sistla Muralidhara Rao, Tzu-Wen Huang, Phillip Wu, Wei-Hsiang Chao,<br />

Chung-Ting Ke, Cheng-En Wu and Maw-Kuen Wu, “Anisotropic dielectric and ferroelectric<br />

response of multiferroic LiCu 2 O 2 in magnetic field”, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 37004<br />

(2012). (SCI; IF: 2.171)<br />


陳 正 龍 (CHEN, CHENG-LUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C. -L. Chen, L. -R. Kuo, S. -Y. Lee, Y. -K. Hwu, S. -W. Chou, C. -C. Chen, F. -H. Chang, K. -H. Lin,<br />

D. –H. Tsai, Y.-Y. Chen*; “Photothermal cancer therapy via femtosecond-laser-excited FePt<br />

nanoparticles”; Biomaterials, 34, 1128-1134 (2013)<br />

陳 彥 竹 (CHEN, YEN-CHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Search for the Higgs boson in the all-hadronic final state using the full CDF data set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, accepted by Journal of High Energy Physics, Dec. 19,<br />

2012. arXiv:1208.6445.<br />

Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and its dependence on<br />

event kinematic properties T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10907, submitted to<br />

Phys. Rev. D November 5, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-591-E. arXiv:1211.1003.<br />

Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks using the<br />

full CDF data set T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 181802<br />

(2012). arXiv:1208.2662.<br />

Search for neutral Higgs bosons in events with multiple bottom quarks at the Tevatron<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration & Dzero, Phys. Rev. D86, 091101(R) (2012).<br />

arXiv:1207.2757.<br />

Novel inclusive search for the Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D86, 099902(E) (2012). arXiv: 1207.5016.<br />

Combination of the top-quark mass measurements from the Tevatron collider<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration & Dzero, Phys. Rev. D86, 092003 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1069.<br />

Measurements of the Top-Quark Mass and the tt̅ Cross Section in the Hadronic τ+jets Decay<br />

Channel at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109,<br />

192001 (2012). arXiv: 1208.5720.<br />

Measurement of the Mass Difference Between Top and Anti-top Quarks T. Aaltonen et al, The<br />

CDF Collaboration, #10896, submitted to Phys. Rev. D-RC October 28, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-<br />

577-E. arXiv:1210.6131.<br />

Search for a heavy vector boson decaying to two gluons in p_p collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. D October 21, 2012.<br />

Fermilab-Pub-12-593-E. arXiv:1210.5686.<br />

Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 171802 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1208.2967.<br />


Measurement of the B−c meson lifetime in the decay B−c ! J/ _− T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF<br />

Collaboration, #10868, submitted to Phys. Rev. D-RC October 8, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-565-E.<br />

arXiv#1210.2366.<br />

Precision Top-Quark Mass Measurement at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys.<br />

Rev. Lett. 109, 152003 (2012). arXiv: 1207.6758.<br />

Combined Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair Using the Full<br />

CDF Data Set T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111802 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1207.1707.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with No Charged<br />

Leptons and Large Missing Transverse Energy using the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111805 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1711.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with One<br />

Charged Lepton and Large Missing Transverse Energy Using the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111804 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1703.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with Two<br />

Oppositely Charged Leptons Using the Full CDF Data Set T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111803 (2012). arXiv: 1207.1704.<br />

Measurement of the Difference in CP-Violating Asymmetries in D0→K+K- and D0→π+π-<br />

Decays at CDF T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111801 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1207.2158.<br />

Transverse momentum cross section of e+e- pairs in the Z-boson region from pp̅ collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D86, 052010 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.7138.<br />

Observation of the Production of a W Boson in Association with a Single Charm Quark<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10821, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. September 10,<br />

2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-514-E. arXiv:1209.1921.<br />

Evidence for a Particle Produced in Association with Weak Bosons and Decaying to a Bottom-<br />

Antibottom Quark Pair in Higgs Boson Searches at the Tevatron T. Aaltonen et al., The<br />

CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 071804 (2012). arXiv: 1207.6436.<br />

Measurement of CP-violation asymmetries in D0→KS0π+π- T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 032007 (2012). arXiv: 1207.0825.<br />

Diffractive dijet production in p̅ p collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 032009 (2012). arXiv: 1206.3955.<br />

Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W± boson with<br />

7.5 fb-1 integrated luminosity at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., the CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D<br />

86, 032011 (2012). arXiv: 1206.5063.<br />


Measurement of the WZ Cross Section and Triple Gauge Couplings in pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.96<br />

TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 031104(2012).<br />

arXiv:1202.6629.<br />

Search for a Higgs boson in the 1 diphoton final state using the full CDF data set from pp̅<br />

collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10890, submitted to<br />

Phys. Lett. B July 26, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-413-PPD. arXiv:1207.6386.<br />

Measurement of the top quark mass in the all-hadronic mode at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 714 (2012). arXiv:1112.4891.<br />

Production of Λ0, Λ̅ 0, Ξ±, and Ω± hyperons in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 012002 (2012). arXiv: 1101.2996.<br />

Search for Dark Matter in Events with One Jet and Missing Transverse Energy in pp̅<br />

Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,<br />

211804 (2012). arXiv: 1203.0742.<br />

Search for a Heavy Particle Decaying to a Top Quark and a Light Quark in pp̅ Collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 211805 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1203.3894.<br />

Search for a Dark Matter Candidate Produced in Association with a Single Top Quark in pp̅<br />

Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,<br />

201802 (2012). arXiv: 1202.5653.<br />

Search for anomalous production of multiple leptons in association with W and Z bosons at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev D 85, 092001 (2012). arXiv: 1202.1260.<br />

Search for a Low-Mass Standard Model Higgs Boson in the ττ Decay Channel in pp̅ Collisions<br />

at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 181804<br />

(2012). arXiv: 1201.4880.<br />

W boson polarization measurement in t anti-t dilepton channel using CDF II detector<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. May 2012. Fermilab-<br />

Pub-12-114-E. arXiv: 1205.0354<br />

Evidence for the charmless annihilation decay mode B0s→ π+π− T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 211803 (2012). arXiv: 1111.0485.<br />

Study of substructure of high transverse momentum jets produced in proton-antiproton<br />

collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85,<br />

091101(R) (2012). arXiv: 1106.5952.<br />

Measurement of the masses and widths of the bottom baryons Σb± and Σb*±<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 092011 (2012). arXiv: 1112.2808.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Z boson in pp̅<br />

Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev.<br />

Lett. April 26, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-081-E. arXiv: 1203.5815.<br />


Precise Measurement of the W-Boson Mass with the CDF II Detector T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 151803 (2012). arXiv: 1203.0275.<br />

Measurements of the Angular Distributions of Muons from Υ Decays in pp̅ Collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 151802 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1112.1591.<br />

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with a W boson using a matrix<br />

element technique at CDF in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 072001 (2012). arXiv:1112.4358.<br />

Measurement of CP Violating Phase beta_s in B0s --&gt; J/Psi Phi Decays with the CDF II<br />

detector T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 85.072002 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1112.1726.<br />

Search for Scalar Top Quark Production in p¯p Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The<br />

CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. March 20, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-075-E.<br />

arXiv: 1203.4171.<br />

Measurement of ZZ production in leptonic final states at {\surd}s of 1.96 TeV at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 101801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1112.2978.<br />

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with a W boson at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 052002 (2012). arXiv:1112.1930.<br />

Measurement of B(s)0→Ds(*)+Ds(*)- Branching Ratios T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration,<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 201801 (2012). arXiv: 1204.0536.<br />

Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions BR(Lb-->Lc3pi+)/BR(Lb-->Lc1pi+)<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.032003 (2012). arXiv:1112.3334.<br />

Observation of Exclusive Photon Pair Production in p anti-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 081801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1112.0858.<br />

Measurements of the Angular Distributions in the Decays B --> K(*) mu+ mu- at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 081807 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1108.0695.<br />

Search for Higgs Bosons Produced in Association with b-Quarks T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 032005 (2012). arXiv: 1106.4782.<br />

Search for the rare radiative decay W→πγ in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.032001 (2012). arXiv: 1104.1585.<br />

Search for new phenomena in events with two Z bosons and missing transverse momentum in<br />

pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev.<br />

D85.011104 (2012). arXiv:1112.1577.<br />

Measurement of CP-violating asymmetries in D0→π+π- and D0→K+K- decays at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012009 (2012). arXiv:1111.5023.<br />


Search for heavy metastable particles decaying to jet pairs in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012007 (2012). arXiv: 1109.3136.<br />

Search for a Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Final State in pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108.011801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1109.4427.<br />

Search for high-mass resonances decaying into ZZ in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012008 (2012). arXiv:1111.3432.<br />

Search for WZ+ZZ production with missing transverse energy+jets with b enhancement at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012002 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1108.2060.<br />

陳 彥 龍 (CHEN, YENG-LONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I. Stachiv, A. I. Fedorchenko, and Y.-L. Chen*, 2012, “Mass detection by means of the vibrating<br />

nanomechanical resonators”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 093110. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI<br />

ranking: 11%)<br />

Po-keng Lin, Chih-Chen Hsieh, Yeng-Long Chen*, Chia-Fu Chou*, 2012, “ The Effects of Topology<br />

and Ionic Strength on Double-Stranded DNA Confined in Nanoslits”, MACROMOLECULES,<br />

45 , 2920. (SCI) (IF: 5.17; SCI ranking: 6.8%)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, 2012, “Single Molecule Tug- of-<br />

War of DNA at Micro-Nanofluidic Interfaces”, NANO LETTERS, 12, 1597. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI<br />

ranking: 2.8%)<br />

陳 洋 元 (CHEN, YANG-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li. Zhao, Tsu-Lien Hung, Ching-Chien Li, Yang-Yuan Chen and Maw-Kuen Wu*, 2012, “CuBr 2 -A<br />

New Multiferroic Material with High Critical Temperature”, ADVANCED MATERIALS,<br />

24,2469-2473. (SCI) (IF: 13.88; SCI ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

Cheng-Lung Chen , Ling-Ru Kuo , Shin-Yu Lee, Yeu-Kuang Hwu , Shang-Wei Chou a, Chia-Chun<br />

Chen, Fu-Hsiung Chang , Kung-Hsuan Lin , Dzung-Han Tsai , Yang-Yuan Chen * , 2012,<br />

“Photothermal cancer therapy via femtosecond-laser-excited FePt nanoparticles”,<br />

BIOMATERIALS, 34,1128-1134. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 4%,3%)<br />

Tian-Wey Lan, Yu-Chu Chen, Shin-Guang Shyu* and Yang-Yuan Chen*, 2012, “ZT enhancement in<br />

Bi 2 Te 3 -coated Bi composite”, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 41,2326-2330. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.47; SCI ranking: 44%,39.5%,34.4%)<br />


W. S. Khan, R. Asmatulu, Y. H. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, and J. C. Ho, 2012, “Electrospun<br />

Polyvinylpyrrolidone-Based Nanocomposite Fibers Containing (Ni0.6Zn0.4)Fe 2 O 4 ,”, Journal of<br />

Nanotechnology, 2012,138438.<br />

Li. Zhao, Tian-Wey Lan, K. J. Wang, C. H. Chien, T.L. Huang, J. Y. Luo, W. H. Chao, C.C. Chang,<br />

Y.Y. Chen, M. K. Wu*, and C. Martin, 2012, “Multiferroicity in geometrically frustrated α-<br />

MCr 2 O 4 systems (M = Ca, Sr, Ba)”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86, 064408. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI<br />

ranking: 19%)<br />

J. W. Wang, I. A. Chen, T. L. Hung, Y. B. You, and H. C. Ku* Y. Y. Hsu, J. C. Ho, Y. Y. Chen, 2012,<br />

“Superconductivity and structural variation of the electron-correlated layer systems”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW B, 85,024538. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

Cheng-Lung Chen* and Yang-Yuan Chen**, 2012, “Cancer Cell Photothermolysis and Gold Nanorod<br />

Surface Plasmons”, editor(s): Rajaventhan Srirajaskanthan, Victor R. Preedy, Nanomedicine and<br />

Cancer, pp. 46-62, PO Box 699, Enfield,NH 03748,USA: Science Publisher.<br />

陳 啟 東 (CHEN, CHII-DONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K.Aravind, Y.W.Su, D.S.Chung, Watson Kuo, C.S.Wu, K.S.Chang-Liao, K.H.Chen,<br />

L.C.Chen, C.D.Chen*, 2012, “Magnetic-Field and Temperature Dependence of the Energy Gap<br />

in InN Nanobelt”, AIP advance, 2, 012155.<br />

Sheng-Shiuan Yeh, Kuan-Wen Chen, Tao-Hsiang Chung, Dai-Yang Wu, Ming-Chou Lin, Jyh-Yang<br />

Wang, I-Lin Ho, Cen-Shawn Wu, Watson Kuo, and ChiiDong Chen, 2012, “A method for<br />

determining the specific capacitance value of mesoscopic Josephson junctions”, APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 232602. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Horng-Shyang Chen, Jyh-Yang Wang, Sheng-Shiuan Yeh, Chii-Dong Chen* and Hung-Yi Lin*,<br />

2012, “Modulation of Surface Plasmon Wave by Photo-Induced Refractive Index Changes of<br />

CdSe Quantum Dots”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 011102. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI<br />

ranking: 11%)<br />

K. S. Chang, C. J. Sun, P. L. Chiang, A. C. Chou, M. C. Lin, C. Liang, H. H. Hung, Y. H. Yeh, C. D.<br />

Chen, C. Y. Pan*, and Y. T. Chen*, 2012, “Monitoring extracellular K+ flux with a valinomycincoated<br />

silicon nanowire field-effect transistor”, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 31, 137–<br />

143. (SCI) (IF: 5.6; SCI ranking: 4.2%,7.2%,6%,12.1%,15.6%)<br />

Yann-Wen Lan, Wen-Hao Chang, Shui-Jin Lai, Yuan-Chih Chang, Cen-Shawn Wu, Chieh-Hsiung<br />

Kuan, Chia-Seng Chang, Chii-Dong Chen, 2012, “Effects of oxygen bonding on defective<br />

semiconducting and metallic single-walled carbon nanotube bundles”, CARBON, 50, 4619-4727.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />


Yann-Wen Lan, K-Aravind, Shian-Chan Wu, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Kuei-Shu Chang-Liao, Chii-Dong<br />

Chen*, 2012, “Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Probed by Kondo<br />

Resonance”, CARBON, 50(10), 3748–3752. (SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />

I. L. Ho, D. S. Chung, M. T. Lee, C. S. Wu, Y. C. Chang and Chii-Dong Chen*, 2012, “Shot noise of<br />

multichannel transport in mesoscopic junction systems”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS,<br />

111, 064501. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

K. Aravind, M.C. Lin, I.L. Ho, C.S.Wu, Watson Kuo, C.H. Kuan, K.S. Chang-Liao, C.D. Chen*,<br />

2012, “Magnetic Field Enhanced Resonant Tunneling in a Silicon nanowire Single-Electron-<br />

Transistor”, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12, 2509-2512. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.56; SCI ranking: 43.6%,51.1%,39.4%,44.8%,35.8%)<br />

Linh-Nam Nguyen, Ming-Chou Lin, Horng-Shyang Chen, Yann-Wen Lan, Cen-Shawn Wu, Kuei-Shu<br />

Chang-Liao and Chii-Dong Chen, 2012, “Photo-response of a nanopore device with a single<br />

embedded ZnO nanoparticle”, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 23, 165201. (SCI) (IF: 3.98; SCI ranking:<br />

10.1%)<br />

陳 啟 亮 (CHEN, CHI-LIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C. L. Chen, C. J. Lin, C. L. Dong, L. C. Kao, Y. H. Liou, submitted, “Nanotube arrays photoelectrode<br />

for the enhancement photoelectrochemical performance”, International Journal of Hydrogen<br />

Energy. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 21.9%,20.8%,14.3%)<br />

C. R. Lin, W. H. Liao, D. H. Wei, Y. R. Shen, C. L. Chen, C. L. Dong, W. C. Fang, accepted,<br />

“Fabrication of highly transparent ultrananocrystalline diamond films from focused microwave<br />

plasma jets”, Surface & Coatings Technology. (SCI) (IF: 1.87; SCI ranking: 25%)<br />

Chi Liang Chen and Chung Li Dong, accepted, “X-ray spectroscopy studies of the iron<br />

chalcogenides”, editor(s): Alexander Gabovich, Superconductors, pp. ISBN 979-953-307-798-6.<br />

C. J. Lin, Y. H. Liou, Y. Zhang, C. L. Chen, C. L. Dong, S. Y. Chen, Galen D. Stucky, 2012,<br />

“Mesoporous Fe-doped TiO 2 sub-microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity under<br />

visible light illumination”, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 127, 175-181. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.63; SCI ranking: 14.3%,5.4%,4.5%)<br />

J. L. Chen, Y. S. Liu, Chia-Jyi Liu, N. V. Nong, Y. C. Kao, C. C. Chen, W. C. Wang, S. S. Chen, C. L.<br />

Chen, C. L. Dong, and C. L. Chang, 2012, “X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies of<br />

Ca2.9Ln0.1Co4O9+ (Ln = Ca, Dy, Ho, Er and Lu)”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 529,<br />

8. (SCI) (IF: 2.29; SCI ranking: 45.7%,18.4%,5.5%)<br />

S.-Y. Chen, C. H. Tsai, M. Z. Huang, D. C. Yan, T. W. Huang, A. Gloter, C. L. Chen, H. J. Lin, C. T.<br />

Chen, and C. L. Dong, 2012, “Concentration Dependence of Oxygen Vacancy on the Magnetism<br />

of CeO 2 Nanoparticles”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(15), 8707. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI<br />

ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />


鄭 海 揚 (CHENG, HAI-YANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K.F. Liu, W.C. Chang, H.Y. Cheng, J.C. Peng, accepted, “Connected sea partons”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW LETTERS. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

H.Y. Cheng and C.W. Chiang, 2012, “Revisiting Scalar and Pseudoscalar Couplings with Nucleons”,<br />

JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 07, 009. (SCI) (IF: 5.83; SCI ranking: 13.6%)<br />

H. Y. Cheng and C.W. Chiang, 2012, “Direct CP Violation in Two-body Hadronic Charmed Meson”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85, 034036. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

H.Y. Cheng and C.W. Chiang, 2012, “SU(3) symmetry breaking and CP violation in<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86, 014014. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

decays”,<br />

H. Y. Cheng, 2012, “Revisiting Axial-Vector Meson Mixing”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, B707, 116.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Y. H. Ahn, H.Y. Cheng, S. Oh, 2012, “Recent neutrino data and a realistic tribimaximal-like neutrino<br />

mixing matrix”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 715, 203. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

C. Kao, H.Y. Cheng, W.S. Hou, J. Sayre, 2012, “Top decays with flavor changing neutral Higgs<br />

interactions at the LHC”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 716, 225. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

周 家 復 (CHOU, CHIA-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

V. Chaurey, F. Block, Y.H. Su, P.C. Chiang, E. Botchwey, C.F. Chou, N.S. Swami*, accepted,<br />

“Sensitivity of fibroblast cell directionality to surface charge uniformities on aligned electrospun<br />

nanofibers”, Acta Biomaterialia. (SCI) (IF: 4.87; SCI ranking: 4.5%,8%)<br />

V. Chaurey, C. Polanco, C.F. Chou*, N.S. Swami*, 2012, “Floating-electrode enhanced constriction<br />

dielectrophoresis for biomolecular trapping in media of high-conductivity”, Biomicrofluidics, 6,<br />

012806. (SCI) (IF: 3.37; SCI ranking: 11.1%,24.4%,37.9%)<br />

V. Chaurey, K.T. Liao, C. Polanco, C.F. Chou*, N.S. Swami*, 2012, “Nano-constriction device for<br />

rapid protein pre-concentration through balance of electrokinetic forces”, ELECTROPHORESIS,<br />

33, 1958-1966. (SCI) (IF: 3.3; SCI ranking: 29%,19.4%)<br />

Kuo-Tang Liao, Chia-Fu Chou*, 2012, “Nanoscale molecular traps and dams for ultrafast protein<br />

enrichment in high-conductivity buffers”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL<br />

SOCIETY (Featured in JACS Spotlights), 134 (21), 8742−8745.<br />

P.K. Lin, C.C. Hsieh, Y.L Chen*, C.F. Chou* , 2012, “Effects of Topology and Ionic Strength on<br />

Double-Stranded DNA Confined in Nanoslits”, MACROMOLECULES, 45(6), 2920–2927. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.17; SCI ranking: 6.8%)<br />


Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou*, 2012, “Entropy-driven single<br />

molecule tug-of-war of DNA at micro-nanofluidic interfaces”, NANO LETTERS (Research<br />

Highlighted by Nature), 12 (3), 1597–1602.<br />

T. Leïchlé, Y.L. Lin, P.C. Chiang, K.T. Liao, S.M. Hu, C.F. Chou* , 2012, “Biosensor-compatible<br />

encapsulation for pre-functionalized nanofluidic channels using asymmetric plasma treatment”,<br />

SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 161, 805–810. (SCI) (IF: 3.9; SCI ranking: 6.8%)<br />

海 耳 倫 (HAYRYAN, SHURA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Busa, Jan, Jr.; Hayryan, Shura; Wu, Ming-Chya; et al. “ ARVO-CL: The OpenCL version of the<br />

ARVO package - An efficient tool for computing the accessible surface area and the excluded<br />

volume of proteins via analytical equations” Journal: COMPUTER PHYSICS<br />

COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 183 Issue: 11 Pages: 2494-2497 DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.<br />

04.019 Published: NOV 2012.<br />

Yevgeni Sh. Mamasakhlisov, Shura Hayryan, Chin-Kun Hu. “Long charged macromolecule in an<br />

entropic trap with rough surfaces.” Journal: Physical Review E, in press, 2012.<br />

黃 柏 倫 (HUANG, BOR-LUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Bor-Luen Huang and S.-K. Yip, Phys. Rev. B 86, 064506 (2012)<br />

Bor-Luen Huang, Ming-Che Chang and Chung-Yu Mou, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 245304 (2012)<br />

Bor-Luen Huang and S.-K. Yip, arXiv: 1211.3791<br />

侯 書 雲 (HOU, SUEN R.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

T Liu et al., 2012, “Cryogenic digital data links for the liquid argon time projection chamber”, Journal<br />

of Instrumentation, C01091. (SCI) (IF: 1.87; SCI ranking: 22.7%)<br />

D. Gong et al, 2012, “ASIC developments for high speed serial data transmission in particle physics<br />

experiments”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, NIM A.<br />

ATLAS Collab, 2012, “Measurement of Wγ and Zγ production cross sections in pp collisions at and<br />

limits on anomalous triple gauge couplings with the ATLAS detector”, Physics Letters B, 717,<br />

49. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

D. Gong et al, 2012, “The Cryogenic Performances of Specific Optical and Electrical Components for<br />

a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber”, Physics Procedia, 37, 1654.<br />

A. Xiang et al, 2012, “Design and Verification of an FPGA-based Bit Error Rate Tester”, Physics<br />

procedia, 37, 1667.<br />


ATLAS Collab, 2012, “Search for lepton flavour violation in the eμ continuum with the ATLAS<br />

detector in √s=7 TeV pp collisions at the LHC”, The European Physical Journal C, 72, 2040.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.63; SCI ranking: 40.9%)<br />

侯 鐵 君 (HOU, TIE-JIUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kingman Cheung, Tie-Jiun Hou, Jae Sik Lee, Eibun Senaha (2012). “Singlino-driven Electroweak<br />

Baryogenesis in the Next-to-MSSM.”, Phys. Lett. B710, 188-191.<br />

謝 嘉 芬 (HSIEH, CHIA-FEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.F. Hsieh, S.C. Lai, C.T. Chen, Y.L. Lin, K.T. Liao, S.Q. Wang, P.C. Chiang, C.F. Chou* (2012).<br />

“Improved fabrication of zero-mode waveguides for monitoring specific molecular dynamics in<br />

living cells”, Proc. SPIE 8231, 82310W (2012);http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.909797.<br />

L.L. Yang, C.F. Hsieh, Y.R. Chang, J.P. Shen, Y.C. Chang, C.F. Chou* (2012). “Multi-functional<br />

stage-scanning fluorescence micro/nanoscope for single-lipid dynamics”, Proc. SPIE 8228,<br />

822804 (2012); http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.908179.<br />

胡 進 錕 (HU, CHIN-KUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yevgeni Sh. Mamasakhlisov, Shura Hayryan, and Chin-Kun Hu*, 2012, “Long charged<br />

macromolecule in an entropic trap with rough surfaces”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 86, 051904.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.26; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

黃 英 碩 (HWANG, ING-SHOUH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

En-Te Hwu*, Hartmut Illers, Ing-Souh Hwang, Lutz Jusko and Hans-Ulrich Danzebrink, 2012, “Antidrift<br />

and auto-alignment mechanism for an atomic force microscope with a DVD optical head”,<br />

Review of Scientific Instrument, 83, 013703. (SCI) (IF: 1.37; SCI ranking: 45.9%)<br />

胡 恩 德 (HWU, AN-TE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H.-S Liao, B.-J. Juang, K.-Y. Huang, E.-T. Hwu and C.-S. Chang, 2012, “Spring Constant Calibration<br />

of Microcantilever by Astigmatic Detection System”, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS, 51,05KB13. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 59.6%)<br />


E.-T. Hwu, H. Illers, W.-M. Wang, I.-S. Hwang, L. Juskoand H.-U. Danzebrink, 2012, “Anti-drift and<br />

Auto-alignment Mechanism for an Astigmatic AFM system based on a DVD optical head”,<br />

REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 83,013703. (SCI) (IF: 1.37; SCI ranking: 45.9%)<br />

F. G. Bosco*, M. Bache, J. Yang, C.-H. Chen, E.-T. Hwu, Q. Lin, A. Boisen, 2012, “Micromechanical<br />

PDGF recognition via lab-on-a-disc aptasensor arrays”, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-<br />

PHYSICAL, 2012, 07. (SCI) (IF: 1.8; SCI ranking: 23.8%)<br />

F. G. Bosco*, M. Bache, E.-T. Hwu, C.-H. Chen, S.S. Andersen, K.A. Nielsen, S. S. Keller, J.O.<br />

Jeppesen, I.-S. Hwang, A. Boisen, 2012, “Statistical analysis of DNT detection using chemically<br />

functionalized microcantilever arrays”, Sensors and Actuators B, 171, 1054-1059.<br />

I.-S. Hwang*, C.-W. Yang, P.-H. Su, E.-T. Hwu, H.-S. Liao, 2012, “Imaging soft matters in water<br />

with torsional mode atomic force microscopy”, Ultramicroscopy, 2012, 07. (SCI) (IF: 2.47; SCI<br />

ranking: 33.3%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Filippo G. Bosco, J. Yang, Ching H. Chen, En T. Hwu, Stephan Keller, Michael Bache and Anja<br />

Boisen, 2012, “Micromechanical APTA Sensor Based Proteins Detection Using a Compact Disc<br />

Format Micro Fluidics System”, 4 pages, paper presented at 25th International Conference on<br />

MEMS, Paris: IEEE, 2012-01-30 ~ 2012-02-04.<br />

賈 曼 (JAMIN, DAVID)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying<br />

to a b-quark pair with the ATLAS detector. ATLAS Collaboration (Georges Aad (Freiburg U.) et<br />

al.). Jul 2012. 15 pp. CERN-PH-EP-2012-138 Published in Physics Letters B e-Print:<br />

arXiv:1207.0210 [hep-ex]<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson and decaying<br />

to a b-quark pair using up to 4.7 fb−1 of pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector<br />

at the LHC. The ATLAS collaboration ATLAS-CONF-2012-015<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in produced in association with a vector boson and<br />

decaying to bottom quarks with the ATLAS detector The ATLAS collaboration ATLAS-CONF-<br />

2012-161<br />

任 盛 源 ( JEN, SHIEN-UANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H. W. Chang*, F. T. Yuan, C. W, Shih, W. L. Li, P. H. Chen, W. C. Chang, S. U. Jen, 2012,<br />

“Exchange bias in sputtered FM/BiFeO3 thin films”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111,<br />

07B105-107. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />


S. U. Jen, S. P. Wang, W. C. Chang, and H. W. Chang, 2012, “Magnetostriction and delta-E effect of<br />

melt-spun (Fe81-xCoxGa19)80B20 ribbons”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 112, 053904.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

S. U. Jen*, T. L. Tsai, 2012, “Optimization of sputter deposition parameters for magnetostrictive<br />

Fe62Co19Ga19/Si(100) films”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111, 07A939-941. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

H. W. Chang*, F. T. Yuan, C. W. Shih, C. R. Wang, W. C. Chang, S. U. Jen, 2012, “Sputter-prepared<br />

BiFeO(001) films on L1o FePt(001)/glass substrates”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111,<br />

07D918-920. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

H. W, Chang, C. W. Shih, P. H. Chen, C. R. Wang, S. U. Jen, and H. Y. Lee, 2012, “Sputter-prepared<br />

(001) BiFeO 3 thin films with ferromagnetic L1o-FePt(001) electrode on glass substrates”,<br />

Nanoscale Research Letters, 7, 435. (SCI) (IF: 2.73; SCI ranking: 16.5%)<br />

鄭 弘 泰 (JENG, HORNG-TAY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. Neupane, S.-Y. Xu, L. A. Wray, A. Petersen, R. Shankar, N. Alidoust, Chang Liu, A. Fedorov, H.<br />

Ji, J. M. Allred, Y. S. Hor, T.-R. Chang, H.-T. Jeng, H. Lin, A. Bansil, R. J. Cava, and M. Z.<br />

Hasan, 2012, “Topological surface states and Dirac point tuning in ternary topological<br />

insulators”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85, 235406. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

W. Y. Chan, H. S. Huang, W. B. Su, W. H. Lin, H.-T. Jeng, M. K. Wu, and C. S. Chang, 2012, “Field-<br />

Induced Expansion Deformation in Pb Islands on Cu(111): Evidence from Energy Shift of Empty<br />

Quantum-Well States”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 146102. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Su-Yang Xu, Madhab Neupane, Chang Liu, Duming Zhang, Anthony Richardella, L.Andrew Wray,<br />

Nasser Alidoust, Mats Leandersson, Thiagarajan Balasubramanian, Jaime S´anchez-Barriga, Oliver<br />

Rader, Gabriel Landolt, Bartosz Slomski, Jan Hugo Dil, J¨urg Osterwalder, Tay-Rong Chang,<br />

Horng-Tay Jeng, Hsin Lin, Arun Bansil, Nitin Samarth and M. Zahid Hasan, ”Hedgehog spin<br />

texture and Berry’s phase tuning in a magnetic topological insulator”, NATURE PHYSICS 8, 616-<br />

622 (2012).<br />

阮 文 滔 (JUAN, WEN-TAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen-Ming Chang, Yuk-Gyn Lau, Jih-Chiang Tsai∗, Wen-Tau Juan∗, 2012, “Relaxation of DNA on a<br />

supported lipid membrane”, EPL, 99,48008. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />


Chen Siang Ng, Ping Wu, John Foley, Anne Foley, Merry-Lynn McDonald, Wen-Tau Juan, Chih-Jen<br />

Huang, Yu-Ting Lai, Wen-Sui Lo, Chih-Feng Chen, Suzanne M. Leal, Huanmin Zhang, Randall<br />

B. Widelitz, Pragna I. Patel, Wen-Hsiung Li* , Cheng-Ming Chuong*, 2012, “'The chicken<br />

frizzle feather is due to an -keratin (KRT75) mutation that causes a defective rachis”, PLoS<br />

Genetics, 8(7), e1002748. (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

北 殿 義 雄 (KITADONO, YOSHIO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

“Photon Structure Function in Supersymmetric QCD Revisited.” Ryo Sahara, Tsuneo Uematsu<br />

(Kyoto U.), Yoshio Kitadono (Taiwan, Inst. Phys.). Published in Phys.Lett. B707 (2012) 517-522<br />

e-Print: arXiv:1111.4765 [hep-ph]<br />

“Squark Contributions to Photon Structure Functions and Positivity Constraints.” Yoshio Kitadono<br />

(KEK, Tsukuba), Ryo Sahara, Tsuneo Uematsu (Kyoto U.), Yutaka Yoshida (KEK, Tsukuba).<br />

Published in Phys.Rev. D84 (2011) 074031 e-Print: arXiv:1108.2847 [hep-ph]<br />

“Top quark effects on the virtual photon structure function at ILC.” Yoshio Kitadono (KEK, Tsukuba).<br />

Jul 2011. 4 pp. Note: 4 pages, 4 figures Published in Phys.Lett. B702 (2011) 135-138 e-Print:<br />

arXiv:1107.3321 [hep-ph]<br />

“Forward particle productions at RHIC and the LHC from CGC within local rcBK evolution.” H. Fujii<br />

(Tokyo U., Komaba), K. Itakura, Y. Kitadono (KEK, Tsukuba), Y. Nara (Akita Intl. U.).<br />

Published in J.Phys.G G38 (2011) 124125 e-Print: arXiv:1107.1333 [hep-ph]<br />

林 宮 玄 (KUNG-HSUAN, LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.-S. Lin, K.-H. Lin, T. Tite, C.-Y. Chuang, Y.-M. Chang*, J. A. Yeh*, 2012, “Investigation of<br />

Nanopatterned c-plane Sapphire Substrates for Growths of Polar and Nonpolar GaN epilayers”,<br />

JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 348 (1), 47-52. (SCI) (IF: 1.73; SCI ranking:<br />

35.8%,32.1%,54.5%)<br />

K.-H. Lin, C.-Y. Chuang, Y.-Y. Lee, F.-C. Li, Y.-M. Chang*, I.-P. Liu, S.-C. Chou, Y.-L. Lee*, 2012,<br />

“Charge transfer in the heterointerfaces of CdS/CdSe co-sensitized TiO2 photoelectrode”,<br />

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (1), 1550-1555. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking:<br />

20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Y.-S. Lin, K.-H. Lin, Y.-M. Chang*, J. A. Yeh*, 2012, “Epitaxy of m-plane GaN on nanoscale<br />

patterned c-plane sapphire substrates”, SURFACE SCIENCE, 606 (1-2), L1-L4. (SCI) (IF: 1.99;<br />

SCI ranking: 32.8%)<br />

A. A. Maznev*, K. J. Manke, K.-H. Lin, K. A. Nelson, C.-K. Sun, J.-I. Chyi, 2012, “Broadband<br />

terahertz ultrasonic transducer based on a laser-driven piezoelectric semiconductor superlattice”,<br />

ULTRASONICS, 52(1), 1-4. (SCI) (IF: 1.84; SCI ranking: 44.8%)<br />


李 榮 銓 (LEE, JUNG-CHUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C. W. Su * , M. S. Huang, Y. C. Chang, T. H. Tsai, Y. H. Lee, and J. C. Lee, “Determination of<br />

composition in stoichiometric Co-N ultrathin films by nitrogen plasma sputtering,” J. Appl. Phys.<br />

105, 033509 (2009).<br />

C. W. Su * , M. S. Huang, Y. C. Chang, T. H. Tsai, Y. H. Lee, and J. C. Lee, “Study of Nitridation of<br />

Cobalt Ultrathin Films on ZnO (002) Crystal by Auger Electron Spectroscopy,” Chinese Journal<br />

of Physics 47(3), 370 (2009).<br />

Yuhua Lee * , J. C. Lee, and Chiung-Wu Su, “Effect of N-Doping on Magnetic Properties of ZnCoO<br />

Diluted Magnetis Semiconductor Thin Films,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46, 1565 (2010).<br />

Y.H. Lee * , J. C. Lee, J.F. Min, C.W. Su, “Comparison of ferromagnetism in n- and p-type magnetic<br />

semiconductor thin film of ZnCoO,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 1846 (2011).<br />

Ming-Feng Kuo * , Chao-Ming Fu, Chao-Yi Hsu, Jung-Chuan Lee, Yu-Hua Lee, Chia-Ou Chang, Chan-<br />

Shin Chou, “High-frequency magneto-electrical properties of Zn1-x-yAlxCoyO thin films,” Thin<br />

Solid Films 519, 8235 (2011).<br />

J. C. Lee, Y. H Lee * , J. F. Min, C.W. Su, J. S. Lee and H. S. Hsu, “Magnetic properties of Zn 1-x Co x O<br />

thin films grown by rf magnetron co-sputtering in Ar and N 2 O atmosphere,” IEEE Transactions<br />

on Magnetics 47, 3995 (2011).<br />

J. C. Lee, Y. H Lee * , S. F. Lee, T. H. Chiang, C. W. Su and J. S. Lee, “Influence of vacuum annealing<br />

on structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of Zn 0.94 Co 0.05 Al 0.01 O diluted magnetic<br />

semiconductor thin films,” (Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Magnetics).<br />

Sheng-Hsu Liu * , Jung-Chun-Andrew Huang, Xiaoding Qi, Wei-Jui Lin, Yu-Jhan Siao, Chun-Rong Lin,<br />

Jin-Ming Chen, Mau-Tsu Tang, Yu-Hua Lee, and Jung-Chuan Lee, “Structural transformation<br />

and charge transfer induced ferroelectricity and magnetism in annealed YMnO 3 ,” AIP<br />

ADVANCES 1, 032173 (2011).(Presentation)<br />

Yuhua Lee, K.T. Kao, J.C. Lee, J.F. Min, and L.H. Horng, 2007, “Magnetic properties of CoPt<br />

nanograins embedded in carbon films made at high and low pressures,” Annual Meeting of the<br />

physics Society of ROC, Chungli, Taiwan. (poster)<br />

C. W. Su, M. S. Huang, Y. C. Chang, T. S. Tsai, Y. H. Lee, and J. C. Lee, 2008, “Study on nitridation<br />

of cobalt ultrathin films on ZnO(002) surface by Auger electron spectroscopy,” 25th European<br />

Conference on Surface Science, Liverpool, United Kingdom. (poster)<br />

Y. C. Chang, C. W. Su, M .S. Huang, T. S. Tsai, Y. H. Lee and J. C. Lee, 2008, “Study onultrathin<br />

Co/ZnO(002) crystal surface by magneto-optical Faraday effect,” Asian Magnetics Conference,<br />

Busan, Korea. (poster)<br />

M. S. Huang, Y. C. Chang, T. S. Tsai, R. Q. Lee, C. W. Su*, and Y. H. Lee, 2008,<br />

“Surfacecomposition of N-incorporated Co/ZnO(002) crystal surface by ultrahigh vacuum<br />

sputtering technique,” Annual Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (poster)<br />


J. C. Lee and Yuhua Lee, 2009, “Effects of vacuum annealing on magnetic properties of Zn 1-x Co x O<br />

(x=0.075) thin films,” 2009 台 灣 磁 性 技 術 協 會 年 會 暨 第 二 十 一 屆 磁 學 與 磁 性 技 術 研 討 會 ,<br />

Kao Hsiung, Taiwan. (Oreal)<br />

Yuhua, J.C. Lee, and C.W. Su, 2009, “Effects of N-Doping on Magnetic Properties of ZnCoO Diluted<br />

Magnetic Semiconductor Thin Films,” 11th Joint MMM-Intermang Conference, Washington<br />

D.C., U.S.A. (poster)<br />

Y. H. Lee, T. H. Chiang, J. F. Min, J. C. Lee, T. C. Su and H. M. Cai, 2009, “ 改 變 (C/CoPt/Ag) 多 層 膜<br />

順 序 其 磁 性 質 與 微 觀 結 構 ,” Annual Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Changhua, Taiwan.<br />

(poster)<br />

Y. H. Lee, T. C. Su, J. C. Lee, T. H. Jiang, Y. C. Cheng, J. F. Min, 2009, “CoPt 奈 米 線 的 深 寬 比 對 0<br />

序 化 與 異 向 性 的 影 響 ,” Annual Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Changhua, Taiwan. (poster)<br />

Y. H. Lee, J. C. Lee, J. F. Min, T. H. Ciang, T. C. Su, C. W. Su, 2009, “Effects of annealing process on<br />

magnetic of ZnO:Co thin films,” Annual Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Changhua, Taiwan.<br />

(poster)<br />

J. C. Lee, 2009, “Effects of vacuum annealing on magnetic properties of Zn 1-x-y Co x Al y O (x = 0.074, y<br />

= 0.003) thin films,” 2009 第 六 屆 自 旋 電 子 研 討 會 , Changhua, Taiwan. (Oreal)<br />

Y. H. Lee , J. C. Lee, J. F. Min, C. W. Su, 2011, “Magnetic, structural, electrical, and optical properties<br />

of Al-doped of ZnCoO thin films,” Annual Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Taipei, Taiwan.<br />

(poster)<br />

J. C. Lee, Y. H. Lee, J. F. Min, S. F. Lee, C.W. Su, 2012, “Magnetic, structural and electrical properties<br />

of Zn 1-x Co x O and Zn 0.943-x Co 0.057 Al x O diluted magnetic semiconductor thin films,” Annual<br />

Meeting of Chinese Physics Society, Chiayi, Taiwan. (Oreal)<br />

李 世 昌 (LEE, SHIH-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “A measurement of the material in the ATLAS inner detector using<br />

secondary hadronic interactions”, Journal of Instrumentation, JINST 7 (2012) P01013. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.87; SCI ranking: 22.7%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9<br />

fb-1 of pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Lett. B, 710,<br />

49-66. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the cross-section for b-jets produced in<br />

association with a Z boson at √s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, Phys. Lett.<br />

B706, 295-313 (2011). (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the cross section for the production of a W boson<br />

in association with b-jets in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B,<br />

707 418-437. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the pseudorapidity and transverse momentum<br />

dependence of the elliptic flow of charged particles in lead-lead collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV<br />

with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 707 30-348. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the t-channel single top-quark production cross section<br />

in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 717, 330-350. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the top quark pair cross section with ATLAS in pp<br />

collisions at √s = 7 TeV using final states with an electron or a muon and a hadronically decaying<br />

tau lepton”, Phys. Lett. B, B717, 89-108. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the WW cross section in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions at<br />

ATLAS and limits on anomalous gauge couplings”, Phys. Lett. B, B712 (2012) 289-308. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the W to tau nu Cross Section in pp Collisions at<br />

√s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment”, Phys. Lett. B, 706, 276-294. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model<br />

Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Lett. B, 716, 1-29. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for a heavy Standard Model Higgs boson in the channel H-<br />

>ZZ->llqq using the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 707 27-45. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for a Standard Model Higgs boson in the H -> ZZ -> llnunu<br />

decay channel using 4.7 fb-1 of √s = 7 TeV data with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 717,<br />

29-48. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for a Standard Model Higgs in the mass range 200-600 GeV in<br />

the H -> ZZ -> llqq decay channel with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 717, 70-88. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy<br />

particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS”, Phys. Lett. B, Phys. Lett. B 707 478-496. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the decay channel H-<br />

>ZZ(*)->4l with 4.8 fb-1 of pp collisions at √s =7 TeV with ATLAS”, Phys. Lett. B, 710, 383-<br />

402. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the H -> WW -> lvlv<br />

decay mode with 4.7 fb-1 of ATLAS data at √s = 7 TeV”, Phys. Lett. B, 716, 62-81. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Kshort and Lambda production in pp interactions at √s = 0.9 and 7<br />

TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Rev. D, 85 012001. (SCI) (IF: 4.56;<br />

SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the isolated di-photon cross-section in pp<br />

collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. D, Phys. Rev. D 85, 012003.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the Transverse Momentum Distribution of W<br />

Bosons in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector”, Phys. Rev. D, Phys. Rev. D85<br />

012005 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for supersymmetry in final states with jets, missing<br />

transverse momentum and one isolated lepton in √s = 7 TeV pp collisions using 1 fb-1 of ATLAS<br />

data”, Phys. Rev. D, Phys. Rev. D 85 012006 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on<br />

anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the<br />

ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 041804 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Observation of Spin Correlation in ttbar Events from pp Collisions at<br />

√s = 7 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 212001. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Decay<br />

Channel with 4.9 fb-1 of pp Collisions data at √s =7 TeV with ATLAS”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108,<br />

111803. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in pp<br />

collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in dilepton final states with ATLAS”, Physics Letters B, Physics<br />

Letters B Volume 707, Issue 5,. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

李 定 國 (LEE, TING-KUO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Chi Chien, Cheng Liang Wang, H. H. Chen, Ivan M. Kempson, Y. Hwu*, N. Y. Chen, T. K.<br />

Lee, Cyril Petibois, Kelvin K.-C. Tsai, Ming-Sheng Liu, Kwang-Yu Chang, C. S. Yang, and G.<br />

Margaritondo*, accepted, “Complete microscale profiling of tumor microangiogenesis”,<br />

Biotechnology Advances. (SCI) (IF: 9.65; SCI ranking: 2.2%)<br />

Chung-Pin Chou, Fan Yang and T. K. Lee*, 2012, “Grand-canonical variational approach for the t-J<br />

model”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85,054510. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />


Chung-Pin Chou*, Frank Pollmann, T. K. Lee, 2012, “Matrix-Product based projected wave function<br />

ansatz for quantum many-body ground states”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86,041105. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

Chung-Pin Chou and Ting-Kuo Lee, 2012, “Nature of the inhomogeneous state of the extended t-J<br />

model on a square lattice”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85, 104511. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking:<br />

19%)<br />

李 尚 凡 (LEE, SHANG-FAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

L. J. Chang, Pang Lin, and S. F. Lee*, 2012, “Current induced localized domain wall oscillators in<br />

NiFe/Cu/NiFe submicron wires”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 242404. (SCI) (IF: 3.84;<br />

SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

L. K. Lin, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Huang, and S. F. Lee*, 2012, “Nb lateral Josephson junctions induced by<br />

a NiFe cross strip”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 242601. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking:<br />

11%)<br />

Y. Ding, Y.D.Yao , K.T.Wu , J.C.Hsu , D. S. Hung , D.H.Wei , S. F. Lee , and Y. Y. Chen, 2012, “Co<br />

Thickness Effect on the Dielectric Permittivity of SiO /Co/SiO Films”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS<br />

ON MAGNETICS, 48, 3936-3939. (SCI) (IF: 1.36; SCI ranking: 46.8%,38.8%)<br />

L. K. Lin, S. Y. Huang, J. H. Huang, and S. F. Lee*, 2012, “Nb lateral Josephson junction induced by<br />

inverse proximity effect with NiFe”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 48, 4236-4238.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.36; SCI ranking: 46.8%,38.8%)<br />

Y. Ding , Y.D.Yao , K.T.Wu , P. S.Chen , C. S. Tu , J.C.Hsu , D. S.Hung , and S. F. Lee, 2012,<br />

“Thickness Effect of Interlayer on the Dielectric Permittivity of BaTiO /Co/BaTiO and BaTiO<br />

/Ta/BaTiO Films”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 48, 4297-4300. (SCI) (IF: 1.36;<br />

SCI ranking: 46.8%,38.8%)<br />

L. J. Chang, Pang Lin, and S. F. Lee*, 2012, “Vortex induced by dc current in a circular magnetic spin<br />

valve nanopillar”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, 48, 1297-1300. (SCI) (IF: 1.36; SCI<br />

ranking: 46.8%,38.8%)<br />

D. C. Chen, Y. D. Yao, Y. C. Chiu, and S. F. Lee, 2012, “Observation of anomalous Hall effect in Cu-<br />

Py-crossed structure with in-plane magnetization”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111,<br />

07D307. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

Yan-Fen Hsu, Tien-Wei Chiang, Guang-Yu Guo*, Shang-Fan Lee*, and Jun-Jih Liang, 2012, “Effect<br />

of transport-induced charge inhomogeneity on point-contact Andreev reflection spectra at<br />

ferromagnet-superconductor interfaces”, JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN,<br />

81, 084704. (SCI) (IF: 2.36; SCI ranking: 17.5%)<br />


李 偉 立 (LEE, WEI-LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H. C. Hsu, W. L. Lee, K. K. Wu, Y. K. Kuo, B. H. Chen, and F. C. Chou*, 2012, “Enhanced<br />

thermoelectric figure-of-merit ZT for hole-doped Bi2Sr2Co2Oy”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS, 111, 103709. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

T. Y. Ou-Yang, F.-T. Huang, G. J. Shu, W. L. Lee, M.-W. Chu, H. L. Liu, and F. C. Chou*, 2012,<br />

“Electronic phase diagram of LixCoO2 revisited with potentiostatically deintercalated single<br />

crystals”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85, 035120. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

F.-T. Huang, M.-W. Chu, H. H. Kung, W. L. Lee, R. Sankar, S.-C. Liou, K. K. Wu, Y. K. Kuo, and F.<br />

C. Chou*, 2012, “Nonstoichiometric doping and Bi antisite defect in single crystal Bi2Se3”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86, 081104(R). (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

李 浩 斌 (Li, HAU-BIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S. Bilmiş, et. al., "Constraints on a noncommutative physics scale with neutrino-electron scattering"<br />

Phys. Rev. D 85, 073011(2012)<br />

李 湘 楠 (LI, HSIANG NAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H.N. Li, C.D. Lu, F.S. Yu, 2012, “Branching ratios and direct CP asymmetries in<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86 (3), 036012. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

decays”,<br />

Y.D. Tsai, H.N. Li, Q. Zhao, 2012, “ mixing effects on charmonium and meson decays”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(3), 034002. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

X. Liu, H.N. Li, Z.J. Xiao, 2012, “`Implications on - -glueball mixing from<br />

Decays”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86(1), 011501(R). (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

H.N. Li, Y.L. Shen, Y.M. Wang, 2012, “Next-to-leading-order corrections to<br />

form factors in<br />

factorization”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 85(7), 074004. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

Y.C. Chen, H.N. Li, 2012, “Three-parton contribution to the form factors in<br />

factorization”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, 712(1-2), 63-69. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


林 銘 洲 (LIN, MING-CHOU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

L. N. Nguyen, M. C. Lin, H. S. Chen, Y. W. Lan, C. S. Wu, K. S. Chang-Liao and C. D. Chen*, 2012<br />

Apr., “Photo-response of a nanopore device with single embedded ZnO nanoparticle,”<br />

Nanotechnology, Vol. 23, P.165201-P.165206. SCI<br />

K. Aravind, M. C. Lin, I. L. Ho, C. S. Wu, Watson Kuo, C. H. Kuan, K. S. Chang-Liao and C. D.<br />

Chen*, 2012 , "Magnetic field enhanced resonant tunneling in a silicon nanowire single electron<br />

transistor,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 12, No. 6 , P.2509-P.2512. SCI<br />

K. S. Chang, C. J. Sun, P. L. Chiang, A. C. Chou, M. C. Lin, C. Liang, H. H. Hung, Y. H. Yeh, C. D.<br />

Chen, C. Y. Pan and Y. T. Chen*, 2012 Jan., “Monitoring extracellular K+ flux with a<br />

valinomycin-coated silicon nanowire field-effect transistor,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.<br />

31, P.137-P.143. SCI<br />

林 伯 彥 (LIN, PO-YEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Po-Yen Lin, Shin-Seng Lee, Chia-Seng Chang, Fu-Jen Kao, “Long working distance fluorescence<br />

lifetime imaging via stimulated emission” Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 10, pp. 11445-11450<br />

(2012). This paper was selected for the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Vol. 7, Iss. 7<br />

(2012)<br />

林 誠 謙 (LIN, SIMON CHENG-CHIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνjj decay channel at s√<br />

= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B 718, (2012) 391-410.<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Further search for supersymmetry at root s=7 TeV in final states with<br />

jets, missing transverse momentum, and isolated leptons with the ATLAS detector”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW D, Volume: 86 Issue: 9 Article Number: 092002. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “ Search for events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and<br />

at least two tau leptons in 7 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector ATLAS<br />

Collaboration ”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Volume: 714 Issue: 2-5 Pages: 180-196. (SCI) (IF: 3.96;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for light scalar top-quark pair production in final states with<br />

two leptons with the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collisions”, EPJC, Eur. Phys. J. C (2012)<br />

72:2237.<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of W ± Z production in proton-proton collisions at √ s =<br />

7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Eur. Phys. J. C (2012), 72:2173.<br />


The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for top and bottom squarks from gluino pair production in<br />

final states with missing transverse energy and at least three b-jets with the ATLAS detector ”,<br />

Eur. Phys. J. C, (2012) 72:2174. (SCI) (IF: 3.63; SCI ranking: 40.9%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking with the<br />

ATLAS detector based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at s √ = 7 TeV ”, Eur.<br />

Phys. J.C, DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-012-1993-2.<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for same-sign top-quark production and fourth-generation<br />

down-type quarks in pp collisions at s √ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detecto”, J. High Energy<br />

Phys., Volume 2012, number 4, 69. (SCI) (IF: 5.83; SCI ranking: 13.6%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “A search for ttˉ resonances in lepton+jets events with highly boosted<br />

top quarks collected in pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector ”, J. High Energy<br />

Phys., 09 (2012) 041. (SCI) (IF: 5.83; SCI ranking: 13.6%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the H→τ+τ− decay<br />

mode in s√ = 7 TeV pp collisions with ATLAS”, J. High Energy Phys., 09 (2012) 070. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.83; SCI ranking: 13.6%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “A measurement of the material in the ATLAS inner detector using<br />

secondary hadronic interactions””, Journal of Instrumentation, JINST 7 (2012) P01013. (SCI).<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.87; SCI ranking: 22.7%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the b-hadron production cross section using decays<br />

to D∗+μ−X final states in pp collisions at s√ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Nucl. Phys. B,<br />

864 (2012) 341-381. (SCI) (IF: 4.66; SCI ranking: 22.7%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9<br />

fb −1 of pp collision data at s √ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Lett B,<br />

Volume 710, Issue 1, Pages 49–66. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the W→τντ Cross Section in pp Collisions at s√ = 7<br />

TeV with the ATLAS experiment”, Phys. Lett B, Volume 706, Issues 4–5, 5 January 2012, Pages<br />

276–294. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the cross section for the production of a W boson in<br />

association with b-jets in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detecto”, Phys. Lett. B, 707<br />

(2012) 418-437. (SCI). (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model<br />

Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Lett. B, 716 (2012) 1-29. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for displaced vertices arising from decays of new heavy<br />

particles in 7 TeV pp collisions at ATLAS”, Phys. Lett. B, Phys. Lett. B 707 478-496. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Higgs boson in the H→WW→lνjj decay channel at s√<br />

= 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 718 (2012) 391-410. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the decay channel<br />

H→ZZ (∗) →4l with 4.8 fb −1 of pp collisions at s √ =7 TeV with ATLAS”, Phys. Lett. B,<br />

Volume 710, Issue 3, Pages 383–402. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in pp<br />

collisions at s√ = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. D, 86 (2012) 032003. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in the diphoton decay<br />

channel with 4.9 fb −1 of pp collisions at s √ =7 TeV with ATLAS”, Phys. Rev. Lett, Volume:<br />

108 Issue: 11 Article Number: 111803 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.111803. (SCI) (IF: 7.37;<br />

SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on<br />

anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings in proton-proton collisions at s√ = 7 TeV with the<br />

ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett., Lett. 108, 041804 (2012) [18 pages]. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for a Supersymmetric Partner to the Top Quark in Final States<br />

with Jets and Missing Transverse Momentum at ffiffiffis p ¼7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector”,<br />

Phys. Rev. Lett., 109 (2012) 211802. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for direct top squark pair production in final states with one<br />

isolated lepton, jets, and missing transverse momentum in s√ = 7 TeV pp collisions using 4.7<br />

fb−1 of ATLAS data”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 109 (2012) 211803. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the W to tau nu Cross Section in pp Collisions at<br />

√s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS experiment”, Phys.Lett.B, Phys.Lett.B 706 (2012) 276-294.<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Study of jets produced in association with a W boson in pp collisions<br />

at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Volume: 85 Issue: 9 Article<br />

Number: 094027. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Underlying event characteristics and their dependence on jet size of<br />

charged-particle jet events in pp collisions at ffiffi ð p sÞ ¼ 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 86, 072004 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the cross-section for b-jets produced in association<br />

with a Z boson at s√=7 TeV with the ATLAS detecto”, Physics Letters B, Volume 706, Issues 4–<br />

5, Pages 295–313. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the pseudorapidity and transverse momentum<br />

dependence of the elliptic flow of charged particles in lead-lead collisions at sNN−−−−√ = 2.76<br />

TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Physics Letters B, Volume 707, Issues 3–4, Pages 330–348.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the top quark pair production cross-section with<br />

ATLAS in the single lepton channel”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Volume: 711 Issue: 3-4 Pages:<br />

244-263. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for diphoton events with large missing transverse momentum<br />

in 1 fb(-1) of 7 TeV proton-proton collision data with the ATLAS detector ATLAS<br />

Collaboration ”, PHYSICS LETTERS B, Volume: 710 Issue: 4-5 Pages: 519-537. (SCI) (IF: 3.96;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association<br />

with a vector boson and decaying to a b-quark pair with the ATLAS detector”, Physics Letters B,<br />

718 (2012) 369–390. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

The Atlas Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in pp<br />

collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV in dilepton final states with ATLAS”, Physics Letters B,, Volume<br />

707, Issue 5,..<br />

Simon C Lin and Eric YEN, 2012, “An introduction to TAIWAN E-Learning and Digital Archives<br />

Programme (TELDAP) 2012”, The International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing<br />

(formerly History and Computing), Edinburgh University Press DOI:10.3366/ijhac.2012.0034.<br />

林 耿 慧 (LIN, KENG-HUI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang CC, Yang KC, Lin KH, Liu YL, Liu HC, Lin FH, 2012, “Cartilage regeneration in SCID mice<br />

using a highly organized three-dimensional alginate scaffold.”, Biomaterials, 33(1), 120-7. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 4%,3%)<br />

Yung-Shin Sun, Shih-Wei Peng, Keng-Hui Lin, and Ji-Yen Cheng, 2012, “Electrotaxis of lung cancer<br />

cells in ordered three-dimensional scaffolds”, Biomicrofluidics, 6(1),014102-014102-14. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.37; SCI ranking: 11.1%,24.4%,37.9%)<br />

安 奎 許 (MITRA, ANKUSH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Search for the Higgs boson in the all-hadronic final state using the full CDF data set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, accepted by Journal of High Energy Physics, Dec. 19,<br />

2012. arXiv:1208.6445.<br />


Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and its dependence on<br />

event kinematic properties T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10907, submitted to<br />

Phys. Rev. D November 5, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-591-E. arXiv:1211.1003.<br />

Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks using the<br />

full CDF data set T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 181802<br />

(2012). arXiv:1208.2662.<br />

Search for neutral Higgs bosons in events with multiple bottom quarks at the Tevatron<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration & Dzero, Phys. Rev. D86, 091101(R) (2012).<br />

arXiv:1207.2757.<br />

Novel inclusive search for the Higgs boson in the four-lepton final state at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D86, 099902(E) (2012). arXiv: 1207.5016.<br />

Combination of the top-quark mass measurements from the Tevatron collider<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration & Dzero, Phys. Rev. D86, 092003 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1069.<br />

Measurements of the Top-Quark Mass and the tt̅ Cross Section in the Hadronic τ+jets Decay<br />

Channel at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109,<br />

192001 (2012). arXiv: 1208.5720.<br />

Measurement of the Mass Difference Between Top and Anti-top Quarks T. Aaltonen et al, The<br />

CDF Collaboration, #10896, submitted to Phys. Rev. D-RC October 28, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-<br />

577-E. arXiv:1210.6131.<br />

Search for a heavy vector boson decaying to two gluons in p_p collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. D October 21, 2012.<br />

Fermilab-Pub-12-593-E. arXiv:1210.5686.<br />

Measurement of the Bottom-Strange Meson Mixing Phase in the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 171802 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1208.2967.<br />

Measurement of the B−c meson lifetime in the decay B−c ! J/ _− T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF<br />

Collaboration, #10868, submitted to Phys. Rev. D-RC October 8, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-565-E.<br />

arXiv#1210.2366.<br />

Precision Top-Quark Mass Measurement at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys.<br />

Rev. Lett. 109, 152003 (2012). arXiv: 1207.6758.<br />

Combined Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair Using the Full<br />

CDF Data Set T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111802 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1207.1707.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with No Charged<br />

Leptons and Large Missing Transverse Energy using the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111805 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1711.<br />


Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with One Charged<br />

Lepton and Large Missing Transverse Energy Using the Full CDF Data Set<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111804 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.1703.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying to a bb̅ Pair in Events with Two<br />

Oppositely Charged Leptons Using the Full CDF Data Set T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111803 (2012). arXiv: 1207.1704.<br />

Measurement of the Difference in CP-Violating Asymmetries in D0→K+K- and D0→π+π-<br />

Decays at CDF T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111801 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1207.2158.<br />

Transverse momentum cross section of e+e- pairs in the Z-boson region from pp̅ collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D86, 052010 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1207.7138.<br />

Observation of the Production of a W Boson in Association with a Single Charm Quark<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10821, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. September 10,<br />

2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-514-E. arXiv:1209.1921.<br />

Evidence for a Particle Produced in Association with Weak Bosons and Decaying to a Bottom-<br />

Antibottom Quark Pair in Higgs Boson Searches at the Tevatron T. Aaltonen et al., The<br />

CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 071804 (2012). arXiv: 1207.6436.<br />

Measurement of CP-violation asymmetries in D0→KS0π+π- T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 032007 (2012). arXiv: 1207.0825.<br />

Diffractive dijet production in p̅ p collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 032009 (2012). arXiv: 1206.3955.<br />

Search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W± boson with<br />

7.5 fb-1 integrated luminosity at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., the CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev.<br />

D 86, 032011 (2012). arXiv: 1206.5063.<br />

Measurement of the WZ Cross Section and Triple Gauge Couplings in pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.96<br />

TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 031104(2012).<br />

arXiv:1202.6629.<br />

Search for a Higgs boson in the 1 diphoton final state using the full CDF data set from pp̅<br />

collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, #10890, submitted to<br />

Phys. Lett. B July 26, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-413-PPD. arXiv:1207.6386.<br />

Measurement of the top quark mass in the all-hadronic mode at CDF T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Lett. B 714 (2012). arXiv:1112.4891.<br />

Production of Λ0, Λ̅ 0, Ξ±, and Ω± hyperons in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 86, 012002 (2012). arXiv: 1101.2996.<br />

Search for Dark Matter in Events with One Jet and Missing Transverse Energy in pp̅ Collisions<br />

at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 211804<br />

(2012). arXiv: 1203.0742.<br />


Search for a Heavy Particle Decaying to a Top Quark and a Light Quark in pp̅ Collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 211805 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1203.3894.<br />

Search for a Dark Matter Candidate Produced in Association with a Single Top Quark in pp̅<br />

Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108,<br />

201802 (2012). arXiv: 1202.5653.<br />

Search for anomalous production of multiple leptons in association with W and Z bosons at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev D 85, 092001 (2012). arXiv: 1202.1260.<br />

Search for a Low-Mass Standard Model Higgs Boson in the ττ Decay Channel in pp̅ Collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 181804 (2012).<br />

arXiv: 1201.4880.<br />

W boson polarization measurement in t anti-t dilepton channel using CDF II detector<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. May 2012. Fermilab-<br />

Pub-12-114-E. arXiv: 1205.0354<br />

Evidence for the charmless annihilation decay mode B0s→ π+π− T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 211803 (2012). arXiv: 1111.0485.<br />

Study of substructure of high transverse momentum jets produced in proton-antiproton<br />

collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85,<br />

091101(R) (2012). arXiv: 1106.5952.<br />

Measurement of the masses and widths of the bottom baryons Σb± and Σb*±<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 092011 (2012). arXiv: 1112.2808.<br />

Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced in Association with a Z boson in pp̅<br />

Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev.<br />

Lett. April 26, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-081-E. arXiv: 1203.5815.<br />

Precise Measurement of the W-Boson Mass with the CDF II Detector T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 151803 (2012). arXiv: 1203.0275.<br />

Measurements of the Angular Distributions of Muons from Υ Decays in pp̅ Collisions at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 151802 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1112.1591.<br />

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with a W boson using a matrix<br />

element technique at CDF in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 072001 (2012). arXiv:1112.4358.<br />

Measurement of CP Violating Phase beta_s in B0s --&gt; J/Psi Phi Decays with the CDF II<br />

detector T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D 85.072002 (2012).<br />

arXiv:1112.1726.<br />

Search for Scalar Top Quark Production in p¯p Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The<br />

CDF Collaboration, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. March 20, 2012. Fermilab-Pub-12-075-E.<br />

arXiv: 1203.4171.<br />


Measurement of ZZ production in leptonic final states at {\surd}s of 1.96 TeV at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 101801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1112.2978.<br />

Search for standard model Higgs boson production in association with a W boson at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 052002 (2012). arXiv:1112.1930.<br />

Measurement of B(s)0→Ds(*)+Ds(*)- Branching Ratios T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 201801 (2012). arXiv: 1204.0536.<br />

Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions BR(Lb-->Lc3pi+)/BR(Lb-->Lc1pi+)<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.032003 (2012). arXiv:1112.3334.<br />

Observation of Exclusive Photon Pair Production in p anti-p Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 081801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1112.0858.<br />

Measurements of the Angular Distributions in the Decays B --> K(*) mu+ mu- at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 081807 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1108.0695.<br />

Search for Higgs Bosons Produced in Association with b-Quarks T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF<br />

Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85, 032005 (2012). arXiv: 1106.4782.<br />

Search for the rare radiative decay W→πγ in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The<br />

CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.032001 (2012). arXiv: 1104.1585.<br />

Search for new phenomena in events with two Z bosons and missing transverse momentum in pp̅<br />

collisions at √s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.011104<br />

(2012). arXiv:1112.1577.<br />

Measurement of CP-violating asymmetries in D0→π+π- and D0→K+K- decays at CDF<br />

T. Aaltonen et al, The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012009 (2012). arXiv:1111.5023.<br />

Search for heavy metastable particles decaying to jet pairs in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012007 (2012). arXiv: 1109.3136.<br />

Search for a Higgs Boson in the Diphoton Final State in pp̅ Collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108.011801 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1109.4427.<br />

Search for high-mass resonances decaying into ZZ in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV<br />

T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012008 (2012). arXiv:1111.3432.<br />

Search for WZ+ZZ production with missing transverse energy+jets with b enhancement at<br />

√s=1.96 TeV T. Aaltonen et al., The CDF Collaboration, Phys. Rev. D85.012002 (2012). arXiv:<br />

1108.2060.<br />

皮 佳 倫 (PETROSYAN, KAREN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K. G. Petrosyan and C.-K. Hu, Stepwise transition to higher degrees of coherence in a random network<br />

of phase oscillators, Europhys. Lett. 99, 10008 (2012)<br />


單 中 林 (SHAN, CHUNG-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

G. Brooijmans et al., “Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group<br />

Report”, arXiv:1203.1488 [hep-ph] (2012).<br />

C.-L. Shan, “Background Effects on Reconstructed WIMP Couplings”, proceedings of the 12th<br />

International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2011),<br />

submitted to J. Phys. Conf. Ser., arXiv:1201.5936 [hep-ph] (2012).<br />

C.-L. Shan, “Analyzing Direct Dark Matter Detection Data with Unrejected Background Events on the<br />

AMIDAS Website”, proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on the Dark Side of the<br />

Universe (DSU 2011), submitted to J. Phys. Conf. Ser., arXiv:1111.6346 [hep-ph] (2012).<br />

C.-L. Shan, “Analyzing Direct Dark Matter Detection Data on the AMIDAS Website”, proceedings of<br />

the 3rd Workshop on Directional Detection of Dark Matter (CYGNUS 2011), EAS Publ. Ser. 53,<br />

77-88 (2012), arXiv:1109.0125 [hep-ph].<br />

伊 柏 (STACHIV, IVO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

A. I. Fedorchenko, I. Stachiv, A.-B. Wang: On normal modes of vibrating 1-D mechanical systems<br />

with discontinuous properties, Mech. of Adv. Mater. and Struc., 19, 265 (2012).<br />

I. Stachiv, A. I. Fedorchenko and Y.-L. Chen: Mass detection by means of vibrating nanomechanical<br />

resonators, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 093110 (2012).<br />

I. Stachiv and Y.-L. Chen: Nanowire and carbon nanotube based sensors for single-molecule detection<br />

in fluid, PSRC-2012, Chiayi, Taiwan, January 17-19, 2012.<br />

I. Stachiv, Y.-L. Chen, C.-W. Yang and I.-S. Hwang: Single-particle detection in liquid solutions with<br />

micro-/nanocantilevers based sensors, IMCS-14, 2012 - The 14th International meeting on<br />

Chemical Sensors, Nuremberg, Germany, 20th-23rd May, 2012.<br />

蘇 達 賢 (SU,DAXIAN)<br />

Atlas Note: Dart-yin Soh, Zhijun Liang, "The MCFM+Pythia8 Signal Samples for the h ! Z Analysis",<br />

https://cdsweb.cern.ch/record/1493589<br />

And other publications in Atlas Group, which can be checked in SPIRES:<br />

http://inspirehep.net/searchln=en&p=author%3AD.Y.Soh.1+collection%3APublished&jrec=26<br />

http://inspirehep.net/searchln=en&p=author%3AD.Y.Soh.1+collection%3APublished&jrec=51<br />

http://inspirehep.net/searchln=en&p=author%3AD.Y.Soh.1+collection%3APublished&jrec=76<br />


蘇 維 彬 (SU, WEI-BIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S. M. Lu, W. Y. Chan, H. Y. Chou, Y. P. Chiu, W. B. Su*, P. H. Chu, C. L. Jiang, C. S. Chang, H. L.<br />

Hsiao, and Tien T. Tsong, 2012, “Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Observation of Electronic<br />

Resonances Originating from 1x1 Potential on the Dense Pb Overlayer on Si(111)”, JAPANESE<br />

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51, 015702. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 59.6%)<br />

W. Y. Chan, H. S. Huang, W. B. Su*, W. H. Lin, H.-T. Jeng, M. K. Wu, and C. S. Chang, 2012,<br />

“Field-Induced Expansion Deformation in Pb Islands on Cu(111): Evidence from Energy Shift of<br />

Empty Quantum-Well States”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 146102. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

鄧 炳 坤 (TENG, PING-KUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Measurement of the t-channel single top-quark production cross section<br />

in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, 717, 330-350. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model<br />

Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, Phys. Lett. B, 716, 1-29. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Observation of Spin Correlation in ttbar Events from pp Collisions at<br />

√s = 7 TeV Using the ATLAS Detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 212001. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />

The CDF Collaboration, 2012, “Precise Measurement of the W-Boson Mass with the CDF II<br />

Detector”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 151803. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Combined search for the Standard Model Higgs boson using up to 4.9<br />

fb-1 of pp collision data at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC”, PHYSICS<br />

LETTERS B, 710, 49-66. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

莊 天 明 (CHUANG, TIEN-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. P. Allan, A. W. Rost, A. P. Mackenzie, Yang Xie, J. C. Davis*, K. Kihou, C. H. Lee, A. Iyo, H.<br />

Eisak and T.-M. Chuang*, 2012, “Anisotropic Energy Gaps of Iron-Based Superconductivity<br />

from Intraband Quasiparticle Interference in LiFeAs”, SCIENCE, 336, 563-567. (SCI) (IF: 31.2;<br />

SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />


杜 其 永 (TO, KI-WING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chung-Yi Li*, Yuan-Ho Chen, Tsin-Yuan Chang, Lih-Yuan Deng, Kiwing To, 2012, “Period<br />

Extension and Randomness Enhancement Using High-Throughput Reseeding-Mixing PRNG”,<br />


(SCI, EI) (IF: 1.22; SCI ranking: 29.2%,43.6%)<br />

蔡 日 強 (TSAI, JIH-CHIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen-Ming Chang, Yuk-Gyn Lau, Jih-Chiang Tsai* and Wen-Tau Juan*, 2012, “Relaxation of DNA<br />

on a supported lipid membrane”, EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 99, 48008.<br />

S. Arif, J.-C Tsai, S. Hilgenfeldt, 2012, “Spontaneous brittle-to-ductile transition in an aqueous foam”,<br />

Journal of Reology, 56(3),485-499.<br />

曾 士 傑 (TSENG, S-JA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S-ja Tseng, Chia-Chi Chien, Zi-Xian Liao, Hsiang-Hisn Chen, Yi-Da Kang, Cheng-Liang Wang, Y.<br />

Hwu*, and G. Margaritondo. Controlled hydrogel photopolymerization inside live systems by X-<br />

ray irradiation. Soft Matter. 2012, 8, 1420-1427. (This article is selected for the January 15, 2012<br />

issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research; this article is selected for the January 23,<br />

2012 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology)<br />

Chia-Wei Wang 1 , S-ja Tseng 1 , Shu-Fen Peng, Y. Hwu, and Chung-Kwei Lin* ( 1 Both authors<br />

contributed equally to this work). Functionalized polymer spheres via one-step photoinduced<br />

synthesis for antimicrobial activity and gene delivery. Nanotechonlogy. 2012, 23, 255103 (10<br />

pages). (This article is selected cover and highlight for Volume 23, Issue 25 2012 of<br />

Nanotechnology)<br />

王 長 海 (WANG, CHANG-HAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Changhai Wang, Frederick Casper, Teuta Gasi, Vadim Ksenofontov, Benjamin Balke, Gerhard H<br />

Fecher, Claudia Felser,Yeu-Kuang Hwu, and Jeu-Jau Lee, J. Phys. D. 45, 295001 (2012). Hwu<br />

Yeu-Kuang, Wang Chang-Hai, Taiwan patent I 356730.<br />


王 嵩 銘 (WANG, SONG-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, submitted, “Search for anomalous production of prompt like-sign muon pairs<br />

and constraints on physics beyond the Standard Model with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. D.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, submitted, “Study of jets produced in association with a W boson in pp<br />

collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Rev. D. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking:<br />

27.3%)<br />

ATLAS Collaboration, 2012, “Search for a heavy Standard Model Higgs boson in the channel H->ZZ-<br />

>llqq using the ATLAS detector”, Phys. Lett. B, Volume 707, pp. 27-45. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

溫 昱 傑 (WEN, YU-CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.-C. Wen, K.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, J.-Y. Luo, C.-C. Shen, H.-L. Liu, C.-K. Sun, M.-J. Wang, and<br />

M.-K. Wu, “Gap Opening and Orbital Modification of Superconducting FeSe above the Structural<br />

Distortion,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 267002 (2012). (IF: 7.180)<br />

A. Devos, Y.-C. Wen, P.-A. Mante, and C.-K. Sun, “Comment to “Obsercation of Anomalous Acoustic<br />

Phonon Dispersion in SrTiO 3 by Broadband Stimulated Brillouin Scattering,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 100,<br />

206101 (2012). (IF: 3.726)<br />

International Conference Papers:<br />

M.-K. Wu, Y.-C. Wen, C. C. Chang, C.-K. Sun, and M.-J. Wang, “Gap Opening and Orbital<br />

Modification of Superconducting FeSe above the Structural Distortion,” in the 12 th Korea-Japan-<br />

Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Paper O-12<br />

(2012).<br />

P. C. Cheng, C. W. Luo, I. H. Wu, J. Y. Lin, K. H. Wu, T. M. Uen, J. Y. Juang, T. Kobayashi, Y. C.<br />

Wen, J. Y. Luo, and M. K. Wu, “Quasiparticle Dynamics in FeSe Thin Films Studied by Using<br />

Time-resolved Femtosecond Spectroscopy,” in the 12 th Korea-Japan-Taiwan Symposium on<br />

Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Paper P-46 (2012).<br />

Y.-C. Wen, K.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, J.-Y. Luo, C.-C. Shen, H.-L. Liu, C.-K. Sun, M.-J. Wang, and<br />

M.-K. Wu, “Gap Opening and Orbital Modification of Superconducting FeSe above the Structural<br />

Distortion,” in the 12 th Korea-Japan-Taiwan Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems,<br />

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Paper P-31 (2012).<br />

C.-K. Sun, C.-C. Chen, Y.-C. Wen, P.-A. Mante, V. Gusev, and J.-K. Sheu, “Probing Interfacial Water<br />

Molecules by Using Sub-Nanometre Ultrasonic Pulses,” in 14 th International Conference on Phonon<br />

Scattering in Condensed Matter (Phonons 2012), Ann Arbor, Michigan (2012).<br />


Domestic Conference Papers:<br />

C.-C. Chen, P.-A. Mante, Y.-C. Wen, S.-J. Tu, J.-K. Sheu, and C.-K. Sun, “Measuring the Acoustic<br />

Loss Spectrum of Ice in the Frequency Range of 100 GHz to 800 GHz,” in The Annual Meeting of<br />

PSROC, Chiayi, Taiwan, F13.00006 (2012).<br />

Y. C. Wen, K. J. Wang, Y.-C. Lee, J.-Y. Luo, C. C. Chang, C. C. Shen, H. L. Liu, C. K. Sun, and M.<br />

K. Wu, “Correlation between Magnetic, Lattice, and Electron Dynamics of FeSe Studied by<br />

Optically Probing Fe 3d Orbitals,” in The Annual Meeting of PSROC, Chiayi, Taiwan, F04.00003<br />

(2012).<br />

K. J. Wang, K. W. Yeh, C. C. Chang, Y. C. Wen, H. M. Lin, and M. K. Wu, “Crystal Growth and<br />

Optical Properties of Fluorite Lanthanide Zirconate (Ln 2 Zr 2 O 7 , Ln = Ho and Er),” in The Annual<br />

Meeting of PSROC, Chiayi, Taiwan, E05.00018 (2012).<br />

P. C. Cheng, C. W. Luo, I. H. Wu, J.-Y. Lin, K. H. Wu, T. M. Uen, J. Y. Juang, T. Kobayashi, Y. C.<br />

Wen, J. Y. Luo, M. K. Wu, “Quasiparticle Dynamics in FeSe Thin Films Studied by Using Timeresolved<br />

Femtosecond Spectroscopy,” in The Annual Meeting of PSROC, Chiayi, Taiwan, J04.00056<br />

(2012).<br />

王 子 敬 (WONG, HENRY TSZ-KING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S. Bilmis et al., 2012, “Constraints on Non-Commutative Physics Scale with Neutrino-Electron<br />

Scattering”, PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol 85, Pg. 073011. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

H.T. Wong, 2012, “Neutrino and Dark Matter Physics with sub-keV Germanium Detectors”, paper<br />

presented at 4th International Symposium on Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Nuclear Physics<br />

(NDM12), Nara, Japan: Osaka University, Japan, 2012-06.<br />

H.T, Wong, 2012, “Fifteen Years of Cross-Strait Collaboration with the TEXONO Neutrino and Dark<br />

Matter Research Program”, paper presented at Cross-Strait Meeting in Particle Physics and<br />

Cosmology (XS-2012), Chong-Qing, China: Chong-Qing University, China, 2012-05.<br />

H.T. wong, 2012, “Neutrino and Dark Matter Physics with sub-keV Germanium Detectors”, paper<br />

presented at International Symposium on Neutrino Physics and Beyond (NPB12), ShenZhen,<br />

China: Institute of High Energy Physics, China, 2012-09.<br />

H.T. Wong, 2012, “Low-Mass Dark Matter Searches with sub-keV Germanium Detectors”, paper<br />

presented at Shanghai Particle Physics Symposium, Shanghai, China: Shanghai JiaoTung<br />

University, China, 2012-09.<br />


吳 明 佳 (WU, MING-CHYA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

J. Busa Jr., S. Hayryan, M.-C. Wu, J. Busa, C.-K. Hu*, 2012, “ARVO-CL: The OpenCL version of the<br />

ARVO package – An efficient tool for computing the accessible surface area and the excluded<br />

volume of proteins via analytical equations”, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 183,<br />

2494-2497. (SCI) (IF: 3.27; SCI ranking: 4.2%,11%)<br />

M.-C. Wu*, 2012, “Damped oscillations in the ratios of stock market indices”, EPL, 97, 48009. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

吳 茂 昆 (WU, MAW-KUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li Zhao, KW Yeh,SM Rao, TW Huang, Phillip Wu, WH Chao, CT Ke, CE Wu, MK Wu*, 2012,<br />

“Anisotropic dielectric and ferroelectric response of multiferroic LiCu2O2 in magnetic field”,<br />

EPL, 97(3), 37004. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

Zhao, Li., Hung, Tsu-Lien, Li, Ching-Chien, Chen, Yang-Yuan, Wu, Maw-Kuen*, Kremer, Reinhard<br />

K., Banks, Michael G., Simon, Arndt, Whangbo, Myung-Hwan, Lee, Changhoon, Kim, Jun<br />

Sung, Kim, Ingyu, Kim, Kee Hoon, 2012, “CuBr2-A New Multiferroic Material with High<br />

Critical Temperature”, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24(18), 2469-2473. (SCI) (IF: 13.88; SCI<br />

ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

Walter Uhoya, Georgiy Tsoi, Yogesh Vohra, Nathaniel Wolanyk, Sistla Muralidhara Rao, Maw-Kuen<br />

Wu, Samuel Weir, 2012, “Simultaneous measurement of pressure evolution of crystal structure<br />

and superconductivity in FeSe0.92 using designer diamonds”, EPL, 99(2), 26002. (SCI) (IF: 2.17;<br />

SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

Rao, S. M.*, Mok, B. H., Ling, M. C., Ke, C. T., Chen, T. K., Tsai, I. -M., Lin, Y. -L., Liu, H. L.,<br />

Chen, C. L., Hsu, F. C., Huang, T. W., Wu, T. B., Wu, M. K., 2012, “Convective solution<br />

transport-An improved technique for the growth of big crystals of the superconducting alpha-<br />

FeSe using KCl as solvent”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 111(8), 089902. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

Po Wei Chen, Shih Yun Chen, In Gann Chen*, and Maw Kuen Wu, 2012, “Enhancement of Peak<br />

Effect in Y–Ba–Cu–O Bulk Materials by the Addition of Nano-Sized Sm 2 O 3”, JOURNAL OF<br />

THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 95(10), 3109-3114. (SCI) (IF: 2.27; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

C W Luo*, I H Wu, P C Cheng, J-Y Lin, K H Wu, T M Uen, J Y Juang, T Kobayashi, Y C Wen, T W<br />

Huang, K W Yeh, M K Wu, 2012, “Ultrafast dynamics and phonon softening in Fe 1+ ySe 1 −<br />

xTex single crystals”, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 14, 103053. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking:<br />

10%)<br />


Li. Zhao, Tian-Wey Lan, Kuen-Jen Wang, Chia-Hua Chien, Tsu-Lien Hung, Jiu-Yong Luo, Wei-<br />

Hsiang Chao, Chung-Chieh Chang, Yang-Yuan Chen, and Maw-Kuen Wu *, 2012,<br />

“Multiferroicity in geometrically frustrated alpha-MCr2O4 systems (M = Ca, Sr, Ba)”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(6), 064408. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

Chan, W. Y.*, Huang, H. S., Su, W. B., Lin, W. H., Jeng, H. -T., Wu, M. K., Chang, C. S., 2012,<br />

“Field-Induced Expansion Deformation in Pb Islands on Cu(111): Evidence from Energy Shift of<br />

Empty Quantum-Well States”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108(14), 146102. (SCI) (IF: 7.37;<br />

SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Wen, Y. -C.*, Wang, K. -J., Chang, H. -H., Luo, J. -Y., Shen, C. -C., Liu, H. -L., Sun, C. -K., Wang,<br />

M. -J., Wu, M. -K., 2012, “Gap Opening and Orbital Modification of Superconducting FeSe<br />

above the Structural Distortion”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108(26), 267002. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Chung-Chieh Chang, Chih-Han Wang, Min-Hsueh Wen, Yu-Ruei Wu, Yao-Tsung Hsieh, Maw-Kuen<br />

Wu ∗, 2012, “Superconductivity in PbO-type tetragonal FeSe nanoparticles”, SOLID STATE<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 152(8), 649-652. (SCI) (IF: 1.65; SCI ranking: 41.4%)<br />

Chia-Ming Yang, Po-Wei Chen, In-Gann Chen*, Xiao-Ding Qi, Der-Chung Yan and Maw-Kuen Wu,<br />

2012, “Enhancement of superconductivity in FeSe1-xTex by Li doping”, SUPERCONDUCTOR<br />

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 25(9), 095010. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI ranking: 18.3%)<br />

*C Mirri,P Calvani,F.M Vitucci, A Perucchi, KW Yeh, MK Wu, S Lupi,, 2012, “Optical conductivity<br />

of FeTe1-xSex”, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 25(4), 045002. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.66; SCI ranking: 18.3%)<br />

*HH Chang, JY Luo, CT Wu, FC Hsu, TW Huang, PM Wu, MK Wu, MJ Wang,, 2012, “Weak<br />

localization in FeSe1-xTex superconducting thin films”, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE &<br />

TECHNOLOGY, 25(3), 035004. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI ranking: 18.3%)<br />

葉 佳 唯 (YEH, JIA-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Yen-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou. “Entropy-Driven Singel Molecule<br />

Tug-of-War of DNA at Micro-Nanofluidic Interfaces”, Nano Letter, 2012, 12 1597. (DOI:<br />

10.1021/nl2045292) (Research Highlights from Nature)<br />

Conference Paper/ Prescentation:<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, K. K. Sriram, Chia-Fu Chou. “Direct Observation of Tube-Like Motion of Single<br />

Molecule DNA in Strongly Confinement Nanoslit” Nov. 17-18 2011. 2011 RCAS-ANNA<br />

International Conference-Studies of Nano/Bio-Materials using Laser, X-ray, and Single-Molecule<br />

Techniques. <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taiwan (The Second Poster Award)<br />


Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, “Statics and Dynamics of Stretched<br />

Single DNA Molecule Tug-of-War at Micro-Nanofluidic”, March 21-25, 2011 American Physical<br />

Society March Meeting, Dallas, USA. (Oral Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, “Statics and Dynamics of Stretched<br />

Single DNA Molecule Tug-of-War at Micro-Nanofluidic”, Jan. 25-27, 2011 Annual Meeting of<br />

The Physical Society of Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan (Oral Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Jie-Pen Shen, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, Single Molecule Tugof-War<br />

and Confinment-Induced Entropic Recoiling of DNA in NanoSlits, p216-218, November<br />

1-5, 2009 MicroTas2009 (The 13th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for<br />

Chemistry and Life Sciences), Jeju, Korea. (Poster Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Jie-Pen Shen, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, “Single Molecule<br />

Tug-of-War and Confinment-Induced Entropic Recoiling of DNA in NanoSlits” Jan. 19-21, 2009<br />

Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Republic of China, Changhua, Taiwan. (Oral<br />

Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Alessandro Taloni, Jie-Pen Shen, Yeng-Long Chen, Chia-Fu Chou, “Single Molecule<br />

Tug-of-War and Confinment-Induced Entropic Recoiling of DNA in NanoSlits” Jan. 5-7, 2009<br />

Conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Hung-Kung. (Oral Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Jie-Pan Shen, Alessandro Taloni, Der-You Kao, Chih-Ning Cheng, Yeng-Long Chen,<br />

Chia-Fu Chou, “Single Molecule Tug-of-War of DNA though Nanoslits” September 15-18, 2008<br />

The 34th MNE08 International Conference, Athens, Greece. (Oral Presentation)<br />

Jia-Wei Yeh, Jie-Pan Shen, Alessandro Taloni, Der-You Kao, Chih-Ning Cheng, Yeng-Long Chen,<br />

Chia-Fu Chou, “Single Molecule Tug-of-War of DNA though Nanoslits” May 21-24, 2008 the<br />

13th Joint Biophysics Conference, Hui-Sun Forest Station, Nantou, Taiwan (The Poster<br />

Competition Award)<br />

葉 崇 傑 (YIP, SUNG-KIT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pochung Chen, Zhi-Long Xue, I. P. McCulloch, Ming-Chiang Chung, S.-K. Yip, 2012, “Dimerized<br />

and trimerized phases for spin-2 bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW A, 85, 011601. (SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

Chao-Chun Huang and M.-S. Chang and S.- K. Yip, 2012, “Preparation of two-particle totalhyperfine-spin-singlet<br />

states via spin-changing dynamics”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86, 013403.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

Bor-Luen Huang and S.-K. Yip, 2012, “Phase diagrams of a p-wave superconductor inside a<br />

mesoscopic disk-shaped sample”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86, 064506. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI<br />

ranking: 19%)<br />

Ernst Bauer, Manfred Sigrist, et al., 2012, Noncentrosymmetric superconductors, 357 pages,<br />

Heidelberg: Springer.<br />


阮 自 強 (YUAN, TZU-CHIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K. Cheung, P. Y. Tseng, Y. L. S. Tsai and T. C. Yuan, 2012, “Global Constraints on Effective Dark<br />

Matter Interactions: Relic Density, Direct Detection, Indirect Detection, and Collider”,<br />


5.72; SCI ranking: 13.2%,18.2%)<br />

Kingman Cheung, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai, Po-Yan Tseng, Tzu-Chiang Yuan, A. Zee, 2012, “Global<br />

Study of the Simplest Scalar Phantom Dark Matter Model”, JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND<br />

ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS, 2012(10), 42-61. (SCI) (IF: 5.72; SCI ranking: 13.2%,18.2%)<br />

C.-F. Chang, K. Cheung, Y. C. Lin and T. C. Yuan, 2012, “Mimicking the Standard Model Higgs<br />

Boson in UMSSM”, JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, 2012(06), 128-154. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.83; SCI ranking: 13.6%)<br />

K. Cheung and T. C. Yuan, 2012, “Could the excess seen at 124-126 GeV be due to the Randall-<br />

Sundrum Radion”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 141602. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%)<br />

趙 力 (ZHAO, LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li Zhao, Tsu-Lien Hung, Ching-Chien Li, Yang-Yuan Chen, Maw-Kuen Wu,et al, Advanced<br />

Materials, Volume 24, Issue 18, pages 2469–2473(2012)<br />

Li Zhao, Kuo-Wei Yeh, Sistla Muralidhara Rao, Tzu-Wen Huang, Phillip Wu, Wei-Hsiang Chao,<br />

Chung-Ting Ke, Cheng-En Wu and Maw-Kuen Wu. EPL-Europhys. Lett., 97, 37004(2012)<br />

Li. Zhao, Tsu-Lien Hung, Ching-Chien Li, Yang-Yuan Chen, Maw-Kuen Wu(*),Reinhard K. Kremer,<br />

Michael G. Banks, Arndt Simon, Myung-Hwan Whangbo, Changhoon Lee, Jun Sung Kim, Ingyu<br />

Kim, and Kee Hoon Kim, Adv. Mater. 24, 2469(2012).<br />

Li. Zhao, Tian-Wey Lan, Kuen-Jen Wang, Chia-Hua Chien, Tsu-Lien Hung, Jiu-Yong Luo, Wei-<br />

Hsiang Chao, Chung-Chieh Chang, Yang-Yuan Chen, and Maw-Kuen Wu, Phys. Rev. B 86,<br />

064408 (2012)<br />


化 學 研 究 所<br />

陳 長 謙 (CHAN, SUNNEY-I.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin KF, Sun CS, Huang YC, Chan SI, Koubek J, Wu TH, Huang JJ, 2012, “Cotranslational protein<br />

folding within the ribosome tunnel influences trigger-factor recruitment.”, Biophysical journal,<br />

102(12), 2818-27. (SCI) (IF: 3.65; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

Huang JJ, Larsen RW, Chan SI, 2012, “The interplay of turn formation and hydrophobic interactions<br />

on the early kinetic events in protein folding”, Chemical communications, 48(4), 487-497. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Maji S, Lee JC, Lu YJ, Chen CL, Hung MC, Chen PP, Yu SS, Chan SI, 2012, “Dioxygen activation of<br />

a trinuclear Cu(I)Cu(I)Cu(I) cluster capable of mediating facile oxidation of organic substrates:<br />

competition between O-atom transfer and abortive intercomplex reduction.”, Chemistry<br />

(Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), 18(13), 3955-68.<br />

Lo FC, Lee JF, Liaw WF, Hsu IJ, Tsai YF, Chan SI, Yu SS, 2012, “The metal core structures in the<br />

recombinant Escherichia coli transcriptional factor SoxR”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN<br />

JOURNAL, 18(9)2665-2577. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Liu IPC, Chen PPY, Chan SI, 2012, “Models for the trinuclear copper(II) cluster in the particulate<br />

methane monooxygenase from methanotrophic bacteria: Synthesis, spectroscopic and theoretical<br />

characterization of trinuclear copper(II) complexes”, Comptes Rendus Chimie, 15, 214-224. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.8; SCI ranking: 37.1%)<br />

Chen KH, Wu HH, Ke SF, Rao YT, Tu CM, Chen YP, Kuei KH, Chen YS, Wang VC, Kao WC, Chan<br />

SI, 2012, “Bacteriohemerythrin bolsters the activity of the particulate methane monooxygenase<br />

(pMMO) in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath).”, Journal of inorganic biochemistry, 111, 10-7.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 38.7%,23.7%)<br />

張 定 國 (CHANG, DING-KWO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin KC, Chen CY, Chang CW, Huang KJ, Lin SP, Lin SH, Chang DK, Lin MR, Shiuan D, 2012, “A<br />

dodecapeptide (YQVTQSKVMSHR) exhibits antibacterial effect and induces cell aggregation in<br />

Escherichia coli.”, Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 94(3), 755-62. (SCI) (IF: 3.43; SCI<br />

ranking: 23%)<br />


章 為 皓 (CHANG, WEI-HAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yi-min Wu, Jen-wei Chang, Chun-hsiung Wang,Yen-chen Lin, Pei-lun Wu, Shih-hsin Huang, Chiachi<br />

Chang, Xiaopeng Hu, Averell Gnatt*, Wei-hau Chang*, 2012, “Regulation of mammalian<br />

transcription by Gdown1 through a novel steric crosstalk revealed by cryo-electron microscopy”,<br />

EMBO JOURNAL, 31, 3575-3587. (SCI) (IF: 9.21; SCI ranking: 10.5%,6%)<br />

Hou-chih Lee, Bo-lin Lin, Wei-hau Chang *, I-ping Tu*, 2012, “Toward automated de-noising of<br />

single-molecule FRET data: ADN for smFRET”, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 17,<br />

011007. (SCI) (IF: 3.16; SCI ranking: 35.5%,12%,20%)<br />

趙 奕 姼 (CHAO, ITO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Someshwar Pola, Chi-Hsien Kuo, Wei-Tao Peng, Md. Minarul Islam, Ito Chao,* Yu-Tai Tao*, 2012,<br />

“Contorted Tetrabenzocoronene Derivatives for Single Crystal Field Effect Transistors:<br />

Correlation between Packing and Mobility”, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 24, 2566-2571.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 7.29; SCI ranking: 8.6%,4.7%)<br />

Kuo Yuan Chiu, Yi-Jung Tu, Chia-Jung Lee, Te-Fang Yang*, Long-Li Lai, Ito Chao*, Yuhlong<br />

Oliver Su*, 2012, “Unusual Spectral and Electrochemical Properties of Azobenzene-Substituted<br />

Porphyrins”, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 62, 51-62. (SCI) (IF: 3.83; SCI ranking: 25%)<br />

Yi-Jung Tu, Hsu Chun Cheng, Ito Chao*, Cheng-Ru Cho, Ru-Jen Cheng*, Yuhlong Oliver Su*, 2012,<br />

“Intriguing Electrochemical Behavior of Free Base Porphyrins: Effect of Porphyrin-meso-Phenyl<br />

Interation Controlled by Position of Substituents on meso-Phenyls”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY A, 116, 1632-1637. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 25.8%,35.2%)<br />

Yi-Jung Tu, Hsu Chun Cheng, Ito Chao*, Cheng-Ru Cho, Ru-Jen Cheng*,Yuhlong Oliver Su*, 2012,<br />

“Substituent Effect on the Structural Behavior of Modified Cyclodextrin: A Molecular Dynamics<br />

Study on Methylated beta-CDs”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 116, 3477-3489.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

陳 榮 傑 (CHEIN, RONG-JIE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chebolu Naga Sesha Sai Pavan Kumar, Shih-Che Lin, and Rong-Jie Chein*, 2012, “Nature-Inspired<br />

Total Synthesis of Labdane-type Diterpenes”, paper presented at The 7th International<br />

Conference on Cutting-Edge Organic Chemistry in Asia (ICCEOCA-7), Nanyang Technological<br />

University, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, 2012-12-11 ~ 2012-12-14.<br />


陳 錦 地 (CHEN, CHIN-TI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hung-Yang Chen, Jhao-Lin Wu, Chin-Ti Chen*, Chao-Tsen Chen*, 2012, “Rare Solvent Annealing<br />

Effective Benzo(1,2-b:4,5-b0)dithiophene-Based Low Band-Gap Polymer for Bulk<br />

Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48(7), 1012-1014.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Yung-Ting Chang, Shun-Wei Liu, Chin-Ti Chen, Chih-Hsien Yuan, Li-An Liu, Yu-San Chen, Wei-<br />

Cheng Su, Kuen-Lin Lee, Chih-I Wu*, Chih-Chien Lee*, 2012, “A New Model for Optimization<br />

of Organic Light-Emitting Device by Concurrent Incorporation of Electrical and Optical<br />

Simulations”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 112(8), 084507-1-0804507-9. (SCI) (IF: 2.17;<br />

SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

Hung-Yang Chen, Shih-Chieh Yeh, Chin-Ti Chen*, Chao-Tsen Chen*, 2012, “Comparison of<br />

thiophene- and Selenophene-Bridged Donor–Acceptor Low Bandgap copolymers Used in Bulk-<br />

Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22(25),<br />

21549-21559. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Chih-Chin Chi, Yu-Jui Huang, Chin-Ti Chen*, 2012, “Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization<br />

of Dual Absorption BODIPY Type Dyes and their Light Harvesting Application in Polymer-<br />

Based Bulk Hetrojunction Organic Photovoltaics”, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL<br />

SOCIETY, 59(3), 305-316. (SCI) (IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 72.9%)<br />

Shun-Wei Liu*, Chi-Feng Lin, Chih-Chien Lee, Wei-Cheng Su, Chin-Ti Chen*, Jiun-Haw Lee*,<br />

2012, “High Open-Circuit Voltage Planar Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics Exhibiting Red<br />

Electroluminescence”, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 159(2), H191-<br />

H194. (SCI) (IF: 2.59; SCI ranking: 6.3%,50%)<br />

Yu-Hsuan Ho, Ding-Wei Huang, Yung-Ting Chang, Ya-Han Ye, Chih-Wei Chu, Wei-Cheng<br />

Tian, Chin-Ti Chen*, Pei-Kuen Wei*, 2012, “Improve Eficiency of White Oganic Light-Emitting<br />

Diodes by Using Nanosphere Arrays in Color Conversion Layers”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(3),<br />

3005-3014. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Shun-Wei Liu*, Wei-Cheng Su, Chi-Feng Lin, Shih-Chieh Yeh, Chin-Ti Chen*, Jiun-Haw Lee*,<br />

Chih-Chien Lee*, 2012, “Comparison of Short and Long Wavelength Absorption Eectron Donor<br />

Materials in C60-Based Planar Heterojunction Organic Photovoltaics”, ORGANIC<br />

ELECTRONICS, 13(10), 2118-2129. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />

Hui-Yu Chen a, I-Wen Wua, Chin-Ti Chen *, Shun-Wei Liu *, Chih-I Wu,*, 2012, “Self-Assembled<br />

Mmonolayer Modification of Silver Source–drain Electrodes for High-Performance Pentacene<br />

Organic Field-Efect Transistors”, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, 13(4), 593-598. (SCI) (IF: 4.05;<br />

SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />


Yi-Hao Chen, Ping-Tsung Huang*, Keng-Ching Lin, Yu-Jui Huang, Chin-Ti Chen*, 2012,<br />

“Stabilization of Poly(3-hexylthiophene)/PCBM Morphology by Hydroxyl Group End-<br />

Functionalized P3HT and its Application to Polymer Solar Cells”, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS,<br />

13(2), 283-289. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />

Chi-Feng Lin, Shun-Wei Liu*, Chih-Chien Lee, Jia-Cing Huang, Wei-Cheng Su, Tien-Lung<br />

Chiu, Chin-Ti Chen*, Jiun-Haw Lee*, 2012, “Open-Circuit Voltage and Efficiency Improvement<br />

of Subphthalocyanine-Based Organic Photovoltaic Device through Deposition Rate Control”,<br />

SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 103, 69-75. (SCI) (IF: 4.54; SCI ranking:<br />

12.9%)<br />

陳 玉 如 (CHEN, YU-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tzong-Yi Lee*, Yi-Ju Chen, Cheng-Tsung Lu, Wei-Chieh Ching, Yu-Chuan Teng, Hsien-Da Huang,<br />

Yu-Ju Chen*, 2012, “dbSNO: a Database of Cysteine S-nitrosylation”, BIOINFORMATICS, 28,<br />

2293-2295. (SCI) (IF: 5.47; SCI ranking: 7.9%,2.4%,11.3%)<br />

Chun-Mei Hu, Ming-Tyng Yeh, Chih-Wei Chen, Ning Tsao, Quan-Ze Gao, Chia-Yun Chang, Ming-<br />

Hsiang Lee, Jim-Min Fang, Sheh-Yi Sheu, Chow-Jaw Lin, Mei-Chun Tseng, Yu-Ju Chen, Zee-<br />

Fen Chang*, 2012, “Tumor cells require thymidylate kinase to prevent dUTP incorporation<br />

during DNA repair”, CANCER CELL, 22 (1) ,36-50. (SCI) (IF: 26.57; SCI ranking: 1.8%,2%)<br />

Alan Chuan-Ying Lai, Chia-Feng Tsai, Chuan-Chih Hsu, Yu-Ni Sun, Yu-Ju Chen*, 2012,<br />

“Complementary Fe3+- and Ti4+-immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography for purification<br />

of acidic and basic phosphopeptides”, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY,<br />

26, 2186-2194. (SCI) (IF: 2.79; SCI ranking: 34.3%)<br />

江 明 錫 (CHIANG, MING-HSI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chien-Ming Lee*, Chi-He Chuo, Ching-Hui Chen, Cho-Chun Hu, Ming-Hsi Chiang*, Yu-Jan Tseng,<br />

Ching-Han Hu, Gene-Hsiang Lee, 2012, “Structural and Spectroscopic Characterization of a<br />

Monomeric Side-On Manganese(IV) Peroxo Complex”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-<br />

INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 51, 5427-5430. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Shao-Hsuan Lin, Chen-I Yang, Ting-Shen Kuo, Ming-Hsi Chiang, Kung-Chung Hsu, Kuang-Lieh<br />

Lu*, 2012, “Self-Adaptation of Manganese Chloride Arrangement toward High Spin Mn5(u-Cl)4<br />

Cluster-Based Metal Organic Framework with S = 15/2”, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 41, 1448-<br />

1450. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />


Jing-Yun Wu*, Ming-Shiou Zhong, Ming-Hsi Chiang, Meng-Rong Tsai, Long-Li Lai, 2012,<br />

“Synthesis, Characterization and Solvent-Mediated Structural Transformation of a Discrete<br />

Tetragonal Metalloprism”, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 41, 156-164. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI<br />

ranking: 15.8%)<br />

Yu-Chiao Liu, Tao-Hung Yen, Yu-Jan Tseng, Ching-Han Hu, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Ming-Hsi Chiang*,<br />

2012, “Electron Delocalization from the Fullerene Attachment to the Diiron Core within the<br />

Active-Site Mimics of [FeFe]Hydrogenase”, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 51, 5997-5999. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.6; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />

Meng-Jung Tsai, Jing-Yun Wu*, Ming-Hsi Chiang*, Cheng-Hao Huang, Ming-Yu Kuo, Long-Li<br />

Lai*, 2012, “Infinite Copper(II) Coordination Architectures from a Resonative Aminotriazine-<br />

Derived Tripodal Ligand: Synthesis, Structures, and Magnetic Properties”, INORGANIC<br />

CHEMISTRY, 51, 12360−12371. (SCI) (IF: 4.6; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />

Wei-Chih Shih, Tsai-Te Lu, Li-Bo Yang, Fu-Te Tsai, Ming-Hsi Chiang*, Jyh-Fu Lee, Yun-Wei<br />

Chiang, Wen-Feng Liaw*, 2012, “New Members of a Class of Dinitrosyliron Complexes<br />

(DNICs): The Characteristic EPR Signal of the Six-Coordinate and Five-Coordinate {Fe(NO)2}9<br />


ranking: 38.7%,23.7%)<br />

簡 淑 華 (CHIEN, SHU-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tu, W.K., Lin, C.J., Chatterjee, A., Shiau, G.H., Chien, S.H.∗, 2012, “A novel nanocomposite TiO2<br />

photoanode for highly efficient dye-sensitized solar cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 203, 297-<br />

301. (SCI) (IF: 4.95; SCI ranking: 8.3%,10%)<br />

周 大 新 (CHOW, TAHSIN J.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ting-Han Chao, Motonori Watanabe, Ching-Ting Chien, and Tahsin J. Chow, accepted, “Acenes<br />

Generated From Monoketone Precursors and Their Applications on OFET”, Advanced Science<br />

Letters.<br />

Yuan Jay Chang, Motonori Watanabe, Po-Ting Chou, and Tahsin J. Chow*, 2012,<br />

“[2.2]Paracyclophane as a bridging unit in the design of organic dyes for sensitized solar cells”,<br />

CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 726-728. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Ting-Han Chao, Ming-Jen Chang, Motonori Watanabe, Ming-Hui Luo, Yuan Jay Chang, Tzu-Chien<br />

Fang, Kew-Yu Chen, and Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “Solution processed high performance<br />

pentacene thin-film transistor”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 6148-6150. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />


Yuan Jay Chang, Po-Ting Chou, Szu-Yu Lin, Motonori Watanabe, Zhi-Qian Liu, Kew-Yu Chen, and<br />

Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “High Performance Organic Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell:<br />

Triarylene-Linked Dyads with a 4-tert-Butylphenylamine Donor”, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN<br />

JOURNAL, 7,572-581. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Yan-Duo Lin, Yung-Shu Pen, Weiting Su, Kang-Ling Liau, Yun-Sheng Wen, Chin-Hsin Tu, Chia-<br />

Hsing Sun, Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “Reaction-based colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence<br />

sensor for detection of cyanide in aqueous media”, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, DOI:<br />

10.1002/asia.201200578. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Motonori Watanabe, Weiting Su, Yuan Jay Chang, Ting-Han Chao, Yuh-Sheng Wen, and Tahsin J.<br />

Chow*, 2012, “Solution-processed Opto-electronic Properties of Functionalized Anthradifuran”,<br />

CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, DOI: 10.1002/asia.201200834. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking:<br />

17.1%)<br />

Yuan Jay Chang,* Po-Ting Chou, Yan-Zuo Lin, Motonori Watanabe, Chih-Jen Yang, Tsung-Mei<br />

Chin, and Tahsin J. Chow*, 2012, “Organic Dyes Containing Oligo-Phenothiazine for Dye-<br />

Sensitized Solar Cells”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 21704. (SCI) (IF: 5.97;<br />

SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Chih-Jen Yang, Yuan Jay Chang, Motonori Watanabe, Yung-Son Hon, and Tahsin J. Chow*, 2012,<br />

“Phenothiazine Derivatives as Organic Sensitizers for Highly Efficient Dye-sensitized Solar<br />

Cells”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 4040-4049. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Ching-Ting Chien, Chih-Chun Lin, Motonori Watanabe, Yan-Duo Lin, Ting-Han Chao, Ta-chung<br />

Chiang, Xin-Hua Huang, Yuh-Sheng Wen, Chih-Hsin Tu, Chia-Hsing Sun, and Tahsin J. Chow,<br />

2012, “Tetracene-based field-effect transistors using solution processes”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, DOI:10.1039/C2JM31134H. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yan-Duo Lin and Tahsin J. Chow*, 2012, “Fluorine substituent effect on organic dyes for sensitized<br />


47-54. (SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 41.9%)<br />

Ching-Ting Chien, Jin-Ruei Shiu, Chih-Ping Chang, Yung-Son Hon, Duo-Fong Huang, Po-Ting<br />

Chou, Ching-Yang Liu, and Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “Platinum Complexes of 4-Hydoxy-1,5-<br />

naphthyridines as Emitting Dyes”, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 59,<br />

357-364. (SCI) (IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 72.9%)<br />

Motonori Watanabe, Yuan Jay Chang, Shun-Wei Liu, Thing-Han Chao, Kenta Goto, Md. Minarul<br />

Islam, Chih-Hsien Yuan, Yu-Tai Tao, Teruo Shinmyozu, Tashin J. Chow, 2012, “Structure,<br />

Stability, and Conductivity of Solid-state Hexacene”, Nature Chemistry, 4, 574-578. (SCI) (IF:<br />

20.52; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />


Yan-Duo Lin, Yung-Shu Peng, Chia-Hsing Sun, and Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “A Highly Selective<br />

Colorimetric and Turn-on Fluorescent Probe for Cyanide Anion”, TETRAHEDRON, 68, 2523-<br />

2526. (SCI) (IF: 3.03; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Lee-Gin Lin, Pi-Guey Su, Jun-Ren Huang, Cheng-Han Kuo, Chien-Hung Lin, Dai-Chi Peng, and<br />

Tahsin J. Chow, 2012, “25-Alkoxy-26-benzoyloxycalix[4]arenes: the reaction mechanism of<br />

benzoyl migration”, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 53, 3510-3513. (SCI) (IF: 2.68; SCI ranking:<br />

35.8%)<br />

Motonori Watanabe, Ting-Han Chao, Ching-Ting Chien. Shun-Wei Liu, Yuan Jay Chang, Kew-Yu<br />

Chen, Tashin J. Chow, 2012, “2-Halo-subsituted tetracenes: their generation and single crystal<br />

OFET characteristics”, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, 53, 2284-2287. (SCI) (IF: 2.68; SCI ranking:<br />

35.8%)<br />

Ta-Chung Chiang, Ching-Ting Chien, Motonori Watanabe, Ting-Han Chao, Yuan Jay Chang, Yan-<br />

Duo Lin, Hung-Kai Lee, Ching-Yang Liu, Chih-Hsin Tu, Chia-Hsing Sun, and Tahsin J Chow*,<br />

2012, “The Synthesis and Ambipolar Charge Transport Properties of 1,2,3,4-<br />

Tetrafluoropentacene”, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS, DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2012.11.126. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.68; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

Parthasarathy Venkatakrishnan, Palani Natarajan, Jarugu Narasimha Moorthy,, 2012, “Twisted<br />

bimesitylene-based oxadiazoles as novel host emitting materials for phosphorescent OLEDs”,<br />

TETRAHEDRON, 68, 7502-7508. (SCI) (IF: 3.03; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

技 術 報 告<br />

Tahsin J. Chow and Yuan Jay Chang, 2012, “Dye Compound and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell”, US<br />

Patent, pp. 03A-970519US.<br />

Tahsin J. Chow, Ta-Hsien Chuang, Hsin-Hui Huang, Chung-Chih Wu Hsing-Hung Hsieh, 2012,<br />

“Synthesis and Application of Soluble Pentacene Precursors and Related Compounds”, US<br />

Patent, pp. 04.16.<br />

許 昭 萍 (HSU, CHAO PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jurate Simokaitiene, Egle Stanislovaityte, Juozas V. Grazulevicius*, Vygintas Jankauskas, Rong Gu,<br />

Wim Dehaen, Yi-Chen Hung, Chao-Ping Hsu, 2012, “Synthesis and properties of<br />

methoxyphenyl-substituted derivatives of indolo[3,2-b]carbazole”, JOURNAL OF ORGANIC<br />

CHEMISTRY, 77(11), 4924-4931. (SCI) (IF: 4.45; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “Theories and applications for electronic coupling in electron transfer and<br />

excitation energy transfer ”, paper presented at 2012 1st International Conference on Theoretical,<br />

Applied, Computational and Experimental Perspectives, 台 北 : 中 國 文 化 大 學 , 2012-09-19 ~<br />

2012-09-21.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “The fluctuation-dissipation theorem for stdchastic kinetics and the<br />

corresponding linear response theory--implications on genetic regulations”, paper presented at<br />

Paradigm innovation in biology:Novel Strategy and Thinking, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-10-16 ~<br />

2012-10-19.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “The electronic coupling for electron transfer and excitation energy transfer”,<br />

paper presented at Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics (QSCP-XVII), TURKU,<br />

FINLAND: Åbo Akademi University, 2012-08-19 ~ 2012-08-25.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “The electronic coupling for electron transfer and excitation energy transfer”,<br />

paper presented at The 5th Cross-Strait Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Conference<br />

(CTCC-5), 陝 西 師 範 大 學 : 陝 西 師 範 大 學 化 學 化 工 學 院 , 2012-08-07 ~ 2012-08-10.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “Theories and applications for electronic coupling in electronic transfer ”,<br />

paper presented at 中 央 大 學 物 理 系 系 所 演 講 , 中 央 大 學 : 中 央 大 學 , 2012-05-15.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “ 量 子 力 學 在 化 學 中 的 應 用 : 以 電 子 轉 移 為 例 ”, paper presented at 交 通 大<br />

學 理 學 院 科 學 博 士 班 演 講 , 新 竹 : 交 通 大 學 , 2012-11-23.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “The calculation of electronic coupling,and my side notes”, paper presented at<br />

化 學 相 關 領 域 青 年 研 究 人 員 座 談 會 , 台 北 : 國 科 會 , 2012-10-06.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “Theories and applications for electronic coupling in electronic transfer ”,<br />

paper presented at 廈 門 大 學 化 學 系 學 術 研 討 會 , 廈 門 大 學 : 廈 門 大 學 , 2012-08-06.<br />

Chao-Ping Hsu*, 2012, “Electronic couplings in energy transfer and electron transfer”, paper<br />

presented at 臺 灣 師 範 大 學 化 學 系 系 所 演 講 , 臺 灣 師 範 大 學 : 臺 灣 師 範 大 學 化 學 系 , 2012-03-<br />

26.<br />

黃 人 則 (HUANG, JEN-TSE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, C.-K., Wu, T.-H., Wu, C.-Y., Chiang, M.-H., Toh, E.-K., Hsu, Y.-C., Lin, K.-F., Liao, Y.-H.,<br />

Huang, T.-H.*, Huang, J.-T.*, 2012, “The N-terminus of TDP-43 Promotes Its Oligomerization<br />

and Enhances DNA Binding Affinity.”, BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 425(2), 219-224. (SCI) (IF: 2.48; SCI ranking: 59.3%,56.1%)<br />


Lin, K.-F., Sun, C.-S., Huang, Y.-C., Chan, S.-I., Koubek, J., Wu, T.-H., Huang, J.-T.*, 2012,<br />

“Cotranslational Protein Folding within the Ribosome Tunnel Influences Trigger-Factor<br />

Recruitment”, BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 102, 2818-2827. (SCI) (IF: 3.65; SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

Huang, J.-T., Larsen, R.-W., Chan, S.-I.*, 2012, “The Interplay of Turn Formation and Hydrophobic<br />

Interactions on the Early Kinetic Events in Protein Folding”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS,<br />

48, 487-497. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yi-Ni Li, Chia-Sui Sun , Chu-Ya Wu , Joseph J.-T. Huang*, 2012, “The influence of molecular<br />

chaperones on the mHtt protein aggregation process”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of<br />

Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, National Cheng-Kung University: Department of<br />

Chemistry, National Cheng-Kung University, 2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-02.<br />

Joseph Jen-Tse Huang*, 2012, “Exploring the Co-translational Protein Folding Process with Novel<br />

Biophysical and Chemical Approaches”, paper presented at Frontiers in Chemistry-A symposium<br />

dedicated to the memory of Prof. Ta-shue Chou, 中 央 研 究 院 化 學 所 周 大 紓 講 堂 : 中 央 研 究 院 化<br />

學 所 , 2012-02-21.<br />

Jen-Tse Huang*, 2012, “Co-translational Protein Folding: The Journey from the Ribosome Tunnel to<br />

Cellular Function”, 71 pages, paper presented at The 12th Annual Meeting of the Protein Science<br />

Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan: Protein Science Society of Japan, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-23.<br />

Yi-Chen Huang, Jen-Tse Huang*, 2012, “Exploring the roles of DNA/RNA on TDP-43 aggregation in<br />

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”, 64 pages, paper presented at The 12th Annual Meeting of the<br />

Protein Science Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan: Protein Science Society of Japan, 2012-06-20 ~<br />

2012-06-23.<br />

Gerard Chun-Hao Liu, Joseph Jen-Tse Huang*, 2012, “Characterization of the aggregation properties<br />

of amyloid core in the TDP-43 C-terminal fragments”, paper presented at The 17th Biophysics<br />

Conference, Institute of BioMedical Sciences, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Biophysical Society of R.O.C、<br />

IBMS, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-05-23 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

Ku-Feng Lin, Joseph Jen-Tse Huang*, 2012, “Co-translational protein folding within the ribosome<br />

tunnel influences trigger-factor recruitment”, paper presented at The 17th Biophysics Conference,<br />

Institute of BioMedical Sciences, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Biophysical Society of R.O.C、IBMS,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-05-23 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

Joseph Jen-Tse Huang, 2012, “The impact of mutations in TDP-43 fragments on the formation of<br />

amyloid fibers and cellular toxicity”, paper presented at The 17th Biophysics Conference,<br />

Institute of BioMedical Sciences, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Biophysical Society of R.O.C 、 IBMS,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-05-23 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />


他 類 論 文<br />

黃 人 則 、 陳 長 謙 、 林 谷 峰 , 2012, “ 蛋 白 質 摺 疊 : 從 核 醣 體 到 細 胞 功 能 的 旅 程 ”, 中 央 研 究 院 週 報 - 知<br />

識 天 地 專 刊 , 1364 期 .<br />

洪 政 雄 (HUNG, CHEN-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wei-Min Ching, Chen-Hsiung Hung* , 2012, “Interior Aliphatic C-H Bond Activation on Iron(II) N-<br />

Confused Porphyrin through Synergistic Nitric Oxide Binding and Iron Oxidation”, CHEMICAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 4989-4991. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Tsun-Wei Shiue, Yen-Hao Chen, Chi-Ming Wu, Gyan Singh, Hsing-Yin Chen, Chen-Hsiung Hung,<br />

Wen-Feng Liaw, Yun-Ming Wang*, 2012, “Nitric Oxide Turn-on Fluorescent Probe Based on<br />

Deamination of Aromatic Primary Monoamines”, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 51(9), 5400–5408.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.6; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />

Ram Ambre, Kwan-Bo Chen, Ching-Fa Yao, Liyang Luo*, Eric Wei-Guang Diau*, Chen-Hsiung<br />

Hung*, 2012, “Effects of Porphyrinic Meso-Substituents on the Photovoltaic Performance of<br />

Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Number and Position of p-Carboxyphenyl and Thienyl Groups on<br />

Zinc Porphin”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (22), 11907–11916. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI<br />

ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Mira Anne C. dela Rosa, Susan D. Arco, Chen-Hsiung Hung*, 2012, “Syntheses of Amino Group-<br />

Substituted N-Confused Porphyrins”, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 59,<br />

633-640. (SCI) (IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 72.9%)<br />

甘 魯 生 (KAN, LOU-SING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ping-Hsun Tsai, Ching-Huang Wang, Lou-sing Kan, C. Will Chen*, 2012, “Studies on the optimal<br />

conditions for synthesizing poly(butylenesuccinate-co-terephthalate) copolyesters with targeted<br />

properties”, Asia-Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 7(SI), S88–S94. (SCI) (IF: 0.76; SCI ranking: 66.1%)<br />

Anna V. Svanidze,Ivan P. Koludarov,Sergey G. Lushnikov,Augustinus Asenbaum,Christian<br />

Pruner,Fouad M. Aliev,Chia-Ching Chang,Lou-sing Kan, 2012, “Specific features of the<br />

temperature behavior of lysozyme diffusivity in solutions with different protein concentrations”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 168, 7-11. (SCI) (IF: 1.58; SCI ranking: 64.5%,65.7%)<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

甘 魯 生 ,2012,〈 加 州 大 學 洛 杉 磯 分 校 化 學 系 Patrick Harran 教 授 因 重 罪 入 獄 -[ 實 驗 室 安 全 ] 事<br />

件 後 續 〉,《 化 學 》, 第 70 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 81。<br />


李 賢 明 (LEE, HSIEN-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Priestman MA, Shell TA, Sun L, Lee HM, Lawrence DS, 2012, “Merging of confocal and caging<br />

technologies: selective three-color communication with profluorescent reporters.”, Angewandte<br />

Chemie (International ed. in English), 51(31), 7684-7.<br />

李 文 山 (LI, WEN-SHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Sin-Ming Huang, Pei-Chun Hsu, Mei-Yu Chen, Wen-Shan Li, Shivaji V. More, Kwok-Tung Lu, Yi-<br />

Ching Wang*, 2012, “The novel indole compound SK228 induces apoptosis and FAK/Paxillin<br />

disruption in tumor cell lines and inhibits growth of tumor graft in the nude mouse”,<br />

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 131, 722–732. (SCI) (IF: 5.44; SCI ranking: 14.3%)<br />

Wen-Shan Li*, Chie-Hong Wang, Shengkai Ko, Tzu Ting Chang, Ya Ching Jen, Ching-Fa Yao*,<br />

Shivaji V. More and Shu-Chuan Jao, 2012, “Synthesis and Evaluation of the Cytotoxicities of<br />

Tetraindoles: Observation that the 5-Hydroxy Tetraindole (SK228) Induces G2 Arrest and<br />

Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells”, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 55,<br />

1583−1592. (SCI) (IF: 5.25; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

林 質 修 (LIN, CHIH-HSIU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Billa Bhargava Rao, Jun-Ru Wei, and Chih-Hsiu Lin,, 2012, “New Synthetic Routes to Z-Shape<br />

Functionalized Perylenes”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 14, 3640-3643. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

林 建 村 (LIN, JIANN-T'SUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ryan Yeh-Yung Lin, Chuan-Pei Lee, Yung-Chung Chen, Jia-De Peng, Te-Chun Chu, Hsien-Hsin<br />

Chou, Hung-Ming Yang, Jiann T. Lin*, Kuo-Chuan Ho*, 2012, “Benzothiadiazole-Containing<br />

Donor-Acceptor-Acceptor Type Organic Sensitizers for Solar Cells with ZnO Photoanodes”,<br />

CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 12071-12073. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

H.-Y. Lin, W.-C. Huang, Y.-C. Chen, H.-H. Chou, C.-Y. Hsu, J. T. Lin,* H.-Wu Lin*, 2012,<br />

“BODIPY dyes with β-conjugation and their applications for high-efficiency inverted small<br />

molecule solar cells”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 8913-8915. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.1%)<br />


Yung-Chung Chen, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Ming Chih Tsai, Sheng-Yu Chen, Jiann T. Lin,* Ching-Fa<br />

Yao,* Kellen Chen, 2012, “Thieno[3,4-b]thiophene-Based Organic Dyes for Dye-sensitized Solar<br />

Cells”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18, 5430-5437. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking:<br />

12.9%)<br />

Yung-Chung Chen, Yo-Hua Chen, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Sumit Chaurasia Yuh S. Wen, Jiann T. Lin,*<br />

Ching-Fa Yao*, 2012, “Naphthyl and Thienyl Units as the Bridge for Metal-free Dye-sensitized<br />

Solar Cells”, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 7, 1074-1084. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking:<br />

17.1%)<br />

Feng-Rong Dai, Yung-Chung Chen, Lai-Fan Lai, Wen-Jun Wu, Chao-Hua Cui, Gui-Ping Tan, Xing-<br />

Zhu Wang, Jiann T. Lin*, He Tian*, Wai-Yeung Wong*, 2012, “Unsymmetric Platinum(II)<br />

Bis(aryleneethynylene) Complexes as Photosensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”,<br />

CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 7, 1426-1434. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

H.-C. Chu, D. Sahu, Y.-C. Hsu, H. Padhy, D. Patra, J. T. Lin, D. Bhattacharya, K.-L. Lu, K.-H. Wei,<br />

H.-C. Lin*, 2012, “Structural planarity and conjugation effects of novel symmetrical<br />

acceptoredonoreacceptor organic sensitizers on dye-sensitized solar cells”, DYES AND<br />

PIGMENTS, 93, 1488-1497. (SCI) (IF: 3.13; SCI ranking: 9.5%,15%,11.6%)<br />

Chih-Yu Hsu, Wei-Ting Chen, Yung-Chung Chen, Hung-Yu Wei, Y.-S. Yen, K.-C. Huang, K.-C. Ho,<br />

C.-W. Chu, J. T. Lin,*, 2012, “Charge Transporting Enhancement of NiO Photocathodes for p-<br />

Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 66, 210-215. (SCI) (IF: 3.83; SCI<br />

ranking: 25%)<br />

Hsien-Hsin Chou, Yung-Chung Chen, Hsuan-Jui Huang, Ting-Hui Lee, Jiann T. Lin*, Chiitang Tsai,<br />

Kellen Chen, 2012, “High-Performance Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on 5,6-Bis-hexyloxybenzo[2,1,3]thiadiazole”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 10929-10938. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yung-Sheng Yen, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Yung-Chung Chen, Chih-Yu Hsu, Jiann T. Lin*, 2012, “Recent<br />

Developments in Molecule-Based Organic Materials for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, JOURNAL<br />

OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 8734-8747. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yung-Chung Chen, Chih-Yu Hsu, Jiann T. Lin*, 2012, “Novel Conjugated Copolymers Based on<br />

Dithiafulvalene Moiety for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”, JOURNAL OF POLYMER<br />

SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 50, 2121-2129. (SCI) (IF: 3.92; SCI ranking: 9.6%)<br />

Y.-H. Chen, S.-L. Lin, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-C. Chen, J. T. Lin, R.-H. Lee, W.-J. Kuo, R.-J. Jeng,*, 2012,<br />

“Efficient non-doped blue light emitting diodes based on novel carbazole-substituted anthracene<br />

derivatives”, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, 13, 43-52. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />

R. Y.-Y. Lin, Y.-S. Yen, Y.-T. Cheng, C.-P. Lee, Y.-C. Hsu, H.-H. Chou, C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-C. Chen, J. T.<br />

Lin,* K.-C. Ho,* C. T. Tsai, 2012, “Dihydrophenanthrene-Based Metal-Free dyes for Highly<br />

Efficient Co-sensitized Solar Cells”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 14, 3612-3615. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />


C.-H. Chang, Y.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Hsu, H.-H. Chou, J. T. Lin*, 2012, “Squaraine-Arylamine Sensitizers<br />

for Highly Efficient p-Type Dye-sensitized Solar Cells”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 14, 4726-4729.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chih-Yu Hsu, Yung-Chung Chen, Ryan Yeh-Yung Lin, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Jiann T. Lin*, 2012, “Solid-<br />

State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Spirofluorene (Spiro-OMeTAD) and Arylamines as<br />

Hole Transporting Materials”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 14099-<br />

14109. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

S. Chaurasia, Y.-C. Chen, H.-H. Chou, Y.-S. Wen, J. T. Lin*, 2012, “Coplanar indenofluorene-based<br />

organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells”, TETRAHEDRON, 68, 7755-7762. (SCI) (IF: 3.03;<br />

SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

H.-H. Chou, C.-Y. Hsu, Y.-C. Hsu, Y.-S. Lin, J. T. Lin,* C. Tsai*, 2012, “Dipolar Organic Pyridyl<br />

Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Applications”, TETRAHEDRON, 68, 767-773. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.03; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Jiann T’suen Lin, 2012, “Metal-free sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells”, 3 pages, paper<br />

presented at 234 屆 美 國 化 學 會 , 美 國 聖 地 牙 哥 : 美 國 化 學 會 , 2012-03-25 ~ 2012-03-29.<br />

Yung-Chung Chen, Chen, Yo-Hua, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Sumit Chaurasia, Yuh S. Wen, Jiann T. Lin,*<br />

Ching-Fa Yao*, 2012, “Naphthyl and Thienyl Units as the Bridge for Metal-free Dye-sensitized<br />

Solar Cells”, 1 pages, paper presented at 234 屆 美 國 化 學 會 , 美 國 聖 地 牙 哥 : 美 國 化 學 會 , 2012-<br />

03-25 ~ 2012-03-29.<br />

Jiann T. Lin,* Hsin-Yu Lin, Wei-Ching Huang, Yung-Chung Chen, Hsien-Hsin Chou, Chih-Yu Hsu,<br />

Hao-Wu Lin*, 2012, “BODIPY Dyes with β-conjugation for Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells”, 1<br />

pages, paper presented at XXIV IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, 葡 萄 牙 Coimbra:<br />

IUPAC, 2012-07-15 ~ 2012-07-20.<br />

呂 光 烈 (LU, KUANG-LIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pounraj Thanasekaran, Chung-Chou Lee, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “One-Step Orthogonal-Bonding<br />

Approach to the Self-Assembly of Neutral Rhenium-Based Metallacycles: Synthesis, Structures,<br />

Photophysics and Sensing Applications”, ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, 45, 1403–<br />

1418. (SCI) (IF: 21.64; SCI ranking: 2.1%)<br />

Pitchaimani Veerakumar, Subramanian Balakumar, Murugesan Velayudham, Kuang-Lieh Lu,<br />

Seenivasan Rajagopal*, 2012, “Polyelectrolyte encapsulated gold nanoparticles as efficient active<br />

catalyst for reduction of nitro compounds by kinetic method”, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-<br />

GENERAL, 439, 197–205. (SCI) (IF: 3.9; SCI ranking: 23.8%,10.4%)<br />


Pitchaimani Veerakumar, Subramanian Balakumar, Murugesan Velayudham Kuang-Lieh Lu,<br />

Seenivasan Rajagopal*, 2012, “ catalyzed N-oxidation of tertiary amines by using<br />

”, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2, 1140–1145.<br />

Zong-Zhan Lu, Chung-Chou Lee, Murugesan Velayudham, Li-Wei Lee, Jing-Yun Wu, Ting-Shen<br />

Kuo, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Control of Light Promoted [2 + 2] Cycloaddition Reactions by<br />

Remote Ancillary Regulatory Group That Is Covalently-Attached to Rhenium Rectangles”,<br />

CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18, 15714–15721. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Che-Hao Chang, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Long-Li Lai, Hsiu-Yu Lu, Ching-Yao<br />

Lin,* Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Multielectron Redox Chemistry of Neutral, NIR-Active, Indigo-<br />

Pillared Re(I)-Based Triangular Metalloprism”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18,<br />

5275– 5283. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Jen-Fu Yin, Murugesan Velayudhama, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Hong-Cheu Lin, Kuang-Lieh Lu*,<br />

2012, “Structure Optimization of Ruthenium Photosensitizers for Efficient Dye-Sensitized Solar<br />

Cells–a Goal toward a “Bright” Future”, COORDINATION CHEMISTRY REVIEWS, 256, 3008–<br />

3035. (SCI) (IF: 12.11; SCI ranking: 2.6%)<br />

Che-Chi Chang, Yun-Chieh Huang, Sheng-Ming Huang, Jing-Yun Wu, Yen-Hsiang Liu, Kuang-Lieh<br />

Lu*, 2012, “Pre-Synthesized and In-situ Generated Tetrazolate Ligand in the Design of Chiral<br />

Cadmium Coordination Polymer”, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 12, 3825–3828. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.72; SCI ranking: 15%,18.2%,9.5%)<br />

Jing-Yun Wu*, Sheng-Ming Huang, Yun-Chieh Huang, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Hydrogen Bond-<br />

Organized Two-Fold Interpenetrating Homochiral pcu Net”, CRYSTENGCOMM, 14,1189-1192.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 19.3%,22.7%)<br />

Pounraj Thanasekaran, Tzuoo-Tsair Luo, Jing-Yun Wu, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Giant<br />

Metal−Organic Frameworks with Bulky Scaffolds: from Microporous to Mesoporous Functional<br />

Materials”, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 41, 5437–5453. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />

Shao-Hsuan Lin, Chen-I Yang, Ting-Shen Kuo, Ming-Hsi Chiang, Kung-Chung Hsu*, Kuang-Lieh<br />

Lu*, 2012, “Self-Adaptation of Manganese–Chloride Arrangement Toward High Spin<br />

Cluster-Based Metal–Organic Framework with S = 15/2”, DALTON<br />

TRANSACTIONS, 41, 1448–1450. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />

Hsuan-Chih Chu , Duryodhan Sahu , Ying-Chan Hsu, Harihara Padhy, Dhananjaya Patra , Jiann-<br />

T’Suen Lin, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Kuang-Lieh Lu, Kung-Hwa Wei, Hong-Cheu Lin*, 2012,<br />

“Structural Planarity and Conjugation Effects of Novel Symmetrical Acceptor–Donor–Acceptor<br />

Organic Sensitizers on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Dyes and Pigments, 93, 1488–1497. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.13; SCI ranking: 9.5%,15%,11.6%)<br />


Pounraj Thanasekaran, Chih-Ming Liu, Jhen-Fu Cho, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Melamine-Promoted<br />

Crystal Growth of Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate from Calcium Nitrate and Oxalic Acid”,<br />

INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 17, 84–87. (SCI) (IF: 1.97; SCI ranking:<br />

47.4%)<br />

Chen-I Yang, Po-Hsiang Chuang, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Shie-Ming Peng, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Spin<br />

Canting Magnetization in an Unusual Cluster-Based Layer Compound from a 2,3-<br />

Dihydroxyquinoxaline Ligand”, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 51, 757-759. (SCI) (IF: 4.6; SCI<br />

ranking: 10.5%)<br />

Jen-Fu Yin, Jian-Ging Chen, Jiann-T’suen Lin, Dibyendu Bhattacharya, Ying-Chan Hsu, Hong-Cheu<br />

Lin,* Kuo-Chuan Ho*, Kuang-Lieh Lu*, 2012, “Enhanced Light-Harvesting Capability by<br />

Phenothiazine in Ruthenium Sensitizers with Superior Photovoltaic Performance”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22,130-139. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

羅 芬 臺 (LUO, FEN-TAIR)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hung-Kun Lo, Fen-Tair Luo, 2012, “Synthesis of PS-supported NHC-Pd catalyst derived from<br />

theobromine and its applications in Suzuki-Miyaura reaction”, J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 59(3), 394-<br />

398.<br />

Shilei Zhu, Nethaniah Dorh, Jingtuo Zhang, Giri Vegesna, Haihua Li, Fen-Tair Luo, Ashutosh Tiwari<br />

and Haiying Liu, 2012, “Highly Water-soluble Neutral Near-infrared Emissive BODIPY<br />

Polymeric Dyes”, J. Mater. Chem., 22, 2781-2790. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Shilei Zhu, Jingtuo Zhang, Giri Vegesna, Ashutosh Tiwari, Fen-Tair Luo, Matthias Zeller, Rudy Luck,<br />

Haihua Li, Sarah Green and Haiying Liu, 2012, “Controlled Knoevenagel Reactions of Methyl<br />

Groups of 1,3,5,7-Tetramethyl BODIPY Dyes for Unique BODIPY Dyes”, RSC Adv., 2, 404-<br />

407.<br />

王 朝 諺 (ONG, TIOW-GAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wen-Ching Chen, Yu-Chen Hsu, Wei-Chun Shih, Ching-Yu Lee, Wen-Han Chuang, Yi-Fang Tsai,<br />

Peter Ping-Yu Chen*, Tiow-Gan Ong*, 2012, “Metal-Free Arylation of Benzene and Pyridine<br />

Promoted by Amino-Linked Nitrogen Heterocyclic Carbenes”, CHEMICAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 6702-6704. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Ya-Ming Liu, Yi-Chun Lin, Wen-Ching Chen, Jen-Hao Cheng, Yi-Lin Chen, Glenn P. A. Yap, Shih-<br />

Sheng Sun*, Tiow-Gan Ong* , 2012, “Synthesis and characterization of para-pyridine linked<br />

NHC palladium complexes and their studies for the Heck–Mizoroki coupling reaction”, DALTON<br />

TRANSACTIONS, 41, 7382-7389. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />


Wei-Chun Shih, Wen-Ching Chen, Ying-Chieh Lai, Ming-Shiuan Yu, Jhao-Jhe Ho, Glenn P. A.<br />

Yap, Tiow-Gan Ong*, 2012, “The Regioselective Switch for Amino-NHC Mediated C–H<br />

Activation of Benzimidazole via Ni–Al Synergistic Catalysis”, ORGANIC LETTERS, 14(8),<br />

2046–2049. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chia-Cheng Tai, Ya-Ting Chang, Jie-Hong Tsai, Titel Jurca, Glenn P. A. Yap, Tiow-Gan Ong*, 2012,<br />

“Subtle Reactivities of Boron and Aluminum Complexes with Amino-Linked N-Heterocyclic<br />

Carbene Ligation”, ORGANOMETALLICS, 31(2), 637–643. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

徐 新 光 (SHYU, SHIN-GUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsi-Yan Chang, Shiu-Ping Wang, Jen-Ray Chang, Hwo–Shuenn Sheu*, Shin-Guang Shyu*, 2012,<br />

“Synchrotron Radiation PXRD investigation of V2O5/TiO2 catalysts for 1,2-dichlorobenzene<br />

oxidation: implication of structure”, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, 111-112, 476-<br />

484. (SCI) (IF: 5.63; SCI ranking: 14.3%,5.4%,4.5%)<br />

Shin-Guang Shyu*, Chia-Kai Tseng, Hung-Po Chen, Hsin-Chih Liu, and Jen Twu, 2012, “Effect of<br />

Metal Salen in the Base Catalyzed Catalytic Reaction between Carbon Dioxide and Epoxides”, J.<br />

Chin. Chem. Soc., 59 443-451.<br />

T. W. Lan, Y. C. Chen, J. C. Ho, S. G. Shyu*, Y. Y. Chen*, 2012, “Thermoelectric Figure of Merit<br />

Enhancement in Bi2Te3-Coated Bi Composites”, JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 41<br />

2326-2330. (SCI) (IF: 1.47; SCI ranking: 44%,39.5%,34.4%)<br />

孫 世 勝 (SUN, SHIH-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tseng, K.-P.; Kao, M.-T.; Tsai, T. W. T.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chan, J. C. C.; Shyue, J.-J.; Sun, S.-S.; Wong,<br />

K.-T.* , 2012, “Manipulate the nanostructures of organogels generated from molecules with a 3-<br />

dimensional truxene core”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 3515-3517. (SCI) (IF: 6.17;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Ashutosh S. Singh, Shih-Sheng Sun*, 2012, “Narcissistic self-sorting of hydrogen-bonded dimeric<br />

capsules formed through self-assembly of flexible tripodal receptors in polar solvents”,<br />

CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 7392-7394. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Li, S.-R.; Lee, C.-P.; Kuo, H.-T., Ho, K.-C.*; Sun, S.-S.*, 2012, “High Performance Dipolar Organic<br />

Dyes with an Electron-Withdrawing Diphenylquinoxaline Moiety in the π-Conjugation<br />

Framework for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18, 12085-<br />

12095. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />


Chang, K.-C.; Lin, J.-L.; Shen, Y.-T.; Hung, C.-Y.; Chen, C.-Y.; Sun, S.-S.*, 2012, “Synthesis and<br />

photophysical Properties of Self-Assembled Metallogels of Platinum(II) Acetylide Complexes<br />

with Elaborated Long-Chain Pyridine-2,6-Dicarboxamides”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN<br />

JOURNAL, 18, 1312-1321. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Chang, Y. J.; Chou, P.-T.; Lin, S.-Y.; Watanabe, M.; Liu, Z.-Q.; Lin, J.-L.; Chen, K.-Y.; Sun, S.-S.;<br />

Ching-Yang Liu, C.-Y.; Chow, T. J.*, 2012, “High Performance Organic Materials for Dye-<br />

Sensitized Solar Cells: Triarylene-Linked Dyads with a 4-tert-Butylphenylamine Donor”,<br />

CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 7, 572-581. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Liu, Y.-M.; Lin, Y.-C.; Chen, W.-C.; Cheng, J.-H.; Yap, G. P. A.; Sun, S.-S.*; Ong, T.-G.*, 2012,<br />

“Synthesis and Characterization of para-Pyridine Linked NHC Palladium Complexes and their<br />

Studies for the Heck-Mizoroki Coupling Reaction”, DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 41, 7382-7389.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />

Lee, I.-L.; Ku, P.-J.; Li, S.-R.; Singh, A. S.; Kuo, H.-T.; Wen, Y.-S.; Chu, C.-W.*; Sun, S.-S.* , 2012,<br />

“Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and Field-Effect Characteristics of<br />

(Ethynylphenyl)bezimidazole-Decorated Anthracene and Perylene Bisimide Derivatives”,<br />

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 2906-2915. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking:<br />

26.4%)<br />

Chang, K.-C.; Sun, S.-S.*; Lees, A. J.* , 2012, “Anion Sensing by Rhenium(I) Carbonyls with<br />

Polarized N-H Recognition Motifs”, INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, 389, 16-28. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.85; SCI ranking: 52.6%)<br />

Singh, A. S.; Sun, S.-S.*, 2012, “Recognition, Encapsulation, and Selective Fluorescent Sensing of<br />

Nitrate Anion by C3-Symmetric Tripodal Podands Bearing Amide Functionality”, JOURNAL OF<br />

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 77, 1880-1890. (SCI) (IF: 4.45; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

Ashutpsh S. Singh, Shih-Sheng Sun*, 2012, “Reversible Encapsulation of a Nitrate Guest via<br />

Hydrogen Bonded Self-Assembled Capsule Formation by Flexible Tripodal Receptor in Polar<br />

Solvent through Dynamic Self-Assembly”, RSC Advances, 2, 9502-9510.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Arvind Kumar, Shih-Sheng Sun*, 2012, “PHOTOPHYSICS AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY OF<br />


MACROCYCLIC Systems”, editor(s): Alex Li, Molecular Self-Assembly: Advances and<br />

Applications, pp. 301-349, Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd.<br />

陶 雨 臺 (TAO, YU-TAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Valiyev, F.; Huang, C. W.; Sheu, H. S.; Tao, Y. T., accepted, “Synthesis and Characterization of 2,3-<br />

Dimethylpentacene and 2,3-Dimethyltetracene for Organic Thin Film Transistor Applications”,<br />



Zan, H. W.; Hsu, Y. H.; Meng, H. F.; Huang, C. H.; Tao, Y. T.; Tsai, W. W., 2012, “High output<br />

current in vertical polymer space-charge-limited-transistor induced by self-assembled<br />

monolayer”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 093307. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Pola, S.; Kuo, C. H.; Peng, W. T.; Islam, M. M.; Chao, I.; Tao, Y. T., 2012, “Contorted<br />

tetrabenzocoronene derivatives for single crystal field effect transistors: correlation between<br />

packing and mobility”, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 24, 2566-2571. (SCI) (IF: 7.29; SCI<br />

ranking: 8.6%,4.7%)<br />

C. P. Cho,* C. C. Chu, W. T. Chen, T. C. Huang, Y. T. Tao, 2012, “Molecular modification on dyesensitized<br />

solar cells by phosphonate self-assembled Monolayers”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS<br />

CHEMISTRY, 22, 2915-2921. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Wang, S. Y.; Huang, D. C.; Tao, Y. T., 2012, “Self-assembled azobenzenethiol monolayer on<br />

electrode surfaces: effect of photo-switching on the surface and electrical property”, JOURNAL<br />

OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 59, 9-17. (SCI) (IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 72.9%)<br />

S. Y. Yu, D. C. HUang, Y. L. Chen, K. Y. Wu, Y. T. Tao*, 2012, “Approaching charge balance in<br />

organic light-emitting diodes by tuning charge injection barriers with mixed monolayers ”,<br />

LANGMUIR, 28, 424-430. (SCI) (IF: 4.19; SCI ranking: 21%,18.6%,11.6%)<br />

Watanabe, M.; Chang, Y. J.; Liu, S. W.; Chao, T. H.; Goto, K.; Islam, M. M.; Yuan, C. H.; Tao, Y. T.;<br />

Shinmyozu, T.; Chow, T. J.* , 2012, “Hexacene: synthesis, crystal structure and charge<br />

transporting property”, Nature Chemistry, 4, 574-578. (SCI) (IF: 20.52; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />

C. W. Tseng, Y. T. Tao, 2012, “Tuning electric bistability in pentacene film-based transistor<br />

embedding aluminum nanoparticles”, ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, 13, 1436-1442. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.05; SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />

126. Lin, C. H.; Chiu, Y. C.; Chi,* Y.; Tao, Y. T.; Liao, . S.; Tseng, M. R.Lee, G. H., 2012,<br />

“Mechanistic Investigation on Improved Syntheses of Ir(III) Based OLED Phosphors”,<br />

ORGANOMETALLICS, 31, 4349-4355. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Chen,Y.; Lee, B.; Yi, H. T.; Lee, S. S.; Payne, M. M.; Pola, S.; Kuo, C. H.; Loo, Y.-L.; Anthony, J. E.;<br />

Tao, Y. T.; Podzorov, V., 2012, “Dynamic character of charge transport parameters in disordered<br />

organic semiconductor field-effect transistors”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,<br />

DOI:1039/C2CP41823A.. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

曾 美 郡 (TSENG, MEI-CHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chao-Jung Chen, Wei-Yun Chen, Mei-chun Tseng, Yet-Ran Chen*, 2012, “Tunnel Frit: A Non-<br />

Metallic In-Capillary Frit for Nano-UHPLC-MS Applications”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84,<br />

297-303. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />


C. M. Hu, M. T. Yeh, C. W. Chen, N. Tsao, Q. Z. Gao, C. Y. Chang, M. H. Lee, J. M. Fang, S. Y.<br />

Sheu, C. J. Lin, M. C. Tseng, Y. J. Chen, Z. F. Chang*, 2012, “Tumor Cells Require Thymidylate<br />

Kinase to Prevent dUTP Incorporation During DNA Repair”, CANCER CELL, 22, 1, 36-50.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 26.57; SCI ranking: 1.8%,2%)<br />

鄒 德 里 (TZOU, DER-LII)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Der-Lii M. Tzou*, 2012, “Bandwidth in double cross-polarization MAS NMR spectroscopy”, SOLID<br />

STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 47, 23-27. (SCI) (IF: 1.71; SCI ranking: 58.1%)<br />

Guo-Chian Li, Da-Rong Wang, Wenlung Chen, Der-Lii M. Tzou*, 2012, “Solid-State NMR Analysis<br />

of Steroidal Conformation of 17α- and 17β-Estradiol in the Absence and Presence of Lipid<br />

Environment”, STEROIDS, 77,185-192. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI ranking: 51.6%)<br />

王 正 中 (WANG, CHENG-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Davide Esposito, Mattan Hurevich, Bastien Castagner, Cheng-Chung Wang, Peter H. Seeberger*,<br />

2012, “Automated synthesis of sialylated oligosaccharides”, Beilstein Journal of Organic<br />

Chemistry, 8, 1601. (SCI) (IF: 2.52; SCI ranking: 41.5%)<br />

Lenz Krock, Davide Esposito, Bastien Castagner, Cheng-Chung Wang, Pascal Bindschadler, Peter H.<br />

Seeberger*, 2012, “Streamlined access to conjugation-ready glycans by automated synthesis”,<br />

Chemical Science, xx, 1-7. (SCI) (IF: 7.53; SCI ranking: 8.6%)<br />

A. Abragam Joseph, Ved Prakash Verma, Xin-Yi Liu, Chia-Hui Wu, Vijay Dhurandhare, Cheng-<br />

Chung Wang*, 2012, “TMSOTf-Catalyzed Silylation: Streamlined Regioselective One-Pot<br />

Protection and Aceylation of Carbohydrates.”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC<br />

CHEMISTRY, 2012, 744-753. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

俞 聖 法 (YU, SHENG-FA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Penumaka Nagababu, Suman Maji, Manyam Praveen Kumar, Peter, P.-Y. Chen, Steve S.-F Yu,<br />

Sunney I. Chan, 2012, “Efficient room-temperature oxidation of hydrocarbons mediated by<br />

tricopper cluster complexes with different ligands”, ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS,<br />

354, 3275-3282. (SCI) (IF: 6.05; SCI ranking: 9.4%,3.3%)<br />


Suman Maji, Jason C.-M. Lee, Yu-Jhang Lu, Chang-Li Chen, Mu-Cheng Hung, Peter P.-Y. Chen,<br />

Steve S.-F. Yu, Sunney I. Chan*, 2012, “Dioxygen Activation of a Trinuclear CuICuICuI Cluster<br />

Capable of Mediating Facile Oxidation of Organic Substrates: Competition between O-Atom<br />

Transfer and Abortive Inter-cluster Reduction”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18(13),<br />

3955-3968. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Feng-Chun Lo, Jyh-Fu Lee, Wen-Feng Liaw, I-Jui Hsu, Yi-Fang Tsai, Sunney I. Chan, Steve S.-F. Yu,<br />

2012, “The Metal Core Structures in the Recombinant Escherichia coli Transcriptional Factor<br />

SoxR”, CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, 18(9), 2565-2577. (SCI) (IF: 5.93; SCI ranking:<br />

12.9%)<br />


地 球 科 學 研 究 所<br />

詹 瑜 璋 (CHAN, YU-CHANG)<br />

Kidder, S., Avouac, J.-P. and Chan, Y.-C., 2012, “ Constraints from Rocks in the Taiwan Orogen on<br />

Crustal Stress Levels and Rheology”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 117, B09408.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />

Chan, Y.-C., Chang, K.-J., Chen, R.-F., Liu, J.-K.,2012,〈Topographic changes revealed by<br />

airborne LiDAR surveys in regions affected by the 2009 Typhoon Morakot, southern<br />

Taiwan.〉,《WESTERN PACIFIC EARTH SCIENCES》,vol. 12, no.1, p.67-82。(Others)<br />

趙 丰 (CHAO, BENJAMIN F.)<br />

Yuan, L.G., and B. F. Chao, 2012, “Analysis of tidal signals in surface displacement measured by a<br />

dense continuous GPS array”, Earth Planet. Sc. Lett., Volumes 355–356, Pages 255–261. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Wada, Y., L. P. H. van Beek, F. C. Sperna Weiland, B. F. Chao, Y.-H. Wu, and M. F. P. Bierkens,<br />

2012, “Past and future contribution of global groundwater depletion to sea-level rise”, Geophys.<br />

Res. Lett., Volume 39, Issue 9, L09402. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Chao, B. F., and W.Y. Chung, 2012, “Amplitude and phase variations of Earth’s Chandler Wobble<br />

under continual excitation”, JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, Volume 62, Pages 35–39. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.01; SCI ranking: 36.1%)<br />

Lin, T. J., C. W. Hwang, T. P. Tseng, and B.F. Chao, 2012, “Low-degree gravity change from GPS<br />

data of COSMIC and GRACE satellite missions”, JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS, 53:34-42.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.01; SCI ranking: 36.1%)<br />

Sánchez-Reales, J. M., I. Vigo, S. G. Jin, B. F. Chao, 2012, “Global Surface Geostrophic Ocean<br />

Currents derived from Satellite Altimetry and GOCE Geoid”, Marine Geodesy, Volume 35, pages<br />

175-189. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 53.6%,40%,56.9%)<br />

Yeh, T. K., B. F. Chao, C. S. Chen B. F. Chao, C. H. Chen, Z. Y. Lee, 2012, “Performance<br />

improvement of network-based RTK-GPS positioning in Taiwan”, Survey Review, Volume 44,<br />

Number 324, pages 3-8. (SCI) (IF: 0.28; SCI ranking: 95%)<br />


陳 宏 宇 (CHEN, HONG-YUE)<br />

Ray Y. Chuang, M. Meghan Miller, Yue-Gau Chen, Horng-Yue Chen, J. Bruce H. Shyu, Shui-Beih<br />

Yu, Charles M. Rubin, Kerry Sieh, Ling-Ho Chung, 2012, “Interseismic deformation and<br />

earthquake hazard along the southernmost Longitudinal Valley fault, eastern Taiwan.”, Bulletin<br />

of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 102, No. 4, pp. 1569–1582. (SCI) (IF: 1.7; SCI<br />

ranking: 41.7%)<br />

Tsai, M.C., S.B. Yu, Y.R. Hsu, H.Y. Chen, H.W. Chen, 2012, “Interseismic crustal deformation of<br />

frontal thrust fault system in the Chiayi-Tainan area, Taiwan. ”, Tectonophysics, 554-<br />

557(2012)169-184. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chen, H.Y., J.C. Lee, H. Tung, S.B. Yu, Y.J. Hsu, H. Lee , 2012, “Determination of vertical velocity<br />

field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: a joint analysis of leveling and GPS<br />


10.3319/TAO.2012.02.29.01.. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

陳 界 宏 (CHEN, CHIEH-HUNG)<br />

Chen, C.H., Liu, J.Y., Chang, T.M., Yeh, T.K., Wang, C.H., Wen, S., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., Lin,<br />

C.R., Chen, Y.R., 2012, “Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals emitted from large<br />

earthquakes in Taiwan”, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 55(1), 63–71. (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI ranking:<br />

80.6%)<br />

Wang, C.Y., Manga, M., Wang, C.H., Chen, C.H., 2012, “Transient change in groundwater<br />

temperature after earthquakes”, GEOLOGY, 40(2), 119–122. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 2.5%)<br />

Yeh, T.K., Chung, Y.D., Wu, C.T., Wang, C.S., Zhang, K., Chen, C.H., 2012, “Identifying the<br />

relationship between GPS data quality and positioning precision: a case study on IGS tracking<br />

stations”, JOURNAL OF SURVEYING ENGINEERING-ASCE, 138(3), 136–142. (SCI) (IF: 1;<br />

SCI ranking: 35.1%)<br />

Wen, S., Chen, C.H.*, Yen, H.Y., Yeh, T.K., Liu, J.Y., Katsumi, H., Han, P., Wang, C.H., Shin, T.C.,<br />

2012, “Magnetic Storm Free ULF Analysis in Relation with Earthquakes in Taiwan”, NATURAL<br />

HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 12, 1747–1754. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking:<br />

30.7%)<br />

Yeh, T.K., Chao, B.F., Chen, C.S., Chen, C.H., Lee, Z.Y., 2012, “Performance improvement of<br />

network-based RTK-GPS positioning in Taiwan”, SURVEY REVIEW, 44(324), 3–8. (SCI) (IF:<br />

0.28; SCI ranking: 95%)<br />


陳 國 誠 (CHEN, KOU-CHENG)<br />

Kim, K.H., K.C. Chen, J.M. Chiu and H.Y. Yen, 2012, “Crustal-Scale Weak Zone along a Collisional<br />

Suture Revealed by Spatial Variations in Velocity Structures and Seismicity”, BULLETIN OF<br />

THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 102, 436–444. (SCI) (IF: 1.7; SCI ranking:<br />

41.7%)<br />

Chen, K.C. and J.H. Wang, 2012, “Correlations between the Mainshock and the Largest Aftershock<br />

for Taiwan Earthquakes”, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 169(7), 1217-1229. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.79; SCI ranking: 38.9%)<br />

Wang, J.H., K.C. Chen, S.J. Lee, W.G. Huang, Y.H. Wu, P.L. Leu, 2012, “Fluctuation analyses of<br />

m≥3 earthquake sequences in the Taipei metropolitan area ”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC<br />

AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(6), 633-645. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Wang, J.H., K.C. Chen, S.J. Lee, W.G. Huang, Y.H. Wu, P.L. Leu, 2012, “The frequency distribution<br />

of inter-event times of M ≥ 3 earthquakes in the Taipei metropolitan area during 1973-2010”,<br />


SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

戚 務 正 (CHI, WU-CHENG)<br />

Chi, Wu-Cheng, 2012, “The 2003 Big Bear, California Earthquake Sequence: a Coulomb Stress<br />

Transfer-related Aftershock Sequence that also Follows Aftershock Diffusion Process”,<br />


1.7; SCI ranking: 41.7%)<br />

Chi, Wu-Cheng, 2012, “Co-Seismic Indentor-related deformation during the Termination of<br />

Subduction and its Associated Geophysical Characteristics: An Example from Taiwan”,<br />

Lithosphere, 4(6), 594-602. (SCI) (IF: 1.74; SCI ranking: 40.3%,20%)<br />

Chen, Liwen, Wu-Cheng Chi, Char-Yu Lu, and Char-Shine Liu, 2012, “Estimating 1D vertical fluid<br />

migration rates and geothermal gradients in shallow marine sediments using bottom-simulating<br />

reflectors”, Western Pacific Earth Sciences, 11,121-129.<br />

邱 宏 智 (CHIU, HUNG-CHIE)<br />

Chiu, H.C., F.J. Wu, C. J. Lin, H.C. Huang and C. C. Liu, 2012, “Effects of rotation motions on<br />

strong-motion data”, Journal of Seismology, 16, 829-838. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />

Chiu, H.C., 2012, “A Compatible Baseline Correction Algorithm for Strong-Motion Data”,<br />


SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />



Deschamps, F., Cobden, L., and Tackley, P.J., 2012, “The primitive nature of large low shear-wave<br />

velocity provinces”, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 349-350, 198-208. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Nakagawa, T., Tackley, P.J., Deschamps, F., and J.A.D. Connolly, J.A.D., 2012, “Radial 1-D seismic<br />

structures in the deep mantle in mantle convection simulations with self-consistently calculated<br />

mineralogy”, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 13, Q11002 doi:10.1029/<br />

2012GC004325. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 15.3%)<br />

Deschamps, F., Yao, C., Tackley, P.J., and Sanchez-Valle, C., 2012, “High Rayleigh number thermal<br />

convection in volumetrically heated spherical shells”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL<br />

RESEARCH, 117, B09006, doi: 10.1029/2012JE004090. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />

洪 崇 勝 (HORNG, CHORNG-SHERN)<br />

Chang, L., M. Winklhofer, A.P. Roberts, M.J. Dekkers, C.S. Horng, L. Hu, Q. Chen , 2012,<br />

“Ferromagnetic resonance characterization of greigite (Fe3S4), monoclinic pyrrhotite (Fe7S8),<br />

and non-interacting titanomagnetite (Fe3-xTixO4). ”, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS<br />

GEOSYSTEMS, 13 (5), Q05Z41, doi:10.1029/2012GC004063.. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking:<br />

15.3%)<br />

Horng, C.S., C.A. Huh, K.H. Chen, C.H. Lin, K.S. Shea and K.H. Hsiung , 2012, “Pyrrhotite as a<br />

tracer for denudation of the Taiwan orogen”, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS,<br />

13(8). (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 15.3%)<br />

許 雅 儒 (HSU, YA-JU)<br />

Hsu, Y. J., M. Ando, S. B. Yu, and M. Simons, 2012, “The potential for a very large earthquake along<br />

the southernmost Ryukyu subduction zone”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Hsu, Y. J., S.B. Yu, T. R.A. Song, and T. Bacolcol, 2012, “Plate coupling along the Manila subduction<br />

zone between Taiwan and northern Luzon”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 51, 98-<br />

108. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Lee, S. J., W. T. Liang, L. Mozziconacci, Y. J. Hsu, C. Y. Lu, W. G. Huang and B. S. Huang, 2012,<br />

“Source complexity of the 4 March 2010 Jiashian, Taiwan, earthquake determined by joint<br />

inversion of teleseismic and near field data”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Rousset B., S. Barbot, J. P. Avouac, and Y. J. Hsu, 2012, “Postseismic deformation following the 1999<br />

Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan: Implication for lower-crust rheology”, JOURNAL OF<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 117. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />


Tsai, M. C., S. B. Yu, Y. J. Hsu, H.Y. Chen, and H. W. Chen, 2012, “Interseismic crustal deformation<br />

of frontal thrust fault system in the Chiayi-Tainan area, Taiwan”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 554, 169-<br />

184. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chan, C. H, Y. J. Hsu, and Y. M. Wu , 2012, “Possible stress states adjacent to the rupture zone of the<br />

1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 541, 81-88. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI<br />

ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chen, H. Y., J. C. Lee, H. Tung, S. B. Yu, Y. J. Hsu and H. Lee, 2012, “Determination of vertical<br />

velocity field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: A joint analysis of leveling<br />


376. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

黃 柏 壽 (HUANG, BOR-SHOUH)<br />

Liao, Y. C., H. Kao, A. Rosenberger, S. K. Hsu and B. S. Huang, 2012, “Delineating complex<br />

spatiotemporal distribution of earthquake aftershocks: An Improved source-scanning algorithm”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 189, 1771-1780, DOI: 10.1111/ j.1365-<br />

246X.2012.05459.x.. (SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 27.8%)<br />

Kuo-Chen, H., F. T. Wu, D. Jenkins, J. Mechie, S. Roecker, C. Y. Wang, B. S. Huang, 2012, “Seismic<br />

evidence for the α-β quartz transition beneath Taiwan from Vp/Vs tomography”, GEOPHYSICAL<br />

RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L22302, doi:10.1029/2012GL053649.. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking:<br />

5.9%)<br />

Nguyen, L. M., T. L. Lin, Y. M. Wu, B.S. Huang, C. H. Chang, W. G. Huang, T. S. Le, Q. C. Nguyen<br />

and V. T. Dinh, 2012, “The first peak ground motion attenuation relationships for North of<br />

Vietnam”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 43, 241-253, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.<br />

2011.09.01. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Huang, B.S., P. F. Chen, H. Kuo-Chen, K. H. Kim and T. L. Teng, 2012, “Significant contribution of<br />

the shallow crust to seismic PKP travel-time residuals and implications: An example from<br />

Taiwan and nearby islands”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 43, 86-91,<br />

10.1016/j.jseaes.2011.11.008. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Lin, C. J., W. G. Huang, H. P. Huang, B. S. Huang, C. S. Ku and C. C. Liu, 2012, “Investigation of<br />

array-derived rotation in TAIPEI 101, J. Seismology”, JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, 16, 721-<br />

731, doi: 10.1007/s10950-012-9306-7.. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />

Pham, D. N., B. S. Huang, C. J. Lin, T. M. Vu, and N. A. Tran, 2012, “Investigation of Ground<br />

Rotational Motions caused by Direct and Scattered P-Waves from the 4 March 2008 TAIGER<br />

Explosion Experiment”, JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, 16, 709-720, doi: 10.1007/ s10950-012-<br />

9300-0.. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />


Chen, P. F., C. R. Bina, H. Kuo-Chen, F. T Wu, C. Y. Wang, B. S. Huang, C. H. Chen and W. T.<br />

Liang, 2012, “Slab-Induced Waveform Effects as Revealed by the TAIGER Seismic Array:<br />

Evidence of Slab beneath Central Taiwan”, PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY<br />

INTERIORS, 196-197, 62–74, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2012.02.004. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI ranking:<br />

31.9%)<br />

Huang, B.S., J.H. Chen, Q.Y. Liu, Y.G. Chen, X. W. Xu, C. Y. Wang, S. J. Lee and Z. X. Yao, 2012,<br />

“Estimation of rupture processes of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake from joint analyses of two<br />

regional seismic arrays”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 578, 87-97, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2011.12.026..<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Huang, B.S., L. C. Kuo, S. J. Lee and Y. C. Lai, 2012, “Common observations for near-source ground<br />

motions and seismo-traveling ionosphere disturbances following the 2011 off the Pacific coast of<br />


doi: 10.3319/TAO.2011.10.27.01(AA). (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

黃 文 紀 (HUANG, WIN-GEE)<br />

Nguyen, L. M., T. L. Lin, Y. M. Wu, B. S. Huang, C. H. Chang, W. G. Huang, T. S. Le, Q. C. Nguyen<br />

and V. Toan, 2012, “The first peak ground motion attenuation relationships for North of<br />

Vietnam”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 43, 241-253. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking:<br />

24.2%)<br />

Lin, C. J., W. G. Huang, H. P. Huang, Huang, B. S. Huang, C. S. Ku and C. C. Liu, 2012,<br />

“Investigation of array-derived rotation in TAIPEI 101”, JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, s10950-<br />

012-9306-7. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />

Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, P. L. Leu, 2012, “Flucation analyses of M≥3<br />

earthquake sequences in the Taipei Metropolitan Area”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND<br />

OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23, 633-645. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, Y. H. Wu, P. L. Leu, 2012, “The frequency<br />

distribution of inter-event times of M ≥ 3 earthquakes in the Taipei metropolitan area during<br />


(IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

扈 治 安 (HUH, CHIH-AN)<br />

Liu, Q., M. Dai*, W. Chen, C.-A. Huh, G. Wang, Q. Li, M. A. Charette, 2012, “How significant is<br />

submarine groundwater discharge and its associated dissolved inorganic carbon in a riverdominated<br />

shelf system”, Biogeosciences, 9, 1777-1795. (SCI) (IF: 3.86; SCI ranking:<br />

5.2%,23%)<br />


Huh, C.-A., S.-C. Hsu, C.-Y. Lin, 2012, “Fukushima-derived fission nuclides monitored around<br />

Taiwan: Free tropospheric versus boundary layer transport”, EARTH AND PLANETARY<br />

SCIENCE LETTERS, 319-320, 9-14. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Horng, C.-S., C.-A. Huh, K.-H. Chen, C.-H. Lin, K.-S. Shea, K.-H. Hsiung, 2012, “Pyrrhotite as a<br />

tracer for denudation of the Taiwan orogen”, GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS,<br />

doi: 10.1029/2012GC004195. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 15.3%)<br />

Hsu, S.-C., C.-A. Huh, C.-Y. Lin, W.-N. Chen, S.-C. Liu, C. C. K. Chou, M.-C. Liang, C.-J. Tsai, F.-J.<br />

Lin, J.-P. Chen, Y.-T. Huang, 2012, “Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the Pacific”,<br />

Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2012GL051962. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Hsu, S.-C.*, C.-A. Huh, C.-Y. Chan, S.-H. Lin, F.-J. Lin, S. C. Liu, 2012, “Hemispheric dispersion of<br />

radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 39, L00G22, doi:10.1029/2011GL049986. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Shiau, L.-J., M.-T. Chen, C.-A. Huh, M. Yamamoto, Y. Yokoyama, 2012, “Insolation and crosshemispheric<br />

controls on Australian monsoon variability over the past 180,000 years: new<br />

evidence from offshore southeastern Papua New Guinea”, Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(9),<br />

911-920. (SCI) (IF: 2.31; SCI ranking: 8.3%,20.9%)<br />

Hung, J.-J., Y.-T. Yeh and C.-A. Huh, 2012, “Efficient transport of terrestrial particulate carbon in a<br />

tectonically-active marginal sea off southwestern Taiwan”, Marine Geology, 315-318, 29-43.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.26; SCI ranking: 26.8%,22.2%)<br />

飯 塚 義 之 (IIZUKA, YOSHIYUKI)<br />

Zellmer GF, HC Sheth HC, Y Iizuka, YJ Lai, 2012, “Remobilization of granitoid rocks through mafic<br />

recharge: evidence from basalt-trachyte mingling and hybridization in the Manori-Gorai area,<br />

Mumbai, Deccan Traps.”, BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, 74(1), 47-66. (SCI) (IF: 2.21; SCI<br />

ranking: 23.5%)<br />

Te-Hsien Lina, Sun-Lin Chunga, Han-Yi Chiua, Fu-Yuan Wub, Meng-Wan Yehc, Mike P.<br />

Searled, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, 2012, “ZirconU–Pb and Hfisotopeconstraints from the AilaoShan–<br />

RedRivershearzone on the tectonic and crustalevolution of southwesternChina”, CHEMICAL<br />

GEOLOGY, 291, 23-27. (SCI) (IF: 3.52; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Te-Hsien Lin, Sun-Lin Chung, Han-Yi Chiu, Fu-Yuan Wu Meng-Wan Yeh, Mike P.<br />

Searle, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, 2012, “Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope constraints from the Ailao Shan-<br />

Red River shear zone on the tectonic and crustal evolution of southwestern China”, CHEMICAL<br />

GEOLOGY, 291, 23–37. (SCI) (IF: 3.52; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />


AL Ibañez, CW Chang, CC Hsu, CH Wang, Y Iizuka, WN Tzeng, 2012, “Diversity of migratory<br />

environmental history of the mullets Mugil cephalus and M. curema in Mexican coastal waters as<br />

indicated by otolith Sr:Ca ratios”, CIENCIAS MARINAS, 38, 73-87. (SCI, TSSCI) (IF: 0.45; SCI<br />

ranking: 88.6%)<br />

Hsien-Yung Lin, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Yue-Gau Chen, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, 2012, “Ontogenetic vertical<br />

migration of grenadiersrevealed by otolith microstructures and stable isotopic composition”,<br />


(IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 19.6%)<br />

Tzen-Fu Yui, Kenshi Maki, Kuo-Lung Wang, Ching-Ying Lan, Tadashi Usuki, Yoshiyuki Iizuka,<br />

Chao-Ming Wu, Tsai-Way Wu, Tadao Nishiyama, Uwe Martens, Juhn G. Lio and Marty Grove,<br />

2012, “Hf isotope and REE compositions of zircon from jadeitite (Tone, Japan and north of the<br />

Motagua fault, Guatemala): implications on jadeitite genesis and possible protoliths ”,<br />

EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY, 24(2), 263-275. (SCI) (IF: 1.49; SCI ranking:<br />

37.5%)<br />

G.F. Zellmer, Y. Iizuka, M. Miyoshi, Y. Tamura and Y. Tatsumi, 2012, “Lower crustal H2O controls<br />

on the formation of adakitic melts”, GEOLOGY, 40(6), 487-490. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking:<br />

2.5%)<br />

J. Gregory Shellnutt, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, 2012, “Oxidation zonation within the Emeishan large igneous<br />

province: evidence from mantle-derived syenitic plutons”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH<br />

SCIENCES, 54–55, 31–40. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />


Y. OGASAWARA, 2012, “Tale of the Kulet eclogite from the Kokchetav Massive, Kazakhstan:<br />

Initial tectonic setting and transition from amphibolite to eclogite”, Journal of Metamorphic<br />

Geology, 30, 537-559. (SCI) (IF: 2.99; SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Georg F. Zellmer, Peter Dulski, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, Michael R. Perfit, 2012, “Rates and processes of<br />

crystallization in on-axis and off-axisMORbasalticmelts”, LITHOS, 154, 1-15. (SCI) (IF: 3.25;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.1%,12.5%)<br />

Georg F. Zellmer, Peter Dulski, Yoshiyuki Iizuka, 2012, “Combined major and trace element LA-ICP-<br />

MS analysis of compositional variations in simple solid solutions through cross-correlation with<br />

an EPMA-characterized working standard”, MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, 18, 852-<br />

859. (SCI) (IF: 3.01; SCI ranking: 15.3%,11.1%)<br />

Pui Yuk Tam, Guochun Zhao, Min Sun, Sanzhong Li, Yoshiyuki Iizuk, George Shing-Ka’i Ma,<br />

Changqing Yin, Yanhong He, Meiling Wu, 2012, “Metamorphic P–T path and tectonic<br />

implications of medium-pressure pelitic granulites from the Jiaobeimassif in the Jiao-Liao-JiBelt,<br />

NorthChinaCraton”, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 221, 177–191. (SCI) (IF: 3.09; SCI ranking:<br />

10.5%)<br />


郭 本 垣 (KUO, BAN-YUAN)<br />

Ko, Y. T., B. Y. Kuo*, K. L. Wang, S. C. Lin, S. H. Hung, 2012, “The southwestern edge of the<br />

Ryukyu subduction zone: A high Q mantle wedge”, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE<br />

LETTERS, 335-336, 145-153. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Kuo, B. Y., C. C. Wang, S. C. Lin, C. R. Lin, P. C. Chen, J. P. Jang, H. K. Chang, 2012, “Shear-wave<br />

splitting at the edge of the Ryukyu subduction zone”, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE<br />

LETTERS, 335-336, 262-270. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Ko, Y. T., B. Y. Kuo*, S. H. Hung, 2012, “Robust determination of earthquake source parameters and<br />

mantle attenuation”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 117, B04304. (SCI) (IF: 3.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />

藍 晶 瑩 (LAN, CHING-YING)<br />

Yui, T.F., Maki, K., Wang, K.L., Lan, C.Y., Usuki, T., Iizuki, Y., Wu, C.M., Wu, T.W., Nishiyama,<br />

T., Martens, U., Liou, J. G. and Grove, M.,, 2012, “Hf isotope and REE compositions of zircon<br />

from jadeitite (Tone, Japan and north of the Motagua fault, Guatemala): implications on jadeitite<br />

genesis and possible protoliths.”, European Journal of Mineralogy, 24(4), 263-275.. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.49; SCI ranking: 37.5%)<br />

Yui, T.F., Maki, K., Lan, C.Y., Hirata, T., Chu, H.T., Kon, Y., Yokoyama, T.D., Jahn, B.M., Ernst,<br />

W.G. , 2012, “Detrital zircons from the Tananao Metamorphic Complex of Taiwan: Implications<br />

for sediment provenance and Mesozoic tectonics”, Tectonophysics, 541-543, 31-42.. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

李 德 春 (LEE, DER-CHUEN)<br />

Shun-Chung Yang, Der-Chuen Lee, Tung-Yuan Ho, 2012, “The isotopic composition of cadmium in<br />

the water column of the south china sea”, GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, 98, 66-<br />

77. (SCI) (IF: 4.26; SCI ranking: 4.2%)<br />

李 德 貴 (LEE, TEH-QUEI)<br />

Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, C. Aubourg, Y.-F. Song, A.-M. Boullier, T.-Q. Lee, M. Evans, E.-C. Yeh,<br />

and Y.-M. Chen, 2012, “Pyrite alteration and neoformed magnetic minerals in the fault zone of<br />

the Chi-Chi earthquake (Mw 7.6, 1999): Evidence for frictional heating and co-seismic fluids.”,<br />


Chou, Y.-M., S.-R. Song, C. Aubourg, T.-Q. Lee, A.-M. Boullier, Y.-F. Song, E.-C. Yeh, L.-W. Kuo<br />

and C.-Y. Wang, 2012, “An earthquake slip zone is a magnetic recorder”, Journal of Geology,<br />

40, 551-554. (SCI) (IF: 2.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />


Chen, H.-F., S.-Y. Wen, S.-R. Song, T.-N. Yang, T.-Q. Lee, S.-F. Lin, S.-C. Hsu, K.-Y. Wei, P.-<br />

Y.Chang and P. S. Yu, 2012, “Strengthening of paleo-typhoon and rainfall in Taiwan<br />

corresponding to the southern oscillation at late Holocene”, Journal Quaternary Sciences, 27 (9),<br />

964-972. (SCI)<br />

李 憲 忠 (LEE, SHIANN-JONG)<br />

Hsieh T. J., S. J. Lee, Y. S. Yang, Y. L. Chang, B. Huang, C. K. Chen and K. L. Ma, 2012, “Highperformance<br />

computing and visualization of earthquake simulations and ground-motion sensor<br />

network data”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 6(1), 061501. (SCI) (IF: 0.82; SCI ranking:<br />

82%,65%,42.9%)<br />

Ma, K. F., Y. Y. Lin, S. J. Lee, J. Mori, E. Brodsky, 2012, “Isotropic Events Observed with a Borehole<br />

Array in the Chelungpu Fault Zone, Taiwan”, SCIENCE, 337(6093), 459-463. (SCI) (IF: 31.2;<br />

SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Huang, B. S., J. Chen, Q. Liu, Y. G. Chen, X. W. Xu, C. Y. Wang, S. J. Lee, Z. X. Yao, 2012,<br />

“Estimation of rupture processes of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake from joint analyses of two<br />

regional seismic arrays”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 578(20), 87-97. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking:<br />

26.4%)<br />

Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, and P. L. Leu, 2012, “Fluctuation analyses of M ≥ 3<br />

earthquake sequences in the Taipei Metropolitan Area”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND<br />

OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(6), 633-645. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Wang, J. H., K. C. Chen, S. J. Lee, W. G. Huang, Y. H. Wu, and P. L. Leu, 2012, “The frequency<br />

distribution of inter-event times of M ≥ 3 earthquakes in the Taipei metropolitan area: 1973 -<br />


0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Lee, S. J., 2012, “Rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake based on joint source inversion<br />


23(1), 1-7. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

李 建 成 (LEE, JIAN-CHENG)<br />

Siame, L., R. F. Chen, F. Derrieux, J. C. Lee, K. J. Chang, D. Boules, R. Braucher, L. Leanni, C. C.<br />

Kang, C. P. Chang, H. T. Chu, 2012, “Pleistocene alluvial deposits dating along frontal thrust of<br />

Changhua Fault in western Taiwan: the Cosmic Ray Exposure point of view”, JOURNAL OF<br />

ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 51(2), 1-20. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Rau, R. J., J. C. Lee, K. E. Ching, Y. H. Lee, T. Byrne, and R. Y. Chen, 2012, “Subduction-continent<br />

collision in southwestern Taiwan: the 2010 Jiashian earthquake sequence”, TECTONOPHYSICS,<br />

578, 107-116. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />


Chen, H. Y., J. C. Lee, T. Hsin, S. B. Yu, Y. J. Hsu, H. Lee, 2012, “Determination of vertical velocity<br />

field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: a joint analysis of leveling and GPS<br />

measurements”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(4), 355-37.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

朱 傚 祖 、 梁 勝 雄 、 李 建 成 、 陳 建 良 ,2012,〈 湖 口 斷 層 新 釋 : 上 盤 活 動 背 衝 斷 層 之 新 發 現 及 露<br />

頭 構 造 分 析 〉,《 經 濟 部 中 央 地 質 調 查 所 特 刊 》, 第 二 十 六 號 , 第 31-51 頁 。<br />

姜 彥 麟 、 朱 傚 祖 、 李 建 成 、 黃 志 遠 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 東 部 池 上 斷 層 全 段 之 地 表 破 裂 與 變 形 帶 調 查<br />

及 構 造 特 性 分 析 〉,《 經 濟 部 中 央 地 質 調 查 所 特 刊 》, 第 廿 六 號 , 第 1-15 頁 。<br />

梁 文 宗 (LIANG, WEN-TZONG)<br />

Huang, T.-Y., Y. Gung, W.-T. Liang, L.-Y. Chiao, and L. S. Teng, 2012, “Broad-band Rayleigh wave<br />

tomography of Taiwan and its implications on gravity anomalies”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH<br />

LETTERS, 39, L05305, doi:10.1029/2011GL050727. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Chen, P.-F., C.R. Bina, H. Kuo-Chen, F.T. Wu, C.-Y. Wang, B.-S. Huang, C.-H. Chen, W.-T. Liang,<br />

2012, “Slab-induced waveform effects as revealed by the TAIGER seismic array: Evidence of<br />

slab beneath central Taiwan”, PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS, v196-<br />

197, p196-197. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI ranking: 31.9%)<br />

Theunissena, T., S. Lallemanda, Y. Font, S. Gautiera, C.-S. Lee, W.-T. Liang, F. Wu, T. Bertheta,<br />

2012, “Crustal deformation at the southernmost part of the Ryukyu subduction (East Taiwan) as<br />

revealed by new marine seismic experiments”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 10.1016/j.tecto.2012.04.<br />

011,. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chen, P.-F., W.-T. Liang, B.-Y. Lin, 2012, “A Warning System in Taiwan for South China Sea<br />

Tsunamis Using W Phase Inversion and Unit Tsunami Methods”, editor(s): Gloria I. Lopez,<br />

Tsunami - Analysis of a Hazard - From Physical Interpretation to Human Impact, pp. 181-202,<br />

Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.<br />

林 正 洪 (LIN, CHENG-HORNG)<br />

Chao, K., Z. Peng, C. Wu, C.C. Tang, C.H. Lin, 2012, “Remote triggering of non-volcanic tremor<br />

around Taiwan”, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 188, Issue 1, 301-324..<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 27.8%)<br />

Ando, M., Y. Tu, H. Kumagai, Y. Yamanaka, C.H. Lin, 2012, “Vey low frequency earthquakes along<br />

the Ryukyu subduction zone”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol. 39, L04303. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Lin, C.H, 2012, “The possible observation of slow slip events priori the occurrence of the 1999 Chi-<br />


145-159,. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />


Lin, C.H., 2012, “Remote triggering of the Mw 6.9 Hokkaido earthquake as a result of the Mw 6.6<br />

Indonesia earthquake on September 11, 2008”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC<br />

SCIENCES, Vol. 23, No. 3, 283-290. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Lin, C.H. , 2012 ,〈Preliminary estimation of landslide seismic magnitude 〉,《WESTERN<br />

PACIFIC EARTH SCIENCES》,Vol.12, No.1, P.115-128。(Others)<br />

林 忠 成 (LIN, CHUNG-CHERNG)<br />

Chung-Cherng Lin, Shih-Fan Chen, Kak Si Leung, and Pouyan Shen, 2012, “Effects of CaO/P2O5<br />

ratio on the structure and elastic properties of SiO2-CaO-Na2O-P2O5 bioglasses”, Journal of<br />

Materials Science-Materials in Medicine, 23, 245-258. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI ranking: 28.4%,48%)<br />

J.C. Tang, B. Civalleri, C. C. Lin, L. Valenzano, R. Galvelis, P.-F. Chen, T. D. Bennett, C. Mellot-<br />

Draznieks, C. M. Zicovich-Wilson, and A. K. Cheetham*, 2012, “Exceptionally low shear<br />

modulus in a prototypical imidazole-based metal-organic framework”, Physical Review Letters,<br />

108, 095502. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

林 慶 仁 (LIN, CHING-REN)<br />

Chen, C.H., Liu, J.Y., Chang, T.M., Yeh, T.K., Wang, C.H., Wen, S., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., Lin,<br />

C.R., Chen, Y.R., 2012, “Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals emitted from large<br />

earthquakes in Taiwan”, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 55(1), 63–71.. (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI<br />

ranking: 80.6%)<br />

Ban-Yuan Kuo, Chau-Chang Wan, Shu-Chuan Lin, Ching-Ren Lin, Po-Chi Chen, Jia-Pu Jang, Hsu-<br />

Kuang Chang, 2012, “Shear-wave splitting at the edge of the Ryukyu subduction zone”, Earth<br />

and Planetary Science Letters, 262–270. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

劉 忠 智 (LIU, CHUNG-CHIH)<br />

Lee, W. H. K., J. R. Evans, B. S. Huang, C. R. Hutt, C. J. Lin, C. C. Liu, and R. L. Nigbor, 2012,<br />

Measuring rotational ground motions in seismological practice. In: P. Bormann (Ed.), New Manual<br />

of Seismological Observatory Practice 2 (NMSOP-2) (pp. 1-27). Potsdam: Deutsches<br />

GeoForschungs Zentrum GFZ. doi:10.2312/GFZ.NMSOP-2_IS_5.3.<br />

Chiu, H. C., F. J. Wu, C. J. Lin, H. C. Huang and C. C. Liu, 2012, Effects of rotation motions on<br />

strong-motion data, J. Seismology, doi: 10.1007/ s10950-012-9301-z.<br />

Kendall, L. M., C. A. Langston, W. H. K. Lee, C. J. Lin, C. C. Liu, 2012, Comparison of point and<br />

array-computed rotations for the TAIGER explosions of 4 March 2008, J. Seismology,doi:<br />

10.1007/s10950-012-9297-4.<br />


王 錦 華 (WANG, JEEN-HWA)<br />

Wang, J.H., 2012, “Some intrinsic properties of the two-dimensional dynamical spring-slider model of<br />


822-835. (SCI) (IF: 1.7; SCI ranking: 41.7%)<br />

H.-J. Chen, C.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Tseng, and J.-H. Wang, 2012, “Effect of tidal triggering on seismicity<br />

in Taiwan revealed by the”, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 12, 2193–<br />

2202. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 30.7%)<br />

Chen, K.C. and J.H. Wang, 2012, “Correlations between mainshocks and aftershocks for Taiwan<br />

earthquakes”, PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 169(7), 1173-1328. (SCI) (IF: 1.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 38.9%)<br />

Chen, C.c., J.H. Wang, and W.J. Huang, 2012, “Decoupling as a mechanism of generating<br />

aftershocks”, TECTONOPHYSICS, 546-547, 56-59. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Wang, J.H., K.C. Chen, S.J. Lee, W.G. Huang, and P.L. Leu, 2012, “Fluctuation analyses of M≥3<br />

Earthquakes in the Taipei Metropolitan Area during 1973-2010”, TERRESTRIAL<br />

ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(6), 633-645. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking:<br />

69.6%)<br />

Wang, J.H., K.C. Chen, S.J. Lee, W.G. Huang, Y.H. Wu, and P.L. Leu, 2012, “The Frequency<br />

Distribution of Inter-Event Times of M≥3 Earthquakes in the Taipei Metropolitan Area During<br />

1973-2010”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(3), 3269-3281.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

Wu, Y.H., C.C. Chen, J.B. Rundle, J.H. Wang, 2012, “Regional dependence of seismic migration<br />


(IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

汪 中 和 (WANG, CHUNG-HO)<br />

Chen, C.H., Liu, J.Y., Chang, T.M., Yeh, T.K., [Wang, C.H.], Wen, S., Yen, H.Y., Hattori, K., Lin,<br />

C.R. and Chen, Y.R., 2012, “Azimuthal propagation of seismo-magnetic signals from large<br />

earthquakes in Taiwan”, ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 55(1), 63-71. (SCI) (IF: 0.57; SCI ranking:<br />

80.6%)<br />

Peng, T.R., Lin, H.J., [Wang, C.H.], Liu, T.S. and Kao, S.J., 2012, “Pollution and variation of stream<br />

nitrate in a protected high-mountain watershed of Central Taiwan: evidence from nitrate<br />

concentration and nitrogen and oxygen isotope compositions.”, ENVIRONMENTAL<br />

MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 184, 4985-4998. (SCI) (IF: 1.4; SCI ranking: 58.5%)<br />

Wang, C.Y., Manga, M., [Wang, C.H.] and Chen, C.H., 2012, “Transient Change in Groundwater<br />

Temperature after Earthquakes.”, GEOLOGY, 40(2), 119-122. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking:<br />

2.5%)<br />


Hsu, K. –C., Yeh, H. –F., Chen, Y. –C.; Lee, C. -H; [Wang, C. -H]; Chiu, F. –S., 2012, “Basin-scale<br />

groundwater response to precipitation variation and anthropogenic pumping in Chih-Ben<br />

watershed, Taiwan.”, HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, 20:499-517. (SCI) (IF: 1.39; SCI ranking:<br />

36.9%,50.3%)<br />

Peng, T.R., Wang, C.H., Hsu, S.M., Chen, N.C., Su, T.W. and Lee, J.F., 2012, “Use of stable water<br />

isotopes to assess sources and influences of slope groundwater on slope failure.”,<br />

HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 16, 345-355. (SCI) (IF: 2.49; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Chen, C.H., Wen, S., Yeh, T.K., Wang, C.H., Yen, H.Y., Liu, J.Y., Hobara, Y., Han, P., 2012,<br />

“Observation of surface displacements from GPS analyses before and after the Jiashian<br />

earthquake (M=6.4) in Taiwan”, Journal of ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, jseaes.2012.11.016.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Liu, C.C., Sandeep, K., Jean, J.S., Wang, C.H., Lee, Y.C., Sracek, O., Li, Z., Bundschuh, J., Yang,<br />

H.J. and Chen, C.Y., 2012, “Linking geochemical processes in mud volcanoes with arsenic<br />

mobilization driven by organic matter”, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,<br />

jhazmat.2012.06.050. (SCI) (IF: 4.17; SCI ranking: 8.7%,1.1%,13.5%)<br />

Hsu, N.S., Chiang, C.J. Wang, C.H., Liu, C.W., Huang, C.L., Liu, H.J., 2012, “Estimation of Pumpage<br />

and Recharge in Alluvial Fan Topography Considering Multiple Irrigation Practices”, JOURNAL<br />

OF HYDROLOGY, jhydrol.2012.11.014. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI ranking: 4.6%,15%,5.3%)<br />

Peng, T.R., Huang, C.C., Wang, C.H., Liu, T.K., Lu, W.C. and Chen, K.Y., 2012, “Using oxygen,<br />

hydrogen, and tritium isotopes to assess pond water’s contribution to groundwater and local<br />

precipitation in the piedmont tableland areas of northwestern Taiwan”, Journal of Hydrology,<br />

450-451, 105-116. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI ranking: 4.6%,15%,5.3%)<br />

Cheng, T.W., Chang, Y.H., Tang, S.L., Tseng, C.H., Chiang, P.W., Chang, K.T., Sun, C.H., Chen,<br />

Y.G., Kuo, H.C., Wang, C.H., Chu, P.H., Song, S.H., Wang, P.L. and Lin, L.H., 2012,<br />

“Metabolic stratification driven by surface and subsurface interactions in a terrestrial mud<br />

volcano”, Journal of International Society of Microbial Ecology, 6, 2280-2290.<br />

Wen, S., Chen, C.H., Yen, H.Y., Yeh, T.K., Liu, J.Y., Hattori, K., Peng, H., Wang, C.H. and Shin,<br />

T.C., 2012, “Magnetic storm free ULF analysis in relation with earthquakes in Taiwan”,<br />


ranking: 30.7%)<br />

Kuo, T.C., Wang, C.H., Lin, H.C., Lin, Y.H., Lin, M., Lin, C.M. and Kuo, H.S., 2012, “Assessment of<br />

renal function by the stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in human blood plasma”, PLoS One,<br />

7(2):e32137. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Chan W-P, Yuan H-W, Huang C-Y, Wang C-H, Lin S-D, Lo, Y-C, Huang, B-W, Hatch, K.A., Shiu,<br />

H-J., You, C-F., Chang, Y-M. and Shen, S-F., 2012, “Regional Scale High Resolution δ18O<br />

Prediction in Precipitation Using MODIS EVI”, PLoS One, 7(9), e45496. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Mahata, S., Bhattacharya, S.K., Wang, C.H. and Liang, M.C., 2012, “An improved CeO2 method for<br />

high precision measurements of 17O/16O ratio for atmospheric carbon dioxide”, RAPID<br />

COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 26, 1909-1922. (SCI) (IF: 2.79; SCI ranking:<br />

34.3%)<br />

Dzhamalov, R.G., Frolova, N.L., Stanovova, A.V.,Krichevets, G.N., Wang, C.H., Hsu, K.C., Chiu,<br />

F.S., Lee, C.H. and Wu, M.C., 2012, “Current monsoon conditions of river runoff and<br />

groundwater formation in west Pacific regions: Kamchatka Peninsula and Taiwan Island”, Water<br />

Resources, 39(5), 610-621. (SCI) (IF: 0.29; SCI ranking: 93.8%)<br />

汪 中 和 ,2012,《 當 快 樂 腳 不 再 快 樂 – 認 識 全 球 暖 化 》, 共 120 頁 , 台 北 : 五 南 圖 書 出 版 公<br />

司 。<br />

汪 中 和 ,2012,〈 水 資 源 管 理 是 氣 候 變 遷 下 永 續 發 展 的 關 鍵 議 題 〉, 許 木 柱 、 何 日 生 編 ,《 環<br />

境 與 宗 教 的 對 話 》, 頁 82-101, 台 北 : 經 典 雜 誌 。<br />

王 國 龍 (WANG, KUO-LUNG)<br />

Shellnutt, J.G., Bhat, G.M., Wang, K.L., Brookfield, M., Dostal, J., Jahn, B.M., 2012, “Origin of the<br />

silicic volcanic rocks of the Early Permian Panjal Traps, Kashmir, India”, CHEMICAL<br />

GEOLOGY, 334, 154-170. (SCI) (IF: 3.52; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Sal'nikova, E.B., Kotov, A.B., Kovach, V.P., Velikoslavinskii, S.D., Jahn, B.M., Sorokin, A.A.,<br />

Sorokin, A.P., Wang, K.L., Chung, S.L., Lee, H.Y., Tolmacheva, E.V., 2012, “Age of the Gonzha<br />

Group (Argun terrane, central asian Fold Belt) inferred from U-Pb and Lu-Hf zircon data”,<br />

DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES, 444(2), 692-695. (SCI) (IF: 0.39; SCI ranking: 92.8%)<br />

Ko, Y.T., Kuo, B.Y., Wang, K.L., Lin, S.C., Hung, S.H. , 2012, “The southwestern edge or the<br />

Ryukyu subduction zone: A high Q mantle wedge ”, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE<br />

LETTERS, 335, 145-153. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Yui, T.F., Maki, K., Wang, K.L., Lan, C.Y., Usuki, T., Iizuka, Y., Wu, C.M., Wu, T.W., Nishiyama,<br />

T., Martens, U., Liou, J.G., Grove, M., 2012, “Hf isotope and REE composition of zircons from<br />

jadeitite (Tone, Japan and north of the Motagua fault, Guatemala): implications on jadeitite<br />

genesis and possible geochemical characteristics of protoliths”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF<br />

MINERALOGY, 24, 263-275. (SCI) (IF: 1.49; SCI ranking: 37.5%)<br />

Wang, K.-L.*, S.-L. Chung, Y-M Lo, C.-H. Lo, H.-J. Yang, R. Shinjo, T.-Y. Lee, Wu. J.C., Huang,<br />

S.T., 2012, “Age and geochemical characteristics of Paleogene basalts drilled from western<br />

Taiwan: Records of initial rifting at the southeastern Eurasian continental margin”, LITHOS, 155,<br />

426-441. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking: 11.1%,12.5%)<br />


Wang, K.L., Y-M Lo, S.-L. Chung, S.K. Hsu, C.-H. Lo, H.-J. Yang, R. Shinjo, 2012, “Age and<br />

geochemical features of dredged basalts from offshore SW Taiwan: magmatism associated with<br />


657-669. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

余 水 倍 (YU, SHUI-BEIH)<br />

Chuang, R. Y., M. Miller, Y.G. Chen, H.Y. Chen, J. B. H. Shyu, S.B. Yu, C. M. Rubin, K. Sieh, L.H.<br />

Chung, 2012, “Interseismic deformation and earthquake hazard along the southernmost<br />

Longitudinal Valley fault, eastern Taiwan”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol.<br />

102, no. 4, 1569-1582. (SCI) (IF: 1.7; SCI ranking: 41.7%)<br />

Hsu, Y. J., M. Ando, S. B. Yu, and M. Simons, 2012, “The potential for a very large earthquake along<br />

the southernmost Ryukyu subduction zone”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Hsu, Y.J., S.B. Yu, and T.R.A. Song, 2012, “Plate coupling along the Manila subduction zone between<br />

Taiwan and northern Luzon”, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 51, 98-108. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.15; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Tsai, M.C., S.B Yu*, Y.J. Hsu, H.Y. Chen, and H.W. Chen, 2012, “Interseismic crustal deformation of<br />

frontal thrust fault system in the Chiayi-Tainan area, Taiwan”, Tectonophysics, 554, 169-184.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chen, H.Y., J.C. Lee, H. Tung, S.B. Yu, Y.J. Hsu, H. Lee, 2012, “Determination of vertical velocity<br />

field of southernmost Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan: a joint analysis of leveling and GPS<br />

measurements”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 23(4), 355-376.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

郁 文 哲 (YU, WEN-CHE)<br />

Wen-che Yu, Lianxing Wen, 2012, “Deep-Focus Repeating Earthquakes in the Tonga-Fiji Subduction<br />


(SCI) (IF: 1.7; SCI ranking: 41.7%)<br />

俞 震 甫 (YUI, TZEN-FU)<br />

Yui, T.F., K. Maki, K.L. Wang, C.Y. Lan, T. Usuki, Y. Iizuka, C.M. Wu, T.W. Wu, T. Nishiyama, U.<br />

Martens, J. G. Liou, and M. Grove, 2012, “Hf isotope and REE compositions of zircon from<br />

jadeitite (Tone, Japan and north of the Motagua fault, Guatemala): implications on jadeitite<br />

genesis and possible protoliths”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY, 24, 263-275. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.49; SCI ranking: 37.5%)<br />


Tsai, C.H., T.F. Yui, W.S. Chen and S.L. Chung, 2012, “Comment on ‘Geochronologic evidence for a<br />

cold arc-continent collision: The Taiwan Orogeny’ by R.P. Wintsch, H.J. Yang, X.H. Li, K.A.<br />

Tung”, Lithos, v. 132-133, 193-195. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking: 11.1%,12.5%)<br />

Yui, T.F., K. Maki, C.Y. Lan, T. Hirata, H.T. Chu, Y. Kon, T.D. Yokoyama, B.M. Jahn, W.G. Ernst,<br />

2012, “Detrital zircons from the Tananao metamorphic complex of Taiwan: implications for<br />

sediment provenance and Mesozoic tectonics”, TECTONOPHYSICS, v. 541-543, 31-42. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Chu, H.T., S.L. Hwang, P. Shen, and T.F. Yui,, 2012, “Pseudotachylyte in the Tananao Metamorphic<br />

Complex, Taiwan: occurrence and dynamic phase changes of fossil earthquakes”,<br />

TECTONOPHYSICS, 581, 62-75. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />


Zellmer G.F.*, Sheth H.C., Iizuka Y., Lai Y.-J., 2012, “Remobilization of granitoid rocks through<br />

mafic recharge: evidence from basalt-trachyte mingling and hybridization in the Manori-Gorai<br />

area, Mumbai, Deccan Traps”, BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, 74, 47-66. (SCI) (IF: 2.21; SCI<br />

ranking: 23.5%)<br />

Zellmer G.F.*, Iizuka Y., Miyoshi M., Tamura Y., Tatsumi Y., 2012, “Lower crustal H2O controls on<br />

the formation of adakitic melts”, GEOLOGY, 40, 487-490. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 2.5%)<br />

Straub S.M.*, Zellmer G.F., 2012, “Volcanic arcs as archives of plate tectonic change”, GONDWANA<br />

RESEARCH, 21, 495–516. (SCI) (IF: 6.66; SCI ranking: 2%)<br />

Zellmer G.F.*, Dulski P., Iizuka Y., Perfit M.R., 2012, “Rates and processes of crystallization in onaxis<br />

and off-axis MOR basaltic melts”, LITHOS, 154, 1-15. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking:<br />

11.1%,12.5%)<br />

Zellmer G.F.*, Dulski P., Iizuka Y., 2012, “Combined major and trace element LA-ICP-MS analysis<br />

of compositional variations in simple solid solutions through cross-correlation with an EPMAcharacterized<br />

working standard”, MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, 18, 852-859. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.01; SCI ranking: 15.3%,11.1%)<br />

趙 里 (ZHAO, LI)<br />

Nobuaki Fuji, Sebastien Chevrot, Li Zhao, Robert J. Geller and Kenji Kawai, 2012, “Finite-frequency<br />

structural sensitivities of short-period compressional body waves”, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL<br />

INTERNATIONAL, 190, 522-540.. (SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 27.8%)<br />

Zhang, W., Shen, Y., Zhao, L., 2012, “Three-dimensional anisotropic seismic wave modelling in<br />

spherical coordinates by a collocated-grid finite-difference method”, GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL<br />

INTERNATIONAL, 188, 1359-1381.. (SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI ranking: 27.8%)<br />


Wen-Nan Wu, Li Zhao, 2012, “Delineating seismogenic structures by a revised best estimate method:<br />

application to the Taiwan orogenic belt”, JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY, DOI 10.1007/s10950-<br />

012-9336-1. (SCI) (IF: 1.33; SCI ranking: 56.9%)<br />


資 訊 科 學 研 究 所<br />

王 大 為 (WANG, DA-WEI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

K. Chen, T.-s. Hsu, W.K. Huang, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Towards a scripting language for<br />

automating secure multiparty computation”, paper presented at 2012 Asia-Pacific Programming<br />

Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC), 2012-06.<br />

T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “A probabilistic hybrid logic for sanitized information<br />

systems”, 500-513 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on<br />

Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), 2012-09.<br />

T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Logic, probability, and privacy: A framework for<br />

specifying privacy requirements”, 10, 157-167 pages, paper presented at Turing-100. The Alan<br />

Turing Centenary, 2012-06.<br />

王 柏 堯 (WANG, BOW-YAW)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang, 2013, “BULL: a Library for Learning Algorithms of Boolean<br />

Functions”, paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for<br />

the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2013), -: -, 2013-03.<br />

Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang, 2012, “Learning Boolean Functions Incrementally”, , 55-70<br />

pages, paper presented at International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2012),<br />

-: -, 2012-07.<br />

王 新 民 (WANG, HSIN-MIN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “The Acoustic<br />

Emotion Gaussians model for emotion-based music annotation and retrieval”, paper presented at<br />

ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM2012), -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians Model for Automatic Generation of Music Video”, paper<br />

presented at ACM Multimedia, -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “The Acoustic<br />

Emotion Gaussians Model for Emotion-Based Music Annotation and Retrieval”, paper presented<br />

at ACM Multimedia, -: -, 2012-10.<br />


Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Personalized Music<br />

Emotion Recognition via Model Adaptation”, paper presented at APSIPA Annual Summit and<br />

Conference (APSIPA ASC 2012), -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Personalized Music<br />

Emotion Recognition via Model Adaptation”, paper presented at APSIPA Annual Summit and<br />

Conference (ASC), -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Meng-Sung Wu and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “Term Relevance Dependency Model for Text<br />

Classification”, paper presented at International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012),<br />

-: -, 2012-11.<br />

Hsin-Te Hwang, Yu Tsao, Hsin-Min Wang, Yih-Ru Wang, and Sin-Horng Chen, 2012, “Exploring<br />

Mutual Information for GMM-Based Spectral Conversion”, paper presented at International<br />

Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP2012), -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Guassians Model for Automatic Generation of Music Video”, paper<br />

presented at Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Kaichun Chang, Hsin-Min Wang, Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012,<br />

“Exploring the Relationship between Categorical and Dimensional Emotion Semantics of<br />

Music”, paper presented at Proc. ACM Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-<br />

Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM), in conjunction with ACM Multimedia, -: -, 2012-<br />

11.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Playing with Tagging: A Real-Time<br />

Music Tagging Player”, paper presented at Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,<br />

Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP2012), -: -, 2012-03.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Playing with Tagging: A Real-Time<br />

Music Tagging Player”, paper presented at Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,<br />

Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP2012), -: -, 2012-03.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Kaichun Chang, Hsin-Min Wang, Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012,<br />

“Exploring the Relationship between Categorical and Dimensional Emotion Semantics of<br />

Music”, paper presented at The Second International ACM Workshop on Music Information<br />

Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM2012), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

王 建 民 (WANG, CHIEN-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jan-Jan Wu, Shu-Fan Shih, Hsiangkai Wang, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, 2012, “QoS-Aware<br />

Replica Placement for Grid Computing”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and<br />

Experience, 24, 193-213.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,<br />

Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-Ching Chung, 2012, “HQEMU: A Multithreaded and Retargetable<br />

Dynamic Binary Translator on Multicores”, , 104-113 pages, paper presented at International<br />

Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO, top conference in compilers), -: -,<br />

2012-03.<br />

Chien-Min Wang, Tse-Chen Yeh, and Guo-Fu Tseng, 2012, “Provision of Storage QoS in Distributed<br />

File Systems for Clouds”, , 189-198 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of the 41th<br />

International Conference on Parallel Processing, -: -, 2012-09.<br />

張 復 (CHANG, FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.-H. Liu, A. J. T. Lee, and F. Chang, 2012, “Object recognition using discriminative parts”,<br />

Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116, 854-867. (SCI) (IF: 1.34; SCI ranking:<br />

43%,39.6%)<br />

張 原 豪 (CHANG, YUAN-HAO)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ming-Chang Yang, Yuan-Hao Chang, Che-Wei Tsao, and Po-Chun Huang, 2013, “New ERA: New<br />

Efficient Reliability-Aware Wear Leveling for Endurance Enhancement of Flash Storage<br />

Devices”, paper presented at ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), -: -, 2013-06.<br />

Che-Wei Tsao, Yuan-Hao Chang, and Ming-Chang Yang, 2013, “Performance Enhancement of<br />

Garbage Collection for Flash Storage Devices: An Efficient Victim Block Selection Design”,<br />

paper presented at ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), -: -, 2013-06.<br />

Ming-Chang Yang, Yuan-Hao Chang, Po-Chun Huang and Tei-Wei Kuo, 2012, “Working-Set-Based<br />

Address Mapping for Ultra-Large-Scaled Flash Devices”, paper presented at ACM/IEEE<br />

International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES ISSS),<br />

-: -, 2012-10.<br />

陳 伶 志 (CHEN, LING-JYH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li-Ping Tung, Cheng-Long Tseng, and Ling-Jyh Chen, 2012, “Improving Data Delivery in<br />

Opportunistic Networks Using Probabilistic Forwarding”, International Journal of Satellite<br />

Communications Policy and Management, Inderscience, 1, 120-137.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wei-Xian Lee, Li-Ping Tung, Yao-Hua Ho, and Ling-Jyh Chen, 2013, “Measuring Link<br />

Characteristics of Power Line Communication Systems”, paper presented at IEEE International<br />

Conference on Communications (ICC\'13), Budapest, Hungary: -, 2013-06.<br />

Wang-Chien Lee, Weiping Si, Ling-Jyh Chen, and Meng-Chang Chen, 2012, “HTTP: A New<br />

Framework for Bus Travel Time Prediction Based on Historical Trajectories”, paper presented at<br />

ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS (GIS\\\'12), Redondo Beach, CA, USA: -, 2012-11.<br />

陳 孟 彰 (CHEN, MENG-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chien Chin Chen, Meng Chang Chen, 2012, “TSCAN: A Content Anatomy Approach to Temporal<br />

Topic Summarization”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 24, 170-183.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.66; SCI ranking: 30.8%,23.6%,27.8%)<br />

Mao Ye; Lee, K.C.K.; Wang-Chien Lee; Xingjie Liu; Meng-Chang Chen, 2012, “Querying Uncertain<br />

Minimum in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions,<br />

vol.24, no.12, pp.2274-2287.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wang-Chien Lee, Weiping Si, Ling-Jyh Chen, and Meng-Chang Chen, 2012, “HTTP: A New<br />

Framework for Bus Travel Time Prediction Based on Historical Trajectories”, paper presented at<br />

ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS (GIS\\\'12), Redondo Beach, CA, USA: -, 2012-11.<br />

Yi-Ting Huang, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, 2012, “An Interpretable Statistical Ability<br />

Estimation in Web-based Learning Environment”, paper presented at The 20th International<br />

Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Jun-Ming Chen, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, 2012, “A novel approach to monitoring and<br />

creating significant learning experiences using social tag cloud navigation”, paper presented at<br />

The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Yi-Ting Huang, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, 2012, “Personalized Automatic Quiz Generation<br />

Based on Proficiency Level Estimation”, paper presented at The 20th International Conference<br />

on Computers in Education (ICCE 2012), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

陳 銘 憲 (CHEN, MING-SYAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Jen Wu, Jan-Ming Ho, and Ming-Syan Chen, to appear, “A Scalable Server Architecture for<br />

Mobile Presence Service in Social Network Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile<br />

Computing, 12, 386 - 398. (SCI) (IF: 2.28; SCI ranking: 11.1%,13%)<br />


C.-Y. Shen, D.-N. Yang, and M.-S. Chen, 2012, “Collaborative and Distributed Search System with<br />

Mobile Devices”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 11, 1478-1493.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

D.-N. Yang, C.-Y. Shen, W.-C. Lee, and M.-S. Chen, 2012, “On Socio-Spatial Group Query for<br />

Location-Based Social Networks”, paper presented at ACM SIGKDD International Conference<br />

on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD), -: -, 2012-08.<br />

陳 克 健 (CHEN, KEH-JIANN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chung, You-shan and Keh-Jiann Chen, 2012, “Transitivity of a Chinese Verb-Result Compound and<br />

Affected Argument of the Result Verb”, International Journal of Computational Linguistics and<br />

Chinese Language Processing, 17, 1-20.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ming-Hong Bai, Yu-Ming Hsieh, Keh-Jiann Chen and Jason S. Chang, 2012, “DOMCAT: A Bilingual<br />

Concordancer for Domain-Specific Computer Assisted Translation”, paper presented at<br />

Proceedings of ACL 2012, -: -, 2012-08.<br />

陳 祝 嵩 (CHEN, CHU-SONG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hsin-Chien Huang, Yung-Yu Chuang, and Chu-Song Chen, 2012, “Affinity Aggregation for Spectral<br />

Clustering”, paper presented at International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern<br />

Recognition, CVPR 2012, -: -, 2012-06.<br />

Hsin-Ho Yeh and Chu-Song Chen, 2012, “From Rareness to Compactness: Contrast-Aware Image<br />

Saliency Detection”, paper presented at International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP<br />

2012, -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Kuo-Yen Lo, Keng-Hao Liu, and Chu-Song Chen, 2012, “Assessment of Photo Aesthetics with<br />

Efficiency”, paper presented at International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2012, -: -<br />

, 2012-11.<br />

Kuang-Yu Chang , Cheng-Fu Lin, Chu-Song Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung, 2012, “Applying Scattering<br />

Operators for Face Recognition: A Comparative Study”, paper presented at International<br />

Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2012, -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Kuo-Yen Lo, Keng-Hao Liu, and Chu-Song Chen, 2012, “Intelligent Photographing Interface with<br />

On-device Aesthetic Quality Assessment”, paper presented at International Workshop on<br />

Intelligent Mobile Vision, IMV2012, -: -, 2012-11.<br />


陳 郁 方 (CHEN, YU-FANG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang, 2013, “BULL: a Library for Learning Algorithms of Boolean<br />

Functions”, paper presented at The 19th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for<br />

the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2013), -: -, 2013-03.<br />

Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine, 2013,<br />

“Memorax: Fence Inference under the TSO Memory Model”, paper presented at The 19th<br />

International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems<br />

(TACAS 2013), -: -, 2013-03.<br />

Yu-Fang Chen and Bow-Yaw Wang, 2012, “Learning Boolean Functions Incrementally”, , 55-70<br />

pages, paper presented at International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2012),<br />

-: -, 2012-07.<br />

Parosh Abdulla, Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Yu-Fang Chen, Carl Leonardsson and Ahmed Rezine, 2012,<br />

“Automatic Fence Insertion in Integer Programs via Predicate Abstraction”, paper presented at<br />

The 19th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2012), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

陳 昇 瑋 (CHEN, SHENG-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yu-Chun Chang, Chi-Jui Chang, Kuan-Ta Chen, and Chin-Laung Lei, 2012, “Radar Chart: Scanning<br />

for Satisfactory QoE in QoS Dimensions”, IEEE Network, 26, 25-31. (SCI) (IF: 2.24; SCI<br />

ranking: 16.7%,12.5%,8.3%,13.8%)<br />

Hsing-Kuo Pao, Junaidillah Fadlil, Hong-Yi Lin, and Kuan-Ta Chen, 2012, “Trajectory Analysis for<br />

User Verification and Recognition”, Knowledge-Based Systems, 34, 81-90. (SCI) (IF: 2.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 13.1%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chun-Ying Huang, Cheng-Hsin Hsu, Yu-Chun Chang, and Kuan-Ta Chen, 2013, “GamingAnywhere:<br />

An Open Cloud Gaming System”, paper presented at Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Systems<br />

2013, -: -, 2013-02.<br />

Jing-Kai Lou, Kunwoo Park, Meeyoung Cha, Juyong Park, Chin-Laung Lei, and Kuan-Ta Chen, 2013,<br />

“Gender Swapping and User Behaviors in Online Social Games”, paper presented at Proceedings<br />

of ACM WWW 2013, -: -, 2013.<br />

Yeng-Ting Lee, Kuan-Ta Chen, Han-I Su, and Chin-Laung Lei, 2012, “Are All Games Equally Cloud-<br />

Gaming-Friendly An Electromyographic Approach”, paper presented at Proceedings of<br />

IEEE/ACM NetGames 2012, -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Jing-Kai Lou, Kuan-Ta Chen, Hwai-Jung Hsu, and Chin-Laung Lei, 2012, “Forecasting Online Game<br />

Addictiveness”, paper presented at Proceedings of IEEE/ACM NetGames 2012, -: -, 2012-11.<br />


Ming-Hui Wen, Ruck Thawonmas, and Kuan-Ta Chen, 2012, “Pomics: A Computer-aided<br />

Storytelling System with Automatic Picture-to-Comics Composition”, paper presented at<br />

Proceedings of TAAI 2012, -: -, 2012-11.<br />

陳 文 村 (CHEN, WEN-TSUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yu-Chee Tseng, Po-Yu Chen, and W. T. Chen, 2012, “k-Angle Object Coverage Problem in a<br />

Wireless Sensor Network”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 12, 3408 - 3416. (SCI) (IF: 1.52; SCI ranking:<br />

42.2%,32.2%,29.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chi-Han Lin, Po-Yu Chen, and W. T. Chen, 2013, “An Adaptive Guiding Protocol for Crowd<br />

Evacuation Based on Wireless Sensor Networks”, paper presented at Proceedings of IEEE 77th<br />

Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany: -, 2013-06.<br />

Chia-Ying Chen, Po-Yu Chen, and W. T. Chen, 2013, “A Novel Emergency Vehicle Dispatching<br />

System”, paper presented at Proceedings of IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC<br />

2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany: -, 2013-06.<br />

莊 庭 瑞 (CHUANG, TYNG-RUEY)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Dong-Po Deng, Guan-Shuo Mai, Cheng-Hsin Hsu, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Te-En Lin, Hsu-Hong Lin,<br />

Kwang-Tsao Shao, Rob Lemmens and Menno-Jan Kraak, 2012, “Using Social Media for<br />

Collaborative Species identification and Occurrence: Issues, Methods, and Tools”, paper<br />

presented at 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered<br />

Geographic Information, -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Dong-Po Deng, Guan-Shuo Mai, Cheng-Hsin Hsu, Chin-Lung Chang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang and<br />

Kwang-Tsao Shao, 2012, “Linking Open Data Resources for Semantic Enhancement of User-<br />

Generated Content”, paper presented at 2nd Joint International Semantic Technology Conference,<br />

-: -, 2012-12.<br />

Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Hui-Yin Wu, 2012, “Structure-conforming XML document transformation<br />

based on graph homomorphism”, , 99-102 pages, paper presented at ACM symposium on<br />

Document engineering, -: -, 2012-09.<br />


何 建 明 (HO, JAN-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Jen Wu, Jan-Ming Ho, and Ming-Syan Chen, to appear, “A Scalable Server Architecture for<br />

Mobile Presence Service in Social Network Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile<br />

Computing, 12, 386 - 398. (SCI) (IF: 2.28; SCI ranking: 11.1%,13%)<br />

Yu-Jung Chang, Chien-Chih Chen, Chuen-Liang Chen and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “De Novo Next<br />

Generation Genomic Sequence Assembler Based on String Graph and MapReduce Cloud<br />

Computing Framework”, BMC Genomics, 13, S28. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%,21.8%)<br />

Jiann-Horng Leu, Yen-Chen Chec, Li-Li Chen, Kuan-Yu Chen, Huai-Ting Huang, Jan-Ming Ho, Chu-<br />

Fang Lo, 2012, “Litopenaeus vannamei inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 (LvIAP1) is essential for<br />

shrimp survival”, Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 38, 78-87. (SCI) (IF: 3.27; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.2%,43.1%)<br />

H.T. Peng, C.Y. Lu, Hsu, W. and J.M. Ho, 2012, “Disambiguating authors in citations on the web and<br />

authorship correlations”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 10521–10532. (SCI) (IF: 2.2; SCI<br />

ranking: 19.6%,5.1%,17.2%)<br />

Chien-Chih Chen, Kai-Hsiang Yang, Chuen-Liang Chen and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “BibPro: A Citation<br />

Parser Based on Sequence Alignment”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,<br />

24, 236-250. (SCI) (IF: 1.66; SCI ranking: 30.8%,23.6%,27.8%)<br />

Ray-I Chang, Te-Chih Wang, Chia-Hui Wang, Jen-Chang Liu and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “Effective<br />

distributed service architecture for ubiquitous video surveillance”, Information Systems Frontiers,<br />

14, 499-515. (SCI) (IF: 0.91; SCI ranking: 52%,39.6%)<br />

Yen-Chen Chen, Yun-Ching Chen, Wen-Dar Lin, Chung-Der Hsiao, Hung-Wen Chiu, and Jan-Ming<br />

Ho, 2012, “Bio301: A Web-Based EST Annotation Pipeline That Facilitates Functional<br />

Comparison Studies”, ISRN Bioinformatics, 2012, 5 pages.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

William W.Y. Hsu, Cheng-Yu Lu, Ming-Yang Kao, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2013, “Optimum Quantizing of<br />

Monotonic Nondecreasing Arrays”, paper presented at Proceedings IEEE Symposium on<br />

Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering & Economics, 2013, -: -, 2013-04.<br />

Chang Yu-Jung, Chien-Chih Chen, Chuen-Liang Chen, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “De Novo Assembly<br />

of High-Throughput Sequencing Data with Cloud Computing and New Operations on String<br />

Graphs”, paper presented at in Proceedings 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing,<br />

IEEE CLOUD 2012, Hawaii, USA: -, 2012-06.<br />

Yi-Cheng Tsai, Zheng-Hui Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Yang Kao and Szu-Lang Liao, 2012, “Closed-<br />

Form Mortgage Pricing Formula with Outstanding Principal as Prepayment Value”, paper<br />

presented at proceedings IEEE Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and<br />

Economics, IEEE: -, 2012-03.<br />


William W.Y. Hsu, Cheng-Yu Lu, Ming-Yang Kao, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “Pricing Discrete Asian<br />

Barrier Options on Lattices”, paper presented at Proceedings IEEE Computational Intelligence<br />

for Financial Engineering and Economics, IEEE: -, 2012-03.<br />

Chin-Fu Ku, Kai-Hsiang Yang, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “An Optimal Scheduling for File<br />

Dissemination under a Full Binary Tree of Trust Relationship”, paper presented at Proceedings<br />

IEEE Globecom, IEEE: -, 2012-12.<br />

Wei-Chun Chung, Chi-Jen Wu, Ku Chin Fu, D. T. Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “DR. ION: Disaster<br />

Rescue over Information-Oriented Network”, paper presented at Proceedings RITMAN Workshop<br />

2012, In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on SOCA 2012, -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Kun-Yen Tsai, Chi-Jen Wu, Chin-Fu Ku, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “Web Service Framework of<br />

Visualizing Sensor Information in Disaster Management”, paper presented at Proceedings<br />

RITMAN Workshop 2012, In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on SOCA 2012, -: -<br />

, 2012-12.<br />

Jen-Ming Chung, William W.Y. Hsu, Cheng-Yu Lu, Kuo-Ping Wu, Hahn-Ming Lee, Jan-Ming Ho,<br />

2012, “DLConnector: Connecting a Publication List to Scholarly Digital Library”, paper<br />

presented at Proceedings The Seventh International Conference on Internet and Web<br />

Applications and Services, ICIW 2012, IARIA: -, 2012-05.<br />

Jen-Ming Chung, Ya-Huei Lin, Hahn-Ming Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “Mining Publication<br />

Records in Personal Publication Web Pages Based on Conditional Random Fields”, paper<br />

presented at The 2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence,<br />

IEEE/WIC/ACM: -, 2012-12.<br />

修 丕 承 (HSIU, PI-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Der-Nien Lee, and Tei-Wei Kuo, 2012, “Multilayer Bus<br />

Optimization for Real-Time Embedded Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 61, 1638-<br />

1650. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 37.5%,47.6%)<br />

Ya-Ju Yu, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Ai-Chun Pang, 2012, “Energy-Efficient Video Multicast in 4G Wireless<br />

Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11, 1508-1522. (SCI) (IF: 2.28; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.1%,13%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Li-Yu Tang, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Jiun-Long Huang, and Ming-Syan Chen, 2013, “iLauncher: An<br />

Intelligent Launcher for Mobile Apps based on Individual Usage Patterns”, paper presented at<br />

ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), -: -, 2013-03.<br />


Chih-Chuan Cheng and Pi-Cheng Hsiu, 2013, “Extend Your Journey: Introducing Signal Strength into<br />

Location-based Applications”, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Computer<br />

Communications (INFOCOM), -: -, 2013-04.<br />

Chi-Hao Chen, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Tei-Wei Kuo, Chia-Lin Yang, and C. Y. Michael Wang, 2012, “Age-<br />

Based PCM Wear Leveling with Nearly Zero Search Cost”, , 453-458 pages, paper presented at<br />

IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), -: -, 2012-06.<br />

許 聞 廉 (HSU, WEN-LIAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lien-Chin Chen, Mei-Ying Liu, Yung-Chin Hsiao, Wai-Kok Chong, Hsin-Yi Wu, Wen-Lian Hsu,<br />

Pao-Chi Liao*, Ting-Yi Sung*, Shih-Feng Tsai*, Jau-Song Yu*, Yu-Ju Chen*, 2013, “Decoding<br />

the disease-associated proteins encoded in the human chromosome 4”, Journal of Proteome<br />

Research, 12, 33-44. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking: 14.5%)<br />

Emily CY Su, Jia-Ming Chang, Cheng-Wei Cheng, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, 2012, “Prediction<br />

of nuclear proteins using nuclear translocation signals proposed by probabilistic latent semantic<br />

indexing”, BMC Bioinformatics, 13, S13. (SCI) (IF: 2.75; SCI ranking: 16.7%,43.5%,33.1%)<br />

Yi-Ting Wang, Sheng-Chieh Lu, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, Yu-Ju Chen, and Oscar K. Lee, 2012,<br />

“Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells during Osteogenic<br />

Differentiation”, Journal of Proteome Research, 11, 586-598. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking:<br />

14.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yung-Chun Chang, Jian-Ming Chen, Hong-Jie Dai, Johnny Chi-Yang Wu, Chun-Hung Lu, Richard<br />

Tzong-Han Tsai, and Wen-Lian Hsu, 2012, “TEMPTING: A TEMPoral relation extracting<br />

System for the i2b2 2012 TLINK Track”, paper presented at 2012 i2b2 Shared-Tasks and<br />

Workshop on Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data, -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Yung-Chun Chang, Pi-Hua Chuang, Chien Chin Chen and Wen-Lian Hsu, 2012, “FISER : An<br />

Effective Method for Detecting Interactions between Topic Persons”, , 267-277 pages, paper<br />

presented at the 8th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference (AIRS 2012), -: -, 2012-12.<br />

徐 讚 昇 (HSU, TSAN-SHENG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

K. Chen, T.-s. Hsu, W.K. Huang, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Towards a scripting language for<br />

automating secure multiparty computation”, paper presented at 2012 Asia-Pacific Programming<br />

Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC), -: -, 2012-06.<br />


T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “A probabilistic hybrid logic for sanitized information<br />

systems”, , 500-513 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on<br />

Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Logic, probability, and privacy: A framework for<br />

specifying privacy requirements”, 10, 157-167 pages, paper presented at Turing-100. The Alan<br />

Turing Centenary, -: -, 2012-06.<br />

高 明 達 (KO, MING-TAT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao. A Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and<br />

Chung-Yen Lin, to appear, “Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph<br />

Clustering Methods”, Gene. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 59.4%)<br />

古 倫 維 (KU, LUN-WEI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ku, Lun-Wei, Li, Wan-Lun, and Chang, Ting-Chih, 2013, “Disease Detection and Symptom Tracking<br />

by Retrieving Information from the Web”, paper presented at Proceedings of AAAI-2013 Spring<br />

Symposium on Data Driven Wellness: From Self-Tracking to Behavior Change, -: -, 2013-03.<br />

Ku, Lun-Wei and Sun, Cheng-Wei, 2013, “Detecting Emotion from Dialogs and Creating Personal<br />

Ambient in a Context Aware System”, paper presented at Proceedings of the 15th International<br />

Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2013), -: -, 2013-07.<br />

Ku, Lun-Wei and Sun, Cheng-Wei, 2012, “Calculating Emotional Score of Words for User Emotion<br />

Detection in Messenger Logs”, , 138-143 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of the 13th IEEE<br />

International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration: Workshop on Empirical<br />

Methods for Recognizing Inference in Text II (EM-RITE), -: -, 2012-08.<br />

Ku, Lun-Wei, Sun, Cheng-Wei, and Hsueh, Ya-Hsin, 2012, “Demonstration of IlluMe: Creating<br />

Ambient According to Instant Message Logs”, , 97-102 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of<br />

the System Demonstrations, 50th Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics<br />

(ACL), -: -, 2012-07.<br />

李 德 財 (LEE, DER-TSAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chung-Shou Liao and D. T. Lee, 2013, “Power Domination in Circular-arc Graphs”, Algorithmica, 65,<br />

443-466. (SCI) (IF: 0.6; SCI ranking: 64.8%,68%)<br />


C. Liu, S. Kuo, D. Lee, C. Lin, J. Weng, and S. Yuan, 2012, “Obstacle-Avoiding Rectilinear Steiner<br />

Tree Construction: A Steiner-Point-Based Algorithm”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided<br />

Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 31, 355-355. (SCI) (IF: 1.27; SCI ranking:<br />

49.5%,41.9%,25%)<br />

Tsai-Yeh Tung, Laurent Lin, D. T. Lee, 2012, “Pandora Messaging: An Enhanced Self-Message-<br />

Destructing Secure Instant Messaging Architecture for Mobile Devices”, IEEE WAINA, 1, 100.<br />

C. Wulff-Nilsen, A. Grüne, R. Klein, E. Langetepe, D.T. Lee, T.-C. Lin, S.-H. Poon, and T.-K. Yu,<br />

2012, “Computing the Stretch Factor and Maximum Detour of Paths, Trees, and Cycles in the<br />

Normed Space”, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 22, 45-60.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.29; SCI ranking: 93.4%,91.2%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wei-Chun Chung, Chi-Jen Wu, Ku Chin Fu, D. T. Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho, 2012, “DR. ION: Disaster<br />

Rescue over Information-Oriented Network”, paper presented at Proceedings RITMAN Workshop<br />

2012, In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on SOCA 2012, -: -, 2012-12.<br />

廖 弘 源 (LIAO, HONG-YUAN MARK)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Y. Y. Chen, Winston H. Hsu, and H. Y. Mark Liao, 2012, “Discovering Informative Social Subgraphs<br />

and Predicting Pairwise Relationships from Group Photos”, paper presented at 20th ACM<br />

Multimedia Conference (long paper), -: -, 2012-10.<br />

M. F. Weng, Y. Y. Lin, Nick C Tang, and H. Y. Mark Liao, 2012, “Visual Knowledge Transfer among<br />

Multiple Cameras for People Counting with Occlusion Handling”, paper presented at 20th ACM<br />

Multimedia Conference (long paper), -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Chin-An Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Action Recognition<br />

using Instance-specific and Class-consistent Cues”, paper presented at IEEE International<br />

Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), IEEE: -, 2012-09.<br />

S. W. Sun, W. H. Cheng, Y. L. Hung, Ivy Fan, Chris Liu, Jacqueline Hung, C. K. Lin, and H. Y. Mark<br />

Liao, 2012, “Who\'s Who in a Sports Video An Individual Level Sports Video Indexing<br />

System”, paper presented at International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, -: -, 2012-<br />

07.<br />

廖 純 中 (LIAU, CHURN-JUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H.J. Chu, C.Y. Lin, C.J. Liau, and Y.M. Kuo, 2012, “Identifying controlling factors of ground-level<br />

ozone levels over southwestern Taiwan using a decision tree”, Atmospheric Environment, 60,<br />

142-152. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />


H.J.Chu, C.J. Liau, C.H. Lin, and B.S. Su, 2012, “Integration of fuzzy cluster analysis and kernel<br />

density estimation for tracking typhoon trajectories in the Taiwan region”, Expert Systems with<br />

Applications, 39, 9451-9457. (SCI) (IF: 2.2; SCI ranking: 19.6%,5.1%,17.2%)<br />

S.M. Chen, M.W. Yang, S.W. Yang, T.W. Sheu, and C.J. Liau, 2012, “Multicriteria fuzzy decision<br />

making based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets”, Expert Systems with Applications, 39,<br />

12085-12091. (SCI) (IF: 2.2; SCI ranking: 19.6%,5.1%,17.2%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

K. Chen, T.-s. Hsu, W.K. Huang, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Towards a scripting language for<br />

automating secure multiparty computation”, paper presented at 2012 Asia-Pacific Programming<br />

Languages and Compilers Workshop (APPLC), -: -, 2012-06.<br />

T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, and D.R. Liu, 2012, “Variable precision fuzzy rough set based on relative<br />

cardinality”, , 43-47 pages, paper presented at Federated Conference on Computer Science and<br />

Information Systems (FedCSIS 2012), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “A probabilistic hybrid logic for sanitized information<br />

systems”, , 500-513 pages, paper presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on<br />

Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

T.-s. Hsu, C.J. Liau and D.W. Wang, 2012, “Logic, probability, and privacy: A framework for<br />

specifying privacy requirements”, 10, 157-167 pages, paper presented at Turing-100. The Alan<br />

Turing Centenary, -: -, 2012-06.<br />

林 彥 宇 (LIN, YEN-YU)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians model for automatic generation of music video”, paper<br />

presented at ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Feng-Ju Chang, Yen-Yu Lin, and Ming-Fang Weng, 2012, “Cross-database Transfer Learning via<br />

Learnable and Discriminant Error-correcting Output Codes”, paper presented at Asian<br />

Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Jie-Zhi Cheng, Feng-Ju Chang, Kuang-Jui Hsu, and Yen-Yu Lin, 2012, “Knowledge Leverage from<br />

Contours to Bounding Boxes: A Concise Approach to Annotation”, paper presented at Asian<br />

Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Chin-An Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Action Recognition<br />

using Instance-specific and Class-consistent Cues”, paper presented at IEEE International<br />

Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), -: -, 2012-09.<br />


Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Guassians Model for Automatic Generation of Music Video”, paper<br />

presented at Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-10.<br />

林 仲 彥 (LIN, CHUNG-YEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Hao Chin, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yu Chen, Chao. A Hsiung, Chin-Wen Ho, Ming-Tat Ko and<br />

Chung-Yen Lin, to appear, “Spotlight: Assembly of Protein Complexes by Integrating Graph<br />

Clustering Methods”, Gene. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 59.4%)<br />

Hsiao-Pei Lu, Yu-bin Wang, Shiao-Wei Huang, Chung-Yen Lin, Martin Wu, Chih-hao Hsieh and<br />

Hon-Tsen Yu, 2012, “Metagenomic analysis reveals a functional signature for biomass<br />

degradation by cecal microbiota in the leaf-eating flying squirrel (Petaurista alborufus lena)”,<br />

BMC Genomics, 13, 466. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%,21.8%)<br />

Yu-BinWang, Shu-Hwa Chen, Chun-Yen Lin and Jr-Kai Yu, 2012, “EST and transcriptome analysis<br />

of cephalochordate amphioxus - past, present, and future”, Brief in Functional Genomics, 11, 96-<br />

106. (SCI) (IF: 4.13; SCI ranking: 21.1%,14.4%)<br />

Lei-Chin Chen, Jung-Chi Chen, Jwu-Ching Shu, Chien-Yen Chen, Ssu-Ching Chen, Shu-Hwa Chen,<br />

Chun-Yen-Lin, Chi-Yu Lu, and Chien-Cheng Chen, 2012, “Interplay of RsbM and RsbK controls<br />

the theta B activity of Bacillus cereus”, Environmental Microbiology, ND., ND.. (SCI) (IF: 5.84;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Chin-I Chang, Pei-Hsin Hung, Chia-Che Wu, Ta Chih Cheng, Jyh-Ming Tsai, King-Jung Lin and<br />

Chung-Yen Lin, 2012, “Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Fish Pathogens Using a Naked-Eye<br />

Readable DNA Microarray”, Sensors, 12, 2710-2728. (SCI) (IF: 1.74; SCI ranking: 70.8%)<br />

劉 進 興 (LIU, JING-SIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YS Chou and JS Liu, 2013, “A Robotic Indoor 3D Mapping System Using a 2D Laser Range Finder<br />

Mounted on a Rotating Four-bar Linkage of a Mobile Platform”, International Journal of<br />

Advanced Robotic Systems, 10, 1-10. (SCI) (IF: 0.38; SCI ranking: 84.2%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

JS Liu, SY Wu and KM Chiu, 2013, “Path Planning of a Data Mule in Wireless Sensor Network Using<br />

an Improved Implementation of Clustering-Based Genetic Algorithm”, paper presented at 2013<br />

IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Singapore, -: -, 2013-04.<br />

YC Lin and JS Liu, 2013, “The Path Planning Algorithm of Triangle Grid Scan for Localization in<br />

Wireless Sensor Network”, 278 - 280, 1874-1877 pages, paper presented at Applied Mechanics<br />

and Materials, -: -, 2013-01.<br />


YC Lin, JS Liu and KM Chiu, 2012, “A novel localization system combining a hexagon algorithm and<br />

mobile anchor”, paper presented at IET International Conference on Automatic Control and<br />

Artificial Intelligence, Xiamen, China, -: -, 2012-03.<br />

呂 及 人 (LU, CHI-JEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chao-Kai Chiang, Tianbao Yang, Chia-Jung Lee, Mehrdad Mahdavi, Chi-Jen Lu, Rong Jin and<br />

Shenghuo Zhu, 2012, “Online optimization with gradual variations”, paper presented at The 25th<br />

Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), Edinburgh, Scotland: Microsoft, 2012-06-25 ~ 2012-<br />

06-27.<br />

呂 俊 賢 (LU, CHUN-SHIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Mu Yu, Sung-Hsien Hsieh, Han-Wen Liang, Chun-Shien Lu, Wei-Ho Chung, Sy-Yen Kuo, and<br />

Soo-Chang Pei, 2012, “Compressed Sensing Detector Design for Space Shift Keying in MIMO<br />

Systems”, IEEE Communications Letters, 16, 1556-1559. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 47.2%)<br />

Chao-Yung Hsu, Chun-Shien Lu, and Soo-Chang Pei, 2012, “Image Feature Extraction in Encrypted<br />

Domain with Privacy-Preserving SIFT”, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 21, 4593-4607.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chun-Shien Lu and Chao-Yung Hsu, 2012, “Constraint-Optimized Keypoint Removal/Insertion<br />

Attack: Security Threat to Scale-Space Image Feature Extraction”, , 629-638 pages, paper<br />

presented at ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM), Nara, Japan: -, 2012-10.<br />

Huan-Cheng Hsu, Chun-Rong Huang, and Chun-Shien Lu, 2012, “Sparsity Cue in Image Copy<br />

Detection”, , 937-940 pages, paper presented at ACM Multimeida Conference (ACM MM), Nara,<br />

Japan: -, 2012-10.<br />

Yao-Tung Tsou, Chun-Shien Lu, and Sy-Yen Kuo, 2012, “Privacy- and Integrity-Preserving Range<br />

Query in Wireless Sensor Networks”, , 346-352 pages, paper presented at IEEE Globecom, -: -,<br />

2012-12.<br />

Chao-Yung Hsu, Chun-Shien Lu, and Soo-Chang Pei, 2012, “Content Authentication of Halftone<br />

Video via Flickering as Sparse Signal”, , 265-268 pages, paper presented at Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.<br />

on Image Processing (ICIP), -: -, 2012-09.<br />


穆 信 成 (MU, SHIN-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shin-Cheng Mu and José Nuno Oliveira, 2012, “Programming from Galois connections”, Journal of<br />

Logic and Algebraic Programming, 81, 680–704. (SCI) (IF: 0.51; SCI ranking: 47.1%,76.9%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Yao-Ming Chang, Chia-Lin Chang, Wen-Hsiung Li, Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, 2013, “Historical<br />

Profiling of Maize Duplicate Genes Sheds Light on the Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis in<br />

Grasses”, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66, 453-462. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking:<br />

33.9%)<br />

Chien-wei Tseng, Hsuan-cheng Huang, Arthur Chun-chieh Shih, Ya-ya Chang, Chung Cheng Hsu,<br />

Jen-yun Chang, Hsueh-fen Juan , Wen-hsiung Li, 2012, “Revealing the Anti-tumor Effect of<br />

Artificial miRNA p-27-5p on Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Line T-47D”, International Journal<br />

of Molecular Sciences, 13, 6352-6369. (SCI) (IF: 2.6; SCI ranking: 29.3%)<br />

宋 定 懿 (SUNG, TING-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lien-Chin Chen, Mei-Ying Liu, Yung-Chin Hsiao, Wai-Kok Chong, Hsin-Yi Wu, Wen-Lian Hsu,<br />

Pao-Chi Liao*, Ting-Yi Sung*, Shih-Feng Tsai*, Jau-Song Yu*, Yu-Ju Chen*, 2013, “Decoding<br />

the disease-associated proteins encoded in the human chromosome 4”, Journal of Proteome<br />

Research, 12, 33-44. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking: 14.5%)<br />

Emily CY Su, Jia-Ming Chang, Cheng-Wei Cheng, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, 2012, “Prediction<br />

of nuclear proteins using nuclear translocation signals proposed by probabilistic latent semantic<br />

indexing”, BMC Bioinformatics, 13, S13. (SCI) (IF: 2.75; SCI ranking: 16.7%,43.5%,33.1%)<br />

Yi-Ting Wang, Sheng-Chieh Lu, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, Yu-Ju Chen, and Oscar K. Lee, 2012,<br />

“Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells during Osteogenic<br />

Differentiation”, Journal of Proteome Research, 11, 586-598. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking:<br />

14.5%)<br />

Putty-Reddy Sudhir, Chein-Hung Chen, Madireddy Pavana Kumari, Mei-Jung Wang, Chih-Chiang<br />

Tsou, Ting-Yi Sung, Jeou-Yuan Chen, Chung-Hsuan Chen, 2012, “Label-free quantitative<br />

proteomics and N-glycoproteomics analysis of KRAS-activated human bronchial epithelial<br />

cells”, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 11, 901-915. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 8.1%)<br />

Jhih-Siang Lai, Cheng-Wei Cheng, Ting-Yi Sung*, Wen-Lian Hsu*, 2012, “Computational<br />

comparative study of tuberculosis proteomes using a modellLearned from signal peptide<br />

structures”, PLoS ONE, 7, e35018. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


蔡 懷 寬 (TSAI, HUAI-KUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai, Z.T.Y., Tsai, H.K.*, Cheng, J.H., Lin, C.H., Tsai, Y.F. and Wang, D.*, 2012, “Evolution of cisregulatory<br />

elements in yeast de novo and duplicated new genes”, BMC Genomics, 13, 717. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%,21.8%)<br />

Chiang, S., Swamy, B.S. K., Hsu, T.W., Tsai, Z. T.Y., Lu, H.S., Wang, D., and Tsai, H.K.*, 2012,<br />

“Analysis of the association between transcription factor binding site variants and distinct<br />

accompanying regulatory motifs in yeast”, Gene, 491, 237-245. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking:<br />

59.4%)<br />

王 鈺 強 (WANG, YU-CHIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S.-W. Sun, Y.-C. F. Wang, F. Huang, and H.-Y. M. Liao, 2013, “Moving Foreground Object<br />

Detection via Robust SIFT Trajectories”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image<br />

Representation, 24, 232-243. (SCI) (IF: 1.12; SCI ranking: 43.9%,34%)<br />

吳 真 貞 (WU, JAN-JAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jan-Jan Wu, Shu-Fan Shih, Hsiangkai Wang, Pangfeng Liu, Chien-Min Wang, 2012, “QoS-Aware<br />

Replica Placement for Grid Computing”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and<br />

Experience, 24, 193-213.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

C.-C. Lin, T.-A. Lin, L.-T. Sung, Jan-Jan Wu, P. Liu, 2012, “Automatic Resource Scaling Based on<br />

Application Service Requirements”, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Cloud<br />

Computing (IEEE CLOUD), -: -, 2012-06.<br />

C.-R. Chang, B.-Y. Wu, M.-J. Hsieh, Jan-Jan Wu, P. Liu, 2012, “HSQL: A highly scalable cloud<br />

database for OLTP query processing”, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on<br />

Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD), -: -, 2012-06.<br />

Li-Yung Ho, Jan-Jan Wu, Pangfeng Liu, 2012, “Distributed Graph Database for Large Scale Social<br />

Computing”, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE<br />

CLOUD, acceptance rate 17%), -: -, 2012-06.<br />

Jyun-Shiung Yang, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, 2012, “Workload Characteristics-aware Virtual<br />

Machine Consolidation Algorithms”, paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Cloud<br />

Computing Technology and Science (IEEE CloudCom), -: -, 2012-12.<br />


Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,<br />

Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-Ching Chung, 2012, “HQEMU: A Multithreaded and Retargetable<br />

Dynamic Binary Translator on Multicores”, , 104-113 pages, paper presented at International<br />

Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO, top conference in compilers), -: -,<br />

2012-03.<br />

Chia-Wei Chang, Pangfeng Liu, Jan-Jan Wu, 2012, “Probability-based Cloud Storage Providers<br />

Selection Algorithms with Maximum Availability”, paper presented at The 41st International<br />

Conference on Parallel Processing, (ICPP), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

楊 柏 因 (YANG, BO-YIN )<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

D. J. Bernstein, N. Duif, T. Lange, *P. Schwabe, and B.-Y. Yang, 2012, “High-speed high-security<br />

signatures”, Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, 2, 77-89.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

P. Schwabe, S.-Y. Yang, and B.-Y. Yang, 2012, “SHA-3 on ARM11 processors”, 7293, 190-205<br />

pages, paper presented at Africacrypt, -: -, 2012-07.<br />

T. Chou, C.-M. Cheng, R. Niederhagen, and B.-Y. Yang, 2012, “Solving Quadratic Equations with XL<br />

on Parallel Architectures”, 7428, 356-373 pages, paper presented at Cryptographic Hardware<br />

and Embedded Systems, IACR: -, 2012-09.<br />

C.-H. Yu and B.-Y. Yang, 2012, “Probabilistically Correct Secure Arithmetic Computation for<br />

Modular Conversion, Zero Test, Comparison, MOD and Exponentiation”, , 426-444 pages, paper<br />

presented at Security of Computers and Networks, -: -, 2012-09.<br />

S. Tanaka, T. Chou, B.-Y. Yang, C.-M. Cheng, K. Sakurai, 2012, “Efficient Parallel Evaluation of<br />

Multivariate Quadratic Polynomials on GPUs”, 7690, 28-42 pages, paper presented at Workshop<br />

on Information Security Applications, -: -, 2012-08.<br />

楊 得 年 (YANG, DE-NIAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

X. Liu, D.-N. Yang, M. Ye, and W.-C. Lee, 2013, “U-Skyline: A New Skyline Query for Uncertain<br />

Databases”, IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 25, 945-960.<br />

C.-Y. Shen, D.-N. Yang, and M.-S. Chen, 2012, “Collaborative and Distributed Search System with<br />

Mobile Devices”, IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing, 11, 1478-1493.<br />

Y.-J. Liang, G. L. Stuber, J.-F. Chang and D.-N. Yang, 2012, “A Joint Channel and Frequency Offset<br />

Estimator for the Downlink of Coordinated MIMO-OFDM Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Wireless<br />

Communications, 11, 2254-2265.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

R.-H. Liang, L. Chan, K.-Y. Cheng, B.-Y. Chen, R.-H. Liang, M. Y. Chen, and D.-N. Yang, 2013,<br />

“GaussBits: Portable and Occlusion-Free Near-Surface Interactions Using Magnetic Tangible<br />

Bits”, paper presented at ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems<br />

(ACM CHI), -: -, 2013-03.<br />

S.-Y. Lee, M.-K. Chang, and D.-N. Yang, 2013, “Green-oriented Opportunistic Cooperation in Relaybased<br />

Cellular Networks with Grid-connected Photovoltaic Power Generators”, paper presented<br />

at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), -: -, 2013-04.<br />

M. Allaho, W.-C. Lee, and D.-N. Yang, 2013, “Staffing Open Collaborative Projects Based on the<br />

Degree of Acquaintance”, paper presented at International Conference on Database Systems for<br />

Advanced Applications (DASFAA), -: -, 2013-05.<br />

D.-N. Yang, W.-C. Lee, N.-H. Chia, M. Ye and H.-J. Hung, 2012, “On Bundle Configuration for Viral<br />

Marketing in Social Networks”, paper presented at ACM Conference on Information and<br />

Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM), -: -, 2012-09.<br />

R.-H. Liang, C.-H. Su, C.-T. Weng, K.-Y. Cheng, B.-Y. Chen, and D.-N. Yang, 2012, “GaussBrush:<br />

Drawing with Magnetic Stylus”, paper presented at ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition<br />

on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia), -: -, 2012-<br />

07.<br />

D.-N. Yang, C.-Y. Shen, W.-C. Lee, and M.-S. Chen, 2012, “On Socio-Spatial Group Query for<br />

Location-Based Social Networks”, paper presented at ACM SIGKDD International Conference<br />

on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM KDD), -: -, 2012-08.<br />

R.-H. Liang, K.-Y. Cheng, C.-H. Su, C.-T. Weng, B.-Y. Chen, D.-N. Yang, 2012, “GaussSense:<br />

Attachable Stylus Sensing Using Magnetic Sensor Grid”, paper presented at ACM Symposium on<br />

User Interface Software and Technology (ACM UIST), -: -, 2012-07.<br />

S.-Y. Lee and D.-N. Yang, 2012, “Joint Selection of On/off Relay Mode and Adaptive Modulation<br />

Mode for Green Cooperative Multicast Networks”, paper presented at IEEE Vehicular<br />

Technology Conference (IEEE VTC), -: -, 2012-03.<br />

楊 奕 軒 (YANG, YI-HSUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians model for automatic generation of music video”, paper<br />

presented at ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “The Acoustic<br />

Emotion Gaussians model for emotion-based music annotation and retrieval”, paper presented at<br />

ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-11.<br />


Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin and Hsin-Min Wang, 2012, “The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians Model for Automatic Generation of Music Video”, paper<br />

presented at ACM Multimedia, -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “The Acoustic<br />

Emotion Gaussians Model for Emotion-Based Music Annotation and Retrieval”, paper presented<br />

at ACM Multimedia, -: -, 2012-10.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Personalized Music<br />

Emotion Recognition via Model Adaptation”, paper presented at APSIPA Annual Summit and<br />

Conference (APSIPA ASC 2012), -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Kaichun Chang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012,<br />

“Exploring the relationship between categorical and dimensional emotion semantics of music”,<br />

paper presented at Int. Workshop on Music Information Retrieval with User-Centered and<br />

Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM), in conjunction with ACM Multimedia (MM), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012, “Personalized Music<br />

Emotion Recognition via Model Adaptation”, paper presented at Proc. Asia Pacific Signal and<br />

Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conf., -: -, 2012-12.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Kaichun Chang, Hsin-Min Wang, Shyh-Kang Jeng, 2012,<br />

“Exploring the Relationship between Categorical and Dimensional Emotion Semantics of<br />

Music”, paper presented at The Second International ACM Workshop on Music Information<br />

Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM2012), -: -, 2012-11.<br />

葉 彌 妍 (YEH, MI-YEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hao-Hsiang Wu and Mi-Yen Yeh, 2013, “Influential Nodes in One-Wave Diffusion Model for<br />

Location-Based Social Networks”, paper presented at Proc. of the 17th Pacific-Asia Conf. on<br />

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD-2013), -: -, 2013-04.<br />

Hua-Wei Fang, Mi-Yen Yeh, and Tei-Wei Kuo, 2013, “MLC-Flash-Friendly Logging and Recovery<br />

for Databases”, paper presented at Proc. of the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing<br />

(SAC-2013), -: -, 2013-03.<br />

Jian Pei, Wush Chi-Hsuan Wu, and Mi-Yen Yeh, 2013, “On Shortest Unique Substring Queries”,<br />

paper presented at Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE-<br />

2013), -: -, 2013-04.<br />


游 本 中 (YEW, PEN-CHUNG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ding-Yong Hong, Chun-Chen Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, Jan-Jan Wu, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pangfeng Liu,<br />

Chien-Min Wang, Yeh-Ching Chung, 2012, “HQEMU: A Multithreaded and Retargetable<br />

Dynamic Binary Translator on Multicores”, , 104-113 pages, paper presented at International<br />

Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO, top conference in compilers), -: -,<br />

2012-03.<br />


統 計 科 學 研 究 所<br />

蔡 風 順 (CHAI, FENG-SHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S. F. Tsai, C. T. Liao and F. S. Chai, Jan. 2012, “Selection of partial replication on two-level<br />

orthogonal arrays”, Statistica Sinica, 22(01), 419-432. (SCI) (IF: 1.02; SCI ranking: 41.1%)<br />

張 源 俊 (CHANG, YUAN-CHIN IVAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yuan-chin Ivan Chang, accepted, “Maximizing an ROC-type measure via linear combination of<br />

markers when the gold reference is continuous”, STATISTICS IN MEDICINE. (SCI) (IF: 1.88;<br />

SCI ranking: 27.3%)<br />

Zhanfeng Wang, Chen-An Tsai, Y-c. I. Chang, Feb. 2012, “Identifying Differential Gene Sets using<br />

the Linear Combination of Genes with Maximum AUC”, Journal of Proteomics &<br />

Bioinformatics, 5, 3, 073 -- 083.<br />

技 術 報 告<br />

Yuan-chin Ivan Chang, accepted, Optimal Linear Combination of Continuous Diagnostic<br />

Measurements When Gold Standard Is Continuous - An Obuchowski's θ Approach.<br />

陳 珍 信 (CHEN, CHEN-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiang, J.-T., Lin, C.-Y., Fu, T.-T. and Chen, C.-H. , Jan. 2012, “Using stated-preference and prior<br />

purchase intention in the estimation of willingness to pay a premium for genetically modified<br />

foods”, Agribusiness, 28, 103-117. (SCI) (IF: 0.67; SCI ranking: 66.1%)<br />

Wu, J.-F., Su, Y.-R., Chen, C.-H., Ni, Y.-H., Chen, H.-L., Hsu, H.-Y., Wang, J.-L., and Chang, M.-H.,<br />

Jan. 2012, “Predictive effect of serial serum alanine aminotransferase levels on spontaneous<br />

HBeAg seroconversion in chronic genotypes B and C HBV infected children”, JOURNAL OF<br />


ranking: 24.3%,42.3%,54.3%)<br />

Liu, C.-C., Chen, C.-H., Hwu, H.-G., Shiu, S.-Y., Hua, M.-S., Chen, C.-H., Hwang, T.-J., Liu, C.-M.,<br />

Hsieh, M.-H. Liu, S.-K., and Chen, W. J., 2012, “Medium-term course and outcome of<br />

schizophrenia depicted by the sixth-month subtype after an acute episode”, JOURNAL OF THE<br />

FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 111, 265-274. (SCI) (IF: 1.13; SCI ranking: 49.7%)<br />


Pan YJ, Chang WH, Lee MB, Chen CH, Liao SC, Caine ED, 2012, “Effectiveness of a nationwide<br />

aftercare program for suicide attempters.”, Psychological medicine, , 1-8. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 6.13;<br />

SCI ranking: 8.5%; SSCI ranking: 5.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chang, W.-H., Chen, C.-H., Chang, C.-M., Lee, M.-B., Jul. 2012, “Analysis of aftercare and<br />

associated factors for repeated suicide attempt: An application of semiparametric transformation<br />

cure model”, paper presented at 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings, San Diego, California, U.S.A.:<br />

ASA, 2012-07-28 ~ 2012-08-02.<br />

Chen, C.-H.*, Tsay, Y.-C., Wu, Y. C., Horng, C. F, Jun. 2012, “A logistic-AFT location-scale mixture<br />

regression model with non-susceptibility for left-truncated and general interval-censored data”,<br />

paper presented at The 21st South Statistical Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: Fu-Jen Catholic<br />

University, 2012-06-29 ~ 2012-06-30.<br />

Hsu, K.-N., Chen, C.-H., Jun. 2012, “Semiparametric estimation in an extended hazard cure model”,<br />

paper presented at The 21st South Statistical Conference, Taipei, Taiwan: Fu-Jen Catholic<br />

University, 2012-06-29 ~ 2012-06-30.<br />

程 毅 豪 (CHEN, YI-HAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen,Y.-H., Wang, M.*, Sept. 2012, “Assessing dose-region profile of drug efficacy: A multiregional<br />

trial strategy”, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 894-902. (SCI) (IF: 1.34; SCI ranking:<br />

74%,25.2%)<br />

Chen,Y.-H.*, Feb. 2012, “Maximum likelihood analysis of semi-competing risks data with<br />

semiparametric regression models”, Lifetime Data Analysis, 18, 36-57. (SCI) (IF: 0.92; SCI<br />

ranking: 50.5%,45.8%)<br />

Emura, T., Chen,Y.-H.*, Chen, H.-Y., Oct. 2012, “Survival prediction based on compound covariate<br />

under Cox proportional hazard models”, PLoS One, 7(10), e47627. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

Wen, C.-C., Chen,Y.-H.*, Dec. 2012, “Conditional score approach to errors-in-variable current status<br />

data under the proportional odds model”, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39, 635-644. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.12; SCI ranking: 35.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Emura, T., Chen, Y.-H.*, Chen, H.-Y., Jul. 2012, “Survival prediction with high dimensional<br />

covariates”, paper presented at IMS-Asia Pacific Rim Meeting 2012, Tsukuba, Japan: Institute of<br />

Mathematical Statistics, 2012-07-02 ~ 2012-07-04.<br />


陳 璿 宇 (CHEN, HSUAN-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kang-Yi Su, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Ker-Chau Li, Ming-Liang Kuo, James Chih-Hsin Yang, Wing-Kai<br />

Chan, Bing-Ching Ho, Gee-Chen Chang, Jin-Yuan Shih, Sung-Liang Yu*, Pan-Chyr Yang,<br />

accepted, “Pretreatment Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) T790M Mutation Predicts<br />

Shorter EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Response Duration in Patients With Non–Small-Cell<br />

Lung Cancer”, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 30(4), 433-440. (SCI) (IF: 18.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 3%)<br />


“Biomarkers and transcriptome profiling of lung cancer”, RESPIROLOGY, 17, 620-6. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.42; SCI ranking: 52.3%)<br />

陳 定 立 (CHEN, TING-LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ting-Li Chen*, Wei-Kuo Chen, Chii-Ruey Hwang, Hui-Ming Pai, Oct. 2012, “On the Optimal<br />

Transition Matrix for Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling”, SIAM Journal on Control and<br />

Optimization, 50(5), 2743-2762. (SCI) (IF: 1.52; SCI ranking: 31.5%)<br />

Yu HT, Ma GC, Lee DJ, Chin SC, Chen TL, Tsao HS, Lin WH, Wu SH, Lin CC, Chen M, 2012, “Use<br />

of a cytogenetic whole-genome comparison to resolve phylogenetic relationships among three<br />

species: implications for mammalian systematics and conservation biology.”, Theriogenology,<br />

77(8), 1615-23. (SCI) (IF: 1.96; SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />

陳 君 厚 (CHEN, CHUN-HOUH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yang, H. C., Wang, P. L., Lin, C. W., Chen, C. H., Chen, C. H., Jul. 2012, “Integrative analysis of<br />

single nucleotide polymorphisms and gene expression efficiently distinguishes samples from<br />

closely related ethnic populations”, BMC GENOMICS, 13(346). (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%,21.8%)<br />

Tsai, C. A.*, Huang, C. H., Chang, C. W., and Chen, C. H., 2012, “Recursive Feature Selection with<br />

Significant Variables of Support Vectors”, Computational and Mathematical Methods in<br />

Medicine, 2012. (SCI) (IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 85.7%)<br />

Liu, C. C., Chen, C. H., Hwu, H. G., Shiue, S. Y., Hua, M. S., Chen, C. H., Hwang, T. J., Liu, C. M.,<br />

Hsieh, M. H., Liu, S. K., and Chen, W. J., May. 2012, “Medium-term course and outcome of<br />

schizophrenia depicted by the sixth-month subtype after an acute episode.”, JOURNAL OF THE<br />

FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 111(5), 265-274. (SCI) (IF: 1.13; SCI ranking: 49.7%)<br />


Chang, C. T., Tsai, C. N., Tang, C. Y., Chen, C. H., Lian, J. H., Hu, C. Y., Tsai, C. L., Chao, A., Lai,<br />

C. H., Wang, T. H., and Lee, Y. S., 2012, “Mixed Sequence Reader (MSR): a program for<br />

analyzing DNA sequences with heterozygous base calling.”, The Scientific World Journal,<br />

doi:10.1100/2012/365104. (SCI)<br />

程 爾 觀 (CHENG, PHILIP E.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

J.Ning and P.E. Cheng, Jan. 2012, “A comparison study of nonparametric imputation methods”,<br />

STATISTICS AND COMPUTING, 22, 273-285. (SCI) (IF: 1.43; SCI ranking: 24.3%)<br />

丘 政 民 (CHIOU, JENG-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

J.-M. Chiou, Dec. 2012, “Dynamical functional prediction and classification, with application to<br />

traffic flow prediction”, Annals of Applied Statistics, 6, 1588-1614. (SCI) (IF: 1.58; SCI ranking:<br />

17.8%)<br />

J.-M. Chiou, Y. Ma, C.-L. Tsai, Nov. 2012, “Functional random effect time-varying coefficient model<br />

for longitudinal data”, STAT, 1(1), 75-89. (Others)<br />

何 淮 中 (HO, HWAI-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hwai-Chung Ho*, Chien-Chih Lin, Oct. 2012, “How do heterogeneous beliefs influence asset<br />

volatility”, Pacific Economic Review, 17(4), 601-616. (SSCI) (IF: 0.57; SSCI ranking: 56%)<br />

黃 信 誠 (HUANG, HSIN-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shen, X., Huang, H.-C., and Pan, W., Dec. 2012, “Simultaneous supervised clustering and feature<br />

selection over a graph”, Biometrika, 99, 899-914. (SCI) (IF: 1.91; SCI ranking:<br />

33.3%,32.5%,12.1%)<br />

Lai, R, Huang, H.-C., and Lee, T., May. 2012, “Fixed and random effects selection in nonparametric<br />

additive mixed models”, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6, 810-842. (SCI) (IF: 1.15; SCI<br />

ranking: 33.6%)<br />

Chen, C.-S.* and Huang, H.-C., Mar. 2012, “Geostatistical model averaging based on conditional<br />

information criteria”, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 19, 23-35. (SCI) (IF: 1.31; SCI<br />

ranking: 26.2%,62.8%,30.8%)<br />


Nan-Jung Hsu*, Ya-Mei Chang and Hsin-Cheng Huang, Feb. 2012, “A Group Lasso Approach for<br />

Nonstationary Spatial-Temporal Covariance Estimation”, Environmetrics, 23, 12-23. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.06; SCI ranking: 45.1%,69.9%,37.4%)<br />

陳 素 雲 (HUANG, SU-YUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hung, H., Wu, P.S., Tu, I.P. and Huang, S.Y., May. 2012, “On multilinear principal component<br />

analysis of order-two tensors”, BIOMETRIKA, 99(3), 569-583. (SCI) (IF: 1.91; SCI ranking:<br />

33.3%,32.5%,12.1%)<br />

黃 顯 貴 (HWANG, HSIEN-KUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wei-Chung Liu*, Hsuan-Wien Chen, Tsung-Hsi Tsai, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, 2012, “A fish tank model<br />

for assembling food webs”, Ecological Modelling, 245, 166-175. (SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI ranking:<br />

46%)<br />

黃 景 祥 (HWANG, JING-SHIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wu, H.C., Lai J. N. and Hwang, J.S., Aug. 2012, “Quality of life and sleep quality amongst climacteric<br />

women seeking medical advice in Taiwan”, SLEEP MEDICINE, 7, 906-912. (SCI) (IF: 3.4; SCI<br />

ranking: 23.8%)<br />

Hwang, J.S*. and Hu, T.H., Nov. 2012, “Stepwise paring down variation for identifying influential<br />

multifactor interactions, Statistics in Biosciences”, Statistics in Biosciences, 4, 197-212.<br />

銀 慶 剛 (ING, CHING-KANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fuchang Gao, Ching-Kang Ing, Yuhong Yang, accepted, “Metric Entropy and Sparse Linear<br />

Approximation of lq-Hulls for 0

高 振 宏 (KAO, CHEN-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen-Hung Kao*, Hsiang-An Ho, Jun. 2012, “A score-statistic approach for determining threshold<br />

values in QTL mapping.”, Frontiers in Bioscience, 2670-2682. (Scopus)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chen-Hung Kao, Aug. 2012, “A statistical approach to determining the approximate threshold values<br />

for QTL detection in experimental populations”, paper presented at 海 峽 兩 岸 機 率 與 統 計 研 討<br />

會 , 哈 爾 濱 : 中 華 機 率 統 計 學 會 (CIPS), 2012-08-14 ~ 2012-08-16.<br />

李 隆 安 (LI, LUNG-AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Grace,S.C. Chen, Lung-An Li,Shen Li, Jiping He, Oct. 2012, “Influence of choices of statistical<br />

models on neural spike trend”, Journal of Data Science, 10(4), 619-650.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 隆 安 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 探 討 個 資 法 公 布 後 台 灣 地 區 官 方 各 機 關 資 料 釋 出 方 式 - 以 工 商 及 服 務<br />

業 普 查 資 料 釋 出 方 式 之 建 議 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 海 峡 两 岸 经 济 与 管 理 金 華 学 术 研 讨<br />

会 , 中 國 浙 江 金 华 : 上 海 财 经 大 学 浙 江 学 院 ,2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-18。<br />

李 隆 安 , Aug. 2012, “An integrated heterogeneous Poisson regression model for neuron functions in<br />

hand movement during reaching and grasp”, paper presented at 第 八 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 機 率 與 統 計 研<br />

討 會 , 中 國 哈 爾 濱 : 中 華 機 率 統 計 學 會 與 對 方 相 關 機 率 統 計 學 術 單 位 , 黑 龍 江 大 學 , 2012-08-<br />

14 ~ 2012-08-16.<br />

李 克 昭 (LI, KER-CHAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yi-Chiung Hsu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Shinsheng Yuan, Sung-Liang Yu, Chia-Hung Lin, Guani Wu, Pan-<br />

Chyr Yang and Ker-Chau Li*, accepted, “Genome-wide analysis of three-way interplay between<br />

gene expression, cancer cell invasion and anti-cancer compound sensitivity”, BMC Medicine.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.04; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Liu CH, Li KC, and Yuan S, Oct. 2012, “Human Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction by A Novel<br />

Sequence-Based Coevolution Method: Coevolutionary Divergenc”, BIOINFORMATICS, doi:<br />

10.1093/bioinformatics/bts620. Epub 2012 Oct 18. (SCI)<br />


Liang CH, Chiu SY, Hsu IL, Wu YY, Tsai YT, Ke JY, Pan SH, Hsu YC, Li KC, Yang PC, Chen YL,<br />

Hong TM, Oct. 2012, “α-catulin drives metastasis by activating ILK and driving an avss3 integrin<br />

signaling axis”, CANCER RESEARCH, 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-2095. (SCI) (IF: 7.86; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

Su KY, Chen HY, Li KC, Kuo ML, Yang James CH, Chan WK, Ho BC, Chang GC, Shih JY, Yu SL,<br />

Yang PC, Jan. 2012, “Pre-treatment EGFR T790M Mutation Predicts Shorter EGFR-TKI<br />

Response Duration in Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Patients”, JOURNAL OF CLINICAL<br />

ONCOLOGY, doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.38.3224. (SCI) (IF: 18.37; SCI ranking: 3%)<br />

劉 長 萱 (LIOU, MICHELLE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Michelle Liou*, Alexander N. Savostyanov, Aleksandr A. Simak, Wen-Chau Wu, Chia-Ting Huang,<br />

Philip E. Cheng, 2012, “An information system in the brain: Evidence from fMRI BOLD<br />

responses”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 54, 1-26. (TSSCI)<br />

Gennady G. Knyazev, N. V. Volf, Alexander N. Savostyanov, Michelle Liou, Andrey V. Bocharov,<br />

2012, “EEG correlates of spontaneous self-referential thoughts: A cross-cultural study”,<br />


SCI ranking: 47.5%,51.4%,70.1%; SSCI ranking: 63.6%)<br />

Hung-Wen Kao, Nai-Yu Cho, Chun-Jen Hsueh, Ming-Chung Chou, Hsiao-Wen Chung, Michelle<br />

Liou, Shih--Wei- Chiang, Shao-Yuan Chen, Chun-Jung Juan, Guo-Shu Huang, Cheng-Yu<br />

Chen* , 2012, “Delayed Parkinsonism after carbon monoxide intoxication: Evaluation of the<br />

substantia nigra with inversion-recovery MR imaging”, RADIOLOGY, 265, 215-221. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.73; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Aleksandr A. Simak, Michelle Liou*, Alexander Yu. Zhigalov, Jiun-Wei Liou, Philip E. Cheng, 2012,<br />

“Reliability maps in event-related functional MRI experiments”, editor(s): Rakesh Sharma,<br />

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Advanced Neuroimaging Applications, pp. 149-166,<br />

New York: InTech.<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 , Mar. 2012, 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 , 1384 pages, 台 灣 : 東 華 .<br />

劉 維 中 (LIU, WEI-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shu-Mei Lai, Wei-Chung Liu*, Ferenc Jordan*, Feb. 2012, “On the centrality and uniqueness of<br />

species from the network perspective”, Biology Letters, 8, 570-573. (SCI) (IF: 3.76; SCI ranking:<br />

16.3%,27%,23.9%)<br />


Ferenc Jordan, Thanh-Phuong Nguyen, Wei-chung Liu, Nov. 2012, “Studying protein-protein<br />

interaction networks: a systems view on disease”, Briefings in Functional Genomics, 11, 497-<br />

504. (SCI) (IF: 4.13; SCI ranking: 21.1%,14.4%)<br />

Wei-Chung Liu, Hsuan-Wien Chen, Tsung-Hsi Tsai, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Oct. 2012, “A fish tank<br />

model for assembling food webs”, Ecological Modelling, 245, 166-175. (SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI<br />

ranking: 46%)<br />

彭 健 育 (PENG, CHIEN-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Peng, C. Y.*, Hsu, S. C., Apr. 2012, “A Note on a Wiener Process with Measurement Error”, Applied<br />

Mathematics Letters, 25(4), 729-732. (SCI) (IF: 1.37; SCI ranking: 16.4%)<br />

Cheng, Y. S., Peng, C. Y.*, Jun. 2012, “Integrated Degradation Models in R Using iDEMO”, Journal<br />

of Statistical Software, 49(2), 1-22. (SCI) (IF: 4.01; SCI ranking: 0.9%,3.3%)<br />

Peng, C. Y.*, Apr. 2012, “A Note on Optimal Allocations for the Second Elementary Symmetric<br />

Function with Applications for Optimal Reliability Design”, Naval Research Logistics, 59(3-4),<br />

278-284. (SCI) (IF: 1.04; SCI ranking: 42.4%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Frederick K.H. Phoa, Rahul Mukerjee, Hongquan Xu, May. 2012, “One-Eighth- and One-Sixteenth-<br />

Fraction Quaternary Code Designs With High Resolution”, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL<br />

PLANNING AND INFERENCE, 142, 1073-1080. (SCI) (IF: 0.72; SCI ranking: 59.8%)<br />

謝 叔 蓉 (SHIEH, SHWU-RONG GRACE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lu JW, Hsia Y, Yang WY, Lin YI, Li CC, Tsai TF, Chang KW, Shieh GS, Tsai SF, Wang HD, Yuh<br />

CH, 2012, “Identification of the common regulators for hepatocellular carcinoma induced by<br />

hepatitis B virus X antigen in a mouse model.”, Carcinogenesis, 33(1), 209-19. (SCI) (IF: 5.7;<br />

SCI ranking: 13.1%)<br />

Jiang CR, Hung YC, Chen CM, Shieh GS, 2012, “Inferring Genetic Interactions via a Data-Driven<br />

Second Order Model.”, Frontiers in genetics, 3, 71.<br />

Wen-Hung Hunag, Grace S. Shieh, Feng-Sheng Wang*, Jan. 2012, “Optimization of fed-batch<br />

fermentation using mixture of sugars to produce”, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical<br />

Engineers, 43(1), 1-8. (SCI) (IF: 2.11; SCI ranking: 29.5%)<br />


蔡 恆 修 (TSAI, HENG-HSIU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chan, K.S. and Tsai, H., Dec. 2012, “Inference of seasonal long-memory aggregate time series”,<br />

Bernoulli, 18(4), 1448-1464.. (SCI) (IF: 1.05; SCI ranking: 39.3%)<br />

蔡 志 鑫 (TSAI, ARTHUR CHIH-HSIN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

A.N. Savostyanov, A.C. Tsai, A.Yu. Zhigalov, E.A. Levin, J.D. Lee1 M. Liou, Jan. 2012, “Trait<br />

Anxiety and Neurophysiology of Executive Control in the Stop-Signal Paradigm”, editor(s):<br />

Anna S. Morales, Trait Anxiety, pp. 191-222, Singapore: Nova Science Publishers.<br />

杜 憶 萍 (TU, I-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I-Ping Tu*, Shao-Hsuan Wang and Yuan-Fu Huang, accepted, “Estimating the Occurrence Rate of<br />

DNA Palindromes”, Annals of Applied Statistics. (SCI) (IF: 1.58; SCI ranking: 17.8%)<br />

I-Ping Tu*, accepted, “The Maximum of a Ratchet Scanning Process over a Poisson Random Field”,<br />

STATISTICA SINICA. (SCI) (IF: 1.02; SCI ranking: 41.1%)<br />

Hung Hung, Pei-Hsien Wu, I-Ping Tu* and Su-Yun Huang, Sept. 2012, “On multilinear principal<br />

component analysis of order-two tensors”, BIOMETRIKA, 99(3): 569-583.. (SCI) (IF: 1.91; SCI<br />

ranking: 33.3%,32.5%,12.1%)<br />

Hao-Chih Lee, Bo-Lin Lin, Wei-Hau Chang and I-Ping Tu*, Feb. 2012, “Towards Automated De-<br />

Noising of Single Molecular FRET Data: ADN for smFRET”, Journal of Biomedical Optics,<br />

17(1). (SCI) (IF: 3.16; SCI ranking: 35.5%,12%,20%)<br />

楊 欣 洲 (YANG, HSIN-CHOU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, S.-C., Yang, Y.-H., Chuang, S.-Y., Liu, S.-C., Yang, H.-C. and Pan, W.-H.*, Mar. 2012, “Risk of<br />

asthma associated with energy-dense but nutrient-poor dietary pattern in Taiwanese children”,<br />

ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION, 21, 73-81. (SCI) (IF: 1.13; SCI ranking:<br />

76.1%)<br />

Yang, H.-C.*, Wang, P.-L., Lin, C.-W., Chen, C.-H. and Chen, C.-H., Jul. 2012, “Integrative analysis<br />

of single nucleotide polymorphism and gene expression efficiently distinguishes samples from<br />

closely related ethnic populations”, BMC GENOMICS, 13, 346. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%,21.8%)<br />


Yang, H.-C., Liang, Y.-J, Chen, J.-W., Chiang, K.-M., Chung, C.-M., Ho, H.-Y., Ting, C.-T., Lin, T.-<br />

H., Sheu, S.-H., Tsai, W.-C., Chen, J.-H., Leu, H.-B., Yin, W.-H., Chiu, T.-Y., Chern, C.-I., Lin,<br />

S.-J., Tomlinson, B., Guo, Y., Sham, P. C., Cherny S. S., Lam, T. H., Thomas, G. N. and Pan,<br />

W.-H.*, Mar. 2012, “A genome-wide gene-based association study identifies IGF1, SLC4A4,<br />

WWOX and SFMBT1 as hypertension susceptibility genes in a Han Chinese population”, PLoS<br />

One, 7, e32907. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Yang, H.-C.*, Chang, L.-C., Liang, Y.-J., Lin, C.-H. and Wang, P.-L., Apr. 2012, “A genome-wide<br />

homozygosity association study identifies runs of homozygosity associated with rheumatoid<br />

arthritis in the human Major Histocompatibility Complex”, PLoS One, e34840. (SCI) (IF: 4.09;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yang, H.-C. and Li, Han-Wei, Oct. 2012, “Study homozygosity disequilbrium using next-generation<br />

sequencing data”, paper presented at Genetic Analysis Workshop 18, Stevenson, USA: Texas<br />

Biomedical Research Institute, 2012-10-14 ~ 2012-10-17.<br />

Yang, H.-C. and Chen, C.-W., Sept. 2012, “OPATs: Omnibus P-value Association Tests”, paper<br />

presented at The 13th International Meeting on Human Genome Variation and Complex Genome<br />

Analysis, Shanghai, China: Organization of Human Genome Variation, 2012-09-06 ~ 2012-09-<br />

08.<br />

Yang, H.-C., Wang, P.-L., Lin, C.-W., Chen, C.-H. and Chen, C.-H., Oct. 2012, “Integrative analysis<br />

of single nucleotide polymorphisms and gene expression efficiently distinguishes samples from<br />

closely related ethnic populations”, paper presented at The 20th Annual Meeting of International<br />

Genetic Epidemiology Society, Stevenson, USA: International Genetic Epidemiology Society,<br />

2012-10-18 ~ 2012-10-20.<br />

楊 振 翔 (YEANG, CHEN-HSIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Summit Suen, Henry Horng-Shing Lu, Chen-Hsiang Yeang, Aug. 2012, “Evolution of domain<br />

architectures and catalytic functions of enzymes”, Genome Biology and Evolution, Epub ahead of<br />

print. (SCI) (IF: 4.62; SCI ranking: 16.5%,21.6%)<br />

Chen-Hsiang Yeang, Gwo-Chin Ma, Jin-Chung Shih, Yu-Shih Yang, Chih-Ping Chen, Shun-Ping<br />

Chang, Sheng-Hai Wu, Chin-San Liu, Shou-Jen Kuo, Hung-Chieh Chou, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Alan<br />

D. Cameron, Norman A.Ginsberg, and Ming Chen, Apr. 2012, “Genome-wide gene expression<br />

analysis implicates the immune response and lymphangiogenesis in the pathogenesis of fetal<br />

chylothorax”, PLoS One, 7(4):e34901. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Beckman R.A., Schemmann G.S., Yeang C.H., Sept. 2012, “Impact of genetic dynamics and singlecell<br />

heterogeneity on development of nonstandard personalized medicine strategies for cancer”,<br />


OF AMERICA, 109(36):14586-14591. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

袁 新 盛 (YUAN, SHIN-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yi-Chiung Hsu, Hsuan-Yu Chen, Shinsheng Yuan, Sung-Liang Yu, Chia-Hung Lin, Guani Wu, Pan-<br />

Chyr Yang and Ker-Chau Li, accepted, “Genome-wide analysis of three-way interplay between<br />

gene expression, cancer cell invasion and anti-cancer compound sensitivity ”, BMC Medicine.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.04; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Ting-Shuo Huang, Yu-Chiau Shyu, Huang-Yang Chen, Li-Mei Lin, Chia-Ying Lo, Shin-Sheng Yuan,<br />

Pei-Jer Chen, accepted, “Effect of parenteral selenium supplementation in critically ill patients: A<br />

systematic review and meta-analysis”, PLOS ONE. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Liu CH, Li KC, Yuan S., Oct. 2012, “Human Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction by A Novel<br />

Sequence-Based Coevolution Method: Coevolutionary Divergence”, BIOINFORMATICS, doi:<br />

10.1093/bioinformatics/bts620. Epub. (SCI) (IF: 5.47; SCI ranking: 7.9%,2.4%,11.3%)<br />


原 子 與 分 子 科 學 研 究 所<br />

張 煥 正 (CHANG, HUAN-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

R. Chen, W. J. Xu, C. Q. Xiong, X. Y. Zhou, S. X. Xiong, Z. X. Nie*, L. Q. Mao, and H.-C. Chang*,<br />

2012, “High-salt-tolerance matrix for facile detection of glucose in rat brain microdialysates by<br />

MALDI mass spectrometry”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84, 465-469. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.5%)<br />

X. Y. Zhou, C. Q. Xiong, J. N. Wang, R. Chen, Y. Tang, H. X. Qiao, W.-P. Peng, H.-C. Chang, and Z.<br />

X. Nie*, 2012, “The development of charge detection quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry<br />

(CD-ITMS) driven by rectangular and triangular waves”, ANALYST, 137, 1199-1204. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.23; SCI ranking: 11.9%)<br />

V. Vaijayanthimala, P.-Y. Cheng, S.-H. Yeh, K.-K. Liu, C.-H. Hsiao*, J.-I Chao*, and H.-C. Chang*,<br />

2012, “The long-term stability and biocompatibility of fluorescent nanodiamond as an in vivo<br />

contrast agent”, BIOMATERIALS, 33, 7794–7802. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 4%,3%)<br />

B. Zhang, C.-Y. Fang, C.-C. Chang, R. Peterson, S. Maswadi, R. D. Glickman, H.-C. Chang, and J. Y.<br />

Ye*, 2012, “Photoacoustic emission from fluorescent nanodiamonds enhanced with gold<br />

nanoparticles”, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS, 3, 1662–1669. (SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI ranking:<br />

48.4%,33.3%,16%)<br />

L.-H. Chen, T.-S. Lim*, and H.-C. Chang, 2012, “Measuring the number of (N-V)– centers in single<br />

fluorescent nanodiamonds in the presence of quenching effects”, JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL<br />

SOCIETY OF AMERICA B, 29, 2309–2313. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

R. Chen, C. Xiong, X. Zhou, C.-C. Wu*, X. Ding, Z. Nie*, and H.-C. Chang, 2012, “N-(1-naphthyl)<br />

ethylenediamine dinitrate: A new matrix for negative ion MALDI-TOF MS analysis of small<br />


1454–1460. (SCI) (IF: 4; SCI ranking: 22.9%,26.6%,13.4%,8.3%)<br />

S.-W. Chou, G.-R. Shiu, H.-C. Chang, and W.-P. Peng*, 2012, “Wavelet-based method for timedomain<br />

noise analysis and reduction in a frequency-scan quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer”,<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

V. Vaijayanthimala, Y. Y. Hui, and H.-C. Chang*, accepted, “Nanodiamonds for bioimaging and<br />

therapeutic applications”, editor(s): Y. Xie, CRC Nanobiotechnology Handbook, pp. 537–563,<br />

New York: Taylor & Francis.<br />


張 銘 顯 (CHANG, MING-SHIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ho-Chiao Chuang, Chang-Ray Chang, Chun-Chia Chen, Ming-Shien Chang, 2012, “ An external<br />

cavity diode laser using a volume holographic grating”, APPLIED OPTICS, 44, 2182–2185.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.75; SCI ranking: 34.7%)<br />

Chao Chun Huang, M.-S. Chang, and S.-K. Yip, 2012, “Preparation of two-particle total hyperfine<br />

spin singlet states via spin-changing dynamics”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86, 013403. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

張 大 釗 (CHANG, TA-CHAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng-Chung Chang,* Meng-Chieh Hsieh, Jung-Chih Lin, Ta-Chau Chang, 2012, “Selective<br />

photodynamic therapy based on aggregation-induced emission enhancement of fluorescent<br />

organic nanoparticles”, BIOMATERIALS, 33(3), 897-906. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 4%,3%)<br />

Fon-Zuan Huang, Cheng-Chung Chang, Jing-Min Wang, Ta-Chau Chang*, Jing-Jer Lin*, 2012,<br />

“Induction of senescence in cancer cells by the G-quadruplex stabilizer, BMVC4, is independent<br />

of its telomerase inhibitory activity”, BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 167(2), 393-<br />

406. (SCI) (IF: 4.41; SCI ranking: 13%)<br />

Ta-Chau Chang*, Jen-Fei Chu, Yu-Lin Tsai, Zi-Fu Wang, 2012, “Structure conversion and structure<br />

separation of g-quadruplexes investigated by carbazole derivatives”, CURRENT<br />

PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN, 18(14), 2002-2013. (SCI) (IF: 3.87; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Cheng-Hao Chien, Wei-Wen Chen, June-Tai Wu, Ta-Chau Chang*, 2012, “Investigation of lipid<br />

homeostasis in living Drosophila by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy”,<br />

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 17(12), 126001. (SCI) (IF: 3.16; SCI ranking:<br />

35.5%,12%,20%)<br />

Zi-Fu Wang, Ta-Chau Chang*, 2012, “Molecular engineering of G-quadruplex ligands based on<br />

solvent effect of polyethylene glycol”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 40(17), 8711-8720. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Cheng-Hao Chien, Ting-Yuan Tseng, Wei-Wen Chen, Ta-Chau Chang*, 2012, “Application of<br />

Optical methods in Life Science”, paper presented at 8th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium,<br />

Huangshan City, China: China, 2012-05-27 ~ 2012-05-30.<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

張 大 釗 ,2012,《 實 驗 室 巡 禮 》, 共 172 頁 , 台 北 市 : 台 灣 商 務 。<br />


陳 家 俊 (CHEN, CHIA-CHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

D.-Y. Wang, Y.-T. Jiang, C.-C. Lin, S.-S. Li, Y.T. Wang, Chia-Chun Chen*, C.-W. Chen*, 2012,<br />

“Solution-Processable Pyrite FeS 2 Nanocrystals for the Fabrication of Heterojunction<br />

Photodiodes with Visible to NIR Photodetection”, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24(25), 3415-3420.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 13.88; SCI ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

C.-W. Chang, D.-Y. Wang, W.-C. Tan, I-S. Huang, I-S. Wang, Chia-Chun Chen, Y.-J. Yang, Y.-F.<br />

Chen*, 2012, “Enhanced performance of photodetector and photovoltaic based on carrier<br />

reflector and back surface field generated by doped grapheme”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,<br />

101(7), 037906. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

W. Lo, A. Ghazaryan, C.-H. Tso, P.-S. Hu, W.-L. Chen, T.-R. Kuo, S.-J. Lin, S.-J. Chen, Chia-Chun<br />

Chen*, C.-Y. Dong*, 2012, “Oleic acid-enhanced transdermal delivery pathways of fluorescent<br />

nanoparticles”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100(21), 213701. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking:<br />

11%)<br />

S.-W. Chou, J.-J. Shyue, C.-H. Chien, Chia-Chun Chen*, Y.-Y. Chen*, P.-T. Chou*, 2012,<br />

“Surfactant-Directed Synthesis of Ternary Nanostructures: Nanocubes, Polyhedrons,<br />

Octahedrons, and Nanowires of PtNiFe.Their Shape-Dependent Oxygen Reduction Activity”,<br />

CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 24(13), 2527-2533. (SCI) (IF: 7.29; SCI ranking: 8.6%,4.7%)<br />

S.-T. Chang, C.-H. Wang*, H.-Y. Du, H.-C.Hsu, C.-M. Kang, Chia-Chun Chen, J.C.-S. Wu, S.-C.<br />

Yen, W.-F. Huang, L.-C. Chen*, M.-C. Lin, K.-H. Chen*, 2012, “Vitalizing fuel cells with<br />

vitamins: pyrolyzed vitamin B12 as a non-precious catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction<br />

reaction of polymer electrolyte fuel cells”, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5(1),<br />

5305-5314. (SCI) (IF: 9.61; SCI ranking: 2.9%,0.5%,1.8%,7.9%)<br />

D.-Y. Wang, I.-S. Wang, I.-S. Huang, Y.-C. Yeh, S.-S. Li, K.-H. Tu, Chia-Chun Chen*, C.-W. Chen*,<br />

2012, “Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diode Using Solution-Processable Graphene Oxide as the<br />

Anode Interfacial Layer”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116(18), 10181-10185.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

D.-Y. Wang, H.-L. Chou, Y.-C. Lin, F.-J. Lai, C.-H. Chen, J.-F. Lee, B.-J. Hwang, Chia-Chun Chen*,<br />

2012, “Simple Replacement Reaction for the Preparation of Ternary Fe1−xPtRux Nanocrystals<br />

with Superior Catalytic Activity in Methanol Oxidation Reaction”, JOURNAL OF THE<br />

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 134(24), 10011-10020. (SCI) (IF: 9.91; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chia-Chun Chen, 2012, “Preparation of Fe1-xPtRux Nanocrystals for Catalytic and Biomedical<br />

Applications”, paper presented at Macro-And Supramolecular Architectures And Materials<br />

(MAM-12), Coimbatore, India: MAM-12, 2012-11-21 ~ 2012-11-25.<br />


Chia-Chun J. Chen, 2012, “Applications of Metal Nanoparticles for Biomolecule Delivery and CT/MR<br />

Molecular Imaging.”, paper presented at Taiwan-WIN Second Reciprocal Workshop (2nd Taiwan-<br />

WIN Reciprocal workshop), Hualien, Taiwan: 國 科 會 國 家 型 奈 米 科 技 橋 接 計 畫 辦 公 室 , 2012-<br />

12-05 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

Chia-Chun J. Chen, 2012, “1. Applications of Metal Nanoparticles for Biomolecule Delivery and<br />

CT/MR Molecular Imaging. (June 25 in Kyoto University)”, paper presented at The 3rd Industryacademia<br />

Cooperation Workshop of SMI Kyoto, Kyoto / Tokyo, Japan: 特 定 非 營 利 活 動 法 人 京<br />

都 SMI, 2012-06-23 ~ 2012-06-27.<br />

Chia-Chun J. Chen, 2012, “2. Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications. (June 26 in SMI<br />

Workshop”, paper presented at The 3rd Industry-academia Cooperation Workshop of SMI Kyoto,<br />

Kyoto/ Tokyo, Japan: 特 定 非 營 利 活 動 法 人 京 都 SMI, 2012-06-23 ~ 2012-06-27.<br />

Chia-Chun Chen,* D,-Y.Wang, C.-C. Lin, Y.-T. Jiang, C.-W. Chen, 2012, “Enhanced Infrared light<br />

Harvesting of PbS quantum Dot Photovoltaic and Photodeteter on Graphene Electrode”, paper<br />

presented at The 4th International Conference "Smart Materials, Structures and Systems " (2012<br />

CIMTEC) ", Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy: CIMTEC, 2012-06-10 ~ 2012-06-14.<br />

陳 貴 賢 (CHEN, KUEI-HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

R. S. Chen, H. Y. Tsai, Y. S. Huang, Y. T. Chen, L. C. Chen, K. H. Chen, accepted, “Photoconduction<br />

efficiencies in GaN nanowires grown by chemical vapor deposition and molecular beam epitaxy:<br />

a comparison study”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

H.C. Han,e, C.A. Tseng, C.Y. Du, c, A.Ganguly, C.W. Chong, S.B. Wang, C.F. Lin, S.H. Chang, C.C.<br />

Su, J.H. Lee, , K.H. Chen, and L.C. Chen, accepted, “Enhancing efficiency with fluorinated<br />

interlayer in small molecule organic solar cell”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yan-Gu Lin, Yu-Kuei Hsu, San-Yuan Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, and Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2012, “Visible<br />

light-driven photocatalytic carbon-doped porous ZnO nanoarchitectures for solar water-splitting”,<br />

NANOSCALE, 4, 6515-6519. (SCI) (IF: 5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

Y.C. Chen, Y.K. Hsu, Y.G. Lin, L.C. Chen, and K.H. Chen, 2012, “Spontaneous synthesis and<br />

electrochemical characterization of nanostructured MnO 2 on nitrogen-incorporated carbon<br />

nanotubes”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 475417, 10 pages.<br />

Y.T.Chen, W.C. Tsai, W.Y. Chen, C.L. Hsiao, H.C. Hsu, W.H. Chang, T.M. Hsu, K.H. Chen, and<br />

L.C. Chen, 2012, “Pyrolyzed cobalt corrole as a potential non-precious catalyst for fuel cells”,<br />

ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, 22, 3500-3508. (SCI) (IF: 10.18; SCI ranking:<br />

6.7%,10.3%,3.7%,6.4%,4.8%,3.7%)<br />


K. Aravind, Y. W. Su, D. S. Chun, Watson Kuo, C. S. Wu, K. S. Chang-Liao, K. H. Chen, L. C. Chen,<br />

C. D. Chen, 2012, “Magnetic-field and temperature dependence of the energy gap in InN<br />

nanobelt”, AIP ADVANCES, 2, 012155.<br />

Surojit Chattopadhyay, Yi-Fan Huang, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, 2012, “Biomimetic<br />

nanostructures for anti-reflection”, an invited book chapter in Maryanne Large, Ed., Optical<br />

Biomimetics: Materials and Applications, Woodhead Publishing.<br />

Surojit Chattopadhyay, Abhijit Ganguly, Kuei-Hsien Chen and Li-Chyong Chen, 2012, “Production<br />

and storage of energy with one-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures”, an invited review<br />

article in Wolfgang Sigmund, Ed., Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, Taylor<br />

and Francis.<br />

C.T. Chien, S.S. Li, W.J. Lai, Y.C. Yeh, H.A. Chen, L.C. Chen, K.H. Chen, T.Nemoto, S. Isoda, M.<br />

Chen, T. Fujita, M. Chhowalla, and C.W. Chen, 2012, “Tunable photoluminescence from<br />

graphene oxide”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 51, 6662-6666. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

S. K. Nataraj, C. H. Wang, H. C. Huang, H. Y. Du, S. F. Wang, Y. C. Chen, L. C. Chen, and K. H.<br />

Chen, 2012, “Highly proton-selective biopolymer layer-coated ion-exchange membrane for direct<br />

methanol fuel cells”, CHEMSUSCHEM, 5, 392-395. (SCI) (IF: 6.83; SCI ranking: 9.3%)<br />

Hsin-Cheng Hsu, Chen-Hao Wang*, S. K. Nataraj, Hsin-Chih Huang, He-Yun Du, Sun-Tang Chang,<br />

Li-Chyong Chen and Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2012, “Stand-up structure of graphene-like carbon<br />

nanowalls on CNT directly grown on polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber paper as<br />

supercapacitor”, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 25, 176. (SCI) (IF: 1.91; SCI ranking:<br />

26.8%)<br />

Yan-Gu Lin, Yu-Kuei Hsu, Sheng-Bo Wang, Ying-Chu Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, and Kuei-Hsien<br />

Chen, 2012, “Plasmonic Ag@Ag 3 PO 4 Nanoparticle Photosensitized ZnO Nanorod-Array<br />

Photoanodes for Water Oxidation”, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5, 8917. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 9.6104; SCI ranking: 0.5%)<br />

S.T. Chang, C.H. Wang, H.Y. Du, H.C. Hsu, C.M. Kang, C.C. Chen, C.S. Wu, S.C. Yen, W.F.<br />

Huang , L.C. Chen, M.C. Lin, and K.H. Chen, 2012, “Vitalizing fuel cells with a vitamin:<br />

pyrolyzed vitamin B12 as non-precious catalyst for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction”,<br />

ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5, 5305-5314. (SCI) (IF: 9.6104; SCI ranking: 0.5%)<br />

Deniz P. Wong, Hsiang-Ting Lien, Yit-Tsong Chen, Kuei-Hsien Chen and Li-Chyong Chen, 2012,<br />

“Patterned growth of nanocrystalline silicon thin films through magnesiothermic reduction of<br />

soda lime glass”, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 14, 896-900. (SCI) (IF: 6.32; SCI ranking: 11.4%)<br />


J.W. Chiou, Sekhar C. Ray, S.I. Peng, C.H. Chuang, B.Y. Wang, H.M. Tsai, C.W. Pao, H.-J. Lin, Y.C.<br />

Shao, Y.F. Wang, S.C. Chen, W.F. Pong, Y.C. Yeh, C.W. Chen, L.-C. Chen, K.-H. Chen, M.-H.<br />

Tsai, A. Kumar, A. Ganguly, P. Papakonstantinou, H. Yamane, N. Kosugi,T. Regier, L. Liu and<br />

T. K. Sham, 2012, “Nitrogen-functionalized graphene nano-flakes: tunable photoluminescence<br />

and electronic structures”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 16251-16258. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Yu-Kuei Hsu, Yan-Gu Lin, Ying-Chu Chen, Li-Chyong Chen*, and Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2012,<br />

“Birnessite-type Manganese Oxides Nanosheets with Hole Acceptor Assisted<br />

Photoelectrochemical Activity in Response to Visible Light”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS<br />

CHEMISTRY, 22, 2733-2739. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yu-Kuei Hsu, ing-Chu Chen, Yan-Gu Lin, Li-Chyong Chen*, and Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2012, “Highcell-voltage<br />

supercapacitor of carbon nanotube/carbon cloth operating in neutral aqueous<br />

solution”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 3383-3387. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

D. Das, D. Raha, W. C. Chen, K. H. Chen, C. T. Wu, and L. C. Chen, 2012, “Effect of substrate bias<br />

on the promotion of nanocrystalline silicon growth from He-diluted SiH 4 plasma at low<br />

temperature”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 27, 1303. (SCI) (IF: 1.43; SCI ranking:<br />

40.5%)<br />

C.T. Chou, C.H. Lin, Y. Tai, C.H. Liu, L.C. Chen, and K.H. Chen, 2012, “Stacking orientation<br />

mediation of pentacene and derivatives for high open-circuit voltage organic solar cells”,<br />

JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 3, 1079-1083. (SCI) (IF: 6.21; SCI ranking:<br />

3.2%,5.8%,11.1%,10.5%)<br />

S.B. Wang, S.J. Chang, M.S. Hu, C.W. Chong B.R. Huang, K.H. Chen, and L.C. Chen, 2012, “Gold<br />

nanoparticles-modulated conductivity in gold peapodded silica nanowire”, NANOSCALE, 4,<br />

3660-3664. (SCI) (IF: 5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

H.C. Huang, Indrajit Shown, S.T. Chang, H.C. Hsu, H.Y. Du, M.C. Kuo, K.T. Wong, S.F. Wang, C.H.<br />

Wang, L.C. Chen, and K.H. Chen, 2012, “Growth of sparse arrays of narrow GaN nanorods<br />

hosting spectrally stable InGaN quantum disks”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 16166-16173. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

K. F. Karlsson, S. Amloy, Y. T. Chen, K. H. Chen, H. C. Hsu, C. L. Hsiao, L. C. Chen and P. O.<br />

Holtz, 2012, “Polarized emission and excitonic fine structure energies of InGaN quantum dots”,<br />

PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, 407, 1553. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 67.2%)<br />

Chien-Ting Wu, Ming-Wen Chu, Chuan-Pu Liu, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, Chun-Wei Chen<br />

and Cheng-Hsuan Chen, 2012, “Studies of electronic excitations of rectangular ZnO nanorods by<br />

electron energy-loss spectroscopy”, PLASMONICS, 7, 123-130. (SCI) (IF: 2.99; SCI ranking:<br />

33.3%)<br />


C.T. Chou; W.L. Tang, C.H. Lin, C.H. Liu, L.C. Chen, K.H. Chen, 2012, “Effect of substrate<br />

temperature on orientation of subphthalocyanine molecule in organic photovoltaic cells”, THIN<br />

SOLID FILMS, 520, 2289-2292. (SCI) (IF: 1.89; SCI ranking: 32.1%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

K.H. Chen, 2012, “Band gap opening by B and N co-doping in graphene”, paper presented at<br />

CEMTEC, Montecatini, Italy, 2012-06-10 ~ 2012-06-14.<br />

K.H. Chen, 2012, “Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting for Hydrogen Production”, paper presented at<br />

ICNS4, Kish Island, Iran, 2012-03-10 ~ 2012-03-13.<br />

K.H. Chen, 2012, “ECR plasma induced nanotip array formation and its applications”, paper presented<br />

at iPlasma-Nano, Singapore, 2012-02-27 ~ 2012-03-01.<br />

K.H. Chen, 2012, “Nanostructured Materials for Hydrogen Production”, paper presented at Telluride<br />

Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Nanostructured Materials and Devices, Telluride, CO,<br />

2012-02-06 ~ 2012-02-10.<br />

K.H. Chen, 2012, “Doping and characterization of graphene and graphene nanowalls”, paper presented<br />

at the 2nd Workshop on Nanoscience: Carbon-Related Systems and Nanomaterials, NCKU,<br />

Taiwan, 2012-07-04 ~ 2012-07-07.<br />

陳 賜 原 (CHEN, SZU-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

B.K. Chen, Y.-C. Ho, T.-S. Hung, Y.-L. Chang, M.-C. Chou, S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Chu, S.-L. Huang, P.-<br />

H. Lin, J. Wang, J.-Y. Lin, 2012, “High-brightness optical-field-ionization collisional-excitation<br />

extreme-ultraviolet lasing pumped by a 100-TW laser system in an optically preformed plasma<br />

waveguide”, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 106, 817. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI<br />

ranking: 20%,26.6%)<br />

T.-S. Hung, Y.-C. Ho, Y.-L. Chang, S.-J. Wong, H.-H. Chu, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, S.-Y. Chen*, 2012,<br />

“Programmably structured plasma waveguide for development of table-top photon and particle<br />

sources”, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 19, 063109. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 29.6%)<br />

陳 應 誠 (CHEN, YING-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Ching Lin, Meng-Chang Wu, Bor-Wen Shiau, Yi-Hsin Chen, Ite A. Yu, Yong-Fang Chen, Ying-<br />

Cheng Chen*, 2012, “Enhanced all-optical switching with double slow light pulses”, PHYSICAL<br />

REVIEW A, 86, 063836. (SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

S.-J. Huang, Y.-T. Hsu, H. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, A. G. Volosniev, N. T. Zinner, and D.-W. Wang, 2012,<br />

“Field-induced long-lived supermolecules”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85,055601. (SCI) (IF: 2.88;<br />

SCI ranking: 29%)<br />


Yi-Hsin Chen, Meng-Jung Lee, Weilun Hung, Ying-Cheng Chen, Yong-Fan Chen, and Ite A. Yu ,<br />

2012, “Demonstration of the interaction between two stopped light pulses”, PHYSICAL REVIEW<br />

LETTERS, 108, 173603. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

陳 逸 聰 (CHEN, YIT-TSONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K.-S. Chang, C.-J. Sun, P.-L. Chiang, A.-C. Chou, M.-C. Lin, C. Liang, H.-H. Hung, Y.-H. Yeh, C.-D.<br />

Chen, C.-Y. Pan*, and Y.-T. Chen*, 2012, “Monitoring extracellular K + flux with a valinomycincoated<br />

silicon nanowire field-effect transistor”, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 31, 137–<br />

143. (SCI) (IF: 5.6; SCI ranking: 4.2%,7.2%,6%,12.1%,15.6%)<br />

P.-L. Chiang, T.-C. Chou, T.-H. Wu, C.-C. Li, C.-D. Liao, J.-Y. Lin, M.-S. Tsai, C.-C. Tsai, C.-J. Sun,<br />

C.-H. Wang, J.-M. Fang*, and Y.-T. Chen*, 2012, “Nanowire transistor-based ultrasensitive virus<br />

detection with reversible surface functionalization”, CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL, 7,<br />

2073–2079. (SCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

D. P. Wong, H.-T. Lien, Y.-T. Chen, K.-H. Chen*, and L.-C. Chen*, 2012, “Patterned growth of<br />

nanocrystalline silicon thin films through magnesiothermic reduction of soda lime glass”, GREEN<br />

CHEMISTRY, 14, 896–900. (SCI) (IF: 6.32; SCI ranking: 11.4%)<br />

C.-C. Tsai, H.-H. Hung, C.-P. Liu, Y.-T. Chen*, and C.-Y. Pan*, 2012, “Changes in plasma membrane<br />

surface potentials of PC12 cells as measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy”, PLOS ONE, 7,<br />

e33849. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

周 美 吟 (CHOU, MEI-YIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

F. Zhang, Y. Wang, and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Hydrogen Interaction with the Al Surface Promoted by<br />

Subsurface Alloying with Transition Metals”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116,<br />

18663-18668. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Lede Xian and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Diffusion of Si and C Atoms on and between Graphene Layers”,<br />

JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 45, 455309. (SCI) (IF: 2.54; SCI ranking:<br />

19.3%)<br />

C. R. Hsing, C. M. Wei*, and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Quantum Monte Carlo Investigations of<br />

Chemisorption Energetics on Graphene”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER,<br />

24(39), 395002/1-7. (SCI) (IF: 2.55; SCI ranking: 25.9%)<br />

S. Barraza-Lopez*, M. Kindermann, and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Charge Transport through Graphene<br />

Junctions with Wetting Metal Leads”, NANO LETTERS, 12(7), 3424-3430. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI<br />

ranking: 2.8%)<br />


Z. F. Wang, F. Liu*, and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Fractal Landau-Level Spectra in Twisted Bilayer<br />

Graphene”, NANO LETTERS, 12(7), 3833- 3838. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

J.-A. Yan*, K. Varga, and M. Y. Chou*, 2012, “Optical Phonon Anomaly in Bilayer Graphene with<br />

Ultrahigh Carrier Densities”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 86(3), 035409/1-5. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI<br />

ranking: 19%)<br />

Y. Y. Sun, W. Y. Ruan, X. Gao, J. Bang, Y. H. Kim, K. Lee, D. West, X. Liu, T.-L. Chan, M. Y.<br />

Chou*, and S. B. Zhang*, 2012, “Phase Diagram of Graphene Nanoribbons and Band-Gap<br />

Bifurcation of Dirac Fermions under Quantum Confinement”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(19),<br />

195464,1-5. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

何 耀 錦 (HO, YEW-KAM)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hui-Fang Lai, Yen-Chang Lin, Chih-Yuan Lin, Yew Kam Ho, accepted, “Bound-state energies,<br />

oscillator strengths, and multipole polarizabilities for the hydrogen atom with exponential-cosine<br />

screened Coulomb potentials”, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 0.45; SCI ranking:<br />

77.5%)<br />

Y. K. Ho and S. Kar, 2012, “Complex-scaling calculations for doubly excited inter-shell resonance<br />

states in H- interacting with screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potentials”, FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, 53,<br />

445-451. (SCI) (IF: 1.44; SCI ranking: 32.5%)<br />

Y. K. Ho and S. Kar, 2012, “Complex-scaling calculations for doubly excited resonances in Psinteracting<br />

with screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potentials”, FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, 53, 437-443.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.44; SCI ranking: 32.5%)<br />

C. Y. Lin, Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Photoionization of endohedral atoms in fullerene cages”, FEW-BODY<br />

SYSTEMS, published online. (SCI) (IF: 1.44; SCI ranking: 32.5%)<br />

Y. K. Ho , 2012, “Recent Advances in the Theoretical Methods and Computational Schemes for<br />

Investigations of Resonances in Few-Body Atomic Systems”, FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, published<br />

online. (SCI) (IF: 1.44; SCI ranking: 32.5%)<br />

S. Kar and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Dispersion coefficients for Li + -H and Li + -He systems with Coulomb and<br />

screened Coulomb potentials”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY, 112,<br />

2706–2709. (SCI) (IF: 1.36; SCI ranking: 27.5%,74.2%,71.4%)<br />

C Y Lin and Y K Ho, 2012, “Photoionization of atoms encapsulated by cages using the powerexponential<br />


PHYSICS, 45, 145001. (SCI) (IF: 1.88; SCI ranking: 28%,48.4%)<br />


Zishi Jiang, Sabyasachi Kar, Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Wavelengths for 2pnp 1 P e 2pnd 1 D o and 2pnp 3 P e<br />

2pnd 3 D o transitions in Li II, Be III, B IV, C V using correlated exponential wave functions”,<br />


(SCI) (IF: 3.19; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

M. K. Pandey and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Effect of static electric field on cross sections in antiproton impact<br />

ionization of atomic helium”, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS<br />


33. (SCI) (IF: 1.21; SCI ranking: 31.3%)<br />

M. K. Pandey and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Investigating the effect of static electric-field on ionization cross<br />

sections in antiproton hydrogen/deuterium atom collisions”, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS &<br />


AND ATOMS, 271, 39–43. (SCI) (IF: 1.21; SCI ranking: 31.3%)<br />

Zishi Jiang, Sabyasachi Kar, Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Doubly excited nonautoionizing 1,3 P e and 1,3 D o states of<br />

two-electron highly stripped atoms”, PHYSICA SCRIPTA, 85, 065304. (SCI) (IF: 1.2; SCI<br />

ranking: 42.5%)<br />

Sabyasachi Kar and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Borromean windows for H +<br />

2 with screened Coulomb<br />

potentials”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86, 014502. (SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

Yen-Chang Lin, Chih-Yuan Lin, and Yew Kam Ho, 2012, “Spectral data of helium atoms with<br />

screened Coulomb potentials using the B-spline approach”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 85, 042516.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

Sabyasachi Kar and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Shape resonance in the Ps− system”, PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 86,<br />

014501. (SCI) (IF: 2.88; SCI ranking: 29%)<br />

M. K. Pandey, Y. C. Lin and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Cross sections of charge exchange and ionization in<br />

O 8+ +H collision in Debye plasmas”, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 19, 062104. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI<br />

ranking: 29.6%)<br />

Zishi Jiang, Sabyasachi Kar, and Y.K. Ho, 2012, “Energies and transition wavelengths for Li II, Be III,<br />

B VI, C V embedded in Debye plasmas”, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 19, 033301. (SCI) (IF: 2.15;<br />

SCI ranking: 29.6%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Sabyasachi Kar and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Brromean window for H + 2 with screened Coulomb potentials”,<br />

paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society 2012, National Chung Cheng<br />

University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Physical Society of Republic of China, 2012-01-17 ~ 2012-01-<br />

19.<br />

Mukesh Kumar Pandey and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Investigating the effects of aligned static electric-field<br />

on ionization cross sections in antiproton and helium atoms collision”, paper presented at Annual<br />

Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society 2012, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi,<br />

Taiwan: The Physical Society of Republic of China, 2012-01-17 ~ 2012-01-19.<br />


C. Y. Lin and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Photoionization Cross Sections of Atomic Impurutues in Spherical<br />

Quantum Dots”, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society 2012,<br />

National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Physical Society of Republic of China,<br />

2012-01-17 ~ 2012-01-19.<br />

Y.-C. Lin and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Spatial Entanglement in Two-Electron Atomic Systems”, paper<br />

presented at Annual Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society 2012, National Chung Cheng<br />

University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Physical Society of Republic of China, 2012-01-17 ~ 2012-01-<br />

19.<br />

Yen-Chang Lin, Chih-Yuan Lin, Yew Kam Ho, 2012, “Study of helium atoms with screened coulomb<br />

potentials using B-spline approach”, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Chinese Physical<br />

Society 2012, Chia-Yi, Taiwan,: The Physical Society of Republic of China, 2012-01-17 ~ 2012-<br />

01-19.<br />

Sabyasachi Kar and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Borromean window for H + 2 with screened Coulomb potentials”,<br />

paper presented at The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2012, École<br />

Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France: IFRAF 、 ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE PARIS TECH 、<br />

INSTITUT d’OPTIQUE GRADUATE SCHOOL, 2012-07-23 ~ 2012-07-27.<br />

Y. K. Ho, Y.-C. Lin and C. Y. Lin, 2012, “Spatial entanglement in two-electron atomic systems”,<br />

paper presented at The 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2012, École<br />

Polytechnique - Palaiseau, France: IFRAF 、 ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE PARIS TECH 、<br />

INSTITUT d’OPTIQUE GRADUATE SCHOOL, 2012-07-23 ~ 2012-07-27.<br />

C. Y. Lin and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Photoionization cross sections of atomic impurities in spherical<br />

quantum dots”, paper presented at The Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society,<br />

Boston, Massachusetts, USA: American Physical Society, 2012-02-27 ~ 2012-03-02.<br />

Y. K. Ho and Y. -C. Lin, 2012, “Spatial entanglement in two-electron atomic systems”, paper<br />

presented at The Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Boston,<br />

Massachusetts, USA: American Physical Society, 2012-02-27 ~ 2012-03-02.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

C. Y. Lin and Y. K. Ho, 2012, “Photoionization cross sections of atomic impurities in spherical<br />

quantum dots”, editor(s): Ameenah Al-Ahmadi, Fingerprints in the Optical and Transport<br />

Properties of Quantum Dots, pp. chapter 7, p.181-198, Croatia: Publisher: InTech.<br />

謝 佳 龍 (HSIEH, CHIA-LUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

X Yang, CL Hsieh, Y Pu, D Psaltis, 2012, “Three-dimensional scanning microscopy through thin<br />

turbid media”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(3), 2500-6. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />


黃 克 寧 (HUANG, KEH-NING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K.-N. Huang, H.-L. Sun, S.-F. Lin, H.-T. Shiao, 2012, “Impact-Ionization Processes in Fusion<br />

Plasmas”, FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 61,436. (SCI) (IF: 1.12; SCI ranking:<br />

46.9%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Keh-Ning Huang, accepted, Quantum Statistical Mechanics, 500 pages, Springer Science+Business<br />

Media.<br />

孔 慶 昌 (KUNG, ANDREW H.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Han-Sung Chan, Zhi-Ming Hsieh, Lung-Han Peng, and A. H. Kung, 2012, “Compact optical function<br />

generator”, OPTICS LETTERS, 37, 2805-2807. (SCI) (IF: 3.4; SCI ranking: 9.3%)<br />

郭 哲 來 (KUO, JER-LAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Toru Hamashima, Ying-Cheng Li, Michael C. H. Wu, Kenta Mizuse, Tomohiro Kobayashi, Asuka<br />

Fujii*, and Jer-Lai Kuo*, accepted, “Folding of the Hydrogen Bond Network of H + (CH 3 OH) 7<br />

with Rare Gas Tagging”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI<br />

ranking: 25.8%,35.2%)<br />

Xiaofeng Fan*, W.T. Zheng*, and Jer-Lai Kuo, 2012, “Adsorption and Diffusion of Li on Pristine and<br />

Defective Graphene”, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 4, 2432−2438. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.53; SCI ranking: 10.5%,20%)<br />

Hongyu Wu, Xiao-Feng Fan*, and Jer-Lai Kuo*, 2012, “Metal free hydrogenation reaction on carbon<br />

doped boron nitride fullerene: a DFT study on the kinetic issue”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL<br />

OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 37(19), 14336-14342. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking:<br />

21.9%,20.8%,14.3%)<br />

Jingyun Zhang, Jer-Lai Kuo*, and T. Iitaka*, 2012, “First principles molecular dynamics study on<br />

filled ice hydrogen hydrate”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 137(8), 084505. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

Ryunosuke Shishido, Jer-Lai Kuo, and Asuka Fujii*, 2012, “Structures and Dissociation Channels of<br />

Protonated Mixed Clusters at around a Small Magic Number: Infrared Spectroscopy of<br />

((CH 3 ) 3 N) n -H + -H 2 O (n=1-3)”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 116 (25), 6740–6749.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 25.8%,35.2%)<br />


Chung-Huai Chang, Xiaofeng Fan, Lain-Jong Li, and Jer-Lai Kuo*, 2012, “Band Gap Tuning of<br />

Graphene by Adsorption of Aromatic Molecules”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C,<br />

116 (25), 13788–13794. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

X. F. Fan*, Viorel Chihaia, W.T. Zheng, Z.X. Shen, and Jer-Lai Kuo, 2012, “Interaction between<br />

graphene and SiO 2 surface”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 24, 305004.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.55; SCI ranking: 25.9%)<br />

Mostafa M. Ellabaan, Yew-Soon Ong, Quoc Chinh Nguyen, and Jer-Lai Kuo, 2012, “Evolutionary<br />

Discovery of Transition States in Water Clusters”, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL &<br />

COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY, 11(05), 965-995. (SCI) (IF: 0.56; SCI ranking: 77.1%)<br />

Xiao-Feng Fan*, W.T. Zheng, Zexiang Shen, Ai-Qun Liu, Jer-Lai Kuo, 2012, “Band gap opening of<br />

graphene by doping small boron nitride domain”, NANOSCALE, 4(6), 2157-2165. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

Piin-Ruey Pan, You-Sheng Lin, Ming-Kang Tsai, Jer-Lai Kuo* and Jeng-Da Chai*, 2012,<br />

“Assessment of density functional approximations for the hemibonded structure of water dimer<br />

radical cation”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14,10705-10712. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Ohki Kambara*, Kaito Takahashi*, Michitoshi Hayashi and Jer-Lai Kuo*, 2012, “Assessment of<br />

Density Functional Theory to Calculate Phase Transition Pressure of Ice”, PHYSICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 11484-11490. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Ming-Kang Tsai*, Jer-Lai Kuo*, and Jian-Ming Lu, 2012, “The Dynamics and Spectroscopic<br />

Fingerprint of Hydroxide Radical Generation through Water Dimer Ionization: Ab Initio<br />

Molecular Dynamic Simulation Study”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14,<br />

13402-13408. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

李 遠 鵬 (LEE, YUAN-PERN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.-W. Cheng, Y.-P. Lee*, and L.-K. Chu*, 2012, “Study of the Reactive Excited-State Dynamics of<br />

Delipidated Bacteriorhodopsin upon Surfactant Treatments”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,<br />

539, 151-156. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />

C.-K. Huang, Z.-F. Xu, M. Nakajima*, H. M. T. Nguyen, M. C. Lin*, S. Tsuchiya*, Y.-P. Lee*, 2012,<br />

“Dynamics of the reactions of O( 1 D) with CD 3 OH and CH 3 OD studied with time-resolved<br />

Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 137, 164307. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

Y.-F. Lee, L.-J. Kong, and Y.-P. Lee*, 2012, “Infrared absorption of CH 3 OSO and CD 3 OSO radicals<br />

produced upon photolysis of CH 3 OS(O)Cl and CD 3 OS(O)Cl in p-H 2 matrices”, JOURNAL OF<br />

CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136, 124510. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />


M. Bahou, J.-Y. Wu, K. Tanaka, Y.-P. Lee*, 2012, “Infrared absorption of trans-1-chloromethylallyl<br />

and trans-1-methylallyl radicals produced in photochemical reactions of trans-1,3-butadiene and<br />

Cl 2 in solid para-hydrogen”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 137, 084310. (SCI) (IF: 3.33;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

M. Bahou, Y.-J. Wu*, and Y.-P. Lee*, 2012, “A new method for investigating infrared spectra of<br />

protonated benzene (C 6 H + 7 ) and cyclohexadienyl radical (c-C 6 H 7 ) using para-hydrogen”,<br />

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136, 154304. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

S.-Y. Lin and Y.-P. Lee*, 2012, “Infrared Absorption of Gaseous Benzoyl Radical C 6 H 5 CO Recorded<br />

with a Step-scan Fourier-transform Spectrometer”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,<br />

116, 6366. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 25.8%,35.2%)<br />

J. C. Amicangelo*, B. Golec, M. Bahou, and Y.-P. Lee*, 2012, “Infrared spectrum of the 2-chloroethyl<br />

radical in solid para-hydrogen”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 1014. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

李 遠 哲 (LEE, YUAN-TSEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Wei Liang, Po-Jul Chang, Yu-Jiun Lin, Yuan-Tseh Lee, Chi-Kung Ni, 2012, “High ion yields of<br />

carbohydrates from frozen solution by UV-MALDI”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84(8),3493-<br />

3499. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

kathleen .A. Mar, Annalise. L. Van Wyngarden, Chi-.Wei Liang, Yuan T. Lee, Jim J. Lin, Kristie A.<br />

Boering, 2012, “A crossed beam study of 18 O( 3 P)+NO 2 and 18 O( 1 D)+NO 2 : Isotope exchange and<br />

O 2 +NO formation channels”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 137(4),044302. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

Yin-Hung Lai, Chia-Chen Wang, Chiu Wen Chen, Bo-Hong Liu, Sheng-Hsien Lin, Yuan T. Lee, Yi-<br />

Sheng Wang, 2012, “Analysis of initial reactions of MALDI based on chemical properties of<br />

matrixes and excitation condition”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 116(32),9635-<br />

9643. (SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

李 連 忠 (LI, LAIN-JONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.-T. Lin, P. T. K. Loan, T.-Y. Chen, K.-K. Liu, K.-H. Wei* and L.-J. Li*, accepted, “Label-Free<br />

Electrical Detection of DNA Hybridization on Graphene by Hall Effect Measurements: Revisit to<br />

the Sensing Mechanism”, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS. (SCI) (IF: 10.18; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.7%,10.3%,3.7%,6.4%,4.8%,3.7%)<br />


Y-H Chang, C-T Lin, T-Y Chen, C-L Hsu, Y-H Lee, W Zhang, K-H Wei, L-J Li*, accepted, “Highly<br />

Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production by MoSx Grown on Graphene-Protected 3-<br />

Dimensional Ni Foams”, ADVANCED MATERIALS. (SCI) (IF: 13.88; SCI ranking:<br />

1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

C.-C. Tang, M.-Y. Li, L.-J. Li, C. C. Chi, and J.-C. Chen, accepted, “Graphene-GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs<br />

heterostructure dual-function field-effect transistor”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

T.-Y. Chen, P. T. K. Loan,C.-L. Hsu, Y.-H. Lee, T.-W. Wang, K.-H. Wei, C.-T. Lin* and L.-J. Li,<br />

accepted, “Label-Free Detection of DNA Hybridization Using Transistors Based on CVD Grown<br />

Graphene”, BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS. (SCI) (IF: 5.6; SCI ranking:<br />

4.2%,7.2%,6%,12.1%,15.6%)<br />

P. Jiang, Y. Yohei, K.K. Liu, L.-J. Li*, Y. Iwasa, T. Takenobu*, accepted, “Highly Flexible MoS 2<br />

Thin-Film Transistors with Ion Gel Dielectrics”, NANO LETTERS. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking:<br />

2.8%)<br />

H. Wang1,L. Yu, Y.-H. Lee, Y. Shi, A. Hsu1, M. Chin, L.-J. Li, M. Dubey, J. Kong, T. Palacios*,<br />

accepted, “Integrated Circuits Based on Bilayer MoS 2 Transistors”, NANO LETTERS. (SCI) (IF:<br />

13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

Y.-C. Lin, W. Zhang, J.-K. Huang, K.-K. Li, Y.-H. Lee, C.-T. Liang, C.-W. Chu, L.-J. Li*, 2012,<br />

“Wafer Scale MoS 2 Thin Layers Prepared by MoO 3 Sulfurization”, NANOSCALE, 4 (20), 6637-<br />

6641. (SCI) (IF: 5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

C. Docherty, C.-T. Lin, H. Joyce, R. Nicholas, L. Herz, L.-J. Li, M. Johnston, accepted, “Extreme<br />

sensitivity of graphene photoconductivity to environmental gases”, NATURE<br />

COMMUNICATIONS. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 7.4%)<br />

A. M. R. Baker, J. A. Alexander-Webber, T. Altebaeumer, S. D. McMullan, T. J. B. M. Janssen, A.<br />

Tzalenchuk, S. Lara-Avila, S. Kubatkin, R. Yakimova, C.-T. Lin, L.-J. Li, and R. J. Nicholas*,<br />

accepted, “Energy loss rates of hot Dirac fermions in epitaxial, exfoliated, and CVD graphene”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW B. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

A. M. R. Baker, J. A. Alexander-Webber, T. Altebaeumer, T. J. B. M. Janssen, A. Tzalenchuk, S.<br />

Lara-Avila, S. Kubatkin, R. Yakimova, C.-T. Lin, L.-J. Li, and R. J. Nicholas, accepted, “Weak<br />

localization scattering lengths in epitaxial, and CVD graphene”, PHYSICAL REVIEW B. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

C.-L.Hsu, C.-T. Lin, J.-H. Huang, C.-W. Chu, K.-H. Wei and L.-J. Li*, 2012, “Layer-by-Layer<br />

Graphene/ TCNQ Stacked Films as Conducting Anodes for Organic Solar Cells”, ACS Nano,<br />

6(6), 5031-5039. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI ranking: 3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />


Y.-H. Lee, X.Q. Zhang, W. Zhang, M.-T. Chang, C.-T. Lin, K.-D. Chang, Y.-C. Yu, J. T.-W. Wang,<br />

C.-S. Chang, L.-J. Li* and T.-W. Lin*, 2012, “Synthesis of Large-Area MoS 2 Atomic Layers<br />

with Chemical Vapor Deposition”, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24(17), 2320-2325. (SCI) (IF:<br />

13.88; SCI ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

C.W. Liu,M.-W. Chien, C.-Y. Su, H.-Y. Chen, L.-J. Li* and C.-C. Lai*, 2012, “Analysis of flavonoids<br />

by graphene-based surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry”,<br />

ANALYST, 137, 5809-5816. (SCI) (IF: 4.23; SCI ranking: 11.9%)<br />

Shijiang He, Keng-Ku Liu, Shao Su, Juan Yan, Xiuhai Mao, Dongfang Wang, Yao He, Lain-Jong Li,<br />

Shiping Song, Chunhai Fan, 2012, “A Graphene-based High-efficiency SERS-active Platform for<br />

Sensitive and Multiplex DNA Detection”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84(10), 4622–4627. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

C. C. Shen, C. T. Lin, L. J. Li, and H. L. Liu, 2012, “Charge dynamics and electronic structures of<br />

monolayer graphene with molecular doping”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 111907-1-4.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

K.K Liu, W.Zhang, Y.H. Lee, Y.C. Lin, M.T. Chang, C.Y. Su, C.S. Chang, H. Li, Y. Shi, H. Zhang,<br />

C.S. Lai, L.J. Li*, 2012, “Growth of Large-Area and Highly Crystalline MoS 2 Thin Layers on<br />

Insulating Substrates ”, NANO LETTERS, 12(3), 1538-1544. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

Y. Shi, W. Zhou, A.-Y. Lu, W. FANG, Y.-H. Lee, A. L. Hsu, S. M. Kim, K. K. Kim, H. Y. Yang, L.-J.<br />

Li, J.-C. Idrobo, and J. Kong, 2012, “Van der Waals Epitaxy of MoS 2 layers using Graphene as<br />

Growth Templates”, NANO LETTERS, 12 (6), 2784-2791. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

P. L. Huang, S.-C. Lin, C.-Y. Yeh, H.-H. Kuo, S.-H. Huang, G.-R. Lin, L.-J. Li, C.-Y. Su, W.-H.<br />

Cheng, 2012, “Stable mode-locked fiber laser based on CVD fabricated graphene saturable<br />

absorber”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(3), 2460-2465. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Y.-C. Lin, K.-K. Liu, C.-Y. Wu, C.-W. Chu, T. W. Wang, C.-T. Liang* and L. J. Li*, 2012, “Efficient<br />

Reduction of Graphene Oxide Catalyzed by Copper”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL<br />

PHYSICS, 14 (9), 3083-3088. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

A.-Y. Lu, S.-Y. Wei, C.-Y. Wu, Y. Hernandez, T.-Y. Chen, T.-H. Liu, C.-W. Pao, F.-R. Chen, L.-J. Li<br />

and Z.-Y. Juang, 2012, “Decoupling of CVD Graphene by controlled Oxidation of Recrystallized<br />

Cu”, RSC ADVANCES, 2, 3008-3013.<br />

T.-W. Lin,* C. Y. Su, X. Q. Zhang, W. Zhang, Y. H. Lee, C. W. Chu, H. Y. Lin, M. T. Chang, F. R.<br />

Chen, L.-J. Li*, 2012, “Converting Graphene Oxide Monolayers into Boron Carbonitride<br />

Nanosheets (BCN) by Substitutional Doping”, SMALL, 8(9), 1384–1391. (SCI) (IF: 8.35; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.6%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lain-Jong Li, 2012, “Growth of Large-Area MoS 2 Thin Layers with Chemical Vapor Deposition”,<br />

paper presented at International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, 香 港 理 工 大 學 : 香 港<br />

理 工 大 學 , 2012-06-18 ~ 2012-06-21.<br />


Lain-Jong Li, 2012, “Two Dimensional Layer Materials for Electronic Applications”, paper presented<br />

at The 4th Winter School of Asian-Core Program, 中 國 北 京 : 中 國 科 學 院 化 學 研 究 所 , 2012-02-<br />

19 ~ 2012-02-22.<br />

林 志 民 (LIN, JIM JR-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Bing Jin, Man-Nung Su, and Jim J. Lin*, 2012, “Does Ozone-Water Complex Produce Additional OH<br />

Radicals in the Atmosphere”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, 116 (49), 12082–<br />

12088. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 25.8%,35.2%)<br />

林 金 全 (LIN, KING-CHUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. C. Lin and K. C. Lin, 2012, “Interaction between Crystal Violet and Anionic Surfactants at<br />

Silica/Water Interface Using Evanescent Wave-Cavity Ring-down Absorption Spectroscopy”,<br />

JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 379, 41. (SCI) (IF: 3.07; SCI ranking:<br />

31.3%)<br />

C.-L. Chang, P.-Y. Tsai, Y.-p. Chang, and K. C. Lin, 2012, “Interfacial Electron Transfer from<br />

CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots to TiO 2 Nanoparticles: Size Dependence at Single Molecule Level”,<br />

CHEMPHYSCHEM, 13, 2711. (SCI) (IF: 3.41; SCI ranking: 28.6%,16.1%)<br />

P. Y. Tsai and K. C. Lin, 2012, “Rotational Energy Transfer of SH (X2Π, v″=0, J″=0.5-10.5) by<br />

Collisions with Ar: Λ-Doublet Resolved Transition Propensity”, CHEMPHYSCHEM, 13, 274.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.41; SCI ranking: 28.6%,16.1%)<br />

H. Fan, P. Y. Tsai, K. C. Lin, C. W. Lin, C.Y. Yan, S.W. Yang, and A. H. H. Chang, 2012, “Molecular<br />

Elimination of Br 2 in Photodissociation of CH 2 BrC(O)Br at 248 nm Using Cavity Ring-down<br />

Absorption Spectroscopy”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 137, 214304. (SCI) (IF: 3.33;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

T. Kasai, D.-C. Che, P. Y. Tsai, and K. C. Lin, 2012, “Reaction dynamics with molecular beams and<br />

oriented molecular beams: A tool for looking closer to chemical reactions and<br />

photodissociations”, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 59, 567-582. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 0.68; SCI ranking: 72.9%)<br />

Y. Y. Yeh, M. H. Chao, P. Y. Tsai, Y. B. Chang, M. T. Tsai, K. C. Lin, 2012, “Gas-phase<br />

Photodissociation of CH 3 COCN at 308 nm by Time-resolved Fourier-transform Infrared<br />

Emission Spectroscopy”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136, 044302. (SCI) (IF: 3.33;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />


劉 國 平 (LIU, KOPIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K. Liu*, 2012, “Quantum Dynamical Resonance in Chemical Reactions: From A + BC to Polyatomic<br />

Systems”, ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 149,1-46. (SCI) (IF: 3.58; SCI ranking: 9.7%)<br />

H. Kawamata, W. Zhang, K. Liu*, 2012, “Imaging the Effects of the Antisummetric Stertch Excitation<br />

of CH 4 in the reaction with F Atom”, FARADAY DISCUSSIONS, 157, 89-100. (SCI) (IF: 5; SCI<br />

ranking: 19%)<br />

Bailin Zhang, Kopin Liu*, Gábor Czakó, Joel M. Bowman*, 2012, “Translational energy dependence<br />

of the Cl + CH 4 (vb = 0, 1) reactions: a joint crossed-beam and quasiclassical trajectory study”,<br />

MOLECULAR PHYSICS, 110,1617-1626. (SCI) (IF: 1.82; SCI ranking: 51.6%)<br />

Fengyan Wang, Kopin Liu*, Peter T. Rakitzis, 2012, “Revealing the stereospecific chemistry of the<br />

reaction of Cl with aligned CHD 3 (ν1 = 1)”, NATURE CHEMISTRY, 4, 636-641. (SCI) (IF: 20.52;<br />

SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />

M. Kirste, X. Wang, C. H. Schewe, G. Meijer, K. Liu, A. van der Avoird, L. M. C. Janssen, K. B.<br />

Gubbels, G. Groenenboom, and S. Y. T. van de Meerakker, 2012, “Quantum-State Resolved<br />

Bimolecular Collisions of Velocity-Controlled OH with NO Radicals”, SCIENCE, 338,1060-<br />

1063. (SCI) (IF: 31.2; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Kopin Liu*, 2012, “Imaging the effects of the antisymmetric stretch excitation of CH 4 in the reaction<br />

with F atom”, paper presented at 法 拉 第 研 討 會 157, 義 大 利 Assisi: Royal Society of Chemistry,<br />

2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-27.<br />

Kopin Liu*, 2012, “What is new on the mode-specific and bond-selective chemistry in bimolecular<br />

reactions”, paper presented at 第 22 屆 國 際 反 應 動 力 學 會 議 , Denver: Royal Society of<br />

Chemical and Univ. of Colorado, 2012-06-18 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

劉 尚 斌 (LIU, SHANG-BIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

A. Y. Lo, C. T. Hung, N. Yu, C. T. Kuo, and S. B. Liu*, 2012, “Syntheses of Carbon Porous Materials<br />

with Varied Pore Sizes and Their Performances as Catalyst Supports during Methanol Oxidation<br />

Reaction”, APPLIED ENERGY, 100(1), 66-74. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking: 5.4%,5.7%)<br />

A. Zheng, F. Deng,* and S. B. Liu*, 2012, “Enhancement of Brønsted Acidity in Zeolitic Catalysts<br />

due to Intermolecular Solvent Effect in Confined Micropores”, CHEMICAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 6936-6938. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />


倪 其 焜 (NI, CHI-KUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Wei Liang, Po-Jul Chang, Yu-Jiun Lin, Yuan-Tseh Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni*, 2012, “High ion<br />

yields of carbohydrates from frozen solution by UV-MALDI”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84,<br />

3493-3499. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

Hsu Chen Hsu, Ming-Tsang Tsai , Yuri A. Dyakov, and Chi-Kung Ni*, 2012, “Energy transfer of<br />

highly vibrationally excited molecules studied by crossed molecular beam/time-sliced velocity<br />

map ion imaging”, INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 31, 201-233.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />

Yuri A. Dyakov, Wen Hsin Hsu, Chi-Kung Ni*, Wan-Chen Tsai and Wei Ping Hu*, 2012,<br />

“Photodissociation dynamics of benzyl alcohol at 193 nm”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL<br />

PHYSICS, 137, 064314~1~064314-7. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

Yu-Chieh Ho, Yuri A. Dyakov, Wen-Hsin Hsu, Chi-Kung Ni*, Yi-Lun Sun, and Wei-Ping Hu, 2012,<br />

“Photodissociation dynamics of methoxybenzoic acid at 193 nm”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL<br />

PHYSICS, 137, 194309-1~194309-7. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

高 橋 開 人 (TAKAHASHI, KAITO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Zeb C. Kramer, Kaito Takahashi, Veronica Vaida, and Rex T. Skodje*, 2012, “Will water act as a<br />

photocatalyst for cluster phase chemical reactions Vibrational overtone-induced dehydration<br />

reaction of methanediol”, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 136,164302. (SCI) (IF: 3.33;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

Do Ngoc Son, and Kaito Takahashi*, 2012, “Selectivity of Palladium-Cobalt Surface Alloy towards<br />

Oxygen Reduction Reaction”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116, 6200-6207. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Ohki Kambara, Kaito Takahashi*, Michitoshi Hayashi, Jer-Lai Kuo*, 2012, “Assessment of density<br />

functional theory to calculate phase transition pressure of ice at 0K”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY<br />

CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 11484-11490. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Masato Morita and Kaito Takahashi*, 2012, “Theoretical Study on the OH Vibrational Decay of OH-<br />

(H 2 O) 3 and OH-(H2O) 4 ”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14,2797-2808. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />


曾 文 碧 (TZENG, WEN-BIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wei Chih Huang, Yuen Chia Lin, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Mass-analyzed threshold ionization<br />

spectroscopy of 2,6-dimethylaniline, 2,6-dimethylaniline-NHD, and 2,6-dimethylaniline-ND 2 ”,<br />

CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 551, 50-53. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />

Sheng Yuan Tzeng, Changwu Dong, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Resonant two-photon ionization and<br />

mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of p-vinylaniline”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 407,<br />

71-75. (SCI) (IF: 1.9; SCI ranking: 58.1%,45.2%)<br />

Kui Shiu Shiung, Dan Yu, Sheng Yuan Tzeng, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Cation spectroscopy of o-<br />

fluoroanisole and p-fluoroanisole by two-color resonant two-photon mass-analyzed threshold<br />

ionization”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 524, 38-41. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking:<br />

35.5%,43.8%)<br />

Yi Jin Su, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Vibronic and cation spectroscopy of p-ethynylaniline”,<br />

CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 543, 19-22. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />

Kui Shiu Shiung, Dan Yu, Hsin Chang Huang, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Rotamers of m-fluoroanisole<br />

studied by two-color resonant two-photon mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 274, 43-47. (SCI) (IF: 1.51; SCI ranking:<br />

67.7%,55.6%)<br />

Shen Yuan Tzeng, Jui Yang Wu, Shudong Zhang, and Wen Bih Tzeng, 2012, “Resonant two-photon<br />

mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of 1-fluoronaphthalene and 2-<br />

fluoronaphthalene”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 281, 40-46. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.51; SCI ranking: 67.7%,55.6%)<br />

Hsin Chang Huang, Bih Yaw Jin, Wen Bih Tzeng*, 2012, “Two-color resonant two-photon ionization<br />

and mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy of o-chloroanisole”, JOURNAL OF<br />


Wei Chih Huang, Po Sheng Huang, Ching Han Hu, Wen Bih Tzeng∗, 2012, “Vibronic and cation<br />

spectroscopy of 2,4-difluoroaniline”, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND<br />

BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, 93,176– 179. (SCI) (IF: 2.1; SCI ranking: 38.9%)<br />

王 俊 凱 (WANG, JUEN-KAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Po-Tuan Chen, Tzu-Hsin Chan, Juen-Kai Wang, Yuh-Lin Wang, and Michitoshi Hayashi, 2012, “O-<br />

Glycosidic Bond Exocyclic Cleavage of Difructose Led by Acidic Proton Migration: Density<br />

Functional Theory Calculation Study”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 550, 67-72. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.34; SCI ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />


Ting-Yu Liu, Yu Chen, Huai-Hsien Wang, Yen-Lin Huang, Yuan-Chun Chao, Kun-Tong Tsai, Wei-<br />

Chih Cheng, Chih-Yuan Chuang, Yi-Ho Tsai, Chung-Yueh Huang, Da-Wei Wang, Chi-Hung<br />

Lin, Juen-Kai Wang, and Yuh-Lin Wang, 2012, “Differentiation of Bacteria Cell Wall Using<br />

Raman Scattering Enhanced by Nanoparticle Array”, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND<br />

NANOTECHNOLOGY, 12, 5004-5008. (SCI)<br />

劉 定 宇 、 王 懷 賢 、 蔡 焜 棟 、 陳 玉 、 陳 友 暄 、 趙 元 駿 、 張 軒 豪 、 韓 吟 宜 、 連 偉 男 、 林 奇 宏 、 王 俊<br />

凱 、 王 玉 麟 , 2012, “ 奈 米 光 譜 技 術 平 台 之 快 速 微 生 物 檢 測 晶 片 ”, 台 灣 醫 學 , 16(3), 271~283.<br />

(Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Juen-Kai Wang, 2012, “High-speed detection platform for clinical microbiology based on plasmonenhanced<br />

Raman scattering”, paper presented at 2012 Asia-Pacific Conference on Analytical<br />

Science (APCAS), Manila, Philippine: University of Santo Tomas, 2012-04-11 ~ 2012-04-13.<br />

Juen-Kai Wang, 2012, “Functionalized Arrays of Raman-Enhancing Nanoparticles for Capture and<br />

Analysis of Bacteria in Human Blood”, paper presented at 2012 Asian Core Winter School, 中 國<br />

大 陸 北 京 : 中 國 科 學 院 化 學 所 , 2012-02-19 ~ 2012-02-23.<br />

Juen-Kai Wang, 2012, “Functionalized Arrays of Raman-Enhancing Nanoparticles for Capture and<br />

Analysis of Bacteria in Human Blood”, paper presented at Symposium on Engineering Medicine<br />

and Biology Applications & International Workshop on Bio-inspired Systems and Prosthetic<br />

Devices (SEMBA/BIOPRO), 台 中 : 清 華 大 學 及 台 灣 生 醫 電 子 工 程 協 會 共 同 主 辦 , 2012-02-11 ~<br />

2012-02-13.<br />

Juen-Kai Wang, 2012, “High-speed detection platform for clinical microbiology based on plasmonenhanced<br />

Raman scattering”, paper presented at Villa Conference on Plasmonic Materials, 2012<br />

EMN Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA,: Open-Access house of science and technology, 2012-04-<br />

16 ~ 2012-04-20.<br />

汪 治 平 (WANG, JYHPYNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

B.K. Chen, Y.-C. Ho, T.-S. Hung, Y.-L. Chang, M.-C. Chou, S.-Y. Chen, H.-H. Chu, S.-L. Huang, P.-<br />

H. Lin, J. Wang, J.-Y. Lin, 2012, “High-brightness optical-field-ionization collisional-excitation<br />

extreme-ultraviolet lasing pumped by a 100-TW laser system in an optically preformed plasma<br />

waveguide”, APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, 106(4), 817-822. (SCI) (IF: 2.19;<br />

SCI ranking: 20%,26.6%)<br />

T.-S. Hung, Y.-C. Ho, Y.-L. Chang, S.-J. Wong, H.-H. Chu, J.-Y. Lin, J. Wang, and S.-Y. Chen, 2012,<br />

“Programmably structured plasma waveguide for development of table-top photon and particle<br />

sources”, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 19(6), 063109. (SCI) (IF: 2.15; SCI ranking: 29.6%)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Jyhpyng Wang, 2012, “Relativistic nonlinear optics in laser-plasma interaction”, paper presented at<br />

21th International Laser Physics Workshops, Calgary, Canada: LPHYS, 2012-07-23 ~ 2012-07-<br />

27.<br />

Jyhpyng Wang, 2012, “Relativistic plasma nonlinear optics”, paper presented at 7th Asian Conference<br />

on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP), Pusan, Korea: ACUP, 2012-02-12 ~ 2012-02-15.<br />

J. Wang, S.-Y. Chen, J.-Y. Lin, H.-H. Chu, M.-C. Chou, P.-H. Lin, C.-H. Pai, Y.-C. Ho, 2012,<br />

“Ultrafast particle and photon sources driven by intense laser ‐ plasma interaction”, paper<br />

presented at Conference on High Intensity Laser and Attosecond Science in Israel, Tel Aviv,<br />

Isreal: Weizmann Institute, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 美 國 德 州 大 學 , 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-<br />

12-05.<br />

Jyhpyng Wang, 2012, “Relativistic nonlinear optics in laser-plasma interaction”, paper presented at<br />

The 7th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science, Tokyo, Japan: Asian Intense Laser Network,<br />

2012-11-08 ~ 2012-11-09.<br />

王 偉 華 (WANG, WEI-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Po-Hsun Ho, Yun-Chieh Yeh, Di-Yan Wang, Shao-Sian Li, Hsin-An Chen, Yi-Hsuan Chung, Chih-<br />

Cheng Lin, Wei-Hua Wang, and Chun-Wei Chen, 2012, “Self-encapsulated doping of n-type<br />

graphene transistors with extended air stability”, ACS NANO, 6(7), 6215. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />

Shao-Yu Chen, Po-Hsun Ho, Ren-Jye Shiue, Chun-Wei Chen*, and Wei-Hua Wang*, 2012,<br />

“Transport/magnetotransport of high-performance graphene transistors on organic moleculefunctionalized<br />

substrates”, NANO LETTERS, 12(2), 964. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

Cheng-Wen Huang, Hsing-Ying Lin, Chen-Han Huang, Ren-Jye Shiue, Wei-Hua Wang, Chih-Yi Liu,<br />

and Hsiang-Chen Chui, 2012, “Layer-Dependent Morphologies of Silver on N-Layer Graphene”,<br />

NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 7, P. 618. (SCI) (IF: 2.73; SCI ranking: 16.5%)<br />

Cheng-Wen Huang, Bing-Jie Lin, Hsing-Ying Lin, Chen-Han Huang, Fu-Yu Shih, Wei-Hua Wang,<br />

Chih-Yi Liu, and Hsiang-Chen Chui, 2012, “Observation of strain effect on the suspended<br />

graphene by polarized Raman spectroscopy”, NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS, 7(1), 533.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.73; SCI ranking: 16.5%)<br />


王 玉 麟 (WANG, YUH-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Po-Tuan Chen, Tzu-Hsin Chan, Juen–Kai Wang, Yuh-Lin Wang, Michitoshi Hayashi*, accepted, “O-<br />

Glycosidic Bond Exocyclic Cleavage of Difructose Led by Acidic Proton Migration: Density<br />

Functional Theory Calculation Study”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI<br />

ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />

Hsin-Ping Wang, Kun-Tong Tsai, Kun-Yu Lai, Tzu-Chiao Wei, Yuh-Lin Wang and Jr-Hau He*, 2012,<br />

“Periodic Si nanopillar arrays by anodic aluminum oxide template and catalytic etching for<br />

broadband and omnidirectional light harvesting”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(No. S1), A94-A103.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

魏 金 明 (WEI, CHING-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C. R. Hsing, C. M. Wei, M. Y. Chou, 2012, “Quantum Monte Carlo investigations of adsorption<br />

energetics on graphene”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 24, 395002 (7pp).<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.55; SCI ranking: 25.9%)<br />

吳 益 群 (WU, YI-CHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.C. Wu, X. Wang, and D. Xue, 2012, “Methods for Studying Programmed Cell Death in C. elegans”,<br />

METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY, 107, 297-320. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 90.8%)<br />

H.H. Hsieh#, T.-Y. Hsu#, H.S. Jiang, Y.C. Wu*, 2012, “Integrin α PAT-2/CDC-42 Signaling Is<br />

Required for Muscle-Mediated Clearance of Apoptotic Cells in Caenorhabditis elegans”, PLOS<br />

GENETICS, 8(5): e1002663. (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

C.Y. Huang, J.Y. Chen, S.C. Wu, C.H. Tan, R.Y. Tzeng, P.J. Lu, Y.F. Wu, R.H. Chen*, Y.C. Wu*,<br />

2012, “C. elegans EIF-3.K Promotes Programmed Cell Death through CED-3 Caspase”, PLOS<br />

ONE, 7, e336584. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

楊 大 衍 (YANG, DAH-YEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

V. M. Rozenbaum, Yu. A. Makhnovskii, I. V. Shapochkina, S.Y. Sheu, D. Y. Yang, and S. H. Lin,<br />

2012, “Adiabatically slow and adiabatically fast driven ratchets”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 85,<br />

041116. (SCI) (IF: 2.26; SCI ranking: 32.3%,10.9%)<br />


天 文 及 天 文 物 理 研 究 所<br />

賀 曾 樸 (HO, PAUL TSANG POP)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Morata O; Kuan Y-J; Ho PTP, submitted, “Millimetric and sub-millimetric observations of IRAS<br />

05327+3404 "Holoea" in M36”, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking:<br />

20.8%)<br />

Koch PM; Ho PTP; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; et al., submitted, “AMiBA<br />

94 GHz SZE Observations: An Initial Measurement of H_0”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu HB; Ho PTP; Hsieh PY; ...; Su YN; Sun AL; et al., submitted, “ISM Processing in the Inner 20<br />

pc in Galactic center”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, submitted, “Interpreting the Role of the Magnetic Field from Dust<br />

Polarization Maps”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liao Y-W; Lin K-Y; Huang Y-D; Wu JHP; Ho PTP; Chen M-T; Huang CWL; Koch PM;<br />

Nishioka H; Cheng T-A; Fu S-Y; Liu G-C; Molnar SM; Umetsu K; Wang F-C; Chang Y-Y;<br />

Han C-C; Li C-T; Martin-Cocher P; Oshiro P, submitted, “Platform Deformation Phase<br />

Correction for the AMiBA-13 Co-planar Interferometer”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu HB; Qiu K; Zhang Q; Girart J; Ho P, submitted, “SMA Dust Polarization Legacy Survey: The<br />

Case Study on G192.16-3.84”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Busquet G; Zhang Q; Palau A; Liu HB; ...; Ho PTP; et al., accepted, “Unveiling a network of parallel<br />

filaments in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Minh YC; Ho PTP; Su Y-N; Kim SS , submitted, “Accretion towards the Galactic Center via Spiral<br />

Arms ”, NATURE. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI ranking: 1.9%)<br />

Takada M; Ellis R; Aihara H; ...; Ho P; ...; et al,, submitted, “Extragalactic Science and Cosmology<br />

with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)”, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL<br />

SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC. (SCI) (IF: 3.58; SCI ranking: 24.5%)<br />

Loinard L; Zapata LA; ....; Ho PTP; ...; Takahashi S; Trejo A, accepted, “ALMA and VLA<br />

observations of the outflows in IRAS 16293-2422”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />


Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; et al., Feb. 2013, “Dust Continuum and Polarization from Envelope<br />

to Cores in Star Formation: A Case Study in the W51 North Region”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 763(2), 135. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Palau A; ...; Ho PTP; et al., Jan. 2013, “Early Stages of Cluster Formation: Fragmentation of Massive<br />

Dense Cores down to

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, Mar. 2012, “Quantifying the Significance of the Magnetic Field from<br />

Large-Scale Cloud to Collapsing Core: Self-Similarity, Mass-to-Flux Ratio and Star Formation<br />

Efficiency”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747(1), 80. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Takahashi S; Saigo K; Ho PTP; et al., Jun. 2012, “Spatially Resolving Substructures within the<br />

Massive Envelope around an Intermediate-mass Protostar: MMS 6/OMC-3”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 752(1), 10. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hsieh B-C; Wang W-H; Hsieh C-C; Lin L; Yan H; Lim J; Ho PTP, Dec. 2012, “The Taiwan<br />

ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Ultra-Deep J and Ks Imaging in the Extended Chandra Deep<br />


Hsieh BC; Wang W-H; ...; Lin L; ...; Ho PTP; et al., Apr. 2012, “The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared<br />

Survey: Very Bright End of the Luminosity Function at z>7”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

749(1), 88. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Andrews SM; Wilner DJ; Hughes AM; ...; Ho PTP, Jan. 2012, “The TW Hya Disk at 870μm:<br />

Comparison of CO and Dust Radial Structures”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 162.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ueda J; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Matsushita S; et al., Jan. 2012, “Unveiling the physical properties and<br />

kinematics of molecular gas in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/9) through high resolution CO<br />

(J = 3-2) observations”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 745(1), 65. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Liu HY; Hsieh PY; Ho PTP; Su YN; Melvyn W; Sun A-L; Minh YC, Sept. 2012, “Milky Way<br />

Supermassive Black Hole: Dynamical Feeding from the Circumnuclear Environment ”,<br />


Doeleman SS; Fish VL; Schenck DE; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Inoue M; et al., Oct. 2012, “Jet-Launching<br />

Structure Resolved Near the Supermassive Black Hole in M87”, SCIENCE, 338(6105), 355-358.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 31.2; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

井 上 允 (INOUE, MAKOTO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Suzuki, K., Nagai, H., Kino, M., Asada K, Kameno, S., Doi, A., Inoue, M., et al., Feb. 2012,<br />

“Exploring the central sub-pc region of the gamma-ray bright radio galaxy 3C 84 with the VLBA<br />

at 43 GHz in the period of 2002-2008”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 746(2), 140. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lu R-S; Fish VL; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Inoue M; et al., Sept. 2012, “Resolving the Inner Jet Structure of<br />

1924-292 with the Event Horizon Telescope”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 757(1), L14. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />


Nagai, H.; Orienti, M.; Kino, M.; Suzuki, K.; Giovannini, G.; Doi, A.; Asada, K.;<br />

Giroletti, M.; Kataoka, J.; D'Ammando, F.; Inoue, M.; Lähteenmäki, A.; Tornikoski,<br />

M.; León-Tavares, J.; Kameno, S.; Bach, U.,, Jun. 2012, “VLBI and single-dish monitoring<br />

of 3C 84 for the period 2009-2011”, MNRAS, 243, 122-126.<br />

Doeleman, Sheperd S.; Fish, Vincent L.; Schenck, David E.; Beaudoin, Christopher; Blundell,<br />

Ray; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Broderick, Avery E.; Chamberlin, Richard; Freund, Robert;<br />

Friberg, Per; Gurwell, Mark A.; Ho, Paul T. P.; Honma, Mareki; Inoue, Makoto;<br />

Krichbaum, Thomas P.; Lamb, James; Loeb, Abraham; Lonsdale, Colin; Marrone, Daniel<br />

P.; Moran, James M.; Oyama, Tomoaki; Plambeck, Richard; Primiani, Rurik A.; Rogers,<br />

Alan E. E.; Smythe, Daniel L.; SooHoo, Jason; Strittmatter, Peter; Tilanus, Remo P. J.;<br />

Titus, Michael; Weintroub, Jonathan; Wright, Melvyn; Young, Ken H.; Ziurys, Lucy M.,,<br />

Oct. 2012, “Jet-Launching Structure Resolved Near the Supermassive Black Hole in M87”,<br />

SCIENCE, 338, 355-358. (SCI) (IF: 31.2; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

徐 遐 生 (SHU, FRANK)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee WK; Shu FH, Sept. 2012, “Feathering Instability of Spiral Arms. I. Formulation of the Problem”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756(1), 45. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

譚 遠 培 (TAAM, RONALD)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Paul Kiel and Ronald E. Taam, submitted, “Accretion, Ablation and Propeller Evolution in Close<br />

Millisecond Pulsar Binary Systems”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kanak Saha, Daniel Pfenniger, & Ronald E. Taam, Feb. 2013, “Meridional tilt of the stellar velocity<br />

ellipsoid during bar buckling instability”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 674(2), 123. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Paul M. Ricker and Ronald E. Taam, Feb. 2012, “An AMR Study of the Common Envelope Phase of<br />

Binary Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 746(1), 74. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Taam RE; Liu BF; Yuan W; Qiao E, Nov. 2012, “Disk Corona Interaction: Mechanism for the Disk<br />

Truncation and Spectrum Change in Low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 759(1), 65. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Pan K-C; Ricker PM; Taam RE, Nov. 2012, “Evolution of Post-Impact Companion Stars in SN Ia<br />

Remnants Within the Single-Degenerate Scenario”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 760(1), 21.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kuo-Chuan Pan, Paul M. Ricker, and Ronald E. Taam , May. 2012, “Impact of Type Ia Supernova<br />

Ejecta on Binary Companions in the Single-degenerate Scenario”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

750(2), 151. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kim H; Taam RE, Nov. 2012, “A New Method of Determining the Characteristics of Evolved Binary<br />

Systems Revealed in the Observed Circumstellar Patterns: Application to AFGL 3068”,<br />

Astrophysical Journal Letters, 759(1), L22. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Kim H; Taam RE, Jan. 2012, “Probing Substellar Companions of AGB Stars through Spirals and<br />

Arcs”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 136. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kim H; Taam RE, Nov. 2012, “Wide Binary Effects on Asymmetries in Asymptotic Giant Branch<br />

Circumstellar Envelopes”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 759(1), 59. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

J. Takata, K. S. Cheng, and Ronald E. Taam, Jan. 2012, “X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emissions from<br />

Rotation Powered Millisecond Pulsars”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 745(1), 100. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Yen DCC; Taam RE; Yeh HC; Jea KC, Oct. 2012, “Self-gravitational Force Calculation of<br />

Infinitesimally Thin Gaseous Disks”, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, 231(24),<br />

8246-8261. (SCI) (IF: 2.31; SCI ranking: 10.4%,18.7%)<br />

平 野 尚 美 (SHIBATA HIRANO, NAOMI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yamaguchi, T.;….; Liu, S.-Y.; Su, Y.-N.; Hirano, N.; Takakuwa, S. et al., Oct. 2012, “The 3 mm<br />

Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data”, PUBLICATIONS OF<br />

THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 64(5), 105. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

大 橋 永 芳 (OHASHI, NAGAYOSHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Takahashi S; Ohashi N; Bourke LT, submitted, “Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular Outflow<br />

from a Very Low-luminosity Object”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Tang Y-W; Guilloteau S; Pietu V; Dutrey A; Ohashi N; Ho PTP, Nov. 2012, “The circumstellar disk<br />

of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages of star formation”, ASTRONOMY<br />

& ASTROPHYSICS, 547, A84. (SCI)<br />


Maury A; Ohashi N; Andre P, Mar. 2012, “Subarcsecond SMA observations of the prototype Class 0<br />

object VLA1623 at 1.3 mm: a single protostar with a structured outflow cavity”, ASTRONOMY<br />

& ASTROPHYSICS, 539, A130. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; Walter FM; Yan C-H; Wang S-Y; Ohashi N; Hayashi M,<br />

Mar. 2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(1),<br />

62-67. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Muto T; ...; Ohashi N; Takami M; et al., Mar. 2012, “Discovery of Small-Scale Spiral Structures in<br />

the Disk of SAO 206462 (HD 135344B): Implications for the Physical State of the Disk from<br />

Spiral Density Wave Theory”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 748(2), L22-28. (SCI) (IF: 5.53;<br />

SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

王 明 杰 (WANG, MING-JYE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Edward Tong, Paul Grimes, Raymond Blundell, Ming-Jye Wang, and T. Noguchi, accepted,<br />

“Wideband SIS Receivers Using Series Distributed SIS Junction Array”, IEEE Transactions on<br />

