ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Oilman H L Hunt invites Dale Alford to speak at Amarillo<br />

Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk to American Legien<br />

Dale Alford attends anti-communism lecture at LR<br />

Dale Alford says Edwin A Walker would make a great president<br />

Dale Alford says U S policies schizophrenic<br />

Alford and NATO (ed on Dale Alford stand en foreign aid)<br />

Dale Alford assails critics . taxes. foreign aid. imports<br />

Dale Alford implies foreign aid is treasonous<br />

Dale Alford renews attack on J W Fulbright<br />

Press is anti-American, Dale Alford implies<br />

Dale Alford getting progressively mere extreme. Gazette says<br />

Dale Alford says conservation part ef his put-America first<br />

Dale Alford warmly praised by Sen J Strem Thurmond<br />

Dale Alford may run fer Ark Secretary of State<br />

Dale Alford says he has been asked to run fer governor<br />

Dale Alford announces he will run fer governor next year<br />

Dale Alford reveals he is candidate fer governor of Ark<br />

Dale Alford continues opposition te JFK programs<br />

Dale Alford blasts JFK on two policies<br />

Dale Alford selects 27 candidates for military academies<br />

Dale Alford blasts crop curbs. farm labor proposal in speech<br />

Dale Alford flails Kennedy trade propresal<br />

Dale Aflerd votes with GOP en JFK tax revisien bill<br />

Dale Alferd attacks JFK Medicare bill as social:i:zed medicine<br />

Dale Alford accuses Supreme Ct ef a.mending Constitution<br />

Dale Alferd meves to dislodge Red aid bill<br />

Dale Alford £avers Bailey's bill fer education<br />

Dale Alford may miss chance te name pestmaster at Little Reck<br />

Dale Alford probably will not get te name NLR postmaster<br />

Dale Alford, Hyman G Rickover clash on schools<br />

Editor thinks campaign educated Dr Dale Alferd on agriculture<br />

Dale Alford flails govt stand en Univ of Miss desegregation<br />

Dale Alferd wins high praise frem Rep John Bell Williams<br />

Dale Alford speaks on free enterprise at Hot Springs club<br />

CONGRESS - House Dist 6<br />

Rep William F Norrell seeks old federal bdg for Hot Springs<br />

Rep W F Norrell found uncounscious in his office<br />

Rep W F Nerrell dies at age 64 in Washington<br />

W F Nerrell's traced in his obituary<br />

Editorial on the late Rep W F Norrell of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Special election necesary te fill 6th Dist seat<br />

Capital mourns death of Rep W F Norrell<br />

Congressmen pay last respecte to Rep W F Norrell<br />

Hundreds gather in Ark te pay final tribute te W F Norrell<br />

Hundreds gather in rain to pay final tribute to W F Norrell<br />

Catherine Norrell seeks seat held by her late husband<br />

Gav Faubus delays calling vote to fill W F Norrell seat<br />

Catherine Norrell. Sam D Carsen seek 6th Dist seat<br />

M C Lewis becomes 3rd te enter race for 6th Dist seat<br />

John Harris Jones enters race fer 6th Dist seat<br />

John Harris Jenes files fer Dist 6 seat<br />

11/ 11/61 A4 2<br />

11/11/61 BS 2<br />

11/14/61 A6 3<br />

11/14/61 A6 5<br />

11/17/61 A3 8<br />

11/18/61 A4 2<br />

11/25/61 A7 1<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/30/61 A4 2<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

12/10/-61 E3 1<br />

12/23/61 A2 2<br />

12/27/61 Al 6<br />

12/27/61 Al 7<br />

1/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

2/ 2/62 B9 7<br />

2/11/62 A12 6<br />

3/13/62 B14 1<br />

3/24/62 B6 2<br />

3/30/62 Al 5<br />

4/16/62 BlO 1<br />

4/19/62 C16 5<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/11/62 A2 3<br />

5/20/62 E3 5<br />

8/11/62 Al 5<br />

9/16/62 E3 5<br />

9/26/62 A4 1<br />

10/ 2/62 A3 1<br />

11/ 1/62 A32 3<br />

12/27/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 8<br />

2/14/61 Al 3<br />

2/16/61 Al 5<br />

2/16/61 Al 5<br />

2/17/61 A4 2<br />

2/17/61 Bl 7<br />

2/17/61 Bl 8<br />

2/-18/61 BS 6<br />

2/21/61 Al 4<br />

2/21/61 Al 4<br />

2/ 23/61 Bl 6<br />

3/14/61 A3 5<br />

3/23/61 Bl 7<br />

4/ 1/61 A2 6<br />

4/ 2/61 A7 2<br />

4/ 5/61 A9 1<br />


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