ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gev Orval Faubus backs Fulbright stand en extremists<br />

Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk te American Legion<br />

Citizens Councils ef America attack J W Fulbright<br />

Winston G Chandler appears te aim communism talk at Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright defends neutral s; defends Fulbright Memorandum<br />

J W Fulbright te dedicate Mar-Bax Shirt Co at Gassville<br />

J W Fulbright praised by State Dept 's Rebert M McClinteck<br />

Rebert M McClinteck says Faulbright helps erase image ef LR<br />

Fulbright says Genge will ge communist if Katanga breaks away<br />

Dale Alford renews attack en J W Fulbright and foreign aid<br />

J W Fulbright takes ne stand on resignation of Gen Walker<br />

J W Fulbright praised by federal Treasury efficis.l<br />

J W Fulbright answers J Strom Thurmend 's claim<br />

J W Fulbright doubts U S te join Common Market<br />

J W Fulbright praises nerth Ark area in speech at Gassville<br />

Fulbright tells Doyle Venable te report communists to FBI<br />

J W Fulbright hits Birchist brand of 'lease talk'<br />

J W Fulbright announces fer re-election<br />

J W Fulbright finds many Arkansans fear communism from within<br />

The Fulbright bid fer another term (ed)<br />

James D Bales letter en Fulbright military memorandum<br />

Dale Alford decision te run for gov may mean Fulbright free<br />

J W Fulbright went to JFK te secure rice allotment rise<br />

Poll ranks J W Fulbright among tep 5 in Congress<br />

J W Fulbright encouraged by developments in Dominican Repub<br />

J W Fulbright backs JFK trade bill<br />

J W Fulbright. Jehn McClellan push Jehn E Miller fer ct post<br />

J W Fulbright making series ef speeches in Ark<br />

J W Fulbright veted against John A McCone fer CIA director<br />

J W Fulbright disturbed by disunity brought by cold war<br />

CIA's beut with J W Fulbright is old story<br />

John L McClellan blasted by James R Hof fa in speech at LR<br />

J W Fulbright says ,federal aid is net socialism<br />

John L McClellan vows to resist speed en urban affairs bill<br />

J W Fulbright asys US holding its own in cold war<br />

J W Fulbright strikes back at right-wing critics<br />

J W Fulbright files fer 4th term as senator frem Ark<br />

J W Fulbright says Barry Goldwater is an opportunist<br />

J W Fulbright says H L Hunt. Billy J Hargis seek his defeat<br />

J W Fulbright defends Rebert S McNamara en censors ' names<br />

The Fulbright candidacy (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright says study ef Gary Powers case proper<br />

J W Fulbright may be named president ef Cornell University<br />

J W Fulbright attacked by rightist literature<br />

J W Fulbright says tariffs imperil farm.er income<br />

John L McClellan opposes urban affairs plan of JFK<br />

J W Fulbright wants pilot feed stamp program for <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

John L McClellan hints at delay in action en urban affairs<br />

J W Fulbright says summit plea immature<br />

J W Fulbright submits bill fer Beaver Dam water outlet<br />

John L McClellan proposes study of cabinet-level science pest<br />

11/-10/61 Bl<br />

11/-11/61 BS<br />

11/12/61 All<br />

11-/-17/61 Bl<br />

11-/-21/61 BlO<br />

11/22/61 A2<br />

11/27/61 A2<br />

11/27/61 A2<br />

11/28/-61 Al<br />

11/29/-61 A2<br />

11/29/61 B4<br />

12/ 2/61 A2<br />

12/ 4/61 Al<br />

12/- 7/61 A2<br />

12/10/61 A14<br />

l 2/ 12/61 Al6<br />

12/-12/61 Al6<br />

12/14/61 Al<br />

12/14/-61 Al<br />

12/16/61 A4<br />

12/19/61 A4<br />

12/31/-61 Al<br />

1/14/62 D3<br />

1/19/62 Bl<br />

1/21/-62 p;J<br />

1/26/62 A2<br />

1/28/62 E3<br />

1/31/62 A8<br />

2/- 1/62 A2<br />

2/ 4/62 A2<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E3<br />

2/ 5/-62 Al<br />

2/ 6/62 A5<br />

2/- 7/62 Al3<br />

2/ 7/62 BS<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/-62 A2<br />

2/-10/62 A4<br />

2/-14/62 p;J<br />

2/14/62 A5<br />

2/-14/62 Bl<br />

2/15/62 A7<br />

2/ 15/62 Bl<br />

2/17/62 A3<br />

2/17/62 A7<br />

2/ 18/62 A2<br />

2/23/62 Bl<br />

2/24/62 A2<br />

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