Terahertz Science and Technology.<br />

Y.-C. Wen, K.-J. Wang, H.-H. Chang, J.-Y. Luo, C.-C. Shen, H.-L. Liu, C.-K. Sun, M.-J. Wang, and<br />

M.-K. Wu, Jun. 2012, “Gap opening and orbital modification of superconducting FeSe above the<br />

structural distortion”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 267002. (SCI) (IF: 7.37; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%)<br />

H H Chang, J Y Luo, C T Wu, F C Hsu, T W Huang, 4, P M Wu, M K Wu, M J Wang, Feb. 2012,<br />

“Weak localization in FeSe1-xTex superconducting thin films”, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE<br />

& TECHNOLOGY, 25, 035004. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI ranking: 18.3%)<br />

王 祥 宇 (WANG, SHIANG-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang KY; Urata Y; Tung YH; Lin HM; ...; Wang SY; ...; Lehner MJ; ...; Wang JH; Wen<br />

CY; ...; Zhang ZW; et al., Mar. 2012, “The GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different<br />

Mechanisms in X-ray and Optical Temporal Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1),<br />

44-50. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; Walter FM; Yan C-H; Wang S-Y; Ohashi N; Hayashi M,<br />

Mar. 2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(1),<br />

62-67. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lim J; Ohyama Y; Yan C-H; D-V-Trung; Wang SY, Jan. 2012, “A Molecular Hydrogen Nebula in<br />

the Central cD Galaxy of the Perseus Cluster”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 112. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Hong-Shu Ling, Shiang-Yu Wang, Wei-Cheng Hsu, and Chien-Ping Lee, May. 2012, “Voltagetunable<br />

dual-band quantum-dot infrared photodetectors for temperature sensing”, OPTICS<br />

EXPRESS, 20(10), 10484-10489. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

長 谷 川 辰 彥 (HASEGAWA, TATSUHIKO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Mispelaer F; Theulé P; Aouididi H; ...; Morata O; Hasegawa TI; et al., accepted, “Diffusion<br />

measurements of CO, HNCO, H2CO and NH3 in amorphous water ice”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Motoyama K; Umemoto T; Shang H; Hasegawa T, accepted, “Effects of Magnetic Field on the<br />

Structures of the Bright-Rimmed Clouds”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI)<br />

Morata O; Hasegawa TI, accepted, “Effects of H2 coating of grains on depletion of molecular<br />


SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

康 逸 雲 (KEMPER, FRANCISCA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. Meixner*, P. Panuzzo, J. Roman-Duval, C. Engelbracht, B. Babler, J. Seale, S. Hony, E. Montiel,<br />

M. Sauvage, K. Gordon, K. Misselt, K. Okumura, P. Chanial, T. Beck, J.-P. Bernard, A. Bolatto,<br />

C. Bot, M. L. Boyer, L. R. Carlson, G. C. Clayton, C.-H. R. Chen, D. Cormier, Y. Fukui, M.<br />

Galametz, F. Galliano, A. Hughes, R. Indebetouw, F. P. Israel, A. Kawamura, F. Kemper, S.<br />

Kim, E. Kwon, V. Lebouteiller, A. Li, K. S. Long, S. C. Madden, M. Matsuura, E. Muller, J. M.<br />

Oliveira, T. Onishi, M. Otsuka, D. Paradis, A. Poglitsch, W. T. Reach, T. P. Robitaille, M. Rubio,<br />

B. Sargent, M. Sewilo, R. Skibba, L. J. Smith, S. Srinivasan, A. G. G. M. Tielens, J. Th. van<br />

Loon, B. Whitney, submitted, “The Herschel Inventory of the Agents of Galaxy Evolution<br />

(HERITAGE) in the Magellanic Clouds, a Herschel Open Time Key Program”,<br />

ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

F. Kemper*, accepted, “Stellar dust production and composition in the Magellanic Clouds”, EARTH<br />

PLANETS AND SPACE, 65. (SCI) (IF: 0.8; SCI ranking: 77.1%)<br />

M. Otsuka*, F. Kemper, S. Hyung, B. A. Sargent, M. Meixner, A. Tajitsu, K. Yanagisawa, Feb. 2013,<br />

“The detection of C60 in the well-characterized planetary nebula M1-11”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 764, 77. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Paul M. Woods*, C. Walsh, M. A. Cordimer, F. Kemper, Nov. 2012, “The chemistry of extragalactic<br />


2702. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />


O. C. Jones*, F. Kemper, B. A. Sargent, I. McDonald, C. Gielen, Paul M. Woods, G. C. Sloan, M. L.<br />

Boyer, A. A. Zijlstra, G. C. Clayton, K. E. Kraemer, S. Srinivasan, P. M. E. Ruffle, Dec. 2012,<br />

“On the metallicity dependence of crystalline silicates in oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch<br />


427, 3209-3229. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

梅 津 敬 一 (UMETSU, KEIICHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Koch PM; Ho PTP; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; et al., submitted, “AMiBA<br />

94 GHz SZE Observations: An Initial Measurement of H_0”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

R. J. Bouwens; ...; K. Umetsu; ...; et al., submitted, “A Census of Star-Forming Galaxies in the z~9-10<br />

Universe based on HST+Spitzer Observations over 19 CLASH Clusters: Three Candidate z~9-10<br />

Galaxies and Improved Constraints on the Star Formation Rate Density at z~9.2”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Thomas Eichner, Stella Seitz, Sherry H. Suyu, Aleksi Halkola, Keiichi Umetsu; ...; et al., submitted,<br />

“Galaxy Halo Truncation and Giant Arc Surface Brightness Reconstruction in the Cluster<br />

MACSJ1206.2-0847”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Keiichi Umetsu, submitted, “Model-Free Multi-Probe Lensing Reconstruction of Cluster Mass<br />

Profiles”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kazuya Ichikawa, Kyoko Matsushita, Nobuhiro Okabe; ...; Keiichi Umetsu, accepted, “Suzaku<br />

Observations of Abell 1835 Outskirts: Deviation from Hydrostatic Equilibrium”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Sayers, J.; ...; Koch, P.M.; Lin, K.-Y.; ...; Molnar, S.M.; ...; Umetsu, K.; et al., submitted, “Sunyaev-<br />

Zel'dovich-measured Pressure Profiles from the Bolocam X-ray/SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Zitrin, A.; Meneghetti, M.; Umetsu, K.; ...; et al., Jan. 2013, “CLASH: The Enhanced Lensing<br />

Efficiency of the Highly Elongated Merging Cluster MACS J0416.1-2403”, Astrophysical<br />

Journal Letters, 762(2), L30. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Elisabeth Krause, Tzu-Ching Chang, Olivier Dor'e, Keiichi Umetsu, Jan. 2013, “The Weight of<br />

Emptiness: The Gravitational Lensing Signal of Stacked Voids”, Astrophysical Journal Letters,<br />

762(2), L20. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Sereno, M., Ettori, S., Umetsu, K, & Baldi, A, Jan. 2013, “Mass, shape and thermal properties of<br />

A1689 by a multi-wavelength X-ray, lensing and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich analysis”, MONTHLY<br />


ranking: 17%)<br />


A. Zitrin, ..., K. Umetsu et al., Apr. 2012, “CLASH: New Multiple Images Constraining the Inner<br />

Mass Profile of MACS J1206.2-0847”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(2), 97. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Dan Coe; Keiichi Umetsu; ...; et al., Sept. 2012, “CLASH: Precise New Constraints on the Mass<br />

Profile of Abell 2261”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757(1), 22. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

J. Sayers, N. G. Czakon, C. Bridge, S. R. Golwala, P. M. Koch, K.-Y. Lin, S. M. Molnar, K.<br />

Umetsu , Apr. 2012, “Bolocam Observations of Two Unconfirmed Galaxy Cluster Candidates<br />

from the Planck Early SZ Sample”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 749(1), L15. (SCI) (IF: 5.53;<br />

SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Tony Mroczkowski, ..., Patrick M. Koch, Kai-Yang Lin, ..., Keiichi Umetsu, ..., Dec. 2012, “A<br />

Multi-Wavelength Study of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the Triple-Merger Cluster MACS<br />

J0717.5+3745 with MUSTANG and BOLOCAM”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 716(1), 47.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

M. Postman; ...; K. Umetsu; ..., Apr. 2012, “The Cluster Lensing And Supernova Survey with Hubble:<br />


13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Adi Zitrin, Yoel Rephaeli, Sharon Sadeh, Elinor Medezinski, Keiichi Umetsu, Jack Sayers, Mario<br />

Nonino, Andrea Morandi, Alberto Molino, Nicole Czakon, Sunil R. Golwala, Feb. 2012,<br />

“Cluster-Cluster Lensing and the Case of Abell 383”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 420(2), 1621-1629. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

A. Zitirn, M. Bartelmann, K. Umetsu, M. Oguri, & T, Broadhurst , Nov. 2012, “Miscentring in<br />

Galaxy Clusters: Dark Matter to Brightest Cluster Galaxy Offsets in 10,000 SDSS Clusters”,<br />


(IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

Zitrin A, Broadhurst T, Bartelmann M, Rephaeli Y, Oguri M, Benitez N, Hao J, Umetsu K, Jul. 2012,<br />

“The Universal Einstein Radius Distribution from 10,000 SDSS Clusters”, MONTHLY NOTICES<br />

OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 423(3), 2308-2324. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking:<br />

17%)<br />

Wei Zheng, ..., Keiichi Umetsu, ..., Sept. 2012, “A Magnified Young Galaxy from about 500 Million<br />

Years after the Big Bang”, NATURE, 489, 406-408. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI ranking: 1.9%)<br />

Hanami, Hitoshi; Ishigaki, Tsuyoshi; Fujishiro, Naofumi; Nakanishi, Kouichiro; Miyaji, Takamitsu;<br />

Krumpe, Mirko; Umetsu, Keiichi; Ohyama, Youichi; ... et al., Aug. 2012, “Star Formation and<br />

AGN activity in Galaxies classified using the 1.6 um Bump and PAH features at z = 0.4-2”,<br />


SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />


辜 品 高 (GU, PIN-GAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang H-H; Bu D; Shang H; Gu P, submitted, “Viscous Accretion in Circumplanetary Disks”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chang Y-L; Bodenheimer PH; Gu P-G, Oct. 2012, “Coupled Evolutions of the Stellar Obliquity,<br />

Orbital Distance, and Planet's Radius due to the Ohmic Dissipation Induced in a Diamagnetic Hot<br />

Jupiter around a Magnetic T Tauri Star”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757(2), 118. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hsieh H-F; Gu P-G, Dec. 2012, “On the secular behavior of dust particles in an eccentric<br />

protoplanetary disk with an embedded massive gas giant planet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

760, 119. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

平 下 博 之 (HIRASHITA, HIROYUKI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ryosuke Asano*, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Hiroyuki Hirashita, Akio K. Inoue, accepted, “Dust formation<br />

history of galaxies: a critical role of metallicity for the dust mass growth by accreting materials in<br />

the interstellar medium”, EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE. (SCI) (IF: 0.8; SCI ranking: 77.1%)<br />

Hiroyuki Hirashita*, Takaya Nozawa, accepted, “Synthesized grain size distribution in the interstellar<br />

medium”, EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE. (SCI) (IF: 0.8; SCI ranking: 77.1%)<br />

Hiroyuki Hirashita*, accepted, “Properties of free-free, dust, and CO emissions in the starbursts of<br />

blue compact dwarf galaxies”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL<br />

SOCIETY. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

Hiroyuki Hirashita*, May. 2012, “Dust growth in the interstellar medium: How do accretion and<br />


422, 1263-1271. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

Tzu-Ming Kuo*, Hiroyuki Hirashita, Jul. 2012, “Impact of grain size distributions on the dust<br />

enrichment in high-redshift quasars”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL<br />

SOCIETY, 424, L34-L38. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Minsung Jang*, ..., Yuji Urata, Kuiyun Huang, Hiroyuki Hirashita, et al., Jan. 2012, “Dust Properties<br />

In Afterglow Of GRB 071025 At z ~ 5”, 142.01 pages, paper presented at AAS Meeting #219,<br />

Austin, USA: American Astronomical Society, 2012-01-08 ~ 2012-01-12.<br />

Hiroyuki Hirashita, May. 2012, “Evolution of Dust Abundance and Grain Size Distribution at High<br />

Redshift”, 119-122 pages, paper presented at First Stars IV - From Hayashi to the Future -,<br />

Kyoto, Japan: University of Tsukuba, Kyoto University, Kavli IPMU, JSPS, 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-<br />

05-25.<br />


Daisuke Yamasawa*, ..., Hiroyuki Hirashita, May. 2012, “The Role of Dust in the Early Universe: the<br />

Nature of Cosmological Reionization Sources”, 448-450 pages, paper presented at First Stars IV -<br />

From Hayashi to the Future -, Kyoto, Japan: University of Tsukuba, Kyoto University, Kavli<br />

IPMU, JSPS, 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

李 景 輝 (LEE, CHIN-FEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yang CH ; Lee CF , Jan. 2012, “A Remodel of the Envelope around the 21 μm Protoplanetary Nebula<br />

IRAS 07134+1005”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 117. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

呂 聖 元 (LIU, SHENG-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Chen H-R; Tang Y-W,, Jan. 2012, “The Extremely High-Velocity Outflow from the<br />

Luminous Young Stellar Object G5.89-0.39”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), L26. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chen H-R; Rao R; Wilner DJ; Liu S-Y, May. 2012, “The Magnetized Environment of the W3(H2O)<br />

Protostars”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 751(1), L13. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Zinchenko I; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; et al., Aug. 2012, “A Multi-Wavelength High Resolution Study of the<br />

S255 Star Forming Region. General Structure and Kinematics”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

755(2), 177. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C., May.<br />

2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 200(1), 2. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Minh YC; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y, Dec. 2012, “SMA Observations of the Hot Cores of<br />

DR21(OH)”, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, 45(6), 157-166.<br />

Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., Oct. 2012, “The 3 mm Spectral<br />

Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data”, PUBLICATIONS OF THE<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 64(5), 105. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

松 下 聰 樹 (MATSUSHITA, SATOKI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai AL; Matsushita S; Kong AKH; Matsumoto H; Kohno K, Jun. 2012, “First Detection of A Subkpc<br />

Scale Molecular Outflow in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 3628 ”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 752(1), 38. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Tsai, M., Hwang, C.-Y., Matsushita, S., Baker, A.J., Espada, D., Feb. 2012, “Interferometric CO(3-<br />

2) Observations toward the Central Region of NGC 1068”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 746,<br />

129. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Espada D; Matsushita S; Peck AB; Henkel C; Israel F; Iono D, Sept. 2012, “Disentangling the<br />

Circumnuclear Environs of Centaurus A: Gaseous Spiral Arms in a Giant Elliptical Galaxy”,<br />

Astrophysical Journal Letters, 756(1), L10. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Espada D; Komugi S; Muller E; ...; Matsushita S; Trejo A; Chapillon E; Takahashi S; Su YN; et<br />

al., Dec. 2012, “Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC<br />

4039”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 760(2), L25. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Sliwa K; Wilson CD; Petitpas GR; Armus L; Juvela M; Matsushita S; Peck AB; Yun MS, Jul. 2012,<br />

“Luminous Infrared Galaxies with the Submillimeter Array. III. The Dense Kiloparsec Molecular<br />

Concentrations of Arp 299”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 753(1), 46. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hsieh P-Y; Ho PTP; Kohno K; Hwang C-Y; Matsushita S, Mar. 2012, “Probing Circumnuclear<br />

Environments with the HCN(J = 3-2) and HCO+(J = 3-2) Lines: Case of NGC 1097”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747(2), 90-99. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ueda J; ...; Ho PTP; ...; Matsushita S; et al., Jan. 2012, “Unveiling the physical properties and<br />

kinematics of molecular gas in the Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/9) through high resolution CO<br />

(J = 3-2) observations”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 745, 65. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Hota A; Rey, S-C; Kang, Y; Kim, S; Matsushita, S; Chung, J, May. 2012, “NGC3801 caught in the<br />

act: A post-merger star-forming early-type galaxy with AGN-jet feedback ”, MONTHLY<br />


ranking: 17%)<br />

坂 本 和 (SAKAMOTO, KAZUSHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Sakamoto, K., Aaslto, S., Costagliola, F., Martin, S., Ohyama, Y., Wiedner, M. C., and Wilner, D. J.,<br />

Feb. 2013, “Submillimeter Interferometry of the Luminous Infrared Galaxy NGC 4418: A<br />

Hidden Hot Nucleus with an Inflow and an Outflow”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 764, 42.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Aalto, S., Muller, S., Sakamoto, K., Gallagher, J. S., Martin, S., Costagliola, F., Oct. 2012, “Winds of<br />

change - a molecular outflow in NGC 1377 The anatomy of an extreme FIR-excess galaxy”,<br />

ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 546, A68. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />


尚 賢 (SHANG, HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou M-Y; Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Shang H; Liu HB, submitted, “Time Variability of Emission<br />

Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October–December in 2010”, ASTRONOMICAL<br />

JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Motoyama K; Umemoto T; Shang H; Hasegawa T, accepted, “Effects of Magnetic Field on the<br />

Structures of the Bright-Rimmed Clouds”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI)<br />

Cemeljic M; Shang H; Chiang TY, submitted, “Magnetospheric accretion and ejection of matter in<br />

resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Wang H-H; Bu D; Shang H; Gu P, submitted, “Viscous Accretion in Circumplanetary Disks”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Bu D; Shang H; Yuan F, 2013, “Effects of viscosity on the circumplanetary disks”, Research in<br />

Astronomy and Astrophysics, 13(1), 71-86. (SCI) (IF: 1.32; SCI ranking: 60.4%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; ...; Yan C-H; Wang S-Y; Ohashi N; Hayashi M, Mar.<br />

2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(1), 62-67.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Shang H; Zhao B, Sept. 2012, “Protostellar Accretion Flows Destabilized<br />

by Magnetic Flux Redistribution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757(1), 77. (SCI) (IF: 6.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H, Dec. 2012, “RW Aur A from the X-Wind Point of View: General Features”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 761(2), 94. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

淺 田 圭 一 (ASADA, KEIICHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Suzuki, K., Nagai, H., Kino, M., Asada K, Kameno, S., Doi, A., Inoue, M., et al., Feb. 2012,<br />

“Exploring the central sub-pc region of the gamma-ray bright radio galaxy 3C 84 with the VLBA<br />

at 43 GHz in the period of 2002-2008”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 746(2), 140. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Doi, A.; Nagira, H.; Kawakatu, N.; Kino, M.; Nagai, H.; Asada, K., Nov. 2012, “Kiloparsec-scale<br />

Radio Structures in Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume<br />

760, Issue 1, article id. 41, 11 pp.. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Asada K; Nakamura M, Feb. 2012, “The Structure of the M87 Jet: A Transition from Parabolic to<br />

Conical Streamlines”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 745(2), L28. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%)<br />


Niinuma, K.; Kino, M.; Nagai, H.; Isobe, N.; Gabanyi, K. E.; Hada, K.; Koyama, S.; Asada, K.;<br />

Oyama, T.; Fujisawa, K., Nov. 2012, “Possible Detection of Apparent Superluminal Inward<br />

Motion in Markarian 421 after the Giant X-Ray Flare in 2010 February”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, Volume 759, Issue 2, article id. 84, 7 pp.. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Nagai, H., Orienti, M., Kino, M., Suzuki, K., Giovannini, G., Doi, A.,Asada, K., Giroletti, M.,<br />

Kataoka, J., D'Ammando, F., Inoue, M., Lähteenmäki, A., Tornikoski, M., León-Tavares, J.,<br />

Kameno, S. & Bach, U., Jun. 2012, “VLBI and single-dish monitoring of 3C 84 for the period<br />


Issue 1, pp. L122-L126. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

張 慈 錦 (CHANG, TZU-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

J. C. Pober, A. R. Parsons, D. R. DeBoer, P. McDonald, M. McQuinn, J. E. Aguirre, Z. Ali, R. F.<br />

Bradley, T.-C. Chang, M. F. Morales, submitted, “The Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Broadband<br />

and Broad-beam Array: Design Overview and Sensitivity Forecasts”, ASTRONOMICAL<br />

JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Anthony Pullen, Tzu-Ching Chang, Olivier Dore, Adam Lidz, submitted, “Cross-correlations as a<br />

carbon monoxide detector”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

K. W. Masui, E. R. Switzer, N. Banavar, K. C. Bandura, Blake, L. M. Calin, T.-C. Chang, X. Chen,<br />

Y.-C. Li, Y.-W. Liao, Jan. 2013, “Measurement of 21 cm brightness fluctuations at z ~ 0.8 in<br />

cross-correlation”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 763(1), L20. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%)<br />

Elisabeth Krause, Tzu-Ching Chang, Olivier Doré, Keiichi Umetsu, Jan. 2013, “The Weight of<br />

Emptiness: The Gravitational Lensing Signal of Stacked Voids”, Astrophysical Journal Letters,<br />

762(2), L20. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

蔣 龍 毅 (CHIANG, LUNG-YIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Ade... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck Early Results: The Galactic<br />

Cold Core Population revealed by the first all-sky survey”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Aghanim... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck Intermediate Results II:<br />

Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute<br />

Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59;<br />

SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />


Planck Collaboration: P.A. Aghanim... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck intermediate results. III.<br />

The relation between galaxy cluster mass and Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Ade... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck Intermediate Results. IV. The<br />

XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck clusters”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Ade... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck Intermediate Results. V.<br />

Pressure profiles of galaxy clusters from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Ade... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck intermediate results. VII.<br />

Statistical properties of infrared and radio extragalactic sources from the Planck Early Release<br />

Compact Source Catalogue at frequencies between 100 and 857 GHz”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Ade... L.-Y. Chiang,... , submitted, “Planck intermediate results. VI: The<br />

dynamical structure of PLCKG214.6+37.0, a Planck discovered triple system of galaxy clusters”,<br />

ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Planck Collaboration: P.A. Aghanim... L.-Y. Chiang,... , Jul. 2012, “Planck intermediate results. I.<br />

Further validation of new Planck clusters with XMM-Newton”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS, 543, A102. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Lung-Yih Chiang; Fei-Fan Chen , May. 2012, “Direct measurement of the angular power spectrum of<br />

cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies in the WMAP Data”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 751(1), 43. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

黃 裕 津 (HWANG, YUH JING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kuo Y-F; Chiong C-C; Wong W-T; Hwang Y-J, submitted, “Frequency offset-dividing phaselocked<br />

broadband VCOs for Ka-band astronomical local oscillators”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON<br />

MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. (SCI) (IF: 1.85; SCI ranking: 23.3%)<br />

Lu J-T; Lai C-H; Tseng T-F; ...; Hwang Y-J; et al., submitted, “Terahertz polarization-sensitive<br />

rectangular pipe waveguides”, OPTICS EXPRESS. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Tseng TF; Lai CH; Lu JT; Tsai YF; Hwang YJ; Sun CK, Dec. 2012, “Investigation on Strong<br />

Coupling Behaviors of THz Subwavelength Directional Couplers”, IEEE Photonics Journal,<br />

4(6), 2307-2314. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI ranking: 17.3%,20.2%,14.1%)<br />


高 培 邁 (KOCH, PATRICK MICHEL)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Koch PM; Ho PTP; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; et al., submitted, “AMiBA<br />

94 GHz SZE Observations: An Initial Measurement of H_0”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Sayers J; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; ...; Umetsu K, accepted, “The Contribution of Radio Galaxy<br />

Contamination to Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Decrement in Massive Galaxy<br />

Clusters at 140 GHz with Bolocam”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Koch PM; Chang Y-Y, submitted, “How significantly affect lage-scale filaments cluster SZE<br />

observations”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, submitted, “Interpreting the Role of the Magnetic Field from Dust<br />

Polarization Maps”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Tang Y-W; Ho PTP; Koch PM; et al.,, Feb. 2013, “Dust continuum and polarization from envelope<br />

to cores in star formation: a case study in the W51 North region”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

763(2), 135. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Umetsu K; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; Molnar SM; et al,, Aug. 2012, “CLASH: Mass Distribution in<br />

and around MACS J1206.2-0847 from a Full Cluster Lensing Analysis”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 755(1), 56. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Sayers J; ...; Koch PM; Lin KY; Molnar SM; Umetsu K, Apr. 2012, “Bolocam Observations of<br />

Two Unconfirmed Galaxy Cluster Candidates from the Planck Early SZ Sample”, Astrophysical<br />

Journal Letters, 749(1), L15. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, Mar. 2012, “Magnetic Field Strength Maps for Molecular Clouds: A<br />

New Method Based on a Polarization-Intensity Gradient Relation”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 747(1), 79. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Mroczkowski T;...; Koch PM; Lin KY;...; Umetsu K; et al., Dec. 2012, “A Multi-Wavelength Study<br />

of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the Triple-Merger Cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 with<br />


ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, Mar. 2012, “Quantifying the Significance of the Magnetic Field from<br />

Large-scale Cloud to Collapsing Core: Self-similarity, Mass-to-flux Ratio, and Star Formation<br />

Efficiency”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747(1), 80. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


林 俐 暉 (LIN, LIHWAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jeff Newman, Michael Cooper, Marc Davis, S. M. Faber,........ Lihwai Lin , ...et al., submitted, “THE<br />


AND REDSHIFTS”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lin L; et al., Sept. 2012, “Clustering Properties of BzK-selected Galaxies in GOODS-N:<br />

Environmental Quenching and Triggering of Star Formation at z ~ 2”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 756(1), 71. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Brian F. Gerke, Jeffrey A. Newman, ......Lihwai Lin ...... et al. , May. 2012, “The DEEP2 Galaxy<br />

Redshift Survey: The Voronoi-Delaunay Method Catalog of Galaxy Groups”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 751(1), 50. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hung-Yu Jian, Lihwai Lin, and Tzi-Hung Chiueh, Jul. 2012, “Environmental Dependence of Galaxy<br />

Merger Rate in Lambda-CDM Universe”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 754(1), 26. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kyle Penner, Mark Dickinson, .....Lihwai Lin, .....et al. , Nov. 2012, “Evidence for a Wide Range of<br />

Ultraviolet Obscuration in z ~ 2 Dusty Galaxies from the GOODS-Herschel Survey”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 759(1), 28. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Allison Kirkpatrick, Alexandra Pope, ...Lihwai Lin, .....et al., Nov. 2012, “GOODS-Herschel: Impact<br />

of Active Galactic Nuclei and Star Formation Activity on Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions<br />

at High Redshift ”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 759(2), 139. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Kyoung-Soo Lee, Henry C. Ferguson, .....and Lihwai Lin , Jun. 2012, “How Do Star-Forming<br />

Galaxies at z>3 Assemble Their Masses”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 752, 66-86. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Yicheng Guo, Mauro Giavalisco, ...... Lihwai Lin , ...et al. , Apr. 2012, “Rest-frame UV-Optically<br />

Selected Galaxies at 2.3

林 彥 廷 (LIN, YEN-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

N. Sehgal, ... Y.-T. Lin et al, submitted, “The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Relation Between<br />

Galaxy Cluster Optical Richness and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Shogo Masaki, Yen-Ting Lin, and Naoki Yoshida, submitted, “ Modeling Color-Dependent Galaxy<br />

Clustering in Dissipationless Simulations”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

H. Miyatake* et al., submitted, “ Subaru Weak-Lensing Measurement of a z = 0.81 Cluster Discovered<br />

by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Survey”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

R. Dunner, ... Y.-T. Lin... et al., Jan. 2013, “The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Data<br />

Characterization and Mapmaking”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 762(1), 10. (SCI) (IF: 6.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Erik Reese et al., May. 2012, “The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: High-Resolution SZA<br />

Observations of ACT SZE-selected Clusters from the Equatorial Strip”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 751, 12. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

S. Desai*, ... Y.-T. Lin et al, Sept. 2012, “The Blanco Cosmology Survey: Data Acquisition,<br />

Processing, Calibration, Quality Diagnostics and Data Release”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,<br />

757, 83. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hajian, Amir; ...; Lin, Yen-Ting; et al., Jan. 2012, “Correlations in the (Sub)millimeter Background<br />

from ACT × BLAST”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(1), 40. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Yen-Ting Lin*, S. A. Stanford, Peter Eisenhardt, Alexey Vikhlinin, Ben Maughan, Andrey Kravtsov,<br />

Jan. 2012, “Baryon Content of Massive Galaxy Clusters at z=0-0.6”, Astrophysical Journal<br />

Letters, 745, 3. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

F. Bian*, X. Fan, L. Jiang, A. Dey, R. Green, R. Maiolino, F. Walter, I. McGreer, R. Wang, Y.-T. Lin,<br />

Oct. 2012, “An Ultraviolet Ultra-luminous Lyman Break Galaxy at Z = 2.78 in NDWFS Boötes<br />

Field”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757, 139. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

N. Hand, ... Y.-T. Lin et al, Jul. 2012, “Evidence of Galaxy Cluster Motions with the Kinematic<br />

Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109(4), 041101. (SCI) (IF: 7.37;<br />

SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />


劉 名 章 (LIU, MING-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ming-Chang Liu*, Marc Chaussidon, Gopalan Srinivasan, Kevin McKeegan, Dec. 2012, “A Lower<br />

Initial Abundance of Short-lived 41Ca in the Early Solar System and Its Implications for Solar<br />

System Formation”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 761, 137(7pp). (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Ming-Chang Liu*, Marc Chaussidon, Christa Gopel, Typhoon Lee, Apr. 2012, “A Heterogeneous<br />

Solar Nebula as Sampled by CM Hibonite Grains”, EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE<br />

LETTERS, 327-238, 75-83. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Ming-Chang Liu, Oct. 2012, “Short-lived radionuclides in the early Solar System”, editor(s): Shigeru<br />

Kubono, Takehito Hayakawa, Toshitaka Kajino, Hiroari Miyatake, Tohru Motobayashi, Ken'ichi<br />

Nomoto, AIP conference series, pp. 52-56, USA: American Institute of Physics.<br />

高 桑 繁 久 (TAKAKUWA, SHIGEHISA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shigehisa Takakuwa, Masao Saito, Lim Jeremy, Kazuya Saigo, T. K. Sridharan, & Nimesh A. Patel,<br />

Jul. 2012, “A Keplerian Circumbinary Disk around the Protostellar System L1551 NE”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 754, 52-63. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Fumitaka Nakamura, Shigehisa Takakuwa, & Ryohei Kawabe, Sept. 2012, “Substellar-mass<br />

Condensations in Prestellar Cores”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 758, L25-L29. (SCI) (IF: 5.53;<br />

SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Kenkichi Yamada, Tetsu Kitayama, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Daisuke Iono, Takahiro Tsutsumi, Kotaro<br />

Kohno, Motokazu Takizawa, Kohji Yoshikawa, Takuya Akahori, Eiichiro Komatsu, Yasushi<br />

Suto, Hiroshi Matsuo, & Ryohei Kawabe, Oct. 2012, “Imaging Simulations of the Sunyaev-<br />


JAPAN, 64, 102-117. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

Takahiro Yamaguchi, Shuro Takano, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Nami Sakai, Takeshi Sakai, Sheng-Yuan<br />

Liu, Yu-Nung Su, Naomi Hirano, Shigehisa Takakuwa, Yuri Aikawa, Hideko Nomura, &<br />

Satoshi Yamamoto, Oct. 2012, “The 3 mm Spectral Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1<br />


64(5), 105-149. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />


高 見 道 弘 (TAKAMI, MICHIHIRO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou, M.-Y., Takami, M.,, Manset, N., ..., Karr, J.L., Shang, H., Liu, H.-Y., submitted, “Time<br />

Variability of Emission Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October–December in 2010”,<br />

ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Carson, J., Thalmann, C., Jason, M., ..., Takami, M., accepted, “Direct Imaging Discovery of a<br />

`Super-Jupiter' Around the late B-Type Star Kappa And”, Astrophysical Journal Letters. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Brandt, T., McElwain, M., Turner, E., ..., Takami, M., submitted, “New Techniques for High-<br />

Contrast Imaging with ADI: the ACORNS-ADI SEEDS Data Reduction Pipeline”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Narita, N., Takahashi, Y., Kuzuhara, M., ..., Takami, M. et al., accepted, “A Common Proper Motion<br />


JAPAN. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

Tanii, R., Itoh, Y., Kudo, T., ..., Takami, M. et al., accepted, “High-Resolution Near-Infrared<br />

Polarimetry of a Circumstellar Disk around UX Tau A”, PUBLICATIONS OF THE<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

Grady, C., Muto, T., Hashimoto, J., ..., Takami, M. et al., Jan. 2013, “Spiral Arms in the<br />

Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume 762, Issue 1, 48-60. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kawahara H., Matsuo, T., Takami, M. et al., Oct. 2012, “Can Ground-based Telescopes Detect The<br />

Oxygen 1.27 Micron Absorption Feature as a Biomarker in Exoplanets”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, Volume 758, Issue 1, 13-23. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Michihiro Takami, How-Huan Chen, Jennifer L. Karr, Hsu-Tai Lee, Shih-Ping Lai, Young-Chol<br />

Minh, Mar. 2012, “Emission Mechanism of "Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming<br />

Regions”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1), 8. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Kusakabe et al., Jul. 2012, “High-contrast Near-infrared Polarization Imaging of MWC480”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 753(2), 153. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu, C.-F., Shang, H., Pyo, T.-S., Takami, M., Walter, F.M., Yan, C.-H., Wang, S.-Y, Ohashi, N.,<br />

Hayashi, M., Mar. 2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 749(1), 62-67. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Muto et al., Mar. 2012, “Discovery of Small-Scale Spiral Structures in the Disk of SAO 206462 (HD<br />

135344B): Implications for the Physical State of the Disk from Spiral Density Wave Theory”,<br />

Astrophysical Journal Letters, 748(2), L22-28. (SCI)<br />


Hashimoto, J., Dong, R., Kudo, T., ... , Takami, M. et al., Sept. 2012, “ Polarimetric Imaging of Large<br />

Cavity Structures in the Pre-transitional Protoplanetary Disk around PDS 70: Observations of the<br />

disk”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 758, Issue 1, L19-25. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%)<br />

Mayama, S., Hashimoto, J., Muto, T., ..., Takami, M. et al., Dec. 2012, “Subaru Imaging of<br />

Asymmetric Features in a Transitional Disk in Upper Scorpius”, Astrophysical Journal Letters,<br />

Volume 760, Issue 2, 26-30. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Dong et al., May. 2012, “The missing cavities in the SEEDS polarized scattered light images of<br />

transitional protoplanetary disks: a generic disk model”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume<br />

750, Issue 2, 161. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Dong, R., Hashimoto, J., Rafikov, R., ...., Takami, M. et al., Dec. 2012, “The Structure of Pretransitional<br />

Protoplanetary Disks. I. Radiative Transfer Modeling of the Disk+Cavity in the PDS<br />

70 System”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume 760, Issue 2, 111-21. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hsu-Tai Lee, Michihiro Takami, Hao-Yuan Duan, Jennifer Karr, Yu-Nung Su, Sheng-Yuan Liu,<br />

Dirk Froebrich, Cosmos C. Yeh, May. 2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of<br />

Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, Volume 200,<br />

Issue 1, 2-21. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

王 為 豪 (WANG, WEI-HAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen C-C;...Wang W-H; et al., Jan. 2013, “Faint Submillimeter Galaxy Counts at 450 μm”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 762(2), 81. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chang Y-Y, Chao R, Wang W-H, Chen P, 2012, “A Principle Component Analysis of Galaxy<br />

Properties from a Large, Gas-Selected Sample”, Advances in Astronomy, Volume 2012, Article<br />

ID 208901. (Scopus)<br />

Lin L; ...; Wang W-H; et al., Sept. 2012, “Clustering Properties of BzK-Selected Galaxies in<br />

GOODS-N: Environmental Quenching and Triggering of Star Formation at z~2”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756, 71. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Wang W-H, Barger AJ, Cowie LL, 2012, “A Ks and IRAC Selection of High-Redshift Extremely Red<br />

Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744, 155. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Wang W-H, Chen H-W, Huang L-J, Dec. 2012, “ALMA Submillimeter Continuum Imaging of the<br />

Host Galaxies of GRB 021004 and GRB 080607”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 761, L32. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />


Hathi N; ...; Wang W-H; et al., Sept. 2012, “Near-Infrared Survey of the GOODS-North Field: Search<br />

for Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z>6.5”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757, 43. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Barger AJ, Wang W-H, Cowie LL, Owen FN, Chen CC, Williams JP, Dec. 2012, “Precise<br />

Identifications of Submillimeter Galaxies: Measuring the History of Massive Star-forming<br />

Galaxies to z > 5”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 761(2), 89. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Hsieh B-C; Wang W-H; et al., Dec. 2012, “The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Ultra-Deep J<br />

and Ks Imaging in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL<br />

SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 203, 23. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Wold I; Owen F; Wang W-H; Barger AJ; Keenan RC, Sept. 2012, “VLA 1.4 GHz Catalog of the<br />

Abell 370 and Abell 2390 Cluster Fields”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT<br />

SERIES, 202, 2. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Hsieh BC; Wang W-H et al., 2012, “The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Very Bright End of<br />

the Luminosity Function at z>7”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749, 88. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Keenan RC; Barger AJ; Cowie LL; Wang W-H; Wold I; Trouille L, Aug. 2012, “Testing for a Large<br />

Local Void by Investigating the Normalization of the Near-Infrared Galaxy Luminosity Function<br />

at z ~ 0.1-0.3”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 754, 131. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Brasser, Ram (BRASSER, RAMON ROBERT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

R. Brasser and A. Morbidelli, submitted, “Oort Cloud and Scattered Disc formation during a late<br />

dynamical instability in the Solar System”, ICARUS. (SCI) (IF: 3.39; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

R. Brasser, S. Ida and E. Kokubo, Jan. 2013, “A dynamical study on the habitability of terrestrial<br />

exoplanets I: Tidally evolved planet-satellite pairs”, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Volume 428, pp. 1673-1685. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

R. Brasser, Jan. 2013, “The Formation of Mars: Building Blocks and Accretion Time Scale”, SPACE<br />

SCIENCE REVIEWS, Volume 174, pp. 11-25. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 22.6%)<br />

M. Jakubik*, A. Morbidelli, L. Neslusan, R. Brasser, Mar. 2012, “The accretion of Uranus and<br />

Neptune by collisions among planetary embryos in the vicinity of Jupiter and Saturn”,<br />

ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 54(A71),1-16. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

W. F. Bottke, D. Vokrouhlický, D. Minton, D. Nesvorný, A. Morbidelli, R. Brasser, B. Simonson, H.<br />

F. Levison, May. 2012, “An Archaean heavy bombardment from a destabilized extension of the<br />

asteroid belt”, NATURE, 485, 78-81. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI ranking: 1.9%)<br />


夏 艾 煦 (CHAPILLON, EDWIGE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Guilloteau S; Dutrey A; Wakelam V; ...; Chapillon E; et al., Dec. 2012, “Chemistry in disks. VIII.<br />

The CS molecule as an analytic tracer of turbulence in disks”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS,<br />

548, A70. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Chapillon E; et al., Sept. 2012, “Chemistry in Disks. VII. First Detection of HC3N in Protoplanetary<br />

Disks”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756(1), 58. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Espada D; Komugi S; Muller E; ...; Matsushita S; Trejo A; Chapillon E; Takahashi S; Su YN; et al.,<br />

Dec. 2012, “Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC<br />

4039”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 760(2), L25. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

陳 錦 威 (CHEN, CHIN-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Reed, M. D., Kilkenny, D., O’Toole, S., et al. including Chen, C. W., Mar. 2012, “Multiyear and<br />

multisite campaigns on the bright high-amplitude pulsating subdwarf B star EC 01541-1409”,<br />


4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

陳 惠 茹 (CHEN, HUEI-RU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Minh YC; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y, Dec. 2012, “SMA Observations of the Hot Cores of<br />

DR21(OH)”, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, 45(6), 157-166.<br />

周 美 吟 (CHOU, MEI-YIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Mei-Yin Chou, Michihiro Takami,Nadine Manset, Tracy Beck, Tae-Soo Pyo, Wen-Ping Chen,<br />

Neelam Panwar, Jennifer L. Karr, Hsien Shang, Hauyu Baobab Liu, submitted, “Time<br />

Variability of Emission Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October–December in 2010”,<br />

ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />


周 瞿 毅 (CHOU, CHI-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou Richard C. Y., Bridge Carrie R., Abraham Roberto G., Dec. 2012, “A Close-pair Analysis of<br />

Damp Mergers at Intermediate Redshifts”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 760, 113. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

段 皓 元 (DUAN, HAO-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, Hsu-Tai; Takami, Michihiro; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Karr, Jennifer; Su, Yu-Nung; Liu, Sheng-Yuan;<br />

Froebrich, Dirk; Yeh, Cosmos C., May. 2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of<br />

Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 200, 2. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

祝 熹 (HOTA, ANANDA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hota, Ananda; Rey, Soo-Chang; Kang, Yongbeom; Kim, Suk; Matsushita, Satoki; Chung, Jiwon ,<br />

May. 2012, “NGC3801 caught in the act: A post-merger starforming early-type galaxy with<br />


422(1), L38-L42,. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

謝 佩 穎 (HSIEH, PEI-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pei-Ying Hsieh, Paul T.P. Ho, Kotaro Kohno, Chorng-Yuan Hwang, Satoki Matsushita , Mar. 2012,<br />

“Probing Circumnuclear Environments with the HCN(J = 3-2) and HCO+(J = 3-2) Lines: Case of<br />

NGC 1097”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747(2),90-99. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

謝 寶 慶 (HSIEH, PAUL, BAU-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I.H. Li, H.K.C. Yee, B.C. Hsieh, M. Gladders, Apr. 2012, “Evolution of Group Galaxies from the<br />

First Red-Sequence Cluster Survey”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749, 150-168. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

B.C. Hsieh*, W.-H. Wang, C.C. Hsieh, Lihwai Lin, Haojing Yan, Jeremy Lim, Paul Ho, Dec. 2012,<br />

“The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Ultra-deep J and Ks Imaging in the Extended<br />

Chandra Deep Field-South”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 203, 23-46.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />


B.C. Hsieh*, W.-H. Wang, H. J. Yan, L. Lin, H. Karoji, J. Lim, P. T. P. Ho, C. W. Tsai, Apr. 2012,<br />

“The Taiwan ECDFS Near-Infrared Survey: Very Bright End of the Luminosity Function at<br />

z>7”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749, 88-100. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

I-Hui Li, H.K.C. Yee, Chris Blake, Sarah Brough, Mattew Colless, Carlos Contreras, Warrick Couch,<br />

Scott Croom, Tamara Davis, Michael J. Drinkwater, Karl Forster, David G. Gilbank, M. G.<br />

Gladders, Bau-Ching Hsieh, Ben Jelliffe, Russell J. Jurek, Karl Glazebrook, Barry Madore,<br />

Chris Martin, Keven Pimbblet, Gregory B. Poole, Michael Pracy, Rob Sharp, Emily Wisnioski,<br />

David Woods, and Ted Wyder, Mar. 2012, “The WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey: Galaxy<br />

Evolution at 0.25


期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou M-Y; Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Shang H; Liu HB, submitted, “Time Variability of Emission<br />

Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October–December in 2010”, ASTRONOMICAL<br />

JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Takami M; Chen H-H; Lee H-T; Karr JL; Lai SP; Minh Y-C, Mar. 2012, “Emission Mechanism of<br />

"Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming Regions”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1), 8.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C., May.<br />

2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 200(1), 2. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

金 孝 宣 (KIM, HYOSUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hyosun Kim; Ronald E. Taam, Nov. 2012, “A New Method of Determining the Characteristics of<br />

Evolved Binary Systems Revealed in the Observed Circumstellar Patterns: Application to AFGL<br />

3068”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 759(1), L22. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Kim, Hyosun; Taam, Ronald E., Jan. 2012, “Probing Substellar Companions of AGB Stars through<br />

Spirals and Arcs”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 136-146. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Hyosun Kim; Ronald E. Taam, Nov. 2012, “Wide Binary Effects on Asymmetries in Asymptotic<br />

Giant Branch Circumstellar Envelopes”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 759(1), 59. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

金 升 光 (KING, SUN-KUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jen-Tsung Hsiang, Tai-Hung Wu, Da-Shin Lee, Sun-Kun King, Chun-Hsien Wu, Feb. 2013,<br />

“Quantum noise in the mirror–field system: A field theoretic approach”, Annals of Physics, 329,<br />

28-50. (SCI) (IF: 2.86; SCI ranking: 15%)<br />

柯 永 生 (KONAR, CHIRANJIB)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Konar, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jamrozy, M.; Croston, J. H., accepted, “Episodic radio galaxies J0116-<br />

4722 and J1158+2621: can we constrain the quiescent phase of nuclear activity”, MONTHLY<br />



Konar, C.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Jamrozy, M.; Croston, J. H.; Nandi, S., Aug. 2012, “Rejuvenated radio<br />

galaxies J0041+3224 and J1835+6204: how long can the quiescent phase of nuclear activity<br />


(IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Krasnopolsky R; Li Z-Y; Shang H; Zhao B, Sept. 2012, “Protostellar Accretion Flows Destabilized<br />

by Magnetic Flux Redistribution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 757(1), 77. (SCI) (IF: 6.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

管 一 政 (KUAN, YI-JEHNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Minh YC; Yan C-H; Kim KT; Park YS; Lee SH; Lal DV; Hasegawa T; Zang XZ; Kuan YJ,<br />

submitted, “Embedded Young Stellar Cluster IRAD 20160+363 in the Gas Shell of the<br />

Expanding HII Region”, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

郭 岳 芳 (KUO, YUE-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kuo Y-F; Chiong C-C; Wong W-T; Hwang Y-J, submitted, “Frequency offset-dividing phaselocked<br />

broadband VCOs for Ka-band astronomical local oscillators”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON<br />

MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES. (SCI) (IF: 1.85; SCI ranking: 23.3%)<br />

李 昫 岱 (LEE, HSU-TAI )<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Takami M; Chen H-H; Lee H-T; Karr JL; Lai SP; Minh Y-C, Mar. 2012, “Emission Mechanism of<br />

"Green Fuzzies" in High-mass Star-forming Regions”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1), 8.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lee, Hsu-Tai; Takami, Michihiro; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Karr, Jennifer; Su, Yu-Nung; Liu, Sheng-Yuan;<br />

Froebrich, Dirk; Yeh, Cosmos C., May. 2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of<br />

Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 200, 2. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />


連 馬 修 (LEHNER, MATTHEW)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K. Y. Huang*,Y. Urata,Y. H. Tung, H. M. Lin, L. P. Xin, M. Yoshida, W. Zheng, S. Y. Wang, W. H.<br />

Ip, C. Akerlof, F. B. Bianco, M. J. Lehner, N. Kawai, D. Kuroda, S. L. Marshall, M. E.<br />

Schwamb, Y. Qiu, J. H. Wang, C. Y. Wen, J. Wei, K. Yanagisawa, and Z. W. Zhang, Mar. 2012,<br />

“The GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different Mechanisms in X-ray and Optical Temporal<br />

Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1), 44-50. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

林 凱 揚 (LIN, KAI-YANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Koch PM; Ho PTP; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; et al., submitted, “AMiBA<br />

94 GHz SZE Observations: An Initial Measurement of H_0”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

J. Sayers, N. G. Czakon, C. Bridge, S. R. Golwala, P. M. Koch, K.-Y. Lin, S. M. Molnar, K.<br />

Umetsu , Apr. 2012, “Bolocam Observations of Two Unconfirmed Galaxy Cluster Candidates<br />

from the Planck Early SZ Sample”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 749(1), L15-19. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

林 琦 璋 (LIN, CHI-CHANG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chi-Chang Lin*, Yuh-Jing Hwang, and Sivasankaran Srikanth, Dec. 2012, “Short Backfire Antenna<br />

with Concentric Sleeves for High-Sensitive Radio Astronomical Receivers”, paper presented at<br />

APMC2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: National Sun Yat-Sen University, 2012-12-04 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

Chi-Chang Lin*, Yuh-Jing Hwang, Oct. 2012, “Single-Sleeve Waveguide-to-Microstrip Transition<br />

Probe for Full Waveguide Bandwidth”, paper presented at EuMC2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands:<br />

European Microwave Association, 2012-10-28 ~ 2012-11-02.<br />

凌 鴻 緒 (LING, HUNG-HSU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hong-Shi Ling, Shiang-Yu Wang, Wei-Cheng Hsu, Chien-Ping Lee, Apr. 2012, “Voltage-tunable<br />

dual-band quantum dot infrared photodetectors for temperature sensing”, OPTICS EXPRESS,<br />

20(10), 10484-10489. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />


呂 浩 宇 (LIU, HAU-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou M-Y; Takami M; ...; Karr JL; Shang H; Liu HB, submitted, “Time Variability of Emission<br />

Lines for Four Active T Tauri Stars (I): October–December in 2010”, ASTRONOMICAL<br />

JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Hauyu Baobab Liu*, Paul T. P. Ho, Pei-Ying Hsieh, Singsoo S. Kim, Young Chol Minh, Yu-Nung Su,<br />

Ai-Lei Sun, Melvyn Wright, submitted, “ISM Processing in the Inner 20 pc in Galactic center”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 0, 0-0. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hauyu Baobab Liu*, Keping Qiu, Qizhou Zhang, Josep M. Girart, Paul T. P. Ho, submitted, “SMA<br />

Dust Polarization Legacy Survey: The Case Study on G192.16-3.84”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 0, 0-0. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Gemma Busquet*, Qizhou Zhang, Aina Palau, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Alvaro Sánchez-Monge, Robert<br />

Estalella, Paul T. P. Ho, Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo, Thushara Pillai, Friedrich Wyrowski, Josep<br />

M. Girart, Fábio P. Santos, Gabriel A. P. Franco, accepted, “Unveiling a network of parallel<br />

filaments in the Infrared Dark Cloud G14.225-0.506”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 0, 0-0.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Hauyu Baobab Liu*, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, Paul T. P. Ho, Huei-Ru Chen, Qizhou Zhang,Zhi-Yun Li,<br />

Aug. 2012, “Fragmentation and OB Star Formation in High-mass Molecular Hub-Filament<br />

Systems”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756, 10-36. (SCI)<br />

Hauyu Baobab Liu*, Pei-Ying Hsieh, Paul T. P. Ho, Yu-Nung Su, Melvyn Wright, Ai-Lei Sun,Young<br />

Chol Minh, Aug. 2012, “Milky Way Supermassive Black Hole: Dynamical Feeding from the<br />

Circumnuclear Environment”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756, 195-204. (SCI)<br />

劉 君 帆 (LIU, CHUN-FAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; Walter FM; Yan C-H; Wang S-Y; Ohashi N; Hayashi M,<br />

Apr. 2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(1), 62<br />

(6pp). (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H, Dec. 2012, “RW Aur A from the X-Wind Point of View: General Features”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 761(2), 94 (15pp). (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


松 本 敏 雄 (MATSUMOTO, TOSHIO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

J. Pyo, T. Matsumoto, W-S. Jeong, S. Matsuura, 2012, “Brightness and fluctuation of mid-infrared sky<br />

observed from AKARI observations towards the North Ecliptic Pole”, Astrophysical Journal,<br />

760, 102. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

莫 瑞 達 (MORATA, OSCAR)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Mispelaer, F., Theulé, P., Aouididi, H., Noble, J., Duvernay, F., Danger, G., Roubin, P., Morata, O.,<br />

Hasegawa, T.I., Chiavassa, T., accepted, “Diffusion measurements of CO, HNCO, H2CO and<br />

NH3 in amorphous water ice”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking:<br />

18.9%)<br />

Morata, O., Kuan, Y.-J., Ho, P.T.P., submitted, “Millimetric and sub-millimetric observations of<br />

IRAS 05327+3404 "Holoea" in M36”, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI<br />

ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Morata, O., Hasegawa, T. I., accepted, “Effects of H coating of grains on depletion of molecular<br />


SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

Rimmer, P. B.*, Herbst, E., Morata, O., Roueff, E., Jan. 2012, “Observing a column-dependent in<br />

dense interstellar sources: the case of the Horsehead Nebula”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS,<br />

537, A7. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Frau, P., Girart, J. M., Beltrán, M. T., Padovani, M., Busquet, G., Morata, O., Masqué, J. M., Alves,<br />

F. O., Sánchez-Monge, A., Franco, G. A. P., Estalella, R., Nov. 2012, “Young starless cores<br />

embedded in the magnetically dominated Pipe Nebula. II. Extended dataset.”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 759, 3. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

O. Morata, J. M. Girart, R. Estalella, R.T. Garrod, Sept. 2012, “Probing the physical and chemical<br />

structure of the CS core in LDN 673. Multitransitional and continuum observations”, MONTHLY<br />


ranking: 17%)<br />

Palau, A., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Morata, O., Stamatellos, D., Huélamo, N., Eiroa, C., Bayo, A.,<br />

Morales-Calderón, M., Bouy, H., Ribas, A., Asmus, D., Barrado, D., Aug. 2012, “A search for<br />

pre-substellar cores and proto-brown dwarf candidates in Taurus: multiwavelength analysis in the<br />


2778-2791. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />


中 村 雅 德 (NAKAMURA, MASANORI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Keiichi Asada, Masanori Nakamura, 2012, “The Structure of the M87 Jet: A Transition from Parabolic<br />

to Conical Streamlines”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 745(2), 28. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%)<br />

西 岡 宏 朗 (NISHIOKA, HIROAKI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Koch PM; Ho PTP; ...; Lin KY; ...; Molnar SM; Nishioka H; Umetsu K; et al., submitted, “AMiBA<br />

94 GHz SZE Observations: An Initial Measurement of H_0”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

岡 部 信 広 (OKABE, NOBUHIRO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

F. Combes, M. Rex, T. D. Rawle, E. Egami, F. Boone, I. Smail, J. Richard, M. Gurwell, C.M. Casey,<br />

R.J. Ivison, A. Omont, A. Berciano Alba, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, A.C. Edge, G.G. Fazio, J-P.<br />

Kneib, N. Okabe, R. Pell´o, P. G. P´erez-Gonz´alez, D. Schaerer, G.P. Smith, A.M. Swinbank, P.<br />

van der Werf, Feb. 2012, “A bright z=5.2 lensed submillimeter galaxy in the field of Abell 773<br />

HLSJ091828.6+514223”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 538,L4.. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI<br />

ranking: 18.9%)<br />




(SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Daniel P. Marrone, Graham P. Smith, Nobuhiro Okabe, Massimiliano Bonamente, John E.<br />

Carlstrom, Thomas L. Culverhouse, Megan Gralla, Christopher Greer, Nicole Hasler, David<br />

Hawkins, Ryan Hennessy, Marshall Joy, James W. Lamb, Erik M. Leitch, Rossella Martino,<br />

Pasquale Mazzotta, Amber Miller, Tony Mroczkowski, Stephen Muchovej, Thomas Plagge,<br />

Clem Pryke, Alastair J. R. Sanderson, Masahiro Takada, David Woody, Yu-Ying Zhang, Jul.<br />

2012, “LoCuSS: The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Weak Lensing Mass Scaling Relation”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 754,119. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Takuya SATO, Toru SASAKI , Kyoko MATSUSHITA , Eri SAKUMA , Kosuke SATO, Yutaka<br />

FUJITA, Nobuhiro OKABE, Yasushi FUKAZAWA , Kazuya ICHIKAWA , Madoka<br />

KAWAHARADA, Kazuhiro NAKAZAWA, Takaya OHASHI, Naomi OTA, Motokazu<br />

TAKIZAWA and Takayuki TAMURA, Oct. 2012, “Suzaku observations of the Hydra A cluster<br />


64,95. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

大 山 陽 一 (OYAMA, YOICHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Takagi T., Matsuhara H., Goto T., Hanami H., Im M., Imai K., Ishigaki T., Lee H. M., Lee M. G.,<br />

Malkan M., Ohyama Y.*, Oyabu S., Pearson C. P., Serjeant S., Wada T., White G. J., Jan. 2012,<br />

“The AKARI NEP-Deep survey: a mid-infrared source catalogue”, ASTRONOMY &<br />

ASTROPHYSICS, Volume 537, A24. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Lim Jeremy, Ohyama Youichi*, Chi-Hung Yan, Dinh-V-Trung, Shiang-Yu Wang, Jan. 2012, “A<br />

Molecular Hydrogen Nebula in the Central cD Galaxy of the Perseus Cluster”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, Volume 744, p 112. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

蘇 裕 農 (SU, YU-NUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Takahashi S; Ho PTP; Teixeira PS; Zapata LA; Su Y-N , submitted, “Hierarchical Fragmentation of<br />

the Orion Molecular Filaments”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Su, Yu-Nung; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Chen, Huei-Ru; Tang, Ya-Wen, Jan. 2012, “The Extremely High-<br />

Velocity Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object G5.89-0.39”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL, 744(2), L26. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Espada D; Komugi S; Muller E; ...; Matsushita S; Trejo A; Chapillon E; Takahashi S; Su YN; et<br />

al., Dec. 2012, “Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC<br />

4039”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 760(2), L25. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Zapata, L.A.; Loinard, L.; Su, Y.-N.; Rodrıguez, L.F.; Menten, K.M.; Patel, N.; and Galvan-Madrid,<br />

R., Jan. 2012, “Millimeter Multiplicity in DR21(OH): Outflows, Molecular Cores and<br />

Envelopes”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 86. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Zinchenko, I.; Liu, S.-Y.; Su, Y.-N.; Kurtz, S.; Ojha, D. K.; Samal, M. R.; Ghosh, S. K., Aug. 2012,<br />

“A Multi-Wavelength High Resolution Study of the S255 Star Forming Region. General<br />

Structure and Kinematics”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 755, 177. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Liu, Hauyu Baobab; Hsieh, Pei-Ying; Ho, Paul T. P.; Su, Yu-Nung; Wright, Melvyn; Sun, Ai-Lei;<br />

Minh, Young Chol, Sept. 2012, “Milky Way Supermassive Black Hole: Dynamical Feeding from<br />

the Circumnuclear Environ”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 756, 195. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lee H-T; Takami M; Duan H-Y; Karr J; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y; Froebrich D; Yeh Cosmos C., May.<br />

2012, “Near-Infrared H2 and Continuum Survey of Extended Green Objects”, ASTROPHYSICAL<br />

JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 200, 2. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Minh YC; Chen H-R; Su Y-N; Liu S-Y, Dec. 2012, “SMA Observations of the Hot Cores of<br />

DR21(OH)”, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, 45(6), 157-166.<br />

Yamaguchi T; ...; Liu S-Y; Su Y-N; Hirano N; Takakuwa S; et al., Oct. 2012, “The 3 mm Spectral<br />

Line Survey toward the Lynds 1157 B1 Shocked Region. I. Data”, PUBLICATIONS OF THE<br />

ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 64(5), 105. (SCI) (IF: 2.44; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

高 橋 智 子 (TAKAHASHI, SATOKO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Klaassen, P. D.; Juhasz, A., Mathews, G. S.; Mottram, J. C.; De Gregorio, I.; Takahashi, S.;<br />

Akiyama, E.; Chapillon, E.; Espada, D.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Rawlings, M.; Schmalzl, M.; Testi<br />

L.; and van Dishoeck, E. F., submitted, “ALMA detection of the rotating molecular disk wind<br />

from the young star HD 163296”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI<br />

ranking: 18.9%)<br />

Zapata, L. A.; Loinard, L.; Rodriguez, L. F.; Hernandez, V.; Takahashi, S.; Trejo, A.; and Rarise, B.,<br />

accepted, “ALMA 690 GHz Observations of IRAS 16293-2422B: Infall in a Highly Optically-<br />

Thick Disk”, Astrophysical Journal Letters. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Takahashi, S.; Ohashi, N; and Bourke, L. T., submitted, “Direct Imaging of a Compact Molecular<br />

Outflow from a Very Low-luminosity Object”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02;<br />

SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Takahashi, S.; Ho PTP.; Teixeira, P.A.; Zapata, L.A.; and Su Y.-N., Jan. 2013, “Hierarchical<br />

Fragmentation of the Orion Molecular Filaments”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume 763<br />

(1), 57. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Naranjo-Romero, R.; Zapata, L.A.; Vazquez-Semadeni, E.; Takahashi, S.; Palau, A.; and Schilke, P ,<br />

Sept. 2012, “From dusty filaments to massive stars: The case of NGC 7538 S”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume 757 (1), 58. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Takahashi S and Ho PTP, Jan. 2012, “The Discovery of the youngest molecular outflow associated<br />

with an Intermediate-mass protostellar core, MMS 6/OMC-3”, Astrophysical Journal Letters,<br />

Volume 745, Number 1, L10. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />


Espada, D.; Komugi, S.; Muller, E.; Nakanishi, K.; Saito, M.; Tatematsu, K.; Iguchi, S.; Hasegawa, T.;<br />

Mizuno, N.; Iono, D.; Matsushita, S.; Trejo, A.; Chapillon, E.; Takahashi, S.; Su, Y.-N.; et.<br />

al., Dec. 2012, “Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC<br />

4039”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 760, Issue 2, L25, 5pp. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI<br />

ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Takahashi S; Saigo K; Ho PTP; and Kengo Tomida, Jun. 2012, “Spatially Resolving Substructures<br />

within the Massive Envelope around an Intermediate-mass Protostar: MMS 6/OMC-3”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Volume 752(1), 10. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

He J.-H.; Takahashi S.; and Chen X. , Sept. 2012, “A 1-mm spectral line survey toward GLIMPSE<br />


Volume 202 (1), 1. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

Loinard, L.; Zapata, L. A.; Rodríguez, L. F.; Pech, G.; Chandler, C. J.; Brogan, C. L.; Wilner, D. J.;<br />

Ho, P. T. P.; Parise, B.; Hartmann, L. H.; Zhaohuan, Z.; Takahashi, S.; and Trejo, A., Dec.<br />

2012, “ALMA and VLA observations of the outflows in IRAS 16293-2422”, MONTHLY<br />


SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

湯 雅 雯 (TANG, YA-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Koch PM; Tang YW; Ho PTP, submitted, “Interpreting the Role of the Magnetic Field from Dust<br />

Polarization Maps”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ya-Wen Tang*, Paul T. P. Ho, Patrick M. Koch, Stephane Guilloteau, Anne Dutrey, Feb. 2013, “Dust<br />

continuum and polarization from envelope to cores in star formation: a case study in the W51<br />

North region”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 763,135 (11pp). (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Ya-Wen Tang*, Stephane Guilloteau, Vincent Pietu, Anne Dutrey, Nagayoshi Ohashi, Paul T. P. Ho,<br />

Nov. 2012, “The circumstellar disk of AB Aurigae: evidence for envelope accretion at late stages<br />

of star formation”, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 547, A84. (SCI) (IF: 4.59; SCI ranking:<br />

18.9%)<br />

Yu-Nung Su*, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Huei-Ru Chen, Ya-Wen Tang, Jan. 2012, “The Extremely High<br />

Velocity Outflow from the Luminous Young Stellar Object G5.89-0.39”, Astrophysical Journal<br />

Letters, 744(2), 26. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

Patrick M. Koch*, Ya-Wen Tang, Paul T. P. Ho, Mar. 2012, “Magnetic Field Strength Maps for<br />

Molecular Clouds: A New Method Based on a Polarization-Intensity Gradient Relation”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747 (1), 79. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Patrick M. Koch*, Ya-Wen Tang, Paul T. P. Ho, Mar. 2012, “Quantifying the Significance of the<br />

Magnetic Field from Large-scale Cloud to Collapsing Core: Self-similarity, Mass-to-flux Ratio,<br />

and Star Formation Efficiency”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 747(1), 80. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Alfonso Trejo, Luis F. Rodriguez, Ilhuiyolitzin Pedraza, Julio Saucedo Morales, submitted, “J0947–<br />

1338: A new giant radio galaxy in the constellation of Hydra”, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

D. Espada, S. Komugi, E. Muller, K. Nakanishi, M. Saito, K. Tatematsu, S. Iguchi, T. Hasegawa, N.<br />

Mizuno, D. Iono, S. Matsushita, A. Trejo, E. Chapillon, S. Takahashi, Y.N. Su, A. Kawamura, E.<br />

Akiyama, M. Hiramatsu, H. Nagai, R. E. Miura, Y. Kurono, T. Sawada, A. Higuchi, K.<br />

Tachihara, K. Saigo, S. Asayama, T. Kamazaki, submitted, “MOLECULAR CLUMP AND<br />


JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Espada D; Komugi S; Muller E; ...; Matsushita S; Trejo A; Chapillon E; Takahashi S; Su YN; et<br />

al., Dec. 2012, “Giant Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Tidal Molecular Arm of NGC<br />

4039”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 760(2), L25. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 15.1%)<br />

王 祥 旭 (WANG, HSIANG-HSU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang H-H; Bu D; Shang H; Gu P, submitted, “Viscous Accretion in Circumplanetary Disks”,<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

汪 仁 鴻 (WANG, JEN-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang KY; Urata Y; Tung YH; Lin HM; ...; Wang SY; ...; Lehner MJ; ...; Wang JH; Wen<br />

CY; ...; Zhang ZW; et al., Mar. 2012, “The GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different<br />

Mechanisms in X-ray and Optical Temporal Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1),<br />

44-50. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


溫 志 懿 (WEN, CHIH-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang KY; Urata Y; Tung YH; Lin HM; ...; Wang SY; ...; Lehner MJ; ...; Wang JH; Wen<br />

CY; ...; Zhang ZW; et al., Mar. 2012, “The GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different<br />

Mechanisms in X-ray and Optical Temporal Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1),<br />

44-50. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

顏 吉 鴻 (YAN, CHI-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Minh YC; Yan C-H; Kim KT; Park YS; Lee SH; Lal DV; Hasegawa T; Zang XZ; Kuan YJ,<br />

submitted, “Embedded Young Stellar Cluster IRAD 20160+363 in the Gas Shell of the<br />

Expanding HII Region”, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL. (SCI) (IF: 4.04; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />

Liu C-F; Shang H; Pyo T-S; Takami M; Walter FM; Yan C-H; Wang S-Y; Ohashi N; Hayashi M,<br />

Mar. 2012, “Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 749(1),<br />

62-67. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lim J; Ohyama Y; Yan C-H; D-V-Trung; Wang SY, Jan. 2012, “A Molecular Hydrogen Nebula in<br />

the Central cD Galaxy of the Perseus Cluster”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 744(2), 112. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

張 智 威 (ZHANG, ZHI-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang KY; Urata Y; Tung YH; Lin HM; ...; Wang SY; ...; Lehner MJ; ...; Wang JH; Wen CY; ...;<br />

Zhang ZW; et al., Mar. 2012, “The GRB 071112C: A Case Study of Different Mechanisms in X-<br />

ray and Optical Temporal Evolution”, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 748(1), 44-50. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


應 用 科 學 研 究 中 心<br />

蔡 定 平 (TSAI, DIN PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

T.-F. Hung, B. Wang, C.-W. Tsai, M.-H. Tu, G.-X. Wang, R.-S. Liu*, D. P. Tsai, M.-Y. Lo, D.-S.<br />

Shy, X.-K. Xing, Jul. 2012, “Sulfonation of graphene nanosheet-supported platinum via a simple<br />

thermal-treatment toward its oxygen reduction activity in acid medium”, International Journal of<br />

Hydrogen Energy, 37(19), 14205-14210. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 21.9%,20.8%,14.3%)<br />

M. L. Tseng, Y.-W. Huang, M.-K. Hsiao, H. W. Huang, H. M. Chen, Y. L. Chen, C. H. Chu, N.-N.<br />

Chu, Y. J. He, C. M. Chang, W. C. Lin, D.-W. Huang, H.-P. Chiang, R.-S. Liu, G. Sun, D. P.<br />

Tsai*, Apr. 2012, “Fast fabrication of a Ag nanostructure substrate using the femtosecond laser<br />

for broad-band and tunable plasmonic enhancement”, ACS NANO, 6(6), 5190-5197. (SCI) (IF:<br />

11.42; SCI ranking: 3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />

H. M. Chen, C. K. Chen, C.-J. Chen, L.-C. Cheng, P. C. Wu, B. H. Cheng, Y. Z. Ho, M. L. Tseng, Y.-<br />

Y. Hsu, T.-S. Chan, J.-F. Lee, R.-S. Liu*, and D. P. Tsai*, Jul. 2012, “Plasmon Inducing Effects<br />

for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting: X-ray Absorption Approach to Electronic<br />

Structures”, ACS Nano, 6, 7362-7372. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI ranking: 3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />

C. M. Chang, M. L. Tseng, B. H. Cheng, C. H. Chu, Y. Z. Ho, H. W. Huang, Y.-C. Lan, D.-W. Huang,<br />

A. Q. Liu, Din Ping Tsai*, Dec. 2012, “Three-dimensional plasmonic micro projector for light<br />

manipulation”, Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201203308. (SCI) (IF: 13.88; SCI<br />

ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

C. W. Chen*, H. P. Chiang*, D. P. Tsai, P. T. Leung*, Apr. 2012, “Temperature dependence of the<br />

surface-plasmon-induced Goos-Hanchen shifts”, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 107, 111-<br />

118. (SCI)<br />

C. N. Lin*, C. Y. Chang*, H. J. Huang, D. P. Tsai, N. L. Wu*, Nov. 2012, “Photocatalytic<br />

Degradation of Methyl Orange by a Multi-Layer Rotating Disk Reactor”, Environmental Science<br />

and Pollution Research, 19(9), 3743-50. (SCI) (IF: 2.65; SCI ranking: 25.7%)<br />

H. Y. Chung, P. T. Leung, D. P. Tsai, May. 2012, “Equivalence between the mechanical model and<br />

energy-transfer theory for the classical decay rates of molecules near a spherical particle”,<br />

Journal of Chemical Physics, 136(18), 84106-84106. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 19.4%)<br />

L.-C. Cheng, J.-H. Huang, H. M. Chen, T.-C. Lai, K.-Y. Yang, R.-S. Liu*, M. Hsiao, C.-H. Chen, L.-<br />

J. Her, D. P. Tsai, Feb. 2012, “Seedless, silver-induced synthesis of star-shaped gold/silver<br />

bimetallic nanoparticles as high efficiency photothermal therapy reagent”, Journal of Materials<br />

Chemistry, 22, 2244-2253. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />


A. Q. Liu*, W. M. Zhu, D. P. Tsai, N. I. Zheludev, Sept. 2012, “Micromachined tunable<br />

metamaterials: a review”, Journal of Optics, 14, 114009. (SCI) (IF: 1.57; SCI ranking: 37.3%)<br />

Y. Z. Ho, W. T. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, P. C. Wu, M. L. Tseng, Y. T. Wang, Y. F. Chau, D. P. Tsai*,<br />

Sept. 2012, “Tunable plasmonic resonance arising from broken-symmetric silver nanobeads with<br />

dielectric cores”, Journal of Optics, 14(11), 114010. (SCI) (IF: 1.57; SCI ranking: 37.3%)<br />

J.-J. Chen, J. C. S. Wu*, P. C. Wu, Din Ping Tsai, Nov. 2012, “Improved Photocatalytic Activity of<br />

Shell-Isolated Plasmonic Photocatalyst Au@SiO2/TiO2 by Promoted LSPR”, Journal of Physical<br />

Chemistry C, 116(50), 26535-26542. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

H. Y. Chung*, P. T. Leung, D. P. Tsai, May. 2012, “Effective medium approach to the dynamic<br />

optical response of a graded index plasmonic nanoparticle”, Journal of the Optical Society of<br />

America B, 29(5), 970-976. (SCI)<br />

Y. Yang*, L. K. Chin , J. M. Tsai , D. P. Tsai , N. I. Zheludev, A. Q. Liu, Jul. 2012, “Transformation<br />

optofluidics for large-angle light bending and tuning”, LAB ON A CHIP, 12(19), 3785-3790.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.67; SCI ranking: 9.7%,13.6%,13.3%)<br />

M. L. Tseng, P. C. Wu, S. Sun, C. M. Chang, W. T. Chen, C. H. Chu, P. L. Chen, L. Zhou, D.-W.<br />

Huang, T. J. Yen, D. P. Tsai*, Sept. 2012, “Fabrication of multilayer metamaterials by<br />

femtosecond laser-induced forward-transfer technique”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 6, 702-707.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 7.39; SCI ranking: 15.5%,5.5%,2.7%)<br />

S. Sun, K. Y. Yang, C. M. wang, T. K. Juan, W. T. Chen, C. Y. Liao, Q. He, S. Xiao, W. T. Kung, G.<br />

Y. Guo, L. Zhou, D. P. Tsai*, Nov. 2012, “High-Efficiency Broadband Anomalous Reflection by<br />

Gradient Meta- Surfaces”, NANO LETTERS, 12, 6223−6229. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

P. C. Wu, W. T. Chen, K.-Y. Yang, C. T. Hsiao, G. Sun, A. Q. Liu, N. I. Zheludev, D. P. Tsai*, Nov.<br />

2012, “Magnetic plasmon induced transparency in three-dimensional metamolecules”,<br />

Nanophotonics, 1(2), 131-138. (SCI)<br />

M. L. Tseng, C. M. Chang, B. H. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, C. H. Chu, K. S. Chung, Y. J. Liu, H. G. Tsai,<br />

N.-N. Chu, D.-W. Huang, H.-P. Chiang, D. P. Tsai*, Oct. 2012, “Fabrication of plasmonic<br />

devices using femtosecond laser-induced forward transfer technique”, Nanotechnology, 23,<br />

444013. (SCI) (IF: 3.98; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />

W. M. Zhu, A. Q. Liu*, T. Bourouina, D. P. Tsai, J. H. Teng, X. H. Zhang, G. Q. Lo, D. L. Kwong, N.<br />

I. Zheludev, Nov. 2012, “Microelectromechanical Maltese-cross metamaterial with tunable<br />

terahertz anisotropy”, Nature Communications, 3, 1274. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 7.4%)<br />

Y. Yang, A. Q. Liu*, L. K. Chin, X. M. Zhang, D. P. Tsai, C. L. Lin, C. Lu, G. P. Wang, N. I.<br />

Zheludev, 2012, “Optofluidic waveguide as a transformation optics device for lightwave bending<br />

and manipulation”, Nature Communications, 3, 651. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 7.4%)<br />

H. Y. Chung*, P. T. Leung, D. P. Tsai, Jan. 2012, “Fluorescence characteristics of a molecule in the<br />

vicinity of a plasmonic nanomatryoska: nonlocal optical effects”, Optics Communications,<br />

285(8), 2207-2211. (SCI) (IF: 1.49; SCI ranking: 45.3%)<br />


Y. W. Huang, W. T. Chen, P. C. Wu, V. Fedotov, V. Savinov, Y. Z. Ho, Y. F. Chau, N. I. Zheludev,<br />

and D. P. Tsai*, Jan. 2012, “Design of plasmonic toroidal metamaterials at optical frequencies”,<br />

Optics Express, 20(2), 1760-1768. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

C. C. Chen, C. T. Hsiao, S. L. Sun, K.-Y. Yang,P. C. Wu, W. T. Chen, Y. H. Tang, Y.-F. Chau, E.<br />

Plum, G.-Y. Guo, N. I. Zheludev, D. P. Tsai*, Apr. 2012, “Fabrication of three dimensional split<br />

ring resonators by stress-driven assembly method”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(9), 115-120. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Y. T. Wang, B. H. Cheng, Y. Z. Ho, Y. C. Lan, P. G. Luan, D. P. Tsai*, Sept. 2012, “Gain-assisted<br />

Hybrid-superlens Hyperlens for Nano Imaging”, Optics Express, 20(20), 22953-22960. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

B. B. Tsema, Y. B. Tsema, M. R. Shcherbakov, Y. H. Lin, D. R. Liu, V. V. Klimov, A. A.<br />

Fedyanin, D. P. Tsai*, May. 2012, “Handedness-sensitive emission of surface plasmon polaritons<br />

by elliptical nanohole ensembles”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(10), 10538-10544. (SCI) (IF: 3.59;<br />

SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Y. H. Lin, D. P. Tsai*, Jul. 2012, “Near-field scanning optical microscopy using a super-resolution<br />

cover glass slip”, Optics Express, 20(15), 16205-16211. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

T. T. Wu, Y. C. Syu, S. H. Wu, W. T. Chen, T. C. Lu*, S. C. Wang, H. P. Chiang, D. P. Tsai, Aug.<br />

2012, “Sub-wavelength GaN-based membrane high contrast grating reflectors”, Optics Express,<br />

20(18), 20551-20557. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

G. Sun*, J. B. Khurgin, D. P. Tsai, May. 2012, “Comparative analysis of photoluminescence and<br />

Raman enhancement by metal nanoparticles”, OPTICS LETTERS, 37(9), 1583-1585. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.4; SCI ranking: 9.3%)<br />

M. R. Shcherbakov*, B. B. Tsema, Y. B. Tsema, A. A. Ezhov, V. I. Panov, D. P. Tsai, A. A.<br />

Fedyanin, Sept. 2012, “Near-field optical microscopy of plasmonic effects in anisotropic<br />

metamaterials”, Physica C, 479, 183-185. (SCI) (IF: 1.01; SCI ranking: 62.4%)<br />

C. M. Chang, Y. J. Liu, M. L. Tseng, N.-N. Chu, D.-W. Huang, M. Mansuripur*, D. P. Tsai, Aug.<br />

2012, “Characterization of Ge2Sb2Te5 thin film alloys using conductive-tip atomic force<br />

microscopy”, Physica Status Solidi B, 249(10), 1945-1950. (SCI)<br />

H. Y. Chung, P. T. Leung, D. P. Tsai, Oct. 2012, “Decay rates of a molecule in the vicinity of a<br />

spherical surface of an isotropic magnetodielectric material”, Physical Review B, 86, 155413.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />

C. M. Chang, C. H. Chu, M. L. Tseng, Y.-W. Huang, H. W. Huang, B. H. Chen, D.-W. Huang, D. P.<br />

Tsai*, Mar. 2012, “Light Manipulation by Gold Nanobumps”, Plasmonics, 7(3), 563-569. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.99; SCI ranking: 33.3%)<br />

H. Y. Chung*, P. T. Leung*, D. P. Tsai*, Feb. 2012, “Modified Long Wavelength Approximation for<br />

the Optical Response of a Graded-Index Plasmonic Nanoparticle”, Plasmonics, 7(1), 13-18. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.99; SCI ranking: 33.3%)<br />


Y. H. Lin, B. Händel, H. J. Huang, H. A. Chen, Y. F. Chen, H. N. Lin, D. P. Tsai*, Jun. 2012, “Nearfield<br />

optical imaging of a porous Au film: influences of topographic artifacts and surface<br />

plasmons”, Plasmonics, DOI 10.1007/s11468-012-9401-1. (SCI) (IF: 2.99; SCI ranking: 33.3%)<br />

張 亞 中 (CHANG, YIA-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H. Y. Guo, C-T. Liang, Y.-C. Chang*, J. G. Lin*, Jun. 2012, “Photoluminescence probed minority<br />

processes in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films”, J. Luminescence, 132, 2209-2212.<br />

I. L. Ho, T. C. Wang, Y.-C. Chang, W. Y. Li*, Aug. 2012, “Approximate scheme by the coupled-wave<br />

theory to efficiently analyze the influences of moiré phenomena in liquid-crystal devices”,<br />

Applied Optics, 51, 5806-5811. (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.75; SCI ranking: 34.7%)<br />

Y-C Chang*, L-C Tang, C-Y Yin, Dec. 2012, “Efficient simulation of intensity profile of light through<br />

subpixel-matched lenticular lens array for two- and four-view auto-stereoscopic liquid-crystal<br />

display”, APPLIED OPTICS, 52, A356. (SCI, EI) (IF: 1.75; SCI ranking: 34.7%)<br />

R. S. Moirangthem, M. T. Yaseen, P.-K. Wei, J. Y. Cheng, and Y. C. Chang*, Apr. 2012, “Enhanced<br />

localized plasmonic detections using partially-embedded gold nanoparticles and ellipsometric<br />

measurements”, Biomedical Opt. Exp., 3, 899-910.<br />

I. L. Ho, D. S. Chung, M. T. Lee, C. S. Wu, Y. C. Chang, and C. D. Chen, Apr. 2012, “Shot noise of<br />

multichannel transport in mesoscopic junction systems”, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 064501. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

C-H Huang, W-S Li, J-N Wu, W-F Hsieh*, Y-C Chang*, Sept. 2012, “Calculation of quasi dispersion<br />

curves and quality factors of coupled resonator optical waveguides in photonic-crystal slabs”, J.<br />

Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 2510-2515. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

I. L. Ho, M. T. Lee, Y.-C. Chang*, Feb. 2012, “Coupled-wave theory for birefringent photonic<br />

quasicrystal structures”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 382-388. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

M. N. Abbas, S.-H. Hsu, Y.-C. Chang*, Y.-J. Hung, Feb. 2012, “Using off-specular ellipsometry<br />

spectra of dielectric grating-coupled Plasmon mode for biosensing”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 29, 363-<br />

369. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

I-L Ho, Y-C Chang*, Nov. 2012, “Stress-induced state transitions in flexible liquid-crystal devices”, J.<br />

Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 45, 445102. (SCI)<br />

E. Pogorelov, A. Zhbanov, Y-C. Chang, Jan. 2012, “Universal Curves for van der Waals Interaction<br />

between Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes”, Langmuir, 28, 1276–1282. (SCI) (IF: 4.19; SCI<br />

ranking: 21%,18.6%,11.6%)<br />

C. Y. Yin, I-L. Ho, Y. C. Chang*, H. Ong, Mar. 2012, “3D Modeling of Single-Domain and Multi-<br />

DomainVertical Alignment LCDs for Direct-View and Microdisplay Geometries”, Mol. Cryst.<br />

Liq. Cryst.,, 561, 203–224. (EI)<br />


D. M. T. Kuo and Y. C. Chang*, Aug. 2012, “Effects of interdot hopping and Coulomb blockade on<br />

the thermoelectric properties of serially coupled quantum dots”, Nano Research Lett.,, 16, 257.<br />

M. N. Abbas, C.-W. Cheng, Y.-C. Chang* and M. H. Shih*, Oct. 2012, “An omni-directional midinfrared<br />

plasmonic polarizer”, Nanotechnology, 23, 444007. (SCI) (IF: 3.98; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />

C-W Cheng, M N Abbas, C-W Chiu, K-T Lai, M-H Shih*, and Y-C Chang, May. 2012, “Wide-angle<br />

polarization independent infrared broadband absorbers based on metallic multisized disk arrays”,<br />

OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 10376. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

S.-Y. Shiau, M. Combescot, and Y.-C. Chang*, Sept. 2012, “Trion ground state, excited states, and<br />

absorption spectrum using electron-exciton basis”, Phys. Rev. B, 86, 115210. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI<br />

ranking: 19%)<br />

陳 培 菱 (CHEN, PEI-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu-Hua Lu, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Chiung-Wen Kuo, and Peilin Chen*, accepted, “Electrically Tunable<br />

Organic Bioelectronics for Spatial and Temporal Manipulation of Neuron-like<br />

Pheochromocytoma (PC-12) Cell”, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL<br />

SUBJECTS. (SCI) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 18.1%,16.7%)<br />

Zong-Han Yang, Fan-Ching Chien, Chiung-Wen Kuo, Di-Yan Chueh, and Peilin Chen*, accepted,<br />

“Hybrid Contact and Interfacial Adhesion on Well-Defined Periodic Hierarchical Pillars”,<br />

Nanoscale. (SCI) (IF: 5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

Shobhit Charan, Kumar Sanjiv, Narendra Singh, Fan-Ching Chien, Yi-Fan Chen, Navchtsetseg<br />

Navchaa Nergui, Shih-Hsin Huang , Chiung Wen Kuo, Te-Chang Lee and Peilin Chen*, Aug.<br />

2012, “Development of Chitosan Oligosaccharide-Modified Gold Nanorods for in Vivo Targeted<br />

Delivery and Noninvasive Imaging by NIR Irradiation”, BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY, 23,<br />

2173. (SCI) (IF: 4.93; SCI ranking: 16.1%,19%,14.3%,15.1%)<br />

Narendra Singh, Shobhit Charan, Kumar Sanjiv, Shih-Hsin Huang, Yu-Chu Hsiao, Chiung-Wen Kuo,<br />

Fan-Ching Chien, Te-Chang Lee, and Peilin Chen, Feb. 2012, “Synthesis of Tunable and<br />

Multifunctional Ni-Doped Near-Infrared QDs for Cancer Cell Targeting and Cellular Sorting”,<br />

BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY, 23(3), 421-430. (SCI) (IF: 4.93; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%,19%,14.3%,15.1%)<br />

Ping-Hung Chen, Fan-Ching Chien, Sue-Ping Lee, Woan-Eng Chan, I-Hsuan Lin, Chun-Shan Liu,<br />

Fang-Jen Lee, Jiann-Shiun Lai, Peilin Chen, Hsin-Fang yang-yen and Jeffrey Jong-Young Yen,<br />

Oct. 2012, “Identification of a Novel Function of the Clathrin-Coated Structure at the Plasma<br />

Membrane in Facilitating GM-CSF Receptor-Mediated Activation of JAK2”, CELL CYCLE,<br />

11(19), 3611-3626. (SCI) (IF: 5.36; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />


Yi-Ping Chen, Hsueh-An Chen, Yann Hung, Fan-Ching Chien, Peilin Chen and Chung-Yuan Mou*,<br />

Feb. 2012, “Surface charge effect in intracellular localization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles<br />

as probed by fluorescent ratiometric pH imaging”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 48, 3251.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Kuo-Jung Huang, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Jen-Hsien Huang, Chih-Wei Chu, Peilin Chen and Wha-Tzong<br />

Whang, Feb. 2012, “Controlling vertical alignment of phthalocyanine nanofibers on transparent<br />

graphene-coated ITO electrodes for organic field emitters”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS<br />

CHEMISTRY, 22-7837. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Zong-Han Yang, Fan-Ching Chien, Chiung-Wen Kuo, Di-Yan Chueh, Yi-Chung Tung and Peilin<br />

Chen*, Nov. 2012, “Interfacial adhesion and superhydrophobicity modulated with polymeric<br />

nanopillars using integrated nanolithography”, JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND<br />

MICROENGINEERING, 22, 125026. (SCI) (IF: 2.11; SCI ranking:<br />

21.1%,11.2%,18.9%,40%,15.9%)<br />

Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Shobhit Charan, Feng-Yu Wu, Fan-Ching Chien, Chih-Wei Chu, Peilin Chen*,<br />

Fang-Chung Chen*, Sept. 2012, “Improving the Light Trapping Efficiency of Plasmonic Polymer<br />

Solar Cells Through Photon Management”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116-20731. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Hung-Yu Wei, Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Jen-Hsien Huang, Chih-Yu Hsu, Feng-Chih Chang, Peilin Chen,<br />

Kuo-Chuan Ho and Chih-Wei Chu*, Mar. 2012, “Dual-color electrochromic films incorporating<br />

a periodic polymer nanostructure”, RSC Advances, 2, 4746.<br />

Yi-Ping Chen, Hsueh-An Chen, Yann Hung, Fan-Ching Chien, Peilin Chen and Chung-Yuan Mou*,<br />

Jan. 2012, “Surface charge effect in intracellular localization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles<br />

as probed by fluorescent ratiometric pH imaging”, RSC Advances, 2, 968.<br />

李 超 煌 (LEE, CHAU-HWANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

T.-H. Hsu, Y.-L. Kao, W.-L. Lin, J.-L. Xiao, P.-L. Kuo, C.-W. Wu, W.-Y. Liao, C.-H. Lee*, Feb.<br />

2012, “The migration speed of cancer cells influenced by macrophages and myofibroblasts cocultured<br />

in a microfluidic chip”, Integrative Biology, 4, 177-182. (SCI) (IF: 4.51; SCI ranking:<br />

33.3%)<br />

J.-L. Xiao, H.-J. Pan, C.-H. Lee*, Jul. 2012, “Optically micropatterned culture of adherent cells”,<br />

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 17, 075004. (SCI) (IF: 3.16; SCI ranking:<br />

35.5%,12%,20%)<br />


H.-Y. Hsieh, T.-W. Huang, J.-L. Xiao, C.-S. Yang, C.-C. Chang, C.-C. Chu, L.-W. Lo, S.-H. Wang,<br />

P.-C. Wang, C.-C. Chieng, C.-H. Lee*, F.-G. Tseng*, Sept. 2012, “Fabrication and modification<br />

of dual-faced nano-mushrooms for tri-functional cell theranostics: SERS/fluorescence signaling,<br />

protein targeting, and drug delivering”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 20918-<br />

20928. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

C.-H. Lee*, J.-W. Huang, H.-J. Pan, W.-Y. Yao, Y.-W. Tsao, C.-W. Wu, W.-Y. Liao, Y.-C. Tung,<br />

Dec. 2012, “Interaction between lung cancer cell and myofibroblast mediated by cyclic tensile<br />

strain”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology, San<br />

Francisco, California, USA: American Society for Cell Biology, 2012-12-15 ~ 2012-12-19.<br />

J.-L. Xiao, H.-J. Pan, C.-H. Lee*, Apr. 2012, “Micropatterned culture of adherent cancer cells by<br />

using light fences”, paper presented at Focus on Microscopy 2012, Singapore: National<br />

University of Singapore, 2012-04-01 ~ 2012-04-04.<br />

Y.-C. Chen*, C.-H. Lee, Apr. 2012, “Three-dimensional particle tracking for quantitative assessment<br />

of molecular dynamics and cellular distribution”, paper presented at Focus on Microscopy 2012,<br />

Singapore: National University of Singapore, 2012-04-01 ~ 2012-04-04.<br />

C.-H. Lee*, T.-H. Hsu, Y.-L. Kao, W.-L. Lin, J.-L. Xiao, P.-L. Kuo, C.-W. Wu, W.-Y. Liao, Jun.<br />

2012, “Interactions among cancer cells and stromal cells in multi-chamber chips”, paper<br />

presented at The 4th International Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems, Hsinchu,<br />

Taiwan: National Tsing-Hua University, 2012-06-10 ~ 2012-06-13.<br />

B. Patra, Y.-H. Chen, C.-C. Peng, C.-H. Lee, Y.-C. Tung*, Jun. 2012, “Microfluidic device for<br />

uniform-sized 3D cell spheroid formation and culture”, paper presented at The 4th International<br />

Symposium on Microchemistry and Microsystems, Hsinchu, Taiwan: National Tsing-Hua<br />

University, 2012-06-10 ~ 2012-06-13.<br />

湯 朝 暉 (TANG, JAU-HUE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

A. Oguz-Er, Jie Chen, J. Tang, and P. M. Rentzepis*, Apr. 2012, “Coherent Acoustic Wave<br />

Oscillations and Melting on Ag(111) Surface by Time Resolved X-ray Diffraction”, APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 151910 (2012). (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Y. C. Wang, C. T. Yuan, M. Y. Kuo, M. C. Wu, J. Tang, and M. H. Shih, 2012, “Enhancement of the<br />

Purcell Effect for Colloidal CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Coupled to Silver Nanowires by a Metallic<br />

Tip”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 253110. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

X.M. Wen, P. Yu, Y.R. Toh, Y.C. Lee, A.C. Hsu, and J. Tang*, 2012, “Near infrared enhanced carbon<br />

quantum dots by thermally assisted grown”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 163107. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />


X. M. Wen, A. Sitt, P. Yu, H. C. Ko, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, 2012, “Studies of photostability of dotin-rod<br />

CdSe/CdS nanoparticles”, J. Nanopart. Res, 14,1278. (SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking:<br />

22.9%,14.2%,28.9%)<br />

J. Huang, P. Yu, C. T. Yuan, H. C. Ko, and J. Tang* and T. S. Hsieh, Jun. 2012, “Single-Particle<br />

Studies of the Plasmonic Fluorescence of Gold Nanocubes”, J. Nanophotonics, 6, 069502. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.57; SCI ranking: 37.3%,48.9%)<br />

X. M. Wen, P. Yu, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, Aug. 2012, “Fluorescence Dynamics in BSA-Protected<br />

Au25 Nanoclusters”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116,19032. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking:<br />

20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

X. M. Wen*, P. Yu, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, May. 2012, “Structure-Correlated Dual Fluorescent<br />

Bands in BSA-Protected Au25 Nanoclusters”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (21),11830–<br />

11836. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

X. M. Wen, P. Yu, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, 2012, “Structure-Correlated Dual Fluorescent Bands of<br />

BSA- Protected Au25 Nanoclusters”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 11830. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

H. Y. Ahn*, C. C. Yu, P. Yu, J. Tang, Y. L. Hong, and S. J. Gwo, 2012, “Carrier dynamics in InN<br />

nanorod arrays”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 769. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

H. Y. Ahn*, C. C. Yu, P. Yu, J. Tang, Y. L. Hong, and S. J. Gwo, Jan. 2012, “Carrier dynamics of InN<br />

nanorod arrays”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20 (2), 769-775. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

L.D. Tuyen, J.H. Lin, C,Y. Wu, P.T. Tai, J. Tang, L.Q. Minh, H.C. Kan, and C.C. Hsu, 2012,<br />

“Pumping-power-dependent photoluminescence angular distribution from an opal photonic<br />

crystal composed of monodisperse Eu3+/SiO2 core/shell nanospheres”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20,<br />

15418. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Y. G. Wang, P. T. Tai, S. Y. Cheng, Y. J. Cheng,J. Tang, 2012, “Saturable Absorber at 940 nm using<br />

Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Deposited by vertical Evaporation Technique”, Optik, 123, 348.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.51; SCI ranking: 81.3%)<br />

S.Y. Cheng, Y.G. Wang, J. Tang, L. Zhang, L. Sun, X. C. Lin, J. M. Li*, 2012, “Semiconductor Type<br />

Single Wall Carbon Nanotube absorber for Passive Mode-Locked Nd: YVO4 Laser”, OPTIK,<br />

123, 14, 1279-1281. (SCI) (IF: 0.51; SCI ranking: 81.3%)<br />

H. M. Cheng, K. Y. Huang, P. Yu, A. C. Hsu, J. H. Huang and J. Tang, 2012, “High-efficiency<br />

cascade CdS/CdSe quantum dot-sensitized solar cells based on hierarchical tetrapod-like ZnO<br />

nanoparticles”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 13539. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.9%)<br />

X. M. Wen, A. Sitt, P. Yu, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, Jan. 2012, “Temperature dependent spectral<br />

properties of type-I and quasi type-II CdSe/CdS dot-in-rod nanocrystals”, PHYSICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14, 3505-3512. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />


J. Tang*, Y. G. Wang, S. M. Cheng, P. Yu, K. Y. Huang and C. T. Yuan, 2012, “Applications of<br />

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Type-II Quantum Dots in Photovoltaics and Passive Mode-<br />

Locking Saturable Absorbers”, Proc. SPIE, 8462, 8462OK-1.<br />

P. Yu, X. M. Wen, Y. R. Toh and J. Tang*, Feb. 2012, “Temperature dependent fluorescence in Au10<br />

nanoclusters”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116 (11), 6567–6571. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI<br />

ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

魏 培 坤 (WEI, PEI-KUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kuang-Li Lee, Pei-Wen Chen, Shu-Han Wu, Jhih-Bin Huang, Sen-Yeu Yang, Pei-Kuen Wei*, Apr.<br />

2012, “Enhancing Surface Plasmon Detection Using Template-Stripped Gold Nanoslit Arrays on<br />

Plastic Films”, ACS Nano, vol6, 2931–2939. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI ranking:<br />

3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />

Kuang-Li Lee, Min-Jian Chih, Xu Shi, Kosei Ueno, Hiroaki Misawa, and Pei-Kuen Wei*, Sept. 2012,<br />

“Improving Surface Plasmon Detection in Gold Nanostructures Using a Multi-Polarization<br />

Spectral Integration Method”, ADVANCED MATERIALS, 24, OP253-OP259. (SCI) (IF: 13.88;<br />

SCI ranking: 1.8%,1.9%,2.1%,4.3%,2.2%,5.2%)<br />

Rakesh Singh Moirangthem, Mohammad Tariq Yaseen, Pei-Kuen Wei, Ji-Yen Cheng, and Yia-Chung<br />

Chang,, Mar. 2012, “Enhanced localized plasmonic detections using partially-embedded gold<br />

nanoparticles and ellipsometric measurements”, Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 3, 899-910.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI ranking: 48.4%,33.3%,16%)<br />

Y. H. Ho, D. W. Huang, Y. T. Chang, Y. H. Yeh, C. W. Chu, W. C. Tian, C. T. Chen, and P. K. Wei*,<br />

Feb. 2012, “Improve efficiency of white organic light-emitting diodes by using nanosphere arrays<br />

in color conversion layers”, OPTICS EXPRESS, vol. 20, 3005-3014. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking:<br />

8%)<br />

Szu-Chi Yang, Hung-Pin Chen, Hui-Hsin Hsiao, Pei-Kuen Wei, Hung-Chun Chang,and Chi-Kuang<br />

Sun*, Jul. 2012, “Near-field dynamic study of the nanoacoustic effect on the extraordinary<br />

transmission in gold nanogratings”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 16186. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Wan-Shao Tsai, San-Yu Ting, and Pei-Kuen Wei*, Nov. 2012, “Refractive index profiling of an<br />

optical waveguide from the determination of the effective index with measured differential<br />

fields”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 26766. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Yu-Hsuan Ho,b, Yung-Ting Chang, Shun-Wei Liu Hsiao-Han Lai, Chih-Wei Chu, Chih-I Wu, Wei-<br />

Cheng Tian, Pei-Kuen Wei *, Nov. 2012, “Optimization of polymer light emitting devices using<br />

TiOx electron transport layers and prism sheets”, Organic Electronics, 2667. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI<br />

ranking: 9.2%)<br />


鄭 郅 言 (CHENG, JI-YEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Moirangthem, R. S.; Yaseen, M. T.; Wei, P.-K.; Cheng, J.-Y.; Chang, Y.-C*, Apr. 2012, “ Enhanced<br />

localized plasmonic detections using partially-embedded gold nanoparticles and ellipsometric<br />

measurements”, BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS, 3, 899-910. (SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI ranking:<br />

48.4%,33.3%,16%)<br />

Sun, Y.-S.; Peng, S.-W.; Lin, K.-H.; Cheng, J.-Y*, Jun. 2012, “Electrotaxis of lung cancer cells in<br />

ordered three-dimensional scaffolds”, Biomicrofluidics, 6, 014102-14. (SCI) (IF: 3.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.1%,24.4%,37.9%)<br />

Tsai, H.-F.; Peng, S.-W.; Wu, C.-Y.; Chang, H.-F.; Cheng, J.-Y*, Oct. 2012, “ Electrotaxis of oral<br />

squamous cell carcinoma cells in a multiple-electric-field chip with uniform flow field”,<br />

Biomicrofluidics, 6, 034116-12. (SCI) (IF: 3.37; SCI ranking: 11.1%,24.4%,37.9%)<br />

Sun, Y.-S.; Peng, S.-W.; Cheng, J.-Y*, Oct. 2012, “In vitro electrical-stimulated wound-healing chip<br />

for studying electric field-assisted wound-healing process”, Biomicrofluidics, 6, 034117-12. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.37; SCI ranking: 11.1%,24.4%,37.9%)<br />

朱 治 偉 (CHU, CHIH-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, IL Lee, I-Lin2; Li, SR Li, Sie-Rong2; Chen, KF Chen, Kuan-Fu2; Ku, PJ Ku, Po-Jen2; Singh,<br />

AS Singh, Ashutosh S.2; Kuo, HT Kuo, Hui-Tung2; Wen, YS Wen, Yuh-Sheng2; Chu, CW Chu,<br />

Chi-Wei1; Sun, SS Sun, Shih-Sheng2 , May. 2012, “Synthesis, Photophysical Properties, and<br />

Field-Effect Characteristics of (Ethynylphenyl)benzimidazole-Decorated Anthracene and<br />

Perylene Bisimide Derivatives ”, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 15,<br />

2906-2915. (SCI) (IF: 3.33; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Sahu, D Sahu, Duryodhan1; Tsai, CH Tsai, Chia-Hua1; Wei, HY Wei, Hung-Yu2; Ho, KC Ho, Kuo-<br />

Chuan2; Chang, FC Chang, Feng-Chih3; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei1,4, 2012, “Synthesis and<br />

applications of novel low bandgap star-burst molecules containing a triphenylamine core and<br />

dialkylated diketopyrrolopyrrole arms for organic photovoltaics ”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS<br />

CHEMISTRY, 22(16), 7945-7953. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Chang-Lung Hsu, Cheng-Te Lin, Jen-Hsien Huang,Chih-Wei Chu,Kung-Hwa Wei, Lain-Jong Li, Jun.<br />

2012, “Layer-by-Layer Graphene/TCNQ Stacked Films as Conducting Anodes for Organic Solar<br />

Cells ”, ACS NANO, 6(6), 5031-5039. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI ranking: 3.2%,4.4%,5.7%,2.9%)<br />


Hsu, CY Hsu, Chih-Yu1; Chen, WT Chen, Wei-Ting1; Chen, YC Chen, Yung-Chung1; Wei, HY Wei,<br />

Hung-Yu2; Yen, YS Yen, Yung-Sheng1; Huang, KC Huang, Kuan-Chieh3; Ho, KC Ho, Kuo-<br />

Chuan2,3; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei4; Lin, JT Lin, Jiann T.1 , Apr. 2012, “Charge transporting<br />

enhancement of NiO photocathodes for p-type dye-sensitized solar cells ”, ELECTROCHIMICA<br />

ACTA, 66, 210-215. (SCI) (IF: 3.83; SCI ranking: 25%)<br />

Desalegn Alemu, Hung-Yu Wei, Kuo-Chuan Ho, Chih-Wei Chu* , Nov. 2012, “Highly conductive<br />

PEDOT:PSS electrode by simple film treatment with methanol for ITO-free polymer solar cells ”,<br />

ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5(11), 9662-9671. (SCI) (IF: 9.61; SCI ranking:<br />

2.9%,0.5%,1.8%,7.9%)<br />

Vincent C. Tung, Jen-Hsien Huang, Jaemyung Kim, Alexander J. Smith, Chih-Wei Chu,and Jiaxing<br />

Huang, Jul. 2012, “Towards solution processed all-carbon solar cells: a perspective ”, ENERGY<br />

& ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 5, 7810–7818. (SCI) (IF: 9.61; SCI ranking:<br />

2.9%,0.5%,1.8%,7.9%)<br />

Chih-Chia Cheng, Yu-Lin Chu, Pei-Hsiu, Huang, Ying-Chieh Yen, Chih-Wei Chu, Arnold C. -M.<br />

Yang, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Jem-Kun Chen, and Feng-Chih Chang, Jul. 2012, “Bioinspired holeconducting<br />

polymers for application in organic light-emitting diodes ”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22(35), 18127-18131. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Kuan-Chieh Huang , Chih-Wei Hu , Chen-Ya Tseng , Chen-Yu Liu , Min-Hsin Yeh , Hung-Yu Wei ,<br />

Chun-Chieh Wang , R. Vittal , Chih-Wei Chu, and Kuo-Chuan Ho , May. 2012, “A counter<br />

electrode based on hollow spherical particles of polyaniline for a dye-sensitized solar cell ”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22(29), 14727-14733. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Huang, KJ Huang, Kuo-Jung2; Hsiao, YS Hsiao, Yu-Sheng1; Huang, JH Huang, Jen-Hsien1; Chu,<br />

CW Chu, Chih-Wei1; Chen, PL Chen, Peilin1; Whang, WT Whang, Wha-Tzong2 , 2012,<br />

“Controlling vertical alignment of phthalocyanine nanofibers on transparent graphene-coated ITO<br />

electrodes for organic field emitters ”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22(16), 7837-<br />

7844. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Tsung-Hsien Kuo, Fang-Chung Chen, Juo-Hao Li, Annie Tzuyu Huang, Jen-Hsien Huanf, Kuo-Chuan<br />

Ho*, Chih-Wei Chu*, Jan. 2012, “Efficient organic optoelectronics with multilayer structures”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22, 1364–1369. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Chih-Chia Cheng, Ying-Chieh Yen, Fu-Hsiang Ko, Chih-Wei Chu, Shih-Kang Fan, Feng-Chih<br />

Chang*, Jan. 2012, “A new supramolecular film formed from a silsesquioxane derivative for<br />

application in proton exchange membranes ”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 22,<br />

731–734. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Mohan Ramesh, Hong-Cheu Lin, and Chih-Wei Chu*, Jun. 2012, “Stable organic thin film<br />

transducers for biochemical and label-free sensing under physiological conditions ”, Journal of<br />

Materials Chemistry, 22(32), 16506-16513. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />


Yu-Sheng Hsiao, Shobhit Charan, Feng-Yu Wu, Fan-Ching Chien, Chih-Wei Chu, Peilin Chen,and<br />

Fang-Chung Chen, Oct. 2012, “Improving the Light Trapping Efficiency of Plasmonic Polymer<br />

Solar Cells through Photon Management ”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 116(39),<br />

20731-20737. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Patra, D Patra, Dhananjaya1; Ramesh, M Ramesh, Mohan1; Sahu, D Sahu, Duryodhan1; Padhy,<br />

H Padhy, Harihara1; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei2,3; Wei, KH Wei, Kung-Hwa1; Lin, HC Lin,<br />

Hong-Cheu1 , Mar. 2012, “Synthesis and applications of a novel supramolecular polymer<br />

network with multiple H-bonded melamine pendants and uracil crosslinkers ”, JOURNAL OF<br />


ranking: 9.6%)<br />

Huang, KC Huang, Kuan-Chieh1; Wang, YC Wang, Ying-Chiao2; Chen, PY Chen, Po-Yen1; Lai,<br />

YH Lai, Yi-Hsuan1; Huang, JH Huang, Jen-Hsien3; Chen, YH Chen, You-Han1; Dong,<br />

RX Dong, Rui-Xuan2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei3,4; Lin, JJ Lin, Jiang-Jen2; Ho, KC Ho, Kuo-<br />

Chuan1,2 , Apr. 2012, “High performance dye-sensitized solar cells based on platinum<br />

nanoparticle/multi-wall carbon nanotube counter electrodes: The role of annealing ”, JOURNAL<br />

OF POWER SOURCES, 203, 274-281. (SCI) (IF: 4.95; SCI ranking: 8.3%,10%)<br />

Padhy, H Padhy, Harihara2; Ramesh, M Ramesh, Mohan2; Patra, D Patra, Dhananjaya2; Satapathy,<br />

R Satapathy, Rudrakanta2; Pola, MK Pola, Murali Krishna2; Chu, HC Chu, Hsuan-Chih2; Chu,<br />

CW Chu, Chih-Wei1,3; Wei, KH Wei, Kung-Hwa2; Lin, HC Lin, Hong-Cheu2 , Apr. 2012,<br />

“Synthesis of Main-Chain Metallo-Copolymers Containing Donor and Acceptor Bis-Terpyridyl<br />

Ligands for Photovoltaic Applications ”, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS,<br />

33(6-7), 528-533. (SCI) (IF: 4.6; SCI ranking: 8.2%)<br />

Yu-Chuan Lin , Wenjing Zhang , Jing-Kai Huang , Keng-Ku Liu , Yi-Hsien Lee , Chi-Te<br />

Liang , Chih-Wei Chu, and Lain-Jong Li , Aug. 2012, “Wafer-scale MoS2 thin layers prepared by<br />

MoO3 sulfurization ”, NANOSCALE, 4(20), 6637-6641. (SCI) (IF: 5.91; SCI ranking: 6.4%)<br />

Ho, YH Ho, Yu-Hsuan1,2; Huang, DW Huang, Ding-Wei2; Chang, YT Chang, Yung-Ting2; Ye,<br />

YH Ye, Ya-Han2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei1; Tian, WC Tian, Wei-Cheng2; Chen, CT Chen,<br />

Chin-Ti3; Wei, PK Wei, Pei-Kuen1,5,6 , Jan. 2012, “Improve efficiency of white organic lightemitting<br />

diodes by using nanosphere arrays in color conversion layers ”, OPTICS EXPRESS,<br />

20(3), 3005-3014. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Lin, YC Lin, Yu-Chuan1,2; Liu, KK Liu, Keng-Ku2; Wu, CY Wu, Chih-Yu2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-<br />

Wei2; Wang, JTW Wang, Jacob Tse-Wei2; Liang, CT Liang, Chi-Te1; Li, LJ Li, Lain-Jong2,3 ,<br />

2012, “Efficient reduction of graphene oxide catalyzed by copper”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY<br />

CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 14(9), 3083-3088. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />


Patra, D Patra, Dhananjaya1; Ramesh, M Ramesh, Mohan1; Sahu, D Sahu, Duryodhan1; Padhy,<br />

H Padhy, Harihara1; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei2,3; Wei, KH Wei, Kung-Hwa1; Lin, HC Lin,<br />

Hong-Cheu1, Mar. 2012, “: Enhancement of photovoltaic properties in supramolecular polymer<br />

networks featuring a solar cell main-chain polymer H-bonded with conjugated cross-linkers”,<br />

POLYMER, 53(6), 1219-1228. (SCI) (IF: 3.44; SCI ranking: 17.8%)<br />

Wei, HY Wei, Hung-Yu1; Hsiao, YS Hsiao, Yu-Sheng2; Huang, JH Huang, Jen-Hsien2; Hsu,<br />

CY Hsu, Chih-Yu3; Chang, FC Chang, Feng-Chih4; Chen, PL Chen, Peilin2; Ho, KC Ho, Kuo-<br />

Chuan1,3; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei2,5 , Jun. 2012, “Dual-color electrochromic films<br />

incorporating a periodic polymer nanostructure ”, RSC ADVANCES, 2(11), 4746-4753.<br />

Jen-Hsien Huang , Tzu-Yen Huang , Hung-Yu Wei , Kuo-Chuan Ho, and Chih-Wei Chu*, Jun. 2012,<br />

“Wet-milled transition metal oxide nanoparticles as buffer layers for bulk heterojunction solar<br />

cells ”, RSC Advances, 2(19), 7487-7491.<br />

Lin, TW Lin, Tsung-Wu1; Su, CY Su, Ching-Yuan2; Zhang, XQ Zhang, Xin-Quan1; Zhang,<br />

WJ Zhang, Wenjing2; Lee, YH Lee, Yi-Hsien2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei2; Lin, HY Lin, Hsin-<br />

Yu3; Chang, MT Chang, Mu-Tung4; Chen, FR Chen, Fu-Rong3; Li, LJ Li, Lain-Jong, May.<br />

2012, “Converting Graphene Oxide Monolayers into Boron Carbonitride Nanosheets by<br />

Substitutional Doping”, SMALL, 8(9), 1384-1391. (SCI) (IF: 8.35; SCI ranking: 4.6%)<br />

Huang, JH Huang, Jen-Hsien1; Huang, AT Huang, Annie Tzuyu1; Hsu, CY Hsu, Chih-Yu2; Lin,<br />

JT Lin, Jiann-Tsuen2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei1,3 , Mar. 2012, “Influence of molecular weight<br />

on silole-containing cyclopentadithiophene polymer and its impact on the electrochromic<br />

properties”, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 98, 300-307. (SCI) (IF: 4.54;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Huang, JH Huang, Jen-Hsien1; Hsu, MH Hsu, Min-Hsiang2; Hsiao, YS Hsiao, Yu-Sheng1; Chen,<br />

PL Chen, Peilin1; Yu, PC Yu, Peichen2; Chu, CW Chu, Chih-Wei, Mar. 2012, “Performance of<br />

chromophore-type electrochromic devices employing indium tin oxide nanorod optical<br />

amplification ”, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 98, 191-197. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.54; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

林 榮 信 (LIN, JUNG-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Darby Tien-Hao Chang, Chao-Hsuan Ke, Jung-Hsin Lin, and Jung-Hsien Chiang , Aug. 2012,<br />

“AutoBind: Automatic extraction of protein-ligand binding affinity data from biological<br />

literature ”, BIOINFORMATICS, 28, 2162-2168. (SCI) (IF: 5.47; SCI ranking: 7.9%,2.4%,11.3%)<br />


Ravindra Ramesh Deore, Grace Shiahuy Chen, Pei-Teh Chang, Ting-Rong Chern, Shin-Yu Lai, Ming-<br />

Hsieh Chuang, Jung-Hsin Lin, Fan-Lu Kung, Chien-Shu Chen, Chun-Tang Chiou, Ji-Wang<br />

Chern, Mar. 2012, “Discovery of N-Arylalkyl-3-hydroxy-4-oxo-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-<br />

carboxamide derivatives as HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitors ”, ChemMedChem, 7,850-860.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI ranking: 30.4%,25.6%)<br />

Jui-Chih Wang, Pei-Ying Chu, Chung-Ming Chen and Jung-Hsin Lin, Jul. 2012, “idTarget: a web<br />

server for identifying proteins targets of small chemical molecules with robust scoring functions<br />

and a divide-and-conquer docking approach ”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 40, W393-W399.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Yi-Chao Lee, Ying-Chen Yang, Chuan-Lin Huang, Tsun-Yung Kuo, Jung-Hsin Lin, De-Ming Yang,<br />

Nai-Kuei Huang , Jul. 2012, “When cytokinin, a plant hormone, meets the adenosine<br />

A2A receptor: A new neuroprotectant and lead for treating neurodegenerative<br />

disorders ”, PLoS One, 7, e38865. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

林 時 彥 (LIN, SHIH-YEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Meng-Yu Lin, Wei-Ching Guo, Meng-Hsun Wu, Pro-Yao Wang, Te-Huan Liu, Chun-Wei Pao,<br />

Chien-Cheng Chang, Si-Chen Lee and Shih-Yen Lin*, Nov. 2012, “Low-temperature grown<br />

graphene films by using molecular beam epitaxy”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, vol. 101, no.<br />

22, pp. 221911. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin, Kai-Wei Wang, Shu-Wei Chang, Min-Hsiung Shih and Shih-Yen Lin*, Jul. 2012,<br />

“Type-II GaSb/GaAs Coupled Quantum Rings: Room-Temperature Luminescence Enhancement<br />

and Recombination Lifetime Elongation for Device Applications”, APPLIED PHYSICS<br />

LETTERS, vol. 101, no. 3, pp. 031906. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

ung-Hsun Chung, Wei-Hsun Lin, Yi-Kai Chao, Shu-Wei Chang, and Shih-Yen Lin*, Aug. 2012, “In-<br />

Plane Gate Transistors with 40 m Wide Channel Width”, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE<br />

LETTERS, vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1129-1131. (SCI) (IF: 2.85; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />

J. H. Lee, C. Y. Chang, C. H. Li, S. Y. Lin and S. C. Lee*, Jul. 2012, “Performance Improvement of<br />

AlGaAs/GaAs QWIP by NH3 Plasma Treatment”, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM<br />

ELECTRONICS, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 922-926. (SCI) (IF: 1.88; SCI ranking: 22.9%,28%,33%)<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin, Meng-Yu Lin, Shung-Yi Wu, and Shih-Yen Lin*, Jul. 2012, “Room-Temperature<br />

Electro-Luminescence of Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Rings”, IEEE PHOTONICS<br />

TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, vol. 24, no. 14, pp. 1203-1205. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking:<br />

26.6%,20%,17.6%)<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin and Shih-Yen Lin*, Aug. 2012, “Broadband InGaAs-Capped InAs/GaAs Quantum-Dot<br />

Infrared Photodetector with Bi-Modal Dot Height Distributions”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS, vol. 112, no. 3, pp. 034508. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />


Wei-Hsun Lin, Chi-Che Tseng, Shung-Yi Wu, Meng-Hsun Wu, Shih-Yen Lin*, and Meng-Chyi Wu,<br />

Jan. 2012, “The Influence of Background As on GaSb/GaAs Quantum Dots and Its Application<br />

in Infrared Photodetectors”, Physica Status Solidi C, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 314-317.<br />

Meng-Yu Lin, Yung-Shuan Sheng, Shih-Yen Lin*, and Si-Chen Lee, Jan. 2012, “Painted Graphitic<br />

Carbon Films Formed underneath Ni Templates”, Physica Status Solidi C, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 179-<br />

182, January 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Meng-Yu Lin, Meng-Hsun Wu, Wei-Ching Guo, Pro-Yao Wang, Shih-Yen Lin*, and Si-Chen Lee,<br />

Sept. 2012, “Graphene Films Prepared by Molecular Beam Epitaxy at 300 C”, paper presented<br />

at MBE 2012, Nara, Japan: Committee of MBE 2012, 2012-09-23 ~ 2012-09-28.<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin, Kai-Wei Wang, Shih-Yen Lin*, and Meng-Chyi Wu, Sept. 2012, “1.3 m Room-<br />

Temperature Electroluminescence of InGaAs-capped Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Rings”,<br />

paper presented at MBE 2012, Nara, Japan: Committee of MBE 2012, 2012-09-23 ~ 2012-09-28.<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin, Kai-Wei Wang, Shih-Yen Lin*, and Meng-Chyi Wu, Sept. 2012, “Room-Temperature<br />

Photoluminescence Intensity Enhancement of Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Rings Separated by<br />

Thin GaAs Layers”, paper presented at MBE 2012, Nara, Japan: Committee of MBE 2012, 2012-<br />

09-23 ~ 2012-09-28.<br />

Yi-Kai Chao, Wei-Hsun Lin, and Shih-Yen Lin*, Dec. 2012, “Current Modulation of n-GaAs Sheet<br />

Resistance by Using In-Plane Gates”, paper presented at OPTIC 2012, Taipei, Taiwan: National<br />

Taiwan University, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-12-08.<br />

Meng-Yu Lin, Pro-Yao Wang, and Shih-Yen Lin*, Dec. 2012, “Graphene fabrication by using<br />

molecualr beam epitaxy”, paper presented at OPTIC 2012, Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan<br />

University, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-12-08.<br />

Kai-Wei Wang, Wei-Hsun Lin, and Shih-Yen Lin*, Dec. 2012, “Long Wavelength Electroluminence<br />

of InGaAs-capped Type-II GaSb/GaAs Quantum Rings at Room Temperature”, paper presented<br />

at OPTIC 2012, Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-12-08.<br />

傅 洛 夫 (NAZAROV, VLADIMIR)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

A. V. Goncharenko, V. U. Nazarov, and Kuan-Ren Chen, Aug. 2012, “Development of metamaterials<br />

with desired broadband optical properties”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101(7), 071907.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

E. Kogan and V. U. Nazarov, Mar. 2012, “Symmetry classification of energy bands in graphene”,<br />

PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85(11), 115418. (SCI) (IF: 3.69; SCI ranking: 19%)<br />


施 閔 雄 (SHIH, MIN-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kuo-Ju Chen , Hsin-Chu Chen , Kai-An Tsai , Chien-Chung Lin , * Hsin-Han Tsai , Shih-Hsuan<br />

Chien , Bo-Siao Cheng , Yung-Jung Hsu , Min-Hsiung Shih , Chih-Hao Tsai , His-Hsin Shih ,<br />

and Hao-Chung Kuo*, Nov. 2012, “A resonant-enhanced full-color emission of quantum-dotbased<br />

display technology by pulsed spray method”, ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS,<br />

22, 5138-5143. (SCI) (IF: 10.18; SCI ranking: 6.7%,10.3%,3.7%,6.4%,4.8%,3.7%)<br />

Y. C. Wang, C. T. Yuan, M. Y. Kuo, M. C. Wu, Jau Tang*, and M. H. Shih*, Jun. 2012,<br />

“Enhancement of the Purcell effect for colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots coupled to silver<br />

nanowires by a metallic tip”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 253110. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI<br />

ranking: 11%)<br />

Ngoc Luong, Cheng-Wen Cheng, Min-Hsiung Shih and Wan Kuang*, May. 2012, “Phase matching<br />

for surface plasmon enhanced second harmonic generation in a gold grating slab”, APPLIED<br />

PHYSICS LETTERS, 100(18), 181107. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Wei-Hsun Lin, Kai-Wei Wang, Shu-Wei Chang, Min-Hsiung Shih and Shih-Yen Lin*, Jul. 2012,<br />

“Type-II GaSb/GaAs coupled quantum rings: room-temperature luminescence enhancement and<br />

recombination lifetime elongation for device applications”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101,<br />

031906. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Cheng-Chang Chen, Ching-Hsueh Chiu, Po-Min Tu, Ming-Yen Kuo, M. H. Shih*, Ji-Kai Huang,<br />

Hao-Chung Kuo, Hsiao-Wen Zan, and Chun-Yen Chang, Apr. 2012, “Large area of ultraviolet<br />

GaN-based photonic quasicrystal laser”, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 51,<br />

04DG02. (SCI) (IF: 1.06; SCI ranking: 59.6%)<br />

Kuo-Ju Chen, Hsin-Chu Chen, Min-Hsiung Shih*, Chao-Hsun Wang, Ming-Yen Kuo, Yi-Chun Yang,<br />

Chien-Chung Lin, and Hao-Chung Kuo, Apr. 2012, “The influence of the thermal effect on<br />

CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in light-emitting diodes”, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,<br />

30(14), 2256. (SCI) (IF: 2.78; SCI ranking: 13.3%,5.6%,11%)<br />

Hsin-Chu Chen, Kuo-Ju Chen, Chao-Hsun Wang, Chien-Chung Lin, Chia-Chi Yeh, Hsin-Han<br />

Tsai, Min-Hsiung Shih, Hao-Chung Kuo* and Tien-Chang Lu, Mar. 2012, “A novel randomly<br />

textured phosphor structure for highly efficient white light-emitting diodes”, Nanoscale Research<br />

Letters, 7, 188. (SCI) (IF: 2.73; SCI ranking: 16.5%)<br />

Hsin-Chu Chen, Kuo-Ju Chen, Chien-Chung Lin, Chao-Hsun Wang, Hau-Vei Han, Hsin-Han Tsai,<br />

Hsuan-Ting Kuo, Shih-Hsuan Chien, Min-Hsiung Shih and Hao-Chung Kuo, Jun. 2012,<br />

“Improvement in uniformity of emission by ZrO2 nano-particles for white LEDs”,<br />

NANOTECHNOLOGY, 23, 265201. (SCI) (IF: 3.98; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />

Mohammed Nadhim Abbas, Cheng-Wen Cheng, Yia-Chung Chang, and Min-Hsiung Shih*, Oct.<br />

2012, “An omni-directional mid-infrared tunable plasmonic polarization filter”,<br />

NANOTECHNOLOGY, 23, 444007. (SCI) (IF: 3.98; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />


M. Y. Kuo, J. Y. Hsing, T. T. Chiu, C. N. Li, W. T. Kuo, T. S. Lay and M. H. Shih*, Sept. 2012,<br />

“Quantum efficiency enhancement in selectively transparent silicon thin film solar cells by<br />

distributed Bragg reflectors”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, A828-A835. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI ranking:<br />

8%)<br />

Cheng-Wen Cheng, Mohammed Nadhim Abbas, Chao-Wei Chiu, Kun-Ting Lai, Min-Hsiung Shih*,<br />

and Yia-Chung Chang, Apr. 2012, “Wide-angle polarization independent infrared broadband<br />

absorbers based on metallic multi-sized disk arrays”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 10376-10381. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.59; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Hsin-Chu Chen, Chien-Chung Lin, Hau-Vei Han, Kuo-Ju Chen, Yu-Lin Tsai, Yi-An Chang, Min-<br />

Hsiung Shih, Hao-Chung Kuo, Peichen Yu, Sept. 2012, “Enhancement of power conversion<br />

efficiency in GaAs solar cells with dual-layer quantum dots using flexible PDMS film”, SOLAR<br />

ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, 104, 92-96. (SCI) (IF: 4.54; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

陳 振 昌 、 陳 俊 榮 、 楊 怡 君 、 施 閔 雄 、 郭 浩 中 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 具 氮 化 鎵 與 氮 化 鋁 鎵 布 拉 格 反 射<br />

鏡 之 紫 外 光 波 段 氮 化 鎵 雷 射 之 特 性 研 究 〉,《 光 學 工 程 》, 第 117 期 , 頁 21-28。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

1. K. J. Chen, H. C. Chen, C. C. Lin*, H. H. Tsai, K. A. Tsai, S. H. Chien, Y. J. Hsu, M. H. Shih, H. C.<br />

Kuo, C. H. Tsai, and S. H. Hsin, May. 2012, “A Full-Color, White Light Emission of Quantum-<br />

Dot-Based Display Technology Using Pulsed Spray Method with Distributed Bragg Reflector”,<br />

paper presented at 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA:<br />

The Optical Society (OSA), 2012-05-06 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Mohammed Nadhim Abbas, Cheng-Wen Cheng, Yia-Chung Chang, Min-Hsiung Shih, Hung-Hsin<br />

Chen, and Si-Chen Lee, May. 2012, “Plasmonic thermal emitter using perfect absorber made of<br />

metallic disk on SiO2”, paper presented at 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics<br />

(CLEO), San Jose, CA, USA: The Optical Society (OSA), 2012-05-06 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Kun-Ting Lai, Min-Yen Kuo , Kung-Shu Hsu, Chun-Ting Lin, and Min- Hsiung Shih*, Aug. 2012,<br />

“Wavelength fine-tuning of photonic crystal laser on a flexible substrate”, paper presented at<br />

2012 SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA: The International Society for Optical<br />

Engineering (SPIE), 2012-08-12 ~ 2012-08-16.<br />

薛 景 中 (SHYUE, JING-JONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jui-Fen Chien, Ching-Hsiang Chen, Jing-Jong Shyue, and Miin-Jang Chen* , 2012, “Local Electronic<br />

Structure and Electrical Characteristics of Nitrogen-Doped ZnO Films Grown by Remote Plasma<br />

Atomic Layer Deposition”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4 [7] 3471-3475. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.53; SCI ranking: 10.5%,20%)<br />


Chi-Jen Chang, Hsun-Yun Chang, Yun-Wen You, Hua-Yang Liao, Yu-Ting Kuo, Wei-Lun Kao, Guo-<br />

Ji Yen, Meng-Hung Tsai, and Jing-Jong Shyue*, 2012, “Parallel Detection, Quantification, and<br />

Depth Profiling of Peptides with D-SIMS Ionized by C60+-Ar+ Co-Sputtering”, ANALYTICA<br />

CHIMICA ACTA, 718 64-69. (SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

Hua-Yang Liao, Meng-Hung Tsai, Yun-Wen You, Hsun-Yun Chang, Chih-Chieh Huang and Jing-<br />

Jong Shyue*, 2012, “Dramatically Enhanced Oxygen Uptake and Ionization Yield of Positive<br />

Secondary Ions with C60+ Sputtering”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84 [7] 3355-3361. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

Hua-Yang Liao, Meng-Hung Tsai, Hsun-Yun Chang, Yun-Wen You, Chih-Chieh Huang, and Jing-<br />

Jong Shyue* , 2012, “Effect of Co-sputtering and Sample Rotation on Improving C60+ Depth<br />

Profiling of Materials”, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 84 [21] 9318-9323. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.5%)<br />

Sun-Zen Chen, Shiang-Hau Peng, Tzu-Yu Ting, Po-Shien Wu, Chun-Hao Lin, Chin-Yeh Chang, Jing-<br />

Jong Shyue, and Jwo-Huei Jou*, 2012, “Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Direct Contact-<br />

Printed Red, Green, Blue and White Light-Emitting Layers”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101<br />

[15] 153304. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Ming-Cheng Kuo, Hsiao-Fan Chen, Jing-Jong Shyue, Dario M. Bassani, Ken-Tsung Wong* , 2012,<br />

“In-situ Reversible Conversion of Porphyrin Aggregate Morphologies”, CHEMICAL<br />

COMMUNICATIONS, 48 [65] 8051-8053. (SCI) (IF: 6.17; SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Shang-Wei Chou, Jing-Jong Shyue, Chia-Hua Chien, Chia-Chun Chen,* Yang-Yuan Chen,* and Pi-<br />

Tai Chou* , 2012, “Surfactant Directed Synthesis of Trinuclear Nanostructures: Nanocube,<br />

Polyhedron, Octahedron, and Nanowire of PtNiFe; Their Shape Dependent Oxygen Reduction<br />

Activity”, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 24 [13] 2527-2533. (SCI) (IF: 7.29; SCI ranking:<br />

8.6%,4.7%)<br />

Yu-Chieh Tu, Jhin-Fong Lin, Wei-Chun Lin, Chi-Ping Liu, Jing-Jong Shyue and Wei-Fang Su*, 2012,<br />

“Improving Electron Mobility of TiO2 Nanorods for Enhanced Efficiency of Polymer-<br />

Nanoparticle Solar Cell”, CrystEngComm, 14 [14] 4772-4776. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking:<br />

19.3%,22.7%)<br />

Wei-Lun Kao, Hsun-Yun Chang, Guo-Ji Yen, Ding-Yuan Kuo, Yun-Wen You, Chih-Chieh Huang,<br />

Yu-Ting Kuo, Jiun-Hao Lin, Jing-Jong Shyue* , 2012, “Adsorption Behavior of Plasmid DNA on<br />

Binary Self-Assembled Monolayers Modified Gold Substrates”, Journal of Colloid and Interface<br />

Science, 382 [1] 97-104. (SCI) (IF: 3.07; SCI ranking: 32.4%)<br />

Hsueh-Chung Liao, Chia-Hsin Lee, Yi-Chen Ho, Meng-Huan Jao, Chieh-Ming Tsai, Chih-Min<br />

Chuang, Jing-Jong Shyue, Yang-Fang Chen* and Wei-Fang Su*, 2012, “Diketopyrrolopyrrolebased<br />

Oligomer Modified TiO2 Nanorods for Air-stable and All Solution Processed Poly(3-hexyl<br />

thiophene):TiO2 Bulk Heterojunction Inverted Solar Cell”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS<br />

CHEMISTRY, 22 [21] 10589-10596. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />


Jwo-Huei Jou,* Yu-Lin Chen, Jing-Ru Tseng, Ri-Zong Wu, Jing-Jong Shyue, K. R. Justin Thomas,<br />

Neha Kapoor, Chien-Tien Chen, Yi-Ping Lin, Po-Hung Wang, Hsiao-Wen Hung, and Shih-Pu<br />

Chen, 2012, “The Use of a Polarity Matching and High Energy Exciton Generating Host in<br />

Fabricating Efficient Purplish-blue OLEDs from a Sky-blue Emitter”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, 382 [1] 97-104. (SCI) (IF: 5.97; SCI ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

Yun-Wen You, Hsun-Yun Chang, Hua-Yang Liao, Wei-Lun Kao, Guo-Ji Yen, Chi-Jen Chang, Meng-<br />

Hung Tsai, and Jing-Jong Shyue*, 2012, “Electron Tomography of HEK293T Cells using<br />

Scanning Electron Microscope-Based Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Microscopy<br />

and Microanalysis, 18 [5] 1037-1042. (SCI) (IF: 3.01; SCI ranking: 15.3%,11.1%)<br />

Jwo-Huei Jou,* Pei-Yu Hwang, Cheng-Wei Lin, Wei-Ben Wang, Yung-Cheng Jou, Yu-Lin Chen,<br />

Jing-Jong Shyue, Shih-Ming Shen, Sun-Zen Chen, 2012, “High-efficiency low color temperature<br />

organic light emitting diodes with solution-processed emissive layer”, ORGANIC<br />

ELECTRONICS, 13 [5] 899-904. (SCI) (IF: 4.05; SCI ranking: 9.2%)<br />

張 書 維 (CHANG, SHU WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y. Ye and S. W. Chang*, Oct. 2012, “Self-induced spin-polarized carrier source in active photonic<br />

device with artificial optical chirality”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101(18), 181106. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

W. H. Lin, K. W. Wang, S. W. Chang, M. H. Shih, and S. Y. Lin, Jul. 2012, “Type-II GaSb/GaAs<br />

coupled quantum rings: room-temperature luminescence enhancement and recombination lifetime<br />

elongation for light-emitting and memory device applications”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS,<br />

101(3), 031906. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

T. H. Chung, W. H. Lin, Y. K. Chao, S. W. Chang, and S. Y. Lin, Jun. 2012, “In-plane gate transistors<br />

with 40 m wide channel width”, IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS, 33(8), 1129-1131.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.85; SCI ranking: 10.1%)<br />

S. W. Chang*, Nov. 2012, “Confinement factors and modal volumes of micro and nanocavities<br />

invariant to integration regions”, IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM<br />

ELECTRONICS, 18(6), 1771-1780. (SCI) (IF: 3.78; SCI ranking: 11.9%,5.3%,4.8%)<br />

S. W. Chang*, Jan. 2012, “Intra-cavity stimulated emission of photons in almost pure spin states<br />

without imposed nonreciprocity”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20(3), 2516-2527. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI<br />

ranking: 8%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

P. J. Chiang and S. W. Chang, Dec. 2012, “Frequency-domain formulation of photonic periodic<br />

structures-viewpoints of sources and gain”, paper presented at International Conference of Optics<br />

and Photonics, Taipei Taiwan: Nantional Science Council and National Taiwan University, 2012-<br />

12-06 ~ 2012-12-08.<br />


程 育 人 (CHENG, YUH-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S.-P. Chang, Y.-C. Chen, J.-K. Huang, Y.-J. Cheng,* J.-R. Chang, K.-P. Sou, Y.-T. Kang, H.-C. Yang,<br />

T.-C. Hsu, H.-C. Kuo, and C.-Y. Chang, Feb. 2012, “Electrically driven nanopyramid green light<br />

emitting diode”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 061106. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

J.-R. Chang, S.-P. Chang, Y.-J. Li, Y.-J. Cheng,* K.-P. Sou, J.-K. Huang, H.-C. Kuo, and C.-Y.<br />

Chang, Jun. 2012, “Fabrication and luminescent properties of core-shell InGaN/GaN multiple<br />

quantum wells on GaN nanopillars”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 100, 261103. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.84; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

4. Cheng, S.Y., Wang, Y.G.,* Yu, P., Cheng, Y.J., Tang, J., Chen, H.R., Hsieh, W.F., Jan. 2012,<br />

“Fabrication of aligned single wall carbon nanotube absorbers for high power passive modelocked<br />

Nd:GdVO laser”, LASER PHYSICS, 22, 54. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 6.7%,12.8%)<br />

Shih-Pang Chang, Kuok-Pan Sou, Chieh-Han Chen, Yuh-Jen Cheng,* Ji-Kai Huang, Chung-Hsiang<br />

Lin, Hao-Chung Kuo, Chun-Yen Chang, and Wen-Feng Hsieh, May. 2012, “Lasing action in<br />

gallium nitride quasicrystal nanorod arrays”, OPTICS EXPRESS, 20, 12457. (SCI) (IF: 3.59; SCI<br />

ranking: 8%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

1. J.-R. Chang, S.-P. Chang, Y.-C. Chen, K.-P. Sou, Y.-J. Cheng,*, H.-C. Kuo, and C.-Y. Chang, Jan.<br />

2012, “Electrically driven nanoarrow array green LED”, paper presented at Photonics West, San<br />

Francisco, California, USA: SPIE, 2012-01-21 ~ 2012-01-26.<br />

H.-C. Kuo, Y.-J. Cheng*, Aug. 2012, “MOCVD growth of GaN nanopyramid and nanopillar LED<br />

with emission in green to orange color”, paper presented at SPIE Optics+Photonics,, San Diego,<br />

California, USA: SPIE, 2012-08-12 ~ 2012-08-16.<br />

關 肇 正 (KAUN, CHAO-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. D. Croitoru*, A. A. Shanenko, C. C. Kaun, and F. M. Peeters, Jun. 2012, “Ultra-small metallic<br />

grains: effect of statistical fluctuations of the chemical potential on superconducting correlations<br />

and vice versa”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 24, 275701. (SCI) (IF: 2.55;<br />

SCI ranking: 25.9%)<br />


郭 志 禹 (KUO, CHIH-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.C. Tai*, C. Y. Kuo, W. H. Hui, 2012, “An alternative depth-integrated formulation for granular<br />

avalanches over temporally varying topography with small curvature”, GEOPHYSICAL AND<br />

ASTROPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMICS, vol. 106, p596-629. (SCI) (IF: 1; SCI ranking:<br />

69.8%,62.5%,54.4%)<br />

Luca, I.*, Kuo, C. Y., Hutter, K., Tai, Y. C., 2012, “Modeling shallow over-saturated mixtures on<br />

arbitrary rigid topography”, J. of Mechanics, vol. 28, pp523-541. (SCI)<br />

S. Alexandrov · C.-Y. Kuo · Y.-R. Jeng, Aug. 2012, “Effect of the shape of pressure-dependent yield<br />

surfaces on solution behaviour near frictional interfaces”, JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING<br />

MATHEMATICS, DOI 10.1007/s10665-012-9561-1. (SCI) (IF: 0.86; SCI ranking: 52.7%,43%)<br />

Y.C. Tai*, C.Y. Kuo , 2012, “Modeling the shallow gravity-driven flows as saturated binary mixtures<br />

over temporally varying topography ”, NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,<br />

vol. 12, p269-280. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 30.7%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

W.C. Chen, C.Y. Kuo*, Y. C. Tai, K.M. Shyue, Jul. 2012, “Solving Anisotropic SavageHutter<br />

Equation with a Gas Kinetic Numerical Scheme”, paper presented at International Conference for<br />

Mesoscopic Methods in Engineerin and Sciences, Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University,<br />

2012-07-23 ~ 2012-07-27.<br />

L.T. Sheng , S.Y. Chiu, C.Y. Kuo*, Y.C. Tai, S.S. Hsiau, Aug. 2012, “MEASUREMENT AND<br />


HYDRAULIC JUMP IN A RECTANGULAR CHUTE”, paper presented at International<br />

Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijin, China: The Chinese Society of<br />

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, China, 2012-08-19 ~ 2012-08-24.<br />

W.C. Chen*, C.Y. Kuo, K.M. Shyue, Y.C. Tai, Aug. 2012, “SIMULATION OF ANISOTROPIC<br />


International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Beijin, China: The Chinese<br />

Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, China, 2012-08-19 ~ 2012-08-24.<br />

K.J. Chang, S.K. Wei, R.F. Chen, Y.C. Chan, P.W. Tsai, C.Y. Kuo*, Nov. 2012, “Empirical Modal<br />

Decomposition of Near Field Seismic Signals of Tsaoling Landslide”, paper presented at<br />

International Symposium on Earth-quake Induced Landslides, Kiryu, Japan: Japan landslide<br />

society, Gunma University, Japan, 2012-11-07 ~ 2012-11-09.<br />

W.C. Chen, C.Y. Kuo*, Y. C. Tai, K.M. Shyue, May. 2012, “Solving anisotropic savage-hutter<br />

equation with a gas kinetic numerical scheme”, paper presented at Taiwan-Russia symposium on<br />

Deformation and Fracture in Technological Processes, Moscow, Russia: Russian Academy of<br />

Science, 2012-05-28 ~ 2012-05-30.<br />


沈 立 宗 , 戴 義 欽 , 郭 志 禹 , 蕭 述 三 , Nov. 2012, “ 乾 顆 粒 崩 塌 流 場 流 動 與 沉 積 行 為 之 研 究 ”, paper<br />

presented at 中 華 民 國 力 學 學 會 第 三 十 六 屆 全 國 力 學 會 議 , 中 壢 : 國 立 中 央 大 學 , 2012-11-16 ~<br />

2012-11-17.<br />

楊 言 誌 , 鄒 仕 豪 , 沈 立 宗 , 郭 志 禹 , 蕭 述 三 , Aug. 2012, “DEM 模 擬 於 重 力 驅 動 顆 粒 流 場 之 研 究 ”,<br />

paper presented at 第 19 屆 全 國 計 算 流 體 力 學 研 討 會 , 澎 湖 : 國 立 成 功 大 學 , 2012-08-16 ~<br />

2012-08-18.<br />

L.T. Sheng, C.Y. Kuo, Y.C. Tai, S.S. Hsiau , Aug. 2012, “Study on gravity-driven granular flows with<br />

a granular hydraulic jump”, paper presented at 第 19 屆 全 國 計 算 流 體 力 學 研 討 會 , 澎 湖 : 國 立<br />

成 功 大 學 , 2012-08-16 ~ 2012-08-18.<br />

魏 韶 寬 , 蔡 碧 紋 , 郭 志 禹 , Jun. 2012, “Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Clustering”,<br />

paper presented at 第 二 十 一 屆 南 區 統 計 研 討 會 暨 2012 年 中 華 機 率 統 計 學 年 會 及 學 術 研 討<br />

會 、2012 年 國 際 應 用 統 計 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 輔 仁 大 學 , 2012-06-29 ~ 2012-06-30.<br />

梁 國 淦 (LIANG, KUO-KAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K.-M. Tu, N. Matubayasi, K.K. Liang, I.T. Todorov, S.L. Chan, P.-L. Chau*, Jul. 2012, “A possible<br />

molecular mechanism for the pressure reversal of general anaesthetics : aggregation of halothane<br />

in POPC bilayers at high pressure”, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 543, 148-154. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.34; SCI ranking: 35.5%,43.8%)<br />

P.-L. Chau*, K.M. Tu, K.K. Liang, I.T. Todorov, S.J. Roser, R. Barker, N. Matubayasi, Apr. 2012,<br />

“The effect of pressure on halothane binding to hydrated DMPC bilayers”, Molecular Physics,<br />

110(13), 1461-1467. (SCI) (IF: 1.82; SCI ranking: 51.6%)<br />

包 淳 偉 (PAO, CHUN-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Meng-Yu Lin, Wei-Ching Guo, Meng-Hsun Wu, Pro-Yao Wang, Te-Huan Liu, Chun-Wei Pao,<br />

Chien-Cheng Chang, Shih-Yen Lin*, Nov. 2012, “Low-Temperature Grown Graphene Films by<br />

Using Molecular Beam Epitaxy”, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 101, 221911. (SCI) (IF: 3.84;<br />

SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Te-Huan Liu, Chun-Wei Pao*, Chien-Cheng Chang*, Aug. 2012, “Effects of dislocation densities and<br />

distributions on graphene grain boundary failure strengths from atomistic simulations”,<br />

CARBON, 50, 3465. (SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />

Chun-Wei Pao*, Te-Huan Liu, Chien-Cheng Chang*, David J. Srolovitz, Mar. 2012, “Graphene defect<br />

polarity dynamics”, CARBON, 50, 2870-2876. (SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />


Wen-Jay Lee, Chun-Wei Pao, Yeng-Tseng Wang, Wan-Sheng Su, Jee-Gong Chang*, Dec. 2012,<br />

“Diffusion of the Vacancy Defect Leading to the Formation of Multi-Shell Structure”, JOURNAL<br />

OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 112, 114301. (SCI) (IF: 2.17; SCI ranking: 28.4%)<br />

Wen-Jay Lee, Chun-Wei Pao, Jee-Gong Chang*, Jul. 2012, “Helical Multi-Shell Structures in Gold<br />

Nanobridge and Suspending Nanowire”, JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, 14,<br />

1058. (SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 22.9%,14.2%,28.9%)<br />

Chih-Cheng Lin, Po-Hsun Ho, Chi-Liang Huang, Chao-Hung Du, Chen-Chieh Yu, Hsuen-Li Chen,<br />

Yun-Chieh Yeh, Shao-Sian Li, Cheng-Kuang Lee, Chun-Wei Pao, Ching-Pin Chang, Ming-Wen<br />

Chu, Chun-Wei Chen*, Nov. 2012, “Dependence of Nanocrystal Dimensionality on the Polymer<br />

Nanomorphology, Anisotropic Optical Absorption and Carrier Transport in P3HT:TiO2 Bulk<br />

Heterojunctions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, 25081. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking:<br />

20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Cheng-Kuang Lee, Chun-Wei Pao*, May. 2012, “Solubility of [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric Acid Methyl<br />

Ester and Optimal Blending Ratio of Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells”, Journal of<br />

Physical Chemistry C, vol. 116, 12455. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

Ang-Yu Lu , Sung-Yen Wei , Chih-Yu Wu , Yenny Hernandez , Tzu-Yin Chen , Chun-Wei Pao , Fu-<br />

Rong Chen , Lain-Jong Li* and Zhen-Yu Juang*, Jan. 2012, “Decoupling of CVD graphene by<br />

controlled oxidation of recrystallized Cu”, RSC Advances, 2, 3008.<br />

董 奕 鍾 (TUNG, YI-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsiao AY, Tung YC, Kuo CH, Mosadegh B, Bedenis R, Pienta KJ, Takayama S, 2012, “Micro-ring<br />

structures stabilize microdroplets to enable long term spheroid culture in 384 hanging drop array<br />

plates.”, Biomedical microdevices, 14(2), 313-23. (SCI) (IF: 3.03; SCI ranking: 35.6%,17.9%)<br />

Hsiao AY, Tung YC, Qu X, Patel LR, Pienta KJ, Takayama S, 2012, “384 hanging drop arrays give<br />

excellent Z-factors and allow versatile formation of co-culture spheroids.”, Biotechnology and<br />

bioengineering, 109(5), 1293-304. (SCI) (IF: 3.95; SCI ranking: 16.5%)<br />

Yang ZH, Chien FC, Kuo CW, Chueh DY, Tung YC, Chen P, Dec. 2012, “Interfacial adhesion and<br />

superhydrophobicity modulated with polymeric nanopillars using integrated nanolithography ”,<br />


(SCI, EI) (IF: 2.11; SCI ranking: 21.1%,11.2%,18.9%,40%,15.9%)<br />

Lu JC, Liao WH, Tung YC*, Jul. 2012, “Magnet-assisted device-level alignment for fabrication of<br />

membrane-sandwiched polydimethylisiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic devices”, JOURNAL OF<br />

MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING, 22(7), 75006-75013. (SCI, EI) (IF: 2.11;<br />

SCI ranking: 21.1%,11.2%,18.9%,40%,15.9%)<br />


Wu CY, Lu JC, Liu MC, Tung YC*, 2012, “Integrated electrofluidic circuits: pressure sensing with<br />

analog and digital operation functionalities for microfluidics.”, Lab on a chip, 12(20), 3943-51.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.67; SCI ranking: 9.7%,13.6%,13.3%)<br />

Tung YC, Huang NT, Oh BR, Patra B, Pan CC, Qiu T, Chu PK, Zhang W*, Kurabayashi K*, 2012,<br />

“Optofluidic detection for cellular phenotyping.”, Lab on a chip, 12(19), 3552-65. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.67; SCI ranking: 9.7%,13.6%,13.3%)<br />

Lin SC, Yen PW, Peng CC, Tung YC*, 2012, “Single channel layer, single sheath-flow inlet<br />

microfluidic flow cytometer with three-dimensional hydrodynamic focusing.”, Lab on a chip,<br />

12(17), 3135-41. (SCI) (IF: 5.67; SCI ranking: 9.7%,13.6%,13.3%)<br />

Liu MC, Wu JG, Tsai MF, Yu WS, Lin PC*, Chiu IC, Chin HA, Chen IC, Tung YC, Chen JZ*, Feb.<br />

2012, “Two dimensional thermoelectric platforms for thermocapillary droplet actuation”, RSC<br />

Advances, 2, 1639-1642.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Liu MC, Shih HC, Weng TW, Wu CY, Tung YC*, Oct. 2012, “Combination of Hydrostatic Pressure<br />

and Shear Stresses Contribution to Endothelial Cell Growth in a Microfluidic Device”, paper<br />

presented at The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life<br />

Sciences, Okinawa, Japan: The Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS), 2012-<br />

10-28 ~ 2012-11-01.<br />

Peng CC, Liao WH, Wu CY, Tung YC*, Oct. 2012, “A Microfluidic Array Platform for Simultaneous<br />

Cell Culture under Various Oxygen Tensions”, paper presented at The 16th International<br />

Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan: The<br />

Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS), 2012-10-28 ~ 2012-11-01.<br />

Shih HC, Liu MC, Weng TW, Chen YH, Liao WH, Tung YC*, Oct. 2012, “A Microfluidic Wound-<br />

Healing Assay to Study Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Migration under Oxygen Gradients”,<br />

paper presented at The 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and<br />

Life Sciences, Okinawa, Japan: The Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS),<br />

2012-10-28 ~ 2012-11-01.<br />

Lin SC, Yen PW, Tung YC*, Oct. 2012, “Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Focusing Achieved by a<br />

Single Channel Layer, Single Sheath-Flow Inlet Microfluidic Device”, paper presented at The<br />

16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences,<br />

Okinawa, Japan: The Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS), 2012-10-28 ~<br />

2012-11-01.<br />


張 仕 欣 (CHANG, SHIH-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.-Y. Chang, H.-D. Li, S.-F. Tsai, S.-H. Chang, and D.-S. Lin, May. 2012, “Atomic and Electronic<br />

Processes During the Formation of an Ionic NaCl Monolayer on a Covalent Si(100) Surface”, J.<br />

Phys. Chem. C, 116, 11526. (SCI) (IF: 4.81; SCI ranking: 20%,17.8%,8.9%)<br />

A. DiLullo, S.-H. Chang, N. Baadji, K. Clark, J.-P. Klöckner, M.-H. Prosenc, S. Sanvito, R.<br />

Wiesendanger, G. Hoffmann, and S.-W. Hla, May. 2012, “Molecular Kondo Chain”, NANO<br />

LETTERS, 12, 3164. (SCI) (IF: 13.2; SCI ranking: 2.8%)<br />

謝 東 翰 (HSIEH, TUNG-HAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ting-Wai Chiu, Tung-Han Hsieh and Yao-Yuan Mao TWQCD Collaboration, Oct. 2012,<br />

“Pseudoscalar Meson in Two Flavors QCD with the Optimal Domain-Wall Fermion”, PHYSICS<br />

LETTERS B, 717, 420-424. (SCI) (IF: 3.96; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

S.Aoki, T.W.Chiu, G.Cossu, X.Feng, H.Fukaya, S.Hashimoto, T.H.Hsieh, T.Kaneko, H.Matsufuru,<br />

J.I.Noaki, T.Onogi, E.Shintani, K.Takeda, Sept. 2012, “Simulation of quantum chromodynamics<br />

on the lattice with exactly chiral lattice fermions”, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental<br />

Physics, 01A106.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ting-Wai Chiu, Tung-Han Hsieh for the TWQCD Collaboration, Jun. 2012, “Lattice QCD with<br />

optimal domain-wall fermion on the 20^3 x 40 lattice”, PoS (Lattice 2012) 205 pages, paper<br />

presented at The 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia:<br />

University of Adelaide, 2012-06-24 ~ 2012-06-29.<br />


環 境 變 遷 研 究 中 心<br />

劉 紹 臣 (LIU, SHAW CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Z. Liu, Y. Wang, D. Gu1, C. Zhao,L. G. Huey, R. Stickel, J.Liao, M. Shao, T. Zhu, L. Zeng, A.<br />

Amoroso, F. Costabile, C.-C. Chang, and S.-C. Liu, 2012, “Summertime photochemistry during<br />

CAREBeijing-2007: ROx budgets and O3 formation”, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND<br />

PHYSICS, 12, 7737-7752. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Hsu, S.-C., C.-A. Huh, C.-Y. Chan, S.-H. Lin, F.-J. Lin, and S. C. Liu, 2012, “Hemispheric dispersion<br />

of radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L00G22. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Shiu, C.-J., S. C. Liu, C. Fu, A. Dai, and Y. Sun, 2012, “How much do precipitation extremes change<br />

in a warming climate”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L17707. (SCI) (IF: 3.79;<br />

SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

黃 天 福 (WONG, GEORGE TIN-FUK)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pan, X., G.T.F. Wong, F.-K. Shiah, T.-Y. Ho, 2012, “Enhancement of biological productivity by<br />

internal waves: Observations in the suumertime in the northern South China Sea”, JOURNAL OF<br />

OCEANOGRAPHY, 68, 427-437. (SCI) (IF: 1.23; SCI ranking: 60.7%)<br />

Wong, G. T. F., 2012, “Removal of nitrite interference in the Winkler determination of dissolved<br />

oxygen in seawater”, Marine Chemistry, 130-131, 28-32. (SCI) (IF: 3.07; SCI ranking:<br />

8.9%,25.7%)<br />

周 佳 (CHOU, CHIA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Scherllin-Pirscher, B., C. Deser, S.-P. Ho, C. Chou, W. Randal and Y.-W. Kuo, 2012, “The vertical<br />

and spatial structure of ENSO in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from GPS radio<br />

occultation measurements”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L20801,<br />

doi:10.1029/2012GL053071. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Chia Chou* and Chia-Wei Lan, 2012, “Changes in the annual range of precipitation under global<br />

warming”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25, 222-235. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


Chia Chou*, Chao-An Chen, Pei-Hua Tan and Kwan-Ting Chen, 2012, “Mechanisms for global<br />

warming impacts on precipitation frequency and intensity”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25, 3291-<br />

3306. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ko, Ken-Chung, Huang-Hsiung Hsu* and Chia Chou, 2012, “Propagation and Maintenance<br />

Mechanism of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and TC feedback in the Western North Pacific”,<br />

JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25, 8591-8610. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chen, Chao-An, Chia Chou* and Cheng-Ta Chen, 2012, “Regional perspective on mechanisms for<br />

precipitation frequency and intensity under global warming”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25,<br />

8487-8501. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Huang, Ping*, Chia Chou and Ronghui Huang, 2012, “The Activity of Convectively Coupled<br />

Equatorial Waves in CMIP3 Global Climate Models”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,<br />

doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0761-4. (SCI) (IF: 1.94; SCI ranking: 43.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Tu, Jien-Yi, Chia Chou, Peing Huang, and Ronghui Huang, 2012, “An abrupt increase of intense<br />

typhoons over the western North Pacific in early summer”, paper presented at 2012 Asia Oceania<br />

Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Singapore: AOGS, 2012-08-12 ~ 2012-08-17.<br />

Chou, Chia, and Chia-Wei Lan, 2012, “Changes in the annual range of precipitation under global<br />

warming”, paper presented at 2012 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting,<br />

Singapore: AOGS, 2012-08-12 ~ 2012-08-17.<br />

Chou, Chia, and Chao-An Chen, 2012, “Regional perspective on mechanisms for precipitation<br />

frequency and intensity under global warming”, paper presented at 2012 Asia Oceania<br />

Geosciences Society (AOGS) Annual Meeting, Singapore: AOGS, 2012-08-12 ~ 2012-08-17.<br />

Chou, Chia, Chia-Wei Lan, Chia-Jung Lee, Chia-Hui Chung, Yi-Chun Liao, and John C. H. Chiang,<br />

2012, “Impacts of “wet seasons get wetter, dry seasons get drier””, paper presented at American<br />

Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA: AGU, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

Chou, Chia, Chao-An Chen, Pei-Hua Tan, Kuan-Ting Chen, 2012, “Global warming impacts on<br />

rainfall frequency and intensity”, paper presented at International Workshop on Climate Change<br />

Projection and High Performance Computing, Maui, Hawaii, USA: University of Tokyo, 2012-<br />

03-12 ~ 2012-03-15.<br />

高 樹 基 (KAO, SHUH-JI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yoshimasa Yamamoto and S. J. Kao, accepted, “Relationship between latitude and growth of bluegill<br />

Lepomis macrochirus in Lake Biwa, Japan”, Annales Zoologici Fennici. (SCI) (IF: 1.54; SCI<br />

ranking: 28.2%,66.4%)<br />


Chi, K. H., Luo, S., Kao, S. J. and Lee, T. Y., accepted, “Sources and Deposition Fluxes of PCDD/Fs<br />

in a High-mountain Lake in Central Taiwan”, Chemosphere. (SCI) (IF: 3.21; SCI ranking:<br />

16.4%)<br />

Goldsmith, S. T., S. J. Kao, A. E. Carey, W. B. Lyons and T. Y. Lee, submitted, “Chemical<br />

weathering on high standing islands: central and coastal ranges, Taiwan”, GEOCHIMICA ET<br />

COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. (SCI) (IF: 4.26; SCI ranking: 4.2%)<br />

Hsu, S.C., Lin, F.J., Liu, T.H., Lin, S.H., Kao, S.J., submitted, “Short time dissolution kinetics of dust<br />

aerosol iron and implications.”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Kao, S. J., Yang, J. Y., M. Dai, K. K. Liu, W. C. Chou, H. Lin, submitted, “ Isotope constrains on<br />

nitrogen dynamics in the South China Sea euphotic zone”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles,<br />

doi:10.1029. (SCI) (IF: 4.79; SCI ranking: 3.3%,6.6%,6.5%)<br />

Lee, T. Y., J. C. Huang, A. E. Carey, S. C. Hsu, K. Selvaraj and S. J. Kao, submitted, “Uncertainty in<br />

acquiring elemental fluxes from subtropical mountainous rivers in Taiwan.”, Hydrology and<br />

Earth System Sciences. (SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI ranking: 3.1%,9.8%)<br />

Kao, S. J., S. C. Hsu, Y. T. Huang, W. J. Chien, F. K. Shiah, K. Selvaraj,, submitted, “Characteristics<br />

of coal ash from a fire power plant: Identifying the potential leakage of coastal pond-stored ash<br />

into adjacent seas”, Journal of Environmental Management. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking: 15.3%)<br />

Selvaraj, K., C.T.A. Chen, J.Y. Lou, S.J. Kao, Lawrence M. Mayer, submitted, “Estimation of marine<br />

vs. terrestrial organic carbon in sediments off southwestern Taiwan using the ratio of bromine to<br />

organic carbon as a proxy”, Journal of Geophysical Research. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking:<br />

12.4%)<br />

Han, A., M. Dai, J. P Gan, S. J. Kao, Q. Li, L. Wang, accepted, “Nutrient dynamics and biological<br />

consumption in a large continental shelf system under the influence of both a river plume and<br />

coastal upwelling”, Limnology and Oceanography. (SCI) (IF: 3.42; SCI ranking: 3.6%,5.3%)<br />

Kao, S. J., R. G. Hilton, K. Selvaraj, M. Dai, F. Zehetner, J.C. Huang, S. C. Hsu, R. Sparkes, J. T. Liu,<br />

T. Y. Lee, J. Y. T. Yang, A. Galy, X. Xu and N. Hovius, submitted, “Globally significant organic<br />

carbon burial in marine sediments surrounding tropical mountain islands”, Science. (SCI) (IF:<br />

31.2; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Huang, J. C., T. Y. Lee, S. J. Kao, submitted, “Empirically-based hydrograph prediction interval”,<br />

Water Resources Research. (SCI) (IF: 2.96; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />

J. C. Huang, T. Y. Lee, S. J. Kao, S. C. Chan, F. Zehetner, submitted, “ Infiltration Effects on Eventbased<br />

Stream Discharge Simulations under the Conditions of a Fixed Routing Scheme ”, Water<br />

Resources Research. (SCI) (IF: 2.96; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />


Lin, H. J., T. R. Peng, I. C. Cheng, L. W. Chen, M. H. Kuo, C. S. Tzeng, S. T. Tsai, J. T. Yang, S. H.<br />

Wu, Y. H. Sun, S. F. Yu, and Shuh-Ji Kao, 2012, “A trophic model of the subtropical headwater<br />

stream habitat of the Formosan landlocked salmon Oncorhynchus formosanus”, Aquatic Biology,<br />

17, 269-283. (SCI) (IF: 1.47; SCI ranking: 53.4%)<br />

Li, C. S., Shi, X. F., Kao, S. J., , Chen, M. T., Liu, Y. G., Fang, X. S., Lu, H. H., Zou, J. J., Liu, S. F.,<br />

Qiao, S. Q., 2012, “Clay mineral composition and their sources for the fluvial sediments of<br />

Taiwanese rivers”, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 57(6), 673-681.. (SCI) (IF: 1.32; SCI<br />

ranking: 25.9%)<br />

Chen, L., S. J. Kao, S. Traore, 2012, “ Predicting and Managing Reservoir Total Phosphorus by using<br />

Modified Grammatical Evolution Coupled with a Macro-Genetic Algorithm.”, Environmental<br />

Modelling & Software, 38, 89-100. (SCI) (IF: 3.11; SCI ranking: 12.1%,18.9%,16.9%)<br />

Chi, K. H., S. J. Kao, K. T. Liu and T. Y. Lee, 2012, “Evaluation of Atmospheric PCDD/F<br />

Depositions via Automated and Traditional Water Surface Samplers in Taiwan”, Environmental<br />

Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021. (SCI) (IF: 5.23; SCI ranking: 4.4%,8.1%)<br />

Chang, H. Y., S. H. Wu, K.T. Shao, W.Y. Kao, C.J.W. Maa, R.Q. Jan, L.L. Liu, C.S. Tzeng, J.S.<br />

Hwang, H.L .Hsieh , S.J. Kao, YK Chen and HJ Lin, 2012, “Longitudinal variation in food<br />

sources and their use by aquatic fauna along the length of a subtropical river in Taiwan”,<br />

Freshwater Biology, doi:10.1111/ j.1365-2427.2012.02843.x. (SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Hilton, R., A. Galy , N. Hovius , S. J. Kao , M. J. Horng , H. Chen, 2012, “Climatic and geomorphic<br />

controls on the erosion of terrestrial biomass from subtropical mountain forest”, Global<br />

Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB3014, 12 PP., doi:10.1029/2012GB004314. (SCI) (IF: 4.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 3.3%,6.6%,6.5%)<br />

Ren, H., D. Sigman, M. T. Chen and S. J. Kao, 2012, “Elevated Foraminifera-bound Nitrogen Isotopic<br />

Composition During the Last Ice Age in the South China Sea and Its Global and Regional<br />

Implications”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI:10.1029. (SCI) (IF: 4.79; SCI ranking:<br />

3.3%,6.6%,6.5%)<br />

Kao et al.,, 2012, “Isotope constraints on particulate nitrogen source and dynamics in the upper water<br />

column of the oligotrophic South China Sea”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI:<br />

10.1029/2011GB004091. (SCI) (IF: 4.79; SCI ranking: 3.3%,6.6%,6.5%)<br />

Zou, J. J., X. F. Shi, Y. G. Liu1, J. H. Liu, K. Selvaraj, S. J. Kao, 2012, “Reconstruction of<br />

environmental changes using a multi-proxy approach in the Ulleung Basin”, J. Quaternary<br />

Science, 27(9), 891–900.<br />

Gupta Harish, S. J. Kao, Minhan Dai , 2012, “Decline in Sediment Flux versus Mega Dams: A Tale of<br />

Large Asian Rivers”, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 464–465, 447–458. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.6%,15%,5.3%)<br />


Robinson, R. S., M. Kienast and NICOPP working group , 2012, “A review of nitrogen isotopic<br />

alteration in marine sediments”, Paleoceanography, 27, PA4203, 13 PP. doi:10.1029. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.36; SCI ranking: 5.4%)<br />

Huang, J. C., J. Y Lee, T. Y. Lee, L. W. Cheng, C. K. Yu, S. J. Kao,, 2012, “Linking Typhoon Tracks<br />

and Spatial Rainfall Patterns for Improving Flood lead-time Predictions in Mountainous<br />

Watershed”, Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029. (SCI) (IF: 2.96; SCI ranking: 10.5%)<br />

Ho, C. T., S. J Kao, C. F Dai and R. Q Jan, Unpublished, “Assessment of the effects of cage fishfarming<br />

on damselfish associated food chains using stable isotope analyses”.<br />

Chang, Ni-Na, Jen-Chieh Shiao, Gwo-Ching Gong, Shuh-Ji Kao, Chih-Hao Hsieh, Unpublished,<br />

“Contributions of riverine inorganic and organic matters to benthic food web in the East China<br />

Sea inferred from stable isotope ratios”.<br />

Lee, T. Y., Perng, P. W., Tung, C. P., Huang, J. C., S. J. Kao, Unpublished, “ Improvement of Stream<br />

Temperature Model for Continuous Stimulation and Application to Formosan Landlocked<br />

Salmon’s Habitat.”.<br />

Chang, C. W., Takeshi Miki, F. K. Shiah, S. J. Kao, J. J. Wu, K. K. Liu and C. H. Hsieh, Unpublished,<br />

“ Linking nonlinear size spectrum with nonlinear size-trophic level relationship with a modified<br />

metabolic theory”, Ecology Letters. (SCI) (IF: 17.56; SCI ranking: 0.9%)<br />

K. K. Liu, S. J. Kao, K. P. Chiang, G. C. Gong, J. S. Cheng, C. Y. Lan, Unpublished, “Nitrogen<br />

isotope fractionation during ammonium uptake by phytoplankton under an algal bloom condition<br />

in the highly eutrophic Danshuei estuary, northern Taiwan”, Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta.<br />

K. Selvaraj, P. Purushothaman, S. C. Hsu, K. H. Chi, S. J. Kao*, Unpublished, “Modern weathering<br />

conditions and pollution status inferred from lake sediments in subtropical, central Taiwan”,<br />

Quaternary Research. (SCI) (IF: 2.52; SCI ranking: 17%)<br />

許 晃 雄 (HSU, HUANG-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Waliser, Duane E., Mitch Moncrieff, David Burrridge, Andreas Fink, Dave Gochis, B. N. Goswami,<br />

Bin Guan, Patrick Harr, Julian Heming, Huang-Hsuing Hsu, Richard Johnson, Christian Jakob,<br />

Sarah Jones, Peter Knippertz, Jose Marengo, Hanh Nguyen, Mick Pope, Yolande Sera, Chris<br />

Thorncroft, Matthew Wheeler, Robert Wood, 2012, “The "Year" of Tropical Convection (May<br />

2008 to April 2010) - Climate Variability and Weather Highlights”, BULLETIN OF THE<br />

AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, August, 1189-1218. (SCI) (IF: 6.03; SCI ranking:<br />

1.6%)<br />

Wu, Y.-J., A.B. Chen, H.H. Hsu, J.K. Chou, S.C. Chang, L.J. Lee, Y.J. Lee, H.T. Su, C.L. Kuo, R.R.<br />

Hsu, H.U. Frey, S.B. Mende, Y. Takahashi, and L.C. Lee, 2012, “Occurrence of Elves and<br />

Lightning during El Niño and La Niña”, Geophys. Res. Lett, 39, L03106. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.9%)<br />


Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu*, 2012, “Propagation and Maintenance Mechanism of the TC/submonthly<br />

Wave Pattern in the Western North Pacific and the Feedback of TCs”, J. Climate., 25, 8591-2610.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Paul, S., and H.-H. Hsu, 2012, “Comparative Study of Performance of IPCC AR4 GCMs in<br />

Simulating the East Asian Monsoon Variability”, TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND<br />

OCEANIC SCIENCES, Vol. 23, No. 4, 377-395. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 69.6%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hsu, H.-H., 2012, “Impact of vertical resolution on climate simulation using CESM”, paper presented<br />

at 1st Pan-Global Atmospheric System Studies (GASS) Conference: Advances in the Modeling of<br />

Atmospheric Physical Processes, Boulder, Colorado, USA: GEWEX, 2012-09-10 ~ 2012-09-14.<br />

Hsu, H.-H., and K. C. Ko, and C.H.Tsou, 2012, “Multiscale Interaction in the Western North Pacific:<br />

Do Tropical Cyclones Contribute toClimate Variability”, paper presented at 30th Conference on<br />

Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Jacksonville, Florida: American Meteorological Society,<br />

2012-04-15 ~ 2012-04-20.<br />

Tseng, W.-L., Hsu, B. J. Tsuang, N. Keenlyside, H. -H. Hsu, and C. -Y. Tu, 2012, “Ocean-atmosphere<br />

interaction key aspect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation”, paper presented at 30th Conference on<br />

Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Jacksonville, Florida: American Meteorological Society,<br />

2012-04-15 ~ 2012-04-20.<br />

Hsu, H.-H., and K. C. Ko, 2012, “Propagation and Maintenance Mechanism of the TC/submonthly<br />

Wave Pattern and TC feedback in the Western North Pacific”, paper presented at 30th<br />

Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Jacksonville, Florida: American<br />

Meteorological Society, 2012-04-15 ~ 2012-04-20.<br />

TSENG, W.-L., B.-J. Tsuang, N. Keenlyside, H.-H. Hsu, C.-Y. Tu, 2012, “Ocean-atmosphere<br />

Interaction: Key Aspect of the Madden-Julian Oscillation”, paper presented at AOGS-<br />

AGU(WPGM)Joint Assembly, Sentosa, Singapore: AOGS, 2012-08-13 ~ 2012-08-17.<br />

Hsu, H.-H. and Y. Cheng, 2012, “Extratropical stationary wave activity in a warming climate”, paper<br />

presented at WCRP Workshop on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5)<br />

Model Analysis, Honolulu, Hawaii: WCRP, 2012-03-05 ~ 2012-03-09.<br />

周 崇 光 (CHOU, CHUNG-KUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin, C.-Y.,Chou, C. C.-K., Wang, Z., Lung, S.-C., Lee, C.-T., Yuan, C.-S., Chen, W.-N., Chang, S.-Y.,<br />

Hsu, S.-C., Chen, W.-C., Liu, S. C., 2012, “Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian<br />

dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan.”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 60, 403-418..<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />


Hsu, S.-C., Huh, C.-A., Lin, C.-Y., Chen, W.-N. Mahowald, N., Liu, S. C., Chou, C. C.-K., Liang, M.<br />

C., Tsai, C.-J., Lin, F.-J., Chen, J. P., Huang, Y. T., 2012, “Dust transport from non-East Asian<br />

sources to the North Pacific”, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L12804.. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.9%)<br />

龍 世 俊 (LUNG, SHIH-CHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chuan-Yao Lin, Charles C.K. Chou a, Zifa Wang , Shih-Chun Lung , Chung-Te Lee , Chung-Shin<br />

Yuan , Wei-Nai Chen , Shih-Yu Chang , Shih-Chieh Hsu , Wan-Ching Chen , Shaw Chen Liu,<br />

2012, “Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to<br />

Taiwan”, Atmospheric Environment, 60, 403–408. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Lee MW; Chen ML; Lung, SCC, 2012, “Increase of urinary concentrations of 8-hydroxy-2'-<br />

deoxyguanosine in diesel exhaust emission inspector exposed to polycyclic aromatic<br />

hydrocarbons”, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 853 , 273-<br />

282. (SCI) (IF: 1.89; SCI ranking: 38.4%)<br />

Wu, C.D. & Lung, S.C.C., 2012, “Applying GIS and Fine-Resolution Digital Terrain Models to<br />

Assess Three-dimensional Population Distribution under Traffic Impacts”, JOURNAL OF<br />


SCI ranking: 28.8%,21.3%,20.3%)<br />

Chen MJ, Lin CY, Wu YT, Wu PC, Lung, SC, Su HJ, 2012, “Effects of Extreme Precipitation to the<br />

Distribution of Infectious Diseases in Taiwan, 1994–2008”, PLoS One, 7(6), e34651. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Chen ML; Wang L, Chi YK, Mao CC, Lung, SCC; Mao IF, 2012, “Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers<br />

in Foodstuffs from Taiwan: Level and Human Dietary Exposure Assessment”, Science of the<br />

Total Environment, 431, 183–187. (SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 14.8%)<br />

梁 茂 昌 (LIANG, MAO-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I-Chun Tsai, Mao-Chang Liang, and Jen-Ping Chen*, 2012, “Methane-nitrogen binary nucleation: A<br />

new microphysical mechanism for cloud formation in Titan’s atmosphere”, Astrophysical<br />

Journal, 747(1), 36-42. (SCI) (IF: 6.02; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chih-An Huh*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Wei-Nai Chen, Shaw Chen Liu, C.C.K. Chou, Mao-<br />

Chang Liang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Yi-Tang Huang, Fei-Jan Lin, Jen-Ping Chen, 2012, “Dust<br />

transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific”, Geophysical Research Letters,<br />

39(12),804-809. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />


Xun Jiang, Moustafa T. Chahine, Qinbin Li, Maochang Liang, Edward T. Olsen, Luke L. Chen,<br />

Jingqian Wang, and Yuk L. Yung, 2012, “CO2 semiannual oscillation in the middle troposphere<br />

and at the surface”, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26(3),. (SCI) (IF: 4.79; SCI ranking:<br />

3.3%,6.6%,6.5%)<br />

Zhang X.*, Liang, M. C., Mills, F. P., Belyaev D. A. and Yung, Y. L, 2012, “Sulfur Chemistry in the<br />

Middle Atmosphere of Venus”, Icarus, 217(2), 714–739. (SCI) (IF: 3.39; SCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

Sasadhar Mahata, S. K. Bhattacharya1, Chung-Ho Wang, Mao-Chang Liang, 2012, “An improved<br />

CeO2 method for high precision measurements of 17O/16O ratio for atmospheric carbon<br />

dioxide”, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 26(17),1909-1922. (SCI) (IF: 2.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 34.3%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Modeling The Vertical Profile Of Tholin Particles In The Atmosphere Of<br />

Titan”, paper presented at 2012 44th annual meeting of the DPS of the AAS, Reno, Nevada, USA:<br />

American Astronomical Society, 2012-10-14 ~ 2012-10-19.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Properties of the Scattered FUV Solar Spectrum at Titan”, paper presented<br />

at 2012 44th annual meeting of the DPS of the AAS, Reno, Nevada, USA: American<br />

Astronomical Society, 2012-10-14 ~ 2012-10-19.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Revisiting the Photochemical Processes on Titan: Insight from Cassini<br />

Observations”, paper presented at 2012 44th annual meeting of the DPS of the AAS, Reno,<br />

Nevada, USA: American Astronomical Society, 2012-10-14 ~ 2012-10-19.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Assimilating chemical compound with a regional chemical model”, paper<br />

presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California,<br />

USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Determination of triple oxygen isotope composition in CO2 from various<br />

biogeochemical processes”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical<br />

Union, San Francisco, California, USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-<br />

07.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Investigation of Atmospheric Recycling Rate from Observation and<br />

Model”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco,<br />

California, USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Lessons from Multi-Millenium Runs of Coupled Atmospheric-Ocean<br />

General Circulation Models”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical<br />

Union, San Francisco, California, USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-<br />

07.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Periods of 10-30 minutes of sea level variation observed in the coastal<br />

regions of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union,<br />

San Francisco, California, USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />


Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “Simulating Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Jovian Stratosphere in a<br />

Chemistry-Transport Model”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical<br />

Union, San Francisco, California, USA: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-<br />

07.<br />

Liang, Mao-Chang, 2012, “A Sensitivity Test of the Ozone Solar Cycle Response with Respect to<br />

Chemical Kinetics and Model Parameters”, paper presented at 2012 fall meeting of the American<br />

Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.: American Geophysical Union, 2012-12-03<br />

~ 2012-12-07.<br />

許 世 傑 (HSU, SHIH-CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang, J.C.*, Lin, C.C., Chan, S.C., Lee, T.Y., Hsu, S.C., Lee, C.T., Lin, J.C., 2012, “Stream<br />

discharge characteristics through urbanization gradient in Danshui River, Taiwan.”,<br />

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184, 5689-5703. (SCI) (IF: 1.4; SCI ranking: 58.5%)<br />

Jen-Hsiung Tsai, Kuo-Lin Huang, Neng-Huei Lin, Shui-Jen Chen, Ta-Chang Lin,Shih-Chieh Chen,<br />

Chih-Chung Lin, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Wen-Yinn Lin , 2012, “Influence of an Asian Dust Storm and<br />

Southeast Asian Biomass Burning on the Characteristics of Seashore Atmospheric Aerosols in<br />

Southern Taiwan”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 1105-1115. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI<br />

ranking: 21.9%)<br />

Gugamsetty, Balakrishnaiah; Wei, Han; Liu, Chun-Nan; Awasthi, Amit; Hsu, Shih-Chieh; Tsai,<br />

Chuen-Jinn; Roam, Gwo-Dong; Wu, Yue-Chuen;Chen, Chung-Fang, 2012, “Source<br />

Characterization and Apportionment of PM10, PM2.5 and PM0.1 by Using Positive Matrix<br />

Factorization”, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 476-491. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI ranking:<br />

21.9%)<br />

Lin, Chuan-Yao, Chou, Charles C. K., Wang, Zifa, Lung, Shih-Chun, Lee, Chung-Te, Yuan, Chung-<br />

Shin, Chen, Wei-Nai, Chang, Shih-Yu, Hsu, Shih-Chieh, Chen, Wan-Ching, Liu, Shaw Chen,<br />

2012, “Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to<br />

Taiwan”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 60, 403-418.. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Huh, C.A.*, Hsu, S.C., and Lin, C.Y., 2012, “Fukushima-derived fission nuclides monitored around<br />

Taiwan: Free tropospheric versus boundary layer transport”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,<br />

319-320, 9–14. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chih-An Huh*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Wei-Nai Chen, Natalie M.Mahowald, Shaw-Chen<br />

Liu, C.C.K. Chou, Mao-Chang Liang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Fei-Jan Lin, Jen-Ping Chen, Yi-Tang<br />

Huang, 2012, “Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L00G22, doi:10.1029/2012GL051962. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />


Shih-Chieh Hsu*, Chih-An Huh, Chuen-Yu Chan, Shuen-Hsin Lin, Fei-Jan Lin, Shaw Chen Liu,<br />

2012, “Hemispheric dispersion of radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the<br />

Fukushima nuclear event”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Huang JC, Lee TY, Kao SJ, Hsu SC, Lin HJ, Peng TR, 2012, “Land use effect and hydrological<br />

control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watersheds”, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH<br />

SYSTEM SCIENCES, 16, 699-714. (SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI ranking: 3.1%,9.8%)<br />



YU, 2012, “Strengthening of paleo-typhoon and autumn rainfall in Taiwan corresponding to the<br />

Southern Oscillation at late Holocene”, JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE, 27, 964-972.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.31; SCI ranking: 8.3%,20.9%)<br />

Wu, Chang-fu; Li, Ya-Ru; Kuo, I-Chun; Hsu, Shih-Chieh; Lin, Lian-Yu; Su, Ta-Chen, 2012,<br />

“Investigating the association of cardiovascular effects with personal exposure to particle<br />

components and sources”, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 431, 176-182. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.29; SCI ranking: 14.8%)<br />

林 傳 堯 (LIN, CHUAN-YAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chih-An Huh*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Shih-Chieh Hsu, accepted, “Regional Dispersal of Fukushimaderived<br />

Fission Nuclides by East Asia Monsoon: A Synthesis and Review.”, Aerosol and Air<br />

Quality Research. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI ranking: 21.9%)<br />

Kai Hsien Chi*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Neng-Heui Lin, Guey-Rong Sheu, Chung-Te<br />

Lee, accepted, “Evaluation of the distributions of ambient PCDD/Fs at remote locations in and<br />

around Taiwan ”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Kuo, C.Y., F.C. Cheng, S. Y. Chang, C. Y. Lin, C. H. Chou, Y. R. Lin, W. L., Shang, accepted,<br />

“Analysis of the major factors affecting the visibility degradation in two stations ”, JOURNAL<br />


62.9%,59.5%,54.1%)<br />

Lin C. Y.*, Y. F. Sheng, W.-N. Chen, Z. Wang, C.-H. Kuo, W.-C. Chen, T. Yang, 2012, “The impact<br />

of channel effect on Asian dust transport dynamics: A case in southeastern Asia”,<br />

ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 12,271-285. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Hone-Jay Chu, Chuan-Yao Lin, Churn-Jung Liau, Yi-Ming Kuo*, 2012, “Identifying controlling<br />

factors of ground-level ozone levels over southwestern Taiwan using a decision tree ”,<br />

ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 60,142-452. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />


Chuan-Yao Lin* ,Charles C.K. Chou , Z. Wang,S.C. Lung, C.T. Lee, C.S. Yuan,W. N. Chen , S.Y.<br />

Chang , S.C. Hsu,W.C. Chen, Shaw C. Liu, 2012, “Impact of different transport mechanisms of<br />

Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan”, Atmospheric Environment, 60,403-418.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Chih-An Huh*, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chuan-Yao Lin, 2012, “Fukushima-derived fission nuclides<br />

monitored around Taiwan: Free tropospheric versus boundary layer transport”, EARTH AND<br />

PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 319-320, 9-14. (SCI) (IF: 4.18; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Shih-Chieh Hsu, Chih-An Huh*, Chuan-Yao Lin, Wei-Nai Chen, Natalie M. Mahowald, Shaw-Chen<br />

Liu, C. C. K. Chou, Mao-Chang Liang, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Fei-Jan Lin, Jen-Ping Chen, Yi-Tang<br />

Huang, 2012, “Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific ”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39(12804),1-6. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Chih-Wei Chiang*, Subrata Kumar Das, Chuan-Yao Lin, Jan B. Nee, Shu-Huang Sun, Hung-Wei<br />

Chiang, Ming-Ju Yu, Zhang Shu-Ting, 2012, “Multi-year investigations of aerosol layer using<br />

lidar measurements at Chung-Li, Taiwan ”, JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-<br />

TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 89,40-47. (SCI) (IF: 1.6; SCI ranking: 58.1%,44.4%)<br />

Hsiao-Ling Chang, Chia-Pin Chio, Huey-Jen Su, Chung-Min Liao, Chuan-Yao Lin, Wen-Yi Shau,<br />

Yun-Chan Chi, Ya-Ting Cheng, Yuan-Lin Chou, Chung-Yi Li, Kwo-Liang Chen, Kow-Tong<br />

Chen*, 2012, “The Association between Enterovirus 71 Infections and Meteorological<br />

Parameters in Taiwan.”, PLoS One, 7,1-5. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Mu-Jean Chen, Chuan-Yao Lin, Yi-Ting Wu, Pei-Chih Wu, Shih-Chun Lung, Huey-Jen Su* , 2012,<br />

“Effects of Extreme Precipitation to the Distribution of Infectious Diseases in Taiwan, 1994–<br />

2008 ”, PLoS One, 7,1-8. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

張 志 忠 (CHANG, CHIH-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Zhen Liu, Yuhang Wang, Mihalis Vrekoussis, Andreas Richter, Folkard Wittrock, John P. Burrows,<br />

Min Shao, Chih-Chung Chang, Shaw-Chen Liu, Hongli Wang, Changhong Chen, accepted,<br />

“Exploring the Missing Source of CHOCHO over China”, Geophysical Research Letters. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Liu, Z., Wang, Y., Gu, D., Zhao, C., Huey, L. G., Stickel, R., Liao, J., Shao, M., Zhu, T., Zeng, L.,<br />

Amoroso, A., Costabile, F., Chang, C.-C., and Liu, S.-C.: , 2012, “Summertime photochemistry<br />

during CAREBeijing-2007: ROx budgets and O3 formation”, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7737-<br />

7752. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />


K. D. Lu1,, F. Rohrer, F. Holland, H. Fuchs, B. Bohn, T. Brauers, C. C. Chang, R. H¨aseler2, M. Hu,<br />

K. Kita, Y. Kondo, X. Li, S. R. Lou, S. Nehr, M. Shao, L. M. Zeng, A.Wahner, Y. H. Zhang, and<br />

A. Hofzumahaus, 2012, “Observation and modelling of OH and HO2 concentrations in the Pearl<br />

River Delta 2006: a missing OH source in a VOC rich atmosphere”, ATMOSPHERIC<br />

CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 12, 1541-1569. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Wen-Tzu Liu, Hsin-Cheng Hsieh, Sheng-Po Chen, Julius S. Chang, Neng-Huei Lin, Chih-Chung<br />

Chang, Jia-Lin Wang, 2012, “Diagnosis of Air Quality through Observation and Modeling of<br />

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Pollution Tracers”, Atmospheric Environment, 55, 56-<br />

63. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Bin Yuan, Wentai Chen, Min Shao, Ming Wang, Sihua Lu, Bin Wang, Ying Liu, Chih-Chung Chang,<br />

BoguangWang, 2012, “Measurements of ambient hydrocarbons and carbonyls in the Pearl River<br />

Delta (PRD), China”, Atmospheric Research, 116, 93-104. (SCI) (IF: 1.91; SCI ranking: 46.8%)<br />

Jia-Lin Wang, Chih-Chung Chang*, Kun-Zhang Lee, 2012, “In-line Sampling with Gas<br />

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Monitor Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds”, Journal<br />

of Chromatography A, 1248, 161-168. (SCI) (IF: 4.53; SCI ranking: 9%,19.4%)<br />

何 東 垣 (HO, TUNG-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Guo C.*, J. Yu, T.-Y. Ho, L. Wang, S. Song, L. Kong, and H. Liu, 2012, “Dynamics of phytoplankton<br />

community structure in the South China Sea in response to the East Asian aerosol input”,<br />

Biogeosciences, 9, 1519-1536. (SCI) (IF: 3.86; SCI ranking: 5.2%,23%)<br />

Yang S.-C., D.-C. Lee*, T.-Y. Ho, 2012, “The isotopic composition of Cadmium in the water column<br />

of the South China Sea”, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 98, 66-77. (SCI) (IF: 4.26; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.2%)<br />

Pan X.-J. , G. T. F. Wong, F.-K. Shiah, and T.-Y. Ho, 2012, “Enhancement of biological productivity<br />

by internal waves: observations in the summertime in the northern South China Sea”, Journal of<br />

Oceanography, doi:10.1007/s10872-012-0107-y. (SCI) (IF: 1.23; SCI ranking: 60.7%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Tung‐Yuan Ho and Che‐Hua Chu, 2012, “Interrelated influence of Ni and light on Trichodesmium<br />

growth”, paper presented at 2012 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: ASLO,<br />

AGU, TOS, 2012-02-19 ~ 2012-09-24.<br />


李 時 雨 (LEE, SHIH-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Langebroek, P., C. Bradshaw, A. Yanchilina, R. Caballero-Gill, C. Pew, K. Armour, S.-Y. Lee, and I.-<br />

M. Jansson, 2012, “Improved proxy record of past warm climates needed”, Eos Trans, 93(14),<br />

144, doi:10.1029/2012EO140007. (AGU)<br />

陳 韡 鼐 (CHEN, WEI-NAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.-Y. Lin*, Y.-F. Sheng, W.-N. Chen, Z. Wang, C.-H. Kuo, W.-C. Chen, T. Yang, 2012, “The impact<br />

of channel effect on Asian dust transport dynamics: a case in southeastern Asia”,<br />

ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 12, 271-285. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Chuan-Yao Lin, Charles C.K. Chou, Z. Wang, S.C. Lung, C.T. Lee, C.S. Yuan, W.N. Chen, S.Y.<br />

Chang, S.C. Hsu, W.C. Chen, Shaw C. Liu , 2012, “Impact of different transport mechanisms of<br />

Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan ”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 60,<br />

403-418. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />

S-C Hsu, C-A Huh, C-Y Lin, W-N Chen, N. M. Mahowald, S-C Liu, C. C. K. Chou, M-C Liang, C-J<br />

Tsai, F-J Lin, J-P Chen, Y-T Huang , 2012, “Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the<br />

North Pacific”, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L12804. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.9%)<br />

李 威 良 (LEE, WEI-LIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yu Gu*, Kou-Nan Liou, Wei-Liang Lee, Ruby Leung, 2012, “Simulating 3-D radiative transfer effects<br />

over the Sierra Nevada Mountains using WRF”, ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS,<br />

12, 9965-9976. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Wei-Liang Lee*, Kuo-Nan Liou, 2012, “Absorbing aerosol deposition on snow albedo reduction in the<br />

Sierra Nevada”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 55, 425-430. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%,13.1%)<br />

Wei-Liang Lee*, Kuo-Nan Liou, Chia-chi Wang, 2012, “Impact of 3-D topography on surface<br />

radiation budget over the Tibetan Plateau”, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY,<br />

110. (SCI) (IF: 1.94; SCI ranking: 43.5%)<br />


杜 佳 穎 (TU, CHIA-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai, Jeng-Lin, Ben-Jei Tsuang*, Pei-Hsuan Kuo, Chia-Ying Tu, Chi-Ling Chen, Ming-Tung Hsueh,<br />

Cheng-Shang Lee, Ming-Hwi Yao, Mei-Li Hsueh, 2012, “Evaluation of the relaxed eddy<br />

accumulation coefficient at various wetland ecosystems”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 60,<br />

336-347. (SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />

許 乾 忠 (SHIU, CHEIN-JUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shiu, C.-J., Shaw Chen Liu, Congbin Fu, Aiguo Dai and<br />

Ying Sun, 2012, “How Much do Precipitation Extremes Change in a Warming Climate”,<br />

GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 39, L17707, doi:10.1029/ 2012GL052762. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.79; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shiu, C.-J., Shaw Chen Liu, Jen-Ping Chen, Jiun-Dar Chern, and Wei-Kuo Tao, 2012, “Changes in<br />

water vapor, clouds, and precipitation under global warming: Reanalysis and GCM models”,<br />

paper presented at 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP 2012),<br />

Leipzig, Germany: International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 2012-<br />

07-30 ~ 2012-08-03.<br />

Shiu, C.-J., You-Yu Mao, Chih-Wei Wan, and Shaw Chen Liu, 2012, “Changes in convective and<br />

stratiform precipitation under global warming: Reanalysis and GCM models”, paper presented at<br />

17th Annual CESM Workshop, Breckenridge, CO, USA: NCAR, USA, 2012-06-18 ~ 2012-06-<br />

21.<br />

Shiu, C.-J., Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Wang, W. L. Lee, and Jen-Ping Chen, 2012, “Warm Cloud<br />

Microphysics Parameterization for Convective Clouds in NCAR CAM5: Single Column and<br />

Global Model Tests”, paper presented at 1st Pan-GASS Workshop, , Boulder, Colorado, USA.:<br />

NCAR and WCRP/GEWEX, 2012-09-10 ~ 2012-09-14.<br />

Shiu, C.‐J., You‐Yu Mao, Shaw Chen Liu, and Jen‐Ping Chen , 2012, “Changes in clouds and<br />

precipitation under global warming: Reanalysis and GCM models”, paper presented at Workshop<br />

on The Physics of Weather and Climate Models, Pasadena, CA, USA: JPL Center for Climate<br />

Sciences (CCS) and the Keck Institute for Space Studies (KISS), 2012-03-20 ~ 2012-03-23.<br />


山 本 芳 正 (YAMAMOTO, YOSHIMASA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y. Yamamoto*, S. J. Kao, 2012, “Relationship between latitude and growth of bluegill Lepomis<br />

macrochirus in Lake Biwa, Japan”, ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI, 49, 36-44. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.54; SCI ranking: 28.2%,66.4%)<br />

Y. Yamamoto*, F. K. Shiah, 2012, “Factors related to the dominance of Cylindrospermopsis<br />

raciborskii (cyanobacteria) in a shallow pond in northern Taiwan”, JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY,<br />

48, 984-991. (SCI) (IF: 2.07; SCI ranking: 27.4%,30.7%)<br />

林 煜 棋 (LIN, YU-CHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

. L. Sun, Q. Zhang, J. J. Schwab, W.-N. Chen, M.-S. Bae, H.-M. Hung, Y.-C. Lin, N. L. Ng, J. Jayne,<br />

P. Massoli, L. R. Williams, and K. L. Demerjian, 2012, “Characterization of near-highway<br />

submicron aerosols in New York City with a high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer”,<br />

ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 12, 2215-2227. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking:<br />

3.2%)<br />

Yu Chi Lin, James J. Schwab, Kenneth L. Demerjian, Min-Suk Bae, Wei-Nai Chen, Ye-Le Sun, Qi<br />

Zhang, Hui-Ming Hung, 2012, “Summertime Formaldehyde Observations in New York City:<br />

Ambient Levels, Sources and Its Contribution to HOx Radicals”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL<br />

RESEARCH, 17(D08305). (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 12.4%)<br />

潘 曉 駒 (PAN, XIAOJU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Xiaoju Pan*, George T. F. Wong*, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Tung-Yuan Ho, 2012, “Enhancement of<br />

biological productivity by internal waves: Observations in the summertime in the northern South<br />

China Sea”, JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 68, 427-437. (SCI) (IF: 1.23; SCI ranking:<br />

60.7%)<br />

蕭 寶 桂 (HSIAO, PAO-KUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pao-Kuei Hsiao, Wan-Ting Chen, Kai-Chih Chang, Yu-Ju Ke, Chung-Long Kuo, Chun-Chieh Tseng,<br />

2012, “Performance of CHROMagar Staph aureus and CHROMagar MRSA for Detection of<br />

Airborne Methicillin-Resistant and Methicillin-Sensitive Staphylococcus aureus”, AEROSOL<br />

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 46, 297-308. (SCI) (IF: 2.67; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%,25.1%,30.6%)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Pao-Kuei Hsiao, Shih-Chun Candice Lung, Chun-Hu Liu, Tzu-Yao Wen, Chi Fu,, 2012, “Aerosol<br />

compositions during heat waves in Taipei city”, paper presented at 12th International Global<br />

Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Open Science Conference, 中 國 北 京 市 : International Global<br />

Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) 與 北 京 大 學 , 2012-09-17 ~ 2012-09-21.<br />

Pao-Kuei Hsiao, Shih-Chun Candice Lung, Su Min Lin, Ching-Huang Lai, 2012, “Measurement of<br />

particulate pollutants affect by electronic toll collection system on highway”, paper presented at<br />

2012 International Society of Exposure Science, Seattle, Washington: International Society of<br />

Exposure Science, 2012-10-28 ~ 2012-11-01.<br />

蘇 仕 峰 (SU, SHIH-FENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

高 宏 明 、 蘇 仕 峰 、 任 玄 、 李 昭 興 ,2012,〈 應 用 多 光 譜 衛 星 影 像 分 析 南 沙 太 平 島 〉,《 海 洋 及<br />

水 下 科 技 季 刊 》, 第 二 十 一 卷 第 四 期 , 頁 20-26。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wei-Nai Chen*,M. Roja Raman, Kai-Hsuan Hsu, Tian-Ren Yang, Li-Ting Chen, 2012, “Trends in<br />

Monthly Tropopause Characteristics Observed Using Radiosonde and NCEP-CFSR Data”, 01<br />

pages, paper presented at AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Resorts World Convention<br />

Centre, Singapore: Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society, 2012-08-13 ~ 2012-08-17.<br />

吳 奇 樺 (WU, CHI-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi-Hua Wu*, Ming-Dah Chou, 2012, “Upper-tropospheric forcing on late-July monsoon transition in<br />

East Asia and Western North Pacific”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25(11), 3929-3941. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

林 丞 庭 (LIN, CHENG-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.T. Lin, A.R. Baker, T.D. Jickells, S. Kelly, T. Lesworth, 2012, “An assessment of the significance<br />

of sulphate sources over the Atlantic Ocean”, ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 62, 615-621.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.47; SCI ranking: 16.1%,13.1%)<br />


張 玨 欣 (CHANG, CHUEH-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, C.-H., S.-P. Xie, N. Schneider, B. Qiu, J. Small, W. Zhuang, B. Taguchi, H. Sasaki, and X.<br />

Lin, 2012, “East Pacific ocean eddies and their relationship to subseasonal variability in Central<br />

American wind jets”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 117, C10001. (SCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chang, C.-H.*, N. Johnson, and N. Cassar, 2012, “Neural network-based estimates of Southern Ocean<br />

net community production from in-situ and satellite observation: A methodological study”, paper<br />

presented at AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Francisco, CA, U.S.: American Geophysical Union,<br />

2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

曹 俊 和 (CHOW, CHUN-HOE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chun Hoe Chow, Yu-heng Tseng, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Chih-Chieh Young, Wenien Yu, Yu-Chiao<br />

Liang, 2012, “Roles of oceanic eddies on sea surface variability and air-sea interaction in the<br />

SubTropical-CounterCurrent region in the CESM”, paper presented at The 17th Annual CESM<br />

Workshop, Boulder, Co, USA: National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2012-06-17 ~ 2012-<br />

06-21.<br />

陳 昭 安 (CHEN, CHAO-AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia Chou*, Chao-An Chen, Pei-Hua Tan and Kwan-Ting Chen, 2012, “Mechanisms for global<br />

warming impacts on precipitation frequency and intensity”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 25 (9),<br />

3291–3306. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Chao-An Chen, Chia Chou* and Cheng-Ta Chen, 2012, “Regional perspective on mechanisms for<br />

tropical precipitation frequency and intensity under global warming”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE,<br />

25 (24), 8487–8501. (SCI) (IF: 4.1; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

趙 明 輝 (CHOW, MING-FAI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

1. Chow, M. F*. and Zulkifli, Y., 2012, “Quantifying First Flush Loadings of Stormwater Runoff from<br />

Residential Catchment”, 7 pages, paper presented at 34th Hydrology & Water Resources<br />

Symposium 2012, Sydney, Australia: Institute of Engineers Australia, 2012-11-19 ~ 2012-11-22.<br />


Zulkifli, Y. and Chow, M. F., 2012, “Evaluation of Best Sampling Time for Measurement of Oil and<br />

Grease”, 5 pages, paper presented at 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and<br />

Technology, Houston, Texas, USA: American Academy of Sciences, 2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-29.<br />

賴 姿 伶 (LAI, TZU-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tzu-Ling Lai, Robert Talbot, Huiting Mao, 2012, “An Investigation of Two Highest Ozone Episodes<br />

During the Last Decade in New England”, Atmosphere, ISSN 2073-4433. (SCI)<br />

彌 謝 拉 (MISHRA, ANOOP KUMAR)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Anoop Kumar Mishra, 2012, “A New Technique to Estimate Precipitation at Fine Scale Using<br />

Multifrequency Satellite Observations Over Indian Land and Oceanic Regions”, IEEE<br />


ranking: 18.1%,8.8%,5%)<br />

Anoop Kumar Mishra, Rajesh Kumar, 2012, “Study of Rainfall from TRMMMicrowave Imager<br />

Observation over India”, ISRN Geophysics, 2012, 1-7.<br />


資 訊 科 技 創 新 研 究 中 心<br />

張 佑 榕 (CHANG, RONALD Y.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-J. Lin, "A* Algorithm Inspired Memory-Efficient Detection for<br />

MIMO Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 5, pages 508-511,<br />

October 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Energy Efficient Transmission over Space Shift Keying<br />

Modulated MIMO Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 60, number 10,<br />

pages 2950-2959, October 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Efficient Implementation of the MIMO Sphere Detector:<br />

Architecture and Complexity Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume<br />

61, number 7, pages 3289-3294, September 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "Hierarchical Space Shift Keying for Unequal Error<br />

Protection," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 9, pages 1341-1344, September<br />

2012.<br />

H.-W. Liang, R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, H. Zhang, and S.-Y. Kuo, "Bi-Space Shift Keying<br />

Modulation for MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 8, pages<br />

1161-1164, August 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Best-First Tree Search with Probabilistic Node Ordering for MIMO<br />

Detection: Generalization and Performance-Complexity Tradeoff," IEEE Transactions on<br />

Wireless Communications, volume 11, number 2, pages 780-789, February 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, S.-J. Lin, and W.-H. Chung, "New Space Shift Keying Modulation with Hamming Code-<br />

Aided Constellation Design," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 1, pages<br />

2-5, February 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang and W.-H. Chung, "Low-Complexity MIMO Detection Based on Post-Equalization<br />

Subspace Search," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 61, number 1,pages<br />

375-380, January 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

S.-J. Lu, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Data Detection of Amplify-and-Forward User Cooperation<br />

in MIMO Broadcasting Systems without Channel State Information Feedback," APSIPA ASC,<br />

December 2012.<br />

C.-Y. Hung, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "A Hybrid MMSE and K-Best Detection Scheme for<br />

MIMO Systems," IEEE VTC-Fall, September 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-J. Lin, "Detection of Space Shift Keying Signaling in Large MIMO<br />

Systems," IEEE IWCMC, August 2012.<br />


C.-Y. Hung, W.-H. Chung, R. Y. Chang, and C.-E. Chen, "A Monte Carlo MIMO Detection Scheme<br />

Via Random Noise Generation," IEEE WCNC, April 2012, (Best Paper Award)<br />

鍾 偉 和 (CHUNG, WEI-HO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Sian-Jheng Lin and Wei-Ho Chung, "An Efficient (n, k) Information Dispersal Algorithm for High<br />

Code Rate System over Fermat Fields," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 12,<br />

pages 2036-2039, December 2012.<br />

Ching-Hui Chen and Wei-Ho Chung*, "Dual Diversity Space-Time Coding for Multimedia<br />

Broadcast/Multicast Service in MIMO systems," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume<br />

60, number 11, pages 3286 - 3297, November 2012.<br />

R. Y. Chang, W.-H. Chung, and S.-J. Lin, "A* Algorithm Inspired Memory-Efficient Detection for<br />

MIMO Systems," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 5, pages 508-511,<br />

October 2012.<br />

Chia-Mu Yu, Sung-Hsien Hsieh, Han-Wen Liang, Chun-Shien Lu, Wei-Ho Chung, Sy-Yen Kuo, and<br />

Soo-Chang Pei, "Compressed Sensing Detector Design for Space Shift Keying in MIMO<br />

Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 10, pages 1556-1559, October<br />

2012.<br />

Po-Kai Tseng and Wei-Ho Chung, "Joint Coverage and Link Utilization for Fast IP Local Protection,"<br />

Computer Networks, volume 56, number 15, pages 3385–3400, October 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang, Sian-Jheng Lin, and Wei-Ho Chung, "Energy Efficient Transmission over Space<br />

Shift Keying Modulated MIMO Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, volume 60,<br />

number 10, pages 2950-2959, October 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang, Sian-Jheng Lin, and Wei-Ho Chung, "Hierarchical Space Shift Keying for Unequal<br />

Error Protection," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 9, pages 1341-1344,<br />

September 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang, Sian-Jheng Lin, and Wei-Ho Chung, "Efficient Implementation of the MIMO<br />

Sphere Detector: Architecture and Complexity Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular<br />

Technology, volume 61, number 7, pages 3289-3294, September 2012.<br />

Sian-Jheng Lin and Wei-Ho Chung, "The Scalar Scheme for Reversible Information-Embedding in<br />

Gray-scale Signals: Capacity Evaluation and Code Constructions," IEEE Transactions on<br />

Information Forensics and Security, volume 7, number 4, pages 1155 -1167, August 2012.<br />

Han-Wen Liang, Ronald Y. Chang, Wei-Ho Chung, Hongke Zhang, and Sy-Yen Kuo, "Bi-Space Shift<br />

Keying Modulation for MIMO Systems," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 8,<br />

pages 1161-1164, August 2012.<br />

Yu-Shan Liang, Wei-Ho Chung, Hongke Zhang, and Sy-Yen Kuo, "Resource Allocation with<br />

Interference Avoidance in OFDMA Femtocell Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular<br />

Technology, volume 61, number 5, pages 2243-2254, June 2012.<br />


Chiao-En Chen and Wei-Ho Chung, "An Iterative Minmax Per-Stream MSE Transceiver Design for<br />

MIMO Interference Channel," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume 1, number 3,<br />

pages 229-232, June 2012.<br />

Wei-Ho Chung and Chiao-En Chen, "Detecting Number of Coherent Signals in Array Processing by<br />

Ljung-Box Statistic," IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, volume 48,<br />

number 2, pages 1739 - 1747, April 2012.<br />

Richard H. Chen and Wei-Ho Chung, "Reduced Complexity MIMO Detection Scheme Using<br />

Statistical Search Space Reduction," IEEE Communications Letters, volume 16, number 3, pages<br />

292-295, March 2012.<br />

Po-Kai Tseng and Wei-Ho Chung, "Near Optimal Link On/Off Scheduling and Weight Assignment<br />

for Minimizing IP Network Energy Consumption," Computer Communications, volume 35, pages<br />

729-737, March 2012.<br />

Sian-Jheng Lin and Wei-Ho Chung*, "A Probabilistic Model of (t, n) Visual Cryptography Scheme<br />

with Dynamic Group," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, volume 7,<br />

number 1, pages 197-207, February 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang, Sian-Jheng Lin, and Wei-Ho Chung*, "New Space Shift Keying Modulation with<br />

Hamming Code Enabled Constellation Design," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, volume<br />

1, number 1, pages 2-5, February 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang and Wei-Ho Chung*, "Best-First Tree Search with Probabilistic Node Ordering for<br />

MIMO Detection: Generalization and Performance-Complexity Tradeoff," IEEE Transactions on<br />

Wireless Communications, volume 11, number 2, pages 780-789, February 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang and Wei-Ho Chung*, "Low-Complexity MIMO Detection Based on Post-<br />

Equalization Subspace Search," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, volume 61, number<br />

1, pages 375-380, January 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

S.-J. Lu, R. Y. Chang, and W.-H. Chung, "Data Detection of Amplify-and-Forward User Cooperation<br />

in MIMO Broadcasting Systems without Channel State Information Feedback," APSIPA ASC,<br />

December 2012.<br />

Han-Wen Liang, Wei-Ho Chung, Zhang Hongke, and Sy-Yen Kuo, "A Parallel Processing Algorithm<br />

for Schnorr-Euchner Sphere Decoder," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking<br />

Conference (WCNC), December 2012.<br />

Shih-Jung Lu and Wei-Ho Chung, "Data Detection for MIMO Broadcasting System with Decode-and-<br />

Forward Coooperation," IEEE 76th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2012-Fall),<br />

September 2012, Quebec, Canada<br />

Po-Kai Tseng, Wei-Ho Chung, and Huan Chen, "Distributed Energy-Efficient Cross-Layer Design for<br />

Cognitive Radio Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile<br />

Radio Communications - (PIMRC 2012), September 2012.<br />


Po-Kai Tseng and Wei-Ho Chung, "Joint Design on Load Balancing and Survivability for Resilient IP<br />

Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications」<br />

(WPMC 2012), September 2012.<br />

Cheng-Yu Hung, Ronald Y. Chang, and Wei-Ho Chung, "A Hybrid MMSE and K-Best Detection<br />

Scheme for MIMO Systems," IEEE VTC-Fall, September 2012.<br />

Ronald Y. Chang, Wei-Ho Chung, and Sian-Jheng Lin, "Detection of Space Shift Keying Signaling in<br />

Large MIMO Systems," International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing<br />

Conference (IWCMC 2012), August 2012, Limassol, Cyprus<br />

Po-Kai Tseng, Huan Chen, and Wei-Ho Chung, "Joint Design on Energy Efficiency and Throughput<br />

for Non-Infrastructure based Cognitive Radio Networks," International Wireless<br />

Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2012), August 2012, Limassol,<br />

Cyprus<br />

Huan Chen, Chih-Chuan Cheng, Wei-Ho Chung, and Hsi Hsun Yeh, "A Reduced Dimension MDPbased<br />

Call Admission Control Scheme for Next Generation Telecommunications," International<br />

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2012), pages 984-989,<br />

August 2012.<br />

Han-Wen Liang, Chiao-En Chen, and Wei-Ho Chung, "A Novel Space-Time Shift Keying and Its<br />

Reduced Complexity Detector," IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile<br />

Computing Conference (IWCMC), August 2012, Cyprus<br />

Yen-Hsu Chen, Wei-Ho Chung, Guo-Kai Ni, Zhang Hongke, and Sy-Yen Kuo, "Optimal Self<br />

Boundary Recognition with Two-Hop Information for Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Wireless<br />

Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.<br />

Yu-Shan Liang, Wei-Ho Chung, Zhang Hongke, and Sy-Yen Kuo, "Throughput Improvement of<br />

Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks with Cooperative Opportunistic Routing," IEEE Wireless<br />

Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April 2012.<br />

Hung-Lung Wang and Wei-Ho Chung, "The Generalized k-Coverage under Probabilistic Sensing<br />

Model in Sensor Networks," IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference<br />

(WCNC), April 2012.<br />

Cheng-Yu Hung, Wei-Ho Chung, Ronald Y. Chang, and Chiao-En Chen, "A Monte Carlo MIMO<br />

Detection Scheme Via Random Noise Generation," IEEE Wireless Communications and<br />

Networking Conference (WCNC 2012 Best Paper Award), April 2012, Paris, France.<br />

陳 淑 君 (CHEN, SHU-JIUN (SOPHY))<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, S.J. & Chen, H.H., "Mapping multilingual lexical semantics for knowledge organization<br />

systems," The Electronic Library, volume 30, number 2, pages pp. 278 - 294, July 2012.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chen, S.J., Zeng, M.L. & Chen, H.H., "Alignment of conceptual structures in controlled vocabularies<br />

in the domain of Chinese art – a discussion of issues and patterns.," In Proceeding of 12th<br />

International ISKO Conference, Mysore, India, 6-9 august 2012., A. Neelameghan and K.S.<br />

Raghavan, editor, pages 249-255, Wurzburg: Ergon Verlag, August 2012.<br />

修 丕 承 (HSIU, PI-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Der-Nien Lee, and Tei-Wei Kuo, "Multilayer Bus Optimization<br />

for Real-Time Embedded Systems," IEEE Transactions on Computers, volume 61, number 11,<br />

pages 1638-1650, November 2012.<br />

Ya-Ju Yu, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Ai-Chun Pang, "Energy-Efficient Video Multicast in 4G Wireless<br />

Systems," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 11, number 10, pages 1508-1522,<br />

October 2012.<br />

Yu-Kai Huang, Ai-Chun Pang, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Weihua Zhuang, and Pangfeng Liu, "Distributed<br />

Throughput Optimization for ZigBee Cluster-Tree Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel<br />

and Distributed Systems, volume 23, number 3, pages 513-520, March 2012.<br />

Yuan-Hao Chang, Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Po-Chun Huang, and Pi-Cheng Hsiu, "A Caching-Oriented<br />

Management Design for the Performance Enhancement of Solid-State Drives,"ACM Transactions<br />

on Storage, volume 8, number 1, pages 3:1-3:21, February 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Te-Chuan Chiu, Yuan-Yao Shih, Ai-Chun Pang, Jeu-Yih Jeng, and Pi-Cheng Hsiu, "Mobility-Aware<br />

Charger Deployment for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks," Asia-Pacific Network<br />

Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS), September 2012.<br />

Chi-Hao Chen, Pi-Cheng Hsiu, Tei-Wei Kuo, Chia-Lin Yang, and C. Y. Michael Wang, "Age-Based<br />

PCM Wear Leveling with Nearly Zero Search Cost," IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference<br />

(DAC), pages 453-458, June 2012, (164/741 = 22 %)<br />

李 佳 翰 (LEE, CHIA-HAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

I-Wei Lai, Chia-Han Lee, Gerd Ascheid, and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, "Channel-adaptive MIMO detection<br />

based on multiple-choice knapsack problem (MCKP)," IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,<br />

volume 1, number 6, pages 633-636, December 2012.<br />

Chia-Han Lee, Cheng-Yu Shih, and Yu-Sheng Chen, "Stochastic geometry based models for modeling<br />

cellular networks in urban areas," Wireless Networks, volume DOI 10.1007/s11276-012-0518-0,<br />

pages 1-10, October 2012.<br />


Ping-Cheng Yeh, Chia-Han Lee, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Yen-Chi Lee, Ling-San Meng, Po-Jen Shih,<br />

Pin-Yu Ko, and Wei-An Lin, "A new frontier of wireless communications theory: Diffusionbased<br />

molecular communications," IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, volume 19,<br />

number 5, pages 28-35, October 2012.<br />

Chia-han Lee and Martin Haenggi, "Interference and outage in Poisson cognitive networks," IEEE<br />

Transactions on Wireless Communications, volume 11, number 4, pages 1392-1401, April 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wei-An Lin, Yen-Chi Lee, Ping-Cheng Yeh, and Chia-Han Lee, "Signal detection and ISI<br />

cancellation for quantity-based amplitude modulation in diffusion-based molecular<br />

communications," Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2012.<br />

Po-Jen Shih, Chia-Han Lee, and Ping-Cheng Yeh, "Channel codes for mitigating intersymbol<br />

interference in diffusion-based molecular communications," Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, December<br />

2012.<br />

Pin-Yu Ko, Yen-Chi Lee, Ping-Cheng Yeh, Chia-Han Lee, and Kwang-Cheng Chen, "A new<br />

paradigm for channel coding in diffusion-based molecular communications: molecular coding<br />

distance function," Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2012.<br />

Chieh-Chuan Chiu, Hsin-Fang Wu, Shao-Yi Chien, Chia-Han Lee, V. Srinivasa Somayazulu, and<br />

Yen-Kuang Chen, "Hardware architecture design of hybrid distributed video coding with frame<br />

level coding mode detection," Proc. APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, December 2012.<br />

Yuh-Jiun Wang, Szu-Lu Hsu, Teng-Yuan Cheng, Chia-han Lee, and Shao-Yi Chien, "Feedbackchannel-free<br />

distributed video coding with dynamic skip-mode threshold," Proceedings of IEEE<br />

International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 2012.<br />

Chieh-Chuan Chiu, Shao-Yi Chien, Chia-han Lee, V. Srinivasa Somayazulu, and Yen-Kuang Chen,<br />

"Hybrid distributed video coding with frame level coding mode selection," Proceedings of IEEE<br />

International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 2012.<br />

Bai-Ruei Huang, Chang Hong Lin, and Chia-Han Lee, "Mobile augmented reality based on cloud<br />

computing," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and<br />

Identification, August 2012.<br />

Tsu-Hao Kuo, Po-Hsuan Chen, Wei-Chih Hung, Chih-Yu Huang, Chia-han Lee, and Ping-Cheng Yeh,<br />

"Dynamic source-channel rate-distortion control under time-varying complexity constraint for<br />

wireless video transmission," Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference<br />

(WCNC), pages 2566 - 2570, April 2012.<br />

Hsin-Yeh Chen and Chia-han Lee, "Analysis of the number of hops in wired-wireless heterogeneous<br />

networks," Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), April<br />

2012.<br />

Shao-Yi Chien, Teng-Yuan Cheng, Chieh-Chuan Chiu, Pei-Kuei Tsung, Chia-han Lee, V. Srinivasa<br />

Somayazulu, and Yen-Kuang Chen, "Power optimization of wireless video sensor nodes in M2M<br />

networks," The 17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), January<br />

2012.<br />


林 靖 茹 (LIN, KATE CHING-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

K. C.-J. Lin, Y.-J. Chuang and D. Katabi, "A Light-Weight Wireless Handshake," ACM Computer<br />

Communication Review, volume 42, number 2, pages 28-34, April 2012.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

C.-S. Shih, L.-J. Chen, K. C.-J. Lin and W.-H. Chung, "Open Information Gateway for Disaster<br />

Management," IEEE ICC Workshop, December 2012.<br />

Y-Y Chen, C.-C. Hsu, C.-F. Chou and K. C.-J. Lin, "On Detecting Mobile Target with Deadline<br />

Constraint in Mobile Sensor Networks," IEEE Sensors, October 2012.<br />

W.-L. Shen, Y.-C. Tung, K.-C. Lee, K. C.-J. Lin, S. Gollakota, D. Katabi and M.-S. Chen, "Rate<br />

Adaptation for 802.11 Multiuser MIMO Networks," ACM MOBICOM, August 2012, Best Paper<br />

Nomination<br />

Y.-J. Chuang and K. C.-J. Lin, "Cellular Traffic Offloading through Community-based Opportunistic<br />

Dissemination," IEEE WCNC, April 2012.<br />

C.-Y. Ku, Y.-D. Lin, Y.-C. Lai, P.-H. Li and K C.-J. Lin, "Real Traffic Replay over WLAN with<br />

Environment Emulation," IEEE WCNC, April 2012.<br />

K. C.-J. Lin, S.-P. Chou and C.-F. Chou, "Video Multicast with Heterogeneous User Interests in<br />

Multi-Rate Wireless Networks," IEEE WCNC, April 2012.<br />

K. C.-J. Lin, C.-W. Chen and C.-F. Chou, "Preference-Aware Content Dissemination in Opportunistic<br />

Mobile Social Networks," IEEE INFOCOM, March 2012.<br />

王 鈺 強 (WANG, YU-CHIANG FRANK)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y.-R. Yeh, T.-C. Lin, Y.-Y. Chung, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Novel Multiple Kernel Learning<br />

Framework for Heterogeneous Feature Fusion and Variable Selection," IEEE Transactions on<br />

Multimedia, volume 14, number 3, pages 563 - 574, June 2012.<br />

Y.-J. Lee, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Anomaly Detection via Online Over-Sampling Principal<br />

Component Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, volume N/A,<br />

pages N/A, May 2012.<br />

C.-T. Lee, Y.-H. Yang and H.-H. Chen, "Multipitch estimation of piano music by exemplar-based<br />

sparse representation," IEEE Trans. Multimedia, volume 14, number 3, pages 608-618, June<br />

2012, ( 第 二 屆 美 律 電 聲 論 文 獎 - 銅 質 獎 )<br />

Y.-H. Yang and H.-H. Chen, "Machine recognition of music emotion: A review," ACM<br />

Trans.Intelligent Systems and Technology, volume 3, number 3, May 2012, Article No. 40.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

C.-M. Huang, S. Chen, M. Cheng and Y.-C. F. Wang, "A Sparse-Coding Based Approach to Clothing<br />

Image Retrieval," IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and<br />

Communication Systems, November 2012, (invited paper for oral presentation).<br />


C.-Y. Tsai, D.-A. Huang, M.-C. Yang, L.-W. Kang, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Context-Aware Single Image<br />

Super-Resolution Using Locality-Constrained Group Sparse Representation," Visual<br />

Communications and Image Processing, November 2012, (invited paper for oral presentation).<br />

C.-H. Huang, Y.-R. Yeh, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Recognizing Actions Across Cameras by Exploring the<br />

Correlated Subspace," The 4th International Workshop on Video Event Categorization, Tagging<br />

and Retrieval, in conjunction with ECCV 2012, October 2012.<br />

W.-T. Li, H.-T. Chang, H. S. Lyu, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Automatic Saliency Inspired Foreground<br />

Object Extraction from Videos," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),<br />

September 2012.<br />

F.-L. He, Y.-C. F. Wang and K.-L. Hua, "A Self-Learning Approach to Color Demosaicking via<br />

Support Vector Regression," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP),<br />

September 2012.<br />

M.-C. Yang*, D.-A. Huang*, C.-Y. Tsai, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Self-Learning of Edge-Preserving<br />

Single Image Super-Resolution via Contourlet Transform," IEEE International Conference on<br />

Multimedia & Expo (ICME), July 2012, (* indicates equal contribution; acceptance rate:30%).<br />

D.-A. Huang, L.-W. Kang, M.-C. Yang, C.-W. Lin, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Context-Aware Single Image<br />

Rain Removal," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), July 2012,<br />

(selected as Top 13% paper for oral presentation).<br />

C.-F. Chen, C.-P. Wei, and Y.-C. F. Wang, "Low-Rank Matrix Recovery with Structural Incoherence<br />

for Robust Face Recognition," IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern<br />

Recognition (CVPR), June 2012, (acceptance rate: 24%).<br />

林 彥 宇 (LIN, YEN-YU)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Feng-Ju Chang, Yen-Yu Lin, and Ming-Fang Weng, "Cross-database Transfer Learning via Learnable<br />

and Discriminant Error-correcting Output Codes," Asian Conference on Computer Vision<br />

(ACCV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, November 2012, (Oral presentation; Acceptance<br />

rate 3.6% (31/869))<br />

Kuan-Chieh Huang, Yen-Yu Lin, and Jie-Zhi Cheng, "Cluster-dependent Feature Selection by<br />

Multiple Kernel Self-organizing Map," IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition<br />

(ICPR), November 2012.<br />

Jie-Zhi Cheng, Feng-Ju Chang, Kuang-Jui Hsu, and Yen-Yu Lin, "Knowledge Leverage from<br />

Contours to Bounding Boxes: A Concise Approach to Annotation," Asian Conference on<br />

Computer Vision (ACCV), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, November 2012.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hsin-Min Wang, "The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians model for automatic generation of music video," ACM Int.<br />

Conf. Multimedia (MM), November 2012, Grand Challenge solution paper (First Prize)<br />


Ming-Fang Weng, Yen-Yu Lin, Nick C. Tang, and Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, "Visual Knowledge<br />

Transfer among Multiple Cameras for People Counting with Occlusion Handling," ACM<br />

International Conference on Multimedia (MM), October 2012, (full paper)<br />

Chin-An Lin, Yen-Yu Lin, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, "Action Recognition using<br />

Instance-specific and Class-consistent Cues," IEEE International Conference on Image<br />

Processing (ICIP), September 2012.<br />

曹 昱 (TSAO, YU)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

H.-T. Hwang, Yu Tsao, H.-M. Wang, Y.-R. Wang, and S.-H. Chen, "Exploring Mutual Information<br />

for GMM-Based Spectral Conversion," ISCSLP 2012, IEEE, December 2012.<br />

X. Lu, Yu Tsao, S. Matsuda, C. Hori, and H. Kashioka, "Acoustic Space Partition based on Broad<br />

Phonetic Class for Ensemble Acoustic Modeling," ISCSLP 2012, IEEE, December 2012.<br />

S.-S. Wang, J.-W. Hung, and Yu Tsao, "A Study on Cepstral Subband Normalization for Robust<br />

ASR," ISCSLP 2012, IEEE, December 2012.<br />

T.-Y. Hu, Yu Tsao, and L.-S. Lee, "Discriminative Fuzzy Clustering Maximum a Posterior Linear<br />

Regression for Speaker Adaptation," Interspeech 2012, ISCA, September 2012.<br />

H.-T. Hwang, Yu Tsao, H.-M. Wang, Y.-R. Wang, and S.-H. Chen, "A Study of Mutual Information<br />

for GMM-Based Spectral Conversion," Interspeech 2012, ISCA, September 2012.<br />

Yu Tsao, C.-L. Huang, S. Matsuda, C. Hori, and H. Kashioka, "A Linear Projection Approach to<br />

Environment Modeling for Robust Speech Recognition," ICASSP 2012, IEEE, April 2012.<br />

楊 奕 軒 (YANG, YI-HSUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, "Personalized Music<br />

Emotion Recognition via Model Adaptation," Proc. Asia Pacific Signal and Information<br />

Processing Association Annual Summit and Conf., December 2012.<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Kaichun Chang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, "Exploring<br />

the relationship between categorical and dimensional emotion semantics of music," Int. Workshop<br />

on Music Information Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM), in<br />

conjunction with ACM Multimedia (MM), November 2012.<br />

Jen-Yu Liu, Ching-Chia Yeh, Yuan-Ching Teng, and Yi-Hsuan Yang, "Bilingual analysis of song<br />

lyrics and audio words," ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), November 2012, short paper<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Hsin-Min Wang, and Shyh-Kang Jeng, "The Acoustic Emotion<br />

Gaussians model for emotion-based music annotation and retrieval," ACM Int. Conf. Multimedia<br />

(MM), November 2012, full paper (accept rate=20%)<br />

Ju-Chiang Wang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, I-Hong Jhuo, Yen-Yu Lin, and Hsin-Min Wang, "The<br />

Acousticvisual Emotion Gaussians model for automatic generation of music video," ACM Int.<br />

Conf. Multimedia (MM), November 2012, Grand Challenge solution paper (First Prize)<br />


Jen-Yu Liu and Yi-Hsuan Yang, "Inferring personal traits from music listening history," Int. Workshop<br />

on Music Information Retrieval with User-Centered and Multimodal Strategies (MIRUM), in<br />

conjunction with ACM Multimedia (MM), November 2012.<br />

Yi-Hsuan Yang, "On sparse and low-rank matrix decomposition for singing voice separation," ACM<br />

Int. Conf. Multimedia (MM), November 2012, short paper<br />

Yi-Hsuan Yang and Xiao Hu, "Cross-cultural music mood classification: A comparison of English and<br />

Chinese songs," International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR),<br />

October 2012.<br />

Chin-Chia Yeh and Yi-Hsuan Yang, "Supervised dictionary learning for music genre classification,"<br />

ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), June 2012.<br />

Yi-Hsuan Yang, Dmitry Bogdanov, Perfecto Herrera, and Mohamed Sordo, "Music retagging using<br />

label propagation and robust principal component analysis," Int. Workshop on Advances in Music<br />

Information Research (AdMIRe), in conjunction with Int. World Wide Web Conference (WWW),<br />

April 2012.<br />


生 命 科 學 組<br />


植 物 暨 微 生 物 學 研 究 所<br />

陳 榮 芳 (CHEN, LONG-FANG,O.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin CH, Huang JY, Chen LFO*, 2012, “Cloning the broccoli HMG-I/Y gene as an endogenous<br />

reference for transgene copy number determinations using real-time PCR.”, Botanical Studies,<br />

53, 19-30. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />

Ko CY, Lai YL, Liu WY, Lin CH, Chen YT, Chen LFO, Lin TY, Shaw JF, 2012, “Arabidopsis<br />

ENDO2: Its catalytic role and requirement of N-Glycosylation for function.”, Journal of<br />

Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60, 5169-5179. (SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 10.9%; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.3%; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Liu MS, Chen LFO*, Lin CH, Lai YM, Huang JY, Sung ZR*, 2012, “Molecular and Functional<br />

Characterization of Broccoli EMBRYON IC FLOWER 2 Genes.”, Plant Cell Physiol., 53, 1217-<br />

1231. (SCI) (IF: 4.7; SCI ranking: 32.4%; SCI ranking: 7.4%)<br />

鄭 萬 興 (CHENG, WAN-HSING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hwang SG, Lin NC, Hsiao YY, Kuo CH, Chang PF, Deng WL, Chiang MH, Shen HL, Chen<br />

CY, Cheng WH*, 2012, “The Arabidopsis short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3, an abscisic<br />

acid deficient 2 homolog, is involved in plant defense responses but not in ABA biosynthesis.”,<br />

Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB / Societe francaise de physiologie vegetale, 51, 63-73.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.84; SCI ranking: 20.6%)<br />

朱 修 安 (CHU, HSIU AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu HA, Chang IF, Shen CH, Chen YT, Wang HT, Huang LC*, Yeh KW*, 2012, “Photosynthetic<br />

properties and photosystem stoichiometry of in vitro-grown juvenile, adult, and rejuvenated<br />

Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl.”, Botanical Studies, 53, 223-227. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI<br />

ranking: 57.1%)<br />


鍾 美 珠 (CHUNG, MEI-CHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kono Y, Chung MC, Peng CI, 2012, “Identification of genome constitutions in Begonia×chungii and<br />

its putative parents, B. longifolia and B. palmata, by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH).”,<br />

Plant Science, 185, 156-160. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 18%; SCI ranking: 45.6%)<br />

王 中 茹 (WANG, CHUNG-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Timofejeva L, Skibbe D, Lee S, Golubovskaya IN, Wang CJ, Harper L, Walbot V, Cande WZ,<br />

accepted, “Cytological characterization and allelism testing of anther developmental mutants<br />

identified in a screen of maize male sterile lines.”, Genetics. (SCI) (IF: 4.01; SCI ranking: 23.1%)<br />

Wang CJ, Nan GL, Kelliher T, Timofejeva L, Vernoud V, Golubovskaya IN, Harper L, Egger R,<br />

Walbot V, Cande WZ*, 2012, “Maize multiple archesporial cells 1 (mac1), an ortholog of rice<br />

TDL1A, modulates cell proliferation and identity in early anther development.”, Development,<br />

139(14), 2594-603. (SCI) (IF: 6.6; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Wang CJ, accepted, “Analyzing maize meiotic chromosomes with structured illumination<br />

microscopy.”, editor(s): Wojciech Pawlowski, Mathilde Grelon, Methods in Molecular Biology.<br />

符 宏 勇 (FU, HONGYONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin YL, and Fu H*, 2012, “In vivo relevance of substrate recognition function of major Arabidopsis<br />

ubiquitin receptors.”, Plant Signal Behav, 7(7), 722-727.<br />

邢 禹 依 (HSING, YUE-IE, CAROL)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin HY, Wu YP, Hour AL, Ho SW, Wei FJ, Hsing YIC, Lin YR*, 2012, “Genetic diversity of rice<br />

germplasm used in Taiwan breeding programs.”, Botanical Studies, 53, 363-376. (SCI) (IF: 1.1;<br />

SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />

Shih MD, Hsieh TY, Jian WT, Wu MT, Yang SJ, Hoekstra FA, Hsing YIC*, 2012, “Functional<br />

studies of soybean (Glycine max L.) seed LEA proteins GmPM6, GmPM11, and GmPM30 by<br />

CD and FTIR spectroscopy.”, Plant Science, 196, 152-159. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 18%;<br />

SCI ranking: 45.6%)<br />


趙 光 裕 (JAUH, GUANG-YUH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Thangasamy S, Lai MH, Chen PW, Chen J, and Jauh GY*, 2012, “Rice LGD1 containing RNA<br />

binding activity regulates growth and development through alternative promoters.”, The Plant<br />

Journal, 71(2):183–352. (SCI) (IF: 6.16; SCI ranking: 4.2%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Thangasamy S, Bolaños-Villegas P, Jauh GY, accepted, “Branching Pattern: An Inevitable Trait for<br />

Rice Production”, editor(s): Yoshihiro Liu and Liliana Froyen, Rice: Production, Consumption<br />

and Health Benefits, New York, USA.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..<br />

朱 宇 敏 (JU, YU-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee LW, Wang GJ, Lin MH, Ju YM, Lin YW, Chen FY and Lee TH, accepted, “Isolation and<br />

characterization of sesquiterpenes from Arecophila saccharicola YMJ96022401 with NO<br />

production inhibitory activity.”, Phytochemistry. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 11.6%)<br />

Wang GJ, Liang WL, Ju YM, Yang WB, Chang YW and Lee TH, 2012, “Inhibitory effects of<br />

terpenoids from the fermented broth of the ascomycete Stilbohypoxylon elaeicola YMJ173 on<br />

nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 macrophages.”, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 9, 131-138.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.8; SCI ranking: 37.7%; SCI ranking: 73.9%)<br />

Mathew G, Ju YM, Lai CY, Mathew D and Huang CC, 2012, “Microbial community analysis in the<br />

termite gut and fungus comb of Odontotermes formosanus: The implication of Bacillus as<br />

mutualists”, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 79, 504-517. (SCI) (IF: 3.41; SCI ranking: 29.2%)<br />

Ju YM*, Hsieh HM, Rogers JD, Fournier J, Jaklitsch WM and Courtecuisse R, 2012, “New and<br />

interesting penzigioid Xylaria species with small, soft stromata”, Mycologia, 104, 766-776. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.03; SCI ranking: 45.8%)<br />

Rogers JD and Ju YM, 2012, “The Xylariaceae of the Hawaiian Islands”, North American Fungi, 7(9),<br />

1-35.<br />

郭 志 鴻 (KUO, CHIH-HORNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen LL, Chung WC, Lin CP, Kuo CH*, 2012, “Comparative analysis of gene content evolution in<br />

phytoplasmas and mycoplasmas.”, PLoS One, 7(3), e34407. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 14.1%)<br />


賴 爾 珉 (LAI, ERH-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ma LS, Narberhaus F, and Lai EM *, 2012, “The IcmF-family protein TssM exhibits ATPase activity<br />

and energizes type VI secretion.”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(19), 15610-15621. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 23%)<br />

Tsai YL, Chiang YR, Wu CF, Narberhaus F, Lai EM*, 2012, “One out of Four: HspL but No Other<br />

Small Heat Shock Protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Acts as Efficient Virulence-Promoting<br />

VirB8 Chaperone.”, PLoS One, 7(11), e49685. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 14.1%)<br />

Wu CF, Lin JS, Shaw GC* and Lai EM*, 2012, “Acid-Induced Type VI Secretion System Is<br />

Regulated by ExoR-ChvG/ChvI Signaling Cascade in Agrobacterium tumefaciens.”, PLoS<br />

Pathogens, 8(9), e1002938. (SCI) (IF: 9.13; SCI ranking: 5.9%; SCI ranking: 8%; SCI ranking:<br />

6.3%)<br />

林 納 生 (LIN, NA-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang YW, Hu CC, Lin NS, Hsu YH*, 2012, “Unusual roles of host metabolic enzymes and<br />

housekeeping proteins in plant virus replication”, Current Opinion in Virology, S1879-6257.<br />

Chen HC, Kong LR, Yeh TY, Cheng CP, Hsu YH and Lin NS*, 2012, “The conserved 5′ apical<br />

hairpin stem loops of bamboo mosaic virus and its satellite RNA contribute to replication<br />

competence”, Nucleic Acids Research, 40(10), 4641-4652. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 9.1%)<br />

Huang YW, Hu CC, Liou MR, Chang BY, Tsai CH, Meng MS, Lin NS, and Hsu YH*, 2012, “Hsp90<br />

interacts specifically with viral RNA and differentially regulates replication initiation of Bamboo<br />

mosaic virus and associated satellite RNA".”, PLoS Pathogens, 8(5), e1002726. (SCI) (IF: 9.13;<br />

SCI ranking: 5.9%; SCI ranking: 8%; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Chen TH, Chen TH, Hu CC, Liao JT, Lee CW, Liao JW, Lin MY, Liu HJ, Wang MY, Lin NS, Hsu<br />

YH*, 2012, “Induction of protective immunity in chickens immunized with plant-made chimeric<br />

Bamboo mosaic virus particles expressing very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus antigen”,<br />

Virus Res, 166(1-2), 109-115. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 50%)<br />

鄒 稚 華 (TSOU, CHIH-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Su MH, Wang JC, Hsieh CF. and Tsou CH*, 2012, “A taxonomic study of Camellia brevistyla and C.<br />

tenuiflora (Theaceae) based on phenetic analyses.”, Botanical Studies, 53, 275-283. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.1; SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />


Vijayan K, Chung MC and Tsou CH*, 2012, “Dispersion of rDNA loci and its implications on<br />

intragenomic variability and phylogenetic studies in Camellia.”, Scientia Horticulturae, 137(1),<br />

59-68. (SCI) (IF: 1.53; SCI ranking: 25%)<br />

涂 世 隆 (TU, SHIH-LONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YR, Su YS, Tu SL*, 2012, “Distinct phytochrome actions in non-vascular plants revealed by<br />

targeted inactivation of phytobilin biosynthesis”, Proceedings of the National Academy of<br />

Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 8310-8315. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.5%)<br />

韋 保 羅 (VERSLUES, PAUL EDWIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kumar MN, Jane WN, Verslues PE*, 2012, “Role of the putative osmosensor Arabidopsis Histidine<br />

Kinase 1 (AHK1) in dehydration avoidance and low water potential response.”, Plant physiology.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Bhaskara GB, Nguyen TT, Verslues PE*, 2012, “Unique drought resistance functions of the Highly-<br />

ABA-Induced Clade A protein phosphatase 2Cs”, Plant physiology, 160(1), 379-395. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Sharma S, Lin W, Villamor JG, Verslues PE*, 2012, “Divergent low water potential response in<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Landsberg erecta and Shahdara.”, Plant, cell & environment.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.22)<br />

Kesari R, Lasky JR, Villamor JG, Des Marais DL, Chen YJC, Liu TW, Lin W, Juenger TE, Verslues<br />

PE*, 2012, “Intron-mediated alternative splicing of Arabidopsis P5CS1 and its association with<br />

natural variation in proline and climate adaptation.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of<br />

Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 9197-9202. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.5%)<br />

王 昭 雯 (WANG, CHAO-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang CW* and Lee SC, 2012, “The ubiquitin-like (UBX)-domain-containing protein Ubx2/Ubxd8<br />

regulates lipid droplet homeostasis.”, Journal of Cell Science, 125(12), 2930-2939. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.11; SCI ranking: 21.2%)<br />

Starr TL, Pagant S, Wang CW, Schekman R, 2012, “Sorting Signals That Mediate Traffic of Chitin<br />

Synthase III between the TGN/Endosomes and to the Plasma Membrane in Yeast.”, PLoS One.,<br />

7(10), e46386. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 14.1%)<br />


王 隆 祺 (WANG, LONG-CHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen GH, Liu CP, Chen SC, and Wang LC*, 2012, “Role of ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN in<br />

regulating leaf senescence involves response to reactive oxygen species and is dependent on<br />

ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2.”, Journal of Experimental Botany, 63(1), 275-292. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.36; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

Chen GH, Chan YL, Liu CP, and Wang LC*, 2012, “Ethylene response pathway is essential for<br />

ARABIDOPSIS A-FIFTEEN function in floral induction and leaf senescence.”, Plant Signaling<br />

and Behavior, 7(4), 457–460. (Others)<br />

施 臥 虎 (WOLFGANG, SCHMIDT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lan P, Li W, Schmidt W*, 2012, “Complementary Proteome and Transcriptome Profiling in<br />

Phosphate-Deficient Arabidopsis Roots Reveals Multiple Levels of Gene Regulation.”,<br />

Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, M112.020461. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 6.9%)<br />

Kalaipandian S, Chandrika NNP, Schmidt W*, 2012, “PFT1, a transcriptional Mediator complex<br />

subunit, controls root hair differentiation through reactive oxygen species (ROS) distribution in<br />

Arabidopsis.”, New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/nph.12000. (SCI) (IF: 6.65; SCI ranking: 3.2%)<br />

Lan P, Li W, Wen TN, Schmidt W*, 2012, “Quantitative phosphoproteome profiling of iron-deficient<br />

Arabidopsis roots.”, Plant physiology, 112.193987. (SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Rodriguez-Celma J, Abadia J, Lin WD and Schmidt W, 2012, “Complementary transcriptome and<br />

proteome profiling of Fe-deficient roots from Medicago and Arabidopsis”, paper presented at<br />

"16th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants (ISINIP 2012)",<br />

University of Massachusetts,Amherst,USA: Biology Department University of Massachusetts,<br />

2012-06-17 ~ 2012-06-21.<br />

吳 素 幸 (WU, SHU-HSING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Liu MJ, Wu SH, Chen HM and Wu SH*, 2012, “Widespread translational control contributes to the<br />

regulation of Arabidopsis photomorphogenesis”, Molecular Systems Biology, 8, 566. (SCI) (IF:<br />

8.63; SCI ranking: 8.4%)<br />

Hsieh WP, Hsieh HL and Wu SH*, 2012, “Arabidopsis bZIP16 transcription factor integrates light and<br />

hormone signaling pathways to regulate early seedling development.”, Plant Cell, 25(10). (SCI)<br />

(IF: 8.99; SCI ranking: 11.7%; SCI ranking: 7.7%; SCI ranking: 2.6%)<br />


余 天 心 (YU, TIEN-SHIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lu KJ, Huang NC, Liu YS, Lu CA, Yu TS*, 2012, “Long-distance movement of Arabidopsis<br />

FLOWERING LOCUS T RNA participates in systemic floral regulation.”, RNA biology, 9(5),<br />

653-662. (SCI) (IF: 4.93; SCI ranking: 20.2%)<br />

Huang NC, Jane WN, Chen J, Yu TS*, 2012, “Arabidopsis thaliana CENTRORADIALIS homologue<br />

(ATC) acts systemically to inhibit floral initiation in Arabidopsis.”, The Plant journal, 72(2),<br />

175-184. (SCI) (IF: 6.16; SCI ranking: 4.2%)<br />


細 胞 與 個 體 生 物 學 研 究 所<br />

謝 道 時 (HSIEH, TAO-SHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hohl AM, Thompson M, Soshnev AA, Wu J, Morris J, Hsieh TS, Wu CT, Geyer PK, 2012,<br />

“Restoration of Topoisomerase 2 Function by Complementation of Defective Monomers in<br />

Drosophila”, Genetics, 192(3), 843-856. (SCI) (IF: 4.01; SCI ranking: 23.3%)<br />

Chen, SH, Wu, CH, Plank, JL, and Hsieh, TS., 2012, “Essential Functions of the C-terminus of<br />

Drosophila topoisomerase IIIα in double Holliday junction dissolution”, J. Biol. Chem., 287(23),<br />

19346-19353. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Chen YT, Collins TR, Guan Z, Chen B and Hsieh TS., 2012, “Probing Conformational Changes of<br />

Human DNA Topoisomerase IIα BY Pulse-Alkylation Mass Spectrometry.”, J. Biol. Chem.,<br />

287(30), 25660-25668. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Huang J. Yu P. Yuan CT, Ko HC., Tang J., Hsieh TS., 2012, “Single-particle studies of the plasmonic<br />

fluorescence in gold nanocubes.”, Journal of Nanophotonics, 6(1), 069502. (SCI) (IF: 1.57; SCI<br />

ranking: 37.3%,48.9%)<br />

Fasulo B, Koyama C, Yu KR, Homola Em, Hsieh TS, Campbell SD, Sullivan W., 2012, “Chk1 and<br />

Wee1 Kinases coordinate DNA replication, chromosome condensation and anaphase entry.”,<br />

MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL, 23(6), 1047-1057. (SCI) (IF: 4.94; SCI ranking:<br />

29.4%)<br />

Chen SH, Plank JL, Willcox S., Griffith JD, and Hsieh TS, 2012, “Improved methods for creating<br />

migratable Holliday junction substrates”, Nucleic Acids Research, doi: 10.1093/nar/gks1343 First<br />

published online: December 28, 2012. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

黃 鵬 鵬 (HWNAG, PUNG-PUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Cheng Lin, Li-Yih Lin, Hao-Hsuan Hsu, Violette Thermes, Patrick Prunet,Jiun-Lin Horng and<br />

Pung-Pung Hwang, 2012, “Acid secretion by mitochondrion-rich cells of medaka (Oryzias<br />

latipes) acclimated to acidic freshwater”, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative<br />

and Comparative Physiology, 302(2), R283-R291. (SCI) (IF: 3.34; SCI ranking: 29.2%)<br />

Shih, T. H., J. L. Horng, S. T. Liu, P. P. P. Hwang* and L. Y. Lin , 2012, “Rhcg1 and NHE3b are<br />

involved in ammonium-dependent sodium uptake by zebrafish larvae acclimated to low-sodium<br />

water. .”, American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology,<br />

302, R84-R93. (SCI) (IF: 3.34; SCI ranking: 29.2%)<br />


游 正 博 (YU, JOHN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, WW, Yu, J., Lai, A.C., Fu, CH, Yu, JC, and Yu, AL., submitted, “The essential role of IGF-<br />

1R/PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in the maintenance and survival of breast cancer stem-like cells”,<br />

Clinical cancer research. (SCI) (IF: 7.74; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Cho, H.C., Liao, C.H., Yu, A.L. and Yu, J., accepted, “Surface markers in stem cells and cancer from<br />

the perspective of glycomic analysis”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL<br />

MARKERS. (SCI) (IF: 1.48; SCI ranking: 65.5%,76.2%)<br />

Wang, S.H., Wu, Y.T., Kuo, S.C., and Yu, J. , submitted, “HotLig: a molecular surface-directed<br />

approach to scoring protein-ligand interactions”, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.25; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

Wang, S.H., Chen, I.J., Chang, N.C., Yu, A.L., Wu, H.C., Yu, H.M., Chang, Y.J., Lee, T.W., Yu, J.C.,<br />

Lee, A. C-L, and Yu, J., submitted, “Structure-based design of cancer- targeting peptides for<br />

therapy and imaging”, NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY. (SCI) (IF: 23.27; SCI ranking: 0.7%)<br />

Wu, T.J., Tzeng, Y.K., Chang, W.W., Cheng, C.A., Kuo, Y., Chien, C.H., Chang, H.C. and Yu, J.,<br />

submitted, “Fluorescent nanodiamonds enable in vivo tracking of prospectively isolated lung stem<br />

cells ”, Nature Methods. (SCI) (IF: 19.28; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

Chen, Y.H. and Yu, J., 2012, “Ectopic expression of Fgf3 leads to aberrant lineage segregation in the<br />

mouse parthenote preimplantation embryos”, DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS, 241,1651-1664..<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.54; SCI ranking: 22.2%,59.4%)<br />

吳 金 洌 (WU, JEN-LEIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hu, S.Y., Tai, C.C., Li, Y.H., Wu, J.L.*, 2012, “Progranulin compensates for blocked IGF-1 signaling<br />

to promote myotube hypertrophy in C2C12 myoblasts via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway”, FEBS<br />

Letters, 586(19), 3485-3492. (SCI) (IF: 3.54; SCI ranking: 44.4%,30.3%,35.5%)<br />

Liu, W., Chen, J.R., Hsu, C.H., Li, Y.S., Chen, Y.M., Lin, C.Y., Huang, S.J., Chang, Z.K., Chen, Y.C.,<br />

Lin, C.H., Gong, H.Y., Lin, C.C., Kawakami, K. and Wu, J.L.*, 2012, “A zebrafish model of<br />

intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma by dual expression of hepatitis B virus X and hepatitis C virus<br />

core protein in liver”, Hepatology, 56(6), 2268-2276. (SCI) (IF: 11.67; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />

Huang, C. W., Li, Y.H., Hu, S.Y., Chi, J.R., Liao, C.H., Lin, G.H., Lin, C.C., Gong, H.Y., Chen, R.H.,<br />

Chang, S.J., Liu, F.G. and Wu, J.L.*, 2012, “Differential expression patterns of growth-related<br />

microRNAs in the skeletal muscle of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).”, Journal of Animal<br />

Science, 90 : 4266-4279. (SCI) (IF: 2.1; SCI ranking: 7.8%)<br />


Yang, S.Y., Wu, J.L.*, Tso,C.H., Chou, H.Y., Nan, F.H., Horng, H.E., Ngou, G.H. and Lu, M.W,<br />

2012, “A novel quantitative immunomagnetic reduction assay for nervous necrosis virus. ”,<br />

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 24(5), 911-917. (SCI) (IF: 1.21; SCI ranking:<br />

28.1%)<br />

Lu, M.W., Yang, S.Y., Horng, H.E.*, Yang, C.C., Chieh, J.J., Hong, Y.W., Hong, C.Y., Yang, H.C.,<br />

and Wu, J.L. , 2012, “Immunomagnetic reduction assay for nervous necrosis virus extracted from<br />

groupers.”, Journal of Virological Methods, 181(1), 68-72. (SCI) (IF: 2.01; SCI ranking:<br />

71%,48.9%,62.9%)<br />

Lin, M.C., Hui, C.F., Chen, J.Y.* and Wu, J.L.*, 2012, “The antimicrobial peptide, shrimp antilipopolysaccharide<br />

factor (SALF), inhibits proinflammatory cytokine expressions through the<br />

MAPK and NF-κB pathways in Trichomonas vaginalis adherent to HeLa cells. ”, Peptides, 38(2),<br />

197-207. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 60.9%)<br />

許 祖 法 (HUI, CHO-FAT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pan, C.-Y., Huang, T.-C., Wang, Y.-D., Yeh, Y.-C., Hui, C.-F., Chen, J.-Y., 2012, “Oral administration<br />

of recombinant epinecidin-1 protected grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and zebrafish (Danio rerio)<br />

from Vibrio vulnificus infection and enhanced immune-related gene expressions”, FISH &<br />

SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY, 32(6), 947-957. (SCI) (IF: 3.32; SCI ranking:<br />

1.5%,40.7%,6.3%,6.8%)<br />

Wu, T.-H., Pan, C.-Y., Lin, M.-C., Hsieh, J.-C., Hui, C.-F., Chen, J.-Y., 2012, “ In vivo screening of<br />

zebrafish microRNA responses to bacterial infection and their possible roles in regulating immune<br />

response genes after lipopolysaccharide stimulation”, FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND<br />

BIOCHEMISTRY, 38(5), 1299-1310. (SCI) (IF: 1.53; SCI ranking: 78.6%,39.6%,76.4%)<br />

Wu, S.-P., Huang, T.-C., Lin, C.-C., Hui, C.-F., Lin, C.-H., Chen, J.-Y. , 2012, “Pardaxin, a fish<br />

antimicrobial peptide, exhibits antitumor activity toward a murine fibrosarcoma in vitro and in<br />

vivo”, Marine Drugs, 10, 1852-1872. (SCI) (IF: 3.85; SCI ranking: 13%)<br />

Lin, M.-C., Hui, C.-F., Chen, J.-Y., Wu, J.-L., 2012, “The antimicrobial peptide, shrimp antilipopolysaccharide<br />

factor (SALF), inhibits proinflammatory cytokines expressions through the<br />

MAPK and NFκB pathways in Trichomonas vaginalis adherent to HeLa cells”, PEPTIDES, 38(2),<br />

197-207. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 60.9%)<br />

Lin, M.-C., Pan, C.-Y., Hui, C.-F., Chen, J.-Y., Wu, J.-L. (2012) Shrimp anti lipopolysaccharide factor<br />

(SALF), an antimicrobial peptide, inhibits proinflammatory cytokine expressions through the<br />

MAPK and NF-κB pathways in LPS-induced HeLa cells. Peptides 40C, 42-48.<br />


Lee, S.-H., Peng, K.-C., Lee, L.-H., Pan, C.-Y., Hour, A.-L., Her, G.-M., Hui, C.-F., Chen, J.-Y., 2012,<br />

“Characterization of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) viperin expression, and inhibition of bacterial<br />

growth and modulation of immune-related gene expressions by electrotransfer of viperin DNA<br />

into zebrafish muscle”, VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY, In Press.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.08; SCI ranking: 74%)<br />

嚴 宏 洋 (YAN, HONG-YOUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, Y.H., Yan, H. Y., and Chiao, C. C. , 2012, “Effects of early visual experience on the background<br />

preference in juvenile cuttlefish ”, Biology Letters, 8, 740-743.. (SCI) (IF: 3.76; SCI ranking:<br />

16.3%,27%,23.9%)<br />

Huang, H.Y., Liu, J.T., Yan, H.Y., Tsai, H.J., 2012, “Arl6ip1 plays a role in proliferation during<br />

zebrafish retinogenesis. ”, Cells, Tissues Organs, 196, 161-174..<br />

Yang, Y.C., Lin, H. Y., Su, K. Y., Chen, C. H., Yu, Y. L., Lin, C. C., Yu, S. L., Yan, H. Y., Su, K. J.,<br />

and Chen, Y. L. S. , 2012, “Rutin, a flavonoid that is a main component of Saussurea involucrata<br />

attenuates the senescence effect in D-galactose aging mouse model. ”, Evidence- Based<br />

Complementary and Alternative Medicin, 2012, 1-10. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 4.8%)<br />

吳 漢 忠 (WU, HAN-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin CW, Liao MY, Lin WW, Wang YP, Lu TY, Wu HC*, 2012, “Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule<br />

Regulates Tumor Initiation and Tumorigenesis via Activating Reprogramming Factors and<br />

Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Gene Expression in Colon Cancer.”, Journal of biological<br />

chemistry, 287(47), 39449-59. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Lai, J.K., Wu, H.C., Shen, Y.C., Hsieh, H.Y., Yang, S.Y. and Chang, C.C*, 2012, “Kruppel-like factor<br />

4 is involved in cell scattering induced by hepatocyte growth factor”, Journal of Cell Science,<br />

125(Pt 20), 4853-4864. (SCI) (IF: 6.11; SCI ranking: 20.3%)<br />

Cheng-Der Wu, Hung-Wen Chou, Yuan-Sung Kuo, Ruei-Min Lu, Yu-Chyi Hwang, Han-Chung Wu*,<br />

Chin-Tarng Lin , 2012, “Nucleolin antisense oligodeoxynucleotides induce apoptosis and may be<br />

used as a potential drug for nasopharyngeal carcinoma therapy”, Oncology Reports, 27, 94-100.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.84; SCI ranking: 67.9%)<br />

Lin HE, Tsai WY, Liu IJ, Li PC, Liao MY, Tsai JJ, Wu YC, Lai CY, Lu CH, Huang JH, Chang<br />

GJ, Wu HC, Wang WK*, 2012, “Analysis of epitopes on dengue virus envelope protein<br />

recognized by monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal human sera by a high throughput assay.”,<br />

PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 6(1), e1447. (SCI) (IF: 4.72; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Pi-Chun Li, Mei-Ying Liao, Ping-Chang Cheng, Jian-Jong Liang, I-Ju Liu, Chien-Yu Chiu, Yi-Ling<br />

Lin, Gwong-Jen J. Chang, Han-Chung Wu*, 2012, “Development of a Humanized Antibody with<br />

High Therapeutic Potential against Dengue Virus Type 2”, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 6,<br />

e1636. (SCI) (IF: 4.72; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Li, P. C., and Wu, H. C.*. “Development of therapeutic antibodies with high therapeutic potential<br />

against dengue virus”. The Antibody Therapeutics Workshop, Taipei. Taiwan.<br />

Tung, K. H., and Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “CHC promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis through<br />

regulation of HIF-1α and VEGF signaling”, paper presented at 2012 AACR annual meeting,<br />

Chicago, Illinois. U.S.A: American Association for Cancer Research, 2012-03-31 ~ 2012-04-04.<br />

Wu, H. C*., Lu, R. M., Chen, M. S., Chiu, C. Y., Wang, Y. P., Kuo, Y. S., 2012, “Peptide-mediated<br />

drug delivery systems for breast cancer therapy and imaging in Animal Models”, paper presented<br />

at European Conference of Oncology Pharmacy (ECOP), Budapest, Hungary: European CanCer<br />

Organisation (ECCO), 2012-09-27 ~ 2012-09-29.<br />

Wu, H. C., 2012, “Development of a humanized antibody with high therapeutic potential against<br />

dengue virus”, paper presented at NHRI Conference, Miaoli, Taiwan: National Health Research<br />

Institutes, 2012-02-27.<br />

Wu, H. C*, 2012, “Development of a Humanized Antibody with High Therapeutic Potential against<br />

Dengue Virus Type 2”, paper presented at NSC 2012 Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan: National<br />

Science Council (NSC), 2012-10-13.<br />

Chang, D. K., Su, T. L., Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “Peptide-mediated Liposomal Doxorubicin Enhances Drug<br />

Delivery Efficiency and Therapeutic Efficacy in Animal Models”, paper presented at The 10th<br />

International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-10), Osaka, Japan: International<br />

Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

Li, P. C., and Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “Development of therapeutic antibodies with high therapeutic<br />

potential against dengue virus”, paper presented at The Antibody Therapeutics Workshop, Taipei,<br />

Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-17 ~ 2012-09-18.<br />

Li, P. C., Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “Development of a Humanized Antibody with High Therapeutic Potential<br />

against Dengue Virus Type 2.”, paper presented at Twentieth Symposium in Cellular and<br />

Molecular Biology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 中 華 民 國 細 胞 及 分 子 生 物 學 學 會 CSCMB, 2012-02-07<br />

~ 2012-02-09.<br />

Lin, C. W., Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “EpCAM regulates self-renewal of tumor-initiating cells through<br />

activating reprogramming factors”, paper presented at Twentieth Symposium in Cellular and<br />

Molecular Biology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.: 中 華 民 國 細 胞 及 分 子 生 物 學 學 會 CSCMB, 2012-02-<br />

07 ~ 2012-02-09.<br />


Sun, M. S., Wu, H. C.*, 2012, “Podocalyxin Promotes Tumor Invasion and Metastasis via Regulating<br />

Invadopodia Formation”, paper presented at Twentieth Symposium in Cellular and Molecular<br />

Biology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 中 華 民 國 細 胞 及 分 子 生 物 學 學 會 CSCMB, 2012-02-07 ~ 2012-<br />

02-09.<br />

張 繼 堯 (CHANG, CHI-YAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

MS Wu, CW Chen, YC Liu, HH Huang, CH Lin, CS Tzeng, CY Chang*, 2012, “Transcriptional<br />

Analysis of Orange-spotted Grouper Reacting to Experimental Grouper Iridovirus Infection”,<br />


SCI ranking: 4.2%,43.1%)<br />

Wu, M.-S., Chen, C.-W., Lin, C.-H., Tzeng, C.-S., Chang, C.-Y*., 2012, “Differential Expression<br />

Profiling of Orange-Spotted Grouper, Epinephelus coioides (Hamilton), Larvae That Survived a<br />

Betanodavirus Outbreak”, Journal of Fish Diseases, 35(3), 215-225. (SCI) (IF: 2; SCI ranking:<br />

7.4%,25%,35.2%)<br />

黃 聲 蘋 (HWANG, SHENG-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, Y-C., Lu, Y-F., Li, I-C., Hwang, S-P.L., 2012, “Zebrafish Agr2 is required for terminal<br />

differentiation of intestinal goblet cells. ”, PLoS One, 7(4), e34408. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

廖 永 豐 (LIAO, YUNG-FENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Bo-Jeng Wang, Yung-Feng Liao, Ying-Tsen Tung, Ling-Huei Yih, Cho-Chun Hu, Hsinyu Lee,<br />

accepted, “Establishment of a bioluminescence-based bioassay for the detection of dioxin-like<br />

compounds”, TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND METHODS, In Press. (SCI) (IF: 1.03; SCI<br />

ranking: 82.2%)<br />

Daniel J. Klionsky* et al., 2012, “Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring<br />

autophagy”, Autophagy, 8(4), 445-544. (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

Ying-Tsen Tung, Bo-Jeng Wang, Ming-Kuan Hu, Wen-Ming Hsu, Hsinyu Lee, Wei-Pang Huang,<br />

and Yung-Feng Liao*, 2012, “Autophagy: A double-edged sword in Alzheimer's Disease”,<br />

JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 37(1), 157-165. (SCI) (IF: 1.65; SCI ranking: 45%)<br />


Yu-Yin Shih, Akira Nakagawara, Hsinyu Lee, Hsueh-Fen Juan, Yung-Ming Jeng, Dong-Tsamn Lin,<br />

Yung-Li Yang, Yeou-Guang Tsay, Min-Chuan Huang, Chien-Yuan Pan*, Wen-Ming Hsu*,<br />

and Yung-Feng Liao*, 2012, “Calreticulin mediates nerve growth factor-induced neuronal<br />

differentiation”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 47, 571–581. (SCI) (IF: 2.5;<br />

SCI ranking: 59.3%,58.9%)<br />

易 玲 輝 (YIH, LING-HUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yih LH*, Wu YC, Hsu NC, Kuo HH, 2012, “Arsenic Trioxide Induces Abnormal Mitotic Spindles<br />

Through a PIP4KIIγ/Rho Pathway”, TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 128(1), 115-125. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.65; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Yih LH*, Hsu NC, Kuo HH, Wu YC, 2012, “Inhibition of the Heat Shock Response by PI103<br />

Enhances the Cytotoxicity of Arsenic Trioxide”, TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 128(1), 126-136.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.65; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

陳 志 毅 (CHEN, JYH-YIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pan CY, Lee SC, Rajanbabu V, Lin CH, Chen JY, 2012, “Insights into the antibacterial and<br />

immunomodulatory functions of tilapia hepcidin (TH)2-3 against Vibrio vulnificus infection in<br />

mice.”, Developmental and comparative immunology, 36(1), 166-73. (SCI) (IF: 3.27; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.2%,43.1%)<br />

Pan CY, Huang TC, Wang YD, Yeh YC, Hui CF, Chen JY, 2012, “Oral administration of recombinant<br />

epinecidin-1 protected grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) from Vibrio<br />

vulnificus infection and enhanced immune-related gene expressions.”, Fish & shellfish<br />

immunology, 32(6), 947-57. (SCI) (IF: 3.32; SCI ranking: 1.5%,40.7%,6.3%,6.8%)<br />

Wu TH, Pan CY, Lin MC, Hsieh JC, Hui CF, Chen JY, 2012, “In vivo screening of zebrafish<br />

microRNA responses to bacterial infection and their possible roles in regulating immune response<br />

genes after lipopolysaccharide stimulation.”, Fish physiology and biochemistry, 38(5), 1299-310.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.53; SCI ranking: 78.6%,39.6%,76.4%)<br />

Wu SP, Huang TC, Lin CC, Hui CF, Lin CH, Chen JY, 2012, “Pardaxin, a fish antimicrobial peptide,<br />

exhibits antitumor activity toward murine fibrosarcoma in vitro and in vivo.”, Marine drugs,<br />

10(8), 1852-72. (SCI) (IF: 3.85; SCI ranking: 13%)<br />

Lee SC, Pan CY, Chen JY, 2012, “The antimicrobial peptide, epinecidin-1, mediates secretion of<br />

cytokines in the immune response to bacterial infection in mice.”, Peptides, 36(1), 100-8. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.43; SCI ranking: 60.9%)<br />


Lin MC, Hui CF, Chen JY, Wu JL, 2012, “The antimicrobial peptide, shrimp anti-lipopolysaccharide<br />

factor (SALF), inhibits proinflammatory cytokine expressions through the MAPK and NF-kappaB<br />

pathways in Trichomonas vaginalis adherent to HeLa cells.”, Peptides, 38(2), 197-207. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.43; SCI ranking: 60.9%)<br />

Peng KC, Lee SH, Hour AL, Pan CY, Lee LH, Chen JY, 2012, “Five Different Piscidins from Nile<br />

Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus: Analysis of Their Expressions and Biological Functions.”, PloS<br />

one, 7(11), e50263. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Lin MC, Pan CY, Hui CF, Chen JY, Wu JL, 2012, “Shrimp anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (SALF), an<br />

antimicrobial peptide, inhibits proinflammatory cytokine expressions through the MAPK and NFkappaB<br />

pathways in LPS-induced HeLa cells.”, Peptides, 40C, 42-48. (SCI) (IF: 2.43; SCI<br />

ranking: 60.9%)<br />

邱 品 文 (CHIOU, PIN-WEN PETER)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ming-Wei Lu, Fang-Huar Ngou, Yung-Mei Chao, Yu-Shen Lai, Nai-Yu Chen, Fan-Yao Lee,<br />

and Pinwen P Chiou*, 2012, “Transcriptome characterization and gene expression of Epinephelus<br />

spp in endoplasmic reticulum stress-related pathway during betanodavirus infection in vitro”,<br />

BMC Genomics, 13, 651. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%,21.8%)<br />

P.H. Pham, Y-S Lai, F-Y Lee, N.C. Bols, and P.P. Chiou*, 2012, “Differential viral propagation and<br />

induction of apoptosis by grouper iridovirus (GIV) in cell lines from three non-host species”,<br />

Virus Research, 167, 12-25. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 48.4%)<br />

高 承 福 (KAO, CHENG-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wright DE, Wang CY, Kao CF, 2012, “Histone ubiquitylation and chromatin dynamics.”, Frontiers in<br />

Bioscience-Landmark, 17, 1051-1078. (SCI) (IF: 3.52; SCI ranking: 45.8%,36.3%)<br />

游 智 凱 (YU, JR-KAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang YB, Chen SH, Lin CY, Yu JK*, 2012, “EST and transcriptome analysis of cephalochordate<br />

amphioxus--past, present and future.”, Briefings in functional genomics, 11(2), 96-106. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.13; SCI ranking: 21.1%,14.4%)<br />

Lu TM, Luo YJ, Yu JK*, 2012, “BMP and Delta/Notch signaling control the development of<br />

amphioxus epidermal sensory neurons: insights into the evolution of the peripheral sensory<br />

system.”, DEVELOPMENT, 139(11), 2020-30. (SCI) (IF: 6.6; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


蘇 怡 璇 (SU, YI-HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Luo Y.J. and Su Y.H., 2012, “Opposing Nodal and BMP signals regulate left-right asymmetry in the<br />

sea urchin larva”, PLOS BIOLOGY, 10(10), e1001402. (SCI) (IF: 11.45; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

游 宏 祥 (YU, HUNG-HSIANG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wu ST, Yu HH, 2012, “Homing Type-Specific Neuronal Expression with Defined GR-promoters in<br />

the Integrase Swappable in vivo Targeting Element (InSITE) System”, 297.02-Su pages, paper<br />

presented at Neuroscience 2012, 42nd annual meeting of SfN, 美 國 路 易 斯 安 那 州 新 奧 爾 良 :<br />

Society for Neuroscience, 2012-10-13 ~ 2012-10-17.<br />

廖 欽 峰 (LIAO, CHING-FONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Liao CF, Lin SH, Chen HC, Tai CJ, Chang CC, Li LT, Yeh CM, Yeh KT, Chen YC, Hsu TH, Shen<br />

SC, Lee WR, Chiou JF, Luo SF, Jiang MC, 2012, “CSE1L, a Novel Microvesicle Membrane<br />

Protein, Mediates Ras-Triggered Microvesicle Generation and Metastasis of Tumor Cells.”,<br />

Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.), 18, 1269-80. (SCI) (IF: 3.757; SCI ranking: 22.3%)<br />

Lai JN, Wang OY, Lin VH, Liao CF, Tarng DC, Chien EJ, 2012, “The non-genomic rapid acidification<br />

in peripheral T cells by progesterone depends on intracellular calcium increase and not on<br />

Na+/H+-exchange inhibition.”, Steroids, 77(10), 1017-24. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI ranking: 51.6%)<br />

Tai CJ, Liao CF, Su TC, Shen KH, Chang CC, Lin SH, Yeh CM, Shen SC, Lee WR, Chiou JF, Lin<br />

CH, Chen YC, Shih HY, Yeh KT, Jiang MC, 2012, “Presence of CSE1L protein in urine of<br />

patients with urinary bladder urothelial carcinomas.”, The International journal of biological<br />

markers, 27(3), e280-4. (SCI) (IF: 1.48; SCI ranking: 65.5%,76.2%)<br />

郭 紘 志 (KUO, HUNG-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wu YC, Ling TY, Lu SH, Kuo HC, Ho HN, Yeh SD, Shen CN, Huang YH, 2012, “Chemotherapeutic<br />

sensitivity of testicular germ cell tumors under hypoxic conditions is negatively regulated by<br />

SENP1-controlled sumoylation of OCT4”, CANCER RESEARCH, 72(19), 4963-4973. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.86; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

Chen YF, Tseng CY, Wang HW, Kuo HC, Yang VW, Lee OK, 2012, “Rapid Generation of Mature<br />

Hepatocyte-like Cells from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by an Efficient Three-Step<br />

Protocol”, HEPATOLOGY, 55(4), 1193-1203. (SCI) (IF: 11.67; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />


Chuang CY, Lin KI, Hsiao M, Chen HF, Huang YH, Lin SP, Ho HN, Kuo HC*, 2012, “Meiotic<br />

competent human germ cell-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells induced by<br />

BMP4/WNT3a signaling and OCT4/EpCAM selection”, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY, 287(18), 14389-14401. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Huang HP, Chuang CY, and Kuo HC*, 2012, “Induced pluripotent stem cell technology for disease<br />

modeling and drug screening with emphasis on lysosomal storage diseases”, STEM CELL<br />

RESEARCH AND THERAPY, 3, 34. (SCI) (IF: 3.21; SCI ranking: 29.5%)<br />

張 淵 智 (CHANG, YUAN CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yann-Wen Lan, Wen-Hao Chang, Shui-Jin Lai, Yuan-Chih Chang, Cen-Shawn Wu, Chieh-Hsiung<br />

Kuan, Chia-Seng Chang, Chii-Dong Chen*, 2012, “Effects of oxygen bonding on defective<br />

semiconducting and metallic single-walled carbon nanotube bundles ”, CARBON, 50, 4619-4627.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.38; SCI ranking: 7.9%,15.2%)<br />

Yen-Song Chen, Yuan-Chih Chang, Shau-Chieh Wang, Li-Ying Chen, Der-Hsien Lien, Lih-Juann<br />

Chen, and Chia-Seng Chang*, 2012, “Critical Capillary Absorption of Current-Melted Silver<br />

Nanodroplets into Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”, SMALL, 8, 2158-2162. (SCI) (IF: 8.35; SCI<br />

ranking: 4.6%)<br />

Yu-Ming Chang, Cammy K. -M. Chen, Yuan-Chih Chang, Wen-Yih Jeng, Ming-Hon Hou, and<br />

Andrew H. -J. Wang*, 2012, “Functional studies of ssDNA binding ability of MarR family<br />

protein TcaR from Staphylococcus epidermidis”, PLoS ONE, 7, e45665. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.5%)<br />


生 物 化 學 研 究 所<br />

張 瀞 仁 (CHANG, CHING-JIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YL, Jiang YW, Su YL, Lee SC, Chang MS, Chang CJ*, accepted, “Transcriptional Regulation<br />

of Tristetraprolin by NF-κB Signaling in LPS-stimulated Macrophages.”, MOLECULAR<br />

BIOLOGY REPORTS. (SCI) (IF: 2.93; SCI ranking: 46.8%)<br />

Hee SW, Tsai SH, Chang YC, Chang CJ, Yu IS, Lee PC, Lee WJ, Chang YCE, Chuang LM*, 2012,<br />

“The role of nocturnin in early adipogenesis and modulation of systemic insulin resistance in<br />

human.”, OBESITY, 20(8), 1558-1565. (SCI) (IF: 4.28; SCI ranking: 12.7%)<br />

Hu CK, Lee YJ, Colitz CM, Chang CJ, Lin CT*, 2012, “The protective effects of Lycium barbarum<br />

and Chrysanthemum morifolum on diabetic retinopathies in rats.”, VETERINARY<br />

OPHTHALMOLOGY, 15(s2), 65-71. (SCI) (IF: 0.75; SCI ranking: 48.9%)<br />

Lin NY, Lin TY, Yang WH, Wang SC, Wang KT, Su YL, Jiang YW, Chang GD, Chang CJ*, 2012,<br />

“Differential Expression and Functional Analysis of the Tristetraprolin Family during Early<br />

Differentiation of 3T3-L1 Preadipocytes.”, International Journal of Biological Sciences, 8(5),<br />

761-777. (SCI) (IF: 2.7; SCI ranking: 54.8%)<br />

Su YL, Wang SC, Chiang PY, Lin NY, Shen YF, Chang GD, Chang CJ*, 2012, “Tristetraprolin<br />

Inhibits Poly(A)-Tail Synthesis in Nuclear mRNA That Contains AU-rich Elements by<br />

Interacting with Poly(A)-Binding Protein Nuclear 1.”, PLoS One, 7(7), e41313. (SCI) (IF: 4.09;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Yeh PA, Yang WH, Chiang PY, Wang SC, Chang MS, Chang CJ*, 2012, “Drosophila eyes absent is a<br />

novel mRNA target of the tristetraprolin (TTP) protein DTIS11.”, International Journal of<br />

Biological Sciences, 8(5), 606-619. (SCI) (IF: 2.7; SCI ranking: 54.8%)<br />

張 崇 毅 (CHANG, CHUNG-I)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang WJ, Wang YC, Chao SW, Yang CY, Chen LC, Lin MH, Hou WC, Chen MY, Lee TL, Yang<br />

P, Chang CI, 2012, “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of ortho-Aryl N-Hydroxycinnamides as<br />

Potent Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) 8 Isoform-Selective Inhibitors.”, ChemMedChem, 7(10),<br />

1815-1824. (SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI ranking: 30.4%, 25.6%)<br />

Liao JH, Kuo CI, Huang YY, Lin YC, Lin YC, Yang CY, Wu WL, Chang WH, Liaw YC, Lin<br />

LH, Chang CI, Wu SH, 2012, “A Lon-Like Protease with No ATP-Powered Unfolding<br />

Activity.”, PloS one, 7(7), e40226. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Su MY, Chang CI, Chang CF, accepted, “(1)H, (13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of the pyrin<br />

domain from human PYNOD.”, Biomolecular NMR assignments, DOI: 10.1007/s12104-012-<br />

9396-8. (SCI) (IF: 0.72; SCI ranking: 89.4%, 86.1%)<br />

陳 水 田 (CHEN, SHUI-TEIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang KL, Hsieh JF, Ou BM, Chang MH, Hseih WY, Lin JH, Huang PJ, Wong KF, Chen ST, 2012,<br />

“Adsorption Studies on the Removal of an Endocrine-Disrupting Compound (Bisphenol A) using<br />

Activated Carbon from Rice Straw Agricultural Waste.”, Separation Science and Technology,<br />

47(10), 1514-1521. (SCI) (IF: 1.09; SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />

Chen CY, Chen ST, Juan HF, Huang HC, 2012, “Lengthening of 3'UTR increases with morphological<br />

complexity in animal evolution.”, BIOINFORMATICS, 28(24), 3178-81. (SCI) (IF: 5.47; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.9%, 2.4%, 11.3%)<br />

Hwang KJ, Chen KC, Chen ST, Chang KL, 2012, “Sugar Purification from Enzymatic Rice Straw<br />

Hydrolysis Products using Cross-Flow Diafiltration.”, Separation Science and Technology, 47(1),<br />

52-61. (SCI) (IF: 1.09; SCI ranking: 57.1%)<br />

Lin YP, Chen TY, Tseng HW, Lee MH, Chen ST, 2012, “Chemical and biological evaluation of<br />

nephrocizin in protecting nerve growth factor-differentiated PC12 cells by 6-hydroxydopamineinduced<br />

neurotoxicity.”, Phytochemistry, 84, 102-15. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Satitmanwiwat S, Ratanakhanokchai K, Laohakunjit N, Chao LK, Chen ST, Pason P, Tachaapaikoon<br />

C, Kyu KL, 2012, “Improved purity and immunostimulatory activity of beta-(1-->3)(1-->6)-<br />

glucan from Pleurotus sajor-caju using cell wall-degrading enzymes.”, Journal of agricultural<br />

and food chemistry, 60(21), 5423-30. (SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%, 5.3%, 18.3%)<br />

Tsai CC, Yang FL, Huang ZY, Chen CS, Yang YL, Hua KF, Li J, Chen ST, Wu SH, 2012,<br />

“Oligosaccharide and peptidoglycan of Ganoderma lucidum activate the immune response in<br />

human mononuclear cells.”, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 60(11), 2830-7. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%, 5.3%, 18.3%)<br />

Wu WH, Chen TY, Lu RW, Chen ST, Chang CC, 2012, “Benzoxazinoids from Scoparia dulcis (sweet<br />

broomweed) with antiproliferative activity against the DU-145 human prostate cancer cell line.”,<br />

Phytochemistry, 83, 110-5. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

陳 光 超 (CHEN, GUANG-CHAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen DY, Li MY, Wu SY, Lin YL, Tsai SP, Lai PL, Lin YT, Kuo JC, Meng TC*, Chen GC*, 2012,<br />

“The Bro1-domain-containing protein Myopic/HDPTP coordinates with Rab4 to regulate cell<br />

adhesion and migration.”, J Cell Sci., 125(20), 4841-4852.. (SCI) (IF: 6.11; SCI ranking: 20.3%)<br />


Chen SF, Kang ML, Chen YC, Tang HW, Huang CW, Li WH, Lin CP, Wang CY, Wang PY*, Chen<br />

GC*, Wang HD*, 2012, “Autophagy-related gene 7 is downstream of heat shock protein 27 in<br />

the regulation of eye morphology, polyglutamine toxicity, and lifespan in Drosophila.”,<br />

JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE, 19(1), 52. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%)<br />

Klionsky DJ, Chen GC et al., 2012, “Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring<br />

autophagy.”, Autophagy, 8(4), 445-544. (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

Santhanam A, Liang SY, Chen DY, Chen GC*, Meng TC*, accepted, “Midgut-enriched receptor<br />

protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP52F is required for Drosophila development during larva-pupa<br />

transition.”, The FEBS journal, doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2012.08696.x. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.2%)<br />

陳 佩 燁 (CHEN, RITA PEI-YEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kao AL, Lin YH, Chen RP, Huang YY, Chen CC, Yang CC, 2012, “E3-independent ubiquitination of<br />

AtMAPR/MSBP1.”, Phytochemistry, 78, 7-19. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 11%)<br />

Liu KN, Lai C.M., Lee Y.T., Wang S.N., Chen R.P., Jan J.S., Liu H.S., and Wang S.S., 2012,<br />

“Curcumin's pre-incubation temperature affects its inhibitory potency toward amyloid fibrillation<br />

and fibril-induced cytotoxicity of lysozyme.”, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL<br />

SUBJECTS, 1820(11), 1774-1786. (SCI) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 18.1%, 16.7%)<br />

Sang JC, Lee CY, Luh FY, Huang YW, Chiang YW, Chen RP, 2012, “Slow spontaneous alpha-tobeta<br />

structural conversion in a non-denaturing neutral condition reveals the intrinsically<br />

disordered property of the disulfide-reduced recombinant mouse prion protein.”, Prion, 6(5), 489-<br />

497. (SCI) (IF: 2.85; SCI ranking: 51.2%)<br />

Yang LL, Kao MW, Chen HL, Lim TS, Fann W, Chen RP*, 2012, “Observation of protein<br />

folding/unfolding dynamics of ubiquitin trapped in agarose gel by single-molecule FRET.”,<br />


(IF: 2.14; SCI ranking: 66.7%)<br />

陳 水 聰 (CHEN, SHUI-TSUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang CC, Weng JH, Wei TY, Wu PY, Hsu PH, Chen YH, Wang SC, Qin D, Hung CC, Chen ST,<br />

Wang AH, Shyy JY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Intermolecular binding between TIFA-FHA and TIFA-pT<br />

mediates tumor necrosis factor alpha stimulation and NF-kappaB activation.”, Molecular and<br />

cellular biology, 32(14), 2664-73. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />


陳 瑞 華 (CHEN, RUEY-HWA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang CC, Yang MH, Lin BR, Chen ST, Pan SH, Hsiao M, Lai TC, Lin SK, Jeng YM, Chu CY, Chen<br />

RH, Yang PC, Eugene Chin Y, Kuo ML, accepted, “CCN2 inhibits lung cancer metastasis<br />

through promoting DAPK-dependent anoikis and inducing EGFR degradation.”, Cell death and<br />

differentiation, doi: 10.1038/cdd.2012.136. (SCI) (IF: 8.85; SCI ranking: 11.8%, 6.5%)<br />

Chen HY, Lin YM, Chung HC, Lang YD, Lin CJ, Huang J, Wang WC, Lin FM, Chen Z, Huang HD,<br />

Shyy JY, Liang JT*, Chen RH*, 2012, “miR-103/107 promote metastasis of colorectal cancer by<br />

targeting the metastasis suppressors DAPK and KLF4.”, Cancer research, 72(14), 3631-3641.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 7.86; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

Chen RH*, Lee YR, Yuan WC, 2012, “The role of PML ubiquitination in human malignancies.”,<br />

Journal of biomedical science, 19, 81. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%)<br />

Huang CY, Chen JY, Wu SC, Tan CH, Tzeng RY, Lu PJ, Wu YF, Chen RH*, Wu YC*, 2012, “C.<br />

elegans EIF-3.K promotes programmed cell death through CED-3 caspase.”, PloS one, 7(5),<br />

e36584. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tsai PI, Wang M, Kao HH, Cheng YJ, Lin YJ, Chen RH, Chien CT, 2012, “Activity-dependent<br />

retrograde laminin A signaling regulates synapse growth at Drosophila neuromuscular<br />

junctions.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,<br />

109(43), 17699-17704. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Tsai PI, Wang M, Kao HH, Cheng YJ, Walker JA, Chen RH, Chien CT, 2012, “Neurofibromin<br />

Mediates FAK Signaling in Confining Synapse Growth at Drosophila Neuromuscular<br />

Junctions.”, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience,<br />

32(47), 16971-16981. (SCI) (IF: 7.12; SCI ranking: 7.9%)<br />

陳 宏 文 (CHEN, HUNG-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang LJ, Cheong ML, Lee YS, Lee MT, Chen H, 2012, “High temperature requirement A4 (HtrA4)<br />

suppresses the fusogenic activity of Syncytin-1 and promotes trophoblast invasion.”, Mol. Cell.<br />

Biol., 32(18), 3707-3717. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

朱 善 德 (CHU, SIN-TAK)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee YC, Tzeng WF, Chiou TJ, Chu ST, 2012, “MicroRNA-138 Suppresses Neutrophil Gelatinase-<br />

Associated Lipocalin Expression and Inhibits Tumorigenicity.”, PloS one, 7(12), e52979. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Li PT, Liao CJ, Yu LC, Wu WG, Chu ST, 2012, “Localization of B4GALNT2 and its role in mouse<br />

embryo attachment.”, Fertility and sterility, 97(5), 1206-1212.e3. (SCI) (IF: 3.78; SCI ranking:<br />

7.9%, 19%)<br />

Liao CJ, Huang YH, Au HK, Wang LM, Chu ST, 2012, “The cancer marker neutrophil gelatinaseassociated<br />

lipocalin is highly expressed in human endometrial hyperplasia.”, Molecular biology<br />

reports, 39(2), 1029-1036. (SCI) (IF: 2.93; SCI ranking: 46.8%)<br />

張 茂 山 (CHANG, MAU-SUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YL, Jiang YW, Su YL, Lee SC, Chang MS, Chang CJ, 2012, “Transcriptional regulation of<br />

tristetraprolin by NF-kappaB signaling in LPS-stimulated macrophages.”, Molecular biology<br />

reports, Epub ahead of print. (SCI) (IF: 2.93; SCI ranking: 46.8%)<br />

Chen CH, Chu PC, Lee L, Lien HW, Lin TL, Fan CC, Chi P, Huang CJ, Chang MS, 2012, “Disruption<br />

of Murine mp29/Syf2/Ntc31 Gene Results in Embryonic Lethality with Aberrant Checkpoint<br />

Response.”, PloS one, 7(3), e33538. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Yeh PA, Yang WH, Chiang PY, Wang SC, Chang MS, Chang CJ, 2012, “Drosophila eyes absent is a<br />

novel mRNA target of the tristetraprolin (TTP) protein DTIS11.”, International journal of<br />

biological sciences, 8(5), 606-19. (SCI) (IF: 2.7; SCI ranking: 54.8%)<br />

陳 義 雄 (CHEN, YEE-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ou CM, Tang JB, Huang MS, Sudhakar Gandhi PS, Geetha S, Li SH, Chen YH, 2012, “The mode of<br />

reproductive-derived Spink (serine protease inhibitor Kazal-type) action in the modulation of<br />

mammalian sperm activity.”, International Journal of Andrology, 35(1), 52-62. (SCI) (IF: 3.59;<br />

SCI ranking: 20%)<br />

Tseng HC, Tang JB, Sudhakar Gandhi PS, Ou CM, Tseng CJ, Lin HJ, Chen YH, 2012, “Mutual<br />

adaptation between mouse transglutaminase 4 and its native substrates in the formation of<br />

copulatory plug.”, Amino Acids, 42(2-3), 951-960. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking: 40.3%)<br />

何 孟 樵 (HO, MENG-CHIAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Guan R, Ho MC, Frohlich RF, Tyler PC, Almo SC, Schramm VL*, accepted, “Methylthioadenosine<br />

Deaminase in an Alternative Quorum Sensing Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.”,<br />

Biochemistry. (SCI) (IF: 3.42; SCI ranking: 37.1%)<br />


Ke S, Ho MC, Zhadin N, Deng H, Callender R*, 2012, “Investigation of catalytic loop structure,<br />

dynamics, and function relationship of Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase by temperaturejump<br />

relaxation spectroscopy and X-ray structural determination.”, J Phys Chem B, 116(21),<br />

6166-6176. (SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

Hazleton KZ, Ho MC, Cassera MB, Clinch K, Crump DR, Rosario I Jr, Merino EF, Almo SC, Tyler<br />

PC, Schramm VL*, 2012, “Acyclic immucillin phosphonates: second-generation inhibitors of<br />

Plasmodium falciparum hypoxanthine-guanine-xanthine phosphoribosyltransferase.”, Chemistry<br />

& biology, 19(6), 721-30. (SCI) (IF: 5.83; SCI ranking: 13.9%)<br />

徐 尚 德 (HSU, SHANG-TE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fusco G, De Simone A, Hsu STD, Bemporad F, Vendruscolo M, Chiti F, Dobson CM, 2012, “(1)H,<br />

(13)C and (15)N resonance assignments of human muscle acylphosphatase.”, Biomolecular NMR<br />

assignments, 6(1), 27-29. (SCI) (IF: 0.72; SCI ranking: 89.4%, 86.1%)<br />

Tseng TS, Cheng CS, Hsu ST Danny, Shih MF, He PL, Lyu PC, 2013, “Residue-Specific Annotation<br />

of Disorder-to-Order Transition and Cathepsin Inhibition of a Propeptide-Like Crammer from D.<br />

melanogaster.”, PLOS ONE, e54187. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tseng TS, Cheng CS, Chen DJ, Shih MF, Liu YN, Hsu STD*, Lyu PC*, 2012, “A Molten Globule-to-<br />

Ordered Structure Transition of Drosophila melanogaster Crammer Is Required for its Ability to<br />

Inhibit Cathepsin.”, BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 442, 563-572. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking:<br />

20.2%)<br />

黃 銓 珍 (HUANG, CHANG-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CH, Chu PC, Lee L, Lien HW, Lin TL, Fan CC, Chi P, Huang CJ, Chang MS, 2012, “Disruption<br />

of Murine mp29/Syf2/Ntc31 Gene Results in Embryonic Lethality with Aberrant Checkpoint<br />

Response.”, PloS one, 7(3), e33538. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wu YC, Liu CY, Chen YH, Chen RF, Huang CJ, Wang IJ, 2012, “Blood Vessel Epicardial Substance<br />

(Bves) Regulates Epidermal Tight Junction Integrity through Atypical Protein Kinase C.”, J Biol<br />

Chem, 287(47), 39887-39897. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

黃 開 發 (HUANG, KAI-FA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen HS, Wang YM, Huang WT, Huang KF, Tsai IH, 2012, “Cloning, characterization and<br />

mutagenesis of Russell's viper venom l-amino acid oxidase: Insights into its catalytic<br />

mechanism.”, Biochimie, 94(2), 335-344. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 44.4%)<br />


Chen YL, Huang KF, Kuo WC, Lo YC, Lee YM, Wang AH, 2012, “Inhibition of Glutaminyl Cyclase<br />

Attenuates Cell Migration Modulated by Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins.”, Biochemical<br />

journal, 442(2), 403-412. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 20.2%)<br />

Yu CM, Peng HP, Chen IC, Lee YC, Chen JB, Tsai KC, Chen CT, Chang JY, Yang EW, Hsu PC, Jian<br />

JW, Hsu HJ, Chang HJ, Hsu WL, Huang KF, Ma AC, Yang AS, 2012, “Rationalization and<br />

design of the complementarity determining region sequences in an antibody-antigen recognition<br />

interface.”, PloS one, 7(3), e33340. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wu HH, Wu PY, Huang KF, Kao YY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Structural delineation of MDC1-FHA domain<br />

binding with CHK2-pThr68.”, Biochemistry, 51(2), 575-577. (SCI) (IF: 3.42; SCI ranking:<br />

37.1%)<br />

洪 金 俊 (HUNG, CHIN-CHUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang CC, Weng JH, Wei TY, Wu PY, Hsu PH, Chen YH, Wang SC, Qin D, Hung CC, Chen ST,<br />

Wang AH, Shyy JY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Intermolecular binding between TIFA-FHA and TIFA-pT<br />

mediates tumor necrosis factor alpha stimulation and NF-kappaB activation.”, Molecular and<br />

cellular biology, 32(14), 2664-2673. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

邱 繼 輝 (KHOO, KAY-HOOI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiang BY, Chou CC, Hsieh FT, Gao S, Lin JC, Lin SH, Chen TC, Khoo KH, Lin CH, 2012, “In Vivo<br />

tagging and characterization of s-glutathionylated proteins by a chemoenzymatic method.”,<br />

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 51(24), 5871-5875. (SCI) (IF: 13.46;<br />

SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Coddeville B, Wu SW, Fabre E, Brassart C, Rombouts Y, Burguiere A, Kremer L, Khoo KH, Elass-<br />

Rochard E, Guerardel Y, 2012, “Identification of the Mycobacterium marinum Apa antigen O-<br />

mannosylation sites reveals important glycosylation variability with the M. tuberculosis Apa<br />

homologue.”, Journal of proteomics, 75(18), 5695-5705. (SCI) (IF: 4.88; SCI ranking: 17.7%)<br />

Gupta V, Bhinge KN, Hosain SB, Xiong K, Gu X, Shi R, Ho MY, Khoo KH, Li SC, Li YT,<br />

Ambudkar SV, Jazwinski SM, Liu YY, 2012, “Ceramide Glycosylation by Glucosylceramide<br />

Synthase Selectively Maintains the Properties of Breast Cancer Stem Cells.”, The Journal of<br />

biological chemistry, 287(44), 37195-37205. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Hwa KY, Subramani B, Khoo KH, 2012, “Putative xylosyltransferase genes in Trichomonas<br />

vaginalis.”, SOFT COMPUTING, 16(3), 381-391. (SCI) (IF: 1.88; SCI ranking: 25.2%)<br />

Mabashi-Asazuma H, Shi X, Geisler C, Kuo CW, Khoo KH, Jarvis DL, accepted, “Impact of a human<br />

CMP-sialic acid transporter on recombinant glycoprotein sialylation in glycoengineered insect<br />

cells.”, Glycobiology, doi: 10.1093/glycob/cws143. (SCI) (IF: 3.58; SCI ranking: 34.7%)<br />


Tsai IH, Chang HC, Chen JM, Cheng AC, Khoo KH, 2012, “Glycan structures and intrageneric<br />

variations of venom acidic phospholipases A(2) from Tropidolaemus pitvipers.”, The FEBS<br />

journal, 279(15), 2672-2682. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Yu SY, Chang LY, Cheng CW, Chou CC, Fukuda MN, Khoo KH, accepted, “Priming mass<br />

spectrometry-based sulfoglycomic mapping for identification of terminal sulfated lacdiNAc<br />

glycotope.”, Glycoconjugate journal, doi:10.1007/s10719-012-9396-z. (SCI) (IF: 2.12; SCI<br />

ranking: 66.9%)<br />

李 明 亭 (LEE, MING-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fang WL, Lee MT, Wu LS, Chen YJ, Ke FC, Hwang JJ, 2012, “CREB coactivator CRTC2/TORC2<br />

and its regulator calcineurin crucially mediate follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and<br />

transforming growth factor (TGFbeta1) upregulation of steroidogenesis.”, Journal of cellular<br />

physiology, 227(6), 2430-2440. (SCI) (IF: 3.87; SCI ranking: 38.6%, 16.7%)<br />

Lai WA, Yeh YT, Lee MT, Wu LS, Ke FC, Hwang JJ, accepted, “Ovarian granulosa cells utilize<br />

scavenger receptor SR-BI to evade cellular cholesterol homeostatic control for steroid synthesis.”,<br />

Journal of lipid research. (SCI) (IF: 5.56; SCI ranking: 13.3%)<br />

Wang LJ, Cheong ML, Lee YS, Lee MT, Chen H, 2012, “High-temperature requirement protein A4<br />

(HtrA4) suppresses the fusogenic activity of syncytin-1 and promotes trophoblast invasion.”,<br />

Molecular and cellular biology, 32(18), 3707-17. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

李 玉 梅 (LEE, YU-MAY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YL, Huang KF, Kuo WC, Lo YC, Lee YM, Wang Andrew HJ, 2012, “Inhibition of Glutaminyl<br />

Cyclase Attenuates Cell Migration Modulated by Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins.”,<br />

BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, 442(2), 403-412. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 20.2%)<br />

梁 啟 銘 (LIANG, CHI-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiu CF, Ho MY, Peng JM, Hung S, Liang CM*, Liang SM, accepted, “Raf activation by Ras and<br />

promotion of cellular metastasis require phosphorylation of prohibitin in the raft domain of<br />

plasma membrane.”, ONCOGENE. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ho MY, Liang SM, Hung SW, Liang CM, accepted, “MIG-7 controls COX-2/PGE2-mediated lung<br />

cancer metastasis.”, CANCER RESEARCH. (SCI) (IF: 7.86; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />


Liao CC, Ho MY, Liang SM, Liang CM*, accepted, “Recombinant protein rVP1 upregulates BECN1-<br />

independent autophagy, MAPK1/3 phosphorylation and MMP9 activity via WIPI1/WIPI2 to<br />

promote macrophage migration.”, Autophagy, 9(1). (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

Peng JM, Chen YH, Hung SW, Chou CF, Ho MY, Lee YJ, Lai TC, Hsiao M, Liang CM*, Liang SM,<br />

2012, “Recombinant viral protein promotes apoptosis and suppresses invasion of ovarian<br />

adenocarcinoma cells by targeting α5β1 integrin to downregulate Akt and MMP-2.”, BRITISH<br />

JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 165(2), 479-493. (SCI) (IF: 4.41; SCI ranking: 13%)<br />

梁 博 煌 (LIANG, PO-HUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang KM, Chen SH, Kuo CJ, Chang CK, Guo RT, Yang JM, Liang PH, 2012, “Roles of Amino<br />

Acids in the Escherichia coli Octaprenyl Diphosphate Synthase Active Site Probed by Structure-<br />

Guided Site-Directed Mutagenesis.”, BIOCHEMISTRY, 51(6), 3412-3419. (SCI) (IF: 3.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 37.1%)<br />

Kesavulu MM, Tsai JY, Lee HL, Liang PH, Hsiao CD, 2012, “Structure of the catalytic domain of the<br />

Clostridium thermocellum cellulase CelT.”, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-<br />

BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, 68, 310-320. (SCI) (IF: 12.62; SCI ranking: 4.5%, 4.5%,<br />

3.2%, 2.8%)<br />

Teng KH, Liang PH*, 2012, “Structures, mechanisms and inhibitors of undecaprenyl diphosphate<br />

synthase: A cis-prenyltransferase for bacterial peptidoglycan biosynthesis.”, BIOORGANIC<br />

CHEMISTRY, 43, 51-57. (SCI) (IF: 1.21; SCI ranking: 67.9%, 84.3%)<br />

Lee HL, Chang CK, Jeng WY, Wang AH, Liang PH, 2012, “Mutations in the substrate entrance<br />

region of beta-glucosidase from Trichoderma reesei improve enzyme activity and<br />

thermostability.”, Protein engineering design & selection, 25(11), 733-740. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Lin YF, Lee YF, Liang PH, 2012, “Targeting β-tubulin:CCT-β complexes incurs Hsp90 and VCPrelated<br />

protein degradation and induces ER stress-associated apoptosis by triggering capacitative<br />

Ca2+ entry, mitochondrial perturbation and caspase overactivation.”, Cell Death & Disease, 3,<br />

e434. (SCI) (IF: 5.33; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

Ren F, Ko TP, Feng X, Huang CH, Chan HC, Hu Y, Wang K, Ma Y, Liang PH, Wang AH, Oldfield<br />

E, Guo RT, 2012, “Insights into the Mechanism of the Antibiotic-Synthesizing Enzyme MoeO5<br />

from Crystal Structures of Different Complexes.”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL<br />

EDITION, 51(17), 4157-4160. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Teng KH, Liang PH, 2012, “Undecaprenyl diphosphate synthase, a cis-prenyltransferase synthesizing<br />

lipid carrier for bacterial cell wall biosynthesis.”, Molecular membrane biology, 29(7), 267-273.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.86; SCI ranking: 50.4%)<br />


林 俊 宏 (LIN, CHUN-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiang BY, Chou CC, Hsieh FT, Gao S, Lin JC, Lin SH, Chen TC, Khoo KH, Lin CH, 2012, “In Vivo<br />

tagging and characterization of s-glutathionylated proteins by a chemoenzymatic method.”,<br />

ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 51(24), 5871-5875. (SCI) (IF: 13.46;<br />

SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Chang SM, Tu Z, Jan HM, Pan JF, Lin CH*, accepted, “Rapid synthesis of oligomannosides with<br />

orthogonally protected monosaccharides.”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. (SCI) (IF: 6.17;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.1%)<br />

Lin YN, Stein D, Lin SW, Chang SM, Lin TC, Chuang YR, Gervay-Hague J, Narimatsu H, Lin CH*,<br />

2012, “Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of GDP-l-Fucose Derivatives as Potent and Selective α-1,3-<br />

Fucosyltransferase Inhibitors.”, ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, 354, 1750-1758. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.05; SCI ranking: 9.4%, 3.3%)<br />

林 聖 偉 (LIN, SHENG-WEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin YN, Stein DB, Lin SW, Chang SM, Lin TC, Chuang YR, Narimatsu H, Lin CH*, 2012,<br />

“Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of GDP-L-Fucose Derivatives as Potent and Selective α-1,3-<br />

Fucosyltransferase Inhibitors.”, ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, 354(9), 1750-1758.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.05; SCI ranking: 9.4%, 3.3%)<br />

Tsai SP, Su GC, Lin SW, Chung CI, Xue X, Dunlop MH, Akamatsu Y, Jasin M, Sung P, Chi P*,<br />

2012, “Rad51 presynaptic filament stabilization function of the mouse Swi5-Sfr1 heterodimeric<br />

complex.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(14), 6558-6569. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

林 淑 妤 (LIN, SHU-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ko YC, Tsai WH, Wang PW, Wu IL, Lin SY, Chen YL, Chen JY, Lin SF, 2012, “Suppressive<br />

regulation of KSHV RTA with O-GlcNAcylation.”, Journal of biomedical science, 19, 12. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%)<br />

Tsai WH, Wang PW, Lin SY, Wu IL, Ko YC, Chen YL, Li M, Lin SF, 2012, “Ser-634 and Ser-636 of<br />

Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus RTA are Involved in Transactivation and are Potential<br />

Cdk9 Phosphorylation Sites.”, Frontiers in microbiology, 3, 60.<br />


孟 子 青 (MENG, TZU-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen DY, Li MY, Wu SY, Lin YL, Tsai SP, Lai PL, Lin YT, Kuo JC, Meng TC, Chen GC, 2012,<br />

“The Bro1 domain-containing Myopic/HDPTP coordinates with Rab4 to regulate cell adhesion<br />

and migration.”, Journal of cell science, 125(20), 4841-4852.. (SCI) (IF: 6.11; SCI ranking:<br />

20.3%)<br />

Santhanam A, Liang SY, Chen DY, Chen GC*, Meng TC*, accepted, “Midgut-enriched receptor<br />

protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP52F is required for Drosophila development during larva-pupa<br />

transition.”, The FEBS journal, DOI: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2012.08696.x. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.2%)<br />

史 有 伶 (SHIH, YU-LING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chang CM, Mak HM, Cheng YT, Shih YL*, 2012, “Functional Analysis of the Chromosome<br />

Segregation System of Streptomyces coelicolor.”, paper presented at The 27th Joint Annual<br />

Conference of Biomedical Science, Taiwan, Taipei: The 27th Joint Annual Conference of<br />

Biomedical Science, Taiwan, 2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-18.<br />

Chiang YL, Chang YC, Mak HM, Zheng M, Hwang IS, Shih YL, 2012, “Division site placement in E.<br />

coli: Dissecting functional domains of MinE through in vitro approaches.”, paper presented at<br />

EMBO workshop: Reconstructing the essential bacterial cell cycle machinery, Segovia, Spain.<br />

(Selected for talk and invited session chair): EMBO, 2012-09-16 ~ 2012-09-19.<br />

Chiang YL, Chang YC, Mak HM, Zheng M, Hwang IS, Shih YL, 2012, “Division site placement in E.<br />

coli: self-assembly of MinE on the membrane exhibits spatial preference.”, paper presented at<br />

Paradigm Innovation in Biology: novel strategy and thinking, RCAS, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: RCAS,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-10-17 ~ 2012-10-18.<br />

Shih YL, Huang KF, Liao JH, Lee CS, Mak HM, Chang CM, 2012, “Resolving the Cell Middle in E.<br />

coli: Molecular Mechanism underlying MinE-Induced Membrane Deformation.”, paper presented<br />

at Frontier in Chemical Biology, Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University:<br />

Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University, 2012-03-08 ~ 2012-03-09.<br />

蘇 美 瑿 (SU, MEI-I)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wei PC, Lo WT, Su MI, Shew JY, Lee WH, 2012, “Non-targeting siRNA induces NPGPx expression<br />

to cooperate with exoribonuclease XRN2 for releasing the stress.”, NUCLEIC ACIDS<br />

RESEARCH, 40(1), 323-332. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


蔡 蔭 和 (TSAI, INN-HO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Gomes A, Bhattacharya S*, Mukherjee S, Tsai IH, 2012, “Inhibition of toxic actions of phospholipase<br />

A2 isolated and characterized from the Indian Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus) venom by<br />

synthetic herbal compounds.”, INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH, 136, 40-45. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.84; SCI ranking: 59%, 32.7%, 79.7%)<br />

Chen HS, Wang YM, Huang WT, Huang KF, Tsai IH, 2012, “Cloning, characterization and<br />

mutagenesis of Russell's viper venom l-amino acid oxidase: Insights into its catalytic<br />

mechanism.”, Biochimie, 94(2), 335-344. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 44.4%)<br />

Cheng AC, Wu HL, Shi GY, Tsai IH, 2012, “A novel heparin-dependent inhibitor of activated protein<br />

C that potentiates consumptive coagulopathy in Russell's viper envenomation.”, The Journal of<br />

biological chemistry, 287(19), 15739-15748. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Tsai IH, Tsai TS, Wang YM, Tu MC, Chang HC, 2012, “Cloning and characterization of Trimeresurus<br />

gracilis venom phospholipases A2: Comparison with Ovophis okinavensis venom and the<br />

systematic implications.”, TOXICON, 59(1), 151-157. (SCI) (IF: 2.51; SCI ranking: 39.7%)<br />

Tsai IH, Chang HC, Chen JM, Cheng AC, Khoo KH, 2012, “Glycan structures and intrageneric<br />

variations of venom acidic phospholipases A(2) from Tropidolaemus pitvipers.”, The FEBS<br />

journal, 279(15), 2672-2682. (SCI) (IF: 3.79; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

蔡 明 道 (TSAI, MING DAW)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang CC, Weng JH, Wei TY, Wu PY, Hsu PH, Chen YH, Wang SC, Qin D, Hung CC, Chen ST,<br />

Wang AH, Shyy JY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Intermolecular binding between TIFA-FHA and TIFA-pT<br />

mediates TNFalpha stimulation and NF-kappaB activation.”, Molecular and cellular biology,<br />

32(14), 2664-2673. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Lin TL, Yang FL, Li TL, Yang AS, Tsai MD, Wu SH, Wang JT, 2012, “Amino acid substitutions of<br />

MagA in Klebsiella pneumoniae affect the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide.”, PLoS<br />

One, 7(10), e46783. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wei PC, Hsieh YH, Su MI, Jiang XJ, Hsu PH, Lo WT, Weng JY, Jeng YM, Wang JM, Chen PL,<br />

Chang YC, Lee KF, Tsai MD, Shew JY, Lee WH, accepted, “Loss of the Oxidative Stress Sensor<br />

NPGPx Compromises GRP78 Chaperone Activity and Induces Systemic Disease.”, Molecular<br />

cell, doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2012.10.007. (SCI) (IF: 14.18; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

Wu HH, Wu PY, Huang KF, Kao YY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Structural Delineation of MDC1-FHA<br />

Domain Binding with CHK2-pThr68.”, Biochemistry, 51(2), 575-577. (SCI) (IF: 3.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 37.1%)<br />


Ying HY, Su ST, Hsu PH, Chang CC, Lin IY, Tseng YH, Tsai MD, Shih HM, Lin KI, 2012,<br />

“SUMOylation of Blimp-1 is critical for plasma cell differentiation.”, EMBO reports, 13(7), 631-<br />

637. (SCI) (IF: 7.36; SCI ranking: 17%, 9.7%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Tsai MD*, Zhao L, Lamarche B, accepted, “Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms: Stereochemistry”,<br />

editor(s): William J. Lennarz, M. Daniel Lane, Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry 2nd<br />

Edition, USA: Academic Press.<br />

王 惠 鈞 (WANG, ANDREW H.-J.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YM, Chen CK, Chang YC, Jeng WY, Hou MH, Wang AH, 2012, “Functional Studies of<br />

ssDNA Binding Ability of MarR Family Protein TcaR from Staphylococcus epidermidis.”, PloS<br />

one, 7(9), e45665. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Chen SC, Wu PH, Su YC, Wen TN, Wei YS, Wang NC, Hsu CA, Wang AH, Shyur LF, 2012,<br />

“Biochemical characterization of a novel laccase from the basidiomycete fungus Cerrena sp.<br />

WR1.”, Protein engineering design & selection, 25(11), 761-769. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking:<br />

30.2%)<br />

Chen YL, Huang KF, Kuo WC, Lo YC, Lee YM, Wang AH, 2012, “Inhibition of Glutaminyl Cyclase<br />

Attenuates Cell Migration Modulated by Monocyte Chemoattractant Proteins.”, Biochemical<br />

journal, 442(2), 403-412. (SCI) (IF: 4.9; SCI ranking: 20.2%)<br />

Cheng YS, Ko TP, Huang JW, Wu TH, Lin CY, Luo W, Li Q, Ma Y, Huang CH, Wang AH, Liu JR,<br />

Guo RT, 2012, “Enhanced activity of Thermotoga maritima cellulase 12A by mutating a unique<br />

surface loop.”, Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 95(3), 661-669. (SCI) (IF: 3.43; SCI<br />

ranking: 23%)<br />

Huang CC, Weng JH, Wei TY, Wu PY, Hsu PH, Chen YH, Wang SC, Qin D, Hung CC, Chen<br />

ST, Wang AH, Shyy JY, Tsai MD, 2012, “Intermolecular binding between TIFA-FHA and<br />

TIFA-pT mediates tumor necrosis factor alpha stimulation and NF-kappaB activation.”,<br />

Molecular and cellular biology, 32(14), 2664-2673. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Jeng WY, Wang NC, Lin CT, Chang WJ, Liu CI, Wang AH, 2012, “High-resolution structures of<br />

Neotermes koshunensis beta-glucosidase mutants provide insights into the catalytic mechanism<br />

and the synthesis of glucoconjugates.”, Acta crystallographica Section D-Biological<br />

crystallography, 68(Pt 7), 829-838. (SCI) (IF: 12.62; SCI ranking: 4.5%, 4.5%, 3.2%, 2.8%)<br />

Lee HL, Chang CK, Jeng WY, Wang AH, Liang PH, 2012, “Mutations in the substrate entrance<br />

region of beta-glucosidase from Trichoderma reesei improve enzyme activity and<br />

thermostability.”, Protein engineering design & selection, 25(11), 733-740. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.2%)<br />


Liu CI, Jeng WY, Chang WJ, Ko TP, Wang AH, 2012, “Binding modes of zaragozic acid A to human<br />

squalene synthase and staphylococcal dehydrosqualene synthase.”, The Journal of biological<br />

chemistry, 287(22), 18750-18757. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Liu WC, Lin YS, Jeng WY, Chen JH, Wang AH, Shyur LF, 2012, “Engineering of dual-functional<br />

hybrid glucanases.”, Protein engineering design & selection, 25(11), 771-780. (SCI) (IF: 2.94;<br />

SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

LinWu SW, Wu CA, Peng FC, Wang AH, 2012, “Structure-based development of bacterial<br />

nitroreductase against nitrobenzodiazepine-induced hypnosis.”, Biochemical pharmacology,<br />

83(12), 1690-1699. (SCI) (IF: 4.71; SCI ranking: 10.6%)<br />

Ren F, Ko TP, Feng X, Huang CH, Chan HC, Hu Y, Wang K, Ma Y, Liang PH, Wang AH, Oldfield<br />

E, Guo RT, 2012, “Insights into the mechanism of the antibiotic-synthesizing enzyme MoeO5<br />

from crystal structures of different complexes.”, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL<br />

EDITION, 51(17), 4157-4160. (SCI) (IF: 13.46; SCI ranking: 5%)<br />

Wang AH, 2012, “The 20th INPEC Conference Report and Special Issue.”, Protein engineering<br />

design & selection, 25(11), 679-680. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Wang CY, Ku SC, Lee CC, Wang AH, 2012, “Modulating the function of human serine racemase and<br />

human serine dehydratase by protein engineering.”, Protein engineering design & selection,<br />

25(11), 741-749. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Wang HC, Ko TP, Wu ML, Ku SC, Wu HJ, Wang AH, 2012, “Neisseria conserved protein DMP19 is<br />

a DNA mimic protein that prevents DNA binding to a hypothetical nitrogen-response<br />

transcription factor.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(12), 5718-5730. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking:<br />

7.7%)<br />

吳 世 雄 (WU, SHIH-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen HW, Yang TS, Chen MJ, Chang YC, Lin CY, Wang EI, Ho CL, Huang KM, Yu CC, Yang<br />

FL, Wu SH, Lu YC, Chao LK, 2012, “Application of power plant flue gas in a photobioreactor to<br />

grow Spirulina algae, and a bioactivity analysis of the algal water-soluble polysaccharides.”,<br />

Bioresource technology, 120, 256-263. (SCI) (IF: 4.98; SCI ranking: 8.6%, 9.1%, 11.5%)<br />

Chen CS, Yu YP, Hsu CH, Zou W, Fang JM, Wu SH, 2012, “Evaluation of the regioselective<br />

delactonization of tri-sialic acid lactone by in-solution molecular dynamics simulation.”,<br />

Carbohydrate research, 354, 87-93. (SCI) (IF: 2.33; SCI ranking: 62.1%, 54.7%, 21.7%)<br />

Hsieh PF, Lin TL, Yang FL, Wu MC, Pan YJ, Wu SH, Wang JT, 2012, “Lipopolysaccharide O1<br />

antigen contributes to the virulence in Klebsiella pneumoniae causing pyogenic liver abscess.”,<br />

PloS one, 7(3), e33155. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Hu CW, Lin MH, Huang HC, Ku WC, Yi TH, Tsai CF, Chen YJ, Sugiyama N, Ishihama Y, Juan<br />

HF, Wu SH, 2012, “Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Rhodopseudomonas palustris Reveals the<br />

Role of Pyruvate Phosphate Dikinase Phosphorylation in Lipid Production.”, Journal of proteome<br />

research, 11(11), 5362-5375. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking: 14.5%)<br />

Liao JH, Kuo CI, Huang YY, Lin YC, Lin YC, Yang CY, Wu WL, Chang WH, Liaw YC, Lin LH,<br />

Chang CI, Wu SH, 2012, “A Lon-Like Protease with No ATP-Powered Unfolding Activity.”,<br />

PloS one, 7(7), e40226. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Liao WY, Shen CN, Lin LH, Yang YL, Han HY, Chen JW, Kuo SC, Wu SH, Liaw CC, 2012,<br />

“Asperjinone, a nor-neolignan, and terrein, a suppressor of ABCG2-expressing breast cancer<br />

cells, from thermophilic Aspergillus terreus.”, Journal of natural products, 75(4), 630-635. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.13; SCI ranking: 26%, 32.6%, 13.4%)<br />

Lin TL, Yang FL, Yang AS, Peng HP, Li TL, Tsai MD, Wu SH, Wang JT, 2012, “Amino Acid<br />

Substitutions of MagA in Klebsiella pneumoniae Affect the Biosynthesis of the Capsular<br />

Polysaccharide.”, PloS one, 7(10), e46783. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tsai CC, Yang FL, Huang ZY, Chen CS, Yang YL, Hua KF, Li J, Chen ST, Wu SH, 2012,<br />

“Oligosaccharide and peptidoglycan of Ganoderma lucidum activate the immune response in<br />

human mononuclear cells.”, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 60(11), 2830-2837.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%, 5.3%, 18.3%)<br />

吳 文 晉 (WU, WEN-JIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang CC, Huang HB, Tsay HJ, Shiao MS, Wu WJ, Cheng YC, Lin TH, 2012, “Characterization of<br />

Abeta aggregation mechanism probed by congo red.”, Journal of biomolecular structure &<br />

dynamics, 30(2), 160-169.<br />

楊 維 元 (YANG, WEI-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Klionsky DJ, Yang WY et al., 2012, “Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for<br />

monitoring autophagy.”, Autophagy, 8(4), 445-544. (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

Kuang E, Okumura CY, Sheffy-Levin S, Varsano T, Shu VC, Qi J, Niesman IR, Yang HJ, Lopez-Otin<br />

C, Yang WY, Reed JC, Broday L, Nizet V, Ronai ZA, 2012, “Regulation of ATG4B Stability by<br />

RNF5 Limits Basal Levels of Autophagy and Influences Susceptibility to Bacterial Infection.”,<br />

PLoS genetics, 8(10), e1003007. (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

Yang HJ, Hsu CL, Yang JY, Yang WY, 2012, “Monodansylpentane as a Blue-Fluorescent Lipid-<br />

Droplet Marker for Multi-Color Live-Cell Imaging”, PLoS One, 7(3), e32693. (SCI) (IF: 4.09;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


冀 宏 源 (CHI, HUNG-YUAN (PETER))<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CH, Chu PC, Lee L, Lien HW, Lin TL, Fan CC, Chi P, Huang CJ, Chang MS, 2012, “Disruption<br />

of Murine mp29/Syf2/Ntc31 Gene Results in Embryonic Lethality with Aberrant Checkpoint<br />

Response.”, PloS one, 7(3), e33538. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tsai SP, Su GC, Lin SW, Chung CI, Xue X, Dunlop MH, Akamatsu Y, Jasin M, Sung P, Chi P., 2012,<br />

“Rad51 presynaptic filament stabilization function of the mouse Swi5-Sfr1 heterodimeric<br />

complex.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(14), 6558-69. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

余 榮 熾 (YU, LUNG-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li PT, Liao CJ, Yu LC, Wu WG, Chu ST, 2012, “Localization of B4GALNT2 and its role in mouse<br />

embryo attachment.”, Fertility and sterility, 97(5), 1206-1212.e3. (SCI) (IF: 3.78; SCI ranking:<br />

7.9%, 19%)<br />


生 物 醫 學 科 學 研 究 所<br />

沈 志 陽 (SHEN, CHEN-YANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ghoussaini M, Fletcher O, Michailidou K, Turnbull C, Schmidt MK, Dicks E, Dennis J, Wang Q, Humphreys<br />

MK, Luccarini C, Baynes C, Conroy D, Maranian M, Ahmed S, Driver K, Johnson N, Orr N, dos Santos<br />

Silva I, Waisfisz Q, Meijers-Heijboer H, Uitterlinden AG, Rivadeneira F, Hall P, Czene K, Irwanto A,<br />

Liu J, Nevanlinna H, Aittomaki K, Blomqvist C, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Muller-Myhsok B, Lichtner<br />

P, Chang-Claude J, Hein R, Nickels S, Flesch-Janys D, Tsimiklis H, Makalic E, Schmidt D, Bui M,<br />

Hopper JL, Apicella C, Park DJ, Southey M, Hunter DJ, Chanock SJ, Broeks A, Verhoef S, Hogervorst<br />

FB, Fasching PA, Lux MP, Beckmann MW, Ekici AB, Sawyer E, Tomlinson I, Kerin M, Marme F,<br />

Schneeweiss A, Sohn C, Burwinkel B, Guenel P, Truong T, Cordina-Duverger E, Menegaux F, Bojesen<br />

SE, Nordestgaard BG, Nielsen SF, Flyger H, Milne RL, Alonso MR, Gonzalez-Neira A, Benitez J,<br />

Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Bernstein L, Dur CC, Brenner H, Muller H, Arndt V, Stegmaier C,<br />

Justenhoven C, Brauch H, Bruning T, Wang-Gohrke S, Eilber U, Dork T, Schurmann P, Bremer M,<br />

Hillemanns P, Bogdanova NV, Antonenkova NN, Rogov YI, Karstens JH, Bermisheva M, Prokofieva D,<br />

Khusnutdinova E, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Mannermaa A, Kataja V, Kosma VM, Hartikainen JM,<br />

Lambrechts D, Yesilyurt BT, Floris G, Leunen K, Manoukian S, Bonanni B, Fortuzzi S, Peterlongo P,<br />

Couch FJ, Wang X, Stevens K, Lee A, Giles GG, Baglietto L, Severi G, McLean C, Alnaes GG,<br />

Kristensen V, Borrensen-Dale AL, John EM, Miron A, Winqvist R, Pylkas K, Jukkola-Vuorinen A,<br />

Kauppila S, Andrulis IL, Glendon G, Mulligan AM, Devilee P, van Asperen CJ, Tollenaar RA, Seynaeve<br />

C, Figueroa JD, Garcia-Closas M, Brinton L, Lissowska J, Hooning MJ, Hollestelle A, Oldenburg RA,<br />

van den Ouweland AM, Cox A, Reed MW, Shah M, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K,<br />

Jones M, Schoemaker M, Ashworth A, Swerdlow A, Beesley J, Chen X, Muir KR, Lophatananon A,<br />

Rattanamongkongul S, Chaiwerawattana A, Kang D, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Shen CY, Yu JC, Wu PE,<br />

Hsiung CN, Perkins A, Swann R, Velentzis L, Eccles DM, Tapper WJ, Gerty SM, Graham NJ, Ponder<br />

BA, Chenevix-Trench G, Pharoah PD, Lathrop M, Dunning AM, Rahman N, Peto J, Easton DF, 2012,<br />

“Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci.”, Nature<br />

genetics, 44(3), 312-318. (SCI) (IF: 35.53; SCI ranking: 1.5%)<br />

Kim HC, Lee JY, Sung H, Choi JY, Park SK, Lee KM, Kim YJ, Go MJ, Li L, Cho YS, Park M, Kim DJ, Oh<br />

JH, Kim JW, Jeon JP, Jeon SY, Min H, Kim HM, Park J, Yoo KY, Noh DY, Ahn SH, Lee MH, Kim SW,<br />

Lee JW, Park BW, Park WY, Kim EH, Kim MK, Han W, Lee SA, Matsuo K, Shen CY, Wu PE, Hsiung<br />

CN, Lee JY, Kim HL, Han BG, Kang D, 2012, “A genome-wide association study identifies a breast<br />

cancer risk variant in ERBB4 at 2q34: results from the Seoul Breast Cancer Study.”, Breast cancer<br />

research : BCR, 14(2), R56. (SCI) (IF: 5.25; SCI ranking: 14.9%)<br />


Wei CY, Ko TM, Shen CY, Chen YT, 2012, “A Recent Update of Pharmacogenomics in Drug-Induced<br />

Severe Skin Reactions.”, Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, 27(1), 132-141. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI<br />

ranking: 44.7%)<br />

陳 垣 崇 (CHEN, YUAN-TSONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YC, Chiu YF, Liu PH, Shih KC, Lin MW, Sheu WH, Quertermous T, Curb JD, Hsiung CA, Lee WJ,<br />

Lee PC, Chen YT, Chuang LM, 2012, “Replication of Genome-Wide Association Signals of Type 2<br />

Diabetes in Han Chinese in a Prospective Cohort.”, Clinical Endocrinology, 76(3), 365-372. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.17; SCI ranking: 41.1%)<br />

Cheng YC, Hsiao FC, Yeh EC, Lin WJ, Tang CYL, Tseng HC, Wu HT, Liu CK, Chen CC, Chen YT, Yao A,<br />

2012, “VarioWatch: providing large-scale and comprehensive annotatopns on human genomic variants in<br />

the next generation sequencing era.”, Nucleic Acid Research, 40:W76-W81. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking:<br />

7.7%)<br />

Cho YS, Chen CH, Hu CH, Long J, Ong RTH, Sim X, Takeuchi F, Wu Y, Go MJ, Yamauchi T, Chang YC,<br />

Kwak SH, Ma RCW, Yamamoto K, Adair LS, Aung T, Cai Q, Chang LC, Chen YT et al., 2012, “Metaanalysis<br />

of genome-wide association studies identifies eight new loci for type 2 diabetes in east Asians.”,<br />

Nature Genetics, 44(1): 67-72. (SCI) (IF: 35.53; SCI ranking: 1.5%)<br />

Ko TM, Chen YT, 2012, “T-cell receptor and carbamazepine-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic<br />

epidermal necrolysis: understanding a hypersensitivity reaction.”, Expert Rev Clin Immunol, 8(5):467-77.<br />

Lee YC, Kuo HC, Chang JS, Chang LY, Huang LM, Chen MR, Liang CD, Chi H, Huang FY, Lee ML, Huang<br />

YC, Hwang B, Chiu NC, Hwang KP, Lee PC, Chang LC, Liu YM, Chen YJ, Chen CH, Taiwan Pediatric<br />

ID Alliance, Chen YT, Tsai FJ, Wu JY, 2012, “Two new susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease<br />

identified through genome-wide association analysis.”, Nature Genetics, 44(5):522-526. (SCI) (IF: 35.53;<br />

SCI ranking: 1.5%)<br />

Wei CY, Ko TM, Shen CY, Chen YT, 2012, “A Recent Update of Pharmacogenomics in Drug-Induced<br />

Severe Skin Reactions.”, Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 27(1): 132-141. (SCI) (IF: 2.32; SCI ranking:<br />

44.7%)<br />

Wei CY, Lee MMT, Chen YT, 2012, “Pharmacogenomics of adverse drug reactions: implementing<br />

personalized medicine.”, Human Molecular Genetics, 21: R58-R65. (SCI) (IF: 7.64; SCI ranking: 8.9%,<br />

9%)<br />

Wei CY, Chung WH, Huang HW, Chen YT, Hung SI, 2012, “Direct interaction between HLA-B and<br />

carbamazepine activates T cells in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome.”, Journal of Allergy and<br />

Clinical Immunology, 129: 1562-1569.e5. (SCI) (IF: 11; SCI ranking: 4.8%, 5.7%)<br />


鄭 泰 安 (CHENG, ANDREW TAI-ANN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YY, Liao SF, Ten PR, Tsai CW, Fan HF, Lee WC, ATA Cheng*, 2012, “The impact of media reporting<br />

of the suicide of a singer on suicide rates in Taiwan.”, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,<br />

47(2), 215-221. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 2.84; SCI ranking: 40.4%; SSCI ranking: 31.9%)<br />

Fu Tiffany ST, Lee CS, Gunnell D, Lee WC, Cheng Andrew TA, 2012, “Changing trends in the prevalence of<br />

common mental disorders in Taiwan: a 20-year repeated cross-sectional survey.”, Lancet,<br />

doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61264-1. (SCI) (IF: 38.28; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

Lim SS et al., 2012, “A comparative risk assessment of burden of disease and injury attributable to 67 risk<br />

factors and risk factor clusters in 21 regions, 1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of<br />

Disease Study 2010.”, The Lancet, 380, 2224-2260. (SCI) (IF: 38.28; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

Murray CJL et al, 2012, “Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions,<br />

1990–2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.”, The Lancet, 380, 2197-<br />

2223. (SCI) (IF: 38.28; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

Vos T et al., 2012, “Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990–<br />

2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.”, The Lancet, 380, 2163-2196.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 38.28; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

范 盛 娟 (FANN, CATHY S.J.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin YC, Hsiao CL, Hsieh AR, Lian IeB, Fann CS, 2012, “Using maximal segmental score in genome-wide<br />

association studies.”, GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 36(6), 594-601. (SCI) (IF: 3.44; SCI ranking: 12.3%,<br />

33.1%)<br />

Wang HM, Hsiao CL, Hsieh AR, Lin YC, Fann CS, 2012, “Constructing endophenotypes of complex diseases<br />

using non-negative matrix factorization and adjusted rand index.”, PLoS One, 7(7), e40996. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wen W, Cho YS, Zheng W, Dorajoo R, Kato N, Qi L, Chen CH, Delahanty RJ, Okada Y, Tabara Y, Gu D,<br />

Zhu D, Haiman CA, Mo Z, Gao YT, Saw SM, Go MJ, Takeuchi F, Chang LC, Kokubo Y, Liang J, Hao<br />

M, Le Marchand L, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Wong TY, Long J, Han BG, Kubo M, Yamamoto K, Su MH, Miki<br />

T, Henderson BE, Song H, Tan A, He J, Ng DP, Cai Q, Tsunoda T, Tsai FJ, Iwai N, Chen GK, Shi J, Xu<br />

J, Sim X, Xiang YB, Maeda S, Ong RT, Li C, Nakamura Y, Aung T, Kamatani N, Liu JJ, Lu W, Yokota<br />

M, Seielstad M, Fann CS; Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits GIANT Consortium, Wu JY,<br />

Lee JY, Hu FB, Tanaka T, Tai ES, Shu XO, 2012, “Meta-analysis identifies common variants associated<br />

with body mass index in east Asians.”, NATURE GENETICS, 44(3), 307-311. (SCI) (IF: 35.53; SCI<br />

ranking: 1.5%)<br />


Wu DB, Chang CJ, Huang YC, Wen YW, Wu CL, Fann CS, 2012, “Cost-effectiveness analysis of<br />

pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Taiwan: a transmission dynamic modeling approach.”, VALUE IN<br />

HEALTH, 15(1 Suppl), S15-S19. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 2.81; SCI ranking: 31.9%; SSCI ranking: 27.5%)<br />

林 文 昌 (LIN, WEN-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chan WC, Ho MR, Li SC, Tsai KW, Lai CH, Hsu CN, Lin WC, 2012, “MetaMirClust: Discovery of miRNA<br />

cluster patterns using a data-mining approach.”, Genomics, 100(3), 141-148. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI<br />

ranking: 28.8%, 40.6%)<br />

Chen TW, Gan RR, Wu TH, Lin WC, Tang P, 2012, “VIP DB - A viral protein domain usage and distribution<br />

database.”, Genomics, 100(3), 149-156. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 28.8%, 40.6%)<br />

Fu GC, Lin WC, 2012, “Identification of gene-oriented exon orthology between human and mouse.”, BMC<br />

genomics, 13 Suppl 1, S10. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%, 21.8%)<br />

Li SC, Liao YL, Ho MR, Tsai KW, Lai CH, Lin WC, 2012, “miRNA arm selection and isomiR distribution in<br />

gastric cancer.”, BMC genomics, 13 Suppl 1, S13. (SCI) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%, 21.8%)<br />

Liao YL, Hu LY, Tsai KW, Wu CW, Chan WC, Li SC, Lai CH, Ho MR, Fang WL, Huang KH, Lin WC,<br />

2012, “Transcriptional regulation of miR-196b by ETS2 in gastric cancer cells.”, Carcinogenesis, 33(4),<br />

760-769. (SCI) (IF: 5.7; SCI ranking: 13.1%)<br />

Tsai KW, Liao YL, Wu CW, Hu LY, Li SC, Chan WC, Ho MR, Lai CH, Kao HW, Fang WL, Huang KH, Lin<br />

WC, 2012, “Aberrant expression of miR-196a in gastric cancers and correlation with recurrence.”,<br />

GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER, 51(4), 394-401. (SCI) (IF: 3.31; SCI ranking: 36.9%, 34.6%)<br />

Ho MR, Tsai KW, Lin WC, 2012, “A unified framework of overlapping genes: Towards the origination and<br />

endogenic regulation.”, Genomics, 100(4), 231-239. (SCI) (IF: 3.02; SCI ranking: 28.8%, 40.6%)<br />

潘 文 涵 (PAN, WEN-HARN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen JH, Yeh WT, Chuang SY, Wu YY, Pan WH*, 2012, “Gender-specific risk factors for incident gout: a<br />

prospective cohort study.”, Clinical rheumatology, 31(2), 239-245. (SCI) (IF: 2; SCI ranking: 64.3%)<br />

Chuang SY, Chen JH, Yeh WT, Wu CC, Pan WH*, 2012, “Hyperuricemia and increased risk of ischemic<br />

heart disease in a large Chinese cohort.”, International journal of cardiology, 154(3), 316-321. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.08; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />


施 修 明 (SHIH, HSIU-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen KY, Wu CC, Chang CF, Chen YH, Chiu WT, Lou YH, Chen YH, Shih HM, Chiang YH*, 2012,<br />

“Suppression of Etk/Bmx protects against ischemic brain injury.”, CELL TRANSPLANTATION, 21(1),<br />

345-354.<br />

Ho YK, Zhi H, DeBiaso D, Philip S, Shih H-M, Giam CZ*, 2012, “HTLV-1 Tax-induced rapid senescence is<br />

driven by the transcriptional activity of NF-κB and depends on chronically activated IKKα and<br />

p65/RelA.”, Journal of Virology, 86(17), 9474-83. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

Huang YS, Chang CC, Hsieh YL, Huang TC, Shih HM*, 2012, “Daxx interacts with and modulates the<br />

activity of CREB.”, CELL CYCLE, 11, 99-108. (SCI) (IF: 5.36; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Lan HC, Wu CF, Shih HM, Chung BC*, 2012, “Death-associated protein 6 (Daxx) mediates cAMP-dependent<br />

stimulation of Cyp11a1 (P450scc) transcription.”, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287, 5910-5916.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Lin HH, Li X, Chen JL, Sun X, Cooper FN, Chen YR, Zhang W, Chung Y, Li A, Cheng CT, Yang l, Deng X,<br />

Liu X, Yen Y, Johnson DL, Shih H-M, Yag, A, Ann DK, 2012, “Identification of an AAA-ATPase<br />

VPS4B-dependent pathway that modulates EGFR abundance and signaling during hypoxia.”,<br />

MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, 32, 1124-1138. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Wu CC, Chen KY, Yo YW, Huang SW, Shih HM, Chiu WT, Chiang YH, Shiau CY, accepted, “Different<br />

sham procedures for rats in traumatic brain injury experiments induce corresponding increases in levels<br />

of trauma markers.”, J Surg Res. (SCI) (IF: 2.25; SCI ranking: 25.9%)<br />

Wu JC, Chen KY, Yu YW, Huang SW, Shih H-M, Chiu WT, Chiang YH, Shiau CY, 2012, “Location and<br />

level of Etk expression in neurons are associated with varied severity of traumatic brain injury.”, PLoS<br />

One, 7(6), e39226. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Yang WC, Shih HM*, accepted, “Deubiquitinating enzyme USP37 regulates the oncogenic fusion protein<br />

PLZF/RARA stability.”, ONCOGENE. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Ying HY, Su ST, Hsu PH, Chang CC, Lin IY, Tseng YH, Tsai MD, Shih HM, Lin KI*, 2012, “PIAS1-<br />

mediated SUMOylation of Blimp-1 is critical for plasma cell differentiation.”, EMBO REPORTS, 13,<br />

631-637. (SCI) (IF: 7.36; SCI ranking: 17%, 9.7%)<br />

廖 有 地 (LIAO, YOU-DI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang TW, Lin YM, Wang CF, Liao YD*, 2012, “Outer membrane lipoprotein Lpp is a Gram-negative<br />

bacterial cell surface receptor for cationic antimicrobial peptides.”, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY, 287(1), 418-428. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Chen CY, Lee WJ, Chong K, Lee SD, Liao YD, 2012, “Impact of intracerebroventricular obestatin on plasma<br />

acyl ghrelin, des-acyl ghrelin and nesfatin-1 levels, and on gastric emptying in rats.”, Molecular medicine<br />

reports, 6(1), 191-196. (SCI) (IF: 0.42; SCI ranking: 89.5%)<br />


唐 堂 (TANG, TANG K.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wu KS, Tang TK, 2012, “CPAP is required for cilia formation in neuronal cells.”, BIOLOGY OPEN, 1, 559-<br />

565. ( 新 期 刊 , 尚 未 有 SCI 指 數 )<br />

譚 婉 玉 (TARN, WOAN-YUH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, HH, Yu HY, Chiang WC, Lin YD, Shia BC, Tarn WY, 2012, “hnRNP Q regulates Cdc42-mediated<br />

neuronal morphogenesis.”, Mol. Cell. Biol., 32, 2224-2238. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Lin JC, Tarn WY*, 2012, “Multiple roles of RBM4 in muscle cell differentiation.”, Front Biosci (Schol Ed), 4,<br />

181-189.<br />

嚴 仲 陽 (YEN, JEFFREY J. Y.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen PH, Chien FC, Lee SP, Chan WE, Lin IH, Liu CS, Lee FJ, Lai JS, Chen P, Yang-Yen HF, Yen JJ, 2012,<br />

“Identification of a novel function of the clathrin-coated structure at the plasma membrane in facilitating<br />

GM-CSF receptor-mediated activation of JAK2.”, CELL CYCLE, 11, 3611-3626. (SCI) (IF: 5.36; SCI<br />

ranking: 24.2%)<br />

Yang SH, Teng HW, Hong YC, Liu CY, Yu YB, Yang CF, Gau JP, Liu JH, Chang TJ, Yen JJ, Chen PM,<br />

Chiou TJ, Tzeng CH, Hsiao LT, 2012, “International Staging System predicts prognosis of Chinese<br />

patients with multiple myeloma across different calendar periods with application of novel agents.”,<br />

Annals of hematology, 91(1), 93-102. (SCI) (IF: 2.62; SCI ranking: 48.3%)<br />

施 嘉 和 (SHIH, CHIA-HO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CC, Chang CM, Sun CP, Yu CP, Wu PY, Jeng KS, Hu CP, Chen PJ, Wu JC, Shih CH, Gershwin ME,<br />

Tao MH, 2012, “Use of RNA interference to modulate liver adenoma development in a murine model<br />

transgenic for hepatitis B virus.”, GENE THERAPY, 19(1), 25-33. (SCI) (IF: 3.71; SCI ranking: 22.9%,<br />

18%, 31.9%, 27.1%)<br />

Chen HL, Huang JY, Chen CM, Chu TH, Shih C, 2012, “MicroRNA-22 can reduce parathymosin expression<br />

in transdifferentiated hepatocytes.”, PLoS One, 7(4), e34116. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Chiaho Shih, 2012, Chronic Hepatitis B and C, 396 pages, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.<br />

Pte.Ltd.<br />


陳 士 隆 (CHEN, STEVE S.-L.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ke PY, Chen SS*, accepted, “Multifaceted roles of autophagy in the life cycle of Flaviviridae (review).”,<br />

Recent Research Developments in Virology-volume 8, Page 1-22. Transworld Research Network. Kerala,<br />

India. (Book)<br />

Ke PY, Chen SS*, accepted, “Multifaceted roles of autophagy in the life cycle of Flaviviridae.”, Recent<br />

Research Developments in Virology-8th issue, Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network.<br />

Ke PY, Chen SS*, 2012, “Hepatitis C virus and cellular stress response: implications to molecular<br />

pathogenesis of liver diseases (review).”, Viruses-Basel, 4(10), 2251-2290. (SCI) (IF: 1.5; SCI ranking:<br />

87.1%)<br />

Klionsky DJ, 1268 others, Chen SS is an author , 2012, “Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for<br />

monitoring autophagy in higher eukaryotes.”, Autophagy, 8(4), 445-544. (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI ranking:<br />

16.3%)<br />

林 宜 玲 (LIN, YI-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang TH*, Chen SR, Yu CY, Lin YS, Chen YS, Kubota T, Matsuoka M, Lin YL*, 2012, “Dengue virus<br />

serotype 2 blocks extracellular signal-regulated kinase and nuclear factor-B activation to downregulate<br />

cytokine production.”, PLoS One, 7(8), e41635. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Chen ST, Liu RS, Wu MF, Lin YL, Chen SY, Tan DTW, Chou TY, Tsai IS, Li L, Hsieh SL, 2012, “CLEC5A<br />

regulates Japanese encephalitis virus-induced neuroinflammation and lethality.”, PLoS Pathogens, 8(4),<br />

e1002655. (SCI) (IF: 9.13; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

Li JK, JJ Liang, CL Liao, YL Lin, 2012, “Autophagy is involved in the early step of Japanese encephalitis<br />

virus infection.”, Microbes and Infection, 14, 159-168. (SCI) (IF: 3.1; SCI ranking: 41.9%, 47.2%,<br />

35.5%)<br />

Li PC, Liao MY, Cheng PC, Liang JJ, Liu IJ, Chiu CY, Lin YL, Chang GJJ, Wu HC, 2012, “Development of<br />

a humanized antibody with high therapeutic potential against dengue virus type 2.”, PLoS Neglected<br />

Tropical Diseases, 6(5), e1636. (SCI) (IF: 4.72; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tu YC, Yu CY, Liang JJ, Lin E, Liao CL, Lin YL*, 2012, “Blocking double-stranded RNA-activated protein<br />

kinase PKR by Japanese encephalitis virus nonstructural protein 2A.”, Journal of Virology, 86, 10347-<br />

10358. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

Wang CY, Hsiao TH, Chu LH, Lin YL, Huang JL, Chen CH*, Peck K*, 2012, “Unraveling Virus Identity by<br />

Detection of Depleted Probes with Capillary Electrophoresis.”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 734, 88-92.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.56; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

Yu CY, Chang TH, Liang JJ, Chiang RL, Lee YL, Liao CL, Lin YL, 2012, “Dengue virus targets the adaptor<br />

protein MITA to subvert host innate immunity.”, PLoS Pathogens, 8(6): e1002780. (SCI) (IF: 9.13; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%)<br />


劉 扶 東 (LIU, FU-TONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Brand C, Oliveira FL, Takiya CM, Palumbo A Jr, Hsu DK, Liu FT, Borojevic R, Chammas R, El-Cheikh MC,<br />

2012, “The involvement of the spleen during chronic phase of Schistosoma mansoni nfection in galectin-<br />

3 -/- mice.”, HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY, 27(8), 1109-1120. (SCI) (IF: 2.48; SCI ranking:<br />

36.1%, 64.1%)<br />

Choy DF, Hsu DK, Seshasayee D, Fung MA, Modrusan Z, Martin F, Liu FT, Arron JR, accepted,<br />

“Comparative transcriptomic analyses of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis reveal shared neutrophilic<br />

inflammation.”, JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY. (SCI) (IF: 11; SCI ranking:<br />

4.8%, 5.7%)<br />

Fukuda K, Kuo CH, Morohoshi K, Liu FT, Ono SJ, 2012, “The murine CCR3 receptor regulates both<br />

eosinophilia and hyperresponsiveness in IgE-mediated allergic conjunctivitis.”, BRITISH JOURNAL OF<br />

OPHTHALMOLOGY, 96(8), 1132-1136. (SCI) (IF: 2.9; SCI ranking: 17.9%)<br />

Jiang JX, Chen X, Hsu DK, Baghy K, Serizawa N, Scott F, Takada Y, Takada Y, Fukada H, Chen J, Devaraj<br />

S, Adamson R, Liu FT, Torok NJ, 2012, “Galectin-3 Modulates Phagocytosis-induced Stellate Cell<br />

Activation and Liver Fibrosis in vivo.”, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-<br />

GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGY, 302(4), G439-G446. (SCI) (IF: 3.43; SCI ranking:<br />

27.8%, 25.7%)<br />

Liu W, Hsu DK, Chen HY, Yang RY, Carraway KL, Isseroff RR, Liu FT, accepted, “Galectin-3 regulates<br />

intracellular trafficking of epidermal growth factor receptor through Alix and promotes keratinocyte<br />

migration.”, Journal of Investigative Dermatology. (SCI) (IF: 6.31; SCI ranking: 2%)<br />

Liu FT, Yang RY, Hsu DK, 2012, “Galectins in acute and chronic inflammation.”, Annals of the New York<br />

Academy of Sciences, 1253, 80-91. (SCI) (IF: 3.16; SCI ranking: 11.1%)<br />

Takasaki I, Taniguchi K, Komatsu F, Sasaki A, Andoh T, Nojima H, Shiraki K, Hsu DK, Liu FT, Kato I,<br />

Hiraga K, Kuraishi Y, 2012, “Contribution of spinal galectin-3 to acute herpetic allodynia in mice.”,<br />

Pain, 153(3), 585-592. (SCI) (IF: 5.78; SCI ranking: 12.6%)<br />

Toscano MA, Tongren JE, de Souza JB, Liu FT, Riley EM, Rabinovich GA, 2012, “Endogenous galectin-3<br />

controls experimental malaria in a species specific manner.”, PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY, 34(7), 383-<br />

387. (SCI) (IF: 2.6; SCI ranking: 34.4%)<br />

戴 榮 湘 (TAI, JUNG-HSIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wei SY, Lou YC, Tsai JY, Ho MR, Rajasekaran M, Hsu HM, Tai JH, Liaw YC, Huang TH, 2012, “Structure<br />

of the Trichomonas vaginalis Myb3 DNA-binding domain bound to a promoter sequence reveals a<br />

unique C-terminal b-hairpin conformation.”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 40(1), 449-460. (SCI) (IF:<br />

8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


陶 秘 華 (TAO, MI-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CC, Chang CM, Sun CP, Yu CP, Wu PY, Jeng KS, Hu CP, Chen PJ, Wu JC, Shih C, Gershwin ME, Tao<br />

MH, 2012, “Use of RNA Interference to Modulate Liver Adenoma Development in A Murine Model<br />

Transgenic for Hepatitis B Virus.”, GENE THERAPY, 19(1), 25-33. (SCI) (IF: 3.71; SCI ranking: 22.9%,<br />

18%, 31.9%, 27.1%)<br />

李 小 媛 (LEE, HSIAO-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin CH, Lee EHY*, 2012, “JNK1 inhibits GluR1 expression and GluR1-mediated calcium influx through<br />

phosphorylation and stabilization of Hes-1.”, J. Neurosci., 32(5), 1826-1846. (SCI) (IF: 7.12; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.9%)<br />

陳 志 成 (CHEN, CHIH-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin CC John, Chen WN, Chen CJ, Lin YW, Zimmer A, Chen CC*, 2012, “An antinociceptive role for<br />

substance P in acid-induced chronic muscle pain.”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF<br />

SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 109(2), E76-E83. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking:<br />

5.6%)<br />

Wu WL, Cheng CF, Sun WH, Wong CW, Chen CC.*, 2012, “Targeting ASIC3 for pain, anxiety, and insulin<br />

resistance”, PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS, 134, 127-138. (SCI) (IF: 8.56; SCI ranking: 3.3%)<br />

陳 儀 莊 (CHERN, YI-JUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiang MCx, Chern Y, Huang RN, 2012, “PPARgamma rescue of the mitochondrial dysfunction in<br />

Huntington's Disease.”, Neurobiology of Disease, 45, 322-328. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 14%)<br />

Ju TC, Lin-YS, Chern Yx, 2012, “Energy Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease: Insights from PGC-1α,<br />

AMPK, and CKB.”, CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES, 69(24), 4107-4120. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.57; SCI ranking: 10.5%, 18.3%)<br />

Liu CR, Chang CR, Chern YJ et al., 2012, “Spt4 Is Selectively Required for Transcription of Extended<br />

Trinucleotide Repeats ”, CELL, 148(4), 690-701. (SCI) (IF: 32.4; SCI ranking: 0.8%,1.3%)<br />


黃 怡 萱 (HUANG, YI-SHUIAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chao HW, Lai YT, Lu YL, Lin CL, Mai W, Huang YS, 2012, “NMDAR signaling facilitates the IPO5-<br />

mediated nuclear import of CPEB3.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(17), 8484-8498. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Chen PJ, Huang YS, 2012, “CPEB2-eEF2 interaction impedes HIF-1alpha RNA translation.”, The EMBO<br />

journal, 31(4), 959-971. (SCI) (IF: 9.21; SCI ranking: 10.5%, 6%)<br />

Wang CF, Huang YS, 2012, “Calpain 2 activated through N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor signaling cleaves<br />

CPEB3 and abrogates CPEB3-repressed translation in neurons.”, Molecular and cellular biology, 32(16),<br />

3321-3332. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

林 天 南 (LIN, TENG-NAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YC, Wu JS, Yang ST, Huang CY, Chang C, Sun GY, Lin TN, 2012, “Stroke, angiogenesis and<br />

phytochemicals.”, Front Biosci (Schol Ed), 4, 599-610.<br />

Chen YC, Wu JS, Tsai HD, Huang CY, Chen JJ, Sun GY, Lin TN, 2012, “Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated<br />

Receptor Gamma (PPAR-γ) and Neurodegenerative disorders.”, Molecular Neurobiology, 46(1), 114-<br />

124. (SCI) (IF: 5.74; SCI ranking: 13.1%)<br />

趙 麗 洋 (CHAU, LEE-YOUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang JY, Chiang MT, Yet SF, Chau LY, 2012, “Myeloid heme oxygenase-1 haploinsufficiency reduces high<br />

fat diet -induced insulin resistance by affecting adipose macrophage infiltration in mice.”, PLoS One, 7,<br />

e3826. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Lin PH, Lan WM, Chau LY, 2012, “TRC8 suppresses tumorigenesis through targeting heme oxygenase-1 for<br />

ubiquitination and degradation.”, Oncogene, doi:10.1038/onc.2012.244.. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

陳 建 璋 (CHEN, CHIEN-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CC, Shen JW, Chung NC, Min MY, Cheng SJ, Liu IY, 2012, “Retrieval of context-associated memory<br />

is dependent on the Cav3.2 T-type calcium channel.”, PLoS One, 7(1), e29384. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tzeng BH, Chen YH, Huang CH, Lin SS, Lee KR, Chen CC*, 2012, “The Cav3.1 T-type calcium channel is<br />

required for neointimal formation in response to vascular injury in mice.”, CARDIOVASCULAR<br />

RESEARCH, 96(3), 533-542. (SCI) (IF: 6.06; SCI ranking: 11.7%)<br />


謝 如 姬 (SHIEH, RU-CHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Liu TA, Chang HK, Shieh RC*, 2012, “. Revisiting Inward Rectification: K Ions Permeate through Kir2.1<br />

Channels during High-Affinity Block by Spermidine.”, JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY, 139,<br />

245-259. (SCI) (IF: 3.84; SCI ranking: 18.1%)<br />

徐 松 錕 (SHYUE, SONG-KUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CH, Chang WF, Liu CC, Su HY, Shyue SK, Cheng WT, Chen YE, Wu SC, Du F, Sung LY*, Xu J*,<br />

2012, “Spatial and temporal distribution of Oct-4 and acetylated H4K5 in rabbit embryos.”,<br />

REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE, 24(4), 433-442. (SCI) (IF: 2.04; SCI ranking: 28.9%)<br />

Chen CY, Ching LC, Liao YJ, Yu YB, Tsou CY, Shyue SK, Chen YM, Lee TS*, 2012, “Deficiency of<br />

Glycine N-methyltransferase Aggravates Atherosclerosis in Apolipoprotein E-null Mice.”,<br />

MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 18, 744-752. (SCI) (IF: 3.76; SCI ranking: 30.6%)<br />

Ching LC, Chen CY, Su KH, Hou HH, Shyue SK, Kou YR, Lee TS*, 2012, “ Implication of AMP-activated<br />

protein kinase in transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1-mediated activation of endothelial nitric<br />

oxide synthase.”, MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 18, 805-815. (SCI) (IF: 3.76; SCI ranking: 30.6%)<br />

Hou HH, Hammock BD, Su KH, Morisseau C, Kou YR, Imaoka S, Oguro A, Shyue SK, Zhao JF, Lee TS*,<br />

2012, “N-terminal domain of soluble epoxide hydrolase negatively regulates the VEGF-mediated<br />

activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase.”, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 93(1), 120-129.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.06; SCI ranking: 11.7%)<br />

Su KH, Yu YB, Hou HH, Zhao JF, Kou YR, Cheng LC, Shyue SK*, Lee TS, 2012, “AMP-activated protein<br />

kinase mediates erythropoietin-induced activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase.”, Journal of<br />

cellular physiology, 227(8), 3053-3062. (SCI) (IF: 3.87; SCI ranking: 38.6%, 16.7%)<br />

Pan WY, Lo CH, Chen CC, Wu PY, Roffler SR, Shyue SK, Tao MH*, 2012, “Cancer Immunotherapy Using a<br />

Membrane-bound Interleukin-12 With B7-1 Transmembrane and Cytoplasmic Domains.”, MOLECULAR<br />

THERAPY, 20(5), 927-937. (SCI) (IF: 6.87; SCI ranking: 8.6%)<br />

Yu YB, Liao YW, Su KH, Chang TM, Shyue SK, Kou YR, Lee TS*, 2012, “Prior exercise training alleviates the<br />

lung inflammation induced by subsequent exposure to environmental cigarette smoke.”, ACTA<br />

PHYSIOLOGICA, 205(4), 532-540. (SCI) (IF: 3.09; SCI ranking: 33.3%)<br />

Zhao JF, Ching LC, Huang YC, Chen CY, Chiang AN, Kou YR, Shyue SK, Lee TS*, 2012, “Molecular<br />

mechanism of curcumin on the suppression of cholesterol accumulation in macrophage foam cells and<br />

atherosclerosis.”, MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH, 56(5), 691-701. (SCI) (IF: 4.3; SCI<br />

ranking: 1.6%)<br />


顏 裕 庭 (YAN, YU-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiu TF, Li CH, Chen CC, Chen CH, Cheng CJ, Yan YT, Yang RB, 2012, “Association of plasma<br />

concentration of small heat shock protein B7 with acute coronary syndrome.”, Circulation journal :<br />

official journal of the Japanese Circulation Society, 76(9), 2226-2233. (SCI) (IF: 3.77; SCI ranking:<br />

22.5%)<br />

Hsieh PC, Chiang ML, Chang JC, Yan YT, Wang FF, Chou YC, 2012, “DDA3 stabilizes microtubules and<br />

suppresses neurite formation.”, Journal of cell science, 125(Pt 14), 3402-3411. (SCI) (IF: 6.11; SCI<br />

ranking: 20.3%)<br />

Lin JC, Yan YT, Hsieh WK, Peng PJ, Su CH, Tarn WY, 2012, “RBM4 promotes pancreas cell differentiation<br />

and insulin expression.”, Molecular and cellular biology, Epub ahead of print. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI<br />

ranking: 22.2%)<br />

楊 瑞 彬 (YANG, RUEY-BING RAY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiu TF, Li CH, Chen CC, Chen CH, Cheng CJ, Yan YT, Yang RB, 2012, “Association of plasma<br />

concentration of small heat shock protein B7 with acute coronary syndrome.”, Circulation Journal,<br />

76(9), 2226-2233. (SCI) (IF: 3.77; SCI ranking: 22.5%)<br />

Fuchs Y, Brunwasser M, Haif S, Haddad J, Shneyer B, Goldshmidt-Tran O, Korsensky L, Abed M, Zisman-<br />

Rozen S, Koren L, Carmi Y, Apte R, Yang RB, Orian A, Bejar J, Ron D, 2012, “Sef is an inhibitor of<br />

proinflammatory cytokine signaling, acting by cytoplasmic sequestration of NF-kappaB.”,<br />

Developmental cell, 23(3), 611-623. (SCI) (IF: 14.03; SCI ranking: 4.6%, 6.3%)<br />

陳 錦 澤 (CHEN, JIN-JER)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hong HJ, Hsu FL, Tsai SC, Lin CH, Liu JC, Chen JJ, Cheng TH, Chan P, 2012, “Tanshinone IIA attenuates<br />

cyclic strain-induced endothelin-1 expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.”, Clinical and<br />

experimental pharmacology & physiology, 39(1), 63-68. (SCI) (IF: 1.85; SCI ranking: 65.3%, 56.1%)<br />

鄭 敬 楓 (CHENG, CHING-FENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng CF, Lian WS, Chen SH, Lai PF, Li HF, Lan YF, Cheng WT, Lin H, 2012, “Protective effects of<br />

adiponectin against renal ischemia-reperfusion injury via prostacyclin -PPARalpha- heme oxygenase-1<br />

signaling pathway.”, Journal of cellular physiology, 227(1), 239-249. (SCI) (IF: 3.87; SCI ranking:<br />

38.6%, 16.7%)<br />


Cheng CC, Lian WS, Hsiao FS, Liu IH, Lin SP, Lee YH, Chang CC, Xiao GY, Huang HY, Cheng CF, Cheng<br />

WT, Wu SC, 2012, “Isolation and characterization of novel murine epiphysis derived mesenchymal stem<br />

cells.”, PloS one, 7(4), e36085. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wu WL, Cheng CF, Sun WH, Wong CW, Chen CC, 2012, “Targeting ASIC3 for pain, anxiety, and insulin<br />

resistance.”, Pharmacology & therapeutics, 134(2), 127-38. (SCI) (IF: 8.56; SCI ranking: 3.3%)<br />

謝 清 河 (HSIEH, PATRICK C.H.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin YD, Luo CY, Hu YN, Yeh ML, Hsueh YC, Tang MJ, Springer ML, Hsieh PC*., 2012, “Instructive<br />

Nanofiber Scaffolds with VEGF Create a Microenvironment for Arteriogenesis and Cardiac Repair”,<br />

Science Translational Medicine, Vol 4 Issue 146 146ra109. (SCI) (IF: 7.8; SCI ranking: 14.4%)<br />

Tang AC, Chang MY, Tang ZC, Li HJ, Hwang GL, Hsieh PC, 2012, “Treatment of acute thromboembolism in<br />

mice using heparin-conjugated carbon nanocapsules.”, ACS nano, 6(7), 6099-107. (SCI) (IF: 11.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 3.2%, 4.4%, 5.7%, 2.9%)<br />

Tang AC, Hwang GL, Tsai SJ, Chang MY, Tang ZC, Tsai MD, Luo CY, Hoffman AS, Hsieh PC, 2012,<br />

“Biosafety of non-surface modified carbon nanocapsules as a potential alternative to carbon nanotubes<br />

for drug delivery purposes.”, PloS one, 7(3), e32893. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Patrick Hsieh, 2012, “Endothelial Cells Promote Cardiac Stem Cell Therapy using Mouse Embryonic Stem<br />

Cell–Derived Cardiomyocytes”, paper presented at 2012 International Society for Stem Cell Research, 日<br />

本 , 橫 濱 : The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Center for iPS Research and<br />

Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, 2012-06-13 ~ 2012-06-16.<br />

Patrick Hsieh, Yi-Dong Lin, 2012, “Intramyocardial Injection of Instructive Scaffolds with VEGF Creates a<br />

Microenvironment for Arteriogenesis and Cardiac Repair”, paper presented at 2012 Nanobio Seattle,<br />

Seattle: 華 盛 頓 大 學 , 2012-07-21 ~ 2012-07-23.<br />

黃 太 煌 (HUANG, TAI-HUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang CK, Wu TH, Wu CY, Chiang MH, Toh EK, Hsu YC, Lin KF, Liao YH, Huang TH, Huang JJ, 2012,<br />

“The N-terminus of TDP-43 promotes its oligomerization and enhances DNA binding affinity.”,<br />

Biochemical and biophysical research communications, 425(2), 219-224. (SCI) (IF: 2.48; SCI ranking:<br />

59.3%, 56.1%)<br />

Chen SC, Chang CF, Fan PJ, Cheng YH, Yu T, Huang TH*, accepted, “1H, 13C and 15N resonance<br />

assignments of the C-terminal DNA-binding domain of RstA protein from Klebsiella pneumonia.”,<br />

Biomolecular NMR Assignments, Online April 6, 2012. (SCI) (IF: 0.72; SCI ranking: 89.4%, 86.1%)<br />


Chou CY, Chu M, Chang CF, Huang TH*, 2012, “A compact high-speed mechanical sample shuttle for fielddependent<br />

high-resolution solution NMR.”, JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, 214(1), 302-<br />

308. (SCI) (IF: 2.14; SCI ranking: 41.9%, 36.1%, 54.8%)<br />

Hung KW, Juan TH, Hsu YL, Huang TH, 2012, “NMR structure note: the ferrous iron transport protein C<br />

(FeoC) from Klebsiella pneumoniae.”, Journal of biomolecular NMR, 53(2), 161-165. (SCI) (IF: 3.61;<br />

SCI ranking: 33.9%, 11.1%)<br />

Hung KW, Tsai JY, Juan TH, Hsu YL, Hsiao CD, Huang TH, 2012, “Crystal Structure of the Klebsiella<br />

pneumoniae NFeoB/FeoC Complex and Roles of FeoC in Regulation of Fe2+ Transport by the Bacterial<br />

Feo System.”, Journal of bacteriology, 194(23), 6518-6526. (SCI) (IF: 3.83; SCI ranking: 23.4%)<br />

Huang TH, 2012, “Biophysics in the Asian-Pacific Region – A vibrant community”, Seibutsu Butsuri, 52(2),<br />

81-82.<br />

Sekiyama N, Jee J, Isogai S, Akagi KI, Huang TH, Ariyoshi M, Tochio H, Shirakawa M*, 2012, “NMR<br />

analysis of Lys63-linked polyubiquitin recognition by the tandem ubiquitin-interacting motifs of<br />

Rap80.”, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR, 52(4), 339-350. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 33.9%,<br />

11.1%)<br />

張 程 (CHANG, CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YC, Wu JS, Yang ST, Huang CY, Chang C, Sun GY, Lin TN, 2012, “Stroke, angiogenesis and<br />

phytochemicals.”, Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar edition), 4, 599-610.<br />

Chou CH, Lee HS, Siow TY, Lin MH, Kumar A, Chang C, Huang GS*, accepted, “Temporal MRI<br />

Characterization of Gelatin/Hyaluronic Acid/Chondroitin Sulfate Sponge for Cartilage Tissue<br />


SCI ranking: 20.9%, 44%)<br />

Shih YYI, Chuang YC, Shyu BC, Jaw FS, Duong TQ, Chang C*, 2012, “Endogenous opioid-dopamine<br />

neurotransmission underlie negative CBV fMRI signals.”, EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY, 234(2),<br />

382-388. (SCI) (IF: 4.7; SCI ranking: 21%)<br />

Siow TY, Chen CCV, Lin CY, Chen JY, Chang C*, 2012, “MR phase imaging: sensitive and contrastenhancing<br />

visualization in cellular imaging.”, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 30(2), 247-253. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.99; SCI ranking: 40%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chang C, Chen CCV, Hsu YH, Lin TN, 2012, “Activating PPARs-γ Alleviates Parkinson Disease Revealed<br />

by Behavioral and Functional MRI Assays.”, paper presented at Experimental Biology 2012, San<br />

Diego,U.S.A.: Experimental Biology, 2012-04-21 ~ 2012-04-25.<br />

Hsu YH, Chen CCV, Shih YYI, Chang C, 2012, “Coupling of long projecting vasoactive dopaminergic<br />

afferents to negative fMRI signals in the striatum.”, paper presented at ISMRM 20th annual meeting,<br />

Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM, 2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />


Hsu SH, Huang CH, Siow TY, Hsu YH, Chen CCV, Chang C, 2012, “In vivo visualization of cerebral<br />

microvasculature using BOLD contrast-enhanced microscopic MRA.”, paper presented at ISMRM 20th<br />

annual meeting, Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM, 2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Huang CH, Chen CCV, Siow TY, Jaw FS, Chang C, 2012, “Restorative strength of the remodeled vessels<br />

after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats: evaluation with BOLD MRI.”, paper presented at ISMRM<br />

20th annual meeting, Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM, 2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Huang CH, Chen CCV, Hsu SH, Jaw FS, Chern Y, Chang C, 2012, “Temporal assessment of abnormal<br />

microvasculature in R6/2 transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s disease by BOLD contrast-enhanced<br />

microscopic MRA.”, paper presented at ISMRM 20th annual meeting, Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM,<br />

2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Yao NW, Chen CCV, Hsu YH, Lin HT, Chen JY, Chang C, 2012, “Osteopontin is associated with tumor<br />

malignancy revealed by multi-parametric MRI assays.”, paper presented at ISMRM 20th annual meeting,<br />

Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM, 2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

Yao NW, Chen CCV, Hsu YH, Lin HT, Chen JY, Chang C, 2012, “Osteopontin regulates the functional<br />

responses to gas challenge of tumor angiogenesis.”, paper presented at ISMRM 20th annual meeting,<br />

Melbourne, Australia: ISMRM, 2012-05-05 ~ 2012-05-11.<br />

陳 金 榜 (CHEN, CHIN-PAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ho MR, Chen C, 2012, “1H, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments for human regenerating family Ialpha<br />

protein.”, Biomolecular NMR assignments, 6(2), 135-7. (SCI) (IF: 0.72; SCI ranking: 89.4%, 86.1%)<br />

Hsu HM, Lee Y, Indra D, Wei SY, Liu HW, Chang LC, Chen C, Ong SJ, Tai JH, 2012, “Iron-Inducible<br />

Nuclear Translocation of a Myb3 Transcription Factor in the Protozoan Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.”,<br />

Eukaryotic cell, 11(12), 1441-50. (SCI) (IF: 3.6; SCI ranking: 27.1%)<br />

Kao YF, Lou YC, Yeh YH, Hsiao CD, Chen C, 2012, “Solution structure of the C-terminal NP-repeat domain<br />

of Tic40, a co-chaperone during protein import into chloroplasts.”, Journal of biochemistry, 152(5), 443-<br />

51. (SCI) (IF: 2.37; SCI ranking: 61.7%)<br />

Rajasekaran M, Chen C, 2012, “Structural effect of the L16Q, K50E, and R53P mutations on homeodomain of<br />

pituitary homeobox protein 2.”, International journal of biological macromolecules, 51(3), 305-13. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.45; SCI ranking: 60.1%)<br />

Wei SY, Lou YC, Tsai JY, Ho MR, Chou CC, Rajasekaran M, Hsu HM, Tai JH, Hsiao CD, Chen C, 2012,<br />

“Structure of the Trichomonas vaginalis Myb3 DNA-binding domain bound to a promoter sequence<br />

reveals a unique C-terminal beta-hairpin conformation.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(1), 449-60. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


黃 明 經 (HWANG, MING-JING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shih ES, Hwang MJ*, 2012, “On the use of distance constraints in protein-protein docking computations”,<br />


ranking: 34.8%)<br />

林 小 喬 (LIM, CARMAY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YC, Wright J, Lim C*, 2012, “DR_bind: a web server for predicting DNA-binding sites from the protein<br />

structure based on electrostatics, evolution and geometry.”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 40(Web<br />

Server issue), W249–W256.. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Wu CY, Hua YH, Chen YC, Lim C*, 2012, “Hidden Relationship between conserved residues and locally<br />

conserved phosphate-binding structures in NAD(P)-binding Proteins.”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL<br />

CHEMISTRY B, 116 (19), 5644–5652. (SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

Dudev T*, Lim C*, 2012, “The effect of metal binding on the characteristic infrared band intensities of<br />

ligands of biological interest.”, J. Mol. Struct., 1009(S1), 83-88. (SCI) (IF: 1.63; SCI ranking: 63.8%)<br />

Dudev T*, Lim C*, 2012, “Competition among Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ for model ion channel selectivity<br />

filters: determinants of ion selectivity.”, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 116(35):10703-14.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

Dudev T* , Lim C*, 2012, “Why voltage-gated Ca2+ and bacterial Na+ channels with the same EEEE motif<br />

in their selectivity filters confer opposite metal selectivity.”, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL<br />

PHYSICS, 14(36):12451-6. (SCI) (IF: 3.57; SCI ranking: 12.9%)<br />

Wu PC, Chen JB, Kawamura S, Roos C, Merker S, Shih CC, Hsu BD, Lim C, Chang TW*, 2012, “The IgE<br />

gene in primates exhibits extraordinary evolutionary diversity.”, Immunogenetics, 64(4), 279-287. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.93; SCI ranking: 56.1%, 41.4%)<br />

林 榮 信 (LIN, JUNG-HSIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Deore RR, Chen Grace SH, Chang PT, Chern TR, Lai SY, Chuang MH, Lin JH, Kung FL, Chen CS, Chiou<br />

CT, Chern JW, 2012, “Discovery of N-Arylalkyl-3-hydroxy-4-oxo-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2-carboxamide<br />

derivatives as HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitors.”, ChemMedChem, 7,850-860. (SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.4%, 25.6%)<br />


李 德 章 (LEE, TE-CHANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chaniyara R, Tala S, Chen CW, Lee PC, Kakadiya R, Dong H, Marvania B, Chen CH, Chou TC, Lee TC,<br />

Shah A, Su TL*, 2012, “Synthesis and antitumor evaluation of novel Benzo[d]pyrrolo[2,1-b]thiazole<br />

derivatives.”, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 53, 28-40. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 26.1%)<br />

Lai KC, Liu CJ, Chang KW, Lee TC*, accepted, “Depleting IFIT2 mediates atypical PKC signaling to<br />

enhance the migration and metastatic activity of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.”, Oncogene. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lee PC, Lee HJ, Kakadiya R, Sanjiv K, Su TL, TC Lee*, accepted, “Multidrug-resistant cells overexpressing<br />

P-glycoprotein are susceptible to DNA crosslinking agents due to attenuated Src/nuclear EGFR cascadeactivated<br />

DNA repair activity.”, Oncogene. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Sanjiv K, Su TL, Suman S, Kakadiya R, Lai TC, Wang HY, Hsiao M, Lee TC*, 2012, “The novel DNA<br />

alkylating agent BO-1090 suppresses the growth of human oral cavity cancer in xenografted and<br />

orthotopic mouse models.”, International Journal of Cancer, 130(6), 1440-1450. (SCI) (IF: 5.44; SCI<br />

ranking: 14.3%)<br />

Singh N, Shobhit C, Sanjiv K, Hsiao YS, Kuo CW, Chien FC, Lee TC, Chen P, 2012, “Synthesis of tunable<br />

and multifunctional Ni-doped near-infrared QDs for cancer cell targeting and cellular sorting.”,<br />

Bioconjugate Chem., 23, 421-430. (SCI) (IF: 4.93; SCI ranking: 16.1%, 19%, 14.3%, 15.1%)<br />

周 玉 山 (JOU, YUH-SHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang CY, Lin SC, Su WH, Ho CM, Jou YS, 2012, “Somatic LMCD1 mutations promoted cell migration and<br />

tumor metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma.”, Oncogene, 31, 2640–2652. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking:<br />

11.3%)<br />

Kao S, Shiau CK, Gu DL, Ho CM, Su WH, Chen CF, Lin CH, Jou YS, 2012, “IGDB.NSCLC: integrated<br />

genomic database of non-small cell lung cancer.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(Database issue), D972-7.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Lin KT, Wang YW, Chen CT, Ho CM, Su WH, Jou YS, 2012, “HDAC inhibitors augmented cell migration<br />

and metastasis through induction of PKCs leading to identification of low toxicity modalities for<br />

combination cancer therapy.”, Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association<br />

for Cancer Research, 18(17), 4691-701. (SCI) (IF: 7.74; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Lin JC, Wu YY, Wu JY, Lin TC, Wu CT, Chang YL, Jou YS, Hong TM, Yang PC, 2012, “TROP2 is<br />

epigenetically inactivated and modulates IGF-1R signalling in lung adenocarcinoma.”, EMBO molecular<br />

medicine, 4(6), 472-85. (SCI) (IF: 10.33; SCI ranking: 5.7%)<br />


羅 傅 倫 (ROFFLER, STEVE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Beyer I, Cao H, Persson J, Song H, Richter M, Feng Q, Yumul R, van Rensburg R, Li Z, Berenson R, Carter<br />

D, Roffler S, Drescher C, Lieber A, 2012, “Coadministration of epithelial junction opener JO-1 improves<br />

the efficacy and safety of chemotherapeutic drugs.”, Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the<br />

American Association for Cancer Research, 18(12), 3340-3351. (SCI) (IF: 7.74; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Chen CP, Hsieh YT, Prijovich ZM, Chuang HY, Chen KC, Lu WC, Tseng Q, Leu YL, Cheng TL, Roffler SR,<br />

2012, “ECSTASY, an adjustable membrane-tethered/soluble protein expression system for the directed<br />

evolution of mammalian proteins.”, PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION, 25(7), 367-<br />

375. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 30.2%)<br />

Cheng TC, Roffler SR, Tzou SC, Chuang KH, Su YC, Chuang CH, Kao CH, Chen CS, Harn IH, Liu KY,<br />

Cheng TL, Leu YL, 2012, “An activity-based near-infrared glucuronide trapping probe for imaging betaglucuronidase<br />

expression in deep tissues.”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(6), 3103-<br />

3110. (SCI) (IF: 9.91; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

Cheng TL, Chuang KH, Chen BM, Roffler SR, 2012, “Analytical Measurement of PEGylated Molecules.”,<br />

Bioconjugate chemistry, 23(5), 881-899. (SCI) (IF: 4.93; SCI ranking: 16.1%,19%,14.3%,15.1%)<br />

Chuang CH, Chuang KH, Wang HE, Roffler SR, Shiea JT, Tzou SC, Cheng TC, Kao CH, Wu SY, Tseng WL,<br />

Cheng CM, Hou MF, Wang JM, Cheng TL, 2012, “In vivo positron emission tomography imaging of<br />

protease activity by generation of a hydrophobic product from a noninhibitory protease substrate.”,<br />

CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH, 18(1), 238-247. (SCI) (IF: 7.74; SCI ranking: 8.3%)<br />

Kao CH, Cheng CM, Chuang KH, Chuang CH, Tzou SC, Cheng TC, Hsieh YC, Liao KW, Wang YM, Chang<br />

LS, Roffler SR, Chen FM, Cheng TL, 2012, “A regularly spaced and self-revealing protein ladder for<br />

anti-tag Western blot analysis.”, Analytical Biochemistry, 431(1), 1-3. (SCI) (IF: 3; SCI ranking: 45.2%,<br />

38.7%, 26.9%)<br />

Pan WY, Lo CH, Chen CC, Wu PY, Roffler SR, Shyue SK, Tao MH, 2012, “Cancer immunotherapy using a<br />

membrane-bound interleukin-12 with B7-1 transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains.”, MOLECULAR<br />

THERAPY, 20(5), 927-937. (SCI) (IF: 6.87; SCI ranking: 8.6%)<br />

Tu SH, Huang HI, Lin SI, Liu HY, Sher YP, Chiang SK, Chong P, Roffler S, Tseng GC, Chen HW, Liu SJ,<br />

2012, “A novel HLA-A2-restricted CTL epitope of tumor-associated antigen L6 can inhibit tumor growth<br />

in vivo.”, JOURNAL OF IMMUNOTHERAPY, 35(3), 235-244. (SCI) (IF: 3.27; SCI ranking: 28.6%,<br />

37.5%, 43.1%)<br />

謝 小 燕 (SHIEH, SHEAU-YANN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin TY, Cheng YC, Yang HC, Lin WC, Wang CC, Lai PL, Shieh SY*, 2012, “Loss of the candidate tumor<br />

suppressor BTG3 triggers acute cellular senescence via the ERK-JMJD3-p16(INK4a) signaling axis.”,<br />

ONCOGENE, 31(27), 3287-3297. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />


蘇 燦 隆 (SU, TSANN-LONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu PM, Chen LH, Chen MT, Ma HI, Su TL, Hsieh PC, Chien CS, Jiang BH, Chen YC, Lin YH, Shih YH,<br />

Tu PH, Chiou SH, 2012, “Targeting autophagy enhances BO-1051-induced apoptosis in human<br />

malignant glioma cells.”, Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 69(3), 621-633. (SCI) (IF: 2.83; SCI<br />

ranking: 44%, 34.6%)<br />

Chaniyara R, Tala S, Chen CW, Lee PC, Kakadiya R, Dong H, Marvania B, Chen CH, Chou TC, Lee TC,<br />

Shah A, Su TL, 2012, “Synthesis and antitumor evaluation of novel benzo[d]pyrrolo[2,1-b]thiazole<br />

derivatives.”, European journal of medicinal chemistry, 53, 28-40. (SCI) (IF: 3.35; SCI ranking: 26.1%)<br />

Lee PC, Lee HJ, Kakadiya R, Sanjiv K, Su TL, Lee TC, 2012, “Multidrug-resistant cells overexpressing P-<br />

glycoprotein are susceptible to DNA crosslinking agents due to attenuated Src/nuclear EGFR cascadeactivated<br />

DNA repair activity.”, Oncogene, 1-11. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

Lo WL, Chu PY, Lee TH, Su TL, Chien Y, Chen YW, Huang PI, Tseng LM, Tu PH, Kao SY, Lo JF, 2012,<br />

“A Combined DNA-Affinic Molecule and N-Mustard Alkylating Agent Has an Anti-Cancer Effect and<br />

Induces Autophagy in Oral Cancer Cells.”, International journal of molecular sciences, 13(3), 3277-3290.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.6; SCI ranking: 29.3%)<br />

Sanjiv K, Su TL, Suman S, Kakadiya R, Lai TC, Wang HY, Hsiao M, Lee TC, 2012, “The novel DNA<br />

alkylating agent BO-1090 suppresses the growth of human oral cavity cancer in xenografted and<br />

orthotopic mouse models.”, International Journal of Cancer, 130(6), 1440-1450. (SCI) (IF: 5.44; SCI<br />

ranking: 14.3%)<br />

吳 成 文 (WU, CHENG-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chou YT, Hsieh CH, Chiou SH, Hsu CF, Kao YR, Lee CC, Chung CH, Wang YH, Hsu HS, Pang ST, Shieh<br />

YS, Wu CW, 2012, “CITED2 functions as a molecular switch of cytokine-induced proliferation and<br />

quiescence.”, Cell Death and Differentiation, doi: 10.1038/cdd.2012.91. (SCI) (IF: 8.85; SCI ranking:<br />

11.8%, 6.5%)<br />

Chou RH, Wen HC, Liang WG, Lin SC, Yuan HW, Wu CW, Chang WS, 2012, “Suppression of the invasion<br />

and migration of cancer cells by SERPINB family genes and their derived peptides.”, Oncol Rep,<br />

27(1):238-45. (SCI) (IF: 1.84; SCI ranking: 67.9%)<br />

陳 建 勳 (CHEN, CHIEN-HSIUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee YC et al., 2012, “Two new susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease identified through genome-wide<br />

association analysis.”, NATURE GENETICS, 44, 522–525. (SCI) (IF: 35.53; SCI ranking: 1.5%)<br />


Liou YJ, Wang HH, Lee MT, Wang SC, Chiang HL, Chen CC, Lin CH, Chung MS, Kuo CC, Liao DL, Wu<br />

CK, Liu CM, Liu YL, Hwu HG, Lai IC, Tsai SJ, Chen CH, Liu HF, Chou YC, Chen CH, Chen YT, Hong<br />

CJ, Wu JY, 2012, “Genome-wide association study of treatment refractory schizophrenia in han<br />

chinese.”, PloS one, 7(3), e33598. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Xu S, Pugach I, Stoneking M, Kayser M, Jin L, 2012, “Genetic dating indicates that the Asian-Papuan<br />

admixture through Eastern Indonesia corresponds to the Austronesian expansion.”, Proceedings of the<br />

National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(12), 4574-4579. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI<br />

ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Wen WQ et al., 2012, “Meta-analysis identifies common variants associated with body mass index in East<br />

Asians.”, NATURE GENETICS, 44(3), 307-311. (SCI) (IF: 35.53; SCI ranking: 1.5%)<br />

神 奈 木 玲 兒 (KANNAGI, REIJI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Miyazaki K, Sakuma K, Kawamura YI, Izawa M, Ohmori K, Mitsuki M, Yamaji T, Hashimoto Y, Suzuki A,<br />

Saito Y, Dohi T, Kannagi R, 2012, “Colonic epithelial cells express specific ligands for mucosal<br />

macrophage immunosuppressive receptors siglec-7 and -9.”, JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 188(9),<br />

4690-4700. (SCI) (IF: 5.79; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

Sakuma K, Chen GY, Aoki M, Kannagi R, 2012, “Induction of 6-sulfated glycans with cell adhesion activity<br />

via T-bet and GATA-3 in human helper T cells.”, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL<br />

SUBJECTS, 1820(7), 841-848. (SCI) (IF: 5; SCI ranking: 18.1%, 16.7%)<br />

Sakuma K, Aoki M, Kannagi R, 2012, “Transcription factors c-Myc and CDX2 mediate E-selectin ligand<br />

expression in colon cancer cells undergoing EGF/bFGF-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition.”,<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(20), 7776-77781.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Sakuma K, Furuhashi T, Kondo S, Yabe U, Ohmori K, Ito H, Aoki M, Morita A, Kannagi R, 2012, “Sialic<br />

acid cyclization of human Th homing receptor glycan associated with recurrent exacerbations of atopic<br />

dermatitis.”, Journal of dermatological science, 68(3), 187-93. (SCI) (IF: 3.72; SCI ranking: 9.8%)<br />

Tanaka K, Tamiya-Koizumi K, Hagiwara K, Ito H, Takagi A, Kojima T, Suzuki M, Iwaki S, Fujii S,<br />

Nakamura M, Banno Y, Kannagi R, Tsurumi T, Kyogashima M, Murate T, 2012, “Role of downregulated<br />

neutral ceramidase during all-trans retinoic acid-induced neuronal differentiation in SH-SY5Y<br />

neuroblastoma cells.”, Journal of Biochemistry, 151(6), 611-620. (SCI) (IF: 2.37; SCI ranking: 61.7%)<br />

姚 文 萱 (YAO, WEN-HSUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng YC, Hsiao FC, Yeh EC, Lin WJ, Tang CY, Tseng HC, Wu HT, Liu CK, Chen CC, Chen YT, Yao A,<br />

2012, “VarioWatch: providing large-scale and comprehensive annotations on human genomic variants in<br />

the next generation sequencing era.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(Web Server issue), W76-81. (SCI) (IF:<br />

8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


分 子 生 物 研 究 所<br />

張 雯 (CHANG, WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang SJ, Shih AC, Tang YL, Chang W *, 2012, “Vaccinia mature virus fusion regulator A26 protein<br />

binds to A16 and G9 proteins of the viral entry fusion complex and dissociates from mature<br />

virions at low pH.”, J. Virol., 86(7), 3809-18. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

Izmailyan1 R, Hsiao1 JC, Chung CS, Chen CH, Hsu PWC, Liao CL, Chang W, 2012, “Integrin β1<br />

mediates vaccinia virus entry through activation of PI3K/Akt signaling.”, J. Virol., 86(12), 6677-<br />

87. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

Schroeder N, Chun1 CS, Chen CH, Liao CL, Chang W*, 2012, “The lipid raft-associated protein CD98<br />

is required for vaccinia virus endocytosis.”, J. Virol., 86(9), 4868-82. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking:<br />

16.1%)<br />

莊 懷 祜 (CHUANG, HUAI-HU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chuang H*, Chuang AY, 2012, “RGS proteins maintain robustness of GPCR-GIRK coupling by<br />

selective stimulation of the G protein subunit Gαo.”, Science Signaling, 5 (212), ra15. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.5; SCI ranking: 15.7%)<br />

趙 裕 展 (CHAO, YU-CHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang CJ, Wu Carol P, Lu SC, Chao AL , Ho David TH, Yu SM, Chao YC*, 2012, “A novel exocellulase<br />

from white spotted longhorn beetle (Anoplophora malasiaca).”, Insect Biochemistry and<br />

Molecular Biology, 42, 629-636. (SCI) (IF: 3.25; SCI ranking: 40.3%, 2.4%)<br />

Chen GY, Yang HJ , Lu CHs, Chao YC, Hwang SM, Chen CL, Lo KW, Sung LY, Luo WY, Tuan HY,<br />

Hu YC*, 2012, “Simultaneous induction of autophagy and toll-like receptor signaling pathways<br />

by graphene oxide.”, Biomaterials, 33, 6559-6569. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 4%, 3%)<br />

陳 枝 乾 (CHEN, JYCHIAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang NC, Jane WN, Chen J, Yu TS, 2012, “Arabidopsis thaliana CENTRORADIALIS homologue<br />

(ATC) acts systemically to inhibit floral initiation in Arabidopsis.”, Plant J., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-<br />

313X.2012.05076.x. (SCI) (IF: 6.16; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />


Than gasam y S, Chen PW, Lai MH, Chen J, Jau h GJ, 2012, “Rice LGD1 containing RNA binding<br />

activity affects growth and development through alternative promoters.”, Plant J., DOI:<br />

10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04989.x. (SCI) (IF: 6.16; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

陳 蕾 惠 (CHEN, REY-HUEI)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Chen RH, 2012, Nuclear envelope assembly and disassembly during the cell cycle, eLS. pages, USA:<br />

John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.<br />

陳 宏 達 (CHEN, HUNG-TA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lafrance-Vanesse J, Arseneault G, Cappadocia L, Chen HT, Legault P, Omichinski JG, 2012,<br />

“Structural and functional characterization of interactions involving the Tfb1 subunit of TFIIH<br />

and the NER factor Rad2”, Nucleic Acids Research, 40, 5739-5750. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking:<br />

7.7%)<br />

Wu CC, Herzog F, Jennebach S, Lin YC, Pai CY, Aebersold R, Cramer P, Chen HT*, accepted, “RNA<br />

polymerase III subunit architecture and implications for open promoter complex formation.”,<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. (SCI) (IF: 9.68;<br />

SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

陳 俊 安 (CHEN, JUN-AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen JA*, Wichterle H*, 2012, “Apoptosis of Limb Innervating Motor Neurons and Erosion of Motor<br />

Pool Identity upon Lineage Specific Dicer Inactivation.”, Front. Neurosci., 6:69. doi:<br />

10.3389/fnins.2012.00069.<br />

鄭 淑 珍 (CHENG, SOO-CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen HC, Cheng SC, 2012, “Functional roles of protein splicing factors.”, Biosci Rep, 32, 345-359.<br />

(SCI)<br />

Chen HC, Tseng CK, Tsai RT, Cheng CS, Cheng SC, 2013, “Link of NTR-mediated spliceosome<br />

disassembly with DEAH-box ATPases Prp2, Prp16 and Prp22.”, Mol Cell Biol, 33, 514-525.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Liu HL, Cheng SC, 2012, “The Interaction of Prp2 with a defined Region of the intron is required for<br />

the first splicing reaction.”, Mol Cell Biol, 32, 5056-5066. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />


鄭 珮 琳 (CHENG, PEI-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng PL, Poo MM, 2012, “Early events in axon/dendrite polarization.”, Annual review of<br />

neuroscience, 35, 181-201. (SCI) (IF: 25.74; SCI ranking: 0.9%)<br />

Li Y, Lu H, Cheng PL, Ge S, Xu H, Shi SH, Dan Y, 2012, “Clonally related visual cortical neurons<br />

show similar stimulus feature selectivity.”, Nature, 486(7401), 118-121. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI<br />

ranking: 1.9%)<br />

簡 正 鼎 (CHIEN, CHENG-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CK, Chen WY, Chien CT*, 2012, “The POU-domain protein Pdm3 regulates axonal targeting of<br />

R neurons in the Drosophila ellipsoid body.”, Developmental neurobiology, 72(11), 1422-1432.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.55; SCI ranking: 36.9%, 34.4%)<br />

Tsai PI, Wang M, Kao HH, Chen YJ, Walker JA, Chen RH, Chien CT*, 2012, “Neurofibromin<br />

mediates FAK signaling in confining synapse growth at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions.”, J.<br />

Neurosci., 32(47), 16971-16981. (SCI) (IF: 7.12; SCI ranking: 7.9%)<br />

Tsai PI, Wang M, Kao HH, Cheng YJ, Lin YJ, Chen RH, Chien CT*, 2012, “Activity-dependent<br />

retrograde laminin A signaling regulates synapse growth at Drosophila neuromuscular junctions.”,<br />

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(43),<br />

17699-17704. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

鍾 邦 柱 (CHUNG, BON-CHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Brion F, Le Page Y, Piccini B, Cardoso O, Tong SK, Chung BC, Kah O, 2012, “Screening estrogenic<br />

activities of chemicals or mixtures in vivo using transgenic (cyp19a1b-GFP) zebrafish embryos.”,<br />

PLoS ONE, 7, e36069. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Brion F, Le Page Y, Piccini B, Tong SK, Chung BC, Kah O, accepted, “In vivo imaging of cyp19a1b-<br />

GFP expression in zebrafish demonstrates that endocrine disruptors target brain stem cells in the<br />

developing brain.”<br />

Huang CCJ, Shih MCM, Hsu NC, Chung BC, 2012, “Local glucocorticoid synthesis is required for<br />

development of fetal adrenal medulla and hypothalamus feedback suppression.”, Endocrinology,<br />

153, 4749-4756. (SCI) (IF: 4.46; SCI ranking: 25.2%)<br />

Lan HS, Wu CF, Lai PY, Shih HM, Chung BC, 2012, “Death-associated protein 6 (Daxx) mediates<br />

cAMP-dependent stimulation of Cyp11a1 (P450scc) transcription.”, J Biol Chem, 287, 5910-<br />

5916. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />


Lai PY, Chen SH, Weng JH, Huang SC, Chiu YN, Guo IC, Zhou H, Chung BC, submitted,<br />

“Phosphorylation and proteasomal activity regulate NR5A1(SF-1)-mediated steroidogenic gene<br />

expression.”, J Biol Chem. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Shih MC, Huang CC, Chu HP, Hsu NC, Chung BC, Unpublished, “Prenatal steroid deficiency affects<br />

fetal insulin secretion and glycogen storage.”<br />

Wang CY, Chen WY, Lai PY, Chung BC, accepted, “Distinct functions of steroidogenic factor-1<br />

(NR5A1) in the nucleus and the centrosome.”, Mol Cell Endocrinol. (SCI) (IF: 4.19; SCI ranking:<br />

34.6%)<br />

Wang CY, Lai PY, Chang WC, Chung BC, accepted, “Steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) maintains<br />

centrosome homeostasis in steroidogenic Cells by restricting centrosomal DNA-PK activation.”,<br />

Molecular and Cellular Biology. (SCI) (IF: 5.53; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

蕭 傳 鐙 (HSIAO, CHWAN-DENG (DAVID))<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YW, Lin TW, Li YC, Huang YS, Sun YJ, Hsiao CD*, 2012, “Interaction Surface and Topology<br />

of Get3/Get4/Get5, a Complex Involved in Targeting Tail-Anchored Proteins to the Endoplasmic<br />

Reticulum.”, J. Biol. Chem., 287, 4783-4789. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Chu CH, Liu MH, Chen PC, Lin MH, Li YC, Hsiao CD, Sun YJ, 2012, “Crystal structures of<br />

Helicobacter pylori uridylate kinase: insight into the product UDP release.”, Acta Cryst. D., 68,<br />

773-783.<br />

Hung KW, Tsai JY, Juan TH, Hsu YL, Hsiao CD*, Huang TH*, 2012, “Crystal structure of<br />

KpNFeoB/KpFeoC complex and the roles of FeoC in the regulation of Fe2+ transport by the<br />

bacterial Feo system.”, J. of Bacteriol., 194, 6518-6526.<br />

Kesavulu MM, Tsai JY, Lee HL, Liang PH, Hsiao CD*, 2012, “Structure of the catalytic domain of the<br />

Clostridium thermocellum cellulase CelT.”, Acta Crystallogr D, 68, 310-320. (SCI) (IF: 12.62;<br />

SCI ranking: 4.5%, 4.5%, 3.2%, 2.8%)<br />

Lin SM, Tsai JY, Hsiao CD, Huang YT, Chiu CL, Liu MH, Tung YY, Liu TH, Pan RL, Sun YJ*,<br />

2012, “Crystal Structure of a Membrane-embedded H+-Translocating Pyrophosphatase.”,<br />

NATURE, 484, 399-403. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI ranking: 1.9%)<br />

Lo YH, Liu SW, Sun YJ, Li HW, Hsiao CD*, 2012, “Mutations altering interplay of GkDnaC helicase<br />

to DNA reveal an insight into helicase function and unwinding mechanism.”, PLoS One, Epub<br />

2012 Jan 12. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wei, S.Y., Lou, Y.C., Tsai, J.Y., Ho, M.R., Rajasekaran, M., Liu, H.W., Tai, J.H., Hsiao, C.D.* and<br />

Chen, C.*, 2012, “Structure of the Trichomonas vaginalis Myb3 DNA-binding domain bound to a<br />

promoter sequence reveals a unique C-terminal -hairpin conformation”, Nucleic Acids Res., 40(1),<br />

449-460. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


Wu CC, Naveen V, Chang YW, Chien CH, Hsiao CD*, 2012, “Crystal Structure of DnaK Protein<br />

Complexed with Nucleotide Exchange Factor GrpE in DnaK Chaperone System.”, J. Biol. Chem.,<br />

287, 21461-21470. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Yang YL, Wang CW, Leaw SN, Chang TP, Wang IC, Chen CG, Fan JC, Tseng KY, Huang SH, Chen<br />

CY, Hsiao TY, Hsiung CA, Chen CT, Hsiao CD, Lo HJ*, 2012, “R432 is a key residue for the<br />

multiple functions of Ndt80p in Candida albicans.”, Cell Mol. Life Sci., 69, 1011-1023. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.57; SCI ranking: 10.5%, 18.3%)<br />

徐 唯 哲 (HSU, PAUL WEI-CHE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Izmailyan R, Hsao JC, Chung CS, Chen CH, Hsu PW, Liao CL, Chang W, 2012, “Integrin beta1<br />

mediates vaccinia virus entry through activation of PI3K/Akt signaling.”, Journal of virology,<br />

86(12), 6677-87. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

薛 一 蘋 (HSUEH, YI-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen YK, Chen CY, Hu HT, Hsueh YP, 2012, “CTTNBP2, but not CTTNBP2NL, regulates dendritic<br />

spinogenesis and synaptic distribution of the striatin-PP2A complex.”, Molecular Biology of the<br />

Cell, 23, 4383-4392. (SCI) (IF: 4.94; SCI ranking: 29.4%)<br />

Chen YK, Hsueh YP, 2012, “Cortactin-binding protein 2 modulates the mobility of cortactin and<br />

regulates dendritic spine formation and maintenance.”, Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 1043-1055.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 7.12; SCI ranking: 7.9%)<br />

Hsueh YP, 2012, “A neuron-specific regulation on F-actin cytoskeletons: the role of CTTNBP2 in<br />

dendritic spinogenesis and maintenance.”, Communicative & Integrative Biology, 5, 334-336<br />

(invited short communication).<br />

Hsueh YP, 2012, “From neurodevelopment to neurodegeneration: the interaction of neurofibromin and<br />

valosin-containing protein/p97 in regulation of dendritic spine formation.”, Journal of Biomedical<br />

Science, 19, 33. (invited review). (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%)<br />

黃 昭 蓮 (HWANG, JAULANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Su YF, Yan TH, Huang HT, Liu Leroy F, Hwang JL, 2012, “Phosphorylation of Ubc9 by Cdk1<br />

enhances SUMOylation activity.”, PLoS ONE, 7, 1-11. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


孔 祥 智 (KUNG, JOHN T.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee CC, Kung JT *, 2012, “Marginal zone B cell is a major source of Il-10 in Listeria monocytogenes<br />

susceptibility.”, J. Immunol., 189, 3319. (SCI) (IF: 5.79; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

賴 明 宗 (LAI, MING-ZONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee YC, Chang AY, Lin-Feng MH, Tsou WI, Chiang IH, Lai MZ*, 2012, “Paxillin phosphorylation by<br />

JNK and p38 is required for NFAT activation.”, Eur J Immunol, 42(8), 2165-2175. (SCI) (IF: 5.1;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.5%)<br />

Lo YH, Huang YW, Tsai CS, Wu YS, Lin YC, Mo ST, Kuo WC, Chaung YT, Jiang ST, Shih HM, Lai<br />

MZ*, 2012, “Selective activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by promyelocytic leukemia<br />

protein.”, Boold, in revision.<br />

Wu YH, Yang CY, Chien WL, Lin KI, Lai MZ*, 2012, “Removal of syndecan-1 promotes TRAILinduced<br />

apoptosis in myeloma cells.”, J Immunol, 188, 2914-2921. (SCI) (IF: 5.79; SCI ranking:<br />

16.3%)<br />

賴 明 詔 (LAI, MICHAEL M.C.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chao TC, Su WC, Huang JY, Chen YC, Jeng KS, Wang HD, Lai MMC, 2012, “Proline-Serine-<br />

Threonine Phosphatase-Interacting Protein 2 (PSTPIP2), a Host Membrane-Deforming Protein, Is<br />

Critical for Membranous Web Formation in Hepatitis C Virus Replication.”, Journal of Virology,<br />

86(3), 1739-1749. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />

Huang JY, Su WC, Jeng KS, Chang TH, Lai MMC, 2012, “Attenuation of 40S Ribosomal Subunit<br />

Abundance Differentially Affects Host and HCV Translation and Suppresses HCV Replication.”,<br />

PLoS Pathogens., 8(6), e1002766.<br />

Liu HM, Aizaki H, Machida K, Ou JHJ, Lai MMC, 2012, “Hepatitis C Virus Translation Preferentially<br />

Depends on Active RNA Replication.”, PLoS One, 7(8), e43600. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

Liu Z, Tian Y, Machida K, Lai MMC, Luo G, Foung SK, Ou JH, 2012, “Transient Activation of the<br />

PI3K-AKT Pathway by Hepatitis C Virus to Enhance Viral Entry.”, Journal of Biological<br />

Chemistry, 287(50), 41922-30. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Saxena V, Lai CK, Chao TC, Jeng KS, Lai MMC, 2012, “Annexin A2 Is Involved in the Formation of<br />

Hepatitis C Virus Replication Complex on the Lipid Raft.”, Journal of Virology, 86(8), 4139-<br />

4150. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 16.1%)<br />


李 英 惠 (LEE, YING-HUE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen KL, Fan WY, Yeh CY, Lee YH, accepted, “SIM2 Maintains Innate Host Defense of the Small<br />

Intestine.”, Gastroenterology, under review. (SCI) (IF: 11.68; SCI ranking: 1.4%)<br />

Lisazo A, Tan TT, Lee YH, submitted, “ -Adrenergic Receptor-Stimulated Lipolysis Requires the<br />

Rab7-Mediated Autolysosomal Lipid Degradation.”, Autophagy, revision. (SCI) (IF: 7.45; SCI<br />

ranking: 16.3%)<br />

呂 俊 毅 (LEU, JUN-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang SL, Lai HY, Tung SY, Leu JY*, 2012, “Dynamic large-scale chromosomal rearrangements fuel<br />

rapid evolution in yeast populations.”, PLoS Genet., in press. (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

Hsieh YY, Hung PH, Leu JY*, submitted, “Hsp90 regulates non-genetic variation in response to<br />

environmental stress.”, Molecular Cell, under revision. (SCI) (IF: 14.18; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

Liu IC, Chiu SW, Lee HY, Leu JY*, 2012, “The histone deacetylase Hos2 forms an Hsp42-dependent<br />

cytoplasmic granule in quiescent yeast cells.”, Mol. Biol. Cell, 23(7), 1231-1242. (SCI) (IF: 4.94;<br />

SCI ranking: 29.4%)<br />

McDonald MJ, Hsieh YY, Yu YH, Chang SL, Leu JY, 2012, “The Evolution of Low Mutation Rates in<br />

Experimental Mutator Populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.”, Current Biology, 22(13), 1235-<br />

1240. (SCI) (IF: 9.65; SCI ranking: 8.5%, 4.8%)<br />

李 秀 敏 (LI, HSOU-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu CC, Li HM, 2012, “The Amino-terminal domain of chloroplast Hsp93 is important for its<br />

membrane association and functions in vivo.”, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 158, 1656-1665. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Teng YS, Chan PT, Li HM, 2012, “Differential age-dependent import regulation by signal peptides.”,<br />

PLOS BIOLOGY, 10(10), e1001416. (SCI) (IF: 11.45; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

廖 南 詩 (LIAO, NAN-SHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hou HS, Liao CL, Sytwu HK, Liao NS, Huang TY, Hsieh TY, Chu HC*, 2012, “Deficiency of<br />

Interleukin-15 Enhances Susceptibility to Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Injury in Mice.”, PLoS<br />

ONE, 7, e44880. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Lai YG, Hou MS, Lo A, Huang ST, Huang YW, Yang-Yen, HF, Liao NS*, submitted, “IL-15<br />

modulates the balance between Bcl-2 and Bim by activation of Jak3/1-PI3K-Akt-ERK pathway to<br />

promote CD8αα+ intestinal intraepithelial T-cell survival.”, revision.<br />

林 淑 端 (LIN-CHAO, SUE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang BT, Chang PY, Su CH, Chao CCK, Lin-Chao S, 2012, “Gas7-deficient mouse reveals roles in<br />

motor function and muscle fiber composition during aging.”, PLoS ONE, 7(5): e37702.<br />

(10.1371/journal.pone.0037702). (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Liu HC, Ting CH, Wen SL, Tsai LK, Hsieh-Li HM, Li H, *Lin-Chao S, 2012, “Sodium vanadate<br />

combined with L-ascorbic acid delays disease progression, enhances motor performance, and<br />

ameliorates muscle atrophy and weakness in mice with spinal muscular atrophy.”, BMC Medicine,<br />

in press. (SCI) (IF: 6.04; SCI ranking: 5.9%)<br />

Murashko ON, Kaberdin VR, Lin-Chao S, 2012, “Membrane binding of Escherichia coli RNaseE<br />

catalytic domain stabilizes protein structure and increases RNA substrate affinity.”,<br />


AMERICA, 109(18), 7019-7024. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

*Ting CH, Wen HL, Liu HC, Hsieh-Li HM, Li H, *Lin-Chao S, 2012, “The spinal muscular atrophy<br />

disease protein SMN is linked to the Golgi network.”, PLoS ONE, 2012; 7(12):e51826. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Wen HL, Ting CH, Liu HC, Li H*, Sue LC, 2012, “Decreased stathmin expression ameliorates<br />

neuromuscular defects but fails to prolong survival in a mouse model of spinal muscular<br />

atrophy.”, Neurobiology of Disease, in press. (SCI) (IF: 5.4; SCI ranking: 14%)<br />

沈 哲 鯤 (SHEN, CHE-KUN JAMES)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CC, Wang KY, Shen CKJ, 2012, “The Mammalian de novo DNA Methyltransferases DNMT3A<br />

and DNMT3B Are Also DNA 5-Hydroxymethyl Cytosine Dehydroxymethylases.”, J. Biol.<br />

Chem., 287, 33116-33121. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Majumder P, Tsai KJ, Wu CC, Chen YT, Bose JK, Cheng WC, Fang YH, Chen YL, Lien CC, Cheng<br />

SJ, Shen CKJ, 2012, “TDP-43 Regulates The Mammalian Spinogenesis Through Translational<br />

Repression of Rac1.”, Acta Neuropathologica, 124, 231-245. (SCI) (IF: 9.32; SCI ranking: 2.8%,<br />

5.6%, 3.5%)<br />

Wang IF, Chang HY, Hou SC, Liou GG, Way TD, Shen CKJ, 2012, “The self-interaction of native<br />

TDP-43 C-terminus Inhibits; Its degradation and contributes to early proteinopathies.”, Nature<br />

Commun., 3:766/DOI:10.1038/ncomms1766.<br />


Wang IF, Guo BS, Liu YC, Wu CC, Yang CC, Tsai KJ, Shen CKJ, 2012, “Autophagy Activation<br />

Rescues and Alleviates the Pathogenesis of a FTLD-U Mouse Model with TDP-43<br />

Proteinopathies.”, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109, 15024-15029.<br />

Wu LS, Cheng WC, Shen CKJ, 2012, “Targeted Depletion of TDP-43 Expression in the Spinal Cord<br />

Motor Neurons Leads to the Development of ALS-like Phenotypes in Mice.”, J. Biol. Chem., 287,<br />

27335-27344. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

孫 以 瀚 (SUN, Y. HENRY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YH, Li WR, Sun YH, accepted, “Functional screening of human genes by expression in<br />

Drosophila identifies Enthoprotin/LqfR as a regulator of hematopoiesis.”, Zoological Studies.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Wang CW, Sun YH*, 2012, “Segregation of eye and antenna fates maintained by mutual antagonism<br />

in Drosophila.”, Development, 139, 3413-3421. (SCI) (IF: 6.6; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

蔡 宜 芳 (TSAY, YI-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsu PK, Tsay YF*, submitted, “Two Phloem Nitrate Transporters NRT1.11/12 Are Important for<br />

Redistributing Xylem-borne Nitrate to Enhance Plant Growth.”<br />

Schroeder JI*, Delhaize E, Frommer WB, Guerinot ML, Harrison MJ, Herrera-Estrella L, Horie T,<br />

Kochian LV, Munns R, Nishizawa NK, Tsay YF, Sanders D *, accepted, “Membrane<br />

Transporters as Keys to Improving Crops for Sustainable Production”, NATURE, provisionally<br />

accepted. (SCI) (IF: 36.28; SCI ranking: 1.9%)<br />

Wang YY, Hsu PK, Tsay YF, 2012, “Uptake, allocation and signaling of nitrate.”, Trends in Plant<br />

Science, 17(8), 458-467. (SCI) (IF: 11.05; SCI ranking: 1.2%)<br />

董 書 韻 (TUNG, SHU-YUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tung SY, Hong JY, Walz T, Moazed D, Liou GG*, 2012, “Chromatin affinity-precipitation using a<br />

small metabolic molecule: its application to analysis of O-acetyl-ADP-ribose.”, Cell Mol Life Sci,<br />

69(4), 641-650. (SCI) (IF: 6.57; SCI ranking: 10.5%, 18.3%)<br />


王 廷 方 (WANG, TING-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CL, Kuo HC, Tung SY, Hsu Paul WC, Wang CL, Seibel C, Schmoll M, Wang TF*, 2012, “Blue<br />

light acts as a double-edged sword in regulating sexual development of Hypocrea jecorina<br />

(Trichoderma reesei).”, PLOS ONE, 7, e44969. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Chuang CN, Cheng YH, Wang TF*, 2012, “Mek1 stabilizes Hop1-Thr318 phosphorylation to promote<br />

interhomolog recombination and checkpoint responses during yeast meiosis.”, Nuclei Acid<br />

Research, (published online on Oct 9, 2012). (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

吳 惠 南 (WU, HUEY-NAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsu YC, Chen NC, Chen PJ, Wang CC, Cheng WC, Wu HN*, 2012, “Identification of a small<br />

molecule inhibitor of Dengue virus using a replicon system.”, Arch. Virol., 157, 681-688. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.11; SCI ranking: 67.7%)<br />

楊 性 芳 (YANG-YEN, HSIN-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen PH, Chien FC, Lee SP, Chan WE, Lin IH, Liu CS, Lee FJ, Lai JS, Chen P, Yang-Yen HF, Yen<br />

JJ, 2012, “Identification of a novel function of the clathrin-coated structure at the plasma<br />

membrane in facilitating GM-CSF receptor-mediated activation of JAK2.”, Cell Cycle, 11(19),<br />

3611-3626. (SCI) (IF: 5.36; SCI ranking: 24.2%)<br />

姚 孟 肇 (YAO, MENG-CHAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chung PH, Yao MC, 2012, “Tetrahymena JMJD3 homolog regulates H3K27 methylation and nuclear<br />

differentiation.”, Eukaryotic Cell, 11(5), 601-614. (SCI) (IF: 3.6; SCI ranking: 27.1%)<br />

Lin IT, Chao JL, Yao MC, 2012, “An essential role for the DNA breakage repair protein Ku80 in<br />

programmed DNA rearrangements in Tetrahymena thermophile.”, Molecular Biology of the Cell,<br />

23(11), 2213-2225. (SCI) (IF: 4.94; SCI ranking: 29.4%)<br />

Liu ML, Yao MC, 2012, “The role of ATG8 and autophagy in programmed nuclear degradation in<br />

Tetrahymena.”, Eukaryotic Cell, 11(4), 494-506. (SCI) (IF: 3.6; SCI ranking: 27.1%)<br />


余 淑 美 (YU, SU-MAY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chandrika NNP, Sundaravelpandian K, Yu SM, Schmidt W, 2013, “ALFIN-LIKE 6 (AL6) is involved<br />

in root hair elongation during phosphate deficiency in Arabidopsis.”, New Phytologist, in press.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.65; SCI ranking: 3%)<br />

Chir JL, Chou CH, Ng IS, Chen PT, Tong CG*, Yu, S.M.* and Ho, T.H.D.*, Unpublished, “Effective<br />

Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Glucose with Recombinant β-glucosidase and Crude Cellulases<br />

Produced by Thermobifida fusca (ATCC 27730) Cultured with Rice Straws.”, Biomass &<br />

Biotechnol.<br />

Ho SL*, Huang LF, Lu CA, Wang CC, Chen J, Yu SM*, submitted, “The Sugar starvation- and GAinducible<br />

calcium-dependent protein kinase 1 feedback regulates GA biosynthesis and activates a<br />

14-3-3 protein to confer drought tolerance in rice seedlings.”, PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.15; SCI ranking: 8.5%)<br />

Hong YF, Ho TH David, Wu CF, Ho SL, Yeh RH, Lu CA, Chen PW, Yu SM*, 2012, “Convergent<br />

starvation signals and hormone crosstalk in regulating nutrient mobilization upon germination.”,<br />

PLANT CELL, 24, 2857-2873. (SCI) (IF: 8.99; SCI ranking: 11.1%)<br />

Kanjanaphachoat P, Wei BY, Lo SF, Wang IW, Wang CS, Wang, Yu SM, Yen ML, Chiu SH, Lai<br />

CC*, Chen LJ*, 2012, “Serotonin accumulation in transgenic rice by over-expressing tryptophan<br />

decarboxlyase results in a dark brown phenotype and stunted growth.”, PLANT MOLECULAR<br />

BIOLOGY, 78, 525-543. (SCI) (IF: 4.15; SCI ranking: 8.5%)<br />

Su CF, Kuo IC, Huang CH, Seow SV, Chen PW, Chua KY*, Yu SM*, 2012, “Characterization of an<br />

immunomodulatory Der p 2-FIP-fve fusion protein produced in transgenic rice cell culture.”,<br />

TRANSGENIC RESEARCH, 21(1), 177-192. (SCI) (IF: 2.75; SCI ranking: 33.1%)<br />

Yeh YF, Chang SCY, Kuo HW, Tong CG, Yu SM*, Ho THD, accepted, “A metagenomic approach for<br />

the identification and cloning of an endoglucanase from rice straw compost.”, GENE. (SCI) (IF:<br />

2.34; SCI ranking: 59.4%)<br />

袁 小 琀 (YUAN, HANNA SHIAO-HAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Su MW, Yuan SH, Chu WC, 2012, “Recombination in the non-structural gene region in type-2 dengue<br />

viruses.”, Intervirology, 55(3), 225-230. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 54.8%)<br />

Lin JLJ, Lin CL, Hsiao YY, Doudeva LG, Yang WZ, Wang YT, Yuan HS*, 2012, “Structural insights<br />

into DNA binding and cleavage by CPS-6 from Caenorhabditis elegans.”, Journal of Biological<br />

Chemistry, 287, 7110-7120. (SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

Hsiao YY, Duh Y, Chen YP, Wang YT, Yuan HS*, 2012, “How an exonuclease decides where to stop<br />

in trimming of nucleic acids: crystal structures of RNase T-product complexes.”, Nucleic Acids<br />

Res, 40, 8144-8154. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


Lin CL, Hsiao YY, Wang YT, Yang WZ, Yuan HS*, 2012, “Crystal structure of human polynucleotide<br />

phosphorylase: Insights into its domain function in RNA binding and degradation.”, Nucleic Acids<br />

Res., 40(9), 4146-4157. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


農 業 生 物 科 技 研 究 中 心<br />

施 明 哲 (SHIH, MING-CHE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, J.-J., Ho, C-Y., Huang, Ho, F-J, Tsai, T-Y, Ke, H-M, Wang, C. H.-T., Chen, H-L., *Huang, C.-<br />

C., *Shih, M-C, *Li, W.-H., accepted, “Assembly of multiple cellulases in a yeast host for<br />

cellulosic ethanol production”, Biotechnology for Biofuels. (SCI) (IF: 6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

Su, C.-L., Chao, Y.-T., Yen, S.-H., Chen,C.-Y., Chen,W., Chang, Y.-C. Alex and *Shih, M.-C. ,<br />

accepted, “Orchidstra: an integrated Orchid functional genomics database"”, Plant Cell and<br />

Physiology. (SCI) (IF: 4.7; SCI ranking: 32%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Ho, C-Y., Chang, J.-J., Lee, S.-C., Chin, T-.Y., Shih, M.-C. , Li, W.-H., and *Huang, C.-C. , Dec.<br />

2012, “Development of cellulosic ethanol production process vis co-culturing of artificial<br />

cellulosomal Bacillus and kefir yeast.”, Applied Energy, 100, 27-32. (SCI) (IF: 5.11; SCI ranking:<br />

5.4%,5.7%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen, H.-L., Chen, Y.-C., Lu, M.-Y., Chang, J.-J., Wang, H.-T., Ke, H.-M., Wang, T.-Y., Ruan, S.-K.,<br />

Wang, T.-Y., Hong, K.-Y., Cho, H.-Y., Lin, W.-T., *Shih, M.-C., and *Li, W.-H. , Apr. 2012, “A<br />

highly efficient β-glucosidase from a buffalo rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5.<br />

Biotechnol for Biofuel. ”, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5, 24. (SCI) (IF: 6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

Chang, J.-J., Ho, C-Y., Huang, Ho, F-J, Tsai, T-Y, Ke, H-M, Wang, C. H.-T., Chen, H-L., *Shih, M-<br />

C, *Huang, C.-C., *Li, W.-H. , Jul. 2012, “PGASO: A synthetic biology tool for engineering a<br />

cellulolytic yeast ”, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5, 53. (SCI) (IF: 6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Pan, I-C, Liao, D-C., Wu, F-H., Daniell, H., Singh, N.D., Chang, C., Shih, M-C., Chan, M.-T. and Lin,<br />

C.-S., Apr. 2012, “Complete chloroplast genome sequence of an orchid model plant candidate:<br />

Erycina pusilla apply in tropical Oncidium breeding.”, PLoS One, 7(4), e34738. (SCI) (IF: 4.09;<br />

SCI ranking: 12.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lin, C.-C., Chou, S.-J., Yang, K.-C., Li, K.-C. and Shih, M.-C., Oct. 2012, “Transcriptomic studies of<br />

rice cultivars with contrasting abiotic stress tolerance. ”, 1 pages, paper presented at 8th<br />

International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology", Sonoma County,<br />

California, USA: International Society of Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 2012-10-<br />

28 ~ 2102-10-30. ( 國 外 )<br />


Hsu, F-C, Chen, W.-C., Chou, M.-Y., Peng, H.-P., Chou, S.-J. and *Shih, M.-C. , Jul. 2012, “The<br />

hypoxia responsive transcription factor WRKY22 mediates hypoxic responses and innate<br />

immunity in Arabidopsis.”, 1 pages, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Society<br />

of Plant Biologists., Austin, Texas, USA: American Society of Plant Biologists, 2012-07-20 ~<br />

2012-07-24. ( 國 外 )<br />

Lin, C.-C., Chou, S.-J., Yang, K.-C., Li, K.-C. and *Shih, M.-C. , Jul. 2012, “Transcriptomic studies of<br />

rice cultivars with contrasting abiotic stress tolerance. ”, 1 pages, paper presented at Annual<br />

Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists., Austin, Texas, USA: American Society of<br />

Plant Biologists, 2012-07-20 ~ 2012-07-24. ( 國 外 )<br />

楊 寧 蓀 (YANG, NING-SUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, H.-M., Wang P.-H., Chen S.-S., Wen, C.-C., Chen Y.-H., Yang W.-C., and Yang N.-S.*, 2012,<br />

“Shikonin induces immunogenic cell death in tumor cells and enhances dendritic cell-based<br />

cancer vaccine”, Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 61, 1989-2002. (SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI<br />

ranking: 33.3%,29.2%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen, H.-M., Wang P.-H., Aravindaram K., Chen Y.-H., Yang W.-C., and Yang N.-S.*, Apr. 2012,<br />

“Shikonin enhances efficacy of a gene-based cancer vaccine via induction of RANTES”, J.<br />

Biomed. Sci., 19, 42. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%) ( 國 內 )<br />

Staniforth V, Huang WC, Aravindaram K, Yang NS*, May. 2012, “Ferulic acid, a phenolic<br />

phytochemical, inhibits UVB-induced matrix metalloproteinases in mouse skin vai posttranslational<br />

mechanisms. ”, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 23(5), 443-451. (SCI) (IF: 3.89;<br />

SCI ranking: 15.5%,29%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Arulselvan, P., Wen, C.-C., Lan, C.-W., Chen, Y.-H., Wei, W.-C., and Yang, N.-S.*, Sept. 2012,<br />

“Dietary administration of scallion extract effectively inhibits colorectal tumor growth: Cellular<br />

and molecular mechanisms.”, PLoS One, 7(9), e44658 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044658. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Aravindaram K and Yang NS, Nov. 2012, Biolistic DNA delivery: Methods and Protocols, 133-143<br />

pages, USA: New York, USA: Humana Press. ( 國 外 )<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

HM Chen, PH Wang, SS Chen, CC Wen, YH Chen, WC Yang, NS Yang*, Aug. 2012,<br />

“ Phytochemical Shikonin can induce immunogenic tumor cell death and enhance efficacy of<br />

DC-based Cancer Vaccines”, paper presented at .Phytochemical Society of North America. 51st<br />

Annual PSNA Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario, 2012-08-11 ~<br />

2012-08-15. ( 國 外 )<br />


Arulselvan, P., W. Chih-Chun, L. Chun-Wen, W. Wen-Chi and Y. Ning-Sun, Aug. 2012,<br />

“Phytochemicals from Allium fistulosum L. extract effectively inhibit colorectal tumor growth:<br />

Cellular mechanisms and nutritional applications ”, paper presented at Phytochemical Society of<br />

North America. 51st Annual PSNA Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada: University of Western<br />

Ontario, 2012-08-11 ~ 2012-08-15. ( 國 外 )<br />

SY Yin, NS Yang , YT Wang, Aug. 2012, “)Transcriptome and stimulatory effect of phytochemical<br />

shikonin on the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) activity in mouse skin.”, paper<br />

presented at Phytochemical Society of North America. 51st Annual PSNA Meeting, London,<br />

Ontario, Canada: University of Western Ontario, 2012-08-11 ~ 2012-08-15. ( 國 外 )<br />

Wen-Chi Wei,Sheng-Yen Lin, Yung-Tsung Chen, Chia-Chi Wu, Ning-Sun Yang, Jul. 2012,<br />

“ Categorization of traditional medicinal plants on inflammation-regulatory and anti-tumor<br />

activities by differential cytokine expression in dendritic cells.”, paper presented at The 60th<br />

International Congress and Annual Meeting of the society for Medicinal Plant Research, New<br />

York, USA: Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, 2012-07-28 ~ 2012-08-<br />

01. ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen HM, Wang PH, Chen SS, Wen CC, Chen YH, Yang WC, Yang NS, Jul. 2012, “Shikonin<br />

induces immunogenic cell death in tumor cells and enhances dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine”,<br />

paper presented at The 60th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the society for<br />

Medicinal Plant Research, New York, USA: Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product<br />

Research, 2012-07-28 ~ 2012-08-01. ( 國 外 )<br />

SY Yin, NS Yang , YT Wang, Jul. 2012, “ Transcriptome and microRNA profiling analyses reveal<br />

astimulatory effect of phytochemical shikonin on the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in<br />

mouse skin ”, paper presented at The 60th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the<br />

society for Medicinal Plant Research, New York, USA: Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural<br />

Product Research, 2012-07-28 ~ 2012-08-01. ( 國 外 )<br />

楊 淑 美 (LIANG, SHU-MEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hung SW, Chiu CF, Chen TA, Chu CL, Huang CC, Shyur LF, Liang CM*, and Liang SM* , Nov.<br />

2012, “Recombinant Viral Protein VP1 Suppresses HER-2 Expression and Migration/Metastasis<br />

of Breast Cancer”, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT, 136(1), 89-105. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.43; SCI ranking: 19.6%) ( 國 外 )<br />


Peng JM, Chen YH, Hung SW, Chiu CF, Ho MY, Lee YJ, Lai TC, Hsiao M, Liang CM*, Liang SM*,<br />

Jan. 2012, “Recombinant viral protein promotes apoptosis and suppresses invasion of ovarian<br />

adenocarcinoma cells by targeting alpha5beta1 integrin to down-regulate Akt and MMP-2.”,<br />

BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 165(2), 479-493. (SCI) (IF: 4.41; SCI ranking:<br />

13%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chiu CF, Peng JM, Hung SW, Liang CM*, Liang SM*., Jul. 2012, “Recombinant viral capsid protein<br />

VP1 suppresses migration and invasion of human cervical cancer by modulating phosphorylated<br />

prohibitin in lipid rafts”, CANCER LETTERS, 320(2), 205-214. (SCI) (IF: 4.24; SCI ranking:<br />

23.2%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Ho MY, Liang SM, Hung SW, Liang CM, 2012, “MIG-7 controls COX-2/PGE2-mediated lung cancer<br />

metastasis.”, Cancer research, doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-12-2220. (SCI) (IF: 7.86; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Cheng YC, Chen TA, Chen CY, Liang CM and Liang SM*, May. 2012, “3′poly-G-Tailed ODNs<br />

Inhibit F-spondin to Induce Cell Death and Neurite Retraction in Rat Embryonic Neurons ”,<br />

MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY, 45(3), 536-549. (SCI) (IF: 5.74; SCI ranking: 13.1%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chiu CF, Ho MY , Peng JM, Hung SW, Lee WH, Liang CM*, Liang SM*, 2012, “Raf Activation by<br />

Ras and Promotion of Cellular Metastasis Require Phosphorylation of Prohibitin in the Raft<br />

Domain of Plasma Membrane”, ONCOGENE, doi: 10.1038/onc.2012.86. (SCI) (IF: 6.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chiu CF, Ho MY, Peng JM, Hung SW, Lee WH, Liang CM, Liang SM, May. 2012, “Phosphorylation<br />

of cell membrane prohibitin induces Raf-1 activation and cancer metastasis.”, paper presented at<br />

2012 Symposium on Biotechnology Development in Taiwan, National Cheng Kung University,<br />

Tainan, Taiwan.: National Cheng Kung University, 2012-05-30. ( 國 內 )<br />

Chiu CF, Peng JM, Hung SW, Liang CM, Liang SM, Oct. 2012, “Proteins Targets Phosphorylated<br />

Prohibitin as Cancer Metastasis”, paper presented at 8th International Symposium on Biocatalysis<br />

and Agricultural Biotechnology, 美 國 Sonoma: International Society of Biocatalysis and<br />

Agricultural Biotechnology, 2012-10-28 ~ 2012-10-31. ( 國 外 )<br />

Chang YC, Cheng YC, Wang TF, Liang SM, May. 2012, “Studies on the biological function of viruslike<br />

particles of foot and mouth disease”, paper presented at 99th Annual Meeting of The<br />

American Association of Immunologists, 美 國 波 士 頓 : American Association of Immunologists,<br />

2012-05-04 ~ 2012-05-08. ( 國 外 )<br />


Chiu CF, Ho MY, Peng JM, Hung SW, Lee WH, Liang CM, Liang SM, May. 2012, “Phosphorylation<br />

of cell membrane prohibitin induces Raf-1 activation and cancer metastasis.”, paper presented at<br />

The International Symposium in Commemoration of the 5th Anniversary of College of Life<br />

Sciences, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.: China Medical University, 2012-05-04.<br />

( 國 內 )<br />

徐 麗 芬 (SHYUR, LIE-FEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, W.-L., Shiau, J.-Y., and Shyur, L.-F.*, 2012, “Taxol, camptothecin and beyond for cancer<br />

therapy. ”, Advances in Botanical Research, 62, 133-178. (SCI) (IF: 2.86; SCI ranking: 18.3%)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

Hsu, C.-A., Wen, T.-N., Su, Y.-C., Jiang, Z.-B., Chen, C.-W., and Shyur, L.-F.*, May. 2012,<br />

“Biological degradation of anthroquinone and azo dyes by a novel laccase from Lentinus sp. ”,<br />

Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 5109-5117. (SCI) (IF: 5.23; SCI ranking:<br />

4.4%,8.1%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Lee, W.-L. and Shyur, L.-F.*, 2012, “Deoxyelephantopin impedes mammary adenocarcinoma cell<br />

motility through inhibiting calpain-mediated adhesion dynamics and inducing ROS and<br />

aggresome formation. ”, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 52, 1423-1436. (SCI) (IF: 5.42; SCI<br />

ranking: 15.3%,15.9%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Huang, C.-C., Lin, K.-J., Cheng, Y.-W., Hsu, C.-A., Yang, S.-S., and Shyur, L.-F.* , 2012,<br />

“Deoxyelephantopin protects mice from lipopolysaccharide/D-galactosamine-induced fulminant<br />

hepatitis through attenuating LPS, TNF-α, or IL-6 mediated signaling pathways.”, Journal of<br />

Nutritional Biochemistry, (doi:10.1016/j.jnutbio.2012.01.013).. (SCI) (IF: 3.89; SCI ranking:<br />

15.5%,29%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen, S.-C., Wu, P.-H., Su, Y.-C., Wen, T.-N., Wei, Y.-S., Wang, N.-C., Hsu, N.-C., Wang, Andrew<br />

H.-J., and Shyur, L.-F.*, 2012, “Biochemical characterization of a novel laccase from the<br />

basidiomycete fungus Cerrena sp. WR1.”, Protein Engineering Design & Selection, 25, 761-769..<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 30.2%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Liu, W.-C., Lin, Y.-S., Jeng, W.-Y., Chen, J.-H., Wang, A. H.-J., and Shyur, L.-F.* , 2012,<br />

“Engineering of dual functional hybrid glucanases”, Protein Engineering Design & Selection, 25,<br />

771-780.. (SCI) (IF: 2.94; SCI ranking: 30.2%) ( 國 外 )<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Lin, C.-H., Lee, W.-L., and Shyur, L.-F.*, 2012, Materia Medica for Various Cancers--Evidencebased<br />

Anticancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 47-67 pages, USA: Springer. ( 國 外 )<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shyur, L.-F.*, Chao, W.-W., Cheng, Y.-W., and Chiou, C.-Y., Apr. 2012, “Comparative omics<br />

approaches in deciphering bioefficacy and side effects of chemotherapeutic drug and phytoagent<br />

against mouse melanoma. ”, paper presented at Drug Hypersensitivity Meeting, Munich,<br />

Germany: EAACI, 2012-04-11 ~ 2012-04-14. ( 國 外 )<br />

Shyur, L.-F.*, Chen, S.-C., Wen, T.-N., Wang, N.-C., and Wang, Andrew H.-J., Apr. 2012,<br />

“Biochemical Characterization of Novel Laccases from the Basidiomycete fungus Cerrena sp.<br />

WR1. ”, paper presented at The 20th International Network of Protein Engineering Centers:<br />

Engineering Protein-Systems, Functions and Applications (INPEC), Taipei, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica, 2012-04-18 ~ 2012-04-20. ( 國 內 )<br />

Hsu, C.-A., Wen, T.-N., Su, Y.-C., Jiang, Z.-B., Chen, C.-W., and Shyur, L.-F.*, Apr. 2012,<br />

“Biological Degradation of Anthroquinone and Azo Dyes by a Novel Laccase from Lentinus sp.”,<br />

paper presented at The 20th International Network of Protein Engineering Centers: Engineering<br />

Protein-Systems, Functions and Applications (INPEC), Taipei, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-<br />

04-18 ~ 2012-04-20. ( 國 內 )<br />

Liu, W.-C., Lin, Y.-S., Chen, J.-H., Wang, Andrew H.-J., and Shyur, L.-F.*, Apr. 2012, “Functional<br />

study on engineered hybrid glucanase enzymes lichenase/larminarinase.”, paper presented at The<br />

20th International Network of Protein Engineering Centers: Engineering Protein-Systems,<br />

Functions and Applications (INPEC), Taipei, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-18 ~ 2012-04-<br />

20. ( 國 內 )<br />

常 怡 雍 (CHARNG, YEE-YUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hu C, Lin SY, Chi WT, Charng YY*, Feb. 2012, “Recent gene duplication and subfunctionalization<br />

produced a mitochondrial GrpE, the nucleotide exchange factor of Hsp70 complex, specialized in<br />

thermotolerance to chronic heat stress in Arabidopsis”, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 158(2), 747-758.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Ching-Hui Yeh, Nicholas J. Kaplinsky, Catherine Hu, Yee-yung Charng*, Oct. 2012, “Some like It<br />

hot, some like It warm: phenotyping to explore thermotolerance diversity”, PLANT SCIENCE,<br />

195, 10-23. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 17.1%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Liu HC, Charng YY*, May. 2012, “Acquired thermotolerance independent of heat shock factor A1<br />

(HsfA1), the master regulator of the heat stress response”, Plant Singaling & Behavior, 7(5), 547-<br />

550. ( 國 外 )<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

JG Chiou, C Hu, YY Charng*, Oct. 2012, “The essential copy of the two mitochondrial HSP70<br />

duplicates in Arabidopsis evolved faster than the non-essential one”, paper presented at 2012<br />

International Symposium on Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics, 國 立 中 山 大 學 : 中 研 院<br />

生 多 中 心 , 2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-21. ( 國 內 )<br />

Yee-yung Charng*, Hsiang-chin Liu , Catherine Hu, Siou-ying Lin, Yu-ting Juan, Ting-ying Wu, Weidi<br />

Wang, Jul. 2012, “Thermotolerance diversity revealed by functional genomic studies on heat<br />

stress genes”, paper presented at 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 奧 地<br />

利 維 也 納 : ICAR2012 Organizing Committee, 2012-07-03 ~ 2012-07-07. ( 國 外 )<br />

WD Wang, JH Ahn, YY Charng*, Oct. 2012, “Involvement of Arabidopsis ARP6, a Component of the<br />

Chromatin Remodeling Complex SWR1C, in Tolerance to Heat Stress”, paper presented at Plant<br />

epigenetics, stress and evolution, Suzhou, China: COLD SPRING HARBOR ASIA<br />

CONFERENCES, 2012-10-29 ~ 2012-11-02. ( 國 外 )<br />

YP Lin, A Tanaka, YY Charng*, Oct. 2012, “The defect in long-term acquired thermotolerance 3<br />

(dlt3) allele affects the homeostasis of chlorophyll metabolism in Arabidopsis”, paper presented<br />

at The 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: IPMB organizing<br />

committee, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

TY Wu, YY Charng*, Oct. 2012, “Differential Temperature Response in Arabidopsis”, paper<br />

presented at The 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: IPMB<br />

organizing committee, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

MY Lin, GH Chai, YY Charng*, Oct. 2012, “Functional Analysis of Rice HSA32 in<br />

Thermotolerance”, paper presented at The 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular<br />

Biology, Jeju, Korea: IPMB organizing committee, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

邱 子 珍 (CHIOU, TZYY-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

T.-Y. Liu, T.-K. Huang, C.-Y. Tseng, Y.-S. Lai, S.-I. Lin, W.-Y.Lin, J.-W. Chen, T.-J. Chiou*, May.<br />

2012, “PHO2-dependent degradation of PHO1 modulates phosphate homeostasis in<br />

Arabidopsis”, PLANT CELL, 24(5), 2168-2183. (SCI) (IF: 8.99; SCI ranking: 2.6%) ( 國 外 )<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Teng-Kuei Huang, Chia-Li Han, Shu-I Lin, Yu-Ju Chen, Yi-Chuan Tsai, June-Wei Chen, Wei-Yi Lin,<br />

Pei-Mien Chen, Tzu-Yin Liu, Ying-Shin Chen, Tzyy-Jen Chiou*, Oct. 2012, “Identification of<br />

Downstream Components of PHO2 by Quantitative Membrane Proteomics in Arabidopsis<br />

Roots”, paper presented at 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea:<br />

Congress of International Plant Molecular Biology, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-27. ( 國 外 )<br />


Hui-Fen Kuo, Tzu-Yun Chang, Ying-Shin Chen, Su-Fen Chiang, Tzyy-Jen Chiou*, Oct. 2012,<br />

“Inositol Polyphosphates Biosynthesis Pathway Modulates Pi Homeostasis by Transcriptional<br />

Regulation and Systemic Signaling”, paper presented at 10th International Congress on Plant<br />

Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: Congress of International Plant Molecular Biology, 2012-10-21<br />

~ 2012-10-27. ( 國 外 )<br />

Tzu-Yin Liu, Teng-Kuei Huang, Ching-Ying Tseng, Ya-Shiuan Lai, Shu-I Lin, Wei-Yi Lin, June-Wei<br />

Chen, Tzyy-Jen Chiou*, Oct. 2012, “PHO2-Dependent Degradation of PHO1 Involved in<br />

Suppression of Phosphate Toxicity in Arabidopsis”, paper presented at 10th International<br />

Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: Congress of Internation Plant Molecular<br />

Biology, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-27. ( 國 外 )<br />

Wei-Yi Lin, Teng-Kuei Huang, Tzyy-Jen Chiou*, May. 2012, “Regulation of Phosphate Transporters<br />

by NLA, a Target of miR827, in Response to Phosphate Availability”, paper presented at 4th Pan<br />

American Plant Membrane Biology Workshop, Asilomar, CA, USA: The Pan American Plant<br />

Membrane Biology Workshop, 2012-05-16 ~ 2012-05-20. ( 國 外 )<br />

T.-Y. Liu, T.-K., Huang, C.-Y. Tseng, Y.-S. Lai, S.-I. Lin, W.-Y. Lin, J.-W. Chen, T.-J. Chiou*, Jul.<br />

2012, “PHO2-dependent degradation of PHO1 modulates phosphate homeostasis in<br />

Arabidopsis”, paper presented at The 23rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research<br />

(ICAR), Vienne, Austria: Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology, University of<br />

Natural Resources & Life Sciences (BOKU), University of Vienna., 2012-07-03 ~ 2012-07-07.<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

葉 國 楨 (YEH, KUO-CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

M. Tsednee, Y.-W. Mak, Y.-R. Chen and K.-C. Yeh* , Sept. 2012, “A sensitive LC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS<br />

method for the detection of phytosiderophores and their iron complexes in roots”, New<br />

Phytologist, 195(4), 951-961. (SCI) (IF: 6.65; SCI ranking: 3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

V. Shanmugam, M. Tsednee and K.-C. Yeh* , Mar. 2012, “ZINC TOLERANCE INDUCED BY<br />

IRON 1 reveals the importance of glutathione in the cross homeostasis between zinc and iron in<br />

Arabidopsis thaliana”, PLANT JOURNAL, 69(6), 1006-1017. (SCI) (IF: 6.16; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

Lung-Jiun Shin, Jing-chi Lo and Kuo-Chen Yeh*, Jul. 2012, “Copper chaperone antioxidant protein1<br />

is essential for copper homeostasis”, PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, 159, 1099-1110. (SCI) (IF: 6.54;<br />

SCI ranking: 3.7%) ( 國 外 )<br />

L.-J. Shin and K.-C. Yeh* , Sept. 2012, “Overexpression of Arabidopsis ATX1 retards plant growth<br />

under severe copper deficiency. ”, Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7(9), 1082-1083. (Others) ( 國 外 )<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

L.-J. Shin and K.-C. Yeh, Oct. 2012, “IRT1 degradation factor 1 (IDF1), a RING E3 ubiquitin ligase,<br />

regulates the degradation of Fe transporter IRT1 in Arabidopsis”, paper presented at 10th<br />

International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: I-PMB, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-<br />

26. ( 國 外 )<br />

W.-F. Chien, M. Tsednee, K.-C. Yeh, Oct. 2012, “ Identification of chemicals altering the Fedeficiency<br />

response”, paper presented at 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular<br />

Biology, Jeju, Korea: I-PMB, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

Munkhtsetseg Tsednee, Wei-Fu Chien and Kuo-Chen Yeh, Oct. 2012, “Roles of different<br />

phytosiderophores in response metal nutrition”, paper presented at 10th International Congress<br />

on Plant Molecular Biology, Jeju, Korea: I-PMB, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

K.-C. Yeh and L.-J. Shin , Jul. 2012, “BIOLOGICAL ROLES OF COPPER CHAPERONES, CCH<br />

AND ATX1, IN COPPER HOMEOSTASIS”, paper presented at ICAR 2012, Vienna, Austria:<br />

Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology GmbH, 2012-07-03 ~ 2012-07-07. ( 國 外 )<br />

楊 文 欽 (YANG, WEN-CHIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yang CW, Chang CL, Lee HC, Chi CW, Pan JP, Yang WC, 2012, “Curcumin induces the apoptosis of<br />

human monocytic leukemia THP-1 cells via the activation of JNK/ERK Pathways.”, BMC<br />

complementary and alternative medicine, 12, 22. (SCI) (IF: 2.24; SCI ranking: 19%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen HM, Wang PH, Chen SS, Wen CC, Chen YH, Yang WC, Yang NS, 2012, “Shikonin induces<br />

immunogenic cell death in tumor cells and enhances dendritic cell-based cancer vaccine.”,<br />

Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, 61(11), 1989-2002. (SCI) (IF: 3.7; SCI ranking:<br />

33.3%,29.2%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Shen, M.Y., Lin, Y.P., Yang, B.C., Jang, Y.S., Chiang, C.K., Mettling, C., Chen, Z.W., Sheu, J.R.,<br />

Chang, C.T.L.*, Lin, Y.L. *, and Yang, W.C.*, 2012, “Catenarin prevents type 1 diabetes in nonobese<br />

diabetic mice via inhibition of leukocyte migration involving the MEK6/p38 and<br />

MEK7/JNK pathways”, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 982396.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.77; SCI ranking: 4.8%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen HM, Wang PH, Aravindaram K, Chen YH, Yu HH, Yang WC, Yang NS, 2012, “Shikonin<br />

enhances efficacy of a gene-based cancer vaccine via induction of RANTES.”, Journal of<br />

biomedical science, 19(1), 42. (SCI) (IF: 1.98; SCI ranking: 56.2%) ( 國 內 )<br />

Liu HY, Chung CY, Yang WC, Liang CL, Wang CY, Chang CY, Chang CL, 2012, “Exendin-4<br />

improves resistance to Listeria monocytogenes infection in diabetic db/db mice.”, Journal of<br />

veterinary science, 13(3), 245-52. (SCI) (IF: 1.16; SCI ranking: 30.4%) ( 國 外 )<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yang, W.C., Shen, M.Y., Jang , Y.S., Chen, Z.W., and Chang, C.L.T., Jun. 2012, “Catenarin, an<br />

anthraquinone compound, inhibits CXCR4 and CCR5 pathways to protect against type 1 diabetes<br />

in NOD mice. A-174, 12th International Conference on the Immunology of Diabetes”, A-174<br />

pages, paper presented at 12th International Conference on the Immunology of Diabetes,<br />

Victoria, Canada: Immunology of Diabetes Society, 2012-06-15 ~ 2012-06-19. ( 國 外 )<br />

Yang, W.C., Shen, M.Y., Jang , Y.S., Chen, Z.W., and Chang, C.L.T., May. 2012, “Myeloid-derived<br />

suppressor cells reverse type 1 diabetes in NOD mice”, P.123 pages, paper presented at Keystone<br />

Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Dublin, Ireland: FASEB, 2012-05-20 ~ 2012-05-<br />

25. ( 國 外 )<br />

Yang, W.C. and Chen, S.H., May. 2012, “Catenarin, an anthraquinone compound, inhibits CXCR4<br />

and CCR5 pathways to protect against type 1 diabetes in NOD mice . ”, P. 1632 pages, paper<br />

presented at 99th (2012) Annual Meeting, Americaa Association of Immunologists, Boston, USA:<br />

AAI, 2012-05-03 ~ 2012-05-08. ( 國 外 )<br />

Cicero L.T. Chang, Shu-Hsia and Wen-Chin Yang, Oct. 2012, “Reverse type 1 diabetes by targeting T<br />

cells”, P.111 pages, paper presented at Third International Conference on Regulatory T Cells and<br />

Th Subsets and Clinical Application in Human Diseases, Shanghai, China: President of Chinese<br />

Society for Immunology, 2012-10-13 ~ 2012-10-16. ( 國 外 )<br />

陳 逸 然 (CHEN, YET-RAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CJ, Chen WY, Tseng MC, Chen YR*, 2012, “Tunnel Frit: A Nonmetallic In-Capillary Frit for<br />

Nanoflow Ultra High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryApplications.”,<br />

Analytical chemistry, 84(1), 297-303. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking: 4.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chang WH, Lee CY, Lin CY, Chen WY, Chen MC, Tzou WS, Chen YR*, 2012, “UniQua: A<br />

Universal Signal Processor for MS-Based Qualitative and Quantitative Proteomics<br />

Applications.”, Analytical chemistry, DOI: 10.1021/ac302281j. (SCI) (IF: 5.86; SCI ranking:<br />

4.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Munkhtsetseg Tsednee1,2,3, Yit-Wai Mak1, Yet-Ran Chen1 and Kuo-Chen Yeh1,2,3,*, 2012, “A<br />

sensitive LC-ESI-TOF-MS method reveals novel phytosiderophores and phytosiderophore–iron<br />

complexes in barley”, NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 195(4), 951-961. (SCI) (IF: 6.65; SCI ranking: 3%)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />


蕭 培 文 (HSIAO, PEI-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai CH, Teng CH, Cheng TS, Tu YT, Wu SR, Shyu HY, Ko CJ , Lan SW, Huang HP, Johnson MD,<br />

Lin CY, Hsiao PW *, Lee MS*, submitted, “HAI-2 suppresses the tumor invasive growth of<br />

prostate cancer through regulation of matriptase”, ONCOGENE. (SCI, Others) (IF: 6.37; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Hsu CH, Peng KL, Kang ML, Chen YR, ChuCS, Yang YC, Tsai CH, Jeng YM, Chen YT, Lin FM,<br />

Huang HD, Lu YY, Teng Yching, Lin ST, Shen L, Lin RK, Lee SB, Hsu H M, Yu JC*, Hsiao<br />

PW* and Juan LJ *, Sept. 2012, “TET1 suppresses cancer invasion by activating the tissue<br />

inhibitors of metalloproteinases”, Cell Reports, 2(3), 568-579. ( 國 外 )<br />

Wu CY, Yeh YC, Chan JT, Yang YC, Yang JR, Liu MT, Wu HS, Hsiao PW*, 2012, “A VLP Vaccine<br />

Induces broad-spectrum cross-protective antibody immunity against H5N1 and H1N1 subtypes of<br />

influenza a virus”, PLoS One, 7, e42363. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Yi-Ren Chen, Pei-Wen Hsiao*, Feng-Ming Lin, Guan-James Wu, Chin-Hsien Tsai, 2012, “Evidencebased<br />

Anticancer Herbal Medicine for Prostate Cancer”, editor(s): William CS Cho, Evidencebased<br />

Anticancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Herbal Medicine for Various<br />

Cancers, pp. 103-127, New, York, NY, USA: Springer Science+Business. ( 國 外 )<br />

詹 明 才 (CHAN, MING-TSAIR)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

C.-W. Li, S.-H. Lee, P.-S. Chieh, C.-S. Lin, Y.-C. Wang, M.-T. Chan* , Oct. 2012, “Arabidopsis rootabundant<br />

cytosolic methionine sulfoxide reductase B genes MsrB7 and MsrB8 are involved in<br />

tolerance to oxidative stress”, PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 53, 1707-1719. (SCI) (IF: 4.7;<br />

SCI ranking: 32%) ( 國 外 )<br />

F.-M. An , M.-T. Chan*., Oct. 2012, “Transcriptome-wide characterization of miRNA-directed and<br />

non-miRNA-directed endonucleolytic cleavage using degradome analysis under low ambient<br />

temperature in Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. Formosana.”, PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY,<br />

53, 1737-1750. (SCI) (IF: 4.7; SCI ranking: 32%) ( 國 外 )<br />

I-Chun Pan, I.-C., Liao, D.-C., Wu, F.-H., Daniell, H., Singh, N.D., Chang, C., Ming-Che Shih, M.-C.,<br />

Chan, M.-T.,* and Lin, C.-S.*, Apr. 2012, “Complete chloroplast genome sequence of an orchid<br />

model plant candidate: Erycina pusilla apply in tropical Oncidium breeding.”, PLoS One, 7,<br />

e34738. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />


方 素 瓊 (FANG, SU-CHIUNG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Su-Chiung Fang, Chin-Lin Chung, James G. Umen, Cristina Lopez, Chun-Han Chen , Jun. 2012,<br />

“SMT15 connects sulfur-related cellular response to cell cycle control in Chlamydomonas”,<br />

paper presented at 15th International conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of<br />

Chlamydomonas, Potsdam, Germany: Ralph Bock, Peter Hegemann and Maria Mittag, 2012-06-<br />

05 ~ 2012-06-10. ( 國 外 )<br />

陶 建 英 (TO, KIN-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yung-Ting Tsai, Po-Yen Chen, Kin-Ying To*, Jul. 2012, “Plant regeneration and stable<br />

transformation in the floricultural plant Cleome spinosa, a C3 plant closely related to the C4 plant<br />

C. gynandra”, PLANT CELL REPORTS, 31, 1189-1198. (SCI) (IF: 2.27; SCI ranking: 26.8%) ( 國<br />

外 )<br />

Chen-Kuen Wang, Shin-Yun Hsu, Po-Yen Chen, Kin-Ying To*, Jun. 2012, “Transformation and<br />

characterization of transgenic Bidens pilosa L.”, PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN<br />

CULTURE, 109, 457-464. (SCI) (IF: 3.09; SCI ranking: 26.6%) ( 國 外 )<br />

林 崇 熙 (LIN, CHOUN-SEA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li CW, Lee SH, Chieh PS, Lin CS, Wang YC, Chan MT, 2012, “Arabidopsis Root-Abundant<br />

Cytosolic Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase B Genes MsrB7 and MsrB8 are Involved in Tolerance<br />

to Oxidative Stress.”, Plant & cell physiology, 53(10), 1707-1719. (SCI) (IF: 4.7; SCI ranking:<br />

32%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Pan IC, Liao DC, Wu FH, Daniell H, Singh ND, Chang C, Shih MC, Chan MT, Lin CS, 2012,<br />

“Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of an Orchid Model Plant Candidate: Erycina pusilla<br />

Apply in Tropical Oncidium Breeding.”, PloS one, 7(4), e34738. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Lee LY, Wu FH, Hsu CT, Shen SC, Yeh HY, Liao DC, Fang MJ, Liu NT, Yen YC, Dokladal L,<br />

Sykorova E, Gelvin SB, Lin CS, 2012, “Screening a cDNA Library for Protein-Protein<br />

Interactions Directly in Planta.”, The Plant cell, 24(5), 1746-1759. (SCI) (IF: 8.99; SCI ranking:<br />

2.6%) ( 國 外 )<br />


梁 佑 全 (LIANG, YU-CHUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lin, C. Y., C. J. Lin, K. T. Lin, H. Y. Hsieh, H. Y. Liu and Y. C. Liang., Dec. 2012, “Development of<br />

human hepatocellular carcinoma xenograft model for new anticancer drug preclinical animal<br />

study.”, 95 pages, paper presented at Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Animal Science,<br />

Taipei: The Chinese Society of Animal Science, 2012-12-15 ~ 2012-12-05. ( 國 內 )<br />

Lin, C. J., N. S. Lin, Y. L. Lin and Y. C. Liang., Dec. 2012, “Establish of laboratory animal potency<br />

model for foot-and-mouth disease serotype O vaccine development.”, 96 pages, paper presented<br />

at Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Animal Science, Taipei: Chinese Society of Animal<br />

Science, 2012-12-15. ( 國 內 )<br />

陳 荷 明 (CHEN, HO-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shivaprasad PV, Chen HM, Patel K, Bond DM, Santos BA, Baulcombe DC*, Mar. 2012, “A<br />

MicroRNA Superfamily Regulates Nucleotide Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeats and Other<br />

mRNAs.”, The Plant cell, 24(3), 859-874. (SCI) (IF: 8.99; SCI ranking: 2.6 %) ( 國 外 )<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

S. H. Lu, M. T. Wu, Z. Y. Ho, and H. M. Chen*, Oct. 2012, “Systematic analysis of cis-elements in<br />

plant degradome data”, paper presented at 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular<br />

Biology, Jeju, Korea: Jeju National University, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

W. C. Lee, S. H. Lu, M. H. Lu, C. J. Yang, S. H. Wu, and H. M. Chen*, Oct. 2012, “Structural basis of<br />

20-nt miRNAs in plants”, paper presented at 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular<br />

Biology, Jeju, Korea: Jeju National University, 2012-10-21 ~ 2012-10-26. ( 國 外 )<br />

蕭 介 夫 (SHAW, JEI-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee YL, Lee LC, Shaw JF *, Feb. 2012, “Multifunctional enzyme thioesterase I/protease<br />

I/lysophospholipase L1 of Escherichia coli shows exquisite structure for its substrate<br />

preferences”, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 1, 95-104. ( 國 外 )<br />

Chepyshko H, Lai CP, Liu JH, Shaw JF , 2012, “Multifunctionality and diversity of GDSL<br />

esterase/lipase gene family in rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica) genome: new insights from<br />

bioinformatics analysis”, BMC GENOMICS, 13, 309. (SCI, Others) (IF: 4.07; SCI ranking:<br />

15.1%,21.8%) ( 國 外 )<br />


Lai CP, Shaw JF. , 2012, “Interaction analyses of Arabidopsis tubby-like proteins with ASK<br />

proteins.”, Botanical Studies, 53(4): 447-458.. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 53%) ( 國 內 )<br />

Shu Wei Chang, Pei Ting Liu, Ling Chih Hsu, Chin Shuh Chen, Jei Fu Shaw, Oct. 2012, “Integrated<br />

biocatalytic process for trehalose production and separation from rice hydrolysate using a<br />

bioreactor system”, FOOD CHEMISTRY, 15; 134(4): 1745-53. (SCI) (IF: 3.66; SCI ranking:<br />

5%,4.8%,21.1%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chia-Yun Ko, Yi-Ling Lai, Wen-Yu Liu, Chia-Hui Lin, Yu-Ting Chen, Long-Fang O. Chen, Tsai-<br />

Yun Lin* and Jei-Fu Shaw* , 2012, “Arabidopsis ENDO2: Its Catalytic Role and Requirement of<br />

N-Glycosylation for Function”, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY,<br />

60(20), 5169-5179. (SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%,5.3%,18.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen, Po Ting; Chiang, Chung-Jen; Chen, Yu-Ting; Lin, Hsien-Chung; Liu, Hsien-Chung; Chao,<br />

Yun-Peng; Shaw, Jei-Fu , 2012, “Strategy for Stable and High-Level Expression of Recombinant<br />

Trehalose Synthase in Escherichia coli.”, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD<br />

CHEMISTRY, 60(23), 6063-6068. (SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%,5.3%,18.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

楊 玉 良 (YANG, YU-LIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai CC, Yang FL, Huang ZY, Chen CS, Yang YL, Hua KF, Li J, Chen ST, Wu SH, 2012,<br />

“Oligosaccharide and peptidoglycan of Ganoderma lucidum activate the immune response in<br />

human mononuclear cells.”, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 60(11), 2830-2837.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%,5.3%,18.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Liao WY, Shen CN, Lin LH, Yang YL, Han HY, Chen JW, Kuo SC, Wu SH, Liaw CC, 2012,<br />

“Asperjinone, a Nor-Neolignan, and Terrein, a Suppressor of ABCG2-Expressing Breast Cancer<br />

Cells, from Thermophilic Aspergillus terreus.”, Journal of natural products, 75(4), 630-635.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.13; SCI ranking: 26%,32.6%,13.4%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Gonzalez DJ, Xu Y, Yang YL, Esquenazi E, Liu WT, Edlund A, Duong T, Du L, Molnar I, Gerwick<br />

WH, Jensen PR, Fischbach M, Liaw CC, Straight P, Nizet V, Dorrestein PC, 2012, “Observing<br />

the invisible through imaging mass spectrometry, a window into the metabolic exchange patterns<br />

of microbes.”, Journal of proteomics, 75, 5069-5076. (SCI) (IF: 4.88; SCI ranking: 17.7%) ( 國<br />

外 )<br />


合 聘 老 師<br />

曾 至 正 (TZEN, JASON T. C.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tse-yu Chung, Feng-yin Li, Wen-Hua Chiou and Jason T.C. Tzen, 2012, “Magnesium Lithospermate<br />

B Extracted from Salvia Miltiorrhiza, A Potential Substitute for Cardiac Glycosides“, Mini-<br />

Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 9 (2): 163-168. (SCI: 2.406) ( 國 外 )<br />

Lin IP, Jiang PL,Chen CS*, Tzen JTC*, 2012, ”A unique caleosin serving as the major integral protein<br />

in oil bodies isolated from Chlorella sp. cells cultured with limited nitrogen”, Plant physiology<br />

and biochemistry, 61:80-87. (SCI: 2.838) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen DH, Chyan CL, Jiang PL,Chen CS, Tzen JTC*, 2012, “The same oleosin isoforms are present in<br />

oil bodies of rice embryo and aleurone layer while caleosin exists only in those of the embryo“,<br />

Plant physiology and biochemistry,60:18-24. (SCI: 2.838) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chung TY, Li FY, Chang CI, Jinn TR*, Tzen JTC*, 2012, “Inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase by Antcins,<br />

Unique Steroid-Like Compounds in Antrodia camphorata“, American journal of Chinese<br />

medicine, 40: 953-965. (SCI: 1.979) ( 國 外 )<br />

李 宣 書 (LEE, HSUAN-SHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai-Shin Chiang, Kai-Chiang Yang, Shu-Kai Zheng, Ling-Ling Chiou, Wen-Ming Hsu, Feng-Huei<br />

Lin , Guan-Tarn Huang c, Hsuan-Shu Lee, 2012, “The prediction of drug metabolism using<br />

scaffold-mediated enhancement of the induced cytochrome P450 activities in fibroblasts by hepatic<br />

transcriptional regulators”, Biomaterials, 33: 5187-5197. (SCI: 7.404) ( 國 外 )<br />

宋 麗 英 (SUNG, LI-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen CH, Chang WF, Liu CC, Su HY, Shyue SK, Cheng WT, Chen YE, Wu SC, Du F, Sung LY*, Xu<br />

J*, 2012, “Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Oct-4 Expression and H4K5 Acetylation in Rabbit<br />

Embryos“, Reproductive biomedicine online, 24 (4):433-42. (SCI: 2.042) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen CH, Xu J, Chang WF, Liu CC, Su HY, Eugene Chen Y, Du F, Sung LY*, 2012, ”Dynamic<br />

profiles of Oct-4, Cdx-2 and acetylated H4K5 in in-vivo-derived rabbit embryos”, Reproductive<br />

biomedicine online. (SCI: 2.042) ( 國 外 )<br />


劉 啟 德 (LIU, CHI-TE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Zeng, Y. F., S. J. Tseng, I. M. Kempson, S. F. Peng, W. T. Wu, and J. R. Liu*, 2012, “Controlled<br />

delivery of recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 using pH-sensitive poly(ethylene<br />

glycol)-poly-L-histidine hydrogels“, Biomaterials, 33: 9239-9245. (SCI; 通 訊 作 者 ) (SCI: 7.404)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />

Pai, C. K., H. T. Wang, R. T. Guo, and J. R. Liu*, 2012, “The construction of bifunctional fusion<br />

xylanolytic enzymes and the prediction of optimum reaction conditions for the enzyme activity“,<br />

BioResources, 7: 5647-5665. (SCI; 通 訊 作 者 ) (SCI: 1.325) ( 國 外 )<br />

研 討 會 論 文<br />

CT Liu, May, 2012,“Chromosome partition proteins (ParAB) of Azorhizobium caulinodans play<br />

important roles in bacteroid development within Sesbania rostrata“, paper presented at 4th<br />

Prokaryotic Cell Biology and Development. Montreal, Canada, 2012-05-06~ 2012-05-10. ( 國 外 )<br />

Ho, C. H., and J. R. Liu.* 2012, “Effect of supplementation of Bacillus licheniformis CK1 and its<br />

chitosan fermentation broth on growth performance of broilers“ . paper presented at Congress<br />

Proceedings of the 15th Animal Science Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal<br />

Production Societies, p. 22, Bangkok, Thailand. ( 國 外 )<br />

王 升 陽 (WANG, SHENG-YANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Senthil Kumar, K. J., J. -W Liao, J. -H. Xiao, M. Gokila Vani, and S. -Y. Wang*, 2012,<br />

“Hepatoprotective effect of lucidone against alcohol-induced oxidative stress in human hepatic<br />

HepG2 cells through the up-regulation of HO-1/Nrf-2 antioxidant genes“, Toxicology in Vitro,<br />

26:700-708. (SCI: 2.775) ( 國 外 )<br />

Huang, G. -J., J. -S. Deng, J. -C. Liao, W. -C. Hou, S. -Y. Wang, P. -J. Sung, Y. -H. Kuo*,<br />

2012, ”Inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 participate in anti-inflammatory<br />

activity of imperatorin from Glehnia littoralis”, J. Agric. and Food Chem, 60(7): 1673-1681. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%,5.3%,18.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Hseu, Y. -C., M. -S. Lee, C. -R. Wu, H. -J. Cho, K. -Y. Lin, G. -H. Lai, S. -Y Wang, Y. -H. Kuo, K. J. S.<br />

Kumar, H. -L. Yang*, 2012, ”The chalcone flavokawain B induces G2/M cell-cycle arrest and<br />

apoptosis in human oral carcinoma HSC-3 cells through the intracellular ROS generation and<br />

down-regulation of the Akt/p38 MAPK signaling pathway”, J. Agric. and Food Chem, 60(9):<br />

2385–2397. (SCI) (IF: 2.82; SCI ranking: 11.3%,5.3%,18.3%) ( 國 外 )<br />

Lin, T. -Y., S. -C. Chien, Y. -H. Kuo, and S. -Y. Wang*, 2012, ”Distinguishing between R- and S-Antcin<br />

C and their cytotoxicity”, Natural Product Communications, Accepted and in press. (SCI: 1.242)<br />

( 國 外 )<br />


Kuo, P. M., K, -H. Hsu, Y. -R. Lee, F. -H, Chu, S. -Y. Wang*, 2012, ”Isolation and characterization<br />

of β-cadinene synthase cDNA from Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum”, Holzforschung, 66:<br />

569-576. (SCI: 1.748) ( 國 外 )<br />

Chen C. -J., Y. -H. Tseng, F. -H. Chu, T.-Y. Wen, W. -W. Cheng, Y. -T. Chen, N. -W. Tsao, and Sheng-<br />

Yang Wang*, 2012, ”Neuropharmacological activi- ties of fruit essential oil from Litsea<br />

cubeba (Lour.) Persoon”, Journal of wood science, 58:538–543. (SCI: 0.958) ( 國 外 )<br />

Hsieh, Y. -H., K. -J. Chen, S. -C. Chien, W. -L. Cheng, J. -H. Xiao and S. -Y. Wang*, 2012, ”ACAT<br />

Inhibitory Activity of Exudates from Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana”, Natural Product<br />

Communications, 7: 1573-1574. (SCI: 1.242) ( 國 外 )<br />

Hsieh, Y. -H. and S. -Y. Wang*, 2012, ”Lucidone from Lindera erythrocarpa Makino fruits suppresses<br />

adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells and attenuates obesity and consequent metabolic disorders in highfat<br />

diet C57BL/6 mice”, Phytomedicine, Accepted and in press. (SCI: 3.268) ( 國 外 )<br />

劉 嚞 睿 (LIU, JE-RUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang, J. W., Y. S. Cheng, T. P. Ko, C. Y. Lin, H. L. Lai, C. C. Chen, Y. Ma, Y, Zheng, C. H. Huang, P.<br />

Zou, J. R. Liu*, and R. T. Guo*, 2012, ”Rational design to improve thermostability and specific<br />

activity of the truncated Fibrobacter succinogenes 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase”, Applied Microbiology<br />

and Biotechnology, 94: 111-121. (SCI: 3.425) ( 國 外 )<br />

研 討 會 論 文<br />

Chen W. J., J. R. Liu, and M. C. Shih, 2012, “Characterization of insecticidal toxin and pathogenicity<br />

of Pseudomonas taiwanensis against insects”. paper presented at Final Program Book of 2012<br />

American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, p. 191, San Francisco, USA. ( 國 外 )<br />

Liu, J. R., W. J. Chen and M. C. Shih, 2012, “ Insecticidal activity of TccC protein from Pseudomonas<br />

taiwanensis”, paper presented at Abstract Book of 4th ASM Conference on Prokaryotic Cell<br />

Biology and Development, p. 114. Montreal, Canada. ( 國 外 )<br />

林 劭 品 (LIN, SHAU-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hung-Fu Liao, Kang-Yu Tai, Wendy S.-C. Chen, Luca, C.W. Cheng, and Shau-Ping<br />

Lin* (Corresponding author), 2012, ”Functions of DNA methyltransferase 3-like in germ cells<br />

and beyond”, Biology of the Cell, 104(10):571-87. doi: 10.1111/boc.201100109. (SCI) IF=3.6,<br />

Top: 43.6% (79/181), Cited:1times ( 國 外 )<br />

研 討 會 論 文<br />

S.-P. Lin, Nov. 2012 “Epigenetics in germ cells and stem cells” paper presented at Epigenomic network<br />

meeting, University of Cambridge, UK. ( 國 外 )<br />


S.-P. Lin, Nov. 2012 “Ecology, biodiversity and evolution” paper presented at 6th Franch-Taiwan<br />

Frontier of Science Interim Meeting, Paris, France. ( 國 外 )<br />

S.-P. Lin, Nov. 2012 “New challenges and opportunities for Agriculture” paper presented at 6th<br />

Franch-Taiwan Frontier of Science Interim Meeting, Paris, France. ( 國 外 )<br />

S.-P. Lin, Nov. 2012 “How brain functions” paper presented at 6th Franch-Taiwan Frontier of<br />

Science Interim Meeting, Paris, France. ( 國 外 )<br />

H.-F. Liao # ,L.-Y. Sung # ,D.-H. Cheng,S.-C. Wu and S.-P. Lin, April. 2012 “Dnmt3l-knockout donor<br />

cells improve mpuse SCNT efficiency and the quality of cloned embryos” paper presented at Cold<br />

Spring Harbor Asia Conference: Epigenetics, Chromatin & Transcription, 蘇 州 , China, 2012-04-<br />

20~2012-04.27. ( 國 外 )<br />

H.-F. Liao, Wendy C.C. Chen, Y.-H. Chen, K.-M. Kao, Y.-H. Ching , H.-N. Ho , Rita Y.H. Huang,<br />

Pauline H. Yen and S.-P. Lin, Nov. 2012 “ DNMT3L deficient undifferentiated spermatogonia<br />

display impaired PLZF expression pattern and imbalanced self-renewal and differentiation” paper<br />

presented at ABRC 13th Annual Poster Competition, Taipei, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

C.-F. Mo, F.-C. Wu, K.-Y. Tai, W.-C. Chang,, H.-C. Kuo , H.-N. Ho , H.-F.Chen # and S.-P. Lin, Nov.<br />

2012 “ Imprinting instability of DLK1-DIO3 locus in cultured human pluripotent stem cells” paper<br />

presented at ABRC 13th Annual Poster Competition, Taipei, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

H.-F. Liao, Wendy CC Chen, Y.-. Chen, K.-M. Kao, Y.-H. Ching, H.-N. Ho , Rita YH Huang, Pauline<br />

H Yen and S.-P. Lin, Oct. 2012 “ DNMT3L deficient germline progenitors display impaired PLZF<br />

expression pattern and imbalanced self-renewal and differentiation” paper presented at 2012<br />

International Symposium on Recent Advances in Stem Cells and Cancer The 8th Annual Meeting<br />

of TSSCR Abstract Format, Taipei, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

C.-F. Mo*, F.-C. Wu, K.-Y. Tai, W.-C. Chang, H.-C. and S.-P. Lin, Oct. 2012 “ Imprinting instability<br />

of DLK1-DIO3 locus in cultured human pluripotent stem cells” paper presented at 2012<br />

International Symposium on Recent Advances in Stem Cells and Cancer The 8th Annual Meeting<br />

of TSSCR Abstract Format, Taipei, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

K.-M. Kao, H.-F. Liao, Daniel Wolf, Steen Ooi, K.-Y. Tai, Tim Bestor and S.-P. Lin, Aug. 2012<br />

“ Exogenous Dnmt3Lcan facilitate KAP1 mediated retroviral silencing activities in somatic cells”<br />

paper presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

H.-F. Liao, Wendy CC Chen, Y.-H. Chen, K.-M. Kao, Rita YH Huang, Pauline Yen and S.-P. Lin,<br />

Aug. 2012 “ The roles of DNMT3L in germ line homeostasis and the biological functions of stem<br />

cells” paper presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

C.-F.Mo, F.-C. Wu, K.-Y. Tai, W.-C. Chang, H.-C.Kuo, H.-N. Ho, H.-F. Chen and S.-P. Lin, Aug.<br />

2012 “ Imprinting instability of DLK1-DIO3 locus in cultured human embryonic stem cells ” paper<br />

presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />


Luca C-W Cheng, C.-H. Lu, Y.-M. Hwu, S.-H. Li, Robert KK Lee, H.-N.Ho, H.-F. Chen and S.-P. Lin,<br />

Aug. 2012 “ Investigation of piRNA associated factors in human fetal gonad, and azoospermia<br />

patients ” paper presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

Y.-P. Yen, S.-H.Hsiao, C.-C. Cheng, Y.-H. Lee, H.-F. Liao, Y.-H. Chen, I-H. Liu and S.-P. Lin, Aug.<br />

2012 “ The possible involvement of DNA methltransferase 3-like (Dnmt3L) in maintaining the<br />

osteogenesis potential” paper presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan.<br />

( 國 內 )<br />

Montalvo-Munoz Fernando, Y.-H. Chen, Y.-T. Tseng, C.-C. Chang, S.-S. Lin and S.-P. Lin, Aug. 2012<br />

“ A systematic study of the evolutionary conserved battle between transposable elements and germ<br />

cells” paper presented at Mini Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />

K.-W. Chang, E.-H. Wang, A.-T Huang, C.-C. Hsu, Y.-J. Oyang, M.-H. Tsai, C.-M. Chuong, E.-C. Lin<br />

and S.-P. Lin, Aug. 2012 “ Identification of Differentially Regulated Epigenetic Signatures on<br />

Feather-Forming and Scale-forming Embryonic Chicken Skins” paper presented at Mini<br />

Symposium: Frontiers in Biotechnology, Taiwan. ( 國 內 )<br />


基 因 體 研 究 中 心<br />

陳 仲 瑄 (CHEN, CHUNG-HSUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CY Wang; TH Hsiao; LH Chu; YL Lin; JL Huang; CH Chen*; K Peck, Unraveling virus identity by<br />

detection of depleted probes with capillary electrophoresis. Anal Chim Acta, 2012, 734, 88-92.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.555; SCI ranking: 6.8%)<br />

HH Lin; YC Li; CH Chang; C Liu; AL Yu*; CH Chen*, Single nuclei Raman spectroscopy for drug<br />

evaluation. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 113-20. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

HC Lin; JL Lin; HH Lin; SW Tsai; AL Yu; RL Chen; CH Chen*, High Speed Mass Measurement of<br />

Nanoparticle and Virus. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 4965-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

YF Hsu; JL Lin; SH Lai; ML Chu; YS Wang; CH Chen*, Macromolecular ion accelerator. Anal Chem,<br />

2012, 84, 5765-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

Y Wang; Q Ding; CJ Yen; W Xia; JG Izzo; JY Lang; CW Li; JL Hsu; SA Miller; X Wang; DF Lee; JM<br />

Hsu; L Huo; AM Labaff; D Liu; TH Huang; CC Lai; FJ Tsai; WC Chang; CH Chen; TT Wu; NS<br />

Buttar; KK Wang; Y Wu; H Wang; J Ajani; MC Hung, The crosstalk of mTOR/S6K1 and<br />

Hedgehog pathways. Cancer Cell, 2012, 21, 374-87. (SCI) (IF: 26.566; SCI ranking: 1.7%,1.5%)<br />

YL Yu; RH Chou; CH Wu; YN Wang; WJ Chang; YJ Tseng; WC Chang; CC Lai; HJ Lee; LF<br />

Huo; CH Chen; MC Hung, Nuclear EGFR Suppresses Ribonuclease Activity of Polynucleotide<br />

Phosphorylase through DNAPK-mediated Phosphorylation at Serine 776. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287,<br />

31015-26. (SCI) (IF: 4.773; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

LC Cheng; JH Huang; HM Chen; TC Lai; KY Yang; RS Liu; M Hsiao*; CH Chen; LJ Her; DP Tsai,<br />

Seedless, silver-induced synthesis of star-shaped gold/silver bimetallic nanoparticles as high<br />

efficiency photothermal therapy reagent. J Mater Chem, 2012, 22, 2244-53. (SCI) (IF: 5.968; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />

PR Sudhir; CH Chen; M Pavana Kumari; MJ Wang; CC Tsou; TY Sung; JY Chen; CH Chen*, Labelfree<br />

quantitative proteomics and N-glycoproteomics analysis of KRAS-activated human<br />

bronchial epithelial cells. Mol Cell Proteomics, 2012, 11, 901-15. (SCI) (IF: 7.398; SCI ranking:<br />

8.1%)<br />

M Liu; DF Lee; CT Chen; CJ Yen; LY Li; HJ Lee; CJ Chang; WC Chang; JM Hsu; HP Kuo; WY Xia;<br />

YK Wei; PC Chiu; CK Chou; Y Du; D Dhar; M Karin; CH Chen; MC Hung, IKK alpha<br />

Activation of NOTCH Links Tumorigenesis via FOXA2 Suppression. Mol Cell, 2012, 45, 171-84.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 14.178; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

WT Hung; SH Wang; YT Chen; HM Yu; CH Chen; WB Yang*, MALDI-TOF MS analysis of native<br />

and permethylated or benzimidazole-derivatized polysaccharides. Molecules, 2012, 17, 4950-61.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.386; SCI ranking: 46.4%)<br />


ST Tsai; CC Tsou; WY Mao; WC Chang; HY Han; WL Hsu; CL Li; CN Shen*; CH Chen*, Label-free<br />

quantitative proteomics of CD133-positive liver cancer stem cells. Proteome Sci, 2012, 10, 69.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.328; SCI ranking: 48.4%)<br />

張 七 鳳 (CHANG, CHI-FON)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CY Chou; M Chu; CF Chang; TH Huang, A compact high-speed mechanical sample shuttle for fielddependent<br />

high-resolution solution NMR. J Magn Reson, 2012, 214, 302-8. (SCI) (IF: 2.138; SCI<br />

ranking: 41.9%,36.1%,54.8%)<br />

CH Hsu; TL Shen; CF Chang; YY Chang; LY Huang, Solution Structure of the Oncogenic MIEN1<br />

Protein Reveals a Thioredoxin-Like Fold with a Redox-Active Motif. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7,<br />

e52292. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

張 典 顯 (CHANG, TIEN-HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

FF Shea; JR Rowell; Y Li; TH Chang; CE Alvarez, Mammalian alpha arrestins link activated seven<br />

transmembrane receptors to Nedd4 family E3 ubiquitin ligases and interact with beta arrestins.<br />

PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e50557. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

JY Huang; WC Su; KS Jeng; TH Chang*; MM Lai, Attenuation of 40S Ribosomal Subunit Abundance<br />

Differentially Affects Host and HCV Translation and Suppresses HCV Replication. PLoS Pathog,<br />

2012, 8, e1002766. (SCI) (IF: 9.127; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

CY Wang; WL Wen; D Nilsson; P Sunnerhagen; TH Chang; SW Wang, Analysis of stress granule<br />

assembly in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. RNA, 2012, 18, 694-703. (SCI) (IF: 5.095; SCI<br />

ranking: 17.3%)<br />

張 子 文 (CHANG, TSE-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

TW Chang; JB Chen; CY Chu, The pharmacological mechanisms of omalozumab in patients with very<br />

high IgE levels-Clues from studies on atopic dermatitis. Dermatol Sin, 2012, 30, 147-53. (SCI)<br />

YY Shiung; CY Chiang; JB Chen; PC Wu; AF Hung; DC Lu; RL Pan; TW Chang*, An anti-IgE<br />

monoclonal antibody that binds to IgE on CD23 but not on high-affinity IgE.Fc receptors.<br />

Immunobiology, 2012, 217, 676-83. (SCI) (IF: 3.205; SCI ranking: 46.3%)<br />

PC Wu; JB Chen; S Kawamura; C Roos; S Merker; CC Shih; BD Hsu; C Lim; TW Chang*, The IgE<br />

gene in primates exhibits extraordinary evolutionary diversity. Immunogenetics, 2012, 64, 279-87.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.934; SCI ranking: 56.1%,41.4%)<br />


CJ Lin; NY Chen; JB Chen; CS Lu; AF Hung; YY Shiung; PC Wu; RL Pan; TW Chang*,<br />

C(epsilon)mX peptide-carrying HBcAg virus-like particles induced antibodies that down-regulate<br />

mIgE-B lymphocytes. Mol Immunol, 2012, 52, 190-9. (SCI) (IF: 2.897; SCI ranking:<br />

47.2%,53.2%)<br />

張 瑛 芝 (CHANG, YING-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

PY Tseng; YC Chang*, Tethered fibronectin liposomes on supported lipid bilayers as a prepackaged<br />

controlled-release platform for cell-based assays. Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13, 2254-62. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.479; SCI ranking: 14.9%,13.2%,4.1%)<br />

HA Tsai; CN Shen; YC Chang*, Use of surface properties to control the growth and differentiation of<br />

mouse fetal liver stem/progenitor cell colonies. Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13, 3483-93. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.479; SCI ranking: 14.9%,13.2%,4.1%)<br />

陳 建 仁 (CHEN, CHIEN-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

P Boffetta; WD Hazelton; Y Chen; R Sinha; M Inoue; YT Gao; WP Koh; XO Shu; EJ Grant; I Tsuji; Y<br />

Nishino; SL You; KY Yoo; JM Yuan; J Kim; S Tsugane; G Yang; R Wang; YB Xiang; K Ozasa;<br />

M Nagai; M Kakizaki; CJ Chen; SK Park; A Shin; H Ahsan; CX Qu; JE Lee; M Thornquist; B<br />

Rolland; Z Feng; W Zheng; JD Potter, Body mass, tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking and risk of<br />

cancer of the small intestine: a pooled analysis of over 500,000 subjects in the Asia Cohort<br />

Consortium. Ann Oncol, 2012, 23, 1894-8. (SCI) (IF: 6.425; SCI ranking: 10.7%)<br />

LC Hwang; CH Bai; CA Sun; CJ Chen*, Prevalence of metabolically healthy obesity and its impacts<br />

on incidences of hypertension, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in Taiwan. Asia Pac J Clin<br />

Nutr, 2012, 21, 227-33. (SCI) (IF: 1.133; SCI ranking: 76.1%)<br />

CM Chang; KJ Yu; WL Hsu; JM Major; JY Chen; PJ Lou; MY Liu; SR Diehl; AM Goldstein; CJ Chen;<br />

A Hildesheim, Correlates of anti-EBV EBNA1 IgA positivity among unaffected relatives from<br />

nasopharyngeal carcinoma multiplex families. Br J Cancer, 2012, 106, 206-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.042;<br />

SCI ranking: 17.3%)<br />

LC Chuang; CY Hu; HC Chen; PJ Lin; B Lee; CY Lin; MH Pan; SL You; CY Hsieh; CJ Chen*,<br />

Associations of human leukocyte antigen class II genotypes with human papillomavirus 18<br />

infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia risk. Cancer, 2012, 118, 223-31. (SCI) (IF: 4.771;<br />

SCI ranking: 19.0%)<br />

SF Liao; WC Lee; HC Chen; LC Chuang; MH Pan; CJ Chen, Baseline human papillomavirus infection,<br />

high vaginal parity, and their interaction on cervical cancer risks after a follow-up of more than<br />

10 years. Cancer Causes and Control, 2012, 23, 703-8. (SCI) (IF: 2.877; SCI ranking:<br />

42.9%,21%)<br />


HC Wu; Q Wang; HI Yang; WY Tsai; CJ Chen; R Santella, Global DNA methylation levels in white<br />

blood cells as a biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma risk: a nested case-control study.<br />

Carcinogenesis, 2012, 33, 1340-5. (SCI) (IF: 5.702; SCI ranking: 13.1%)<br />

JW Chen; SL Wang; YH Wang; CW Sun; YL Huang; CJ Chen; WF Li, Arsenic methylation, GSTO1<br />

polymorphisms, and metabolic syndrome in an arseniasis endemic area of southwestern Taiwan.<br />

Chemosphere, 2012, 88, 432-8. (SCI) (IF: 3.206; SCI ranking: 16.4%)<br />

HI Yang; HL Hung; MH Lee; J Liu; CL Jen; J Su; LY Wang; SN Lu; SL You; UH Iloeje; CJ Chen,<br />

Incidence and determinants of spontaneous seroclearance of hepatitis B e antigen and DNA in<br />

patients with chronic hepatitis B. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2012, 10, 527-34. (SCI) (IF: 5.627;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.8%)<br />

J Shen; S Wang; YJ Zhang; MA Kappil; HC Wu; MG Kibriya; Q Wang; F Jasmine; H Ahsan; PH Lee;<br />

MW Yu; CJ Chen; RM Santella, Genome-wide aberrant DNA methylation of microRNA host<br />

genes in hepatocellular carcinoma. Epigenetics, 2012, 7, 1230-7. (SCI) (IF: 4.318; SCI ranking:<br />

25.0%)<br />

LC Chuang; HC Chen; CJ Chen*, Human papillomavirus infection and gastrointestinal cancers: a<br />

review. Eur J Clin Med Oncol, 2012, 4, 47-53.<br />

CH Tseng; CJ Chen; JR Landolph, Jr., Diabetes and cancer: epidemiological, clinical, and experimental<br />

perspectives. Exp Diabetes Res, 2012, 2012, 101802. (SCI) (IF: 1.200; SCI ranking:<br />

70.5%,86.9%)<br />

J Shen; S Wang; YJ Zhang; M Kappil; HC Wu; MG Kibriya; Q Wang; F Jasmine; H Ahsan; PH Lee;<br />

MW Yu; CJ Chen; RM Santella, Genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in hepatocellular<br />

carcinoma. Hepatology, 2012, 55, 1799-808. (SCI) (IF: 11.665; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />

HD Hosgood, 3rd; WC Wang; YC Hong; JC Wang; K Chen; IS Chang; CJ Chen; D Lu; Z Yin; C Wu;<br />

W Zheng; B Qian; JY Park; YH Kim; N Chatterjee; Y Chen; GC Chang; CF Hsiao; M Yeager;<br />

YH Tsai; H Wei; YT Kim; W Wu; Z Zhao; WH Chow; X Zhu; YL Lo; SW Sung; KY Chen; J<br />

Yuenger; JH Kim; L Huang; YH Chen; YT Gao; MS Huang; TH Jung; N Caporaso; X Zhao; Z<br />

Huan; D Yu; CH Kim; WC Su; XO Shu; IS Kim; B Bassig; YM Chen; SI Cha; W Tan; H Chen;<br />

TY Yang; JS Sung; CL Wang; X Li; KH Park; CJ Yu; JS Ryu; Y Xiang; A Hutchinson; JS Kim;<br />

Q Cai; MT Landi; KM Lee; JY Hung; M Tucker; CC Lin; Y Ren; RP Perng; CY Chen; L Jin; KC<br />

Chen; YJ Li; YF Chiu; FY Tsai; PC Yang; JF Fraumeni, Jr.; A Seow; D Lin; B Zhou; S Chanock;<br />

CA Hsiung; N Rothman; Q Lan, Genetic variant in TP63 on locus 3q28 is associated with risk of<br />

lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking females in Asia. Hum Genet, 2012, 131, 1197-203.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.069; SCI ranking: 14.3%)<br />

SY Yang; TY Yang; YJ Li; KC Chen; KM Liao; KH Hsu; CR Tsai; CY Chen; CP Hsu; JY Hsia; CY<br />

Chuang; YH Tsai; KY Chen; MS Huang; WC Su; YM Chen; CA Hsiung; CY Shen; GC Chang;<br />

PC Yang; CJ Chen*, EGFR exon 19 in-frame deletion and polymorphisms of DNA repair genes<br />

in never-smoking female lung adenocarcinoma patients. Int J Cancer, 2012, 132, 449-58. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 5.444; SCI ranking: 14.3%)<br />


WC Lien; HP Wang; KL Liu; CJ Chen*, Appendicolith delays resolution of appendicitis following<br />

nonoperative management. J Gastrointest Surg, 2012, 16, 2274-9. (SCI) (IF: 2.826; SCI ranking:<br />

14.9%,37.1%)<br />

MH Lee; HI Yang; SN Lu; CL Jen; SL You; LY Wang; CH Wang; WJ Chen; CJ Chen*, Chronic<br />

hepatitis C virus infection increases mortality from hepatic and extrahepatic diseases: a<br />

community-based long-term prospective study. J Infect Dis, 2012, 206, 469-77. (SCI) (IF: 6.410;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.3%,11.4%,4.8%)<br />

UH Iloeje; HI Yang; CJ Chen, Natural history of chronic hepatitis B: what exactly has REVEAL<br />

Revealed Liver Int, 2012, 32, 1333-41. (SCI) (IF: 3.824; SCI ranking: 22.9%)<br />

Q Lan; CA Hsiung; K Matsuo; YC Hong; A Seow; Z Wang; HD Hosgood, 3rd; K Chen; JC Wang; N<br />

Chatterjee; W Hu; MP Wong; W Zheng; N Caporaso; JY Park; CJ Chen; YH Kim; YT Kim; MT<br />

Landi; H Shen; C Lawrence; L Burdett; M Yeager; J Yuenger; KB Jacobs; IS Chang; T<br />

Mitsudomi; HN Kim; GC Chang; BA Bassig; M Tucker; F Wei; Z Yin; C Wu; SJ An; B Qian;<br />

VH Lee; D Lu; J Liu; HS Jeon; CF Hsiao; JS Sung; JH Kim; YT Gao; YH Tsai; YJ Jung; H Guo;<br />

Z Hu; A Hutchinson; WC Wang; R Klein; CC Chung; IJ Oh; KY Chen; SI Berndt; X He; W Wu;<br />

J Chang; XC Zhang; MS Huang; H Zheng; J Wang; X Zhao; Y Li; JE Choi; WC Su; KH Park;<br />

SW Sung; XO Shu; YM Chen; L Liu; CH Kang; L Hu; CH Chen; W Pao; YC Kim; TY Yang; J<br />

Xu; P Guan; W Tan; J Su; CL Wang; H Li; AD Sihoe; Z Zhao; Y Chen; YY Choi; JY Hung; JS<br />

Kim; HI Yoon; Q Cai; CC Lin; IK Park; P Xu; J Dong; C Kim; Q He; RP Perng; T Kohno; SS<br />

Kweon; CY Chen; R Vermeulen; J Wu; WY Lim; KC Chen; WH Chow; BT Ji; JK Chan; M Chu;<br />

YJ Li; J Yokota; J Li; H Chen; YB Xiang; CJ Yu; H Kunitoh; G Wu; L Jin; YL Lo; K Shiraishi;<br />

YH Chen; HC Lin; T Wu; YL Wu; PC Yang; B Zhou; MH Shin; JF Fraumeni, Jr.; D Lin; SJ<br />

Chanock; N Rothman, Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer<br />

susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia. Nat Genet, 2012, 44, 1330-5. (SCI) (IF:<br />

35.532; SCI ranking: 1.3%)<br />

SF Liao; HI Yang; MH Lee; CJ Chen; WC Lee, Fifteen-year population attributable fractions and<br />

causal pies of risk factors for newly developed hepatocellular carcinomas in 11,801 men in<br />

taiwan. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e34779. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

WL Hsu; WH Pan; YC Chien; KJ Yu; YJ Cheng; JY Chen; MY Liu; MM Hsu; PJ Lou; IH Chen; CS<br />

Yang; A Hildesheim; CJ Chen, Lowered risk of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and intake of plant<br />

vitamin, fresh fish, green tea and coffee: a case-control study in taiwan. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7,<br />

e41779. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

WL Hsu; KP Tse; S Liang; YC Chien; WH Su; KJ Yu; YJ Cheng; NM Tsang; MM Hsu; KP Chang; IH<br />

Chen; TI Chen; CS Yang; AM Golstein; CJ Chen; YS Chang; A Hildesheim, Evaluation of<br />

human leukocyte antigen-A (HLA-A), other non-HLA markers on chromosome 6p21 and risk of<br />

nasopharyngeal carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e42767. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


CY Huang; CA Chen; YL Chen; CJ Chiang; TH Hsu; MC Lin; MS Lai; CJ Chen; SL You; WF Cheng,<br />

Nationwide Surveillance in Uterine Cancer: Survival Analysis and the Importance of Birth<br />

Cohort: 30-Year Population-Based Registry in Taiwan. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e51372. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

YT Liao; CJ Chen; WF Li; LI Hsu; LY Tsai; YL Huang; CW Sun; WJ Chen; SL Wang, Elevated<br />

lactate dehydrogenase activity and increased cardiovascular mortality in the arsenic-endemic<br />

areas of southwestern Taiwan. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2012, 262, 232-7. (SCI) (IF: 4.447; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.3%)<br />

N Demarteau; HC Chen; CH Tang; CJ Chen; G Van Kriekinge, Cost-effectiveness analysis of the<br />

bivalent compared with the quadrivalent human papilloma virus vaccines in Taiwan. Value<br />

Health, 2012, 15, 622-31. (SCI) (IF: 2.191; SCI ranking: 31.9%; SSCI ranking: 27.5%)<br />

WC Lien; CJ Chen*, Male gender is a risk factor for recurrent appendicitis following nonoperative<br />

treatment: reply. World J Surg, 2012, 36, 488-9. (SCI) (IF: 2.362; SCI ranking: 24.1%)<br />

陳 韻 如 (CHEN, YUN-RU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

WT Chen; CJ Hong; YT Lin; WH Chang; HT Huang; JY Liao; YJ Chang; YF Hsieh; CY Cheng; HC<br />

Liu; YR Chen*; IH Cheng*, Amyloid-Beta (Abeta) D7H Mutation Increases Oligomeric Abeta42<br />

and Alters Properties of Abeta-Zinc/Copper Assemblies. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e35807. (SCI) (IF:<br />

4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

YH Liao; Y Chang, J.; Y Yoshiike; YC Chang*; YR Chen*, Negatively charged gold nanoparticles<br />

inhibit Alzheimer's amyloid-beta fibrillization, induce fibril dissociation, and mitigate<br />

neurotoxicity. Small, 2012, 8, 3631-9. (SCI) (IF: 8.349; SCI ranking: 4.6%)<br />

鄭 婷 仁 (CHENG, TING-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HW Shih; YF Chang; WJ Li; FC Meng; CY Huang; C Ma; TJR Cheng; CH Wong*; WC Cheng*,<br />

Effect of the Peptide Moiety of Lipid II on Bacterial Transglycosylase. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2012,<br />

51, 10123-6. (SCI) (IF: 13.455; SCI ranking: 5.0%)<br />

KC Liu; JM Fang*; JT Jan; TJR Cheng; SY Wang; ST Yang; YSE Cheng; CH Wong*, Enhanced Antiinfluenza<br />

Agents Conjugated with Anti-inflammatory Activity. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8493-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

TJR Cheng; S Weinheimer; EB Tarbet; JT Jan; YSE Cheng; JJ Shie; CL Chen; CA Chen; WC Hsieh;<br />

PW Huang; WH Lin; SY Wang; JM Fang*; OY Hu; CH Wong*, Development of Oseltamivir<br />

Phosphonate Congeners as Anti-influenza Agents. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8657-70. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />


CY Huang; HW Shih; LY Lin; YW Tien; TJR Cheng; WC Cheng; CH Wong*; C Ma*, Crystal<br />

structure of Staphylococcus aureus transglycosylase in complex with a lipid II analog and<br />

elucidation of peptidoglycan synthesis mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109, 6496-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

鄭 偉 杰 (CHENG, WEI-CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HW Shih; YF Chang; WJ Li; FC Meng; CY Huang; C Ma; TJR Cheng; CH Wong*; WC Cheng*,<br />

Effect of the Peptide Moiety of Lipid II on Bacterial Transglycosylase. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2012,<br />

51, 10123-6. (SCI) (IF: 13.455; SCI ranking: 5.0%)<br />

YC Hsu; NC Chen; PC Chen; CC Wang; WC Cheng; HN Wu, Identification of a small-molecule<br />

inhibitor of dengue virus using a replicon system. Arch Virol, 2012, 157, 681-8. (SCI) (IF: 2.111;<br />

SCI ranking: 67.7%)<br />

CY Huang; HW Shih; LY Lin; YW Tien; TJR Cheng; WC Cheng; CH Wong*; C Ma*, Crystal<br />

structure of Staphylococcus aureus transglycosylase in complex with a lipid II analog and<br />

elucidation of peptidoglycan synthesis mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109, 6496-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

HW Shih; KT Chen; WC Cheng*, One-pot synthesis of phosphate diesters and phosphonate<br />

monoesters via a combination of microwave-CCl 3 CN–pyridine coupling conditions. Tetrahedron<br />

Lett, 2012, 53, 243-6. (SCI) (IF: 2.683; SCI ranking: 35.8%)<br />

鄭 義 循 (CHENG, YIH-SHYUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

H Cheng; J Wan; MI Lin; Y Liu; X Lu; J Liu; Y Xu; J Chen; Z Tu; YSE Cheng; K Ding, Design,<br />

Synthesis, and in Vitro Biological Evaluation of 1H-1,2,3-Triazole-4-carboxamide Derivatives as<br />

New Anti-influenza A Agents Targeting Virus Nucleoprotein. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 2144-53.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

KC Liu; JM Fang*; JT Jan; TJR Cheng; SY Wang; ST Yang; YSE Cheng; CH Wong*, Enhanced Antiinfluenza<br />

Agents Conjugated with Anti-inflammatory Activity. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8493-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

TJR Cheng; S Weinheimer; EB Tarbet; JT Jan; YSE Cheng; JJ Shie; CL Chen; CA Chen; WC Hsieh;<br />

PW Huang; WH Lin; SY Wang; JM Fang*; OY Hu; CH Wong*, Development of Oseltamivir<br />

Phosphonate Congeners as Anti-influenza Agents. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8657-70. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />


邱 國 平 (CHIU, KUO PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YF Huang; SC Chen; YS Chiang; TH Chen; KP Chiu*, Palindromic sequence impedes sequencing-byligation<br />

mechanism. BMC Syst Biol, 2012, 6(Suppl 2), S10. (SCI) (IF: 3.148; SCI ranking: 11.9%)<br />

莊 樹 諄 (CHUANG, TREES-JUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

MC Wang; FC Chen; YZ Chen; YT Huang; TJ Chuang*, LDGIdb: a database of gene interactions<br />

inferred from long-range strong linkage disequilibrium between pairs of SNPs. BMC Res Notes,<br />

2012, 5, 212.<br />

JC Gelly; HY Lin; AG de Brevern; TJ Chuang*; FC Chen, Selective constraint on human pre-mRNA<br />

splicing by protein structural properties. Genome Biol Evol, 2012, 4, 966-75. (SCI) (IF: 4.618;<br />

SCI ranking: 16.5%,21.6%)<br />

TJ Chuang*; FC Chen; YZ Chen, Position-dependent correlations between DNA methylation and the<br />

evolutionary rates of mammalian coding exons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109, 15841-6.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

蕭 宏 昇 (HSIAO, MICHAEL)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CT Yeh; AT Wu; PM Chang; KY Chen; CN Yang; SC Yang; CC Ho; CC Chen; YL Kuo; PY Lee; YW<br />

Liu; CC Yen; M Hsiao; PJ Lu; JM Lai; TC Chang; CH Wu; JF Chiou; PC Yang; CY Huang,<br />

Trifluoperazine, an antipsychotic agent, inhibits cancer stem cell growth and overcomes drug<br />

resistance of lung cancer. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2012, 186, 1180-8. (SCI) (IF: 11.080; SCI<br />

ranking: 2.3%,5%)<br />

FR Lin; SY Huang; KH Hung; ST Su; CH Chung; A Matsuzawa; M Hsiao; H Ichijo; KI Lin*, ASK1<br />

promotes apoptosis of normal and malignant plasma cells. Blood, 2012, 120, 1039-47. (SCI) (IF:<br />

9.898; SCI ranking: 3.3%)<br />

JM Peng; YH Chen; SW Hung; CF Chiu; MY Ho; YJ Lee; TC Lai; M Hsiao; CM Liang*; SM Liang,<br />

Recombinant viral protein promotes apoptosis and suppresses invasion of ovarian<br />

adenocarcinoma cells by targeting alpha5beta1 integrin to down-regulate Akt and MMP-2. Br J<br />

Pharmacol, 2012, 165, 479-93. (SCI) (IF: 4.409; SCI ranking: 13.0%)<br />

WH Cheng; PJ Lu; M Hsiao; CH Hsiao; WY Ho; PW Cheng; CT Lin; LZ Hong; CJ Tseng, Renin<br />

Activates PI3K-Akt-eNOS Signaling Through the AT1 Receptor and Mas Receptor to Modulate<br />

Central Blood Pressure Control in the Nucleus Tractus Solitarii. Br J Pharmacol, 2012, 166,<br />

2024-35. (SCI) (IF: 4.409; SCI ranking: 13.0%)<br />


PW Cheng; AT Wu; PJ Lu; YC Yang; WY Ho; HC Lin; M Hsiao; CJ Tseng, Central hypotensive<br />

effects of neuropeptide Y are modulated by endothelial nitric oxide synthase after activation by<br />

ribosomal protein S6 kinase. Br J Pharmacol, 2012, 167, 1148-60. (SCI) (IF: 4.409; SCI ranking:<br />

13.0%)<br />

PH Chang; WW Hwang-Verslues; YC Chang; CC Chen; M Hsiao; YM Jeng; KJ Chang; EY Lee; JY<br />

Shew*; WH Lee, Activation of Robo1 signaling of breast cancer cells by Slit2 from stromal<br />

fibroblast restrains tumorigenesis via blocking PI3K/Akt/beta-catenin pathway. Cancer Res, 2012,<br />

72, 4652-61. (SCI) (IF: 7.856; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

YH Jan; HY Tsai; CJ Yang; MS Huang; YF Yang; TC Lai; CH Lee; YM Jeng; CY Huang; JL Su; YJ<br />

Chuang; M Hsiao*, Adenylate Kinase-4 Is a Marker of Poor Clinical Outcomes That Promotes<br />

Metastasis of Lung Cancer by Downregulating the Transcription Factor ATF3. Cancer Res, 2012,<br />

72, 5119-29. (SCI) (IF: 7.856; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

HY Wang; LI Juo; YT Lin; M Hsiao; JT Lin; CH Tsai; YH Tzeng; YC Chuang; NS Chang; CN Yang;<br />

PJ Lu, WW domain-containing oxidoreductase promotes neuronal differentiation via negative<br />

regulation of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta. Cell Death Differ, 2012, 19, 1049-59. (SCI) (IF:<br />

8.849; SCI ranking: 11.8%,6.5%)<br />

MH Chien; MY Bien; CC Ku; YC Chang; HY Pao; YL Yang; M Hsiao; CL Chen; JH Ho, Systemic<br />

human orbital fat-derived stem/stromal cell transplantation ameliorates acute inflammation in<br />

lipopolysaccharide-indcued acute lung injury. Crit Care Med, 2012, 40, 1245-53. (SCI) (IF: 6.330;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.0%)<br />

K Sanjiv; TL Su; S Suman; R Kakadiya; TC Lai; HY Wang; M Hsiao; TC Lee, The novel DNA<br />

alkylating agent BO-1090 suppresses the growth of human oral cavity cancer in xenografted and<br />

orthotopic mouse models. Int J Cancer, 2012, 130, 1440-50. (SCI) (IF: 5.444; SCI ranking:<br />

14.3%)<br />

CY Chuang; KI Lin; M Hsiao; L Stone; HF Chen; YH Huang; SP Lin; HN Ho; HC Kuo*, Meiotic<br />

competent human germ cell-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells induced by<br />

BMP4/WNT3A signaling and OCT4/EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) selection. J Biol<br />

Chem, 2012, 287, 14389-401. (SCI) (IF: 4.773; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

WC Tsai; SD Hsu; CS Hsu; TC Lai; SJ Chen; HD Huang; R Shen; Y Huang; CH Lee; TF Tsai; HC<br />

Chen; MT Hsu; JC Wu; MS Shiao; M Hsiao*; AP Tsou, MicroRNA-122 plays a critical role in<br />

liver homeostasis and hepatocarcinogenesis. J Clin Invest, 2012, 122, 2884-97. (SCI) (IF: 13.069;<br />

SCI ranking: 3.8%)<br />

LC Cheng; JH Huang; HM Chen; TC Lai; KY Yang; RS Liu; M Hsiao*; CH Chen; LJ Her; DP Tsai,<br />

Seedless, silver-induced synthesis of star-shaped gold/silver bimetallic nanoparticles as high<br />

efficiency photothermal therapy reagent. J Mater Chem, 2012, 22, 2244-53. (SCI) (IF: 5.968; SCI<br />

ranking: 6.3%,12.4%)<br />


MC Shih; JY Chen; YC Wu; YH Jan; BM Yang; PJ Lu; HC Cheng; MS Huang; CJ Yang; M Hsiao;<br />

JM Lai, TOPK/PBK promotes cell migration via modulation of the PI3K/PTEN/AKT pathway<br />

and is associated with poor prognosis in lung cancer. Oncogene, 2012, 31, 2389-400. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.373; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

FC Lin; YP Liu; CH Lai; YS Shan; HC Cheng; PI Hsu; CH Lee; YC Lee; HY Wang; CH Wang; JQ<br />

Cheng; M Hsiao*; PJ Lu, RUNX3-mediated transcriptional inhibition of Akt suppresses<br />

tumorigenesis of human gastric cancer cells. Oncogene, 2012, 31, 4302-16. (SCI) (IF: 6.373; SCI<br />

ranking: 11.3%)<br />

CH Wang; N Ma; YT Lin; CC Wu; M Hsiao; FL Lu; CC Yu; SY Chen; J Lu*, A shRNA functional<br />

screen reveals Nme6 and Nme7 are crucial for embryonic stem cell renewal. Stem Cells, 2012, 30,<br />

2199-211. (SCI) (IF: 7.781; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

洪 上 程 (HUNG, SHANG-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SY Luo; A Tripathi; MM Zulueta; SC Hung*, 2-Allylphenyl glycosides as glycosyl donors for sugar<br />

coupling. Carbohyd Res, 2012, 352, 197-201. (SCI) (IF: 2.332; SCI ranking: 62.1%,54.7%,21.7%)<br />

Y Hsu; XA Lu; MM Zulueta; CM Tsai; KI Lin; SC Hung*; CH Wong*, Acyl and Silyl Group Effects<br />

in Reactivity-Based One-Pot Glycosylation: Synthesis of Embryonic Stem Cell Surface<br />

Carbohydrates Lc(4) and IV(2)Fuc-Lc(4). J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 4549-52. (SCI) (IF: 9.907;<br />

SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

MM Zulueta; SY Lin; YT Lin; CJ Huang; CC Wang; CC Ku; Z Shi; CL Chyan; D Irene; LH Lim; TI<br />

Tsai; YP Hu; SD Arco; CH Wong; SC Hung*, alpha-Glycosylation by d-Glucosamine-Derived<br />

Donors: Synthesis of Heparosan and Heparin Analogues That Interact with Mycobacterial<br />

Heparin-Binding Hemagglutinin. J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 8988-95. (SCI) (IF: 9.907; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

YP Hu; YQ Zhong; ZG Chen; CY Chen; Z Shi; MML Zulueta; CC Ku; PY Lee; CC Wang; SC Hung,<br />

Divergent synthesis of 48 heparan sulfate-based disaccharides and probing the specific sugarfibroblast<br />

growth factor-1 interaction. J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 20722-7. (SCI) (IF: 9.907; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

CY Hsu; IC Lee; LS Lico; BJ Uang; SC Hung*, Synthesis of a furanosyl-pyranone derivative related to<br />

the tri-O-heterocyclic core of herbicidins. J Chin Chem Soc, 2012, 59, 421-5. (SCI) (IF: 0.678;<br />

SCI ranking: 72.1%)<br />

SC Hung*; XA Lu; JC Lee; MD Chang; SL Fang; TC Fan; MM Zulueta; YQ Zhong, Synthesis of<br />

heparin oligosaccharides and their interaction with eosinophil-derived neurotoxin. Org Biomol<br />

Chem, 2012, 10, 760-22. (SCI) (IF: 3.696; SCI ranking: 20.8%)<br />


詹 家 琮 (JAN, JIA-TSRONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

KC Liu; JM Fang*; JT Jan; TJR Cheng; SY Wang; ST Yang; YSE Cheng; CH Wong*, Enhanced Antiinfluenza<br />

Agents Conjugated with Anti-inflammatory Activity. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8493-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

TJR Cheng; S Weinheimer; EB Tarbet; JT Jan; YSE Cheng; JJ Shie; CL Chen; CA Chen; WC Hsieh;<br />

PW Huang; WH Lin; SY Wang; JM Fang*; OY Hu; CH Wong*, Development of Oseltamivir<br />

Phosphonate Congeners as Anti-influenza Agents. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8657-70. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

CY Wu; YC Yeh; JT Jan; YC Yang; JR Yang; MT Liu; HS Wu; PW Hsiao, A VLP Vaccine Induces<br />

Broad-Spectrum Cross-Protective Antibody Immunity against H5N1 and H1N1 Subtypes of<br />

Influenza A Virus. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e42363. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

阮 麗 蓉 (JUAN, LI-JUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CH Hsu; KL Peng; ML Kang; YR Chen; YC Yang; CH Tsai; CS Chu; YM Jeng; YT Chen; FM Lin;<br />

HD Huang; YY Lu; YC Teng; ST Lin; RK Lin; FM Tang; SB Lee; HM Hsu; JC Yu; PW<br />

Hsiao; LJ Juan*, TET1 suppresses cancer invasion via activating the tissue inhibitors of<br />

metalloproteinases. Cell Reports, 2012, 2, 568-79.<br />

CH Hsu; KL Peng; HC Jhang; CH Lin; SY Wu; CM Chiang; SC Lee; WC Yu; LJ Juan*, The HPV E6<br />

oncoprotein targets histone methyltransferases for modulating specific gene transcription.<br />

Oncogene, 2012, 31, 2335-49. (SCI) (IF: 6.373; SCI ranking: 11.3%)<br />

SW Tyan; CH Hsu; KL Peng; CC Chen; WH Kuo; EY Lee; JY Shew; KJ Chang; LJ Juan*; WH Lee*,<br />

Breast cancer cells induce stromal fibroblasts to secrete ADAMTS1 for cancer invasion through<br />

an epigenetic change. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e35128. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

李 文 華 (LEE, WEN-HWA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

PC Wei; YH Hsieh; MI Su; XJ Jiang; PH Hsu; WT Lo; JY Weng; YM Jeng; JM Wang; PL Chen; YC<br />

Chang; KF Lee; MD Tsai; JY Shew; WH Lee*, Loss of the Oxidative Stress Sensor NPGPx<br />

Compromises GRP78 Chaperone Activity and Induces Systemic Disease. Mol Cell, 2012, 48,<br />

747-59. (SCI) (IF: 14.178; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

PC Wei; WT Lo; MI Su; JY Shew*; WH Lee*, Non-targeting siRNA induces NPGPx expression to<br />

cooperate with exoribonuclease XRN2 for releasing the stress. Nucleic Acids Res, 2012, 40, 323-<br />

32. (SCI) (IF: 8.026; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />


SW Tyan; CH Hsu; KL Peng; CC Chen; WH Kuo; EY Lee; JY Shew; KJ Chang; LJ Juan*; WH Lee*,<br />

Breast cancer cells induce stromal fibroblasts to secrete ADAMTS1 for cancer invasion through<br />

an epigenetic change. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e35128. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

李 宗 璘 (LI, TSUNG-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SH Chen; DR Hwang; GH Chen; NS Hsu; YT Wu; TL Li*; CH Wong*, Engineering transaldolase in<br />

Pichia stipitis to improve bioethanol production. ACS Chem Biol, 2012, 7, 481-6. (SCI) (IF: 6.446;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.9%)<br />

YH Chiu; YL Chan; LW Tsai; TL Li; CJ Wu, Prevention of human enterovirus 71 infection by kappa<br />

carrageenan. Antiviral Res, 2012, 95, 128-34. (SCI) (IF: 4.301; SCI ranking: 13.4%,19.4%)<br />

HC Wu; YS Li; YC Liu; SY Lyu; CJ Wu; TL Li*, Chain elongation and cyclization in type III PKS<br />

DpgA. ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 862-71. (SCI) (IF: 3.944; SCI ranking: 10.9%,28.2%)<br />

TL Li*; YC Liu; SY Lyu, Combining biocatalysis and chemoselective chemistries for glycopeptide<br />

antibiotics modification. Curr Opin Chem Biol, 2012, 16, 170-8. (SCI) (IF: 9.850; SCI ranking:<br />

4.4%,7.6%)<br />

H Wang; YL Chan; TL Li; CJ Wu, Improving cachectic symptoms and immune strength of tumourbearing<br />

mice in chemotherapy by a combination of Scutellaria baicalensis and Qing-Shu-Yi-Qi-<br />

Tang. Eur J Cancer, 2012, 48, 1074-84. (SCI) (IF: 5.536; SCI ranking: 13.7%)<br />

HJ Chai; YL Chan; TL Li; CH Wu; YC Chen; C Shiau; CJ Wu, Composition characterization of<br />

Myctophids (Benthosema pterotum): antioxidation and safety evaluations for Myctophids protein<br />

hydrolysates. Food Res Int, 2012, 46, 118-26. (SCI) (IF: 3.150; SCI ranking: 8.9%)<br />

YH Chiu; YL Chan; TL Li; CJ Wu, Inhibition of Japanese encephalitis virus infection by the sulfated<br />

polysaccharide extracts from Ulva lactuca. Mar Biotechnol, 2012, 14, 468-78. (SCI) (IF: 3.430;<br />

SCI ranking: 23.0%,5.7%)<br />

TL Lin; FL Yang; AS Yang; HP Peng; TL Li; MD Tsai; SH Wu; JT Wang, Amino acid substitutions of<br />

MagA in Klebsiella pneumoniae affect the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide. PLoS<br />

ONE, 2012, 7, e46783. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

梁 啟 銘 (LIANG, CHI-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SW Hung; CF Chiu; TA Chen; CL Chu; CC Huang; LF Shyur; CM Liang*; SM Liang*, Recombinant<br />

viral protein VP1 suppresses HER-2 expression and migration/metastasis of breast cancer. Breast<br />

Cancer Res Treat, 2012, 136, 89-105. (SCI) (IF: 4.431; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />


JM Peng; YH Chen; SW Hung; CF Chiu; MY Ho; YJ Lee; TC Lai; M Hsiao; CM Liang*; SM Liang,<br />

Recombinant viral protein promotes apoptosis and suppresses invasion of ovarian<br />

adenocarcinoma cells by targeting alpha5beta1 integrin to down-regulate Akt and MMP-2. Br J<br />

Pharmacol, 2012, 165, 479-93. (SCI) (IF: 4.409; SCI ranking: 13.0%)<br />

CF Chiu; JM Peng; SW Hung; CM Liang; SM Liang*, Recombinant viral capsid protein VP1<br />

suppresses migration and invasion of human cervical cancer by modulating phosphorylated<br />

prohibitin in lipid rafts. Cancer Lett, 2012, 320, 205-14. (SCI) (IF: 4.238; SCI ranking: 23.2%)<br />

YC Cheng; TA Chen; CY Chen; CM Liang; SM Liang, 3'poly-G-Tailed ODNs Inhibit F-spondin to<br />

Induce Cell Death and Neurite Retraction in Rat Embryonic Neurons. Mol Neurobiol, 2012, 45,<br />

536-49. (SCI) (IF: 5.735; SCI ranking: 13.1%)<br />

林 俊 利 (LIN, JUNG-LEE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HC Lin; JL Lin; HH Lin; SW Tsai; AL Yu; RL Chen; CH Chen*, High Speed Mass Measurement of<br />

Nanoparticle and Virus. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 4965-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

YF Hsu; JL Lin; SH Lai; ML Chu; YS Wang; CH Chen*, Macromolecular ion accelerator. Anal Chem,<br />

2012, 84, 5765-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

林 國 儀 (LIN, KUO-I)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

FR Lin; SY Huang; KH Hung; ST Su; CH Chung; A Matsuzawa; M Hsiao; H Ichijo; KI Lin*, ASK1<br />

promotes apoptosis of normal and malignant plasma cells. Blood, 2012, 120, 1039-47. (SCI) (IF:<br />

9.898; SCI ranking: 3.3%)<br />

HY Ying; ST Su; PH Hsu; CC Chang; IY Lin; YH Tseng; MD Tsai; HM Shih; KI Lin*, SUMOylation<br />

of Blimp-1 is critical for plasma cell differentiation. EMBO Rep, 2012, 13, 631-7. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.355; SCI ranking: 17%,9.7%)<br />

CY Chuang; KI Lin; M Hsiao; L Stone; HF Chen; YH Huang; SP Lin; HN Ho; HC Kuo*, Meiotic<br />

competent human germ cell-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells induced by<br />

BMP4/WNT3A signaling and OCT4/EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) selection. J Biol<br />

Chem, 2012, 287, 14389-401. (SCI) (IF: 4.773; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

YH Wu; CY Yang; WL Chien; KI Lin; MZ Lai, Removal of syndecan-1 promotes TRAIL-induced<br />

apoptosis in myeloma cells. J Immunol, 2012, 188, 2914-21. (SCI) (IF: 5.788; SCI ranking:<br />

16.3%)<br />

Y Hsu; XA Lu; MM Zulueta; CM Tsai; KI Lin; SC Hung*; CH Wong*, Acyl and Silyl Group Effects<br />

in Reactivity-Based One-Pot Glycosylation: Synthesis of Embryonic Stem Cell Surface<br />

Carbohydrates Lc(4) and IV(2)Fuc-Lc(4). J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 4549-52. (SCI) (IF: 9.907;<br />

SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />


呂 仁 (LU, JOYCE JEAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YC Chou; CL Chen; TH Yeh; SJ Lin; MR Chen; SL Doong; J Lu; CH Tsai, Involvement of recepteur<br />

d'origine nantais receptor tyrosine kinase in Epstein-Barr virus-associated nasopharyngeal<br />

carcinoma and its metastasis. Am J Pathol, 2012, 181, 1773-81. (SCI) (IF: 4.890; SCI ranking:<br />

6.9%)<br />

CC Chan; LY Cheng; J Lu; YH Huang; SH Chiou; PH Tsai; TI Huo; HC Lin; FY Lee, The Role of<br />

Interferon-gamma Inducible Protein-10 in a Mouse Model of Acute Liver Injury Post Induced<br />

Pluripotent Stem Cells Transplantation. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e50577. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.5%)<br />

CH Wang; N Ma; YT Lin; CC Wu; M Hsiao; FL Lu; CC Yu; SY Chen; J Lu*, A shRNA functional<br />

screen reveals Nme6 and Nme7 are crucial for embryonic stem cell renewal. Stem Cells, 2012, 30,<br />

2199-211. (SCI) (IF: 7.781; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

馬 徹 (MA, CHE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HW Shih; YF Chang; WJ Li; FC Meng; CY Huang; C Ma; TJR Cheng; CH Wong*; WC Cheng*,<br />

Effect of the Peptide Moiety of Lipid II on Bacterial Transglycosylase. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2012,<br />

51, 10123-6. (SCI) (IF: 13.455; SCI ranking: 5.0%)<br />

CM Yu; HP Peng; IC Chen; YC Lee; JB Chen; KC Tsai; CT Chen; JY Chang; EW Yang; PC Hsu; JW<br />

Jian; HJ Hsu; HJ Chang; WL Hsu; KF Huang; C Ma; AS Yang*, Rationalization and design of<br />

the complementarity determining region sequences in an antibody-antigen recognition interface.<br />

PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e33340. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

CY Huang; HW Shih; LY Lin; YW Tien; TJR Cheng; WC Cheng; CH Wong*; C Ma*, Crystal<br />

structure of Staphylococcus aureus transglycosylase in complex with a lipid II analog and<br />

elucidation of peptidoglycan synthesis mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109, 6496-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

任 建 台 (REN, CHIEN-TAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CS Wu; CJ Yen; RH Chou; ST Li; WC Huang; CT Ren; CY Wu*; YL Yu, Cancer-associated<br />

carbohydrate antigens as potential biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7,<br />

e39466. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


沈 家 寧 (SHEN, CHIA-NING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HA Tsai; CN Shen; YC Chang*, Use of surface properties to control the growth and differentiation of<br />

mouse fetal liver stem/progenitor cell colonies. Biomacromolecules, 2012, 13, 3483-93. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.479; SCI ranking: 14.9%,13.2%,4.1%)<br />

YC Wu; TY Ling; SH Lu; HC Kuo; HN Ho; SD Yeh; CN Shen*; YH Huang, Chemotherapeutic<br />

sensitivity of testicular germ cell tumors under hypoxic conditions is negatively regulated by<br />

SENP1-controlled sumoylation of OCT4. Cancer Res, 2012, 72, 4963-73. (SCI) (IF: 7.856; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

WY Liao; CN Shen; LH Lin; YL Yang; HY Han; JW Chen; SC Kuo; SH Wu; CC Liaw, Asperjinone, a<br />

Nor-Neolignan, and Terrein, a Suppressor of ABCG2-Expressing Breast Cancer Cells, from<br />

Thermophilic Aspergillus terreus. J Nat Prod, 2012, 75, 630-5. (SCI) (IF: 3.128; SCI ranking:<br />

26.0%,32.6%,13.4%)<br />

CY Chu; CF Chen; RS Rajendran; CN Shen; TH Chen; CC Yen; CK Chuang; DS Lin; CD Hsiao,<br />

Overexpression of akt1 enhances adipogenesis and leads to lipoma formation in zebrafish. PLoS<br />

ONE, 2012, 7, e36474. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

ST Tsai; CC Tsou; WY Mao; WC Chang; HY Han; WL Hsu; CL Li; CN Shen*; CH Chen*, Label-free<br />

quantitative proteomics of CD133-positive liver cancer stem cells. Proteome Sc, 2012, 10, 69.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.328; SCI ranking: 48.4%)<br />

許 金 玉 (SHEW, JIN-YUH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

PH Chang; WW Hwang-Verslues; YC Chang; CC Chen; M Hsiao; YM Jeng; KJ Chang; EY Lee; JY<br />

Shew*; WH Lee, Activation of Robo1 signaling of breast cancer cells by Slit2 from stromal<br />

fibroblast restrains tumorigenesis via blocking PI3K/Akt/beta-catenin pathway. Cancer Res, 2012,<br />

72, 4652-61. (SCI) (IF: 7.856; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

PC Wei; YH Hsieh; MI Su; XJ Jiang; PH Hsu; WT Lo; JY Weng; YM Jeng; JM Wang; PL Chen; YC<br />

Chang; KF Lee; MD Tsai; JY Shew; WH Lee*, Loss of the Oxidative Stress Sensor NPGPx<br />

Compromises GRP78 Chaperone Activity and Induces Systemic Disease. Mol Cell, 2012, 48,<br />

747-59. (SCI) (IF: 14.178; SCI ranking: 1.6%)<br />

PC Wei; WT Lo; MI Su; JY Shew*; WH Lee*, Non-targeting siRNA induces NPGPx expression to<br />

cooperate with exoribonuclease XRN2 for releasing the stress. Nucleic Acids Res, 2012, 40, 323-<br />

32. (SCI) (IF: 8.026; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

SW Tyan; CH Hsu; KL Peng; CC Chen; WH Kuo; EY Lee; JY Shew; KJ Chang; LJ Juan*; WH Lee*,<br />

Breast cancer cells induce stromal fibroblasts to secrete ADAMTS1 for cancer invasion through<br />

an epigenetic change. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e35128. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


王 亦 生 (WANG, YI-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YF Hsu; JL Lin; SH Lai; ML Chu; YS Wang; CH Chen*, Macromolecular ion accelerator. Anal Chem,<br />

2012, 84, 5765-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

YH Lai; CC Wang; CW Chen; BH Liu; SH Lin; YT Lee; YS Wang*, Analysis of initial reactions of<br />

MALDI based on chemical properties of matrixes and excitation condition. J Phys Chem B, 2012,<br />

116, 9635-43. (SCI) (IF: 3.696; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

YY Zeng; HJ Chen; KJ Shiau; SU Hung; YS Wang; CC Wu, Efficient enrichment of phosphopeptides<br />

by magnetic TiO(2) -coated carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles. Proteomics, 2012, 12, 380-<br />

90. (SCI) (IF: 4.505; SCI ranking: 23.4%)<br />

OP Charkin; NM Klimenko; YS Wang, Theoretical study of C 60 (OH) 20 and C 60 (OH) 18 fullerenols and<br />

B 12 (OH) 2- 12 , Si 20 O 30 (OH) 20 , and Ti 20 O 30 (OH) 20 polyhydroxyl clusters and their Li-substituted<br />

derivatives. Russ J Inorg Chem, 2012, 57, 970-80. (SCI) (IF: 0.415; SCI ranking: 94.7%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

OP Charkin; NM Klimenko; YS Wang, DFT Study of Fullerenol and Fullerenol-Like Inorganic<br />

Molecules and Ions Successively Substituted by Alkali Metal Atoms. In Handbook on Fullerene:<br />

Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, ed.; Verner, R. F.; Benvegnu, C., Nova Science<br />

Publishers, Inc.: Hauppauge, NY, 2012; 313-34.<br />

翁 啟 惠 (WONG, CHI-HUEY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SH Chen; DR Hwang; GH Chen; NS Hsu; YT Wu; TL Li*; CH Wong*, Engineering transaldolase in<br />

Pichia stipitis to improve bioethanol production. ACS Chem Biol, 2012, 7, 481-6. (SCI) (IF: 6.446;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.9%)<br />

HW Shih; YF Chang; WJ Li; FC Meng; CY Huang; C Ma; TJR Cheng; CH Wong*; WC Cheng*,<br />

Effect of the Peptide Moiety of Lipid II on Bacterial Transglycosylase. Angew Chem Int Ed, 2012,<br />

51, 10123-6. (SCI) (IF: 13.455; SCI ranking: 5.0%)<br />

MH Hsieh; JT Hung; YW Liw; YJ Lu; CH Wong*; AL Yu*; PH Liang*, Synthesis and evaluation of<br />

acyl-chain- and galactose-6''-modified analogues of alpha-GalCer for NKT cell activation.<br />

ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 1689-97. (SCI) (IF: 3.944; SCI ranking: 10.9%,28.2%)<br />

KC Liu; JM Fang*; JT Jan; TJR Cheng; SY Wang; ST Yang; YSE Cheng; CH Wong*, Enhanced Antiinfluenza<br />

Agents Conjugated with Anti-inflammatory Activity. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8493-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

TJR Cheng; S Weinheimer; EB Tarbet; JT Jan; YSE Cheng; JJ Shie; CL Chen; CA Chen; WC Hsieh;<br />

PW Huang; WH Lin; SY Wang; JM Fang*; OY Hu; CH Wong*, Development of Oseltamivir<br />

Phosphonate Congeners as Anti-influenza Agents. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8657-70. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />


Y Hsu; XA Lu; MM Zulueta; CM Tsai; KI Lin; SC Hung*; CH Wong*, Acyl and Silyl Group Effects<br />

in Reactivity-Based One-Pot Glycosylation: Synthesis of Embryonic Stem Cell Surface<br />

Carbohydrates Lc(4) and IV(2)Fuc-Lc(4). J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 4549-52. (SCI) (IF: 9.907;<br />

SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

MM Zulueta; SY Lin; YT Lin; CJ Huang; CC Wang; CC Ku; Z Shi; CL Chyan; D Irene; LH Lim; TI<br />

Tsai; YP Hu; SD Arco; CH Wong; SC Hung*, alpha-Glycosylation by d-Glucosamine-Derived<br />

Donors: Synthesis of Heparosan and Heparin Analogues That Interact with Mycobacterial<br />

Heparin-Binding Hemagglutinin. J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 8988-95. (SCI) (IF: 9.907; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

CY Huang; HW Shih; LY Lin; YW Tien; TJR Cheng; WC Cheng; CH Wong*; C Ma*, Crystal<br />

structure of Staphylococcus aureus transglycosylase in complex with a lipid II analog and<br />

elucidation of peptidoglycan synthesis mechanism. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2012, 109, 6496-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

吳 宗 益 (WU, CHUNG-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

KC Chu; CY Wu*, Carbohydrate-based synthetic vaccines: does the synthesis of longer chains of<br />

carbohydrates make this a step ever closer Future Med Chem, 2012, 4, 1767-70. (SCI) (IF: 2.522;<br />

SCI ranking: 52.2%)<br />

CS Wu; CJ Yen; RH Chou; ST Li; WC Huang; CT Ren; CY Wu*; YL Yu, Cancer-associated<br />

carbohydrate antigens as potential biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7,<br />

e39466. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

CY Wu; HC Lin; HJ Wu, Sythesis of New Acetal Aza-Cage Compounds via Ozonolysis of Bis-endodiol-<br />

and Diacylnornornese Derivatives. Tetrahedron, 2012, 68, 2100-6. (SCI) (IF: 3.025; SCI<br />

ranking: 30.2%)<br />

吳 盈 達 (WU, YING-TA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SH Chen; DR Hwang; GH Chen; NS Hsu; YT Wu; TL Li*; CH Wong*, Engineering transaldolase in<br />

Pichia stipitis to improve bioethanol production. ACS Chem Biol, 2012, 7, 481-6. (SCI) (IF: 6.446;<br />

SCI ranking: 10.9%)<br />


楊 安 綏 (YANG, AN-SUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CM Yu; HP Peng; IC Chen; YC Lee; JB Chen; KC Tsai; CT Chen; JY Chang; EW Yang; PC Hsu; JW<br />

Jian; HJ Hsu; HJ Chang; WL Hsu; KF Huang; AC Ma; AS Yang*, Rationalization and design of<br />

the complementarity determining region sequences in an antibody-antigen recognition interface.<br />

PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e33340. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

CT Chen; HP Peng; JW Jian; KC Tsai; JY Chang; EW Yang; JB Chen; WL Hsu; AS Yang*, Proteinprotein<br />

interaction site predictions with three-dimensional probability distributions of interacting<br />

atoms on protein surfaces. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e37706. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

KC Tsai; EW Yang; JW Jian; PC Hsu; HP Peng; CT Chen; JB Chen; JY Chang; WL Hsu; AS Yang*,<br />

Prediction of carbohydrate binding sites on protein surfaces with 3-dimensional probability<br />

density distributions of interacting atoms. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, e40846. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.5%)<br />

TL Lin; FL Yang; AS Yang; HP Peng; TL Li; MD Tsai; SH Wu; JT Wang, Amino acid substitutions of<br />

MagA in Klebsiella pneumoniae affect the biosynthesis of the capsular polysaccharide. PLoS<br />

ONE, 2012, 7, e46783. (SCI) (IF: 4.092; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

楊 文 彬 (YANG, WEN-BIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

PF Kao; SH Wang; WT Hung; YH Liao; CM Lin; WB Yang*, Structural Characterization and<br />

Antioxidative Activity of Low-Molecular-Weights Beta-1,3-Glucan from the Residue of<br />

Extracted Ganoderma lucidum Fruiting Bodies. J Biomed Biotechnol, 2012, 2012, 673764. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.436; SCI ranking: 41.1%,46.4%)<br />

WT Hung; SH Wang; YT Chen; HM Yu; CH Chen; WB Yang*, MALDI-TOF MS analysis of native<br />

and permethylated or benzimidazole-derivatized polysaccharides. Molecules, 2012, 17, 4950-61.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.386; SCI ranking: 46.4%)<br />

CY Kuo; SH Wang; CC Lin; SKS Liao; WT Hung; JM Fang*; WB Yang*, Application of 2,3-<br />

Naphthalenediamine in Labeling Natural Carbohydrates for Capillary Electrophoresis. Molecules,<br />

2012, 17, 7387-400. (SCI) (IF: 2.386; SCI ranking: 46.4%)<br />

陳 鈴 津 (YU, ALICE LIN-TSING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HH Lin; YC Li; CH Chang; C Liu; AL Yu*; CH Chen*, Single nuclei Raman spectroscopy for drug<br />

evaluation. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 113-20. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

HC Lin; JL Lin; HH Lin; SW Tsai; AL Yu; RL Chen; CH Chen*, High Speed Mass Measurement of<br />

Nanoparticle and Virus. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 4965-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />


MH Hsieh; JT Hung; YW Liw; YJ Lu; CH Wong*; AL Yu*; PH Liang*, Synthesis and evaluation of<br />

acyl-chain- and galactose-6''-modified analogues of alpha-GalCer for NKT cell activation.<br />

ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 1689-97. (SCI) (IF: 3.944; SCI ranking: 10.9%,28.2%)<br />

HC Cho; CH Liao; AL Yu; J Yu, Surface markers in stem cells and cancer from the perspective of<br />

glycomic analysis. Int J Biol Markers, 2012, 27, e344-52. (SCI) (IF: 1.479; SCI ranking:<br />

65.5%,76.2%)<br />

G Guizzunti; EA Theodorakis; AL Yu; C Zurzolo; A Batova, Cluvenone induces apoptosis via a direct<br />

target in mitochondria: a possible mechanism to circumvent chemo-resistance Invest New Drugs,<br />

2012, 30, 1841-8. (SCI) (IF: 3.357; SCI ranking: 32.6%,22.6%)<br />

HJ Tsai; LA Chi; AL Yu, Monoclonal antibodies targeting the synthetic peptide corresponding to the<br />

polybasic cleavage site on H5N1 influenza hemagglutinin. J Biomed Sci, 2012, 19, 37. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.980; SCI ranking: 56.2%)<br />

余 惠 敏 (YU, HUI-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

WT Hung; SH Wang; YT Chen; HM Yu; CH Chen; WB Yang*, MALDI-TOF MS analysis of native<br />

and permethylated or benzimidazole-derivatized polysaccharides. Molecules, 2012, 17, 4950-61.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 2.386; SCI ranking: 46.4%)<br />

合 聘 研 究 人 員<br />

章 為 皓 (CHANG, WEI-HAU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YM Wu; JW Chang; CH Wang; YC Lin; PL Wu; SH Huang; CC Chang; X Hu; A Gnatt; WH Chang*,<br />

Regulation of mammalian transcription by Gdown1 through a novel steric crosstalk revealed by<br />

cryo-EM. EMBO J, 2012, 31, 3575-87. (SCI) (IF: 9.205; SCI ranking: 7.2%,11.0%)<br />

陳 水 田 (CHEN, SHUI-TEIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

S Satitmanwiwat; K Ratanakhanokchai; N Laohakunjit; LK Chao; ST Chen*; P Pason; C<br />

Tachaapaikoon; KL Kyu, Improved Purity and Immunostimulatory Activity of beta-(1 -> 3)(1 -><br />

6)-Glucan from Pleurotus sajor-caju Using Cell Wall-Degrading Enzymes. J Agric Food Chem,<br />

2012, 60, 5423-30. (SCI) (IF: 2.823; SCI ranking: 5.3%,16.9%,10.9%)<br />

YP Lin; TY Chen; HW Tseng; MH Lee; ST Chen*, Chemical and biological evaluation of nephrocizin<br />

in protecting nerve growth factor-differentiated PC12 cells by 6-hydroxydopamine-induced<br />

neurotoxicity. Phytochemistry, 2012, 84, 102-15. (SCI) (IF: 4.333; SCI ranking: 8.9%)<br />


KJ Hwang; KC Chen; ST Chen*; KL Chang, Sugar Purification from Enzymatic Rice Straw<br />

Hydrolysis Products using Cross-Flow Diafiltration. Sep Sci Technol, 2012, 47, 52-61. (SCI) (IF:<br />

1.088; SCI ranking: 56.5%,48.1%)<br />

KL Chang; JF Hsieh; BM Ou; MH Chang; WY Hseih; JH Lin; PJ Huang; KF Wong; ST Chen*,<br />

Adsorption Studies on the Removal of an Endocrine-Disrupting Compound (Bisphenol A) using<br />

Activated Carbon from Rice Straw Agricultural Waste. Sep Sci Technol, 2012, 47, 1514-21. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 1.088; SCI ranking: 56.5%,48.1%)<br />

陳 玉 如 (CHEN,YU-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

T Lo; CF Tsai; YRV Shih; YT Wang; SC Lu; TY Sung; WL Hsu; YJ Chen*; OK Lee,<br />

Phosphoproteomic Analysis of Human Mesenchymal Stromal Cells during Osteogenic<br />

Differentiation. J Proteome Res, 2012, 11, 586-98. (SCI) (IF: 5.113; SCI ranking: 13.9%)<br />

江 安 世 (CHIANG, ANN-SHYN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

JSY Lai; SJ Lo; BJ Dickson; AS Chiang*, Auditory circuit in the Drosophila brain. Proc Natl Acad Sci<br />

USA, 2012, 109, 2607-12. (SCI) (IF: 9.681; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

CC Chen; JK Wu; HW Lin; TP Pai; TF Fu; CL Wu; T Tully; AS Chiang*, Visualizing Long-Term<br />

Memory Formation in Two Neurons of the Drosophila Brain. Science, 2012, 335, 678-85. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 31.201; SCI ranking: 3.6%)<br />

周 家 復 (CHOU, CHIA-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

KT Liao; CF Chou*, Nanoscale Molecular Traps and Dams for Ultrafast Protein Enrichment in High-<br />

Conductivity Buffers. J Am Chem Soc, 2012, 134, 8742-5. (SCI) (IF: 9.907; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

JW Yeh; A Taoni; YL Chen; CF Chou*, Entropy-Driven Single Molecule Tug-of-War of DNA at<br />

Micro-Nanofluidic Interfaces. Nano Lett, 2012, 12, 1597-602. (SCI) (IF: 13.198; SCI ranking:<br />

5.2%,3.0%,3.0%,6.1%,4.0%,5.8%)<br />

T Leichle; YL Lin; PC Chiang; SM Hu; KT Liao; CF Chou*, Biosensor-compatible encapsulation for<br />

pre-functionalized nanofluidic channels using asymmetric plasma treatment. Sens Actuator B<br />

Chem, 2012, 161, 805-10. (SCI) (IF: 3.898; SCI ranking: 15.1%,22.2%,5.17%)<br />


方 俊 民 (FANG, JIM-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

KC Liu; JM Fang*; JT Jan; TJR Cheng; SY Wang; ST Yang; YSE Cheng; CH Wong*, Enhanced Antiinfluenza<br />

Agents Conjugated with Anti-inflammatory Activity. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8493-501.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

TJR Cheng; S Weinheimer; EB Tarbet; JT Jan; YSE Cheng; JJ Shie; CL Chen; CA Chen; WC Hsieh;<br />

PW Huang; WH Lin; SY Wang; JM Fang*; OY Hu; CH Wong*, Development of Oseltamivir<br />

Phosphonate Congeners as Anti-influenza Agents. J Med Chem, 2012, 55, 8657-70. (SCI) (IF:<br />

5.248; SCI ranking: 4.3%)<br />

CY Kuo; SH Wang; CC Lin; SKS Liao; WT Hung; JM Fang*; WB Yang*, Application of 2,3-<br />

Naphthalenediamine in Labeling Natural Carbohydrates for Capillary Electrophoresis. Molecules,<br />

2012, 17, 7387-400. (SCI) (IF: 2.386; SCI ranking: 46.4%)<br />

PL Chiang; TC Chou; TH Wu; CC Li; CD Liao; JY Lin; MH Tsai; CC Tsai; CJ Sun; CH Wang; JM<br />

Fang*; YT Chen, Nanowire Transistor-Based Ultrasensitive Virus Detection with Reversible<br />

Surface Functionalization. Chem Asian J, 2012, 7, 2073-9. (SCI) (IF: 4.500)<br />

謝 世 良 (HSIEH, SHIE-LIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SK Tai; HC Chang; KL Lan; CT Lee; CY Yang; NJ Chen; TY Chou; DC Tarng; SL Hsieh*, Decoy<br />

Receptor 3 Enhances Tumor Progression via Induction of Tumor-Associated Macrophages. J<br />

Immunol, 2012, 188, 2464-71. (SCI) (IF: 5.788; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

ZM Huang; JK Kang; CY Chen; TH Tseng; CW Chang; YC Chang; SK Tai; SL Hsieh; CM Leu,<br />

Decoy Receptor 3 Suppresses TLR2-Mediated B Cell Activation by Targeting NF-kappa B. J<br />

Immunol, 2012, 188, 5867-76. (SCI) (IF: 5.788; SCI ranking: 16.3%)<br />

ST Chen; RS Liu; MF Wu; YL Lin; SY Chen; DTW Tan; TY Chou; IS Tsai; L Li; SL Hsieh*,<br />

CLEC5A Regulates Japanese Encephalitis Virus-Induced Neuroinflammation and Lethality.<br />

PLoS Pathog, 2012, 8, 18. (SCI) (IF: 9.127; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

黃 太 煌 (HUANG, TAI-HUANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CY Chou; M Chu; CF Chang; TH Huang*, A compact high-speed mechanical sample shuttle for fielddependent<br />

high-resolution solution NMR. J Magn Reson, 2012, 214, 302-8. (SCI) (IF: 2.138; SCI<br />

ranking: 41.9%,36.1%,54.8%)<br />

KW Hung; TH Juan; YL Hsu; TH Huang*, NMR structure note: the ferrous iron transport protein C<br />

(FeoC) from Klebsiella pneumoniae. J Biomol NMR, 2012, 53, 161-5. (SCI) (IF: 3.612; SCI<br />

ranking: 33.8%,11.9%)<br />


郭 紘 志 (KUO, HUNG-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YC Wu; TY Ling; SH Lu; HC Kuo; HN Ho; SD Yeh; CN Shen*; YH Huang, Chemotherapeutic<br />

sensitivity of testicular germ cell tumors under hypoxic conditions is negatively regulated by<br />

SENP1-controlled sumoylation of OCT4. Cancer Res, 2012, 72, 4963-73. (SCI) (IF: 7.856; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

CY Chuang; KI Lin; M Hsiao; L Stone; HF Chen; YH Huang; SP Lin; HN Ho; HC Kuo*, Meiotic<br />

competent human germ cell-like cells derived from human embryonic stem cells induced by<br />

BMP4/WNT3A signaling and OCT4/EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) selection. J Biol<br />

Chem, 2012, 287, 14389-401. (SCI) (IF: 4.773; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

YF Chen; CY Tseng; HW Wang; HC Kuo; VW Yang; OK Lee, Rapid generation of mature<br />

hepatocyte-like cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells by an efficient three-step<br />

protocol. Hepatology, 2012, 55, 1193-203. (SCI) (IF: 11.665; SCI ranking: 2.9%)<br />

HP Huang; CY Chuang; HC Kuo*, Induced pluripotent stem cell technology for disease modeling and<br />

drug screening with emphasis on lysosomal storage diseases. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2012, 3, 34.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.212; SCI ranking: 50.9%,30.4%)<br />

李 遠 哲 (LEE,YUAN-TSEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YH Lai; CC Wang; CW Chen; BH Liu; SH Lin; YT Lee; YS Wang*, Analysis of initial reactions of<br />

MALDI based on chemical properties of matrixes and excitation condition. J Phys Chem B, 2012,<br />

116, 9635-43. (SCI) (IF: 3.696; SCI ranking: 24.8%)<br />

CW Liang; PJ Chang; YJ Lin; YT Lee; CK Ni, High Ion Yields of Carbohydrates from Frozen Solution<br />

by UV-MALDI. Anal Chem, 2012, 84, 3493-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.856; SCI ranking: 4.5%)<br />

李 文 雄 (LI, WEN-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HL Chen; YC Chen; MYJ Lu; JJ Chang; HTC Wang; HM Ke; TY Wang; SK Ruan; KY Hung; HY<br />

Cho; WT Lin; MC Shih; WH Li*, A highly efficient beta-glucosidase from the buffalo rumen<br />

fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2012, 5, 10. (SCI) (IF: 6.088; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.6%)<br />

JJ Chang; CY Ho; FJ Ho; TY Tsai; HM Ke; CHT Wang; HL Chen; MC Shih; CC Huang; WH Li*,<br />

PGASO: A synthetic biology tool for engineering a cellulolytic yeast. Biotechnol Biofuels, 2012,<br />

5, 12. (SCI) (IF: 6.088; SCI ranking: 7.6%)<br />

MS Shiao; AYF Chang; BY Liao; YH Ching; MYJ Lu; SM Chen; WH Li*, Transcriptomes of Mouse<br />

Olfactory Epithelium Reveal Sexual Differences in Odorant Detection. Genome Biol Evol, 2012,<br />

4, 703-12. (SCI) (IF: 4.618; SCI ranking: 24.4%,16.5%)<br />


CW Tseng; HC Huang; ACC Shih; YY Chang; CC Hsu; JY Chang; WH Li*; HF Juan, Revealing the<br />

Anti-Tumor Effect of Artificial miRNA p-27-5p on Human Breast Carcinoma Cell Line T-47D.<br />

Int J Mol Sci, 2012, 13, 6352-69. (SCI) (IF: 2.598; SCI ranking: 29.2%)<br />

YH Woo; WH Li*, DNA replication timing and selection shape the landscape of nucleotide variation in<br />

cancer genomes. Nat Commun, 2012, 3, 8. (SCI) (IF: 7.396; SCI ranking: 7.1%)<br />

YM Chang; WY Liu; ACC Shih; MN Shen; CH Lu; MYJ Lu; HW Yang; TY Wang; SCC Chen; SM<br />

Chen; WH Li*; MSB Ku, Characterizing Regulatory and Functional Differentiation between<br />

Maize Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Cells by Transcriptomic Analysis. Plant Physiol, 2012, 160,<br />

165-77. (SCI) (IF: 6.535; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

梁 碧 惠 (LIANG, PI-HUI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

MH Hsieh; JT Hung; YW Liw; YJ Lu; CH Wong*; AL Yu*; PH Liang*, Synthesis and evaluation of<br />

acyl-chain- and galactose-6''-modified analogues of alpha-GalCer for NKT cell activation.<br />

ChemBioChem, 2012, 13, 1689-97. (SCI) (IF: 3.944; SCI ranking: 10.9%,28.2%)<br />

楊 淑 美 (LIANG, SHU-MEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

SW Hung; CF Chiu; TA Chen; CL Chu; CC Huang; LF Shyur; CM Liang*; SM Liang*, Recombinant<br />

viral protein VP1 suppresses HER-2 expression and migration/metastasis of breast cancer. Breast<br />

Cancer Res Treat, 2012, 136, 89-105. (SCI) (IF: 4.431; SCI ranking: 18.9%)<br />

CF Chiu; JM Peng; SW Hung; CM Liang; SM Liang*, Recombinant viral capsid protein VP1<br />

suppresses migration and invasion of human cervical cancer by modulating phosphorylated<br />

prohibitin in lipid rafts. Cancer Lett, 2012, 320, 205-14. (SCI) (IF: 4.238; SCI ranking: 23.2%)<br />

林 宜 玲 (LIN, YI-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

YC Tu; CY Yu; JJ Liang; EL Lin; CL Liao; YL Lin*, Blocking Double-Stranded RNA-Activated<br />

Protein Kinase PKR by Japanese Encephalitis Virus Nonstructural Protein 2A. J Virol, 2012, 86,<br />

10347-58. (SCI) (IF: 5.402; SCI ranking: 18.8%)<br />

JK Li; JJ Liang; CL Liao; YL Lin*, Autophagy is involved in the early step of Japanese encephalitis<br />

virus infection. Microbes Infect, 2012, 14, 159-68. (SCI) (IF: 3.101; SCI ranking: 44.6%)<br />

CY Yu; TH Chang; JJ Liang; RL Chiang; YL Lee; CL Liao; YL Lin*, Dengue Virus Targets the<br />

Adaptor Protein MITA to Subvert Host Innate Immunity. PLoS Pathog, 2012, 8, 13. (SCI) (IF:<br />

9.127; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />


ST Chen; RS Liu; MF Wu; YL Lin; SY Chen; DTW Tan; TY Chou; IS Tsai; L Li; SL Hsieh*,<br />

CLEC5A Regulates Japanese Encephalitis Virus-Induced Neuroinflammation and Lethality.<br />

PLoS Pathog, 2012, 8, 18. (SCI) (IF: 9.127; SCI ranking: 6.3%)<br />

蔡 明 道 (TSAI, MING DAW)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HY Ying; ST Su; PH Hsu; CC Chang; IY Lin; YH Tseng; MD Tsai; HM Shih; KI Lin, SUMOylation<br />

of Blimp-1 is critical for plasma cell differentiation. EMBO Rep, 2012, 13, 631-7. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.355; SCI ranking: 17%,9.7%)<br />

HH Wu; PY Wu; KF Huang; YY Kao; MD Tsa*, Structural Delineation of MDC1-FHA Domain<br />

Binding with CHK2-pThr68. Biochemistry, 2012, 51, 575-7. (SCI) (IF: 3.422; SCI ranking:<br />

36.6%)<br />

CCF Huang; JH Weng; TYW Wei; PYG Wu; PH Hsu; YH Chen; SC Wang; DY Qin; CC Hung; ST<br />

Chen; AHJ Wang; JYJ Shyy; MD Tsai*, Intermolecular Binding between TIFA-FHA and TIFApT<br />

Mediates Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Stimulation and NF-kappa B Activation. Mol Cell<br />

Biol, 2012, 32, 2664-73. (SCI) (IF: 5.527; SCI ranking: 15.9%,22.65%)<br />

吳 漢 忠 (WU, HAN-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

CW Lin; MY Liao; WW Lin; YP Wang; TY Lu; HC Wu*, Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule<br />

Regulates Tumor Initiation and Tumorigenesis via Activating Reprogramming Factors and<br />

Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Gene Expression in Colon Cancer. J Biol Chem, 2012, 287,<br />

39449-59. (SCI) (IF: 4.773; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

游 正 博 (YU, JOHN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HC Cho; CH Liao; AL Yu; J Yu, Surface markers in stem cells and cancer from the perspective of<br />

glycomic analysis. Int J Biol Markers, 2012, 27, e344-52. (SCI) (IF: 1.479; SCI ranking:<br />

65.5%,76.2%)<br />

YH Chen; J Yu*, Ectopic expression of Fgf3 leads to aberrant lineage segregation in the mouse<br />

parthenote preimplantation embryos. Dev Dynam, 2012, 241, 1651-64. (SCI) (IF: 2.536; SCI<br />

ranking: 19.0%,57.5%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

CH Liao; J Yu*, Human embryonic stem cell differentiation: role of glycosphingolipid structure. In<br />

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, ed.; Hayat, M. A., Springer: Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London,<br />

2012; 179-90.<br />


生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心<br />

陳 國 勤 (CHAN, KWOK-KAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chan BKK, Hayashi R, 2012, “Epibiotic barnacles (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica) collected by the<br />

Kumejima 2009 Expedition, with description of two new species.”, Zootaxa, 3367, 21-48. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 0.93; SCI ranking: 55.6%)<br />

Chan BKK, Kolbasov GA, Cheang CC, 2012, “Cryptic diversity of acrothoracican barnacle<br />

Armatoglyptes taiwanus in the Indo-Pacific waters, with description of a new species from the<br />

Mozambique Channel collected from the French MAINBAZA cruise.”, ZOOSYSTEMA, 34(1), 5-<br />

20. (SCI) (IF: 0.65; SCI ranking: 73.2%)<br />

Chan BKK, Tsang LM, Shih FL, 2012, “Heteralepas canci, a replacement name for Heteralepas cantelli<br />

Chan, Tsang & Shih, 2009 (Crustacea: Cirripedia: Thoracica), preoccupied by Heteralepas cantelli<br />

Buhi-Mortensen & Newman, 2004.”, The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 60(1), 35. (SCI) (IF: 1.47;<br />

SCI ranking: 31%)<br />

Cheang CC, Tsang LM, Ng WC, Williams GA, Chu KH, Chan BKK, 2012, “Phylogeography of the<br />

cold-water barnacle Chthamalus challengeri in the north-western Pacific: effect of past population<br />

expansion and contemporary gene flow.”, JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY, 39(10), 1819-1835.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.54; SCI ranking: 20.4%, 5.6%)<br />

Chen HN, Hoeg JT, Chan BKK*, 2012, “Morphometric and molecular identification of individual<br />

barnacle cyprids from wild plankton: anapproach to detecting fouling and invasive barnacle<br />

species.”, BIOFOULING, dx.doi. org/10.1080/08927014.2012.753061. (SCI) (IF: 4.43; SCI<br />

ranking: 12.9%, 2.3%)<br />

Chen YY, Lin HC, Chan BKK, 2012, “Description of a new species of coral-inhabiting barnacle,<br />

Darwiniella angularis sp. n. (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatidae) from Taiwan.”, ZooKeys, 214, 43-74.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 62.7%)<br />

Høeg JT, Maruzzo D, Okano K, Glenner H, Chan BKK*, 2012, “Metamorphosis in Balanomorphan,<br />

Pedunculated, and Parasitic Barnacles: A Video-Based Analysis.”, INTEGRATIVE AND<br />

COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, 52(3), 337-347. (SCI) (IF: 2.45; SCI ranking: 9.9%)<br />

Reid DG, Mason MJ, Chan BKK, Duer MJ, 2012, “Characterization of the phosphatic mineral of the<br />

barnacle Ibla cumingi at atomic level by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance: comparison with<br />

other phosphatic biominerals.”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9(72), 1510-1516. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.4; SCI ranking: 9.3%)<br />


Shih HT, Ng PKL, Wong KJH, Chan BKK, 2012, “Gelasimus Splendidus Stimpson, 1858 (Crustacea:<br />

Brachyura: Ocypodidae), a valid species of fiddler crab from the northern South China Sea and<br />

Taiwan Strait.”, ZOOTAXA, 3490, 30-47. (SCI) (IF: 0.93; SCI ranking: 55.6%)<br />

Tsang LM, Wu TH, Shih HT, Williams GA, Chu KH, Chan BKK*, 2012, “Genetic and morphological<br />

differentiation of the Indo-West Pacific intertidal barnacle Chthamalus malayensis.”,<br />

INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY, 52(3), 388-409. (SCI) (IF: 2.45; SCI ranking:<br />

9.9%)<br />

Tsang LM, Achituv YA, Chu KH, Chan BKK, 2012, “Zoogeography of intertidal communities in the<br />

West Indian Ocean as determined by ocean circulation systems: patterns from the Tetraclita<br />

barnacles. ”, PLoS One, 7(9), e45120. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Vladmir P, Yam RSW, Chan BKK, Chatterjee T, 2012, “Water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) from<br />

Baishih River drainage in Northern Taiwan, with description of two new species.”, Zookeys, 203,<br />

65-83. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 62.7%)<br />

Wong KJH, Shih HT, Chan BKK*, 2012, “The ghost crab Ocypode mortoni George, 1982 (Crustacea:<br />

Decapoda: Ocypodidae): redescription, distribution at its type locality, and the phylogeny of East<br />

Asian Ocypode species.”, ZOOTAXA, 3550:71-87. (SCI) (IF: 0.93; SCI ranking: 55.6%)<br />

趙 淑 妙 (CHAW, SHU-MIAW)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lai CP, Chen PH, Huang JP, Tzeng YH, Chaw SM, Shaw JF, 2012, “Functional diversification of the<br />

Tubby-like protein gene families (TULPs) during eukaryotic evolution.”, Biocatalysis and<br />

Agricultural Biotechnology, 1, 2-8. (Others)<br />

Lin CP, Wu CS, Huang YY, Chaw SM*, 2012, “Complete chloroplast genome of Ginkgo biloba:<br />

reveals the mechanism of inverted repeat contraction.”, Genome Biology and Evolution, 4, 374-<br />

381. (SCI) (IF: 4.62; SCI ranking: 16.5%, 21.6%)<br />

Hsu CY, Huang PL, Chen CM, Mao CT, Chaw SM* (2012) Tangy scent in Toona sinensis (Meliaceae)<br />

leaflets: isolation, functional characterization, and regulation of TsTPS1and TsTPS2, two key<br />

terpene synthase genes in the biosynthesis of the scent compound. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 13:<br />

2721–2732. (SCI) (IF: 2.805; SCI ranking: 52.1%, 35.6%)<br />

Wu CS, Chaw SM*, Huang YY (2013). Chloroplast phylogenomic indicates that Ginkgo biloba is sister<br />

to cycads. Genome Biol Evol, 5: 243–254. (SCI) (IF: 4.62; SCI ranking: 16.5%, 21.6%)<br />


陳 章 波 (CHEN, CHANG-PO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

*Huang SC, Shih SS, Ho YS, Chen CP, Hsieh HL, 2012, “Restoration of shorebird-roosting mudflats<br />

by partial removal of estuarine mangroves in northern Taiwan. Restoration Ecology.”, Restoration<br />

Ecology, 20(1), 76-8. (SCI) (IF: 1.68; SCI ranking: 59.3%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

范 嵐 楓 、 林 曉 武 、 石 宗 立 、 何 瑋 剛 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 ,2012,〈 亞 熱 帶 河 口 底 泥 硫 酸 鹽 供 應 對<br />

還 原 態 硫 化 物 同 位 素 訊 號 的 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 第 二 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 :<br />

社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-05-12 ~ 2012-05-13。<br />

陳 昭 倫 (CHEN, CHAOLUM ALLEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fotana S, Keshavmurthy S, Hsieh HJ, Denis V, Kuo CY, Hsui CM, Chen CA*, 2012, “Molecular<br />

evidence reveals low diversity of hydroids associated with Acropora.”, PLoS One, 7(11), e50130.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Huang YA, Huang SC, Meng PJ, Hsieh HJ, Chen CA*, 2012, “Changes in sedimentation, sediment<br />

characteristics, and benthic macrofaunal assemblages around marine cage culture under seasonal<br />

monsoon scales in a shallow-water bay in Taiwan.”, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE<br />

BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY, 422-423, 55-63. (SCI) (IF: 1.88; SCI ranking: 53.1%, 37.5%)<br />

Huang YA, Huang SC, Meng PJ, Hsieh HJ, Chen CA *, 2012, “Influence of seasonal monsoon winds<br />

on the water quality around a marine cage-culture zone in a semi-closed embayment in Taiwan.”,<br />

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(4), 851-860. (SCI) (IF: 2.5; SCI ranking: 27.9%, 14.8%)<br />

Keshavmurthy S, Hsu CM, Kuo CY, Dennis V, Leung KLJ, Fronta S, Hsieh HJ, Tsai WS, Su<br />

WC, Chen CA*, 2012, “Larvae development of the fertilized “pseudo-gynodiecious” eggs in<br />

Galaxea fascicularis.”, Zoological Studies, 51(2),143-149. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Keshavmurthy S, Lan CH, Hsui CM, Meng PJ, Wang JT, Chen CA*, 2012, “Symbiont communities<br />

and host genetic structure of the brain coral Platygyra verweyi, at the outlet of a nuclear power<br />

plant and adjacent areas.”, Molecular Ecology, 21(17), 4393-4407. (SCI) (IF: 5.52; SCI ranking:<br />

7.1%)<br />

Kuo CY, Meng PJ, Ho PH, Wang JT, Chen JP, Chiu YW, Lin HJ, Chang YC, Fan TY, Baird AH, Chen<br />

CA*, 2012, “Recurrent disturbances and the degradation of hard coral communities in Taiwan.”,<br />

PLoS One, 7(8), e44364. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Lin MF, Kitahara MV, Tachikawa H, Fukami H, Miller DJ, Chen CA*, 2012, “Novel organization of<br />

the mitochondrial genome in the deep-sea coral, Madrepora oculata (Hexacorallia, Scleractinia,<br />

Oculinidae) and its taxonomic implications.”, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 65(1), 323-<br />

328. (SCI) (IF: 3.61; SCI ranking: 33.9%)<br />


Lin MF, Kitahara MV, Tachikawa H, Keshavmurthy S, Chen CA*, 2012, “A new unusual shallowwater<br />

species, Polycyathus chaishanensis sp. nov. (Scleractinia: Caryophylliidae), from Chaishan,<br />

Kaohsiung, Taiwan.”, Zoological Studies, 51(2), 213-221. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Pichon M*, Chuang YY, Chen CA*, 2012, “Pseudosiderastrea formosa sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Anthozoa:<br />

Scleractinia) a New Coral Species Endemic to Taiwan.”, Zoological Studies, 51(1), 93-98. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Sheppard CRC, Ateweberhan M, Bowen BW, Carr P, Chen CA, 2012, “Reefs and islands of the<br />

Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean: why it is the world's largest no-take marine protected area.”,<br />

Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2, 232-261. (SCI) (IF: 1.93; SCI<br />

ranking: 41%, 21.5%, 36.4%)<br />

Wang JT, Chen YY, Tew KS, Meng PJ, Chen CA, 2012, “Physiological and biochemical performances<br />

of menthol-induced aposymbiotic corals.”, PLoS One, 7(9), e46406. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

Wang JT, Hirose E, Hsu CM, Chen YY, Meng PJ, Chen CA, 2012, “Coral-killing sponge, Terpios<br />

hoshinota, releases larvae harbouring cyanobacterial symbionts: an implication of dispersal.”,<br />

Zoological Studies, 51(3), 314-320. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Wang JT, Chen YY, Meng PJ, Sune YH, Hsu CM, Wei KY, Chen CA, 2012, “Diverse interactions<br />

between corals and the coral-killing sponge, Terpios hoshinota (Suberitidae; Hadromerida).”,<br />

Zoological Studies, 51(2),150-159. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Wang JT, Meng PJ, Chen YY, Chen CA, 2012, “Determination of the thermal tolerance of<br />

Symbiodinium using the activation energy for inhibiting photosystem II activity.”, Zoological<br />

Studies, 51(2), 137-142. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Wei NV, Hsieh HJ, Dai CF, Wallace CC, Baird AH, Chen CA*, 2012, “Reproductive Isolation among<br />

Acropora Species (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in a Marginal Coral Assemblage.”, Zoological<br />

Studies, 51(1), 85-92. (SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Yang SY, Keshavmurthy S, Obura D, Shappard C, Visram S, Chen CA*, 2012, “Diversity and<br />

distribution of symbiodinium associated with seven common coral species in the Chagos<br />

Archipelago, central Indian Ocean.”, PLoS One, 7(5), e35836. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

邱 志 郁 (CHIU, CHIH-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng WY, Wu CY, Liu WC*, Chiu CY, 2012, “Using water quality variables to establish light<br />

attenuation model in subtropical subalpine Yuan-Yang Lake.”, Journal of Taiwan Water<br />

Conservancy, 60, 63-73. (EI)<br />


Chung TL, Chen JS, Chiu CY*, Tian G, 2012, “13C-NMR spectroscopy studies of humic substances in<br />

subtropical perhumid montane forest soil.”, Journal of Forest Research, 17(6), 458-467. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 0.77; SCI ranking: 57.9%)<br />

Jennings E, Jones S, Arvola L, Staehr PA, Gaiser E, Jones ID, Weathers KC, Weyhenmeyer GA, Chiu<br />

CY, de Eyto E, 2012, “Effects of weather-related episodic events in lakes: an analysis based on<br />

high frequency data.”, Freshwater Biology, 57(3), 589-601. (SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Kimura N, Liu WC*, Chen WB, Chiu CY, 2012, “The influences of typhoon-induced mixing in a<br />

shallow lake.”, Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management, 17, 171-183. (SCI)<br />

Kimura N, Liu WC, Chiu CY, Kratz TK, Chen WB, 2012, “Real-time observation and prediction of<br />

physical processes in a typhoon-affected lake.”, Paddy and Water Environment, 10(1), 17-30.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.99; SCI ranking: 47.1%)<br />

Ku HM, Tan CW, Su YS, Chiu CY, Chen CT, Jan FJ, 2012, “The involvement of water deficiency and<br />

copper effects on proline metabolism in Nicotiana benthamiana under excess copper.”, Biologia<br />

Plantarum, 56(2), 337-343. (SCI) (IF: 1.97; SCI ranking: 29.3%)<br />

Lin YT, Whitman WB, Coleman DC, Chiu CY*, 2012, “Comparison of soil bacterial communities<br />

between coastal and inland forests in subtropical area.”, Applied Soil Ecology, 60, 49-55. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 2.37; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Liu WC, Chen WB, Chiu CY, 2012, “Numerical modelling of hydrodynamic and hydrothermal<br />

characteristics in subtropical alpine lake.”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(5), 2094-2109.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.58; SCI ranking: 20.9%, 15.2%, 26.4%)<br />

方 淑 (FANG, SHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng YJ1, Fang1 S, Tsaur SC, Chen YL, Fu HW, Patel NH, Ting CT, 2012, “Reduction of germ cells<br />

in the Odysseus null mutant causes male fertility defect in Drosophila.”, Genes & Genetic<br />

Systems, 87: 273-276 (1: Co-first authors). (SCI) (IF: 0.95; SCI ranking: 88.7%, 86.5%)<br />

Fang S*, Yukilevich1 R*, Chen Y, Turissini DA, Zheng K, Boussy IA, Wu CI, 2012, “Incompatibility<br />

and competitive exclusion of genomic segments between sibling Drosophila species.”, PLoS<br />

Genetics, 8, e1002795 (1*: Co-first and co-corresponding authors). (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking:<br />

7.5%)<br />

Langley CH, Stevens K, Cardeno C, Lee YCG, Schrider DR, Pool JE, Langley SA, Suarez C, Detig-<br />

Corbett R, Kolaczkowski B, Fang S, Nista PM, Holloway AK, Kern AD, Dewey CN, Song YS,<br />

Hahn MW, Begun DJ, 2012, “Genomic variation in natural populations of Drosophila<br />

melanogaster.”, Genetics, 192, 533-598. (SCI) (IF: 4.01; SCI ranking: 23.3%)<br />


謝 蕙 蓮 (HSIEH, HWEY-LIAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang HY, Wu SH, Shao KT, Kao WY, Maa CJW, Jan RQ, Liu LL, Tzeng CS, Hwang JS, Hsieh HL,<br />

Kao SJ, Chen YK, Lin HJ*, 2012, “Longitudinal variation in food sources and their use by aquatic<br />

fauna along a subtropical river in Taiwan.”, FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 59(9), 1839-1853. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Cheng ST, Hwang GW, Chen CP, Hou WS, Hsieh HL*, 2012, “An integrated modeling approach to<br />

evaluate the performance of an oxygen enhancement device in the Hwajiang wetland, Taiwan.”,<br />

ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 42, 244-248. (SCI) (IF: 3.11; SCI ranking: 28.3%, 16.9%,<br />

18.9%)<br />

Fan LF, Tang SL*, Chen CP, Hsieh HL*, 2012, “Diversity and composition of sulfate- and sulfitereducing<br />

prokaryotes as affected by marine-freshwater gradient and sulfate availability.”,<br />

Microbial Ecology, 63, 224-237. (SCI) (IF: 2.91; SCI ranking: 33.6%, 10.2%, 39.3%)<br />

Fan LF, Lin S, He WG, Huang KM, Chen CP, Hsieh HL*, 2012, “Effect of Sulfate Availability on the<br />

Isotopic Signature of Reduced Sulfurous Compounds in the Sediments of a Subtropical Estuary.”,<br />

WETLANDS, 32(5), 907-917. (SCI) (IF: 1.34; SCI ranking: 61.2%)<br />

Huang SC, Shih SS, Ho YS, Chen CP, Hsieh HL*, 2012, “Restoration of shorebird-roosting mudflats<br />

by partial removal of estuarine mangroves in northern Taiwan.”, Restoration Ecology, 20(1), 76-<br />

84. (SCI) (IF: 1.68; SCI ranking: 59.3%)<br />

Liao Y, Chen CP*, Hsieh HL, Cao Y, Chen J, 2012, “Sallow-skin horseshoe crabs (late juvenile<br />

Tachypleus tridentatus) as osmoconformers.”, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the<br />

United Kingdom, 9, 463-468. (SCI) (IF: 1; SCI ranking: 70.5%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hsieh HL*, Shih SS, Chen CP, 2012, “An Integrated Management Strategy towards Healthy Mangrove<br />

Ecosystem.”, paper presented at 4th International EcoSummit - Ecological Sustainability,<br />

Columbus, Ohio, USA: The Ohio State University, 2012-09-30 ~ 2012-10-05.<br />

Hsieh HL, Chen CP, 2012, “On the Mechanism and Valuation of Ecological Services of the Danshuei<br />

River, Taiwan.”, paper presented at The 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference,<br />

Orlando, Florida, USA: INTECOL-Wetlands Working Group, the Society of Wetland Scientists<br />

(SWS) and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Group, 2012-06-03 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Hsieh HL, Fan LF, Yang T Frank, Huang CH, Chiu CM, Chen CP, 2012, “Pattern of Greenhouse<br />

Gases Emission from Rice-field Wetland.”, paper presented at The 9th INTECOL, International<br />

Wetlands Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA: NTECOL-Wetlands Working Group, the Society of<br />

Wetland Scientists (SWS)and the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Group, 2012-06-03 ~<br />

2011-06-08.<br />


Hsu CB, Tao HH, Hwang GW, Chen CP, Hsieh HL*, 2012, “The wintering habitat characteristics of<br />

the common teals in Huajiang Wetland, Taiwan.”, paper presented at 4th International EcoSummit<br />

- Ecological Sustainability, Columbus, Ohio, USA: The Ohio State University, 2012-09-30 ~<br />

2012-10-05.<br />

施 上 粟 、 林 幸 助 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 健 康 紅 樹 林 生 態 系 經 營 管 理 策 略 〉, 發 表 於 第 四<br />

屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社<br />

團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

廖 思 涵 、 謝 蕙 蓮 、 林 幸 助 ,2012,〈 入 侵 種 植 物 對 亞 熱 帶 潮 間 帶 底 棲 小 型 無 脊 椎 動 物 之 影<br />

響 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

張 雅 淩 、 蔡 碧 芝 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 台 灣 泥 蟹 在 華 江 溼 地 的 族 群 結 構 〉, 發 表 於 第 四<br />

屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社<br />

團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

張 新 珮 、 徐 崇 斌 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 台 灣 淡 水 河 生 態 系 功 能 及 服 務 關 鍵 項 目 篩 選 初<br />

探 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

鄭 宇 庭 、 余 信 樂 、 廖 思 涵 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 如 何 促 進 三 棘 鱟 (Tachypleus tridentatus)<br />

一 齡 稚 鱟 的 成 長 速 度 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研<br />

討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

范 嵐 楓 *、 楊 燦 堯 、 黃 俊 翰 、 邱 俊 銘 、 謝 蕙 蓮 、 陳 章 波 ,2012,〈 施 用 廚 餘 堆 肥 可 減 緩 稻 田 溼 地<br />

溫 室 氣 體 的 排 放 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討<br />

會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

黃 俊 翰 、 范 嵐 楓 、 邱 俊 銘 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *、 楊 燦 堯 ,2012,〈 水 稻 田 施 以 有 機 農 法 及 慣 行 農<br />

法 對 二 氧 化 碳 排 放 之 比 較 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯<br />

合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

黃 守 忠 、 黃 國 文 、 施 上 粟 、 陳 岳 輝 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 淡 水 河 新 北 濕 地 之 度 冬 雁 鴨<br />

棲 地 營 造 與 初 期 成 效 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研<br />

討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

鄭 舒 婷 、 黃 國 文 、 陳 章 波 、 侯 文 祥 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 淡 水 河 華 江 濕 地 動 態 溶 氧 模 擬 之 研<br />

究 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


范 義 彬 *、 黃 馨 葱 、 吳 思 儒 、 謝 蕙 蓮 、 陳 章 波 ,2012,〈 溼 地 探 索 教 育 之 實 施 - 以 華 江 雁 鴨 自 然<br />

公 園 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央<br />

研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

吳 思 儒 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *、 陳 章 波 、 黃 馨 葱 ,2012,〈 濕 地 體 驗 教 育 對 中 學 生 保 育 態 度 的 影 響 〉, 發 表<br />

於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中<br />

心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

徐 崇 斌 、 陶 曉 航 、 黃 國 文 、 陳 章 波 、 謝 蕙 蓮 *,2012,〈 華 江 溼 地 小 水 鴨 越 冬 棲 地 之 特 徵 〉, 發<br />

表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動<br />

中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

葉 再 富 *、 方 薏 菁 、 范 嵐 楓 、 謝 蕙 蓮 ,2012,〈 關 渡 自 然 公 園 濕 地 復 育 經 營 與 底 棲 生 態 長 期 監<br />

測 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 人 工 濕 地 暨 第 三 屆 台 灣 濕 地 生 態 系 聯 合 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

學 術 活 動 中 心 : 社 團 法 人 台 灣 濕 地 學 會 ,2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

詹 榮 桂 (JAN, RONG-QUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang HY, Wu SH, Shao KT, Kao WY, Maa CJW, Jan RQ, Liu LL, Tzeng CS, Hwang JS, Hsieh HL,<br />

Kao SJ, Chen YK, Lin HJ*, 2012, “Longitudinal variation in food sources and their use by aquatic<br />

fauna along a subtropical river in Taiwan”, Freshwater Biology, 57(9), 1839-1853. (SCI) (IF:<br />

3.29; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

詹 榮 桂 *、 劉 毓 興 、 陳 靜 怡 、 江 鴻 虎 、 李 建 平 、 蔡 顯 修 ,2012,〈 水 泥 電 桿 應 用 於 人 工 魚 礁 培 育<br />

資 源 之 調 查 研 究 〉,《 台 電 工 程 月 刊 》,769, 84-93。<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

詹 榮 桂 、 劉 毓 興 ,2012,《2012 臺 灣 周 邊 海 域 人 工 魚 礁 區 全 紀 錄 》, 共 421 頁 , 台 北 南 港 : 中<br />

央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 。<br />

詹 榮 桂 、 劉 仁 銘 ,2012,《 人 工 魚 礁 漁 業 效 益 及 可 行 性 評 估 ( 期 中 報 告 )》, 共 158 頁 , 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 。<br />

詹 榮 桂 、 劉 仁 銘 ,2012,《 人 工 魚 礁 漁 業 效 益 及 可 行 性 評 估 ( 期 末 報 告 )》, 共 320 頁 , 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 。<br />

詹 榮 桂 、 劉 仁 銘 ,2012,《 以 海 為 田 闢 建 魚 家 人 工 魚 礁 完 全 手 冊 》, 共 79 頁 , 高 雄 市 : 農 委<br />

會 漁 業 署 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 庭 光 、 何 政 擇 、 戴 昌 鳳 、 詹 榮 桂 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 沿 岸 海 域 內 共 棲 性 雀 鯛 稚 魚 食 性 探 討 〉, 共<br />

1 頁 , 發 表 於 2012 年 魚 類 學 會 第 五 屆 第 三 次 會 員 大 會 暨 論 文 發 表 會 , 台 灣 大 學 生 命 科 學<br />

館 : 中 華 民 國 魚 類 學 會 ,2012-05-05。<br />

何 宜 璇 、 何 政 擇 、 戴 昌 鳳 、 詹 榮 桂 ,2012,〈 藍 綠 光 鰓 雀 鯛 (Chromis viridis) 生 殖 時 期 的 能 量 分<br />

配 : 以 不 同 組 織 間 穩 定 同 位 素 進 行 探 討 〉, 共 1 頁 , 發 表 於 2012 年 魚 類 學 會 第 五 屆 第 三 次<br />

會 員 大 會 暨 論 文 發 表 會 , 台 灣 大 學 生 命 科 學 館 : 中 華 民 國 魚 類 學 會 ,2012-05-05。<br />

何 政 擇 、 詹 榮 桂 ,2012,〈 鸚 哥 魚 、 刺 尾 鯛 及 隆 頭 魚 攝 食 群 內 的 食 物 源 分 配 〉, 共 1 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 2012 年 魚 類 學 會 第 五 屆 第 三 次 會 員 大 會 暨 論 文 發 表 會 , 台 灣 大 學 生 命 科 學 館 : 中 華 民 國<br />

魚 類 學 會 ,2012-05-05。<br />

鄭 明 修 (JENG, MING-SHIOU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hu MYA, Hagen W, Jeng MS, Saborowski R, 2012, “Metabolic energy demand and food utilization of<br />

the hydrothermal vent crab Xenograpsus tcstudinatus (Crustacea: Brachyura).”, Aquatic Biology,<br />

15(1), 11-25. (SCI) (IF: 1.47; SCI ranking: 53.4%)<br />

Tu TH, Dai CF, Jeng MS, 2012, “Precious corals (Octocorallia: Cora llidae) from the northern west<br />

pacific region with description of two New Species.”, Zootaxa, 3395, 1-17. (SCI) (IF: 0.93; SCI<br />

ranking: 55.6%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

冼 宜 樂 、 鄭 明 修 ,2012,《 澎 湖 的 寄 居 蟹 類 》, 共 101 頁 , 澎 湖 縣 : 澎 湖 縣 政 府 農 漁 局 。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

鄭 明 修 ,2012,〈 知 識 天 地 : 四 分 溪 畔 的 穿 山 甲 與 美 國 螯 蝦 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 週 報 》,1396,4-<br />

5。<br />

鄭 明 修 ,2012,〈 埃 及 紅 海 水 晶 宮 探 秘 〉,《 大 自 然 》,117,6-15。<br />

鄭 明 修 ,2012,〈 漁 業 資 源 永 續 的 水 產 銀 行 - 海 洋 保 護 區 〉,《 大 自 然 》,114,6-11。<br />

鄭 明 修 ,2012,〈 潛 水 觀 光 與 討 海 人 生 - 活 化 漁 村 生 計 , 永 續 利 用 漁 業 資 源 〉,《 大 自 然 》,<br />

116,18-25。<br />

鄭 明 修 ,2012,〈 馬 爾 地 夫 海 底 饗 宴 - 沒 有 漁 網 才 有 永 續 的 漁 業 和 觀 光 資 源 〉,《 大 自 然 》,<br />

115,6-13。<br />

鄭 明 修 , 2012, “ 東 沙 環 礁 的 歷 史 與 生 態 環 境 變 遷 ”, 海 巡 双 月 刊 , 57, 45-50.<br />


李 文 雄 (LI, WEN-HSIUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen HL, Chen YC, Lu MY, Chang JJ, Wang HT, Ke HM, Wang TY, Ruan SK, Wang TY, Hung KY,<br />

Cho HY, Lin WT, Shih MC, Li WH, 2012, “A highly efficient beta-glucosidase from the buffalo<br />

rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5.”, Biotechnology for biofuels, 5(1), 24. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

Chang JJ, Ho CY, Ho FJ, Tsai TY, Ke HM, Wang CH, Chen HL, Shih MC, Huang CC, Li WH, 2012,<br />

“PGASO: A synthetic biology tool for engineering a cellulolytic yeast.”, Biotechnology for<br />

biofuels, 5(1), 53. (SCI) (IF: 6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

Li SC, Tsai KW, Pan HW, Jeng YM, Ho MR, Li WH, 2012, “MicroRNA 3' end nucleotide<br />

modification patterns and arm selection preference in liver tissues.”, BMC systems biology, 6<br />

Suppl 2, S14. (SCI) (IF: 3.15; SCI ranking: 11.9%)<br />

Shiao MS, Chang AY, Liao BY, Ching YH, Lu MY, Chen SM, Li WH, 2012, “Transcriptomes of<br />

mouse olfactory epithelium reveal sexual differences in odorant detection.”, Genome biology and<br />

evolution, 4(5), 703-12. (SCI) (IF: 4.62; SCI ranking: 16.5%,21.6%)<br />

Woo YH, Li WH, 2012, “Evolutionary conservation of histone modifications in mammals.”, Molecular<br />

biology and evolution, 29(7), 1757-67. (SCI) (IF: 5.55; SCI ranking: 13.7%)<br />

Lin Z, Li WH, 2012, “Evolution of 5' untranslated region length and gene expression reprogramming in<br />

yeasts.”, Molecular biology and evolution, 29(1), 81-9. (SCI) (IF: 5.55; SCI ranking: 13.7%)<br />

Woo YH, Li WH, 2012, “DNA replication timing and selection shape the landscape of nucleotide<br />

variation in cancer genomes.”, Nature communications, 3, 1004. (SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking:<br />

7.4%)<br />

Tseng YY, Li WH, 2012, “PSC: protein surface classification.”, Nucleic acids research, 40(Web<br />

Server issue), W435-9. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking: 7.7%)<br />

Chang YM, Liu WY, Shih AC, Shen MN, Lu CH, Lu MY, Yang HW, Wang TY, Chen SC, Chen SM,<br />

Li WH, Ku MS, 2012, “Characterizing regulatory and functional differentiation between maize<br />

mesophyll and bundle sheath cells by transcriptomic analysis.”, Plant physiology, 160(1), 165-77.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Ng CS, Wu P, Foley J, Foley A, McDonald ML, Juan WT, Huang CJ, Lai YT, Lo WS, Chen CF, Leal<br />

SM, Zhang H, Widelitz RB, Patel PI, Li WH, Chuong CM, 2012, “The chicken frizzle feather is<br />

due to an alpha-keratin (KRT75) mutation that causes a defective rachis.”, PLoS genetics, 8(7),<br />

e1002748. (SCI) (IF: 8.69; SCI ranking: 7.5%)<br />

Rest JS, Bullaughey K, Morris GP, Li WH, 2012, “Contribution of transcription factor binding site<br />

motif variants to condition-specific gene expression patterns in budding yeast.”, PloS one, 7(2),<br />

e32274. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Tseng YY, Li WH, 2012, “Classification of protein functional surfaces using structural<br />

characteristics.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of<br />

America, 109(4), 1170-5. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />


野 澤 洋 耕 (NOZAWA, YOKO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yoko Nozawa*, 2012, “Annual variation in the timing of coral spawning in a high-latitude<br />

environment: influence of temperature”, BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN, 222, 192-202. (SCI) (IF: 1.7;<br />

SCI ranking: 42%, 42.5%)<br />

Yoko Nozawa*, 2012, “Effective size of refugia for coral spat survival”, JOURNAL OF<br />


ranking: 53.1%, .5%)<br />

彭 鏡 毅 (PENG, CHING-I)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hu WH, Peng CI*, Liaw SI, 2012, “Adventitious bud regeneration from lamina culture of Begonia<br />

parvula H. Lev. & Vaniot.”, Seed and Nursery (Taiwan), 14(3): 21-32.<br />

Kono Y, Chung KF, Chen CH, Hoshi Y, Setoguchi H, Chou CH, Oginuma K, Peng CI*, 2012,<br />

“Intraspecific karyotypic polymorphism is highly concordant with allozyme variation in<br />

Lysimachia mauritiana (Primulaceae: Myrsinoideae) in Taiwan: implications for the colonization<br />

history and dispersal patterns of coastal plants.”, ANNALS OF BOTANY, 110(6), 1119-1135. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.03; SCI ranking: 9.1%)<br />

Kono Y, Chung MC, Peng CI*, 2012, “Identification of genome constitutions in Begonia × chungii and<br />

its putative parents, B. longifolia and B. palmata, by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH).”,<br />

PLANT SCIENCE, 185, 156–160. (SCI) (IF: 2.95; SCI ranking: 17.1%)<br />

Liu Y, Xu WB, Huang YS, Peng CI*, Chung KF, 2012, “Oreocharis dayaoshanioides, a rare new<br />

species of Gesneriaceae from eastern Guangxi, China.”, BOTANICAL STUDIES, 53(3), 393-399.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 53%)<br />

Nakamura K, Huang CJ, Rubite RR, Leong WC, Kono Y, Yang HA, Peng CI*, 2012, “Isolation of<br />

compound microsatellite markers in Begonia fenicis (Begoniaceae) endemic to east and southeast<br />

Asian islands.”, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 99(1), e20-e23. (SCI) (IF: 2.66; SCI<br />

ranking: 23.2%)<br />

Nakamura K, Denda T, Kokubugata G, Forster PI, Wilson G, Peng CI, Yokota M, 2012, “Molecular<br />

phylogeography reveals an antitropical distribution and local diversification of Solenogyne<br />

(Asteraceae) in the Ryukyu Archipelago of Japan and Australia.”, BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF<br />

THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 105, 197-207. (SCI) (IF: 2.19; SCI ranking: 59.5%)<br />

Nakamura K, Chung KF, Huang CJ, Kono Y, Kokubugata G, Peng CI*, 2012, “Extreme habitats<br />

emerged in the Pleistocene triggered divergence of the weedy Youngia (Asteraceae) in Taiwan.”,<br />


ranking: 33.9%)<br />


Peng CI, Ku SM, Kono Y, Liu Y*, 2012, “Begonia chongzuoensis (sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae),<br />

a new calciphile from Guangxi, China.”, BOTANICAL STUDIES, 53(2), 283-290. (SCI) (IF: 1.1;<br />

SCI ranking: 53%)<br />

Peng CI*, Kono Y, Chen CJ, Hsu TC, Chung SW, 2012, “Pouzolzia taiwaniana (Urticaceae), a new<br />

species from Taiwan.”, BOTANICAL STUDIES, 53(3), 391-396. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking:<br />

53%)<br />

Sheue CR, Pao SH, Chien LF, Chesson P, Peng CI, 2012, “Natural Foliar Variegation without Costs<br />

The Case of Begonia.”, ANNALS OF BOTANY, 109, 1065-1074. (SCI) (IF: 4.03; SCI ranking:<br />

9.1%)<br />

Tseng YH, Chao CT, Liou CY, Peng CI, 2012, “Flaveria linearis Lag. (Asteraceae), a newly<br />

naturalized plant in Taiwan.”, QUART. RES. FOREST., 34: 63-70.<br />

Wanntorp L, Louis Ronse de Craene, Peng CI, Anderberg AA, 2012, “Floral ontogeny and morphology<br />

of Stimpsonia and Ardisiandra, two aberrant genera of the primuloid clade of Ericales.”,<br />

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES, 173(9), 1023–1035. (SCI) (IF: 1.64; SCI<br />

ranking: 36%)<br />

Xu WB, Pan B, Liu Y, Peng CI*, Chung KF*, 2012, “Two new species, Primulina multifida and P.<br />

pseudomollifolia (Gesneriaceae), from karst caves in Guangxi, Chin.a”, BOTANICAL STUDIES,<br />

53, 165-175. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 53%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Bai ML, Severinghaus LL, 2012, “Disentangling site and mate fidelity in a monogamous population<br />

under strong nest site competition.”, Animal Behaviour, 84, 251-259. (SCI) (IF: 3.49; SCI ranking:<br />

14%, 3.5%)<br />

邵 廣 昭 (SHAO, KWANG-TSAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

賴 昆 祺 、 鄭 又 華 、 陳 岳 智 、 李 祐 陞 、 邵 廣 昭 , 2012, “ 運 用 聚 類 分 析 與 Google Maps 於 大 量 物 種 出<br />

現 紀 錄 之 研 究 , 生 物 多 樣 性 ”, Biodiversity Science, 20 (1), 76-85. (Others)<br />

Chang HY*, Wu SH*, Shao KT, Kao WY, Maa CJW, Jan RQ, Liu LL, Tzeng CS, Hwang JS, Hsieh<br />

HL, Kao SJ, Chen YK*, Lin HJ, 2012, “Longitudinal variation in food sources and their use by<br />

aquatic fauna along a subtropical river in Taiwan.”, FRESHWATER BIOLOGY, 57(9), 1839-1853.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 3.29; SCI ranking: 8%)<br />

Chang Y*, Lee MA, Lee KT, Shao KT, 2012, “Adaptation of fisheries and mariculture management to<br />

extreme oceanic environmental changes and climate variability in Taiwan.”, MARINE POLICY,<br />

38 (2013), 476–482. (SSCI) (IF: 1.99; SSCI ranking: 15.8%)<br />


Chen IS, Suzuki T, Shao KT*, 2012, “A new deepwater goby of genus, Discordipinna Hoese&<br />

Fourmanoir (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Kume-jima of Ryukyus, Japan.”, ZOOTAXA,<br />

3367,274-280. (SCI) (IF: 0.93; SCI ranking: 55.6%)<br />

Chen IS, Jaafar Z, Shao KT*, 2012, “A new Obliquogobius Koumans, 1941 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from<br />

Kumejima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan.”, ZOOTAXA, 3367(S1), 269-273. (SCI) (IF: 0.93; SCI ranking:<br />

55.6%)<br />

Ho HC, Chan CH, Shao KT*, 2012, “Two new sandperches (perciformes:pingipedidae: parapercis)<br />

from south china sea,based on morphology and DNA barcoding.”, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology,<br />

60(1),163-175. (SCI) (IF: 1.47; SCI ranking: 31%)<br />

Loh, KH*, Shao KT, Chen HM, 2012, “Additions to the Taiwan marine eel fauna with first records of<br />

three rare moray eels(anguilliformes: muraenidae).”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology,<br />

20(2), 210-215. (SCI) (IF: 0.55; SCI ranking: 30.8%, 63.8%)<br />

Loh KH, Shao KT, Chen HM, 2012, “Gymnothorax melanosomatus, a new moray eel (Teleostei:<br />

Anguilliformes: Muraenidae) from southeastern Taiwan.”, ZOOTAXA, 3134, 43-52. (SCI) (IF:<br />

0.93; SCI ranking: 55.6%)<br />

Shao KT, Lin J, Wu CH, Yeh HM, Cheng TY, 2012, “A dataset from bottom trawl survey around<br />

Taiwan. ”, ZooKeys, 198, 103-109. (SCI) (IF: 0.88; SCI ranking: 62.7%)<br />

Wang MC, Shao KT, Huang SL, Chou LS*, 2012, “Food partitioning among three sympatric<br />

odontocetes(Grampus griseus, Lagenodelphis hosei, and Stenella attenuata)”, Marine Mammal<br />

Science, 28(2),143–157. (SCI) (IF: 1.61; SCI ranking: 24.6%, 44.3%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 廖 運 志 , 2012, 《 印 象 深 海 》, 128 pages, 國 立 海 洋 生 物 博 物 館 : 國 立 海 洋 生 物 博 物 館 .<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 廖 運 志 , 2012, 《 台 灣 海 鮮 選 擇 指 南 》, 100 pages, 台 北 市 : 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 .<br />

陳 義 雄 、 曾 晴 賢 、 邵 廣 昭 , 2012, 《 台 灣 淡 水 魚 類 紅 皮 書 》, 242 pages, 台 北 市 : 農 委 會 林 務 局 .<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 黃 淑 芳 、 邱 郁 文 、 陳 天 任 、 何 平 合 、 趙 世 民 , 2012, 《 常 見 魚 介 貝 類 圖 鑑 》, 300 pages,<br />

新 北 市 : 台 灣 省 漁 會 .<br />

伍 漢 霖 、 邵 廣 昭 、 賴 春 福 、 林 沛 立 、 莊 棣 華 , 2012, 《 拉 漢 世 界 魚 類 系 統 名 典 》, 200 pages, 基 隆<br />

市 水 產 出 版 社 : 基 隆 市 水 產 出 版 社 .<br />

廖 運 志 、 張 睿 昇 、 邵 廣 昭 , 2012, 《 潮 汐 的 呼 喚 - 探 索 北 海 岸 潮 間 帶 》, 215 pages, 北 海 岸 觀 音 山 風<br />

景 管 理 處 : 北 海 岸 觀 音 山 風 景 管 理 處 .<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 林 沛 立 、 柯 慧 玲 、 陳 雅 芳 、 張 榮 樺 、 王 玟 琦 、 李 茂 熒 、 陳 靜 怡 、 鄭 惇 遠 、 蔡 素 甄 、 蕭<br />

敦 仁 , 2012, 《 馬 祖 魚 類 圖 鑑 (The Fishes of Matsu) 》, 237 pages, 連 江 縣 政 府 : 連 江 縣 政 府 .<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 謝 長 富 、 何 恭 算 , 2012, 台 灣 生 物 多 樣 性 與 地 質 資 料 庫 - 數 位 典 藏 國 家 型 科 技 計 畫 「 生 物<br />

與 自 然 主 題 小 組 」 成 果 彙 編 》, 228 pages, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 .<br />


技 術 報 告<br />

陳 宜 玄 、 林 昀 德 、 鄭 毓 融 、 林 芳 邦 、 樊 同 雲 、 邵 廣 昭 、 江 鴻 虎 、 李 建 平 、 許 金 和 , 2012, “ 視 訊 技<br />

術 應 用 於 環 境 觀 測 與 紀 錄 - 以 核 三 廠 進 出 水 口 珊 瑚 礁 觀 測 為 例 ”, 台 電 工 程 月 刊 , pp. 83-88.<br />

蔡 素 甄 、 張 榮 樺 、 柯 慧 玲 、 陳 靜 怡 、 蔡 正 一 、 邵 廣 昭 、 龔 猷 海 、 陳 寬 德 、 張 廖 年 鴻 、 陳 義 雄 ,<br />

2012, “ 東 沙 環 礁 潟 湖 魚 卵 及 仔 稚 魚 之 種 類 組 成 ”, 東 沙 國 家 公 園 學 報 , 22 (2), pp. 15-27.<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 許 正 欣 、 李 香 瑩 、 許 曉 華 、 張 弘 毅 、 管 立 豪 , 2012, “「 臺 灣 生 命 大 百 科 」(TaiEOL) 計 畫<br />

之 啟 動 及 與 國 際 接 軌 ”, 林 業 研 究 專 訊 , 19 (1), pp.9-14.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 林 永 昌 、 李 瀚 *、 鄭 又 華 ,2012, 臺 灣 物 種 名 錄 數 據 庫 及 海 洋 物 種 數 據 , 林 茂 、 王 春 光<br />

編 ,《 第 一 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 海 洋 生 物 多 樣 性 研 討 會 文 集 》, 頁 15-31, 北 京 : 海 洋 出 版 社 。<br />

賴 昆 祺 、 邵 廣 昭 *、 林 永 昌 、 陳 麗 西 、 柯 智 仁 、 李 瀚 、 李 香 瑩 、 許 秀 雯 、 許 正 欣 、 麥 舘 碩 、 游 輝<br />

宏 、 蔡 素 甄 , 2012, “ 生 物 多 樣 性 標 本 典 藏 之 資 料 整 合 及 技 術 發 展 回 顧 ”, editor(s): 邵 廣 昭 、 謝<br />

長 富 、 何 恭 算 , 臺 灣 生 物 多 樣 性 與 地 質 資 料 庫 - 數 典 典 藏 與 數 位 學 習 國 家 型 計 劃 「 生 物 與 自<br />

然 主 題 小 組 」 成 果 彙 編 , pp. 135-144, 中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 : 中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣<br />

性 研 究 中 心 .<br />

邵 廣 昭 、 林 欣 樺 、 林 永 昌 、 林 沛 立 , 2012, “ 臺 灣 魚 類 數 位 典 藏 之 現 況 與 未 來 展 望 ”, editor(s): 邵 廣<br />

昭 、 謝 長 富 、 何 恭 算 , 臺 灣 生 物 多 樣 性 與 地 質 資 料 庫 - 數 典 典 藏 與 數 位 學 習 國 家 型 計 劃 「 生<br />

物 與 自 然 主 題 小 組 」 成 果 彙 編 , pp. 1-10, 中 央 研 究 院 生 物 多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 : 中 央 研 究 院 生 物<br />

多 樣 性 研 究 中 心 .<br />

湯 森 林 (TANG, SEN-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Cheng TW, Chang YH, Tang SL, Tseng CH, Chiang PW, Chang KT, Sun CH, Chen YG, Kuo HC,<br />

Wang CH, Chu PH, Song SR, Wang PL, Lin LH, 2012, “Metabolic stratification driven by surface<br />

and subsurface interactions in a terrestrial mud volcano.”, ISME Journal, 6, 2280-2290. (SCI) (IF:<br />

7.38; SCI ranking: 5.3%)<br />

Chiu HH, Mette A, Hsu JH, Tang SL*, accepted, “Bacterial Distribution in the Epidermis and Mucus<br />

of the Coral Euphyllia glabrescens by CARD-FISH.”, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES. (SCI) (IF: 0.98;<br />

SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

I. Saeed*, S-L. Tang*, S.K. Halgamuge, 2012, “Unsupervised discovery of microbial population<br />

structure within metagenomes using nucleotide base composition”, NUCLEIC ACIDS<br />

RESEARCH, 40(5): e34. (SCI) (IF:8.03; SCI ranking 7.7%)<br />


王 達 益 (WANG, DARYI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chiang SF, Swamy KBS, Ysai ZTY, Hsy LTW, Lu HHS, Wang D*, Tsai HK*, 2012, “Analysis of the<br />

association between transcription factor binding site variants and distinct accompanying<br />

regulatory motifs in yeast.”, GENE, 491(2), 237-245. (SCI) (IF: 2.34; SCI ranking: 59.4%)<br />

Chu TJ, Wang D, Haung HL, Lin FJ, Tzeng TD*, 2012, “Population Structure and Historical<br />

Demography of the Whiskered Velvet Shrimp (Metapenaeopsis barbata) off China and Taiwan<br />

Inferred from the Mitochondrial Control Region.”, ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES, 51(1), 99-107.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 0.98; SCI ranking: 52.8%)<br />

Su CH, Wang TY, Hsu MT, Weng FCH, Kao CY, Wang D*, Tsai HK*, 2012, “The impact of<br />

normalization and phylogenetic information on estimating the distance for metagenomes.”, IEEE-<br />

ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 9(2), 619-628. (SCI) (IF: 1.54;<br />

SCI ranking: 22%, 20.6%, 38.5%, 79%)<br />

Tsai KN, Wang D*, 2012, “Identification of Activated Cryptic 5’ Splice Sites using Structure Profiles<br />

and Odds Measure.”, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 40(10), e73. (SCI) (IF: 8.03; SCI ranking:<br />

7.7%)<br />

Tsai ZT, Tsai HK*, Cheng JH, Lin CH, Tsai YF, Wang D*, 2012, “Evolution of cis-regulatory<br />

elements in yeast de novo and duplicated new genes.”, BMC GENOMICS, 2012, 13:717.. (SCI)<br />

(IF: 4.07; SCI ranking: 15.1%, 21.8%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wang D, Tsai KN, 2012, “Identification of activated cryptic 5’ splice sites using structure profiles and<br />

odds measure.”, paper presented at Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for<br />

Molecular Biology, Long Beach, Ca. US.: Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems<br />

for Molecular Biology, 2012-07-13 ~ 2012-07-17.<br />

吳 俊 宗 (WU, JIUNN-TZONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin CS, Lin YH, Wu JT*, 2012, “Biodiversity of the epiphyllous algae in a Chamaecyparis forest of<br />

northern Taiwan.”, BOTANICAL STUDIES, 53, 505-513. (SCI) (IF: 1.1; SCI ranking: 53%)<br />

Wang LC, Behling H, Lee TQ, Chen SH, Wu JT*, Huh CA, Shiau LJ, Li HC, 2012. Increased<br />

precipitation during the Little Ice Age in northern Taiwan inferred from diatoms and geochemistry<br />

in a sediment core from a subalpine lake.”, J Paleolimnol (DOI: 10.1007/s10933-013-9679-9)<br />

(SCI) (IF: 1.9; SCI ranking: 42.6%, 21.1%, 34%)<br />

專 書<br />

Yang TN, Wei KY, Wu JT, 2012. Marine Coccolithophores around Taiwan. Biodiversity Research<br />

Center, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, National Science Council, Taiwan.<br />


巫 文 隆 (WU, WEN-LUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee YC, Wu WL, 2012, “The phylogeny and morphological adaptations of Cyclotus taivanus ssp.<br />

(Gastropoda: Cyclophoridae).”, Malacologia, 55(1), 91-105. (SCI) (IF: 1.43; SCI ranking: 31.7%)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Lee YC, Wu WL, 2012, The Epitonidae in Taiwan (Mollusca, Gastropoda), Taipei, Taiwan: The<br />

Biodiversity Research Center, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica.<br />

楊 棋 明 (YANG, CHI-MING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen MCM, Chao PY, Huang MY, Yang JH, Yang ZW, Lin KH*, Yang CM*, 2012, “Chlorophyllase<br />

activity in green and non-green tissues of variegated plants.”, SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF<br />

BOTANY, 81: 44–49. (SCI) (IF: 1.66; SCI ranking: 35.4%)<br />

Huang MY, Hsu MH, Huang WD, Chen PJ, Chang YT*, Chao PY*, Yang CM*, 2012, “Differential<br />

contribution of antioxidants to antioxidative functions in galls evaluated by grey system theory.”,<br />

The Journal of Grey System, 4, 359-370. (SCI) (IF: 0.28; SCI ranking: 93.4%)<br />

Yang ZW, Hsu MH, Chen JC, Huang WD, Yang CM*, 2012, “Analysis of Pigment Levels and the<br />

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index during the Vegetative Phase of Paddy Rice.”, The<br />

Journal of Grey System, 3: 275- 284. (SCI) (IF: 0.28; SCI ranking: 93.4%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chen CC, Huang MY, Wong SL, Huang WD, Yang CM*, 2012, “The effect of light quality on rice<br />

seedling growth and metabolism.”, paper presented at The 2012 conference on sustainable<br />

business in Asia, Bangkok. Thailand: Thailand, 2012.<br />

Huang MY, Yang MM, Chen CC, Chen PJ, Yang ZW, Yang CM*, Chang YT*, 2012, “Photosynthesis<br />

and sink activity of cecidomyiid galls in Litsea acuminate leaves.”, paper presented at Symposium<br />

on ecosystem service and human well-being, Taichung. Taiwa: 中 國 醫 藥 大 學 , 2012.<br />

陳 昶 璋 、 黃 盟 元 、 楊 志 維 、 黃 文 達 *、 楊 棋 明 *,2012,〈 光 質 對 水 稻 幼 苗 生 長 與 光 合 生 理 之 影<br />

響 〉, 發 表 於 作 物 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 北 : 農 藝 學 會 ,2012-04。<br />

楊 志 維 、 許 明 晃 、 黃 盟 元 、 楊 棋 明 *、 黃 文 達 *,2012,〈 灰 系 統 理 論 在 生 物 學 之 應 用 〉, 發 表<br />

於 作 物 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 北 : 農 藝 學 會 ,2012-04。<br />

黃 盟 元 、 林 冠 宏 、 盧 美 光 、 楊 曼 妙 、 陳 昶 璋 、 陳 姵 如 、 張 永 達 *、 楊 棋 明 *, 2012, “The leafderived<br />

cecidomyiid galls are sinks in Machilus thunbergii leaves”, paper presented at 光 合 作 用<br />

與 植 物 生 理 研 討 會 , 台 灣 台 北 : 奧 登 堡 公 司 , 2012.<br />


楊 志 維 、 黃 文 達 、 楊 棋 明 *,2012,〈 應 用 遙 測 技 術 推 估 水 稻 產 量 與 品 質 之 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 良 質<br />

米 研 究 團 隊 研 發 成 果 研 討 會 , 臺 中 區 農 業 改 良 場 : 臺 中 區 農 業 改 良 場 ,2012-10。<br />

江 彥 潔 、 黃 秀 鳳 、 陳 昶 璋 、 楊 棋 明 、 黃 文 達 、 熊 召 弟 ,2012,〈LED 綠 光 對 大 葉 石 龍 尾<br />

(Limnophila rugosa (Roth) Merr.) 光 生 理 指 標 與 抗 氧 化 能 力 的 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座<br />

暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,2012-12。<br />

楊 志 維 、 陳 昶 璋 、 黃 盟 元 、 許 明 晃 、 黃 文 達 *、 楊 棋 明 *, 2012, “ 長 花 藥 野 生 稻 (O. longistaminata)<br />

牧 草 化 之 研 究 ”, paper presented at 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,<br />

2012-12.<br />

林 柏 齡 、 楊 志 維 、 許 明 晃 、 陳 昶 璋 、 黃 文 達 、 楊 棋 明 *,2012,〈 不 同 溫 度 對 痲 瘋 樹 幼 苗 光 生 理<br />

指 數 與 光 抑 制 之 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,<br />

2012-12。<br />

楊 志 維 、 林 柏 齡 、 黃 盟 元 、 許 明 晃 、 楊 棋 明 *、 黃 文 達 *,2012,〈 低 溫 逆 境 對 地 毯 草 與 巴 西 地<br />

毯 草 光 生 理 指 標 之 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學<br />

會 ,2012-12。<br />

楊 志 維 、 鄭 誠 漢 、 陳 昶 璋 、 黃 盟 元 、 楊 棋 明 *、 黃 文 達 *,2012,〈 小 兵 立 大 功 - 雜 草 的 生 態 功<br />

能 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,2012-12。<br />

黃 秀 鳳 、 張 瀞 文 、 楊 志 維 、 楊 棋 明 、 黃 文 達 *、 郭 宗 甫 *,2012,〈 氮 肥 對 大 葉 石 龍 尾 乙 醇 抽 出<br />

物 抑 制 黃 嘌 呤 氧 化 酶 活 性 之 探 討 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 :<br />

雜 草 學 會 ,2012-12。<br />

楊 志 維 、 林 柏 齡 、 黃 盟 元 、 許 明 晃 、 黃 文 達 *、 楊 棋 明 *,2012,〈 淹 水 對 痲 瘋 樹 幼 苗 光 生 理 指<br />

數 與 光 抑 制 之 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,<br />

2012-12。<br />

陳 傑 君 、 郭 宇 翔 、 楊 志 維 、 許 明 晃 、 楊 棋 明 *、 黃 文 達 *,2012,〈 痲 瘋 樹 不 整 地 栽 培 系 統 雜 草<br />

管 理 之 建 立 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,2012-12。<br />

許 明 晃 、 陳 傑 君 、 楊 志 維 、 黃 盟 元 、 楊 棋 明 *、 黃 文 達 *,2012,〈 痲 瘋 樹 可 用 除 草 劑 之 篩<br />

選 〉, 發 表 於 雜 草 科 學 講 座 暨 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 灣 台 中 : 雜 草 學 會 ,2012-12。<br />

沈 聖 峰 (SHEN, SHENG-FENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chan WP, Yuan HW, Huang CY, Wang CH, Lin SD, Lo YC, Huang BW, Hatch KA, Shiu HJ, You<br />

CF, Chang YM*, Shen SF*, 2012, “Regional scale high resolution δ18O prediction in<br />

precipitation using MODIS EVI.”, PLoS One, 7(9), e45496. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />


Shen SF*, Vehrencamp SL, Johnstone RA, Chen HC, Chan SF, Liao WY, Lin KY, Yuan HW*, 2012,<br />

“Unfavorable environment limits social in Yuhina brunneiceps.”, Nature Communications, 3, 885.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 7.4; SCI ranking: 7.4%)<br />

王 子 元 (WANG, TZI-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YM, Liu WY, Shih AC*, Shen MN, Lu CH, Lu MY, Yang HW, Wang TY, Chen SC, Chen SM,<br />

Li WH*, Ku MS*, 2012, “Characterizing regulatory and functional differentiation between maize<br />

mesophyll and bundle sheath cells by transcriptomic analysis.”, Plant physiology, 160(1), 165-<br />

177. (SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Chen HL, Chen YC, Lu MY, Chang JJ, Wang HT, Ke HM, Wang TY, Ruan SK, Wang TY, Hung KY,<br />

Cho HY, Lin WT, Shih MC*, Li WH*, 2012, “A highly efficient beta-glucosidase from a buffalo<br />

rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5.”, Biotechnology for Biofuels, 5(1), 24. (SCI) (IF:<br />

6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

江 殷 儒 (CHIANG, YIN-RU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

†Tsai YL, †Chiang YR, Wu CF, Narberhaus F, Lai EM*, 2012, “One out of four: HspL but no other<br />

small heat shock protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens acts as efficient virulence-promoting<br />

VirB8 chaperone.”, PLoS One, 7(11), e49685. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

呂 美 曄 (LU, MEI-YEH JADE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang YM, Liu WY, Shih AC, Shen MN, Lu CH, Lu MY, Yang HW, Wang TY, Chen SC, Chen SM,<br />

Li WH, Ku MS, 2012, “Characterizing Regulatory and Functional Differentiation between Maize<br />

Mesophyll and Bundle Sheath Cells by Transcriptomic Analysis.”, Plant physiology, 160(1), 165-<br />

177. (SCI) (IF: 6.54; SCI ranking: 3.7%)<br />

Chen HL, Chen YC, Lu MY, Chang JJ, Wang HT, Wang TY, Ruan SK, Wang TY, Hung KY, Cho<br />

HY, Ke HM, Lin WT, Shih MC, Li WH, 2012, “A highly efficient beta-glucosidase from a<br />

buffalo rumen fungus Neocallimastix patriciarum W5.”, Biotechnology for biofuels, 5(1), 24.<br />

(SCI) (IF: 6.09; SCI ranking: 5.8%)<br />

Shiao MS, Chang AY, Liao BY, Ching YH, Lu MY, Chen SM, Li WH, 2012, “Transcriptomes of<br />

mouse olfactory epithelium reveal sexual differences in odorant detection.”, Genome biology and<br />

evolution, 4(5), 703-712. (SCI) (IF: 4.62; SCI ranking: 16.5%, 21.6%)<br />


町 田 龍 二 (MACHIDA, RYUJI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Machida RJ*, Kweskin M, Knowlton N, 2012, “PCR primers for metazoan mitochondrial 12S<br />

ribosomal DNA sequences.”, PLoS One, 7(4), e35887. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Machida RJ*, Knowlton N, 2012, “PCR primers for metazoan nuclear 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA<br />

sequences.”, PLoS One, 7(9), e46180. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 12.5%)<br />

Miyamoto H, Machida RJ, Nishida S, 2012, “Global phylogeography of the deep-sea pelagic<br />

chetognath Eukrohnia hamate.”, Progress in Oceanography, 104, 99-109. (SCI) (IF: 3.14; SCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />


人 文 社 會 科 學 組<br />


黃 進 興 (HUANG, CHIN-SHING)<br />

歷 史 語 言 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 進 興 ,2012,〈 研 究 儒 教 的 反 思 〉, 日 本 關 西 大 學 文 化 交 涉 學 研 究 中 心 《 東 アジア 文 化 交 涉<br />

學 の 新 しい 展 望 》 別 冊 8:27-40。<br />

邢 義 田 (HSING, I-TIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

邢 義 田 ,2012,〈 漢 至 三 國 公 文 書 中 的 簽 署 〉,《 文 史 》3:163-198。<br />

邢 義 田 , 楢 山 滿 照 譯 ,2012,〈 漢 代 畫 像 解 讀 法 試 論 ——「 撈 鼎 圖 」を 例 として〉,《 美 術 研<br />

究 》( 日 本 )407:1-33。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邢 義 田 ,2012,〈 秦 漢 基 層 員 吏 的 精 神 素 養 與 教 育 ── 從 居 延 牘 506.7(《 吏 》 篇 ) 說 起 〉, 李<br />

宗 焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 頁 399-434, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

邢 義 田 ,2012,〈 漢 代 邊 塞 的 助 吏 、 省 卒 、 士 吏 、 候 長 和 精 兵 產 地 〉, 徐 苹 芳 先 生 紀 念 文 集 編<br />

輯 委 員 會 編 ,《 徐 苹 芳 先 生 紀 念 文 集 》, 頁 531-546, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

邢 義 田 ,2012,〈 肩 水 金 關 漢 簡 ( 壹 ) 初 讀 札 記 之 一 〉, 武 漢 大 學 簡 帛 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 簡 帛 》<br />

第 7 輯 , 頁 179-192, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

邢 義 田 ,2012,〈 秦 漢 平 民 的 讀 寫 能 力 : 史 料 解 讀 篇 之 一 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際<br />

漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

石 守 謙 (SHIH, SHOU-CHIEN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

石 守 謙 ,2012,《 移 動 的 桃 花 源 —— 東 亞 世 界 中 的 山 水 畫 》, 共 362 頁 , 台 北 : 允 晨 文 化 出 版<br />

公 司 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

石 守 謙 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 的 藝 術 史 研 究 〉,《 漢 學 研 究 通 訊 》31.1:7-15。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

石 守 謙 ,2012,〈 勝 景 的 化 身 —— 瀟 湘 八 景 山 水 畫 與 東 亞 的 風 景 觀 看 〉, 石 守 謙 著 ,《 移 動 的<br />

桃 花 源 —— 東 亞 世 界 中 的 山 水 畫 》, 頁 91-188, 台 北 : 允 晨 文 化 出 版 公 司 。<br />


石 守 謙 ,2012,〈 名 山 奇 勝 之 旅 與 二 十 世 紀 前 期 中 國 山 水 畫 的 現 代 轉 化 〉, 蘇 碩 斌 編 ,《 旅 行<br />

的 視 線 : 近 代 中 國 與 臺 灣 的 觀 光 文 化 》, 頁 13-67, 台 北 : 國 立 陽 明 大 學 人 文 與 社 會 科 學<br />

院 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

石 守 謙 ,2012,〈 十 七 、 十 八 世 紀 東 亞 的 奇 觀 山 水 畫 —— 從 中 國 到 朝 鮮 的 傳 佈 過 程 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 東 亞 文 化 意 象 之 形 塑 —— 觀 看 、 媒 介 、 行 動 者 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷<br />

史 語 言 研 究 所 、 臺 灣 大 學 ,2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08。<br />

洪 金 富 (HUNG, CHIN-FU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

洪 金 富 ,2012,〈《 元 典 章 》 點 校 釋 例 續 〉,《 元 史 及 民 族 與 邊 疆 研 究 集 刊 》24:46-54。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

洪 金 富 主 編 ,2012,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 藏 遼 金 石 刻 拓 片 目 錄 》, 共 333 頁 , 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 目 錄 索 引 叢 刊 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

洪 金 富 ,2012,〈 元 典 章 寡 婦 再 嫁 史 料 一 則 試 釋 〉, 發 表 於 「 宋 遼 金 元 時 期 的 中 國 宗 教 國 際 學<br />

術 研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 ,2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

洪 金 富 ,2012,〈 元 典 章 贅 婿 史 料 的 解 讀 問 題 〉, 發 表 於 「 宋 遼 金 元 時 期 的 中 國 宗 教 國 際 學 術<br />

研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 ,2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

洪 金 富 ,2012,〈 中 研 院 史 語 所 遼 金 元 石 刻 拓 本 評 介 〉, 發 表 於 「 元 代 國 家 與 社 會 國 際 學 術 研<br />

討 會 」, 天 津 : 中 國 元 史 研 究 會 、 南 開 大 學 歷 史 學 院 ,2012-08-24 ~ 2012-08-27。<br />

劉 淑 芬 (LIU, SHU-FEN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 淑 芬 ,2012,〈 高 僧 形 像 的 傳 播 與 回 流 —— 從 “ 玄 奘 負 笈 圖 ” 談 起 〉, 徐 苹 芳 先 生 紀 念 文 集<br />

編 輯 委 員 會 編 ,《 徐 苹 芳 先 生 紀 念 文 集 》, 頁 333-359, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

Shu-Fen Liu, 2012, “Jiankang shilu 建 康 實 錄 ,” editor(s): Albert E. Dien, The Early Medieval Chinese<br />

Texts: A Bibliographic Guide, Berkeley: Center for Chinese Studies, University of California.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 淑 芬 ,2012,〈 中 國 的 聖 僧 信 仰 和 儀 式 ( 四 — 十 三 世 紀 )〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國<br />

際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


劉 錚 雲 (LIU, CHENG-YUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 錚 雲 ,2011,〈 簡 介 《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 藏 內 閣 大 庫 檔 案 臺 灣 史 料 彙 編 》〉,《 古<br />

今 論 衡 》23:179-190。〔 實 際 出 版 年 為 2012 年 〕<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

劉 錚 雲 主 編 ,2012,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 藏 內 閣 大 庫 檔 案 臺 灣 史 料 彙 編 》, 含 目 錄 、<br />

索 引 各 1 冊 ; 資 料 庫 光 碟 1 張 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 。<br />

劉 錚 雲 主 編 ,2012,《 明 清 檔 案 文 書 》, 台 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 錚 雲 ,2012,〈 皇 權 為 中 心 的 權 力 競 逐 —— 以 雍 正 十 二 年 官 缺 更 定 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研<br />

究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

林 富 士 、 劉 錚 雲 ,2012,〈 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 數 位 資 料 庫 簡 介 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 アジア<br />

文 化 資 料 のアーカイヴズ 構 築 と 活 用 の 研 究 拠 点 形 成 」, 大 阪 : 日 本 關 西 大 學 アジア 文 化<br />

研 究 センター,2012-11-22 ~ 2012-11-23。<br />

柳 立 言 (LAU, NAP-YIN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

柳 立 言 ,2012,《 宋 代 的 宗 教 、 身 分 與 司 法 》, 共 324 頁 , 北 京 : 中 華 書 局 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

柳 立 言 ,2012,〈 妾 侍 對 上 通 仕 〉,《 中 國 史 研 究 》2012.2:115-135。<br />

柳 立 言 ,2012,〈 南 宋 在 室 女 分 產 權 探 疑 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.3:445-<br />

505。(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

柳 立 言 ,2012,〈 南 宋 的 民 事 裁 判 : 同 案 同 判 還 是 異 判 〉, 中 國 科 學 院 《 中 國 社 會 科 學 》<br />

2012.8:153-178。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

柳 立 言 , 山 口 智 哉 譯 ,2012,〈 宋 代 明 州 ( 寧 波 )における「 家 族 」 研 究 — 方 向 と 方 法 〉, 須<br />

江 隆 等 編 ,《 碑 と 地 方 志 の 世 界 - 記 録 のアーカイブズを 探 る-》, 頁 199-262, 東 京 :<br />

汲 古 書 院 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

柳 立 言 ,2012,〈 法 律 史 上 的 「 唐 宋 變 革 」: 家 庭 與 女 性 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際<br />

漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

Nap-Yin Lau, 2012, “Was the Principle of Heaven a Higher Principle in the Legal Adjudication of the<br />

Southern Song ”, paper presented at Modern Chinese Religion: Value System in Transformation,<br />

Part 1, Song-Liao Jin Yuan, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012-06-25 ~ 2012-<br />

06-28.<br />


陳 國 棟 (CHEN, KUO-TUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 巴 達 維 亞 號 的 發 現 、 發 掘 與 澳 洲 的 水 下 考 古 立 法 〉,《 中 華 水 下 考 古 學 會 會<br />

訊 》9:22-23。<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 武 英 殿 總 監 造 赫 世 亨 —— 活 躍 於 「 禮 儀 之 爭 」 事 件 中 的 一 位 內 務 府 人 物 〉,<br />

《 故 宮 學 術 季 刊 》30.1:87-134。<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 內 務 府 官 員 的 外 派 、 外 任 —— 與 乾 隆 宮 廷 文 物 供 給 之 間 的 關 係 〉,《 國 立 臺<br />

灣 大 學 美 術 史 研 究 集 刊 》33:225-270。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈「 佛 銀 」、「 佛 頭 銀 」 的 身 世 —— 清 代 臺 灣 流 通 的 西 班 牙 銀 幣 〉, 中 國 工 商<br />

銀 行 、 臺 灣 永 豐 金 控 編 輯 ,《 匯 通 天 下 : 從 錢 莊 到 現 代 銀 行 》( 展 覽 目 錄 ), 頁 144-<br />

149, 台 北 : 臺 灣 永 豐 金 控 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 雨 雪 、 大 水 、 地 震 、 海 嘯 —— 從 臺 灣 歷 史 上 的 異 常 氣 象 談 起 〉, 發 表 於 「 中<br />

央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 2012 年 第 二 次 環 境 史 研 究 工 作 坊 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-05-25。<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 康 熙 五 十 六 年 禁 止 南 洋 貿 易 的 決 策 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學<br />

會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

陳 國 棟 ,2012,〈 廣 東 行 商 石 中 和 的 破 產 —— 英 國 東 印 度 公 司 檔 案 與 清 代 奏 摺 〉, 發 表 於 「 清<br />

代 旅 蒙 山 西 商 人 暨 廣 東 行 商 史 料 研 讀 工 作 坊 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-<br />

10-26。<br />

于 志 嘉 (YUE, CHIH-CHIA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

于 志 嘉 ,2012,〈 明 代 軍 戶 中 的 家 人 、 義 男 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.3:<br />

507-570。(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

于 志 嘉 ,2012,〈 衛 選 簿 與 號 紙 —— 兩 種 與 衛 所 武 官 世 襲 有 關 的 文 書 檔 案 〉, 劉 錚 雲 編 ,《 明<br />

清 檔 案 文 書 》, 頁 3-37, 台 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 。<br />

陳 鴻 森 (CHEN, HUNG-SEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 錢 坫 年 譜 〉, 北 京 清 華 大 學 《 中 國 經 學 》9:109-166。<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈《 清 史 列 傳 ‧ 儒 林 傳 》 續 考 〉, 北 京 大 學 《 中 國 典 籍 與 文 化 》2012.1:73-<br />

85。<br />


陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 王 鳴 盛 年 譜 〉( 下 ),《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.1:121-184。<br />

(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

陳 鴻 森 、 潘 妍 艷 ,2012,〈 阮 元 揅 經 室 遺 文 拾 遺 〉, 上 海 社 會 科 學 院 《 傳 統 中 國 研 究 集 刊 》<br />

9/10:456-482。<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 余 蕭 客 編 年 事 輯 〉, 北 京 清 華 大 學 《 中 國 經 學 》10:65-95。<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 孫 星 衍 遺 文 續 補 〉, 上 海 師 範 大 學 《 古 典 學 》 創 刊 號 :476-497。<br />

陳 鴻 森 、 潘 妍 艷 ,2012,〈 周 春 遺 文 小 集 〉,《 中 國 文 哲 研 究 通 訊 》22.4。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 孝 經 與 中 國 孝 文 化 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 綿 山 論 壇 」, 山 西 介 休 : 北 京 師 範 大<br />

學 人 文 宗 教 高 等 研 究 院 、 中 華 炎 黃 文 化 研 究 會 ,2012-04-01 ~ 2012-04-03。<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 孟 子 「 百 畝 之 糞 」、「 糞 其 田 而 不 足 」 解 〉, 發 表 於 「 儒 學 國 際 學 術 研 討<br />

會 」, 香 港 : 北 京 師 範 大 學 人 文 宗 教 高 等 研 究 院 、 香 港 樹 仁 大 學 中 文 系 ,2012-05-17 ~<br />

2012-05-18。<br />

陳 鴻 森 ,2012,〈 余 蕭 客 編 年 事 輯 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 七 屆 國 際 清 代 學 術 研 討 會 」, 高 雄 : 中 山 大<br />

學 中 文 系 、 清 代 學 術 研 究 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

李 孝 悌 (LI, HSIAO-TI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 孝 悌 ,2012,〈 清 中 葉 以 降 開 封 演 劇 活 動 概 述 〉, 河 南 大 學 文 學 院 《 漢 語 言 文 學 研 究 》<br />

2012.2。<br />

范 毅 軍 (FAN, I-CHUN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

莊 永 忠 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈 多 源 期 歷 史 圖 資 於 環 境 變 遷 —— 以 臺 灣 陳 有 蘭 溪 集 水 區 為<br />

例 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 台 灣 地 理 資 訊 學 會 年 會 暨 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 中 : 逢 甲 大 學 ,2012-06-<br />

27 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

張 齡 方 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈 農 田 水 利 會 歷 史 圖 資 數 位 典 藏 與 空 間 查 詢 系 統 之 建 置 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「101 年 度 農 業 工 程 研 討 會 」, 台 中 : 逢 甲 大 學 農 工 中 心 ,2012-10-12。<br />

張 智 傑 、 洪 瑩 發 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈2012 年 臺 南 香 科 遶 境 路 關 圖 GPS 全 記 錄 〉, 發 表<br />

於 「2012 數 位 典 藏 地 理 資 訊 研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 臺 灣 大 學 ,2012-10-16 ~ 2012-10-17。<br />

洪 瑩 發 、 張 耘 書 、 張 智 傑 、 張 珣 、 范 毅 軍 、 廖 泫 銘 ,2012,〈 歷 史 與 空 間 —— 臺 灣 媽 祖 廟 分 佈<br />

探 討 〉, 發 表 於 「 華 人 宗 教 變 遷 與 創 新 : 媽 祖 與 民 間 信 仰 國 際 研 討 會 」, 嘉 義 : 財 團 法 人<br />

台 灣 省 嘉 義 縣 新 港 奉 天 宮 ,2012-11-03 ~ 2012-11-04。<br />

江 正 雄 、 彭 逸 帆 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈 老 舊 航 跡 圖 集 於 WebGIS 圖 磚 分 析 整 合 再 現 〉, 發<br />

表 於 「 第 七 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 GIS 發 展 研 討 會 」, 廣 州 : 中 國 地 理 信 息 系 統 產 業 協 會 ,2012-11-28<br />

~ 2012-12-02。<br />


祝 平 一 (CHU, PING-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

祝 平 一 、 呂 妙 芬 、 潘 鳳 娟 ,2012,〈 以 中 文 材 料 研 究 清 代 天 主 教 史 的 利 基 何 在 〉,《 新 史 學 》<br />

23.1:1-7。(Others)<br />

祝 平 一 ,2012,〈 劉 凝 與 劉 壎 : 考 證 學 與 天 學 關 係 新 探 〉,《 新 史 學 》23.1:57-104。(Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ping-Yi Chu, 2012, “Text and Skill: The Case of “Scratching Sha” in the Qing Period”, paper<br />

presented at Fourth International Conference on Sinology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

Ping-Yi Chu, 2012, “Reconceptualizing the Mental Organ in China before the Nineteenth Century”,<br />

paper presented at The Sixth Conference of the ASHM: “Medicine, Society and Culture in East<br />

Asia and Beyond, Yokohama: Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-15.<br />

邱 仲 麟 (CHIU, CHUNG-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 陰 氣 鬱 積 —— 明 代 宮 人 的 採 選 與 放 出 〉,《 臺 大 歷 史 學 報 》50。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 金 錢 、 慾 望 與 世 道 —— 方 弘 靜 論 嘉 萬 之 間 的 社 會 風 氣 變 遷 〉,《 東 吳 歷 史 學<br />

報 》28。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 採 集 、 捕 獵 與 墾 種 —— 明 代 軍 戶 在 北 邊 境 外 的 經 濟 活 動 〉,《 明 代 研 究 》<br />

19。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 明 清 福 建 蘭 花 的 產 銷 〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁<br />

387-440, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 明 清 晉 北 的 山 地 開 發 與 森 林 砍 伐 〉, 夏 明 方 編 ,《 新 史 學 》 第 6 卷 《 歷 史 的<br />

生 態 學 解 釋 》, 頁 115-160, 北 京 : 中 華 書 局 。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 門 頭 溝 煤 礦 開 採 及 其 相 關 問 題 〉, 劉 錚 雲 編 ,《 明 清 檔 案 文 書 》, 頁 243-<br />

336, 台 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 塞 外 樹 木 儘 可 砍 : 清 代 長 城 線 外 森 林 的 變 遷 (1640-1840)〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央<br />

研 究 院 中 西 檔 案 讀 書 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 檔 案 館 ,2012-11-09。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 萬 曆 年 間 陜 西 的 回 變 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國 歷 史 民 族 地 理 研 究 學 術 研 討 會 」, 上<br />

海 : 復 旦 大 學 中 國 歷 史 地 理 研 究 所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-19。<br />

邱 仲 麟 ,2012,〈 蘭 癡 、 蘭 花 會 與 蘭 花 賊 —— 清 代 江 浙 的 蘭 花 品 賞 及 其 炒 作 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 六<br />

屆 江 南 社 會 史 國 際 學 術 論 壇 —— 新 文 化 史 視 野 下 的 江 南 社 會 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 無 錫 : 上<br />

海 師 範 大 學 中 國 近 代 社 會 史 研 究 中 心 ,2012-12-15 ~ 2012-12-17。<br />


邱 澎 生 (CHIU, PENG-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

邱 澎 生 ,2012,〈18 世 紀 蘇 松 棉 布 業 的 管 理 架 構 與 法 律 文 化 〉,《 江 海 學 刊 》2012.2:143-<br />

157。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邱 澎 生 ,2012,〈 會 館 、 公 所 與 郊 之 比 較 : 由 商 人 公 產 檢 視 清 代 中 國 市 場 制 度 的 多 樣 性 〉, 林<br />

玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 267-313, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Peng-Sheng Chiu, 2012, “Revisiting Legal Pluralism in China: The Hidden Agenda about Protecting<br />

Merchant’s Interest behind the Legal Orderings in Eighteenth-Century Lower Yangzi-Cities”,<br />

paper presented at Workshop on: New Inquiries and Insights on Chinese Legal<br />

Culture/History/Modernity, New York: Columbia University in the City of New York, 2012-05-<br />

04 ~ 2012-05-06.<br />

陳 熙 遠 (CHEN, HSI-YUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 熙 遠 ,2012,〈 正 教 與 邪 教 : 尼 山 工 程 與 鉅 鹿 大 乘 教 案 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際<br />

漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

張 谷 銘 (CHANG, KU-MING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ku-Ming Chang, 2012, “Historical and Ahistorical Sciences of Language: The Separation of Philology<br />

and Linguistics”, paper presented at History of Science Society Annual Meeting, San Diego:<br />

History of Science Society, 2012-11-17.<br />

陳 正 國 (CHEN, JENG-GUO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 正 國 ,2012,〈 英 國 思 想 界 對 里 斯 本 大 地 震 (1755) 的 回 應 〉,《 臺 大 文 史 哲 學 報 》76:<br />

161-210。<br />

陳 正 國 ,2012,〈 陌 生 人 的 歷 史 意 義 —— 亞 當 史 密 斯 論 商 業 社 會 的 倫 理 基 礎 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院<br />

歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.4:779-835。(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Jeng-Guo Chen, 2012, “Translation, Trans-nation, Trans-context: Adam Smith in China, 1890s-1911”,<br />

paper presented at Adam Smith in International Contexts: an International Workshop of Adam<br />

Smith, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18.<br />


王 鴻 泰 (WANG, HUNG-TAI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 鴻 泰 ,2012,〈 明 清 感 官 世 界 的 開 發 與 欲 望 的 商 品 化 〉,《 明 代 研 究 》18。(THCI)<br />

王 鴻 泰 ,2012,〈 倭 刀 與 俠 士 : 明 代 倭 亂 與 江 南 士 人 的 武 俠 風 尚 〉,《 漢 學 研 究 》33.3( 總<br />

70 號 )。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

王 鴻 泰 ,2012,〈 游 於 藝 —— 明 代 文 人 的 城 市 游 樂 與 文 藝 社 會 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆<br />

國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

王 鴻 泰 ,2012,〈 名 士 值 幾 文 錢 —— 明 清 間 江 南 士 人 的 挾 藝 交 遊 與 名 利 經 營 〉, 發 表 於 「 明<br />

清 江 南 與 近 代 上 海 國 際 學 術 討 論 會 」, 上 海 : 復 旦 大 學 歷 史 系 ,2012-09-01 ~ 2012-09-03。<br />

王 鴻 泰 ,2012,〈 明 清 城 市 生 活 中 的 訊 息 傳 播 與 媒 體 形 式 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 近 世 意 象 與 文 化 轉<br />

型 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 嘉 義 : 中 正 大 學 中 國 文 學 系 ,2012-11-29 ~ 2012-11-30。<br />

陳 雯 怡 (CHEN, WEN-YI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 雯 怡 ,2012,〈「 師 道 」 與 「 承 道 」: 宋 代 「 師 友 淵 源 」 概 念 的 兩 個 思 想 淵 源 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

Wen-Yi Chen, 2012, “Writing For Help: Informal Voluntary Collective Support among Song and Yuan<br />

Literati”, paper presented at The 19th Biennial Conference of the European Association of<br />

Chinese Studies, Paris: The European Association of Chinese Studies, 2012-09-05 ~ 2012-09-08.<br />

劉 欣 寧 (LIU, HSIN-NING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

淺 原 達 郎 、 劉 欣 寧 ,2012,〈 成 王 既 邦 の 配 列 〉, 日 本 京 都 大 學 人 文 科 學 研 究 所 《 曰 古 》19:<br />

27-31。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 欣 寧 ,2012,〈 居 延 漢 簡 所 見 住 居 與 里 制 ── 以 「 田 舍 」 為 線 索 〉, 李 宗 焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與<br />

古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 頁 435-453, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 。<br />

劉 欣 寧 ,2012,〈 秦 漢 律 令 中 的 同 居 連 坐 〉, 華 東 政 法 大 學 古 籍 研 究 所 編 ,《 出 土 文 獻 與 法 律<br />

史 研 究 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 上 海 : 上 海 人 民 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hsin-Ning Liu, 2012, “Mutual Accountability within the 里 Li during the Qin and Han Periods”, paper<br />

presented at Public Notion of Crime and Law in East Asia Conference Program, Münster:<br />

University of Münster, 2012-09-03 ~ 2012-09-05.<br />


臧 振 華 (TSANG, CHENG-HWA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 南 科 考 古 出 土 的 稻 米 與 小 米 兼 論 相 關 問 題 〉,《 中 國 飲 食 文 化 》8.1。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 再 思 南 島 語 族 的 起 源 問 題 〉,《 南 島 研 究 學 報 》3.1。<br />

李 壬 癸 、 臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 百 年 來 的 台 灣 原 住 民 研 究 〉,《 人 文 與 社 會 科 學 簡 訊 》13.2:21-<br />

27。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 從 沈 船 打 撈 到 水 下 考 古 〉,《 海 下 技 術 季 刊 》22.1。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 台 灣 海 域 考 古 〉, 中 央 研 究 院 編 ,《 知 識 饗 宴 系 列 8》, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 東 南 亞 史 前 文 化 的 幾 個 問 題 〉,《 考 古 學 研 究 》 第 9 卷 , 北 京 : 文 物 出 版<br />

社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 八 仙 洞 考 古 的 新 發 現 兼 論 台 灣 舊 石 器 文 化 的 相 關 問 題 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究<br />

院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 水 下 文 化 資 產 的 管 理 及 原 址 保 存 問 題 〉, 發 表 於 「 文 化 遺 產 的 法 制 與<br />

管 理 —— 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 文 化 遺 產 保 護 論 壇 」, 廣 州 : 財 團 法 人 沈 春 池 文 教 基 金 會 ,<br />

2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-04。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,〈 陶 器 研 究 : 進 入 台 灣 史 前 史 的 門 徑 〉, 發 表 於 「 陶 容 器 特 展 研 討 會 」, 台<br />

東 : 國 立 臺 灣 史 前 文 化 博 物 館 ,2012-12-14。<br />

研 究 ∕ 計 畫 報 告 ( 田 野 考 古 調 查 )<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,《 遺 址 出 土 文 物 維 護 管 理 資 料 蒐 集 計 畫 期 末 報 告 》, 文 化 部 文 化 資 產 局 。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,《 台 東 縣 長 濱 鄉 八 仙 洞 遺 址 海 雷 洞 清 理 復 原 與 考 古 探 勘 計 畫 期 末 報 告 》, 台<br />

東 縣 政 府 。<br />

臧 振 華 ,2012,《 臺 灣 海 域 文 化 資 產 第 二 階 段 普 查 計 畫 (99-101 年 ) 第 三 年 度 (101 年 ) 計<br />

畫 期 末 報 告 》, 文 化 部 文 化 資 產 局 。<br />

顏 娟 英 (YEN, CHUAN-YING)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

顏 娟 英 ,2012,〈 自 畫 像 、 家 族 像 與 文 化 認 同 問 題 ── 試 析 日 治 時 期 三 位 畫 家 〉, 劉 瑞 琪 主<br />

編 ,《 近 代 肖 像 意 義 的 論 辯 》, 頁 82-131, 台 北 : 遠 流 出 版 社 。<br />

顏 娟 英 ,2012,〈 逆 水 而 上 的 理 想 實 踐 者 ── 顏 水 龍 〉, 雷 逸 婷 編 ,《 走 進 公 眾 . 美 化 臺 灣 :<br />

顏 水 龍 》, 頁 12-27, 台 北 : 台 北 市 立 美 術 館 。<br />

顏 娟 英 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 風 景 的 人 文 精 神 ── 顏 水 龍 油 畫 創 作 〉, 雷 逸 婷 編 ,《 走 進 公 眾 . 美 化<br />

臺 灣 : 顏 水 龍 》, 頁 286-299, 台 北 : 台 北 市 立 美 術 館 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

顏 娟 英 ,2012,〈 像 法 時 期 的 造 像 顛 峰 —— 初 唐 瑞 像 流 行 再 探 討 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四<br />

屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

劉 益 昌 (LIU, YI-CHANG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,《 臺 灣 原 住 民 族 與 考 古 遺 址 關 係 調 查 : 濁 水 沖 積 扇 區 域 史 前 文 化 與 人 群 關 係 之<br />

研 究 》, 共 463 頁 , 南 投 : 國 史 館 台 灣 文 獻 館 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 益 昌 、 顏 廷 伃 ,2012,〈 台 南 市 麻 豆 區 前 班 遺 址 考 古 試 掘 報 告 〉,《 田 野 考 古 》15.1:81-<br />

118。<br />

龔 琪 嵐 、 齊 士 崢 、 蔡 衡 、 劉 益 昌 、 黃 文 樹 ,2012,〈 高 屏 平 原 地 區 新 石 器 時 代 以 來 史 前 遺 址<br />

分 布 與 環 境 變 遷 關 係 之 研 究 〉,《 中 國 地 理 學 會 會 刊 》48:39-62。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 益 昌 、 王 淑 津 ,2012,〈 十 七 世 紀 台 灣 に 輸 入 された 喫 煙 文 化 ― 考 古 學 による 予 備 的 考<br />

察 〉,《VOCと 日 蘭 交 流 ―VOC 遺 跡 の 調 查 と 嗜 好 品 》, 東 京 :たばこと 塩 の 博 物 館 。<br />

Chih-Hua Chiang and Yi-Chang Liu, 2012, “Mapping Prehistoric Building Structures by Visualising<br />

Archaeological Dataand Applying Spatial Statistics: a Case Study from Taiwan”, editor(s):<br />

Mingquan Zhou, Iza Romanowska, Zhongke Wu, Pengfei Xu and Philip Verhagen, Revive the<br />

Past--Proceeding of the 39th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative<br />

Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Beijing, China, 12-16 April 2011, pp. 296-307, Amsterdam,<br />

Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 考 古 學 研 究 建 構 的 原 史 時 代 台 灣 史 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究<br />

世 界 大 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 台 灣 史 前 時 代 玉 器 製 造 與 資 源 控 制 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢<br />

學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 台 灣 史 前 黑 陶 互 動 關 係 體 系 的 初 步 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 古 代 交 換 與 殖 民 模 式<br />

的 跨 地 域 比 對 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 考 古 學 研 究<br />

專 題 中 心 ,2012-09-01 ~ 2012-09-03。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 臺 北 盆 地 史 前 文 化 與 環 境 變 遷 〉, 發 表 於 「 大 臺 北 地 區 防 災 地 質 研 討<br />

會 」, 台 北 : 經 濟 部 中 央 地 質 調 查 所 ,2012-09-13 ~ 2012-09-14。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 考 古 遺 址 所 見 的 人 類 宗 教 行 為 : 以 西 寮 遺 址 的 發 掘 研 究 為 例 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 第 三 屆 南 瀛 研 究 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 — 變 遷 中 的 南 瀛 宗 教 」, 台 南 : 南 瀛 國 際 人 文 社 會 科<br />

學 研 究 中 心 ,2012-10-20 ~ 2012-10-21。<br />


劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 新 北 市 龜 子 山 遺 址 發 掘 概 報 〉, 發 表 於 「2011-2012 年 臺 灣 考 古 工 作 會 報 研<br />

討 會 」, 埔 里 : 國 立 自 然 科 學 博 物 館 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-01 ~<br />

2012-12-03。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 當 前 臺 灣 考 古 遺 址 管 理 維 護 的 問 題 與 解 決 方 法 〉, 發 表 於 「 文 化 遺 產 的 法<br />

制 與 管 理 —— 第 四 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 文 化 遺 產 保 護 論 壇 」, 廣 州 : 財 團 法 人 沈 春 池 文 教 基 金<br />

會 ,2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-04。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,〈 東 台 灣 海 域 人 群 互 動 與 交 流 —— 以 玉 器 為 中 心 〉, 發 表 於 「 臺 灣 與 亞 洲 :<br />

與 福 建 文 化 的 交 流 為 中 心 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 大 學 藝 術 史 研 究 所 ,2012-<br />

12-14 ~ 2012-12-15。<br />

研 究 ∕ 計 畫 報 告 ( 田 野 考 古 調 查 )<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,《 臺 中 市 清 水 區 鎮 政 路 計 畫 道 路 路 權 範 圍 內 市 定 遺 址 清 水 中 社 遺 址 考 古 搶 救<br />

發 掘 計 畫 考 古 監 看 紀 錄 成 果 報 告 書 》, 臺 中 市 文 化 資 產 管 理 中 心 。<br />

劉 益 昌 ,2012,《 花 蓮 縣 縣 定 遺 址 — 萬 榮 ‧ 平 林 遺 址 內 涵 及 範 圍 調 查 研 究 計 畫 成 果 報 告<br />

書 》, 花 蓮 縣 文 化 局 。<br />

陳 光 祖 (CHEN, KWANG-TZUU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 光 祖 ,2012,〈 商 代 錫 料 來 源 初 探 〉,《 考 古 》2012.6:54-68。<br />

陳 光 祖 ,2012,〈 試 論 執 行 遺 址 相 關 考 古 工 作 的 專 業 資 格 〉,《 田 野 考 古 》。<br />

陳 光 祖 ,2012,〈 現 行 遺 址 發 掘 資 格 條 件 相 關 規 定 的 檢 討 與 建 議 〉,《 田 野 考 古 》。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 光 祖 ,2012,〈 淇 武 蘭 遺 址 出 土 非 鐵 金 屬 器 初 步 科 學 分 析 〉,《 探 溯 淇 武 蘭 : 宜 蘭 研 究 第 九<br />

屆 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 63-82, 宜 蘭 : 宜 蘭 縣 史 館 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Kwang-Tzuu Chen, 2012, “Early Iron Technology in Southeast Asia”, paper presented at<br />

Workshop on the Rise of Iron Technology in East and West Asia, Harvard: Harvard<br />

University, 2012-10-10 ~2012 10-15。<br />

陳 光 祖 ,2012,〈 現 行 遺 址 發 掘 資 格 條 件 相 關 規 定 的 檢 討 與 建 議 〉, 發 表 於 「2011-2012 年 臺<br />

灣 考 古 工 作 會 報 研 討 會 」, 埔 里 : 國 立 自 然 科 學 博 物 館 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-03。<br />

陳 玉 美 (CHEN, YU-MEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 玉 美 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 的 歷 史 考 古 學 的 研 究 〉,《 田 野 考 古 》15.1。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 玉 美 ,2012,〈 台 灣 歷 史 考 古 學 研 究 : 範 圍 與 議 題 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究<br />

世 界 大 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

陳 玉 美 ,2012,〈 南 島 語 族 的 擴 散 : 蘭 嶼 觀 點 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會<br />

議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

陳 玉 美 ,2012,〈 消 逝 的 考 古 遺 址 〉, 發 表 於 「2011-2012 年 臺 灣 考 古 工 作 會 報 研 討 會 」, 埔<br />

里 : 國 立 自 然 科 學 博 物 館 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-03。<br />

李 匡 悌 (LI, KUANG-TI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈 牡 蠣 : 臺 灣 西 南 海 岸 最 古 老 的 傳 統 美 食 〉,《 中 華 飲 食 文 化 》8.1:25-47。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈 大 坌 坑 文 化 人 的 貝 類 採 集 : 臺 灣 西 南 部 南 關 里 和 南 關 里 東 兩 遺 址 的 觀 察 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-<br />

04-28。<br />

Kuang-Ti Li, 2012, “Rethinking Tapenkeng Culture in the Earliest Neolithic Taiwan and the Issue<br />

Relating to Austronesian Homeland”, paper presented at Fourth International Conference on<br />

Sinology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

Kuang-Ti Li, 2012, “The Significance of Taiwan Approach in Southeast Asia Archaeological Study<br />

relating the issue of Austronesian Origins and Dispersals: a case study of Formosan wild boar via<br />

morphometric and isotopic analysis”, paper presented at The 14 th International European<br />

Association of Southeast Archaeologists Conference, Dublin, 2012-09-18~2012-09-21.<br />

李 匡 悌 、 林 千 翔 、 張 至 維 ,2012 ,〈 論 南 關 里 東 遺 址 發 掘 出 土 的 星 雞 魚 (Pomadasys<br />

(Haemulidae, Pisces) 耳 石 及 其 相 關 問 題 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 台 灣 人 類 學 與 民 族 學 學 會 年<br />

會 — 台 南 科 學 工 業 園 區 考 古 學 研 究 的 新 進 展 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-<br />

10-06。<br />

邱 鴻 霖 、 臧 振 華 、 李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈 台 灣 新 石 器 時 代 古 人 口 學 初 探 : 以 台 南 大 湖 文 化 的 烏 山 頭<br />

期 的 兩 個 遺 址 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 台 灣 人 類 學 與 民 族 學 學 會 年 會 — 台 南 科 學 工 業 園 區<br />

考 古 學 研 究 的 新 進 展 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-06。<br />

李 作 婷 、 臧 振 華 、 李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈 植 矽 石 分 析 所 見 台 灣 西 南 地 區 史 前 稻 作 農 業 研 究 的 新 進<br />

展 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 台 灣 人 類 學 與 民 族 學 學 會 年 會 — 台 南 科 學 工 業 園 區 考 古 學 研 究 的 新<br />

進 展 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-06。<br />

盧 泰 康 、 李 匡 悌 、 王 竹 平 ,2012,〈 社 內 遺 址 出 土 鐵 質 文 物 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 台 灣 人 類<br />

學 與 民 族 學 學 會 年 會 — 台 南 科 學 工 業 園 區 考 古 學 研 究 的 新 進 展 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族<br />

學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-06。<br />


黃 耀 慶 、 臧 振 華 、 李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈 由 右 先 方 遺 址 陶 容 器 形 制 再 思 台 灣 西 南 部 繩 紋 紅 陶 文 化 的<br />

時 空 架 構 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 台 灣 人 類 學 與 民 族 學 學 會 年 會 — 台 南 科 學 工 業 園 區 考 古 學 研<br />

究 的 新 進 展 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-06。<br />

李 匡 悌 ,2012,〈「 不 想 」、「 跳 不 動 」: 臺 灣 考 古 博 物 館 展 示 教 育 的 困 境 〉, 發 表 於 「 想 的 與 跳<br />

的 : 博 物 館 中 的 教 與 學 及 其 超 越 學 術 研 討 會 ∕ 第 五 屆 博 物 館 研 究 雙 年 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台<br />

北 : 國 立 臺 灣 博 物 館 ,2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-26。<br />

李 匡 悌 、 李 冠 逸 、 朱 有 田 ,2012,〈 恆 春 半 島 史 前 時 代 臺 灣 野 豬 家 養 的 形 態 學 觀 察 和 同 位 素 標<br />

記 驗 證 〉, 發 表 於 「2011-2012 年 臺 灣 考 古 工 作 會 報 研 討 會 」, 埔 里 : 國 立 自 然 科 學 博 物<br />

館 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-02。<br />

李 匡 悌 、 臧 振 華 、 朱 正 宜 ,2012,〈 研 發 與 創 新 : 論 南 科 園 區 出 土 大 坌 坑 文 化 的 陶 器 叢 集 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「 陶 容 器 特 展 研 討 會 」, 台 東 : 國 立 臺 灣 史 前 文 化 博 物 館 ,2012-12-14。<br />

陳 維 鈞 (CHEN, WEI-CHUN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wei-Chun Chen, 2012, “Current excavations at Li-Tzu-Wei, a late prehistoric site in southwestern<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at The 14 th International European Association of Southeast<br />

Archaeologists Conference, Dublin, 2012-09-18~2012-09-21.<br />

研 究 ∕ 計 畫 報 告 ( 田 野 考 古 調 查 )<br />

陳 維 鈞 ,2012,《 台 19 甲 線 33K+980~35K+580 段 ( 第 一 標 ) 外 環 道 新 闢 工 程 施 工 中 文 化 資 產<br />

監 看 工 作 期 末 報 告 》, 交 通 部 公 路 總 局 第 五 區 養 護 工 程 處 。<br />

陳 維 鈞 ,2012,《 台 19 甲 線 35K+580~38K+191 段 拓 寬 工 程 ( 支 線 2) 施 工 中 文 化 資 產 監 看<br />

工 作 期 末 報 告 》, 交 通 部 公 路 總 局 第 五 區 養 護 工 程 處 。<br />

李 永 迪 (LI, YUNG-TI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 永 迪 ,2012,〈 模 範 之 間 —— 從 史 語 所 藏 安 陽 出 土 銅 器 、 陶 範 、 白 陶 談 殷 商 青 銅 器 的 紋 飾 製<br />

作 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-<br />

20~2012-06-22。<br />

李 永 迪 ,2012,〈 商 代 青 銅 器 紋 飾 製 作 問 題 初 探 : 堆 塑 法 復 原 實 驗 二 例 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞 古 代<br />

青 銅 鑄 造 國 際 研 討 會 」, 河 南 安 陽 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 考 古 研 究 所 、 亞 洲 鑄 造 史 學 會 、 安 陽<br />

師 範 大 學 ,2012-09-01 ~ 2012-09-02。<br />


內 田 純 子 (UCHIDA, JUNKO)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

廣 川 守 、 內 田 純 子 ,2012,〈 透 過 青 銅 器 的 高 精 細 照 片 進 行 施 紋 方 法 的 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞<br />

古 代 青 銅 冶 鑄 業 國 際 論 壇 」, 河 南 安 陽 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 考 古 研 究 所 、 亞 洲 鑄 造 技 術 史 學<br />

會 、 安 陽 師 範 學 院 ,2012-08-31 ~ 2012-09-02。<br />

飯 塚 義 之 、 內 田 純 子 ,2012,〈 中 央 研 究 院 所 藏 殷 墟 青 銅 器 的 冶 金 學 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞 古<br />

代 青 銅 冶 鑄 業 國 際 論 壇 」, 河 南 安 陽 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 考 古 研 究 所 、 亞 洲 鑄 造 技 術 史 學<br />

會 、 安 陽 師 範 學 院 ,2012-08-31 ~ 2012-09-02。<br />

飯 塚 義 之 、 內 田 純 子 ,2012,〈 中 央 研 究 院 所 藏 殷 墟 青 銅 器 の 冶 金 學 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 日 本 中<br />

國 考 古 學 會 2012 年 度 大 會 」, 福 岡 : 日 本 中 國 考 古 學 會 ,2012-12-15 ~ 2012-12-16。<br />

郭 素 秋 (KUO, SU-CHIU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

郭 素 秋 ,2012,〈 苗 栗 市 西 山 遺 址 試 掘 報 告 〉,《 田 野 考 古 》15.2:47-89。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

郭 素 秋 , 吉 開 將 人 譯 ,2012,〈 考 古 學 から 見 た 台 灣 の 排 灣 (パイワン) 文 化 の 起 源 〉, 今 村<br />

啓 爾 編 ,《 南 海 を 巡 る 考 古 學 》, 頁 131-158, 東 京 : 同 成 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

郭 素 秋 ,2012,〈 台 灣 北 部 圓 山 文 化 的 內 涵 與 起 源 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究 世<br />

界 大 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

研 究 ∕ 計 畫 報 告 ( 田 野 考 古 調 查 )<br />

郭 素 秋 等 ,2012,《 新 北 市 三 峽 區 鵠 尾 山 遺 址 範 圍 及 內 涵 研 究 成 果 報 告 》, 共 200 頁 , 新 北 市<br />

政 府 。<br />

趙 金 勇 (CHAO, CHIN-YUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

趙 金 勇 、 鍾 亦 興 ,2012,〈 花 岡 山 與 大 龍 峒 遺 址 的 近 現 代 陶 瓷 消 費 〉,《 考 古 人 類 學 刊 》76:<br />

61-96。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chin-Yung Chao, 2012, “The Archaeology of Late Modern History in Taiwan and Why does it Matter”,<br />

paper presented at The 1 st World Congress of Taiwan Studies, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

研 究 ∕ 計 畫 報 告 ( 田 野 考 古 調 查 )<br />

趙 金 勇 、 林 淑 芬 、 陸 泰 龍 ,2012,《 八 里 到 林 口 海 岸 地 區 自 更 新 世 以 來 的 地 質 環 境 及 出 水 石 器<br />

研 究 計 畫 成 果 報 告 》, 新 北 市 立 十 三 行 博 物 館 。<br />


林 淑 芬 (LIN, SHU-FEN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 淑 芬 、 陳 有 貝 、 邱 水 金 、 李 貞 瑩 ,2012,〈 淇 武 蘭 史 前 人 群 與 自 然 環 境 〉,《 探 溯 淇 武 蘭 :<br />

宜 蘭 研 究 第 九 屆 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 宜 蘭 : 宜 蘭 縣 史 館 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 淑 芬 、 陳 有 貝 、 邱 水 金 、 李 貞 瑩 ,2012,〈 淇 武 蘭 遺 址 出 土 主 流 陶 類 的 熱 膨 脹 性 質 及 其 燒 成<br />

溫 度 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「2011-2012 年 臺 灣 考 古 工 作 會 報 研 討 會 」, 埔 里 : 國 立 自 然 科 學 博<br />

物 館 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-02。<br />

林 富 士 (LIN, FU-SHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 富 士 ,2012,〈「 祝 由 」 釋 義 : 以 《 黃 帝 內 經 ‧ 素 問 》 為 核 心 文 本 的 討 論 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院<br />

歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.4:671-738。(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 富 士 ,2012,〈「 祝 由 」 醫 學 與 道 教 的 關 係 : 以 《 聖 濟 總 錄 . 符 禁 門 》 為 主 的 討 論 〉, 發 表<br />

於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

林 富 士 ,2012,〈 試 論 宋 代 巫 覡 信 仰 的 特 質 〉, 發 表 於 「 宋 遼 金 元 時 期 的 中 國 宗 教 國 際 學 術 研<br />

討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 ,2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

林 富 士 、 劉 錚 雲 ,2012,〈 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 數 位 資 料 庫 簡 介 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 アジア<br />

文 化 資 料 のアーカイヴズ 構 築 と 活 用 の 研 究 拠 点 形 成 」, 大 阪 : 日 本 關 西 大 學 アジア 文 化<br />

研 究 センター,2012-11-22 ~ 2012-11-23。<br />

李 貞 德 (LEE, JEN-DER)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Ishinpo and its Excerpts from Chanjing: A Japanese Medical Text as a Source for<br />

Chinese Women’s History”, editor(s): Clara Wing-chung Ho, Overt and Covert Treasures: Essays<br />

on Sources for Chinese Women’s History, pp. 185-216, Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.<br />

李 貞 德 ,2012,〈 最 近 中 國 法 律 史 研 究 中 的 婦 女 與 性 別 問 題 〉, 劉 詠 聰 編 ,《 性 別 視 野 中 的 中<br />

國 歷 史 新 貌 》, 頁 24-30, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “The Epitaph of a Third-Century Wet Nurse”, editor(s): Wendy Swartz, Early<br />

Medieval China: A Sourcebook, New York: Columbia University Press.<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Crime and Punishment: the Case of Liu Hui in Weishu”, editor(s): Wendy Swartz,<br />

Early Medieval China: A Sourcebook, New York: Columbia University Press.<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Childbirth in Early Imperial China”, editor(s): TJ Hinrichs and Linda L. Barnes,<br />

Chinese Medicine and Healing: an Illustrated History, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Sex and Reproduction in ‘Physiology and Hygiene’ Textbooks: Post-War Taiwan<br />

and Beyond”, paper presented at The International Conference on “The Making of ‘Asia’: Health<br />

and Gender, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2012-03-<br />

09 ~ 2012-03-10.<br />

李 貞 德 ,2012,〈 二 十 世 紀 前 半 中 國 生 理 衛 生 教 育 中 的 性 、 生 殖 與 性 別 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究<br />

院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Women, Families and Gendered Society”, paper presented at Workshop on Six<br />

Dynasties History, Society and Thought, Beijing: Peking University, 2012-09-15 ~ 2012-09-16.<br />

李 貞 德 ,2012,〈 圖 像 、 物 質 文 化 與 醫 療 史 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 上 海 中 醫 藥 國 際 論 壇 」, 上 海 :<br />

上 海 中 醫 藥 大 學 、 上 海 中 醫 藥 委 員 會 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Sex and Reproduction in ‘Physiology and Hygiene’ Textbooks in Post-War<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at The Sixth Conference of the ASHM: “Medicine, Society and Culture<br />

in East Asia and Beyond, Yokohama: Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-<br />

15.<br />

劉 增 貴 (LIU, TSENG-KUEI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 增 貴 ,2012,〈 漢 代 葬 俗 中 的 時 日 信 仰 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台<br />

北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

李 建 民 (LI, JIAN-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 建 民 ,2012,〈「 陰 門 陣 」 新 論 —— 明 清 身 體 的 文 化 小 史 〉,《 東 華 人 文 學 報 》21:45-76。<br />

黃 銘 崇 (HWANG, MING-CHORNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 銘 崇 ,2012,〈 饕 餮 紋 的 再 思 考 : 一 個 方 法 的 省 思 〉,《 國 立 台 灣 大 學 美 術 史 研 究 集 刊 》<br />

32:1-102。<br />

黃 銘 崇 ,2012,〈 從 考 古 發 現 看 西 周 墓 葬 的 「 分 器 」 現 象 與 西 周 時 代 禮 器 制 度 的 類 型 與 階 段<br />

( 上 篇 )〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.4:607-670。(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 銘 崇 ,2012,〈 晚 商 的 族 氏 與 族 氏 政 治 —— 一 個 跨 學 科 的 考 察 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四<br />

屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


李 尚 仁 (LI, SHANG-JEN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

李 尚 仁 ,2012,《 帝 國 的 醫 師 ── 萬 巴 德 與 英 國 熱 帶 醫 學 的 創 建 》, 共 368 頁 , 台 北 : 允 晨 文<br />

化 出 版 公 司 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shang-Jen Li, 2012, “British Military Medicine in the Second Opium War”, paper presented at<br />

American Association for the History of Medicine 2012 Annual Meeting, Baltimore: American<br />

Association for the History of Medicine, 2012-04-27.<br />

Shang-Jen Li, 2012, “From Miasma to Parasites: Medical Images in British Research on Malaria”,<br />

paper presented at The Sixth Conference of the ASHM: “Medicine, Society and Culture in East<br />

Asia and Beyond, Yokohama: Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-15.<br />

戴 麗 娟 (TAI, LI-CHUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Li-Chuan Tai, 2012, “L’histoire des colonies dans le monde de l’érudition: le cas d’Henri Cordier”,<br />

Outre-Mers: Revue d’histoir 376/377: 553-568.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Li-Chuan Tai, 2012, “L'institutionnalisation de l’anthropologie universitaire et la France d’outre-mer”,<br />

editor(s): Jean Nemo, Présences françaises outre mer, pp. 281-300, Paris: Académie des sciences<br />

d’outre-mer/Karthala.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

戴 麗 娟 ,2012,〈 一 座 被 遺 忘 的 博 物 館 : 震 旦 博 物 院 〉, 發 表 於 「 遺 產 、 旅 遊 與 博 物 館 : 人 類<br />

學 的 展 望 國 際 專 題 研 討 會 」, 廈 門 : 廈 門 大 學 人 文 學 院 ,2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-03。<br />

林 聖 智 (LIN, SHENG-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 聖 智 ,2012,〈 北 魏 沙 嶺 壁 畫 墓 研 究 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 集 刊 》83.1:1-95。<br />

(A&HCI, THCI)<br />

林 聖 智 ,2012,〈 反 思 中 國 美 術 史 學 的 建 立 :「 美 術 」、「 藝 術 」 用 法 的 流 動 與 「 建 築 」、<br />

「 雕 塑 」 研 究 的 興 起 〉,《 新 史 學 》23.1:159-202。(Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 聖 智 ,2012,〈 盛 唐 四 川 地 區 的 道 教 摩 崖 造 像 : 以 安 岳 玄 妙 觀 為 主 的 考 察 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央<br />

研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

林 聖 智 ,2012,〈 四 川 綿 陽 平 楊 府 君 闕 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 藝 術 史 中 的 漢 晉 與 唐 宋 轉 折 國 際 學 術<br />

研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 ,2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-26。<br />


林 聖 智 ,2012,〈 妙 見 菩 薩 圖 像 的 變 遷 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞 文 化 意 象 之 形 塑 —— 觀 看 、 媒 介 、 行<br />

動 者 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 、 臺 灣 大 學 ,2012-09-07 ~<br />

2012-09-08。<br />

卓 鴻 澤 (TOH, HOONG-TEIK)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

卓 鴻 澤 ,2012,《 歷 史 語 文 學 論 叢 初 編 》(Miscellanea Historico-Philologica), 共 367 頁 , 上<br />

海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

鄭 雅 如 (CHENG, YA-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

鄭 雅 如 ,2012,〈 重 探 上 官 婉 兒 的 死 亡 、 平 反 與 當 代 評 價 〉,《 早 期 中 國 史 研 究 》4.1。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

鄭 雅 如 ,2012,〈 齊 梁 士 人 的 交 遊 —— 以 任 昉 的 社 交 網 絡 為 中 心 的 考 察 〉, 甘 懷 真 編 ,《 身<br />

分 、 文 化 與 權 力 : 士 族 研 究 新 探 》, 頁 185-229, 台 北 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 出 版 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

鄭 雅 如 ,2012,〈 北 朝 世 俗 女 性 墓 誌 中 的 佛 教 信 仰 書 寫 〉, 發 表 於 「 古 代 及 中 古 之 女 性 與 法 律<br />

宗 教 研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 歷 史 系 ,2012-05-11 ~ 2012-05-13。<br />

鄭 雅 如 ,2012,〈 北 朝 世 俗 女 性 墓 誌 中 的 佛 教 書 寫 及 其 意 義 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 六 屆 中 國 中 古 史 青<br />

年 學 者 研 討 會 」, 上 海 : 復 旦 大 學 歷 史 系 ,2012-08-25 ~ 2012-08-27。<br />

鄭 雅 如 ,2012,〈 唐 代 的 家 與 國 家 —— 以 追 贈 先 世 、 立 廟 祭 祀 為 討 論 中 心 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 二 次<br />

中 國 古 代 的 政 治 秩 序 與 制 度 工 作 坊 」, 台 北 : 臺 灣 大 學 文 學 院 「 跨 國 界 的 文 化 傳 釋 計<br />

畫 」,2012-09-07。<br />

王 道 還 (WANG, DAW-HWAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 道 還 ,2012,〈 重 讀 《 天 演 論 》〉,《 科 學 文 化 評 論 》( 北 京 )9.1。<br />

林 素 清 (LIN, SU-CHING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 素 清 ,2012,〈 上 海 博 物 館 藏 戰 國 楚 竹 書 ( 八 )‧《 命 》 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 二 十 三 屆 中 國<br />

文 字 學 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 台 中 : 靜 宜 大 學 ,2012-06-02。<br />

林 素 清 ,2012,〈 漢 鏡 銘 內 容 與 字 體 〉, 發 表 於 「 漢 鏡 與 文 化 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 北 京 : 清 華<br />

大 學 ,2012-06-04 ~ 2012-06-05。<br />


林 素 清 ,2012,〈 戰 國 文 字 的 特 殊 形 構 —— 承 繼 與 創 新 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢<br />

學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

林 素 清 ,2012,〈 從 簡 帛 文 獻 資 料 談 儒 道 的 敬 慎 思 想 〉, 發 表 於 「 簡 帛 文 獻 對 思 想 史 研 究 的 方<br />

法 論 啟 示 國 際 研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 中 國 哲 學 與 文 化 研 究 中 心 ,2012-06-28<br />

~2012-06-30。<br />

林 素 清 ,2012,〈 秦 簡 《 為 吏 之 道 》 與 《 為 吏 治 官 及 黔 首 》 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國 簡 帛 學 國 際<br />

論 壇 2012—— 秦 簡 牘 研 究 會 議 」, 湖 北 : 武 漢 大 學 簡 帛 研 究 中 心 、 北 京 大 學 出 土 文 獻 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-19。<br />

陳 昭 容 (CHEN, CHAO-JUNG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 昭 容 ,2012,〈「 夨 姬 」 與 「 散 姬 」── 從 女 性 稱 名 規 律 談 夨 國 族 姓 及 其 相 關 問 題 〉, 李 宗<br />

焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 頁 251-286, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 。<br />

陳 昭 容 ,2012,〈 考 古 材 料 中 的 性 別 訊 息 〉, 劉 詠 聰 編 ,《 性 別 視 野 中 的 中 國 歷 史 新 貌 》, 頁<br />

139-144, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

陳 昭 容 ,2012,〈 古 文 字 材 料 中 的 性 別 研 究 訊 息 〉, 劉 詠 聰 編 ,《 性 別 視 野 中 的 中 國 歷 史 新<br />

貌 》, 頁 190-194, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chao-Jung Chen, 2012, “To Become ‘Huaxia’: A Study of the Early Qin State Based on Textual<br />

Evidence and Excavated Artifacts”, paper presented at An International Conference on the Early<br />

History and Archaeology of Qin, New York: Columbia University, Dept. of East Asian Languages<br />

and Cultures, 2012-04-06 ~ 2012-04-07.<br />

陳 昭 容 ,2012,〈 從 文 獻 及 出 土 文 物 看 早 期 秦 國 融 入 華 夏 的 歷 程 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四<br />

屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

陳 昭 容 ,2012,〈 兩 周 夷 夏 族 群 融 合 中 的 婚 姻 關 係 —— 從 芮 國 婚 嫁 往 來 談 起 〉, 發 表 於 「 陜 西<br />

韓 城 出 土 芮 國 文 物 暨 周 代 封 國 考 古 學 研 究 國 際 研 討 會 」, 上 海 : 上 海 博 物 館 ,2012-08-13 ~<br />

2012-08-15。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 (TSAI, CHE-MAO)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 武 丁 卜 辭 中<br />

父 壬 身 份 的 探 討 〉, 李 宗 焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三<br />

輯 》, 頁 125-147, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 甲 骨 新 綴 十 二 則 〉,《 古 文 字 研 究 》 第 29 輯 , 頁 162-173, 北 京 : 中 華 書<br />

局 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 說 甲 骨 文 北 方 風 名 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 古 文 字 「 豐 」 字 構 形 試 釋 〉, 發 表 於 「 甲 骨 學 暨 高 青 陳 庄 西 周 城 址 重 大 發<br />

現 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 山 東 高 青 ,2012-08-07 ~ 2012-08-10。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 史 語 所 藏 陳 介 棋 《 簠 齋 金 文 手 稿 》 簡 介 〉, 發 表 於 「 海 峽 兩 岸 著 名 金 石 學<br />

家 陳 介 祺 文 物 收 藏 展 暨 學 術 研 討 會 」, 濰 坊 : 濰 坊 市 人 民 政 府 等 ,2012-08-31 ~ 2012-09-<br />

01。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈YH127 坑 疾 病 卜 辭 系 連 初 探 ── 以 貞 卜 丮 與<br />

「 殙 」 事 件 為 例 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 中 國 社 會 科 學 國 學 研 究 論 壇 ‧ 出 土 文 獻 與 漢 語 史 研 究 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 北 京 ,2012-<br />

11-03 ~ 2012-11-04。<br />

蔡 哲 茂 ,2012,〈 殷 卜 辭 「 三 公 二 父 」 試 釋 〉, 發 表 於 「 承 繼 與 拓 新 : 漢 語 語 言 文 字 學 國 際<br />

研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 中 國 語 言 及 文 學 系 所 ,2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18。<br />

李 宗 焜 (LI, ZONG-KUN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,《 甲 骨 文 字 編 》( 四 冊 ), 共 2125 頁 , 北 京 : 中 華 書 局 。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 共 469 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,〈 婦 好 的 生 育 與 冥 婚 〉,《 故 宮 文 物 月 刊 》355:16-23。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,〈 婦 好 在 武 丁 王 朝 的 角 色 〉, 李 宗 焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 頁<br />

79-106, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,〈 從 豐 豊 同 形 談 商 代 的 新 酒 和 陳 釀 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會<br />

議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,〈 從 商 周 人 牲 人 殉 談 「 始 作 俑 者 」 的 意 義 〉, 發 表 於 「 語 文 與 文 獻 國 際 學 術 研<br />

討 會 」, 台 北 : 臺 灣 大 學 中 文 系 ,2012-12-07 ~ 2012-12-08。<br />

李 宗 焜 ,2012,〈 甲 骨 遙 綴 不 可 盡 信 〉, 發 表 於 「 承 繼 與 拓 新 : 漢 語 語 言 文 字 學 國 際 研 討<br />

會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 中 國 語 言 及 文 學 系 所 ,2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18。<br />


顏 世 鉉 (YEN, SHIH-HSUAN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

顏 世 鉉 ,2012,〈 上 博 楚 竹 書 「 苦 成 家 父 」 名 字 解 詁 —— 兼 釋 三 則 「 讎 」 和 「 醜 」 通 假 的 文<br />

獻 〉, 李 宗 焜 編 ,《 古 文 字 與 古 代 史 ‧ 第 三 輯 》, 頁 379-398, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語<br />

言 研 究 所 。<br />

顏 世 鉉 ,2012,〈 清 華 竹 書 〈 繫 年 〉 札 記 二 則 〉, 武 漢 大 學 簡 帛 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 簡 帛 》 第 7<br />

輯 , 頁 57-64, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

顏 世 鉉 ,2012,〈 說 「 」( 从 羽 能 ) 和 「 」( 从 日 能 ) 在 楚 簡 中 的 讀 法 及 其 對 古 書 的 校<br />

讀 〉, 發 表 於 「 承 繼 與 拓 新 : 漢 語 語 言 文 字 學 國 際 研 討 會 」, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 中 國<br />

語 言 及 文 學 系 所 ,2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18。<br />


黃 樹 民 (HUANG, SHU-MIN)<br />

民 族 學 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shu-min Huang, 2012, “Gauging the Chinese Reality: 40 Years of Research in Rural China”, 中 共 研<br />

究 , 46(11), 131-145.<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Shu-min Huang, 2012, “Gregory Button: Disaster Culture: Knowledge and Uncertainty in the Wake of<br />

Human and Environmental Catasthrophe.”, Asian Anthropology, 11, 214-217.<br />

胡 台 麗 (HU, TAI-LI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

胡 台 麗 ,2012,〈 笛 聲 傳 情 : 排 灣 吹 笛 人 的 情 愛 世 界 〉, 喬 健 、 邱 天 助 、 羅 曉 南 編 ,《 談 情 說<br />

異 : 情 、 婚 姻 暨 異 文 化 的 跨 界 論 述 》, 頁 131-146, 台 北 : 世 新 大 學 異 文 化 中 心 。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

胡 台 麗 ,2012,《 台 灣 民 族 誌 數 位 影 音 典 藏 計 畫 》 子 計 畫 《 排 灣 族 鼻 笛 與 口 笛 》, 網 上 124 頁<br />

影 音 資 料 pages, commissioned by 國 科 會 國 家 型 數 位 典 藏 計 畫 。<br />

影 音 作 品<br />

Returning Souls. documentary film, 85 minutes. Directed by Hu Tai-Li; Produced by Hu Tai-Li;<br />

Photograph by Lee Jong-Wang, Hu Tai-Li; Edited by Hu Tai-Li, Wu Shu-Ting. Published by Coproduced<br />

by The Institute of Ethnology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica in 2012. * Selected for competition at<br />

2012 Sole Luna International Documentary Film Festival (Italy); selected for competition at.<br />

讓 靈 魂 回 家 。 紀 錄 片 ,85 minutes. Directed by 胡 台 麗 ;Produced by 胡 台 麗 ;Photograph by 攝<br />

影 : 李 中 旺 ; 協 同 攝 影 : 胡 台 麗 、 賴 勇 戎 、 涂 嘉 文 、 楊 啟 泰 ;Edited by 胡 台 麗 、 吳 舒 婷 、<br />

陸 潔 、 冉 旭 明 。Published by 中 研 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 協 同 製 作 in 2012。* 入 選 2012 義 大 利<br />

Sole Luna 國 際 紀 錄 片 影 展 競 賽 片 ; 入 選 2012 法 國 Jean Rouch 國 際 民 族 誌 影 展 競 賽 片 ; 入<br />

選 2012 莫 斯 科 國 際 視 覺 人 類 學 影 展 。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 (CHU, RUEY-LING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

Poston, D., W. S. Yang, & R. L. Chu, H. Kincannon, &R. Cortes, accepted, The family and social<br />

change in Chinese societies., New York: Klewer/Plenum Publishers.<br />


朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 ,2012,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社<br />

會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2》, 共 383 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Ruey-Ling Chu, accepted, “Parent-child interaction and its consequences for children. ”, editor(s): D.<br />

Poston, W. S. Yang, R. L. Chu, H. Kincannon, &R. Cortes, The family and social change in<br />

Chinese societies, New York: Klewer/Plenum Publishers.<br />

朱 瑞 玲 ,accepted,〈 從 兒 童 的 價 值 觀 、 節 儉 態 度 到 利 環 境 行 為 : 家 庭 教 化 的 影 響 〉, 葉 光 輝<br />

編 ,《 華 人 的 心 理 與 行 為 : 哲 學 反 思 、 理 論 建 構 與 實 徵 研 究 》, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

周 玉 慧 、 朱 瑞 玲 ,accepted,〈 殊 異 或 趨 同 台 灣 民 眾 價 值 觀 之 變 遷 及 其 影 響 因 素 〉, 葉 光 輝<br />

編 ,《 華 人 的 心 理 與 行 為 : 哲 學 反 思 、 理 論 建 構 與 實 徵 研 究 》, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

黃 囇 莉 、 朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 是 亂 流 還 是 潮 起 、 潮 落 —— 尋 找 台 灣 的 「 核 心 價 值 」 及 其 變<br />

遷 〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 ,<br />

台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2》, 頁 1-36, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 、 周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 社 會 的 慈 善 觀 念 與 道 德 感 〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,<br />

《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之<br />

2》, 頁 71-103, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ruey-Ling Chu*, Yang, Shu-Wen, & Hsiung, Feng-Chun , 2012, “The effects of knowledge, values,<br />

and sense of moral obligation on global warming mitigation”, paper presented at AEARUEEW<br />

2012-The 4th Energy and Environmental Workshop, Taipei: National Taiwan University, 2012-<br />

03-29 ~ 2012-03-30.<br />

Ruey-Ling Chu, 2012, “Perception of Climate Change and Pro-environmental Behavior in Taiwan”,<br />

paper presented at International Association for cross-cultural Psychology, IACCP, 2012<br />

Conference, Cape Town, South Africa: the National Research Foundation of South Africa and the<br />

Psychological Society of South Africa, 2012-07-22 ~ 2012-07-27.<br />

J. P. Chen, R. L. Chu, M. J. Wu,& C. C. Hong, 2012, “Cultivating the Core Knowledge of Global<br />

Warming/ Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction”, paper presented at International<br />

Conference on Education embedded with Emerging Technologies, Kaohsiung: I-Shou University,<br />

2012-08-30.<br />

朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 觀 看 抑 是 窺 視 研 究 者 與 被 研 究 者 的 同 理 〉, 發 表 於 從 相 逢 到 交 融 : 人 類 學<br />

與 心 理 學 的 激 盪 與 對 話 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-09-04 ~ 2012-<br />

09-05。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 民 眾 放 生 的 宗 教 與 心 理 因 素 〉, 共 12 頁 , 發 表 於 民 眾 放 生 的 宗 教 與 心 理 因<br />

素 , 台 北 : 臺 北 市 政 府 民 政 局 ,2012-09-12 ~ 2012-09-13。<br />


朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 台 灣 民 眾 的 利 環 境 態 度 與 行 為 : 價 值 觀 與 罪 感 的 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 環 境 : 臺 灣<br />

社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 第 十 七 次 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-02-24。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 從 兒 童 的 價 值 觀 、 節 儉 態 度 到 利 環 境 行 為 : 家 庭 教 化 的 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 第 四<br />

屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

張 珣 (CHANG, HSUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 珣 ,2012,〈 台 灣 華 人 「 虛 」 的 身 體 經 驗 〉,《Journal of Sinological Studies 漢 學 研 究 學<br />

刊 》,3, 頁 36-70。<br />

hsun CHANG, 2012, “Between religion and state: the Dajia pilgrimage in Taiwan”, SOCIAL<br />

COMPASS, 59(3). (SSCI) (IF: 0.28; SSCI ranking: 67%)<br />

張 珣 ,2012,〈 媽 祖 信 仰 與 文 化 產 業 : 人 類 學 的 個 案 研 究 〉,《 莆 田 學 院 學 報 》,19(3) 頁<br />

1-7。<br />

張 珣 、 洪 瑩 發 ,2012,“ 錢 補 運 科 儀 分 析 : 以 台 南 安 平 妙 壽 宮 小 法 團 為 例 ”, 道 學 研 究 ,19, 頁<br />

19-36。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 珣 ,2012,〈 民 間 信 仰 與 地 方 產 業 : 以 台 灣 新 港 地 區 為 例 〉, 彭 文 宇 編 ,《 媽 祖 文 化 研 究 論<br />

叢 ( 一 )》, 頁 257-265, 北 京 : 人 民 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 珣 ,2012,“ 從 民 間 信 仰 與 地 方 產 業 看 國 家 與 地 方 的 關 係 ”,paper presented at 中 研 院 第 四 屆<br />

漢 學 會 議 , 中 研 院 : 中 研 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

張 珣 ,2012,“ 媽 祖 造 像 與 標 準 化 問 題 ”,paper presented at 北 京 社 科 院 第 二 屆 宗 教 人 類 學 研 討<br />

會 , 北 京 社 科 院 : 北 京 社 科 院 , 2012-05-11。<br />

葉 光 輝 (YEH, KUANG-HUI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yeh, K. H.*, Tsao, W. C., & Ng, T. K., accepted, “Ageing and Elder Social Exclusion in Taiwan”,<br />

Ageing and Societies.<br />


黃 宣 衛 (HUANG, SHIUN-WEY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 振 岳 、 黃 學 堂 、 黃 宣 衛 ,2012,〈 從 宗 教 層 面 看 池 上 地 區 的 族 群 互 動 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 民 族<br />

學 研 究 所 資 料 彙 編 》, 第 22 期 , 頁 19-78。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 宣 衛 ,2012,〈 撒 奇 萊 雅 的 歲 時 祭 儀 〉, 潘 英 海 編 ,《 台 灣 原 住 民 族 歲 時 祭 儀 論 文 集<br />

( 上 )》, 頁 155-183, 屏 東 : 行 政 院 原 住 民 族 委 員 會 文 化 園 區 管 理 局 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shiun-wey Huang, 2012, “Ethnic Movement, Village Development, and Functions of Religion: A Not<br />

Entirely Successful Re-Structuring of Sakizaya Ritual”, 22 pages, paper presented at 第 一 屆 台 灣<br />

研 究 世 界 大 會 , 台 北 南 港 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

黃 宣 衛 ,2012,〈 國 家 政 策 、 原 住 民 運 動 與 政 黨 輪 替 : 談 新 世 紀 的 台 灣 原 住 民 新 族 群 生 成 現<br />

象 〉, 共 16 頁 , 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 台 北 南 港 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~<br />

2012-06-22。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

黃 宣 衛 ,2012,〈 五 彩 繽 紛 的 台 灣 原 住 民 宗 教 世 界 〉,《 幼 獅 文 藝 》,701 期 , 頁 48-53。<br />

馮 涵 棣 (FUNG, HEIDI)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Miller, P. J., Fung, H., Lin, S., Chen, E. C. H., & Boldt, B. R., 2012, How Socialization Happens on<br />

the Ground: Narrative Practices as Alternate Socializing Pathways in Taiwanese and European-<br />

American Families, 140 pages, U.S.A.: Monographs of the Society for Research in Child<br />

Development, Wiley.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Fung, H., & Li, J. , 2012, “Mother-child conversations about learning: A lens to glimpse different<br />

cultural frames”, paper presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological<br />

Association (AAA), San Francisco, CA: American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~<br />

2012-11-18.<br />

Fung, H., Li, J., & Chen, E. C. H., 2012, “Taiwanese parent-child conversations for moral guidance:<br />

Uncovering the ubiquitous but enigmatic process”, paper presented at the 30th International<br />

Congress of Psychology (ICP), Cape Town, South Africa: International Congress of Psychology,<br />

2012-07-22 ~ 2012-07-27.<br />


Fung, H., Dương, N. O., & Wang, P., 2012,〈The changing public discourse on Vietnamese marriage<br />

migrants in Taiwan (1994-2011)〉, 發 表 於 The meeting of Taiwan Association of Southeast<br />

Asian Studies, 台 灣 埔 里 暨 南 大 學 : Taiwan Association of Southeast Asian Studies, 2012-04-27<br />

~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Li, J., & Fung, H., 2012, 〈Mother-child conversations about learning: A lens to glimpse different<br />

cultural frames〉, 發 表 於 the meeting on “From Encounter to Engagement”, Taipei, Taiwan:<br />

Institute of Ethnology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05.<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

馮 涵 棣 、 楊 玉 鶯 ,2012,〈 簡 介 越 南 搖 籃 歌 謠 (Lời Ru)〉,《 中 研 院 週 報 》,1362, 頁 5-<br />

8。<br />

周 玉 慧 (JOU, YUH-HUEY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

謝 雨 生 、 周 玉 慧 *,2012,〈 每 下 愈 況 或 漸 入 佳 境 : 夫 妻 婚 姻 品 質 之 變 化 與 相 互 影 響 性 〉,<br />

《 台 灣 社 會 學 》, 第 23 期 , 頁 101-154。(TSSCI)<br />

周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈「 小 人 」「 閑 居 」 為 「 不 善 」 生 活 經 驗 、 社 會 資 本 與 青 年 休 閒 活 動 參<br />

與 。〉,《 社 會 分 析 》, 第 5 期 , 頁 1-37。(Others)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Yuh-Huey Jou, 2012, “Family relationship quality and its psychological effects among Taiwanese<br />

adolescents.”, editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi, The psychological well-being of East Asian youth, pp. 69-<br />

88, Dordrecht: Springer.<br />

朱 瑞 玲 *、 周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈 台 灣 社 會 的 慈 善 觀 念 與 道 德 感 。〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲<br />

( 主 編 ) 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985─2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查<br />

系 列 三 之 2。》, 頁 71-103, 台 北 : 中 研 院 社 會 所 。<br />

周 玉 慧 *、 朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 變 遷 中 的 民 眾 心 理 需 求 、 疏 離 感 與 身 心 困 擾 。〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海<br />

源 、 張 苙 雲 ( 主 編 ) 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985─2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社 會 變<br />

遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2。》, 頁 37-70, 台 北 : 中 研 院 社 會 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 苾 文 、 周 玉 慧 , 2012, “ 台 灣 民 眾 休 閒 活 動 之 變 遷 及 其 影 響 :1990 年 -2000 年 ”, 24 pages, paper<br />

presented at 2012 旅 遊 觀 光 暨 休 閒 運 動 學 術 研 討 會 , 南 台 科 技 大 學 休 閒 事 業 管 理 系 : 台 南 市<br />

旅 行 商 業 同 業 公 會 , 2012-11-17.<br />


Yuh-Huey Jou, 2012, “Like Parent, Like Child The Effect of Parent-Adolescent Interactions on<br />

Adolescents’ Psychological Well-Being.”, 20 pages, paper presented at 7th International<br />

Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, London: Roehampton University, 2012-<br />

07-16 ~ 2012-07-18.<br />

周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈 変 動 の 中 の 現 代 日 本 における 既 婚 者 の 夫 婦 関 係 と 結 婚 満 足 度 。〉, 共 27<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 發 表 於 「 現 代 の 日 本 社 会 における 心 理 と 感 情 」 國 際 研 討 會 , 臺 北 南 港 。: 中<br />

央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 主 辦 ,2012-05-04。<br />

周 玉 慧 、 范 姜 艾 琳 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 夫 妻 之 幽 默 初 探 〉, 共 18 頁 , 發 表 於 第 51 屆 台 灣 心 理 學 年<br />

會 , 台 中 : 亞 洲 大 學 心 理 學 系 ,2012-10-13 ~ 2012-10-14。<br />

周 玉 慧 、 深 田 博 己 ,2012,〈 在 日 中 国 系 留 学 生 におけるストレッサーの 年 代 変 化 〉, 共 16<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 第 十 七 回 日 本 留 學 生 教 育 學 會 研 究 大 會 , 日 本 東 京 : 東 京 外 國 語 大 學 ,2012-<br />

08-30。<br />

周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈 台 灣 民 眾 之 價 值 觀 與 文 化 偏 好 : 變 遷 及 其 影 響 因 素 。〉, 共 32 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 台 北 南 港 : 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 、 民 族 學 研 究 所 、 近 代 史 研<br />

究 所 、 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 、 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 語 言 學 研 究 所 、 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 合 辦 ,<br />

2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

周 玉 慧 ,2012,《 夫 妻 間 幽 默 : 一 個 歷 程 觀 點 的 研 究 》, 共 50 頁 , 行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 委<br />

託 。<br />

余 舜 德 (YU, SHUENN-DER)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

余 舜 德 、 郭 奇 正 ,2012, “ 藏 民 的 家 屋 與 家 屋 內 的 社 會 動 態 : 以 雲 南 五 境 通 珠 聚 落 為 例 ”, 民 族 所<br />

資 料 彙 編 , 22, 1-18.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

余 舜 德 ,2012,〈「 台 灣 茶 農 的 工 匠 技 藝 、 科 技 與 現 代 化 」〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 ,<br />

中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

陳 文 德 (CHEN, WEN-TE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 文 德 ,2012,〈 文 化 產 業 與 部 落 發 展 : 以 卑 南 族 為 例 〉, 共 23 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究<br />

世 界 大 會 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


陳 文 德 ,2012,〈 國 家 政 策 與 原 住 民 : 以 卑 南 族 民 族 議 會 的 發 展 為 例 〉, 共 30 頁 , 發 表 於 第<br />

四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

丘 延 亮 (CHIU, FRED Y.L.)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Ashis Nandy, 丘 延 亮 譯 ,2012,《 貼 身 的 損 友 : 有 關 多 重 自 身 的 一 些 故 事 》, 共 320 頁 , 台 北<br />

市 : 台 灣 社 會 研 究 雜 誌 社 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

丘 延 亮 ,2012,〈 專 題 導 言 : 從 克 服 分 類 / 範 疇 先 行 之 角 度 的 閱 讀 與 看 見 〉,《 台 灣 社 會 研 究<br />

季 刊 》,86 期 , 頁 1-12。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

丘 延 亮 ,2012,〈 書 序 : 迎 接 一 個 「 陰 性 」 閱 讀 的 邀 請 與 教 習 〉, 作 者 : 張 君 玫 編 ,《 後 殖 民<br />

的 陰 性 情 境 》, 頁 5-12, 台 北 市 : 群 學 。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

陳 永 龍 、 丘 延 亮 ,2012,《 災 難 救 援 社 會 服 務 模 式 的 建 立 : 八 八 風 災 後 原 住 民 返 家 與 部 落 重 建<br />

的 歷 程 探 究 ── 災 後 原 住 民 部 落 遷 居 、 文 化 產 業 再 生 與 社 群 生 活 重 建 的 歷 程 探 究 》, 國 科<br />

會 專 題 研 究 計 劃 委 託 。<br />

劉 斐 玟 (LIU, FEI-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fei-wen Liu, 2012, “Expressive Depths: Dialogic Performance of Bridal Lamentation in Rural South<br />

China”, Journal of American Folklore, 125(496), 204-225.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Fei-wen Liu, 2012, “The Psychological-Cultural Complex of Nüshu in Southern China: From<br />

Lamenting Miseries to Evoking Misfortunes”, 12 pages, paper presented at American<br />

Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA, USA: American<br />

Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

劉 斐 玟 ,2012,〈 女 書 的 文 化 心 理 情 結 : 從 「 訴 可 憐 」 到 「 越 寫 越 苦 」〉, 共 48 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「 從 相 逢 到 交 融 : 人 類 學 與 心 理 學 的 激 盪 與 對 話 」 國 際 研 討 會 , 中 研 院 民 族 所 : 中 研 院 民<br />

族 所 ,2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05。<br />


影 音 作 品<br />

《 女 書 回 生 (Calling and Recalling: The Sentiments of Women's Script (Nushu))》。 記 錄 片 ,74 分<br />

鐘 。 郭 昱 沂 導 演 ; 劉 斐 玟 、 謝 嘉 錕 製 作 ; 周 震 錄 音 ; 謝 嘉 錕 、 余 雋 江 攝 影 ; 郭 昱 沂 、 余 雋<br />

江 剪 輯 。2012 年 。<br />

丁 仁 傑 (TING, JEN-CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

丁 仁 傑 ,accepted,〈 靈 驗 的 顯 現 : 由 象 徵 結 構 到 社 會 結 盟 , 一 個 關 於 漢 人 民 間 信 仰 文 化 邏 輯<br />

的 理 論 性 初 探 〉,《 台 灣 社 會 學 刊 》。(TSSCI)<br />

何 翠 萍 (HO, TSUI-PING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ho Ts'ui-p'ing, 2012, “Jingpo Surnames and Genealogies”, 49 pages, paper presented at "China's<br />

Frontiers and Beyond" Symposium at the Fourth International Conference on Sinology,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Institute of History and Philology, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

Ho Ts'ui-p'ing, 2012, “Young Jingpo Women's Individuality in the Post-reform Era”, 26 pages, paper<br />

presented at "The World in East Asia/East Asia in the World" Conference, East Asian<br />

Anthropological Association Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: East Asian<br />

Anthropological Association, 2012-07-06 ~ 2012-07-08.<br />

郭 佩 宜 (GUO, PEI-YI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Pei-yi Guo, 2012, “Coacting Empathy: Fieldwork among the Langalanga, Solomon Islands”, paper<br />

presented at American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA:<br />

American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

Pei-yi Guo, 2012, “A Ticket to Ride: ‘Steamer Gangs’ and Big Men in Langalanga, Solomon Islands<br />

during the British Colonial Times”, paper presented at Pacific History Association (PHA)<br />

biennial conference, Wellington, New Zealand: Pacific History Association, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-<br />

12-08.<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈 多 重 殖 民 現 代 性 理 論 批 判 〉, 發 表 於 「 島 嶼 的 形 成 與 流 動 」 工 作 坊 , 宜 蘭 :<br />

台 灣 大 學 人 類 學 系 ,2012-03-09。<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈 共 做 的 同 理 心 : 所 羅 門 群 島 Langalanga 礁 湖 區 的 田 野 工 作 〉, 發 表 於 從 相 逢<br />

到 交 融 : 人 類 學 與 心 理 學 的 對 話 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 音<br />

聲 發 微 研 究 群 ,2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05。<br />


郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈 大 眾 人 類 學 的 美 麗 與 哀 愁 〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 人 類 學 暨 民 族 學 學 會 年 會 , 中 研 院<br />

民 族 所 : 發 表 於 台 灣 人 類 學 暨 民 族 學 學 會 ,2012-10-03 ~ 2012-10-04。<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈「 正 義 」: 來 自 美 拉 尼 西 亞 的 一 場 思 辨 〉, 發 表 於 第 三 屆 原 住 民 族 傳 統 習 慣<br />

規 範 與 國 家 法 制 研 討 會 , 東 華 大 學 : 東 華 大 學 原 住 民 學 院 ,2012-10-13 ~ 2012-10-14。<br />

司 黛 蕊 (SILVIO, TERI JAYNE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

司 黛 蕊 , 2012, “Fated Intimacy: Cute Deity Figurines and Belief in Taiwan”, paper presented at<br />

Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, U.S.A.: American<br />

Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

司 黛 蕊 , 2012, “Character Goods Design in East Asia and Beyond”, paper presented at Research<br />

Cluster on the Cultural and Creative Industries in Asia, Bangalore, India.: Centre for the Study of<br />

Culture and Society, 2012-08-03 ~ 2012-08-04.<br />

司 黛 蕊 , 2012, “Producing, Creating, Branding: Ideologies of Labor and Value among Taiwan and<br />

Hong Kong Character Goods Designers.”, paper presented at 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

影 音 作 品<br />

《“Go, Figures! The Culture and Charisma of Statues, Puppets, and Dolls” < 偶 的 世 界 , 偶 的 魅 力<br />

>》。 特 展 。 司 黛 蕊 導 演 。2012 年 。* 展 期 2012/10/17-2013/07/31 展 場 : 民 族 學 研 究 所 博 物<br />

館 。<br />

劉 紹 華 (LIU, SHAO-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 紹 華 ,2012,“ 倫 理 規 範 的 發 展 與 公 共 性 反 思 : 以 美 國 及 台 灣 人 類 學 為 例 ”, 文 化 研 究 , 14:<br />

197-228。 (TSSCI)<br />

劉 紹 華 ,2012,“ 流 動 的 成 年 禮 : 中 國 西 南 的 毒 品 與 愛 滋 病 ”, 科 技 、 醫 療 與 社 會 ,14,77-<br />

112。 (TSSCI)<br />

劉 紹 華 、 林 文 玲 ,2012,“ 應 用 人 類 倫 理 挑 戰 : 美 國 經 驗 的 啟 發 ”, 華 人 應 用 人 類 學 刊 ,1(1):<br />

117-135。 (Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shao-hua Liu, 2012, “Global Anthropology and Taiwanese Australian Peoples”, paper presented at<br />

Anthropology of Global Issues, University of Delhi, India: World Council of Anthropological<br />

Associations and Indian Anthropological Association, 2012-03-31 ~ 2012-04-05.<br />


Shao-hua Liu, 2012, “Gender, Class, and Sociality in China’s Leprosy Control”, paper presented at<br />

International Conference ‘The Making of “Asia”: Health and Gender, The University of Hong<br />

Kong: The University of Hong Kong, 2012-03-09 ~ 2012-03-10.<br />

劉 紹 華 ,2012,“ 國 家 文 化 與 性 別 的 互 動 : 以 當 代 中 國 麻 風 病 防 治 為 例 ”,paper presented at 第<br />

10 屆 「 性 別 與 健 康 」 研 討 會 , 國 防 醫 學 大 學 : 國 防 醫 學 大 學 ,2012-05-18 ~ 2012-05-19。<br />

Shao-hua Liu, 2012, “Disease Control Technologies and Practices: Leprosy in Contemporary China”,<br />

paper presented at 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-20<br />

~ 2012-06-22.<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Shao-hua Liu, 2012, “Angela KL.C.Leung, Leprosy in China: A History”, East Asian Science,<br />

Technology and Society: an International Journal, 6:2930295.<br />

Shao-hua Liu, 2012, “Koen Wellens, Religious Revival in the Tibetan Borderlands: The Premi of<br />

Southwest China”, Pacific Affairs, 85(1), 196-198.<br />

楊 淑 媛 (YANG, SHU-YUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “State Recognition or State Appropriation Land Rights and Land Disputes<br />

among the Bugkalot/Ilongot of Northern Luzon, Philippines”, Southeast Asian Studies (N.S.),<br />

1(1): 77-108.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang , 2012, “Engagement with Capitalism as an Emotional Process: Envy, Desire and<br />

Economic Rationality among the Bugkalot (Ilongot) of Northern Luzon, Philippines”, paper<br />

presented at Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) 2012 Annual Meeting,<br />

Portland: Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, 2012-02-07 ~ 2012-02-11.<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “Loving Husband, Aging Bachelor, and Male Transvestite: Christianity and<br />

the Transformation of Manhood among the Bugkalot (Ilongot) of Northern Luzon, Philippines”,<br />

paper presented at Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) 2012 Annual<br />

Meeting, Portland: Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, 2012-02-07 ~ 2012-02-11.<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “Indigenous Peoples, Structural Inequality, and Restorative Justice: A<br />

Comparison of Taiwan and the Philippines”, paper presented at the 12th CSSI Workshop, Sendai,<br />

Japan: Center for the Studies in Social Stratification and Inequality, 2012-10-15.<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “Envy, Desire, and Economic Engagement”, paper presented at the 12th EASA<br />

(European Association of Social Anthropologists) Biennial Conference, Paris: University of<br />

Nanterre, 2012-07-10 ~ 2012-07-13.<br />


Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “Crossing Gender Divide in the Philippine Uplands: The Emergence of Male<br />

Transvestitism among the Bugkalot (Ilongot)”, paper presented at The American Anthropological<br />

Association 2012 Annual Meeting, San Francisco: The American Anthropological Association,<br />

2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

Shu-Yuan Yang, 2012, “Boundary Dispute and Electoral Politics: How the Bugkalot (Ilongot) Call<br />

into Question their Subjugation to the Philippine State”, paper presented at the Fourth<br />

International Conference on Sinology, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

楊 淑 媛 ,2012,〈 原 住 民 權 利 法 、 傳 統 領 域 與 土 地 權 : 菲 律 賓 的 例 子 〉, 發 表 於 新 世 紀 世 界 民<br />

族 問 題 的 走 向 , 中 國 吉 林 省 延 邊 朝 鮮 族 自 治 州 延 吉 市 : 延 邊 大 學 ,2012-07-23 ~ 2012-07-<br />

24。<br />

呂 心 純 (LU, HSIN-CHUN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

呂 心 純 ,2012,《 未 褪 色 的 金 碧 輝 煌 : 緬 甸 古 典 音 樂 傳 統 的 再 現 與 現 代 性 》, 共 289 頁 , 台<br />

北 : 台 灣 大 學 出 版 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Tasaw Hsin-chun Lu, 2012, “Song Covers as Hidden Transcripts: Negotiating Identity and<br />

Reidentifying Home amongst Burmese Chinese Singers”, paper presented at 3rd ICTM Music of<br />

East Asian Studies Meetings, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: The study of group<br />

of ICTM Music of East Asian Studies, 2012-07-30 ~ 2012-08-02.<br />

Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu, 2012, “Ethnic Festivalization, Subversion, and Intersubjectivity: The Burmese<br />

‘Twin Water Festivals’ in Taiwan”, paper presented at Annual Meeting for the Musics of East<br />

Asia, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong: ICTM Study Group for Musics of East<br />

Asia, 2012-07-31 ~ 2012-08-02.<br />

Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu, 2012, “Multiple Selves and Intersubjectivity: Constructing Musical-self of a<br />

Burmese Classical Musician in Rangoon”, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American<br />

Anthropological Association, San Francisco: American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14<br />

~ 2012-11-18.<br />

Hsin-chun Tasaw Lu, 2012, “Recollecting the Red Past, Glorifying the New Present: Musical<br />

Narratives and Performances among the pro-CCP Burmese Chinese in Rangoon”, paper<br />

presented at Annual Meeting of the Society of Ethnomusicology, New Orleans: Society of<br />

Ethnomusicology, 2012-10-31 ~ 2012-11-05.<br />

呂 心 純 , 2012, “ 多 元 自 我 與 互 為 主 體 性 : 一 位 緬 甸 古 典 音 樂 家 的 音 樂 自 我 建 構 ”, paper presented at<br />

從 相 逢 到 交 融 : 人 類 學 與 心 理 學 的 激 盪 與 對 話 國 際 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 , 2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05.<br />


呂 心 純 ,2012,〈 身 體 作 為 文 化 記 憶 或 技 藝 -- 緬 華 的 聆 聽 經 驗 與 文 化 展 演 政 治 〉, 發 表 於 漢<br />

學 會 議 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

彭 仁 郁 (PENG, JEN-YU)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Jenyu Peng, accepted, ““Œdipe incestué” : violences de l’inceste et subjectivation escarpée”, editor(s):<br />

Yolande Govindama, Essai clinique anthropologique et psychopathologique, Paris: Karthala.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Peng, Jenyu , 2012, “Clinical Fieldwork: When Psychoanalysis Meets Anthropology ”, paper<br />

presented at 111th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco:<br />

American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

Peng, Jenyu, 2012, “When the ’Comfort Women’ Speak. Traumatic Memory, Recognition, and<br />

Healing”, paper presented at Shared Traumas – Silent Loss, Public and Private Mourning<br />

Psychoanalysis and Politics, Winter Symposium., Stockholm: NSU, 2012-03-09 ~ 2012-03-11.<br />

彭 仁 郁 ,2012,〈 失 序 的 「 家 」: 亂 倫 性 侵 倖 存 者 的 家 庭 經 驗 〉, 共 18 頁 , 發 表 於 「 什 麼 是<br />

家 」「 現 代 家 庭 」 後 的 個 人 化 、 心 理 化 、 多 樣 化 趨 勢 學 術 研 討 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究<br />

所 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-07-03 ~ 2012-07-05。<br />

彭 仁 郁 ,2012,〈【 臨 床 田 野 : 遇 見 異 己 者 、 把 「 人 」 找 回 來 】〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 【 從 相<br />

逢 到 交 融 : 人 類 學 與 心 理 學 的 激 盪 與 對 話 】 國 際 研 討 會 , 中 研 院 民 族 所 : 中 研 院 民 族 所 ,<br />

2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05。<br />

鄭 瑋 寧 (CHENG, WEINING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Weining Cheng, 2012, “Mimesis and the Beauty of Otherness amongst the Rukai of Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at Annual Meeting for American Anthropological Association, Hotel Hilton, San<br />

Fancisco: American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

鄭 瑋 寧 ,2012,〈 站 在 知 識 前 沿 , 探 尋 理 論 化 「 當 代 」 的 可 能 性 : 評 《「 文 明 」 之 路 》〉, 發<br />

表 於 《「 文 明 」 之 路 》 新 書 討 論 會 , 國 立 台 灣 大 學 文 學 院 :《「 文 明 」 之 路 》 新 書 討 論 會<br />

籌 備 小 組 、 國 立 台 灣 大 學 人 類 學 系 ,2012-10-20。<br />

鄭 瑋 寧 ,2012,〈 情 感 、 想 像 與 存 在 : 魯 凱 人 如 何 建 構 他 們 的 「 家 」〉, 發 表 於 「 什 麼 是<br />

家 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 ,2012-07-03 ~<br />

2012-07-05。<br />

鄭 瑋 寧 ,2012,〈 當 她 的 心 感 受 到 他 的 熱 情 : 魯 凱 人 的 愛 、 情 緒 能 動 與 「 家 的 意 象 」〉, 發 表<br />

於 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


學 術 書 評<br />

鄭 瑋 寧 ,2012,〈 人 類 學 知 識 的 本 體 論 轉 向 : 以 21 世 紀 的 親 屬 研 究 為 例 〉,《 考 古 人 類 學<br />

刊 》,76:153-170。<br />

黃 智 慧 (HUANG, CHIH-HUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 智 慧 , 2012, “「 多 元 文 化 」 的 脆 弱 性 : 八 八 災 後 重 建 政 策 底 下 的 原 住 民 族 ”, 再 現 南 臺 平 埔 族<br />

群 文 化 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 , 1-27.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 智 慧 ,2012,〈「 多 元 文 化 」 理 念 的 脆 弱 性 : 原 住 民 族 八 八 水 災 後 重 建 政 策 省 思 〉, 潘 英 海<br />

編 ,《 再 現 南 台 平 埔 族 群 文 化 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 1-27, 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 博 物 館 。<br />

黃 智 慧 ,2012,〈 八 八 災 後 台 灣 原 住 民 族 抗 爭 運 動 事 件 簿 〉, 潘 英 海 編 ,《 展 望 南 台 平 埔 族 群<br />

文 化 」 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 1-39, 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 博 物 館 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 智 慧 ,2012,〈 黒 潮 文 化 の 再 検 討 - 海 流 による 東 アジア 文 明 の 移 動 と 伝 播 〉, 發 表 於 第 7<br />

回 沖 縄 国 際 学 術 会 議 , 韓 國 國 立 首 爾 大 学 社 会 科 学 部 : 韓 國 國 立 首 爾 大 学 比 較 文 化 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-06-11。<br />


黃 克 武 (HUANG, KO-WU)<br />

近 代 史 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 民 國 史 研 究 的 現 狀 與 幾 點 反 思 〉,《 國 史 研 究 通 訊 》, 第 3 期 , 頁<br />

38-42。<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 修 身 與 治 國 ── 蔣 介 石 的 省 克 生 活 〉,《 國 史 館 館 刊 》, 第 34 期 ,<br />

頁 45-68。<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 廣 告 與 跨 國 文 化 翻 譯 :20 世 紀 初 期 《 申 報 》 醫 藥 廣 告 的 再 思 考 〉,<br />

《 翻 譯 史 研 究 》, 第 2 輯 , 頁 130-154。<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 從 晚 清 看 辛 亥 革 命 : 百 年 之 反 思 〉,《 近 代 史 研 究 》( 中 國 社 會 科 學<br />

院 ), 第 191 期 , 頁 99-106。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Max K. W. Huang, 2012, “The War of Neologisms: The Competition between the Newly Translated<br />

Terms Invented by Yan Fu and by the Japanese in the Late Qing”, editor(s): James St. Andre and<br />

Peng Hsiao-yen, China and Its Others: Knowledge Transfer through Translation, 1829-2010, pp.<br />

51-70, New York: Rodopi.<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 近 代 中 國 自 由 主 義 的 發 展 : 從 嚴 復 到 新 儒 家 〉, 呂 芳 上 、 謝 培 屏<br />

編 ,《 回 眸 世 紀 路 ── 建 國 百 年 歷 史 講 座 》, 頁 21-52, 台 北 : 國 史 館 。<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 清 末 から 見 た 辛 亥 革 命 〉, 辛 亥 革 命 百 周 年 紀 念 論 集 編 集 委 員 会 編 ,<br />

《 総 和 研 究 辛 亥 革 命 》, 頁 85-102, 東 京 : 岩 波 書 店 。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

黃 克 武 ,2012 年 8 月 ,〈 戒 嚴 體 制 下 的 自 由 之 聲 :《 文 星 》 雜 誌 的 介 紹 與 分 析 〉,《 知 識 饗 宴<br />

系 列 (8)》, 頁 137-164。<br />

陳 永 發 (CHEN, YUNG-FA)<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

陳 永 發 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 南 港 憶 高 華 〉,《 思 想 》, 第 21 期 , 頁 333-337。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

陳 永 發 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 評 楊 天 石 ,《 找 尋 真 實 的 蔣 介 石 : 蔣 介 石 日 記 解 讀 ( 二 )》〉,《 中<br />

央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 75 期 , 頁 213-222。(THCI CORE)<br />


陳 慈 玉 (CHEN, TSU-YU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 慈 玉 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 日 本 統 治 期 における 台 湾 輸 出 産 業 の 発 展 と 変 遷 ( 下 )〉,《 立 命 館<br />

経 済 學 》, 第 61 卷 第 1 号 , 頁 108-130。<br />

陳 慈 玉 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 中 國 東 北 的 水 泥 產 業 (1905-1945)〉,《 新 亞 學 報 》, 第 30 卷 , 頁<br />

247-300。<br />

陳 慈 玉 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 日 本 統 治 期 における 台 湾 輸 出 産 業 の 発 展 と 変 遷 ( 上 )〉,《 立 命 館<br />

経 済 学 》, 第 60 卷 第 5 号 , 頁 17-49。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 慈 玉 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 性 別 史 與 經 濟 史 〉, 劉 咏 聰 編 ,《 性 別 視 野 中 的 中 国 歷 史 新 貌 》, 頁<br />

145-148, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

陳 慈 玉 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 日 治 時 期 的 基 隆 顏 家 : 重 視 文 教 的 礦 業 家 族 〉,《 國 史 研 究 通 訊 》,<br />

第 2 期 , 頁 4-9。<br />

林 滿 紅 (LIN, MAN-HOUNG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 滿 紅 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 高 中 歷 史 教 科 書 以 《 中 日 和 約 》 定 位 臺 灣 〉, 中 華 民 國 外 交 部 編 ,<br />

《 主 權 在 我 ──《 中 日 和 約 》 六 十 週 年 之 時 代 意 義 》, 頁 34-39, 台 北 : 中 華 民 國 外 交 部 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Man-houng Lin, Jul. 2012, “Economic systems ──The historical origins of ‘East Asian Resurgence’:<br />

economic nationalism, developmentalism and the international order of Asia”, paper presented at<br />

South Africa WEHC 2012 Congress, South Africa: WEHC, 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-13.<br />

林 滿 紅 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 銀 貶 值 與 清 末 中 國 的 國 際 貿 易 收 支 〉, 發 表 於 「 國 家 視 野 下 的 地 方 研<br />

討 會 」, 上 海 : 復 旦 大 學 ,2012-05-18 ~ 2012-05-19。<br />

Man-houng Lin, Apr. 2012, “Another 428: The Neglected Taipei Treaty and Taiwan’s Sovereign<br />

Status”, paper presented at 舊 金 山 和 約 生 效 60 週 年 學 術 研 討 會 , Canada: University of<br />

Waterloo, 2012-04-28.<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Man-houng Lin, Dec. 2012, “Book Reviews: Jason Lim. Linking an Asian Transregional Commerce<br />

in Tea: Overseas Chinese Merchants in the Fujian-Singapore Trade, 1920–1960. Leiden: Brill<br />

NV, 2010, 252 p. Southeast Asian ”, Southeast Asian Studies, 1(3), 533-536.<br />


張 啟 雄 (CHANG, CHI-HSIUNG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 啟 雄 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 東 西 國 際 秩 序 原 理 衝 突 下 的 外 交 轉 型 ── 論 「 以 不 治 治 之 vs. 實 效 管<br />

轄 」 的 清 末 朝 鮮 門 戶 開 放 〉, 栾 景 河 編 ,《 近 代 中 國 : 文 化 與 外 交 》, 頁 1-48, 北 京 : 社<br />

會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

張 啟 雄 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈「 東 アジア 共 同 体 」の 伝 統 的 な 地 域 統 合 概 念 の 発 見 ── 東 洋 の 歴 史<br />

経 験 と 文 化 価 値 の 分 析 ──〉, 徐 興 慶 、 陳 永 峰 編 ,《 転 換 中 の EU と「 東 アジア 共 同 体 」<br />

── 台 湾 から 世 界 を 考 える──》 ( 日 本 学 研 究 叢 書 7), 頁 59-94, 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 大 學<br />

出 版 中 心 。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

張 啟 雄 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈「 法 理 論 述 」VS.「 事 實 論 述 」── 中 華 民 國 與 國 際 奧 委 會 的 會 籍 認 定<br />

交 涉 ,1960-1981〉, 行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 委 託 。<br />

賴 惠 敏 (LAI, HUI-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

賴 惠 敏 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 山 西 常 氏 在 恰 克 圖 的 茶 葉 貿 易 〉,《 史 學 集 刊 》( 吉 林 大 學 ),<br />

2012 年 6 期 , 頁 33-47。( 大 陸 核 心 集 刊 )<br />

賴 惠 敏 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 清 政 府 對 恰 克 圖 商 人 的 管 理 (1755-1799)〉,《 內 蒙 古 師 大 學<br />

報 》, 第 41 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 39-66。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

賴 惠 敏 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 從 北 京 廟 會 看 清 朝 的 統 治 政 策 〉, 劉 鳳 雲 、 董 建 中 、 劉 文 鵬 編 ,《 清<br />

代 政 治 與 國 家 認 同 》, 頁 329-363, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hui-min Lai, Sept. 2012, “ The Economic Significance of the Imperial Household Department in the<br />

Qianlong Period” 刊 登 於 Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series November 2012 252., 15<br />

pages, paper presented at 亞 洲 經 濟 史 會 議 , Japan: Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi<br />

University, 2012-09-09 ~ 2012-09-11.<br />

張 力 (CHANG, LI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 力 ,2012 年 8 月 ,〈 近 代 中 國 海 軍 發 展 中 的 海 權 認 識 〉, 劉 石 吉 、 王 儀 君 編 ,《 海 洋 歷 史 文<br />

化 與 邊 界 政 治 》, 頁 147-163, 高 雄 : 國 立 中 山 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 。<br />


黃 自 進 (HUANG, TZU-CHIN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

黃 自 進 ,2012 年 12 月 ,《 蔣 介 石 與 日 本 : 一 部 近 代 中 日 關 係 史 的 縮 影 》, 共 496 頁 , 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 自 進 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 日 本 人 の 辛 亥 革 命 觀 〉, 辛 亥 革 命 百 周 年 紀 念 論 集 編 集 委 員 會 編 ,<br />

《 總 合 研 究 辛 亥 革 命 》, 頁 233-255, 東 京 : 岩 波 書 店 。<br />

張 壽 安 (CHANG, SO-AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 壽 安 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 龔 自 珍 論 乾 嘉 學 術 :「 專 門 之 學 」 的 興 起 ── 鉤 沉 傳 統 學 術 分 化 的 一<br />

條 線 索 〉,《 中 國 哲 學 與 文 化 》( 香 港 中 文 大 學 ), 第 十 輯 , 頁 231-258。<br />

張 壽 安 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 清 代 徽 州 義 理 學 的 產 生 及 其 重 要 性 ── 一 個 地 理 與 文 化 的 觀 察 〉,<br />

《 湖 南 大 學 學 報 ( 社 會 科 學 版 )》, 第 2 期 , 頁 5-14。<br />

康 豹 (KATZ, PAUL R.)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

康 豹 ,accepted,〈 由 《 委 羽 洞 天 邱 祖 龍 門 宗 譜 》 來 看 近 代 江 南 道 教 網 路 的 發 展 〉, 高 萬 桑<br />

編 ,《 近 現 代 都 市 道 教 史 資 料 》, 北 京 : 宗 教 文 化 出 版 社 。<br />

康 豹 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 西 方 學 界 研 究 中 國 社 區 宗 教 傳 統 的 主 要 動 態 〉, 路 遙 編 ,《 中 國 民 間 信<br />

仰 研 究 述 評 》, 頁 345-393, 上 海 : 上 海 人 民 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Paul Katz, Jun. 2012, “'Superstition' and its Discontents – On the Impact of Temple Destruction<br />

Campaigns in China, 1898-1948”, 41 pages, paper presented at 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 台 北 : 中<br />

央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

Paul Katz, Apr. 2012, “An Unbreakable Thread Preliminary Observations on the Interaction between<br />

Chinese and Taiwanese Religious Traditions under Japanese Colonial Rule”, 18 pages, paper<br />

presented at 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Paul Katz, Jan. 2012, “Broadcasting the Tao: Religion and the Mass Media in Modern China”, paper<br />

presented at 回 首 百 年 民 國 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 , 2012-01-11 ~ 2012-<br />

01-13.<br />


學 術 書 評<br />

Paul R. Katz, Aug. 2012, “Review of David A. Palmer, Glenn Shive, and Philip L. Wickeri, eds.,<br />

Chinese Religious Life”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 71(3), 784-787.<br />

沙 培 德 (ZARROW, PETER)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Peter Zarrow 2012, After Empire: The Conceptual Transformation of the Chinese State, 1885-1924,<br />

395 pages, Stanford: Stanford University Press.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

沙 培 德 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 民 權 思 想 與 先 鋒 主 義 : 民 國 時 期 孫 中 山 的 政 治 主 張 〉,《 中 央 研 究<br />

院 近 代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 78 期 , 頁 1-28。(THCI CORE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Peter Zarrow, Jun. 2012, “Revolution versus Chaos: Experiencing the 1911 Revolution”, 34 pages,<br />

paper presented at 全 球 視 野 下 的 中 國 近 代 社 會 暨 第 二 次 蔣 介 石 與 近 代 中 國 (1840-1949)<br />

國 際 學 術 討 論 會 , 杭 州 : 浙 江 大 學 蔣 介 石 與 近 代 中 國 研 究 中 心 and The Historical Society for<br />

Twentieth-Century China, 2012-06-08 ~ 2012-06-10.<br />

Peter Zarrow, Jan. 2012, “Revolutionary Organization and State-building: ‘Popular Sovereignty’ in<br />

Sunism and Maoism”, 22 pages, paper presented at Conference on Reform and Revolution: In<br />

Commemoration of the Xinhai Revolution and 100 Years of State Building, Vienna: Department<br />

of East Asian Studies/Sinology, University of Vienna, 2012-01-09 ~ 2012-01-12.<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Peter Zarrow, Dec. 2012, “Featured Review: David Strand, 'An Unfinished Republic: Leading by<br />

Word and Deed in Modern China”, Frontiers of History in China, 7(4), 638-644.<br />

游 鑑 明 (YU, CHIEN-MING)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

游 鑑 明 ,2012 年 2 月 ,《 超 越 性 別 身 體 : 近 代 華 東 地 區 的 女 子 體 育 (1895-1937)》, 共 326 頁 ,<br />

北 京 : 北 京 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

呂 妙 芬 (LU, MIAW-FEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,accepted,〈 楊 屾 知 本 提 綱 研 究 : 十 八 世 紀 儒 學 與 外 來 宗 教 融 合 之 例 〉,《 中 國 文 哲<br />

研 究 集 刊 》。<br />


呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 從 儒 釋 耶 三 教 會 遇 的 背 景 閱 讀 謝 文 洊 〉,《 新 史 學 》, 第 23 卷 第 1<br />

期 , 頁 105-158。(THCI CORE)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 歷 史 轉 型 中 的 明 代 心 學 〉, 陳 弱 水 編 ,《 中 國 史 新 論 思 想 史 分 冊 》,<br />

頁 317-352, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 、 聯 經 出 版 公 司 。<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 性 別 視 野 中 的 儒 學 思 想 史 新 貌 〉, 劉 詠 聰 編 ,《 性 別 視 野 中 的 中 國 歷<br />

史 新 貌 》, 頁 68-79, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 王 嗣 槐 太 極 圖 說 論 研 究 〉, 共 24 頁 , 發 表 於 「 明 清 學 術 與 儒 學 」 研<br />

討 會 , 桃 園 : 國 立 中 央 大 學 ,2012-11-27 ~ 2012-11-28。<br />

呂 妙 芬 , 2012 年 10 月 ,〈 儒 門 聖 賢 皆 孝 子 : 以 家 庭 人 倫 為 主 的 儒 學 成 聖 工 夫 〉, 共 23 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 清 代 理 學 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 新 加 坡 : 新 加 坡 國 立 大 學 ,2012-10-29 ~ 2012-10-<br />

30。<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 明 清 儒 學 關 於 個 體 不 朽 、 死 後 想 像 、 祭 祀 原 理 之 論 述 〉, 共 28 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-21 ~ 2012-06-23。<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 中 國 崛 起 、 傳 統 再 興 與 中 國 現 代 史 的 書 寫 : 清 代 理 學 研 究 的 新 視<br />

野 〉, 共 13 頁 , 發 表 於 「 回 首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 究 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

黃 寬 重 、 章 英 華 、 蘇 國 賢 、 呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 5 月 ,《 建 立 適 合 人 文 社 會 學 科 學 術 發 展 之 評 鑑 機<br />

制 研 究 計 劃 報 告 》, 教 育 部 委 託 。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

呂 妙 芬 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 評 A Northern Alternative: Xue Xuan (1389-1464) and the Hedong<br />

School〉,《 中 國 文 化 研 究 所 學 報 》( 香 港 中 文 大 學 ), 第 55 期 , 頁 332-334。<br />

陳 儀 深 (CHEN, YI-SHEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 儀 深 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 台 灣 主 體 、 中 國 屬 島 、 或 其 他 ── 葛 超 智 《 被 出 賣 的 台 灣 》 所 揭 露<br />

的 美 國 對 台 政 策 〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 「 從 當 代 問 題 探 討 台 灣 主 體 性 的 確 立 」 學 術 研 討<br />

會 , 台 大 社 會 科 學 院 國 際 會 議 廳 : 台 灣 教 授 協 會 , 2012-10-20 ~ 2012-10-21。<br />


資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

陳 儀 深 ,2012 年 12 月 ,《 海 外 台 獨 運 動 相 關 人 物 口 述 史 〈 續 篇 〉》, 共 575 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

張 淑 雅 (CHANG, SU-YA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 淑 雅 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 困 境 重 現 之 因 :1958 年 台 海 危 機 與 美 國 的 外 島 政 策 再 思 考 〉,《 中<br />

央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 77 期 , 頁 17-59。(THCI CORE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 淑 雅 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 戰 略 模 糊 的 起 源 :1950 年 代 美 國 對 臺 海 「 維 持 現 狀 」 政 策 的 形<br />

成 〉, 共 19 頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 國 家 的 型 塑 : 中 華 民 國 建 國 一 百 年 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台<br />

北 : 國 史 館 ,2012-09-13 ~ 2012-09-14。<br />

李 宇 平 (LEE, YU-PING)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

李 宇 平 ,accepted,〈 一 九 三 O 年 代 前 期 金 、 銀 兩 個 貨 幣 圈 與 亞 洲 國 際 金 融 秩 序 ── 以 上 海 與 孟<br />

買 之 短 期 資 金 動 向 與 金 融 市 場 特 質 為 中 心 的 比 較 觀 察 (1930-1935)〉, 李 培 德 編 ,《 中 國 商<br />

業 史 ── 問 題 與 方 法 》, 香 港 : 香 港 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 宇 平 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 一 九 三 0 年 代 世 界 經 濟 大 恐 慌 的 區 域 性 經 濟 特 徵 〉, 共 11 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 「 回 首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-<br />

01-13。<br />

許 文 堂 (SHIU, WEN-TANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

許 文 堂 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 當 代 越 南 佛 教 的 政 治 參 與 〉,《 台 灣 東 南 亞 學 刊 》, 第 9 卷 第 2<br />

期 , 頁 57-108。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

許 文 堂 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 乾 隆 時 期 的 清 暹 關 係 〉, 共 18 頁 , 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會<br />

議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-20 ~ 2012-04-21。<br />


資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

許 文 堂 ,2012 年 11 月 ,《 澎 湖 煙 台 聯 中 冤 獄 案 口 述 歷 史 》, 共 243 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近<br />

代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

李 達 嘉 (LI, TA-CHIA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 達 嘉 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 敵 人 或 盟 友 : 省 港 罷 工 的 商 人 因 素 與 政 黨 策 略 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 近<br />

代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 78 期 , 頁 125-177。(THCI CORE)<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

李 達 嘉 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 評 介 李 培 德 編 《 近 代 中 國 的 商 會 網 絡 及 社 會 功 能 》〉,《 國 史 館 館<br />

刊 》, 第 32 期 , 頁 153-161。<br />

余 敏 玲 (YU, MIIN-LING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

余 敏 玲 ,2012 年 7 月 ,《 兩 岸 分 治 : 學 術 建 制 、 圖 像 宣 傳 與 族 群 政 治 (1945-2000)》, 共 444<br />

頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

余 敏 玲 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 導 論 同 中 有 異 的 兩 岸 黨 國 體 制 〉, 余 敏 玲 編 ,《 兩 岸 分 治 : 學 術 建<br />

制 、 圖 像 宣 傳 與 族 群 政 治 (1945-2000)》, 頁 1-29, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

余 敏 玲 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 從 無 知 到 有 感 : 程 硯 秋 與 中 國 共 產 黨 〉, 共 27 頁 , 發 表 於 政 權 更 迭<br />

下 的 心 態 變 化 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-11-16。<br />

巫 仁 恕 (WU, JEN-SHU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

巫 仁 恕 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 從 觀 看 到 閱 讀 : 明 清 廣 告 文 化 中 的 圖 像 與 文 字 〉,《 中 正 漢 學 研<br />

究 》, 第 19 期 , 頁 1-39。(THCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

巫 仁 恕 , 小 野 泰 教 譯 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 都 市 の 民 變 から 辛 亥 革 命 へ〉, 辛 亥 革 命 百 周 年 記 念 論<br />

集 編 集 委 員 會 編 ,《 總 合 研 究 辛 亥 革 命 》, 頁 127-144, 東 京 : 岩 波 書 店 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

巫 仁 恕 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 抗 戰 時 期 蘇 州 菜 館 業 的 變 遷 與 城 市 空 間 (1937-1945)〉, 發 表 於 「 動<br />

亂 中 的 城 市 : 歷 史 地 理 資 訊 系 統 與 近 代 中 國 的 城 市 生 活 」 學 術 研 討 會 II, 法 國 里 昂 : 東 亞<br />

研 究 所 ,2012-11-07 ~ 2012-11-09。<br />

巫 仁 恕 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 逃 離 城 市 : 明 清 之 際 江 南 城 居 士 商 的 逃 難 經 歷 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國<br />

際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06。<br />

巫 仁 恕 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 購 物 、 空 間 與 婦 女 : 明 清 南 京 的 休 閑 購 物 與 城 市 空 間 的 變 化 〉, 發 表<br />

於 International Conference of The History of Everyday Life in Late Imperial and Modern<br />

China,Brisbane:The University of Queensland,2012-05-23 ~ 2012-05-27。<br />

Jen-shu Wu, Feb. 2012, “How Consumption Changed Urban Space of Jiangnan in Late Imperial<br />

China”, paper presented at Landscape, City & Space in Modern China, 1500-2000, Palazzo<br />

Pesaro-Papafava, Venice: Warwick University, 2012-02-02 ~ 2012-02-04.<br />

林 美 莉 (LIN, MAY-LI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 美 莉 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 近 代 上 海 地 標 的 建 立 與 轉 變 ── 從 《 圖 畫 日 報 》 到 《 上 海 指 南 》〉,<br />

蘇 基 朗 編 ,《 中 國 城 市 文 化 的 動 態 發 展 : 人 文 空 間 的 新 視 野 》, 頁 28-48, 杭 州 : 浙 江 大<br />

學 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 美 莉 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 上 海 孤 島 新 聞 界 的 生 機 與 危 機 ── 以 洋 旗 華 文 報 為 中 心 〉, 共 21 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 學 術 討 論 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-04-12。<br />

林 美 莉 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 近 代 中 國 財 政 轉 型 中 的 知 識 與 政 治 〉, 共 8 頁 , 發 表 於 「 回 首 百 年 民<br />

國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

林 美 莉 ,accepted,《 王 世 杰 日 記 》, 共 1915+xxiv 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

張 哲 嘉 (CHANG, CHE-CHIA)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 哲 嘉 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈『 全 体 新 論 』と『 解 体 新 書 』の 漢 字 医 学 術 語 について〉, 鈴 木 貞<br />

美 、 劉 建 輝 編 ,《 東 アジアにおける 近 代 諸 概 念 の 成 立 》, 頁 173-178, 京 都 : 国 際 日 本<br />

文 化 研 究 センター。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 哲 嘉 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 西 力 東 漸 下 的 檢 驗 與 外 交 : 清 末 / 明 治 期 幾 起 涉 及 醫 學 鑑 識 的 國 際 事<br />

件 〉, 共 22 頁 , 發 表 於 「 轉 變 中 的 近 代 法 庭 檢 驗 : 跨 學 科 的 觀 點 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-12-21 ~ 2012-12-22。<br />

張 哲 嘉 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈《 重 訂 解 體 新 書 》 譯 詞 的 改 定 與 方 法 〉, 共 10 頁 , 發 表 於 「 東 アジ<br />

アにおける 知 的 交 流 ──キイ・コンセプトの 再 検 討 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 日 本 京 都 : 国 際 日 本<br />

文 化 研 究 センター,2012-11-13 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

張 哲 嘉 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 近 代 東 亞 解 剖 學 名 詞 的 翻 譯 法 : 以 語 言 背 景 與 對 應 標 準 為 座 標 軸 的 再<br />

思 考 〉, 共 24 頁 , 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~<br />

2012-06-22‧<br />

張 哲 嘉 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈「 跨 文 化 」 觀 點 下 的 「 中 國 傳 統 法 醫 學 」〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 「 回<br />

首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 寧 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 從 蒙 古 到 關 內 : 英 式 賽 馬 下 的 社 會 網 絡 〉, 發 表 於 「 近 代 東 亞 城 市 的 社<br />

會 群 體 與 社 會 網 絡 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 、 大 阪 市 立 大 學 都<br />

市 文 化 研 究 中 心 , 2012-07-24 ~ 2012-07-25。<br />

王 正 華 (WANG, CHENG-HUA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 正 華 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 走 向 「 公 開 化 」: 慈 禧 肖 像 的 風 格 形 式 、 政 治 運 作 與 形 象 塑 造 〉,<br />

《 國 立 台 灣 大 學 美 術 史 研 究 集 刊 》, 第 32 期 , 頁 239-316。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Cheng-hua Wang, 2012, “Luo Zhenyu and the Formation of Qiwu and Qiwuxue in the 1910s”,<br />

editor(s): Chialing Yang, Roderick Whitfield, The Lost Generation: Qing Loyalists and the<br />

Cultural Production of the Early Twentieth Century, pp. 30-55, Edinburgh: University of<br />

Edinburgh Press.<br />

Cheng-hua Wang, Aug. 2012, “New Printing Technology and Heritage Preservation: Collotype<br />

Reproduction of Antiquities in Modern China, Circa 1908-1917”, editor(s): Joshua Fogel, The<br />

Role of Japan in Modern Chinese Art, pp. 273-308 and 363-372, Berkeley: University of<br />

California Press.<br />


王 正 華 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 晩 明 「 清 明 上 河 図 」 考 ──その 都 市 性 をめぐって〉, 伊 原 弘 編 ,<br />

《「 清 明 上 河 図 」と 徽 宗 の 時 代 ──そして 輝 きの 残 照 》, 頁 259-292, 東 京 : 勉 誠 出 版<br />

社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

王 正 華 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 城 市 與 視 覺 商 品 : 十 八 世 紀 蘇 州 版 畫 的 商 業 面 向 〉, 共 26 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

Cheng-hua Wang, Jun. 2012, “Beijing as Imperial Theater: A Cross-Cultural Perspective on the<br />

Images of Qianlong's Eightieth Birthday Celebration”, 27 pages, paper presented at A Connective<br />

History of Qing Art: Visuality, Images and Imaginaries, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong,<br />

2012-06-08 ~ 2012-06-10.<br />

潘 光 哲 (PAN, KWANG-CHE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

潘 光 哲 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 一 個 消 失 的 「 新 名 詞 」:「 伯 理 璽 天 德 」〉,《 東 亞 觀 念 史 集 刊 》,<br />

第 2 期 , 頁 93-130。<br />

潘 光 哲 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 宮 崎 滔 天 與 廿 世 紀 初 期 中 國 的 「 革 命 想 像 」: 以 章 士 釗 「 譯 錄 」 的<br />

《 孫 逸 仙 》 為 中 心 〉,《 孫 學 研 究 》, 第 12 期 , 頁 1-32。<br />

潘 光 哲 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 共 相 與 異 相 之 間 :「 辛 亥 革 命 」 研 究 的 一 些 省 思 〉,《 近 代 史 學<br />

刊 》, 第 9 輯 , 頁 177-181。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

潘 光 哲 ,accepted,〈 青 年 胡 適 的 「 民 主 經 驗 」〉,《 遍 與 特 殊 的 辯 證 : 政 治 思 想 的 探 掘 》。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

潘 光 哲 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 戰 火 下 的 中 國 自 由 主 義 :《 新 路 週 刊 》(1948 年 ) 研 究 〉, 共 21<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 國 家 的 型 塑 : 中 華 民 國 建 國 一 百 年 」 國 際 學 術 討 論 會 , 台 北 : 國 史 館 ,<br />

2012-09-13 ~ 2012-09-14。<br />

潘 光 哲 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 晚 清 中 國 的 「 民 主 經 驗 」(1866-1895)〉, 共 63 頁 , 發 表 於 「 第 四<br />

屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-19 ~ 2012-06-21。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

黃 克 武 、 游 鑑 明 、 潘 光 哲 ( 等 訪 問 ), 周 維 朋 ( 等 紀 錄 ),2012 年 ,《 蔣 中 正 總 統 侍 從 人 員 訪<br />

問 紀 錄 》, 共 1240 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />


連 玲 玲 (LIEN, LING-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

連 玲 玲 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 戰 爭 陰 影 下 的 婦 女 文 化 : 孤 島 上 海 的 婦 女 期 刊 初 探 〉,《 近 代 中 國<br />

婦 女 史 研 究 》, 第 20 期 , 頁 69-106。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

連 玲 玲 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 記 憶 戰 爭 : 太 平 洋 戰 爭 期 間 在 華 的 外 僑 社 群 〉, 共 17 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「 戰 爭 、 記 憶 與 性 別 」 工 作 坊 , 中 央 研 究 院 歐 美 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-12-06。<br />

林 泉 忠 (LIM, CHUAN TIONG(JOHN))<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 泉 忠 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 現 代 中 國 對 琉 球 主 權 歸 屬 的 認 知 〉, 共 12 頁 , 發 表 於 「 琉 球 問 題 」<br />

學 術 研 討 會 , 中 國 廈 門 : 廈 門 大 學 海 洋 政 策 與 法 律 中 心 、 上 海 交 通 大 學 東 亞 邊 緣 海 聯 合 研<br />

究 所 ,2012-10-27 ~ 2012-10-28。<br />

林 泉 忠 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈「 兩 個 中 國 」 對 「 琉 球 歸 還 」 態 度 迥 異 之 分 析 〉, 共 12 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「 東 北 亞 國 際 政 治 與 琉 球 群 島 返 還 」 國 際 研 討 會 , 台 北 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 人 社 中 心 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 ,2012-09-10。<br />

孫 慧 敏 (SUN, HUEI-MIN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

孫 慧 敏 ,2012 年 7 月 ,《 制 度 移 植 : 民 初 上 海 的 中 國 律 師 (1912-1937)》, 共 412+xii 頁 , 台<br />

北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

孫 慧 敏 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 清 末 民 國 時 期 上 海 律 師 業 的 擴 張 : 群 聚 、 蔓 延 與 轉 移 〉, 蘇 基 朗 編 ,<br />

《 中 國 近 代 城 市 文 化 的 動 態 發 展 : 人 文 空 間 的 新 視 野 》, 頁 119-138, 杭 州 : 浙 江 大 學 出<br />

版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

孫 慧 敏 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 抗 戰 時 期 上 海 的 人 口 遷 徙 與 住 房 危 機 〉, 共 36 頁 , 發 表 於 Cities in<br />

Turmoil: H-GIS & Urban Life in Modern China--Workshop II,Lyon, France:IAO, CNRS,<br />

2012-11-07 ~ 2012-11-09。<br />


孫 慧 敏 ,2012 年 8 月 ,〈 商 品 化 的 隱 私 : 近 代 中 國 的 日 記 出 版 〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 「 二 十 世<br />

紀 初 中 國 通 俗 文 學 的 誕 生 」 學 術 研 討 會 ,Los Angeles:UCLA, HKUST,2012-08-18 ~<br />

2012-08-19。<br />

孫 慧 敏 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 法 律 的 政 治 史 : 反 思 民 國 法 律 史 裡 的 「 中 央 」 與 「 地 方 」〉, 共 9<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 「 回 首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11<br />

~ 2012-01-13。<br />

吳 啟 訥 (WU, ZHE)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 啟 訥 , 裴 京 漢 譯 ,2012 年 2 月 ,〈 面 對 以 漢 人 為 主 體 的 中 華 民 國 ── 辛 亥 變 局 下 少 數 族 群 的<br />

困 境 與 選 擇 〉, 裴 京 漢 編 ,《 The International Conference on 1911 Revolution in East<br />

Asia》, 頁 231 – 269, 首 爾 : 韓 國 東 北 亞 歷 史 財 團 。【 另 刊 於 中 國 近 現 代 史 研 究 (Korean<br />

Stuides of Modern Chinese History), 第 56 輯 ,2012 年 12 月 , 頁 139 - 166。】<br />

吳 啟 訥 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 人 群 分 類 與 國 族 整 合 ── 中 共 民 族 識 別 政 策 的 歷 史 線 索 和 政 治 面<br />

向 〉, 余 敏 玲 編 ,《 兩 岸 分 治 : 學 術 建 制 、 圖 像 宣 傳 與 族 群 政 治 》, 頁 319-393, 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 啟 訥 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 現 代 中 國 民 族 政 策 的 轉 折 與 連 續 〉, 共 22 頁 , 發 表 於 「 中 國 民 族 問<br />

題 的 現 狀 和 課 題 」 學 術 座 談 會 , 首 爾 : 韓 國 東 北 亞 歷 史 財 團 ,2012-12-05 ~ 2012-12-08。<br />

吳 啟 訥 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 殖 民 擴 張 與 戰 略 防 衛 〉, 共 12 頁 , 發 表 於 「 清 帝 國 性 質 研 討 」 工 作<br />

坊 , 桃 園 : 中 央 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 中 央 大 學 明 清 研 究 中 心 ,2012-11-30。<br />

吳 啟 訥 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 浪 漫 化 的 研 究 與 面 向 真 實 的 研 究 〉, 共 20 頁 , 發 表 於 「 海 峽 兩 岸 現<br />

代 中 國 研 究 現 狀 」 研 討 會 , 上 海 市 : 上 海 社 會 科 學 院 ,2012-10-09 ~ 2012-10-12。<br />

吳 啟 訥 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 辛 亥 變 局 下 少 數 族 群 的 困 境 與 抉 擇 〉, 共 28 頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 國 家<br />

的 型 塑 : 中 華 民 國 建 國 一 百 年 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 國 史 館 ,2012-09-13 ~ 2012-09-<br />

14。<br />

Zhe Wu, Jan. 2012, “Facing the Han-dominated Republic of China – The Dilemma and Choices of<br />

Ethnic Minorities”, 20pages, paper presented at Reform and Revolution: In commemoration of<br />

the Xinhai Revolution and 100 years of state building, Vienna: Institut für<br />

Ostasienwissenschaften der Universität Wien, 2012-01-08 ~ 2012-01-12.<br />


陳 耀 煌 (CHEN, YAO-HUANG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

陳 耀 煌 ,2012 年 8 月 ,《 統 合 與 分 化 : 河 北 地 區 的 共 產 革 命 ,1921-1949》, 共 510 頁 , 台<br />

北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 耀 煌 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 民 主 與 專 政 : 中 共 建 國 初 期 北 京 市 郊 區 的 基 層 政 權 建 設 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 學 術 討 論 會 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-<br />

05。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

陳 耀 煌 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 評 Ezra F. Vogel, Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China.<br />

Maurice Meisner, The Deng Xiaoping Era: An Inquiry into the Fate of Chinese Socialism, 1978-<br />

1994〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 77 期 , 頁 163-169。(THCI CORE)<br />

林 志 宏 (LIN, CHIH-HUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 志 宏 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 舊 文 物 , 新 認 同 ──《 四 庫 全 書 》 與 民 國 時 期 的 文 化 政 治 〉,《 中 央<br />

研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 77 期 , 頁 61-99。(THCI CORE)<br />

林 志 宏 著 , 吉 井 文 美 譯 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈「 対 支 文 化 事 業 」における 人 物 と 学 術 調 査 ── 橋 川<br />

時 雄 を 中 心 として―〉,《 東 アジア 近 代 史 》, 第 15 号 , 頁 86-107。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 志 宏 ,2012 年 2 月 ,〈 世 變 下 的 士 變 : 科 舉 廢 除 和 知 識 階 層 的 定 位 (1900s-1930s)〉, 甘<br />

懷 真 編 ,《 身 分 、 文 化 與 權 力 ── 士 族 研 究 新 探 》, 頁 387-424, 台 北 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 出 版<br />

中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 志 宏 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 兩 個 祖 國 的 邊 緣 人 ──「 中 國 歸 國 者 」 的 戰 爭 . 記 憶 . 性 別 〉, 共<br />

23 頁 , 發 表 於 「 戰 爭 、 記 憶 與 性 別 」 工 作 坊 , 中 央 研 究 院 歐 美 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史<br />

研 究 所 ,2012-12-06。<br />

林 志 宏 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈1930 年 代 北 京 的 兩 次 城 市 規 劃 、 調 查 及 其 人 事 〉, 共 22 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「 近 代 東 亞 城 市 的 社 會 群 體 與 社 會 網 絡 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究<br />

所 、 大 阪 市 立 大 學 都 市 文 化 研 究 中 心 ,2012-07-24 ~ 2012-07-25。<br />


林 志 宏 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈「 帝 國 」 邊 境 與 知 識 的 政 治 學 ──1930 年 代 關 於 「 滿 蒙 」 的 初 步 考<br />

察 〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 「 回 首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

佐 藤 仁 史 、 林 志 宏 、 湯 川 真 樹 江 、 菅 野 智 博 、 森 巧 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 中 國 東 北 地 方 文 獻 調 查<br />

記 〉,《 國 史 研 究 通 訊 》, 第 2 期 , 頁 181-186。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

林 志 宏 訪 問 , 林 易 澄 紀 錄 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 王 丹 江 先 生 訪 問 紀 錄 〉, 收 入 游 鑑 明 等 訪 問 , 周<br />

維 朋 等 紀 錄 ,《 台 中 榮 民 總 醫 院 三 十 載 口 述 歷 史 回 顧 . 上 篇 : 歷 任 院 長 、 副 院 長 》, 頁 303-<br />

346, 共 44 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

林 志 宏 訪 問 , 林 易 澄 紀 錄 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 倪 國 年 先 生 訪 問 紀 錄 〉, 收 入 黃 克 武 等 訪 問 , 周 維<br />

朋 等 紀 錄 ,《 蔣 中 正 總 統 侍 從 人 員 訪 問 紀 錄 . 下 篇 》, 頁 281-308, 共 28 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

林 志 宏 訪 問 , 林 易 澄 紀 錄 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 周 賡 標 先 生 訪 問 紀 錄 〉, 收 入 黃 克 武 等 訪 問 , 周 維<br />

朋 等 紀 錄 ,《 蔣 中 正 總 統 侍 從 人 員 訪 問 紀 錄 . 下 篇 》, 頁 49-67, 共 19 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

林 志 宏 訪 問 , 林 易 澄 紀 錄 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 金 國 銓 先 生 訪 問 紀 錄 〉, 收 入 黃 克 武 等 訪 問 , 周 維<br />

朋 等 紀 錄 ,《 蔣 中 正 總 統 侍 從 人 員 訪 問 紀 錄 . 下 篇 》, 頁 309-331, 共 23 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

賴 毓 芝 (LAI, YU-CHIH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

賴 毓 芝 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 圖 像 帝 國 : 乾 隆 朝 《 職 貢 圖 》 的 製 作 與 帝 都 呈 現 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 近<br />

代 史 研 究 所 集 刊 》, 第 75 期 , 頁 1-76。(THCI CORE)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Yu-chih Lai, accepted, “Tea and the Art Market in Sino-Japanese Exchanges of the Late Nineteenth<br />

Century: The Case of Sencha and Seiwan Meien Zushi”, editor(s): Joshua A. Fogel, The Role of<br />

Japan in Modern Chinese Art, Berkeley: University of California Press.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yu-chih Lai, Jul. 2012, “Money, Networking, and Leisure: The Trade in Japanese Illustrated Books<br />

and the Rise of Lithographic Printing in Shanghai”, paper presented at 「 近 代 東 亞 城 市 的 社 會 群<br />

體 與 社 會 網 絡 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 與 大 阪 市 立 大 學 城 市 研 究<br />

中 心 , 2012-07-24 ~ 2012-07-25.<br />


Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2012, “Money, Networking, and Leisure:The Trade in Japanese Illustrated Books<br />

and the Rise of Lithographic Printing in Shanghai”, 26 pages, paper presented at Workshop<br />

“Leisure and Money: The Dynamics of the Exchange of Goods, Lifestyles, and Institutions<br />

Across Asia”, Boston: Boston University, 2012-06-15 ~ 2012-06-16.<br />

Yu-chih Lai, Jun. 2012, “Priming the World: Appropriating Renaissance Images and Knowledge in<br />

Album of Beasts at the Qianlong Court”, 25 pages, paper presented at A Connective History of<br />

Qing Art: Visuality, Images and Imaginaries, Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong, 2012-06-07<br />

~ 2012-06-11.<br />

賴 毓 芝 , 2012 年 1 月 ,〈 日 本 在 中 國 近 代 畫 史 開 展 與 建 構 中 的 位 置 〉, 發 表 於 「 回 首 百 年 民<br />

國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-13。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

Yu-chih Lai, Feb. 2012, Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative: “To Be or Not to Be: Ren Bonian’s<br />

1887 Painting of Zhidun’s Hawks and Horses”, 10 pages, commissioned by The Seattle Art<br />

Museum, The Getty Foundation.<br />

洪 秋 芬 (HUNG, CHIU-FEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

洪 秋 芬 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 中 日 戰 爭 時 期 台 灣 社 會 的 流 言 蜚 語 與 保 甲 運 用 (1937-1945)〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 回 首 百 年 民 國 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 ,2012-01-11 ~ 2012-01-<br />

13。<br />

洪 秋 芬 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 日 治 初 期 運 用 保 甲 落 實 殖 民 統 治 政 策 ── 葫 蘆 墩 區 的 個 案 研 究 〉, 發<br />

表 於 「 第 一 屆 台 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 」, 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


朱 敬 一 (CHU, CHIN-YI CYRUS)<br />

經 濟 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, R, Chu, C-Y-C, 2012, “The Evolution of Transfers and Life Histories”, EXPERIMENTAL<br />

GERONTOLOGY, 47(10), 803-806. (SCI) (IF: 3.804; SCI ranking: 22.2%)<br />

賴 景 昌 (LAI, CHING-CHONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu, A-C, Lai, C-C, accepted, “Money and the Welfare Cost of Inflation in an R&D Growth Model”,<br />

JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT AND BANKING. (SSCI) (IF: 1.150; SSRC ranking: 28.9%,<br />

29.2%)<br />

Lai, C-C, Chin, C-T, accepted, “Monetary Rules and Endogenous Growth in an Open Economy”,<br />

MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS. (SSCI) (IF: 0.763; SSCI ranking: 48.9%)<br />

Chang, C-W, Lai, C-C, 2012, “Markups and the Number of Firms in a Simple Model of Imperfect<br />

Competition”, ECONOMIC LETTERS, 116(3), 277-280. (SSCI) (IF: 0.449; SSCI ranking: 68.9%)<br />

Chao, C-C, Hu, S-W, Lai, C-C, Tai, M-Y, 2012, “Foreign Aid, Government Spending, and the<br />

Environment”, REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, 16(1), 62-71. (SSCI) (IF: 0.434;<br />

SSCI ranking: 70.2%, 85.1%)<br />

Chin, C-T, Guo, J-T, Lai, C-C, 2012, “A Note on Indeterminacy and Investment Adjustment Costs in<br />

an Endogenously Growing Small Open Economy”, MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS, 16(3),<br />

438-450. (SSCI) (IF: 0.763; SSCI ranking: 48.9%)<br />

Chu, A-C, Lai, C-C, 2012, “On the Growth and Welfare Effects of Defense R&D”, JOURNAL OF<br />

PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY, 14(3), 473-492. (SSCI) (IF: 0.411; SSCI ranking: 72.1%)<br />

Lai, C-C, Fang, C-R, 2012, “Is the Honeymoon Effect in the Presence of Both Exchange Rate and<br />

Output Expectation”, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE, 21(1), 140-<br />

146. (SSCI) (IF: 0.809; SSCI ranking: 43.4%, 45.2%)<br />

Lai, C-C, Liao, C-H, 2012, “Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with Productive Government<br />

Expenditure”, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE, 22(1), 66-77. (SSCI)<br />

(IF: 0.809; SSCI ranking: 43.4%, 45.2%)<br />

彭 信 坤 (PENG, SHIN-KUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lu, C-H, Peng, S-K, Wang, P, 2012, “The Organization of Production and Trade”, INTERNATIONAL<br />

JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 8(2), SI, 179-195. (SSCI) (IF: 0.541; SSCI ranking:<br />

64.3%)<br />


Lu, C-H, Wang, P, Peng, S-K, 2012, “Quality and Quantity Competition in a Multiproduct Duopoly”,<br />

SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, 79(1), 180-202. (SSCI) (IF: 0.756; SSCI ranking: 49.5%)<br />

楊 建 成 (YANG, CHENG-CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Teo, W-L, Yang, C-C, 2012, “Ramsey Taxes Meet Price Rigidity”, PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW,<br />

17(2), 231-256. (SSCI) (IF: 0.37; SSCI ranking: 74.8%)<br />

Chu, A-C, Yang, C-C, 2012, “Fiscal Centralization versus Decentralization: Growth and Welfare<br />

Effects of Spillovers, Leviathan Taxation, and Capital Mobility”, JOURNAL OF URBAN<br />

ECONOMICS, 71(2), 177-188. (SSCI) (IF: 2.892; SSCI ranking: 5.9%, 2.8%)<br />

Ihori, T, Yang, C-C, 2012, “Laffer Paradox, Leviathan, and Political Contest”, PUBLIC CHOICE,<br />

151(1-2), 137-148. (SSCI) (IF: 0.894; SSCI ranking: 41.6%, 34%)<br />

Yang, C-C, 2012, “An Introduction to Public Choice”, JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND<br />

MANAGEMENT, 8(2), 153-189.<br />

張 靜 貞 (CHANG, CHING-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, C-H, Lin, H-C, Chang, C-C, Hsu, S-H, accepted, “Potentials of Domestic and Imported Tung<br />

(Aleurites Montana L.) Seeds for Biofuels”, JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIAL AND<br />

BIOENERGY. (SCI) (IF: 1.36; SCI ranking: 40%, 49.4%, 76%)<br />

Wu, C-H, Chang, C-C, Chen, P-C, Kuo, K-N, accepted, “Efficiency and Productivity Change in<br />

Taiwan's Hospitals: A Non-radial Quality-adjusted Measurement”, CENTRAL EUROPEAN<br />

JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. (SCI) (IF: 0.429; SCI ranking: 85.3%)<br />

Chang, C-C, Chen, C-C, McCarl, B-A, 2012, “Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Crop Yield Change<br />

and Sea Level Rise Induced Climate Change on Taiwan’s Agricultural Sector”, AGRICULTURAL<br />

ECONOMICS, 43(2), 205-214. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 1.329; SCI ranking: 14.3%; SSCI ranking:<br />

24.3%)<br />

Chang, C-C, Mendy, M, 2012, “Economic Growth and Openness in Africa: What Is the Empirical<br />

Relationship”, APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS, 19 (18), 1903-1907. (SSCI) (IF: 0.245; SSCI<br />

ranking: 86.9%)<br />

Chen, C-C, McCarl, B, Chang, C-C, 2012, “Climate Change, Sea Level Rise and Rice: Global Market<br />

Implications”, CLIMATIC CHANGE, 110(3-4), 543-560. (SCI) (IF: 3.016; SCI ranking: 18.1%,<br />

16.2%)<br />

Chen, P-C, Chang, C-C, Yu, M-M, Hsu, S-H, 2012, “Performance Measurement for Incineration Plants<br />

Using Multi-activity Network Data Envelopment Analysis: The Case of Taiwan”, JOURNAL OF<br />

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 93(1), 95-103. (SCI) (IF: 2.597; SCI ranking: 24.4%)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />


陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 柏 琪 、 黃 玉 鴻 、 莊 正 旺 、 張 靜 貞 ,2012,〈 口 蹄 疫 前 後 臺 灣 養 豬 連 續 記 帳 戶 之 成 本 效 率 分<br />

析 〉,《 農 業 與 經 濟 》, 第 48 期 , 頁 1-31。<br />

張 俊 仁 (CHANG, JUIN-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, J-J, Chen, J-H, Shieh, J-Y, 2012, “Consumption Externalities, Market Imperfections, and<br />

Optimal Taxation”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 8(4), 345-359.<br />

(SSCI) (IF: 0.756; SSCI ranking: 49.5%)<br />

陳 明 郎 (CHEN, BEEN-LON)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, B-L, Hsu, Y-S, Mino, K, accepted, “Can Consumption Habit Spillovers Be A Source of<br />

Equilibrium Indeterminacy”, JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS. (SSCI) (IF: 0.577; SSCI ranking:<br />

62%)<br />

Costas, A, Chen, B-L, Lu, C-H, Wang, Y-C, accepted, “A Two-sector Model of Endogenous Growth<br />

with Leisure Externalities”, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY. (SSCI) (IF: 1.112; SSCI<br />

ranking: 31.5%)<br />

Chen, B-L, Huang, C-C, Wang, P, 2012, “Locational Stratification by Environment”, JOURNAL OF<br />

PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY, 14(5), 711-735. (SSCI) (IF: 0.411; SSCI ranking: 72.1%)<br />

Chen, B-L, Lee, S-F, 2012, “Intersectoral Spillovers, Relative Prices and Development”, REVIEW OF<br />

DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS, 16(2), 243-261. (SSCI) (IF: 0.434; SSCI ranking: 70.2%,<br />

85.1%)<br />

Chen, B-L, Mo, J-P, Wang, P, 2012, “Two-sided Micro-matching with Technical Progress”,<br />

ECONOMIC THEORY, 50(2), 445-462. (SSCI) (IF: 0.623; SSCI ranking: 57.7%)<br />

陳 宜 廷 (CHEN, YI-TING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, Y-T, 2012, “A Simple Approach to Standardized-residuals-based Higher-moment Tests”,<br />

JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE, 19(4), 427-453. (SSCI) (IF: 0.807; SSCI ranking: 44.7%,<br />

45.6%)<br />

Chen, Y-T, Wang, H-J, 2012, “Centered-residuals-based Moment Estimator and Test for Stochastic<br />

Frontier Models”, ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS, 31(6), 625-633. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 1.088; SCI<br />

ranking: 43%, 37%; SSCI ranking: 32.5%, 44.2%)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />


陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />

Chen, Y-T, Kuan, C-M, 2012, “Optimal Robust Conditional Moment Tests: An Estimating Function<br />

Approach”, editor(s): Chen, X, Swanson, N-R, Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis:<br />

Recent Advances and Future Directions-Essays in Honour of Halbert L. White Jr., 57-96, USA:<br />

Springer.<br />

周 雨 田 (CHOU, RAY YEUTIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chang, T-P Hu, J-L, Chou, R-Y, Sun, L, 2012, “The Sources of Bank Productivity Growth in China<br />

during 2002-2009: A Disaggregation View”, JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, 36(7),<br />

1997-2006. (SSCI) (IF: 2.731; SSCI ranking: 7.9%, 7.5%)<br />

Chou, R-Y, Wu, C-C, Yang, Y-N, 2012, “The Euro's Impacts on the Smooth Transition Dynamics of<br />

Stock Market Volatilities”, QUANTITATIV FINANCE, 12(2), 169-179. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 0.59; SCI<br />

ranking: 77.4%; SSCI ranking: 64.5%, 60.7%, 79.1%)<br />

周 雨 田 ,2012,〈2012 年 臺 灣 經 濟 情 勢 總 展 望 之 修 正 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷<br />

第 1 期 , 頁 193-194。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />

謝 啟 瑞 (HSIEH, CHEE-RUEY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsieh, C-R, Liu, Y-M, Chang, C-L, accepted, “Endogenous Technological Change in Medicine and Its<br />

Impact on Healthcare Costs: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Market in Taiwan”, EUROPEAN<br />

JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. (SSCI) (IF: 1.755; SSCI ranking: 15.4%, 34.5%)<br />

Lo, T-F, Hsieh, C-R, accepted, “Dynamic Profile of Health Investment and the Evolution of Elderly<br />

Health”, SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE. (SSCI) (IF: 2.742; SSCI ranking: 10.3%,14.7%)<br />

Hsieh, C-R, Liu, Y-M, 2012, “Availability, Healthcare Costs and Utilization Patterns of Biologics in<br />

Taiwan”, VALUE IN HEALTH, 15(1), S35-S42. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 2.342; SCI ranking: 22.2%;<br />

SSCI ranking: 8.9%, 17.2%)<br />

Liu, Y-M, Hsieh, C-R, 2012, “New Drugs and the Growth of Health Expenditure: Evidence from<br />

Diabetic Patients in Taiwan”, HEALTH ECONOMICS, 21(5), 496-513. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 1.946;<br />

SCI ranking: 40.3%; SSCI ranking: 12.1%, 31%)<br />


Liu, Y-M, Yang, Y-H-K, Hsieh, C-R, 2012, “Regulation and Competition in the Taiwanese<br />

Pharmaceutical Market under National Health Insurance”, JOURNAL OF HEALTH<br />

ECONOMICS, 31(3), 471-483. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 2.234; SCI ranking: 29.2%; SSCI ranking:<br />

10.2%, 24.1%)<br />

Sloan, F-A, Hsieh, C-R, 2012, Health Economics, 848 pages, Cambridge: MIT Press.<br />

Hsieh, C-R, accepted, “Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the<br />

Evolution of the Pharmaceutical Sector in China”, editor(s): Lofgren, H, Williams, O, The New<br />

Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals in the Global South, New York: Palgrave.<br />

黃 登 興 (HUANG, DENG-SHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Huang, D-S, accepted, “The 2008 Financial Crisis and Taiwan Economy”, VIETNAM SOCIAL<br />


Lee, C-T, Huang, D-S, accepted, “Human Capital Distribution, Growth and Trade”, BULLETIN OF<br />

ECONOMIC RESEARCH. (SSCI) (IF: 0.163; SSCI ranking: 92.1%)<br />

黃 登 興 ,2012,〈 東 南 亞 的 外 人 直 接 投 資 與 經 濟 發 展 總 覽 〉,《 臺 灣 東 南 亞 學 刊 》, 第 9 卷 第<br />

1 期 , 頁 25-52。<br />

黃 登 興 ,2012,〈 外 人 直 接 投 資 與 經 濟 發 展 : 越 南 經 驗 〉,《 臺 灣 東 南 亞 學 刊 》, 第 9 卷 第 1<br />

期 , 頁 55-78。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012,《 臺 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 臺 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,accepted,〈 勾 勒 越 南 配 偶 小 吃 店 的 整 體 特 徵 〉, 黃 登 興 、 蔡 青<br />

龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,《 臺 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 臺 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,accepted,〈 族 裔 微 型 經 濟 的 經 營 : 人 力 、 資 本 與 網 絡 〉,《 臺 灣<br />

越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 臺 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

簡 錦 漢 (KAN, KAMHON)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kan, K, Lee, M-J, 2012, “Lose Weight for a Raise Only if Over-weight: Marginal Integration for<br />

Semi-linear Panel Models”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, 27(4), 666-685. (SSCI)<br />

(IF: 1.341; SSCI ranking: 23.9%, 30.2%)<br />

Koo, H-W, Huang, C-Y, Kan, K, 2012, “Interlinked Contracts: An Empirical Study”, ECONOMICA,<br />

79(134), 350-377. (SSCI) (IF: 1.286; SSCI ranking: 25.2%)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />


蕭 代 基 (SHAW, DAIGEE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin, H-C, Kuo, Y-L, Shaw, D, Chang, M-C, Kao, T-M, 2012, “Regional Economic Impact Analysis of<br />

Earthquakes in Northern Taiwan and Its Implications for Disaster Reduction Policies”, NATURAL<br />

HAZARDS, 61(2), 603-620. (SCI) (IF: 1.398; SCI ranking: 45.5%, 63.2%, 36.8%)<br />

蕭 代 基 ,2012,〈 氣 候 變 遷 調 適 策 略 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 論 衡 》, 第 10 卷 第 7 期 , 頁 51-55。<br />

蔡 文 禎 (TSAY, WEN-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsay, W-J, Huang, C-J, Fu, T-T, Ho, I-L, accepted, “A Simple Closed-form Approximation for the<br />

Cumulative Distribution Function of the Composite Error of Stochastic Frontier Models”,<br />

JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS. (SSCI) (IF: 0.58; SSCI ranking: 81.6%, 61.6%,<br />

83.7%)<br />

Tsay, W-J, 2012, “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Structural VARFIMA Model”, ELECTORAL<br />

STUDIES, 31(4), 852-860. (SSCI) (IF: 1.118; SSCI ranking: 24.1%)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />

葉 俊 顯 (YEH, CHUN-HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chun, Y, Hu, C-C, Yeh, C-H, 2012, “Characterizations of the Sequential Equal Contributions Rule for<br />

the Airport Problem”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, 8(1), 77-85.<br />

(SSCI) (IF: 0.756; SSCI ranking: 49.5%)<br />

Hu, C-C, Tsay, M-H, Yeh, C-H, 2012, “Axiomatic and Strategic Justifications for the Constrained<br />

Equal Benefits Rule in the Airport Problem”, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, 75(1), 185-<br />

197. (SSCI) (IF: 1.017; SSCI ranking: 34.8%)<br />

Hwang, Y-A, Yeh, C-H, 2012, “A Characterization of the Nucleolus without Homogeneity in Airport<br />

Problems”, SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE, 38(2), 355-364. (SSCI) (IF: 0.61; SSCI ranking:<br />

59%, 69.8%)<br />

陳 香 如 (CHEN, STACEY H.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />


董 安 琪 (TUNG, AN-CHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hiro, O, Mason, A, Lee, S-H, Tung, A-C, Lai, N-M-S, Matsukura, R, accepted, “Very Low Fertility<br />

and the High Costs of Children and the Elderly in East Asia”, editor(s): Ogawa, O, Shah, I-H, Van<br />

Look, P, Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East Asia, Berlin, Germany: Springer.<br />

Hiro, O, Mason, A, Lee, S-H, Tung, A-C, Lai, N-M-S, Matsukura, R, 2012, “Population Aging,<br />

Economic Growth, and Intergenerational Transfer in Japan: How Dire Are the Prospects”,<br />

editor(s): Park, D, Lee, S-H, Mason, A, Demographic Transition and Economic Growth in Asia,<br />

231-276, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.<br />

陳 珈 惠 (CHEN, CHIA-HUI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, C-H, accepted, “Type Composition, Career Concerns, and Signaling Efforts”, THEORY AND<br />

DECISION. (SSCI) (IF: 0.638; SSCI ranking: 57%, 65.1%)<br />

Chen, C-H, 2012, “Name Your Own Price at Priceline.com: Strategic Bidding and Lockout Periods”,<br />

REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES, 79(4), 1341-1369. (SSCI) (IF: 3.113; SSCI ranking: 4.9%)<br />

許 育 進 (HSU, YU-CHIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Donald, S-G, Hsu, Y-C, Barrett, G-F, 2012, “Incorporating Covariates in the Measurement of Welfare<br />

and Inequality: Methods and Applications”, THE ECONOMETRICS JOURNAL, 15(1), C1-C30.<br />

(SCI, SSCI) (IF: 0.691; SCI ranking: 66.7%, 64.8%; SSCI ranking: 54.8%, 60.5%)<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Jung, H-M, Burki, A-A, Khan, M-A, accepted, “A Small Model of the Dairy Products Supply”,<br />


Jung, H-M, 2012, “Ability-based Cooperation in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game”, KOREAN ECONOMIC<br />

REVIEW, 28(2), 137-160.<br />

林 常 青 (LIN, CHANG-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, K-P, Huang, K-C, Lin, C-C, accepted, “Party Capability versus Court Preference: Why the<br />



Chen, Y-C, Lin, C-C, 2012, “Information Shocks and Cigarette Addiction: Views from Dynamic<br />

Panels with Common Structural Changes”, APPLIED ECONOMICS, 44(35), 4651-4660. (SSCI)<br />

(IF: 0.424; SSCI ranking: 70.8%)<br />

Lin, C-C, Ng, S, 2012, “Estimation of Panel Data Models with Parameter Heterogeneity when Group<br />

Membership Is Unknown”, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRIC METHODS, 1(1), 42-55.<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 上 )〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 191 期 ,<br />

頁 66-79。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 下 )〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 207 期 ,<br />

頁 102-113。<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 陳 香 如 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 195-221。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 廷 、 簡 錦 漢 、 張 靜 貞 、 梁 啟 源 、 蔡 文 禎 、 林 常 青 、 周 雨 田 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 經 濟 最 近 情<br />

勢 〉,《 臺 灣 經 濟 預 測 與 政 策 》, 第 42 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 157-179。(TSSCI)<br />

Lin, C-C, Sakata, S, 2012, “On Long-Run Covariance Matrix Estimation with the Truncated Flat<br />

Kernel”, editor(s): Chen, X, Swanson, N-R, Causality, Prediction, and Specification Analysis:<br />

Recent Advances and Future Directions-Essays in Honour of Halbert L. White Jr., 383-410,<br />

Springer.<br />


歐 美 研 究 所<br />

李 有 成 (LEE, YU-CHENG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

李 有 成 ,2012,《 他 者 》, 共 181 頁 , 台 北 : 允 晨 文 化 實 業 股 份 有 限 公 司 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yu-cheng Lee, 2012, “Doing Things with African American Studies in Taiwan: Some Critical<br />

Reflections”, Black Studies (Japan), 81, 10-19.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Yu-cheng Lee, 2012, “Diasporic London: Hanif Kureishi, Monica Ali”, editor(s): Jonathan White, I-<br />

Chun Wang, The City and the Ocean: Journeys, Memory, Imagination, pp. 160-170, UK:<br />

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yu-cheng Lee, 2012, “Of Home and the Margins: Frank Chin’s Plays”, paper presented at Changing<br />

Boundaries and Reshaping Itineraries: An International Conference on Asian American<br />

Expressive Culture, Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2012-06-09 ~ 2012-06-11.<br />

Yu-cheng Lee, 2012, “The Reception of Hanif Kureishi in Taiwan: Some Critical Reflections”, paper<br />

presented at In Analysis: The Work of Hanif Kureishi, London: University of Roehampton, 2012-<br />

02-24 ~ 2012-02-25.<br />

李 有 成 ,2012,“The Work of Mourning: W. G. Sebald's The Rings of Saturn”, 發 表 於 國 立 中 山 大<br />

學 人 文 研 究 中 心 2012 國 際 研 討 會 , 高 雄 : 國 立 中 山 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 ,2012-11-02 ~<br />

2012-11-03。<br />

李 有 成 ,2012,〈 詩 的 政 治 : 有 關 一 九 六 O 年 代 馬 華 現 代 詩 的 若 干 回 憶 與 省 思 〉, 發 表 於 時<br />

代 、 典 律 、 本 土 性 —— 馬 華 現 代 詩 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 馬 來 西 亞 金 寶 (Kampar): 馬 來 西 亞<br />

拉 曼 大 學 (University Tunku Abdul Rahman),2012-07-07 ~ 2012-07-08.<br />

李 有 成 ,2012,〈 論 趙 健 秀 〉, 發 表 於 第 五 屆 「 文 學 傳 播 與 接 受 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 花 蓮 : 國<br />

立 東 華 大 學 ,2012-05-04 ~ 2012-05-05。<br />

單 德 興 (SHAN, TE-HSING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

單 德 興 、 梁 志 英 、 唐 ‧ 中 西 ,2012,《 全 球 屬 性 , 在 地 聲 音 : 亞 美 學 刊 四 十 年 精 選 集 》 上 冊 ,<br />

共 510 頁 , 台 北 : 允 晨 文 化 實 業 股 份 有 限 公 司 。<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

Te-hsing Shan, 2012, “Sublimating History into Literature: Reading Ha Jin’s 《Nanjing Requiem》”,<br />

Amerasia Journal, 38(2), 25-34. (A&HCI)<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 重 繪 戰 爭 , 重 拾 記 憶 —— 析 論 哈 金 的 《 南 京 安 魂 曲 》〉,《 華 文 文 學 》,<br />

2012 年 第 4 期 , 頁 5-15。(CNKI)<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 文 史 入 詩 —— 林 永 得 的 挪 用 與 創 新 〉,《 蕉 風 》, 第 505 期 , 頁 129-134。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Te-hsing Shan, 2012, “Text, Context, and Dual Contextualization: Personal Reflections on a Thick<br />

Translation of 《Gulliver’s Travels》”, editor(s): James St. Andre, Hsiao-yen Peng, China and<br />

Its Others: Knowledge Transfer through Translation, 1829-2010, pp. 277-297, Amsterdam and<br />

New York: Rodopi.<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

Te-hsing Shan, 2012, “Teaching Asian American Literary and Cultural Studies in Taiwan”, The Asian<br />

American Literary Review, 2012.<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 面 對 「 不 惑 」, 鑑 往 圖 來 :2012 之 交 的 《 中 外 文 學 》〉,《 中 外 文 學 》, 第<br />

41 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 185-195。<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 齊 邦 媛 教 授 訪 談 : 翻 譯 面 面 觀 〉,《 編 譯 論 叢 》, 第 5 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 253-<br />

277。<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 戰 爭 下 的 文 學 —— 哈 金 與 單 德 興 對 談 〉,《 華 文 文 學 》,2012 年 第 4 期 , 頁<br />

16-23。<br />

單 德 興 ,2012,〈 文 學 ‧ 經 典 ‧ 翻 譯 : 馬 克 吐 溫 歷 險 記 〉,《 赫 克 歷 險 記 》, 台 北 : 聯 經 出 版<br />

事 業 股 份 有 限 公 司 , 頁 3-25。<br />

許 嘉 猷 (SHEU, JIA-YOU)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

許 嘉 猷 ,2012,《 藝 術 之 眼 : 布 爾 迪 厄 的 藝 術 社 會 學 理 論 及 其 在 台 灣 之 量 化 與 質 化 研 究 》, 共<br />

224 頁 , 台 北 : 唐 山 出 版 社 。<br />

方 萬 全 (FANG, WAN-CHUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

方 萬 全 ,2012,〈 論 莊 子 與 惠 施 濠 上 的 魚 樂 之 辯 〉, 發 表 於 莊 子 講 莊 子 —— 當 代 哲 學 系 列 暨 學<br />

術 工 作 坊 , 嘉 義 : 國 立 中 正 大 學 哲 學 研 究 所 ,2012-06-22。<br />


裘 兆 琳 (CHANG, JOANNE JAW-LING)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

裘 兆 琳 ,2012,〈 我 國 參 與 國 際 組 織 之 經 驗 與 檢 討 〉, 羅 致 政 、 吳 釗 燮 編 ,《 台 灣 外 交 的 省 思<br />

與 前 瞻 》, 頁 57-91, 台 北 : 新 台 灣 國 策 智 庫 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Joanne J.L. Chang, 2012, “U.S.-Taiwan Relations since 1979”, paper presented at American<br />

Association for Chinese Studies 54th Annual Conference, Georgia, Atlanta, GA: American<br />

Association for Chinese Studies, AACS, 2012-10-12 ~ 2012-10-14.<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

裘 兆 琳 ,2012,《 美 國 歐 巴 馬 總 統 對 阿 富 汗 抗 恐 戰 爭 的 戰 略 新 思 維 》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

裘 兆 琳 ,2012,〈 未 來 四 年 歐 巴 馬 總 統 在 外 交 之 挑 戰 與 美 台 關 係 〉,《 台 灣 智 庫 通 訊 》, 第<br />

25 期 , 頁 7-10。<br />

柯 瓊 芳 (KO, CHYONG-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chyong-Fang Ko, 2012, “Marital Power Relations and Family Life in Transnational Marriages: A<br />

Study of Asian-French Couples Residing in France”( 跨 國 婚 姻 中 的 權 力 關 係 與 家 庭 生 活 : 以 法<br />

國 的 亞 — 法 婚 配 伴 侶 為 例 ), EurAmerica, 42(2), 249-279. (TSSCI)<br />

柯 瓊 芳 ,2012,“Work Attitudes and Social Protection: What Vietnamese and Swedes Can Learn<br />

from Each Other”,《 跨 界 : 大 學 與 社 會 參 與 》, 第 2 期 。http://interlocution.tw/contribute<br />

Detail.phpjnik1bks1 DKZD6jo89dQ2%2FpDpN2uCJY。<br />


專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,《 邁 向 後 實 證 主 義 和 後 經 驗 主 義 : 社 會 科 學 方 法 論 集 》, 共 152 頁 , 台 北 : 碩<br />

亞 數 碼 科 技 有 限 公 司 。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

黃 之 棟 、 黃 瑞 祺 、 李 正 風 ,2012,《 科 技 與 社 會 : 社 會 建 構 論 、 科 學 社 會 學 和 知 識 社 會 學 的 視<br />

角 》, 共 400 頁 , 台 北 : 群 學 出 版 有 限 公 司 。<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 之 棟 、 黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 環 境 種 族 主 義 概 念 的 科 學 化 : 科 技 、 社 會 與 法 律 的 觀 點 〉,《 社 會<br />

科 學 前 沿 》, 第 1 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 108-117。<br />

黃 之 棟 、 黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 環 境 正 義 的 “ 正 解 ”: 一 個 形 而 下 的 探 究 途 徑 〉,《 鄱 陽 湖 學 刊 》,<br />

第 1 期 , 頁 80-91。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 自 反 性 與 批 判 社 會 學 〉, 黃 之 棟 、 黃 瑞 祺 、 李 政 風 編 ,《 科 技 與 社 會 : 社 會<br />

建 構 論 、 科 學 社 會 學 和 知 識 社 會 學 的 視 角 》, 頁 345-367, 台 北 : 群 學 出 版 有 限 公 司 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 閔 翔 、 黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 哈 伯 馬 斯 的 審 議 民 主 理 論 : 重 構 與 拓 展 〉, 發 表 於 2012 台 灣 政 治<br />

學 會 年 會 暨 學 術 研 討 會 - 重 新 定 位 的 年 代 : 伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發 展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 , 台 北 : 台<br />

灣 政 治 學 會 、 國 立 台 灣 師 範 大 學 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 立 台 灣 師 範 大 學 社 會 科 學 學 院 ,2012-<br />

12-08 ~ 2012-12-09。<br />

黃 之 棟 、 黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 美 牛 爭 議 及 政 策 的 有 限 論 理 解 〉, 發 表 於 倫 理 與 公 共 政 策 : 台 灣 與<br />

香 港 經 驗 之 比 較 , 台 北 : 台 灣 傳 統 基 金 會 ,2012-12-16。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

黃 瑞 祺 ,2012,〈 如 何 實 現 環 境 正 義 〉,《 財 經 》, 第 330 卷 , 頁 104-105。<br />

宋 燕 輝 (SONG, YANN-HUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yann-huei Song, Elias Blood-Patterson, 2012, “Likelihood of U.S. Becoming a Party to the Law of the<br />

Sea Convention during the 112th Congress”, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 43(4),<br />

447-466.<br />

宋 燕 輝 ,2012,〈 有 關 黃 岩 島 爭 議 的 國 際 法 問 題 〉,《 海 巡 雙 月 刊 》, 第 58 期 , 頁 39-49。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yann-huei Song, 2012, “Joint Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources: A Way to Help<br />

Manage Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea ”, paper presented at 2012 International Sea<br />

Lines of Communication conference, Maritime Security Cooperation in Asia-Pacific for Global<br />

Peace and Prosperity, Taipei: National Defense University, 2012-09-25 ~ 2012-09-26.<br />

Yann-huei Song, 2012, “A Survey of Declarations and Statements Made by the Parties to the Law of<br />

the Sea Convention: 30 Years after Adoption”, paper presented at 7th Law of the Sea Institute<br />

Conference, Seoul, Korea: Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-<br />

05-24.<br />


Yann-huei Song, 2012, “Submerged Geographical Features in the East and South China Sea: A<br />

Analysis of the Chinese Claims from the Perspective of the Law of the Sea”, paper presented at<br />

International Seminar on Geographical Features in the East Asian Seas and the Law of the Sea,<br />

Taipei: Institute of Ethnology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-20 ~ 2012-09-21.<br />

Yann-huei Song, Stein Tonnesson, 2012, “The Impact of the Law of the Sea Convention on Conflict<br />

and Conflict Management in the South China Sea”, paper presented at International Workshop on<br />

Securing Maritime Peace in East Asia: The Role of International Law, Preston, UK: University<br />

of Central Lancashire, 2012-04-23 ~ 2012-04-24.<br />

Yann-huei Song, 2012, “The South China Sea Issue in the Development of U.S.-ASEAN Relations:<br />

2009-2011”, paper presented at Workshop on the South China Sea Dispute” Political and<br />

Security Implications for the Region’s Future, Taipei: The Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-01-12 ~ 2012-01-13.<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

宋 燕 輝 ,2012,《 我 國 參 與 全 球 海 洋 治 理 政 策 研 析 工 作 》, 內 政 部 委 託 。<br />

宋 燕 輝 、 彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,《 海 洋 委 員 會 業 務 規 劃 與 發 展 》, 研 考 會 委 託 。<br />

焦 興 鎧 (CHIAO, CING-KAE)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

焦 興 鎧 ,2012,〈 禁 止 就 業 上 身 心 障 礙 歧 視 國 際 勞 動 基 準 之 建 構 〉,《 全 國 律 師 》,2012 年 3<br />

月 號 , 頁 4-20。<br />

焦 興 鎧 ,2012,〈 落 實 性 別 工 作 平 權 —— 從 「 兩 公 約 」 及 「 消 除 對 婦 女 一 切 形 式 歧 視 公 約 」 之<br />

國 內 法 化 談 起 〉,《 法 令 月 刊 》, 第 63 卷 第 7 期 , 頁 42-65。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

焦 興 鎧 ,2012,〈 雇 主 對 職 場 性 騷 擾 之 防 治 義 務 —— 對 最 高 行 政 法 院 98 年 度 第 2802 號 裁 定 之<br />

評 析 〉, 發 表 於 101 年 度 「 勞 動 法 重 要 判 決 評 釋 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 新 北 市 : 國 立 台 北 大 學 ,<br />

2012-11-22。<br />

焦 興 鎧 ,2012,〈 歐 洲 聯 盟 之 勞 動 政 策 —— 回 顧 與 展 望 〉, 發 表 於 歐 洲 模 式 學 術 研 討 會 , 新 北<br />

市 : 淡 江 大 學 歐 洲 研 究 所 ,2012-07-03 ~ 2012-07-05。<br />

焦 興 鎧 ,2012,〈 美 國 集 體 勞 資 關 係 法 制 之 困 境 及 相 關 改 革 倡 議 之 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 第 一 屆 翁 岳<br />

生 教 授 公 法 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 ,2012-06-16。<br />


洪 德 欽 (HORNG, DER-CHIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Der-Chin Horng, 2012, “Reshaping the EU's FTA Policy in a Globalizing Economy: The Case of the<br />

EU-Korea FTA”, Journal of World Trade, 46(2), 301-326. (SSCI) (IF: 0.38; SSCI ranking:<br />

64.9%)<br />

洪 德 欽 ,2012,〈 歐 盟 新 一 代 自 由 貿 易 協 定 政 策 之 研 究 〉,《 歐 美 研 究 》, 第 42 卷 第 4 期 ,<br />

頁 673-752。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Der-Chin Horng, 2012, “International Law on Biotechnology”, editor(s): UNESCO-EOLSS Joint<br />

Commitee, International Law and Institution, Encyclopedia of Life Support System (EOLSS),<br />

Oxford, UK: UNESCO, Eolss Publishers. http://www.eolss.net/Sample-Chapters/C14/E1-36-<br />

13.pdf.<br />

鄧 育 仁 (TENG, NORMAN Y.)<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

鄧 育 仁 ,2012,《 隱 喻 與 自 由 : 立 命 在 民 主 與 科 學 聯 合 脈 絡 中 的 新 意 涵 》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

鄧 育 仁 ,2012,《 立 憲 民 主 裡 的 儒 學 公 民 》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

鄭 麗 嬌 (CHENG, LEE-JOY)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

鄭 麗 嬌 ,2012,〈 超 越 形 式 化 性 別 平 等 : 美 國 女 性 政 經 影 響 力 與 女 性 權 益 關 係 之 研 究 〉,《 社<br />

會 政 策 與 社 會 工 作 學 刊 》, 第 16 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 59-86。(TSSCI)<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

鄭 麗 嬌 ,2012,《 絕 對 多 數 政 黨 對 弱 勢 團 體 政 策 需 求 回 應 之 研 究 : 美 國 TANF 個 案 (2/2)》,<br />

國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

曾 瑞 鈴 (TZENG, RUEY-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Rueyling Tzeng, 2012, “Middle Class International Migration: French Nationals Working in the UK”,<br />

Advances in Applied Sociology, 2(2), 120-126.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Rueyling Tzeng, 2012, “Western Immigrants Opening Western Restaurants in Taiwan: Beyond Ethnic<br />

Economy”, paper presented at 6th Annual International Conference on Sociology, Greece:<br />

Athens Institute for Education and Research, 2012-05-07 ~ 2012-05-10.<br />


期 刊 論 文<br />

彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,〈 從 歐 美 等 國 經 驗 分 析 我 國 高 級 文 官 團 之 創 設 與 甄 選 機 制 〉,《 公 務 人 員 月<br />

刊 》, 第 197 期 , 頁 5-17。<br />

彭 錦 鵬 、 江 瑞 祥 、 陳 秋 政 ,2012,〈 檢 察 事 務 官 人 力 運 用 制 度 之 研 究 〉,《 文 官 制 度 季 刊 》,<br />

第 4 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 1-31。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,〈 兩 岸 公 共 治 理 智 庫 之 解 析 〉, 發 表 於 兩 岸 三 地 智 庫 論 壇 , 大 陸 福 建 : 福 建 省<br />

政 府 發 展 研 究 中 心 ,2012-06-17 ~ 2012-06-19。<br />

彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,〈 行 政 組 織 與 文 官 制 度 研 究 之 十 年 回 顧 〉, 發 表 於 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 學 術 研<br />

討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 人 文 處 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-<br />

07。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

彭 錦 鵬 、 劉 坤 億 ,2012,《2012 年 各 國 中 央 政 府 機 關 組 織 職 掌 與 架 構 研 析 》, 研 考 會 委 託 。<br />

彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,《「 幸 福 指 數 」 指 標 建 構 之 研 究 》, 台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 委 託 。<br />

宋 燕 輝 、 彭 錦 鵬 ,2012,《 海 洋 委 員 會 業 務 規 劃 與 發 展 》, 研 考 會 委 託 。<br />

彭 錦 鵬 、 林 佩 蓉 、 劉 坤 億 ,2012,《 研 擬 教 保 服 務 人 員 條 例 ( 草 案 ) 計 畫 》, 教 育 部 委 託 。<br />

何 志 青 (HO, JIH-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jih-Ching Ho, 2012, “The Motivational Structure in Practical Reason”, Philosophical Review<br />

(National Taiwan University), 44, 73-102.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

何 志 青 ,2012,〈 理 由 與 審 思 〉, 發 表 於 「 當 代 規 範 性 哲 學 研 究 」 計 畫 成 果 發 表 會 , 嘉 義 : 國<br />

立 中 正 大 學 「 當 代 規 範 性 哲 學 研 究 —— 哲 學 學 門 人 才 精 煉 培 育 計 畫 」(NSC 99-2420-H-194-<br />

137-MY3),2012-06-09。<br />


何 志 青 ,2012,〈 三 派 行 動 理 論 : 亞 理 斯 多 德 、 休 謨 與 康 德 〉, 發 表 於 規 範 性 哲 學 研 討 會 , 台<br />

北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歐 美 研 究 所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

黃 偉 峰 (HUANG, WEI-FENG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

黃 偉 峰 ,2012,《 歐 洲 化 之 衝 擊 》, 台 北 : 五 南 圖 書 出 版 股 份 有 限 公 司 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 偉 峰 ,2012,〈「 歐 洲 化 」 課 題 之 各 類 研 究 方 法 及 取 向 〉, 黃 偉 峰 編 ,《 歐 洲 化 之 衝 擊 》,<br />

頁 17-49, 台 北 : 五 南 圖 書 出 版 股 份 有 限 公 司 。<br />

黃 偉 峰 ,2012,〈 緒 論 : 檢 視 「 歐 洲 化 」 之 現 象 〉, 黃 偉 峰 編 ,《 歐 洲 化 之 衝 擊 》, 頁 3-16,<br />

台 北 : 五 南 圖 書 出 版 股 份 有 限 公 司 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

David W.F. Huang, 2012, “A Post-functionalist Perspective on EU Governance after the Lisbon<br />

Treaty”, paper presented at Beyond Lisbon Treaty: Re-examining EU Institutions and<br />

Governance, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-07<br />

~ 2012-09-08.<br />

David W.F. Huang, 2012, “Trade, Development or Regional Security Understanding the Decision to<br />

Establish the EU's Delegation Offices in Third Countries”, paper presented at RISC Conferencia<br />

Anual 2012, Mexico: RISC, 2012-10-30 ~ 2012-11-02.<br />

黃 偉 峰 ,2012,〈 歐 盟 對 外 簽 署 自 由 貿 易 協 定 之 文 本 分 析 與 類 型 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 歐 盟 經 濟 治 理<br />

研 討 會 , 台 北 : 台 灣 歐 洲 聯 盟 中 心 ,2012-09-20。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

黃 偉 峰 ,2012,《 歐 體 / 歐 盟 陰 影 下 的 「 歐 洲 自 由 貿 易 協 會 」(EFTA) 的 FTA 政 策 變 遷 : 路 徑 依<br />

賴 邏 輯 之 探 討 》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

吳 金 桃 (WU, CHIN-TAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chin-Tao Wu, 2012, “Bienais Sem Fronteiras ” ('Biennials sans frontières' 葡 萄 牙 文 版 翻 譯 ),<br />

Novos Estudos, 94, 108-116.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Chin-tao Wu, 2012, “The Collector as Phoenix: Can Charles Saatchi Rise from the Ashes”, editor(s):<br />

Charlotte Gould, Sophie Mesplede, Marketing Art in the British Isles, 1700 to the Present: A<br />

Cultural History, pp. 165-178, Surrey, UK: Ashgate.<br />


Chin-tao Wu, 2012, “Biennials Without Borders”, editor(s): Zoya Kocur, Simon Leung, Theory in<br />

Contemporary Art since 1985: An Anthology (2nd edition), pp. 56-63, Chicester, UK: John Wiley<br />

and Sons Ltd.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chin-Tao Wu, 2012, “Fashion and the Seduction of Art: From Gallery to Flagship Store”, paper<br />

presented at 2012 CIMAM Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey: the International Committee of<br />

ICOM, 2012-11-11 ~ 2012-11-14.<br />

Chin-Tao Wu, 2012, “Missing in Action: Women Artists and Biennials”, paper presented at New<br />

Geographies of Feminist Art: China, Asia, and the World, Seattle, WA: Simpson Center for the<br />

Humanities, University of Washington, 2012-11-15 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

Chin-Tao Wu, 2012, “Curating Political Trauma”, Space, 540, 102-107.<br />

王 智 明 (WANG, CHIH-MING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 13(2), 159 pages, UK: Routledge.<br />

劉 容 生 、 陳 光 興 、 王 智 明 ,2012,《 東 亞 脈 絡 下 的 釣 魚 台 : 繼 承 、 轉 化 、 再 前 進 》, 共 224<br />

頁 , 新 竹 : 清 華 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “Writing across the Pacific: Chinese Student Writing, Reflexive Poetics, and<br />

Transpacific Modernity”, Amerasia Journal, 38(2), 136-54.<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “Geopolitics of Literature: Foreign Literature Studies in Early Twentieth-<br />

Century China”, Cultural Studies, 26(5), 740-764. (SSCI) (IF: 0.87; SSCI ranking: 18.5%)<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “Editorial Introduction: Between Nations and across the Ocean”, Inter-Asia<br />

Cultural Studies, 13(2): 1-11. (SSCI) (IF: 0.24; SSCI ranking: 37%)<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 混 血 難 童 與 跨 國 養 女 : 亞 美 「 回 歸 」 敍 事 裡 的 帝 國 親 密 〉,《 中 外 文 學 》,<br />

第 41 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 45-85。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “Three Notes on Fukushima: Humanities after/in Crisis”, Open Democracy.<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “What's Wrong about Being a Model Minority”, Asian American Literary<br />

Review (Online Forum).<br />

麥 禮 謙 (Him Mark Lai) 原 著 , 王 智 明 譯 ,2012,〈 一 位 華 美 歷 史 學 家 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 〉,《 全 球<br />

屬 性 . 在 地 聲 音 : 亞 美 學 刊 四 十 年 精 選 集 》 上 冊 , 頁 170-206。<br />


李 亮 疇 (Bill Lann Lee) 原 著 , 王 智 明 譯 ,2012,〈 容 閎 與 美 國 的 中 國 化 〉,《 全 球 屬 性 . 在 地<br />

聲 音 : 亞 美 學 刊 四 十 年 精 選 集 》 上 冊 , 頁 48-61。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 一 九 九 O 年 代 後 的 釣 運 : 兩 岸 保 釣 的 交 流 與 合 流 〉( 韓 文 ),《 中 國 近 現 代 史<br />

研 究 》( 韓 國 中 國 近 現 代 史 學 會 ), 第 55 輯 , 頁 227-247。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 一 九 九 O 年 代 後 的 釣 運 : 兩 岸 保 釣 的 交 流 與 合 流 〉,《 人 間 思 想 》, 第 1<br />

期 , 頁 58-75。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 一 九 九 O 年 代 後 的 釣 運 : 兩 岸 保 釣 的 交 流 與 合 流 〉, 劉 容 生 、 陳 光 興 、 王 智<br />

明 編 ,《 東 亞 脈 絡 下 的 釣 魚 台 : 繼 承 、 轉 化 、 再 前 進 》, 頁 97-114。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 一 九 九 O 年 代 後 的 釣 運 : 兩 岸 保 釣 的 交 流 與 合 流 〉,《 現 代 思 想 》, 第 40<br />

卷 第 17 期 , 頁 129-147。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈「 面 對 歷 史 , 解 決 爭 議 , 邁 向 和 平 」:10 月 6 日 台 北 「 民 間 東 亞 論 壇 」 側<br />

記 〉,《 瑞 南 通 訊 》。<br />

王 智 明 ,2012,〈 吟 游 太 平 洋 : 威 雷 伯 冷 戰 內 外 的 詩 意 與 詩 藝 〉,《 蕉 風 》, 第 505 期 , 頁<br />

59-65。<br />

威 雷 伯 (Rob Wilson) 原 著 , 王 智 明 譯 ,2012,〈 尼 基 塔 月 升 起 時 〉,《 蕉 風 》, 第 505 期 , 頁<br />

66-83。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Chih-ming Wang, 2012, “Book Review of Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective<br />

and His Rendevouz with American History by Yunte Huang”, Asian Ethnicity, 14(1), 1-5.<br />

李 瑞 中 (LI, JUI-CHUNG ALLEN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

陸 先 恆 著 、 李 瑞 中 、 胡 美 珍 校 譯 ,2012,《 新 自 由 還 是 新 負 擔 美 國 已 婚 婦 女 育 嬰 期 就 業 的 趨<br />

勢 》, 共 155 頁 , 台 北 : 政 大 出 版 社 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yu-Han Jao, Jui-Chung Allen Li, 2012, “Trends in the Employment of Married Mothers of Preschool-<br />

Aged Children in Taiwan”, Chinese Sociological Review, 44(4), 5-26. (SSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Jui-Chung Allen Li, Lawrence L. Wu, 2012, “No Trend in the Intergenerational Transmission of<br />

Divorce”, editor(s): Lawrence L. Wu, Event History Analysis, Volume III, pp. 97-106, Thousand<br />

Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yi-Chuan Chang, Jui-Chung Allen Li, 2012, “Educational Effects of Sibling Sex Composition in<br />

Taiwan: The Role of Budget Constraints”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meetings of the<br />

Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA: Population Association of America,<br />

2012-05-03 ~ 2012-05-05.<br />

張 怡 婷 、 李 瑞 中 、 張 怡 娟 ,2012,〈 人 口 變 遷 對 家 戶 收 入 不 平 等 的 影 響 〉, 發 表 於 2012 台 灣<br />

社 會 學 會 年 會 暨 國 科 會 專 題 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 台 中 : 東 海 大 學 社 會 學 系 、 台 灣 社 會 學 會 ,<br />

2012-11-24 ~ 2012-11-25。<br />

Yi-Chun Chang, Jui-Chung Allen Li, 2012, “Budget Constraints and Son Preference in Educational<br />

Investment in Taiwan”, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Population Association of<br />

America, San Francisco, CA: Population Association of America, 2012-05-02 ~ 2012-05-05.<br />

Jui-Chung Allen Li, 2012, “Gender Difference in Self-Reported Sexual Experience: Evidence from the<br />

Taiwan Youth Project”, paper presented at First World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei:<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Jui-Chung Allen Li, Yeh-Chen Chen, Dung-Sheng Chen, 2012, “Agreeable Personality and Forgiving<br />

Behavior in Games”, paper presented at The 24th Annual Convention of the Association for<br />

Psychological Science, Chicago, IL: Association for Psychological Science, 2012-05-24 ~ 2012-<br />

05-27.<br />

Jui-Chung Allen Li, 2012, “Family Structure and the Timing and Quality of College Attendance.”,<br />

paper presented at The Center for Longitudinal Studies Conference, London: The Centre for<br />

Longitudinal Studies, University of London, 2012-11-20.<br />

吳 建 輝 (WU, CHIEN-HUEI)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution,<br />

330 pages, Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “Beyond Liberalisation: Health Related Aspects of EU External Economic<br />

Agreements”, European Foreign Affairs Review, 17, 511-532.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “ A New Landscape in the WTO: Economic Integration among China, Taiwan,<br />

Hong Kong and Macao.”, European Yearbook of International Economic Law, 3, 241-270.<br />

吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 刑 事 司 法 互 助 在 歐 洲 聯 盟 法 之 發 展 〉,《 司 法 新 聲 》, 第 103 期 , 頁 7-25。<br />

吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 歐 盟 對 外 關 係 之 發 展 : 經 貿 協 定 之 類 型 化 與 模 範 FTA 之 可 能 〉,《 歐 美 研<br />

究 》, 第 42 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 753-839。(TSSCI, THCI)<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 國 際 組 織 之 可 課 責 性 : 以 世 界 衛 生 組 織 與 其 H1N1 新 流 感 決 策 為 例 〉, 吳 全<br />

峰 編 ,《2011 科 技 發 展 與 法 律 規 範 雙 年 刊 》, 頁 385-451, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “ Beyond European Conditionality and Chinese Non-Interference: Articulating<br />

the EU-China-Africa Trilateral Relations”, editor(s): J. C. Defraigne, P. Defraigne, T. de Wilde,<br />

J. Wouters, China, EU and the Restructuring of Global Governance., pp. 106-121, Cheltenham,<br />

UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “Foreign Direct Investment as Common Commercial Policy: EU External<br />

Economic Competence after Lisbon”, editor(s): Paul James Cardwell, EU External Relations in<br />

the Post-Lisbon Era, pp. 375-400, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, New York: TMC Aser/Springer.<br />

吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 歐 洲 化 的 外 部 經 貿 法 面 向 : 以 印 度 與 巴 基 斯 坦 對 於 歐 盟 普 遍 性 優 惠 待 遇 之<br />

回 應 為 例 〉, 黃 偉 峰 編 ,《 歐 洲 化 之 衝 擊 》, 頁 281-302, 台 北 : 五 南 圖 書 出 版 股 份 有 限<br />

公 司 。<br />

吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 試 論 2004/24/EC 歐 盟 傳 統 草 藥 製 品 指 令 之 管 制 結 構 與 其 適 法 性 〉, 楊 光 華<br />

編 ,《 第 十 二 屆 國 際 經 貿 法 學 發 展 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 139-184, 台 北 : 國 際 經 貿 組<br />

織 暨 法 律 研 究 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chien-Huei Wu , 2012, “Trade and Food Security: The Role of the WTO and Bretton Woods<br />

Institutions”, paper presented at 2012 ANZSIL 20th Annual Conference: International Law in the<br />

Next Two Decades: Form or Substance, Wellington, New Zealand: Victora University of<br />

Wellington, 2012-07-05 ~ 2012-07-07.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “EU’s Response to Food Crisis: Trade, Development and Humanitarian Aid”,<br />

paper presented at International Conference on Beyond Lisbon Treaty: Re-examining EU<br />

Institutions and Governance, Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies, <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica, 2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “The Fragmentation of the Multilateral Trading System: The Case of Trading<br />

Rules on Export Restrictions”, paper presented at The 5th ESIL Biennial Conference, Valencia,<br />

Spain: University of Valencia, 2012-09-13 ~ 2012-09-15.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “EU before Chinese Courts: The EU’s Response to Chinese Trade Defence<br />

Measures”, paper presented at The European Union in International Affairs III, Belgium:<br />

Institute for European Studies, 2012-05-03 ~ 2012-05-05.<br />

Chien-Huei Wu, 2012, “One Country Two State Immunity Doctrines: A Pluralistic Depiction of the<br />

Congo Case”, paper presented at Young Scholars Workshop-Asian Approaches to International<br />

Law, Singapore: National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Asian Society of International<br />

Law (AsianSIL), 2012-02-23 ~ 2012-02-24.<br />


吳 建 輝 ,2012,〈 歐 洲 作 為 規 範 性 力 量 : 以 國 際 刑 事 法 秩 序 之 建 立 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 歐 盟 與 國 際<br />

法 秩 序 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 歐 美 研 究 所 ,2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26。<br />

黃 文 齡 (HUANG, WEN-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

黃 文 齡 ,2012,〈1916 年 「 黑 人 女 性 全 國 聯 盟 」 接 管 「 道 格 拉 斯 之 家 」 動 機 之 研 究 〉,《 東 吳<br />

歷 史 學 報 》, 第 28 期 , 頁 149-182。(THCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 文 齡 ,2012,〈 卡 特 ‧ 烏 德 遜 (Carter G. Woodson) 與 黑 人 史 學 專 業 化 之 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 第<br />

8 屆 文 化 交 流 史 :「 跨 越 文 化 : 生 活 、 工 作 及 語 言 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 輔 仁 大 學 歷<br />

史 學 系 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

洪 子 偉 (HUNG, TZU-WEI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

洪 子 偉 ,2012,“On Sentence Imitation”, 發 表 於 2012 規 範 性 哲 學 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院<br />

歐 美 研 究 所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

Tzu-Wei Hung, 2012, “How Mere Sensorimotor Interactions Enable Sentence Imitation—A<br />

functional-Computational Description”, paper presented at The 1st Conference on Contemporary<br />

Philosophy in East Asia (CCPEA), Taipei: Institute of European and American Studies,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-09.<br />


鍾 彩 鈞 (CHUNG, TSAI-CHUN)<br />

中 國 文 哲 研 究 所<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思 想 》, 共 359 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,〈 黎 貴 惇 《 大 越 通 史 》 的 文 化 意 識 〉, 鍾 彩 鈞 編 ,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思 想 》,<br />

頁 57-86, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,〈《 周 易 》 與 明 代 理 學 〉, 共 8 頁 , 發 表 於 2012 經 學 與 文 化 全 國 學 術 研 討<br />

會 , 臺 中 市 : 國 立 中 興 大 學 中 國 文 學 系 ,2012-12-07。<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,〈 高 景 逸 學 思 歷 程 研 究 〉, 共 17 頁 , 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 臺 北 市 中<br />

央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,〈 越 南 與 中 國 模 型 〉, 共 13 頁 , 發 表 於 越 南 儒 學 與 近 代 東 亞 國 際 學 術 研 討<br />

會 , 臺 北 市 、 花 蓮 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 、 慈 濟 大 學 東 方 語 文 學 系 ,2012-10-04<br />

~ 2012-10-06。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

鍾 彩 鈞 ,2012,〈 書 評 :A Northern Alternative: Xue Xuan (1389-1464) and the Hedong School, by<br />

Kee Heong Koh. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011. Pp. xiii+353.〉,《 中<br />

國 文 哲 研 究 集 刊 》,40, 231-240。<br />

林 慶 彰 (LIN, CHING-CHANG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 中 國 經 學 研 究 的 新 視 野 》, 共 221 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 萬 卷 樓 圖 書 公 司 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 偽 書 與 禁 書 》, 共 174 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 華 藝 學 術 出 版 社 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 學 術 論 文 寫 作 指 引 ( 大 陸 簡 體 字 版 )》, 共 331 頁 , 北 京 : 九 州 出 版 社 。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

林 慶 彰 ( 與 蔣 秋 華 合 編 ),accepted,《 文 革 時 期 評 朱 熹 》, 共 2 冊 頁 , 臺 北 : 萬 卷 樓 圖 書 公<br />

司 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 中 國 學 術 思 想 研 究 輯 刊 第 13 編 》, 共 26 冊 頁 , 台 北 市 : 花 木 蘭 文 化 出 版<br />

社 。<br />


林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 中 國 學 術 思 想 研 究 輯 刊 第 14 輯 》, 共 34 冊 頁 , 台 北 市 : 花 木 蘭 文 化 出 版<br />

社 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 晚 清 四 部 叢 刊 第 7 輯 經 部 》, 共 30 冊 頁 , 臺 中 市 : 文 听 閣 圖 書 公 司 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,《 晚 清 四 部 叢 刊 第 8 輯 經 部 》, 共 30 冊 頁 , 臺 中 市 : 文 听 閣 圖 書 公 司 。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012, 首 屆 國 際 《 尚 書 》 學 學 術 硏 討 會 論 文 集 , 共 575 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 萬 卷 樓 圖 書 公<br />

司 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,〈 陸 深 《 儼 山 集 》 中 的 《 詩 微 》 研 究 〉,《 厦 門 大 學 國 學 硏 究 院 集 刊 》, 第 3<br />

輯 , 頁 1-12。<br />

林 慶 彰 採 訪 ; 毛 祥 年 整 理 ,2012,〈 何 廣 棪 教 授 訪 談 錄 〉,《 國 文 天 地 》, 第 28 卷 第 2 期 ,<br />

頁 86-91。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,〈 太 宰 春 臺 的 中 國 經 書 古 義 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 論 文 , 臺 北<br />

市 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06。<br />

林 慶 彰 ,2012,〈 從 《 書 經 衍 義 》 看 黎 貴 惇 的 刑 罰 觀 〉, 發 表 於 越 南 儒 學 與 近 代 東 亞 國 際 學 術<br />

研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 ,2012-10-04。<br />

李 明 輝 (LEE, MING-HUEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 明 輝 , 2012, “〈 儒 家 、 康 德 與 德 行 倫 理 學 〉”, 《 哲 學 研 究 》( 北 京 ), 2012(10), 111-117. ( 中 國<br />

大 陸 哲 學 學 門 之 一 級 刊 物 )<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

李 明 輝 ,2012,〈 朱 子 思 想 與 現 代 政 治 倫 理 〉, 陳 來 編 ,《 哲 學 與 時 代 ―― 朱 子 學 國 際 學 術<br />

研 討 會 》, 頁 43-48, 上 海 : 華 東 師 範 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

李 明 輝 ,2012,〈 李 玄 逸 的 四 端 七 情 論 〉, 黃 俊 傑 編 ,《 朝 鮮 儒 者 對 儒 家 傳 統 的 解 釋 》, 頁<br />

65-90, 臺 北 : 臺 大 出 版 中 心 。<br />

李 明 輝 ,2012,〈 韓 元 震 的 「 四 端 七 情 經 緯 說 」〉, 黃 俊 傑 編 ,《 朝 鮮 儒 者 對 儒 家 傳 統 的 解<br />

釋 》, 頁 137-157, 臺 北 : 臺 大 出 版 中 心 。<br />

李 明 輝 ,2012,〈 康 德 與 原 罪 說 〉, 黃 冠 閔 、 趙 東 明 編 ,《 跨 文 化 視 野 下 的 東 亞 宗 教 傳 統 : 理<br />

論 反 思 篇 》, 頁 9-44, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />


林 玫 儀 (LIN, MEI-YI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 丁 澎 撰 《 扶 荔 詞 》 三 卷 提 要 〉,, 清 華 大 學 【 北 京 】 古 典 文 獻 研<br />

究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 尤 侗 撰 《 百 末 詞 》 六 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,<br />

《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 張 景 祁 撰 《 新 蘅 詞 》 六 卷 《 外 集 》 一 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文<br />

獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 張 鳴 珂 撰 《 寒 松 閣 詞 》 四 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心<br />

編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 文 廷 式 撰 《 雲 起 軒 詞 鈔 》 一 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中<br />

心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 朱 祖 謀 撰 《 彊 邨 語 業 》 三 卷 《 彊 邨 詞 賸 稿 》 二 卷 《 彊 邨 集 外 詞 》<br />

二 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 況 周 頤 撰 《 蕙 風 詞 話 》 五 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心<br />

編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 洪 亮 吉 撰 《 更 生 齋 詩 餘 》 二 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中<br />

心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 王 鵬 運 撰 《 半 塘 定 稿 》 二 卷 《 半 塘 賸 稿 》 一 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學<br />

古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 , accepted, “〈( 清 ) 董 元 愷 撰 《 蒼 梧 詞 》 十 二 卷 提 要 〉”, editor(s): 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研<br />

究 中 心 , 《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》.<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 薛 時 雨 撰 《 藤 香 館 詞 》 一 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心<br />

編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 謝 章 鋌 撰 《 賭 棋 山 莊 詞 話 》 十 二 卷 續 編 五 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古<br />

典 文 獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 趙 吉 士 撰 《 萬 青 閣 詩 餘 》 三 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 【 北 京 】 古 典 文<br />

獻 研 究 中 心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 趙 執 信 撰 《 飴 山 詩 餘 》 一 卷 提 要 〉,, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中<br />

心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />


林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 郭 麐 撰 《 靈 芬 館 詞 》 四 種 七 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中<br />

心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 陳 廷 焯 撰 《 白 雨 齋 詞 話 》 八 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中<br />

心 編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 陳 澧 撰 《 憶 江 南 館 詞 》 一 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心<br />

編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

林 玫 儀 ,accepted,〈( 清 ) 顧 春 撰 《 東 海 漁 歌 》 六 卷 提 要 〉, 清 華 大 學 古 典 文 獻 研 究 中 心<br />

編 ,《 續 修 四 庫 全 書 總 目 提 要 》。<br />

彭 小 妍 (PENG, HSIAO-YEN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

彭 小 妍 ,2012,《 浪 蕩 子 美 學 與 跨 文 化 現 代 性 : 一 九 三 ○ 年 代 上 海 、 東 京 及 巴 黎 的 浪 蕩 子 、 漫<br />

遊 者 與 譯 者 》, 共 374 頁 , 台 北 : 聯 經 出 版 公 司 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Peng, Hsiao-yen, 2012, “ “Auteurism and Taiwan New Cinema.””, The Journal of Asian Studies,<br />

9,125-148. (SSCI, Others) (IF: 0.57; SSCI ranking: 32.1%)<br />

彭 小 妍 ,2012,〈 漫 遊 する 男 女 : 横 光 利 一 の《 上 海 》( 中 ),《 植 民 地 文 化 研 究 》, 第 11<br />

號 , 頁 226-238。(Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Peng, Hsiao-yen, 2012, “Subjectivity in flux: Zhang Jingsheng and the Eurasian post-Enlightenment<br />

discourse”, 17 pages, paper presented at Still Compare: World Literature, ‘New Area Studies,’<br />

Transcultural Critique, 文 哲 所 : 中 研 院 文 哲 所 , 2012-05-07.<br />

彭 小 妍 ,2012,〈 中 元 祭 與 法 國 紅 酒 : 跨 文 化 批 判 與 流 動 的 主 體 性 〉, 共 20 頁 , 發 表 於 台 灣<br />

大 會 , 台 北 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

彭 小 妍 , 2012, “ 流 動 的 主 體 性 : 張 競 生 與 後 啟 蒙 話 語 ”, 22 pages, paper presented at 第 四 屆 國 際 漢<br />

學 會 議 , 中 央 研 究 院 文 哲 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

彭 小 妍 ,2012,《 浪 蕩 子 美 學 與 跨 文 化 現 代 性 : 一 九 三 ○ 年 代 上 海 、 東 京 及 巴 黎 的 浪 蕩 子 、 漫<br />

遊 者 與 譯 者 》, 共 374 頁 , 台 北 : 聯 經 出 版 公 司 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Peng, Hsiao-yen, 2012, “ “Auteurism and Taiwan New Cinema.””, The Journal of Asian Studies,<br />

9,125-148. (SSCI, Others) (IF: 0.57; SSCI ranking: 32.1%)<br />


吳 汝 鈞 (NG, YU KWAN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

吳 汝 鈞 , 2012, 《 唯 識 現 象 學 一 : 世 親 與 護 法 》 修 訂 版 , 334 pages, 台 北 : 台 灣 學 生 書 局 .<br />

吳 汝 鈞 , 2012, 《 唯 識 現 象 學 二 : 安 慧 》 修 訂 版 , 200 pages, 台 北 : 台 灣 學 生 書 局 .<br />

吳 汝 鈞 ,2012,《 絕 對 無 詮 釋 學 : 京 都 學 派 的 批 判 性 研 究 》, 共 605 頁 , 台 北 : 台 灣 學 生 書<br />

局 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 汝 鈞 ,2012,〈《 唯 識 三 十 頌 》 與 《 成 唯 識 論 》 的 阿 賴 耶 識 思 想 〉,《 正 視 佛 學 研 究 雜<br />

誌 》,60,121-190。<br />

吳 汝 鈞 ,2012,〈 張 東 蓀 的 多 元 主 義 的 知 識 論 〉,《 長 庚 人 文 社 會 學 報 》,5(2),263-316。<br />

吳 汝 鈞 ,2012,〈 花 岡 永 子 之 解 讀 西 田 哲 學 的 批 判 性 研 究 ( 上 )〉,《 鵝 湖 》,441,1-16。<br />

吳 汝 鈞 ,2012,〈 花 岡 永 子 之 解 讀 西 田 哲 學 的 批 判 性 研 究 ( 下 )〉,《 鵝 湖 》,442,23-35。<br />

王 璦 玲 (WANG, AYLING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

周 桂 田 、 王 璦 玲 , 2012, 身 體 與 自 然 , 340 pages, 台 北 市 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 國 家 發 展 研 究 所 .<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ayling Wang, 2012, “A Dialogue between the Reader, the Critic and The Author: The Qing Dramatist<br />

Hong Sheng's (1645-1704) Historical Play Changshengdian and Wu Yiyi's Commentary”, 34<br />

pages, paper presented at International Conference on Fiction in Global Contexts: History and<br />

Recent Development, Stockholm: Stockholm University & Upsala University, 2012-08-14 ~<br />

2012-08-18.<br />

王 璦 玲 , 2012, “Mobility and Historical Imagination in the Context of the Empire: Staging War and<br />

Narrating Border in Dong Rong’s (1711-1760) Magic Fungus Shrine”, 35 pages, paper presented<br />

at International Conference on Place, Text and Performance, Tempe: Arizona State University:<br />

School of International Letters and Cultures, Arizona State University, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-12-07.<br />

王 璦 玲 , 2012, “ 論 董 榕 《 芝 龕 記 》 中 之 演 史 、 評 史 、 詮 史 ”, 35 pages, paper presented at 俗 文 化 與<br />

中 國 思 想 資 源 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 佛 山 : 廣 州 大 學 俗 文 化 研 究 中 心 , 2012-10-23 ~ 2012-10-24.<br />

王 璦 玲 , 2012, “「 庸 中 之 奇 , 斯 其 奇 可 傳 , 而 其 傳 可 久 」─ 論 夏 綸 劇 作 中 之 倫 理 意 識 與 社 會 視<br />

野 ”, 32 pages, paper presented at 古 典 戲 曲 辨 疑 與 新 說 , 哈 爾 濱 : 黑 龍 江 大 學 明 清 文 學 與 文 化<br />

研 究 衷 心 , 2012-12-28 ~ 2012-12-29.<br />


王 璦 玲 , 2012, “「 庸 中 之 奇 , 斯 其 奇 可 傳 , 而 其 傳 可 久 」─ 論 夏 綸 劇 作 中 之 倫 理 意 識 與 社 會 視<br />

野 ”, 32 pages, paper presented at 從 晚 明 到 晚 清 ── 文 學 ‧ 翻 譯 ‧ 知 識 建 構 , 中 央 研 究 院 中 國<br />

文 哲 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 , 2012-11-01 ~ 2012-11-02.<br />

胡 曉 真 (HU, SIAO-CHEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

胡 曉 真 ,2012,〈 戲 說 市 聲 / 士 聲 ──《 岐 路 燈 》 的 儒 者 敘 事 〉,《 漢 語 言 文 學 研 究 》,2012<br />

年 3 卷 2 期 , 頁 27-34。<br />

李 奭 學 (LI, SHER-SHIUEH)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

孫 康 宜 , 李 奭 學 譯 ,accepted,《 情 與 忠 .. 陳 子 龍 柳 如 是 詩 詞 因 緣 》, 北 京 : 北 京 大 學 出 版<br />

社 。<br />

李 奭 學 ,2012,《 譯 述 .. 明 末 天 主 教 翻 譯 文 學 論 》, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

李 奭 學 主 編 , accepted, 《 古 今 聖 經 殘 稿 》, 北 京 : 中 華 書 局 ,<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

李 奭 學 主 編 , 2012, 〈 中 國 翻 譯 史 專 輯 〉( 上 ),《 通 訊 》 第 22 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 1-104 pages, 台 北 :<br />

中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 .<br />

李 奭 學 主 編 , 2012, 《 異 地 繁 花 .. 海 外 臺 灣 文 論 選 譯 》, 頁 1-494 pages, 臺 北 : 臺 大 出 版 中 心 .<br />

李 奭 學 主 編 , 2012, 《 編 譯 論 叢 》 第 5 卷 第 1 期 〈 中 國 翻 譯 史 特 刊 〉, 頁 1-1-278 pages, 台 北 : 國<br />

立 編 譯 館 .<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 奭 學 ,2012,〈 阿 哩 原 來 是 荷 馬 ! 明 清 傳 教 士 筆 下 的 荷 馬 及 其 史 詩 〉,《 道 風 .. 漢 語 基 督 教<br />

文 化 評 論 》, 第 37 期 , 頁 241-275。(A&HCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 奭 學 , 2012, “ 如 何 製 造 中 國 式 的 格 言 性 善 書 ── 試 窺 趙 韓 《 欖 言 》 與 明 末 西 學 的 關 係 ”, paper<br />

presented at 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-<br />

06-22.<br />


林 月 惠 (LIN, YUEH-HUI)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,《 詮 釋 與 工 夫 —— 宋 明 理 學 的 超 越 蘄 嚮 與 內 在 辯 證 ( 增 訂 版 )》, 共 470 頁 ,<br />

台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 羅 欽 順 與 日 本 朱 子 學 〉,《 湖 南 大 學 學 報 》( 社 會 科 學 版 ),26 卷 第 1 期 ,<br />

頁 19-27。。(CSSCI)<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 從 東 亞 文 化 研 究 談 臺 灣 的 主 體 性 〉,《 臺 灣 大 學 人 文 社 會 高 等 研 究 院 院<br />

訊 》, 第 7 卷 第 3 期 ( 總 24 期 ), 頁 33-35。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 羅 欽 順 與 日 本 朱 子 學 〉, 陳 來 編 ,《 哲 學 與 時 代 : 朱 子 學 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 論<br />

文 集 》, 頁 455-472, 上 海 : 華 東 師 範 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 金 昌 協 論 「 知 覺 」〉, 黃 俊 傑 編 ,《 朝 鮮 儒 者 對 儒 家 傳 統 的 解 釋 》, 頁 91-<br />

136, 臺 北 市 : 臺 灣 大 學 出 版 中 心 。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 黎 貴 惇 的 理 氣 論 〉, 鍾 彩 鈞 編 ,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思 想 》, 頁 247-280, 台<br />

北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 黎 貴 惇 與 西 學 〉, 鍾 彩 鈞 編 ,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思 想 》, 頁 181-218, 台 北<br />

市 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 艮 齋 對 栗 谷 與 牛 溪 性 理 說 的 詮 釋 〉, 發 表 於 2012 艮 齋 學 國 際 學 術 會 議 , 韓<br />

國 全 州 : 艮 齋 學 會 、 全 北 大 學 主 辦 ,2012-11-22。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 韓 國 儒 學 史 「 主 理 / 主 氣 」 解 釋 框 架 之 檢 討 — 兼 論 韓 國 儒 學 思 想 研 究 的 新 展<br />

望 〉, 發 表 於 「 儒 教 的 新 復 興 : 儒 教 文 化 圈 」 國 際 儒 學 論 壇 , 韓 國 首 爾 : 成 均 館 大 學 儒 教<br />

文 化 研 究 所 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 韓 國 儒 學 史 「 主 理 / 主 氣 」 解 釋 框 架 之 檢 討 —— 兼 論 韓 國 儒 學 思 想 研 究 之 展<br />

望 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞 儒 學 視 域 中 韓 國 儒 學 研 究 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 臺 北 市 : 臺 灣 大 學 人 文<br />

社 會 高 等 研 究 院 ,2012-09-28。<br />

林 月 惠 ,2012,〈 韓 國 儒 學 史 「 主 理 / 主 氣 」 解 釋 框 架 之 檢 討 —— 兼 論 東 亞 的 宋 明 理 學 研<br />

究 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 臺 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


楊 貞 德 (YANG, CHEN-TE)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

楊 貞 德 ,2012,〈 張 君 勱 的 憲 政 思 維 及 其 意 涵 〉, 共 23 頁 , 發 表 於 中 央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 漢 學 會<br />

議 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

劉 苑 如 (LIU, YUAN-JU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 苑 如 ,submitted,〈 天 化 與 人 化 ── 葉 德 輝 星 命 學 的 知 識 建 構 與 時 代 性 〉,《 儒 學 與 古<br />

典 學 評 論 》, 第 二 期 , 頁 17。<br />

劉 苑 如 ,2012,〈 周 穆 王 欲 肆 其 心 —— 從 《 穆 天 子 傳 》 看 中 古 巡 遊 書 寫 與 事 類 隱 喻 〉,《 成 大<br />

中 文 學 報 》, 第 38 期 , 頁 1-40。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 苑 如 ,2012,〈 懷 仁 山 林 ── 慧 遠 集 團 的 廬 山 書 寫 與 實 踐 〉, 劉 苑 如 編 ,《 體 現 自 然 : 意 象 書<br />

寫 與 文 化 實 踐 》, 頁 229-280, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 所 。<br />

劉 苑 如 ,2012,〈 體 現 自 然 ── 一 個 文 學 文 化 學 的 自 然 觀 點 〉, 劉 苑 如 編 ,《 體 現 自 然 : 意 象<br />

書 寫 與 文 化 實 踐 》, 頁 1-23, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 苑 如 ,2012,〈 技 藝 與 體 制 —— 從 葉 德 輝 輯 刻 《 玄 中 記 》、《 山 公 啓 事 》 所 展 開 的 討 論 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「『 文 』 與 『 體 』: 跨 領 域 對 談 」 學 術 研 習 營 , 台 南 : 國 科 會 人 文 處 與 國 立 台 南 藝<br />

術 大 學 主 辦 ,2012-06-25 ~ 2012-06-26。<br />

劉 苑 如 , 2012, “ 天 化 與 人 化 ── 葉 德 輝 星 命 學 的 知 識 建 構 與 時 代 性 ”, 15 pages, paper presented at<br />

第 二 屆 “ 儒 家 與 現 代 中 國 ” 學 術 討 會 , 上 海 : 同 濟 大 學 中 國 思 想 與 文 化 研 究 所 及 經 學 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-05-12 ~ 2012-05-13.<br />

楊 晉 龍 (YANG, CHIN-LUNG)<br />

會 議 論 文<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 論 《 埤 雅 》 及 其 在 宋 代 《 詩 經 》 專 著 中 的 傳 播 〉, 臺 北 國 立 臺 灣 師 範 大 學 國 文 系 主<br />

辦 「 儒 道 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 --( 五 ) 宋 元 」 論 文 (2012 年 10 月 20 日 )。( 國 科 會 成 果 :<br />

NSC 93- 2411- H- 001- 071-)<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 穆 斯 林 學 者 王 岱 輿 著 作 引 述 及 應 用 經 書 探 論 〉, 高 雄 國 立 中 山 大 學 中 文 系 、 清 代 學<br />

術 研 究 中 心 ; 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 合 辦 「 第 七 屆 國 際 暨 第 十 二 屆 全 國 清 代 學 術 研 討<br />

會 」 論 文 (2012 年 11 月 07 日 )。( 國 科 會 成 果 :NSC 94- 2411- H- 001- 078-)<br />


楊 晉 龍 ,〈 臺 灣 地 區 民 國 前 基 督 徒 的 儒 家 經 學 傳 播 一 斑 : 李 春 生 著 作 中 的 詩 經 學 訊 息 〉, 桃 園<br />

國 立 中 央 大 學 明 清 研 究 中 心 主 辦 「『 明 清 學 術 與 儒 學 』 學 術 研 討 會 」 論 文 (2012 年 11 月<br />

28 日 )。( 國 科 會 成 果 :NSC 98-2410-H-001-079-MY3)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 七 講 論 文 書 寫 的 實 質 性 內 容 ( 二 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 27 卷 第 8 期<br />

(2012 年 01 月 ), 頁 81-86。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 七 講 論 文 書 寫 的 實 質 性 內 容 ( 三 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 27 卷 第 9 期<br />

(2012 年 02 月 ), 頁 84-89。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 七 講 論 文 書 寫 的 實 質 性 內 容 ( 四 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 27 卷 第 10 期<br />

(2012 年 03 月 ), 頁 81-86。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 七 講 論 文 書 寫 的 實 質 性 內 容 ( 五 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 27 卷 第 11 期<br />

(2012 年 04 月 ), 頁 94-97。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 八 講 論 文 評 論 的 相 關 內 容 與 問 題 ( 一 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 27 卷 第 12<br />

期 (2012 年 05 月 ), 頁 98-103。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 八 講 論 文 評 論 的 相 關 內 容 與 問 題 ( 二 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 1 期<br />

(2012 年 06 月 ), 頁 140-145。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 八 講 論 文 評 論 的 相 關 內 容 與 問 題 ( 三 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 2 期<br />

(2012 年 07 月 ), 頁 71-76。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 八 講 論 文 評 論 的 相 關 內 容 與 問 題 ( 四 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 3 期<br />

(2012 年 08 月 ), 頁 79-84。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 九 講 總 結 性 的 教 學 歸 納 ( 一 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 4 期 (2012<br />

年 09 月 ), 頁 110-115。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 九 講 總 結 性 的 教 學 歸 納 ( 二 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 5 期 (2012<br />

年 10 月 ), 頁 89-94。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈「 公 婆 」 說 的 都 有 理 纔 是 經 典 〉, 呂 珍 玉 主 編 :《 閱 讀 詩 經 》( 臺 北 : 萬 卷 樓 圖 書<br />

公 司 ,2012 年 10 月 ), 頁 1-3。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 治 學 方 法 第 九 講 總 結 性 的 教 學 歸 納 ( 三 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 6 期 (2012<br />

年 11 月 ), 頁 86-91。<br />

楊 晉 龍 ,〈 第 九 講 總 結 性 的 教 學 歸 納 ( 四 )〉。《 國 文 天 地 》 第 28 卷 第 7 期 (2012 年 12<br />

月 ), 頁 98-103。<br />

陳 瑋 芬 (CHEN, WEI-FEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 瑋 芬 ,2012,〈「 哲 學 」 之 創 譯 與 演 繹 ── 兼 論 「 哲 學 」 與 「 理 學 」 之 辨 〉,《 臺 灣 東 亞 文<br />

明 研 究 學 刊 》, 第 9 卷 2 期 。<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 瑋 芬 ,2012,〈 井 上 哲 次 郎 と 蔡 元 培 における 近 代 倫 理 學 の 構 築 〉, 林 永 強 , 張 政 遠 編 ,<br />

《 日 本 哲 學 的 多 樣 性 ――21 世 紀 の 新 たな 対 話 をめざして》, 頁 174-193, 京 都 : 世 界 思<br />

想 社 。<br />

何 乏 筆 (HEUBEL, FABIAN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

Markus Schmücker and Fabian Heubel, accepted, Dimensionen der Selbstkultivierung: Beiträge des<br />

Forums für asiatische Philosophie, Freiburg: Alber.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Fabian Heubel, accepted, “Kritische Kultivierung und energetische Subjektivität. Reflexionen zur<br />

französischsprachigen Zhuangzi-Forschung”, editor(s): Markus Schmücker and Fabian Heubel,<br />

Dimensionen der Selbstkultivierung. Beiträge des Forums für asiatische Philosophie, Freiburg:<br />

Alber.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

何 乏 筆 (Fabian Heubel),2012,〈 比 較 哲 學 與 跨 文 化 哲 學 : 從 梁 漱 溟 《 東 西 文 化 及 其 哲 學 》<br />

論 起 〉, 發 表 於 「 跨 文 化 視 野 下 的 東 亞 哲 學 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 臺 北 巿 南 港 區 : 中 央 研 究 院 中<br />

國 文 哲 研 究 所 。,2012-01-05 ~ 2012-01-06。<br />

張 季 琳 (CHANG, CHI-LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 季 琳 , accepted, “ 殖 民 地 臺 灣 的 下 村 湖 人 ── 文 教 官 僚 的 挫 折 和 教 養 小 説 作 家 的 誕 生 ”, 《 中 國<br />

文 哲 研 究 通 訊 》( 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 ).<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 季 琳 ,accepted,〈 大 いなる 道 を 念 じてこの 島 にわたり 来 し 日 を 思 ひつつ 淋 しいーー 下 村<br />

湖 人 の 憂 憤 と 懺 悔 〉, 黃 自 進 編 ,《 日 本 の 伝 統 と 現 在 》, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科<br />

學 研 究 中 心 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 季 琳 ,2012,〈《 文 藝 台 灣 》 時 代 の 邱 永 漢 〉, 發 表 於 「 日 本 文 学 における 台 湾 」 国 際 シン<br />

ポジウム, 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 亞 太 區<br />

域 研 究 專 題 中 心 ,2012-10-07。<br />


蔡 長 林 (TSAI, CHANG LIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

蔡 長 林 ,2012,〈 文 人 的 學 術 參 與 ──《 復 堂 日 記 》 所 見 譚 獻 的 學 術 評 論 〉,《 中 國 文 哲 研 究<br />

集 刊 》, 第 40 期 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

蔡 長 林 , accepted, “ 義 理 易 與 今 文 經 學 --- 皮 錫 瑞 《 易 學 通 論 》 的 經 學 立 場 及 其 意 義 ”, 《 正 統 與 流<br />

變 — 歷 代 儒 家 經 典 之 轉 變 》.<br />

林 維 杰 (LIN, WEI CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 維 杰 ,2012,〈 越 儒 黎 貴 惇 的 宗 教 思 想 〉,《 當 代 儒 學 研 究 》, 第 12 期 , 頁 1-30。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 維 杰 ,2012,〈《 芸 臺 類 語 ‧ 文 藝 》 的 詮 釋 學 意 涵 〉, 鍾 彩 鈞 編 ,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思<br />

想 》, 頁 339-359, 臺 北 : 中 研 院 文 哲 所 。<br />

林 維 杰 ,2012,〈 黎 貴 惇 思 想 中 的 格 物 學 〉, 鍾 彩 鈞 編 ,《 黎 貴 惇 的 學 術 與 思 想 》, 頁 281-<br />

312, 臺 北 : 中 研 院 文 哲 所 。<br />

林 維 杰 ,2012,〈 張 載 解 經 思 想 : 知 識 論 與 存 有 論 的 綜 合 〉, 潘 朝 陽 主 編 :《 跨 文 化 視 域 下 的<br />

儒 家 倫 常 》( 臺 北 : 臺 師 大 出 版 中 心 ,2012 年 ), 下 冊 , 頁 543-575。<br />

黃 冠 閔 (HUANG, KUAN-MIN)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

黃 冠 閔 、 趙 東 明 ,2012,《 跨 文 化 視 野 下 的 東 亞 宗 教 傳 統 ─ 理 論 反 思 篇 》, 共 231 頁 , 臺 北<br />

市 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

HUANG Kuan-Min, 2012, “The Ethical Image in a Topological Perspective: the Poetics of Gaston<br />

Bachelard”, Altre Modernità, 2012 特 刊 , Bachelard e la plasticità della materia,47-66.<br />

HUANG Kuan-Min, 2012, “La sensibilité cosmique du paysage chez Gaston Bachelard”, Cahiers<br />

Gaston Bachelard, 12, 223-237. (Others)<br />

黃 冠 閔 ,2012,〈 出 入 山 水 間 : 風 景 現 象 學 的 一 條 通 道 〉,《 哲 學 與 文 化 》, 第 39 卷 第 11<br />

期 , 頁 41-56。(A&HCI)<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Huang Kuan-Min, 2012, “Toward a Phenomenological Reading of Landscape: Bachelard, Merleau-<br />

Ponty, and Zong Bing”, editor(s): Chung-chi Yu, Kwok-ying Lau, Phenomenology and Human<br />

Experience, pp. 45-63, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.<br />

HUANG Kuan-Min, 2012, “L’éthique et le lieu de soi chez Bachelard et Levinas”, editor(s): Jean-<br />

Philippe Pierron, Maris-Hélène Parizeau, Repenser la nature. Dialogue philosophique, Europe,<br />

Asie, Amériques, pp. 175-188, Québec: Les Presses de l’Univers.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

HUANG Kuan-Min, 2012, “The topological conditions of the texts that I read: here and now”, paper<br />

presented at 4th International Workshop on “philosophy-Sign-Narrative”, 臺 北 : 東 吳 大 學 ,<br />

2012-05-26 ~ 2012-05-27.<br />

HUANG Kuan-Min, 2012, “Experiencing Landscape: Embodiment and transformation in a<br />

transcultural situation”, paper presented at Still Compare: World Literature, “New Area<br />

Studies,” and Transcultural Critique, 臺 北 : 中 研 院 中 國 文 哲 所 , 2012-05-07.<br />

黃 冠 閔 ,2012,〈 迷 宮 的 應 許 : 資 訊 中 的 風 景 與 影 像 〉, 發 表 於 「 虛 擬 與 實 在 的 跨 領 域 討 論 」<br />

國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 高 雄 : 中 山 大 學 文 學 院 ,2012-03-09 ~ 2012-03-10。<br />

黃 冠 閔 ,2012,〈 文 化 與 自 然 : 歷 史 路 向 與 價 值 判 斷 的 一 個 分 析 判 準 〉, 發 表 於 勞 思 光 思 想 與<br />

當 代 哲 學 文 化 , 臺 北 : 華 梵 大 學 ,2012-05-19 ~ 2012-05-20。<br />

黃 冠 閔 ,2012,〈 哲 學 與 宗 教 之 間 : 唐 君 毅 與 西 谷 啟 治 對 現 代 性 的 省 思 〉, 發 表 於 跨 文 化 視 野<br />

下 的 東 亞 哲 學 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 臺 北 : 中 研 院 中 國 文 哲 所 ,2012-01-05 ~ 2012-01-06。<br />

陳 相 因 (CHEN, HSIANG-YIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 相 因 ,2012,〈 瘋 狂 的 前 奏 曲 — 初 探 果 戈 理 與 魯 迅 作 品 的 「 黑 暗 世 界 」〉,《 中 國 文 哲 研 究<br />

通 訊 》, 第 22 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 151-176。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 相 因 ,2012,〈 瘋 狂 的 前 奏 曲 — 初 探 果 戈 理 與 魯 迅 作 品 的 「 黑 暗 世 界 」〉, 發 表 於 「 區 域 交<br />

流 與 中 國 文 學 書 寫 典 範 的 追 求 」 研 討 會 , 國 立 中 正 大 學 : 國 立 中 正 大 學 臺 灣 文 學 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-05-25。<br />

劉 瓊 云 (LIU, CHIUNG-YUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 瓊 云 , 2012, “ 帝 王 還 魂 — 明 代 建 文 帝 流 亡 敘 事 的 衍 異 ”, 新 史 學 , 23(4), 61-117. (THCI Core)<br />


鍾 振 宇 (CHUNG, CHEN-YU)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

鍾 振 宇 ,2012,〈 老 子 的 正 言 若 反 與 歐 路 冥 契 主 義 的 語 言 策 略 〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 正 言 若 反<br />

與 庖 丁 解 牛 : 跨 文 化 視 域 下 的 道 家 研 究 工 作 坊 , 南 港 : 中 研 院 文 哲 所 ,2012-09-04。<br />

鍾 振 宇 ,2012,〈 莊 子 的 語 言 存 有 論 〉, 共 15 頁 , 發 表 於 跨 文 化 視 野 下 的 東 亞 哲 學 國 際 學 術<br />

研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 研 院 文 哲 所 ,2012-01-05 ~ 2012-01-06。<br />

鍾 振 宇 ,2012,〈 莊 子 的 氣 化 現 象 學 〉, 共 25 頁 , 莊 子 的 當 代 詮 釋 國 際 研 討 會 。 北 京 : 北 京<br />

外 國 語 大 學 ,2012.10.31-11.02。<br />

鍾 振 宇 ,2012,〈 老 子 的 語 言 存 有 論 〉, 共 25 頁 , 第 三 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 國 學 論 壇 : 道 家 研 究 。 廈<br />

門 : 篔 簹 書 院 ,2012.11.23-25。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

鍾 振 宇 ,2012,「 器 的 現 象 學 —《 老 》、《 莊 》、《 易 傳 》、《 考 工 記 》 與 海 德 格 論 「 器 與 科<br />

技 的 本 質 」(III-I), 共 20 頁 , 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

范 麗 梅 (PHAM, LEE-MOI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

范 麗 梅 ,2012,〈 簡 帛 文 獻 用 字 與 閱 讀 習 慣 研 究 綜 述 〉,《 哲 學 與 文 化 》, 第 39 卷 第 4 期 ,<br />

頁 3-16。(A&HCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

范 麗 梅 ,2012,〈 金 心 在 中 不 可 匿 ── 郭 店 楚 簡 與 先 秦 辱 患 中 的 身 心 試 煉 〉, 發 表 於 「 透 視 苦<br />

難 : 概 念 與 表 述 」 學 術 座 談 會 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 ,2012-08-27。<br />

范 麗 梅 ,2012, 節 節 蹇 蹇 、 永 思 喟 如 ── 楚 簡 〈 性 自 命 出 〉 亟 治 德 的 身 心 氣 書 寫 , 發 表 於 兩 岸<br />

氣 論 與 中 國 哲 學 研 討 會 , 北 京 : 北 京 清 華 大 學 國 學 研 究 院 、 臺 灣 清 華 大 學 人 文 社 會 研 究 中<br />

心 ,2012-01-07 ~ 2012-01-08。<br />

范 麗 梅 ,2012, 同 出 而 異 生 ── 上 博 楚 簡 〈 亙 先 〉 上 篇 箋 釋 , 發 表 於 第 十 四 屆 「 社 會 與 文 化 」<br />

國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 臺 北 : 淡 江 大 學 中 文 系 ,2012-05-04 ~ 2012-05-05。<br />

范 麗 梅 ,2012, 或 極 焉 生 ── 上 博 〈 亙 先 〉 體 用 化 生 的 三 種 類 型 , 發 表 於 簡 帛 文 獻 對 思 想 史 研<br />

究 的 方 法 論 啓 示 國 際 研 討 會 , 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 哲 學 系 、 中 國 哲 學 與 文 化 研 究 中 心 ,<br />

2012-06-28 ~ 2012-06-30。<br />


張 文 朝 (CHANG, WEN CHAO)<br />

專 書<br />

張 文 朝 ,2012, 日 本 における 詩 経 学 史 臺 北 市 萬 卷 樓 2012-12-01<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 文 朝 , 2012, “ 他 山 之 石 : 日 本 近 十 年 (2001-2010) 的 《 詩 經 》 學 研 究 ”, editor(s): 趙 逵 夫 , 先 秦<br />

文 學 與 文 化 ( 第 二 輯 ), pp. 120-133, 中 國 上 海 : 上 海 遠 東 出 版 社 .<br />

德 田 武 , translated by 張 文 朝 , 2012, “ 朱 舜 水 與 水 戶 的 唐 話 學 ”, editor(s): 徐 興 慶 , 朱 舜 水 與 近 世 日<br />

本 儒 學 的 發 展 , pp. 287-307, 臺 北 市 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 出 版 中 心 .<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 文 朝 ,2012,〈 朱 熹 《 詩 集 傳 》 在 日 本 江 戶 時 代 (1603-1868) 的 流 傳 〉, 共 18(A4) 頁 , 發<br />

表 於 朱 子 經 學 及 其 在 東 亞 的 流 傳 與 發 展 , 美 國 亞 利 桑 納 州 立 大 學 : 美 國 亞 利 桑 納 州 立 大<br />

學 ,2012-05-07 ~ 2012-05-08。<br />

技 術 報 告<br />

張 文 朝 , 未 出 版 , 以 不 錄 批 朱 - - 試 就 「 二 南 」 論 赤 松 太 庾 《 詩 經 述 》 對 朱 熹 《 詩 集 傳 》 的 無<br />

言 批 判 , 共 16(A4) 頁 。<br />


謝 國 興 (HSIEH, KUO-HSING)<br />

台 灣 史 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 台 灣 田 都 元 帥 信 仰 與 宋 江 陣 儀 式 傳 統 〉,《 民 俗 曲 藝 》, 第 175 期 , 頁 1-<br />

42。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈1940 年 代 的 興 南 客 運 : 日 治 後 期 到 戰 後 初 期 的 轉 折 〉,《 臺 南 文 獻 》, 創 刊<br />

號 , 頁 55-80。<br />

謝 國 興 、 謝 明 如 ,2012,〈2010 年 臺 灣 史 研 究 回 顧 與 展 望 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 2<br />

期 , 頁 209-257。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 媽 祖 的 香 路 : 曾 文 溪 下 游 地 區 的 繞 境 觀 察 〉, 發 表 於 「2012 年 海 峽 論 壇 - 媽<br />

祖 信 俗 學 術 研 討 會 」, 褔 建 莆 田 : 莆 田 學 院 媽 祖 文 化 研 究 中 心 ,2012-06-14 ~ 2012-06-<br />

17。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 失 節 事 小 餓 死 事 大 : 閩 台 族 譜 所 見 婦 女 守 節 問 題 〉, 共 35 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「2012 閩 南 跨 文 化 學 術 研 討 會 」, 漳 州 : 漳 州 師 範 學 院 閩 南 文 化 研 究 院 ,2012-11-18 ~<br />

2012-11-20。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 戰 後 初 期 臺 灣 中 小 企 業 的 殖 民 地 傳 承 〉, 共 22 頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 台 湾 の 経<br />

済 社 会 変 遷 - 日 本 とのかかわりをめぐって 國 際 研 討 會 」, 日 本 愛 知 大 學 名 古 屋 校 舍 : 愛<br />

知 大 學 東 亞 同 文 書 院 大 學 紀 念 中 心 、 中 研 院 台 史 所 主 題 計 畫 「 戰 後 臺 灣 歷 史 的 多 元 鑲 嵌 與<br />

主 體 創 造 」,2012-08-04 ~ 2012-08-06。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 晉 江 東 石 蔡 源 利 號 在 嘉 義 布 袋 的 魚 塭 開 拓 與 變 遷 〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 研 究 新 跨 越<br />

系 列 之 「 近 代 以 來 台 灣 社 會 轉 型 學 術 研 討 會 」, 廈 門 大 學 台 灣 研 究 院 : 廈 門 大 學 台 灣 研 究<br />

院 ,2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-22。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 台 湾 における 档 案 資 料 デジタル 化 の 成 果 とその 応 用 について〉, 共 24<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 「 在 台 湾 日 本 語 歴 史 資 料 の 保 存 と 利 用 」, 京 都 大 學 : 京 都 大 學 人 文 科 學 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-11-30 ~ 2012-12-03。<br />

謝 國 興 ,2012,〈 戰 後 初 期 臺 灣 中 小 企 業 的 殖 民 地 傳 承 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」,<br />

中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


許 雪 姬 (HSU, HSUEH-CHI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 日 本 統 治 期 における 台 湾 人 の 中 国 での 活 動 – 満 洲 と 汪 精 衛 政 権 にいた 人 々<br />

を 例 として〉,《 中 国 21》, 第 36 期 , 頁 97-122。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 澎 湖 歷 史 相 關 研 究 的 回 顧 與 展 望 (2001~2010) 〉,《 硓 石 》, 第 67 期 ,<br />

頁 2-24。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 在 「 滿 洲 國 」 的 臺 灣 人 高 等 官 : 以 大 同 學 院 的 畢 業 生 為 例 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研<br />

究 》, 第 19 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 95-150。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈1937-1947 年 在 上 海 的 臺 灣 人 〉,《 臺 灣 學 研 究 》,13 期 , 頁 1-32。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈1950 年 代 前 後 臺 灣 的 省 籍 問 題 〉, 余 敏 玲 編 ,《 兩 岸 分 治 : 學 術 建 制 、 圖 像<br />

宣 傳 與 族 群 政 治 (1945-2000)》, 頁 281-318, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 鬮 書 的 產 生 及 其 功 能 〉, 劉 錚 雲 主 編 ,《 明 清 檔 案 文 書 ( 一 )》, 頁 561-<br />

602, 臺 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 人 文 中 心 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 史 研 究 香 火 的 傳 承 者 與 開 創 者 – 楊 雲 萍 〉, 國 立 歷 史 博 物 館 編 輯 委 員 會<br />

編 ,《 臺 灣 史 上 重 要 人 物 系 列 ( 三 )》, 頁 40-55, 臺 北 : 國 立 歷 史 博 物 館 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 方 志 中 的 人 物 志 — 我 如 何 修 纂 澎 湖 、 臺 中 縣 人 物 志 〉, 發 表 於 101 年 度 「 澎<br />

湖 研 究 第 十 二 屆 學 術 研 討 會 」, 澎 湖 生 活 博 物 館 : 澎 湖 縣 政 府 ,2012-10-27 ~ 2012-10-<br />

28。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 由 裁 縫 、 商 人 到 漢 奸 \ 戰 犯 : 陳 杏 村 的 傳 奇 與 涉 案 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 「 戰 後<br />

臺 灣 歷 史 的 多 元 鑲 嵌 與 主 體 創 造 」 工 作 坊 ( 三 )- 人 脈 篇 , 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 802<br />

室 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 主 題 計 畫 「 戰 後 臺 灣 歷 史 的 多 元 鑲 嵌 與 主 體 創 造 」,2012-<br />

12-08。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 在 滿 洲 國 的 臺 籍 公 務 人 員 ,1932-1945〉, 發 表 於 「 近 代 臺 灣 的 社 經 變 遷 :<br />

以 臺 日 關 係 為 中 心 國 際 研 討 會 」, 日 本 愛 知 大 學 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 日 本 愛 知 大<br />

學 東 亞 同 文 書 院 大 學 紀 念 中 心 ,2012-08-04 ~ 2012-08-05。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 由 日 記 看 晚 清 北 臺 的 社 會 生 活 〉, 發 表 於 「 日 記 與 社 會 生 活 史 學 術 研 討<br />

會 」, 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 展 示 教 育 大 樓 圓 形 劇 場 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 立 臺 灣<br />

歷 史 博 物 館 、 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 學 系 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />


許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 口 述 歷 史 的 回 顧 與 展 望 〉, 發 表 於 「 眾 聲 平 等 : 華 人 社 會 口 述 歷 史 的 理<br />

論 與 實 務 學 術 研 討 會 」, 澳 門 高 美 士 街 澳 門 理 工 學 院 : 澳 門 理 工 學 院 ,2012-10-15 ~ 2012-<br />

10-18。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 高 普 考 試 分 省 定 額 制 的 形 成 與 實 際 運 作 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會<br />

議 」, 中 央 研 究 院 : 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,〈 由 「 臺 共 」 到 漢 奸 ─ 莊 泗 川 的 前 半 生 略 述 〉, 發 表 於 「 近 代 以 來 臺 灣 社 會 轉<br />

型 學 術 研 討 會 」, 廈 門 大 學 國 際 學 術 交 流 中 心 : 廈 門 大 學 臺 灣 研 究 中 心 與 廈 門 大 學 臺 灣 研<br />

究 院 ,2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-22。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,《 灌 園 先 生 日 記 ( 廿 三 ) 一 九 五 一 年 》, 共 467 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史<br />

研 究 所 、 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,《 灌 園 先 生 日 記 ( 廿 二 ) 一 九 五 ○ 年 》, 共 600 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史<br />

研 究 所 、 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ( 與 詹 素 娟 合 編 ),2012,《 災 後 十 年 : 九 二 一 地 震 口 述 訪 問 紀 錄 》, 共 634 頁 , 臺 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 家 災 害 防 救 科 技 中 心 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,《 黃 旺 成 先 生 日 記 ( 九 ) 一 九 二 二 年 》, 共 435 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史<br />

研 究 所 。<br />

許 雪 姬 ,2012,《 黃 旺 成 先 生 日 記 ( 八 ) 一 九 二 一 年 》, 共 397 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史<br />

研 究 所 。<br />

蔡 慧 玉 (TS'AI, HUI-YU CAROLINE)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

蔡 慧 玉 訪 問 、 校 訂 , 吳 美 慧 記 錄 ,accepted,《「 警 察 幹 部 訓 練 班 」 口 述 訪 談 紀 錄 : 光 復 臺 灣 與<br />

戰 後 警 政 》, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 , 口 述 歷 史 叢 書<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, accepted, “Diaries and Everyday Life in Colonial Taiwan,” Japan<br />

Review (Nichibunken, Japan) 24 (July 2013).<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

蔡 慧 玉 ,2012,〈 植 民 地 官 僚 の『 日 常 生 活 』—— 家 族 と 余 暇 〉, 近 藤 正 己 、 北 村 嘉 惠 、 駒 込<br />

等 編 ,《 內 海 忠 司 日 記 1928-1939 : 帝 國 日 本 の 官 僚 と 植 民 地 台 灣 》, 頁 145-179, 京<br />

都 : 京 都 大 學 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2012, “Life Stories, Entangled Colonialities, and Oral History in Taiwan<br />

Studies: A Case Study of ‘Taiganban ( 臺 幹 班 ),’ 1945-49”, paper presented at Workshop on<br />

"Everyday Coloniality (III): How Wars End – Practices of (Re-)Making States after 1945, Seoul,<br />

South Korea: Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, 2012-11-02 ~ 2012-11-03.<br />

蔡 慧 玉 ,〈 視 覺 表 述 與 日 常 生 活 殖 民 性 : 一 九 二 五 年 台 北 州 警 察 衛 生 展 覽 會 〉, 發 表 在 「 第 二<br />

屆 臺 灣 海 洋 文 化 的 吸 取 、 轉 承 與 發 展 研 討 會 」, 新 竹 : 國 立 交 通 大 學 人 文 與 社 會 科 學 中<br />

心 ,2012-06-01~2012-06-02。<br />

Hui-yu Caroline Ts’ai, 2012, “Policing’ of Hygiene Reconsidered: Haircut Hygiene, the 1925 Taipei<br />

Police/Hygienic Exhibition, and Japanese Colonial Practices in Interwar Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at Workshop on “Colonial Practices of Law, Police, and Punishment,”, Denmark:<br />

University of Copenhagen, 2012-11-20.<br />

林 玉 茹 (LIN, YU-JU)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

林 玉 茹 , 森 田 明 、 朝 元 照 雄 譯 ,2012,《 台 湾 拓 殖 株 式 会 社 の 東 台 湾 経 営 ─ 国 策 会 社 と 植 民 地<br />

の 改 造 》, 共 380 頁 , 東 京 : 汲 古 書 屋 。<br />

林 玉 茹 ,accepted,《 清 代 臺 灣 經 濟 地 理 》, 上 海 : 華 東 師 範 出 版 社 。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

林 玉 茹 ,2012,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 共 575 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 玉 茹 著 , 朝 元 照 雄 譯 ,2012,〈 植 民 地 時 代 東 台 灣 の 土 地 の 開 墾 と 栽 培 事 業 : 國 家 と 台 灣 拓<br />

殖 株 式 會 社 の 共 同 構 築 下 の 農 林 開 發 〉,《エコノミクス》, 第 16 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 265-<br />

312。<br />

林 玉 茹 、 畏 冬 ,2012,〈 林 爽 文 事 件 前 臺 灣 的 邊 區 圖 像 : 以 乾 隆 49 年 的 臺 灣 番 界 紫 線 圖 為 中<br />

心 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 47-94。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 玉 茹 ,2012,〈《 淡 新 檔 案 》 與 晚 清 北 臺 灣 的 社 會 風 俗 〉, 劉 錚 雲 主 編 編 ,《 明 清 檔 案 文<br />

書 》( 一 ), 頁 493-560, 臺 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 人 文 中 心 。<br />

林 玉 茹 ,2012,〈 由 私 口 到 小 口 : 晚 清 臺 灣 地 域 性 港 口 對 外 貿 易 的 開 放 〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較<br />

視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 135-168, 臺 北 : 中 研 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lin yu-ju, 2012, “Competition and Cooperation: the Trade Pattern of Treaty Ports in 19th Century<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at the 37th Annual Conference of Economic and Business Historical<br />

Society, Las Vegas, NV, US: Economic and Business Historical Society, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-<br />

28.<br />

林 玉 茹 ,2012,〈 過 新 年 : 由 傳 統 到 現 代 臺 灣 節 慶 生 活 的 交 錯 與 嫁 接 1890-1945〉, 共 29 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 日 記 與 社 會 生 活 史 學 術 研 討 會 」, 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究<br />

所 、 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 、 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 學 系 合 辦 ,2012-12-07。<br />

Lin yu-ju, 2012, “Trade, Local Affairs, and Formation of Taiwanese Merchant communities in Mid-<br />

18th Century”, paper presented at the 16 th World Economic History Congress, Stellbosch<br />

University, South Africa.18pages.2012-07-08~2012-07-13.<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

林 玉 茹 、 林 文 凱 、 陳 培 豐 、 賀 安 娟 、 詹 素 娟 ,2012,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 文 獻 類 目 2011 年 度 》, 共<br />

220 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

林 玉 茹 ,2012,〈 導 論 : 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 〉,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》,Ⅷ<br />

-ⅩⅩⅡ。<br />

詹 素 娟 (CHAN, SU-CHUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

詹 素 娟 、 陳 文 立 ,2012,〈 回 看 來 時 路 ── 從 區 域 研 究 到 地 方 學 的 宜 蘭 經 驗 〉,《 臺 灣 史 學 雜<br />

誌 》, 第 13 期 , 頁 33-59。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

詹 素 娟 ,2012,〈 從 「 山 胞 」 到 「 民 族 」── 臺 灣 原 住 民 的 身 分 認 定 與 族 群 意 識 變 遷 (1945-<br />

2000) 〉, 余 敏 玲 編 ,《 兩 岸 分 治 : 學 術 建 制 、 圖 像 宣 傳 與 族 群 政 治 (1945-2000)》,<br />

頁 253-280, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 近 代 史 研 究 所 。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

許 雪 姬 、 詹 素 娟 ,2012,《 災 後 十 年 : 九 二 一 地 震 口 述 訪 問 紀 錄 》, 共 634 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 家 災 害 防 救 科 技 中 心 。<br />

林 玉 茹 、 林 文 凱 、 陳 培 豐 、 賀 安 娟 、 詹 素 娟 ,2012,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 文 獻 類 目 2011 年 度 》, 共<br />

220 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />


鍾 淑 敏 (CHUNG, SHU-MIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

鍾 淑 敏 , 2012,〈《 臺 灣 日 日 新 報 》 中 的 「 南 支 南 洋 」 與 「 臺 灣 籍 民 」 報 導 〉,《 石 堂 論<br />

叢 》,52 期 , 頁 111-145。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

鍾 淑 敏 ,2012,〈 日 治 初 期 在 臺 日 人 社 會 的 形 成 : 以 臺 灣 民 報 集 團 為 中 心 〉,14 頁 , 發 表 於<br />

「 日 記 與 社 會 生 活 史 學 術 研 討 會 」, 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、<br />

國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 、 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 系 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

鍾 淑 敏 ,2012,〈 戦 後 台 湾 協 会 の 再 建 〉, 共 26 頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 台 湾 の 経 済 社 会 変 遷 - 日<br />

本 とのかかわりをめぐって-」, 愛 知 大 学 名 古 屋 校 舎 : 愛 知 大 学 東 亜 同 文 書 院 大 学 記 念<br />

センター、 中 央 研 究 院 台 湾 史 研 究 所 ,2012-08-04 ~ 2012-08-05。<br />

劉 士 永 (LIU, SHI-YUNG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

劉 士 永 ,2012,《 武 士 刀 與 柳 葉 刀 : 日 本 西 洋 醫 學 之 接 納 與 開 展 》, 共 218 頁 , 臺 北 : 國 立 臺<br />

灣 大 學 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 士 永 ,2012,〈 延 續 或 斷 裂 1940-50 年 代 臺 灣 的 公 共 衛 生 〉, 范 燕 秋 編 ,《 多 元 鑲 嵌 與 創<br />

造 轉 化 : 臺 灣 公 共 衛 生 百 年 史 》, 頁 100-170, 臺 北 : 遠 流 出 版 社 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 士 永 、 郭 世 清 ,2012,〈 林 可 勝 (1897-1969): 闇 聲 晦 影 的 中 研 院 院 士 與 國 防 醫 學 院 院 長 〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 141-205。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Michael Shiyung Liu, 2012, “Epidemics, natural disasters, and medical salvation in Sino- Japanese<br />

war China”, paper presented at the 6th Conference for the Asian Society for the History of<br />

Medicine, Yokohama, Japan: Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-<br />

15.<br />

劉 士 永 ,2012,〈 對 於 台 灣 醫 界 人 物 口 訪 的 心 得 與 感 想 〉, 發 表 於 「 眾 聲 平 等 : 華 人 社 會 口 述<br />

歷 史 的 理 論 與 實 務 學 術 研 討 會 」, 澳 門 理 工 學 院 : 澳 門 理 工 學 院 ,2012-10-15 ~ 2012-10-<br />

18。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

許 雪 姬 、 詹 素 娟 、 劉 士 永 ,2012,《 災 後 十 年 : 九 二 一 地 震 口 述 訪 問 紀 錄 》, 共 632 頁 , 臺<br />

北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 史 所 、 國 家 災 害 防 救 科 技 中 心 。<br />


翁 佳 音 (ANG, KAIM)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

翁 佳 音 ,2012,〈〈 東 番 記 〉 所 展 現 的 漢 番 初 期 關 係 〉, 共 10 頁 , 發 表 在 「 第 二 屆 沿 山 地 區<br />

聚 落 與 族 群 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院<br />

臺 灣 史 研 究 所 ,2012-06-19 ~ 2012-06-20。<br />

翁 佳 音 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 . 海 濱 的 地 名 : 地 名 學 視 野 下 的 十 六 、 七 世 紀 臺 灣 史 〉, 共 23 頁 , 發<br />

表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 歷 史 語 言 研 究<br />

所 、 民 族 學 研 究 所 、 近 代 史 研 究 所 、 中 國 文 哲 研 究 所 、 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 語 言 學 研 究 所 、 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

翁 佳 音 ,2012,〈 雙 腳 走 踏 出 的 臺 灣 史 〉,《 來 去 臺 灣 : 館 藏 文 物 特 展 專 刊 》, 頁 22-32。<br />

翁 佳 音 ,2012,〈 導 讀 : 鹿 死 誰 手 未 可 知 - 軍 事 史 研 究 的 再 起 〉, 歐 陽 泰 (T. Andrade) 著 ,<br />

《 決 戰 熱 蘭 遮 》, 頁 12-15, 臺 北 : 時 報 文 化 。<br />

陳 培 豐 (CHEN, PEI-FENG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

陳 培 豐 ,2012,《 日 本 統 治 と 植 民 地 漢 文 —— 台 湾 における 漢 文 の 境 界 と 想 像 》, 共 336 頁 ,<br />

日 本 ‧ 東 京 : 三 元 社 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 培 豐 , 2012,〈 台 湾 の 文 学 と 歌 謡 ── 重 層 的 植 民 統 治 下 における 文 学 解 釈 共 同 体 の 構<br />

築 〉,《 中 国 21》,36 期 , 頁 179-208。<br />

陳 培 豐 ,2012,〈「 同 文 」リテラシーがもたらした 近 代 文 学 —— 日 本 統 治 下 、 台 湾 の 植 民 地<br />

漢 文 が 歩 んだ 自 助 再 生 の 道 〉,《ことばと 社 会 》,14 号 , 頁 84-113。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 培 豐 ,2012,〈「 同 文 」リテラシーがもたらした 近 代 文 学 : 日 本 統 治 下 、 台 湾 の 植 民 地 漢<br />

文 が 歩 んだ 自 助 再 生 の 道 〉, 發 表 於 「 比 較 殖 民 主 義 與 文 化 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 研 院 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 ,2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-<br />

08。<br />

陳 培 豐 ,2012,〈 連 戰 連 敗 的 文 藝 大 眾 爭 奪 戰 ―― 日 治 時 期 的 鄉 土 文 學 、 流 行 歌 謠 與 左 翼 知 識<br />

分 子 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 一 屆 台 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 」, 中 央 研 究 院 國 際 會 議 廳 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,<br />

2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


陳 培 豐 ,2012,〈 郷 土 文 学 の 声 と 大 衆 —— 日 本 統 治 時 代 の 郷 土 文 学 、 流 行 歌 及 び 左 翼 インテ<br />

リ〉, 發 表 於 「 近 代 台 湾 の 経 済 社 会 変 遷 ― 日 本 とのかかわりをめぐって 國 際 學 術 研 討<br />

會 」, 日 本 . 愛 知 大 學 名 古 屋 校 區 : 中 研 院 主 題 計 畫 「 戰 後 臺 灣 歷 史 的 多 元 鑲 嵌 與 主 體 創<br />

造 」、 日 本 愛 知 大 學 東 亞 同 文 書 院 記 念 中 心 ,2012-08-04 ~ 2012-08-05。<br />

張 隆 志 (CHANG, LUNG-CHIH)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lung-chih Chang, 2012, “Island of Histories: Trans-national Cultural Transmission and Historical<br />

Knowledge Production in Early Twentieth-century Taiwan”, paper presented at 1st World<br />

Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

張 隆 志 ,2012, “Island of Sadness: Colonialism, War, and Collective Memories in Contemporary<br />

Taiwanese”, 發 表 在 「2012 亞 洲 研 究 學 會 年 會 」, 加 拿 大 多 倫 多 : 亞 洲 研 究 學 會 , 2012-<br />

03-15 ~ 2012-03-19。<br />

Lung-chih Chang, 2012, “Colonialism, War, and Collective Memories: Rethinking Japan in<br />

Contemporary Taiwanese Historiography”, paper presented at Leverhulme International<br />

Network – Taipei Workshop Programme, Taipei: Leverhulme International Network, 2012-05-13.<br />

張 隆 志 , 2012 , “Island of Histories: Transnational Cultural Transmission and Historical<br />

Knowledge in Early Twentieth-Century Taiwan”, 發 表 於 「 比 較 殖 民 主 義 與 文 化 國 際 學 術 研<br />

討 會 」, 中 研 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 ,2012-<br />

09-07 ~ 2012-09-08。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

Lung-chih Chang, Min-chin Kay Chiang, 2012, “From colonial site to cultural heritage. Rethinking<br />

postcolonialism and decolonization in Taiwan”, IIAS Newsletter, 59, 28-29.<br />

洪 麗 完 (HUNG, LI-WAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

洪 麗 完 ,2012,〈 嘉 南 平 原 沿 山 熟 番 移 住 村 落 之 形 成 暨 社 會 生 活 考 察 (1740-1945): 以 大 武<br />

壠 派 社 為 例 〉,《 歷 史 人 類 學 刊 》, 第 10 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 31-84。(THCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 秀 卿 、 洪 麗 完 , 2012,〈 府 城 邊 區 哆 囉 嘓 熟 番 移 住 社 會 之 考 察 (1750-1945): 以 宗 教 信 仰 為<br />

例 〉, 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 系 編 ,《 海 洋 古 都 : 府 城 文 明 之 形 塑 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》,<br />

頁 82-140, 臺 北 : 稻 鄉 出 版 社 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Li-wan Hung, 2012, “Uprisings, Migration and Ethnic Identity: A Study of the Kaxabu in Qing<br />

Central Taiwan”, 33 pages, paper presented at International workshop on ‘Defining the<br />

Jecen:The Revolution of Qing Frontier, 1644-1912’, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University & Hong<br />

Kong Baptist University, 2012-05-26 ~ 2012-05-27.<br />

洪 麗 完 ,2012,〈 安 撫 「 番 租 」、「 防 番 」 信 仰 與 社 會 秩 序 : 以 濁 水 溪 中 游 為 〉, 共 41 頁 ,<br />

發 表 在 「 第 二 屆 沿 山 地 區 聚 落 與 族 群 學 術 研 討 會 」, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 主<br />

辦 、 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 人 類 學 研 究 所 ,2012-06-19 ~ 2012-06-20。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

洪 麗 完 、 陳 秀 卿 , 2012,「 族 群 與 聚 落 -- 臺 灣 中 、 南 部 大 埔 漢 人 移 墾 活 動 之 比 較 研 究<br />

(1700-1900)」, 共 82 頁 , 客 委 會 委 託 。.<br />

吳 叡 人 (WU, RWEI-REN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Rwei-Ren Wu, 2012, “Redeeming the Pariah, Redeeming the Past: Some Taiwanese Reflections on<br />

the Murayama Statement”, editor(s): Kazuhiko Togo, Japan and Reconciliation in Postwar Asia,<br />

pp. 68-90, New York: Palgrave Pivot.<br />

吳 叡 人 ,2012,〈 社 会 運 動 、 民 主 主 義 の 再 定 着 、 国 家 統 合 —— 市 民 社 会 と 現 代 台 湾 における<br />

市 民 的 ナショナリズムの 再 構 築 (2008~2010 年 )—— 〉, 沼 崎 一 郎 、 佐 藤 幸 人 編 ,<br />

《『 交 錯 する 台 湾 社 会 』》, 頁 311-365, 千 葉 :アジア 経 済 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Rwei-Ren Wu, 2012, “Fragment of'/f Empires: The Peripheral Formation of Taiwanese Nationalism,<br />

A Research Note”, paper presented at The First World Congress of Taiwan Studies, <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica: 中 央 研 究 院 , 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Rwei-Ren Wu, 2012, “The Differential Incorporation Revisited: Some Preliminary Reflections”, paper<br />

presented at The Second Workshop on Comparative Colonialism, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Institute of<br />

Taiwan History, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08.<br />

吳 叡 人 ,2012,〈 黃 應 貴 《 文 明 之 路 》 的 閱 讀 筆 記 〉, 發 表 於 《「 文 明 」 之 路 》 新 書 討 論 會 ,<br />

台 大 文 學 院 演 講 廳 : 國 立 台 灣 大 學 人 類 學 系 ,2012-10-20。<br />

吳 叡 人 ,2012,〈 琉 球 共 和 国 に 捧 ぐーー 一 人 の 台 湾 人 が 松 島 泰 勝 著 『 琉 球 独 立 への 道 』を 読<br />

む〉, 發 表 於 「さまよえる 地 域 研 究 : 第 六 回 次 世 代 研 究 国 際 大 会 」, 日 本 沖 縄 県 那 覇 市<br />

沖 縄 県 立 博 物 館 : 早 稲 田 大 学 アジア 研 究 機 構 ,2012-11-24 ~ 2012-11-25。<br />


他 類 論 文<br />

吳 叡 人 ,2012,〈 啟 示 與 召 喚 :《 台 灣 人 四 百 年 史 》 的 思 想 史 定 位 〉,《 實 踐 哲 學 : 青 年 讀 史<br />

明 》, 頁 28-36。<br />

陳 姃 湲 (JIN, JUNGWON)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 姃 湲 ,2012,〈 放 眼 帝 國 、 伺 機 而 動 : 在 朝 鮮 學 醫 的 臺 灣 人 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷<br />

第 1 期 , 頁 87-140。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

陳 姃 湲 ,2012,《 看 不 見 的 殖 民 邊 緣 : 日 治 台 灣 邊 緣 史 讀 本 》, 共 204 頁 , 臺 北 : 玉 山 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 姃 湲 ,2012,〈 殖 民 地 女 性 的 帝 國 經 驗 與 歷 史 記 憶 〉, 發 表 於 「동아시아의 전쟁 기억,<br />

트라우마를 넘어서:전쟁의 동아시아적 연쇄와 연대의 가능성」 國 際 研 討 會 , 仁 川 : 仁<br />

荷 大 學 校 ,2012-07-13 ~ 2012-07-14。<br />

陳 宗 仁 (CHEN, TSUNG-JEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 宗 仁 ,2012,〈 前 往 東 、 西 洋 :〈 宇 內 形 勢 圖 〉 解 析 及 其 地 緣 政 治 想 像 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研<br />

究 》, 第 19 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 1-46。<br />

陳 宗 仁 ,2012,〈 院 藏 清 初 福 建 省 地 圖 — 一 幅 新 舊 知 識 交 雜 的 地 圖 〉,《 故 宮 文 物 月 刊 》,<br />

357 期 , 頁 32-41。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 宗 仁 ,2012,〈 十 七 世 紀 上 半 葉 蘭 陽 平 原 交 易 型 態 初 探 〉, 李 素 月 編 ,《 探 溯 淇 武 蘭 ──<br />

『 宜 蘭 研 究 』 第 九 屆 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 321-352, 宜 蘭 : 宜 蘭 縣 史 館 。<br />

陳 宗 仁 ,2012,〈 十 七 世 紀 前 期 北 臺 灣 水 域 社 會 的 商 品 及 其 交 易 型 態 〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較 視<br />

野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 479-518, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

陳 宗 仁 , 2012,〈1665 年 臺 灣 圖 與 「 內 閣 大 庫 . 輿 圖 」 的 形 成 與 流 傳 〉, 共 28 頁 , 發 表 在<br />

「 海 洋 、 空 間 意 識 與 文 化 交 會 ── 第 二 屆 輿 圖 學 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會<br />

科 學 館 北 棟 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 立 故 宮 博 物 院 、 國 立 清 華 大 學<br />

歷 史 所 ,2012-11-27 ~ 2012-11-29。<br />


林 文 凱 (LIN, WEN-KAI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈 再 論 清 代 臺 灣 開 港 以 前 的 米 穀 輸 出 問 題 〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣<br />

商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 99-133, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈청말 대만( 臺 灣 ) 개항( 開 港 )(1860~1895)이 사회 발전에 미친 영향 : 경제,<br />

정치, 종교 및 문화 방면에 대한 분석∥린원카이( 清 季 臺 灣 開 港 (1860-1895) 對 社 會 發 展<br />

之 影 響 : 從 經 濟 、 政 治 、 宗 教 與 文 化 層 面 的 分 析 )〉,대학교 한국학연구소 ( 仁 荷 大 學 韓 國<br />

學 研 究 所 ) 編 ,《동아시아한국학 연구총서 4 동아시아 개항도시의 형성과 네트워크 ( 韓<br />

國 研 究 東 亞 系 列 四 : 東 亞 開 港 都 市 的 形 成 和 網 絡 )》, 頁 38-71,서울특별시 ( 韓 國 首<br />

爾 ):인하대학교 한국학연구소 ( 仁 荷 大 學 韓 國 學 研 究 所 )。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈 社 會 學 本 土 化 進 展 的 一 個 考 察 : 從 社 會 學 者 對 於 臺 灣 歷 史 的 研 究 與 認 識 談<br />

起 〉, 共 24 頁 , 發 表 於 「2012 年 臺 灣 社 會 學 年 會 暨 國 科 會 專 題 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 議 程 」,<br />

臺 中 東 海 大 學 社 會 科 學 院 大 樓 : 臺 灣 社 會 學 會 ,2012-11-24 ~ 2012-11-25。<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈 日 治 初 期 基 隆 土 地 紛 爭 事 件 (1898-1905) 的 法 律 社 會 史 分 析 〉, 共 17 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 第 八 屆 東 亞 法 哲 學 研 討 會 」, 政 治 大 學 法 律 學 院 : 東 亞 法 哲 學 學 會 委 託 , 政 治 大<br />

學 法 律 學 院 承 辦 ,2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-18。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈 評 介 佐 藤 正 広 著 《 帝 囯 日 本 と 統 計 調 查 : 統 治 初 期 台 湾 の 専 門 家 集 団 》〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》,19 第 4 期 , 頁 207-217。<br />

林 文 凱 ,2012,〈 評 王 泰 升 著 《 具 有 歷 史 思 維 的 法 學 : 結 合 臺 灣 法 律 社 會 史 與 法 律 論<br />

證 》〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 273-283。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

林 玉 茹 、 林 文 凱 、 陳 培 豐 、 賀 安 娟 、 詹 素 娟 ,2012,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 文 獻 類 目 2011 年 度 》, 共<br />

220 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

曾 品 滄 (TSENG, PIN-TSANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

曾 品 滄 ,2012,〈 塭 與 塘 : 清 代 臺 灣 養 殖 漁 業 發 展 的 比 較 分 析 〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷<br />

第 4 期 , 頁 1-47。<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

曾 品 滄 ,2012,〈 從 「 平 樂 遊 」 到 「 江 山 樓 」: 日 治 中 期 臺 灣 酒 樓 公 共 空 間 意 涵 的 轉 型<br />

(1912-1937)〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 519-549, 臺 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

曾 品 滄 ,2012,〈 戰 爭 、 食 物 、 黑 市 —— 日 治 末 期 殖 民 地 臺 灣 的 食 物 配 給 與 統 治 秩 序 〉, 共<br />

23 頁 , 發 表 於 「 近 代 東 亞 的 區 域 交 流 與 秩 序 重 編 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 新 北 市 國 立 臺 北 大<br />

學 : 國 立 臺 北 大 學 人 文 學 院 、 歷 史 學 系 、 日 本 立 教 大 學 經 濟 學 部 合 辦 ,2012-05-26 ~ 2012-<br />

05-27。<br />

曾 品 滄 ,2012,〈 變 遷 中 的 臺 灣 人 社 交 生 活 : 日 記 裡 的 宴 會 和 餐 館 (1912-1937)〉, 共 18<br />

頁 , 發 表 於 「 日 記 與 社 會 生 活 史 學 術 研 討 會 」, 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史<br />

研 究 所 、 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 、 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 學 系 ,2012-11-16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

顧 雅 文 (KU, YA-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

顧 雅 文 ,accepted,〈 日 治 時 期 臺 灣 的 衛 生 調 查 與 疾 病 統 計 - 兼 論 以 GIS 輔 助 疾 病 史 研 究 〉,<br />

《 白 沙 歷 史 地 理 學 報 (GIS 專 號 )》。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 兆 宗 、 陳 姿 君 、 顧 雅 文 *( 通 訊 作 者 ),accepted,〈「 雲 南 公 共 衛 生 檔 案 資 料 庫 」 的 建 置 及<br />

其 史 料 價 值 -- 以 血 吸 蟲 病 相 關 檔 案 之 分 析 為 例 〉, 门 司 和 彦 、 饭 岛 涉 、 李 玉 尚 、 市 川 智<br />

生 編 ,《 环 境 变 化 和 血 吸 虫 病 ( 暫 定 )》, 上 海 : 上 海 交 通 大 学 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ya-wen Ku, 2012, “Taming the River- Flood Control and Colonial Rule in Taiwan, 1895-1945”, 15<br />

pages, paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science,<br />

Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School, 2012-10-17 ~ 2012-10-22.<br />

福 士 由 紀 、 東 城 文 柄 、 顧 雅 文 、 西 田 涼 子 、 駒 野 恭 子 、 飯 島 渉 、 門 司 和 彦 ,2012,〈 中 国 にお<br />

ける 日 本 住 血 吸 虫 症 研 究 への Hu-Time の 利 用 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 3 回 H-GIS 研 究 会 」, 京<br />

都 : 京 都 大 学 総 合 地 球 環 境 学 研 究 所 ,2012-03-20。<br />

顧 雅 文 、 廖 泫 銘 ,2012,〈 水 利 署 典 藏 日 治 時 期 圖 資 之 評 介 與 運 用 〉, 共 19 頁 , 發 表 在 「 海<br />

洋 、 空 間 意 識 與 文 化 交 會 ── 第 二 屆 輿 圖 學 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究<br />

所 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 立 故 宮 博 物 院 、 國 立 清 華 大 學 歷 史 所 ,2012-11-27 ~<br />

2012-11-29。<br />


曾 文 亮 (TSENG, WEM-LIANG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 日 治 時 期 臺 灣 土 地 調 查 事 業 中 的 「 家 產 」 問 題 及 其 解 決 〉, 林 玉 茹 編 ,《 比<br />

較 視 野 下 的 台 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 349-384, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 殖 民 地 台 灣 的 辯 護 士 社 群 與 法 律 職 業 主 義 〉, 共 25 頁 , 發 表 於 「 帝 國 在 台<br />

灣 」 工 作 坊 , 中 研 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 8 樓 802 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 台 史 所 ,2012-06-15。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 繼 承 法 理 在 不 當 審 判 補 償 制 度 中 的 角 色 〉, 共 16 頁 , 發 表 於 「 法 律 人 格 與<br />

轉 型 正 義 ---- 身 分 剝 奪 與 補 償 之 法 律 史 研 究 」 研 究 群 組 成 果 發 表 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會<br />

科 學 館 北 棟 9 樓 第 二 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-11-09。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 日 治 前 期 (1895-1922) 台 灣 總 督 府 法 院 民 事 判 決 中 的 舊 慣 ---- 以 「 日 治 法 院 檔<br />

案 」 為 中 心 〉, 共 11 頁 , 發 表 於 「 台 灣 與 韓 國 之 現 代 化 初 期 的 民 事 法 律 與 社 會 - 以 法 院<br />

民 事 判 決 等 史 料 為 中 心 」, 國 立 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 : 臺 大 法 律 學 院 法 律 與 社 會 研 究 中 心 、<br />

中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 台 灣 法 律 史 學 會 ,2012-01-16。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 日 治 前 期 (1895-1922) 台 灣 總 督 府 法 院 民 事 判 決 中 的 「 舊 慣 」---- 以 「 日 治<br />

法 院 檔 案 」 為 中 心 〉, 共 11 頁 , 發 表 於 在 「 東 亞 民 法 的 繼 受 與 展 開 : 民 法 的 歷 史 基 礎 和 修<br />

訂 課 題 」, 韓 國 首 爾 大 學 : 韓 國 首 爾 大 學 法 學 專 門 大 學 院 和 韓 國 法 史 學 會 ,2012-02-20 ~<br />

2012-02-21。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 日 治 時 期 台 灣 人 的 家 族 生 活 與 家 族 法 : 一 個 法 律 與 社 會 觀 點 的 考 察 〉, 共<br />

24 頁 , 發 表 於 「 日 記 與 社 會 生 活 學 術 研 討 會 」, 國 立 台 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 展 示 教 育 大 樓 圓 形 劇<br />

場 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 、 國 立 臺 灣 歷 史 博 物 館 、 國 立 成 功 大 學 歷 史 學 系 ,2012-11-<br />

16 ~ 2012-11-17。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 日 治 時 期 的 「 蕃 人 土 地 所 有 權 」 問 題 〉, 共 18 頁 , 發 表 在 「 第 二 屆 沿 山 地 區<br />

聚 落 與 族 群 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 研 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 台 灣<br />

史 研 究 所 , 2012-06-19 ~ 2012-06-20。<br />

曾 文 亮 ,2012,〈 戰 後 初 期 台 灣 人 群 分 類 的 調 整 及 其 法 律 效 果 :1945-1949〉, 共 20 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 「 近 代 台 湾 の 経 済 社 会 変 遷 」, 愛 知 大 学 名 古 屋 校 舎 L705 教 室 : 愛 知 大 学 東 亜 同 文 書<br />

院 大 学 記 念 センタ-、 中 央 研 究 院 台 灣 史 研 究 所 主 題 計 畫 「 戰 後 台 灣 歷 史 的 多 元 鑲 嵌 與 主<br />

體 創 造 」,2012-08-04 ~ 2012-08-05。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

王 泰 升 、 曾 文 亮 、 吳 俊 瑩 ,2012,《「 淡 新 檔 案 篩 選 、 解 讀 計 劃 第 1 階 段 : 紛 爭 解 決 與 犯 罪 認<br />

定 程 序 」 期 末 報 告 書 》, 共 135 頁 , 司 法 院 委 託 。<br />


宋 錦 秀 (SUNG, JIN-SHIU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

宋 錦 秀 ,2012 ,〈Authority, Practice and History: Adoption and Re-creation of Yaoqian in<br />

Taiwan〉,《 臺 灣 史 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 1-51。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

宋 鍽 秀 , 2012 , “Interrogating Modernity: Maternity in Colonial and Post-Colonial<br />

Taiwan”, 發 表 於 「 比 較 殖 民 主 義 與 文 化 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 」, 中 研 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 北 棟<br />

3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 ,2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08。<br />

學 位 論 文<br />

Jin-shiu Jessie Sung. 2012.01. Engendering Knowledge: A Study of Han Taiwanese Pregnancy<br />

Cultures Surrounding Home Delivery. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Culture, History and<br />

Language/Program in Anthropology, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National<br />

University, Canberra, Australia.<br />


社 會 學 研 究 所<br />


主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012 年 11 月 ,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 共 268 頁 , 臺 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Alan Hao Yang and Hsin-Hung Michael Hsiao, 2012, “Confucius Institutes and the Question of<br />

China’s Soft Power Diplomacy”, China Brief, 12(13), 10-13.<br />

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, 2012, “Taïwan: acquis, dilemmes et défis des mouvements sociaux”, État<br />

des résistances dans le Sud Asie, Vol. 19-2012/4.<br />

楊 昊 、 蕭 新 煌 、 趙 晧 嵎 ,2012 年 ,〈 中 國 知 識 社 群 如 何 重 構 「 柔 性 權 力 」 理 論 回 顧 與 批<br />

判 〉,《 中 國 大 陸 研 究 》, 第 55 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 59-88。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, 2012, “The First Generation Middle Class in Taiwan: Culture and Politics”,<br />

editor(s): David Blundell, Taiwan Since Martial Law: Society, Culture, Politics, Economics, pp.<br />

243-262, USA and Taiwan: University of California, Berkeley and National Taiwan University<br />

Press.<br />

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, 2012, “Social Foundations of Political Vitality”, editor(s): Steve Tsang,<br />

The Vitality of Taiwan, pp. 37-56, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.<br />

Gang-Hua Fan and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 宗 教 は 心 の 安 寧 に 寄 与 しうる<br />

か--- 日 韓 台 の 比 較 から〉, 園 田 茂 人 編 ,《 勃 興 する 東 アジアの 中 産 階 級 》, 頁 177-<br />

206,Tokyo: 勁 草 書 房 。<br />

紀 駿 傑 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 臺 灣 東 海 岸 的 原 住 民 與 環 境 正 義 問 題 〉, 楊 祖 漢 、 楊 自 平<br />

編 ,《 綠 色 啟 動 : 重 探 自 然 與 人 文 的 關 係 》, 頁 737-761, 臺 北 : 國 立 中 央 大 學 出 版 中<br />

心 、 遠 流 圖 書 。<br />

徐 世 榮 、 蕭 新 煌 、 許 耿 銘 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 臺 灣 西 海 岸 的 城 鄉 落 差 與 環 境 正 義 問 題 〉, 楊 祖<br />

漢 、 楊 自 平 編 ,《 綠 色 啟 動 : 重 探 自 然 與 人 文 的 關 係 》, 頁 763-787, 臺 北 : 國 立 中 央 大<br />

學 出 版 中 心 、 遠 流 圖 書 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 勾 勒 越 南 配 偶 小 吃 店 的 整 體 特 徵 〉, 黃 登 興 、 蔡<br />

青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 33-74, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區 域<br />

研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 、 鄭 冠 榮 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 研 究 越 南 配 偶 小 吃 店 的 背 景 與 設 計 〉,<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 11-31, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />


蕭 新 煌 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 越 南 配 偶 族 裔 經 濟 在 台 灣 : 綜 述 〉, 黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,<br />

《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 1-10, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

王 甫 昌 (WANG, FU-CHANG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Fu-chang Wang, Apr. 2012, “A Reluctant Ethnic Identity: The Development of Holo Identity in<br />

Contemporary Taiwan”, 35 pages, paper presented at 1st World Congress of Taiwan Studies,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

蕭 阿 勤 (HSIAU, A-CHIN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 12 月 ,《 重 構 台 灣 : 當 代 民 族 主 義 的 文 化 政 治 》, 共 448 頁 , 臺 北 : 聯 經 出<br />

版 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 敘 事 分 析 〉, 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 編 ,《 社 會 及 行 為 科<br />

學 研 究 法 ( 二 ): 質 性 研 究 法 》, 頁 133-166, 臺 北 : 東 華 書 局 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 2 月 ,〈 愛 恨 交 織 :1960、1970 年 代 台 灣 的 存 在 主 義 、 戰 後 世 代 、 與 現 代<br />

性 〉, 發 表 於 「1950、60 年 代 台 港 文 藝 思 潮 的 交 涉 與 形 構 」 學 術 工 作 坊 , 香 港 : 香 港 中 文<br />

大 學 中 國 語 言 及 文 學 系 香 港 文 學 研 究 中 心 ,2012-02-10 ~ 2012-02-11。<br />

A-chin Hsiau, Apr. 2012, “Narrating National Trauma: The Return-to-Reality Generation and Political<br />

and Cultural Change in 1970s Taiwan”, paper presented at The 1st World Congress of Taiwan<br />

Studies, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 人 與 歷 史 , 敘 事 與 現 實 主 義 繪 畫 〉, 發 表 於 「 台 灣 戰 後 現 實 主 義 文 化<br />

運 動 的 流 變 」 座 談 會 , 新 竹 : 國 立 清 華 大 學 亞 太 / 文 化 研 究 中 心 ,2012-05-07。<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 流 亡 中 的 世 代 衝 突 與 國 族 現 代 化 : 重 探 臺 灣 1960 年 代 的 「 中 西 文 化<br />

論 戰 」〉, 發 表 於 「 媒 介 現 代 : 冷 戰 中 的 台 港 文 藝 」 學 術 工 作 坊 , 臺 南 : 國 立 成 功 大 學 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 中 心 ,2012-06-29。<br />

蕭 阿 勤 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 世 界 觀 的 重 整 : 戰 後 初 期 台 灣 文 藝 的 時 間 架 構 與 歷 史 敘 事 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 在 熱 戰 與 冷 戰 之 間 ── 戰 後 初 期 東 亞 史 的 歷 史 、 思 想 、 文 學 意 涵 」 國 際 研 討 會 , 中 國 北<br />

京 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 ,2012-07-26。<br />

A-chin Hsiau, Oct. 2012, “Generational Identity, National Trauma, and Historical Narrative: The<br />

Formation of the Return-to-Reality Generation in 1970s Taiwan”, paper presented at International<br />

Symposium for Young Sociologists of Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, 2012, Kobe University,<br />

Japan: Department of Sociology, Kobe University, 2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-26.<br />


柯 志 明 (KA, CHIH-MING)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

柯 志 明 , 2012 年 ,〈 跨 學 科 的 歷 史 研 究 法 〉, 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 編 ,《 社 會 及<br />

行 為 科 學 研 究 法 ( 二 ): 質 性 研 究 法 》, 頁 211-239, 臺 北 : 東 華 書 局 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

柯 志 明 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 國 家 權 力 的 進 入 與 屯 番 保 留 區 空 間 秩 序 的 形 成 :〉, 共 92 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 「 第 二 屆 沿 山 地 區 聚 落 與 族 群 研 討 會 」, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 ,2012-06-19 ~<br />

2012-06-20。<br />

瞿 海 源 (CHU, HEI-YUAN)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 ,2012 年 ,《 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 》, 第 二 版 , 臺 北 : 東<br />

華 。<br />

伊 慶 春 (YI, CHIN-CHUN)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

伊 慶 春 、 章 英 華 ,2012 年 5 月 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985-2005: 家 庭 與 婚 姻 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基<br />

本 調 查 系 列 三 之 1》, 共 360 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

Chin-Chun Yi, Oct. 2012, The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth, 345 pages, Dordrecht:<br />

Springer Publishing Co.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chi Chiao, Chin-Chun Yi and Kate Ksobiech, Jul. 2012, “Exploring the Relationship between<br />

Premarital Sex and Cigarette/Alcohol Use among College Students in Taiwan: A Cohort Study”,<br />

BMC Public Health, 12: 527. (SCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

簡 文 吟 、 伊 慶 春 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 台 灣 夫 妻 權 力 模 式 的 持 續 與 變 遷 : 家 庭 決 策 與 家 務 分 工 的 分<br />

析 〉, 伊 慶 春 、 章 英 華 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 家 庭 與 婚 姻 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基<br />

本 調 查 系 列 三 之 1》, 頁 125-179, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

Chin-Chun Yi, Gang-Hua Fan and Ming-Yi Chang, Oct. 2012, “The Developmental Outcome of<br />

Taiwanese Youth: Effects of Educational Tracking during Adolescence”, editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi,<br />

The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth, pp. 157-184, Dordrecht: Springer Publishing<br />

Co.<br />

Shu-Ping Tzeng and Chin-Chun Yi, Oct. 2012, “The Effects of Self-esteem on Adolescent<br />

Delinquency Over Time: Is the Relationship Linear”, editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi, The Psychological<br />

Well-being of East Asian Youth, pp. 243-261, Dordrecht: Springer Publishing Co..<br />


Chi Chiao and Chin-Chun Yi, Oct. 2012, “Premarital Sexual Permissiveness among Taiwanese Youth”,<br />

editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi, The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth, pp. 209-222,<br />

Dordrecht: Springer Publishing Co.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chin-Chun Yi and Yu-Hua Chen, Mar. 2012, “The Intergenerational Transmission of Value of<br />

Children in the Contemporary Chinese Family: Taiwan and China Compared”, paper presented at<br />

Value Of Children And Intergenerational Relations, Germany Konstanz, University of Konstanz,<br />

Germany: University of Konstanz, 2012-03-29 ~ 2012-03-31.<br />

Ling-Xin Hao, Chiao Chi and Chin-Chun Yi, Apr. 2012, “Classroom Efficacy and Risk for Taiwanese<br />

Adolescents’ First Premarital Sex”, paper presented at The First World Conference of Taiwan<br />

Studies, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Yu-Hua Chen and Chin-Chun Yi, May. 2012, “Contextual and Policy Influences on Childbearing<br />

Intentions and Births in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the Population<br />

Association of America, San Francisco, USA: Population Association of America, 2012-05-03 ~<br />

2012-05-05.<br />

Yi-Ping Shih, Chin-Chun Yi and Wen-Hsu Lin, Jun. 2012, “Parental involvement and adolescent<br />

children’s educational performance: An analysis of Taiwanese panel data”, paper presented at<br />

Inaugural meeting of the new Work and Family Researchers Network, New York, USA: Work<br />

and Family Researchers Network, 2012-06-14 ~ 2012-06-16.<br />

Gang-Hua Fan and Chin-Chun Yi, Aug. 2012, “Taiwanese Adolescents’ Developmental Trajectory of<br />

Self-Esteem: Effects of Family and School Context”, paper presented at American Sociological<br />

Association2012 annual meeting, Denver, USA: American Sociological Association, 2012-08-17<br />

~ 2012-08-20.<br />

En-Ling Pan, Chin-Chun Yi, Sept. 2012, “Timing of Parental Divorce, Marriage Expectation and<br />

Romantic Relationship among Taiwanese Youth”, paper presented at New family forms following<br />

family dissolution: Consequences in/on postmodern society, RC06, Belgium, Leuven:<br />

International Sociological Association, 2012-09-12 ~ 2012-09-14.<br />

章 英 華 (CHANG, YING-HWA)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

伊 慶 春 、 章 英 華 ,2012 年 5 月 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 ,1985-2005: 家 庭 與 婚 姻 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基<br />

本 調 查 系 列 三 之 1》, 共 370 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 千 嘉 、 章 英 華 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈2000 年 普 查 資 料 在 臺 灣 原 漢 通 婚 研 究 之 潛 力 與 運 用 〉,《 調<br />

查 研 究 》, 第 27 期 , 頁 7-51。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

章 英 華 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 調 查 資 料 庫 之 運 用 〉, 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 編 ,《 社 會<br />

及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 》, 頁 235-267, 臺 北 : 東 華 書 局 。<br />


葉 光 輝 、 章 英 華 、 曹 惟 純 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 台 灣 民 眾 家 庭 價 值 觀 之 變 遷 與 可 能 心 理 基 制 〉, 伊<br />

慶 春 、 章 英 華 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 ,1985-2005: 家 庭 與 婚 姻 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系<br />

列 三 之 1》, 頁 29-73, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

Ying-Hwa Chang, Oct. 2012, “Academic Competition and Cram Schooling”, editor(s): Yi Chin-Chun,<br />

The Psychological Well-Being of East Asian Youth, pp. 131-153, Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer<br />

Publishing Co.<br />

蔡 淑 鈴 (TSAI, SHU-LING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shu-Ling Tsai and Nobuo Kanomata., May. 2012, “Educational Growth in Taiwan and Japan: Effects<br />

of Macroeconomic Change”, Inquires into Humans and Societies – Studies in Sociology,<br />

Psychology and Education ( 人 間 と 社 會 の 探 究 , 慶 應 義 塾 大 學 大 學 院 社 會 學 研 究 科 紀 要 ),<br />

No.73, 79-95.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shu-Ling Tsai, Maximilian Hell, and David B. Grusky, Aug. 2012, “Income Inequality in Asia”, paper<br />

presented at the 2012 American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, USA:<br />

American Sociological Association, 2012-08-17 ~ 2012-08-20.<br />

Michael L. Smith, Shu-Ling Tsai, Petr Mateju, Min-Hsiung Huang, Aug. 2012, “Educational<br />

Expansion and Inequality in Taiwan and the Czech Republic”, paper presented at the 2012 ISA-<br />

RC28 Summer Conference, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA: University of Virginia, 2012-08-13 ~<br />

2012-08-15.<br />

張 茂 桂 (CHANG, MAU-KUEI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 茂 桂 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 台 灣 政 治 民 主 化 與 「 公 民 社 會 」 的 發 展 〉, 何 迪 等 編 ,《 台 灣 民 主 轉<br />

型 的 經 驗 與 啟 示 》, 頁 78-124, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

傅 仰 止 (FU, YANG-CHIH)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

謝 雨 生 、 傅 仰 止 ,2012 年 9 月 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985-2005: 社 會 階 層 與 勞 動 市 場 , 台 灣 社<br />

會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 3》, 共 372 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fu, Yang-chih*, Da-Wei Wang, Jen-Hsiang Chuang, Oct. 2012, “Representative Contact Diaries for<br />

Modeling the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Taiwan.”, PLoS One, 7(10): e45113.<br />

doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045113. (SCI)<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

傅 仰 止 、 陸 洛 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 陌 生 人 互 動 的 社 會 期 望 反 應 : 外 在 情 境 與 個 人 屬 性 〉, 朱 瑞<br />

玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社 會 變<br />

遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2》, 頁 293-346, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

章 英 華 、 傅 仰 止 、 張 苙 雲 、 瞿 海 源 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 附 錄 : 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 計 畫 的 演 變<br />

(1985-2011)〉, 伊 慶 春 、 章 英 華 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 家 庭 與 婚 姻 , 台 灣 社<br />

會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 1》, 頁 325-357, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yang-chih Fu, Apr. 2012, “Social Capital and Normative Perceptions of Good Citizenship: A Daily<br />

Contact Approach.”, paper presented at International Social Survey Programme 2012 Annual<br />

Meeting, Research Session, Cavtat, Croatia: International Social Survey Programme, 2012-04-29<br />

~ 2012-05-02.<br />

謝 國 雄 (SHIEH, GWO-SHYONG)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

謝 國 雄 , 印 刷 中 ,《 港 都 百 工 圖 : 商 品 拜 物 教 的 實 踐 與 逆 轉 》, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究<br />

所 。<br />

張 晉 芬 (CHANG, CHIN-FEN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 晉 芬 、 杜 素 豪 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 性 別 間 薪 資 差 距 的 趨 勢 與 解 釋 : 新 世 紀 之 初 的 台 灣 〉, 謝 雨<br />

生 、 傅 仰 止 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985-2005: 社 會 階 層 與 勞 動 市 場 ( 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本<br />

調 查 系 列 三 之 3)》, 頁 217-250, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

張 晉 芬 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 性 別 與 勞 動 〉, 黃 淑 玲 、 游 美 惠 編 ,《 性 別 向 度 與 台 灣 社 會 》( 第 二<br />

版 ), 頁 233-255, 臺 北 : 巨 流 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chin-fen Chang, May. 2012, “Transformation for Whose Benefits Labor’s Share in Manufacturing in<br />

Taiwan in the Early 2000s.”, paper presented at The 2012 Spring Meeting of International<br />

Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 28 (RC-28) on “Economic Transformation<br />

and Social Stratification in Comparative Perspectives”, Hong Kong: The Chinese University of<br />

Hong Kong, 2012-05-10 ~ 2012-05-13.<br />

Chin-fen Chang, Sept. 2012, “Explaining Labor Market Outcomes of Non-regular Workers in East<br />

Asia”, paper presented at CSSI-IOS Symposium, Sendai, Japan: Center for the Study of Social<br />

Stratification and Inequality (CSSI), Tohoku University, 2012-09-28 ~ 2012-09-29.<br />


吳 乃 德 (WU, NAI-TEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 乃 德 ,2012 年 5 月 ,〈 歷 史 記 憶 中 的 模 糊 與 未 知 : 二 二 八 死 難 人 數 的 爭 論 〉,《 思 想 》, 第<br />

21 期 , 頁 179-194。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Naiteh Wu, Jan. 2012, “Will Economic Integration Lead to Political Assimilation”, editor(s): Peter C.<br />

Y. Chow, National Identity and Economic Interest: Taiwan's Competing Options and Their<br />

Implications for Regional Stability, pp. 187-202, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 乃 德 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈 歷 史 記 憶 中 的 模 糊 與 未 知 - 轉 型 正 義 仍 待 回 答 的 課 題 〉, 共 12 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 「 歷 史 記 憶 的 保 存 與 再 現 - 威 權 時 期 口 述 歷 史 的 實 務 與 生 產 」 工 作 坊 , 中 央 研 究 院<br />

社 會 學 研 究 所 802 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-03-16。<br />

Naiteh Wu, Jun. 2012, “Nationalism in Taiwan: Political Impacts and Theoretical Implications”, paper<br />

presented at Assessing the China Impact: Taiwan's Society and Politics in the Process of<br />

Intensifying and Multiplying Cross-strait Interaction, University of Tübingen: Asien-Orient-<br />

Wissenschaften, Faculty of Humanities , University of Tübingen&, 2012-06-21 ~ 2012-06-24.<br />

楊 文 山 (YANG, WEN-SHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

施 奕 任 、 楊 文 山 ,2012,〈 氣 候 變 遷 的 認 知 與 友 善 環 境 行 為 : 紀 登 斯 困 境 的 經 驗 測 試 〉,《 調<br />

查 研 究 — 方 法 與 應 用 》, 第 28 期 , 頁 47-78。<br />

專 書 論 文<br />

Chun-Hao Li and Wen-Shan Yang. 2012. “The Effect of Parenting on Children’s Attitudes toward<br />

Their School Work and Performance: A Comparison between Children of Native Taiwanese and<br />

the ASEAN Immigrants Brides.” In Doo-Sub Kim (ed.) Cross-Border Marriage: Global Trends<br />

and Diversity. Prepared by The Scientific Panel on the Process and Dynamics of Cross-Border<br />

Marriage, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). Korea Institute for<br />

Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA).<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wen-Shan Yang and Shih-Hsiu Chen, Jan. 2012, “Post-reproductive Longevity of Taiwanese Females<br />

during the Japanese Colonial Era: A Test of Grandmother Hypothesis”, paper presented at the<br />

EAP Conference (topic: Survival Strategy of Family in East Asia). Seoul, Korea, 2012-01-<br />

05~2012-01-06.<br />

Wen-Shan Yang, June 2012, “Spouses'socio-demographic background and theirmarriage choices in six<br />

Taiwanese villages, 1906-1945”, paper presented at Household register and Genealogy database:<br />

Statistics workshop and Conference, Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University.<br />

Seoul, Korea, 2012-06-28~2012-06-29.<br />


Ying-Chang Chuang, Wen-Shan Yang and Xin Chen C. C. Lin, Nov. 2012, “Uxorilocal Marriage in<br />

Three Peasant Communities in Northwestern Taiwan, 1906-1945”, paper presented at the SSHA<br />

annual meeting (panel topic: Histories of Capitalism). Vancouver, Canada, 2012-11-01~2012-11-<br />

04.<br />

Ying-Hui Hsieh, Wen-Shan Yang and Ying-Chang Chuang, Nov. 2012, “ToMove or Not To Move:<br />

Seasonal Migration in a Taiwanese Fishing Village, 1895-1945”, paper presented at the SSHA<br />

annual meeting (panel topic: Histories of Capitalism). Vancouver, Canada, 2012-11-01~2012-11-<br />

04.<br />

呂 玉 瑕 (LU, YU-HSIA)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yu-Hsia Lu, Kuo-Yang Tang, Apr. 2012, “Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Capabilities: Survival and<br />

Development of Taiwan’s Small Family Firms in Transitional Economy”, paper presented at The<br />

1st World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Sociology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica,<br />

2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Yu-Hsia Lu, Aug. 2012, “The Co-preneurship and Competitive Strategies in Small Family Firms under<br />

the Transitional Economy in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 American Sociological<br />

Association(ASA) annual meeting, Denver, Colorado: American Sociological Association, 2012-<br />

08-17 ~ 2012-08-20.<br />

吳 齊 殷 (WU, CHYI-IN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Pei-Chun Ko, Chyi-In Wu and Lung-An Li, Mar. 2012, “Friendship dissolution in mixed-gender and<br />

single-gender classes”, paper presented at Advanced Siena Users Meeting, Tempe, Arizona:<br />

Arizona state university, 2012-03-11 ~ 2012-03-12.<br />

吳 齊 殷 、 黃 鈺 婷 ,2012 年 4 月 ,〈 青 少 年 友 誼 動 態 網 絡 與 偏 差 行 為 發 展 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 一 屆 臺<br />

灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 」, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

鄭 陸 霖 (CHENG, LU-LIN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

鄭 陸 霖 ,2012 年 4 月 , “What is the Social in Social TV Machine as Text meets Machine as<br />

Context”, 22 pages, paper presented at 2012 STS 年 會 , 雲 林 : 臺 灣 科 技 與 社 會 研 究 學 會 、 中<br />

區 技 職 校 院 區 域 教 學 教 學 資 源 中 心 、 國 立 雲 林 科 技 大 學 人 文 與 科 學 學 院 教 學 卓 越 中 心 、 國<br />

立 雲 林 科 技 大 學 文 化 資 產 維 護 系 所 ,2012-04-14。<br />


汪 宏 倫 (WANG, HORNG-LUEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Horng-luen Wang, Apr. 2012, “Cultivating 'Postmodern Citizens' Reflections on the New Trends of<br />

Education in Taiwan”, Multicultural Education Review, 4(1), 51-89.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Horng-luen Wang, Jan. 2012, “War and Revolution as National Heritage: 'Red Tourism' in China”,<br />

editor(s): Patrick Daly, Tim Winter, Routledge Handbook of Heritage in Asia, pp. 218-233,<br />

London; New York: Routledge.<br />

汪 宏 倫 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 淺 論 兩 岸 國 族 問 題 中 的 情 感 結 構 : 一 種 對 話 的 嘗 試 〉, 徐 斯 儉 、 曾 國<br />

祥 編 ,《 文 明 的 呼 喚 : 尋 找 兩 岸 和 平 之 路 》, 頁 181-231, 新 北 市 : 左 岸 文 化 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Horng-luen Wang, Nov. 2012, “Frames of War and Nationalism in Japan and China”, paper presented<br />

at Focus Asia: Collective Memory, Identity and International Relations in East Asia, Lund,<br />

Sweden: Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies, Lund University, 2012-11-06 ~ 2012-11-<br />

07.<br />

汪 宏 倫 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 東 アジアの 近 代 を 理 論 化 する〉, 發 表 於 「 第 85 屆 日 本 社 會 學 會 年<br />

會 」, 日 本 札 幌 : 日 本 社 會 學 會 ,2012-11-03 ~ 2012-11-04。<br />

汪 宏 倫 , Apr. 2012, “Exploring the Structures of Feeling in East Asia: Taiwanese Nationalism in a<br />

Comparative Perspective”, paper presented at 第 一 屆 臺 灣 研 究 世 界 大 會 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,<br />

2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />

陳 志 柔 (CHEN, CHIH-JOU JAY)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chih-Jou Jay Chen, Jun. 2012, “The Social Bases of China-Related Policies in Taiwan: Class, Gender<br />

and Partisan Identity”, paper presented at Conference for Assessing the ‘China Impact’: Taiwan’s<br />

Society and Politics in the Process of Cross-strait Integration, Tuebingen: European Research<br />

Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-21 ~ 2012-06-24.<br />

陳 志 柔 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 兩 岸 社 會 交 往 的 支 持 基 礎 : 中 國 效 應 與 台 灣 新 興 社 會 分 歧 〉, 發 表 於<br />

「 中 國 效 應 在 台 灣 」 研 討 會 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-05。<br />

Chih-Jou Jay Chen, Nov. 2012, “Job Search Chains and Embedded Resources: A Comparative<br />

Analysis Among Taiwan, China and the US”, paper presented at The 85th Annual Meeting of the<br />

Japan Sociological Society, Sapporo-Gakuin University: Japan Sociological Society, 2012-11-03<br />

~ 2012-11-04.<br />


湯 志 傑 (TANG, CHIH-CHIEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

湯 志 傑 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 道 德 是 種 有 風 險 的 特 殊 溝 通 方 式 .. 錢 永 祥 先 生 的 書 評 所 引 發 的 ( 不 )<br />

和 諧 共 鳴 〉,《 政 治 與 社 會 哲 學 評 論 》,41 卷 , 頁 214-222。(TSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chih-Chieh Tang, Aug. 2012, “Taiwan as Laboratory of Modernity: A Preliminary View from the<br />

Perspective of Multiple Modernities”, 38 pages, paper presented at Berkeley Summer Resarch<br />

Institute 2012. Bodering China: Modernity and Sustainability, Berkeley: Institute of East Asian<br />

Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2012-08-01 ~ 2012-08-10.<br />

Chih-Chieh Tang, Sept. 2012, “Taiwan as Laboratory of Modernity: A Preliminary View from the<br />

Perspective of Multiple Modernities”, 38 pages, paper presented at 第 一 屆 知 識 / 台 灣 學 群 工 作<br />

坊 , 臺 北 : 台 灣 大 學 ,2012-09-22。<br />

湯 志 傑 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 驚 不 驚 奇 有 差 嗎 西 方 觀 點 燭 照 下 對 華 夏 文 明 秩 序 源 起 觀 念 的 初<br />

探 〉, 共 41 頁 , 發 表 於 「 葉 啟 政 教 授 七 秩 頌 壽 學 術 討 論 會 」, 臺 北 : 世 新 大 學 社 會 心 理 學<br />

系 ,2012-11-03 ~ 2013-11-03。<br />

黃 庭 康 (WONG, TING-HONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Ting Hong Wong, Apr. 2012, “De-Universalizing Hegemonies: Chinese School Policies in Postwar<br />

Singapore and Hong Kong”, Multicultural Education Review, 4(1), 90-118.<br />

Ting-Hong Wong, Jul. 2012, “The Unintended Hegemonic Effects of a Limited Concession:<br />

Institutional Incorporation of Chinese Schools in Postwar Hong Kong”, British Journal of<br />

Sociology of Education, 33(4), 587-606. (SSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ting-Hong Wong, Nov. 2012, “Crossing the Binary Line: UGC and the Founding of Polytechnic in<br />

Colonial Hong Kong”, 29 pages, paper presented at Annual Conference of History of Education<br />

Society, Winchester, England: History of Education Society, UK, 2012-11-30 ~ 2012-12-02.<br />

吳 介 民 (WU, JIEH-MIN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

吳 介 民 ,2012 年 11 月 ,《 第 三 種 中 國 想 像 》, 共 334 頁 , 臺 北 : 左 岸 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 介 民 、 曾 嬿 芬 ,2012 年 3 月 ,〈「 海 峡 を 越 えたガバナンスの 場 」におけるシティズンシッ<br />

プ 政 治 〉,《 中 國 21》,Vol. 36, 頁 13-34。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 介 民 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 中 國 因 素 與 兩 岸 公 民 社 會 對 話 〉, 曾 國 祥 、 徐 斯 儉 編 ,《 文 明 的 呼<br />

喚 : 尋 找 兩 岸 和 平 之 路 》, 頁 253-288, 臺 北 : 左 岸 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 介 民 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 九 二 共 識 : 兩 岸 政 治 修 辭 的 選 舉 效 應 〉, 發 表 於 「 民 主 と 兩 岸 關 係 に<br />

ついての 東 アジアの 觀 點 」, 日 本 名 古 屋 : 愛 知 大 學 國 際 問 題 研 究 所 與 東 吳 大 學 政 治 學 系 ,<br />

2012-06-16 ~ 2012-06-17。<br />

吳 介 民 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 從 統 獨 分 歧 到 中 國 因 素 : 詮 釋 台 灣 國 家 認 同 的 變 遷 〉, 發 表 於 「 中<br />

國 效 應 在 台 灣 研 討 會 」, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-05。<br />

吳 介 民 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 中 國 珠 三 角 發 展 模 式 變 遷 :1989-2009〉, 發 表 於 「 台 灣 社 會 學 年<br />

會 」, 臺 中 : 東 海 大 學 社 會 學 系 與 台 灣 社 會 學 會 ,2012-11-24 ~ 2012-11-25。<br />

李 宗 榮 (LEE, ZONG-RONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 宗 榮 ,2012 年 12 月 ,〈 探 索 風 險 投 資 的 社 會 機 制 : 社 會 資 本 與 股 市 、 共 同 基 金 的 參 與 〉,<br />

《 人 文 及 社 會 科 學 集 刊 》, 第 24 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 439-467。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Zong-Rong Lee*, Chyi-In Wu, Yu-Ting Huang, 2012, “Exploring the antecedents and effects of<br />

structural holes in youth friendship network”, editor(s): Chin-Chun Yi, The Psychological Wellbeing<br />

of East Asian Youth: From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood, pp. 109-130, Dordrecht:<br />

Springer Publishing Co..<br />

李 宗 榮 ,2012 年 ,〈 台 湾 大 企 業 における 親 族 核 心 圏 問 題 〉, 郭 洋 春 編 ,《グローバリゼーシ<br />

ョンと 東 アジア 資 本 主 義 の 多 様 性 》, 頁 221-248, 東 京 : 日 本 経 済 評 論 社 。<br />

李 宗 榮 ,2012 年 ,〈 市 場 中 的 血 緣 : 台 灣 企 業 集 團 間 親 屬 網 絡 的 考 察 〉, 鄭 宏 泰 、 何 彩 滿 編 ,<br />

《 華 人 家 族 企 業 與 股 票 市 場 》, 頁 175-210, 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 香 港 亞 太 研 究 所 。<br />

蔡 友 月 (TSAI, YU-YUEH)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

蔡 友 月 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 科 學 本 質 主 義 的 復 甦 基 因 科 技 、 種 族 / 族 群 與 人 群 分 類 〉,《 台 灣<br />

社 會 學 》, 第 23 期 , 頁 155-194。(TSSCI)<br />

蔡 友 月 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 真 的 有 精 神 病 嗎 一 個 跨 文 化 、 跨 領 域 精 神 醫 療 研 究 取 徑 的 定 位 與<br />

反 省 〉,《 科 技 、 醫 療 與 社 會 》, 第 15 期 , 頁 11-64。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Tsai, Yu-Yueh, 2012, “The Geneticization of Ethnicity and Ethnicization of Biomedicine: On the<br />

Taiwan Bio-Bank”, editor(s): Susanne Berthier-Foglar, Biomapping Indigenous Peoples: Toward<br />

an Understanding of the Issues, pp. 183-219, Amsterdam: Rodopi.<br />

蔡 友 月 ,2012 年 2 月 ,〈 社 會 變 遷 與 跨 文 化 精 神 醫 療 : 以 達 悟 族 精 神 失 序 者 的 疾 病 歷 程 為<br />

例 〉, 盧 孳 艷 、 蔣 欣 欣 、 林 宜 平 編 ,《 護 理 與 社 會 : 跨 界 的 對 話 與 創 新 》, 頁 193-226,<br />

臺 北 : 群 學 。<br />


謝 斐 宇 (HSIEH, MICHELLE FEI-YU)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Michelle F. Hsieh, Feb. 2012, “The Creative Role of the State and Entrepreneurship: a Case from<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at State Return to Business: Government Linked-Companies in the Post<br />

Crisis Global Economy, Taiwan and Japan, Siem Reap, Cambodia: SBS Cluster, University<br />

Malaya, and University of South East Asia, 2012-02-09 ~ 2012-02-10.<br />

Michelle F. Hsieh, Oct. 2012, “The state and export-led development: the case from Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at The 11th Asia Pacific Sociological Conference, Quezon City, Philippines: Asia<br />

Pacific Sociological Association, 2012-10-22 ~ 2012-10-24.<br />

林 宗 弘 (LIN, THUNG-HONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 1 月 ,〈 從 毛 澤 東 主 義 到 社 會 民 主 測 量 中 國 城 鎮 居 民 的 階 級 意 識 〉,《 東 亞<br />

研 究 》, 第 43 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 40-86。(THCI)<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 災 後 重 建 的 政 治 : 以 中 國 512 地 震 與 台 灣 921 地 震 為 案 例 的 分 析 〉,<br />

《 台 灣 社 會 學 刊 》, 第 50 期 , 頁 57-110。(TSSCI)<br />

張 宜 君 、 林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 6 月 ,〈 不 平 等 的 災 難 :921 大 地 震 下 的 受 災 風 險 與 社 會 階 層 化 〉,<br />

《 人 文 與 社 會 研 究 集 刊 》, 第 24 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 193-231。(TSSCI)<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 崩 壊 への 不 安 — 台 湾 中 間 層 の 変 容 と 危 機 〉,《アジ 研 ワールド・ト<br />

レンド》,8-9。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 7 月 ,〈 新 興 市 場 對 台 灣 失 業 與 所 得 分 配 的 衝 擊 〉, 群 策 會 編 ,《 國 家 經 濟 發<br />

展 研 討 會 論 文 集 》, 頁 106-121, 新 北 市 : 群 策 會 。<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 台 灣 的 後 工 業 化 : 階 級 結 構 的 轉 型 與 社 會 不 平 等 ,1992-2007( 期 刊 論 文<br />

修 訂 重 刊 )〉, 謝 雨 生 、 傅 仰 止 編 ,《 社 會 階 層 與 勞 動 市 場 》, 頁 1-61, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院<br />

社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 2 月 ,〈 非 關 上 網 台 灣 的 數 位 落 差 與 網 際 網 路 的 社 會 後 果 〉, 共 53 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 「 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 調 查 綜 合 組 問 卷 研 討 會 」, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-02-<br />

18。<br />

Thung-hong Lin, Jun. 2012, “Cross-straits Trade and Class Inequality in Taiwan”, 46 pages, paper<br />

presented at Seminar Assessing China Impact, Tuebingen, Germany: Tuebingen University, 2012-<br />

06-22 ~ 2012-06-24.<br />

Thung-hong Lin, Aug. 2012, “When Classes Met Trade: Cross-straits Trade and Class Inequality in<br />

Taiwan”, 42 pages, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association,<br />

Denver, CO, US: American Sociological Association, 2012-08-17 ~ 2012-08-21.<br />


林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 9 月 ,〈 失 落 的 十 年 : 台 灣 民 眾 的 階 級 認 同 與 意 識 形 態 初 探 ,2000-2010〉, 共<br />

46 頁 , 發 表 於 「2012 兩 岸 社 會 創 新 與 發 展 學 術 研 討 會 」, 臺 北 : 國 立 政 治 大 學 國 際 關 係<br />

研 究 中 心 ,2012-09-21 ~ 2012-09-22。<br />

林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 10 月 ,〈 台 灣 的 世 代 政 治 與 兩 岸 政 策 〉, 共 29 頁 , 發 表 於 「 中 國 效 應 在 台<br />

灣 」 研 討 會 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-05。<br />

Thung-hong Lin, Sept. 2012, “Political Institution, Religious Fragmentation, and Social Vulnerability:<br />

Empirical Evidence from Global Dataset”, 52 pages, paper presented at CSSI-IOS Symposium on<br />

Social Changes under Globalization, Tohoku University, Sendai City, Japan: The Center for the<br />

Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Tohoku University, 2012-09-28 ~ 2012-09-29.<br />

曾 瑋 琳 、 林 宗 弘 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 解 構 世 界 工 廠 : 台 商 富 士 康 集 團 的 全 球 碎 裂 化 專 制 生 產 體<br />

制 〉, 共 33 頁 , 發 表 於 「 台 灣 社 會 學 會 2012 年 度 研 討 會 」, 臺 中 : 東 海 大 學 、 台 灣 社 會<br />

學 會 ,2012-11-23 ~ 2012-11-24。<br />

李 宗 義 、 林 宗 弘 、 謝 志 誠 ,2012 年 11 月 ,〈 重 建 信 任 網 絡 : 九 二 一 地 震 後 集 合 住 宅 的 重 建 成<br />

敗 〉, 共 45 頁 , 發 表 於 「 台 灣 社 會 學 會 2012 年 度 研 討 會 」, 臺 中 : 東 海 大 學 、 台 灣 社 會<br />

學 會 ,2012-11-23 ~ 2012-11-24。<br />

鄭 雁 馨 (CHENG, YEN-HSIN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng, Jan. 2012, “A Flight from Marriage Gender and Educational Differentials in<br />

Patterns of Declining First Marriage Rates in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 Alpine Population<br />

Conference, La Thuile, Italy: Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Social Dynamics (Bocconi University,<br />

Italy) and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, 2012-01-15 ~ 2012-01-18.<br />

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng, Apr. 2012, “Non-cognitive Traits and Educational Achievement among<br />

Economically Disadvantaged Taiwanese Youths”, paper presented at The First World Congress of<br />

Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng, May. 2012, “Body Weight Trajectories and College Completion: The role of<br />

non-cognitive traits as sources of resilience”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the<br />

Population Association of America, San Francisco, CA, USA: The Population Association of<br />

America, 2012-05-02 ~ 2012-05-06.<br />

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng, May. 2012, “Ethnic Variations in First Union Characteristics among Asian<br />

American Young Adults”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the Population Association<br />

of America, San Francisco, CA, USA: The Population Association of America, 2012-05-02 ~<br />

2012-05-06.<br />

Yen-hsin Alice Cheng, Jun. 2012, “Differential Patterns and Causes of Retreat from Marriage in an Era<br />

of Dramatic Family Change: Taiwan after the Millennium”, paper presented at 2012 European<br />

Population Conference, Stockholm, Sweden: The European Association for Population Studies,<br />

2012-06-13 ~ 2012-06-16.<br />


江 彥 生 (CHIANG, YEN-SHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yen-Sheng Chiang, in print, “Cooperation could evolve in complex networks when activated<br />

conditionally on network characteristics”, in Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation.<br />

Yen-Sheng Chiang, in print, “Book review on 'Complex Adaptive System' by Miller and Page”, in<br />

Journal of Mathematical Sociology.<br />


江 敏 華 (CHIANG, MIN-HUA)<br />

語 言 學 研 究 所<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

江 敏 華 ,accepted,〈 臺 灣 客 家 話 動 趨 結 構 中 與 體 貌 有 關 的 成 分 〉,《 語 言 暨 語 言 學 》,14.5。<br />

(A&HCI, LLBA, MLA)<br />

江 敏 華 ,accepted,〈 客 贛 方 言 的 「 支 與 脂 之 」 之 別 及 相 關 韻 攝 的 層 次 分 析 〉,《 中 國 語 言 學<br />

集 刊 》,6.1: 157-176。<br />

何 純 惠 、 江 敏 華 , 2012, “〈 客 家 話 顎 化 現 象 探 討 〉”, 《 國 立 臺 北 教 育 大 學 語 文 集 刊 》, 22: 49-90.<br />

黃 菊 芳 、 江 敏 華 、 鄭 錦 全 ,2012,〈 後 龍 海 陸 客 家 話 的 語 音 變 異 〉,《 臺 灣 語 文 研 究 》,7.1:<br />

129-150。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

江 敏 華 ,accepted,〈 客 贛 方 言 一 、 二 等 與 一 等 重 韻 的 分 別 〉, 陳 秀 琪 編 ,《 天 何 言 哉 : 羅 肇<br />

錦 先 生 六 十 一 壽 慶 論 文 集 》, 頁 11-41, 桃 園 : 中 央 大 學 出 版 中 心 ( 遠 流 出 版 公 司 )。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

江 敏 華 ,2012,〈 客 家 話 動 詞 後 置 的 「 倒 」 與 「 得 」─ 歷 史 與 跨 方 言 的 考 察 〉, 發 表 於 中 央 研<br />

究 院 語 言 學 研 究 所 講 論 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 語 言 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 語 言 學 研 究 所 ,2012-<br />

09-17。<br />

江 敏 華 ,2012,〈 客 家 話 的 短 時 體 標 記 「 下 」─ 從 動 量 詞 到 狀 態 / 程 度 補 語 標 記 〉, 發 表 於 漢 語<br />

方 言 時 體 系 統 研 討 會 , 北 京 中 央 民 族 大 學 : 北 京 中 央 民 族 大 學 ,2012-11-09 ~ 2012-11-<br />

12。<br />

黃 菊 芳 、 江 敏 華 、 鄭 錦 全 ,2012,〈 台 灣 桃 園 縣 新 屋 鄉 客 語 的 地 理 分 布 微 觀 〉, 發 表 於 第 24<br />

屆 北 美 漢 語 語 言 學 會 議 ─ 紀 念 趙 元 任 先 生 誕 辰 120 周 年 (NACCL-24), 美 國 舊 金 山 大<br />

學 : 美 國 舊 金 山 大 學 ,2012-06-08 ~ 2012-06-10。<br />

江 敏 華 ,2012,〈 客 家 話 動 詞 後 置 的 「 倒 」(to3)─ 歷 史 與 跨 方 言 的 考 察 〉, 發 表 於 第 十 屆 客 家<br />

方 言 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 國 成 都 信 息 工 程 學 院 : 中 國 成 都 信 息 工 程 學 院 ,2012-09-18 ~<br />

2012-09-12。<br />

魏 培 泉 、 陳 昭 容 、 江 敏 華 、 蕭 素 英 、 曾 淑 娟 、 齊 莉 莎 ,2012,〈 以 中 研 院 語 言 典 藏 資 料 為 基 的<br />

「 說 」 類 動 詞 跨 語 言 考 察 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 語 言 組 , 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


余 文 生 (EVANS, JONATHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Stanford, J. A.; Evans, J.P., 2012, “The influence of Mandarin Chinese on minority languages in rural<br />

southwest China: A sociolinguistic study of tones in contact.”, International Journal of the<br />

Sociology of Language., Volume 2012, Issue 215. pp.79–100. (Elsevier:Scopus, INIST)<br />

Hadjipantelis, H. Z.; Aston, J. A. D.; Evans, J. P., 2012, “Characterizing fundamental frequency in<br />

Mandarin: A functional principal component approach utilizing mixed effect models.”, Journal of<br />

the Acoustical Society of America., Volume 131, Issue 6,pages: 4651–4664. (Others)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Evans, J. P., and Jackson T. S. Sun, 2013, “Qiang”, editor(s): TBA, Encyclopedia of Chinese<br />

languages and Linguistics, pp. ms. 17 pp., Leiden: Brill: Leiden: Brill.<br />

吳 瑞 文 (WU, RUI-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 論 山 攝 開 口 字 在 共 同 閩 語 中 的 演 變 與 層 次 〉,《 中 國 語 言 學 集 刊 》, 第 6 卷<br />

第 1 期 , 頁 177-238。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 從 比 較 構 擬 的 觀 點 論 兩 個 閩 語 的 音 韻 現 象 〉, 中 國 音 韻 學 研 究 會 編 ,《 中 國<br />

音 韻 學 ( 中 國 音 韻 學 研 究 會 第 十 六 屆 討 論 會 暨 漢 語 音 韻 學 第 十 一 屆 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 論 文 集<br />

( 太 原 ,2010)》, 頁 372-391, 北 京 : 九 州 出 版 社 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 論 閩 南 語 gau2 的 語 源 及 相 關 問 題 〉, 共 5 頁 , 發 表 於 日 本 中 國 語 學 會 第 62<br />

回 全 國 大 會 , 日 本 , 京 都 : 同 志 社 大 學 ,2012-10-27 ~ 2012-10-28。<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 從 比 較 閩 語 的 觀 點 論 來 母 讀 s- 的 現 象 :*hl- 複 聲 母 的 擬 測 〉, 共 8 頁 , 發 表<br />

於 第 二 十 四 屆 北 美 漢 語 語 言 學 會 議 , 美 國 , 舊 金 山 市 : 舊 金 山 大 學 ,2012-06-09 ~ 2012-<br />

06-11。<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 論 共 同 閩 語 中 臻 攝 韻 母 的 構 擬 及 相 關 問 題 〉, 共 20 頁 , 發 表 於 第 二 十 屆 國<br />

際 中 國 語 言 學 學 會 年 會 (IACL-20), 中 國 , 香 港 : 香 港 理 工 大 學 ,2012-08-29 ~ 2012-08-<br />

31。<br />

吳 瑞 文 ,2012,〈 論 山 攝 合 口 字 在 共 同 閩 語 中 的 演 變 與 層 次 ( 閩 南 方 言 部 分 )〉, 共 16 頁 ,<br />

發 表 於 第 十 三 屆 國 際 暨 第 三 十 屆 全 國 聲 韻 學 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 灣 , 花 蓮 : 東 華 大 學 / 慈 濟 大<br />

學 ,2012-05-19 ~ 2012-05-20。<br />


李 佳 穎 (LEE, CHIA-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang, R. W.-Y., Chiu, P.-H., & Lee, C.-Y., 2012, “Research into the P300 Component for Visually<br />

Metaphoric Pictures”, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 59(1), 59-64.<br />

Lee, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-N., & Tsai, J.-L. , 2012, “The time course of contextual effects on visual word<br />

recognition”, Frontiers in Language Sciences, 3(285), 1-13.<br />

Lee, C.-Y.*, Yen, H.-L., Yeh, P.-W., Lin, W.-H., Cheng, Y.-Y., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Wu, H.-C., 2012,<br />

“Mismatch Responses to Lexical Tone, Initial Consonant, and Vowel in Mandarin-Speaking<br />

Preschoolers”, Neuropsychologia, 50(14), 3228-3239. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 4.5; SCI ranking: 35%;<br />

SSCI ranking: 13.4%)<br />

曾 郁 琳 、 李 佳 穎 * ,2012,〈 國 小 學 童 習 得 中 文 形 音 對 應 性 一 致 性 的 發 展 性 研 究 〉,《 當 代 教<br />

育 研 究 》,20(4), 45-84。(TSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lee, C.-Y., 2012, “The orthographic consistency effects in Chinese spoken word recognition”, paper<br />

presented at 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL<br />

2012) & Symposium on Brain and Communication, Nagoya, Japan: Nagoya University, 2012-10-<br />

26 ~ 2012-10-28.<br />

Gong, S.-P, Lee, C.-Y., Ahrens, K., & Huang, Z.-Y., 2012, “Processing Metaphors in Mandarin<br />

Chinese: An Event-Related Potential Study”, paper presented at 14th International Conference on<br />

the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL 2012) & Symposium on Brain and<br />

Communication, Nagoya, Japan: Nagoya University, 2012-10-26 ~ 2012-10-28.<br />

Su, Y.-C., & Lee, C.-Y., 2012, “An Electrophysiological Study on Scope Ambiguity Resolution in<br />

Mandarin Chinese”, paper presented at 20th Annual Meeting of the International Association of<br />

Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20), Hong Kong: International Association of Chinese Linguistics,<br />

2012-08-29 ~ 2012-08-31.<br />

Liu, C.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Huang, W.-J., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Chou, C.-R., 2012, “A cognition-based game<br />

platform and its authoring environment for learning Chinese characters”, paper presented at<br />

Eleventh International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS'12), Chania, Crete,<br />

Greece: Neoanalysis Event Management, 2012-06-14 ~ 2012-06-18.<br />

Huang, W.-J., Chou, C.-R., Tzeng, Y.-L., Lee, C.-Y., & Liu, C.-L., 2012, “Applications of GPC rules<br />

and character structures in games for learning Chinese characters”, paper presented at Fiftieth<br />

Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju, South Korea: Association<br />

for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-14.<br />

Lee, C.-Y., Cheng,Y.-Y., Yeh, P.-W., & Lin, E.-J., 2012, “Mismatch responses to changes of<br />

Mandarin lexical tones in children with typical and atypical language development”, paper<br />

presented at Second Language Acquisition: from Brain Plasticity to Cognition, Jerusalem:<br />

Department of Psychology, Hebrew University, 2012-05-14 ~ 2012-05-20.<br />


Cheng, Y.-Y., Wu, H.-C., Tzeng, Y.-L., & Lee, C.-Y., 2012, “ The development of mismatch<br />

responses to mandarin lexical tone in early infancy”, paper presented at The Sixth Conference on<br />

Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Application, New York, USA: City<br />

University of New York, 2012-05-01 ~ 2011-05-04.<br />

Lin, E.-J., Lee, C.-Y., & Tzeng, Y.-L., 2012, “Maturation of mismatch responses to initial consonant<br />

changes in children from 7 to 13 years of age”, paper presented at The Sixth Conference on<br />

Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Application, New York, USA: City<br />

University of New York, 2012-05-01 ~ 2012-05-04.<br />

Yeh, P.-W., & Lee, C.-Y. , 2012, “Mismatch responses to changes of mandarin lexical tone measured<br />

at preschool predict later reading development”, paper presented at The Sixth Conference on<br />

Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Application, New York, USA: City<br />

University of New York, 2012-05-01 ~ 2012-05-04.<br />

Hsu, C.-H., Hsu, Y.-Y., & Lee, C.-Y. , 2012, “Neural correlates of the early mismatch response to<br />

Mandarin lexical tone: an MEG mismatch study”, paper presented at The Sixth Conference on<br />

Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and its Clinical and Scientific Application, New York, USA: City<br />

University of New York, 2012-05-01 ~ 2012-05-04.<br />

黃 瑋 杰 、 周 家 如 、 曾 郁 琳 、 李 佳 穎 、 劉 昭 麟 ,2012,〈 以 認 知 歷 程 為 基 礎 之 漢 字 學 習 遊 戲 與 建<br />

置 環 境 〉, 發 表 於 第 十 六 屆 全 球 華 人 計 算 機 教 育 應 用 大 會 (GCCCE'12), 台 灣 屏 東 : 臺 南 大<br />

學 、 全 球 華 人 計 算 機 教 育 應 用 學 會 (GCSCE),2012-05-28 ~ 2012-06-01。<br />

林 英 津 (LIN, YING-CHIN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 英 津 , 2012, “The Principles of Tangut Text Interpretation: Tanking 懲 zju2 as an Example”,<br />

editor(s): I. F. Popova, Tangut: in Central Asia, pp. 223-237, Moscow: Oriental Literature<br />

Publishing Company.<br />

林 英 津 ,2012,〈 再 談 西 夏 語 音 韻 系 統 的 構 擬 —— 敬 覆 鄭 張 尚 芳 先 生 〉, 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 民 族<br />

學 與 人 類 學 研 究 所 編 ,《 薪 火 相 傳 —— 史 金 波 先 生 70 壽 辰 西 夏 學 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 論 文<br />

集 》, 頁 211-219, 北 京 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 出 版 社 。<br />

林 英 津 ,2012,〈 試 論 西 夏 語 的 「 一 生 補 處 」—— 西 夏 語 、 漢 語 、 梵 文 對 勘 ( 修 訂 重 刊 )〉,<br />

杜 建 錄 編 ,《 西 夏 學 論 集 》, 頁 474-492, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 。<br />

林 英 津 , 2012, “ 試 論 西 夏 語 的 「 我 所 制 衣 」 及 其 相 關 問 題 ( 修 訂 重 刊 )”, editor(s): 杜 建 錄 , 西 夏<br />

學 論 集 , pp. 457-473, 上 海 : 上 海 古 籍 出 版 社 .<br />

林 英 津 ,2012,〈 論 西 夏 語 的 棕 ko1: 乙 t<br />

shja1 與 囁 dza1: 囀 tsha1 —— 少 數 民 族 語 言 規 劃<br />

的 觀 點 〉, 黃 建 明 、 聶 鴻 音 、 馬 蘭 編 ,《 首 屆 中 國 少 數 民 族 古 籍 文 獻 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 論 文<br />

集 》, 頁 164-170, 北 京 : 民 族 出 版 社 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 英 津 , 2012, “The Principles of Tangut Text Interpretation: Tanking 懲 zju2 as an Example”,<br />

paper presented at The conference for Professor Kychanov's 80th anniversary, St. Petersburg,<br />

Russia: The Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS, 2012-06-22 ~ 2012-06-23.<br />

林 英 津 ,2012,〈 無 央 數 , 西 夏 文 本 《 心 經 》—— 聖 彼 得 堡 東 方 所 抄 書 記 事 之 一 〉, 發 表 於 吳<br />

天 墀 教 授 百 年 誕 辰 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 成 都 : 四 川 大 學 歷 史 文 化 學 院 ,2012-11-24 ~ 2012-<br />

11-25。<br />

林 英 津 , 2012, “Book Review: The Hakka Language for Beginners (2011) by Tomoko Tanaka”, paper<br />

presented at 承 繼 與 拓 新 : 漢 語 語 言 文 字 學 國 際 研 討 會 , 香 港 : 香 港 中 文 大 學 中 國 語 言 及 文 學<br />

系 , 2012-12-17 ~ 2012-12-18.<br />

孫 天 心 (SUN, JACKSON T.-S.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Sun, Jackson T.-S., 2012, “Complementation in Caodeng rGyalrong”, Language and Linguistics,<br />

13(3), 471-498.<br />

林 幼 菁 、 孫 天 心 、 陳 正 賢 ,2012,〈 蒲 西 霍 爾 語 軟 顎 化 的 語 音 對 立 〉,《 語 言 學 論 叢 》, 第 45<br />

輯 , 頁 187-195。(CSSCI)<br />

曾 志 朗 (TZENG, OVID J. L.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Tsai, P.-S., Tzeng, O. J.-L., Hung, D. L. & Wu, D. H., accepted, “Using magnetoencephalography to<br />

investigate processing of negative polarity items in Mandarin Chinese.”, JOURNAL OF<br />

NEUROLINGUISTICS. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 1.99; SCI ranking: 74.3%; SSCI ranking: 58.2%)<br />

Cheng, S.-K., Liu, I.-C., Lee, J. R., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L., 2012, “Intentional forgetting might<br />

be more effortful than remembering: An ERP study of item-method directed forgetting”,<br />

Biological Psychology, 89(2), 283-92. (SCI, SSCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking: 25.6%,22%; SSCI<br />

ranking: 18.2%,16.4%)<br />

Yu, JX, Hung, DL, Tseng, P., Tzeng, OJL, Muggleton, NG & Juan, CH., 2012, “Sex differences in<br />

how erotic and painful stimuli impair inhibitory control.”, COGNITION, 124(2):251-255.. (SSCI)<br />

(IF: 4.16; SSCI ranking: 14.9%)<br />

Tseng, P., Hsu, TY, Chang, CF, Tzeng, OJL, Hung, DL, Muggleton, NG, Walsh, V, Liang, WK,<br />

Cheng, SK & Juan, CH., 2012, “Unleashing potential: tDCS over the right posterior parietal<br />

cortex improves change detection in low-performing individuals.”, JOURNAL OF<br />

NEUROSCIENCE, 32(31):10554 –10561.. (SCI) (IF: 7.12; SCI ranking: 7.9%)<br />


Kimihiro Nakamura, Wen-Jui Kuo, Felipe Pegado, Laurent Cohen, Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Stanislas<br />

Dehaene., 2012, “Universal brain systems for recognizing word shapes and handwriting gestures<br />


UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 109(50), 20762-20767. (SCI) (IF: 9.68; SCI ranking: 5.6%)<br />

Yen, M.-H., Radach, R., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Tsai, J.-L., 2012, “Usage of statistical cues for word<br />

boundary in reading Chinese sentences.”, READING AND WRITING, 25, 1007-1029.. (SSCI) (IF:<br />

1.95; SSCI ranking: 10.3%)<br />

Liu, CH, Tzeng OJL, Hung, DL, Tseng, P. & Juan, CH., 2012, “ Investigation of bistable perception<br />

with the "silhouette spinner": Sit still, spin the dancer with your will.”, VISION RESEARCH, 1;<br />

60C: 34-39.. (SCI) (IF: 2.41; SCI ranking: 62.6%)<br />

曾 淑 娟 (TSENG, SHU-CHUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chen, A. C.-H., Tseng, S.-C., 2012, “Conceptual planning in conversational Mandarin: pitch variation<br />

in prosodic phrasing”, 547-550 pages, paper presented at The 6th International Conference on<br />

Speech Prosody, Shanghai: Shanghai Tongji University, 2012-05-22 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

舒 志 翔 (SHU, CHIH-HSIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chih-hsiang Shu, 2012, “Towards a Morphosyntactic Analysis of Mandarin Mood/Aspect Marker ge”,<br />

LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS, 13(4), 663-692.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chih-hsiang Shu, 2012, “Secondary Focus in Chinese”, paper presented at IACL-20, The Hong Kong<br />

Polytechnic University: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2012-08-29 ~ 2012-08-31.<br />

Chih-hsiang Shu, 2012, “Delayed-Merge: Some Evidence from Focusing Adverbs”, paper presented at<br />

The 8th Workshop on Formal Syntax and Semantics, National Chiao Tung University: National<br />

Chiao Tung University, 2012-03-24 ~ 2012-03-25.<br />

黃 慧 娟 (HUANG, HUI-CHUAN)<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

Hui-chuan J. Huang, 2012, “Articulatory Adjustment: the Case of Palatalization”, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica E-<br />

News, 298.<br />

黃 慧 娟 ,2012,〈 發 音 器 官 間 的 協 調 : 以 顎 化 規 律 為 例 〉,《 中 央 研 究 院 週 報 》,1402 期 , 頁<br />

3-5。<br />


齊 莉 莎 (ZEITOUN, ELIZABETH)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Zeitoun, Elizabeth et al, 2012, “A Cross-linguistic Study of "say" based on the <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica<br />

Language Archives data”, paper presented at 4th International Conference on Sinology, Taipei:<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

鄭 秋 豫 (TSENG, CHIU-YU)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Chiu-yu Tseng and Chao-yu Su, 2012, “Temporal Characteristics of Emphasis in Continuous Speech”,<br />

editor(s): Qiuwu Ma, Hongwei Ding and Daniel Hirst,, Proceedings of the 6th International<br />

Conference on Speech Prosody 2012, pp. 294-297, Shanghai: Tongji University Press.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chiu-yu Tseng and Chao-yu Su, 2012, “Information Allocation and Prosodic Expressiveness in<br />

Continuous Speech: A Mandarin Cross-genre Analysis.”, 4 pages, paper presented at ISCSLP<br />

2012 (The 8th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing), Hong Kong:<br />

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012-12-05 ~ 2012-12-08.<br />

Tanya Visceglia, Chao-yu Su and Chiu-yu Tseng, 2012, “Comparison of English Narrow Focus<br />

Production by L1 English, Beijing and Taiwan Mandarin Speakers.”, 5 pages, paper presented at<br />

Oriental COCOSDA 2012, Macau, China: The University of Macau, Chinese University of Hong<br />

Kong and IEEE Hong Kong Chapter of Signal Processing, 2012-12-09 ~ 2012-12-12.<br />

Chiu-yu Tseng and Chao-yu Su , 2012, “Temporal Characteristics of Emphasis in Continuous<br />

Speech.”, 4 pages, paper presented at Speech Prosody 2012, 上 海 , 中 國 : 上 海 同 濟 大 學 , 2012-<br />

05-22 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

Chiu-yu Tseng, 2012, “Information Structure by way of Discourse Prosody”, 36 pages, paper<br />

presented at The 4th International Conference on Sinology, Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of History<br />

and Philology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22.<br />

賈 媛 、 李 愛 軍 、 鄭 秋 豫 ,2012,〈 中 國 方 言 區 英 語 學 習 者 語 音 庫 建 設 和 語 音 學 研 究 〉, 發 表 於<br />

第 十 屆 中 國 語 音 學 學 術 會 議 , (The 10th Phonetics Conference of China), 上 海 , 中 國 : 上 海<br />

同 濟 大 學 ,2012-05-18 ~ 2012-05-20。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

鄭 秋 豫 ,2012,《「 基 於 語 篇 結 構 與 信 息 結 構 的 跨 語 體 跨 語 言 韻 律 模 型 」 研 究 成 果 期 中 進 度 報<br />

告 書 ( 第 一 年 )》, 共 56 頁 , 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />


鄧 芳 青 (TENG, FANG-CHING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Stacy Fang-ching Teng, 2012, “A comparative study of the personal pronominal systems in three<br />

Puyuma dialects”, paper presented at Workshop on A Typological Study of Austronesian<br />

Languages in Taiwan and their Revitalization, Institute of Linguistics, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: Institute<br />

of Linguistics, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-12-02.<br />

蕭 素 英 (HSIAO, SU-YING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hsiao, Su-ying, 2012, “Nominative/Genitive alternation in Modern Inner Mongolian Relative Clauses:<br />

A Statistical Perspective”, Linguistic Research, 29(2),351-380.<br />

蕭 素 英 ,2012,〈 閩 南 語 “ 行 、 步 、 走 ” 的 語 意 分 布 與 衍 生 辭 彙 在 華 語 區 的 擴 散 〉,《 臺 灣 語 文<br />

研 究 》, 第 7 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 87-127。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hsiao, Su-ying, 2012, “A Comparative Study of Verbal Paradigms in Manchu and Mongolian<br />

Laoqida”, paper presented at at the Second International Conference on China Minority Ancient<br />

Manuscripts, Chengdu: Southwest University for Nationalities, 2012-07-13 ~ 2012-07-15.<br />

Hsiao, Su-ying, 2012, “A Statistical study of Nominative/Genitive alternation in Modern Khalkha<br />

Mongolian Relative Clauses”, paper presented at the 55th Meeting of the Permanent International<br />

Altaistic Conference, Cluj-Napoca: The Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, 2012-07-22 ~<br />

2012-07-27.<br />

魏 培 泉 、 陳 昭 容 、 江 敏 華 、 蕭 素 英 、 曾 淑 娟 、 齊 莉 莎 ,2012,〈 以 中 研 院 語 言 典 藏 資 料 為 基 的<br />

「 說 」 類 動 詞 跨 語 言 考 察 〉, 共 37 頁 , 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />


政 治 學 研 究 所<br />

吳 玉 山 (WU, YU-SHAN)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉 山 ,2012,《 權 力 在 哪 裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 玉 山 ,2012,〈 孫 中 山 思 想 、 民 國 百 年 與 兩 岸 發 展 模 式 —— 一 個 總 體 的 分 析 架 構 〉,《 政 治<br />

科 學 論 叢 》, 第 52 期 , 頁 1-42。(TSSCI)<br />

Wu, Yu-Shan, 2012, “Review of Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization,<br />

and the Next World Order”, American Journal of Chinese Studies, 19(2), 145-146.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

吳 玉 山 ,2012,〈 半 總 統 制 : 全 球 發 展 與 研 究 議 程 〉, 沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉 山 編 ,《 權 力 在 哪 裡 從<br />

多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />

吳 玉 山 ,2012,〈 權 力 在 哪 裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 〉, 沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉 山 編 ,《 權 力 在 哪<br />

裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wu, Yu-Shan, 2012, “The Evolution of Semi-Presidentialism in Taiwan”, paper presented at The 1st<br />

World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: 11 Institutes and Centers under the<br />

Humanities and Social Sciences Division of <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Wu, Yu-Shan, 2012, “Party System and Power Distribution in Semi-presidentialism: Taiwan and<br />

Beyond”, paper presented at XXII World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain:<br />

International Political Science Association, 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

吳 玉 山 ,2012,〈 兩 岸 關 係 研 究 的 開 展 與 侷 限 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學 術 研 討<br />

會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-07。<br />

Wu, Yu-Shan, 2012, “Under the Shadow of a Rising China: Convergence towards Hedging and<br />

Domestic Competition”, paper presented at Conference on Cross-Strait Relations in the Age of<br />

Globalization: Globalization-Security Linkages, London, UK: SOAS, University of London,<br />

2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08.<br />

朱 雲 漢 (CHU, YUN-HAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “Sizing Up Taiwan’s Election”, Global Asia, 7(1),<br />

http://www.globalasia.org/V7N1_Spring_2012/Yun-han_Chu.html.<br />


Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “China and East Asian Democracy: The Taiwan Factor”, Journal of Democracy,<br />

23(1), 42-56. (SSCI) (IF: 1.18; SSCI ranking: 26.4%)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

朱 雲 漢 ,2012,〈 國 民 黨 與 台 灣 民 主 轉 型 〉, 博 源 基 金 會 編 ,《 台 灣 民 主 轉 型 的 經 驗 與 啟<br />

示 》, 頁 192-226, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

朱 雲 漢 ,2012,〈 東 亞 民 主 困 境 與 當 代 思 維 陷 阱 〉, 博 源 基 金 會 編 ,《 台 灣 民 主 轉 型 的 經 驗 與<br />

啟 示 》, 頁 298-304, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

Chu, Yun-han and Chung-li Wu, 2012, “From Authoritarianism to Nascent Democracy in Taiwan:<br />

Electoral Elements of the Kuomintang-Dominant Regime”, editor(s): Nicole de Jager and Pierre<br />

du Toit, Friend or Foe Dominant Party Systems in Southern Africa: Insights from the<br />

Developing World, pp. 85-112, South Africa: University of Cape Town Press.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in East Asia”, paper presented at A<br />

Conference on “A Liberal Challenge: Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in New<br />

Democracies, Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes”, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea:<br />

Harvard-Yenching Institute and Korea University, 2012-01-07 ~ 2012-01-13.<br />

Wu, Chin-en and Yun-han Chu, 2012, “Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at The Training Program on “Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in New<br />

Democracies, Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes”, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea:<br />

Harvard-Yenching Institute and Korea University, 2012-01-07 ~ 2012-01-13.<br />

Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “Sizing Up Taiwan’s 2012 Election”, paper presented at Taiwan’s January 2012<br />

Presidential and Legislative Elections: Implications for Taiwan, the United States and Cross-<br />

Strait Relations, Washington, DC: Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and<br />

International Studies (CSIS) and Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies (CNAPS), The<br />

Brookings Institution, 2012-01-17.<br />

Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “Unraveling the Enigma of East Asian Economic Resiliency: The Case of<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at A Conference on “The Second East Asian Miracle: Political<br />

Economy of Asian Responses to the 1997/98 and 2008/09 Crises”, Tokyo, Japan: JICA Research<br />

Institute, 2012-02-27.<br />

Chu, Yun-han and Min-hua Huang, 2012, “The Behavioral and Attitudinal Consequences of Divergent<br />

Understandings of Democracy”, paper presented at A Conference on “How the Public Views<br />

Democracy and its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”, Stanford,<br />

CA, USA: Taiwan Democracy Program and Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of<br />

Law, Stanford University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />


Chu, Yun-han, Bridget Welsh, and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “Sources of Regime Support: Institution and<br />

Policy Performance”, paper presented at A Conference on “How the Public Views Democracy<br />

and its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”, Stanford, CA, USA:<br />

Taiwan Democracy Program and Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law, Stanford<br />

University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />

Chang, Yu-tzung, Yun-han Chu, and Larry Diamond, 2012, “A Longitudinal and Comparative<br />

Analysis of Citizens’ Orientations toward Democracy and Their Evaluation of the Overall<br />

Performance of the Democratic Regime in East Asia”, paper presented at A Conference on “How<br />

the Public Views Democracy and its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative<br />

Perspective”, Stanford, CA, USA: Taiwan Democracy Program and Center on Democracy,<br />

Development and Rule of Law, Stanford University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />

Huang, Min-hua, Yun-han Chu, and Yu-tzung Chang, 2012, “Understanding of Democracy and<br />

Regime Legitimacy in Asia”, paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on New<br />

Perspectives in East Asian Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC: Institute for Advanced Studies in<br />

Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-02.<br />

Chang, Alex C., Yun-han Chu, and Bridget Welsh, 2012, “Sources of Regime Legitimacy in East<br />

Asia”, paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on New Perspectives in East Asian<br />

Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC: Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences,<br />

National Taiwan University, 2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-02.<br />

Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “Liberal vs. Social Democracy: Competing Popular Perceptions of Democracy in<br />

East Asia”, paper presented at XXII World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain:<br />

International Political Science Association, 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

Chu, Yun-han, Eric Chang, and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “Globalization, Economic Inequality and<br />

Demand for Social Democracy: Evidences from Asia Barometer”, paper presented at XXII World<br />

Congress of Political Science, International Political Science Association: Madrid, Spain, 2012-<br />

07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

Chu, Yun-han and Min-hua Huang, 2012, “The Youth’s Understanding of Democracy”, paper<br />

presented at A Symposium on Democratic Citizenship and Voices of Asia’s Youth, Taipei:<br />

Institute of Political Science, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica (IPSAS), 2012-09-20 ~ 2012-09-21.<br />

Chu, Yun-han and Jack Wu, 2012, “Economic Interests vs. Political Ideology”, paper presented at An<br />

Asian Barometer Survey Conference on How East Asians View the Rise of China, Taipei:<br />

Program for East Asia Democratic Studies, Institute for the Advanced Studies of Humanities and<br />

Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2012-10-22 ~ 2012-10-23.<br />

Huang, Min-hua and Yun-han Chu, 2012, “The Sway of Geo-politics, Economic Interdependence and<br />

Cultural Identity: Why Some Asians Are More Favorable Toward China’s Rise Than Others”,<br />

paper presented at An Asian Barometer Survey Conference on How East Asians View the Rise of<br />

China, Taipei: Program for East Asia Democratic Studies, Institute for the Advanced Studies of<br />

Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2012-10-22 ~ 2012-10-23.<br />


Chu, Yun-han, 2012, “How East Asians View the Rise of China”, paper presented at Workshop on<br />

“The Deer and the Dragon: Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century”, Singapore:<br />

Southeast Asia Forum (SEAF), Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University<br />

and China Programme of the Institute of Defence and Security Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of<br />

International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, 2012-11-15 ~ 2012-11-16.<br />

朱 雲 漢 ,2012,〈 中 國 大 陸 興 起 與 全 球 秩 序 重 組 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 中 國 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 劇<br />

變 中 的 危 機 與 轉 機 : 全 球 治 理 的 發 展 與 困 境 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 東 吳 大 學 第 二 教 研 大 樓 : 中 國<br />

政 治 學 會 、 東 吳 大 學 政 治 學 系 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

徐 火 炎 (SHYU, HUOYAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Shyu, Huoyan, 2012, “The Role of Emotion on Voter Choice in the 1996 Taiwan Presidential<br />

Election”, paper presented at The 2012 Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science<br />

Association, Chicago, IL, USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2012-04-12 ~ 2012-04-<br />

15.<br />

Chen, Tse-hsin and Huoyan Shyu, 2012, “Exploring Political Trust in East Asia”, paper presented at<br />

XXII World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain: International Political Science<br />

Association, 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

徐 火 炎 ,2012,〈 政 治 心 理 學 在 台 灣 的 「 未 」 發 展 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學 術 研<br />

討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學<br />

門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-07。<br />

徐 火 炎 、 陳 澤 鑫 ,2012,〈 台 灣 情 緒 選 民 的 初 探 : 分 析 政 治 情 緒 對 選 民 投 票 抉 擇 的 作 用 〉, 發<br />

表 於 台 灣 選 舉 與 民 主 化 調 查 2012 年 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 「 成 熟 中 的 台 灣 民 主 :TEDS2012 調 查<br />

資 料 的 分 析 」, 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 霖 澤 館 : 台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 ,2012-11-03 ~ 2012-11-04。<br />

林 繼 文 (LIN, JIH-WEN)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

林 繼 文 ,2012,〈 台 灣 的 民 主 轉 型 與 「 憲 政 」 選 擇 〉, 博 源 基 金 會 編 ,《 台 灣 民 主 轉 型 的 經 驗<br />

與 啟 示 》, 頁 125-158, 北 京 : 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

林 繼 文 ,2012,〈 共 治 可 能 成 為 半 總 統 制 的 憲 政 慣 例 嗎 法 國 與 台 灣 的 比 較 〉, 沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉<br />

山 編 ,《 權 力 在 哪 裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />

林 繼 文 、 蔡 榮 祥 ,2012,〈 半 總 統 制 下 的 分 類 研 究 與 國 際 連 結 〉, 沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉 山 編 ,《 權 力<br />

在 哪 裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />


林 繼 文 ,2012,〈 政 府 體 制 、 選 舉 制 度 與 政 黨 體 系 : 一 個 配 套 論 的 分 析 〉, 沈 有 忠 、 吳 玉 山<br />

編 ,《 權 力 在 哪 裡 從 多 個 角 度 看 半 總 統 制 》, 台 北 市 : 五 南 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lin, Jih-wen, 2012, “Explaining the Partisan Consequences of the Mixed-Member Majoritarian<br />

Systems by the Constitutional Systems: A Comparison of Taiwan and Japan”, paper presented at<br />

“Elections in Taiwan and Japan under the Mixed-Member Majoritarian System” International<br />

Conference, Taipei: Election Study Center, National Chengchi University, 2012-04-20.<br />

Lin, Jih-wen, 2012, “Positioning Taiwan’s on the Global Map of Electoral Systems”, paper presented<br />

at The 1st World Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei: <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-<br />

28.<br />

Lin, Jih-wen, 2012, “The PRC as a Player in Taiwan’s Domestic Competition”, paper presented at<br />

China Impact Seminar, Tübingen, Germany: European Research Center on Contemporary<br />

Taiwan (ERCCT), University of Tuebingen and Institute of Sociology, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-<br />

06-21 ~ 2012-06-24.<br />

謝 復 生 、 林 繼 文 ,2012,〈 理 性 抉 擇 與 台 灣 的 政 治 學 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」<br />

學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-<br />

08-07。<br />

吳 重 禮 (WU, CHUNG-LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

孫 銘 鴻 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 政 治 因 素 對 於 賄 選 訴 訟 案 件 的 可 能 影 響 : 司 法 專 業 人 士 的 觀 點 分<br />

析 〉,《 台 灣 政 治 學 刊 》, 第 16 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 121-187。(TSSCI)<br />

王 志 良 、 詹 富 堯 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 鞏 固 支 持 或 資 源 拔 樁 解 析 中 央 對 地 方 補 助 款 分 配 的 政 治<br />

因 素 〉,《 政 治 科 學 論 叢 》, 第 51 期 , 頁 51-90。(TSSCI)<br />

吳 重 禮 、 李 伊 婷 、 孫 煒 ,2012,〈 政 治 因 素 對 於 法 院 審 理 之 影 響 分 析 —— 以 台 灣 選 舉 誹 謗 司 法<br />

案 件 為 例 〉,《 臺 灣 民 主 季 刊 》, 第 9 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 1-40。(TSSCI)<br />

Wu, Chung-li, 2012, “Charge Me if You Can: Assessing Political Biases in Vote-buying Verdicts in<br />

Democratic Taiwan (2000-2010)”, The China Quarterly, 211, 786-805. (SSCI) (IF: 1.28; SSCI<br />

ranking: 7.1%)<br />

劉 自 平 、 吳 重 禮 、 戴 士 展 ,2012,〈 交 叉 壓 力 、 意 見 表 達 與 政 黨 認 同 :2008 年 立 法 委 員 選 舉 的<br />

實 證 分 析 〉,《 選 舉 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 1-36。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邱 銘 哲 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 研 究 文 獻 評 閱 與 研 究 〉, 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 編 ,<br />

《 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 ( 一 ): 總 論 與 量 化 研 究 法 》, 頁 103-130, 台 北 市 : 東 華 。<br />


Chu, Yun-han and Chung-li Wu, 2012, “From Authoritarianism to Nascent Democracy in Taiwan:<br />

Electoral Elements of the Kuomintang-Dominant Regime”, editor(s): Nicole de Jager and Pierre<br />

du Toit, Friend or Foe Dominant Party Systems in Southern Africa: Insights from the<br />

Developing World, pp. 85-112, South Africa: University of Cape Town Press.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Liu, Tzu Ping, Chung-li Wu, and Shih-chan Dai, 2012, “Cross-Cutting Networks and Political<br />

Participation: Lessons of the 2010 City Mayoral Elections in Taiwan”, paper presented at The<br />

GCOE Conference and 2012 AES International Conference, Keio University, Tokyo: Keio<br />

University Global COE Program in Designing Governance for Civil Society, Japan, Korean<br />

Social Science Data Center and Election Study Center, National Chengchi University, Taiwan,<br />

2012-02-05 ~ 2012-02-06.<br />

Wu, Chung-li and Shih-chan Dai, 2012, “Halfway Through: Regime Transition to Democratic<br />

Consolidation”, paper presented at The 2012 Annual Conference of the Association for Asian<br />

Studies, Toronto, Canada: Association for Asian Studies, 2012-03-15 ~ 2012-03-18.<br />

Wu, Chung-li, 2012, “Politics and Judicial Verdicts on Defamation Litigation in Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at The 2012 Annual Meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago,<br />

Illinois: Midwest Political Science Association, 2012-04-12 ~ 2012-04-15.<br />

Wu, Chung-li, Hsiao-Chien Tsui, Tzu-Ping Liu, and Shih-chan Dai, 2012, “Social Bases of Taiwan’s<br />

Political Parties: Regionalism and Ethnicity under MMM”, paper presented at The 1st World<br />

Congress of Taiwan Studies, Taipei, Taiwan: 11 Institutes and Centers under the Humanities and<br />

Social Sciences Division of <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

Dai, Shih-chan and Chung-li Wu, 2012, “The Role of the Legislative Yuan under Ma Ying-jeou: The<br />

Case of China-Policy Legislations and Agreements”, paper presented at International Conference<br />

on China, Cross-Strait Relations and Regional Security: Developments in Taiwan and Changing<br />

External Contexts, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong: Department of Government and International<br />

Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2012-05-24 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

Wu, Chung-li, 2012, “Taming the Tongue: Politics and Judicial Verdicts in Defamation Litigation in<br />

Taiwan”, paper presented at China Impact Seminar, Tübingen, Germany: European Research<br />

Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), University of Tuebingen and Institute of Sociology,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-21 ~ 2012-06-24.<br />

吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 台 灣 分 立 政 府 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研<br />

究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-<br />

06 ~ 2012-08-07。<br />


戴 士 展 、 劉 自 平 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 政 黨 認 同 與 投 票 穩 定 :2000 年 至 2012 年 總 統 選 舉 的 實 證<br />

分 析 〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 選 舉 與 民 主 化 調 查 2012 年 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 「 成 熟 中 的 台 灣 民 主 :<br />

TEDS2012 調 查 資 料 的 分 析 」, 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 霖 澤 館 : 台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 ,2012-11-03 ~<br />

2012-11-04。<br />

吳 重 禮 、 李 崑 斌 ,2012,〈 選 民 的 政 治 矛 盾 態 度 與 分 裂 投 票 :2012 年 總 統 暨 立 法 委 員 選 舉 的 實<br />

證 分 析 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 十 一 屆 公 共 事 務 研 討 會 暨 第 八 屆 公 共 事 務 與 公 共 行 政 青 年 論 壇 」 學<br />

術 研 討 會 , 佛 光 大 學 雲 起 樓 301 國 際 會 議 廳 : 佛 光 大 學 公 共 事 務 學 系 ,2012-11-08 ~ 2012-<br />

11-09。<br />

李 奕 廷 、 劉 自 平 、 陳 宣 運 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈 分 立 政 府 與 社 會 福 利 :2001 至 2012 年 台 灣 經 驗<br />

的 分 析 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 中 國 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 劇 變 中 的 危 機 與 轉 機 : 全 球 治 理 的 發 展<br />

與 困 境 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 東 吳 大 學 第 二 教 研 大 樓 : 中 國 政 治 學 會 、 東 吳 大 學 政 治 學 系 ,<br />

2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

陳 宣 運 、 劉 自 平 、 吳 重 禮 ,2012,〈The Problems with ‘Cognitive Madisonianism’ in Taiwanese<br />

Electoral Studies: Adapting an Alternative Measurement of Fiorina’s Policy-Balancing<br />

Hypothesis〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 台 灣 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 重 新 定 位 的 年 代 : 伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發<br />

展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 灣 師 範 大 學 校 本 部 誠 大 樓 101 國 際 會 議 廳 : 台 灣 政 治 學<br />

會 、 台 灣 師 範 大 學 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-08 ~ 2012-12-09。<br />

冷 則 剛 (LENG, TSE-KANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Wang, Jenn-hwan and Tse-Kang Leng, 2012, “Production of Space and Space of Production: High<br />

Tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai”, Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture<br />

Review, 1(1), 47-73.<br />

冷 則 剛 、 陳 蓉 怡 ,2012,〈 知 識 經 濟 與 區 域 發 展 : 以 上 海 楊 浦 為 例 〉,《 中 國 學 》, 第 二 輯 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Leng, Tse-Kang, 2012, “Local Governance and Cultural Industry in China: The Case of Nanjing”,<br />

paper presented at The Seventh Annual Meeting of Asian Network for the Study of Local China<br />

(ANSLoC), Tianjin, China: Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, 2012-05-10 ~<br />

2012-05-13.<br />

冷 則 剛 、 陳 玉 文 ,2012,〈 中 國 大 陸 對 外 關 係 與 全 球 化 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學<br />

術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-<br />

07。<br />

冷 則 剛 ,2012,〈 兩 岸 合 作 發 展 的 動 力 : 從 經 貿 科 技 到 文 化 產 業 〉, 發 表 於 第 三 屆 兩 岸 關 係 和<br />

平 發 展 的 機 遇 和 挑 戰 , 上 海 : 上 海 東 亞 研 究 所 ,2012-08-13。<br />


冷 則 剛 ,2012,〈 地 方 動 力 與 產 業 發 展 : 比 較 的 觀 點 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國 大 陸 公 共 治 理 中 的 國 家<br />

與 社 會 關 係 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-12 ~ 2012-10-<br />

13。<br />

Leng, Tse-Kang, 2012, “Political Realism and the Rise of China: The Taiwanese Perspective”, paper<br />

presented at International Workshop on The Rise of China and its Implications to East Asia,<br />

Japan: Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Waseda University, 2012-12-15.<br />

邱 訪 義 (CHIOU, FANG-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

邱 訪 義 、 李 誌 偉 ,2012,〈 立 法 院 積 極 議 程 設 定 之 理 論 與 經 驗 分 析 : 第 二 至 第 六 屆 〉,《 台 灣<br />

政 治 學 刊 》, 第 16 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 3-60。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chiou, Fang-Yi, 2012, “Measuring Party Pressure and Testing its Effects in the Taiwanese<br />

Legislature: 1993-2007”, paper presented at The 2012 Annual Conference of Midwest Political<br />

Science Association, Chicago, IL, USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2012-04-12 ~<br />

2012-04-15.<br />

徐 斯 儉 (HSU, SZU-CHIEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

徐 斯 儉 ,2012,〈 威 權 體 制 下 的 政 治 參 與 〉, 發 表 於 「 轉 型 中 國 的 社 會 抗 爭 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 廣<br />

州 : 中 山 大 學 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 中 山 大 學 政 治 與 公 共 事 務 管 理 學 院 ,2012-05-12 ~ 2012-05-<br />

13。<br />

徐 斯 儉 ,2012,〈 辯 證 中 的 變 與 不 變 : 中 共 黨 國 體 制 的 台 灣 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與<br />

前 瞻 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、<br />

國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-07。<br />

徐 斯 儉 ,2012,〈Did A Social Movement Change the Authoritarian State Anti-Waste-Incinerator<br />

Contention and Policy Change on Urban Waste Management in Guangzhou〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國<br />

大 陸 公 共 治 理 中 的 國 家 與 社 會 關 係 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-10-12 ~ 2012-10-13。<br />

徐 斯 儉 、 吳 建 忠 ,2012,〈 威 權 政 體 治 理 改 革 中 的 國 家 社 會 關 係 : 以 浙 江 溫 嶺 參 與 式 預 算 改 革<br />

為 例 〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國 大 陸 公 共 治 理 中 的 國 家 與 社 會 關 係 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-12 ~ 2012-10-13。<br />


徐 斯 儉 、 王 敬 智 ,2012,〈「 異 卵 雙 生 」: 兩 岸 威 權 政 治 比 較 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 中 國 政 治 學<br />

會 年 會 暨 「 劇 變 中 的 危 機 與 轉 機 : 全 球 治 理 的 發 展 與 困 境 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 國 政<br />

治 學 會 、 東 吳 大 學 政 治 學 系 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

Hsu, Szu-chien and Hsiao-chuan Liao, 2012, “Power Parity and Peace among Big Powers in Northeast<br />

Asia: A Quantitative Study 1918-2011”, paper presented at 2012 Conference of International<br />

Peace Research Association, Tsu City, Japan: International Peace Research Association, 2012-<br />

11-24 ~ 2012-11-28.<br />

徐 斯 儉 、 徐 銘 謙 , 2012, “ 兩 岸 公 民 民 社 會 伙 伴 關 係 之 機 會 與 限 制 : 以 環 境 人 權 團 體 交 流 為 例 ”,<br />

paper presented at The International Conference on “Mapping International Engagement In<br />

China’s Social Rights: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry”, Macau: Institute of International Relations,<br />

National ChengChi University and Department of Government and Public Administration,<br />

University of Macau, 2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-02.<br />

徐 斯 儉 、 周 睦 怡 ,2012,〈Replacing Contestation with Inclusiveness: The Political Logic of<br />

Authoritarian Survival in China〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 台 灣 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 重 新 定 位 的 年 代 :<br />

伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發 展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 台 灣 政 治 學 會 、 台 灣 師 範 大 學<br />

政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-08 ~ 2012-12-09。<br />

徐 斯 儉 、 吳 建 忠 ,2012,〈 民 主 治 理 下 的 國 家 社 會 關 係 : 以 浙 江 溫 嶺 參 與 式 預 算 改 革 為 例 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「 協 商 民 主 及 其 在 中 國 的 實 踐 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 北 京 : 世 界 與 中 國 研 究 所 、 共 識 網 、<br />

溫 嶺 市 民 主 懇 談 辦 公 室 ,2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-15。<br />

吳 親 恩 (WU, CHIN-EN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 親 恩 ,2012,〈 立 法 委 員 選 舉 的 賄 選 誘 因 與 效 果 : 從 SNTV 到 FPTP〉,《 臺 灣 民 主 季<br />

刊 》, 第 9 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 41-80。(TSSCI)<br />

鄧 志 松 、 吳 親 恩 、 柯 一 榮 ,2012,〈 廢 票 會 傳 染 台 灣 選 舉 無 效 票 之 空 間 分 析 :1992-<br />

2008〉,《 選 舉 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 71-100。(TSSCI)<br />

Wu, Chin-en, 2012, “When Is Democracy Better for Economic Performance and When Is It Not: The<br />

Interaction Between Polity and Structural Factors”, Studies in Comparative International<br />

Development, 47(4), 365-388. (SSCI) (IF: 1.03; SSCI ranking: 36.8%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wu, Chin-en and Yun-han Chu, 2012, “Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in Taiwan”, paper<br />

presented at The Training Program on “Civil Society and Grassroots Politics in New<br />

Democracies, Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes”, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea:<br />

Harvard-Yenching Institute and Korea University, 2012-01-07 ~ 2012-01-13.<br />


Wu, Chin-en and Feng-yu Lee, 2012, “A Comparative Analysis of the Wealth Divide and the Issue of<br />

Political Inclusion”, paper presented at A Conference on “How the Public Views Democracy and<br />

its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”, Stanford, CA, USA: Taiwan<br />

Democracy Program and Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law, Stanford<br />

University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />

Wu, Chin-en, 2012, “Social Inequality and Regime Legitimacy in East Asia”, paper presented at XXII<br />

World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain: International Political Science Association,<br />

2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

吳 親 恩 ,2012,〈 政 治 經 濟 學 : 體 制 轉 變 與 研 究 議 題 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學 術<br />

研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-<br />

07。<br />

吳 親 恩 ,2012,〈 選 舉 與 投 票 : 台 灣 358 鄉 鎮 投 票 率 的 空 間 分 析 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 台 灣 政 治<br />

學 會 年 會 暨 「 重 新 定 位 的 年 代 : 伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發 展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 灣 師<br />

範 大 學 校 本 部 誠 大 樓 101 國 際 會 議 廳 : 台 灣 政 治 學 會 、 台 灣 師 範 大 學 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,<br />

2012-12-08 ~ 2012-12-09。<br />

張 傳 賢 (CHANG, CHUAN-HSIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 傳 賢 、 湯 晏 甄 ,2012,〈2012 年 台 湾 総 統 選 分 析 〉,《 問 題 と 研 究 》, 第 41 卷 第 2 期 , 頁<br />

1-26。<br />

張 傳 賢 ,2012,〈 政 黨 認 同 、 負 面 資 訊 的 競 爭 與 選 民 投 票 抉 擇 :2010 年 五 都 選 舉 的 實 證 研<br />

究 〉,《 選 舉 研 究 》, 第 19 卷 第 2 期 , 頁 37-70。(TSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chang, Alex C., 2012, “Vertical Accountability in the Semi-presidential Regimes: A Micro-level<br />

Prospective”, paper presented at The 70th Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science<br />

Association, Chicago, IL, USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2012-04-12 ~ 2012-04-<br />

15.<br />

張 傳 賢 ,2012,〈 背 叛 的 政 治 : 單 記 非 讓 渡 投 票 下 立 法 委 員 得 票 率 與 脫 黨 參 選 的 初 探 〉, 發 表<br />

於 2012 年 「 全 球 危 機 下 的 行 政 立 法 互 動 」 國 會 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 東 吳 大 學 政 治 系 、 東 吳 大<br />

學 國 會 研 究 中 心 ,2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26。<br />

Chang, Alex C. and Bridget Welsh, 2012, “A Comparative Analysis of the Gender Divide and the<br />

Issue of Political Inclusion”, paper presented at A Conference on “How the Public Views<br />

Democracy and its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”, Stanford,<br />

CA, USA: Taiwan Democracy Program and Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of<br />

Law, Stanford University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />


Chu, Yun-han, Bridget Welsh and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “Sources of Regime Support: Institution and<br />

Policy Performance”, paper presented at A Conference on “How the Public Views Democracy<br />

and its Competitors in East Asia: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective”, Stanford, CA, USA:<br />

Taiwan Democracy Program and Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law, Stanford<br />

University, 2012-05-25 ~ 2012-05-26.<br />

Chang, Alex C., Yun-han Chu, and Bridget Welsh, 2012, “Sources of Regime Legitimacy in East<br />

Asia”, paper presented at The 2012 International Conference on New Perspectives in East Asian<br />

Studies, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC: Institute for the Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social<br />

Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-02.<br />

Chang, Alex C., 2012, “Vertical Accountability in the Semi-Presidential Regimes: a Micro-Level<br />

Prospective”, paper presented at XXII World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain:<br />

International Political Science Association, 2012-07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

Chu, Yun-han, Eric Chang, and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “Globalization, Economic Inequality and<br />

Demand for Social Democracy: Evidences from Asia Barometer”, paper presented at XXII World<br />

Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain: International Political Science Association, 2012-<br />

07-08 ~ 2012-07-12.<br />

Welsh, Bridget and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “Case Studies of the Youth: Cambodia and Malaysia”,<br />

paper presented at A Symposium on Democratic Citizenship and Voices of Asia’s Youth, Taipei:<br />

Institute of Political Science, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica (IPSAS), 2012-09-20 ~ 2012-09-21.<br />

Chang, Alex C., 2012, “Youth Participation in East Asia”, paper presented at A Symposium on<br />

Democratic Citizenship and Voices of Asia’s Youth, Taipei: Institute of Political Science,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica (IPSAS), 2012-09-20 ~ 2012-09-21.<br />

Welsh, Bridget and Alex C. Chang, 2012, “The ‘Authoritarian’ Pull of Authoritarian State Capitalism:<br />

Public Perceptions of the ‘China Model’ and Asian Contenders”, paper presented at An Asian<br />

Barometer Survey Conference on How East Asians View the Rise of China, Taipei: Program for<br />

East Asia Democratic Studies, Institute for the Advanced Studies of Humanities and Social<br />

Sciences, National Taiwan University, 2012-10-22 ~ 2012-10-23.<br />

張 傳 賢 ,2012,〈 兩 岸 經 貿 往 來 下 民 眾 於 2012 年 總 統 選 舉 中 所 得 重 分 配 立 場 的 初 探 〉, 發 表<br />

於 台 灣 選 舉 與 民 主 化 調 查 2012 年 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 「 成 熟 中 的 台 灣 民 主 :TEDS2012 調 查 資<br />

料 的 分 析 」, 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 霖 澤 館 : 台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 ,2012-11-03 ~ 2012-11-04。<br />

張 傳 賢 、 蒙 志 成 ,2012,〈 解 析 台 灣 民 眾 重 要 政 治 態 度 的 趨 勢 變 遷 : 擬 似 定 群 分 析 的 方 法 與 應<br />

用 〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 選 舉 與 民 主 化 調 查 2012 年 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 「 成 熟 中 的 台 灣 民 主 :<br />

TEDS2012 調 查 資 料 的 分 析 」, 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 霖 澤 館 : 台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 ,2012-11-03 ~<br />

2012-11-04。<br />



期 刊 論 文<br />

Batto, Nathan F., 2012, “Differing Mandates and Party Loyalty in Mixed-Member Systems: Taiwan as<br />

a Baseline Case”, Electoral Studies, 31(2), 384-392. (SSCI) (IF: 1.47; SSCI ranking: 19.1%)<br />

Batto, Nathan F. and Henry A. Kim, 2012, “Coordinative Advantages of State Resources under<br />

SNTV: The Case of Taiwan”, Japanese Journal of Political Science, 13(3), 355-377. (SSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Batto, Nathan F., 2012, “Are Taiwanese Legislative Elections Becoming More Party-Centric”, paper<br />

presented at 2012 Asian Election Studies International Conference, Keio University, Tokyo:<br />

Center of Governance for Civil Society, Keio University, 2012-02-05 ~ 2012-02-06.<br />

Batto, Nathan F., 2012, “Partisan and Personal Voting in SNTV: A Mixed Logit Model”, paper<br />

presented at The 2012 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago,<br />

USA: Midwest Political Science Association, 2012-04-12 ~ 2012-04-15.<br />

Batto, Nathan F., Henry A. Kim, and Natalia Matukhno, 2012, “Contagion Effect in Reverse<br />

Interaction between the Nominal and List Tiers under Mixed Member Systems in Bolivia and<br />

Russia”, paper presented at “Elections in Taiwan and Japan under the Mixed-Member<br />

Majoritarian System” Workshop, Taipei: Election Study Center, National Chengchi University,<br />

2012-04-20.<br />

Batto, Nathan F. and Hsin-ta Huang, 2012, “Executive Competitition, Electoral Rules, and Faction<br />

Systems in Taiwan”, paper presented at “Elections in Taiwan and Japan under the Mixed-<br />

Member Majoritarian System” Workshop, Taipei: Election Study Center, National Chengchi<br />

University, 2012-04-20.<br />

Batto, Nathan F. and Gary W. Cox, 2012, “Introduction: Legislative-centric and Executive-centric<br />

Theories of Party Systems and Factional Systems”, paper presented at “Elections in Taiwan and<br />

Japan under the Mixed-Member Majoritarian System” Workshop, Taipei: Election Study Center,<br />

National Chengchi University, 2012-04-20.<br />

Batto, Nathan F., 2012, “The Presidential and Legislative Election Dynamics: 2012 vs. 2008”, paper<br />

presented at China, Cross-Strait Relations and Regional Security: Developments in Taiwan and<br />

Changing External Contexts International Conference, Hong Kong: Department of Government<br />

and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2012-05-24 ~ 2012-05-25.<br />

鮑 彤 ,2012,〈When the Party Label Isn’t Enough: Personal Appeals in SNTV Elections〉, 發 表<br />

於 2012 年 台 灣 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 重 新 定 位 的 年 代 : 伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發 展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 」<br />

學 術 研 討 會 , 台 灣 師 範 大 學 校 本 部 誠 大 樓 101 國 際 會 議 廳 : 台 灣 政 治 學 會 、 台 灣 師 範 大 學<br />

政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-08 ~ 2012-12-09。<br />


鄭 有 善 (CHUNG, YOUSUN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chung, Yousun, 2012, “Strengthening Sub-district Governance in China: A Platform for Urban<br />

Engagement”, paper presented at The Seventh Annual Meeting of Asian Network for the Study of<br />

Local China (ANSLoC), Tianjin, China: Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University,<br />

2012-05-10 ~ 2012-05-13.<br />

徐 斯 勤 、 鄭 有 善 ,2012,〈 當 代 中 國 大 陸 研 究 之 政 治 經 濟 學 領 域 : 台 灣 與 南 韓 之 相 關 文 獻 回<br />

顧 ,2001-2012〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政<br />

治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-07。<br />

鄭 有 善 ,2012,〈Achievements and Limits of Homeowner Activism in Beijing: Recent State-<br />

Society Dynamics regarding Homeowner Interest Representation〉, 發 表 於 「 中 國 大 陸 公 共 治<br />

理 中 的 國 家 與 社 會 關 係 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-12 ~<br />

2012-10-13。<br />

Chung, Yousun, 2012, “Advancement in the Representation of Homeowners’ Collective Interests<br />

The Emergence of Homeowners' Assembly (yezhu dahui) as a Legal Entity”, paper presented at<br />

Conference on Governance, Deliberation and Citizen Participation in China, Canberra,<br />

Australia: Centre for Deliberative Democracy & Global Governance, Australian National<br />

University, 2012-11-08 ~ 2012-11-09.<br />

陳 玉 文 (CHEN, YU-WEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “Reflection: ‘Xinjiang 13’ Revisited”, Asian Ethnicity, 13(1), 111-113.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “Internet and Interest Articulation in China: A Theoretical Re-examination”,<br />

First Monday, 17(1), http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/viewArticle/<br />

3310/3135.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “A Comparative Qualitative Analysis of the International Activism of<br />

Ethnopolitical Groups in Europe”, Ethnopolitics, 11(1), 43-65.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “A Network Approach to the Study of the World Uyghur Congress’ Global<br />

Outreach: A Methodological Note”, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 17(1), 77-88.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “The German Debate over the Intake of Uyghur Guantanamo Inmates: A<br />

Research Note”, Asian Ethnicity, 13(2), 153-160.<br />

Yap, Ko-Hua, Yu-Wen Chen, and Ching-Chi Huang, 2012, “The Diaoyutai Islands on Taiwan’s<br />

Official Maps: Pre- and Post-1971”, Asian Affairs: An American Review, 39(2), 90-105.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lay, Jinn-Guey and Yu-Wen Chen, 2012, “The Diffusion of Geographic Information in Taiwan’s<br />

Senior High Schools”, paper presented at The 10th Annual Hawaii International Conference on<br />

Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Hawaii International Conferences, 2012-01-05 ~ 2012-01-<br />

08.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen and Joey Ying Lee, 2012, “What Makes Certain Actors to be in the Center of the<br />

Uyghur Diasporic Networks A Regression Analysis”, paper presented at International Studies<br />

Association Annual Convention, San Diego, USA: International Studies Association, 2012-04-01<br />

~ 2012-04-04.<br />

Chen, Yu-Wen, 2012, “The World As Seen Through Tianditu: An Exploratory Study of China’s<br />

Online Mapping Service”, paper presented at The 10th Annual Chinese Internet Research<br />

Conference, Los Angeles, USA: University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for<br />

Communication & Journalism, 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-05-23.<br />

冷 則 剛 、 陳 玉 文 ,2012,〈 中 國 大 陸 對 外 關 係 與 全 球 化 〉, 發 表 於 「 政 治 學 的 回 顧 與 前 瞻 」 學<br />

術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 政 治 學 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 政 治 學 門 ,2012-08-06 ~ 2012-08-<br />

07。<br />

蔡 文 軒 (TSAI, WEN-HSUAN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

蔡 文 軒 ,2012,〈The Party’s Disciples: CCP Reserve Cadres and the Perpetuation of a Resilient<br />

Authoritarian Regime〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 中 國 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 劇 變 中 的 危 機 與 轉 機 : 全 球<br />

治 理 的 發 展 與 困 境 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 東 吳 大 學 第 二 教 研 大 樓 : 中 國 政 治 學 會 、 東 吳 大 學 政 治<br />

學 系 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

寇 健 文 、 蔡 文 軒 ,2012,〈‘Sprinting with Small Steps’ towards Promotion: Solutions for the Age<br />

Dilemma in the CCP Cadre Appointment System〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 台 灣 政 治 學 會 年 會 暨 「 重<br />

新 定 位 的 年 代 : 伸 張 正 義 、 能 源 發 展 、 與 國 際 趨 勢 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 灣 師 範 大 學 校 本 部 誠<br />

大 樓 101 國 際 會 議 廳 : 台 灣 政 治 學 會 、 台 灣 師 範 大 學 政 治 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-08 ~ 2012-<br />

12-09。<br />


劉 孔 中 (LIU, KUNG-CHUNG)<br />

法 律 學 研 究 所<br />

主 編 之 論 文 集<br />

Kung-Chung Liu, Reto Hilty, 2012, The Enforcement of Patents.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Kung-Chung Liu, 2012, More Economic Approach to IPR and Competition Law - A Cross-<br />

Jurisdiction Study on Patent Pools, editor(s): Kung-Chung Liu, Reto Hilty, The Enforcement of<br />

Patents, Max Plank Series.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 孔 中 ,submitted,〈 從 海 峽 兩 岸 經 濟 合 作 架 構 協 定 、 知 識 財 產 保 護 合 作 協 議 談 兩 岸 未 來 著 作<br />

權 法 之 發 展 〉。<br />

劉 孔 中 、 王 紅 霞 ,2013,〈 論 通 訊 傳 播 法 及 其 在 兩 岸 之 發 展 與 挑 戰 〉,《 月 旦 民 商 法 》。<br />

Kung-Chung Liu, 2012, “The Need of and Justification for a General Competition-oriented<br />

Compulsory Licensing”, International Review of Industrial Property and Competition Law, 43,<br />

No. 6, 679-699. (SSCI)<br />

Kung-Chung Liu, 2012, “A More Economic and Cross-Jurisdiction Study on Patent Pools”, NTU Law<br />

Review, 7, No. 1, 49-90. (TSSCI)<br />

劉 孔 中 ,2012,〈 專 利 庫 — 經 濟 取 向 分 析 下 之 法 制 比 較 與 調 和 〉,《 智 慧 財 產 評 論 》, 第 10<br />

卷 第 1 期 , 頁 1-36。<br />

劉 孔 中 ,2012,〈 論 智 慧 財 產 權 之 一 般 理 論 : 有 效 促 進 公 私 資 源 交 換 與 相 互 增 益 〉,《 洪 範 評<br />

論 》, 第 14 輯 , 頁 6-29。<br />

劉 孔 中 、 謝 銘 洋 、 馮 震 宇 ,2012,〈 著 作 權 判 決 實 證 研 究 - 從 智 財 法 院 成 立 後 三 年 相 關 判 決 出<br />

發 〉,《 月 旦 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 203 期 , 頁 47-62。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 孔 中 ,2012,〈 媒 體 多 元 之 維 護 與 電 信 成 本 之 負 擔 〉, 發 表 於 通 訊 傳 播 法 司 法 實 務 之 整 理 與<br />

檢 討 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-01。<br />

劉 孔 中 ,2012,〈ㄧ 般 智 財 權 理 論 下 著 作 權 法 修 法 原 則 之 比 較 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 我 國 著 作 權 法 問<br />

題 之 總 檢 討 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-28~29。<br />

劉 孔 中 ,2012,〈Compulsory Licenses in Practice and Theory Practice in Taiwan〉, 發 表 於 第 五<br />

屆 歐 盟 與 東 亞 智 慧 財 產 權 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-<br />

03~05。<br />


李 建 良 (LEE, CHIEN-LIANG)<br />

專 書<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,《 行 政 基 本 六 法 ─ 法 規 判 解 輯 要 》, 台 北 市 : 新 學 林 。<br />

論 文 集 之 一 章<br />

Chien-Liang Lee, 2012, Demokratisierung, Gewaltenteilung und Staatlichkeit− eine<br />

verfassungsrechtliche Betrachtung der politischen Entwicklung in Taiwan, editor(s): Michael<br />

Sachs, Helmut Siekmann, Festschrift für Klaus Stern zum 80. Geburtstag, pp. S.1097-1124,<br />

Germany: Duncker & Humblot.<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 譯 〉 民 營 化 時 代 的 行 政 法 新 趨 勢 , 李 建 良 編 ,《2011 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 ─<br />

民 營 化 時 代 的 行 政 法 新 趨 勢 》, 頁 83-114, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 民 營 化 時 代 的 行 政 法 新 思 維 〉, 李 建 良 編 ,《2011 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 ─ 民<br />

營 化 時 代 的 行 政 法 新 趨 勢 》, 頁 1-27, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 戰 後 台 灣 行 政 法 學 說 史 導 論 ─ 以 行 政 法 總 論 為 觀 察 中 心 〉, 台 灣 法 學 會 台 灣<br />

法 學 史 編 輯 委 員 會 編 ,《 戰 後 台 灣 法 學 史 , 上 冊 》, 頁 159-189, 台 北 : 元 照 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 除 了 「 拆 除 美 麗 灣 違 建 捍 衛 法 治 國 尊 嚴 」 還 是 「 拆 除 美 麗 灣 違 建 捍 衛 法 治<br />

國 尊 嚴 」〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 214 期 , 頁 1-9。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012, 環 境 法 實 務 專 題 講 座 〈 六 〉: 環 境 公 民 訴 訟 的 訴 訟 類 型 與 程 序 要 件 ─ 美 麗 灣 渡<br />

假 村 環 評 公 民 訴 訟 裁 判 綜 合 評 析 ,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 211 期 , 頁 25-43。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 依 「 憲 法 」 審 判 的 行 政 法 院 ─ 最 高 行 101 年 度 ECFA 公 投 判 決 的 民 主 底<br />

蘊 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 209 期 , 頁 1-17。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 刑 事 罰 與 行 政 罰 之 關 係 及 其 競 合 問 題 ─2011 年 行 政 罰 法 修 正 簡 析 〉,《 臺 灣<br />

法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 202 期 , 頁 1-21。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 析 論 運 動 彩 卷 發 行 之 法 律 關 係 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 203 期 , 頁 3-16。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 行 政 訴 訟 審 級 與 交 通 裁 決 事 件 審 判 權 之 改 革 ―2011 年 行 政 訴 訟 新 制 評 介 〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 192 期 , 頁 1-22。<br />

李 建 良 、 蔡 宗 珍 ,2012,〈( 譯 ) 從 憲 法 觀 點 看 自 由 與 安 全 間 之 緊 張 關 係 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜<br />

誌 》, 第 200 期 , 頁 63-72。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈( 譯 ) 德 國 的 憲 法 國 家 性 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 200 期 , 頁 73-81。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈( 譯 ) 德 國 行 政 法 上 行 政 契 約 發 展 面 面 觀 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 203 期 ,<br />

頁 86-95。<br />


李 建 良 ,2012,〈( 譯 ) 民 營 化 時 代 的 行 政 法 新 趨 勢 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 203 期 , 頁 51-<br />

71。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 譯 法 文 化 的 成 就 (Christian Starck 教 授 著 )〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 191<br />

期 , 頁 26-39。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 行 政 法 上 「 負 擔 契 約 與 」 與 「 處 分 契 約 」 之 研 究 - 兼 評 最 高 行 政 法 院 98 年<br />

度 判 字 第 1466 號 判 決 〉, 發 表 於 2012 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院<br />

法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-11-24。<br />

Chien-Liang Lee, 2012, Rule of Law in Taiwan: Transplantation and Codification, 發 表 於 2012 國<br />

際 比 較 法 學 會 年 會 暨 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 國 立 台 灣 大 學 法 律 學 院 ,2012-05-25。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 行 政 處 分 撤 銷 與 廢 止 除 斥 期 間 之 研 究 〉, 發 表 於 行 政 訴 訟 研 究 會 第 19 次 研<br />

討 會 , 台 北 : 最 高 行 政 法 院 ,2012-04-13。<br />

李 建 良 ,2012,〈 行 政 訴 訟 審 級 與 交 通 裁 決 事 件 審 判 權 之 改 制 ─2011 年 行 政 訴 訟 新 制 評 析 〉,<br />

發 表 於 個 人 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-01-10。<br />

簡 資 修 (CHIEN, TZE-SHIOU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

簡 資 修 ,2012,〈 保 護 他 人 之 法 律 , 所 為 何 來 〉,《 裁 判 時 報 》, 第 18 期 , 頁 25-31。<br />

簡 資 修 ,2012,〈 寇 斯 的 法 律 經 濟 學 〉,《 台 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》,191 期 , 頁 80-85。<br />

簡 資 修 ,2012,〈 科 斯 經 濟 學 的 法 學 意 義 〉,《 中 外 法 學 》, 第 24 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 190-203。<br />

(CSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

簡 資 修 ,2012,〈 過 失 作 為 心 理 狀 態 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 法 與 經 濟 分 析 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-06-15 ~ 2012-06-16。<br />

簡 資 修 ,2012,Economic Analysis of Law: A Coasean Approach, 共 11 頁 , 發 表 於 第 八 屆 東 亞<br />

法 哲 學 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 政 治 大 學 , 2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-18。<br />


劉 淑 範 (LIOU, SHWU-FANN)<br />

論 文 集 之 一 章<br />

Shwu-Fann Liou (2012), Rahmengestaltung und Steuerungswirkung des Gesetzes:Auf der Suche<br />

nach dem Modell einer gesetzlichen Rahmenordnung fuer das Privatisierungsrecht der<br />

Gegenwart, in : Werner Heun/Christian Starck (Hrsg.), Das Gesetz, Fuenftes Deutsch-<br />

Taiwanesisches Kolloquium am 1. und 2. April 2011 an der Georg-August-Universitaet<br />

Goettingen, Baden-Baden:Nomos 2012, S. 2011-240.<br />

Shwu-Fann Liou (2012), Eine kleine Hommage an meinen akademischen Lehrer:Prof. Dr. Franz-<br />

Ludwig Knemeyer zum 75. Geburtstag, in : Eric Hilgendorf / Frank Eckert(Hrsg.), Subsidiaritaet<br />

- Sicherheit - Solidaritaet, Festgabe Fuer Franz-Ludwig Knemeyer zum 75. Geburstag,<br />

Wuerzburg: Ergon-Verlag 2012, S. 817-818.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 淑 範 ,accepted,〈 民 營 化 時 代 之 公 權 力 委 託 〉,《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》。<br />

劉 淑 範 ,accepted,〈 論 公 務 人 員 職 務 調 動 之 概 念 及 法 律 性 質 : 反 思 特 別 權 利 關 係 理 論 之 最 後<br />

一 釐 〉,《 臺 大 法 學 論 叢 》。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 淑 範 ,2012,〈 法 律 之 框 架 秩 序 與 契 約 之 自 我 調 控 - 擔 保 國 家 多 層 面 規 範 結 構 之 探 析 〉, 發<br />

表 於 2012 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-11-24。<br />

廖 福 特 (LIAO, FORT FU-TE)<br />

專 書<br />

廖 福 特 ,2012, 國 際 人 權 法 之 國 內 衝 擊 , 台 北 : 新 學 林 。<br />

論 文 集 之 一 章<br />

Fort Fu-Te Liao , accepted ,〈Why de facto Moratorium Established and Lost in Taiwan --<br />

Examination of views of governmental branches〉,Phil. Lill Scherdin 編 ,《Death Penalty in<br />

Asia》,University of Oslo。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Fort Fu-Te Liao, accepted, “Partly Virtual, Partly Real — Taiwan’s unique interaction with<br />

international human rights instruments”, Asian Yearbook of International Law.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

廖 福 特 ,2012,〈 工 作 權 之 概 念 、 性 質 、 限 制 及 釋 憲 基 準 〉, 司 法 院 大 法 官 101 年 度 學 術 研 討<br />

會 , 政 治 大 學 公 共 行 政 及 企 業 管 理 教 育 中 心 國 際 會 議 廳 ,2012-12-08。<br />


黃 國 昌 (HUANG, KUO-CHANG)<br />

論 文 集<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,《 民 事 程 序 法 學 的 理 論 與 實 踐 》, 共 443 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 元 照 。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,《 程 序 法 學 的 實 證 研 究 》, 共 453 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 元 照 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 關 於 「 違 反 誠 實 信 用 原 則 」 抗 辯 之 審 理 ── 簡 評 最 高 法 院 97 年 度 台 上 字 第<br />

2263 號 判 決 ──〉, 民 事 訴 訟 法 研 究 基 金 會 編 ,《 民 事 訴 訟 法 之 研 討 ( 十 八 )》, 頁 347-<br />

428, 台 北 : 元 照 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Theodore Eisenberg, Kuo-Chang Huang, 2012, “The Effect of Rules Shifting Supreme Court<br />

Jurisdiction from Mandatory to Discretionary—An Empirical Lesson from Taiwan”, International<br />

Review of Law & Economics, 32(1), 3-18. (SSCI)<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 紛 爭 解 決 機 制 之 舊 挑 戰 與 新 視 野 ── 以 英 國 Private Ombudsman 對 台 灣 金 融 消<br />

費 者 保 護 法 草 案 之 影 響 為 例 〉,《 北 大 法 律 評 論 》, 第 13 卷 第 1 輯 , 頁 93-126。(CSSCI)<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 以 何 為 中 心 的 「 集 中 審 理 」- 以 土 庫 鎮 公 所 請 求 永 年 中 學 返 還 土 地 案 為 例<br />

-〉,《 台 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 193 期 , 頁 37-52。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 公 示 送 達 與 再 審 - 以 最 高 法 院 99 年 度 台 上 字 第 432 號 判 決 為 楔 〉,《 台 灣 法<br />

學 雜 誌 》, 第 209 期 , 頁 62-72。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 引 燃 司 法 改 革 再 出 發 的 意 外 火 苗 ─ 導 讀 「 最 高 法 院 改 革 圓 桌 論 壇 系 列 之<br />

一 〉,《 台 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 197 期 , 頁 48-51。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 三 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 上 )〉,<br />

《 台 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 191 期 , 頁 66-79。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 新 民 事 訴 訟 法 連 載 : 第 六 講 ── 再 審 ( 上 )〉,《 月 旦 法 學 教 室 》, 第 113<br />

期 , 頁 42-54。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 新 民 事 訴 訟 法 連 載 : 第 六 講 ── 再 審 ( 下 )〉,《 月 旦 法 學 教 室 》, 第 120<br />

期 , 頁 66-77。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 新 民 事 訴 訟 法 連 載 : 第 六 講 ── 再 審 ( 中 )〉,《 月 旦 法 學 教 室 》, 第 116<br />

期 , 頁 42-53。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 管 轄 合 意 對 債 權 受 讓 人 之 效 力 〉,《 月 旦 法 學 教 室 》, 第 114 期 , 頁 21-<br />

23。<br />


黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 關 於 「 違 反 誠 實 信 用 原 則 」 抗 辯 之 審 理 ── 簡 評 最 高 法 院 97 年 度 台 上 字 第<br />

2263 號 判 決 ──〉,《 法 學 叢 刊 》, 第 225 期 , 頁 141-189。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 , 2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 五 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 下 )〉,《 臺 灣 法<br />

學 》, 第 207 期 , 頁 102-113。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 四 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 中 )〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 法 學 》, 第 199 期 , 頁 73-84。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 鈴 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 -2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 2】〉, 共 26 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台<br />

灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館<br />

三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研<br />

究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 玲 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 -2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 1】: 台 灣 人 民 法 律 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 模<br />

式 的 實 證 研 究 之 資 料 分 析 〉, 共 48 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實<br />

證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究<br />

資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />

陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 林 常 青 , 2012,〈 台 灣 人 民 對 法 院 的 信 任 支 持 及 觀 感 — 以 對 法 官 判 決 之 公 正<br />

性 及 對 法 院 表 現 的 滿 意 度 為 中 心 〉, 共 36 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法<br />

意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研<br />

究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實<br />

證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />

黃 國 昌 、 林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈2011 年 台 灣 人 民 法 律 紛 爭 面 訪 : 設 計 及 基 本 統 計 〉, 共<br />

22 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央<br />

研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為<br />

研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-04。<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 跨 傳 媒 併 購 之 法 律 規 範 困 局 〉, 發 表 於 2012 中 華 傳 播 學 會 年 會 , 台 中 : 中<br />

華 傳 播 學 會 ,2012-07-06。<br />

Huang, Kuo-Chang, 2012, How Do the Taiwan Citizens Think of Lay Participation, paper presented at<br />

Journal of Empirical Legal Studies Conference on Asian Empirical Scholarship, Hawaii:<br />

University of Hawaii, 2012-06-04.<br />


Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang, Ya-Ling Huang, Hung-pin Lai & Chang-Ching Lin, 2012,<br />

Exploring Advice Seeking Behavior: Findings from the 2011 Taiwan Survey of Justiciable<br />

Problems, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Law and Society, Hawaii: The<br />

Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang, Ya-Lin Huang, Houng-Pin Lai & Chang-Ching Lin, 2012,<br />

Explaining Public Attitudes toward the Judicial System: The Case of Taiwan, paper presented at<br />

2012 International Conference on Law and Society, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association,<br />

2012-06-05 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang, Ya-Ling Huang, Hung-pin Lai & Chang-Ching Lin, 2012, The<br />

Legal Problems of Everyday Life: The Nature, Extent, and Consequences of Justiciable Problems<br />

Experienced by Taiwanese, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Law and<br />

Society, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Huang, Kuo-Chang, 2012, Organizing an Association for the Purpose of Initiating Class Action:<br />

Modeling a New Style of Class Action in Taiwan, paper presented at 2012 International<br />

Conference on Law and Society, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-<br />

06-08.<br />

Chen, Kong-Pin, Kuo-Chang Huang & Chang-Ching Lin, 2012, The Research Design and<br />

Methodology of the 2011 Civil Justice Survey in Taiwan, paper presented at 2012 International<br />

Conference on Law and Society, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-<br />

06-08.<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 引 燃 司 法 改 革 再 出 發 的 意 外 火 苗 ─ 導 讀 「 最 高 法 院 改 革 圓 桌 論 壇 系 列 之 一 :<br />

訴 訟 程 序 」 實 錄 ─〉, 發 表 於 最 高 法 院 改 革 圓 桌 論 壇 系 列 之 一 : 訴 訟 程 序 研 討 會 , 台 北 :<br />

台 灣 法 學 會 ,2012-03-11。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈 司 法 改 革 、 才 在 起 點 〉,《 新 新 聞 》, 第 1308 期 , 頁 26-27。<br />

邱 文 聰 (CHIOU, WEN-TSONG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

邱 文 聰 ,2012,〈 如 何 克 服 公 衛 訴 訟 中 因 果 推 論 的 難 題 — 法 律 系 統 面 對 風 險 社 會 的 一 個 挑<br />

戰 〉,《 科 技 、 醫 療 與 社 會 》, 第 14 期 , 頁 227-264。(TSSCI,THCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

邱 文 聰 ,2012,〈 勾 勒 科 學 與 政 治 統 合 的 正 當 法 律 程 序 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 「 科 技 發 展 與 法 律 規<br />

範 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 3 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究<br />

所 ,2012-12-15。<br />


邱 文 聰 ,2012,〈 勾 勒 科 學 與 政 治 統 合 的 正 當 法 律 程 序 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 臺 灣 社 會 學 會 年 會<br />

暨 國 科 會 專 題 研 究 成 果 發 表 會 , 東 海 大 學 社 會 科 學 院 : 東 海 大 學 社 會 學 系 、 臺 灣 社 會 學<br />

會 ,2012-11-24 ~ 2012-11-25。<br />

黃 舒 芃 (HWANG, SHU-PERNG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Shu-Perng Hwang, 2012, “Von der Inhaltsorientierung zur Ermächtigungsorientierung: Zur<br />

Inhaltsbestimmung des Gesetzes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der<br />

Ungewißheitsproblematik”, editor(s): Werner Heun, Christian Starck, Das Gesetz. Fünftes<br />

Deutsch-Taiwanesisches Kolloquium am 1. und 2. April 2011 an der Georg-August-Universität<br />

Göttingen, pp. 107-122, Baden-Baden: Nomos.<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Shu-Perng Hwang, accepted, “Grundrechtsschutz unter der Voraussetzung des europäischen<br />

Grundkonsenses Kritische Bemerkungen zur „margin of appreciation“-Doktrin am Beispiel des<br />

Inzest-Urteils des EGMR vom 12.4.2012”, Europarecht.<br />

Shu-Perng Hwang, 2012, “Demokratische Willensbildung vor grundrechtlicher Rahmenordnung:<br />

Verfassungsrechtliche Überlegungen zur Auseinandersetzung von Gärditz und Zaczyk”, Der<br />

Staat, 51(2), 233-250.<br />

Shu-Perng Hwang, 2012, “Beurteilungsspielraum zugunsten außerrechtlicher Bewertung Kritische<br />

Bemerkungen zur Einräumung behördlicher Beurteilungsspielräume im Umwelt- und im<br />

Telekommunikationsrecht”, VerwArch (Verwaltungsarchiv), 103(2), S. 356-378.<br />

黃 舒 芃 ,2012,〈 學 思 歷 程 分 享 〉,《 人 文 與 社 會 科 學 簡 訊 》, 第 13 卷 第 3 期 , 頁 70-72。<br />

黃 舒 芃 ,2012,〈「 不 確 定 法 律 概 念 」 是 一 種 「 法 律 」 概 念 嗎 從 德 國 行 政 法 的 新 近 發 展 反 思<br />

不 確 定 法 律 概 念 的 制 度 功 能 〉,《 憲 政 時 代 》, 第 37 卷 第 4 期 , 頁 490 以 下 。<br />

黃 舒 芃 ,2012,〈 法 律 明 確 性 原 則 的 制 度 功 能 : 評 司 法 院 釋 字 第 702 號 解 釋 對 法 律 明 確 性 原 則<br />

之 認 定 〉,《 月 旦 裁 判 時 報 》, 第 17 期 , 頁 5-14。<br />

Shu-Perng Hwang, 2012, “Von der Inhaltsorientierung zur Ermächtigungsorientierung: Zur<br />

Inhaltsbestimmung des Gesetzes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der<br />

Ungewißheitsproblematik”, editor(s): Werner Heun, Christian Starck, Das Gesetz. Fünftes<br />

Deutsch-Taiwanesisches Kolloquium am 1. und 2. April 2011 an der Georg-August-Universität<br />

Göttingen, pp. 107-122, Baden-Baden: Nomos.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 舒 芃 ,2012,〈 違 憲 審 查 中 之 立 法 形 成 空 間 : 以 社 會 福 利 領 域 立 法 之 違 憲 審 查 為 例 〉, 發 表<br />

於 「 格 差 社 会 における 社 会 権 保 障 の 現 状 及 び 問 題 点 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 日 本 、 札 幌 : 日 本 北<br />

海 道 大 学 法 科 大 学 院 ,2012-08-24。<br />


黃 舒 芃 ,2012,〈 大 學 自 治 、 學 術 倫 理 與 國 家 監 督 : 從 學 位 論 文 抄 襲 之 規 範 及 監 督 機 制 檢 討 大<br />

學 自 治 的 意 義 與 界 限 〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 憲 法 研 究 組 群 計 畫 成 果 發 表 會 —「 憲 政 主 義 與 人<br />

權 理 論 的 移 植 與 深 耕 」 工 作 坊 , 臺 灣 、 臺 北 市 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-14。<br />

王 必 芳 (WANG, PI-FANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 必 芳 ,accepted,〈 法 國 行 政 法 上 的 公 益 概 念 〉,《 中 原 財 經 法 學 》。(TSSCI)<br />

王 必 芳 ,2012,〈 行 政 命 令 的 抽 象 司 法 審 查 - 以 法 國 法 為 中 心 〉,《 中 研 院 法 學 期 刊 》, 第<br />

11 期 , 頁 129-202。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

王 必 芳 ,accepted,〈「 公 共 服 務 」 或 「 普 及 服 務 」- 以 法 國 學 說 的 反 思 和 法 制 的 演 進 為 中<br />

心 〉, 李 建 良 編 ,《2011 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 》。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

王 必 芳 ,2012,〈 公 法 人 的 契 約 自 由 - 法 國 法 的 視 野 〉, 發 表 於 2012 行 政 管 制 與 行 政 爭 訟 術<br />

研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-11-24。<br />

吳 全 峰 (WU, CHUAN-FENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chuan-Feng Wu, 2013, “Can Compulsory Health Insurance Be Justified An Examination of<br />

Taiwan’s National Health Insurance”, Journal of Law and Health.<br />

Chuan-Feng Wu, 2012, “Transntaional Pharmaceutical Corporations’ Legal and Moral Human Rights<br />

Responsibilities in Relation to Access to Medicines”, Asian Journal WTO & International Health<br />

Law and Policy, 7(1), 77-142. (SSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 全 峰 ,2012,〈 健 康 科 技 評 估 機 制 (HTA) 的 倫 理 與 法 律 面 向 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 「 科 技 發<br />

展 與 法 律 規 範 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 , 台 灣 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-12-15。<br />

Chuan-Feng Wu, 2012, Transnational Pharmaceutical Corporation’s Moral and Legal Human Rights<br />

Responsibilities for Access to Medicines, paper presented at EACME CONFERENCE "WORST<br />

CASE BIOETHICS", Nazareth, Israel: EACME Conference, 2012-08-21 ~ 2012-08-24.<br />

吳 全 峰 ,2012,〈 健 康 人 權 與 健 康 平 等 - 從 全 民 健 康 保 險 給 付 規 範 談 起 〉, 發 表 於 「 接 軌 國<br />

際 , 深 化 民 主 : 論 我 國 批 准 聯 合 國 兩 權 利 公 約 可 能 的 意 義 與 影 響 」 研 討 會 , 台 北 , 台 灣 :<br />

台 灣 民 主 基 金 會 ,2012-06-18。<br />


鍾 騏 (CHUNG, CHI)<br />

論 文 集 之 一 章<br />

Chi Chung, accepted, “Branch Report for Chinese Taipei, The Taxation of Foreign Passive Income for<br />

Groups of Companies”, Cahiers de Droit Fiscal International.<br />

Chi Chung, accepted, “Branch Report for Chinese Taipei: Exchange of Information and the Crossborder<br />

Cooperation between Tax Authorities”, cahiers de Droit Fiscal International.<br />

鍾 騏 ,2012,〈 以 美 國 Coltec Industries 案 例 簡 介 「 經 濟 實 質 標 準 」〉, 葛 克 昌 、 賈 紹 華 、 吳<br />

德 豐 編 ,《 實 質 課 稅 與 納 稅 人 權 利 保 護 》, 頁 725-741, 臺 北 市 : 財 團 法 人 資 誠 教 育 基 金<br />

會 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chi Chung, 2012, “ The Bright and Dark Sides of the Useful Fiction in the Cross-Strait<br />

Relationship”, paper presented at 2012 兩 岸 四 地 法 律 發 展 學 術 研 討 會 , 深 圳 : 北 京 清 華 大 學<br />

法 學 院 , 2012-12-08 ~ 2012-12-09.<br />

鍾 騏 ,2012,〈 美 國 聯 邦 稅 務 法 院 受 理 訴 訟 之 舉 證 責 任 分 配 : 法 制 鳥 瞰 與 2012 年 Hewlett-<br />

Packard 案 引 發 之 思 考 〉, 發 表 於 第 十 七 屆 兩 岸 稅 法 研 討 會 - 稅 捐 證 據 法 制 探 討 , 台 北 : 國<br />

立 台 灣 大 學 財 稅 法 學 研 究 中 心 ,2012-09-24。<br />

張 永 健 (CHANG, YUN-CHIEN)<br />

論 文 集 之 一 章<br />

張 永 健 ,accepted,〈 共 有 物 分 割 判 決 之 實 証 研 究 〉, 張 永 健 編 ,《2011 司 法 制 度 實 證 研<br />

究 》, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Yun-chien Chang, Henry Smith, 2012, “An Economic Analysis of Civil versus Common Law<br />

Property”, NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW, 88. (SSCI) (IF: 1.86; SSCI ranking: 18.4%)<br />

Yun-chien Chang, Dec. 2012, “Tenancy in “Anticommons” A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of<br />

Co-ownership”, Journal of Legal Analysis, 4, 515-553. (Oxford Open)<br />

Yun-chien Chang, accepted, “Economic Value or Fair Market Value: What Form of Takings<br />

Compensation Is Efficient”, Supreme Court Economic Review, 20. (JSTOR)<br />

張 永 健 ,accepted,〈 法 定 通 行 權 之 經 濟 分 析 〉,《 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 法 學 論 叢 》。(TSSCI)<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, “Property Law with Chinese Characteristics: An Economic and Comparative<br />

Analysis”, Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference Journal, 1, 345–372. (Others)<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, “Self-Assessment of Takings Compensation: An Empirical Study”,<br />

JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION, 28(2), 265–285. (SSCI) (IF: 1.595;<br />

SSCI ranking: 19.3%,22.6%)<br />

張 永 健 ,2012,〈 附 合 與 混 合 之 經 濟 分 析 〉,《 月 旦 民 商 法 雜 誌 》, 第 36 期 , 頁 74-97。<br />


張 永 健 ,2012,〈 土 地 與 地 上 物 徵 收 補 償 : 常 見 訴 願 案 例 之 分 析 與 反 省 〉,《 法 學 新 論 》, 第<br />

36 期 , 頁 75-96。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Access to Landlocked Land: A<br />

Case for a Hybrid of Property and Liability Rules, paper presented at THE 29TH ANNUAL<br />


Stockholm University: European Association of Law and Economics, 2012-09-20 ~ 2012-09-22.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Optional Law in Property: A Critique, paper presented at COLLOQUIUM<br />


CHICAGO, Chicago, IL, USA: The University of Chicago School of Law, 2012-07-09 ~ 2012-<br />

07-20.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Economic Value or Fair Market Value: What Form of Takings Compensation<br />

Is Efficient, paper presented at THE 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE<br />

ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY, Taipei, Taiwan: The Association for<br />

Public Economic Theory & Institute of Economics, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-06-11 ~ 2012-06-15.<br />

張 永 健 ,2012,〈 越 界 建 築 之 經 濟 分 析 〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 法 與 經 濟 分 析 研 討 會 , 台 灣 : 台 北<br />

市 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-06-15 ~ 2012-06-16。<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Leveling the Playing Field: A Comparative and Economic Analysis of<br />

Access to Landlocked Land, paper presented at 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON<br />

LAW AND SOCIETY, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05<br />

~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Tenancy in "Anticommons" A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Coownership,<br />

paper presented at The 22nd annual meeting of the American Law and Economics<br />

Association, Palo Alto, CA, USA: Stanford Law School & American Law and Economics<br />

Association, 2012-05-18 ~ 2012-05-19.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Access to Landlocked Land: A<br />

Case for a Hybrid of Property and Liability Rules, paper presented at ECONOMIC HISTORY<br />

FACULTY WORKSHOP, National Taiwan University: Department of Economics, National<br />

Taiwan University, 2012-12-06.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Leveling the Playing Field: A Comparative and Economic Analysis of<br />

Access to Landlocked Land, paper presented at BAR ILAN LAW, ECONOMICS AND<br />

BUSINESS WOKSHOP, Ramat-Gan, Israel: Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law, 2012-01-16.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, An Economic Analysis of Civil versus Common Law Property, paper<br />

presented at FACULTY WORKSHOP, Jerusalem, Israel: Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Faculty of Law, 2012-01-18.<br />

Yun-chien Chang, 2012, Property Law with Chinese Characteristics: A Comparative and Economic<br />

Analysis, paper presented at LAW AND ECONOMICS WORKSHOP, Jerusalem, Israel: Faculty<br />

of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012-01-09.<br />


黃 丞 儀 (HUANG, CHENG-YI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 丞 儀 ,2012,〈「 你 快 樂 , 所 以 我 快 樂 」--- 感 官 價 值 、 不 可 共 量 性 與 健 康 科 技 評 估 〉,<br />

共 12 頁 , 發 表 於 第 四 屆 「 科 技 發 展 與 法 律 規 範 : 生 命 科 技 、 健 康 不 平 等 與 分 配 正 義 」 學<br />

術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 3 樓 第 1 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 所 ,2012-12-<br />

15。<br />

Cheng-Yi Huang, 2012, Indexing Administrative Law: Well-being survey, the proportionality<br />

principle and the uncertain quest for regulatory reason, 14 pages, paper presented at The First<br />

Young Scholars Workshop on Comparative Administrative Law, 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 3<br />

樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 , 2012-08-09 ~ 2012-08-10.<br />

Cheng-Yi Huang, 2012, “Science of Happiness”, paper presented at 第 五 屆 「 台 法 前 鋒 科 學 論<br />

壇 」( 台 灣 ), 宜 蘭 縣 礁 溪 鄉 : 行 政 院 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 (NSC)、 法 國 在 台 協 會 (BFT)、 國 立 清<br />

華 大 學 , 2012-06-26 ~ 2012-06-29.<br />

Cheng-Yi Huang, 2012, Dynamics of Authoritarian Legalism in Taiwan: State-directed Development<br />

and the Administrative Court in the 1950s and 1960s, paper presented at THE 1ST WORLD<br />

CONGRESS OF TAIWAN STUDIES (WCTS), Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Social Sciences of<br />

the <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-04-26 ~ 2012-04-28.<br />

許 家 馨 (HSU, JIMMY CHIA-SHIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

許 家 馨 ,2012,〈 言 論 自 由 與 名 譽 權 的 探 戈 : 我 國 名 譽 侵 權 法 實 務 與 理 論 之 回 顧 與 前 瞻 〉,<br />

《 政 大 法 學 評 論 》, 第 128 期 , 頁 203-260。(TSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Weitseng Chen, Jimmy Chia-shin Hsu, accepted, “Horizontal Accountability and Rule of Laws in a<br />

Divided Polity: the Judicial and Contrl Yuan of Taiwan since 2000”, editor(s): Larry Diamond,<br />

Yunhan Chu, Eric C.H. Yu, Democratic Consolodation in Taiwan.<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

許 家 馨 ,2012,〈『 溝 通 應 報 理 論 』 是 否 必 然 反 對 死 刑 〉, 共 31 頁 , 發 表 於 2012 法 律 思 想<br />

與 社 會 變 遷 - 生 命 與 正 義 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 3 樓 第 一<br />

會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 ,2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-20。<br />

王 鵬 翔 (WANG, PENG-HSIANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 鵬 翔 ,2012,〈 獨 立 於 內 容 的 理 由 與 法 律 的 規 範 性 〉,《 中 研 院 法 學 期 刊 》, 第 11 期 。<br />

(TSSCI)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

王 鵬 翔 ,2012,〈 合 法 性 與 規 範 性 〉, 發 表 於 當 代 規 範 性 哲 學 研 究 -- 哲 學 學 門 人 才 精 煉 培 育<br />

計 畫 成 果 發 表 會 , 嘉 義 : 國 立 中 正 大 學 哲 學 系 ,2012-09-29 ~ 2012-09-30。<br />

王 鵬 翔 ,2012,〈 理 由 內 在 論 與 法 律 規 範 性 〉, 發 表 於 2012 規 範 性 哲 學 研 究 會 , 台 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 歐 美 研 究 所 ,2012-11-17 ~ 2012-11-18。<br />

王 鵬 翔 ,2012,〈 理 由 內 在 論 與 法 律 規 範 性 〉, 發 表 於 第 八 屆 東 亞 法 哲 學 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 國 立<br />

政 治 大 學 ,2012-03-17 ~ 2012-03-18。<br />

吳 宗 謀 (WU, TZUNG-MOU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 作 法 — Bruno Latour 在 法 國 最 高 行 政 法 院 的 民 族 誌 書 寫 ( 文 獻 評 論 ),《 中<br />

研 院 法 學 期 刊 》, 第 11 期 , 頁 341-369. (TSSCI)<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 公 司 法 二 OO 五 年 的 修 正 〉,《 月 旦 法 學 雜 誌 》,200 期 , 頁 349-350。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 法 學 文 獻 中 的 「 日 爾 曼 法 」: 意 義 、 問 題 與 價 值 〉("Germanic law" in<br />

Taiwan's Legal Literature: Significations, Problems and Value), 共 11 頁 , 發 表 於 第 8 屆 東 亞<br />

法 哲 學 研 討 會 : 後 繼 受 時 代 的 東 亞 法 文 化 , 臺 北 : 政 治 大 學 : 東 亞 法 哲 學 會 、 國 立 政 治 大<br />

學 、 臺 灣 法 理 學 會 、 中 國 法 制 史 學 會 、 中 央 研 究 院 歷 史 語 言 研 究 所 ,2012-03-17 ~ 2012-<br />

03-18。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 廢 除 國 民 大 會 〉,《 月 旦 法 學 雜 誌 》,200 期 , 頁 347-349。<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 江 國 慶 冤 死 案 〉,《 月 旦 法 學 雜 誌 》,200 期 , 頁 372-373。<br />

吳 宗 謀 ,2012,〈 把 握 劉 姍 姍 案 的 人 權 時 刻 〉,《 蘋 果 日 報 》,24 日 , 論 壇 。<br />

蘇 彥 圖 (SU, YEN-TU)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

蘇 彥 圖 ,2012,〈 關 於 政 治 反 托 拉 斯 理 論 的 三 個 故 事 〉,《 東 吳 公 法 論 叢 》, 第 5 卷 , 頁 541-<br />

558。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

蘇 彥 圖 ,2012,〈 皇 后 的 貞 操 — 法 治 的 迷 思 、 偽 善 與 其 他 可 能 ( 書 評 :All Judges Are Political<br />

Except When They Are Not: Acceptable Hypocrisies and the Rule of Law 〔 所 有 法 官 都 是 — 也<br />

都 不 是 — 政 治 的 : 可 接 受 的 偽 善 與 法 治 〕by Keith J. Bybee 〔 凱 斯 • 貝 比 〕 (Stanford,<br />

California: Stanford University Press, 2010, Paperback, 177 pp., ISBN 978-0-8047-5312-<br />

8)〉,《 台 灣 民 主 季 刊 》, 第 9 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 245-254。<br />


政 治 思 想 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

蔡 英 文 (TSAI, YING-WEN)<br />

人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

蔡 英 文 ,2012,〈 麥 克 ‧ 歐 克 秀 論 歷 史 的 時 間 性 與 歷 史 事 件 的 重 構 〉,《 新 史 學 》, 第 23 卷<br />

第 1 期 , 頁 1-32。(HSSCI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

蔡 英 文 ,2012,〈 當 前 人 文 與 社 會 科 學 教 育 的 理 念 與 現 實 〉,( 賴 鼎 銘 、 羅 曉 南 、 黃 順 星 編 ,<br />

《 高 等 教 育 理 想 與 目 標 反 思 》, 頁 77-96, 台 北 : 世 新 大 學 出 版 中 心 。<br />

蕭 高 彥 (SHAW, CARL K. Y.)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

蕭 高 彥 ,2012,〈 張 佛 泉 自 由 主 義 中 的 憲 政 與 民 主 〉,《 政 治 與 社 會 哲 學 評 論 》, 第 四 十 二<br />

期 , 頁 1-38。(TSSCI)<br />

張 福 建 (CHANG, FU-KIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

張 福 建 ,2012,〈 美 國 選 舉 經 費 規 範 的 憲 政 爭 議 : 防 腐 、 言 論 自 由 與 政 治 平 等 〉,《 政 治 學<br />

報 》, 第 54 期 , 頁 1-26。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 嘉 薇 、 張 福 建 ,2012,〈 公 平 而 多 元 的 媒 體 台 灣 民 眾 的 認 知 〉, 發 表 於 公 民 意 識 、 社 會 正<br />

義 與 公 民 參 與 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學<br />

研 究 中 心 ,2012-06-26 ~ 2012-06-27。<br />

錢 永 祥 (CHIEN, SCHIN Y.-S.)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

錢 永 祥 ,2012,《 普 遍 與 特 殊 的 辯 證 : 政 治 思 想 的 探 掘 》, 共 194 頁 , 臺 北 市 : 中 央 硏 究 院 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 硏 究 中 心 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

錢 永 祥 ,2012,〈 伯 林 論 歷 史 與 個 人 〉,《 新 史 學 》,23 卷 2 期 , 頁 :217-242。(HSSCI)<br />


學 術 書 評<br />

錢 永 祥 ,2012,〈「 道 德 進 步 」: 一 本 書 與 一 種 歷 史 觀 - 反 思 Steven Pinker 著 The Better<br />

Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence has Declined〉,《 政 治 與 社 會 哲 學 評 論 》, 第 40 期 ,<br />

頁 204-218。<br />

陳 宜 中 (CHEN, I-CHUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 宜 中 ,2012,〈 革 命 的 幽 靈 : 兩 個 「 反 激 進 主 義 」 觀 點 〉,《 人 文 及 社 會 科 學 集 刊 》, 第 24<br />

卷 第 4 期 , 頁 575-608。(TSSCI)<br />

陳 宜 中 ,2012,〈 義 戰 道 德 與 利 比 亞 戰 爭 : 規 範 理 論 性 的 分 析 〉,《 政 治 科 學 論 叢 》, 第 53<br />

期 , 頁 53-94。(TSSCI)<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

陳 宜 中 ,2012,〈 中 國 改 革 的 歧 路 : 朱 嘉 明 先 生 訪 談 錄 〉,《 思 想 》, 第 22 期 , 頁 33-80。<br />

陳 宜 中 ,2012,〈 公 民 儒 教 的 進 路 : 陳 明 先 生 訪 談 錄 〉,《 思 想 》, 第 20 期 。<br />

陳 宜 中 ,2012,〈 政 治 體 制 改 革 的 先 聲 : 高 放 先 生 訪 談 錄 〉,《 思 想 》, 第 21 期 , 頁 73-99。<br />

郭 秋 永 ( 兼 任 )(KUO, CHIU-YEOUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

郭 秋 永 ,2012,〈 社 會 正 義 、 差 異 政 治 、 以 及 溝 通 民 主 〉,《 人 文 及 社 會 科 學 集 刊 》, 第 24<br />

卷 第 4 期 , 頁 529-574。。(TSSCI)<br />

制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

陳 恭 平 (CHEN, KONG-PIN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Jong- Rong Chen, Kong-Pin Chen, Chien-Fu Chou and Ching-I Huang, accepted, “A Dynamic Model<br />

of Auctions with Buy-it-now: Theory and Evidence”, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL<br />

ECONOMICS. (SSCI) (IF: 1.31; SSCI ranking: 30%)<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Kuo-Chang Huang and Chang-Ching Lin, accepted, “Party Capability versus Court<br />

Preference: Why do the “Haves” Come Out Ahead- An Empirical Lesson from the Taiwan<br />


ranking: 21.9%)<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Yen-Chi Huang, 2012, “A Search-Matching Model of Buyer-Seller Platforms”,<br />

CESifo Economic Studies, 58(4), 626-649. (SSCI) (IF: 0.97; SSCI ranking: 39%)<br />


林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 三 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 上 )〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 191 期 , 頁 66-79。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 五 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 下 ) 〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》,207,102-113。<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈 法 學 方 法 與 實 證 研 究 ( 四 ): 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 中 )〉,<br />

《 臺 灣 法 學 雜 誌 》, 第 199 期 , 頁 73-84。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Chang-Ching Lin, Kuo-Chang Huang, 2012, “Explaining Public Attitudes toward the<br />

Judicial System: The Case of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Law<br />

and Society, Honolulu, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Yu-Sheng Liu, Ya-Ting Yu, 2012, “The Seller's Listing Strategy in Online Auctions:<br />

Evidence from eBay”, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Trade, Industrial and<br />

Regional Economics, Tamkang University, Taipei Campus: Department of Industrial Economics,<br />

Tamkang University, 2012-03-15 ~ 2012-03-16.<br />

陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 林 常 青 ,2012,〈 台 灣 人 民 對 法 院 的 信 任 支 持 及 觀 感 〉, 發 表 於 第 一 屆 「 台<br />

灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 」 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學<br />

館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 第 一 屆 「 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 」 發 表 學 術 研<br />

討 會 ,2012-09-14。<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 鈴 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 ─2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 1】〉, 發 表 於 第 一 屆 「 台 灣 人 民 紛<br />

爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 」 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第<br />

一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法<br />

律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 鈴 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 ─2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 2】〉, 發 表 於 第 一 屆 「 台 灣 人 民 紛<br />

爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 」 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第<br />

一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 ,2012-09-14。<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 ,2012,〈2011 年 台 灣 人 民 法 律 紛 爭 面 訪 : 設 計 及 基 本 統 計 〉, 發 表<br />

於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文<br />

社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中<br />

心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />


Kong-Pin Chen, Yu-Sheng Liu and Ya-Ting Yu,2012,〈The Seller's Listing Strategy in Online<br />

Auctions: Evidence from eBay〉, 發 表 於 網 路 與 貿 易 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研<br />

究 中 心 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 社 中 心 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 暨 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 經 濟<br />

系 ,2012-02-24。<br />

施 俊 吉 (SHIH, JUN-JI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

施 俊 吉 ,2012,〈 有 線 電 視 市 場 結 構 與 經 營 區 調 整 政 策 〉,《 人 文 及 社 會 科 學 集 刊 》, 第 24<br />

卷 第 2 期 , 頁 165-191。(TSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

施 俊 吉 ,2012,〈 兩 岸 金 融 開 放 之 成 果 與 障 礙 〉, 發 表 於 兩 岸 和 諧 關 係 論 壇 , 澳 門 : 兩 岸 與 澳<br />

台 關 係 學 會 ,2012-10-07 ~ 2012-10-10。<br />

賴 孚 權 (LAI, FU-CHUAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Chia-Hung Sun, Fu-Chuan Lai, accepted, “Hotelling was right with decreasing returns to scale and a<br />

coalition-proof refinement”, ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE. (SSCI) (IF: 1.12; SSCI<br />

ranking: 38.5%,61%)<br />

Chih-Peng Chu, Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai, accepted, “On the Competition Between an Online<br />

Bookstore and a Physical Bookstore”, NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic<br />

Networking. (Others)<br />

Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai*, accepted, “Nesting Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation with<br />

Location Choices”, Pacific Economic Review. (SSCI) (IF: 0.57; SSCI ranking: 56%)<br />

Chia-Hung Sun, Fu-Chuan Lai, accepted, “Spatial price discrimination in a symmetric barbell model:<br />

Bertrand vs. Cournot”, PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. (SSCI) (IF: 1.66; SSCI ranking:<br />

20.7%)<br />

Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai, Chorng-Jian Liu, Chao-Cheng Mai, 2012, “Symbiotic Production<br />

and Downstream Market Competition”, Atlantic Economic Journal, 40(3), 329-340. (EconLit)<br />

Jyh-Fa Tsai and Fu-Chuan Lai, 2012, “Urban Configurations with Suburban Employment by a<br />

Monopoly Vendor”, INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, 35(4), 424-441. (SSCI)<br />

(IF: 1.25; SSCI ranking: 52.6%)<br />

Fu-Chuan Lai, Takatoshi Tabuchi, 2012, “Hotelling meets Weber”, REGIONAL SCIENCE AND<br />

URBAN ECONOMICS, 42(6), 1017–1022. (SSCI) (IF: 1.43; SSCI ranking: 47.5%)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai, 2012, “Where to Locate in a Circular City with a Foreign Market”,<br />

paper presented at 2012 全 球 經 濟 發 展 學 術 研 討 會 , 淡 江 大 學 覺 生 國 際 會 議 廳 : 淡 江 大 學 商 管<br />

學 院 經 濟 學 系 , 2012-10-02.<br />

Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai, 2012, “Where to Locate in a Circular City with a Foreign Market”,<br />

paper presented at 2012 年 中 華 民 國 都 市 計 劃 學 會 、 區 域 科 學 學 會 、 住 宅 學 會 、 地 區 發 展 學<br />

會 聯 合 年 會 暨 論 文 研 討 會 , 中 國 文 化 大 學 大 孝 館 ( 體 育 館 ) 8F 柏 英 廳 : 中 華 民 國 都 市 計 劃 學<br />

會 、 區 域 科 學 學 會 、 住 宅 學 會 、 地 區 發 展 學 會 , 2012-12-15.<br />

Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai,2012,〈Spatial Price Discrimination and Location Choice<br />

with Labor Markets〉, 發 表 於 2012 年 海 峽 兩 岸 區 域 科 學 交 流 研 討 會 , 國 立 政 治 大 學 綜 合<br />

院 館 一 樓 演 講 廳 : 中 華 民 國 區 域 科 學 學 會 、 國 立 政 治 大 學 地 政 學 系 、 行 政 院 經 濟 建 設 委 員<br />

會 都 市 及 住 宅 發 展 處 ,2012-05-01。<br />

Wen-Chung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai, 2012, “A Two-Sided Market Analysis on Media Bias”, paper<br />

presented at PET 12 The Association for Public Economic Theory (13th Annual Conference),<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: The Association for Public Economic Theory, 2012-06-12 ~ 2012-06-<br />

14.<br />

Wen-hung Guo and Fu-Chuan Lai,2012,〈Advertisements and Media Bias〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 經 濟<br />

學 會 、 台 灣 效 率 與 生 產 力 學 會 2012 年 聯 合 年 會 暨 第 13 屆 全 國 實 證 經 濟 學 研 討 會 , 國 立 中<br />

央 大 學 管 理 學 院 二 館 : 台 灣 經 濟 學 會 、 台 灣 效 率 與 生 產 力 學 會 、 中 央 大 學 經 濟 學 系 、 中 央<br />

大 學 產 業 經 濟 研 究 所 、 中 央 研 究 院 經 濟 研 究 所 、 國 科 會 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 ,2012-12-<br />

15。<br />

Wen-Chung Guo, Fu-Chuan Lai,2012,〈A Two-Sided Market Analysis on Media Bias〉, 發 表<br />

於 網 路 與 貿 易 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 社 中<br />

心 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 暨 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 經 濟 系 ,2012-02-24。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

Fu-Chuan Lai, 2012, Prices and Welfare on a Competition Among One Online Firm and Brick-and-<br />

Mortar Firms ( 加 入 線 上 廠 商 參 與 競 爭 的 Hotelling 模 型 之 研 究 NSC 100-2410-H-001 -011),<br />

commissioned by 國 家 科 學 委 員 會 ..<br />

楊 春 雷 (YANG, CHUN LEI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Binglin Gong, Chun-Lei Yang, 2012, “Gender Differences in Risk Attitudes: Field Experiments on the<br />

Matrilineal Mosuo and the Patriarchal Yi”, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR &<br />

ORGANIZATION, 83(1), 59-65. (SSCI) (IF: 1.44; SSCI ranking: 24.9%)<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Gary Charness , Chun-Lei Yang, 2012, “Public Goods Provision with Voting for Exclusion, Exit, and<br />

Mergers: An Experiment”, paper presented at Interdisciplinary Workshop in Behavioral and<br />

Decision Science, NTU 2012, Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, 2012-03-17 ~ 2012-<br />

03-18.<br />

林 常 青 ( 參 與 )(LIN, CHANG-CHING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

林 常 青 、 黃 國 昌 、 陳 恭 平 , 2012, “ 關 聯 性 與 迴 歸 ( 上 )”, 台 灣 法 學 雜 誌 , 191, 66-79.<br />

黃 國 昌 ( 合 聘 )(HUANG, KUO-CHANG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

黃 國 昌 、 林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 ,2012,〈2011 年 台 灣 人 民 法 律 紛 爭 面 訪 : 設 計 及 基 本 統 計 〉, 共<br />

22 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央<br />

研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為<br />

研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-04。<br />

陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 林 常 青 , 2012, “ 台 灣 人 民 對 法 院 的 信 任 支 持 及 觀 感 — 以 對 法 官 判 決 之 公 正 性<br />

及 對 法 院 表 現 的 滿 意 度 為 中 心 ”, 36 pages, paper presented at 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為<br />

暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法<br />

實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 , 2012-09-14.<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 玲 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 -2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 1】: 台 灣 人 民 法 律 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 模<br />

式 的 實 證 研 究 之 資 料 分 析 〉, 共 48 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台 灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實<br />

證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館 三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研 究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究<br />

資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />

林 常 青 、 陳 恭 平 、 黃 國 昌 、 黃 雅 鈴 、 賴 宏 彬 ,2012,〈 探 索 尋 求 諮 詢 的 行 為 模 式 -2011 年 台 灣<br />

人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 調 查 研 究 之 發 現 【 篇 2】〉, 共 26 頁 , 發 表 於 第 一 屆 台<br />

灣 人 民 紛 爭 解 決 行 為 暨 法 意 識 實 證 研 究 調 查 發 表 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 館<br />

三 樓 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 之 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 、 中 央 研<br />

究 院 法 律 學 研 究 所 之 法 實 證 研 究 資 料 中 心 ,2012-09-14。<br />


陳 珈 惠 ( 合 聘 )(CHEN, CHIA-HUI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chia-Hui Chen, Junichiro Ishida, 2012, “Seeking Harmony Amidst Diversity: Consensus Building<br />

with Network Externalities”, paper presented at 網 路 與 貿 易 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學<br />

研 究 中 心 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 社 中 心 制 度 與 行 為 研 究 專 題 中 心 暨 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 經 濟<br />

系 , 2012-02-24.<br />

黃 雅 鈴 ( 博 士 後 研 究 人 員 )(HUANG, YA LING)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Kuo-Chang Huang, Ya-Ling Huang, Hung-pin Lai, Chang-Ching Lin, 2012, “The<br />

Legal Problems of Everyday Life: The Nature, Extent, and Consequences of Justiciable Problems<br />

Experienced by Taiwanese”, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Law and<br />

Society, Honolulu, Hawaii: The Law and Society Association, 2012-06-05 ~ 2012-06-08.<br />

Kong-Pin Chen, Ya-Ling Huang, Chi-Hsiang Liu, Chang-Ching Lin, Chien-Ming Wang, and Ya-Ting<br />

Yu, 2012, “Reserve Price in Online Auctions: Theory and Evidence from eBay”, paper presented<br />

at 6th Japan-Taiwan Contract Theory Conference, Kobe, Japan: RIEB, Kobe University, 2012-<br />

12-01.<br />

衛 生 史 研 究 計 畫<br />

祝 平 一 ( 合 聘 )(CHU, PING-YI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

祝 平 一 、 呂 妙 芬 、 潘 鳳 娟 ,2012,〈 以 中 文 材 料 研 究 清 代 天 主 教 史 的 利 基 何 在 〉,《 新 史<br />

學 》, 第 23 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 1-7。(Others)<br />

祝 平 一 ,2012,〈 劉 凝 與 劉 壎 : 考 證 學 與 天 學 關 係 新 探 〉,《 新 史 學 》, 第 23 卷 第 1 期 , 頁<br />

57-104。(Others)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

祝 平 一 ,2012,〈Text and Skill: The Case of “Scratching Sha” in the Qing Period〉, 發 表 於 「 中<br />

央 研 究 院 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Ping-Yi Chu, 2012, “Review of “History of Mathematical Sciences: Portugal and East Asia III: The<br />

Jesuits, the Padroado and East Asian Science (1552-1773), edited by Luis Saraiva and Catherine<br />

Jami, Singapore; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, 2008,””, EASTM, forthcoming.<br />


Ping-Yi Chu, 2012, “Review of “Dagmar Schäfer, The Crafting of the 10,000 Things: Knowledge and<br />

Technology in Seventeenth-Century China (344 pp., illus., bibli., index. Chicago, IL: University<br />

of Chicago Press, 2011),””, Isis, forthcoming.<br />

劉 士 永 ( 合 聘 )(LIU, SHI-YUNG)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Michael Shiyung Liu, 2012, “Epidemics, natural disasters, and medical salvation in Sino- Japanese<br />

war China ”, paper presented at the 6th Conference for the Asian Society for the History of<br />

Medicine, 橫 濱 、 日 本 : Asian Society for the History of Medicine, 2012-12-13 ~ 2012-12-15.<br />

李 貞 德 ( 合 聘 )(LEE, JEN-DER)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Jen-Der Lee, 2012, “Ishinpo and its Excerpts from Chanjing: A Japanese Medical Text as a Source for<br />

Chinese Women’s History”, editor(s): Clara Wing-chung Ho, Overt and Covert Treasures:<br />

Essays on Sources for Chinese Women’s History, pp. 185-216, Hong Kong: The Chinese<br />

University Press.<br />

陳 秀 真 ( 博 士 後 研 究 人 員 )(CHEN, HSIU JANE)<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Hsiu-Jane Chen, 2012, “Review: Michael Shiyung Liu, Prescribing Colonization: The Role of Medical<br />

Practices and Policies in Japan-Ruled Taiwan, 1895–1945”, EASTS, 6 (1): 127-129.<br />

海 洋 史 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

朱 德 蘭 (CHU, TE-LAN)<br />

專 書 、 論 文 集<br />

朱 德 蘭 ,2012,《 台 灣 慰 安 婦 》 簡 體 字 版 , 北 京 : 中 國 社 會 科 學 院 社 會 科 學 文 獻 出 版 社 。<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

朱 德 蘭 、 劉 序 楓 ,2012, 海 洋 史 研 究 叢 書 1《 港 口 城 市 與 貿 易 網 絡 》, 共 345 頁 , 臺 北 : 中 央<br />

研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

朱 德 蘭 ,2012,〈 長 崎 華 商 泰 益 號 與 台 南 地 區 商 號 之 貿 易 活 動 (1901-1938)〉, 朱 德 蘭 、 劉<br />

序 楓 編 , 海 洋 史 研 究 叢 書 1《 港 口 城 市 與 貿 易 網 絡 》, 頁 291-338, 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人<br />

社 中 心 。<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

朱 德 蘭 ,2012,〈 基 隆 社 寮 島 の 沖 繩 人 ネットワーク(1895-1945)〉, 發 表 於 人 の 移 動 と 21<br />

世 紀 のグローバル 社 会 Ⅱ, 那 霸 : 日 本 國 立 琉 球 大 學 ,2012-05-19 ~ 2012-05-20。<br />

朱 德 蘭 ,2012,〈 長 崎 華 商 泰 益 號 創 業 期 間 的 仲 介 貿 易 : 以 米 與 海 產 品 交 換 為 例 (1901~<br />

1907)〉, 發 表 於 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 , 臺 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 ,2012-06-20。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

朱 德 蘭 、 劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 導 論 〉, 海 洋 史 研 究 叢 書 1《 港 口 城 市 與 貿 易 網 絡 》,1-9。<br />

劉 序 楓 (LIU, SHIUH-FENG)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

朱 德 蘭 、 劉 序 楓 ,2012, 海 洋 史 叢 書 1《 港 口 城 市 與 貿 易 網 絡 》, 共 345 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 中 國 現 存 的 漂 海 記 錄 及 其 特 徵 〉,《 島 嶼 文 化 》( 韓 國 : 國 立 木 浦 大 學 校 島<br />

嶼 文 化 研 究 院 ),40 輯 , 頁 41-68。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 近 代 華 南 傳 統 社 會 中 「 公 司 」 形 態 再 考 : 由 海 上 貿 易 到 地 方 社 會 〉, 林 玉 茹<br />

編 ,《 比 較 視 野 下 的 臺 灣 商 業 傳 統 》, 頁 227-266, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 臺 灣 史 研 究 所 。<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 德 川 「 鎖 國 」 體 制 下 的 中 日 貿 易 : 以 長 崎 「 唐 館 」 為 中 心 的 考 察 (1689-<br />

1868)〉, 朱 德 蘭 、 劉 序 楓 編 ,《 港 口 城 市 與 貿 易 網 絡 》, 頁 81-124, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院<br />

人 社 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 中 國 現 存 的 漂 海 記 錄 及 其 特 徵 〉(Status and Features of the Extant Chinese<br />

Records on Drifting on the Sea), 發 表 於 International Academic Conference"Records of<br />

Drifting Across the Sea in East Asia and the Cultural History of Drifting", 韓 國 木 浦 : 國 立 海<br />

洋 文 化 財 研 究 所 、 木 浦 大 學 島 嶼 文 化 研 究 院 ,2012-10-12 ~ 2012-10-13。<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 近 代 長 崎 華 僑 社 會 の 形 成 に 關 する 再 考 〉, 發 表 於 「 國 際 ワークショップ 近<br />

代 東 アジアの 境 界 文 化 と 長 崎 」, 日 本 長 崎 : 長 崎 大 學 ,2012-12-15 ~ 2012-12-17。<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 清 代 外 銷 商 品 的 市 場 與 訊 息 流 通 : 以 輸 日 商 品 的 「 商 標 」 與 「 廣 告 」 為 線<br />

索 〉, 發 表 於 「 東 亞 文 化 意 象 之 形 塑 ── 觀 看 、 媒 介 、 行 動 者 」 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 :<br />

中 央 研 究 院 主 題 計 畫 「 東 亞 文 化 意 象 之 形 塑 ( 二 )── 第 十 一 至 十 八 世 紀 間 中 日 韓 三 地 的<br />

藝 文 互 動 」,2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08。<br />


劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 韓 國 與 臺 灣 之 間 的 海 上 交 流 : 以 清 代 漂 流 到 臺 灣 的 朝 鮮 難 民 事 例 為 中 心 〉,<br />

發 表 於 「 石 堂 學 術 院 第 7 回 國 際 學 術 大 會 」, 韓 國 釜 山 : 東 亞 大 學 校 石 堂 學 術 院 ,2012-<br />

11-30。<br />

劉 序 楓 ,2012,〈 清 代 的 中 日 貿 易 與 唐 通 事 〉, 發 表 於 「 第 四 屆 國 際 漢 學 會 議 ─ 跨 越 海 洋 的 交<br />

換 : 東 亞 海 域 中 的 人 員 移 動 、 商 品 與 文 化 交 流 」, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 社 中 心 ,2012-06-<br />

20 ~ 2012-06-22。<br />

張 彬 村 (CHANG, PIN-TSUN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Pin-tsun Chang, 2012, “The Rise of Chinese Mercantile Power in Maritime Southeast Asia, c. 1400-<br />

1700”, Crossroad: Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, 6, 205-<br />

230.<br />

劉 石 吉 (LIU, SHIH-CHI)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 略 述 清 代 江 南 地 區 水 運 交 通 與 城 鎮 變 遷 〉, 陳 鋒 、 張 建 民 編 ,《 中 國 財 政 經<br />

濟 史 論 稿 》, 頁 182-193, 武 漢 : 湖 北 人 民 出 版 社 。<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 清 代 長 江 下 游 水 運 交 通 與 城 鎮 興 衰 大 勢 - 兼 論 揚 州 卲 伯 鎮 〉, 范 金 民 、 胡 阿<br />

祥 編 ,《 江 南 地 域 社 會 的 歷 史 演 變 》, 南 京 : 南 京 大 學 出 版 社 。<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 從 築 城 到 拆 城 : 近 世 中 國 口 岸 城 市 成 長 擴 張 的 模 式 〉, 劉 石 吉 、 王 儀 君 編 ,<br />

《 海 洋 歷 史 文 化 與 邊 界 政 治 》, 頁 55-83, 臺 北 : 中 山 大 學 人 文 研 究 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 近 代 中 國 口 岸 城 市 的 成 長 擴 張 模 式 〉, 發 表 於 中 國 歷 史 地 理 年 會 , 天 津 師 範<br />

大 學 : 天 津 師 範 大 學 ,2012-09-21 ~ 2012-09-25。<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 清 代 長 江 下 游 水 運 交 通 與 城 鎮 發 展 〉, 發 表 於 中 國 經 濟 史 年 會 , 武 漢 大 學 :<br />

武 漢 大 學 ,2012-09-14 ~ 2012-09-16。<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 社 會 經 濟 史 研 究 理 論 的 探 討 - 以 江 南 為 例 〉, 發 表 於 江 南 社 會 文 化 研 討 會 ,<br />

上 海 師 大 : 上 海 師 大 ,2012-12-14 ~ 2012-12-16。<br />

劉 石 吉 ,2012,〈 近 代 中 國 與 亞 洲 的 口 岸 城 市 〉, 發 表 於 海 洋 文 化 國 際 研 討 會 , 高 雄 海 洋 科 技<br />

大 學 : 高 雄 海 洋 科 技 大 學 ,2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-26。<br />


湯 熙 勇 (TANG, SHI-YEOUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,accepted,〈 從 臺 灣 移 民 巴 西 --- 臺 灣 政 府 的 態 度 與 人 民 的 反 應 (1960 年 代 )〉,《 人<br />

口 學 刊 》, 第 46 期 。<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,accepted,〈 東 沙 島 主 權 歸 屬 的 爭 議 與 確 立 - 中 國 與 日 本 的 交 涉 〉,《 海 洋 文 化 學<br />

刊 》。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,2012,〈 荷 蘭 東 印 度 公 司 處 理 船 難 的 方 法 - 以 臺 灣 附 近 海 域 為 中 心 〉, 發 表 於 澳 門 、<br />

廣 東 與 亞 太 海 域 交 流 史 國 際 學 術 研 討 會 , 澳 門 大 學 : 澳 門 大 學 ,2012-12-04 ~ 2012-12-<br />

05。<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,2012,〈 創 新 或 管 制 : 我 國 政 府 對 地 圖 測 繪 與 出 版 之 審 核 --- 以 1930 年 代 成 立 水 陸 地<br />

圖 審 查 委 員 會 為 中 心 〉, 發 表 於 第 12 屆 地 圖 學 術 研 討 會 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 國 文 化 大 學 : 中<br />

華 民 國 地 圖 學 會 ,2012-10-27。<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,2012,〈 新 移 民 或 新 華 僑 華 人 —1978 年 後 中 國 大 陸 公 民 境 外 移 民 人 數 估 算 及 其 分<br />

布 〉, 發 表 於 近 二 十 年 中 國 大 陸 海 外 移 民 潮 之 原 因 與 影 響 學 術 座 談 會 , 華 僑 協 會 總 會 : 華<br />

僑 協 會 總 會 ,2012-07-25。<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,2012,《101 年 我 國 經 營 南 海 諸 島 重 要 歷 史 文 檔 資 料 蒐 整 及 研 析 工 作 報 告 》, 行 政 院<br />

內 政 部 委 託 。<br />

湯 熙 勇 ,2012,《 內 政 部 南 海 事 務 文 檔 資 料 蒐 整 及 研 析 工 作 報 告 》, 行 政 院 內 政 部 委 託 。<br />

資 料 彙 編 ( 含 口 述 歷 史 )<br />

湯 熙 勇 、 劉 信 良 , 未 出 版 ,《 南 海 事 務 文 獻 檔 案 資 料 集 〈1、2、3〉》。<br />

考 古 學 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

邱 斯 嘉 (CHIU, SCARLETT)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Scarlett Chiu, 2012, “The way of doing things: what can Lapita pottery tells us about the stories of<br />

Austronesian expansion”, 南 島 研 究 學 報 , 3(1), 1-26.<br />

王 冠 文 , 王 宇 祥 , 邱 斯 嘉 ,2012,〈 鈣 質 砂 摻 和 料 對 陶 器 性 質 之 影 響 〉,《 考 古 人 類 學 學 刊 》,<br />

77 期 , 頁 1-22。<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

邱 斯 嘉 、 郭 潔 、 蘇 郁 尹 ,2012,〈 太 平 洋 史 前 Lapita 陶 器 線 上 數 位 資 料 庫 的 建 立 與 運 用 〉, 項<br />

潔 編 ,《 數 位 人 文 要 義 : 尋 找 類 型 與 軌 跡 》, 頁 231-255, 台 北 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Scarlett Chiu, 2012, “Where Do We Go from Here Social Relatedness Reflected by Motif Analysis”,<br />

paper presented at International Conference on Cross-regional Comparison of Ancient Migration<br />

and Exchange Patterns, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 考 古 學 研 究 專 題 中 心 及<br />

Institute of Archaeology of New Caledonia and the Pacific, New Caledonia, 2012-09-01 ~ 2012-<br />

09-03.<br />

趙 金 勇 ( 合 聘 )(CHAO, CHIN-YUNG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

趙 金 勇 、 鍾 亦 興 ,2012,〈 花 岡 山 與 大 龍 峒 遺 址 的 近 現 代 陶 瓷 消 費 〉(The ceramic consumption<br />

in Late Modern Taiwan: An archaeological perspective based on Huakangshan and Talungtung<br />

sites),《 考 古 人 類 學 刊 》, 第 76 期 , 頁 61-96。<br />

亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

張 雯 勤 (CHANG, WEN-CHIN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “On the Burma Road, from Mules to Vehicles”, paper presented at<br />

Association for Asian Studies, 2012, Toronto, Canada: Association for Asian Studies, 2012-03-15<br />

~ 2012-02-18.<br />

Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “Yunnanese Migrant Women Traders: Stories of Two Sisters from Burma”,<br />

paper presented at Workshop on Interface, Negotiation, and Interaction in Southeast Asia,<br />

<strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, Taipei: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, 2012-02-28 ~ 2012-02-29.<br />

Wen-Chin Chang, 2012, “On the New Burma Road: Smuggling of Motorcycles from China”, paper<br />

presented at Workshop on Social Formation of Southeast Asian Frontiers, Seoul, Korea: Sogang<br />

University, 2012-10-25 ~ 2012-10-26.<br />

梁 志 輝 (LIANG, CHIH-HUI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

梁 志 輝 ,2012,〈 不 正 確 的 婚 姻 與 慣 習 : 馬 來 半 島 原 始 馬 來 人 的 婚 姻 與 規 則 〉, 發 表 於 2012<br />

年 台 灣 東 南 亞 區 域 研 究 年 度 研 討 會 , 南 投 埔 里 : 國 立 暨 南 國 際 大 學 東 南 亞 研 究 所 暨 中 心 ,<br />

2012-04-27 ~ 2012-04-28。<br />


梁 志 輝 ,2012,〈 小 鎮 的 族 群 關 係 : 一 個 華 人 與 原 住 民 (Orang Asli) 的 拼 貼 圖 像 〉, 發 表 於<br />

2012 年 第 一 屆 馬 來 西 亞 華 人 研 究 雙 年 會 ,Kuala Lumpur: 馬 來 西 亞 華 社 研 究 中 心 ,2012-<br />

06-09 ~ 2012-06-10。<br />

Chih-Hui Liang, 2012, “The Flow of Bujang: Negotiation and Adat Nikah among the Temuan<br />

Villages”, paper presented at Asian CORE Program Senimar-Interface, Negotiation, and<br />

Interaction in Southeast Asia, Taipei: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University、<br />

Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-02-28 ~ 2012-02-29.<br />

梁 志 輝 ,2012,〈 馬 來 半 島 柔 河 地 區 原 始 馬 來 人 的 生 活 認 同 〉, 發 表 於 台 灣 東 南 亞 研 究 的 新 路<br />

向 : 知 識 建 構 與 方 法 實 作 學 術 研 討 會 ,Taipei: 政 治 大 學 國 際 關 係 研 究 中 心 / 頂 尖 大 學 計<br />

畫 ,2012-06-27 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

蕭 新 煌 ( 合 聘 )(HSIAO, HSIN-HUANG MICHAEL)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 共 268 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究<br />

院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Alan Hao Yang and Hsin-Hung Michael Hsiao, 2012, “Confucius Institutes and the Question of<br />

China’s Soft Power Diplomacy”, China Brief, 12(13), 10-13.<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Gang-Hua Fan and Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao,2012,〈 宗 教 は 心 の 安 寧 に 寄 与 しうるか--- 日<br />

韓 台 の 比 較 から〉, 園 田 茂 人 編 ,《 勃 興 する 東 アジアの 中 産 階 級 》, 頁 177-206,<br />

Tokyo: 勁 草 書 房 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 ,2012,〈 勾 勒 越 南 配 偶 小 吃 店 的 整 體 特 徵 〉, 黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭<br />

新 煌 編 ,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 33-74, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題<br />

中 心 。<br />

黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 、 鄭 冠 榮 ,2012,〈 研 究 越 南 配 偶 小 吃 店 的 背 景 與 設 計 〉, 黃 登 興 、<br />

蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,《 台 灣 越 南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 11-31, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區<br />

域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

蕭 新 煌 ,2012,〈 越 南 配 偶 族 裔 經 濟 在 台 灣 : 綜 述 〉, 黃 登 興 、 蔡 青 龍 、 蕭 新 煌 編 ,《 台 灣 越<br />

南 配 偶 的 族 裔 經 濟 》, 頁 1-10, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 亞 太 區 域 研 究 專 題 中 心 。<br />

學 術 書 評<br />

Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, 2012, “Book Review on Laid-Off Workers in a Workers’ State:<br />

Unemployment with Chinese Characteristics”, Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews,<br />

41:335-336.<br />


宋 燕 輝 ( 合 聘 )(SONG, YANN-HUEI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Yann-huei Song, 2012, “A Survey of Declarations and Statements Made by the Parties to the Law of<br />

the Sea Convention: 30 Years after Adoption”, paper presented at 7th Law of the Sea Institute<br />

Conference, Seoul, Korea: Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, 2012-05-21 ~ 2012-<br />

05-24.<br />

Yann-huei Song and Stein Tonnesson, 2012, “The Impact of the Law of the Sea Convention on<br />

Conflict and Conflict Management in the South China Sea”, paper presented at International<br />

Workshop on Securing Maritime Peace in East Asia: The Role of International Law, University<br />

of Central Lancashire, Preston City Campus, Preston,: University of Central Lancashire, United<br />

Kingdom., 2012-04-23 ~ 2012-04-24.<br />

Yann-huei Song, 2012, “The South China Sea Issue in the Development of U.S.-ASEAN Relations:<br />

2009-2011”, paper presented at Workshop on the South China Sea Dispute” Political and<br />

Security Implications for the Region’s Future, CAPAS, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica: CAPAS, <strong>Academia</strong><br />

Sinica, 2012-01-12 ~ 2012-01-13.<br />

許 文 堂 ( 合 聘 )(SHIU, WEN-TANG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

許 文 堂 , 2012, “ 當 代 越 南 佛 教 的 政 治 參 與 ”, 台 灣 東 南 亞 學 刊 , 9 (2), 57-108.<br />

陳 瑋 芬 ( 合 聘 )(CHEN, WEI-FEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

陳 瑋 芬 ,2012,〈「 哲 學 」 之 創 譯 與 演 繹 ── 兼 論 「 哲 學 」 與 「 理 學 」 之 辨 〉,《 臺 灣 東 亞 文<br />

明 研 究 學 刊 》, 第 9 卷 2 期 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

陳 瑋 芬 ,2012,〈 井 上 哲 次 郎 と 蔡 元 培 における 近 代 倫 理 學 の 構 築 〉, 林 永 強 , 張 政 遠 編 ,<br />

《 日 本 哲 學 的 多 樣 性 ――21 世 紀 の 新 たな 対 話 をめざして》, 頁 174-193, 京 都 : 世 界 思<br />

想 社 。<br />

郭 佩 宜 ( 合 聘 )(GUO, PEI-YI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Pei-yi Guo, 2012, “Coacting Empathy: Fieldwork among the Langalanga, Solomon Islands”, paper<br />

presented at American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA:<br />

American Anthropological Association, 2012-11-14 ~ 2012-11-18.<br />


Pei-yi Guo, 2012, “A Ticket to Ride: ‘Steamer Gangs’ and Big Men in Langalanga, Solomon Islands<br />

during the British Colonial Times”, paper presented at Pacific History Association (PHA)<br />

biennial conference, Wellington, New Zealand: Pacific History Association, 2012-12-06 ~ 2012-<br />

12-08.<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈 多 重 殖 民 現 代 性 理 論 批 判 〉, 發 表 於 「 島 嶼 的 形 成 與 流 動 」 工 作 坊 , 宜 蘭 :<br />

台 灣 大 學 人 類 學 系 ,2012-03-09。<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈 共 做 的 同 理 心 : 所 羅 門 群 島 Langalanga 礁 湖 區 的 田 野 工 作 〉, 發 表 於 從 相 逢<br />

到 交 融 : 人 類 學 與 心 理 學 的 對 話 , 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 : 中 央 研 究 院 民 族 學 研 究 所 音<br />

聲 發 微 研 究 群 ,2012-09-04 ~ 2012-09-05。<br />

郭 佩 宜 ,2012,〈「 正 義 」: 來 自 美 拉 尼 西 亞 的 一 場 思 辨 〉, 發 表 於 第 三 屆 原 住 民 族 傳 統 習 慣<br />

規 範 與 國 家 法 制 研 討 會 , 東 華 大 學 : 東 華 大 學 原 住 民 學 院 ,2012-10-13 ~ 2012-10-14。<br />

東 亞 經 貿 發 展 研 究 計 畫<br />

瞿 宛 文 (CHU, WAN-WEN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Wan-wen Chu, 2012, “Modifying Economic Theory from a Development Perspective: Alice Amsden<br />

on Taiwan”, paper presented at Alice Amsden Commemoration, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT<br />

Department of Urban Studies and Planning, 2012-10-19 ~ 2012-10-20.<br />

瞿 宛 文 ,2012,〈 台 灣 戰 後 農 村 土 地 改 革 的 前 因 後 果 〉, 發 表 於 「 現 代 國 家 之 形 塑 : 中 華 民 國<br />

建 國 一 百 年 」 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 市 國 史 館 : 國 史 館 ,2012-09-13。<br />

瞿 宛 文 ,2012,〈 中 國 產 業 政 策 模 式 的 特 色 〉, 發 表 於 中 國 經 濟 研 究 計 畫 成 果 工 作 坊 , 台 北 市<br />

中 研 院 人 社 中 心 : 中 研 院 人 社 中 心 東 亞 經 貿 發 展 研 究 計 畫 ,2012-12-06。<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

瞿 宛 文 ,2012,〈 中 國 模 式 對 發 展 經 濟 學 的 貢 獻 〉,《 文 化 縱 橫 》,58-61。<br />

黃 鴻 ( 合 聘 )(Hwang, Hong)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Hong Hwang, Chin-Sheng Chen, 2012, “Vertical Integration toward an Export-oriented Industry”,<br />

Japanese Economic Review, 63(2), 280-286. (SSCI) (IF: 0.52; SSCI ranking: 57.3%)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Hong Hwang, 2012, “Trade Liberalization, Technology Transfer and Endogenous R&D”, paper<br />

presented at Asia Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS), Singapore: School of Economics, Singapore<br />

Management University, 2012-07-02 ~ 2012-07-03.<br />


Hong Hwang, 2012, “Social Welfare and Input Price Discrimination with an Endogenous Market<br />

Boundary”, paper presented at The Second Asian Seminar in Regional Science, Kitakyushu,<br />

Japan: Applied Regional Science Conference, Chinese Regional Science Association – Taiwan,<br />

Korean Regional Science Association,Regional Science Association of China, 2012-09-29 ~<br />

2012-09-30.<br />

麥 朝 成 ( 兼 任 )(MAI, CHAO-CHENG)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Y. C. Liu, W. Yang, C. C. Mai*, 2012, “The Competitive Position of Shanghai in the Asia-Pacific<br />

Region: A Comparative Study”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 19(2),198-<br />

209. (SSCI)<br />

W. C. Guo*, F. C. Lai, C. J. Liu, C. C. Mai, 2012, “Symbiotic Production and Downstream Market<br />

Competition”, Atlantic Economic Journal, 40(3), 329-340. (EconLit)<br />

W. J. Liang, C. C. Mai*, T. K. Wang, 2012, “Symbiotic Production and Optimal Export Policy”,<br />

Pacific Economic Review, 17(4), 582-600. (SSCI) (IF: 0.57; SSCI ranking: 56%)<br />

Y. C. Liu, W. Yang, S. Y. Mai , C. C. Mai*, 2012, “Explaining Bank Efficiency Differences between<br />

China and Taiwan by Meta-Frontier Cost Function”, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets<br />

and Policies, 15(4), 1250024-1-1250024-25. (Econlit)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Chung-Yu Wu, Wen-Jung Lian, Chao-Cheng Mai, 2012, “Public Enterprise Privatization: A General<br />

Equilibrium Analysis”, paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Trade, Industrial<br />

and Regional Economics, 淡 江 大 學 台 北 校 園 : 淡 江 大 學 產 業 經 濟 系 , 2012-03-15 ~ 2012-03-16.<br />

調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

于 若 蓉 (YU, RUOH RONG)<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

朱 敬 一 、 于 若 蓉 ,2012,〈 變 遷 中 的 台 灣 家 庭 : 自 經 濟 研 究 的 觀 點 剖 析 〉, 廖 炳 惠 、 孫 康 宜 、<br />

王 德 威 編 ,《 臺 灣 及 其 脈 絡 》, 頁 3-34, 台 北 : 國 立 臺 灣 大 學 出 版 中 心 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ruoh-Rong Yu and Yu-Sheng Liu, 2012, “Association between Refusals and Data Quality: Evidence<br />

from a Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 Panel Survey Methods Workshop,<br />

Melbourne, Australia: University of Melbourne, 2012-07-04 ~ 2012-07-05.<br />


Ruoh-Rong Yu, Yu-Sheng Liu, 2012, “The Relationship between Refusal Intentions and Data Quality:<br />

Evidence from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics”, paper presented at 2012 調 查 研 究 方 法 與<br />

應 用 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心 , 2012-09-07.<br />

Ruoh-Rong Yu, 2012, “Does Interviewer Personality Matter for Survey Outcomes Evidence from a<br />

Face-to-face Panel Study of Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 年 社 會 調 查 年 會 , 中 國 北 京 : 北 京<br />

大 學 , 2012-05-27 ~ 2012-05-29.<br />

于 若 蓉 ,2012,〈 學 術 調 查 研 究 資 料 庫 〉, 發 表 於 2012 次 級 資 料 分 析 工 作 坊 , 中 原 大 學 特 殊<br />

教 育 學 系 主 辦 , 高 雄 : 高 雄 師 範 大 學 ,2012-09-06。<br />

Ruoh-rong Yu , 2012, “District-level Statistical Data of the Past Half Century in Taiwan:<br />

Demographic and Regional Development Statistics ”, paper presented at Workshop on<br />

Community-based GIS, Taipei: RCHSS, <strong>Academia</strong> Sinica, 2012-11-26.<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

于 若 蓉 ,2012,〈 固 定 樣 本 追 蹤 資 料 分 析 〉,《 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 , 第 三 冊 : 資 料 分<br />

析 》, 第 7 章 ( 頁 257-301), 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊 國 樞 主 編 , 台 北 : 東 華 書<br />

局 。<br />

杜 素 豪 (TU, SU-HAO)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

杜 素 豪 , 2012, “Survey Response in the Presence of Others: An Analysis in Social Normative and<br />

Sensitive Questions”, 調 查 研 究 , 28, 79-118.<br />

杜 素 豪 ,2012,〈 社 會 距 離 與 平 衡 型 態 度 量 表 的 回 答 模 式 〉,《 調 查 研 究 》, 第 27 期 , 頁<br />

113-156。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

張 晉 芬 、 杜 素 豪 ,2012,〈 性 別 薪 資 差 異 的 趨 勢 與 解 釋 : 新 世 紀 之 初 的 台 灣 〉, 章 英 華 、 傅 仰<br />

止 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 社 會 階 層 與 勞 動 市 場 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本<br />

調 查 系 列 三 之 三 》, 頁 217-250, 台 北 , 南 港 : 中 央 研 究 院 。<br />

杜 素 豪 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 ,2012,〈 第 七 章 : 抽 樣 問 卷 調 查 〉, 瞿 海 源 、 畢 恆 達 、 劉 長 萱 、 楊<br />

國 樞 編 ,《 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 : 總 論 與 量 化 研 究 (I)》, 頁 199-234, 台 北 : 東 華 書<br />

局 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

杜 素 豪 ,2012,〈 訪 問 風 格 與 回 答 品 質 〉, 發 表 於 2012 調 查 研 究 方 法 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 南<br />

港 : 中 央 研 究 院 調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心 ,2012-09-07 ~ 2012-09-08。<br />


研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

杜 素 豪 ,2012,《 入 選 機 率 調 整 法 的 應 用 : 電 訪 與 網 路 調 查 的 比 較 (I)》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

章 英 華 、( 杜 素 豪 )、 廖 培 珊 ,2012,《 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 計 畫 第 六 期 第 二 次 調 查 計 畫 執<br />

行 報 告 》, 國 科 會 委 託 。<br />

廖 培 珊 (LIAO, PEI-SHAN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

廖 培 珊 *、 林 定 香 ,2012,〈 以 分 段 潛 在 成 長 曲 線 模 式 探 討 青 少 年 健 康 與 快 樂 感 〉,《 數 據 分<br />

析 》,7(2), 29-52。(JEL, CIS)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

廖 培 珊 ,2012,〈 態 度 量 表 之 選 項 設 計 : 電 訪 與 面 訪 之 比 較 〉, 發 表 於 2012 調 查 研 究 方 法 與<br />

應 用 學 術 研 討 會 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心 ,2012-09-07。<br />

Shaw, Daigee, Yih-Ming Lin, and Pei-Shan Liao, 2012, “Environmental quality and happiness:<br />

Subjective vs. objective measures of environmental quality”, paper presented at 環 境 : 台 灣 社 會<br />

變 遷 基 本 調 查 第 十 七 次 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 , 2012-02-24.<br />

研 究 / 計 畫 報 告<br />

廖 培 珊 , 2012, 態 度 量 表 之 選 項 數 量 、 標 示 語 及 不 平 衡 設 計 , commissioned by 國 科 會 ..<br />

楊 孟 麗 (YANG, MENG-LI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

王 鴻 龍 、 楊 孟 麗 、 陳 俊 如 、 林 定 香 ,2012,〈 缺 失 資 料 在 因 素 分 析 上 的 處 理 方 法 之 研 究 〉,<br />

《 教 育 科 學 研 究 期 刊 》, 第 57 卷 第 1 期 , 頁 29-50。(TSSCI)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

楊 孟 麗 , 2012, “Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge”, paper presented at<br />

2012 調 查 研 究 方 法 與 應 用 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 學 術 活 動 中 心 : 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學<br />

研 究 中 心 調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心 , 2012-09-07.<br />

楊 孟 麗 , 2012, “Do Question Formats Matter in the Measurement of Knowledge”, paper presented at<br />

台 灣 基 因 體 意 向 學 術 研 討 會 , 中 央 研 究 院 人 文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 第 一 會 議 室 : 中 央 研 究 院 人<br />

文 社 會 科 學 研 究 中 心 調 查 研 究 專 題 中 心 , 2012-05-18.<br />


謝 淑 惠 (HSIEH, SHU-HUI)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lee, S. M., Li, C. S., Hsieh, S. H. and Huang, L. H., 2012, “Semiparametric Estimation of Logistic<br />

Regression Model with Missing Covariate and Outcome”, Metrika, 75(5),621-653. (SCI) (IF:<br />

0.67; SCI ranking: 66.4%)<br />

李 隆 安 ( 合 聘 )(LI, LUNG-AN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Grace,S.C. Chen, Lung-An Li,Shen Li, Jiping He, 2012, “Influence of choices of statistical models on<br />

neural spike trend”, Journal of Data Science, 10(4), 619-650.<br />

地 理 資 訊 科 學 研 究 專 題 中 心<br />

范 毅 軍 ( 合 聘 )(FAN, I-CHUN)<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

張 齡 方 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 , 2012, “ 農 田 水 利 會 歷 史 圖 資 數 位 典 藏 與 空 間 查 詢 系 統 之 建 置 ”, paper<br />

presented at 101 年 度 農 業 工 程 研 討 會 , 台 中 逢 甲 大 學 : 農 工 中 心 , 2012-10-12.<br />

莊 永 忠 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈 多 源 期 歷 史 圖 資 於 環 境 變 遷 - 以 臺 灣 陳 有 蘭 溪 集 水 區 〉,<br />

發 表 於 2012 台 灣 地 理 資 訊 學 會 年 會 暨 學 術 研 討 會 , 逢 甲 大 學 忠 勤 樓 及 育 樂 館 : 逢 甲 大<br />

學 ,2012-06-27 ~ 2012-06-28。<br />

張 智 傑 、 洪 瑩 發 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 , 2012, “ 2012 年 台 南 香 科 遶 境 路 關 圖 GPS 全 記 錄 ”, paper<br />

presented at 2012 數 位 典 藏 地 理 資 訊 研 討 會 , 臺 北 臺 灣 大 學 , 2012-10-16 ~ 2012-10-17.<br />

江 正 雄 、 彭 逸 帆 、 廖 泫 銘 、 范 毅 軍 ,2012,〈 老 舊 航 跡 圖 集 於 WebGIS 圖 磚 分 析 整 合 再 現 〉,<br />

發 表 於 第 七 屆 海 峽 兩 岸 GIS 發 展 研 討 會 , 中 國 大 陸 廣 州 ,2012-11-28 ~ 2012-12-02。<br />

洪 瑩 發 、 張 耘 書 、 張 智 傑 、 張 珣 、 范 毅 軍 、 廖 泫 銘 ,2012,〈 歷 史 與 空 間 - 臺 灣 媽 祖 廟 分<br />

佈 〉, 發 表 於 華 人 宗 教 變 遷 與 創 新 媽 祖 與 民 間 信 仰 國 際 研 討 會 , 嘉 義 新 港 ,2012-11-03 ~<br />

2012-11-04。<br />

林 季 平 (LIN, JI-PING)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Lin, Ji-Ping, 2012, “Tradition and Progress: Taiwan’s Evolution Migration Reality”, Migration in The<br />

Modern Chinese World, 16.<br />


專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Lin, Ji-Ping, accepted, “Are Native "Flights" from Immigration "Port of Entry" Pushed by<br />

Immigrants: Evidence from Taiwan”, editor(s): E. Fong, N. Chiang, and N. Delton, Immigrant<br />

Adaptation in Multi-Ethnic Cities - Canada, Taiwan, and the U.S, New York: Routledge.<br />

林 季 平 ,2012,〈 地 理 資 訊 系 統 應 用 〉, 瞿 海 源 編 ,《 社 會 及 行 為 科 學 研 究 法 ( 第 三 冊 資 料 分<br />

析 )》, 頁 371-416, 台 北 : 東 華 書 局 。<br />

學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Lin, Ji-Ping, 2012, “Individual Discrete Choice Events As a Foundation for the Study on Aggregate<br />

Continuous Social Outcomes: A Simulation Study of Impact Analysis in The Context of<br />

International Migration Impact on Internal Migration in Taiwan”, paper presented at 2012 World<br />

Congress of Social Simulation, National Chengchi University: ESSA (the European Social<br />

Simulation Association), PAAA (Pacific Asian Association for Agent-based Approach in Social<br />

Systems Sciences) and CSSSA (Computational Social Science Society of America), 2012-09-04<br />

~ 2012-09-07.<br />

Lin, Ji-Ping, 2012, “Environmental Disasters and Health Status of Environmental Migrants: The Case<br />

of Taiwan”, paper presented at The 2012 Annual Meeting of Population Association of Japan,<br />

The University of Tokyo: PAJ & Univ of Tokyo, 2012-06-01 ~ 2012-06-03.<br />

Lin, Ji-Ping, 2012, “Population Policy in Taiwan”, paper presented at The Annual National Symposium<br />

on Population Studies, Bangkok: Thai Population Association, 2012-11-22 ~ 2012-11-23.<br />

詹 大 千 (CHAN, TA-CHIEN)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

Kao CL, Chan TC, Tsai CH, Chu KY, Chuang SF, Lee CC, Li ZR, Wu KW, Chang LY, Shen YH,<br />

Huang LM, Lee PI, Yang C, Compans R, Rouse BT, King CC, 2012, “Emerged HA and NA<br />

mutants of the pandemic influenza H1N1 viruses with increasing epidemiological significance in<br />

Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2009-10.”, PloS one, 7(2), e31162. (SCI) (IF: 4.09; SCI ranking:<br />

12.5%)<br />

Su WJ, Liu CC, Liu DP, Chen SF, Huang JJ, Chan TC, Chang MH, 2012, “Effect of age on the<br />

incidence of acute hepatitis B after 25 years of a universal newborn hepatitis B immunization<br />

program in Taiwan.”, The Journal of infectious diseases, 205(5), 757-62. (SCI) (IF: 6.41; SCI<br />

ranking: 10.3%,11.4%,4.8%)<br />

金 傳 春 , 詹 大 千 , 董 宗 華 , 賴 毓 敏 , 顏 慕 庸 , 石 富 元 , 金 傳 蓬 , 陳 錦 儀 , 高 瑞 鴻 , 彭 文 正 , 陳 端 容 , 劉 紹 臣 ,<br />

2012, “ 氣 候 變 遷 與 未 來 傳 染 病 的 流 行 趨 勢 : 公 共 衛 生 的 嚴 峻 挑 戰 、 因 應 及 管 理 ”, 臺 灣 醫 學 ,<br />

16(5),489-502.<br />


學 術 會 議 ( 研 討 會 ) 論 文<br />

Ta-Chien Chan,Rung-Hung Chen, Po-Huang Chiang, Jing-Shiang Hwang, Chwan-Chuen King, 2012,<br />

“Increasing Mild Enterovirus Cases Provides An Important Signal of Up-coming Trends in<br />

Elevating Severe Enterovirus Cases”, paper presented at 2012 Annual Meeting of the<br />

International Society for Disease Surveillance, San Diego, CA, USA: International Society for<br />

Disease Surveillance, 2012-12-03 ~ 2012-12-05.<br />

他 類 論 文<br />

詹 大 千 ,2012,〈 探 討 人 口 老 化 與 醫 療 資 源 分 布 趨 勢 〉,《 國 土 資 訊 系 統 社 會 經 濟 資 料 GIS 應<br />

用 創 意 競 賽 》, 共 5 頁 。<br />

華 人 家 庭 研 究 計 畫<br />

章 英 華 ( 合 聘 )(CHANG, YING-HWA)<br />

期 刊 論 文<br />

劉 千 嘉 、 章 英 華 ,2012,〈2000 年 普 查 資 料 在 臺 灣 原 漢 通 婚 研 究 之 潛 力 與 運 用 〉,《 調 查 研<br />

究 》, 第 27 期 , 頁 7-51。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 ( 合 聘 )(CHU, RUEY-LING)<br />

主 編 之 專 書 ( 論 文 集 )<br />

朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 ,2012,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社<br />

會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2》, 共 383 頁 , 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

專 書 ( 論 文 集 ) 之 一 章<br />

Ruey-Ling Chu, accepted, “Parent-child interaction and its consequences for children. ”, editor(s): D.<br />

Poston, W. S. Yang, R. L. Chu, H. Kincannon, &R. Cortes, The family and social change in<br />

Chinese societies, New York: Klewer/Plenum Publishers.<br />

黃 囇 莉 、 朱 瑞 玲 ,2012,〈 是 亂 流 還 是 潮 起 、 潮 落 —— 尋 找 台 灣 的 「 核 心 價 值 」 及 其 變<br />

遷 〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 ,<br />

台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之 2》, 頁 1-36, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />

朱 瑞 玲 、 周 玉 慧 ,2012,〈 臺 灣 社 會 的 慈 善 觀 念 與 道 德 感 〉, 朱 瑞 玲 、 瞿 海 源 、 張 苙 雲 編 ,<br />

《 台 灣 的 社 會 變 遷 1985~2005: 心 理 、 價 值 與 宗 教 , 台 灣 社 會 變 遷 基 本 調 查 系 列 三 之<br />

2》, 頁 71-103, 台 北 : 中 央 研 究 院 社 會 學 研 究 所 。<br />


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